#or that merasmus is genderfluid (???)
healpimp · 2 years
seeing ppl say tf2 has "no diversity" compared to ovw is so wild. the mercs literally all mentally ill AND they have pyro.
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losergendered · 9 months
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ID: a set of two images. each is of the listed character with a white outline in front of their respective flag. END ID
bigender Spy / pangender Merasmus
For @mogai-headcanons edit event! Day 6: bigender | multigender | pangender | etc.
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mogai-headcanons · 7 months
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Scout from Team Fortress 2 is an autistic queerplatonic nebularomantic nebulasexual mspc straight boydyke transfeminine boy genderpunk bulletsgender autigender lesboyconnec trans man with hyperactive ADHD, bipolar disorder, dyslexia, misophonia, NPD, psychosis, and tics who mainly uses he/him pronouns, but occasionally uses she/her, and he's in a QPR with Pyro and Sniper!
Soldier is an autistic disabled polyamorous T4T aspec pansexual boydyke bear transfeminine boy autigender raccoongender warhistogender genderqueer guy with delusions, hyperactive ADHD, bipolar disorder, misophonia, PTSD, psychosis, schizophrenia, and tics who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, and he's married to Demo and Zhanna and dating Engineer!
Pyro is an autistic GNC thistle femme polyamorous T4T queerplatonic objectum aromantic aegosexual gaybian leather bear genderpunk autigender agendercute unicorngender pyromanienigmatic pyrogender firething girlboything genderqueer bigender thing with delusions, bipolar disorder, DPDR, MaDD, misophonia, OCD, C-PTSD, psychosis, and schizophrenia who uses he/him, she/her, and any neopronouns, and pop is in a QPR with Scout and dating Demoman!
Demoman is an autistic disabled polyamorous T4T queerplatonic omni gay bear genderpunk trans man with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, combined ADHD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, OCD, PTSD, psychosis, and tics who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Soldier and Zhanna and dating Pyro!
Heavy is an autistic disabled objectum demiqueerplatonic demiromantic gay lesther bear cassgender trans man with chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, OCD, PTSD, and psychosis who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Medic and dating Engineer!
Engineer is an autistic disabled polyamorous T4T queerplatonic objectum cupioromantic acespec mspec gay bear autigender techfluid nonbinary man with chronic pain, delusions, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, NPD, and psychosis who uses he/him, it/its, and she/her pronouns, and it's dating Soldier, Heavy, and Medic!
Medic is an autistic GNC polyamorous T4T aroacespec gay leather twink dovegender madsciencegender agender person with delusions, ASPD, bipolar disorder, misophonia, NPD, OCD, psychosis, and tics who uses any pronouns, and xe are married to Heavy and dating Engineer!
Sniper is an autistic queerplatonic objectum aroflux demisexual unlabeled transmasc animalcoric autigender agender person with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, C-PTSD, psychosis, and tics who uses they/them and he/him pronouns and is experimenting with ve/veir, and they're in a QPR with Scout!
Spy is an autistic GNC futch polyamorous arospec apressexual abosexual girlfag monsieurgender gendernoir genderfluid pronounfluid lesboy turigirl with alexithymia, combined ADHD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and psychosis!
Miss Pauling is an autistic thistle femme demiqueeplatonic T4T acespec lesbian girlfag genderpunk trans woman with chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, OCD, and psychosis who uses she/her pronouns!
Zhanna is an autistic disabled butch polyamorous T4T bisexual girlfag cassgender trans woman with alexithymia, bipolar disorder, misophonia, PTSD, psychosis, and tics who uses she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns, and she's married to Soldier and Demoman!
Merasmus is an autistic disabled GNC soft butch aromantic bi lesbian transmasculine girl bigender demiboy lesboy with chronic pain, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and psychosis who mainly uses she/her pronouns, but occasionally uses he/him or any pronouns!
