#please give her a follow she is amazing <3
whatswrongwithblue · 3 days
The Fire in the Sin
Chapter 3 - Overture
Word count: 6,733. Read on AO3. Series Masterlist. <- Previous Chapter.
Summary: Takes place slightly before and through the end Episode 1 Season 1 and during the events of the actual extermination day. TW: canon typical violence and language. Alastor is an ass for most of this chapter but you get brief moments where you can see he's still a simp for his wife, he's just having A BAD DAY.
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This AMAZING painting is done by the wonderful lustylita. Please follow her for the best Alastor artwork your eyes will ever feast on. The entire scene in the radio tower was inspired by this image.
Series Summary:
Present Day chapters – Alastor has been missing 7 years. No one knows what happened or where he went – not even his wife Mina, who has been searching for him. One day he shows back up and seems to expect a happy reunion with her but he won’t say where he has been. With the promise of eventually giving her both answers and revenge for the last 7 years, she decides to play along with his games, but she can’t pretend to be happy about any of it. Prequel chapters – Mina, an Irish immigrant to America, dies a violent death in 1917. She spends the first decades in Hell making a life for herself, working as a torturer for Abaddon, enforcing the one major law of Hell; Sinners can’t leave. And then she meets and falls for Alastor. They live blissfully together for decades, until one day, he just vanishes.
Chapter 3 - Overture
Present Day
Alastor sat on the balcony of his room, intently watching the road that the lead up to the hotel. He took a sip of his coffee, then checked the time on his pocket watch. This year’s extermination was set to begin in a few minutes and the hotel was short one resident.
Not that he was worried.
Mina had survived several years’ worth of exterminations without him and she was resourceful.
And she certainly knew how to make herself scarce, apparently.
No, he wasn’t concerned exactly but he was definitely agitated.
Likely this was her way of making a point to him about not knowing the whereabouts of one’s spouse during trying times, but he didn’t care for it.
As the residence of a Hellborn, the hotel was a safe haven during exterminations and therefore safe for any of its other permanent residents, including Sinners . . . as long as they stayed away from windows and doorways. Now was not the time to be playing petty games with him. If Mina wanted to continue to be stubbornly cold and distant, she could very well do so in the safety of her own room.
Alastor took another drink, looking every bit on the outside like he hadn’t a care in the world.
He supposed she could have found sanctuary elsewhere.
If his suspicions were correct and she had returned to working for Abaddon, Mina could also still claim her old residence at The Pit. That had been in her previous contract after all; housing, safety, and above all else . . . power.
Alastor sat up and squinted as a figure came into view down the road.
Well, he was almost beginning to hope she wouldn’t show up, it would have been undeniable evidence of what she was up to.
He slipped into shadows and manifested purposefully behind her.
“Playing games now, are we?” he said, delighting in the way she jumped in her skin, her usually sleek black tail fully fluffed out in agitation that he had managed to startle her.
She huffed at him and continued walking.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure, you don’t,” he said dryly. “It makes perfect sense to be out and about minutes before an extermination day begins.”
“I just needed some fresh air before I have to be cooped up in the hotel all day and night with you.”
“Oh, the horror,” he said with a roll of his eyes.
“If you’re so concerned, then why don’t you go back inside? I don’t need an escort just to walk up the drive.”
“An excellent idea, my love,” he said and linked his arm through hers before she could protest.
They turned to shadow together and appeared a second later in the hotel lobby.
“Look what the cat dragged in!” Angel announced, surprisingly awake and already with a bottle in his hand. “Or what the deer dragged in . . . the deer dragged the cat in- you know what, never mind.” He took another big gulp from his drink.
“Oh thank God, thank God, thank God,” Charlie said, launching herself around Mina in a bear hug. “We were so worried when no one could find you. Thank goodness Alastor got you back in time!”
“I was already coming up the road,” Mina mumbled and shuffled off to sit next to a very inebriated Angel.
“And where were you, exactly?” Vaggie asked with a hand to her hip. “We’ve been looking for you for the last hour.”
“I told you all we needn’t worry,” Alastor chimed in, once again using his shadow form to transport himself across the room and into the seat on the couch next to Mina, sandwiching her between himself and Angel. “Extermination Day makes everyone a bit restless. So she got a bit carried away while out gathering her thoughts? No harm done.”
Mina looked at him with surprise; she clearly hadn’t expected him to defend her. But he wasn’t about to give the impression to the rest of the hotel residents that he didn’t have the situation under control.
A scream sounded in the far distance, just loud enough to make out, but it was enough to make the mood of the room instantly shift.
A second later, the siren began to shout its annual alarm that the extermination had begun. It had just been too late to warn the first victim.
Alastor felt Mina’s weight shift a little closer to his side. His smile widened, knowing she was never as unfazed by these days as she let on. No one was.
“Yeah,” Charlie said, her eyes suddenly sad and focused on the hotel door, “No harm done.”
Alastor wasn’t the type to verbalize his complaints, but inwardly he had to admit, the day was proving to be particularly shitty.
In fact, his entire first week back had been more trying than he had expected. Playing along with Charlie’s childish and naive fantasies had pushed him far out of his comfort zone and the extermination had her seeming extra determined to give them all a wholesome day.
The only upside was that today was the first time since his return that Mina had gone hours without insulting or pestering him. Before his departure, they had enjoyed decades of marital bliss. All that time had allowed him to forget how difficult he found her when they didn’t see eye to eye on things.
Only this time it was worse because Alastor honestly was left feeling a bit bereft at her treatment of him. Nearly a century ago, she had been smart to keep away from him. He had been after her soul, after all. But this time was different. This time, he had no ulterior motives – not with her at least – he was just desperate to have her by his side once again.
Some of the things she had said to him, especially during the first argument in her room, had well and truly hurt his feelings. And that fucking pissed him off. It was one thing to confess to being in love, he had gotten over his reservations with that ages ago. But even to this day, he didn’t care for how easily Mina could control his emotions. It made him feel weak and distracted where once upon a time he had found strength and comfort in her.
And then to start off the day with her up and going missing the way she had was just the icing on the cake. Mina was keeping her own secrets from him, and the audacity of her hypocrisy had his already short supply of patience running on empty.
However, since the extermination had begun, she had been noticeably warmer towards him. It had begun there on the couch, her willingly leaning into his side for comfort. Then she and Niffty had disappeared into the kitchen for a while and brought back breakfast for everyone; some sort of quiche but in the shape of a cupcake that Niffty had called “egg bites.” He had been skeptical at first but then Mina had presented his own special serving, promising she had made his extra spicy, and they had been incredible.
Charlie then insisted on them all participating in some sort of social game she had called “two truths and a lie” so they could all get to know each other. He had been about to excuse himself when Mina had once again settled herself next to and against him. She had even brought him more coffee, knowing full well that he was perfectly capable of summoning it himself, just so she could make a point of being nice.
So he stayed, deciding that it would be a good opportunity to learn more about the other residents and study them. Plus, Vaggie and Husker both looked hilariously uncomfortable with Charlie’s proposition.
As their host had begun to explain the rules of the game, an explosion had gone off, close and large enough that they had all felt the rumbling beneath their feet. Mina had turned in her seat, eyes glued to the front doors, but her hand had gripped onto his bicep and held fast.
“It’s quite alright, Mina,” he had told her, “We’re safe as houses in here.”
Several smaller explosions followed, along with a resounding chorus of screams, and Charlie’s little game was forgotten as everyone sat around in tense silence.
“Well, that was a real buzzkill,” Angel said once the battle outside seemed to push itself deeper into the city center and farther from the hotel.
“Then why don’t we lift the mood a bit, eh my dear?” Alastor said, smiling pointedly at Mina.
She met his gaze but seemed uncertain.
“I don’t know, it’s been a while . . . and I don’t usually do it to make people happy.”
“Nonsense! I’ve seen you command an entire crowd into a jolly good time, you would do perfectly well just giving them a slight suggestion of a more peaceful time.”
“Whattya talking about?” Angel looked confused but he was the only one. It seemed everyone else was already clued into Mina’s ability and were considering the idea.
“You didn’t think the Radio Demon’s own wife was powerless, did you?” Alastor said, materializing a grand piano with a snap of his fingers. “They don’t call her The Siren for no reason, my friend. She can command your emotions and desires with a simple melody. Her real talent is making a person kill themselves at the sound of her voice but of course she wouldn’t do any of that here.”
“He ain’t kidding, either. Seen her get a dozen demons to turn their guns on themselves and blow their brains out,” Husker said and then chuckled. “Gotta admit, it was pretty a good night.”
“Yeah, sounds super fun. Just the kind of thing we need today,” Vaggie deadpanned.
“Vaggie,” Charlie said, “Alastor said it wouldn’t be like that. Plus, I trust Mina. She would never do anything to hurt us.”
“You wont regret it,” Alastor said, appearing at Charlie’s side and holding her by the shoulders. “It’ll be more soothing than the smoothest whiskey Hell has to offer. Calm your nerves in no time at all. Mina?” He said her name with a suggestive gesture towards the piano, inviting her to begin.
 “If you insist,” Mina said and took her seat, “Did you have anything in mind?”
“You’re the professional,” Alastor said but Charlie clapped her hands.
“Oooh, ooh, I hope you know this one, it’s a bit after your time but-“ and she bent over and whispered something into Mina’s ear.
Mina feigned offence. “I’m hurt you would assume otherwise. Not all of us are stuck in the past,” she gave Alastor a teasing look.
She began playing and the soft, happy melody filled the room. It wasn’t one Alastor recognized but he had to admit, it wasn’t awful. Mina was a talented pianist, and it was rare that she chose a tune when he prompted her for one that he didn’t like.
Then she began to sing and the magic really took shape.
“I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what it’s like to be new . . .”
The first time he had heard her sing, Alastor had been convinced she was working a spell on him. Her voice was truly the most enticing he had ever heard. There had been plenty of female musicians he had respected and admired in life and in Hell but never had one made him feel the way she had. But that was just her sheer talent.
When she sang and brought her magic into it, the difference was obvious. There was no longer any individual thought of his own solidifying in his mind, nothing left of himself but whatever her siren voice commanded. It was the difference between infatuation and someone taking complete and utter control over your faculties.
Nothing would unsettle and bother him more if it was anyone else doing this to him. But Mina had never used her power over him without his consent and he had quickly learned to admit, it was the most affective drug to settle one’s nerves. And with his own power being far greater than hers, he knew he could withstand a mental attack if he ever truly fought against it. Vox had given him the opportunity to test that theory ages ago, and the rival Overlord had far stronger powers of hypnosis than his wife.
The song ended and the spell lifted but the sense of tranquility still lingered in the room’s atmosphere. All of the guests, even Niffty, looked completely blissed out.
“Jesus toots, I feel like I need a cigarette after that,” Angel said, his head lulled onto the back of the couch, and each of his six limbs limp at his sides.
Mina stood up from the piano and bit her lip as she looked around.
“Maybe I went a little too hard on them.”
“Au contraire, ma chér,” Alastor said, putting an arm around her waist, “I think it was just right.”
Indeed, the following few hours had passed nicely, allowing him to enjoy Mina’s good mood while it lasted and tolerate each and every one of Charlie’s silly forms of entertainment.
Eventually, though, due to the limited nature of her powers of hypnosis, the charm had worn off and when it did, he was more aggravated than ever. The occasional sounds of turmoil outside were the least of his problems compared to the personal Hell he was finding himself in within the walls of the hotel.
Mina’s social battery had worn out long before his and she had retreated to her room. He sent his shadow in to check on her every now and then, but found she was being sincere, rather than trying to sneak off again. She was tucked under the covers of her bed with a novel in her hand, only slightly changing positions every time he spied on her.
He should be relieved, but it just bothered him more that she felt she could simply excuse herself to do something as selfish as read while he was left playing the extroverted hotel manager. The least she could do was play another song to keep the rest of the staff more subdued. A song an hour was not that much to ask of her on a day like today, and yet she had retreated from everyone like a senseless wallflower.
Charlie was on the verge of hysteria, Vaggie and Husk were taking turns on who could be the most Negative Nancy, and Angel wouldn’t stop making leud inuendoes at everyone’s expense. Truly, by the time dusk had settled, the only person Alastor wasn’t ready to kill if it meant five minutes of peace and quiet was Niffty.
He decided enough was enough and as soon as the opportunity came where no one was paying attention to him, he slipped into his shadow form and left for his radio tower. If he couldn’t leave the hotel, at least he could get some work done.
Mina crawled out from her covers and went to her bedroom window, peering out over the city below.
The extermination was still going strong, more than 12 hours in. She let the curtain fall in disgust.
She knew she shouldn’t have excused herself when she had, but she was so mentally exhausted she just couldn’t take it anymore. It had gotten to the point where it was impossible for her to focus on anything, so she had left. When she became overwhelmed in social settings, she got pissy. And she was really trying to make an effort to not be pissy with Alastor, at least on this particular day.
Mina sighed, knowing she should probably return the favor of checking in on him. Although she had pretended not to notice, she was aware every time his shadow slunk into her room to make sure she was alright.
Either that, or he was making sure she was staying put. Her fault for getting home stupidly late this morning, once again on a job up on Earth she thought she could take care of overnight. But really, whatever Alastor suspected, did he really think she was going to leave the hotel while the extermination was still happening?
She headed out to find him and quickly found the other residents still gathered in the lobby, though it was evident Alastor wasn’t among them. Niffty hadn’t seen him either, so in preparation of finding him holed up in his own room, she grabbed him a glass of rye from the bar as a peace offering. But his room was very much empty and that left her one last logical place to look; the new radio tower he had added to the hotel. Mina left the glass on a table in the room and left.
He hadn’t invited her up there yet, so she had avoided going up there on principle but if he was really there tonight, she had to make sure he was okay.
After giving a soft knock on the door to announce her presence, Mina stepped into the room and stared in stunned silence at what she saw.
Alastor was using a laptop.
His jacket and monocle were off and his hair was pulled back into a tight knot in the back, meaning he was fulling engaged in his task and incredibly over stimulated by it. The state of his disarray meant he would be in an extra irate mood, but she had always found the distressed look on him incredibly attractive. When he let his guard down it was for her eyes, and her eyes alone, and it showed his level of trust in her. Plus, it was just plain hot.
But the shock of seeing him using such modern technology was more than enough to distract her from her lustful thoughts.
“Hmmm,” he responded, not bothering to look up from his task.
“Just making sure it’s actually you.”
“Very funny.”
He wasn’t telling her to get out, so she slowly approached him, noticing an image of the hotel on the screen of the laptop. His hand hovered over the keyboard rather than touching it and the green glow of his magic ebbed and flowed as the image shifted around.
“What are you doing up here?”
“I’m  . . . fuck,” he hissed through his strained smile and pinned his ears back. The laptop screen flickered to black for a second and when it came back on, the program he had been trying to use had clearly crashed. “I’m working on something. Someone around this Hell forsaken place should be.”
Mina put a hand on his shoulder and he tensed beneath her fingers but didn’t shrug her off.
“Can you do whatever this is downstairs? I don’t like you up here, it’s not safe right now.”
“I’m fine,” he said and this time he did push her hand off.
Mina crossed her arms and looked down at him, her tail swishing in agitation behind her.
“Al, please. You can have as much solitary confinement as you want in your room, to do whatever this is, where an angel is far less to break through the glass and exterminate you.”
“No one but you is annoying enough to bother me up here,” he mumbled, still not turning to look at her.
“Oh, I’m annoying now?”
“Yes, terribly so.”
“Well better annoying than dead! Not even the great Radio Demon is immune to an exterminator’s blade so you get your arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical ass downstairs unless you plan on disappearing for good this time.”
Alastor slammed the laptop shut and Mina was shocked it didn’t break in half from the force. He stood and as she blinked, he was back in his normal attire; jacket perfectly in place and hair down, though it was more frazzled than usual.
“And would that make you happy, my dear?” He sneered; eyes turned to dials as his temper began to take over. “I may be all those things and more but you have been nothing less than a cold, stubborn, secretive, hypocritic little shrew since I’ve returned.”
She glared back up at him, a solid head taller than her even if he hadn’t quite begun to morph into his full demon form.
“Sit down,” she said.
He tilted his head. “Pardon?”
“Sit,” she repeated, pointing a claw at his chair. Then after a beat she added, “Please.”
He complied and returned to his normal visage, though the upper half of his face was still stuck in a deep scowl.
Without invitation, Mina set herself in his lap and kissed him.
Alastor went rigid at first but as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself tighter against him, she felt him relax beneath her.
He began to kiss her back in earnest and she felt his hands tighten around her waist, his claws digging into the flesh of her upper thighs.
It was the first real moment of intimacy between them besides the quick kiss he had given her on the first night of his return. She parted her lips and he responded well, and as his tongue met hers she felt the vibration of a purr beginning in the back of her throat. It was undeniable at this moment how much she had missed him and how starved for his affection she was, and it caused her near physical pain to pull away when she did.
“Let me be absolutely clear,” she panted, still holding onto the sides of his face “I am still very upset. It’s taking all of my self-control not to lash out at any given second with you. But I’m also still madly, desperately in love with you, and am not about to lose you all over again. So please,” she pressed a kiss to his forehead, “get your precious, infuriating tail downstairs where I can remain angry without also having to worry for you.”
Alastor’s smile dropped into a thin line and for a moment he looked so sad. It was such a foreign expression on his face that Mina almost didn’t recognize it for what it was and then in a moment, it was gone, replaced by the wide, sharp-toothed smile she was used to.
She could tell he was trying to come up with another stinging remark, but just as he opened his mouth to speak, a bright flash of yellow light lit up the room. He turned his gaze to peer at something behind her and Mina stood and turned as well, looking out the large window at the destruction happening outside.
A horde of angels had come within a few hundred yards of the hotel and one of them was armed with some sort of light-wielding weapon and using it on a fleeing group of Sinners. Several angels broke free from their arial assault and descended on what was left of the scattering crowd, their spears glinting in the dim light, even at this distance.
How was this not blasphemous? Angelic beings straight from heaven getting to kill in the name of their cause while she had been sent to Hell for simply doing what she had to do to survive. And what of it if she had enjoyed it? These angels were doing far worse than she ever had while she was alive, and they clearly had as much lust for violence as she did.
“Darling,” Alastor said, standing up from behind her, “I believe we were in the middle of something.��
“I know, it’s just,” Mina said, eyes still glued to the scene of carnage below them, “I hate them. So much. I just-“
Another flash of light from whatever that horrible weapon was and Mina felt Alastor grab her arm.
“Time to go,” he said and felt the familiar light weight feeling of his shadow before she was being pulled down.
They were back in his room in an instant but he was no longer beside her. Rather, she was left standing in the middle of the normal portion of the room while he had materialized a full work bench and seat in his bayou, his focus already seemingly back on his work.
Mina knew it was just an act. He was just as affected as she was, he was just better at shutting it out, but she still hated him for it in that moment. How could he keep going like this, just pretending he wasn’t in just as much pain and turmoil as she was? She wanted to scream at him, claw at him, make him beg to take her back, make him show her that he wanted her just as badly as she wanted him.
And why couldn’t she set her own pride aside for one night? She should go to him, tell him that none of it mattered, that she forgave him as long as he was still hers, and continue on with the kiss she had given him up in his tower. He could take her and fuck her right there on the floor of his room and it would be like none of the pain of tonight or the last seven years had ever happened.
But that wouldn’t be like either of them.
Intimacy was a struggle with Alastor. He always had to be in the exact right state of mind for it to be of interest to him. Only then would he let his guard down. Only then, could he be soft and sweet with her. And as much as her body ached for that side of him, Mina’s heart was still too bruised to give him what he would need in order to fulfill both of their desires. She could do it; the moment they had shared a minute ago had proved he was still susceptible to her advances, but it would mean letting him believe she trusted him again. And that was the crux of their situation. He demanded trust from her when, right now, she had almost none to give.
With regret, Mina grabbed the whisky glass she had left on the dresser before and walked towards him, setting it beside him without a word.
As she turned away, she saw from the corner of her eye his confused glance at the glass.
“Mina,” he said her name with the same trace of regret she felt but rather than give in, she simply walked out the door and let it shut behind her.
