scarsmood · 1 month
Step-by-step manifesting a kintype for fun!
Read time (10-15 min)
It is heavily recommended you follow the process order as follows:
Be sure to remind yourself that you can do this cycle multiple times in order to gain a stronger connection. Be aware that this involves hypnosis which is a powerful tool and something that can pose legitimate risk to some people (see FAQ for clarification)
To start off this journey begin with learning more about your kintype. You should watch videos, documentaries, read the wikipedia page, read essays, conservation efforts. Truly become knowledgable with this animal and learn its in's and outs. From there go into specifics. Study anatomy, behavior and environment. Learn about how their body works and why. What diseases they can carry and pass on. What sort of behavior they exhibit. How do they socialize? Do they create roles of systems? Are there politics?
Once you've done a decent amount of research begin drawing connection's between you and the target kintype. Start with basic stuff like "they're black and I like the color black" and build up to more advanced connections like "they have a matriarchal society, I specifically like the role of female 2nd in command best as it reflects my day to day role in life"
If you cant gather a lot of connections you may need to make a bridge kintype first something more familiar to you, then once comfortable branching out farther. For example if your target kintype is a crawfish and your current kintype is a horse. A bridge kintype may be something semi aquatic like a beaver or salamander.
Once you feel comfortable with that kintype you can extend yourself farther to your target kintype. It may take some patience to get there but everything comes with time and dedication.
Now that you know a decent amount about your kintype it's time to dig deeper!
Meditation can be done through some scripts i'll drop below. (Also a type of self hypnosis just not as intense as an fyi)
If you're new to meditation I would start with learning how to clear your mind. This alone can take weeks of work if you've never done it before. Essentially the goal is to relax so much you are able to wipe away your thoughts that typically run through your mind. Your inner thoughts and monologue should be silent through your will as an end goal. People with ADHD will have a harder time but Its still possible.
Clearing your mind:
Pick a comfortable place to lay down. Close your eyes. Take some deep breathes. Feel your body relax slowly. This meditation is a game of attrition so be ready for patience. Notice the thoughts in your mind and step away from them. Try to watch them from a detached point of view. The ability to hear them but not so close. Slowly pull yourself farther and farther away from them. Let them stay behind you as you drift off. This may be easy for only a moment but you may feel them come back. Don't be discouraged each time you practice you'll be able to keep the thoughts tamped down for longer and longer. Practice this until you're able to hold a strong silence in your mind for at least 15 minutes. This will be good practice for what's to come.
The path:
Pick a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Choose an area your able to feel safe in and do any rituals or habits you may need to do in order to feel completely safe or relaxed. This could be lighting a candle, locking your door, listening to music, cleaning your space ect... once you feel relaxed sit down.
You'll want to practice this a few times with your eyes open to understand what to imagine as you read. Once you understand the hang of the script close your eyes and envision it fully.
You are in your hearthome. The place you hold truly dear to you. Your in your chosen form and can look around to fully take in what's around you. You'll notice a path ahead. Walk through it.
Each step as you walk focus on one sense. sight, what do you see? What's in front of you? Whats to your sides? Next is smell, what do you smell as you travel along the path? Is it humid? Is it windy? Then hear, what can you hear? How do your foot falls sound? What do you hear in your hearthome? Then touch, how does the path feel? How does your form feel? Can you feel your true body?
As you become familiar with your senses let them grow stronger as you travel down the path. When they become very strong let the intensity fully relax you. Get lost in the world around you as you discover this place. As you begin to get more enveloped in your world focus on your instincts and follow them in your mind. Do what your heart desires in this place. In this world there is no consequence for being what you are you can do whatever you want.
when you feel satisfied return to the path and walk back towards the way you came. Each step bringing you slowly back to the physical world. Each step intertwining what you've learned about yourself back to your physical body. Once you return to where you started you'll be grounded again and able to do whatever you need in your day to day.
Once you become familiar with the script above you can stretch your muscles so to speak with a few more scripts below. This is practice in widening your scope of focus and ability to adapt and change.
Bring yourself to your hearthome like you have before and bring yourself down fully. Once your relaxed and ready imagine a new place that isn't your hearthome. It may be something like a different ecosystem, a grocery store, a bouncy castle. Whatever strikes your fancy.
