#online horse auction
apples-stables · 2 years
y'all ok- i have this *whole ass idea* for like a big ol Star Stable roleplay thats set like- in the future. Whole new gang, whole new everything. I've been working on a map for it and riding clubs and expanding Jorvik and i just *can't tell if its too much for a roleplay to encompass and I should just write a story or what*
Would love y'alls thoughts on it xD
Oh and here's the map in question
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squidthrift · 6 months
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Antique 20's Putz Carousel
Source: Independence, MO Carrell Auctions See it in action:
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srfadoption · 1 year
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horsefigureoftheday · 17 days
i have NO idea if you'd be able to do this one for me, but i hope you can! my grandparents have these horses, but i've never been able to read the plaques & my grandparents don't know where they got them from other than they're antiques.
sorry for the wizard guy covering one of the horses, this was the best picture we could get.
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it's no worries if you can't (since i don't know if you do ceramics lol), but either way. some horses for you to look at.
Sure! They're Impulse Giftware reproductions of real life carousel horses :D
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By John Zalar, from the Philadelphia Toboggan Co.
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By Gustav Dentzel, from Knotts Berry Farm
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By Stein & Goldstein. Can't find the original one, but I found a similar horse, also by S&G, from Forest Lake Amusement Park.
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By Charles Carmel. I can't find the original, but I did find a similar horse by Carmel on an auction site, with no details about its history.
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By Charles I. D. Looff. I think the leaflet is lying - if Looff ever designed a stander with a closed mouth, there are no photos of it online. But I did find another Looff stander to compare it to.
EDIT: I'm sleep deprived and didn't realize I used the wrong photos for the Dentzel and S&G figures, just pretend those are the detailed Impulse Giftware figures with plaques, and not the smaller cheaper versions 😭
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gabessquishytum · 8 months
Since Dream won't cooperate, Burgess decides to sacrifice him to bring back his son. It doesn't work, of course. The magic ritual "kills" Dream, but Burgess' son remains dead.
Some miles away, a couple conceives a child the usual way. He's a normal enough baby, but as he grows, he gets odd. Smart, quiet, and somber, with a temper that flares unexpectedly. His parents and siblings tease that he's a changeling, but they love him, teach him how to behave and, if not fit in, at least not upset too many people. Over time, bits of who he was start coming back to him. At the age of 11, he summons Destiny. Destiny explains, promises Dream he'll return to his full self and power, eventually. When he's grown, when he's regained his tools of office.
When he's 19, he leaves home for London, gets a job, and starts putting ads in local papers. "Hob Gadling, I would meet with you. Our usual place, our usual day, this year." Maybe the ads are in Middle English.
Hob sees them, shows up at the White Horse on June 7, to be greeted by an actual stranger who doesn't look old enough to drink, asking Hob's help in finding his lost tools.
Once Hob is convinced this is his Stranger, he agrees to help, and is rewarded with an earnest "thank you", complete with his hand being grasped in gratitude. Whether it's his roguish or gallant side that prompts his next act, Hob couldn't say, but he bows over Dream's hand and kisses the back, and the way Dream's eyes darken make him think that there's some things this young man would like to learn before he sheds his mortality.
Oh this is wild. And very hot.
Dream is still very dream. He doesn't have access to his realm but he has power beyond that of a mortal - including a power to sense dreams. So he's not exactly a frail little thing unable to take care of himself. He knows that Hob means him no harm, just as he knows what Hob wants to do with him. And hey, since he's been thrust into this life without having any say over it, he might as well have some fun with his "old friend". Just like any young man, he's desperate for attention. Who knows when he'll get an opportunity like this again? It could take him centuries to fix the dreaming.
They go upstairs to make a plan on how they'll track down Dream’s stuff. Hob gets online, trawling few auction records to see where the tools might have been sold, while Dream sits next to him. Their thighs press together and Dream hooks his chin over Hob’s shoulder. He likes how Hob smells, manly and spicy like a good quality cologne, and he says so outloud.