The morning came and with it, the end of the extermination. It had raged well into the evening hours, but it had given Alastor the opportunity he needed to complete his task. As deplorable as he found working with this kind of technology, it needed to be done to set the next part of his plan in motion, and it was a welcome distraction from his personal problems.
He couldn’t be wrapped up in his exasperation with having to make this blasted commercial and succumb to his turmoil over the state of his marriage. He simply didn’t have the emotional capacity for all of that at once. So, he had chosen one over the other and figured he would deal with the consequences in the morning.
Thankfully, Mina had seemed to resign herself to at least being cordial in front of the other residents. If she was still smarting from his abrupt dismissal of her advances the night before, she was being classy enough to act as if all was well when they had an audience. Perhaps today would be a better day, after all.
She had easily agreed to join the others in the lobby for his presentation and as the commercial began, it quickly became evident she was the only one who appeared entertained by his efforts.
Could she tell he had purposefully done an awful job? He couldn’t be certain, but she was failing to totally suppress a grin and as she made eye contact with him, there was a kind of familiar knowing in her look.
That shared glance between them meant more to him than the rather passionate kiss she had given him the night before.
As the commercial ended, so did their moment, and he focused his attention back to where it needed to be.
“So, what do you think?” he asked, acting for all the world as if he expected Charlie and Vaggie to be pleased, which of course they weren’t.
“I’m sorry, what the fuck was that?” the loud little one began, followed by Charlie’s pathetic attempt to smooth things over. If she was really going to rule Hell and be the powerful force he would eventually need her to be, she really needed to work on her authoritative tone.
“Bad, the word you’re looking for is bad,” Vaggie interrupted.
“Funny, I was going for hilarious.”
Mina failed to stifle a chuckle and Vaggie turned her head to glare at her. “It’s not hilarious.”
Mina just raised an eyebrow at her.  
“Ugh, of course you’re on his side,” Vaggie huffed and turned her frustration back on Alastor. “It didn’t even explain anything about how we’re trying to save demons from extermination, which is the whole fucking point.”
Charlie started up again and the three of them went back and forth for a minute, Alastor purposefully riling Vaggie up until she was on her feet on the couch, trying to add height to her indignation.
“You been here a week and you – both of you,” she exclaimed, pointing dramatically at Alastor and then Mina, “are supposed to be helping, and instead you’re mocking us.”
“Oh don’t drag me into this,” Mina said, crossing her arms, “I got Charlie that spot on the news and that would have been plenty helpful if she had done a decent job of it.”
“And you don’t think we find it suspicious that the news spot you got her is what supposedly got Alastor’s attention, huh? After you made such a big deal about looking for him?” Vaggie countered.
Alastor’s smile grew as he watched the tension between the women in the room grow even more.
Mina’s ears pinned themselves out to the side as she eyed the petite demon up and down.
“You don’t want to go there with me, love. Trust me.”
“You want me to trust you?!” Vaggie exclaimed, “Then get him to fix that disaster of a commercial because no one is going to want to come to a place that a powerful Overlord like him thinks is a waste of time.”
Vaggie sat back down and Alastor was just considering if the time had come to make his move when Angel raised a hand.
“What?!” Vaggie snapped.
“If in ya filming a commercial, can I suggest you take advantage of the talented celebrity you got right here?”
“Angel, you’re a porn star,” Vaggie said unimpressed and as they bantered, Alastor slithered his shadow form across the room to reappear closure to the cause of further discourse, just in time for Angel to predictably suggest that he make a sex tape with him.
“Aha! Never going to happen.”
“Will you stop hitting on my husband?” Mina said, all traces of her previous good mood gone as Vaggie and Angel unintentionally got on her last nerve.
“There’s no need to be jealous, baby,” Angel said, “You could join in. I usually charge extra for girls but if it’s in the name of helping out the hotel, I’ll give you a freebie.”
Mina growled as she stomped over to where the spider demon lay sprawled across the couch.
“Whoa whoa whoa,” Angel held up all four hands in submission, “I’m just kidding around, no need to get violent.”
“I swear,” she said, a finger pointed right in his face, “come onto either of us one more time an’ I’ll cauterize every single one of those holes you use to make a livin’.”
“Jesus, Alastor, your missus is a little tense,” Angel said, brave enough to turn away from the angry feline to look up at the deer demon who was clearly enjoying the chaos. “You really haven’t fucked her since you got back, have ya?
Before Mina could react, Alastor whisked them both away via shadow back to Charlie and Vaggie’s side of the room. Her jealousy was never sourced from an insecurity of Alastor’s faithfulness to her, but rather from feeling disrespected by anyone who would dare tread on her territory. The feeling was mutual, and they had both had their moments in the past where someone’s leud comment got the better of them, but now was not the time or place for violence.
Thankfully putting the space between her and Angel, as well as keeping a well-placed hand around her hips, created an instant calming affect the hot-headed Irish woman.
They watched together as Charlie attempted to diffuse the situation more and Angel just continued making suggestive comments, though they were at least self-deprecating now.
Then, right on cue, Charlie’s phone went off and she dismissed herself to talk to her father.
“Hey, I have question,” Angel said, finally changing the subject away from his body parts, “if freaky-face over there is so powerful, then why can’t he just make people stay here?”
“Oh, trust me,” Alastor laughed, before quickly extending his antlers, “I can.”
Before he could truly revel in the look of fear on their faces and the look of delight on Mina’s, Husker decided to put in his two cents, and it started another round of Angel’s inappropriate and pointless flirting. It only came to an end when Vaggie stepped in, making the point that Sinners were supposed to choose the hotel.
“Well whatta ‘bout her?” Angel asked, gesturing towards Mina, “can’t she just go downtown and sing one of her trippy little tunes to get people feeling like they want to be better people?”
Vaggie groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose between her fingers. “Absolutely not. What is it about the concept of choice that you aren’t getting?”
Alastor watched with amusement as the drunkard and the self-righteous continued to clash, not failing to notice that Mina had fully calmed down and had stepped away, trying to subtly eavesdrop on Charlie’s phone call. His wife’s instincts were still sharp as ever as to what was really worth paying attention to. It impressed and excited him. As long as he couldn’t explain anything to her himself, he needed Mina to be on her toes and trying to work things out on her own.
Lucifer must have finally wrapped things up – honestly how long did it take to ask a simple favor – because Charlie had pulled Vaggie aside, then quickly bounded out of the hotel and down the street, as Mina curiously watched the whole scene unfold.
It was time for the real fun of the day to begin.
Once they were done filming the commercial and were waiting for Charlie’s return, Mina took the opportunity to talk in private with Vaggie.
“Alastor made a deal with you, didn’t he?” she asked, cutting to the chase.
“Wait, you didn’t know?” Vaggie asked.
Mina knew he had purposefully done an awful job with the original commercial he created. He didn’t take the hotel any more seriously than she did, but he was a showman at heart and would have easily been able to come up with something more convincing than that if he had actually been trying.
She could tell immediately he was toying with them, drawing Charlie in with the idea of the commercial, but then not fully delivering until he got something in return. Then suddenly he and Vaggie returned to the lobby and the plan was a go.
So Mina ignored Vaggie’s question, not liking the implication that Alastor hadn’t let her in on his plan. True, he was hiding a lot from her, but this just all felt so painfully obvious, she didn’t feel the need to be clued in beforehand.
“What were the terms of the deal?”
“Well, that’s the weird part,” Vaggie said, “it wasn’t a big deal. He just said he would help film a decent commercial if I promised to not make him do any TV related stuff in the future.”
“Huh,” Mina said, already forming theories in her head and turned to walk away.
“Wait,” Vaggie stopped her, “you don’t think it’s more than that, right?”
Mina paused, knowing she was at a crossroads. She could do things Alastor’s way and dismiss Vaggie’s concern and pretend nothing was wrong. But Vaggie was likely too smart for that, and it would ultimately cause more distrust between them. The other option was to display just enough honesty to make it appear Mina really was on her side. If Alastor was being even a little honest with Mina, then it was true he needed to gain Charlie’s trust to get along with whatever plan of his he was concocting. And Mina seemed to have figured out before Alastor had that Vaggie was the real path to gaining Charlie’s trust.
Mina made a show of sighing and looking defeated.
“Vaggie, look, you’re a smart girl. And despite you clearly having a problem with me since day one, I respect you. So, I’ll be honest with you. I really don’t know what Alastor’s planning, but I do know him. And he never makes a simple deal, there’s always a catch. It’s either going to benefit himself more than he’s letting on or it’s going to hurt you more than he’s letting on. Sometimes both.” Mina put a hand on Vaggie’s shoulder and did her very best to look concerned. “Just promise me, if he tries making another one, you’ll tell me about it before you agree to anything, okay?”
“Okay,” Vaggie agreed, “And hey, I know things got a little tense before . . . I guess I shouldn’t have tried accusing you-“
“It’s fine,” Mina smiled, “water under the bridge.”
Later, even when they had a moment alone, she didn’t confront him about the deal. It almost certainly had something to do with Vox. Either he was using the deal to protect the hotel from Vox’s reach or he would use the deal in the future so that Vaggie couldn’t force him to get involved if Vox were to ever jeopardize the hotel in a way Alastor thought he could benefit from.
Mina decided it was best for now to sit with her theories as a test to see how well she could predict Alastor’s next moves. She surprised herself when she realized she still trusted him with her safety; because no matter what the intentions of his little deal with Vaggie were, it wouldn’t bring any harm to herself.  
As they came down the staircase into the lobby together, Alastor burst her little bubble.
“You know about the deal, don’t you?” he whispered.
Mina just smiled.
“I see your need for attention can still win out over your need for secrecy.”
He huffed. “I wasn’t keeping the deal a secret; I’m just surprised you haven’t asked me about it.”
“Hmm,” she shrugged, “I guess I didn’t find it that interesting.”
That clearly was a blow to his ego, and he sulked in silence the rest of the way into the lobby, choosing a solitary chair rather than being close to her.
Charlie arrived home and Vaggie pulled her to join them in front of the television set. The commercial began to air when an emergency broadcast cut it short.
Mina sat in shock as Katie Killjoy announced the coming arrival of the next extermination.
Just six months away? They were cutting the time between their slaughter in half?
The other residents were just as outraged as her.
Everyone except Charlie and Alastor.
Rather than continuing to watch the TV screen, Mina studied their faces and came to the sinking realization they both already knew about this.
She quickly worked out Charlie must have just found out at the meeting with the angels she had been at all day but Alastor?
How the fuck did he know?
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happi-tree · 11 months
Hello hello V :D 8, 9, and 22!!! 💕💕
Hello hello Travis!!! :DDD
8. what's the most fun and the least fun parts about your process
The least fun is deeeeefinitely lining things. I tend to use a softer pencil and too much pressure, so my hand and the paper will be absolutely covered in graphite by the end of it 🤡🤡🤡 The most fun is probably adding last-minute touches - making the lines a bit cleaner, adding gel pen, etc. It feels a little less stress-inducing now that basically everything is finished and I can just be a little goofy about things!
9. show us a finished piece right alongside the original sketch
Hehehehe np! It isn't dndads but I have recently finished a spidersona sketch page that I like. I think it's pretty fun :Dc
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22. what inspires you
Lots of things!!! Art Nouveau stuff - particularly paintings by Alphonse Mucha - really inspires me (which definitely showed up a lot more in my older stuff than it does now). Fashion illustration has also been a very longstanding piece of inspo, as has high and low fashion in general! Anime and ghibli are also something I look to, as well as cartoons of all kinds <3 And lastly, a lot of my mutuals and people I follow on here have inspired different elements of my art style and how I approach making things in general :DDD Actually um. To name a few. @queenangst @themissakat @shima-draws @bardicspiration @mood-owl @toonteller @llumimoon (and you ofc @officialgleamstar) hope you guys don't mind me tagging asfkhavshkfs! You guys are so cool 💗💗💗
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arien-rey · 7 months
can i request for a miguel with an s/o who's having major baby fever for a daughter? you can make it smutty or fluffy!!
cw: breeding kink, light light choking, size kink
an: im sorry i literally went INSANE over this bc i know my man has a big big breeding kink!!! i made it realllly smut-heavy, hope thats ok with you! <3
wc: 1.2k
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“Daddy! Mommy!” Gabriella exclaimed, her face lighting with pure joy. She quickly sprints to Miguel, backpack swinging wildly. Without a moment’s hesitation, Miguel drops to his knee next to you and eagerly awaits his daughter’s embrace.
With arms outstretched, Miguel effortlessly catches Gabriella in mid-air and holds her tightly against his chest. A warm smile spreads across your face at the heartwarming scene, your husband’s large hands enfolded around your daughter.
As Gabriella buries her face into Miguel’s strong shoulder and he grins. “missed you, mija. How was your day at school?”
Gabriella pulls away and turns to hold your hand before shyly, begins to rattle on about her day; all the new friends she made, her soccer games at recess, and a particularly impressive drawing she made with water color. “Thats amazing, honey,” you exclaim, and Miguel nods in agreement.
As you walk back to the car, you feel a strong surge of love in your chest as you watch the way Miguel interacts with Gabi so affectionately. The way he listens attentively to every word she says, and how she runs into his arms with a goofy grin spread on her lips. It was attractive to say the least, and it got you thinking…
“Miggy, I want another one.”
Miguel raised an eyebrow, a mixture of surprise and curiosity dancing across his face. He sets down his book to turn his attention to you fully. It was late at night, and the two of you were cuddling together on the couch after Gabriella was put to sleep.
“another baby, huh?”
“yeah, a cute baby girl. Just.. the way you handle Gabi is so…” Your voice trails off, unable to find the right words. he wraps his strong arm around you, smiling with playful satisfaction at your response and you, blushing shyly, bury your face into his chest.
“Please, Miggy,”
You whisper, and suddenly you feel his rough touch under your chin, gently tilting your head up to meet your eyes with his hazel ones, dim with a new desire.
“of course, nena. you want me to give you another baby girl? huh?”
you nod softly, shivering when you feel his other hand snake up your thigh, stopping on your inner thigh and gently messaging the flesh with his thumb.
“let me help you then,” he murmurs softly, drawing close to you, his lips meeting yours in a tender touch. With a gentle glide, his calloused hand caresses your chin, cradling your cheek, as he pulls you closer. As your lips meet his, you reciprocate without any hesitation, indulging in an affectionate, delicate kiss.
this tenderness didn’t last long though, the gentleness quickly transforming feverish and greedy, moans vibrating from both your chests and your bodies suddenly burning. When you both pull away, you feel his fingers slip under the straps of your tanktop and slide them off your shoulders. “Get this off,” he demands breathlessly, and you comply , stripping for him hastily.
you breathe, splayed out in front of your lover, face flushed as miguel sits up in between your legs with his intense gaze burning your skin as they trace your figure.
“you’re beautiful,” he breathes, and you whimper at his words, clit throbbing at the thought of being bred full and bearing another daughter to the man you love.
Miguel is quick to follow suit, pulling his tight shirt over his head to reveal the tan skin and solid muscle underneath. You bite your lip, eyes lidded as you watch him finish stripping. Miguel hastily takes off his sweatpants and boxers and lets his hard, leaking cock spring free from its confines.
He presses his hand against the plush of your inner thigh and spreads your legs, using his other hand to pump his cock with languid strokes.
You mewl feeling him drag the tip of his fat cock in between your folds, mushing it and teasing it against your clit sending pleasure coursing througch your body and making you throw your head back with a whimper.
he leans down and kisses you slowly, biting down on your lip gently. “feels good?” he asks breathlessly, and you nod, moaning at the feeling of his angry red tip against your swollen clit.
feverishly, he runs his length over your slick folds, grunting as you rocked your hips to meet his touch. After a few intense minutes, with desperate teasing and soft moans slipping from your glossy lips, you squeeze your eyes shut, feeling your orgasm building rapidly. suddenly, he pulls away, making you to whimper at the sudden loss of friction. But before you can protest, he silences you with a brief kiss.
“‘M gonna put it in, okay?” he murmurs hotly, lining up the tip of his cock against your hole before gently pressing the aching tip inside.
Your mouth hangs into an ‘o’ shape, eyes pinched shut as he slowly sinks his cock into your core. You squirm and whimper as you tread the line between pain and pleasure, walls fluttering as his hips press against the back of your thighs. the feeling of being filled fully by miguel sends you into a daze everytime, and he’s so deep inside you can almost feel him in your throat
“g-god, you’re so big,” you whimper, face flushed as your body adjusts to his huge size. Miguel sucks in air between his gritted teeth sharply as your tight walls clamp down on him, engulfing him in your warmth and sucking him in. While he gives you a second to adjust, he slides his hands under the backs of your thighs and pushes your knees to your chest for a less extreme breeding press.
“gonna fuck my cum into you hermosa and knock you up with another baby,” He growls breathlessly, “You’d like that, yeah?” You eagerly nod your head in agreement, tummy flipping with butterflies at his dirty talk before he teasingly pulls out his length almost completely, only to thrust it entirely back in with a force that makes an unintentional moan escape you lips, and your eyes roll back.
His thrusts eventually build a strong rhythm, his hips slamming into you so heavy and mean, hitting the spots inside you that made you see stars. The only sound echoing in the small room was your loud moans mixed with his breathy grunts, along with the loud squelching sound of your slick as his cock drags in and out of your sloppy cunt. “god baby, you’re fucking me so, so good,” you moan, voice shaky, and he slides his hand up your body to rest a hand around your throat. “Yeah? you like it when im rough with you?” he chuckles dryly.
You suck in a sharp breath as he releases your throat and pulls your knees even closer to your chest in a full mating press, letting them rest over his shoulders as if he’s trying to get his cock inside you impossibly deeper. you cry out and desperately claw at the couch, feeling helpless as the new position sends electrifying shocks coursing through your body. pleasure cascades over you and overwhelms your senses, causing your legs to tremble uncontrollably.
Miguel loved seeing you like this, mind gone and pussy stretching to take cock that was too big for you to handle. God, you looked irresistible, fucked dumb under his touch.
“‘M gonna cum Mig, please, please, cum inside me, please!” you beg, tears beginning to well in your eyes. miguel notices and groans at the sight, his thrusts beginning to quicken even more. “shh, baby, you don’t wanna wake up Gabi, do you?” he coos breathlessly, causing a flutter in your chest, and you suppress a gasp. Moving closer, he gently places his forehead against yours, igniting an intense warmth that engulfs both of you. “dont worry nena, I’m gonna fuck my cum right into your pretty little pussy and give you that daughter you wanted m’kay? don’t cry,” he whispers, and it only takes a few more hard thrusts before the coil in your stomach finally snaps.
your eyes squeeze shut and you let out open-mouthed silent moans, your voice lost to the amount of pleasure you’re in as you gush around him. Miguel follows suit soon after, his heavy groans and growls filling the room as he presses his pelvis against your ass and breeds your cunt full of his hot, sticky cum.
Miguel doesn’t bother to pull out yet, the room falling into an abrupt silence, with only the sound of heavy, labored breathing breaking the stillness.
“Hope you’re ready, because I’m not done with you yet.”
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marvelslittlewhore · 5 months
No Movement
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REQUEST | reader being into cock warming and JJ having issues to not starting to fuck her because he has so little control over himself when he's inside her, and she wants to try and low-key train him to hold out longer before giving into his urges
PAIRING | jj maybank x fem!reader
WARNINGS | 18+ only MDNI! smut, no plot, cockwarming, p in v, kind of sub!jj, praise, light choking, unprotected (wrap it before you tap it)
A/N | thank you for requesting! 💕
"Jay, you gotta stop moving, that's the whole point of this." you sighed softly when he had to readjust again to be more comfortable like he said 3 times already, his cock is buried deep inside of you for the last 20 minutes.
"Sorry, sorry. I'm trying- but it's not easy when you're squeezing the hell outta me," he grunted, relaxing a little the second he felt your hands going through his hair.
And he really was trying, you have to give him credit for that. JJ wasn't usually someone to hold back, especially in bed. So when he fucks you, he's showing no mercy.
That's why it's so hard for him to keep still right now, being able to touch you yet not allowed to move even just a little is torture for him, but he's doing this for you. He understands that you just want to savor having him so close and all to yourself.
"I'm proud of you, Baby. Doin' so good for me." you praised him, leaning forward to peck his lips causing him to groan from the small movement. "Think you can hold on a little longer?"
