#people dont think of me being genderqueer
soggypotatoes · 10 months
I don't understand my perception of my gender haha.. I mean it's true that literally everyone is different in how they relate to their gender, but I feel like I haven't really seen an experience like mine and it confuses me! tho I guess everyone's a little confused by gender, it's complicated
like, I don't identify with cis or trans.. I don't identify as non-binary either.. the only word I like is genderqueer.. I have no feelings about pronouns, don't really care what people use and only have a preference on certain (rare) days.. but I do have varying relationships with pronouns, that changes every day. a few times when someone used 'she' I felt all giddy, like gender euphoria, which is weird bc I'm afab right? I'm viewed as a girl by almost everyone? I think it's to do with having a dissociative disorder too because I might have genuinely felt that I had been raised male that day.. if that makes sense. I'm a bit high. anyway..
when I was a kid I'd sometimes tell people to call me max and sneak into the boys bathroom. once, my class decided that boys wouldn't talk to girls, they were like, at war. but I decided to be a spy for the boys, and snuck over to them to tell them what the girls were doing.. but I also did that on the girls side lmao. everyone got over it pretty quickly but I was loving it haha. and another time in year 4 we had to do a project with a partner where we dress up as this tv host couple, and I got to be the man and wear my brother's huge suit, and it felt GOOD man.. and when I got to play the groom at a wedding in a film we made in high school.. I got so into my role I was improvising and shit
now that I type it out I realise I have seen this experience shared 100 times, it's just.. always different, and I've never spent that much time on my gender. I don't feel I rly need to though tbh.. I like being both. I think I don't really experience feeling like neither, though I do experience feeling more connected to being an animal or an object. the first I ever heard of being nb, it was the term 'bigender', and it was like a lightbulb went off. I'm both!!! how exciting
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actual-corpse · 2 months
Saw a YT vid with the title, "Fandom Can't Handle Asexuality"
You're right, they can't... Because it doesn't fucking exist to them.
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altruistic-meme · 3 months
so grumpy that i don't have my pronouns on my insta cus my options are put the wrong ones or put the right ones that almost no one who knows my insta knows about and it is. irritating.
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arcaneyouth · 1 year
i never know how to explain to people how i can be not cis but not trans. like ill call myself trans as a shorthand for Not Cis when talking about lgbt issues, but i dont consider myself trans. and i think the easiest way to make it clear is just like... if i WERE trans. and i used trans as a gender label as well as other gender labels i do prefer for myself. i would be an afab trans girl. thats just not how that works i think. at least not to me
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
I’m reading Persistance: All Ways Butch And Femme and lemme tell you it’s doing wonders for everything -- feelings about gender, politics, language, relationships 
every time I think I’ve come at some unknowable concept about myself that nobody could possibly understand and I’m totally alone (or at the very least I’m something new and fragile), reading about other queers makes me understand that actually it’s existed possibly forever and I can calm tf down and stop being so angsty, it’s not fragile at all, it’s years of others living these things into reality!
anyway, us lonelies under 30 (and over 30 too quite probably) who think we’ve reinvented the wheel and nobody could possibly get it, we need to read this sort of stuff to get out of our own heads and to respect where we came from and maybe all the fucking discourse can chill out and we won’t be so afraid of changes and concepts that already exist and have done for a lot of years!