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wolfram-but-art · 1 year
heres some hcs/ lore for my human!Achimedes [long post] [i might edit in the future]
Genereal hcs:
he was created by Medic in a lab. think green goo in a glass tube kind of lab
he also kinda looks like Medic because he used his own DNA to create Archie
Archie is about 3
his body was created to be ~20, but mentally he's about 13
the original Archimedes is still alive too, Medic just took some of his dna
he doesn't talk much, mostly because he doesn't fully know how to, but also he just doesn't feel the need to talk a lot. He can hold up a conversation pretty well if he wants to tho
he liked to listen to people talk, even if he doesn't really understand what they're talking about
he's pretty smart for someone who's had a bird brain for most their life
Archie is also Aroace and has Misophonia
he gets startled easily, and is afraid of loud sounds
for that reason, he often wears noise-cancelling earphones
he often listens to music too, partially because he likes to listen to music, and partially because it's a more fun alternative to noise-cancelling earphones
he actually sometimes pairs two of those up. no noise, just music
he stims a lot!! he gets flappy hands/ jumps around/squeaks when he's happy and rocks/clasps hands when he's uncomfortable
he plays DnD with Miss Pauling and the mercs
Archie also likes wearing dresses, he doesnt really get the concept of gender/ roles, he just wears whatever looks cool
he reffers to pretty much anyone by "Herr" (sir) or "Frau" (miss/mrs). With the exeption of Spy (in my hc hes genderfluid) for how her he uses both Frau and Herr, for Merasmus he'll use Frau, for Pyro he'll use Herr, Frau and nothing (as in he just calls her Pyro)
specific mercs:
his father obviously
you make a single hair fall from Archie's head, you're dead.
he's surprisingly a very loving father
he tries to teach him what ~little~ he knows about medicine/anatomy/healing
he infodumps about his projects to him a lot, Archie likes to listen
he teaches him how to read, write and talk, both in English and German
Archie assists him while he's working a lot; he isn't really bothered by surgeries, so he helps out in those too
Medic has so many of his drawings in his office
they talk a lot, he's mostly the one to answer his constant questions about everything (questions like "why is the sky") (Medic enjoys answering them a lot too)
they just hang out together most of the time, whether that's reading, watching a movie, going out for a walk, cooking, just talking and being around eachother in general
Medic genuinely cares about Archie a lot
Archie loves hanging out with Pyro
they make friendship bracelets for everyone
Archie and her play with plushies all the time
they don't talk much when around each other, but they understand each other perfectly
Archie is also one of the few people (besides Engie and Spy) that actually understand what Pyro is saying
they watch cartoons and horror films together
they draw together a lot too!!
two dubious little creatures getting up to mischief. this is no good.
that being said, they do pranks all the time together
they get sugar rushes together and run around the base
they do karaoke together!! by that i mean they sing California Girls at like 2 in the morning
Archie, him and Pyro get together sometimes and draw for like 6 hours straight, listening to music/ watching a movie/ just talking
he shows Archie all the cool spots, like how to get to rooftops or good hiding spots in the base
Scout teaches Archie swear words "in secret." Medic isn't too happy about it
we stay silly :p
they watch action movies together
Scout used to make fun of him as a joke, Archie usually laughed along, but one day he was having a bad day and Scout pushed it a little too far and made him cry. He almost got killed for that
they do nerf battles together!! they usually get all the other mercs to play aswell, but sometimes it's just the two of them running around
Scout talks so much to him, because Archie doesn't interrupt him.
they've played like every board game in existence together
Sniper takes Archie camping, and they often hang out together in his van
Archie reads books with him very often, Mundy explains words to him and helps him read hard words
they also watch old movies! mostly comedies
for the two of the most quiet people on the team, they surprisingly talk a lot when they're around eachother!
they also play monopoly with pyro, miss Pauling and demo a lot! they all help Archie read the cards
he teaches Archie how to shoot from a bow
Spy is too embarrassed to admit that he cares for Archie
Archie loves getting praised by him for some reason
he gives him headpats a lot
he's very careful not to smoke around him, he know Medic would kill him for it
Archie took his cloak watch that one time, Spy didn't have the heart to take it way from him because he was having fun
Archie was very afraid of him the first few monts, but slowly came around to liking him
they hang out a lot! probably not talking much, mostly reading books in the same room, it's their way of bonding
Heavy takes him on walks a lot
He teaches Archie how to cook too
he tries to be the best dad he can for him
teaches him self defence and how to use guns
he's trying to teach Archie Russian, but knows to take it slow, he knows Medic is trying to teach him two languages already, he knows it'd be too much pressure
you make Archie cry - he will make sure you feel as much pain as physically possible.
