#or show me their sanrio merch
sanctfy · 10 months
you guys would not believe the power that sanrio yields in making connections with kids 🤍
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mutogamingco · 1 year
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othersidedisc · 2 months
i love simply browsing the web on my puter. amazing
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heartsforseo · 2 months
Strawhats with a member who likes Sanrio
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A/n: I LOVE Sanrio sm and used to have a Keroppi mirror and Hello Kitty plush (now I have more >:)). The Skincare fic did better than I thought tbh. And I ws brainstorming what fic to write since I ws bored. So pls request :(( also maybe a bit oc??
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⭑Luffy wouldn't understand why you like Sanrio and what's the hype about it.
⭑Yeah, he heard about it from Makino and got a shirt that's Kitty, but that's that.
⭑When you ramble about Sanrio to him, he'd just laugh about it and say, "You really know so much about this, Y/n!"
⭑Especially about your fav character(s), he'd just listen to you, smiling and looking right at you. Though he might doze off from time to time.
⭑And if he ever remembers, he'd tell you about the Hello Kitty shirt he got from Makino.
⭑And if he ever figures out that he had that merch before you, he'd boost about it and talk about it until dinner arrives.
⭑But now whenever you guys stop on a new island, he'd race you on the Sanrio merchandise and steal buy one for you and him.
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⭑Zoro, the best man, would stare at you like you just escaped from the mental asylum.
⭑He really doesn't know anything about Sanrio. He thought that it was some booze at first based on how much you'd talk about it.
⭑But when you finally explained what it was to him he was like://
⭑He noticed your gloomy expression and he suddenly started panicking.
⭑Would try to tell you what he heard from your rambling, but all you could hear were some loud stutterings.
⭑It was honestly laughable how hard he tried. So extra credit for him.
⭑You told him how he acts like Badzt and he was like, "Is he cool?"
⭑But now whenever you guys would stop by a new island, he'd somehow reach the Sanrio stall first.
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⭑Nami would gasp, someone actually knows Sanrio???
⭑When Nami was young, she'd see it on one of the newspaper pages. She'd always look forward to the new chapters to be released.
⭑She'd also hear some of it from Bellemere and would get hand-me-downs from Nojiko.
⭑So when she overhears you ramble about Sanrio to someone she'd butt in and share her opinion.
⭑After the conversation, she'd start noticing how many references and merch you have of your favorite character.
⭑Now, whenever you guys stop on a new island, she'd happen to buy you clothes for your favorite character.
⭑Say your thanks and she might buy you more. (But don't abuse it or make her angry, she'll pull up the bills.)
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⭑Sanji also knows a lot about Sanrio.
⭑Working at Baratie as a server and cook, he'd seen a lot of girls wearing Sanrio bracelets or necklaces.
⭑He'd even gift Sanrio cut flowers with a letter (the dedication of this man goes crazy).
⭑So when he finds out you like Sanrio, he immediately shows you his pile of plushies, posters, cards, stickers, etc.. you name it.
⭑Every day, you gotta expect a gift from him.
⭑And it doesn't help that he gets more creative--day by day. For example, he'd first give you small gifts then start getting bolder and bolder.
⭑He’d also make you a sanrio-themed food/dessert/drink.
⭑Whenever you guys would go to a new island, he'd add a "gift for Y/n" to the list.
⭑And when you all would set sail, the cycle returns.
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⭑Ussopp is also one of the people who knows a lot about Sanrio.
⭑He was just skimming the newspaper and saw Sanrio, now he looks forward to the stories and maybe even gets some inspiration for his stories.
⭑When you told him that you love Sanrio, he told you about his stories and that he met the creator of Sanrio. Even meeting KeroKeroppi.
⭑But fr though, he probably made a weapon inspired by Sanrio.
⭑Ooh, speaking of weapons. He has an inspired Sanrio attack and name.
⭑Now whenever you guys boarded off, he'd look for gunpowder and get some ideas and critiques from you.
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⭑Chopper has heard of Sanrio from the townsfolk and Dr. Hiriluk.
⭑When you told him you like Sanrio he was happy.
⭑He starts talking about things from the past that link with Sanrio.
⭑When you told him that his animal form is like Deery-Lou, he'd whine and say, "I'm a reindeer, not a deer!"
⭑All jokes aside, he likes getting praised and being told by strangers that he looks like a Sanrio character.
⭑He likes sweets so when he saw a Sanrio-themed lollipop he'd start squealing and run over to buy one.
⭑Now whenever you have to go to a new island, you'll see Chopper with 2-3 Sanrio-themed lollipops.
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⭑Robin would also know what Sanrio is
⭑Looking at other children having those kinds of stuff, I'm sure she must have dreamt of having at least one merch before.
⭑But when she was still Ms. All Sunday, I'm sure she kept track of the storyline in the newspapers.
⭑When you tell her about your love for Sanrio she'll say, "Is that so? I have some fair share about it."
⭑She collects the little kinds of stuff. For example, she has a keychain of kuromi and Aggressive Retsuko (it reminds her of Chopper).
⭑Now whenever you guys get off to a new island, she'll maybe buy you a keychain and match with her (if she has time, especially since she's looking for poneyglyphs).
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⭑Franky has heard of Sanrio before.
⭑Especially from Tom-san.
⭑He honestly likes Sanrio. He even tried to make one before, when he was young.
⭑When you told him 'bout your love for Sanrio, he immediately thought of building you one.
⭑AND HE ACTUALLY DIDD!!! It was a life-size Pochacco statue!
⭑If you didn't like the character or have other commissions, Franky would happily do them!
⭑Now, whenever you guys settle to a new island, you don't have to worry about getting the limited's since Franky could make them.
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⭑Hands down, Brook probably knows the owner☠︎︎
⭑This guy is so old he may even helped with the soundtrack.
⭑All jokes aside tho, I'll say that Sanrio wasn't really known when he was still alive. And considering he has been wandering on his own for 50 years, he had definitely missed much of it.
⭑You'll have to tell him what the latest chapter is and what he missed (He's in the corner, crying cuz he missed so much).