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olliecoded · 2 years
thank u to the person who called me a "transtrender" and said i'm faking it and not queer enough and learned about queerness through tiktok etc etc. all because i made the absolutely fucking buck wild claim that we should let bi lesbians live their lives in peace. wow
#keira don't look#<- it wasn't keira they just know the person im talking about and this was AGES ago i dont want them to know im still upset about it hehe#anyway for context i was talking about how attempts to place queer people into rigid boxes & draw unbreakable lines in the sand r always#going to fail bcs queerness is complex and messy! and human beings sometimes have identities that don't fit neatly under one label!#and the people who say shit like ''aphobes terfs and anti-neopronouns dni'' r the same people who now bully mspec lesbians#like. ur exclusionism isn't better just because it's ''woke'' this time. it's still bigoted tee hee#ANYWAY IN SUMMARY. i was just saying that i don't think it's our business to police how others identify and why they do so#and this person starts saying that im only queer bcs of tiktok and saying that i cant have an opinion on queer issues#and that im faking being trans#which is. incredibly hurtful especially bcs im bigender genderqueer genderweird etc so exactly the kind of trans person that exclus hate#and it's like. is this what people do? they just start trying to kick queer ppl out of our own community when they dont like what we're#saying??#sorry i think about this periodically and it makes me really upset it's like. keep trying to define the entire fucked up weird spectrum of#human attraction and gender and then make everyone use ur definitions. dont worry bro itll work this time.#queerposting#<- i talk in depth about queer issues sometimes so ill start using that tag for ppl who dont wanna see the discourse
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
i like the owl house a good bit but i wish they'd take raine out of nonbinary gay baby jail
#please you have like one nonbinary character of significance#theyve spent a massive amount of their screentime either under mind control or pretending to be under mind control#and i want to get to know them better bc they seem very cool#i am tantalus and raine is the fruit i cannot reach and the water that dodges me when i wanna take a little sippy#im not mad at the showrunners or anything and i appreciate raine's presence#theyre clever and charming and A LOVE INTEREST (which i dont think ive ever seen???)#(between raine and masha the stance seems to be that nb people are desirable and cool and theyre so right for it)#and i think toh avoids the inhuman enby trope (in that there is human rep...ish... and most of the characters are inhuman)#idk they get a pass from me at least#but much like spop's double trouble theyre not really allowed to be themself for an unusually large amount of their screentime#though at least dt had like. constant 'teehee im so evil' one liners punctuating their girlmoding era#yeah dt falls into a lotta iffy nb tropes. i also don't blame the spop staff for that#i dont love making my point via comparison but these are literally the only two animated nb characters i can think of#bawling punching the earth about lake infinity train not being canonically nb but also being the most significant genderqueer rep for me#other than like. goromi. theyre tied <3#anyway my point with this post is not 'i think toh staff shouldve just tried harder or i hate them or whatever'#but more 'i am sad that our rep is still so limited even as they are pioneering and i wish raine had more screentime bc i like them'#and also 'if i had a nickel' about the limited agency/performative elements of the 2 nb characters ever#and also having your only trans characters playing the long con has like. implications a bit#but yeah#also im p sure spop had twitter confirmations of other characters being genderqueer but i dont tend to count postcanon much bc like.#it's not in there lol#anyway shows i think of as generally v progressive but that still don't escape nb tropes and limitations#you know what's better than one they/them'd character? two they/them'd characters#one day we're gonna get characters with multiple sets of pronouns and i can die happy#dt doesnt count for this bc the characters who know theyre not flutterina use they/them even when they're in flutterina mode.#twas a bit and nothing more#anyway belos is yucky disgusting and i hope raine gets exorcised soon
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darlingspup · 4 months
when i think about how i want to Look within my gender, the image of a lot of transfem people comes to mind, and that worries me a little, im not sure how to feel about it. im afab transmasc, but i think a lot of transwomen are really beautiful and id like to look like them in some ways. i worry that means subconsciously i think of them more as men than women because that's how I identify myself. Or maybe it means im not as masc aligned as I thought. I think the way transwomen style and carry themselves is really pretty, I like their voices a lot and wish mine sounded like that, I appreciate the more masculine elements they may have a lot too. I guess I worry thats wrong of me, im not sure
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 months
Consider this--
Dream and Nightmare are trans NOT because they were '''sex-less''' fire blobs thingys but because Nim created them from her own body, and since she's female, she would've just be able to produce XX chromosomes for them, so that would be that they're afab.