So of course the laptop is shoved aside and Dream is pulled into Hob’s lap. Hob tells him how he's going to take such good care of him and treat him so well, all while pressing tender kisses along the line of Dream’s jaw. Dream is as clumsy and awkward in his body as any 19 year old, but it's like something else takes over when he tilts his head and captures Hob’s lips. The part of him that's already Endless takes over and he kisses Hob like a god would. The contrast of the sweet young man's body and the unearthly kiss is that most arousing thing he could even imagine.
When Dream pulls away, his eyes are shining and his lips and gorgeously swollen. He's beautiful, and even if there's nothing he can actually learn from Hob, the naivety in his body is irresistible. There's something about the way his power is seemingly tied up, held back by some immovable force. Hob wants him with a greed he hasn't felt in centuries.
He scoops his hands under Dream’s thighs and carries him off to the bedroom, where its safe to say that Dream does learn a thing or two. This is the closest he's ever been to humanity... in more ways than one. He's certainly never had humanity's mouth around his cock before. And he won't let this be the last time <3
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marzipanandminutiae · 6 months
Ok so I was mucking around online and came across Theriault's doll auctions.
A few thousand on a rare or antique doll I can totally see. But tens (or hundreds!!!!) Of thousands of dollars??? Who has that kind of money to spend on a single doll? Not that I don't think they could possibly be worth that much I guess. But...are these people buying the dolls because they will actually cherish them? Or are they just spending for bragging rights?
I just...I guess I hope it's museums.
Depends on the person, honestly.
I used to work for a dealer, and while we never got into the $10,000+ range, I did get a glimpse of who exactly makes that kind of purchase. Many of them do indeed really love the dolls; I think of one specific case where a dear friend of mine had a successful doll reproduction business and horse-traded his way up to an incredibly rare $20K 18th-century doll. He's not Bezos RichTM or anything. He just was a childfree artist who made good money and had priorities. Antique dolls were his one big indulgence: not a second home, not cars, not designer accessories. Dolls made him happy, so he was willing to save and grind away at his business and eat ramen sometimes to make the really insane ones his own.
For some, it IS the bragging rights. Never exactly the sort of people who are active in the community and who you'd want to spend time with, in my experience. I recall one heir to a major company who was in a battle with another hyper-rich guy for who could get the most rare [Doll Brand Redacted]. I guess it's better than spending your money on private jets and mega-yachts; at least they're works of art? At least you're supporting dealers and (usually) small auction houses? But it doesn't seem like true enjoyment to me. Not the way I see "lesser" collectors like my friends enjoying our dolls.
There's also the fact that not all collectors get their most valuable dolls at market value. Sure, the auction records you saw show people spending top dollar, but people having those dolls in their collection doesn't necessarily mean they spent that much. Some bought when the dolls were newer or the market was down, often the very elderly collectors. Some were gifted their dolls. Some got a rare head at an amazing price on a shitty cloth body with little T-Rex arms, and then sold another rare doll they got a deal on to buy a beautiful appropriate antique body.
(...Leonore. That was Leonore.)
And finally, sometimes it is indeed museums. The current record for most expensive doll ever sold at auction, for over $300,000, was an 1870s Rochard French fashion doll sold to the Barry Art Museum at Old Dominion University.
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whywishesarehorses · 3 months
I'm through like 66 of the 93 pages of mustangs. bear with me.
For those who are new - I am documenting the horses here:
I do this every auction. Couldn't tell you why. My tag is horse-for-sale - please tell me which ones you like and why.
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fandomtrumpshate · 4 months
2024 Supported Org: Bellingcat
Over the past two decades, the American public's faith in mainstream news organizations has dropped precipitously -- in a Gallup survey last year, more than half of respondents indicated that they believe news organizations actively mislead the public. The major organs of mainstream media have made many choices that have cost them the public's trust, often relying on the "both sides" model of reporting at the expense of a full and truthful picture and treating politics as a horse race.
But these organizations are also under significant pressure as they struggle to adapt to the radical technological shifts in our media environment. These shifts have cut into traditional revenue streams, driving news organizations toward the sort of reporting that will generate revenue. They have also created both the possibility of and the need for new approaches to reporting, and many legacy news outlets have struggled to adapt.