⭑He'd probably play a soundtrack he remembers when he first watched it 50 years ago.
⭑But once you fill him in on the latest news, he'll also be fangirling with you!! (Yoohoo new buddy!!)
⭑Now, whenever you guys would settle on a new island, you both would hang out and discuss the latest episode.
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⭑Jimbei I'd say would know the basics
⭑I mean, he has been a fighter so I'd say he hasn't gotten some time for relaxation.
⭑he reminds me of Hangyodon sm :(((
⭑I mean, he's a nice guy who likes the best for others.
⭑When you told him about your love for Sanrio, he'd be like, "Oh I know some of that." but he'd prefer to listen to you.
⭑When you tell him about his similarities to Hangyodon, he'll probably try to learn more about him.
⭑Hangyodon would probably be one of his favorites. Especially since he's the first one he knows a lot about.
⭑Now whenever you guys would leave for the next island, you'd give him some small stickers and ties.
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A/n: Okokokokok so ofc I don't know MUCH about Jimbei yet. And I just got into the backstory of the sun pirates. I'm at like 536. But anyway, I finally finished this fic after 23 hours. Ofc I was bored again so I wrote. My next fic would be the Gaming one unless someone sent a request. ALSO MAYBE OOC
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tohisprettyc00l · 9 months
How do you think Hunter would react to his s/o being called ‘stupid’ or ‘annoying’ in public? :)
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A/n: I'm assuming you wanted a one-shot? I'm so sorry if not!
You were showing Hunter the human realm wonder of a mall. You were surprised that despite him being in the human realm for months before you even met each other he hadn't gone to a mall. However, it is understandable considering he was more focused on making a portal back home.
"Y/n this place is huge! How are we supposed to find anything?" Hunter said, half-joking. "They have very... Unhelpful maps. I usually just wander around until I find the place I was looking for." Hunter didn't respond but you could tell that he was displeased with the unorganized nature of the mall. 
A store caught your eye. "Ooh, a Hot Topic!" "What's that?" "A store, it used to have a reputation for being cringy and emo, I can't dispute the cringe claims but it's more fandom-based now. There is a scary amount of Monster Slayer Academia and Sanrio merch." Hunter had no clue what you were saying but he seemed intrigued nonetheless.
"Can we go in?" "I thought we were going to eat? Not to disrespect your orders! I just want clarification." You frowned. "Hunter, hun, it's fine. I forgot where it was and just wanted to stop by on the way. We don't even have to go in." "No, I'm sorry we can't go in, I was just worried," Hunter said. The concerned look didn't leave your face.
You and your boyfriend walked into the Hot Topic. "Y/n, look, look!" Hunter suddenly said and pointed at something. Your eyes followed his finger. It landed on a Cosmic Frointer. "Oh, yeah this place has all types of fandom merch." "Can I get it?" "Of course." You said.
There was a lot more Cosmic Frontier than you thought there would be. And you had some money to burn, and nothing really caught your eye. Thankfully most of it was pretty dang cheap. "How much is this?" Hunter asked. "A little over 100 dollars." Hunter's mouth fell open. "Oh gosh- we- I can put some stuff back!" "No, it's fine. I'm not getting anything. We still have money left to eat. You know our date." You winked. Suddenly you heard people talking behind you. "Why are they being so lovey-dovey in public? Honestly, they're just annoying-" "What did you say about them?" Hunter asked, his time was light, but still had an overall threatening aura to it. 
"That you and you're partner are annoying." One of them said, clearly not having any self-preservation. While you had to stop yourself from yelling at them for calling Hunter annoying, you were more focused on stopping a fistfight from happening in Hot-Topic. "Hey, Hunter, we don't want to damage any of this merch right?" You sputtered out. Hunter's face didn't change from a scowl, and you were certain your pleas fell on deaf ears. "You're lucky they don't want me to fight you." Hunter shifted all the merch to one arm and put to finger to his eyes then pointed at them.
You also shifted the merch to your other arm. You grabbed his free arm and dragged him to the counter. While you were leaving Hunter was still visibly pissed. "You okay Hun?" "I'm just mad about what they said about you." "I'm mad about what they said about you too. How about we rant over a milkshake." Hunter paused then nodded. "That sounds nice to get away from those annoying people... I should have said they were the annoying ones! Dangit!"
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starrbitez · 21 days
Rick and Morty Merch Hunt!!
Hey !!! I went to 8 different stores today on the hunt for rick and Morty merch, so here i will show u what i found and some little silly things that happened while i was out :)
target: absolutely nothing. Shocked tbh
Five below: nothing, but i did get some hello kitty rubber ducks for my Sanrio collection!
MALL #1:
My first stop was Newbury Comics, where they had 4 aisles of funkos but only these two rick ones :( they did have a punch of pins and I bought 2 !! Yay :3
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My next stop was this random store I dont remember the name of that had lots of anime and sanrio stuff . They did have ONE rick and Morty lanyard, that i did not buy bc i have so many lanyards.
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Next I went to Spencers, and hit the jackpot! There were a bunch of shot glasses, some blankets, hats, and wallets. I almost bought a wallet but they were all around 25 dollars and I was looking for figurine type stuff.
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^^ the guy at this Spencer’s hit on me it was quite awkward
I also went to box lunch at this mall, but that was a fail so. Onto the next one.
MALL #2:
My first stop here was a SECOND Newbury Comics, where I actually bought something.!! Yay!! There was a book sale and comics were on clearance, so I was able to secure volumes 2 and 7 of the rick and Morty comics for only 9.50 !! ( this Newbury comics also had the exact same pop figures and nothing else smh ) they had two figurines at $14.99 each, so i didnt buy them.
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Finally, my last stop was a second Spencers, where there was way less. They did have slight variety in their shot glass designs tho, and i considered buying one for like. A second
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That’s ALL!!!
I got mildly lost and the whole adventure took me like 5 hours but i got this haul
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jujumin-translates · 1 year
Event | Sanrio characters x A3! | Chapter 1
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Sakuya: Haa, that was so interesting…!
Sakuya: Thank you so much for getting tickets to the show today, Tsumugi-san!