But this is just a therory, and gender theory (don't take this seriously lol, i'm aware that they're skeletons)
Anyways, as a trans person myself, i don't like much the idea of them being trans/agender due to them being genderless when born. Maybe it's just me but i don't like when a explanation for a character being genderqueer is something *super* 'unatural' or cosmic in nature. I dunno mannn,, Me craves for more characters in the fandom that are just gender nonconfroming because *they want and feel like it* man,,,,
dawg im gonna be so real with you, i see what you mean, but as a trans person: uhmm i dont mind???? them being just being genderqueer because theyre not natural and i dont think it's a bad thing whatsoever???????
you didnt say anything about it being bad at all but youre really wording it like its an iffy thing? 😭
i personally write them as non-binary because of the . same exact reason you wrote so this overall just feels like a bit of a weird thing to say LMAO i quite. like. the aspect that they're not cis because they're literally genderless blobs. it's really that simple. sometimes we don't need to overcomplicate it..............is all. gender identity can just exist and doesn't need an overarching reason to be. some people (including me) headcanon their gender that way because its just....gender! sometimes we don't need or want to think about it that much
enjoy your headcanon and theories!!! i appreciate it but word it a bit less...side-eye-y towards other headcanons.....??????????????????
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rab1darachn1d · 2 months
bsd trans/queer headcanons for trans visibility day!!(PLS FEEL FREE TO ADD UR OWN I LOVE SEEING PPLS HEADCANONS)
-I see Dazai and Fyodor as both agender in a "im not exactly cis but i also dont exactly give a fuck anymore" Dazai more so because he has a hard time figuring out gender n shit like that and Fyodor bc he cant be bothered to think about that stuff(IM PROJECTING<3)
-I think Nikolai would be genderfluid or gender queer or would not care for labels at all and would use literally ANY fucking pronoun(Maybe hed feel like labels n shit were too constricting??? idk my tranny brain clung so hard to his whole "feeling like a bird trapped in a cage")(IK ITS NOT INHERENTLY TRANS IM NOT TRYING TO MAKE IT TRANS PLS DONT COME AFTER ME I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS)
-Chuuya and Kunikida are transmasc. no explanation needed(i could go on for HOURS dude you dont understand)
-Nonbinary Gin ofc ofc, how they present depends on the day and i dont think theyd care about pronouns(I believe its canon they prefer to be seen as masc in the mafia for safety reasons?) I could also see them as gender queer
-Lippmann being genderfluid or genderqueer
-Albatross being nonbinary(uses they/he)
-Akutagawa being unlabeled and doesn't care much about pronouns(he has worse things to worry about so i dont think hed give it much thought?)
-Kouyou being transfem
-I could see Atsushi testing out abunch of different labels(he was never taught abt queer stuff in the orphanage and so now hes just tryna figure shit out)
-Rimbaud being gender queer
-T4T Ranpoe guys you dont understand how happy they make me I HATE THEM
-Agender Tetchou and Pangender Jouno is funny to me, it wouldn't be on purpose itd just be a very funny coincidence
-Transfem Lucy and Anne being inspo for her transition makes me sob(I LOVE LUCY I NEED TO TALK ABT HER MORE SHES SO <333)
-following that T4T Atsulucy brings me joy, they could share their experiences "not feeling quite right" when they were both in the orphange
-Trans masc Sigma who will dress both masc AND fem(too all transmasc who dress fem and all transfem who dress masc you guys r so valid<33 your choice of clothes does not dictate your gender and violently bite those who say it does<3)
-Kenji would identify as male but would use any pronouns and not care how people perceive him, I dont think itd bother him as long as everyone is happy and no one fights over it
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cupcraft · 3 months
How do we begin to deplatform abusers in content creation circles?
It takes fans of course. There's a lot of posts talking about this (from me and many others).
But we also need to talk about fellow ccs. And their role in being complicit in abusers platforms.
It's not just the ccs who openly and brazenly go "I support them/they're innocent". It's in the ccs that mention them, its in the ccs that quietly unfollow but don't say a single word at all about it (and don't post anything supporting the victim whatsoever), it's in the ignoring the problem, it's in the treating abuse in some cc circles as not abuse (ie when ccs treated dreams allegations as "minecraft shit" or treated it like controversy and drama and not srs grooming allegations in which minors were harmed). It's in the liling a generic "support victims" tweet and thinking that's enough. It's in the moving on without a word. It's in the allowing ccs and ccs that openly support abusers to attend content events, to attend tournaments, to attend conventions. It's in the staying friends with them or speaking highly of their work. All of these things contribute to platforming abusers. Its in the way they speak over victims and make jokes about their story and dont apologize for it (thinking of xqc hasan and ludwigs handeling of adrianah's experiences) All of these people are complicit in abusers in their industry.
