Housing Ombudsman Finds Waltham Forest Council Severe Failings with Residents
The Housing Ombudsman has made 3 findings of severe maladministration in 3 cases involving Waltham Forest Council, including poor handling of a damp and mould case involving a vulnerable resident and another resident experiencing Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) for 5 years. In a letter to Linzi Roberts-Egan Chief Executive of Waltham Forest Council, Michael Gove, from the Secretary of State for…
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gpm-maam · 1 month
GPM Ombudsman Appointed
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At the last ExCom meeting we appointed David Snyir as the GPM Ombudsman, replacing Chad Anderson who moved up to National Ombudsman. David is a professional from the aerospace industry who joined Mensa in October of 2023 as a Life Member. He's jumped in with both feet joining dine outs and local GPM forums and looks forward to working with GPM membership. He may be reached at [email protected].
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tofueatingwokerati · 1 month
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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ sensitive topics covered as well as references to self harm.
I was moved to my present address for my safety after being stalked, harassed and assaulted by a council tenant.
The police did nothing after I reported him beyond a virtual slap on the wrist by a PCSO (and people wonder why women don’t report these crimes) and the council did equally nothing to safeguard me.
It took two years to get me moved and only after I went to the government ombudsman, and revealed to my housing officer I was a rape survivor, was anything finally done.
A council manger, Paul Hadley (since retired I’ve been informed) said to me that it was my fault, that I must have been doing something to encourage him and in front of an antisocial behaviour officer present that the council were “not responsible for their tenants behaviour” and proceeded to deny me any safeguarding.
More complaints and ombudsman interventions would follow. Battle for equality rights never ends if you’re a women and happen to also have disabilities.
In the two years it took to get me moved I’d been in A&E as a suicide risk and was regularly self harming. My disabilities worsened and I ended up needing crutches as the pain intensified. My hips now “pop” regularly and I have permanent back pain after living through that ordeal.
After the ombudsman intervention I was given priority status to move. That came with more hurdles and barriers. Paul Hadley, again said I would get this property over his dead body. Somerset Council were consistently unprofessional, in breach of their duty of care and left me at risk consistently.
The housing officer I’d shared my rape experience with got me this home but they placed their own employment at risk to do it and said she would be paying for it for the rest of her time there. Being close to retirement I don’t think she cared what they thought of her any longer, she was an exceptional exception to an otherwise toxic council mentality towards tenants.
It shouldn’t need an employee to put their job in jeopardy to do what the law already specifies is their duty and role as a public service.
When I viewed my current home it was in awful condition and wasn’t accessible. I asked what work was being done to address this prior to my moving here and was advised nothing beyond pre-scheduled works example updating the boiler (which turned out to be faulty from day one). Beyond a decorating kit which I couldn’t safely use I was told repeatedly I could “always self fund” despite this being a provision under law and they had specific disability grants available for the works I was asking for, they refused me all accessibility and refused me an occupational assessment.
Whilst I was safe from one danger by moving here, the stalker, I was thrown into a new set of dangers to my health and safety.
As a vulnerable disabled person I was subject to bullying and harassment from neighbours very early on as they felt I was too young to be living in a bungalow without ever knowing, or caring about the context of my disabilities and what I was moved from.
One case of neighbour harassment became so extreme it ended in a protection order on their visitor.
The property, as already stated was in a terrible state. I photographed it all and sent it to legal counsel. They advised me not to move in (too late by this point) because it was not fit for human habitation and not up to council relet standards.
It took seven years to get the kitchen accessible and it’s still not 100% with faults from installation causing me undue resistance on my joints and risk of injury. I continue to battle that out with the council. It took going to the ombudsman again and the then CEO of the council to even get the kitchen adjusted under equality law.
The boiler has been faulty from day one. It has always done this thing where the pressure builds up and it eventually “burbs”. It’s so bad it sounds like it’s going to blow the cupboard door off. Eventually it started failing and I repeatedly needed to get out of hours engineers from the council to patch it up.
One year it was failing daily and I kept reporting it. The engineers kept having issue scanning the gas meter to log the call. They had a new system and it was having teething issues. This meant that every engineer would not have record of the previous days call out and openly treated me as a liar. Thankfully I had all the email communication to the gas repairs department and was able to prove this was a persistent problem.