Tsumugi: I had been wanting to see that performance, so I was more than happy to go see it with you, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: Me too. The actors and the play were all so cool too.
Sakuya: It was a wonderful play that made so many people happy, so I was able to learn a lot from… Huh?
Tsumugi: What is it?
Sakuya: There’s some people over there taking pictures, but what’s it for… A bromide maybe?
Tsumugi: Seems like it. Are they taking bromide photos with the theater as a background? Maybe a commemorative shoot?
Tsumugi: But that bromide looks like it has some kind of decoration on it.
Sakuya: I wonder if… That bromide is going to be kept in some kind of decorated case?
Sakuya: Now that I look at it, it seems like the others also have nameplates or card holders on their bags too.
Tsumugi: Oh. I know the little guy on that case. I think that’s… Cinnamon-kun.
Sakuya: And I think there’s Kitty-chan on that one…! Are they all cases and holders and such of Sanrio characters?
Sakuya: They’re so cute! I never knew there was stuff like that.
Tsumugi: What’s the word for this kind of thing? Umm… Stanning like it’s your job?
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Sakuya: Stanning like it’s your job?
Tsumugi: Yeah, I think Itaru-kun called it something like that.
Sakuya: So that’s what it is. Everyone doing that looks like they’re having fun!
Tsumugi: Fufu, they do.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Taichi: Pochacco, Pochacco, Pochacco…!
Kazunari: And will Taicchan’s manifesting win in the end…!?
Sakuya: We’re home!
Tsumugi: We’re back.
Kazunari: Ah, welcome backsies, you two~.
Sakuya: ? Taichi-kun, You look like you’re trying to make something happen… What’s up?
Kazunari: Actually, we were out together during the day and we found these wafers that you can get Sanrio character cards from.
Kazunari: So we bought some to try out. And we’re making a little opening video to go with!
Kazunari: Like here, I got a card with Kiki and Lala ☆ Isn’t it like so adorbs?
Tsumugi: It is quite cute. It’s only a bonus, but it’s still pretty nice.
Kazunari: Taicchan loves Pochacco. Which is why he’s over there manifesting so hard.
Taichi: Come home, Pochacco! C’mon!
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Taichi: T-This is…
Kazunari: And it’s Kitty-chan!
Taichi: It’s no Pochacco! But Kitty-chan is still hella cute! Lookie, lookie!
Sakuya: Ahaha, she really is super cute.
Taichi: Mii-chan loves Kitty-chan, so I’m gonna give this card to her.
Kazunari: She’ll love it! Kitty-chan is an expert at making everyone smile ☆
Sakuya: That reminds me of when we were just out seeing a play, we saw a whole bunch of people with merch of Kitty-chan and her friends.
Tsumugi: Yeah. Everyone had different goods of their own favorite characters.
Kazunari: People have been seeing them a lot lately! Here, just look at all this stuff on Inste about it.
Sakuya: That’s amazing… There’s so many different kinds.
Taichi: I’ve seen some people even take some of our bromides and other stuff and put them in cases with Kitty-chan and her friends to take pictures of!
Kazunari: I’ve seen a lot of them with Pochacco holders~.
Tsumugi: Ah, this case on Inste is the same one that people were taking pictures of at the theater before.
Taichi: Man, seeing all these cards and merch and stuff is making me wanna meet Kitty-chan again~.
Sakuya: Eh? Meeting Kitty-chan?
Taichi: Yeah, meeting her at Puroland!
Kazunari: That’s a throwback~! I remember going to Puroland with my lil’ sis~.
Tsumugi: I had a student who I tutored that loved Cinnamon-kun, so they used to tell me all about Puroland.
Tsumugi: That kid always had the biggest smile on their face when they talked about Cinnamon-kun.
Kazunari: I get that! All the Sanrio characters are so adorable! How could you not smile while thinking about them~.
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Sakuya: Umm… What kinda place is Puroland?
Kazunari: There’s a whole buncha stuff at Puroland, you can meet the characters, see shows, watch parades, and all sorts of other good stuff!
Sakuya: Characters, shows, parades… That’s amazing and sounds like a lotta fun!
Taichi: And it’s super pretty when they get all the lights on! It’s super shiny and glowy!
Tsumugi: Shiny and glowy…!
Kazunari: And the entertainer’s costumes there are so extravagant~! You can’t look away from them!
Taichi: Uue~u, I know! They’re so interesting!
Sakuya: That sounds incredible…! I’d love to go to Puroland…
[ Next Part ⇢ ]
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celestie0 · 2 months
Kickoff gojo is the type of person when you mention anything you like he suddenly likes it too you say you like a character from Sanrio like cinnamon roll you bet he’s gonna come back the next day to school w a cinnamon roll headband,shirt,keychain and socks oh you like a specific artist guess what satoru likes them too and suddenly knows all their songs 😂😂 you like a specific series guess what gojo suddenly watched all 8 seasons in a week so now you can talk about it! It probably becomes so bad to the point his teammates keep teasing him about it and calls him a simp for you 😭😭☠️ and he’d be like “and? What about it ?” 😒🙄🙄
omg 😭 the thing ab the sanrio character. i am so obsessed w pompompurin i s2g if i told a man that i liked pompompurin n he showed up with shirt n keychain n just a bunch of merch for me as a gift i would give him the nastiest sloppy toppy known to mankind. like his dick is gonna be like it got buffed out at a car wash, that’s the level of spin cycle spit i’d put on that thing. IM NOT A GIFTGIVING LOVE LANGUAGE GIRLIE BUT THE CUTE LIL ANIMAL MASCOTS AS GIFTS IS GONNA DO IT FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
also i know you said cinammon roll as in cinammorroll but im just thinking ab how funnt it wld be if reader really wanted him to pick up cinammorroll plushie or something on his way to her place cuz they had a limited edition selling or something n he’s like ??? okay. and then he drops by cinnabon and gets her an actual cinnamon roll🧍🏻‍♀️n the lim edition plushie is sold out
but yes there’s a scene kinda similar to what you have here that i have planned 😭😭 he’s def tryna impress her for sure
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bluecoolr · 1 year
My OCs as Influencers
inspired by @solmints-messyocdiary
The Todd Siblings
mainly YouTube
has Insta, reddit, and tumblr but uses those mostly to lurk
content is mostly helmet cam footage of him driving through Devil's Peak and the surrounding highways
trail cam footage of the wild hogs, many of it grainy, black and white, and mildly unsettling
educational stuff about the hogs, shows off Jeb like a subway sandwich for views
"close encounters" videos with "supernatural beings" in the woods
DIY home repair and gardening tutorials
unintentional thirst traps, especially when he films himself changing clothes at a rest stop
Instagram and tiktok
content is Southern Belle/cottagecore realness
posts the most beautiful pictures you've ever seen
selfies are always stunning
seamstress by trade and probably has an etsy shop
models all the clothes she makes
GRWM videos with the most soothing voice-over
gets loads of hate but is genuinely super nice
YouTube vlogger
cinematic vids showcasing farm life
day in a life vids
informational vids about the crops, etc.