The way to destroy abusers is to not be silent. It is to speak up and support victims the way that they need. It is to hold both the abusers and their loudest defenders accountable and to keep them away from gaining power in their career. It is not just unfollowing quietly and pretending that's enough. And don't think it's impossible don't come here and defend your "fav" and say it's too large of an expectation. It's fhe bare minimum. And it's always funny, to see that it's always the women and genderqueer ccs that speak up first. The men are often silent, the burden of supporting victims in their career doesn't fall on them.
Demand more of your ccs as you do with fans. To destroy abusers in these industries takes approaches from both aspects to keep victims and others safe. Demand more of your ccs they aren't helpless or without responsibility.
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moment0moriss · 7 months
Ok, so I’m seeing a lot of people making posts about why Vil is a complex character and they don’t understand the hate he gets, so
I’m going to make a post as to why I can’t like Vil.
I want to make this clear before I begin. I do not hate or dislike Vil, actually I appreciate how complex he is as a character, it’s just that I can’t like him.
And the reason is his relationship with Epel.
I’m going to start this off by saying I’m genderqueer (They/Them) and that I’m aware Vil isn’t transphobic but honestly some of his and Epel’s interactions just remind me too much of it, if that makes sense.
Why? You may ask, well:
He forces Epel to wear make up when Epel makes it clear he doesn’t like it.
He forces Epel to wear feminine clothes when Epel makes it clear he doesn’t like it.
He forces Epel to act in a traditionally feminine manner when Epel makes it clear he doesn’t like it.
All of this just reminds me way too much of a transphobic parent trying to force their kid into the role of their assigned sex.
And like,
I’m aware it has more to do with the way Twisted Wonderland was written, but it’s just something that eats away at me when I think of Vil. I am never going to be able to see it as anything else no matter how much I try.
And I know Epel has some issues with toxic masculinity. I know all too well, because they are almost the exact same things I did before I realized and came out as genderqueer.
I used to dress traditionally masculine, did the “tough” voice and speech, I used to wear sports bras just a bit too tight to make myself look flatter (practice safe binding kids), I used to hate on traditional femininity, and so much more and it reminds me a lot of Epel.
I dont headcanon Epel as FTM (I actually kind of dislike it but I feel like that’s a post for another day.) but his struggles are very similar to trans struggles and Vil acts in a very similar manner to transphobic parents.
(Also if you headcanon Epel as FTM, I don’t dislike you, because I understand that there’s not a lot of trans representation and a good portion of this post is about how Epel is trans coded.)
For me to like Vil I need just some sort of acknowledgment from the narrative that Vil is wrong for forcing Epel to play a role he doesn’t want, because right now it feels like the story is saying he’s right and it makes me like him even less. It makes me feel like they’re saying that Epel’s gender dysphoria will go away with time as he accepts his feminine appearance and, from my personal experience, that’s not really how it works????
If I’m wrong please let me know. But like, when I’m dressed femme and my gender is more masc that day, no matter how comfortable I would be in that outfit if my gender was femme, I feel dysphoric.
Also before anyone says “but you think Epel is cisgendered! How can he experience gender dysphoria???”
Tumblr media
So, anyway, that’s why, for the moment, I can not like Vil.
Also, please, do not use this to spread any hate about Vil Shoenheit. Like I said, I don’t hate his character, I just really dislike how this part of the story is being handled. I should also mention I haven’t read Chapter 6 yet, so I don’t actually know if this issue is properly being dealt with there. I will reboot this when I have read it and say whether I have changed my mind or not. Thank you.