During this time I was loosing mobility and dexterity in my joints, notably my hands and fingers. This meant I couldn’t keep myself safe. I was paying extra home help just to be safe, prep more meals and washing up as I couldn’t do anything myself (the kettle had to be repeatedly boiled as I had no hot water during all this).
I was huddled up in my bedroom trying to keep warm. As has been consistent with this council there was no safeguarding and no assistance. After almost a week of this and getting more & more unwell, I filed a formal complaint. I was given a tiny little heater and eventually compensated for the additional electric I was using as well as hourly cost of extra home help.
Since then it has failed again and again. In fact I dread every winter knowing it is going to fail.
Each and every time my mobility is materially impacted, because it usually fails overnight, meaning it’s had 8 hours for the temperature to plummet then hours more before an engineer can come out to patch it up.
In that time I loose mobility and dexterity. It happened again recently (dropping to 14°C by the time I woke to discover the boiler fault) and despite using electric heaters I simply could not warm up. Electric heaters are no substitute for central heating. It left me unable to make a meal and I was unable to get emergency home help to plug the care gap.
One engineer advised me that as long as they have parts they will patch it up indefinitely until it fails permanently. This is without any risk assessment to someone like myself materially impacted by temperature.
I filed another complaint upon many complaints at this point, with the council and they are refusing me a boiler update.
They’re refusing me a risk assessment and refusing me an occupational assessment whilst being fully informed this is having a detrimental impact on my health and safety.
It got so bad that I started to have intrusive thoughts and ended up on the phone to crisis. After an hour with them they were able to stabilise me. I then sought legal advise and as will come as no surprise was informed yes the council are in breach of equalities law but also they’re discriminating me on disabilities ground by refusing a risk assessment of my needs. The council have openly stated that I am getting “special treatment” any time works are carried out even though it ALWAYS falls under equalities/reasonable adjustments.
I even wrote to Duncan Sharkey, the CEO of Somerset Council. I got a short response from a different department repeating the deadlock to upgrading the boiler, refusing me equal access to refuse & recycling collection (thats a whole other story of discrimination over almost a decade) and telling me to take it up with the ombudsman.
So here we go again, I now need to go back to the ombudsman but this time I am looking at legal options (I even took out extra home insurance knowing this would happen) as well as taking this to the national press is my next step. Enough is enough!
Ultimately this goes beyond a boiler, beyond me as one person. This is about an institutional failing towards disabled people and a toxic mentality of blaming tenants when the council don’t want to spend money to carry out their legal duty. They hide behind policy and procedure to deny you equal access and place wilful barriers to health & safety by denying risk assessments.
I once had a council surveyor blame the damp in my previous home on my cats “heavy breathing”, telling me to get rid of the cats and in his report blamed me for not using the extractor fan. There was no extractor fan. Can you guess, yes the council had refused me an extractor fan in that property, but still the council blame the tenant for their failures. As an aside the damp was so severe along the entire block that the wall was collapsing in one property and they had to be relocated for their safety.
But yeah, blame the tenant, it’s Somerset Councils continued consistency, blame the tenant and discriminate, all to save a few pennies whilst taking rent money from us all.
Rouge landlords are not consigned to the private sector!
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newsindonesiacoid · 2 months
Polres Pamekasan Raih Dua Penghargaan dari Ombudsman dan Polda Jatim
PAMEKASAN, (News Indonesia) – Polres Pamekasan, Madura, dapat piagam penghargaan dari Ombudsman dengan kategori nilai ‘Tertinggi’. Piagam penghargaan ini diterima langsung oleh Kapolres Pamekasan, AKBP Jazuli Dani Iriawan di Selasar Gedung Patuh Polda Jawa Timur dan disaksikan langsung oleh Irwasda Polda Jatim, Kombes Pol Moffan Moedji Kawanti. Selasa (05/03/2024). Kapolres Pamekasan, AKBP Jazuli…
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head-post · 3 months
Sweden’s ombudsman ruled against doctor forcing Muslim woman to remove hijab
On Tuesday, the Swedish Equality Ombudsman ruled in favour of a Muslim woman who complained that a doctor at Uppsala Medical Centre had forced her to remove her headscarf last March.