him, Archie, Pyro, and Sniper play Monopoly a lot!
they mostly do arts n crafts together (carving shit out of wood, making animals out of wires n stuff)
Demo also helps Heavy teach him how to cook
He's like a third father to Archie
they also hang out all the time
Engi takes him fishing!
he teaches him how to talk, read and write
he infodumps about his projects to Archie
he also teaches him how to code!
he calls Archie "birdie" all the time
he also calls him "kid/kiddo" / "boy" / "honeybee" / "darling"
(not in a romantic way, he just has a nickname for everyone)
Archie hangs out in his workshop a lot! sometimes with Soldier and Demo too, Engi gives them wood to carve stuff out of
Him, Archie and Sniper go camping every week
regrettably Archie doesn't hang out with him as much, because he is very loud
they still hang out tho!
he "teaches" Archie "history"
they play on girl-go-games.com together
Miss. Pauling:
Archie really likes her actually
she stays with him when the mercs are doing contracts and stuff like that
she also teaches him how to read/write/talk but in a proper way
like she gives him homework n makes sure he's making progress
not that the other people aren't doing it, she's just better at it i guess
She includes him in their DnD sessions! she also plays Monopoly with him, Sniper, Demo and Pyro
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Regarding a post you made earlier it made me have a thought. Like I love lgbt headcannons for tf2 I have a few myself. And like for those that don’t headcannon any of them as lgbt that’s totally fine too as long as they don’t go and shit on other people who do see them that way. Like I like the idea of a trans merasmus (genderfluid) because I kin tf out of them and it makes me happy to see myself reflected in her. And if someone were to tell me they headcannoned merasmus as cis he/him I’d be chill as long as they aren’t jerks about it because it’s their headcannon.
tldr: if you disagree with someone’s lgbt headcannon that’s fine just don’t be a jerk
I mean like. yeah? Of course? Not sure where I said anything that could possibly contradict this, this is like. general Fandom(tm) etiquette and really the only way to have a good time. If I had to go after everyone who doesn't headcanon Sniper as a bisexual dogboy that rich milfs keep as a houseplant I'd never have time to do anything else
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xghostiegoo · 2 years
Merasmus is genderfluid because I say so. Goodnight
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fortressclan · 4 years
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Merasmus! Originally he was going to be a chimera but then someone in a server said to shave him so now he's naked.
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discomedusae · 2 years
If Spy TF2 wanted estrogen I'd fucking get mine out for him. Don't worry babe this is Premium Gourmet Hormones. Then we kiss so hard he gets lightheaded and passes out on me and then I have to get him to Medic TF2 and then Spy wakes up and pukes out his estrogen pills (my estrogen btw) and Medic is like #slay and he lifts up his shirt (takes 20 seconds bc he's also wearing his coat) and he shows me his top surgery scars and me and Spy high five with him and then we all go to Starbucks together. Then me and Spy leave together after 2 hours and a Frapuccino Cunt Frinkles Sprinkle Rainbow Transgenderism Drink and we take a walk and I show him the meaning of Christmas (he passes out again I think he's anemic or something) then we go to the hospital because it's starting to worry us and then the Medic (BLU Medic because RED Medic is still at Starbucks getting it on with RED Heavy) tells me that my homemade estrogen pills are making Spy have slay syndrome (he faints a lot because he has subconsciously believed it is a Disney Princess attribute ever since he was 12 and my estrogen pills are making him have flashbacks) then me and Medic absolutely beat the everloving shit out of each other and Spy joins in then we stop because we know he's too fragile. So then we have a civilized conversation and Medic and I work out the Estrogen Slay Protection Hormones Or Some Shit so finally we figure out a proper hormone treatment for Spy so he stops fainting and I somehow lose all of my estrogen so I have horrible mood swings but Spy plays baby sensory videos for me every night then we kiss and every time I toot Spy TF2 gets scared but I comfort him and tell him it's okay. We will get married in Ohio by the way. One night I have this deafening glass-shattering toot and he flies out of the