#people are so caught off guard with that
"you're so honest" yeah mhm i do this on purpose
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macksartblock · 1 month
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weird timing but s1 dads and their bastard fathers (and frank)
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thelilylav · 1 month
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We only see each other at funerals
(On Jason, Thalia, Nico, Bianca, and their parallels/connections)
The Titan's Curse (Rick Riordan), @/anxiousmaya_, Right Now (Gracie Abrams), The Battle of the Labyrinth (Rick Riordan), Joan of Arc (Mary Gordon), The Lost Hero (Rick Riordan), Episodes Toward and Elegy for Halley's Comet (Lindsey Drager), Jason Grace (Riordan Wiki), The Gods Show Up (Michael Kinnucan), The House of Hades (Rick Riordan), What the Living Do (Marie Howe), The House of Hades (Rick Riordan), Planet of Love (Richard Siken), The Blood of Olympus (Rick Riordan), Tangerine (Nolune), The Blood of Olympus (Rick Riordan), The Blood of Olympus (Rick Riordan), I Bet On Losing Dogs (Mitski), The Burning Maze (Rick Riordan), @/abhorarchive (Twitter), The Burning Maze (Rick Riordan), Seventeen (MARINA), The Burning Maze (Rick Riordan), @/rollercoasterwords, The Tyrant's Tomb (Rick Riordan), @/the-overanalyst, Where Things Come Back (John Corey Whaley), Grit (Silas Denver Martin), Softcore (The Neighbourhood), The Tower of Nero (Rick Riordan), Frost (Mitski), @/moonbends, I'm Your Man (Mitski), Sun Bleached Flies (Ethel Cain), The Tower of Nero (Rick Riordan), Three (Sleeping At Last), My Art
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dang-dood · 2 months
i completely forgot that house md was canon in torchwood
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imma-dragon53 · 6 months
I went into the Pluto anime adaptation with absolutely no prior knowledge about its manga or creator. So imagine my surprise when Astro boy shows up
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Okay, so I managed to ACTUALLY get Halsin this playthrough (thank GOD), and like, all I knew about him was that he turns into a bear and is INSATIABLY horny (also that he loves nature but like…my guys a Druid, of course he does)
But what I DIDNT know was how PRECIOUS this man is. He became a Druid because his childhood friend was the human (or whatever the fuck Thaniel is) embodiment of nature. He has a sweet tooth (which, same). HE WITTLES DUCKS. I literally verbally Aw’ed when talking to him after becoming my companion. He is absolutely adorable, even if he’s constantly dtf
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ajsjdjj what if Aaron wasn't dating Katelyn but like a super jacked dudebro athlete or some shit. what would Andrew even do. yes probably his biggest problem with Katelyn is simply that she's a woman and that wouldn't be an issue in this case but if he was still to go through with the you-hurt-him-i-kill-you thing? how's he supposed to be intimidating to a (American) football player who's got two feet and a hundred and fifty pounds on him. he's eye level with the guy's belly button. he can't even see his face if he gets within a foot of him. i know Andrew's well versed in how to beat a bitch up but?
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maximumdante · 1 month
One thing i'd love to say about the Milano gig is how i'm positively surprised by Italian fans behaviour???
When Kris and Nace appered from the road and walked toward us to enter in the venue's park (the venue is inside a green area, it's mostly used for summer concerts even thought it's equipped for colder months too and we were waiting outside the park, near the entrance) Kris greeted us but didn't stop, while Nace stayed with us for like 10/15 mins.
There were approximately 20/30 of us there at the moment (the majority came during the morning to take the number and then return at 5 pm so we were a really short number, i had arrived there around 3 pm i think) and like, those who reached for Nace were so well mannered and kind with him? Waiting for their turn to talk to him, show him gifts etc... both adults and teen fans.
Moreover many people reamained still in the queue simply watching the scene so he didn't feel blocked or stuck.
