#one of the best healers in the game imo
never-ending-absurdity · 10 months
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I got him from the Culinary Training free SSR just like I hoped!!!
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poorlittlevampire · 13 hours
unrelated but i did check my acheron relics and theyre all rated a but she does so little damage and i am getting nothing better when i grind for new relics its such a pain shes my only other real dps so i need her to be good
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plounce · 1 year
thinking about yshtola (i am nearing the end of 5.0 so these are incomplete thoughts) and it’s like... ok imo there are two main character traits for her: seeking knowledge and being a mean blunt bitch. the first i think lends more toward “what is yshtola doing here now in the plot” activity which is important for  a character. the second is what im thinking more about because it’s almost entirely flavorful for her. i think that her being blunt in that way matches well with matoya’s own stubborn pursuit of doing her own thing and yshtola spent a large portion of her youth with matoya, who was stubbornly apart from the rest of the sharlayan elite and made no secret of her disdain for them! so i think being at least partially raised with that gave her a certain tendency for avoiding centralized authorities - see how she leaves sharlayan for eorzea, see how she goes to the rak’tika greatwood and away from the exarch (who she is suspicious of). it doesn’t matter if somebody’s A Good Guy: she is willing to doubt anything to ascertain the truth of it. she’s stubborn but she’s also very humble, because she’ll also doubt her own understanding or previous knowledge (but not to an extent that she’d be gullible - she’ll invite emet-selch to share information, but she still doesn’t trust him as far as she can throw him).
she doesn’t like tricksy machinations and doesn’t engage in them herself and will tell you that right to your face. she says “urianger what the FUCK are you lying about this time” “thancred get your STUPID ASS head on straight” “emet-selch say something USEFUL or shut the FUCK up” “sharlayan you are full of BITCHES and COWARDS” and it is just great every time. she has love for her companions (excluding mr squelch obv) but that love does not hold her back or preclude her from demanding better of them.
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she’s not a rude person. she is very kind and has a solid heart in her chest and a great head on her shoulder. she is blunt. (urianger’s a really great foil to her as another scholarly character but as opposed to her, he will circle around something and keep things to himself and try to get everything to work out for the best without sharing anything. meanwhile she will say “alright here’s what i think needs to be done and i’m going to do it. and if i can’t, i need you to.” he’s kind of an enabler; she calls people out. passive vs active. healer vs caster dps.)
and that bluntness lends itself to her choosing to be really reckless! girls will jump into a bottomless pit to save a community of civilians and then do a really insanely risky spell, one that she has already permanently disabled herself (and thancred!) doing, rather than resigning herself to dying, because she will do everything in her power to move herself and the cause forward. she thinks things through, but she thinks fast, because she’s smart and decisive. she is reckless but not rash. and she will throw herself into danger if it’s the best thing to do to help save the day - in the english translation, using her aethervision drains her vitality, but she’s gotta do it to keep others alive and to save the world. it’s a sacrifice she’s choosing to make, even if her loved ones would rather she not do that to herself, please. but that’s a value judgment she’s making, and you probably couldn’t win the argument against her. she’s not infallible, but she’s usually right. she is the sort of person who is full of hope that can be more accurately described as stubbornness. she knows her loved ones for who their best self can be and she demands that of them - which can make her a great character to have around for other characters as well.
there’s also another secondary aspect to this that is kind of more depressing lmao but it is evident that in eorzea miqo’te women are often sexually objectified by the game and by characters within the world, so another reason she might have to have such high + spiky walls up is to like. deal with that. her more suggestive lines of dialogue are about her having sexual control (the lines about having you “over her knee” or putting you on a leash, for example). after the stormblood expac magnai fight:
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she’s got it handled, but it does also suck that this is something she has needed to learn how to handle! 
and those are my current #catgirlthoughts
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danisbrainrot · 2 months
I MUSTT KNOW if you have any thoughts about the yellowjackets being in a hunger games au!!!
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ok, I don't know how to group my thoughts so I'm just gonna put them all here:
laura lee: wouldn't kill anyone, obvy, but also I think everyone would find her too sweet to kill. she'd die naturally, like eating the wrong berries or something. I don't think she'd last long (first to die in the show = first to die in the hunger games).
lottie: she wouldn't kill anyone either I don't think, she'd form an alliance but would piss someone off like taissa or shauna and they'd probably kill her. she wouldn't be good at hunting or gathering and would heavily rely on her alliance with van, gen, melissa and mari.
natalie: we already know she's a hunter. she would just convince one of the sponsors to buy her a gun and before you know it, bam! bam! bye bye people she doesn't like. I could see her being one of the victors, but secretly I think shauna could kill her.
shauna: we already know she's violent, so I think she'd kill everyone and anyone if it came down to it. she's a career if I'm being honest (love you though shauna 🫶). she'd ally with taissa and jackie (ofc) and would struggle with who to kill in the end, but at the end of the day, she'd still finish them off, she'd just feel real bad about it. she's the butcher, she'd feed herself and her allies off of the traps she'd set, or supplies she'd kill people for and would live the longest, honestly. I could see misty killing her (for revenge on natalie, of course).
jackie: this girl is USELESS. she wouldn't survive past the bloodbath if it weren't for shauna. would die of hypothermia in the arena because she doesn't know how to start a fire to save herself (and likes sleeping in snow for some reason???) she was pissing everyone off at one point, so she'd definitely be everyone's target. there's no universe I think she could win these games (unless shauna came to her senses).
misty: this woman is a cold hearted killer, and she's a healer. she'd definitely win, imo. she'd ally up with natalie (who hates it, but like, misty could help her with injuries, why wouldn't she try and keep her alive? no other reason, totally.) this girl is totally feral, though. she'd kill without hesitation. and she'd cover it up so well that the viewers at home would be wondering if she actually killed them or not.
van: would die for taissa and lottie. I've already told you who she'd ally up with, but she'd leave them in a second if taissa asked. she'd be a good gatherer, enough to survive. we've seen van, she's a killer when she wants to be, and she can't die. so maybe she could win 🤭
taissa: would die for van (and maybe shauna). her sleep walking would kill quite a few people. she'd gather plants and stuff, but her main goal is looking after shauna because we see how protective she is of her (and who wouldn't be? shauna shipman is the loml!) would heal shauna and van's injuries to the best of her abilities.
javi: he'd survive purely by hiding and stealing supplies. would die from falling in the lake though :(
travis: he's not making it past the bloodbath, sorry not sorry. he pisses everyone (or maybe just me) off by being so emo. if he didn't die in the bloodbath, he'd die because he doesn't know what he's doing and he wouldn't be a sponsor favourite.
mari: allied with lottie and them. EXCELLENT gatherer! would kill someone but only if she was in a pack with the girlies 🤭. she'd make her berry juice and get everyone drunk.
akilah: according to the hunger games simulation, she's the real winner (and vicious) but I think she'd starve and start hallucinating, so maybe she wouldn't last very long.
crystal: allied with misty, but is immediately killed after the bloodbath by her (bonus points if misty pushes her off a cliff).
gen: allied with lottie's cult group. would help mari gather. don't know much about her honestly, but I think she'd be somewhat helpful. would be killed first by mari or van probably.
melissa: same as gen, tbh.
ben: dead in the bloodbath. with his missing leg and how useless he is throughout the entire series, I wouldn't blame the girls if they just got rid of him asap.
the antler queen spirit: the president snow of this au.