Here you'll take a moment to explore this new area and note all the ways your kintype may interact with this new space. Be sure to stay positive even if the environment feels unnatural at first. Notice as time goes on how you begin to adapt to the environment. Do you walk a little differently? Do your eyes adjust to the new light? Getting used to these changes is key. Noticing them is important. Once you feel comfortable in this new space explore it further and interact with it.
Once you feel tired you can head back from the way you came again. Leading back to your hearthome then back to the physical world.
Body morphing:
Bringing yourself down again you'll want to focus on your forms body. Try to change the size of yourself. Give yourself feathers. Maybe claws. Maybe become softer or smaller. Notice the differences and what parts may be difficult for you to note down later. Once you feel done return to your normal form.
For hypnosis, I would recommend doing the first script once for the first time you drop yourself and try to not do it again (unless you feel it is really necessary) the second script is more so a reinforcer which is made to cement a new kintype into place. (I used this one the most) a third script is relatively simple to tie loose ends you may have after a roughly 4-5 month process. (for me, year long process so far)
First script:
At this stage your now in-tune with this animal and basically roleplay as it often. You may not feel as though it's fully you yet and need to cement this identity further. I would suggest mastering the two above steps. Being able to seamlessly go through "the path" meditation and having done enough research to info dump around 2 pages of content to someone if they asked. (Not a strict standard, just my recommendation. You want a very solid foundation which can take time but is worth it)
At this point (I hope) through mediation and research you can see some stronger connections that may have developed or become more aware of. Using "the path" meditation bring yourself to the same trail this time with the intention of becoming the target kintype. As you walk forward think of those new stronger connections. Imagine yourself turning into that animal slowly as you draw on those connections.
Remind yourself how good it feels to be this kintype. How this aspect of you is growing and your nurturing it. Knowing you are fully in control and able to make this commitment to a new sense of self. Imagine imagery that represents you and this kintype meshing. What that looks like. What you look like as this kintype.
Feel your instincts shift over. Drawing on your previous experience of familiarization and body morphing imagine your body changing as your perception changes into something new. You are not "shifting" but becoming yourself. Something you want to be. Something you always have been but never got a chance to express it.
Let that freedom sink in that you are now closer to understanding yourself. That you are free and can stop anytime you want. When your done morphing you can feel something in your core locking into place. Listen to yourself and answer any questions you may have about this new form. Deicide if it's truly for you. If so push yourself deeper into the feeling of your new kintype and feel it sink into you permanently.
As if a new aspect of you has taken root. You can wake up as your kintype. Your the same person you always have been but now with a new facet to explore the world with.
Second script:
Bring yourself to a state of deep relaxation and meditation. Imagine you (in your target form) in your desired hearthome. Explore similarly like you did in "the path". While noticing the connections you made previously to this new kintype. Praise them and even show them off in this world. (Ex: i am a good hunter, so hunt!) do this at least once a week! Practice makes perfect.
Third script:
For tying loose ends. Figure out what may feel missing and bring yourself back into a meditative state. Line up the problems and conflicts and look for possible solutions. Some conflicts may be issues with ego, self esteem, anger issues, disconnect, ect... Experiment with a few solutions such as "i dont think im cool enough to be x" perhaps challenge it with compassion and understanding. See yourself as an adult helping a child. Listen to yourself honestly and kindly. Give yourself support and offer solutions of kind words.
Once every question that can be solved is solved you can wake up. The desired effect will be a greater confidence in your identity. You may need to repeat this script a few times as well.
Practice makes perfect!
FAQ will be posted when people ask me questions. (This will be a growing collection)
Repeating this entire process will make connections much stronger even if you already mastered all of the steps. The act of repeating alone is very powerful.
How do you Choose a target type? -
whatever you want tbh the sky is the limit. If your like "that seems fun why not" and feel ready to commit your time to it then sure!
Are there any other Meditation and hypno techniques?-
this could probably be expanded further into a collection of hypnosis scripts and meditations but the ones i listed are a solid foundation. I would focus more on specalizations if i made more hypnosis like tying an identity to a trauma (in a healing way) or spiritually connecting with an identity (rituals)
Should I do any External stuff to?- i would recommend expressing your new kintype in anyways you see fit. For me i made a grackle statue and drew them a lot along with trying to do vocals and eating garbage so go nuts.
What would be a good outcome? Ideally you feel connected to a kintype you never felt connected to or wanted to feel connection but felt it was being stumped by something.
Do you think this would impact different Nerodivergencies? Yes!