I know also Bojan stopped for a moment in early afternoon, but i had to reach the venue yet so i can't comment that, but i'm sure things were not that different.
I'm saying this because i know in my country not respecting rules sometimes is (sadly) considered more a quality than a problem so i'm glad the guys will keep a good memory of my country, especially cause it was the first time for there playing here.
I was 100% convinced they'd never come back after the 2 dates but now i'm confident i wont have to wait years and years to see them again in Italy.
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orrianreaper · 9 months
New Information regarding the 'Wizard's Vault' reward system launching with SotO on the 22nd! The Vault will be available for all players with a LvL80 character, regardless of Soto ownership, and the system is set to replace Daily Achievements and Daily Login Rewards.
This does not affect Dailies such as Living World, EoD, Fractals, etc. Only the general ones. You still earn achievement points for doing the new vault dailies, however, and Daily Completionist.
The Vault
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There are three sections - Daily, Weekly, and 'Special'.
The Special Objectives are set to refresh every few months along with the rewards offered in the Vault.
There will be the option to choose if you would like your Dailies (etc) to be PvE, PvP, WvW, or any mix you like of these catagories. If you only want PvE dailes, you can select it that way.
Examples of Weeklies shown in the UI screenshot:
PvP - Complete 5 Tiers of a structured pvp reward track.
PvE - Complete any Strike Mission.
PvE - Complete Dark Reverie Jumping Puzzle
WvW - Complete Obsidian Sanctum JP. WvW - Defeat 10 WvW Invaders.
The Rewards
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Completing Dailies will reward Astral Acclaim, logging in will also give you a little Acclaim. [from here]
Examples of Rewards we've been given:
Mystic Coins & Clovers
Crafting Materials
In-Game currencies (Incl. Laurels)
A 'small selection of previously gemstore items' [Here]
Armour & Weapon Skins
Mount Skins
Legendary Starter Kits, for Four unspecified legendary weapons.
Those with SotO will have access to a few extra exclusive rewards, as of yet they have mentioned the Enchanted Owl Griffon Skin (above), a new weapon collection set, and three pieces of Unique armour.
Vault Rewards will change every few months. However, any cosmetics items introduce through the Vault will be moved into a Legacy Section, and continue to be available for forever, at a slightly increased price. Nothing only available from the Vault will ever be on a time limit, you will always be able to obtain them.
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isekyaaa · 4 months
While Rozemyne is a dense doofus, I do get the concept of doing something you perceive to be very logical and reasonable with someone else and then having literally everyone assume it's romantic.
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mechaniaa · 3 months
"bayonetta is an example of fanservice done right" its bc shes not being violated.
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luvring · 6 months
my neighbour has a car with "free palestine" on the side and they covered it (the car not the writing) up some time last month which was saddening but understandable and like . i hadn't even seen it in their driveway the past few days either which was Very weird to walk past because well. it's always been out there. but i just saw a video of the car at the front of the march in my city and i wanted to cry a little
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astranauticus · 4 months
"Yeh Yung-chih (葉永鋕) [...] attended Gaoshu Junior High School in Pingtung County, Taiwan, and was often bullied by his classmates due to his gender non-conformity. In April 2000, Yeh Yung-chih was found lying in a pool of blood with serious injuries and died after being taken to the hospital. The incident led to extensive discussions about gender equality education in Taiwan."
Translation under cut:
玫瑰少年 - 蔡依林
Womxnly - Jolin Tsai
谁把谁的灵魂 装进谁的身体
Who put which souls into which bodies
谁把谁的身体 变成囹圄囚禁自己
Who turned their bodies into prisons for the self
乱世总是最 不缺耳语
Troubled times are never short of whisperings
哪种美丽会 换来妒忌
What kind of beauty is rewarded with jealousy?