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I just did the Teyvat character sorter for like the 500th time and I wanted to post my top 10 because im bored
#10 - Yelan
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(Lost my 50/50 to Dehya during 4.0 phase one D:)
#9 - Kazuha
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(Lost 50/50 during 2.8 to Jean but got revenge and won the 50/50 during 3.7)
#8 - Albedo
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(Been in an Albedo arc recently but I've never wished on any of his banners so im hoping to get him on his next rerun)
#7 - Venti
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(Never got a five star on any of his banners yet but skipping in 4.1 due to Hu Tao)
#6 - Cyno
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(Never wished on any of his banners because I have Raiden but I don't use her and I like Cyno better so soon hopefully)
#5 - Charlotte
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(Please release her soon Hoyoverse)
#4 - Hu Tao
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(Lost 50/50 during Lantern Rite but Im guaranteed for 4.1)
#3 - Heizou
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(My main he's great. Spent my first crown of insight on him two weeks ago and I have his weapon r5 + I have c5 so yeah)
#2 - Collei
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(One of the best characters in the whole game imo so underrated)
#1 - Lyney
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(Feel in love with his character after act 1 of the archon quest but it was too late... I already had spent all my primogems on Yelan. So I'll do whatever it takes on his rerun
15-11 were
#15 - Yoimiya
#14 - Lynette
#13 - Gorou
#12 - Wriothesley
#11 - Nilou
Ok bye
Healer Venti is almost done so stay tuned!!!
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enarei · 6 months
I think it's hard to reach the conclusion that every class should be available to a single character at once in a game like wow without comprehensive disillusionment with the world and the role playing aspect of it. It is not that you can't have any quality of life features to ease the transition between other characters, but some friction is needed for meaningful class identity and social interdependence between players stretching *beyond* instanced content. The best way to judge this balance between convenience and identity is, imo, through impromptu interactions between the various classes in the overworld, where this interdependence cannot be planned for, at least to the same extent as dungeons, which have been designed with a particular party composition in mind. I don't give a fuck if I have a healer in a dungeon, I *expect* there to be one, and even my ability to grasp its contribution to the party is somewhat dependent on which role I'm playing, a ranged DPS is less likely to notice the healer's importance in keeping them alive. I think the dynamic of the MMO holy trinity and the individual classes that make it stand out more in situations where it is uncalled for, with strangers, around people that were seemingly doing something alone and didn't realize grouping with another person would make them that much more survivable. That is where each individual classes' ideal tend to shine the most, arguably even more so than in dungeons. In an MMO primarily centered around instanced content, it might cheapen the class fantasy from character creation in favor of universalizing the role associated with it, such that it's easier to find healers, so people can queue faster into the part of the game that matters most (dungeons). I don't disagree that this is convenient. However it reduces the role playing aspect of that character's class to an arbitrary slot filling one, as opposed to a permanent choice you made at the beginning, that colors your interactions with other players through the whole levelling experience and well outside your primary instance group — your commitment to your preferred class' weaknesses are as shallow as you want it to be, and you have little incentive to stick with it for solo content if there's a more optimal alternartive. That is not to say that it's impossible to role-play as a particular class archetype or that no one does it in those games, but there's a clear difference in how they steer players towards it.
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tinyjordan · 7 months
so I actually finally finished my first playthrough of bg3 last night (except it was actually this morning because I beat the final boss at like 3 am) and I just wanted to share my experience. obviously there will be spoilers
so yes. it did take me like 2 months to finish the game, a lot longer than the average player. this was mostly because I was just really busy with school and shit and I've been playing on my parents tv, so I obviously didn't get too much time to myself to binge the game. but honestly, when I did get time to play through the game, I was honestly so overjoyed to just explore the world and do quests with my silly little guys.
imo my favorite act in the game is the first act, which from what I read, many people agree with me on this sentiment. that doesn't mean that I think that the other two acts weren't great, but I just think that act 1 had something special going on there. i loved how huge the first act was and just how much I could do in this act. i thought I finished this act having completed every quest (except those in the mountain pass because I didn't know that I could just go through both paths, which I don't know how I came to that conclusion in hindsight) but when reading and watching videos about bg3, I learned that there was a ton of stuff that I missed. I can't wait for my second playthrough (which will probably be my durge run) to experience more that I missed.
i don't know where to put this point in this essay thing, but the party after defeating the goblin camp. love it! this is where fanfictions are born. although you don't really get much when romancing gale in this party except the fact that he proclaims that he likes your stank in the most socially awkward but well meaning way. i thought this was funny.
oh yeah! also Lae'zel tried to have sex with me. we didn't, but I thought I might as well share that.
speaking of Lae'zel: the most underrated character in the game. i don't care. she is extremely wholesome despite our first introduction to her. in my playthrough, she was the one that got kidnapped by orin in act three. when I rescued her from orin, she was extremely sweet and thankful about it. she said something about the githyanki language not having a word for "thank you", and she tells the player the closest thing to it in her language. but even then she thought that wasn't a good enough way to express gratitude, so she said "thank you, sincerely." she's not my favorite companion, but my heart did swell in this moment
speaking of favorite companions-
yes I know that everyone reading this probably heard this a million times, but Astarion is such an amazing and well written character. this man is blorbo himself. i want to be his best friend. during my playthrough, my tav and Astarion had a sort of sibling like relationship: being on near opposite sides of the character archetype spectrum and disagreeing on a lot of things, but also being super protective over each other (we dislike Araj in this house). his whole story arc made me want to cry several times. i wish this game had a hug option for every companion so that I could hug everyone, ESPECIALLY Astarion. omg. OMG. when we defeated Cazador and Astarion stabbed him repeatedly, i cheered. i got him to not ascend and I cheered. like Karlach (who i also love and got me the closest to actually crying), i was so fucking proud of Astarion. i could talk about him all day but I think I would just stop there and resort to reblogging post about him for my own sanity.