window and falls in the middle of the street like a lost kitten (he falls inside a box broken bones yadda yadda) and when I wake up because I can't feel his Spy TF2's beautiful slender hands. His hands scream elegance- Perfection even. Sculpted by god's finest angels himself. hugging me I scream like a wife losing her husband and then I run out of my apartment (we're in France right now I know it's an L but play along) and I find him Peter Family Guying Death Pose in the middle of the street and I do a little femenine run barefoot with just a nightgown on me and Spy TF2 is bleeding out of his mouth and ears and I kiss him and take him in my arms and since Medic is too busy reading literature with Heavy I take him to Engineer and Engie stares me up and down (disheveled little lady holding her Sloinky Boinky Thin Little Baguettelimbs Husband) and he clicks his tongue and I set Spy (he's like trying not to die right now we need him alive) on an operating table and then Engineer asks me if I'm fucking stupid and I break down crying and ask him if he's talking about the Toot or the fact I'm treating him like a Medic and he ignores both of my questions and starts talking about how he and Spy used to be married (I think he included something like a divorce because Spy is married to me now I think this is our honeymoon AND I ignored everything Engineer said because I was in his bathroom taking a very silent dookie) anyway I get out of the bathroom and Spy is ok again then we pull up to Merasmus TF2 and he gives me the Toot-Silencer spell in which I am cursed for the rest of my life to have light toots and never fart like a champion anyway Spy and I are now happily married and the toot incident will never happen again (he's also told me he's genderfluid and we kissed really hard and he didn't pass out this time so we celebrated by watching Finding Nemo)
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It's not just Merasmus, it's MerasmUS. Everyone's gotta work together as a team to love and appreciate him.
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tf2icons · 3 years
General Rules [1] [2] [3] [4]
Miss Pauling Icons
Scout Icons [1] [2]
Spy and Sniper Icons
Merasmus Icons
Medic Icons
Aroace and Nonbinary Sniper Icons
Nonbinary and Pansexual Pyro Icons
Administrator Icons
Demiboy Scout Icons
Bisexual Sniper Icons
Bigender Sniper Icons
Lesbian Scout Icons
Nonbinary Scout Icons
Demiboy Spy Icons
Catgender Pyro Icons
Sparklefurgender Pyro Icons
Lesbian Medic Icons
Lesbian Soldier Icons
Genderfluid Demo Icons
low quality hell on earth baked icons series: starring mod scout and soldier [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Plain Sniper and Spy icons
Low-ish Quality Mercs + Matching Spy and Pauling Icons
Nonbinary/Bisexual Sniper Icons
Lesbian Zhanna and Miss Pauling icons
Turtleneck Soldier icons
Transfem Zhanna + Scout Icons
Aroace + Bi Engie Icons
Genderflux Pyro Icons
Nonbinary + Bi Engie Icons
Agender Sniper Icons
Lesbian Sniper Icons
Demoman icons
Self indulgent icons [1 - Vaporwave Scout] [2 - Blu Soldier]
Genderfluid Engineer and Demiboy Medic icons
Lovecore Demoman icons
Lovecore Soldier icons
Lovecore Zhanna icons
Nonbinary + Lesbian Soldier Icons [1] [2]
Asexual Spy Icons
Cheavy Icons
Trans + Bi Engie Icons [1] [2]
Demibisexual Scout Icons [1] [2]
Demiboy Sniper + Medic Icons (+bonus shitpost)
Pansexual Sniper Icons
Trans + Bi Spy Icons [1] [2]
Nonbinary + Aroace Soldier Icons
Grinning Medic Icons
Cottagecore Engie Icons
can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars (ft. mod scout)
Weirdcore Medic Icons
Trans Soldier and Transmasc Pyro Icons
Bisexual Soldier Icons
Bidwell Icons
Vaporwave Miss Pauling Icons
Trans and Bigender Soldier Icons
Tom Jones Icons
Arcadecore Scout Icons
Transmasc Sniper Icons
Vintage Scout and Soldier Icons [1] [2]
Pretty boy Scout Icons
Low Quality Team Fortress Icons
Pansexual + Genderfluid Sniper Icons
Trans Scout Icons
Pyro Icons
Army Themed Zhanna Icons
Low Quality Lovecore Scout Icons
Archimedes Icons
Queerplatonic Spy Icons
Bisexual Medic Icons
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alaughingfreak · 4 years
Merasmus is genderfluid
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 5 years
Touch Tone Team
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/18478882
by MerFairy
The mercs are introduced to fusion in the most jarring way possible. Scout and Spy are forcibly fused by a wayward spell cast by none other than Soldier's former roommate, Merasmus. Now they have to figure out who they are, and how to return to back to their normal (separate) selves.