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spro-o · 14 days
i noticed that in your art you referred to gowther as auncle and that had me kicking my feet so may you please spare your nnt gender/sexuality headcanons and fave ships? hope your exams have gone/are going well and that you have a great weekend :D
*laughs evilly* yes,,,, my time to shine,,, >:3
thank you very much for the ask!! indeed i would love to share my queer hcs and favourite ships for the gang!!
hcs (heads up, some references to horny preferences)
trans man (he/him) (im not projecting, trust) (lie)
he has a very high libido/pervy tendencies, yes, but also an equally strong potential for romantic love - i do think of him as quite the possessive/protective type on a very deep emotional level, he just covers it up by acting like a perv all the time (something something traumatised and doesnt want others to see him caring for people since he fears they will take them away from him)
top-leaning switch and much freakier than his appearances may lead some to believe
cis woman (she/her)
has definitely kissed elizabeth multiple times on their "girl's nights/sleepovers"
the type to blush and fawn over every woman in existence,,,, and her husband too ig
pegs king on the regular
masc-alligned genderqueer (he/they) (not projecting again) (another lie)
finds men and women attractive at about an even ratio
he picks his clothing to be so slutty for a reason (queer signalling + hes a sucker for that kind of attention, though he might act like he doesnt care) (he cares most when said attention comes from meliodas, which is affirmed every time mel takes the chance to feel him up)
bottom-leaning switch and the most masochistic masochist you ever will meet
cis man (he/him)
bisexual (god damn all these bitches bi ‼️‼️)
i think we all know how king discovered his like of men (,,, cough,, helbram,,)
yeah helbram definitely pull a couple of those 'leaning in for a kiss/doing some other gay shit' stunts as a joke and was like haha got you and king was just sat there, bright red, blood streaming down his nose
denied these stunts had any effect on him whatsoever
gets pegged by diane on the regular
non-binary (they/them) (intersex??? i mean, theyre a doll, probably got interchangeable parts lmao)
demisexual and demiromantic gay/queer
they dont really have a specific label to describe what genders theyre attracted to, its just sorta 'anything goes if we vibe', and its gay either way, so they keep it broad
as mentioned, theyre referred to by gender-neutral titles, but dont mind the occasional "miss ma'am" for comedic effect
tends to prefer bottoming, but not exclusively
nb trans woman (she/they)
aro-spec lesbian
shes never had much luck or want for romantic relationships but has definitely had her fair share of thotin around with women
very skilled at rizzing up said women, but its really a 50/50 whether shes doing so to get someone laid or to acquire her next social-experiment subject (whom she will also probably dick down later, who knows)
cis man,,,, he/him
sorry yall, gotta have the token straight ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tho i do hc as being aware of the fact that merlin wont return his feelings, but having accepted that, so all the poetry he writes for her is more of a sign of appreciation of her as a friend, and not as an attempt to hit on her
cis woman (she/her)
the type to have gotten so so many crushes when she was younger,,, finding everyone really attractive and charming, and as a result being the most easily flustered person ever
as each sin rejoined the group, shed have her mandatory moment of "oh god,,,, its another very very hot/attractive person"
switch, but very gentle and caring no matter the position
demigirl (she/they)
very easily flustered (extremely weak for elizabeth)
pillow princessing all over the place
non-binary (he/they/xe)
bisexual, with a preference for women
tends to be pretty resistant to flirtatious remarks and whatnot, but is the absolute weakest when its from gelda (professional simp /pos)
,,,, also a massive bottom, but i digest
trans woman (she/her, also doesnt mind they/them)
demiromantic bisexual
knows exactly the effect she has on zeldris, but loves pretending she has no idea
shell say "oh, sorry just need to grad a book from the shelf behind you" and then get her boobs as close to zel's face as possible without making skin contact, and stay there until xe's gone bright red
Melban - obviously, this one goes kinda goes without saying for me. i absolutely love the dynamic between these two, and their shared history as well. they are both very much sick in the head and have so many issues they each struggle with, but at the same time they cant take anything seriously. there are countless interactions between them which are just so so homoerotic, if not just really sweet. these two quite literally will go to hell and back for the other without a second thought, and i adore that (say its bros bein dude all you want, you cant convince me they didnt fuck in purgatory and on many other occasions)