‼️Systems are more at risk of creating full blown alters instead of a kintype!‼️
‼️Clinical lycanthropes will be prone to integrating a kintype into a delusion or developing new delusions. This process can also de-stabilize reliable and predicable delusions‼️
ADHD will probably struggle a lot with this technique and will probably need to do something external or multiple steps at once to feel stimulated
Autism should be fine? Same with cluster B disorders
Most noteably systems should take the most care to try this method because its **hypnosis** which is something systems are extremely prone to since they have an innate ability to dissociate easily. This can mean your brain can take the scripts "to far" and manifest something completely out of your control
If your a system and still want to do it id say go ahead but be aware of the risks. Taking breaks or taking the process very slow to make sure your stable may be the best course of action.
None so far!
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the-undercity · 8 months
Careful With Otherlinking (May Lead To Thoughtform)
(edited as of 8/20/23 to be a little more concise, hopefully sound Less Aggressive, and revised without links for the sake of brevity)
TL;DR available at the bottom!
I'm not an expert on the subject of otherlinking. I'm simply making this post to inform people who either stumble across the community (like I did), or who may be in the community and are not already aware of the information I will be talking about here. Namely that some guides detailing how to form a linktype have a similar enough process to thoughtform creation that there may be the unintended side effect of accidentally creating a thoughtform if you are not careful with what you're doing.
The guides for forming a linktype that I have seen follow the steps of immersing yourself in things related to the linktype you are trying to work towards, which itself is very innocuous and not at all an issue! However, with communities/practices such as soulbonding, the same steps are present. The difference is whether your focus is placed internally or externally (with things such as asking in your head what your chosen linktype would prefer in certain situations, this line of thinking can particularly easily move into the "external focus" area).
With otherlinking having similar steps to something like soulbonding (the example here, and what originally made me write this post), it's no wonder that there have been reports here on Tumblr of people who ended up experiencing accidental thoughtform creation while trying to form their linktypes. The numbers are slim, but the potential does seem to be there, if their stories are to be believed!
Otherlinking itself is nothing that is any different from another alterhuman community. My intention is not to scare anyone off who is a prospective member of their community or make people in the community question what they've been doing already. My whole goal for this post is to inform people that there is the potential for an unwanted side effect like thoughtform creation. You should be aware of the effects of everything you do in life after all!
Whether or not this is a bad outcome to you, or you believe in thoughtforms at all (for those who doubt things related to the topic), the fact of the matter is that it is a serious outcome for people who otherwise may not fully understand what is going on, or what they're getting into. To put it simply, if you follow a guide to form a linktype, you expect a linktype, not another consciousness in your head!
If you're someone who writes guides for forming a linktype, it would be helpful to add a note about the possibility for this outcome in the guide, or if possible (and if you'd like to), revise any steps that might contribute to the unintended consequence. If you're someone who has linktypes or would like to get into the community, just do your best to be aware and educated! Talk to your peers, get involved, and find out what's the norm and what isn't for your experiences. There's a good chance it'll never happen to you, but do your best to understand the methods you're using and why they work the way they do. If you're someone who HAS experienced what I mentioned in the post, I implore you to reach out and ask questions! Don't hesitate to seek advice or find others who might be able to help you understand your situation better. Finally, if you're anyone else, aside from the above- perhaps even just a curious onlooker who happened to read this all the way to the end (or skipped here)- spread the word if you can! Likes and reblogs help and are greatly appreciated.
Feel free to message me questions, comments, or concerns related to this post. If you think I missed something or should have reworded anything in here, let me know! I wish the best for anyone who reads this. Thank you!
TL;DR : This is a notice about otherlinking's methods of forming a linktype being similar to methods of creating a thoughtform, and that trying to form a linktype may lead to unintentional thoughtform creation.
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linkingbonsai · 7 months
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Drawing my link types:)
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that-dreaming-dragon · 3 months
Q: Pick any animal that's not your kintype
Me: Bird, or maybe fox. What about just bird fox griffin or some sort of hybrid to that nature--*does a quick image search and saw* wait a minute--
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That's basically my linktype lmao!
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alterhumannerdygoat · 6 months
it's so fun seeing fan content of caine now, since i have the sense of whether it's in character for me or not XD Also I've heard other fictionfolk say it, but it really is cool seeing fanart of yourself :3
Though the fandom mischaracterises me as evil WAY too much. I'm just a silly guy who doesn't fully understand the humans and does what I'm supposed to! /lh
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Hey, do you have any tips to make someone have shifts to their linktype?