Join the team in their adventures in fusion and other post-canon stories.
Words: 2358, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Scout (Team Fortress 2), Spy (Team Fortress 2), Heavy (Team Fortress 2), Medic (Team Fortress 2), Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), Demoman (Team Fortress 2), Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Zhanna (Team Fortress 2), Heavy's Family (Team Fortress 2), Heavy's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale, Mags (Team Fortress 2), Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2), Mr. Bidwell (Team Fortress 2), Mr. Reddy (Team Fortress 2), Minor Characters, Scout's Mother (Team Fortress 2), Scout's Brothers (Team Fortress 2), Olivia Mann, minor OCs, scout's family, Merasmus (Team Fortress 2), Engineer (Team Fortress Classic), Fred Conagher, Spy's parents
Relationships: Engineer/Spy (Team Fortress 2), Heavy/Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout/Sniper (Team Fortress 2), Soldier/Zhanna (Team Fortress 2), blu scout/blu demoman, Scout & Spy (Team Fortress 2), Scout & Pyro (Team Fortress 2), red scout & blu scout, Engineer & Pyro (Team Fortress 2), Demoman & Soldier (Team Fortress 2), Saxton Hale/Mags, past spy/scout's mom, BLU Spy/RED Pyro, blu spy / minor ocs, blu spy/blu medic
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Depression, References to Depression, Trans Male Character, Nonbinary Character, nonbinary Pyro, nonbinary blu spy, trans red soldier, trans red engineer, trans blu scout, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Heavy Angst, Past Relationship(s), Suicidal Thoughts, Pansexual Character, Bisexual Male Character, Bisexuality, Aromantic, Asexual Character, Asexuality, Queerplatonic Relationships, Canon Lesbian Character, Gay Male Character, Alternate Universe - Fusion, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Magic, Case Fic, Friendship, Team as Family, Team Bonding, Team Dynamics, Team Feels, Team Fluff, Past Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Child Neglect, Polyamorous Character, same faction, cross-faction, Red engineer and Red pyro are cousins, spy's dad's A+ parenting, lithrosexual, Comic Spoilers, tf2 comic spoilers, Scout knows Spy is his dad, Family Bonding, Family Feels, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Flashbacks, Swearing, Business Deals, Alternate Character Interpretation, Mutual Pining, Mercs for hire, Genderfluid Character, genderfluid merasmus, Demoman's mom - Freeform, canon names, Non-canon Names, Non-Canon Relationship, Canon-Typical Violence, Artist Scout, artist spy, American Sign Language, Youtuber scout, implied animal death, Modern technology, Background Relationships, Jarate, Video Game Mechanics, not clones, Not Beta Read, Father-Son Relationship, DadSpy
read it on the AO3 at http://archiveofourown.org/works/18478882
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Scout from Team Fortress 2 is a butch bisexual trans lesboyconnec man with ADHD and OCD who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Sniper, Miss Pauling, Pyro, Engineer, and Demo!
Demoman is an autistic unlabeled bear who uses he/him pronouns, and he's dating Soldier, Scout, and Sniper!
Sniper is an autistic bi gay man who uses he/him pronouns and doesn't mind they/them, and he's dating Scout, Medic, and Demo and has a crush on Saxton!