when thinking of my opinion on Shadowheart, I remember that I didn't like her at all at first. it didn't help that she was racist against the githyanki. but after act 2 and pretty much always having her in my party as the main healer, she REALLY grew on me as a character. imo, I think she has one of the best character arcs and she really meshes well with the other companions. she's not a comic relief character at all, but every joke and sarcastic comment she makes is always a banger. she's my Tav's official best friend. also her act three glow up. that is all
oh also during Shadowheart's quest in act three, I met Viconia DeVir (who i killed) and I laughed my ass off because I ended up naming my Tav Viconia who when playing as her, she was like the EXACT opposite of the evil cult leader. there was definitely a "there can only be one" moment when killing her
I also feel that Wyll is pretty underrated character, which is disappointing since he is actually super interesting as a character. I mean he made a deal with a devil. like. c'mon. now I did sometimes get annoyed with his whole being a hero schtick, but also he's like the most sane character companion imo. i felt bad about him sulking alone at the after goblin killing party and I was tempted to ask him to dance to maybe cheer him up, but I also knew that this would probably lead to a romance with him, which I didn't really want. so I just let him be. i remember the impossible choice we had to make in act three (save Wyll's dad and sacrifice his freedom, or break the contract Wyll made with Mizora and let his dad die). This was actually a really difficult decision to make because like. it's either your dad or your freedom. it's literally an impossible choice to make. i decided to have Wyll be free of his contract with Mizora because I had hope that we could maybe find a loophole to this whole deal. WHICH THERE WAS. I had to undo a 5 whole hours of progress because of a bug with Duke Ravengard not spawning in the iron throne if you progress too much in the lower city before watching Gortash's coronation (which is entirely my fault for being awful at directions and not understanding very obvious instructions), BUT I DID IT. I saved Wyll's dad and had him free from Mizora's servitude! his friendship with Karlach is also extremely sweet. I love just how nice Wyll is. I think he's neat.
KARLACH! My favorite female companion! I was so excited when I was finally able to give her a hug. she's just so sweet and fun and as i said before she got me the closest to crying while playing the game. she almost made me cry not once, not twice, but THREE whole times. first time was of course when she was finally able to touch people. second was when we killed Gortash and she had a crisis about dying soon. third was when I thought she was actually going to die before Wyll offered that she come with him back avernus to kill all the devils (bless Wyll). she's also the number one funniest character in the game which juxtaposes the fact that she almost made ms cry the most amount of times.
speaking of crying, this game made me want to cry three separate times in one day. i made the mistake of playing through Shadowheart's and Astarion's quest on the same day then proceeding to kill Gortash, which you already know what happens after that.
After playing through the game, I agree that camp dad(dy) is the official term to describe Halsin. I'm not attracted to him in any since, so to me he is just dad, but I do agree with this sentiment. also goddamn he tall
Jaheira is the fun aunt of the group and I love her for that. she's a queen.
Minsc is himbo. I also realized that he always has something to say about everything we do, and I didn't realize that until when I talked to him one time and he was speaking of something we did like three quests ago and I had to keep talking to him until he was finally caught up with the current events. it was super hilarious
Also I love Boo! when Minsc introduced me to this space hamster I immediately feel in love with his tiny wittle paw awnd hwis wittle whiskews- also Boo had so much personality and I love him for that.
now. it is time to be down bad. Gale. my beloved. if you have seen the amount of posts and art that I reblog about him, you could probably tell that I am absolutely down bad for this man. I don't know when it started, but holy shit. this man got me kicking my legs and squealing like a little school girl. every romance scene with him got me down bad. he says just the sweetest things and I am on the floor dead from a heart attack. he proposed to me at the end of the game. i was happy :)
other points about Gale: he is super funny. every joke with him is hilarious. Mystra is a bitch. he gives dedicated history professor vibes. his camp outfit looks so comfy. he hates sneaking because his knees hate sneaking. he is best friends with his tressym named Tara, who he summoned NOT because of tressyms being known for being a great familiar, but because he wanted a friend. pleasure domes lol
i guess this is all to say that I love every companion in bg3
i believe I got the best ending (in terms of good or bad endings) in the game, and my hot take is that I actually love the ending of the game! i don't know what other people were talking about when they said it wasn't satisfying. the only critique I can give about the ending is that if you don't romance either Shadowheart or Astarion, you don't really know what happens to them after the events of the game other than they probably have a happy ending. other than that, great ending!
i will say that I do agree with most other people when they say that act 3 is maybe the weakest act in the game. not that it isn't a bad act. i just think it's unnecessary difficult even in explorer difficulty, which I did had to set it to because balanced wasn't cutting it for my smooth brain. i also had difficulty with trying to figure out what to do or where to go for a huge chunk of the act. and if it wasn't for a few helpful guides, I might have accidentally skipped a huge chunk of the quests and gotten a worse ending for a lot of my companions. also yeah. act 3 is extremely buggy. not unplayable buggy, but it did cause a lot of problems with my playthrough including me having to redo 5 hours of progress because of a bug
also fighting the githyanki at any point in the game starting from the end of act 2 is an absolute nightmare. how are a group of githyanki monks a more difficult fight than the literal god of death?
speaking of death, i love the dead three. i think they are amazing antagonists. my favorite with being Thorm. he is just so intimidating and he gave an amazing first impression. it helps that he is voiced by J.K. Simmons.
OH AND RAPHAEL! he is so theatre kid evil and that is amazing! best fight theme in the game. i saved the song on my Spotify before I even got to his fight because I heard it for the first time when I was kind of watching my brother play and I fell in love with the song.
i wish there was more to do in act 2, but in terms of story, it is extremely strong and the act is extremely spooky, which I love. i got scarred for life in the house of healing. though I think the biggest strength with act 2 is Shadowheart. she stole the show in act 2.
also Gale's act 2 romance scene hehe <3
Scratch best boy
Owl bear cub so adorable
oh! also when exploring the szarr palace, I found an owl bear plush and I immediately wanted it to be real. i immediately stole it because it is the best thing ever
i love this game so much! there is so much more I want to speak about, but then this would turn into a novel if I mentioned everything. I might make a post about my Tav later on, but that's for later. i already made a google doc about her profile, but there is so much more that I want to discuss about her outside that doc, so...maybe I can share the doc whenever and maybe let people send asks about the character and I can discuss more in detail stuff that wasn't mentioned
I'm probably gonna take a short break from playing bg3 since I still just want to think about the finale and I spent maybe 80 hours of gameplay on this one run (i say this one run because I have been playing a bit with my brother and friend)
afterwards I want to do a redeemed dark urge run. i might romance Astarion not because I see him in a romantic light, but because I really ship him with the durge thanks to all of the art I have seen
tldr; bg3 is amazing
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alphagodith · 10 months
i ranked the wizards
on combat ability, mental stability, and currently available content. why? cuz i was bored and those categories seemed fun/doable. top of list is most, bottom of list is least. i’m not trying to set some kind of fanon rules here, nor am i claiming to be an expert on what content exists out there. this is just my personal take. rank the wizards yourself if you want, however you want.