He lets out a shaky breath but nods his head anyway. You tried to distract him by scratching his scalp or running your fingernails up and down his heaving chest.
The noises he made and the way his eyebrows pinch together in focus to not lose control and disappoint you, had you almost giving in to his desires, but feeling in charge for once is something you never knew you needed.
JJ's at your mercy now and you knew he would do anything in this moment just to get some kind of release.
"Please I-" He chokes on his own words, his hands gripping onto your hips desperately.
"What do you need, hm?" you teased by rolling your hips one time.
"Fuck- move, please. I can't-" You cut him off by crashing your lips to his, moaning against his mouth when his hand reached up to cup one of your breasts a single finger flicking over your hardening nipple.
You only pulled back from the lack of oxygen, smiling at how dazed JJ already was. You surprised him by starting to rock your hips slowly, throwing your head back.
Suddenly you felt his arm wrap behind your back and before you knew it your back was pressed against the mattress, wrists held up above your head, and JJ pounding into you at a punishing pace, letting out all the built-up frustration.
"Shit- just like that," you whined, legs wrapping around his waist to pull him even closer.
"Would you look at that." he chuckled, not slowing his movements in the slightest. "Teasing me this whole time and who's whining now?"
He was holding your wrists in one hand while the other moved down to wrap around your neck, applying some pressure, not enough to choke you but enough to have your eyes roll in the back of your head.
"I'm close." you whimpered, feeling his hips stutter slightly.
"Cum with me." he pants, letting go of your wrists to rub fast circles on your clit.
All the stimulation he was giving you was overwhelming and the coil in your stomach finally snapped. JJ followed soon after, nuzzling his face in your neck, moaning as he did so.
He fucked you both through your high, pulling back to look at you. "You good?"
"Fucking amazing" you smiled, breathing heavily.
He chuckled, starting to pull out of you slowly and you whined at the loss of contact. "Shh, it's okay. I'm here, not goin' anywhere."
He laid down beside you, pulling you on top of him carefully, planting a gentle kiss against your forehead.
JJ would never admit it out loud but this was one of the best things you two have ever done. The way you were in charge was one of the reasons, as dumb as it sounds, that it was so hard for him to not fuck you stupid.
You just laid there while he traced random patterns on your back for a while until you let your eyes flutter close, knowing JJ would drag you to the shower the second you open them again.
For everything:
@lokigirlszendaya @buckymydarlingangel @superlegend216
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proxima-writes · 10 months
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the old college try
pairing: frat dad!joel miller x college student!female reader
rating: explicit (18+ MDNI)
word count: 5.1k
Family Weekend, or DILF Day as you and your friends like to refer to it, is when the University of Texas encourages the parents and families of its student body to visit the school and participate in activities that the Division of Student Affairs has organized. The fraternities and sororities have their own schedule that includes not-so-sanctioned house parties on frat row following the game. It’s your senior year and your last DILF Day so you’re hoping to go out with a bang. Literally. Enter Joel Miller, handsome single dad visiting his son at the Theta Lambda Upsilon fraternity house.
dear reader:
this is an extremely self-indulgent fic that i just had to write, so i hope you enjoy it! if you do, please consider leaving a comment or reblogging <3
content warnings:
explicit sexual content (18+ minors do not interact), alternate universe - no outbreak/no sarah, age difference (42M and 23F), dub con - sex under the influence of alcohol, no use of y/n, frat party stereotypes, keg stands and beer pong, semi-public sex (frat bathroom), mild daddy kink (not during sex), p in v, oral sex (f receiving), dirty talk, cheesy dad jokes, the university of texas as a plot device. please let me know if any are missing!
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You turn over in your bed with a deep groan, burying your face into your pillow. You reach your arm out from under the covers to grab your phone from the nightstand, smacking your hand around the wood surface until you find it and can bring it under the covers with you. Turning over, you tap the screen and squint at the series of unread text messages.
Ashley: Get up bitch! 
Ashley: It’s time to get ready!
Ashley: We’re going to be late if you don’t get up
Ashley: Don’t make me break into your apartment
Ashley: You know I can
You sit up quickly, shoving the blankets off of you and rushing to the front door, flipping the lock and pulling it open. Your best friend is across the threshold, knelt down on the ground with two bobby pins held up and her eyes wide in surprise.
“Aw man,” she laments, standing and brushing off her knees. “I wanted to test my skills.”
“I’m not paying to replace the lock,” you chastise, stepping back to let her in. “Sorry, overslept.”
“Figured. I’ll get your coffee started,” she replies, heading for your kitchen while you head back to your bedroom to start your morning routine. “Guess which frat is hosting the tailgate today?”
“Which one?” You shout from the bathroom as you run through your skincare routine.
“Theta Lambda Upsilon,” Ashley shouts back. The scent of brewing coffee paired with this excellent news has you perking up immediately. 
Your friend steps into your room with two mugs in her hands, passing one to you as you exit the bathroom and sit at your cluttered vanity, pushing aside products to make room to set your mug down. Ashley sits on your bed, folding her legs beneath her.
“The hottest frat hosting the tailgate and after party means we’ll get to see the hottest dads this weekend,” she says, shimmying her shoulders excitedly. “It’s simple genetics.”
“You dropped genetics. Remember? You couldn’t handle an 8 am class,” you say as you apply mascara. 
“I went to enough classes to know how a Punnett square works.”
You laugh, finishing your makeup between long sips of coffee. “It’s amazing you couldn’t tough it out through an early semester but give you an afternoon game and you’re trying to break into my apartment at the crack of dawn.”
“It’s DILF Day, baby. It’s like waking up on Christmas morning.”
Family Weekend, or DILF Day as you and your friends like to refer to it, is when the University of Texas encourages the parents and families of its student body to visit the school and participate in activities that the Division of Student Affairs has organized. The fraternities and sororities have their own schedule that includes not-so-sanctioned tailgates and house parties on frat row following the game.
As an out-of-state student, your parents have always skipped Family Weekend in exchange for buying your plane tickets back home for Thanksgiving and Christmas break, which leaves you with plenty of opportunity to ogle the hot dads that descend upon campus on this glorious weekend. You’ve never had the guts to actually pursue anything with anyone, but it’s your senior year and your last DILF Day so you’re hoping to go out with a bang.
“What are you going to wear?” Ashley asks. 
“Shorts and that new tank top I got,” you reply, finishing your makeup with a pop of your lips after applying gloss. “And boots. Obviously.”
“Obviously,” Ashley nods as you rifle through your closet for the outfit in question - denim cutoffs and orange Texas Longhorn tank top that hugs your curves and shows off the perfect amount of cleavage. Finishing the look with your worn brown cowgirl boots, you spin for your friend who gives you a thumbs up. “Sexy. I reckon’ this year you’ll catch yourself a DILF.”
You roll your eyes. “Maybe. We’ll see.”
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Joel’s arm hangs out the truck’s open window, fingers tapping against the hot metal as he drives down the highway towards the Austin campus of the University of Texas. It’s Family Weekend and his son, Sean, started his sophomore semester at UT a few weeks prior and now lives in the Theta Lambda Upsilon fraternity house on campus after proving to Joel that he would take his classes seriously by doing well his freshman year. Joel’s always been close with his son as a single dad and the fact that Sean asked him to Family Weekend feels like a testament to that bond.
The campus is already bustling with the game day crowd, trucks parked in grassy areas along the road with their tailgates down, people setting up tents and tables and coolers. Joel drives slowly down the street until he’s turning down a side road and parking down the hidden drive his son had given him instructions to find. He hops from the truck, sneakers hitting the hot pavement and the sun already beating down on his arms as he makes his way towards the TLU house a couple blocks away. 
There’s a huge crowd of students and parents in shades of burnt orange and white on the front lawn of the two story fraternity house, red solo cups or cans of beer in hand. Joel looks around until he hears a familiar voice calling out, “Dad!”
Sean emerges from the crowd dressed in a white polo shirt with an orange Longhorn logo on the chest tucked into khaki pants, his curly brown hair slicked back with gel. Joel smiles, hugging his son and patting him on the back in greeting.
“Been ages since I saw you, kid. Have you gotten taller?” Joel asks.
Sean rolls his eyes. “You saw me last weekend!”
A voice calls out Sean’s name and the younger man throws an arm around Joel’s shoulders, dragging him along into the packed fraternity house. The scene inside is not unlike all the ones he’s seen in movies and TV shows - flags stuck to the walls as decor, a mysteriously sticky floor, and kitchen countertops filled with booze. Sean stops and grabs a red plastic cup, handing it to Joel. 
“Pick your poison,” Sean instructs, grabbing his own cup. Joel raises an eyebrow at him.
“Last I checked, you weren’t twenty-one,” he chastises, earning him another eye roll. 
“Like you didn’t know Uncle Tommy was buying me beer when I was a senior.”
“He what?” Joel asks, though the question is lost in the noise as Sean leads him to an impressive back deck hosting a beer pong table and two kegs nestled in plastic trash cans and surrounded by ice. 
Sean slips into the crowd surrounding the kegs, taking Joel’s cup from his hands, pumping the tap and filling each cup with ice cold beer, handing one to Joel. 
“Go Longhorns,” Sean says, tapping his cup to Joel’s and chugging the contents. Joel watches his twenty-year-old son with wide eyes and a torn conscience. 
“This is what I’m payin’ tuition for, huh?” He teases, taking a single sip of the cheap beer. A cheer erupts from behind him and he turns to look at what’s causing so much excitement.
You and a friend are at one end of a plastic folding table, glaring daggers at two boys at the other end, a single solo cup set on the table in front of you. You have a white ping pong ball held delicately between two fingers, your other hand propped on your hip as you squint one eye shut to take your aim for the cup that sits in front of the boys. You let the ball fly and it sinks into the cup, another cheer going through the small crowd gathered around you as you jump up and down excitedly.
Sean approaches the boys, slapping one of them on the shoulder. One of them shouts, “Redemption shot!”
“Oh, please! You can’t aim for shit, Chad!” You shout back. 
“Celebrity shot, then!” He suggests. The boy, Chad, reaches out to pull an older man to his side. “Dad edition!”
Your eyes scan the crowd, landing on Joel. You wave him over, the older man glancing around briefly before pointing to himself to confirm. You nod, smile bright as he approaches.
“I need a daddy for this celebrity shot, you wanna do the honors?” You ask sweetly. Joel swallows nervously, face heating at the suggestive tone and look you’re giving him. 
“Come on, dad!” Sean calls out. “Show ‘em what a Miller man can do!”
“Yeah,” you chime in. “Show me what a Miller man can do.”
“Alright, fine,” Joel acquiesces, moving to stand beside you. You slip a ping pong ball into his hand, standing so close beside him that your bare arm brushes his as you both watch Chad’s dad take aim for the single cup. 
The ball soars through the air, hitting the rim of the cup and bouncing off onto the table, rolling to the ground as the men groan. He feels you place a hand on his shoulder, your lips close to his ear as you whisper, “Come on, Mr. Miller. You’re my only hope.”
It doesn’t escape Joel’s notice that you keep your hand on his shoulder as he takes aim and throws the ball across the table, sinking it into the cup. You’re throwing your arms around his shoulders in celebration as the people around you shout excitedly. On instinct, Joel’s arms wrap around your waist, holding you close for a brief moment before coming to his senses and taking a step back.
“Thanks,” you say, looking up at him through your lashes. “I’m going to go inside for a drink. You want anything? I’ve got a stash of IPAs in a friend’s fridge upstairs if you want something better than Miller Lite. Consider it a thank you for winning me bragging rights over Chad.”
Joel should say no. He shouldn’t be taking up drink offers from someone half his age, but you’re giving him another devastating smile that has his resolve folding faster than a lawn chair in a hurricane.
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The hottest man you’ve ever seen is currently following you upstairs to your friend Craig’s room for a beer. He’s tall and tan with sweet brown eyes and dark hair that looks like it would be a dream to run your fingers through. His broad chest and toned biceps press deliciously at the confines of the white UT Longhorns shirt he’s wearing. When he stepped up beside you to throw your celebrity shot at the beer pong table downstairs, you’d noted that his left hand featured no wedding band or a tan line of one left behind.
You reach the second floor and head for the last door on the right, marked with a PRESIDENT plaque. You reach into the pocket for the key Craig had given you earlier and let yourself inside, heading for the mini fridge in the corner and grabbing two Yellow Rose IPA cans. 
“So,” you say, handing the man one of the drinks. “You got a name, or should I keep calling you Mr. Miller?”
“It’s Joel,” he says, taking a long sip of the beer. You watch the muscles of his throat work, longing to press your lips against the tan skin. 
You tell him your name, holding a hand out to him for a handshake. His grip is tight, sturdy, and for a brief moment you think about how his sure, thick fingers would feel deep inside of you. He looks around the room curiously as he pulls his hand back.
“Craig and I have been friends since freshman year,” you explain. “I helped him pass calculus, he lets me keep my beer out of the grubby hands of his frat brothers.”
“Calculus, huh?” He asks, taking another sip. “Must mean you’re pretty smart.”
“Just a basic engineering prerequisite,” you joke. 
“Engineering? That’s impressive.”
You take a seat on Craig’s bed, crossing one leg over the other. Joel’s eyes track the movement and you smile, giddy at the attention. “What do you do, Mr. Miller?”
“Thought you were gonna call me Joel?” 
“Mm, I can think of a few things to call you.”
Joel nearly spits his mouthful of beer out, choking on the bitter drink. You rush towards him, patting him on the back as he coughs. After a moment of fighting for breath, the man seems to realize how close you are, his gaze flicking between your eyes and your lips, trailing down to your chest. 
You lean in a little closer, pressing yourself to him and you think this might be it, Joel Miller might be the DILF of your dreams as he leans into you as well. 
But the doorknob rattles and the door swings open, Joel jumping back in surprise as both of you turn to look at the doorway. Craig leans against the frame, an eyebrow raised and a knowing smirk on his lips. You roll your eyes.
“Hey,” he says, looking between you and Joel. “Ashley’s lookin’ for you downstairs. We’re headin’ to the stadium now.”
“I better find Sean, then,” Joel says. Craig’s eyes light up.
“You’re Miller’s dad? Hey, man, nice to finally meet you. I’m Craig, TLU president.” The men shake hands, patting each other on the back. “Sean’s a good kid, we’re happy to have him.”
“Good to hear,” Joel replies. 
“Well, guess I’ll go find Ashley.” You place a hand on Joel’s shoulder. “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Miller. Maybe I’ll see you later?” You let your hand trail down the man’s bicep as you leave and you watch his throat work around a nervous swallow.
“Yeah, sure,” he says. “See you later.”
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The Longhorns pull off an impressive win, a 49-0 blowout against Oklahoma that has the entire campus celebrating with abandon. If Joel thought the TLU house was packed for the tailgate, that crowd was nothing compared to the after game party. More alcohol, more people, and more noise is packed into the house. Joel sticks close to Sean, meeting more of his frat brothers and their parents with shouted introductions. 
When the stale air inside the house gets too overwhelming, Sean leads him to the deck. More kegs have appeared and his son bumps him with his shoulder, nodding towards where a few people are gathered around one, a man hoisted upside down by two people gripping his legs as he chugs directly from the keg tap. He spits the valve out as the crowd shouts a chorus of, “Twenty!”
“I bet you could do better,” Sean says. Joel raises an eyebrow at him.
“I know what you’re doin’, kid, and it ain’t gonna work,” Joel replies. Sean puts his hands up.
“I’m not doin’ anythin’. But if you’re too scared, you can tell me.”
“I’m not scared.” 
“Hey, my dad’s got next!” Sean shouts, dragging Joel through the crowd with an arm around his shoulders. Joel tries to argue but a familiar face in the crowd has the words dying on his tongue. You wiggle your fingers at him in a wave and suddenly he has the motivation to execute the most impressive keg stand of his life.
Joel grabs the cold handles of the keg, Sean and one of his fraternity brothers lifting him into the air so that he’s suspended upside down over the barrel of beer. People begin counting, shouting numbers as he attempts to focus on the beer flooding his mouth and drinking it down steadily. It’s been a long time since he’s done one of these, probably before Sean was even born, but if there’s one thing Joel has never been, it's a quitter.
After what feels like forever he spits the valve out with a gasp and he gets lowered back to ground as the crowd shouts, “Thirty-four!”
Sean’s frat brothers jump around him excitedly, hands patting him on the back and cheering his name. He laughs as Sean starts yelling, “That’s what I’m fuckin’ talkin’ about!”
Movement from the corner of his eye catches his attention and he turns his head just in time to see you disappear into the house. He tells Sean he’ll be back in a minute and follows after you, craning his neck to scan the mass of bodies crammed inside until he spots you on the stairs. 
When he finally manages to reach the stairs, he’s surprised to find them roped off at the bottom. Looking around to make sure no one is paying attention to him, he ducks beneath the barrier, taking the steps two at a time. The second floor is dark and empty but light spills into a hall from beneath the last door marked PRESIDENT.
Joel knocks on the wood, his head a little light from the rush of alcohol in his system but it has him feeling good. 
Maybe a little too confident because when you open the door, he wraps an arm around your waist, pushing his way inside as his lips find yours, a little noise of surprise swallowed by him as his tongue explores yours.
He comes to his senses when your teeth nip at his bottom lip, jarring him back to a reality where he is a mature adult who thinks with his brain and not his dick. He grips you on the shoulders, breaking the kiss and holding you at arm's length.
“Fuck, I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t even ask if it was okay to kiss you, just came bargin’ in here like a bull in a goddamn china shop and you probably don’t even want—“
“Joel?” You interrupt. He blinks.
“Yeah?” He asks.
“Kiss me again.”
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Joel kisses you again, but pulls away a second time to ask, “Wait, how old are you?”
“Twenty-three,” you reply, giggling as he mutters a low thank god before pulling you back into his arms. It’s another short lived kiss, the man leaning back once more as you huff in annoyance.
“Wait, how much have you had to drink?” He asks this time. 
“Less than you, Mr. Thirty-Four-Second Keg Stand,” you answer. He gives you a smirk that has your stomach doing somersaults. 
“You liked that, huh?” 
His hands slip into the back pockets of your shorts and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. He kisses you again, slower this time, like he’s savoring the feel of your lips against his. Your heart is racing as he pulls you even closer and runs his hands up your back, warm palms exploring your curves like he’s trying to map them to memory.
You’re lost enough in each other that the sound of the door opening doesn’t register until an upset voice is saying, “Ugh, come on! No fucking in my room!”
“Shit,” you yelp, tearing yourself away from Joel. Craig is standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. You grab Joel’s hand and tug him towards the door of the en-suite bathroom, pulling him inside and slamming the door behind you, flipping the lock.
“Hey, wait a minute—“
“It’s not your room, Craig!” You yell through the wood. There’s a muffled curse from the other side.
“Condoms are under the sink,” he shouts back. You grin victoriously at Joel, who’s laughing so hard he has a hand pressed to his chest. You step up to him, grabbing that hand and bringing it around your waist.
“You sure about this?” Joel asks seriously, stepping forward until he’s crowding you against the door. You tilt your head up to look at his handsome face, his dark eyes so intense as he searches your face that you feel giddy.
“I mean, the location isn’t ideal, but at least Craig keeps his bathroom pretty clean,” you joke, noting the clear counter space and surprising lack of dirty clothing littering the floor. 
“Answer the question, sweetheart. You sure about doing this with me?”
You reach up, tangling your fingers into his soft curls, pulling him close until your lips graze his as you respond, “I’m so fucking sure.”
Whatever tether of control Joel had been holding onto seems to snap with your words, the man kissing you so roughly that all you can do is hold on, your fingers curling desperately against his scalp as his tongue dives into your mouth and tangles with yours. He tastes like beer and smells like a mixture of cedar and sweat, the combination intoxicating as he presses close and surrounds you with it.
Joel trails his lips across your jaw, nipping your earlobe before continuing down your neck. He sucks the thin skin over your pulse before soothing the sting with his tongue as you writhe against him, gasping at the sensation. You can feel his smile against your shoulder and as he presses a thigh between your legs, you get a brief feel of his hard cock behind the barrier of his basketball shorts.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” he growls, hands trailing across your curves until he’s gripping one of your breasts, squeezing tightly.