gained lots of attention because he's cute and looks hot in overalls
not above making thirst traps, unlike Darrell, he claims they were unintentional.
tiktok, insta and YouTube
dark academia content
posts playlists, book and fashion recs, and study with me/study tips
sometimes posts his poetry with accompanying music and visuals
very highbrow stuff
videos about thrifting, plushie hauls, and art
sketchbook tours
draws strangers and random farm animals
reviews art supplies
does art giveaways
just does her thing and has one of the most wholesome comment sections
super easy to befriend
Youtube for her covers and original songs
a private insta for keeping in touch
not really an influencer, just someone who wants an outlet for her talent
Rex Hoskins
this old man? social media? Pfft
"influence? Influece what?"
too busy rounding up cattle
mostly shows off outfits and gives styling tips
style is gurokawa ("creepy cute") and/or pastel goth
positive pov videos (like "if you're sad watch this")
probably collects monster high dolls and sanrio merch
Cheryl Catacutan
Cheryl Fear on YouTube
video essayist and aspiring filmmaker
focuses on horror, film analysis, real-life and internet mysteries, and urban legends
has an ongoing found footage horror series shot in first person
actually really good at acting and sound design
collaborates with "Clancy" for her soundtracks
has other socials that are completely empty except for when she uses them to promote her projects
goes on pinterest a lot for inspo
"Clancy"/"Pay Phone"
manages his band's youtube channel aside from being the lead singer
also has a bandcamp
heavy metal/doom metal
some of his band's music videos are directed by Cheryl
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lidatan · 7 months
I've got into Aruani recently, and they're sooooooooo gooood, the best ship, and I was curious, do you have anything AruAni merch related? Like zine, keychains, stickers, postcards? If no, from what artist would you like to have some? (if you see this question on others blog, it's just me asking my favourite bloggers)
Thank you for asked, anon, welcome fellow Aruani fan~ I'm so glad, and yes, they're the best ship ever 🥹🧡💛🫶
I have some recommendations.
1. Wanderlust : this project is a non profit travel zine sorrounding Armin and Annie's bond as they travel the world together, unfortunately it's already in production, but you can still buy the digital version.
Here's the link :
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2. Sir, It's Time : this is an anthology focuses on ambassador Aruani. This project is a kind of collaboration between Japanese and overseas artists and writers, so it's available in 2 languages, Japanese and English.
The pre-order period Nov 15th-21st, you can check it here:
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Book details:
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Sample and link to order (please look the description)
3. I once bought Aruani fanmerch from this artist, and it was looks sooo good, she opened some leftovers aot fanmerch, I hope the Aruani one not sold out yet
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4. Official merch :
- This one is a cute merch Armin hugging a pillow and there are Annie and female titan dolls on it, there are several variation merchs: keychain, pin button and standee, you can check it here:
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- Cute merch Armin and Annie blushing in the confession scene :
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- This is the best official Aruani merch, this one is a t-shirt, the front view illustration shows the scene where Armin conveys his feelings to Annie, you can check the details here:
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- If you already have nendoroid Armin, please meet him with nendoroid Annie, so he won't be lonely and they cannot be separated:
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- This is Sanrio merch in collaboration with aot, these are really cute and they have lots of variation merchs :
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The deadline for pre order official merch maybe that some have already over and sold out, as an alternative way you can search on sites like https://jp.mercari.com/, Rakuten.co.jp, Toranoana, Amazon jp.
Hope you don't mind if I added list merch other than the category merch you asked, and for official merch, yeah they rarely make couple merch, they always make merch per character 🥲
There maybe some merch that I missed, feel free to add some if you know artist or official collaboration related to Aruani merch.
Hope that helps you, anon!
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zanyana626 · 6 months
Almost forgot to show the goods I got from Fan Expo SF yesterday!
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Natalie was so sweet, we had a fun little conversation about our fan merch collection, apparently she has a wall grid with a bunch of fanmade keychains & I told her about my current pin binder project. I also wished her luck bc I'm excited to see her take on Star and Stripe for the next season of MHA.
As for Monica, she adored the Tsu fan print I got from one of the vendors and even did a li'l "ribbit" when she signed it and also complimented my Sanrio x MHA collab shirt!
My brother and I got a kick out of Richard Horvitz when he signed our Invader Zim stuff while doing the chaotic irken's voice. He also let us know that the Helluva Boss cast is gonna do a big meetup for the upcoming Sacanime con, so we're hoping we can make it to that one too (Should I go, I'm considering doing an Octavia cosplay, if I have time to get the materials necessary).
Not sure if I should post it here cuz of face reveal, but I got two recordings: one of Maurice in character as The Brain asking me to help assist him in world domination, and the other of Rob in character as Yakko & Pinky making me and brother laugh. They both also gave us great advice on voice acting and it was truly a delight to meet them as I previously felt like my chances of meeting them was gonna be a "once in a blue moon" type of thing.
All & all, it was a pretty fun con (even tho my legs are killing me from walking around all day yesterday)!
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csamhp · 1 month
Pelipper Mail - Birthday Gifts for Polaris!!!!