=Combat Ability=
Wizardmon x
+ went back to school for a phd in ass-kicking (fire magic)
+ Has evolved beyond the need for wands/staves
+ ‘Quantum’ magic
+ Can freely traverse dimensions at will
+ X evolution means inherently stronger than base version
Flame wizardmon
+ Double the wands, double the power
+ Armor evolution means inherently stronger than base version
+ Courage based armor evolution means intense aggression, less cautious
- hasn’t been shown to have any healing/defensive abilities
+ Out of the 3 animations he’s been in, only died in the one where he was just a background character (tho he was defeated in the other two, he lived)
Wizardmon (classic)
- Basic wizardmon, nothing fancy
+ Has two masters degrees (fire being best at attack, and earth being best at defense)
+ Has been shown to have greater power than the average champion/adult digimon
+ Has been shown with ultimate/perfect level wards/shields and cure/healing spells
- Died after 1-3 episodes of the anime but cheated death in two mangas
- Just a wizardmon recolor
- Died in his debut episode without doing much
- Focuses on water and healing spells, no notable offensive or defensive abilities
- Really just a support guy/healer, not a fighter
=Mental Stability=
Wizardmon (classic)
+ Shown to be very pragmatic, even in dire circumstances, and highly resistant towards torture and emotional goading/baiting
+ Has been through some pretty crazy shit (traveling through multiple dimensions, being reformatted, and dying) but maintains a cheerful, calm demeanor without being unrealistically optimistic
+ Loyal, determined, but also flexible and adaptable
+ Similar personality to basic wizardmon due to just being a recolor
+ Water element lends itself to calmness and gentleness
- Alas the above is at odds with digimon’s natural tendency towards violence, and he kinda cracked under the pressure when the person he devoted himself to died
- If you’ve ever been healer/support in a multiplayer game, you know this guy’s a little crazy
Wizardmon x
+ Technically very similar to basic wizardmon, just with an x antibody, but
- In all TWO of his official images, he is grinning maniacally, very unlike his base form
- What kind of sane wizard would go hand-to-hand instead of using a safety stopgap like a wand or staff (yes i’m looking at you, witchmon, we all know you crazy)
Flame wizardmon
- Genuinely just enjoys violence and screaming
- Is just casually on fire pretty much all the time
- Dual-wielding wands is pretty crazy imo
- In one of his anime debuts he was stealing people’s hutzpah, in the other he worked for a literal clown
=Content available=
Wizardmon (classic)
+ Plays a major role in two episodes in the original season, and has a cameo appearance in the second and fourth seasons, as well as the tri movies
+ Plays a major role in both the xros wars and dreamers manga series’
+ Had an official plushie
+ Had an official figurine and is about to have another one
+ Is somewhat regularly featured in promotional art and has some bonus concept doodles aside from his reference book image
+ Is in most if not all of the games in some form
+ Has quite a few digimon cards, both the original japanese AND the new english ones + Is tagged over 500 times on pixiv
Flame wizardmon
- Has no official art aside from his reference images
+ Appears only in two basic virtual pets and has a single japanese card
+ Appears as a main character in one episode of both xros wars and ghost game, as well as a background character in the frontiers movie
- tagged almost 30 times on pixiv
+ Plays a major role in two episodes of frontiers, the fourth season of the anime
- Has one official image that isn’t just a recolor of wizardmon’s own images
+ Appears in a fair number of videogames but has no playable cards
- Tagged almost 30 times on pixiv
Wizardmon x
- Has no official art aside from his reference image and its sketch
- Has a single english card and appears in one virtual pet device
+ Supposedly appears briefly in a story meant to promote the above virtual pet?
- Tagged only five times on pixiv
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OC Reviews Are [OPEN]!!!
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What we will review:
+ Character designs +
- How well they fit the genshin aesthetic
- How well they fit into their particular region or the characters backstory
- If the outfit is cohesive with the character you are trying to create
- The overall character drip
- We will also give ideas for what could be added or changed & possibly sketch out those ideas if you’d like
+ Character Builds +
- How to balance the characters abilities to create a character who could fit in the game! (Yes, we actually have someone who understands how to balance characters)
- What existing weapons and artifacts would work well with your character.
- What you would want for a weapon/artifacts if you are designing your own
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We will not:
+ Insult, roast, or comment on your character in a negative way. We believe in uplifting artists, so all reviews will be focused on improvements and not on tearing down creators.
+ Comment on a character being “cringe” or outside the rules of genshin canon. We love creativity and want people to push the limits!
+ Tell you to throw away the whole design. Sharing your character is a vulnerable experience and we want you to share your characters in a safe environment. You made something awesome and we’re just here to help you improve!
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How to submit a review:
- Send us your character as an Ask.
- All characters submitted must include:
Character’s Name
Country of Origin (or who they are affiliated with)
Vision (or what powers they use)
Role (Are they a healer, tank, dps, general support, etc?)
If you are requesting a design review, include a reference image or a description of their design.
If you are requesting a build review, please include what their talents are (base attack, skill, and burst). If possible, also include constellation and ideal gameplay.
- Include as much information as you possibly can! The more information we have, the better advice we can offer.
- Tell us exactly what you want us to review. If you want us to review the design, say “I’d like you to review the design.” If you want us to review everything, tell us that you want us to review everything!
- Let us know what information you’d like us to include! If you want advice on the characters constellation or some ideas on the details of their design, tell us!
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Example of a Submission
Hi! I’d like for you to review my OC’s design. Her name is Ningguang and she is a four star Geo catalyst. She is the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing and owner of the floating Jade Chamber. She can be used as either a dps or as a Geo support, but does best as a support (imo). She is a genius politician and businesswoman who shakes the very foundations of business circles. Even grabbing a few scraps from the documents she shreds from the Jade Chamber will gift one an invaluable fragment of her wisdom, enough to stay a step or two from one's peers. I’ve included her design reference and I’d love some sketches of what to update. Thanks so much!
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Feel free to message us with any questions or concerns!
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elliewiltarwyn · 4 months
for the meme!: Top 5 Jobs (ICly and/or what you prefer to play)
this was harder than I thought, considering that if I like a job I tend to bend my own personal canon to make it work in-character -- like Ellie picked up reaper because deep down she knew she wanted to go head-to-head with Zenos on his own terms. but that doesn't mean it's actually still what I prefer to play, either, so it got weird. I decided to make this about which job I like playing most in each role...though I am pretty bad at ranged and caster. and healer. I have a very obviously in-your-face playstyle, I'm pretty sure.
at any rate!