Hi! Sorry about letting you wait so long. I wanted to wait until I can focus on giving you a proper response instead of a half-assed one.
There's a couple of things you can do! And there's a couple of shift types. I won't detail them all here, and I think the biggest ones are mental and phantom shifts. Mental shifts, as the name says, are shifts were you are in your 'type's mindset and thinking patterns. Phantom shifts are when you feel like your body physically looks like your 'type's (extra limbs, different body structure etc.). Phantom shifts, from my experience, can be more easily induced by putting yourself in your linktype's mindset, so being in a mental shift, and being mindful of your experiences.
Engaging with your images and videos of your (in case of fiction) canon or (in case of animals) natural habitat can help remind you of your linktype's mindset and get into it more easily. But be mindful of not falling into daydreams about canon events, because you're trying to make your current body feel like your linktype, and your current body ain't in canon so that causes more of a disconnect than connect (at least in my case).
You can also keep a memorabilia connected to your linktype that works as a physical reminder, like a bracelet, necklace, key charm, or a small item you can carry in your pocket or bag (be careful not to lose it if it's not attached to anything!).
Picking a clothing style that your linktype would wear can make it easier to have shifts - clothes that fit the deal make it easier to believe that you physically are the link.
You can try imitating your link's movement patterns. I mean, for example, stretching out your fingers like a cat stretching its clawed paws, u know? It can help get into the vibe.
That's all I got! Sorry again for taking so long. I hope it helps! 🦑 If someone reading this can think of something else, please add it in replies or reblogs!
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amr-alterhuman · 1 year
I might be supportlink as well as other-hearted because although I am other-hearted, I am choosing to let my kith side flourish at this point of my life “to feel a necessary emotional support which allows them me to enter a specific mindset.” It gives me a sense of wholeness, peace, joy and euphoria. =^w^=
However, this could just very well be me overthinking things and hyperanalyzing myself but right now, this is how I understand myself.
I do have lots of experiences as evidence that proves I have an alterhuman identity, it will unfold in due time. ^-^
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infinitedraconity · 1 year
Hi there, I'm an otherlinker, and I've been considering a dragon linktype, and thus was hoping you might have some advice for being more draconic based on your own experiences? Sorry if this is a weird ask, and feel free to ignore it if you want, I really don't mind, I just want to get some advice since there isn't really any resources about voluntary draconic identities out there.
Oh hey, grey friend with sunglasses!
Unfortunately, my draconity isn't voluntary, but might I point you in the direction of @sarcophobia? It is an otherlinker, and so may be able to give better and help you find resources. @linklocus also has a few resources on otherlinking that you might find helpful!
It's hard to really give catch-all advice, since dragons are so incredibly varied in how they look, act, and think. Are you wanting a western fire-and-fang dragon identity, or would you seek a more eastern-style water-and-wind approach? Or perhaps something in between, or not related to any at all? The things you do to create and connect with that identity will change depending on your answer.
As far as what I do to connect to my dragon kintypes, it depends. Hiking is a big one, as well as art, food, and consuming content related to dragons are all common ones. For my Aether dragon side, I have collections of items I love (books, instruments, crystals, tarot cards, etc.); for my Eastern side, I meditate, and step outside when the weather is inclement.
Feel free to send another ask if you wanted something more specific; otherwise, please check out the other bloggers I linked; they might be able to help you more than I can.
Wind at your back, friend!
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digidrakncreature · 2 years
wondering if purposesfully adapting myself into a 'monster' of Deltarune-esc world is otherlinking? or similar to?
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linklocus · 2 years
It's Ghostbur (DreamSMP) again!! :D
This is more of a question than a confession, but is it okay to interact with IRLs, Alters etc. as an Otherlink(er?). The fact that otherlinking is voluntary makes me feel this sort of personal illegitimacy and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable with me or make anyone think I'm just roleplaying with them. I mean, yeah, I am Ghostbur, but also I don't want to make anyone with involuntary identities feel invalidated by my prescence. I guess I'm just looking for some advice or affirmation?
- Ghostbur (DSMP) here again (sorry) to correct myself. I don't think "affirmation" was the right word but more so assurance? That's all hhhhhh
In my personal experience: It depends.