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Bellingcat is an independent investigative collective of researchers, investigators and citizen journalists that uses cutting-edge technology to engage in fact-checking and open-source intelligence investigation outside the apparatus of major journalistic publications. In addition to doing their own reporting, Bellingcat designs and shares verifiable methods of ethical digital investigation. By publishing walkthroughs to open source research methods and holding tailored training sessions on their use for journalists, human rights activists, and members of the public, they’re broadening the scope and application of open source research. Their research is regularly referenced by international media and has been cited by several courts and investigative missions.
Operating in a unique field where advanced technology, forensic research, journalism, transparency and accountability come together, Bellingcat believes in the need for collaboration and has partnered with news organisations across the globe. Likewise, Bellingcat’s Global Authentication Project (GAP) seeks to harness the power of the open source community by nurturing and encouraging a network of volunteer investigators. Their Justice & Accountability unit, meanwhile, seeks to demonstrate the viability of online open source information in judicial processes.
You can support Bellingcat as a creator in the 2024 FTH auction (or as a bidder, when the time comes to donate for the auctions you’ve won.)
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
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I posted 14,217 times in 2022
That's 13,505 more posts than 2021!
1,490 posts created (10%)
12,727 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 9,950 of my posts in 2022
Only 30% of my posts had no tags
#freeusemuses - 2,752 posts
#argent rp corner - 883 posts
#the blackbird roleplays - 433 posts
#ask harem master hyoudou - 397 posts
#tokufan400 - 378 posts
#ofdarkest does snippets - 333 posts
#delugedecade - 314 posts
#itashiro hitsuchiha - 287 posts
#crimsonbeowolf - 264 posts
#ask jaune npr - 256 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#she’s just cruel and destructive but also looking like she’s wanting imogen to do something but with no clarification on what she wanted
My Top Posts in 2022:
Open RP Starter: Exposed at the Expo
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[[Do not Reblog unless you intend to RP and have read my rules]]
Bulma had been looking forward to this expo for a while now—she hadn’t had many breaks from her work or responsibilities as a mother, so this change of pace was very much welcome. And it certainly didn’t hurt that she could tell she had eyes on her—cosplay wasn’t her biggest passion, but it certainly felt good dressing like a slut and having people see her like one.
She heard the sound of someone recording her and she smirked and swayed her hips tantalizingly, not yet looking back to them. “You know, this isn’t just a display~ you can go ahead and touch them~”
1,309 notes - Posted June 2, 2022
Open RP Starter: The Lilypad Princess
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Tsuyu's heart raced in her chest as she finished getting herself ready. She glanced to the large mirror across from her--she almost couldn't recognize herself staring back at her. The beautiful braid she'd done her hair up in, the beautiful beads and flowers woven through it, the sexy and skimpy lingerie she wore--it all felt so real suddenly.
She'd never done this before. Mina had been the one to offer the dare during last night's girls' night--and with all the drinking the girls had already done, no one even batted an eye at her suggesting Tsuyu auction herself off as a sex toy to the highest bidder online. Now, though, the soon-to-be former heroine couldn't help but feel a bundle of nerves in her stomach.
She yelped as she heard a knock at the door, and looked up to it in the reflection staring back at her. "A-ah...c-come in, ribbit!"
1,582 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Open RP Starter: A Princess’ Secret
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Everyone assumed they knew Orihime well—she was a bit of a klutz, very kind-hearted but perhaps a bit too much for her own good, and had a decent crush on Ichigo Kurosaki. But even a girl like her had some secrets—like the one where she would sneak around to the other side of the school, dressed in a far more skimpy version of her school uniform, waiting for her secret lover to come have their way with her. She leaned against the wall on the far side of the building and glanced towards the stairs, waiting for them to appear.