“Not so bad yourself,” you moan. He chuckles darkly.
“The mouth on you.” He reaches two fingers into the low neck of your tank top, dragging it down over your breasts. He yanks the cups of your bra down in a similar fashion, the fabric bunched beneath your chest to expose your tight nipples to him. He dips his head down and wraps his lips around a tight bud, pulling it into his mouth as you gasp.
“Could show you some other things my mouth is good at,” you tell him as he releases your breast with a wet pop, lifting his head to look at you. 
“I have a better idea,” he says, dropping to his knees. He lifts one of your legs and wiggles your boot off, tossing it to the side before doing the same with the other.
“What are you doing?” You ask when his hands reach for the fly of your shorts. He pauses, looking up at you with concern. 
“I was plannin’ on eatin’ you out until you couldn’t think straight,” he says. His brows pinch together. “Do you not want that?”
“I-I’m not sure? I mean, no one’s ever…,” your sentence trails off, your eyes going wide.
Joel runs a soothing hand down your thigh, smiling up at you. “That’s a damn shame, baby. Let me show you how a real man takes care of a woman.”
You let him work your shorts and panties down your thighs, stepping out of them with a hand on his shoulder to steady yourself. He lifts one of your legs and settles it over his shoulder, opening you up to his hungry gaze. His eyes flick up to your face and he grins as he says, “Pretty all over, aren’t ya?”
Any smart reply you have died on your tongue as he starts kissing the sensitive skin of your thighs, starting at the knee that’s close to his face and moving up, up, up until you can feel his warm breath on your pussy. His tongue flicks across your clit, featherlight, but it’s enough to have you gasping his name. 
He starts a rhythm of messy swirls of his tongue over your sensitive bundle of nerves before dipping down to your entrance, the tip of his nose still brushing your clit and making you moan. You buck against his face and he immediately grasps your hips in his big hands, fingers curling into the flesh of your ass to hold you still as he lavishes your pussy with attention.
“Oh my god,” you pant, reaching down to tangle your fingers in his hair. He groans at the same time his lips wrap around your clit and the sound of his satisfaction has your orgasm taking you by surprise, washing through your veins and making you feel like you’re on fire. 
You feel breathless as he licks you slowly, thoroughly, his tongue making sure he’s gotten every last drop of your release. He leans back, slowly lowering your leg from his shoulder. His lips and chin are coated in your wetness, shiny in the light of the bathroom vanity, the sight making your cheeks feel hot and a nervous giggle spill free.
Joel grins, boyish and sweet. “Good?” He asks. 
“Great. Amazing,” you concur. “Ten out of ten. Your Yelp review will be glowing.”
“Shouldn't I be the one leavin’ the Yelp review? You were the meal after all.”
You blink at him. “Oh my god, that was so bad,” you say, laughter near hysterical.
He stands, his palms cupping your face and pulling you into a filthy kiss that quickly shuts you up, his tongue slowly exploring yours and introducing the musky taste of yourself to your taste buds. You reach down, palming his hard cock through his shorts and the responding groan you receive from the older man has you clenching in anticipation.
Joel breaks the kiss, pulling you against his body and turning until you’re facing the vanity, your hips pressed to the edge of the laminate counter. You watch his reflection in the mirror as he runs a hand down your back, pressing you forward slightly so that you’re bent over the counter, ass slightly tilted up. His hand continues lower until it’s running reverently over one cheek. He catches your eye in the mirror.
“You gonna let me fuck you just like this?” He asks. Your breath hitches as his fingers trace through your folds, one dipping into your entrance. He watches your face in the mirror, eyes dark and expression serious. “Answer me.”
“Fuck, yes, anything,” you say quickly. He thrusts his finger slowly, curling it against your front wall with every pull from your body. One finger becomes two, the slight stretch making you whine as he continues to work them in and out of you. “Joel, please.”
“Please what, baby?” He asks.
“Need you to fuck me,” you tell him. 
Joel grins, removing his fingers and urging you to the side so he can open the cabinet under the sink. He crouches down, rummaging through the contents for a moment before standing with a victorious expression and a foil packet pinched between his fingers. He shoves his basketball shorts and boxers down his thighs, just low enough to free his impressive cock, thick and long with a slight curve up that has your mouth watering. He rolls the condom on and then grabs your hips, the tip of his length sliding through your folds and making your breath catch.
“You ready, baby?” He asks, squeezing your hips. You meet his gaze in the reflection, your lips tilted in a smirk.
“Been ready for a while, old man,” you tease. He raises his eyebrows and draws his hand back, landing a sharp smack to your ass that has you crying out. 
Before the sting even fades, he’s pushing inside of you with one steady thrust until his hips are flush to your ass. Your fingers curl around the edge of the counter and you lift onto your tiptoes, trying to escape the sudden sensation of his cock stretching you so well. He chuckles darkly, tight hands on your hips keeping you from going too far.
“Old man,” he taunts, mimicking the higher pitch of your voice. He reaches forward, palm resting beneath your chin as his fingers and thumb press into your cheeks, tilting your head up so that your eyes meet his in the mirror as he says, “Eyes up, sweetheart. You watch how this old man fucks you.”
Joel draws his hips back and slams forward, the head of his cock burying so deep inside of you that your eyes roll back from the exquisite stretch and pressure. He sets a rhythm that has a constant string of moans and pleas spilling from your parted lips, a slow pull out and a rough push in that makes you see stars. If you dare to let your chin drop or your eyes shut, the strong hand around your throat reminds you of his demand that you watch.
“That feel good, baby?” He grunts. “My cock in this tight fuckin’ pussy?”
“Yes, yes, yes!”
“That’s right, who’s fuckin’ you so good? Say my name, sweetheart, wanna hear it from that pretty mouth.”
“Joel!” You cry out, the tight coil of pleasure in your belly finally unraveling, your cunt pulsing greedily around his cock as you cum. He curses, his rhythm going sloppy as he fucks you through your release and right into his own.
His hand leaves your throat and his head drops to your shoulder, soft kisses being left on your shoulder blades as you both catch your breath. After a long moment, he pulls back from you, removing the condom and tying it off to toss it in the garbage.
You straighten up from your bent position over the counter, fixing your bra and tank top back into place. Turning, you find Joel holding your shorts and panties. 
“Was that…are you…did you—“ 
You lean into him as you grab your clothes, kissing him softly. Pulling back, you murmur, “That was amazing.”
Joel sighs in relief, watching as you get dressed and tug your boots back on. “Good. That’s…good.”
“Why don’t you head downstairs first? I need to freshen up,” you suggest. Joel nods, but doesn’t make a move to leave. You raise your eyebrows at him and that seems to have him getting the hint. 
“Oh! Right, I’ll just…go downstairs,” he says. You giggle, leaning into him for one more kiss before he disappears from the bathroom and you busy yourself with fixing your appearance to look a little less well fucked.
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Downstairs, Joel wanders through the first floor in search of his son. He feels a flash of guilt for leaving him for so long, especially to fuck a woman half his age in a frat house bathroom, but the guilt is short lived when he finds his son with his tongue down the throat of a blonde girl in the living room.
“Jesus Christ,” he mumbles, turning to head for the front door instead. It’s getting late and now seems like a good time to head home.
He’s a few steps out the front door when he hears his name called out and you appear from the doorway. 
“You heading out so soon?” You ask, bottom lip jutting out in a pout that he kind of wants to kiss from your lips. He runs a nervous hand through his hair.
“Uh, yeah. Was gonna head home,” he says. Christ, he has no idea why he’s acting so weird, but you have him tied up in knots. 
“You know…my apartment isn’t far. Maybe…maybe you don’t have to go home just yet?” You say, looking up at him through your lashes.
Those knots of uncertainty loosen and Joel holds a hand out to you.
“Lead the way, baby.”
Joel Miller Masterlist
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dumbseee · 11 months
noticed pt2.
f1 au/fic: having her celebrity crush as her boyfriend was something y/n didn’t expect to happen, which she also didn’t expect is the hate she would’ve receive.
lando norris x reader.
fc: bruna marquezine.
part 1.
note: i wasn’t planning on doing a part 2 but you guys asked so you shall receive :) (i wrote that very quickly so it’s not that good i’m so sorry)
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liked by landonorris, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly and 230 997 others.
y/n: lil photo dump because i’m living my best life with my loved ones <3 have a nice week guys!
landonorris: pretty girl <3
liked by y/n.
francisca.cgomes: had the best time with you baby
yourfriend: you’re shining girl
fan1: who tf is y/n? why is she even so popular?
fan2. @.fan1 bc she’s fucking lando and people have an obsession with wags
fan3: ew such a whore
fan4: why is she always half naked?
fan5: i’d be so embarrassed if i were lando bc wtf is she wearing?
fan6: lando RUN
fan7: y’all see a pretty woman dating y’all favourite driver and decide to hate her for no reason
fan8: y/n get behind me
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you couldn’t stop crying, you didn’t know what you did to deserve that. you deactivated all your socials so you won’t receive any messages from people with bad intentions, and turned off your phone that kept buzzing with notifications from friends and family. you tried to call lando, to make sure he knew that this was bullshit and that never would you even think about cheating on him. you did go to neymar’s party but only as your friend’s plus one. you talked with the footballer but for literally five minutes. the girl in the picture wasn’t you and you prayed that lando knew that. but he wasn’t answering his phone and that actually made you panic even more. your whole body was shaking, you were having a panic attack and you didn’t know how to calm it since you never had one before.
this situation was horrible for you, you didn’t even know how to fix it, of course it was all a lie but would the internet believe you? deactivating all your socials could be seen as suspicious by fans. they hated you anyway so whatever excuse you’d come up with, they’d never believe you. would lando even believe you? that thought made you sob even more, you struggled to breath and fell on the ground, resting your head on your knees. you could hear your heart beats going way too fast and you prayed for someone to help you because you were going to die from that damn panic attack.
"y/n! hey y/n!" you heard a voice, but it was faint, as if someone was calling you from very far away. "y/n, please baby! breath!" lando. it was lando’s voice. you opened your eyes and saw your boyfriend, shaking you to make you come to your senses, his eyes were glossy and he looked worried, when he saw you open your eyes and look at him he sighed softly and smiled at you. "welcome back, baby." he kissed your forehead before putting your hand on his own heart while he did the same to yours. "breath for me. we’ll do it together, okay?" you nodded slowly and started to follow his breaths. "one. two. three. yeah, you’re doing amazing my love." he smiled again and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. "you scared the shit out of me." he whispered, still against your forehead. "i am so sorry, lando, i swear it’s not-" he shushed you and wrapped his arms around you, giving you a long and soothing embrace. you felt silent tears roll down your cheeks.
"don’t say a word, i already know." he says, he grabbed your face in his hands and kissed your tears away. "those pretty eyes can’t be drowning in tears, love." he added. "i trust you y/n. i love and trust you with my life, i know that you’d never do such a thing." he finished by kissing your lips. "then why did you ignore my calls?" you asked. "because i needed to get back home asap to confort you." he smiled and you swore that your heart exploded.
that was the moment where you realised how deeply in love you were with lando. he was so perfect with you, always taking care of you and putting you first. you sometimes wondered if you deserved that kind of love.
"we’re going to watch your favorite tv show, order some food and take a bath later. today is y/n self care day. and don’t think about that rumour, i’m going to take care of that." he kissed the top of your head and helped you get up from the ground.
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liked by y/n, carlossainz55, danielricciardo and 1 790 007 others.
landonorris: i’m going to say this once and for all: y/n l/n is the sweetest most loving and respectful person i’ve ever met in my entire existence. she’s the light that keeps shining during my darkest days, she’s the presence i crave after a long day away from her. y/n has been the victim of disgusting rumours and death threats, i’ll be taking action against every single ones of you who even just commented one single bad emoji under her posts, i’ll come for you. you made her cry, i think it’s fair enough that i make you pay back for every single tear that she shed because of people like you.
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totalswag · 3 months
can i req something about rafe and crybaby!reader whos just been very clingy and needy for him !
maybe they’re out with a few of rafe’s friends and she became all clingy and snuggling up to rafe :( he obviously knows what she needs but he told her to behave and only teases her !! ofc rafe could never neglect his baby though so it always ends with him giving her exactly what she needs while shes all overwhelmed and many sobs :( <3
want to be close to you — RAFE CAMERON
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authors note thank you love for this cute request! i hope you like it and its what you hoped. this is very short and compared to what i'm used to. i'm still getting the rafe series masterlist set up too. huge thank you for 500+ followers you guys are amazing ugh.
request are closed.
summary you just want to be close to your boyfriend at a friend gathering.
warnings clingy, cursing, crying, playful teasing
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Rafe, you, and a few of his buddies were drinking and catching up at a little bar in town. You spent the entire time next to Rafe, either on the phone or conversing with the other guys.
It was becoming late, and you were getting exhausted. Rafe kept his hand on your leg throughout the night, periodically guiding it up and down to keep you relaxed.
You snuggle closer to Rafe, wrapping your arms over his side and laying your head against his chest, essentially obscuring your face. You felt your body relax instantaneously, remaining precisely where it was.
Naturally you are cuddly person, especially with Rafe. So when you start to show your clingy side he knows what you want and need. He doesn't mind it, actually finds it adorable.
During a conversation with the guys, he notices your clingy side beginning to show. He smiles, pulling you closer to him and kisses the top of your head.
"Please behave yourself, babe," he taunts, poking your side jokingly, making you side-eye him.
This is the kind of stuff that irritates you when he starts taunting you about being clingy. Tears begin to gather in the corners of your eyes, and you try to blink many times to keep them from spilling down. Rafe does not mean to be harsh; in fact, he thinks it's adorable that you enjoy being near him.
"I just want to be close to you though" you pout, whining.
"I know you do baby, I think we are close enough right now" he smiles.
A huff escapes from your mouth, pulling yourself away from his body, folding your arms infant of your chest, then walking towards the bathroom to gather yourself before you start crying in a bar.
Rafe's footsteps could be heard behind you. As he got closer, you walked faster. People were staring, then returning to whatever they were doing.
"Baby, I was just joking with you," he says, holding your hand, "you know that," as you turn around to face him.
His expression falls when he notices tears gathering in your eyes. Rafe never intended to offend you or your feelings in general. He would never disregard you in any shape or form.
You move your head to the side, keeping your sad eyes away from Rafe.
"No, look at me, please," he said, lifting your chin with his pointer finger and wiping a few tears from your cheeks. "Let's go home and spend the rest of the night cuddled up under the covers watching movies with your favorite snacks," a smile spreads across your lips, and you slowly nod.
Rafe places both hands on your cheeks, caressing them gently with his thumbs before leaning in to kiss you.
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my taglist!
✰ if you would like to be added to my taglist and be notified whenever i post please let me know in the comments or in my ask box. if there's a line across your name that means i couldn't find your account.
@runningfrom2am @winterrrnight @chenslucy @brooklynscherry-z @johannelis2302nely @rosezza @kaydr3venge
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alessiasfreckles · 2 months
amnesia - part 4 (ona batlle x reader, alexia putellas x reader)
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part 1 / part 2 / part 3
warnings: none!
“Well, what’s the story of our friendship? Is there anything I should know about there? Any drama that happened, any secrets? Please, no more secrets,” you said with a wry smile. 
Alexia took a deep breath.
“We became friends pretty quickly, when you moved to Barcelona. You’re a very easy person to be friends with, an easy person to like,” Alexia said. “You spent a lot of time with me, and a lot of time with Ona. At the start, I… I was jealous, actually.”
“Of me?” you asked.
She shrugged. “Maybe? Of Ona, of both of you, I think.”
She took a breath, picking at her nails. “Like I said, you’re a very easy person to like. You’re very pretty, you’re amazing on the pitch, you’re kind and funny.”
Her words hung in the air for a minute. 
“You liked me? As in, romantically?” you asked, brows furrowed in confusion.
“Si,” she said, looking down at her hands. Her cheeks were pink.
“Your hair- it used to be pink, right?” you said suddenly, images of a pink ponytail flashing to mind.
“I- si, did you remember?” she asked, looking up at you. 
“Yeah,” you smiled. “Um, do you still like me? Like that?”
Alexia shrugged noncommittally, not meeting your eye, then sighed. “Si - but nothing has to change. I do not want anything to change between us. We are very good friends, I would never want to lose that.”
“Okay, then. Nothing will change,” you agreed. “Although, I don’t really remember much about what it was like before, so for all I know this could be entirely different to how things used to be. It’s kind of weird, not really knowing what I’m like or what my life was like. Really weird, actually.”
Alexia, who had been quiet since her admission, brightened up. “I have an idea!” she said, sitting up straight. “What if I show you what your life was like before? I can take you to your favourite places, show you what you usually would do!”
“That sounds great!” 
“It will have to be after training,” she said, frowning. “Will you be okay during the day on your own?”
You waved her off. “I’ll manage. It’ll give me time to go through everything here, try to remember more.”
By the time Alexia left for the night (after repeatedly asking if you were sure that you’d be okay on your own, and if you needed anything to call her, or anyone else from the team), you were exhausted, both physically and mentally. Despite how tired you were, getting into what was supposedly your own bed felt wrong, and you spent the night twisting and turning, unable to get comfortable.
Still, waking up and seeing something other than the hospital walls felt like a step in the right direction. You spent the morning going through everything you could find in your apartment that could give you clues about who you were. A journal from when you’d first moved to Barcelona (that you’d only managed to write three entries in before giving up) described your first days with the team, how nervous you’d been and how welcomed Alexia made you feel, and how you were so intimidated by Ona and how attractive she was but that she was so friendly to you, immediately putting you at ease. A paragraph about Alexia made you pause, the way you had written almost made it sound like you had a crush on her, the way you described her, raving about how good she was at football, how nice she was, how pretty. It was followed by another paragraph about Ona, and how amazing she was, and you rolled your eyes at your past self.
Reading about Ona felt weird, and you put the journal back, trying to push the thoughts of her out of your mind. Still, when you got hungry you were reminded of her once again, the fridge full of food that she had prepared for you. You pulled a covered bowl out to find a handwritten note on top, telling you what food was inside, with a smiley face and a heart. You told yourself that the funny feeling in your stomach was purely due to being hungry, nothing else, but you carefully left the note on the counter, not wanting to throw it away. 
By the time Alexia arrived you were starting to feel a little stir crazy, your leg making it hard to move around. 
“I’m so glad you’re here,” you told her as you opened the door.
“Hello to you, too,” she laughed. 
“Yes, hi. I miss going outside, and I’m all ready for our trip!” you told her, waving your crutches in the air.
“Woah, okay, I can see that!” she ducked as you waved your crutches a little too close to her head. “Okay, the first place we are going to go is a café nearby. It is your favourite. Usually you walk but I think we will drive.”
“I guess that makes sense,” you said, slumping a little. You’d been looking forward to moving a little, your body feeling tense from inactivity. “You’re too sensible.”
“Thank you,” she nodded, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards as she suppressed a smile. 
It didn’t take long for you to arrive at the café. You took a deep breath as you hobbled inside, and the smell of coffee and fresh pastries filling your lungs. It instantly felt familiar, and you were drawn to a seat by the window. 
Alexia watched as you moved to sit down, smiling. “That’s your favourite spot. You always sit there.”
“Yeah,” you said. “I like to watch the people going past.”
She raised an eyebrow, and you cocked your head, then realised what you’d said. “Huh. I don’t know where that came from, but it feels right.”
You watched Alexia as she ordered at the counter, thinking about what she’d told you last night. You weren’t sure how to feel - remembering her words made your stomach flutter, but you weren’t sure why. When she sat down, a drink for each of you and a pastry on a plate, you felt a sudden wave of emotion. 
“This is my favourite, right? This is what I always get,” you asked, and she nodded, smiling shyly. “You remembered?”
“Of course, chiqui,” she said. 
As you ate, you talked about football, which seemed like a safe topic. Your mind kept wandering though, thinking about the way that Alexia had known where to take you. She knew your favourite café, your usual order, she had known all the right things to say to you. You felt your cheeks warming up as you realised how much she cared about you, your old journal entry coming to mind, and you caught yourself wondering why nothing had ever happened between you.
“You seem distracted,” Alexia said, interrupting your stream of consciousness. “What are you thinking about?”