The Ombudsman found that the doctor’s actions constituted discrimination against the woman, as the health centre had failed to provide a reasonable explanation for the employee’s actions.
It is important that everyone who seeks care feels secure that they will be treated in a non-discriminatory manner.
According to the judgement, the Uppsala regional authorities will have to pay the woman compensation of SEK 70,000 (USD 6,725 or EUR 6,212).
Read more HERE
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hargo-news · 3 months
BKPP Gorontalo City: Cancellation of Seven PPPK in Accordance with Mechanism
BKPP Gorontalo City: Cancellation of Seven PPPK in Accordance with Mechanism #CancellationPPPK #BKPPGorontaloCity
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – In response to the controversy surrounding the cancellation of the qualifications of seven PPPK individuals, Ben Idrus. The Head of BKPP Kota Gorontalo, through the Head of Development and Control of ASN and Training for Kota Gorontalo, Rohmansyah Djafar, asserted that the cancellation was in accordance with the established mechanism. Rohmansyah stated that the…
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baliportalnews · 3 months
Pemkab Bangli Raih Kategori A dalam Penilaian Penyelenggara Pelayanan Publik Tahun 2023
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, BANGLI - Pemeritah Kabupaten Bangli dan lima Perangkat Daerah di Lingkungan Pemerintahan Kabupaten Bangli mendapatkan penghargaan Kategori A dengan nilai akhir 96,13 Tahun 2023 dari Ombudsman Republik Indonesia. Penghargaan ini menunjuk surat Ombudsman Nomor : T/003/PC.02-16/I/2024 tanggal 2 Januari 2024 Perihal Penyampaian Hasil Penilaian Penyelenggaraan pelayanan Publik pada Tahun  2023. Piagam penghargaan diserahkan langsung oleh Kepala Ombudsman RI Provinsi Bali yang bertempat di Ruang Rapat Gedung BMB kantor Bupati Bangli pada Rabu (17/1/2024). Dalam Penyampaiannya Kepala Ombudsman RI Prov. Bali, Ni Nyoman Sri Widhiyanti menyebutkan terjadi perubahan interfal penilaian dari yang sebelumnya tiga kategori yaitu zona merah, kuning, hijau tapi mulai tahun 2022 sudah dibedakan menjadi lima kategori berdasarkan beberapa variabel penilaian. Kabupaten Bangli mengalami peningkatan nilai ditahun 2023 dari  93,55 ditahun 2022 menjadi 96,13 ditahun 2023 berada diurutan ke-4 se-Provinsi Bali, dan peringkat 15 secara Nasional dari 262 Pemerintah Kabupaten di Indonesia. Ini menandakan terjadi peningkatan pelayanan publik di Kabupaten Bangli. ”Kami memberikan apresiasi kepada Pemkab Bangli atas upaya dan komitmennya dalam memberikan pemenuhan pelayanan publik, semoga kedepannya bisa dipertahankan dan kalau bisa di tingkatkan lagi, jadi kalau pelayanan publiknya bagus maka masyarakat akan merasakan  kehadiran Pemerintah ditengah-tengah mereka,” ucapnya. Sementara itu, Bupati Bangli, SN Sedana Arta dalam sambutannya mengucapkan terima kasih dan mengapresiasi lima Perangkat Daerah yang dinilai dari Ombudsman, perihal pelayanan publik dan mendapatkan nilai yang sangat memuaskan dengan kategori hijau serta kwalitas tertinggi. Sedana Arta juga menyampaikan ini semua adalah hasil dari kerja sama tim, bahu-membahu dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Kita tidak membutuhkan superman tapi kita harus membentuk supertim agar Bangli bisa melompat lebih tinggi. “Sekali lagi kepada semua Perangkat Daerah yang dinilai, saya ucapkan terima kasih atas kerja kerasnya, jangan terlena mari tingkatkan lagi, dan ayo bersama-sama kita gelorakan semangat jengah membangun Bangli yang lebih baik mengingat kita mempunyai potensi-potensi tersebut untuk bisa melompat lebih tinggi,” tutupnya. Turut hadir dalam acara tersebut Pimpinan Perangkat Daerah terkait di Lingkungan Pemerintahan Kabupaten Bangli, Direktur Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kab. Bangli, Camat se-Kabupaten Bangli, Kepala Puskesmas se-Kabupaten Bangli serta undangan lainnya.(an/bpn) Read the full article
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realita-lampung · 4 months
Refleksi Akhir Tahun, Ombudsman Lampung Expose Hasil Kepatuhan Pelayanan Publik