Soldier is a neurodivergent butch abrosexual sapphilean bisexual transsexual pangender man with traumatic memory loss who uses he/him and occasionally she/her pronouns, and he's dating Demo and Spy, married to Zhanna, and in a relationship with Merasmus!
Spy is a straight bisexual turihet transfeminine bigender genderfluid femmefluid marfluid man who uses he/him and she/her pronouns in English and il/lui, elle/elles, and iel/ellui in French, and he's married to Scout's mom and dating Engineer and Soldier!
Heavy is a gay bear who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Medic!
Engineer is a disabled queerplatonic aromantic alloaro queer bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns and doesn't mind they/them from friends, and he's in a QPR with Pyro and dating Spy and Scout!
Pyro is an autistic schizophrenic queerplatonic aroaceflux trixic pan abroromantic voidsexual gaybian transfeminine pangender demiboy xenine genderfluid agender panxenogender firething girlboything with ADHD and OCPD who uses all pronouns and prefers it/its, they/them, she/her, and xe/xem, and xe's dating Scout and Miss Pauling and in a QPR with Engineer!
Medic is an autistic gay man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's married to Heavy and dating Sniper!
Miss Pauling is an autistic bisexual genderqueer woman with a preference for woman who uses she/her and occasionally they/them pronouns, and she's dating Scout, Pyro, and Zhanna and has a crush on the Administrator!
Zhanna is a femme aromantic woman who uses she/her pronouns, and she's married to Soldier and dating Miss Pauling!
The Administrator is an aromantic bisexual lesbian who uses she/her and it/its pronouns, and it's in a relationship with Scout's mom!
Scout's mom is a bisexual woman who uses she/her pronouns, and she's married to Spy and in a relationship with the Administrator!
Saxton Hale is a bisexual man who uses he/him pronuons, and he's in a relationship with Mr. Bidwell and married to Maggie!
Mr. Bidwell is a trans gay man who uses he/him pronouns, and he's in a relationship with Saxton!
Maggie is a biromantic woman who uses she/her pronouns, and she's married to Saxton!
Merasmus is an aromantic mspec pangender demifluid perosn who uses they/them and it/its pronouns, and it's in a relationship with Soldier!
dni link
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
(could you use versions of the characters from the comics? thank you!!)
scout from tf2 is a trans butch lesboyconnec bi man who has ADHD and OCD and uses he/him! he's dating sniper, miss pauling, pyro, engineer and demo!
demo is an unlabeled bear who's autistic and uses he/him! he's dating soldier, scout and sniper!
sniper is an autistic bi gay man who uses he/him pronouns, but doesn't mind they/them much either. he's dating scout, medic, and demo! He also has a crush on Saxton hale. (can you use both the bi gay man flag and the bisexual and gay flags? tysm :) )
soldier is a neurodivergent transsexual pangender abrosexual bi sapphilean butch man who has traumatic memory loss and uses he/him pronouns as well as occasionally using she/her! he's dating demo and spy, is married to zhanna, and is in a relationship with merasmus!
spy is a straight transfem bigender genderfluid femmefluid marfluid bisexual turihet man who uses he/him and she/her pronouns in English, as well as il/lui, elle/elles, and iel/ellui in French! He's married to scout's mom, and is dating engineer and soldier!
heavy is a gay bear who uses he/him pronouns! he's married to medic!
engineer is a disabled aromantic queerplatonic alloaro queer bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns, and doesn't mind they/them from friends. he's in a QPR with pyro, and is dating spy and scout!
pyro is an autistic schizophrenic transfem pangender demiboy xenine genderfluid agender panxenogender firething queerplatonic aroaceflux trixic pan abroromantic gaybian voidsexual girlboything who uses all pronouns, preferring it/they/she/xe! It also has ADHD and OCPD! Xe's dating scout and miss pauling, and is in a qpr with engineer!
medic is an autistic gay man who uses he/him pronouns! He's married to heavy and is dating sniper!
miss pauling is an autistic genderqueer bisexual woman with a preference for women who uses she/her, or ocassionally they/them, pronouns. She's dating scout, pyro, and zhanna, and has a crush on the administrator!
zhanna is a femme aromantic woman who uses she/her pronouns! She's married to soldier and is dating miss pauling!