“Oh, uh, not much,” you quickly said. “Just about training, when I’ll be able to go back.”
“Ah,” she said, frowning. “I am not sure. Maybe you can ask the doctor on Friday?”
You nodded, your cheeks still pink. As you reached for your drink, your phone vibrated on the table. 
[Ona:] Please can we meet, and talk? Tomorrow?
470 notes · View notes
lunavrse · 3 months
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summary ★ : charles decides to take a page out of justin bieber's book. let's see how that works out for him.
category ★ : smau.
notes ★ : disregard all times and dates, they don't matter. all spelling mistakes are intentional. everything is fake and unrealistic but thank you delusion. terrible flirting and the usual type of jokes/language you see on the internet.
me basically:
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tagged: yourbestfriend
Liked by yourbestfriend, yourfriend, user61 and 147 272 others
youruser so proud of ﹫yourbestfriend, she absolutely killed it and even took some cool pictures of me💚🥂 new video coming 🔜
View all 534 comments
yourbestfriend thank you for coming my love💚
youruser always😘
yourbestfriend it's not hard when you have such a gorgeous subject
youruser thank yewww
user6 stunning 😍
user12 you look amazing and ﹫yourbestfriend did fantastic!
user89 THE DRESS🤩
youruser i knowww, it's from meshki
user3 you're a beauty
user62 i need to know where the dress is from 🙏
youruser it's from meshki !
user56 can't wait to stare at the screen for the next few hours
user47 isn't her videos usually like 20~45 minutes?
user56 i know what i said
user1 oh !
user9 she did her big one😌
user11 pretty!
yourfriend serving face and body
youruser 🤍🤍🤍
user24 face card is lethal
user61 ﹫charles_leclerc
user60 ❤️🔥
user77 can we get a little commotion for the dress🗣️🗣️
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Liked by pierregasly, user61, landonorris and 516 382 others
charles_leclerc who is she? if anyone knows, please tag her.
View all 3 272 comments
user4 nah, this guy
user26 this is crazy.
user92 WHAT IS GOING ON ?!!?!!
user5 is this real? like am i actually seeing this?
user15 he's got to have been hacked
user25 ain't no way
user13 actively going insane thanks to this actually.
user8 giving me flashbacks to december 8th, 2015
user14 i've got ptsd 😭
user10 from what? the war?
user49 bros acting like they were in a war💀
user8 it was a tough time to be a jb fan 😭
maxverstappen1 is this who we are, is this what we represent??
user3 max is done💀💀
charles_leclerc i said i had a plan, not that it was a good one mate
user1 wish it was me he's looking for
user45 that's me!
user86 in your dreams maybe
user58 get over yourself<3
user20 ﹫youruser
user67 She's so pretty, I want to cry
user76 she's so pretty, i want her
user48 ^^two types of people
user93 my brother in christ, stand up!!!
user07 he's just like me fr
user84 mans is moving mad📢
user100 this is embarrassing
user34 think im gonna be sick
user30 don't be so dramatic
user51 i don't blame her
user70 she's obviously the prettiest girl ever🙄
user68 ﹫youruser !
user97 that's me !
user59 I'm gonna go cry myself to sleep now
user31 side eye
user29 who is she? she's stunning
user40 why is my fav youtuber in this picture
user46 iconic actually
user17 I know we can't see her face clearly, but she's serving
user21 i know her!
user37 what's her ﹫
user21 it's ﹫youruser, i follow her
user101 i want harry styles to do this but with me
user88 me too lol
user65 this is down bad behaviour
user201 thanks for ruining my day 👍
user248 it's giving wattpad vibes
user119 charles, look at me, this isn't you, think about the kids
user996 i was genuinely scared this was a hard launch
user123 alexa play that should be me
user8 how ironic
user147 ﹫youruser
user313 that's my girlfriend ﹫youruser
user05 praying for this girl cause the toxic charles fans, yikes😬
user000 gonna be delusional and pretend it's me 😁
user128 see i was so excited when i saw the notif and now i'm just 😐
user01 i cried when i saw this post btw
user306 imagine he posted a pic of asking who u are ﹫user43
user43 pls i would cry
user61 ﹫youruser
user007 idk and idc
user400 this is me if you even care
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Liked by yourbestfriend, charles_leclerc, user4 and 253 953 others
youruser hello new people, where'd y'all come from?
View all 1 753 comments
yourbestfriend do you not check your notifications or...
youruser you know i don't
user245 girl...
user4 im in love with you lol
user500 just came from ur yt video, i'm so glad you had fun at the event!
user16 so this is the girl my husband is leaving me for🥲
user04 charles leclerc in her likes😭😭😭 ooh i'm sick
user287 then you're not gonna like this... he's flirting w her
user04 just fell to my knees in despair
user61 so real for that last slide
user56 pretty😍
youruser tysm pretty girl🤎
user791 charles mfing leclerc posted you!?!!!
user792 charles mfing leclerc liked!!
user793 charles mfing leclerc commented!!!
friend3 let's kiss 💋
youruser 👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏾
user005 i too wish to kiss all the pretty girls
user800 idk what's going on rn but i loved your latest video, you and yourbestfriend were so cute and seeing you guys backstage together was sooo wholesome
user494 the part where they saw each other and started hyping each other up was my favourite
use712 her looking up a makeup tutorial 2 hours before she had to leave was so me
user55 he's in her likes y'all!
user942 thanks bud, i would never had noticed without u
user039 oh so she's dumb and ugly 😒
user44 and you're bitter and jealous...
use222 I wanna kiss you too 😞
user777 personally, i came from yt
user420 hi *louder than everybody else*
user311 what lip liner are you wearing babes?
youruser ﹫makeupbymario brown lip liner : )
user42 need a makeup tutorial!!!
charles_lerclerc my fault 🧍‍♂️
youruser i'll let it slide cause you're cute
charles_leclerc you think i'm cute? giggling, kicking my feet
youruser and blushing?
charles_leclerc mhmm, yeah
user456 deffo flerting
user942 YEAH?!???!!!!
user011 you guys know dms exist right???
user0 damn, i wanted to see this play out more 😭
user811 chill, my man is on this app
user35 she a baddie she know she a ten
user555 face card is never declining 😍
user411 do i want to date you or be you?
user87 so real!
user05 so we all saw them flirt right?
user942 yes😭
user69 GET A JOB (directed to you user28)
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Liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, user12 and 443 854 others
youruser day(s) n night(s)
View all 2 748 comments
user103 nottt her trying to be sneaky👀
yourbestfriend am i seriously losing you to a MAN???
youruser 'm always urs pooks💚
yourbestfriend tell loverboy that
user656 charles' new nickname is 🔥
user48 the way charles was here in the first few minutes of her posting💀
charles_leclerc et le prix de la plus belle fille te revient [and the award for the most beautiful girl goes to you]
youruser merci beau garçon
user12 Them speaking French to each other is all that I'm thinking about rn.
user707 A YT MAN?!?!?! IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!!!
user349 wish she was calling me a beautiful boy 😭
use117 i see you 4th slide, studious queen🤧
user824 charles try not to be a simp challenge
user107 level : IMPOSSIBLE
user41 ﹫user23 50 quid that's charles
user23 do you think i'm stupid?
user41 do you want an honest answer or?
user23 do you want to tell me your lastest test score or?
user41 ...
user23 yeah that's what i thought
user662 noooo pls don't be who i think it is
user35 she a baddie with her baddie friend(s)
user723 okay but the lashes ate💅🏾
user991 this is so weird, why are you posting him?
user75 you don't even know if that's him and you're already being defensive over a man who don't want you or even know you exist? don't pmo. get off her page!!!
user940 me when😔
user129 what about us?
user130 what about everything we've been through
user329 who is that man girl
user477 so are we just gonna ignore charles' comment or...
user452 just made me even more sure that it's him
user02 pretty girl<3
user170 if my future boyfriend don't bring me flowers on the first date, i don't want him🙅🏽‍♀️
user244 we get it, for some reason charles leclerc wants you😒
user311 ugh,,, the lip look always eats
user710 real, I'm obsessed
user536 is that charles?
user537 be serious, that is not happening
user539 ok 😐👍
user536 i actually can't be sirius, he's dead. hope this helps👍
user863 imagine that's not him and we're all just being crazy
user37 if that's not him, he's probably crying
user11 shittt, I would too, look at her
user29 he's probably the guy in the photos
user163 we all saw that interview right? it's definitely him
user288 yass, he looked so cute
user565 enough about charles, can we focus on how pretty she and her friends are??
user479 10s across the board fr
user504 I thought you were for the girls 😭
user716 i'm calling it now, that's a date w leclerc
user231 you look stunning 😍
user406 anyone noticed how he liked? he wouldn't do that if she went out on a date with someone else right?
user410 only everybody with eyes?
alex_albon yeah, no, he would be sobbing in a corner if that wasn't him
use535 so he couldn't have fumbled, right....
user534 well...
user210 alex is just here to create chaos and honestly, i respect that
user73 please don't post your man again😒
user66 real!!! i come here to see you not him🥲
user711 love to see women getting treated right 😌
user385 slide 6 made me sick to my stomach
user858 he brought her flowers😫
user705 that HAS to be him
user701 you never know, sometimes he is his own worst enemy
user898 did NOT 🚫❌ like this
user999 what if this was my last straw
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tagged: charles_leclerc, youruser
Liked by user, pierregasly, user0 and others
allthingsleclerc local (monégasque) man seen out with mystery woman who sources claim is yn
View all 843 comments
user624 why is she still serving while blurred
user210 liked by pierregasly 🫣
user833 charles' friends are exposing him 💀
user0 that's definitely ﹫youruser
user04 serving cunt and he's there ig
user547 just becoz it's blurred doesn't mean you can't tell that it's her
user622 he looks miserable, he doesn't like her����
user595 what? are you of sound mind?
lunavrse pls don't look too closely at the picture 😴
user923 What's the square root of 64?💅🏾
user700 they're just minding their business, why can't y'all do the same?
user674 it's a public place
user700 ☝️🤓 it's a pUbLIc PLaCe
user103 no bc they're lowk matching 😭
user933 it's so over😭😭
user72 that's so cute🥰 who wants to have a sleepover on the highway with me?
user33 that could just be a coincidence?
user172 i actually don't care but THAT DRESS, i need to know where she got it from
user32 oh ! i didn't realise that she was actually his type
user79 ... i wish there was a side eye emoji
user18 oh that's not-
user32 nonono in a sense that he usually dates like brunettes
use499 wdym, 'm pretty sure she is brunette?
user03 we know what you meant lol
user270 wish i could live in delusion
user320 he's probably paying for everything 🙄
user419 and? he's literally a millionaire, if he wants to spend his money on his (alleged) girlfriend let him. it's not your money
user232 girl, pipe down
user890 I don't see the problem?
user52 why do you assume that? do you know her financial situation? or you a close friend of either of theirs who knows what's going on? if the answer to these questions are no, shut the fuck up, thanks<3 peace and light to you.
user562 try not to say mother
user587 [failed]
user612 Why can't she stay away from him?
user258 why can't you mind yr business?
user718 first picture of them out together and they look great
user106 her rn: damn i'm the only bitch serving cunt here😭😭 omg😭 i'm so embarrassedd😭😭😭
user211 she should be at the club, not on gossip pages😭
user261 fuck she looks too good, i wanna kms
user211 real
user586 took a social media break and came back to this😃 great !
user404 i wanna say parents🤭
user648 this actually made my day
user446 Gonna sleep on the tracks tonight🥰
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youruser and you're kenough for me❤️
charles_leclerc thank you barbie !
most beautiful barbie ever❤️
landonorris this ken's job is simp
charles_leclerc you'd be a simp too if you could actually date such a stunning woman but you can't 🫶
landonorris you're a cruel, cruel man
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Liked by charles_leclerc, yourbestfriend, lilymhe and 749 365 others
youruser me gusta la mar🏖️
View all 2 836 comments
yourbestfriend wish i was on a boat right now😔
youruser i literally invited you and you said no?
yourbestfriend i have to face unimaginable horror (work)
user12 that boat looks familiar
yourbestfriend you look stunning babes💚
youruser tysm, means the most coming from uuu pookie 💚
use501 forget about charles and give me one(1) chance pls
charles_leclerc me gustas tú
user784 chill, it's a song lyric
user779 yeah but have you heard the song???
charles_leclerc gorgeous view, and the sea looks good too i suppose
youruser my view was much better but thank you<3
charles_leclerc i doubt that. je pourrais te regarder pendant des heures sans jamais me lasser. [i could look at you for hours and never get bored]
user055 someone is coming for your smooth operator title ﹫carlossainz55
user964 Charles Rizzclerc???
yourbestfriend she's screaming btw
youruser no i'm not
yourbestfriend then why do i have a vn of you screaming?
charles_leclerc 😊
user96 it's quiet🤐... no back talk
user71 stay focused my brothers, we must stay focused
user53 i am looking respectfully, i promise
user131 when will someone tell me the things he says to her🙃
user677 everytime you post a picture my jaw drops
yourfriend oh my gorgeous coco butter melanated caramel skinned goddess, please notice me🙏🏾
youruser oh you've got jokes🤨
yourbestfriend GOODBYE😭 im showing this to ur man
yourfriend you really thought you did suttin🤣 he knows who he's dating😋
user22 I would sacrifice my favourite duck plushie for just one chance to be in your presence 🙇‍♀️
youruser that's so sweet yet so disturbing pls keep your plush safe
user22 Yes queen, whatever you say 🫡
user803 if you look close enough, you can see me drowning myself in the ocean 🤗
user70 forget vroom vroom boy n give a g(ay)irl a chance😫
user312 charles in his simp era
use314 love to sea it
user312 that's a terrible pun and i hate that i laughed
user2 you know who has a boat??? charles
user057 the way that you're actually glowing in these🫠
user717 i love the hat, it just kinda brings the whole thing together
lilymhe you look amazing! and i love the bikini!
youruser tysm🫶🏾 i love u!!!
user742 a friendship i never knew i needed
user335 Since when did Lily and Yn know each other??
user386 since they're both wags, it only makes sense
user360 but yn's not a wag
user386 yet
user109 hi lol
user634 her body is teaaa
user7 did someone say body-ody-ody-ody
user19 he can do so much better than you
user482 I know you want him but I can be so much better than him in so many ways, I swear, please please please please *begs excessively*
user888 Does Charles have her post notifications on or what?
user938 i'd say yes cause how else would he like her posts so fast
user064 the swimsuit is everythinggg
user229 it's giving hot girl summer ⛱️
user177 i could start a whole new ocean with the amount of tears i've cried
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Liked by user621, youruser, pierregasly and 927 375 others
charles_leclerc me gusta el viento
View all 3 276 comments
user905 he knows exactly what he's doing
user200 Not him having the exact same meal picture as her
user080 let's talk about the matching captions
user621 most beautiful man I've ever seen
youruser me gustas tú
user331 in fact, you're both so sick for playing with us like this
user774 we know you like the wind, we've seen your hair
user405 jajajaja
user607 okay, you might have nibbled with this a little
user775 jail!!! do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars
user379 what she said wasn't even that bad nor untrue
youruser now THIS is a view. tu as ta place au louvre avec toutes les autres grandes œuvres d'art. (you belong in the louvre with all the other great works of art)
charles_leclerc oh ! thank you, i am so normal about you and this comment
pierregasly great, now he's glitching and going crazy in the group chat again
user2 AGAIN?!?
alex_albon spoiler alert ⚠️ he was not normal about this
user125 who blames him? not me. instead, i am insanely jealous
user508 oh he's so fine🤤
user933 the matching captions and matching replies,,, god I'm NOT your strongest soldier
user36 yesss king, give us beach!!!!
user078 well, boat but yes!!!
user649 he said im speeding up the soft launch
user573 by 0.25x speed
user649 at least it's something?
user378 honestly i will take these crumbs instead of absolutely nothing
user269 i LOVE crumbs 🤤 mmhmm😋
user120 is really considered a soft launch when they make comments like THAT?
user801 someone sedate me, im unwell🤒
user903 he's trying to thirst trap us into ignoring the 4th slide
user754 well it's working😫
user028 charles!!! te amo 😘
user753 gnawing at the iron bars of my enclosure like a rat/mouse with a giant block of cheese
user136 One like and I'll drown myself.
user112 why did you like it🤨
user136 Damn Nessa, mind ur business😐, why did YOU🫵🏽 like it?
user388 them posting sea/boat pics on the same day? THEY'RE TOGETHER
user33 hear me out, it could be a coincidence
user388 *shakes you violently* HOW MANY COINCIDENCES DO YOU NEED
user770 i think we're focusing a little too much on the wrong thing here
user911 if i said what i was thinking, i'd be banned from this app.
user762 can't wait to see you at the next race! praying for a podium finish🙏!
user63 Who are you taking pictures of Charles???
user894 Gee that's a tough one/s
user720 he didn't really think we'd ignore the 4th slide
user402 i am here to do some good ole fashion SLUT shaming🗣️📢
user309 Love them trying to out-compliment each other
user61 he has such a gorgeous smile
user7 actual post of you and ﹫youruser when?
user633 nobody wants to see that
use105 speak for yourself
user708 😍😍
user808 i don't know who's luckier, her or him
user809 both, both is good
user007 hope you're having fun destroying my heart😭😭
user169 charles please, please, do you need a dog because i swear i can bark. in fact i am barking and drooling violently rn
user196 you really get me
user45 he's taking pictures of me y'all 🫶🏼
user502 🥵🔥
user19 you can do so much better than her, i promise
user67 i cried a little when i saw your post of her was still up
user64 I feel like a Victorian man™ seeing a woman's ankle for the first time 😵‍💫
user664 feeling like how teachers think boys feel when seeing a girl's shoulders
user325 don't forget to keep applying sunscreen!
user04 he's so pretty, i'm sick to my stomach.
user758 he tryna kill people i swear
user99 honestly, i think he looks so at peace/happy and i'm grateful for that
user74 you're honestly ruining my life by not being mine 😭😭😭
user981 that looks like too much food for 1 person
user523 that's because im with him🤗
user296 screaming, crying, throwing up, banging my head against the wall, wailing like a banshee.
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tagged: youruser
Liked by youruser, user291, landonorris and 973 638 others
charles_leclerc play all mine by brent faiyaz
View all 4 726 comments
user39 just fell to my knees in a Walmart
youruser this is not the soft launch we agreed on mon bijou
charles_leclerc just wanted to show you off mon ange
youruser oh !
user505 ALL MINE BY BRENT FAIYAZ!??!! oh it's really over 😭
landonorris can't even get picture creds for the 4th slide
user444 you didn't even get a reply 💀 everybody point 🫵🏼 and laugh
landonorris just looked at your bio and it says ln4, i really is your own fans😞
user528 can't believe she invented green 😮‍💨
user553 them in the photobooth, fuck, is it hot🥵🥵 in here orrr
youruser who is she???
charles_leclerc oh you know, just the love of my life
youruser kicking my feet, smiling SO hard right now. je t'aime, je t'aime, je t'aime.
charles_leclerc je t'aime encore plus mon ange❤️ (i love you even more my angel)
user378 The launch we've been waiting for
user957 the way they're looking at each other, parting my hair with a knife 🤪
youruser you're obsessed with me
charles_leclerc well, yes! am i not supposed to be??
user39 no shame in admitting it, i respect that🤷🏽‍♂️
user291 serving cunt like she got a master's degree in cuntology from servington universitea
user239 charles, can you fight because i feel like i'm gonna steal your girl
charles_leclerc ... you have five seconds to delete this🙂
user805 If I speak...
user806 charles would probably block you
user575 charlessss i can make you happier, trust me
youruser no, i don't think i will
user575 my bad girl, didn't think you'd see this.
maxverstappen1 you guys are so sickening, please get a room
charles_leclerc who even invited you???
youruser wow max, i thought you liked us
maxverstappen1 YOU DID
maxverstappen1 not enough to watch you both be so touchy sorry
yourbestfriend my stunning girl💚
charles_leclerc i think you mean, MY girl
yourbestfriend i'm not arguing with you, ﹫youruser please come get your man
youruser i think 'm gonna stay out of this...
user332 when will someone post me to my fav brent faiyaz song🫤
user333 manifesting getting posted to stay down 🕯️🙏🏾🕯️🙏🏾🕯️🙏🏾
user334 my wedding song frfr😩
user018 why did daddy's home start playing 🛐
user12 FINALLY
user618 is your girlfriend single?
charles_leclerc read that first part again for me
user540 not one word spelt correctly, open the schools!!!
user843 who is cutting onions😭😭???
charles_leclerc feeling really blessed 🙏🏻
user912 this is so unserious 💀
user440 love love love 😘
user54 love a black woman from infinity to infinity!!!
user113 in the words of dove cameron, i could be a better boyfriend than him. trust🙏🏾
user53 NOOOO YN come back to meeee!!!
charles_leclerc i think she's good here, next to me
user17 can't breathe!!!
user17 hottest gf alive
user17 she looks too good i can't breathe 🫠
user27 showed this to my therapist and she's finally gonna let me kill myself
user065 to be shown off like this,,, i beg
pierregasly the fact that we were together in the last slide...
charles_leclerc but is this a friend group hard launch?
user513 call this hard launch an ugly twink the way it cannot be topped
user83 the wording is CRAZY
user48 not Charles beefing with everyone in love w his girl💀💀
user259 just bought a whole house with the 1st pic. her face card is insane
user613 kissin the screen😙
charles_leclerc kissing her👩🏾‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
youruser ok that's enough
user613 oooohhhh you got scolded 🫵
user084 the audacity to use that emoji, ijbol
user40 i hate you
user40 i'm sorry that was jealousy speaking, so happy for you❤️
user069 i - no words
user675 charles, I heard she throws rocks at orphans
charles_leclerc i'm not an orphan but she can hit me😊
arthur_leclerc NO SHAME😭
youruser i do not throw rocks at children, ﹫charles_leclerc hi
user675 yeah, i lied but he's something...