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Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Lampung mengadakan kegiatan penguatan pelayanan publik sekaligus penyerahan hasil kepatuhan pelayanan publik tahun 2023, acara berlangsung di Hotel Grand Mercure, Bandar Lampung, Selasa (19/12/2023). Turut hadir dalam kegiatan ini, 16 Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota se-provinsi Lampung, serta Lembaga Vertikal yaitu Kantor Pertanahan dan Kepolisian Daerah Provinsi Lampung. Pada kesempatan ini, Pemprov Lampung diwakilkan oleh Staf Ahli Bidang Kemanusiaan & SDM, Drs. Intizam dan Wakil Walikota Bandar Lampung, Drs. Deddy Amarullah. Dari kab/kota turut hadir Walikota Metro dan Bupati Way Kanan, sebagai Penerima Predikat Kepatuhan Kualitas Tinggi. Kegiatan ini menjadi agenda penutup sebagai bahan refleksi akhir tahun 2023 atas kinerja dan kontribusi Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Lampung. Dalam kegiatan itu, Kepala Perwakilan, Nur Rakhman Yusuf menyampaikan apresiasi kepada seluruh Penyelenggara Pelayanan Publik di Provinsi Lampung yang telah senantiasa kooperatif bersama Ombudaman untuk mengawasi pelayanan publik, setiap laporan masyarakat yang masuk, selalu dapat diselesaikan dengan baik sampai saat ini. Pada kesempatan ini, Nur juga menyampaikan capaian yang telah dilakukan oleh Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Lampung Tahun 2023. "Kami telah menerima sebanyak 255 laporan masyarakat di tahun ini, yaitu 168% dari dari target Ombudsman RI 150 laporan. Untuk konsultasi, 315% capaian kami dari target 150 konsultasi kami menerima 479 konsultasi," ungkapnya. “Pada umumnya konsultasi ini dilakukan masyarakat untuk meminta saran apabila menemukan dugaan maladministrasi, dan dugaan tersebut tidak berlanjut menjadi sebuah laporan," tambah Nur. Kepala Perwakilan juga menyampaikan, laporan yang paling banyak di Tahun 2023 ini ada pada substansi infrastruktur jalan, yaitu mencapai 50% dari substansi lain seperti pendidikan, kepegawaian, pertanahan, dan lain-lain. “Untuk laporan infrastruktur jalan yang jumlahnya hampir separuh laporan Ombudsman itu, tidak hanya jalan provinsi saja, tapi juga jalan kabupaten/kota. Terkait penanganannya sebagian besar sudah ditindaklanjuuti oleh instansi terlapor melalui pembangunan jalan secara bertahap," ungkap Nur. Tahun 2023, Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Lampung melaksanakan kajian terkait Tata Kelola Sampah Sejenis Sampah Rumah Tangga tingkat Lokal. Ombudsman Lampung mengambil sampel di empat daerah yaitu Provinsi Lampung, Kota Bandar Lampung, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah dan Kabupaten Lampung Barat. “Kami sejak awal tahun telah konsen melakukan Kajian terkait sampah ini di Provinsi Lampung, ini jauh sebelum fenomena Pandawara Grup hadir di Kota Bandar Lampung," kata Kepala Perwakilan Ombudsman RI Provinsi Lampung. “Kami berharap hasil saran perbaikan dari kajian ini dapat menjadi bahan evaluasi untuk seluruh pemda se-Provinsi Lampung dalam Tata Kelola Sampah Sejenis Sampah Rumah Tangga, sehingga kedepannya tidak ditemukan lagi adanya sampah terbengkalai," tutupnya. Pada sesi akhir kegiatan, Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Lampung melakukan selebrasi penyerahan Hasil Kepatuhan Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik Tahun 2023 sebagai berikut: A. Kategori Pemerintah Daerah: - Pemerintah Kota Metro, dengan nilai 80,85 (Opini Kualitas Tinggi) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Way Kanan, dengan nilai 80,13 (Opini Kualitas Tinggi) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Utara, dengan nilai 77,97 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, dengan nilai 77,82 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, dengan nilai 77,26 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, dengan nilai 76,63 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Pringsewu, dengan nilai 75,71 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Barat, dengan nilai 75,65 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Tanggamus, dengan nilai 71,99 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Mesuji, dengan nilai 69,83 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Pesawaran, dengan nilai 69,45 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kota Bandar Lampung, dengan nilai 68,42 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Provinsi Lampung, dengan nilai 65,58 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Lampung Timur, dengan nilai 63,78 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Pesisir Barat, dengan nilai 61,91 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) - Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat, dengan