Elilaine - theyre like melban but less punchy, more of the "normal about expressing love for the other". i know there arent many deep interactions between Elizabeth and Elaine, but i just, once again, think that they have a really adorable dynamic and would just make for the most lovely couple (with equally deceivingly harmless looks, but very much the potential to whoop ass if need be)
Geldris - these two, despite canonically being just a straight couple, are one of the most queer duos in the damn series,,, they just are, man, idk. big fan of them both being very gothic and stuff, and obviously im a sucker for how much zeldris buckles at the knees for anything gelda does,,, love them
Hendreyfus - old,,, old man yaoi my beloved (i just think theyre really adorable and are like and old married couple - very cutes!!) (also yeah old men)
i also do love the rarepair (? polycule) of all time, that being melban x elilaine,,, we should have seen more interactions between mel and elaine, and between ellie and ban!! they definitely got up to all sorts of stuff, i just know it
anyways!! thank you very much for the ask!! thankfully i only have one more exam left on monday and then im free from those :,) i hope you have a lovely day!! :D
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deerteetharepretty · 11 months
Trans Ballister Headcannon and intersectional queer theory thoughts about the movie Nimona
I absolutely ADORE the Nimona movie but as an Autigender, genderqueer, who is specifically somewhere encapsulating genderfluid and trans masc nonbinary lesbian, this movie made me sob. 
I related to Nimona so SO MUCH. But due to my love of studying the intersectionallitys of queer struggles as my special interest, i saw a specific headcannon among fans that has my entire heart. 
I dont wanna put down anyone elses, i love them all, but i wanted to take a moment to talk about the beautiful lense you could look at queer intersectionality with the Trans Man Ballistar Boldheart headcannon. 
I want to be clear i do not mean this in a weird way at all!
I think theres a lot to discuss with how we could view there kingdom as being accepting of gay people (at least a bit more progressed past where we are where there may not be hate crimes or any problems but some people are still terrible homophobs far and few) 
But through the eyes of our child Nimona we see that the society only accepts queer folks who are “the good ones” aka constantly repressing little parts of their true self to appease others. The accept gay people and say they are willing to try with binary trans people but the bigotry and outward threat of violence to anything different has kept people in the coset, hiding beautiful, normal, facets of queer joy to be seen as acceptable to the kingdom.
That's why i am so inspired by the headcannon of Ballistar, maybe not openly trans but fully living as himself accepted by doctors and the queen fully at a young age, striving for his best life, with a loving and understanding boyfriend who truly sees him.
Because its him realizing Nimona isnt the enemy, they are just a transgender/shapeshifter child. Much like he doesnt understand shapeshifters at first, he doesn't understand their gender, but you start to see him see Nimona for who she is and love her so much.  This headcannon also makes me think so much about the scene on the sword of Gloreth and the ones right before. After he hurt her Ballistar immediately regretted it. The look in his eyes and the way his hand went weak in shock when he realized he almost threatened her. He sees the fear on her face and it strikes me so much in the headcannon of them both being trans because he realized he was threatening a child, and a queer one like himself who clearly wanted to just be accepted and not hurt. I also want to talk for a moment about the ending with Ambrosius. I may need to make a part two because theres a lot to unpack with ambrosius being a cis gay man who is very supportive of the trans community and having a closeted trans partner. i feel like when the dust settles he would feel so horrible for how much he rejected Nimona in the first place.  GOD I WANNA WRITE A FANFIC ABOUT THEM WORKING TO HEAL THROUGH THIS SHIT 
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genderkoolaid · 10 months
kind of random question, i understand if u dont have an answer but i dont rly know who else to ask. is it at all common for multigender ppl to go by multiple names? im multigender and i go by a few different names bc i feel like there are different..parts of me? and i couldn't settle on one name. but i dont rly see others doing this and was wondering if im kinda the odd one out or if this is a shared experience and im just not seeing it.