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Liked by charles_leclerc, user61, yourbestfriend and 985 732 others
youruser think i like you best when you're just with me and no one else...
View all 4 662 comments
user73 didn't i say don't post your man 🥲
charles_leclerc who is that guy?
youruser he's just this guy i'm hopelessly in love with
charles_leclerc he's very lucky❤️
youruser we both are❤️
user23 we all know who it is girl🤣🤣🤣
charles_leclerc i can't believe you didn't post a single picture of me where my face is visible 😪
youruser i hate you, you know we agreed on the soft launch
charles_leclerc you hate me? so enemies to lovers😏
youruser 🤦🏾‍♀️
user704 she's so mean to him, what does he even see in her
user202 you know there's this thing called banter and he's a grown man who can make his own decisions?
user525 can't wait for the future videos of her at any of the grand prix races
user4 he's got a grip on you in every picture i've seen of y'all together so far, like chill lil bro, she's not gon run away🤣🤣🤣
user206 he's actually just like me bc if she was my girl...
yourbestfriend the best launch because we don't have to see his face
user180 ur so real ily
yourbestfriend jokes, but I'm happy for you both💚
youruser love you💚
user16 i'm so😭 happy😭 for you😭 both😭
user444 lover gyal era!
user407 must be nice to young, sexy and in love
youruser it really is🥰
user350 do y'all need a third, a dog, a maid, or anything really because i can do it all!
user110 shattered.
user12 feeling giddy asf like i'm the one who got posted😵‍💫
user61 you two look great together😊
youruser thank you aoife🤎
user08 lord, i see what you've done for others 🙏🏼
user940 when will it be me.(with you)
charles_leclerc never, not even in the next thousand lifetimes 🤣
user838 CHARLES???
user839 OHMYDAYS?!?!
user516 the rope in my backyard looks so tempting
user133 I love k. so much
user48 feet? for free? in this economy?
lilymhe leave him for me, let's run away together💒
youruser packing my bags 🛍️
charles_leclerc ﹫alex_albon please come get your girlfriend
alex_albon lily... what is this
lilymhe as the saying goes, never let your boyfriend stop you from finding your wife
charles_leclerc NOT MY GIRLFRIEND THO
youruser boooo tomato tomato tomato i'm throwing tomatoes🍅🍅🍅
charles_leclerc mon ange???
user909 lily was cooking ♨️🍳
user102 remember everyone, he is NOT a mountain, he CAN be moved!
user00 Donatella VERSACE💜
user6 i love the eiffel tower
user315 because you're parisian, right????
user57 i don't think that's the reason💀💀
user510 do you want another boyfriend?
user204 i just think it really weird that you're not posting his face when he literally posted multiple pictures of you on his account, like what are you hiding?
user832 i think it's weird that you don't know how to mind your own business? like it's crazy that you think you're entitled to a reason. this is her account to do what she wants with it, even if she posted him, you'd complain. so please, just shut up.
user278 not my boyfriend having the audacity to steal my girlfriend from me🫤
user98 honestly if I looked like her, i would not know how to act
user122 facts
landonorris what is with you and your boyfriend not giving credit for pictures i take???
youruser this isn't about you right now🫶🏾
user444 at least you got a response this time
landonorris again, for someone who has ln4 in their bio, you sure like to bully me
user444 you think this is bullying? i can actually bully you if you want
landonorris no, i'm good👋🏻
user303 that one girl was right about you liking the wind a lil too much
user926 yeah this is cute and all but can i land this backflip off a cliff?
user376 those flowers are so pretty 🤍🎀
user401 driving home in the wrong lane tonight🤣
user527 the way i was right the whole time and now my friend owes me money 🥰
user830 you guys are such a cute couple
user010 this would have been such a good soft launch dump of we didn't see his hard launch 😅
youruser added to their story.
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user09 posting a man to MITSKI?! oh it's serious, ur actually down horrendous
yourbestfriend hard launching on ur story when you soft launched in a post is crazyyyy🤣🤣
youruser hard launching when i see a ring 🤗
nah, im kidding but if they want to see him, go to his profile🤷🏾‍♀️
yourbestfriend IKTR 💅🏾
user215 now my man's gonna expect me to post him on my story like this😑 but i forgive you queen 🙄
landonorris finally made it in a post!
youruser finally you can stop complaining 🫶🏾
landonorris why are you and charles so mean to me
youruser because you deserve it, hope this helps🙌🏾
francisca.cgomez double dating with you was so fun! can't wait to do it again 💞
youruser yes! gonna go bother charles to make plans for another one soon 😁
user121 the sun drawing around ur eyes🥲 crying, that's so effin cute
yourfriend not you being all sentimental with the daniel caesar song AND the puzzle pieces
youruser damn, can't even do something nice🧍🏾‍♀️ see if i post you again
yourfriend you're so dramatic pookie
user531 the bear and the flowerss, please where can i get man like that😖
user479 so many gorgeous girls🥰
user06 glad you're surrounding yourself with people who make you happy and bring out this lovely light 🤎
yourfriend2 when the plans finally make it out the group chat🙌🏾🎉
youruser love that for us🤧 but i swear getting stuck in that elevator made me reconsider all my decisions leading up to that moment
yourfriend2 the 1st hour wasn't that bad tho
yourfriend3 we will never be free🙁
youruser please shut up😭😭
yourfriend3 no bc you didn't listen when dr umar said "SNOW BUNNIES NEVA🙅🏾‍♀️❌"
youruser i do not see it🧘🏾‍♀️
𖦹 𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁⠀⠀𓂃 ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 𓂃 𖦹
⤷ end note ‧ ★ : halfway through making this i went "hmm, this should be a lando smau" but then i continued doing this. it posted like 5 times which freaked me out and was supposed to be done ages ago but yeah. also french is from deepl. enjoy.
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rainily-03 · 1 year
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hello followers. apologies for disappearing for 3 months and then coming back with a completely different set of hyperfixations. it will happen again <3
anyway. the trio ever feat some silly headcanons
(image description under cut, apologies for forgetting to add one!)
[Image ID: four pages of Honkai Star Rail fanart.
The first page has written across the top "Draw March, Dan Heng, and Stelle." Below it are Stelle (in a thinking pose, an arrow pointing to her that says "rubbing her two brain cells together very hard), Dan Heng (looking up with a surprised expression, an arrow pointing to him that says "secretly excited but won't show it"), and March 7th (clenching her fists and beaming excitedly, an arrow pointing to her that says "has been waiting her entire life for this moment").
The second page has a number 1 on it. At the top is a sheet of paper signed with March's name, with a drawing of the three in a cute, simple style. They are holding hands and "The Terrific Trio!!" is written across the top. At the bottom, Stelle looks at the paper while covering her mouth like she's trying not to laugh or cry, and Dan Heng puts his fist against the wall with a similar expression. Both of them are connected by a thought bubble that reads "cute" in all caps, while March stands in the middle looking pleased.
The third page has a number 2 on it. At the top is a sheet of paper signed with Dan Heng's name. He's drawn the three to look like a photo is being taken of them, smiling at the camera with March giving Stelle bunny ears. It's comparatively very well-drawn. At the bottom, Stelle and March huddle around the paper in delighted amazement.
The final page has a number 3 on it. At the top is a sheet of paper signed with Stelle's name. It is a very clumsy, childish drawing of the three. At the bottom, March and Dan Heng stare at it blankly, speechless. Stelle looks sheepish, with arrows pointing to her that read "cannot draw to save her life" and "somehow even worse than Gepard". End ID]
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vanishingcherry · 1 year
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pairings: f1 grid x leclerc!driver reader, charles leclerc x sister!reader
warnings: sexism, hugging, talk about the possibility of a car crash, 2021 f1 grid
authors note: i was thinking of making this a series, so let me know if thats something you would be interested in! (like leclerc driver in different situations throughout the seasons after her debut in 2021)
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Sitting on a flight to Bahrain, it would be an understatement to say that Y/N was nervous. She sat next to her brother, Charles, with Arthur sitting across from her, fast asleep against the headrest of the plane seat.
Charles was going into his 4th season in Formula 1, his third with Ferrari. Y/N, however, was going into her first, following her older brother's footsteps as she started out her rookie season with Sauber, or Alfa Romeo as it was now called.
Looking out the window, she watched in amazement as the city lights sparkled in the night. She had been to Bahrain before, during her time in F3 and F2 with Prema, but landing as a Formula 1 driver was a different feeling altogether.
Y/N was confident in the car. 3 days of preseason testing allowed her to get accustomed to all the differences from the F2 cars. While it definitely wasn't at the level of Mercedes, Ferrari or Red Bull, she was sure that she would be able to get at least a few points over the course of the season.
She was also extremely lucky to be paired with Kimi for her rookie season. The seasoned driver was known to be extremely less talkative, but she was sure she would pick up a few tips by just being in his presence. They had even had a short conversation during the pre-season testing during which Kimi told her that he was glad to have her as a teammate. Y/N never really realised just how much that statement meant to her until now, easing some of the nerves.
After landing, she and Charles walk through customs and head outside together, Arthur and Lorenzo following not too far behind. Immediately met by thousands of fans, she watches an unfazed Charles make his way towards them, smiling and signing posters and caps. She watches in awe for a second before a voice calling her name catches Y/N's attention.
"Y/N! Can you sign my cap please!"
She looks over to see a young girl amongst the crown and makes her way to the barrier. Kneeling over, she grabs the pen and signs the cap with a big smile.
"Are you going to watch the race?" Y/N smile turns even bigger when the girl nods.
"We've got seats at turn 3. I hope you get points! I love you!"
She laughs at the response, giving the girl a quick hug before making her way down the fans lined up.
There were dozens of people there, waving flags and notebooks for her to sign. Others just wanted a quick hug or a picture, which Y/N quickly obliged to. While she couldn't interact with everybody there, she made sure to as many people as possible.
Almost all of them were shouting words of encouragement and support, compliments hitting her from all sides. Surprised by how many people wanted her to sign things and take pictures, it was almost half an hour later when she finally sat down in the car, slumping against the seat as it made its way to the hotel. Her hand hurting from the number of autographs she had given out.
"There were so many people who wanted me to sign stuff" She said to Charles. "I didn't think there would be that many. All the girls were so excited."
"You're the first female driver Y/N, of course they were excited. I'm so proud of you, everyone is." Charles smiles as he replies, knowing just how hard it was to make it to F1, even more so as a girl. "Papa and Jules would be so, so happy."
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"Thats P12 Y/N! Great job!"
The engineer's voice comes through the radio, conveying to Y/N her qualifying results.
"Oh my god! 12th is crazy, thank you! Where did Charles place? And Kimi?" Happy that Charles qualified 4th she celebrated, although she was slightly confused as to how she qualified ahead of Kimi who was 14th.
"There was an issue with his car." Her engineer explains, before telling her to switch off the engine and prepare for strategy discussion.
Y/N was just a few tenths off from making Q3 in her debut. Nonetheless, P12 was an amazing standing for the start of the race, and she was overjoyed at the prospect of getting points at her first ever F1 race.
As she makes her way to the driver rooms, Charles catches up to her, giving her a quick hug. "Xavi told me you qualified 12th! Congratulations! Get points tomorrow okay?"
She nods in response, congratulating him for qualifying P4 before once again making her way to the driver's room. She received many pats on the back on her way there, some from drivers and others from reporters and general people around the paddock.
Walking into the motorhome, Kimi is quick to congratulate her. Y/N expresses her sympathy for his qualifying position, but Kimi is quick to brush it aside. Having been in the sport this long, he knew that a bad qualifying doesn't mean a bad race.
After the discussions with the team for the next day's strategy had been closed, Y/N heads out, wanting to get a good nights rest before her first race.
The only goal for the next day was to race well and hopefully get a few points. Y/N knew that Alfa Romeo was feeling the pressure just as much as she was, being the team that signed the first female driver. All she wanted was to learn as much as possible while proving herself to the world.
"Just learn", is what the team principle had said not an hour ago. "Learn as much as you can, enjoy, and try not to crash the car."
Just as the rookie opens the taxi door, a voice calling out her name makes her turn around. At the sight of Sebastian, she pulls out her earphones.
The driver had just made the switch to Aston Martin, being Charles's teammate the year before. "I heard you qualified 12th! Thats amazing!"
Shyly she laughs. "Yeah, thank you so much!"
"Is anyone giving you a hard time?" he asks, fully prepared to defend Y/N. Sebastian had been an advocate for women in this sport for a long time, and was truly delighted that the step had finally be taken. Truth be told, he was honoured that he would be getting the opportunity to race against Y/N, even though she would insist it was the other way round.
"Not really," she replies. "Just a few fans on social media and stuff, saying it's a 'mans' sport."
"Ah, I think Hanna showed me a few of those posts." Sebastian mutters, thinking back to a weekend ago when his wife showed him the latest news, courtesy to the driver not having any social media accounts of his own. "Ignore them, we all know that you're amazing and believe me, you absolutely deserve to be here."
The 4 time world champion was speaking from experience. He had kept an eye on her the previous year. Although they hadn't talked much, other than when she was in the garage to visit Charles, Sebastian was ecstatic when he heard that the young girl had won the F2 Championship.
"I bet you'll get points tomorrow, you're just that good."
"Ah thanks Seb!" Y/N is close to blushing at that comment, overwhelmed with the number of compliments she had been receiving over the course of the day.
After another few moments of chatting, Sebastian walks away to his own car, leaving Y/N to get in hers and get back to the hotel. Popping her earphones back in, she relaxes against the seat, ready for what the race would bring.
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"It's lights out and away we go for the first time in the 2021 season!"
The voice of David Croft is heard all around the world, thousands having tuned in to watch the start of the new season. Y/N gets a good start, overtaking Perez and moving up to P11 by turn 1.
Ahead of her now was Stroll in the Aston Martin. Staying close to him for the next few laps, she manages to overtake him on the straight when DRS opens.
"You're in the points! Push!" Her engineers voice comes through. Behind him the team was watching the screen in suspense, hoping that she would be able to keep the position. They jumped out of their seats nearly every time she got close to another car, worried out of their mind for the driver but excited nonetheless.
Choosing to stay out on track for an extra few laps earns her another two positions as most drivers go in for their pitstop, putting her at P8. Y/N manages to defend her position for majority of the race, keeping the Aston Martins and Red Bull behind her.
Towards the second half of the race, Y/N went in for her pitstop, unfortunately losing a spot in the process. Still, just 13 laps later, Y/N crossed the finish line in P9, having gotten 2 points for the driver standings and the team.
"Thats P9! P9 Y/N! Amazing, amazing job!"
Body in shock, she thanks the team and engineers profusely, jumping out of the car the second she parked it.
"Y/N Leclerc crosses the line in P9, an absolutely stellar performance. The first points scored from a woman in decades, and that too in her first race. I'm sure we can expect nothing short of brilliance from her in the future." Martin Brundle's voice can be heard by all watching.
Still in awe at the moment, all Y/N can think about is the fact that she got points. You did it, you did it, you did it. She runs into the barriers, giving a hug to everyone from Alfa Romeo standing there.
Behind her, Charles comes in for a hug, having heard from his engineer that Y/N placed 9th. "Je t'aime, je suis si fier" i love you, i am so proud
The next few minutes were a blur. Waving to the fans, Y/N can hear them cheer in the background as more and more people come up to her. Lewis pats her helmet on his way to the podium, Max and Valtteri doing the same. Sebastian walks by and offers a hug, widely grinning as he winks and says a quick "Told you so."
It was an out of the world experience. While not everyone may see the importance, everyone on the grid knew exactly how she was feeling. Having worked your entire life to reach F1, the feeling after getting your first points is one that no one would ever forget. One that Y/N would never forget.
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"So Y/N, how does it feel having won points in your debut race?" The reporter asks when she enter the media pen. Replays of her crossing the checkered flag in P9 can be seen playing on the television in the background.
"There was a lot of pressure on me to perform well, being the first signed female driver and of course Charles being in Ferrari. People expected a lot. So, I am extremely happy that I was able to deliver."
Her response is short and sweet, as directed by the PR manager, but true nonetheless. There was a lot of controversy when Sauber announced that she would be joining F1 that year, with people on both sides of the spectrum making statements. It meant heaps to her, knowing that she had already started proving the haters wrong.
Toto and Susie Wolff were in support, both mentioning how important it was for more females to enter the sport. The Mercedes Principle having mentioned how "proud" he was, and how her presence would likely "encourage more girls from around the world to enter motorsport."
Susie being having participated in motorsport herself had reached out to Y/N when the news broke, sending her congrats and sharing her enthusiasm. Y/N and her still stay in contact, having just replied to another congratulatory message from Susie before coming out to give interviews.
On the other hand, there were also people who were doubtful of her. "She's entering a sport that has been predominantly male for over 7 decades. The way I see it, I'm not sure she'll be able to handle the needs of this sport. It's a tough sport, and there must be a reason females have never lasted long before." The statement that Red Bull released via their team principle was nothing short of enraging for Y/N, but she knew that she would have to stay calm and prove them wrong on track.
Nonetheless, Y/N knew that she had the support of all the drivers on the grid, all of them having talked to her and shown support during the pre-season testing. It meant a lot to her knowing that world champions like Lewis, Alonso and Sebastian were all rooting for her.
"And how did Charles react to you coming P9?"
"He was very happy," she exclaimed. "A bit jealous I think, because he didn't get points in his debut." Y/N adds, softly chuckling before moving on to the next reporter.
The rest of the media session went well, all the reporters being respectful and truly happy for Y/N. Finally, once the day was over, she went back to the hotel, ready for a night of relaxation.
Not too long after settling down on the couch, she heard a knock and the door handle turning. Charles walks in.
Falling back onto the couch next to her, he says. "The reporter told me what you said to her."
Frowning in response, Y/N pauses the movie. He elaborates. "About me being jealous? Because I didn't get points in my debut?" He gently elbows her in the rib and she laughs in response.
"But its true, no?
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mysticfalls01 · 6 months
The Draw
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The Wonder Twins Universe
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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During your international break you talked with Leah about your feelings for certain Catalonian captain. She couldn’t help but to smile while she listened how you talked about Alexia. She confirmed that moving to Barcelona was the perfect move.
Also, during the third day of the break Mapi called you. She hated how everything was going with Vilda, how he and his staff treated the girls and how they made them train extra hours. You let Mapi to vent out all her frustrations, all her feelings at that moment it was everything you could do for her. You were worried for Mapi and the girls. 
After the international break Lucy, Keira and you returned to Barcelona.