Tank: Dark Knight
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i have. exulted quite a bit about dark knight in these answers lmao. but part of the reason i love it so much is because I genuinely have a blast playing it. It feels big and powerful, it feels risky, it really nails the feel of making yourself bleed to protect your comrades. The burst phase when you just throw absolutely everything you have at the enemy is an incredibly satisfying, violent rampage. They made it an ability to call upon your dark twin to help you in combat, and I've mentioned how much of a sucker I am for dark twin shit. Blackest Night, imo, is the most rewarding "super shield" tank ability. And post-buff, I'd argue Living Dead is the best invuln.
plus you know, everything about the entire storyline and Esteem and the image of playing through Shadowbringers in this job. it's all just so good. Immensely satisfying to play and is probably the best at fulfilling its "job fantasy" for me.
2. Melee: Monk
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I always like the hand-to-hand characters or movesets in fantasy settings; there's something very appealing to me about facing a bunch of fantastic supernatural beings and just punching them in the face. That said, I actually had several false starts with FFXIV before it finally hooked me about... four years ago. Every one of those times I picked pugilist as my starting class, got frustrated by never being able to hit positionals (it was because i was using lockon. why does the lockon in this game exist lmao.), and would give up. Once I was finally properly playing, I pushed through leveling pugilist into monk and thought it was... alright, but felt incredibly high-strung, like they were putting in more effort to do the same damage. Then Endwalker completely reworked the kit.
They lowered the level requirements for the chakra moves, making them actually fun and usable long before Stormblood. They made Greased Lightning a constant trait instead of having to struggle to keep it up so your GCD wasn't ass. They added the Masterful Blitz mechanic to dial in combos that end with kickass finishers. They... didn't give it any new buttons for the actual 80-90 level range that EW covered, but that was okay because I was suddenly having way more fun working this rotation than almost anything else in the whole game. It's either tied with or above DRK for my absolute favorite to play, because it's fun, rewards skilled play, and I get to do DBZ shit and zip all over to kick my enemies into oblivion. Plus, I'm doing almost as much damage as my co-melee in my static who uses the hanzo steel of a samurai, but I'm using my bare fists. It rules.
(not really a fan of the storyline, though. hence why canonically Ellie trains with Lyse instead of Erik and Widargelt. :V)
3. Healer: Sage
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I kinda feel bad that I started as a conjurer, and yet I am by far worse at healing than any other role. At least with White Mage you can kinda get away with spamming Medica II through most of the MSQ, but y'know... that's pretty boring. Pretty effective, and I'd still probably prefer WHM if I ever attempted to heal high-end content, but I'd struggle.
Sage though, I have an absolute blast playing even if I'm not necessarily being a great healer. The aesthetic rules and can pretty easily be written as magitek-y: hence, Mia canonically can use Sage even though she's Garlean and can't usually do a caster job. I love flipping Eukrasia to activate powerful energy shields, even though it also means one more button press than all the other healers to apply the DoT. I love zapping dudes with Gundam-esque funnels and having that channel heals to whoever I want, I love throwing out Physis+Kerachole before a big raidwide, or Krasis+Haima onto the tank before a buster. I even kinda love that it really encourages you to be constantly using your Addersgall pips to help manage your MP. It makes high demands kinda like monk did pre-EW, but for some reason it's a lot more fun as sage. Maybe because of all the sick twists and dramatic pointing you do while firing lasers from Gundam funnels.
I always forget Holos exists though. I have no idea why.
4. Caster: Red Mage
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look, the more red you wear, the more damage you do as red mage. it's scientific. Ellie's favorite color is red, idk how obvious it is. :V
Canonically, I don't think any of my WoLs actually use this. But of the three current casters, RDM strikes the best balance for me of a complex rotation with rewarding mechanics, balancing black and white levels and trying to keep them unsynced so you can keep properly proccing your real attacks, without being overly-demanding like Black Mage or sort of basic with not much room for variations like Summoner (I'm sorry SMN mains! I do like SMN! it's really good for me when I'm having a bad brain day, which is frequent. >.>). You also get to completely save disaster runs with instant-rezzes and double heals, and then never get any comms for it! /eyetwitch
And above all else, it's stylish as fuck to the extent that I kinda wish I had the physical ability to try fencing.
5. Ranged: Dancer
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Funny, I actually thought I was going to choose MCH because gun, but then I thought about what actually satisfies me the most to play, and... it's massively buffing the whole party and then just whaling on every button on your hotbar that lights up, and suddenly I understand how people get addicted to like, pachinko and such games. But seriously, it's fun, it's stylish, the rotation's easy to pick up, you get to feel good about making a buddy do mega damage, and you get to make big damage numbers yourself (I mean obviously it's because of how long it takes to activate the dances but damn it's still satisfying to see that many numbers).
I haven't remotely figured out how, but I do want Lily to canonically pick up and use Dancer. You look like you're having fun when you dance on the battlefield, and Lily deserves good things like having fun in the middle of combat.
and now you're way too familiar with how I play this game. :3 thanks for the prompt, @viiioca!!
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prettyboykatsuki · 8 months
hello hsr friend THE WIFE IS HOME !!! now i have 3 destructions leveled, 1 erudition and 2 hunts and 2 supports and one healer lol
who do u think is more useful welt or sw?
hope u have a lovely day
in terms of supports silver wolf is like. no joke one of the best units in the entire game as of now just bc of her weakness implant ability. she makes every character viable and she can be used on any team comp. welt isnt bad but he's definitely more niche for right now, so i would build both eventually but silver wolf takes priority imo
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noirleo · 11 months
Ooh, are we sharing TMNT OCs? Mine is a fluffy Ragamuffin cat mutant with white fur, pink curly hair and blue eyes. She's a bit tall, plus-sized and is an anxious cinnamon roll. At her best she's a lot like Pinkie Pie from MLP: Friendship is magic, but she also deals a lot with anxiety, depression and some PTSD..
She eventually acquires a mystic item called The Heart of Healing, which heals wounds, cures poison and illnesses, and places a force field around a wounded comrade to protect them while healing in combat.
Over time she learns basic self-defense and takes fencing lessons from Senior Hueso. She has a long way to go as far as being allowed to be in combat, but she's getting at least to the point where the boys and April aren't quite as worried.
She loves drawing, singing, writing, dancing in the kitchen, swimming, watching nature documentaries, reading, cosplay, collecting stuffed animals and anime figurines, taking "cat-naps", video games and cuddling.
She's very physically affectionate and comforting, and loves giving and receiving physical touch and words of affirmation. She gets incredibly flustered when people flirt with her, but she loves exchanging cheesy puns and dad jokes. She sometimes makes art for her friends and likes to cook simple meals for them.
She's much smarter and better educated than she lets on, and will info-dump about her passions if she's not careful. She also really enjoys it when people get excited to talk about projects with her!