the administrator is an aromantic bisexual lesbian who uses she/it pronouns! It is in a relationship with scout's mom!
scout's mom is a bi woman who uses she/her pronouns! she's married to spy and is in a relationship with the administrator!
saxton hale is a bisexual man who uses he/him pronouns! He's in a relationship with mr bidwell and is married to maggie!
mr bidwell is a trans gay man who uses he/him pronouns! He's in a relationship with saxton hale!
maggie is a biromantic woman who uses she/her pronouns! She's married to saxton hale!
merasmus is a pangender aromantic mspec demifluid person who uses they/it pronouns! it is in a relationship with soldier!
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mogai-headcanons · 8 months
Scout from Team Fortress 2 is a autistic nebulasexual nebularomantic queerplatonic mspec straight boydyke transfeminine boy genderpunk bulletsgender autigender lesboyconnec transman with Hyperactive ADHD, bipolar disorder, dyslexia, misophonia, NPD, psychosis, and tics thats mainly uses he/him pronouns but occasionally uses she/her, he is in a QPR with Pyro and Sniper
Solider is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T aspec pansexual boydyke bear transfeminine boy autigender raccoongender warhistogender genderqueer guy with delusions, Hyperactive ADHD, bipolar disorder, misophonia, PTSD, psychosis, schizophrenia, and tics thats uses he/they pronouns, he is married to Demo and Zhanna and is dating Engineer
Pyro is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T aegosexual aromantic queerplatonic objectum gaybian leather thistle femme bear gnc genderpunk autigender agendercute unicorngender pyromanienigmatic pyrogender firething girlboything genderqueer bigender thing with delusions, bipolar disorder, DPDR, MaDD, misophonia, OCD, C-PTSD, psychosis, and schizophrenia thats uses he/she pronouns along with any neopronouns, pop is in a QPR with Scout and is dating Demo
Demoman is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T queerplatonic omni gay bear genderpunk transman with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, Combined ADHD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, OCD, PTSD, psychosis, and tics that uses he/him, he is married to Solider and Zhanna and is dating Pyro
Heavy is a autistic polyamorous demiromantic demiqueerplatonic objectum gay leather bear cassgender transman with chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, OCD, PTSD, and psychosis thats uses he/him pronouns, he is married to Medic and is dating Engineer
Engineer is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T cupioromantic acespec queerplatonic objectum mspec gay bear autigender techfluid nonbinary man with chronic pain, delusions, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, NPD, and psychosis that uses he/it/she pronouns, it is dating Solider, Heavy, and Medic
Medic is a autistic polyamorous T4T aroacespec gay leather twink gnc dovegender madsciencegender agender person with delusions, ASPD, bipolar disorder, misophonia, NPD, OCD, psychosis, and tics that uses any pronouns, xe are Married to Heavy and is dating Engineer
Sniper is a autistic demisexual aroflux queerplatonic objectum unlabeled transmasc animalcoric autigender agender person with chronic pain, chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, C-PTSD, psychosis, and tics that uses they/he pronouns and is experimenting with ve/veir, they are in a QPR with Scout
Spy is a autistic polyamorous apressexual arospec abrosexual girlfag futch gnc monsieurgender gendernoir genderfluid lesboy turigirl with alexithymia, Combined ADHD, bipolar disorder, DPDR, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and psychosis is pronouns fluid
Miss Pauling is a autistic T4T acespec demiqueerplatonic lesbian girlfag thistle femme genderpunk transwoman with chronic fatigue, alexithymia, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, OCD, and psychosis that uses she/her pronouns
Zhanna is a autistic disabled polyamorous T4T bisexual girlfag butch cassgender transwoman with alexithymia, bipolar disorder, misophonia, PTSD, psychosis, and tics that uses she/he/they pronouns, she is married to Solider and Demoman
Merasmus is a autistic disabled aromantic bi lesbian soft butch gnc transmasculine girl bigender demiboy lesboy with chronic pain, ASPD, bipolar disorder, depression, misophonia, NPD, OCD, and psychosis that mainly uses she/her but occasionally uses he/any
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