Yes, it's common. I personally use multiple names, and from what I've read it seems like genderqueer people having different names for their different genders has been common for a long time.
I know people have talked about how plurality affects being multigendered, but I think you can go the other way too. Idk how much monogender people would experience this, but for me being multigendered causes a kind of plural experience. I'm still "me" but it's different me's yk?
Honestly I really really think we need to make awareness of multiple names/pronouns a bigger part of Trans 101. Because so many people have completely no idea how to use multiple names/pronouns, and for some people that's fine but for me it sucks to only ever have one part of myself acknowledged.
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t4transsexual · 10 months
why do you identify with "lesbian" if you say you're a man. A man can't be a lesbian, i don't understand it.
The whole lesbian concept excludes men bc it has nothing to do with men. Lesbian is women loving women, and if you identify as a man, i don't understand how you can identify w the lesbian community as well.
like this isba genuine question, I'd like to listen to your explanation bc im genuinely confused!
trans men, and any trans person really, cannot exist on the same binary cisgender people exist on. the binary was not made with trans people in mind, to be trans and to change your sex (which isnt limited to bottom surgery btw), would be inherently nonbinary, simply because the binary does not accommodate for trans people
beyond that, trans men dont have the same rights privileges and power that a cis man would have. meaning that while a trans man IS a man, he is not a cis man, and thus cannot experience male privilege, or the systemic power that comes with being a cis man
so we can conclude from that two things. one, trans people are inherently nonbinary. while not every trans person identified as nonbinary, the act of transitioning, socially and medically, is an inherently nonbinary act. i personally choose to identify as nonbinary to deal with the distress of people forcing me into the cis man category when i am fundementally different from them. now that we have concluded that the act of transitioning is nonbinary, let me address that: trans men have always been included in lesbianism. the communities are not seperate. the historical definition of lesbian has included gender diverse people as well as women, and trans men are still gender diverse
beyond that; a trans man identifying as a lesbian is not the same as a cis man identifying as a lesbian. the ideas that trans men are men and that trans men are NOT cis men can both be true. trans men who are attracted to women have more societally in common with lesbians (especially genderqueer lesbians) than cishet men. yes, trans men identify as straight all the time. however, if a trans man wants to identify as a lesbian, who are we to deny him? he isnt a cis man, hes not a threat to lesbianism or to the queer community.
"wouldnt identifying as a lesbian and a trans man be invalidating?"
a: different trans men have different opinions for themselves and their gender. some trans men choose to identify as straight/heterosexual, some trans men choose to identify as lesbians. it just depends on the person, however, if a trans man truly felt invalidated by the lesbian label, he just wouldn't use it. you dont get to assign rules on how a trans man chooses to identify, and you don't know him better than he knows himself
"what IS a lesbian then?"
a: the historical defintion of a lesbian is any gender diverse individual who likes women and/or gender diverse people. however, every lesbian can tell you something different. i know lesbians who only date binary women. i know lesbians who are exclusively t4t. i know lesbians who are femme4butch and date trans men who are butches. someones personal definition of their own lesbianism doesnt invalidate yours, and vice versa
"whats next, a CIS man identifying as a lesbian to cause trouble?"
a: and what if the world was made of pudding? trans men are not cis men, and to believe such is wishful thinking at best, and ultimately distressing to trans people. beyond that, i raise a counterargument of, what if we let trans people use the bathroom of their preferred gender? what would happen if a cis person used the opposite genders bathroom to cause trouble? the fact of the matter is, punishing trans people who are trying to live for the hypothetical cis person doing something wrong is transphobic and also stupid
"evan, i dont WANT to date a male lesbian/lesbian on t! what does this mean for my lesbianism?"
a: absolutely nothing! date who you want! you actually dont have to be attracted to every single person who is a lesbian! i know im not! youre allowed your preferences. i do know for a fact that some lesbians, especially under the trans/genderqueer umbrella are really into trans male lesbians and lesbians on t, but that does NOT mean that you have to be! once again, nobody elses personal definition of lesbianism can invalidate YOUR personal definition of lesbianism. im ALL ABOUT doing what you want!
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