She was human before, but engages in some feline behaviors (rubbing her cheeks unintentionally on someone or something to "mark" them, purring, tacking carpet pieces to her wall for her to scratch, being chased by dogs/Gus the demon dog, curling up for naps almost anywhere, and needing to obsessively be clean/brushed/smelling nice).
She does not have a raspy tongue, thank goodness, and she blunts her claws to keep from accidentally hurting herself or others. Otherwise most of her body looks surprisingly human.
She has a younger sister (based on my own sister!) who was mutated into a mystic spider girl and temporarily taken under Big Mama's wing, until a team effort convinced her to leave and find her own place in the city. I ship said spider sis with Cassandra "Casey" Jones.
I'm kind of struggling on who I want to ship her with out of the boys. I'm actually writing a fan fiction with her and to be honest, I love all the boys so much. ❤💙💜💛 Any suggestions would be so appreciated!
I have a strong feeling she and Mikey would at least be besties for resties.
Sorry if this is a lot! I have a bit of art for her too.
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Michan, the Ragamuffin cat girl mutant, is the one with the pink hair and blue dress on the right. Her friend Rumiko is the fox girl on the left.
as an older sister the urge to add your siblings into the mix is so real i always add mine in somehow lol
ok i know you said she keeps her claws dulled but, for your consideration
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boom. claw caps.
does she do that thing where cats go up to someone to help them stretch and they raise their arms up in the air? i feel like raph would really get a kick out of that
she sounds like such a cutie, and i love that she’s a healer which is a totally underrated role for characters to play imo
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gothimp · 10 months
!! for dnd asks: class, party comp and level 1 please? 💕
D&D asks
Class: What's your favorite class to play? What's your favorite character build you've ever played?
ooohhh i generally find myself really drawn to clerics, but i also really love rogues, artificers, and druids… hmmm. I think overall, across all subclasses, cleric has to be my favorite. It has built in RP and plot ties with whichever deity you choose and I love the versatility of it with spells and melee. also guiding bolt is the best blaster spell in the game imo.
favorite character build in particular would have to be my sorcerer/warlock miss ruhna vicenti though. she is an aberrant mind sorcerer and fathomless warlock, and her sorcerous origin and warlock patron are actually one and the same so its very harmonious, it feels like a class of its own rather than a multiclass which is really nice.
Party Comp: Do you think about party composition while building a character? What role do you usually fill in your party, if any?
i do! i’m generally the last to build a char for a campaign because i like to fill any holes in party comp. i’ve played such a wide variety of roles in my group i don’t know if i could say there’s usually a particular one i fill, the only one i usually don’t is party tank, but that’s because my husband and my bestie both really like tanky builds so we’re never wanting for those in our parties. i usually end up skirmisher/healer/spellcaster or some combination of those.
Level One: What was your first experience with D&D? How did you hear about it? What was your first game like?
so my first experience with D&D was right after stranger things came out… it was a very basic one shot where we all played pre-built characters and it was kind of forgettable. my 2nd experience was a lot better but it was a very critical role inspired campaign and a lot of choices were taken out of the PCs hands, which eventually led to the campaign falling apart. i didn’t fall in love with D&D until my husband and i started DMing one shots for our friend group between campaign sessions. so this is for anyone who’s had less than stellar D&D experiences, just try and try again!! a good DM really makes or breaks the experience.
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ladymariayuri · 1 year
From your time playing ffxiv, how would you say WoW compares? I’ve not tried WoW but I am intrigued.
I cannot compare the endgame sadly which I think is the most important part to discuss since I didn't reach max level but I'll give it a shot. I also only played dps in FFXIV so I can't really speak for the other roles as well as that's pretty much all I play in both games
The most glaring difference between both is that WoW's GCD is MUCH MUCH lower than FFXIV. 1.5 at the VERY worst, with 0 haste (ill get more into haste in a sec). FFXIV had a lot of off cool down abilities to compensate but those early levels were an absolute nightmare to get through.
I played Samurai in FF so I didn't even have a wealth of OGCD abilities but I genuinely enjoyed Samurai regardless. I started out as Bard until 50 and that was quite possibly one of the most miserable experiences I've had in gaming. It was boring to tears, but that's personal preference.
Anyway, WoW combat at its very slowest is usually going to be way faster than FF. You have a secondary stat that can appear on gear called haste which is usually the de facto best for a lot of classes just by nature of how it works. It reduces GCD, reduces cool downs of abilities with less than some threshold of time, I wanna say 30 seconds, increases resource regeneration, and attack speed. It's a VERY loaded stat which is why it's so good.
There are some blisteringly fast specializations in WoW. (I know FFXIV doesn't have specializations as you only get one playstyle per class; you get 3 different playstyles for class in WoW, one has 4 and two have 2.) My class/spec, havoc demon hunter, is probably the fastest in the game. It's APM can get into the 100s on a very slow day, and is notorious for its carpal tunnel button mashing, and it's a very simple class. You get haste for casting your most powerful ability, Eye Beam (if talented into this haste increase, which is another thing FFXIV sorely lacks; character damage customization). You get a fucking mind blowing 25% haste increase for using your best cool down which lasts 25 seconds and can have a 2-4 minute cooldown depending on talents. Most classes increase their haste with their cool downs in some way, which aids my case of it being extremely fast paced when you breach endgame. Whether this is good or bad is up to personal preference; personally I couldn't stand the GCD in FFXIV, even with all the OGCDs.
That's probably the longest segment I'll get out of the way since I'm autistic about it.
FFXIV also has the unique concept of positionals for melee (which I play) which ended up being frustrating as hell to play with imo. WoW has none of these (it used to have a few frontal/back requirements in the early days), except for Backstab, a Subtlety Rogue ability, getting a 20% damage increase when casted from behind. FF is overloaded with positionals in comparison.
FF community expecting healers to actually do damage and not just heal bot was surprisingly refreshing and something I did not expect, as in WoW that's not the case at all until you reach considerably high endgame levels. People were expecting this in leveling dungeons which seems elitist at first but it was fucking crazy and awesome to me to see. WoW healers are mostly straightforward when it comes to the damage department, like having 2 whole spells, except for Mistweaver Monk (thematically badass as hell with healing by punching people, but its optional) and Discipline Priest (HAS to do damage to heal; very unique and difficult spec.)
Limit Breaks are very daunting in FF. I don't use them because I'm new LOL. They are really cool in concept though. The closest comparison to this that I can think of is the Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp ability in WoW. It increases the entire party/raids haste by 30% for 30 seconds then cannot be cast again for 10 minutes. These abilities are unique to 4 classes so having one of those is a must, and it becomes a little bit like Limit Break when you have multiple in a raid and it's just praying somebody knows when to press it at the right time.