Playing with the Lionesses gave you that energy boost that you needed, you guys had two out of two possible victories. While playing in Barcelona has been amazing nothing could compare to the feeling of playing alongside your twin.
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You were over the moon, since Liga F started Barcelona hadn’t lost a single game. You had won a spot in the starting 11 and you couldn’t have been happier, with each game you only get better. Barcelona was really your home, your dream team.
Two weeks after the international break you and the girls found yourselves sitting down in the media room watching the Champions League draw for the group stages.
Until that moment the group was the next: FC Barcelona, Sporting de Lisboa, and Bayern München. There was only one team left to complete the group. Everyone turned their heads towards the TV to learn who would be their final rival.
“Joining in group D is going to be…”
The suspense was killing everyone in the room, that was until a team was mentioned.
As soon as that word left the mouth of the presenter you stood up and left the room. You couldn’t support the pity looks that your teammates were giving you.
You couldn’t believe it, of all the possible teams it had to be Arsenal, you were going to be playing against your previous team. Against some of your best friends and most importantly against Leah.
You had always played with Leah, never against her.
You couldn’t hear it but as soon as you left Mapi stood up and followed you. You ran towards the training ground as you needed fresh air, you were having a panic attack.
You felt a hand rubbing your back and that person said “y/n! Breath, follow my breath. One, two, three. Again y/nn one, two, three. You are doing amazing y/nn”
As soon as you kinda calmed down you realized that the person helping you was Mapi.
She gave you a few more minutes to calm down.
“Gracias por tu ayuda Mapi” (Thank you for helping me Mapi) you whispered and hugged her
“What is going on your head y/nn? Please talk to me.” She could imagine what was going on however she wanted to hear it from you.
“I’m not necessarily worried about playing against Arsenal itself. I’m worried about playing against Leah. All I’ve ever known is playing with her not against her, I knew that it could happen, but I expected it to happen later on”
Mapi knew that she would never understand what it meant to play against a sister, nerveless twin against twin. She knew that the only thing she could do was to help you to accept what just had happened.
“y/n I will never be able understand what you are feeling but I feel as if I have known Leah for ages because of everything you’ve told me. She would be proud of you if you give your everything against them. I know that nothing can break the bond that you have with her and if there is something that could do it wouldn’t be something as simple as a result from a match”
You needed to hear those words; your feelings were all over the place.
“y/nn why don’t you go back to your apartment and call her. I’ll explain everything to Jonatan so go back home and rest. If you miss one day of training nothing will happen. I’m sure that he will understand”
At that moment you couldn’t have been more grateful for Mapi.
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After your call with Leah you realized that Mapi was right. While it would be difficult to play against Leah you guys promised to give your best versions of yourselves against each other.
You were sitting in your living room still thinking about the draw when the sound of someone knocking on your door interrupted your thoughts.
You stood up and opened your door. It was Alexia.
“Hola y/n. Puedo pasar?” (Hi y/n may I come in?) She said with a soft voice.
As soon as she said those words you let her in.
“I don’t want to sound rude but what are you doing here Ale?”
“Well y/nn I just went to the store, and I brought popcorn and some ice cream. I was thinking that we could watch a movie to distract you for a while. What do you say y/nn?”
If after almost three months in Barcelona you hadn’t fallen in love with her, you just did. Usually, you were the one cheering up everyone else and not the other way around so, Alexia doing that for you just made your feelings for her grow even stronger.
“Let’s do it Ale”
While the movie was on you could help but to look down towards the Spaniard who was cuddling you. She felt you looking at her and then it finally happened.
You kissed her and she kissed back. You guys separated to breathe some air. You joined your foreheads and whispered “Let me take you out on a date Ale”
“Si, y/n” she whispered and gave you a kiss again.
You guys separated when you heard someone knocking on your door. You quickly fixed yourself and opened the door.
You couldn’t believe it, it was some of your teammates with Mapi at the front.
“y/n! We are having bonding time in your apartment so let us in”
She walked through your door and let herself and the team in.
You knew why Mapi was doing this. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were to call someone as her your best friend.
“y/n is there something you want to tell us about Ale already being here?” She couldn’t help but to tease you while rising her eyebrow.
You never answered and just told them to sit down.
Barca was really your second family.
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Arsenal vs Barcelona
How lucky were you. Your second Champions League game with Barcelona was going to be in the Emirates Stadium.
The team arrived to the stadium and everywhere you looked you couldn’t help but to remember everything you went through with Arsenal.
Before you knew it was time to line up in the tunnel. You greeted every single person of your former team. Finally, you reached the person next to Marta Torrejón and hugged her.
“Sis no matter the result nothing will affect our relationship. You are my sister, my best friend, and my twin. I love you y/n” Leah whispered
“Thanks Lee, I needed to hear those words sis. I love you sis”
You went back to your place and the teams walked out.
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You heard the final whistle and finally you could breathe.
Barcelona won 0-4 with you assisting Aitana and scoring the last goal in the 88th minute, taking home the player of the match award. Even if you assisted and scored you didn’t celebrate them, you couldn’t do it. You had too much respect and you were grateful towards Arsenal and the gunners for everything they did for you and your sister.
You walked towards Leah, you knew that losing was difficult for her so, you hugged her.
“Can we swap jerseys Lee?”
“Of course y/nn”
You took off your Barcelona’s jersey and she took off hers. She hugged you and whispered “I’m so proud of you sis, you are on the way of becoming one of the greatest to ever play this game.”
You guys decided to sit down in the middle of the pitch looking how fans were leaving and how both teams greeted each other. You couldn’t help but to rest your head on Leah’s shoulder taking everything in. You guys stayed there until Katie gave Leah a sign to stand up while Patri gave you a sign indicating that Barcelona was going back to their hotel.
While hugging for a final time that day Leah whispered “Next time you guys won’t be so lucky”
You laughed at her words as you knew that it was her competitive nature talking.
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fever pitch (b.b) - prologue
soundtrack: mastermind - taylor swift pairing: footballer!bradley x popstar!reader synopsis: Bradley shoots his shot in public, but will he fumble when he meets you in person? warnings: language, drinking, meet cute notes: my first series in a while! this is shamelessly based on the epic Taylor Swift/Travis Kelce saga currently happening rn, and combine that with my innate love of football (the kicking kind, not the NFL kind) and... voila! I hope you enjoy this. Let me know what you think in the comments, reblogs, and asks. Happy reading! <3 ✨I do not have a taglist. Please follow @ficsbygreenorangevioletgrass and turn on the notification to get the latest update on my fics✨
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Soccer Sensation Bradley Bradshaw Fails To Shoot His Shoot With Y/N At Her Concert?
Arsenal captain Bradley Bradshaw may be among his club’s top scorers this season, but even he misses a chance in romance like the rest of us.
The 29-year-old athlete spoke about his missed opportunity with the multi-platinum songstress Y/N while speaking to his former teammate Héctor Bellerín on the latter’s podcast, “More Than A Footballer”, earlier this week.
When asked about any fun stuff he did last weekend, Bradshaw replied,
“I went to the Y/N concert at Wembley [Stadium]... it was awesome. It was pouring rain, but it was amazing. I don’t remember Wembley ever being that electric aside from, like, cup finals. She was sensational.”
Bellerín nods in agreement, having heard great things about the famed singer-songwriter’s live concerts.
Unprompted, the American midfielder then continued,
“If you’ve heard about the tour, there’s this tradition of trading friendship bracelets. And I actually made one with my number on it, hoping I could give it to her after the show…”
The Cockney-raised Spaniard cackled in surprise and teased him, “But she didn’t wanna see you, bruv? [That is] legend!”
“No hard feelings!” Bradshaw raised his hands in defense over the Zoom call. “She needed to dry off and get warm. Gotta make sure she stays healthy, protect those vocal cords. But yeah, I was a bit bummed out about it.”
Bellerín laughed and jokingly addressed the camera, “Y/N, if you’re watching, give my boy a chance, will you?”
Mononymous pop sensation Y/N is hot off of her Kaleidoscope North American Tour, which wrapped in September. Her six-show run at Wembley Stadium this November officially kicks off the European leg of her sold-out tour. 
Will they be the next pop royalty and conquer the stadiums with their own crafts, or will this fizzle out as this week’s viral anecdote? The ball is in your court, Y/N.
Y/N’s representatives have not responded for comment.
Your Miu Miu heels click and clack against the ground. The pavement gleams after the rain and glistens under the streetlights. Everywhere you look, your eyes hurt. Down, and you worry about slipping into a puddle and falling on your ass. Forward, and a million camera flashes are ready to give you an aneurysm.
All in the name of reporting your night off of work, performing live in front of 90,000 people in a stadium.
In other words, all in a day’s work.
There’s a moment of reprieve, when the silvery white blitzes disappear into the dim tangerine lighting of the lobby. The flight down the stairs is so dark, you’re seeing green. It takes your eyes a moment to adjust, but as soon as they do, the thumping bass line of some dance music hits your ears. Clashing perfumes doused on the dancing, dressed-up bodies that you have to weave through.
You are seriously regretting your girl friends’ invite to a night out. You could’ve just had them over to your hotel, open a bunch of red wine, and you would’ve still had a blast. But no. You had to say yes to going to the Cuckoo Club with Lacey, Amara, and Jo.
And this evening is making you feel quite cuckoo.
There’s champagne at your booth and you’re much too eager to take a glass and start a toast. “Cheers, bitches!” you yell over the music, clinking your glass against theirs before downing the whole thing in one go.
It’s nowhere near enough.
There’s not enough buzz to dull the assault to your senses—not even after the three glasses of wine at dinner earlier. Everything is still too loud, too bright, too crowded, too… much.
“Hey!” you nudge Amara, who is sitting right next to you. “Let’s do shots!”
She turns to you, eyes widening at the slightest. “I thought you wanted to take it easy tonight!” 
“Changed my mind,” you shrug, as you get up to the bar.
While you make your way through the crowd on the dance floor, Bradley Bradshaw looks up from his booth and does a double-take at the girl who just walked by. Even in a high-end club full of the well-dressed and well-heeled, people still get starstruck. And why wouldn’t they? You’re about as famous as an iPhone. 
His eyes widen and immediately whips out his phone to shoot a text to his oldest and most trusted friend Natasha Trace.
‘Dude, I’m in the club and Y/N just walked in. What do I do??’
Natasha thankfully texts back almost immediately. Then again, maybe being a Communications Director for a major company requires her to be a good texter. ‘Wdym what do you do? Just go talk to her.’
‘You were supposed to introduce us!’ Bradley replies, eyes darting between his phone and you at the bar, conflicted.
Natasha is a mutual friend of yours, too, and when the Bracelet-gate clip went viral, she laughed in his face for a full 5 minutes before deciding to set the two of you up. But the schedule never really aligned, so he hasn’t got a chance to see you. Not even after he went to your concert with a friendship bracelet and a dream.
And now, seeing you here in the same room at the same time as him…
‘What do you want me to do, get down there and do it for you?’
‘...Can you?’
He senses the judgment even as the three dots appear on his screen. 
‘Stop being a pussy, Bradshaw. Let me Netflix and chill with my gf in peace.’
Bradley scoffs, half-annoyed and half-fond. ‘Asshole. Have fun.’
The dance floor clears up, just enough to see that you’re right there. Leaning against the bar in your dress like a dirty daydream, talking to the bartender, and he couldn’t just let you go without a word. He thought about it, and he simply couldn’t.
“Oi, where are you off to?” His teammate Martin hollers, while the others watch him make his way to the bar in determined strides.
He squeezes past patrons across this jungle of a club, hoping to God that somebody hasn’t beaten him to talk to you yet, or you haven’t ducked out completely. Oh fuck. You’re still there, though. Good. You’re still at the bar, still glimmering under the mirrorball. Just a tap on the shoulder away. You can do it, Bradshaw…
“Excuse me, I—”
You feel the hand on your shoulder just as you turn and stand up, and in a flurry of miscoordination, looks up just as the other person moves in.
In a stroke of dumb luck, Bradley feels the top of your head slamming up against his nose and he groans in pain. “Ohh!”
“Shit! Oh my God…” you gasp, reaching out to the man in front of you. He’s tall, very tall, and you can’t quite see his face with his massive hand clutching his nose. “I’m so sorry…”
“No, it’s okay. My bad…” It really doesn’t seem like it, so he lets go of his nose and smiles sheepishly. Gosh, he must’ve looked stupid right now.
But you see it differently. What you see is a dashing man in a sleek tieless navy suit and a well-groomed mustache, straight out of a Cinemascope flick, ever so handsome despite his reddened nose from the way you just accidentally headbutted him. “No, that was totally mine. Are you okay?”
Your eyes are crystal clear even in the dim light, the concern is palpable in your gaze—and rightly so. It’s just that he’d take the headbutt any day, if it means he can look at your beautiful face. “I’m… I’m swell. Y/N, right?”
There’s a shift in your gaze. First, alert—you’re assessing how much of a potential threat this person is, whether they’re gonna be weird about you— and then it relaxes. Not a threat. Then a slightest hint of mischief, like she wants to know what kind of dynamics they would have. “Have we met?”
And boy, can he.
“We haven’t, actually. But I went to your show at Wembley earlier this week. You were amazing.” He offers a handshake. “Bradley Bradshaw.”
You didn’t quite catch his name over the blaring music, although you shake his hand anyway. “Sorry?” 
He leans into your ear, “I’m Bradley Bradshaw.”
You don’t know which one makes your heart skip, the sudden close proximity, the warmth of his timbre, or the whiff of his perfume.
“Right. Nice to meet you, Bradley Bradshaw.” You accept his handshake, hoping he doesn’t see how flustered you are in the strobing purple light.
“Likewise.” He nods with a smile. “And may I just say… you look stunning.”
“What, this old thing?” You brush down the art nouveau-inspired Balmain dress on your body. You’re just being modest, of course; you know you’re dressed to the nines. You have never been much into facial hair, but somehow that mustache suits him very well. “You don’t look so bad yourself. You remind me of a… young Robert Mitchum. Or Paul Newman— or one of those Golden Age leading men.”
His face lights up. It’s hardly the first time he received that kind of compliment, but when it came from you, it feels… different. It feels special. It makes him just a little bolder. “Yeah? Maybe after a few drinks, I’ll be quoting lines from Butch Cassidy. Or would you prefer Cat On A Hot Tin Roof?”
This piques your interest. A man of culture, it seems. But of course, you can’t be too sure. “I’m more of a Paris Blues kinda gal, I’m afraid.”
Gosh, you don’t swoon so easily and he likes you so much for that. “Makes sense.”
“How so?”
“It’s a good underrated musical movie, for the musically gifted… And Sidney Poitier was just fantastic in that.”
“Huh.” You raise your eyebrows. You honestly thought he was just spouting the famous titles. But the fact that he has likely seen this hidden gem might just mean he’s really into it. “Aren’t you full of surprises.”
He leans in to speak in your ear yet again. “If you stick with me for a bit, I might show you another surprise or two.”
The music drowns out your racing heart just barely, and the bartender places a whole set of tequila shots on the bar top, and it snaps you out of your reverie for a moment. 
“Wanna get some air?”
He seems surprised, but of course he wasn’t gonna throw away this shot. “Sure. Why not?”
You instruct the bartender to send the shots to your booth, not even spending ten seconds to ponder staying in this deafening hell hole. Not when this man looks like peace. Perhaps an undercurrent of mystery underneath, but his whole demeanor is as calm and comforting as those old-school movies you put on to fall asleep. At the same time, something about this person pulls you in, it’s almost magnetic, and you can’t help wanting to see this through.
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
Isekai Yandere Strawhats x Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[ Check Masterlist for ch 9-19 ]
Sequel just uploaded 1
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Life began to feel so boring. The days blended into one another and suddenly we’re in march. Staying up late catching up on your favorite show because there is nothing better to do right now. One piece was such a breathe of fresh air, full of adventure and characters that seem amazing to be around and explore the world with. You wished to be in the world where u can freely be who you wanted, the world where you weren’t shackled by the burdens of reality.
You’ve been around all the corners of the internet so you know of shifting and astral projection which is exactly what seems to be going on right now. Rewatching episodes leading up to the time skip around 4 in the morning till your eyes flutter shut. Suddenly the wafting scent of the ocean filled your nose. “ Is she a stowaway?” “ How have we just found her we haven’t been on land for over a week now”. You opened your eyes to the snout of a reindeer and other very familiar faces.
You sat up so fast knocking into the poor doctor. Panic set through you because the first assumption anyone would have is that they’re in a dream or— congrats you’ve finally lost your damn mind. “ Who are you people”.
“ We’ve got the same question for you”
“ well I asked first”
The blunt part of a sword was thrust into your face by a very angry green swordsman. Fear etched across your face you give him a once over. Zoro. To your left was Robin and chopper holding his snout on her lap. There should be absolutely no reason that you’re in this world with these wacky 15th century pirates from your goofy anime show. Your voice shakes as you try to convince the green haired man to stop threatening your life.
“ Listen this is surely a misunderstanding, I really don’t understand how I have gotten here and I’m not really too sure who you people are.”
Maybe if they think that I don’t know who they are I can figure out a way to get out of this mess without ruining the story.
“ What is your last memory before you woke up on our ship” a voice from behind spoke. Turning to the left at the top of the stairs was Nami with Sanji following behind her.
“ I was laying in my bed falling asleep and then I woke up here”
After that you were bombarded with questions, what’s your name, your age, if an 8ft skeleton can see your underwear and it nearly drained the life out of you. The sun was now beginning to set after such a long day of being interrogated by the crew you used to watch through a screen. The captain was sitting on the head of the Sunny watching the day fade away when he stretched his arm to you pulling you to sit with him.
It was quiet for a while and nerves began to set in. Does he see through me? I know a lot of people don’t give luffy the credit but he’s way more intelligent than you’d think. “ What is it like where you’re from y/n” he spoke as he turned to face you.
“ Very different.”
“ Tell me about it please”
The sun completely faded into night and the stars littered the sky while you told luffy about “ where you’re from” and he was absolutely entranced by the world he’s never been. You ended up telling Luffy the truth about your origins, somewhat about himself, there was just something so compelling and trusting about him you didn’t think nothing of it. You slept in the girls room next to Nami that night, thinking about the next step and getting home.
Was this really a dream or did your desire to escape mundane life make you shift into this world of unknown.
The next day you went to eat breakfast with the crew and luffy starts spouting all the things you told him the night before. With seemingly no thought behind his words as he swallowed everything on his plate, though his crew members all stopped to stare at you in confusion.
“ I thought you said you weren’t from here?”
“ You said you didn’t know how you got here”
“ Well I wasn’t exactly lying, I really don’t know how or why I’ve been transported into your world. I just didn’t want to scare you or make you think I’m crazy with all of this.”
Over the next few days you were beginning to settle with the crew, you spent hours getting to know everyone and having the most fun you’ve had in years. Nami and Robin were curious about your world and you were more than elated to tell them all the things you enjoyed. The boys liked when you played their silly games, Sanji was obsessed with everything about you and loved having you perched on the counter when he was cooking so you can serve as his taste tester.
Zoro only just began to acknowledge you after finding out you also had a love for drinking, it became really easy to bond with the man. You knew you had to go back but what’s the harm in spending time with such a loving group of people, it’s not everyday someone is given your experience don’t waste it being worried.
You were able to convince Nami to give you a blank sheet of paper where you wrote all the things you knew about shifting and astral projection. You’ve been with the crew over a week now spending every night trying to shift back to your world. Sometimes you feel close others are strangely disturbed by Robin and Nami whether they are sparking up a conversation with you or knocking things over which disturbs your concentration.
The next few days you began to see birds meaning you were finally reaching land, the sabody archipelago. You know the way this arch ends and you need to go home now before you spend two years on an unknown island doing who knows what because YOU aren’t a straw hat and you have no place where you can learn to polish your skills.
The bubbly island became visible and you’d be reaching it by midday, while you were sitting on the head of the Sunny with Luffy again he asked you his million dollar question.
“ Y/n join my crew” he smiled. Your cheeks burned and you had to turn away from the boy whose smile brightened all your days.
“ Luffy I would love to but—”
“ Great- EVERYONE Y/N” you clasped your hand over his mouth.
“ Luffy l can’t join your crew. I have to go home I don’t even belong in this world”
“ Why do you want to leave” sadness dripped from his voice.