1,604 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
Open RP Starter: Washing the Cares Away
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God had Nami needed this! The Straw Hats’ latest adventure had been one conflict after another after another—she’d been run through the wringer keeping up with everyone else, but at least it was all well and done with. The others were enjoying a feast and the celebrations, but the busty navigator was using their down time for a little time to herself, finding the best spa in the region and pampering herself plenty. She was so caught up in showering herself in the main hot spring, she didn’t even notice the door opening behind her.
2,047 notes - Posted March 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Has anyone else noted that Pâté, Laudna’s corpse puppet familiar, and Escargot, Laudna’s horse, are both named after very fancy food that Laudna likely had as her last meal?
2,596 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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squidthrift · 8 months
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United Metal Goods Hansom Buggy Clock
Source: Salina, KS Generations Real Estate & Auction
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atomicladyshark · 2 years
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1 Embryo right:PERFINKA(Esparto x Perfirka)Bred by SK BIALKA and proudly owned by Al RAJHIAT STUD this beautiful flea bitten grey mare is one of the most popular polish mares and well known all over the world!In her pedigree you find some influential sires like EKSTERN and GAZAL AL SHAQAB.She is the 3rd polish horse that won the American Triple Crown:Arabian Breeders World Cup, US Nationals and Scottsdale!To name another great success in her show career she won this year the Gold Champion Senior Mare Title at UBAYYAH International Festival in Saudi Arabia.This is a unique opportunity to improve your breeding program…don’t miss the chance to breed a world class mare to a stallion of your choice!III EUROPEAN BREEDERS SELECT EMBRYO & BREEDING HYBRID AUCTION Start online auction: 16.11.2022 - 5:30 P.M.Start live final auction in Paris: 18.11.2022 - 5:30 P.M.Live & online auction: Place the winning bid in Paris or from home!
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wandaluvstacos · 1 year
Horse Rescue Scams
I keep getting rec'd Horse Plus rescue on Youtube, but it's well-known amongst serious horse rescuers that the place is less of a rescue and more of a death camp for horses, and even traders/dealers in the area will say it. They kill anything that's a little too wild, old, or high maintenance, at least if it can't be milked for views and cash. They literally have a cremation oven on the property. Uh, most rescues do not have that nor do they need it.
Signs of a Bad Horse Rescue (based on what I've seen from Horse Plus and Colby's Crew Rescue, plus others)
They have a significant and slick social media presence, spending a ton on cameras and sound equipment
They almost exclusively show content that's meant to elicit a reaction: starved horses, severely injured horses, scared horses, horses in a "kill pen" with some kind of subtitle about how "they're all going to be killed if you don't give us $$$!"
They somehow find at least 5-10 severely sick/injured horses every time they go to an auction, and they come home with more than 10 horses. Unless they're privately funded by billionaires, no rescue has the resources to care for 50 new horses every month. Typically how they get these sad-looking horses is that they partner with horse traders, typically the worst ones, who will specifically go looking for these types of horses to bring directly to the rescue, thus hiding the individuals responsible for the horses' condition in the first place
Once the rescue is "done", you are not updated on any of the horses but a few specific, sad cases. Horses just "vanish" without a word. If it's Horse Plus, it means they've been executed and you have no clue why. They claim it's because the horse was already on death's door. But did they show the horse's condition? Did they explain all that was done to save the horse's life?
There seems to be lots of drama, constantly, that they have to talk/rant about. A professional organization is not going to mention this and will handle all affairs privately.
They're buying horses from "kill pen" pages on Facebook. Reputable rescues know that these pages are scams and that all they're doing is lining dealers' pockets. Many rescues don't have to buy horses from auctions at all, but if they do, they do it directly from the auction. They don't use dealers on Facebook.
They only seem to have a few adoptable horses, despite taking in tons every month from auctions or "kill buyers" (man of these folks aren't kill buyers at all, just horse traders who claim to be for emotional blackmail purposes)
There's one rescue on Youtube I've been following called Pony Tales that has all the marks of a LEGITIMATE rescue that does far more for horses than anything Horse Plus does. What I know about them:
They don't talk about drama on their channel beyond "we had an ice storm and now we can't go to the horse hospital!"