A rather large package arrives. opening it reveals a bunch of gifts.
[The first is a rather large cake in a brown box. It. Looks cursed to say the very least.
The icing is menacingly red and clumpy and written on the top in blue is "Happy birth" with the rest of the word smudged off in travel. On top of the cake are the number candles 36. Pink sprinkles have been put atop it to make it look less menacing. Upon slicing and eating the cake you would find it actually was perfectly cooked and mixed, the decoration had just gone awry.
The first proper present is a landyard with a bunch of hisuian pokemon on it, and some keychains and badges already attached to it.
The second is a thick set of pink gloves with purple accents, and a matching pink gas mask, custom made to fit polaris.
The third is a bunch of Pochacco from Sanrio merch. Including a bracelet, a fluffy hat, and a plushie, along with a bunch of trinkets from a familiar arcade.
The fourth is some books, a book of poems, written in ancient Sinnohian, a childrens book about two cyndaquil going on adventures and a book on enamourus.
The fifth is a bunch of johtoian candy and parischu themed beanie with big blue spikes.
And last, is a bunch of letters]
"Happy birthday!!!
We thought we would all send our stuff together to save on shipping, but I think you can guess who sent what!
Sorry the cakes a disaster, we were going for good but ended up with memeably bad. We couldn't find a 27 candle, so congratulations, you're 36 now! I'll let everyone write their peices now (making them change colours to seperate whose who)
I notice you're always loosing your things, I hope the landyard helped. Sprite helped me decorate it. Please take care of yourself. -Beedrill
Helloo proffesorr!!!! Hope you like the glvoes!! I know you're immune to poison but i think they could still be helpful handling the quilfish at the santurary (they ouch) also im purple because Tari "bagsed" blue smh
-Casey (^._.^)
Happy birthday Proffesor Polaris!! I really like sanrio- idk if you do, but you've always reminded me of Pochacco and, everyone else has matching bracelets for the character I've assigned them so I thought it would be cute idk
Much love Tari xoxo
I thought of you when at a bookstore. I also have something else to show you when you're home. I love you Polaris.
Finally !! Happy birthday from your son, who loves you very much. I've been looking at games to play when you get back home, 'n a couple have caught my fancy. 'm sorry. for messing things up. But. 'm. I hope I can be better for you.
You're amazing bubs.
-Sprite Crimson Chroma :>"
i dont...know what to say. i had completely forgotten today was my birthday, but you all remembered. i feel very loved. thank you so much. i'm going to write a separate bit for all of you.
first of all, the cake made me laugh. congrats i am now a decade older. oh my. it tasted wonderful, despite its appearance.
Beedrill: The lanyard is lovely and very cute. I've put my keys on them, and as such will never lose them again. It's a very thoughtful gift. The keychains and pins are very sweet as well.
Casey: The gloves are very nice. I was thinking about buying a pair for myself and you beat me to it, so thank you very much. The pink gas mask is also very cool, and I'm sure it'll do me well when we inevitably introduce the stunky line to the sanctuary haha.
Tari: I remember your sanrio critters. You made Delta Kuromi i think. Pochacco is a very cute little character. I think you picked well for me. I'm wearing the bracelet on my lanyard, as I fear it would snap on my working hands. The plushie and the hat are very very soft and nice. And the arcade trinkets are wonderful, they will go straight on the shelf once im home
Delta: I've never seen nor heard of this book of poems. It's incredible Delta. And the cyndaquil book- I had a very similar one growing up. It's gone now of course but- You act like you aren't good at giving gifts but you are very adept. And the Enamorus book is also wonderful. They will give me wonderful things to read on the plane home. And of course a secret other thing. I shouldn't be surprised haha.
Sprite: Hello, my wonderful, loving son. I miss you so much. The beanie is very cute. There is a pachirisu litter who came into the sanctuary. They are named after stars. One of them is very sweet and a bit too comfortable with people. Will you laugh at me if I come home with her? She comes to my window and she makes me smile. I hope I can play video games with you soon.
And for all of you: I love you all so much, and I miss you dearly. I'm trying to come home as soon as I can, but I barely have the energy to get out of bed, let along push my wheelchair without- him. (Beedrill: I promise Bird is being well taken care of. She still sleeps by me and I read her bedtime stories.) I promise I will come home as soon as I am feeling better. I promise. I love you all so so very much.
Oh. and Skie wanted to attach this video for you.
[A video is attached.]
[Watch it?]
[Skie and Bird are walking in front of the camera, Skie seems excited while Bird seems a bit nervous. Skie is holding....what could be considered a cake, with the candles "36" lit up. Bird gently pushes open a door to what must be Polaris' room. The lights are off, and Skie quickly turns the light switch on.
Polaris grumbles from their bed, and Skie snorts, gently ushering Bird over to go properly wake up Polaris. Bird trots over to the bed, gently and shyly nudging at Polaris to get up. They sit up, rubbing their eyes and murmuring something unintelligible to Bird, who gives them a shy smile, and points to Skie.
(Polaris doesn't look well. Their hair is messy and tangled, and there are obvious tear streaks on their face.)
Skie counts to three, and xe and Bird break out in what seems to be a rendition of Happy Birthday in Ancient Sinnohian. Polaris' eyes go wide as they realize what's happening, and a small smile crosses their face. As the song ends, Skie brings the cake over to Polaris' lap, and Polaris lets Bird blow out the candles for them. Skie turns and gives a big grin and thumbs up to the camera.
The video ends.]
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abhainnwhump · 14 days
Will this be a part four? Who knows!
"When Killer took me to the mall, we found a cute lil shop that sells Sanrio merch, there was a bin of adorable stuffed animals but *this* was *by far* my favorite!"
Ink giggled while she proudly showed off her Kuromi plush.
"Can I keep my room the way I like it? *I* was planning on adding some moon lights on the walls and some pink rose petals on the ground!"
She gives a hopeful look that Nightmare was unable to resist.
-Gothic Ribbon Anon.
This is turning into it's own mini timeline at this point. IMYM where most things are the same except Nightmare makes Ink/Ribbon goth.