I think in FF healers can resurrect people while in combat which is not true in WoW, they can only be cast outside of combat except for a few classes which gain a unique resurrect usually referred to as a battle rez / brez. The brez classes make them highly desirable in endgame but they are on a 10 minute "timer" in most endgame content (but stack; if you do a dungeon and nobody dies for 30 minutes, you can brez 4 times in a row if people die 4 times on the last boss, which is not the case for Bloodlust)
Thats most of what I have to say about combat which is pretty important to me so some other stuff
Leveling: WoW is much more lenient and lax on what you do to reach max level which is not the case at all in FF. FF is very rigid on completing the MSQ at all costs on your first character which is a detriment imo. I hated FF leveling so fucking much; it was boring and a slog to get through because I don't care about the story, which is a big part of WHY I don't enjoy it. Many people do enjoy it thoroughly because they're normal and read quest stuff LOL. WOW isn't like that at all; sure, for whatever expansion is current you have to play through the campaign but it doesn't take a hundred hours, which was MY gripe with FF.
Good time to mention that wow doesn't have the class/job system for one character like FF does; you can freely swap specializations but you can only be one class per character. If you want to try a new class you have to make a new character. Frankly FF wins here, no contest.
Subsequent leveling of characters in wow is similar to leveling of secondary jobs in FF. You don't get bonus xp but you get to have a lot more freedom in how you level in 60-70 (max level) content. 1-60 is ALWAYS free and open, even on your first playthrough (was not the case last expansion, it is now though) you can go literally anywhere in this 20 year old game that you like at any point in any zone.
Story idk. I didn't pay attention in FF I'm sorry 😭
FF clears in terms of transmog by a landslide. WOW has a lot of great looking badass armor but FF just has more variety on every level. You can't be a cat girl in WoW which is heart breaking on every level; the closest you can get is a cute panda girl that does the caramelldansen.
FF has a lot more unique and interesting music compared to wow. Wow music is always ambience, and can honestly get boring at times. FF has fucking J pop and screamo and rock and classical music and that's before I even got to the end of the game. Wow has... literally nothing interesting sadly lol.
Ummm that's pretty much everything I can think of to cover I hope you liked the wall of text
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conjoinedpubes · 1 year
Adventures of Maern - Chapter 6: Reflection
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Since the last update, Sister Maern reached endgame. Sadly, I did not take much notes + didn't play ER for a few months after. As a result, this journal is mostly reflection and not a specific breakdown of end-game.
One thing that became clear attempting at this co-op build is that a dedicated healer in ER is a very flawed concept.
Emergency healing assumes 3 things - position, timing and coordination. Achieving position and timing could be best done by closely hugging allies at all times - but is that fun? I personally found it draining...
- Constantly trying to 'hug' a host also removes the ability to split attention, arguably the strongest advantage in co-op (both in PVE and PVP). - Its also much harder to do in late-game, where monsters have more complex/faster movements. - Another strange issue was that - because monster attacks have multiple ways of being countered; dodging/running in a way different to an ally often leaves you out of position to heal.
As for coordination; taking to public co-op maybe wasn't the best idea. If someone takes life-threatening damage - they're just going to flask. No-one (rightfully) assumes that a random gold-phantom is playing a dedicated healer.
Maybe the better idea is to provide slow heal/regeneration, save your friends on flask charges? This it turns out, was the more flexible/generally applicable use for a support character.
- Regen buffs are static value healing. Stronger at lower levels due to Hp being lower, also less flask uses available. I found regeneration buffs to be useful all game, absurdly good IMO at low levels. - Theres alot of small damage sources (poisons, projectiles etc). Not worth spending heal flask to stay topped of all the time, but a really good place for slow regen to keep one's Hp at full.
Despite all this, bringing a regen incant may not be that big of a deal. Heal on kill effects and warming stones are a common sight in public co-op, requiring little to no character specialisation to use.
- IMO, regen incants are still the most convenient way to access over-time recovery - Warming Stones to after all require players to stand still. They also stack, so you could also just bring both.
The main ones are the barriers and Golden Vow. Not much to say other than; great in PVE. Like regen buffs, these effects dont scale in any way.
While we ran Blackflame effects initially for theme reasons, it ended up being effecient PVE damage. This was due to monsters having more hp in co-op + Blackflame having a %max hp burn effect.
Black Flame Tornado (BFT) Will single-handedly cover boss damage in the lategame. Takes some positioning and planning to use, but absurdly good vs everything. Black Flame Ritual (BFR) Better in PVP than BFT. The lingering fire circle helps with zoning, not needing to channel is a lifesaver on a low-poise character like this one. Scouring Black Flame (SBF) Nothing great about this one, but I do enjoy it. Takes some manual aim, as the flame always rise with travel distance. Occasionally causes a 'double hit' on enemies. Can be acquired earlier than BFT/BFR. Black Knife Weapon Art Another good one, the '%Hp Cut' effect is a great bossfight debuff. While you can try to spam this, I didn't enjoy the playstyle + it eats into Fp that could be used for heals/buffs. Great opener to help againt late-game boss hp.
Weapon wise, Scythe had some intresting upsides. Scythe swings often have natural hyper-armour, helping mitigate the low character poise.
- Combined with wide sweeps and good stagger, Scythe was a good weapon to handle groups of small agressive monsters (ie. rats/dogs). - Having natural bleed status was minor. Between stopping to cast + not being bleed focused; bleed procs rarely happen on anything thats not a large and immobile boss. - Grave Scythe is better in every way except weight, but farming in ER is a pain, so I did not use it.
By far my favourite tool in this build was the Ritual Shield Talisman (+Absorption on Full Hp) + Regen effects.
- A common pattern in combat is: dampen the first hit + regen to bring you back to full. Since the first hit is reduced, you regen to full faster, gaining back to bonus. Exceptional on slow, hard hitting enemies.
That said, this combo does take a talisman slot and is not great in scenarios with status or just vs multi-hits generally.
Since 'non-scaling buffs' ended up being the best aspect of the character, it brings up the question of faith-hybrid/faith dip support builds.
The other big takeway is that ER late-game is just not the place where a healer shines. Monsters are faster, players are not lacking in healing resources. In addition, most of the lategame co-op is boss kill centric, while this character's focus is 'adventure endurance' in dungeons.
Were I to recreate this character, a mid level (60, +12/5) setup would be better. Strike a balance between having interesting tools, long dungeons and a place where having healing spells are still a great addition.
Its been fun.
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bobgoesw00t · 1 year
Top 10 Video Games of All Time: bobgoesw00t Edition (Part 07)
We’re getting down to the nitty gritty of this list and it’s time to reveal my Number 4 game:
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I had a REALLY hard time picking which entry in the Tales of Series to use as there are SO MANY GOOD GAMES IN IT!!! It was a tie between Abyss, Vesperia, Xillia, Xillia 2, Zestiria and Berseria but I ended up going with this one in the end for a few reasons.