你并没有罪 有罪的是这世界
You did nothing wrong, the wrongs are with this world
生而为人无罪 你不需要抱歉
Nobody is born with sin, you have nothing to apologise for
One day I will be you, baby boy and you gon'be me
喧哗如果不停 让我陪你安静
If the noise won't stop, let me accompany you in silence
I wish I could hug you, till you're really really being free
What rose is not accompanied by thorns?
最好的 报复是 美丽
Your best revenge is beauty
最美的 盛开是 反击
Your greatest blooms are your retaliation
别让谁去 改变了你
Don't let anyone change who you are
你是你 或是妳 都行
You can be man or woman, it doesn't matter
会有人 全心的 爱你
There will be people who will truly love you
试着想像 you switched to his body
Try to imagine, you switched to his body
Sexuality 当心什么会伤你
Sexuality, be careful of what will hurt you
多少次的重伤 多少次的冷语
How many severe wounds, how many cold words
Drowning 谁会拉你
Who will pull you up when you're drowning?
Dreaming 谁会陪你
Who will be with you when you're dreaming?
Same shit happens every day
你离开后 世界可改变
Has the world changed after you are gone?
多少无知罪愆 事过不境迁
How many ignorant faults are forgotten as the world moves on?
永志不忘纪念 往事不如烟
Never forget Yung-chih, don't let the past fade away
生而为人无罪 你不需要抱歉
Nobody is born with sin, you have nothing to apologise for
One day I will be you, baby boy and you gon'be me
喧哗如果不停 让我陪你安静
If the noise won't stop, let me accompany you in silence
I wish I could hug you, till you're really really being free
What rose is not accompanied by thorns?
最好的 报复是 美丽
Your best revenge is beauty
最美的 盛开是 反击
Your greatest blooms are your retaliation
别让谁去 改变了你
Don't let anyone change who you are
你是你 或是妳 都行
You can be man or woman, it doesn't matter
会有人 全心的 爱你
There will be people who will truly love you
玫瑰少年 在我心里
The rose youth lives on in my heart
绽放著 鲜艳的 传奇
Blooming into a beautiful legends
我们都 从来没 忘记
That we have never forgotten
你的控诉 没有声音
Your accusations are silent
却倾诉 更多的 真理
Yet they convey greater truths
却唤醒 无数的 真心
Yet they have awoken countless hearts
What rose is not accompanied by thorns?
最好的 报复是 美丽
Your best revenge is beauty
最美的 盛开是 反击
Your greatest blooms are your retaliation
别让谁去 改变了你
Don't let anyone change who you are
你是你 或是妳 都行
You can be man or woman, it doesn't matter
会有人 全心的 爱你
There will be people who will truly love you
玫瑰少年 在我心里
The rose youth lives on in my heart
玫瑰少年 在我心里
The rose youth lives on in my heart
#womxnly#jolin tsai#mayday#ugly beauty#cpop#cpop translation#chinese langblr#mandarin langblr#translations i made#first time im doing a somewhat bilingual song i hope the formatting makes sense#i was gonna put the spotify links to the jolin tsai and mayday versions of this song but then i found this performance and#idk i was just kinda caught off guard by how. unapologetically queer the background visuals are to be honest#if youre wondering the text in the back at the very end says born as a human without fear#its (i think?) a play on the lyric 生而为人无罪/nobody is born with sin (/born as a human without sin)#anyway inside me there are two wolves and one is desperately holding the other back by the scruff lest i go on another massive rant#about the ways people (presumably cishets) try to make this song like some. generic empowering anti bullying song idk#speaking as an east/southeast asian closeted trans guy like#do you have any idea how much power 'till you're really really being free' has for me#do you have any idea how much power this song has for me in general tbh#like no wonder the straights keep trying to steal this song it hits *so hard*#the entire 'dont you fucking DARE forget' tone of the second verse. like kinda darkly funny in context but god that shits powerful#side note yes i am aware of how clunky the you can be man or woman line sounds#ITS CUZ ENGLISH DOESNT HAVE GENDERED SECOND PERSON PRONOUNS#i mean in fairness nobody actually uses 妳 (female you) on the day to day but here it works SO WELL and im MAD that i couldnt make it work#Youtube
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herooflions · 3 months
This is like a silly thing to be proud of but I beat my first invaders in Elden Ring today!!