First Part || Second Part || Third Part
Nightmare waited near the fireplace, reading his newest mystery novel. Killer took Ribbon out shopping in Crystaltale. Unlike their usual supply runs, this one was only for fun. Killer wanted a new jacket, Ribbon wanted to go along for fun. She's been so well-behaved that Nightmare thought it would be okay. He gave them the malice to teleport and they left.
Nightmare sensed two auras enter the room, both excited. Killer came in first. He wore a new black jean jacket, torn up at the sleeves. It was the same color as his empty eye sockets. He grinned at Nightmare. "Hey, boss! We're back! Ribbon had a great time and I swear we didn't get into any trouble. We got a plushie for him."
"Good, good." Nightmare flipped the page of his book. "Bring him to me."
Killer made a hand gesture and pointed at Nightmare. Then he left to to to his room. Ribbon entered his sight and they made eye contact. The doll started wearing darker dresses instead of the pastel colors. Ribbon carried a strange plush toy in her arms Nightmare couldn't identify.
"Nighty! Killer and I found a Sanrio shop at the mall and there was this bin of plushies. There were a lot of them, but I chose my favorite! Her name is Kuromi!" Ribbon held out the stuffed animal with a smile.
Nightmare took the plushie in his tendrils and looked it over. He couldn't tell what type of creature it was, perhaps a bunny or a kitty, but it wore a devil hood and tail. "It's . . . charming."
"I know! Its going to be perfect in my room!" Ribbon paused for a moment and looked away. "Night, I know you weren't really happy about me changing up my room but . . . can I keep it that way? Please? I have some more ideas for it! I can put some moon lights in the room and still add pink things! I just like it darker, I match with you so much better!"
Nightmare sighed, tight with frustration. "We've talked about this, my little doll. That's not who I want you to be."
"Please?" Ribbon gave Nightmare her best puppy-dog eyes with a little whimper, also like a small puppy. Nightmare narrowed his eye, but he couldn't resist Ribbon's hopeful stare. He hated to admit it, but she was adorable. That meant her training was working well.
"Fine, you've convinced me. However, I will design your room and all design choices must go through me first." Nightmare took Ribbons hand and pulled her close. He adjusted the black frilly headband on her head. He stood up, staring at the small plush again. "Come on, let's go fix it."
Nightmare stood up and walked with Ribbon down to her room. The walls were still black, but now a proper coating instead of frantic strokes. The pinks were exchanged for soft muted lilacs. Nightmare changed none of the main pieces of furniture, only the decorations. Pink bows were exchanged for black and lilac, but it remained just as adorable. Ribbon wanted to learn how to dye the plushies she stole from other AUs to make them fit. Nightmare wondered what it would be like if Dream saw her now. He would call Nightmare a horrible influence and try and coax Ink out. Good luck with that.
He still wanted Ribbon to appear innocent, so he required her to repaint the baby animal art on the walls. Ribbon painted two silver fox cubs cuddled by a larger fox. Then she covered the rest of the wall with stars and moons. It reminded the Lord of Negativity of the real galaxy, almost.
Once it was all done, Nightmare set his hand on Ribbon's shoulder and stepped back to reveal the darker bedroom. "Well, does this make you happier?"
Ribbon nodded. "It does! It's a lot better! Wait." Ribbon walked over to his shelf and took off Kuromi. She lay the plush under her blankets instead, giving it one last kiss. "There. Now it's perfect."
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nuri148 · 4 months
My trip to Japan! ⛩️ Part 5 (last)
The winter solstice made an entrance with a very cold day. Getting out of Osaka station was fortunately much easier than it seemed on Google Maps, and we found our hotel easily. We left our luggage and went straight to the castle. The current one is the third iteration, rebuilt in 1970 after being destroyed twice in the 17th century, when it was first built. Therefore, at 53 years old, this version is actually the longest-standing one. Inside, it's a museum, not a castle, but it was interesting, unexpensive, and the views from the top are fantastic. What impressed me the most, however, was the double moat, huge and full of water. There were even boat rides around it (we didn't ride, but they were there).
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We then went to the Namba district, where I had marked a restaurant that had an Attack on Titan collaboration, but it was over. We had lunch in a US-style burger restaurant. In fact, next to Namba there’s this area called Amerika-mura, with many shops of American items or aesthetics. Lots of hip-hop style clothing. It's worth mentioning that the commercial density of Osaka is similar to Tokyo; every building is a shopping center, and there are several covered pedestrian streets as well. Walking around,  we reached Dotonbori, Osaka's entertainment district around the canal of the same name, and went on to a street with several manga and anime shops. I had already browsed some in the previous cities and everywhere, here too, there was little to nothing on AoT. Only a handful of 2nd hand, 2nd rate keychains/badges featuring none of my blorbos (sorry Jean, I love you, but not as much as to buy merch with your horseface on it). Still, I managed to find a tiny string bag from the Sanrio collabo and a couple gachas.
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For those who don’t know, gachapon are coin-operated machines that dispense a plastic capsule with a surprise inside. Like a Kinder egg, minus the egg. Each gachapon has a picture showing the trinkets you can get in that machine: small character figurines from a given franchise, or a collection of figurines following a certain theme, or a certain character in various positions; keychains, stickers, totebags... anything and everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. Japanese Rule 34: If it exists, there's a gachapon of it. The variety of themes and objects you can get from a gachapon is as overwhelming as the commercial streets of the country. Every tourist attraction has some related gachapon. In castles, there are gachas of samurai figures, tiny swords, or pins with emblems of Japan's feudal houses; near zoos, there are ones with animals. In commercial areas, there are entire gacha shops, some with several floors. Some of these shops include a container for recycling the empty plastic capsules, and all of them have a change machine, since gachapon only accept ¥100 coins. The price for gachas usually range from ¥200 to ¥500, with a majority at ¥300-¥400, although there are some "premium" ones up to ¥1000. All good, but I'm not willing to pay so much for a surprise.
⬆️ English subs available!