nilai 59,03 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) B. Kategori Lembaga Vertikal Kantor Pertanahan Opini Kualitas Tinggi: - Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat, dengan nilai 82,90 - Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Lampung Barat, dengan nilai 81,42 - Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Tulang Bawang, dengan nilai 81,08 - Kantor Pertanahan Kota Bandar Lampung, dengan nilai 80,78 - Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah, dengan nilai 78,88 - Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Pringsewu, dengan nilai 78,31 C. Kategori Lembaga Vertikal Kepolisian: - Kepolisian Daerah Provinsi Lampung, dengan rata-rata nilai dari 14 Polres yaitu 64,11 (Opini Kualitas Sedang) Read the full article
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jpbs12 · 5 months
“L’Association des Ombudsman et Médiateurs Africains (AOMA) a tenu sa 7ème Assemblée Générale du 28 au 29 novembre 2023 à Kigali, au Rwanda. Cet événement important a réuni des représentants de divers pays africains, ainsi que des experts du domaine de la médiation et de la résolution des conflits. La cérémonie d’ouverture a été présidée par madame Judith UWIZEYE, Ministre à la présidence de la…
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ufoteacherofficial · 5 months
On our path to Official First Contact, this is what we strive for as an ombudsman or ambassador for humanity. We need to be where we are needed the most as we take our people skills and problem solving skills to the highest level of global challenge and international achievement.
Egypt is a prime example of this, stating earlier today that it had received positive signals from all parties over a possible extension of the Gaza ceasefire, which “means the release of more detainees in Gaza and Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails”.
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nakeddeparture · 7 months
Barbados. It is suggested that Valton Bend has died.
His was a functioning drunk, but, your government liked him enough to give him a position. Question: Do you say RIP to someone who abused their body? Naked!!
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atlatszo · 7 months
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nando161mando · 9 months
Up to 100,000 Centrelink debts or potential debts miscalculated over two decades, ombudsman finds.
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hostageofeurope · 9 months
📽️ Fortunately, the subpoena from the Evelpidon Court, deliberately discarded on the pavement at the distant corner of my Placard by its deliverer on Wednesday, July 05th, 2023, without prior notification, was noticed before it blew away. I was required to be at their Court on July 13th for a deposition.
Being kept waiting for hours before being given an audience, the purpose of their subpoena at the Judge's chamber was revealed to me. It pertained to incidents at the Syntagma Police Station on August 18th, 2021.
Where, in addition to property damages, they physically assaulted me on five occasions. During one incident, they made a gesture alluding to rape, while in another instance, they attempted to suffocate me with a pillow.
I was called in to give yet another recount of those incidents.
Find out more here: 👇
👉🔗 https://chng.it/kcCFLsQgJp
Kindly extend your support to me by signing the Petition, Donating and sharing.
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gpm-maam · 9 months
National Ombudsman Elected from GPM!
There was a vacancy in the National Ombudsman position and an election was held. The results were announced at the American Mensa Committee meeting in Baltimore earlier this month, and Chad Anderson won! Our GPM Local Ombudsman is now also the National Ombudsman, taking office August 1st.
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cakrawalamediacom · 9 months
Kasus Pasar Cigasong Dilaporkan ke Ombudsman
MAJALENGKA – Kasus dugaan gratifikasi Pasar Cigasong dilaporkan ke ombudsman. Seperti diberitakan, kasus tersebut diungkap ke publik sejak November 2022 lalu oleh Kejati Jawa Barat. Namun hingga pertengahan Juli 2023, penanganan kasus yang menarik perhatian masyarakat itu belum masuk pada tahap penyidikan. Menyikapi hal tersebut Aliansi Pergerakan Majalengka ( APERMA) kemudian melaporkan kasus…
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