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hella1975 · 1 year
tams azula is sooo fascinating bc while canon azula doesn't really show her age at all like she's completely desensitised to so much shit 'she is fourteen' is not a justification for ANYTHING both in her own mind and in other people's, in tams she has zuko. and yes the world has been abundantly cruel to her but zuko hasn't. he's basically raised azula and he's done so in a way that she's allowed to show her age, but she still only shows her age in very azula-esque ways. there's no reluctance to see violence like you'd expect from a fourteen-year-old, and like ive said before, that means zuko can't play on that reluctance in order to shield her, but he still wants to shield her from that violence because regardless of what SHE feels about it, as the eldest he knows fundamentally that she shouldn't be seeing certain things no matter how well she can handle them. and seeing zuko effectively PLAY azula in order to protect her is so interesting and complicated and fun
#and also a little heartbreaking bc it's the 'you protect azula but who protects you?'#like in order to shield azula from these things zuko is metaphorically standing in front of her and seeing them himself#as if he's not only sixteen and a child too#but yeah taking azula's canon traits and manipulating into the tamsverse is soooo fun#like the example that inspired this post is how canon azula is logical NOT cruel#like time and time again she follows only the logical route and even actively avoids the cruel route#e.g calling off torture in the boiling rock bc she knew that he was telling the truth and therefore continuing to torture him was illogical#im not saying azula is averse to/incapable of cruelty i just hc that she genuinely just thinks it's stupid#just like any other unnecessary act would be considered stupid. if it's not logical or being used for a greater plan then what's the point?#and tams azula STILL HOLDS THIS TRAIT except because i lean more into her age in tams bc she's been given the freedom with zuko#to liberally be a CHILD without any consequences as a result of that simple thing#her intense logic actually becomes a certain naivety on azula#like she cannot comprehend other people NOT coming to the conclusions she comes to#and that expands to needless cruelty. like she wont factor a person's cruelty into her calculations#because in her head all she needs to dismiss that calculation is 'excessive cruelty here would waste time which is illogical'#she assumes everyone is as smart and to-the-point as she is so when they ARENT and will actively waste time just to do dumb shit#it catches her off guard and she DOESNT PLAN FOR IT so it can really fuck them over sometimes#so this is one instance where zuko has azula beat despite it being STRATEGY aka azula's strong point#bc zuko's immense cynicism and assumption that Everyone Is Awful doesn't hold up against logic 9 times out of 10#but the one time it does is the time azula gets caught out#i just think tams zuko and azula's dynamic is so fucking interesting im so clever for that tbh#twice as many stars
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deanpinterester · 7 months
a warning for mike flanagan's new show (the fall of the house of usher), aside from the usual horror gore and violence, there is a huge huge theme of medical malpractice and many explicit scenes depicting it that i feel would be very triggering to people with medical trauma. it was already very upsetting for me to watch.
see under the cut for general description (i'm nearly done the show, so this is just stuff i've seen so far):
the usher family built their business off a painkiller drug that they purposely misrepresent as non-addictive. some mentions of how this affects the people who use it and many scenes of lawyers unsuccessfully trying to pin them for this crime
a doctor tricks a (seemingly) unknowing woman into agreeing to an experimental heart surgery that has never succeeded before (the surgery never actually happens, though). we see the surgery tested on a primate who dies, and also done on a dead woman (particularly graphic and disturbing)
a heavily injured and immobile woman is forcibly given the wrong drugs as "punishment" by her caretaker repeatedly through IV injection, and verbally and physically tormented because she can't defend herself
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