The auctions all happen off screen. All they do is show you the horses they purchased afterward, and it's a sustainable 4-8 horses. Very few of the horses are on death's door, so their conditions aren't easily milkable for online clout, but they ARE horses in need of a soft landing, mostly older Amish horses. The last batch included a completely blind Standardbred, a Belgian with a rotted lip, and several thin and elderly draft horses.
They have videos documenting the vet and farrier analyzing each horse so you know exactly what issues they're dealing with.
One horse with severe canker took a YEAR to rehabilitate, but she shows up in many of their videos and is updated consistently. They were told she'd probably have to be euthanized but they explored every option and now she's doing much better.
They have lots of horses on their "Adopt" page that are consistent with their videos.
If they put a horse down, you know why. They film their conversations with vets/farriers.
There's no emotional manipulation, re: "If you don't give us money, we can't save this horse!"
I haven't look at their finances or anything, but to me they seem much more legit. Support rescues with this sort of consistent documentation of the horses they take in, and definitely never one that works directly with horse traders to get the saddest horses for online clout. If horses are in such bad shape, the owners should be prosecuted, not protected so that "rescues" can profit!
Anyway, here's a video of Pony Tales specifically filming all their intakes' health issues:
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chicken-blitz13 · 2 years
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The ride wasn’t really that long and lucky for them they had an option to visit there rather than an online auction, Jonathan was very pleased with going there and buying his own horse. Dorset warmbloods wasn’t really what he thought he'd buy, it would have most likely been a OTTB but Ashley, the woman who accompanied him to the auction, thought a warmblood would be nice to look through. Jonathan doesn’t want to complain, they were all beautiful but none really made his eyes widen.
Until a Dorset stallion was introduced, He had some strong legs for jumping and gorgeous movements for dressage, not to mention a brilliant build. His coat was a real head turner, a blue roan splash is really something, though he had seen Emma’s australian warmblood who was quite like this horse only that he was chestnut and this one is black.
The stallion didn’t really have the fiery attitude that he expected from a stallion, he had been with Emma’s horse for too long, he was quiet and curious with his surroundings, he did jump a few poles but ran around the arena again. He made a stop and saw Jonathan. Jonathan smiled and the horse continued on to one of the other poles.
“I really like this guy”. Jonathan told Ashley.
“He’s pretty, good mover too”. She commented.
“I might place a bet”. Jonathan replied.
“Well I’m not stopping you”. Ashley smiled.
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lunarmote · 2 years
Adventures in Horse Isle, part I
I found a Flash workaround on the weekend and decided to re-register for a childhood favorite of mine. It's a game called Horse Isle 1. My friend at summer camp introduced the game to me circa 2010.
Upon clicking on "Enter the world" I was ushered back to a more carefree time and, oh man, I remember spending 90% of my time online on this game. Other people had RuneScape and MapleStory but I had Horse Isle, and let me tell you, there was no end to the things you could do on here.
At first glance it's just another one of those "horse girl" games with tack customization, but it has a quaint charm that makes it unique.
The world is huge and you have to trek everywhere on foot using arrow keys (for reference, the player character is literally a pixel). It's multiplayer and I remember getting lost in the wilderness with my friends, racing/tagging each other or getting out of mazes together. Back at its peak you could find around 150 players on each server at a time. There is a lot of diversity in pixel scenery (the type of foliage and minigame are isle-bound). There are also pots of gold and pirate treasures that you can stumble across.
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I was surprised to see that the NPCs all had unique dialogue trees. According to the adventure log there are 714 quests in total, so you can imagine the time spent typing the dialogue up. As a kid you’re never appreciative of the amount of effort that goes into the creation of things.... There are fetch quests that require you to travel to other isles by boat, sometimes by magic (NPCs possess the ability to "poof" you to certain isles).
Then there are the horses. Occasionally while traveling, you stumble across a horse in the wild which you can then catch and add to your collection. Each horse has 4 base stats deriving from the breed it belongs to and 2 untrainable, randomly-generated stats. I remember that the economy of the game used to be based on selling horses with these "UTs" (untrainables) but personally, I was more concerned with collecting multicolored pixels :'^) (Btw, the original artist who did the horses can still be found on deviantART!)