“ Yeah, we’ve been having so much fun” the small doctor announced from the deck.
“ It has been very fun I’ll admit but I don’t belong here with you guys. I’ve got a whole life in my world— and a family and just so much to do.” You reasoned.
The rest of the day the crew seemed angry and distant, you simply couldn’t understand why. When they all found out where you really came from they said they would help you get home. During dinner that night you were seated between luffy and Zoro who barley uttered a word while hushed conversations were surrounding the rest of the table. It was insufferable and reminded you of elementary school when someone didn’t want to be your friend anymore and told everyone about it.
“ Luffy are you upset with me? I haven’t done anything wrong”
“ Why do you want to leave? You just joined the crew and were on a new island”
“ I never said I was joining your crew luffy”
“ you know the captain doesn’t take no for an answer y/n” Zoro chuckled.
With a huff you stood up everyone’s eyes landing on you. “ Are you all acting this way because you don’t want me to leave?”
“ Why would we want a crew member to leave us?” Nami’s voice wobbled as tears formed in her eyes. Are they serious? When did u ever agree or tell these people that you were a part of their crew.
“ Listen closely all of you. You have to understand I am not from here, I never joined the straw hats, and I don’t even have any powers I can’t protect myself.”
“ That’s why you have me Y/n-chwaaan”
“ ignore that idiot cook but you have Luffy and I, we wouldn’t let anything happen to you”
“ Who is an idiot you damn moss ball !”
A fight between the cook and the swordsman broke out and you would usually find everything hilarious but…
These people have convinced themselves you are one of them and they don’t want you to leave. You decided tonight will be the night where you will go home with or without their help especially because you already know what’s in store the next day. Laying next to Nami that night waiting for her breathing to even out so you can concentrate with no interruptions you hear soft sobbing.
“ Are you alright Nami..”
“ Y/n I know you want to go back but can you stay a little longer we all care about you and enjoy having you around. We really feel like you’re one of our crew mates”
“ Sure, I’m not missing anything important right now” lying is better than letting this girl cry all night. When her breathing finally evened out you were able to try again.
Eyes fluttering open you were finally in your own bedroom. It was just as you left it, your iPad paused on the intro to one piece and the sun was showing through your curtains.
I really did it.
Life began as usual but you had a newfound appreciation for all the little things that made life worth it. Friends and family found your new outlook pleasant and you finally felt like you turned on a new leaf. While you were getting ready for bed applying all of your creams and oils the Tv in the living room turned on.
Wealth, Fame, Power.
A chill ran through your spine, you haven’t watched the show in over a month in fear of being brought back into that world by some odd chance. Getting up to turn off the tv something in the hallway made a noise. The fear of someone or something being in your house had you clenching on the door knob for dear life.
Just open the door nothing is there you’re only scaring yourself.
Opening the door and walking down the dark hallway into the softly illuminated living room the episode of the strawhats finally meeting up after two years was playing.
“ My favorite arch I should rewatch soon”
“ Why don’t you live it instead?” A voice from behind hissed.
You felt your heart thumping in your ears as you slowly turned to be met with a very angry Captain.
Not proofread ! 🫶🏽
I was inspired by a similar stories I’ve seen down the tl hope you enjoyed. Pt 2 coming soon maybe
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dreamwritesimagines · 8 months
Garden of Secrets [40] - Laurel
A.N: The last 3 chapters! ❤️Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and support my loves, it made my whole week, you’re amazing!❤️ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think❤️
Summary: An engagement ball can be followed by an unexpected surprise.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions of sex, mentions of threats.
Word Count: 3000
Series Masterlist
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Technically you knew planning an engagement ball was bound to be stressful, of course you did.
But from the way Lottie was treating it, you were beginning to think it was a life-and-death situation.
“Lottie you do realize you didn’t have to come here to make sure me and Ben are coming to the engagement ball?” you asked “Don’t get me wrong, I’m always glad to see you but there is no way we’d miss it. No matter how much Benedict whines about you and Anthony getting married, he’s actually happy for you.”
“Oh I know!” she said as she sat beside you on the bench. You were in the garden, enjoying your book in the gazebo after having spent hours in the greenhouse while Benedict was busy with his painting in his studio. “I cannot stay long because I must go to the Bridgerton House but before that, I figured I could come here and give you this.”
She put the wrapped rectangular box that she was holding into your lap and you tilted your head.
“What is this?”
“This is sort of a thank you for accepting to be my maid of honor,” she said, making you smile.
“Lottie, you really shouldn’t have…” you said as you unwrapped the box and held your breath when you saw the chocolates. “I take it back, I’m glad you did.”
She let out a laugh as you hugged her and pulled back to look at her better.
“It’s my privilege to be your maid of honor,” you said as you popped a chocolate into your mouth and offered her, but she shook her head.
“I feel as if I’m in the most pleasant dream,” she whispered like she was giving you a secret. “I never thought Tony would love me back and the funny part is—”
“He never thought you’d love him back?”
“Yes!” she said. “Can you believe it?”
“I absolutely can,” you said with a laugh, then reached out to hold her hand. “I’m really happy for you.”
“Thank you!”
You grabbed another piece of chocolate, then chewed on it.
“So are you very excited for the engagement ball?”
“Very tense, more likely,” she said. “I hope everyone will like it.”
“Of course they will,” you assured her. “And you’re not doing it for them, you’re doing it for you.”
“That is something I must repeat to myself a lot, yes,” she said with a sigh. “I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy about the wedding and such but I’m also happy for the time I’ll get to be alone with Tony after all this.”
“I know how that feels,” you said, smiling slightly and she looked around.
“Benny is in his studio?”
“Mm hm, painting.”
“I must go but you must give him my regards.”
“You don’t want to say hello to him?”
“I’m not going to interrupt him while he’s painting, he might lose focus,” she said and stood up, then kissed you on the cheek. “I will see both of you tonight?”
“Cross my heart,” you said and hugged her. “Tell the family I said hello!”
“Will do!” she said and walked away, and you looked back at the house before making your way there. You hummed a song to yourself, still carrying the box of chocolates, and climbed the stairs, then walked down the hallway to approach the closed door of the studio.
You only hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door, then stepped back.
“Yes?” Benedict’s voice carried outside and you smiled slightly.
“You’ve been awfully quiet, is there something terrible going on there?”
The footsteps came closer, then the door opened halfway, letting you see him and you repressed a grin. He looked handsome as always but there were traces of paint all over his hands and his white shirt, and his hair was tousled as if he had been running his hands through it the way he always would when he was stressed. You tilted your head.
“Did you lose a fight with the canvas or something?”
“I’m winning actually,” he said as he gave you an excited grin and you leaned sideways to the doorframe, then held up the box.
“Do you want a chocolate?”
“God yes,” he said and grabbed one to pop it into his mouth. “Where did this come from?”
“Lottie dropped by, she didn’t want to interrupt you while you were painting,” you said. “She brought me chocolates to thank me for accepting to be her maid of honor.”
Benedict blinked a couple of times. “Wait, we get treats for that?”
“I got treats for that,” you corrected him. “You’re the best man, what did Anthony give you?”
“…A speech.”
You clicked your tongue. “Ah well, that sounds like the consequences of your choices.”
“He’s my brother, I honestly did not have a choice in that,” he said, eyeing the chocolates. “How come you get chocolates and I get a speech?”
“Probably because I’m nicer than you,” you said with a grin. “There’s no other explanation here.”
“Mm hm, I’m sure.”
“So the painting?” you asked, standing on your tiptoes to sneak a look inside but he tut-tutted, blocking your view.
“Not yet.”
“What’s it about?”
“You’ll see,” he said. “Y/N, I can’t explain, I…ever since that night, it’s like I’m more inspired than I’ve ever been in my entire life.”
You could feel the warmth spreading inside your chest and you shifted your weight, letting a smile pull at your lips.
“And yet I cannot see it?” you asked, nodding in the direction of the room and he shook his head.
“Not yet, but you will be the first person to see it once it’s finished.”
You hummed, pretending to be in deep thought. “Do you promise?”
He smiled softly, then leaned in to brush his lips against yours, making you heave a happy sigh.
“On my honor,” he said. “You’ll see it before anyone else.”
“Very well, I guess I’ll leave you alone to work on it,” you said. “Just don’t forget, we must be at Lottie and Anthony’s engagement party before eight o’clock.”
He made a face. “After Anthony’s huge speech about responsibilities, how could I?”
“See, the speech was useful,” you pointed out, and walked away from him, popping a chocolate into your mouth. “But chocolates are still better!”
You had to admit, though you knew Lottie and Anthony’s engagement ball would be beautiful, even you did not see this coming. Every single guest looked like they were having so much fun while Anthony and Lottie seemed like they were in their own happy bubble, as if blind to anyone else in the ballroom.
“Anthony a married man…” Colin murmured as he sipped his drink while Eloise shook her head. “Now I know the world is coming to an end.”
Benedict grinned. “You do realize what it means right?” he asked. “Mother will focus on only you two the next season.”
“This is your fault, you know?” Eloise asked and Benedict tilted his head.
“How is that?”
“First you, then Daph…” she tilted her glass in Daphne and Simon’s direction who were talking to Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton on the other side of the ballroom. “And now Anthony. Even Colin almost got married this season!”
“The season of scandals,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders and Colin heaved a sigh.
“Has someone put the whole family under a spell I wonder.”
“Not me,” Eloise said. “I remain to be the smartest among you all.”
Benedict pushed her shoulder with his in a joking manner. “Does this mean you’re not looking forward to the next season when you will have so many suitors to entertain, El?”
“You take that back!”
“I’ll help you threaten them,” you assured Eloise. “Don’t worry. Eloise before I forget, do you want a knife?”
“She does not want a knife,” Benedict answered in a haste before Eloise could. “I do not trust her with a knife.”
“I second that,” Colin said and Eloise leaned in so that she could whisper into your ear.
“Please tell me you’re getting me a knife.”
You winked at her and nodded, then sipped your drink.
“When we return to Aubrey Hall in two weeks, we will have nowhere to run,” Eloise said. “I mean I can’t stay at your house because you two are sickeningly in love, and so are Daphne and Simon, and now, Anthony and Lottie. Where am I supposed to go to in order to see no romance?”
“It is a challenge,” you said and Colin shot you a look.
“Did you miss the part she said you two are sickeningly in love?” he asked. “I mean you’ve always been but lately it’s even…it’s different, it’s much more than before.”
You and Benedict exchanged glances and you pursed your lips to hold back your grin while Benedict ran a hand over his mouth to keep his expression straight.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he managed to say and Lady Bridgerton raised a hand to motion at them to come over. Eloise heaved a sigh and looked up at Colin.
“Come on,” she said and Colin downed his drink, then they both made their way to her. You looked around, standing on your tiptoes.
“Have you seen Josie?” you asked. “Or Andrew, or Bess?”
“Not yet,” Benedict said. “I’m sure they will be here soon.”
“Hello you two!” Lottie’s cheerful voice reached you, making you turn around. She threw herself into your arms and you hugged her tight, smiling wide. Anthony grabbed the glass from Benedict’s hand and took a sip, making him frown.
“Get your own God damn glass!”
“Every time any footman makes his way to me, someone pulls us into a conversation,” Anthony said, still holding Lottie’s hand with his free hand. “I swear to you, I couldn’t even eat anything yet.”
“Still doesn’t explain why you’re taking my glass—”
“I’m the oldest, that’s why.”
“This is your engagement ball!”
“I could give you my glass Tony,” Lottie said like a melody and Anthony pressed a kiss on the back of her hand.
“No need my love.”
“Everyone has so much to tell us,” Lottie told Benedict. “So much advice about marriage too, it’s rather overwhelming.”
“Probably they’re still waiting for you to wake up and see the light and change your mind about marrying him Charlie, the wedding is next week so it’s not too late—”
“I mean he stole my drink, is this really the type of person you want to grow old with?” Benedict motioned at Anthony with a grin while Anthony rolled his eyes.
“I’m still working on your wedding present by the way,” he told her, making her gasp. “It should be ready by the time the social season is over.”
“You got us a wedding present? Aw Benny, you shouldn’t have!”
“Yeah well, if you can’t fight it…” Benedict said with a shrug but the happy grin on his face told a different story than his pretend nonchalance. Lottie pulled him into a hug, and he hugged her back.
“Congratulations to you both by the way,” Benedict said as Lottie pulled back, “In case I forgot to say that. I really am happy for you.”
“That is uncharacteristically mindful of him, is this your doing?” Anthony asked you and you let out a laugh.
“I’d love to take credit but no.”
“And how is it going with the plan—” Anthony started but cleared his throat when Benedict shot him a look. “The plan with the…the art thing that you uh—that you do?”
You pulled your brows together. “Hm?”
“I have this plan for a new painting,” Benedict said. “It’s going quite well brother.”
“Keep me informed about that, will you?”
“Oh isn’t this the happy couple?” A lady you didn’t even know touched Lottie’s arm. “Do you two mind if I borrowed them?”
“Of course not,” you said and Anthony heaved a dramatic sigh while Lottie squeezed his arm as if trying to console him.
“We will see you later,” she said and both Anthony and she followed the lady to the small crowd on the other side of the ballroom. You pressed your lips together to hide your smile, then looked up at Benedict.
“What plan?”
Benedict turned to you. “Hm?”
“What plan was he talking about?”
“I told you,” Benedict said with a shrug of his shoulders, then held out his hand. “Just the painting, that’s all. A dance, my lady?”
By the time the ball was over, it was almost dawn. Lottie looked like she was about to pass out from exhaustion, so you gave her a quick hug, then you and Benedict told everyone else you would see them the next day and -which was technically today- and got on the carriage.
“Is it just me or was Andrew a bit distracted?” you asked while the carriage moved through the street and Benedict thought for a moment, then shook his head.
“Probably because Felix wasn’t there?”
“Maybe,” you murmured and rested your head on his chest, letting out a small groan. “I’m so tired.”
Benedict buried his nose into your hair, throwing his arm over your shoulder so that he could hold you tighter.
“At least they’ll have their wedding before we all go back to countryside,” he said. “I wouldn’t be expecting any other ball from them for at least next season.”
“Because they’ll be very busy?” you asked with a grin and he made a face.
“Yeah yeah… Please don’t remind me.”
“What are you getting them as their wedding present?”
“I’m going to paint their portrait together,” he said as you pulled back to look at him better, your jaw dropping. “And send it to Aubrey Hall because I honestly think when I see my sweet Charlie as Anthony’s wife, I might just—”
“Stop with that, I was there when you told them you were happy for them,” you said with a laugh. “So is that what you’re working on then?”
“Not yet,” he said. “I’ll get to it once I’m done with the painting I’m already working on. It’s about to be finished.”
“And I’ll be the first to see?”
“And you’ll be the first to see,” he said with a mischievous smile before kissing you, and the carriage came to a stop. Benedict got out of it and helped you out, and you both started walking to the house, still holding hands.
“So everyone is going back to Aubrey Hall in two weeks then?”
“Well everyone but us and Daphne,” he said as you two climbed the marble stairs leading to the house. “I forgot you still haven’t seen there, or our home in the countryside.”
A warmth spread inside your chest and you took a deep breath.
“But we’re moving all the flowers from this greenhouse to the countryside house?” you felt the need to ask and he nodded his head.
“Of course. Might be a little time because the greenhouse there still hasn’t finished but I was thinking,” he said as you both reached the door and walked through it, entering the foyer. “Maybe we could get some and put them in the house and once the greenhouse is finished—”
“Mr. Bridgerton,” the butler’s voice reached you and you both turned your heads to see him approach you. “There’s a note for you, it arrived a couple hours ago.”  
“Thank you,” Benedict said, taking the letter from him and you tilted your head.
“Just now?” you asked. “That’s not very common, everyone is asleep. Who’s it from?”
Benedict ripped open the envelope to read the note, a grin curling his lips as he got to the end of the lines, and let out a breath.
“Oh thank God, finally.”
“What?” you asked and Benedict lowered the letter, then gave you a soft smile.
“My love, I haven’t been the most honest with you I’m afraid,” he said, making your heart skip a beat and you pulled back slightly, a frown pinching your brows together.
“About what?”
“Me and Andrew, remember we talked the other night?”
You nodded your head, still frowning.
“Well you said your parents didn’t even know Josie was here, but that they were blackmailing her about that letter.”
“So it got me thinking, if they didn’t even know she was here, there was no reason at all why they would bring the letter with them here.”
You blinked a couple of times. “Uh… I suppose?”
“So we sent someone to the countryside to go find that letter in their house while your parents are here.”
Your heart skipped a beat. “What?”
“Someone we can trust—Anthony knows him, that’s what he was talking about today,” he assured you. “And I told him to take the letter to Andrew and give it to him directly, no one else, but to let me know immediately so…” he held up the note. “He apparently found it and wrote to me that he would wait for Andrew to come home so that he can deliver it in person.”
You could feel the shock taking over your whole mind and you tried to wrap your head around it.
“…You mean to tell me—”
“I mean to tell you that there’s nothing at all they can use against Josie and Bess,” he said. “And they’re not going to hurt you, or Josie, or Teddy. Ever again.”
A relieved laugh spilled from your lips before you flung yourself into his arms and he caught you to hug you tight, pressing a kiss on the top of your head.
“Ben, I don’t know what to say,” you managed to mutter, still in disbelief. “Thank you, you…you didn’t have to help—”
“Your family is my family,” he said. “Of course I will help however I can.”
You looked up at him and stood on your tiptoes to kiss him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“I love you,” you said and he gave you a lopsided grin.
“I love you too,” he muttered and leaned in to brush his lips against yours again, making you smile. “In this life and the next, darling.”
Chapter 41
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punksdoll · 5 months
Hi there, just wanted to say i love your aesthetic and I was wondering if you can do being a wife to the viper Randy orton<3 thnx u
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𝑹𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒚 𝑶𝒓𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝒙 𝒇𝒆𝒎!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 ^owner of gif
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚: 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒓𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒚 𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒔 𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒂𝒕 𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒗𝒊𝒗𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒘𝒂𝒓 𝒈𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒔.
𝒂/𝒏: 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈<𝟑 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒎 𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒍
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔, 𝒇𝒍𝒖𝒇𝒇
not proofread
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“Are you sure you can fight?” Y/n asks Randy nervously, watching him as he prepares to make a pop.
Randy was finally back in the wwe due to being out because of a back injury that the bloodline had cause. The doctor had finally cleared him and when y/n found out about the news of him going back to work, she couldn’t help but worry. A lot.
“The more you worry, the more gray hairs you’re gonna get.” Randy jokes with a smirk, “Already growing one right here.” Randy holds up a piece of her hair, making her slap his arm lightly.
“Not funny a hole.” Y/n rolls her eyes with a smile, “I’m serious though, what if you damage your back even more? Shits serious.” Y/n frowns, tracing Randy’s sleeve tattoo.
Randy sighs and cups her face in his hand, “You don’t gotta worry about me, baby. I’ve taken the time to heal and I’m better, I’ll be good.” Randy reassures her, giving her forehead a kiss.
“I don’t trust that…” Y/n shakes her head.
“What’s it gonna take for you to believe me? Hm?” Randy questions with a raised eyebrow.
Y/n tilts her head before throwing her arms around his neck, “You better win the god dam match.” She gives him a kiss before scurrying off to go out and in the crowd.
He did in fact won the god dam match.
Y/n felt like she was the loudest when Cody pinned Damian down and took the win for the group. She let out a whoop as she claps with a big smile on her face as she watches the group celebrate their win but all comes short when the theme song of CM Punk rings out and Seth loses his shit.
Y/n wasn’t too bothered about that as she focused on her husband who followed Seth out of the cage and instead of following him, he had a quick convo with Jey before rushing over to Y/n with a smile.
“See? Ain’t got nothing to worry about.” He gives her a smirk, “In great shape.”
Y/n gives him an amused smile before shaking her head, “Mhm, you did good I guess.” She shrugged.
“Good?” Randy scoffs and grabs her, lifting her out of the crowd and holding her close to him, “Just good?”
Y/n laughs and gives him a kiss, “You did amazing.” She nods, “Just take it easy please.” She pleads.
“Whatever you say.” Randy gives her a kiss before setting her down, “Now let’s get outta here.”
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