In this regard, gachas are not alone: buying surprises seems to be something very deeply ingrained and popular in Japan. Many brands sell surprise products. You buy a little box, an acrylic figure, a little doll, but you don't know which model out of the available ones you'll get. In several shops there are products that aren’t for sale; they're tombola prizes. You buy a number at the counter, you get one of those items. While, as Husband observed, we’re not privvy to the exchange rings generated by this business model, not so conceptually different from the stickers we collected as kids or Kinder Eggs themselves, the profusion of surprises really took me by surprise (no pun intended), both for its ubiquity and for the prices, which can exceed ¥1000, and you don't even get a chocolate egg to console yourself if, as it happened to me twice, you get stupid Eren.
For dinner, we did manage to go to an okonomiyaki place that had an AoT collaboration. Usually, collabo places aren’t particularly good places, food-wise. They offer a menu of dishes "inspired" by whatever franchise they’re featuring, and if you spend more than a certain amount, they give you a souvenir like a card or sticker, a surprise, of course. You also have the chance to buy exclusive merchandise made specially for that collaboration. Again, many of these items are surprises. In short, the food was decent, I got my photo with Levi’s cut-out, and got a little card of him, too.
After breakfast, we took the Shinkansen to Himeji. The city's 17th-century castle, which has remained intact until today, is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Himeji Castle was defensive; it's not a palace, although it may look like one from the outside. Still, it's fabulous to see what a castle was like during that time in Japan (the defensive systems are very similar to European ones. As someone who hates the cold, I was pleasantly surprised by the arrow slits with replaceable covers). It's also mindblowing that this megastructure, mainly made of wood and adobe, is still standing after three centuries.
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A few years ago, for maintenance, they dismantled it... and reassembled it entirely… with the same 300 y.o. pieces. The two main columns are two logs almost a meter in diameter and 25 metres long, going from the basement to the 5th floor. The views from the top are beautiful. The visit included a stroll through the neighbouring Japanese gardens. Here, there's a very cute restaurant with views over one of the many ponds in the gardens, which, oh joy, had very reasonable prices, so being already noon, we had lunch there. We returned to Osaka, and after coffee we decided to go our separate ways so each could shop to their heart’s content until dinner. I checked a few merch shops for AoT stuff, no luck.
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⬆️ This comic book shop had a lot of dedicated doodles. I looked all over twice and Yams wasn't there, but I did find some other familiar faces.
We’d planned to meet in Shinsekai, but Husband got there first and said it was pretty dead, so we met in Namba and went to Dotonbori for dinner. We had takoyaki and kushikatsu, a local specialty consisting of breaded and fried skewers. I also ordered a beef cartilage stew, it was delicious and, funnily, it sort of tasted like fricandó, one of my favourite typical Catalan dishes back home.
We woke up early to catch the Shinkansen back to Tokyo. We left our luggage at the hotel (the same one as on arrival), and here I had a great disappointment because we planned to have a mid-morning snack at a nearby place, Hekkelun, which has been selling flan since the sixties. I don't know if I saw the schedule wrong on Google or if they changed it in the ten days we were touring the rest of Japan, but it was closed on the weekend. It made me very angry because I was really looking forward to it and, had I known, we would obviously have gone in the first Tokyo cour. I needed to cheer myself up, so after a tea in front of Shinbashi station, we passed by the NTV building, where there’s a beautiful clock designed by Hayao Miyazaki.
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We arrived just in time to see the movement at 12, which was, of course, super cute. We then went to the Hama-Rikyu park. It used to be the shogun's gardens and includes things like ancient tea rooms; a seawater pond, as it’s next to the bay; and duck-hunting ponds, an activity which seems to have been very popular back in the day. Using real trained ducks as bait, they led the birds to narrow corners of the pond with camouflaged huts on both sides from where they hunted them. We returned to Shinbashi for lunch and stumbled upon an inconspicuous sushi place in the basement of the station, where we ate amazing susi for almost half of what takeaway costs here. We decided to go our separate ways like in Osaka, to cover more ground. I checkedd a couple of cute stationery shops I’d bookmarked and went all the way to Shibuya to check the Attack on Titan pop-up shop (it opened on the 22nd, so it wasn't there in the first part).
⬆️(Sorry for the awful audio, I was trying to be discrete)
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Finally! I got decent merchandise (plus surprise cards for spending a lot my purchase).
There was supposed to be a collabo café nearby, but I had enough “surprises” and Shibuya was horribly crowded. I would’ve expected that a weekday at 6pm, not a Saturday at 4. I met Husband in Akihabara, where we looked at some merch stores (found nothing), had something at a cat cafe (pretty shitty, but the cats were cute), and had dinner at a nearby place.
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⬆️ All my Levi stuff was in that blue bag, kitty knew what he was doing!
We both woke up ridiculously early, so we had breakfast at McDonald's (the only thing open at 6 am where you could sit) and went to Meiji Jingu. It's a Shinto shrine in Harajuku where Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shoken, are enshrined as deities. Emperor Meiji opened Japan to the world in the mid-19th century, ending two and a half centuries of isolation during the Edo era. It’s beautiful, well-maintained and free. There is a small fee for the gardens, that we also visited. These were the emperor's gardens; there's a closed tea house from where the empress would gaze at the lake, with a small pier for fishing. There's also a lily field (barren since it was the middle of winter ofc) with a gazebo to contemplate the blossoming. This field was planted in what was once a rice paddy, where the children of noblefolk were made to work in ancient times to understand the labour than went into rice cultivation and appreciate the food they had.
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From there, we went to the ukiyo-e museum a couple of blocks away. It was small but very interesting, with lots of insight into this technique, the one from Hokusai’s famous "The Great Wave off Kanagawa". We ate at a nearby place, Kyushu Jangara: the ramen was excellent, with its tonkotsu broth, soft-boiled egg, and the comforting feeling that a proper bowl of soup brings on a cold winter noon. We took a stroll through Harajuku; it was so full it was a challenge to walk through the pedestrian street. We then walked down the main avenue, full of fancy brands, to Omotesando Station, where we took the metro to Tokyo Station. Here is Character Street, a gallery of character shops. I’d heard it was expensive, it wasn’t so good, yada yada yada… well, here I did get more AoT stuff, including Sanrio items.