Starting my adventure
So here I am, the sole player in this wide expanse of a world - what a bizarre feeling. 
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There is a server with 4 other players, but I chose Bay, the server I used to play on, out of some loyalty to my past, I dunno. Some features will be inaccessible to me because of this decision. There are minigames that require 2 players. I will never trade horses at an auction, or be able to add a buddy.
That’s ok - I just want to explore the world for now, and find out what made it so special to me.
The first thing I'll need is some money.
Almost instinctively my fingers guide me to Appleton on the main isle. Home of the Appleton Riddles. It's where I always used to go when starting on a new server. The payout for a successful answer is 10k.
I only have to search up 3 of the riddles (out of about 50). I react to this realization with a wistful kind of sadness. It really shows how long I spent on this game, hopping servers until the puns became second nature to me.
After completing the riddles I do a few quests in the surrounding Appleton and Earton areas and with 800k in bank, I decide that I want a horse.
Getting my first horse
There are two ways of getting a horse. (Well, three formerly, but one of them requires buying from another player and...)
You can go "horse-hunting" -> slang for just walking around on the isles until you stumble across a wild horse. Or you can pay the "Horse Whisperer" to locate the exact location of a breed (with randomized stats) on the map.
In the olden days, whispering was a risky endeavor. Upon paying you had no guarantee that you were going to get to the horse and catch it. It wasn't uncommon for horses to be at the far end of some isle that you could only get to by walking for 10 mins. The subscribers, however, had a few advantages over non-subs: (1) financially, they could afford to chain-whisper; that is, go down the list of breeds until they found one that was available on the map and (2) they had access to pegasi/unicorns which would could teleport you across the map or let you take shortcuts, alleviating the risk. But the dominion of subscribers meant that I could never get the horse I wanted as a poor teenager.
200k in hand, I decide screw it, I'll go whisper a horse. Horse-hunting the normal way may have been more "authentic," but I just... I just want to see what I'd missed out on all those years.
Oh god, what breed do I want?
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In the end it doesn’t matter, because I have to click on about 10 breeds before one of them shows up.
It’s an American Mustang on Horse Isle! I race there and catch it. Not that there’s much in my way...
The minigame is infuriating - the lasso never goes where I click. It takes me 3 full 60-second cycles to complete.
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“It” is a chestnut mare with... astonishing high intelligence and a lack of a personality. 
Her stats make me laugh. I know that she and her stats would have been worth nothing on the old Horse Isle. But that Horse Isle is long dead.
I name her “Philippa,” the first name I can think of. I believe it means “lover of horses.” How fitting.
A good start to my new account?
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dankusner · 23 days
Lajitas golf resort in Terlingua
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The bronze sculpture, which was removed from the Dallas park in September 2017, is now at the Lajitas Golf Resort in Terlingua, Texas,
The 27,000-acre resort, which is privately owned by Dallas billionaire and pipeline mogul Kelcy Warren and managed by Scott Beasley, the president of Dallas-based WSB Resorts and Clubs, received the statue as a donation in 2019.
A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee that the city of Dallas removed from a park and later sold in an online auction is now on display at a golf resort in West Texas (pictured in its new location at the Lajitas Golf Resort in Terlingua, Texas)
Workers remove the same statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from Robert E. Lee Park in Dallas, Texas, on September 14, 2017.
The park has also since been renamed
Workers remove the same statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from Robert E. Lee Park in Dallas, Texas, on September 14, 2017.
The park has also since been renamed
Confederate statues are removed from Lee Park in Dallas
The 1935 sculpture by Alexander Phimister Proctor was among several Lee monuments around the U.S. that were removed from public.
The artwork, which depicts Lee and another soldier on horses, was kept in storage at Dallas' Hensley Field, the former Naval Air Station, until it was sold in 2019.
Law firm Holmes Firm PC made the top offer for the sculpture, according to documents from the Dallas City Council.