The first one being that other than Symphonia and maybe Vesperia, this is the entry I’ve played the most and I have a blast with it every time. Secondly, combat in Abyss is one of the best IMO and literally every game after it has payed homage to it in some way. The last reason is something I’ll get to a bit later, as I want to talk about the overall gameplay for a bit.
Abyss took the Multi-Line Linear Motion Battle System from Symphonia and amped it up to 11 with the Flex Range Linear Motion Battle System. Giving us the Free Run ability added a new layer of depth to battles, and they simplified how Mystic Artes work from the last game that was released outside of Japan with the AD Skills. When you throw in the Field of Fonon system that can alter the various artes if you use a certain one while it’s active, battles get even more explosion than before. Not to mention this is the first game IMO were every character controls well and is fun to use. Luke and Guy are your typical melee users, while Tear and Jade function as the healer and elemental DPS and kick ass at it. Natalia can dish out large amounts of damage with her bow and she also functions as the main buffer with strong single target heals, making her a worthy addition to the party. Lastly, Anise and Asch (who is playable for a small portion unless your playing on the PS2 and know about a certain glitch which I’ll get to in just a second) are cool hybrid characters that have decent melee attacks and can harass foes from the back line with offensive spells.
I HAVE to address the black sheep (in a manner of speaking) of the cast that is Asch, who is actually (I feel like I can spoil this twist as it’s revealed fairly early in the story) the real Luke who is playable for about…two hours or so in the main story depending on how much time you spend on other things and is kind of awesome. Some people prefer using him over Luke due to him being a bit faster and him having the ability to use offensive spells mid battle and in the original PS2 release of the game, there was a glitch that allowed you to actually have him replace Luke for the remainder of the game. The Map Glitch let you run to other areas before they could be accessed and was rather useful over all but they ended up patching it for the 3DS re-release as the game will crash if you remove the game card without properly closing it.
Which is something else I want to mention. I actually think the 3DS version of the game is better than the PS2 version due to the original having a glaring number of bugs (most of them weren’t game breaking but there is one that made it almost impossible to use one of the more powerful Mystic Artes in the later stages of the game without the entire thing crashing) and stupidly long loading times. The change from a PS2 DVD to a 3DS Game Card shrunk the load times MASSIVELY and most of the bugs ended up being addressed to better polish everything and while I’m not 100% sure, I think they removed the bug I mentioned earlier when you try to use Lost Fon Drive.
OK, enough about the gameplay onto the story. Some people say the story moves slowly while others think it goes by quickly. I’m in the opinion that it moves at a decent pace and there are indeed points where the pace fluctuates but there aren’t very many to be honest. The game does a good job explaining various aspects of the world, there are a variety of locations and the cast is INCREDIBLY well acted with special shout outs to Kirk Thornton as Jade and Melissa Fahn as Anise for being able to switch between being serious and cracking a joke a second later. Not to mention how hilarious the banter between Jade and Dist is at various times…especially the bit before the part goes to Mt. Roneal and Dist is passed out at the Inn. I also love how a good chunk of the reoccurring bosses (the Six God Generals) also have sympathetic backgrounds, Sync being my favorite. I JUST WANT TO HUG HIM AND TELL HIM EVERYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT!!! HE DIDN’T NEED TO DIE IMO AND I STILL GET MOPEY AT THE LAST BOSS FIGHT AGAINST HIM!!!!! Speaking of the ending, this is the one ending in the franchise that still causes me to tear up at the very end no matter how many times I’ve seen it. The way the last scene starts with Tear singing with the rest of the party around her and then Luke shows up to keep his promise is just GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MY HEART CAN’T TAKE IT!!!!!!!
Lastly have to mention how Abyss has one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE scores in the Tales of Series with Motoi Sakuraba delivering some of the best tracks ever, the first battle theme “An Arrow was Shot” gets you into a frenzy and ready for a fight. “Awkward Justice”, the God General boss theme is intense and epic, while “Everlasting Fight” which plays during the cameo battle in the coliseum is the previous track with the intensity blasted into space. Lastly, we have the theme song for the game “Karma” by BUMP OF CHICKEN. This was the first time were the theme was kept the same internationally with the only difference being that they replaced the vocals with Electric Guitars making the song a bit more intense IMO.
This was nice as the next two games to be released in the West kept the vocals with the lyrics being translated into English while still being sung by the original artist. Xillia and Xillia 2 took that one step further and ACTUALLY KEPT PROGRESS AND SONG 4 U AS THE THEME IN THE WEST WITHOUT TRANSLATING THE LYRICS which was the right call cause I don’t think using an Instrumental version of those songs would have worked in the end. Which is why when it was announced that Zestiria was going to be the first entry to have a dual audio option, I had a tiny nerdgasm…which quickly flew out the window when it was discovered that the west would NOT be getting the original version of White Light by Superfly, but an instrumental version in the same vein as Karma for various contract issues with Superfly and their agency. I was pissed but thankfully the PC can be modded to play the original so I ended up getting it on Steam. BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT HOOHAA AND ON TO THE SCORE!!!
Tales of the Abyss is the first game to have a truly 3D real-time battle system which is still one of the best versions of the Linear Motion Battle System to date, a strong story with an ending that makes me shed tears of joy EVERY DAMN TIME I GET TO IT, a cast of party members that are outright hilarious at times, and one of the best soundtracks Motoi Sakuraba has composed for this long running franchise. bogoesw00t here gives it a 5 out of 5: 5/5
Tales of Zestiria: Even with the whole bullshit of them giving us a shitty instrumental version of White Light that doesn’t work as well as it did for Karma (due to the latter being a fast-paced song and White Light being more slow and intense), this is still a great game with one of my favorite cast of playable characters (Sorey is so adorkable, Edna is fucking hysterical and Meebo/Touchy-Feeleo IS TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH SOREY GO AHEAD AND @ ME BUT SORMIK IS CANON), a unique combat system (the complaint that the game FORCES you to Armatize is a load of bullshit as it can actually hurt you to use it in every fight for various reasons which I’ll get into if I ever review it) and a really cool villain.
Tales of Berseria: The prequel to Zestiria addressed a good chunk of complaints people had about the last game, fixed them, and helped flesh out the world the games are set in, gave us one hell of a BADASS protagonist with Velvet Crowe and a colorful cast of allies to join her (Magilou can be totally broken in battle and is even funnier than Edna IMO while Laphicet is THE MOST PURE AND PRECIOUS CINNAMON ROLL THE FRANCHISE HAS EVER HAD), a battle system that’s easy to learn but can be difficult to master, and a villain that you just want to CRUSH after he shatters Velvet’s world (even more so if you’ve seen the original, uncensored cutscene when he kills Velvet’s little brother. They tried to keep the impact the same in the west, but it doesn’t hit nearly as hard IMO)
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