I wish I could give you a clear answer, but it really depends on the person you're talking to, and there's no clear-cut ways to know whether or not they're comfortable talking to 'linkers unless they outright state that they're uncomfortable with types of alterhumanity outside of the borders they set. Some people do point out borders, but a lot of people don't because they don't feel the need to. Like, an otherkin sending out a kin call expecting only 'kin to see it. What you can do when seeing such a call is saying "Hi, I'm an otherlinker of... so I'd love to talk.". You'll see whether or not they react. If you're already talking, I'd recommend letting them know early on and asking them if that makes them uncomfortable. It's a hard question to ask out of fear of rejection but it's what's right to do and doesn't breed problems down the line.
Then also, a lot of people don't even know what otherlinking is! Be ready to go through the process of explaining it to them.
You're absolutely not illegitimate. Linking isn't rping and if someone views you as illegitimate it's best you stay away from them. If you catch the vibe that they're viewing you that way, confront them and/or distance yourself. And if someone thinks you're just roleplaying with them because your identity is volutary, then that's on them and not you. 1. Linking isn't rping. 2. If they feel like you're viewing them to be a linker instead of whatever they are (irl, fictive, kin, ...) and thus feel disrespected, I trust you're mentally capable enough to not equate everyone's experience to be the same as yours and instead view them as Them. Like. If someone believes in angels and I don't, I'm not gonna go around thinking they're weird. I'll go on knowing that that is their reality and not second-guess THEIR position, only my own position. They can't read your mind, so if they feel you're thinking that, all you can do is see if you might be sending off the wrong signals. It very well might not be you doing anything, but their own anxieties imagining things. I hope that makes sense.
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sagegreenfrogs · 4 months
friendly reminder:
trauma-born alterhumanity is VALID!
non-shifting alterhumanity is VALID!
neruodivergency-born alterhumanity is VALID!
system-born alterhumanity is VALID!
disabled alterhumans are VALID!
polykins/polytherians are VALID!
monokins/monotherians are VALID!
endels (people who's alterhumanity is caused by clinical zoanthropy/lycanthropy) are VALID!
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interstellarsystem · 4 months
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Has this been done yet? Probably.
Tried to use language that's inclusive of alterhumans who are still human.
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astral-actias · 12 days
I feel like now is a good time to remind everyone that...
Nonhuman is an umbrella term, but it is also a standalone label.
You do not need to also be otherkin, otherlinker, otherhearted, therian, fictionkin, alterhuman (which itself may be 100% human and nothing else) or anything else to call yourself nonhuman. You can, if you want to, just use it by itself. No qualifiers, no further explanation required, no definition beyond 'not exclusively human in some way.'
You don't need to identify physically as not-human. Plenty of nonhumans do, and plenty more don't.
You don't need to identify entirely as not-human. There are lots of nonhumans that are also human, plus whatever else they are. There are similarly nonhumans who are in no way human. The term encompasses both without contradiction.
You do not need to specify any amount of voluntary/involuntary adoption of your identity. You can in fact choose to just be nonhuman because you want to do that, or you can come to it after a long time searching and conclude it's the only explanation, or you can fall anywhere in between.
You do not need to be any specific thing other than some degree of not-human. You can be an animal, plant, object, concept, song, creature, shapeshifter, character, device, AI, color, emotion, or anything else that exists or doesn't, or any kind of mixture of those things.
You do not need any specific reason to call yourself nonhuman. It can be a psychological thing, a spiritual thing, a physical thing, a coping thing, a reclamation thing, even just a 'because it's fun and makes you happy' thing.
You do not need anybody's permission or approval to be nonhuman. There are no gatekeepers who have any say over what a nonhuman is or is not, aside from the definition of the word itself, which is incredibly broad and open to interpretation. This is by design. Anybody who tries to stop you has no right to do so.
Please don't forget that when defining 'nonhuman.' It is not just a big tarp to be thrown over other labels. It is also its own full identity with its own merits and concepts, even if it is a very broad and inclusive identity.
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linkingbonsai · 7 months
I've had phantom ears and tail almost all day, and it's so much fun:>
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Birth of a Star, Cosmos Dragon
Wei recently solidified muir new identity, a vaguetype of a cosmic dragon from a certain game.
Wei didn't want to deal with the potential unwanted attention from said fandom, so wei will not be copying/crossposting things over. The content can be found linked in the title, and relevant identities will be tagged in this post.
There are also mentions of muir kardiatype and a quick touch on muir para-archetrope if anyone may find those to be points of interest.
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alterhumannerdygoat · 7 months
Another thing I'd really love is contact lenses with vertical pupils. Imagine how cool that'd be aaa
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