Terlingua, which is in Brewster County near Big Bend National Park and the Rio Grande, has less than 100 residents and no record of Black residents, according to recent census data.
Black people make up just 1.7% of the population of Brewster County, according to census data.
Beasley told the Chronicle the statue serves no intent but to preserve 'a fabulous piece of art,' and called its critics 'uneducated'.
'I would say that of the 60-plus-thousand guests we host each year, we've had one or two negative comments' he said.
'[The critics] were uneducated. They didn't know the true history and the story. (We) have not had any verbal comments at all and it wouldn't matter. If you know your history about Robert E. Lee and everything about him, it's fabulous.'
But Black Lives Matter Houston activist Brandon Mack said he takes issue with supporters of Lee who argue that the statue is merely 'an appreciation for art'.
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The 1935 statue of Robert E. Lee, right, and a young soldier by sculptor Alexander Phimister, sit in storage at Hensley Field, the former Naval Air Station on the west side of Mountain Creek Lake in Dallas. Dallas City Council on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 Pictured: The 1935 statue of Robert E. Lee, right, and a young soldier by sculptor Alexander Phimister, sit in storage at Hensley Field, the former Naval Air Station on the west side of Mountain Creek Lake in Dallas. Dallas City Council on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 He said he wonders whether the same defense would be used for other offensive symbols from throughout history, or if that's reserved for iconography solely glorifying the oppression of Blacks.
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'We don't glorify the swastika; we don't have monuments (of) Adolf Hitler,' he said.
Robert E. Lee was a Confederate general who is best known for his service for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War.
During the war, he was appointed the overall commander of the Confederate States Army, which fought to secede from the United States largely over the right to own slaves. Lee himself is documented to have had paradoxical views on slavery, believing it was both an evil but necessary institution.
Dallas City Council voted to remove the Lee statue in September of 2017 in the aftermath of the deadly August 2017 'Unite the Right' white nationalist rally over another Lee monument in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Both statue removals came amid a wave of local grassroots calls to take down Confederate monuments in cities across the US.
Pictured: Workers prepare to remove a statue of Confederate general Robert E. Lee from Robert E. Lee Park in Dallas, Texas, on September 14, 2017
The Lee statue was taken out of Dallas' formerly named Lee Park in September of 2017 after an approving city council vote.
Lawmakers voted to sell it in 2019 following months of debate about what to do with it.
In May, Lee Park was temporarily renamed Oak Lawn Park following the Lee statue's removal.
City council voted to rename it Turtle Creek Park later that month.
It was revealed in 2019 that it was a Dallas-based law firm that placed the winning $1.435 million bid for a statue of Lee.
Holmes Firm PC - owned by Ronald L. Holmes - made the top offer, according to documents from the Dallas City Council seen at the time.
It was revealed in February that almost 170 Confederate symbols were removed from public spaces in 2020 after Black Lives Matter activists threatened to tear them down following the death of George Floyd.
Dallas City Council voted to remove the Lee statue in September of 2017 in the aftermath of the deadly August 2017 'Unite the Right' white nationalist rally over another Lee monument in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Dallas City Council voted to remove the Lee statue in September of 2017 in the aftermath of the deadly August 2017 'Unite the Right' white nationalist rally over another Lee monument in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Pictured: Hundreds of white nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the "alt-right" march down East Market Street toward Emancipation Park during the "Unite the Right" rally August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville
Neo Nazis, Alt-Right, and White Supremacists encircle counter protestors at the base of a statue of Thomas Jefferson after marching through the University of Virginia campus with torches in Charlottesville, Va., USA on August 11, 2017
Of the 168 symbols changed or removed from public spaces last year, all but one went down after Floyd was killed in Minneapolis on May 25. At least one was stolen and several were vandalized by protesters before being removed.
'2020 was a transformative year for the Confederate symbols movement,' SPLC Chief of Staff Lecia Brooks said in a statement.
'Over the course of seven months, more symbols of hate were removed from public property than in the preceding four years combined.'
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