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⬆️ There was probably more Aot stuff here than in all of the other shops I checked.
I stopped by the hotel to drop off the purchases, and we met at the KFC in Shinbashi to buy our "Japanese Christmas Eve dinner." The tradition, born from a 1970s advertisement, is to have KFC for dinner on this day. Despite what the decorations might suggest, Christmas is not celebrated here. They’re just into it for the aesthetics.
It was our last night in Japan, but not our last adventure! Around 11pm, right before getting into bed, we got an email saying our flight was canceled. Wham!
Needless to say, we slept like shit, and at six, we were already awake. Husband chatted with Lufthansa, and they rebooked us on a flight two hours earlier than the original one, so we got dressed and rushed to the airport. Every cloud has a silver lining, though, and I was thrilled when we got to ride on the LTS monorail! See you, Japan!
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demonichikikomori · 4 months
Hello! ♡
That's one of the reasons why I enjoy writing too, especially x Reader content! I want people to know that their favorite character loves and cares about them, that they want them to be happy and healthy and do the things they love! No matter how you're feeling, what insecurities you have, they will always love you, unconditionally! ♡
AHHHH that trend sounds so cute! (especially since I do have trouble opening jars and such sometimes cause I'm weak lol) And awww Kuko peeling the orange for us! What a cute scenario! If Jyushi did ask he probably would hit him with a rolled up magazine or something like you said! I love the idea of Kuko being soft for the Reader (in his own way of course! He's still the same old Kuko!) but more so in the small things/ways he shows it like your example!
When I think of Ichiro and Valentine's Day the first thing I think of is him sitting around a table with his brothers as they brainstorm what he should do/get for you (especially if it's your first Valentine's Day together as a couple) Jiro would bring out the Shojo manga and they'd be looking through different ones to get ideas lol It'd be super cute!
I have A LOT of thoughts when it comes to DH, especially Rosho! Each of them is silly in their own way, and especially when they're together that's when they really becomes fools lol But something I can't get out of my head is Sasara trying to play wingman for Rosho, especially if Rosho is too anxious or worried to say or do anything (Which I can totally see him freezing up when he likes someone, since we already know he has stage fright!) Like I can picture Sasara coming over to me and acting like he usually does and walking back over to Rosho who's just like, "What was that!?" while I'm just confused and don't know what's going on lol
Like I would LOVE to write a Rosho x Reader where the Reader works at the same school he teaches at, where the Reader is either a teacher (who teaches Home Ec) or is the school nurse (or even a lunch lady? Lunch lady could be cute....oh I'm really liking the lunch lady idea!!)
I actually have some merch from the Sanrio collab of Hifumi and corocorokuririn! My friend thought he was Natsuki from Utapri and got it for me lol It's super cute! ♡ My favorite Sanrio character is My Sweet Piano (she's my tumblr icon!) and Hello Kitty is my second fave! I wish we would see more of Piano in collabs, but I was super happy when I saw her with Luka in the Project Sekai Sanrio collab they had!
Thank you! ♡
YOUR FAVE WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER!!!! It’s true, I asked them!! <3 <3 <3
Kuko is actually very ahhhh, like solid to me? Solid as in he won’t really change no matter the person or situation. So in a way he’s difficult to write for, but also very easy. WWKD? (What Would Kuko Do?) And the answer is, probably fist fight or start cussing someone out. And he’s a Leo?! Great heavens.
Ichiro has two of the silliest wingmen he could ask for. Ah yes, please seek aid from the kids. They have wonderful concepts to share. I don’t think they would try to sabotage unless they didn’t like me… Which I would be terrified if they didn’t because I like their brother!!!!! I’m gonna kiss him!!!! Honestly the idea of them getting inspiration from Shojo manga makes me feel kinda special because I like a lot of shojo romance. I have a big manga collection already so I might recognize the scene they picked if I watch closely!~!
Sasara is a great wingman!! He wants Rosho to succeed and he’s being as helpful as he can. “Rosho wants to ask you something! It’s important so go and meet him in his classroom later!” He’s oddly direct and he’d make a few puns. Rosho is Sasara’s best friend and they’re always hanging out and Rosho trying to ask a girl out would be helpful for his stage fright! … Exposure therapy! Rosho sees the cute new female teacher or lunch lady and is so scared of talking to her and messing up he can’t even work up a ‘hello’ or ‘good morning’ the first month of her working… He wants to greet her! At least to be polite! Sasara will help. Rei too… Don’t be scared… You’re one corny pick up line away from getting Rosho’s number!!!!!
YOU DO?!???? AGHHHHH PLEASE SHOW ME!! I wanna see it… I need to… Omg so many people see My Sweet Piano as an obscure Sanrio character too!! I didn’t even notice she was your icon!! And I looked at the little stickers and in a way… Hifumi and Natsuki do look alike a little. Hifumi will never be as tall but the hair style is kinda similar! Your friend had their heart in the right place!! I also like that Doppo has Kirimi-Chan wwwwww it’s lowkey a very strange pairing? Kirimi-Chan is just strange to me in general though I think Doppo should’ve gotten Gudetama!! But that’s just my opinion of course!~!
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gritsandbrits · 9 months
You know, I kept thinking back to Lycoris Recoil and how they handled Mika’s character. But when you said that there’s no sonic h thing as perfection, it made me think back to the anime and how Mika wasn’t treated like trash, he wasn’t a stereotype, he was highly respected by DA, Chisato didn’t resent him for keeping secrets about her heart and despite the limited screentime, he was handled pretty well for a gay black man.
Sure, I may gripe about how his disability was handled in the last episode but I think Mika’s a cool character and what you said how there’s no such thing as perfect diversity reinforces that. So I must thank you for it.
…Now if only the Lycoris Recoil marketing team had the balls to include him in merch a lot more. Not me being salty with the fact how the Sanrio collab exclude him to put that obnoxious robot hacker
I still haven't watched the anime yet but I agree. People (on all sides really) are ready to tear a show apart for slipping up in its diversity while talking over the fans actually part of the affected group. It's like no one wants genuine diversity or anything they just want a punching bag.
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