pluralprompts · 2 days
Prompt #1,599
Character A writes fanfiction, often taking experiences from their own life as inspiration for what to write about. While reading the comments on their latest update, they happen to notice a trend... But what on earth is a system, and why are so many readers talking about how the main character sounds like one?
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the-sillier-npdemu · 5 months
i'm not sure if anyone has done this but if they have please send it to me- i keep thinking about this concept of. you know how the crying child from fnaf has multiple fanon names? yeah imagine he uses several of those names because he's a system. i do not have the motivation to write this myself but if someone wants to and/or has already written this please please PLEASE show me 🥺
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Plural Prompts
I'm bored and have been bouncing around writing ideas in my brain for a while, so for anyone interested in writing some stories with plurality in them, here's some prompts for you:
Person A has started dating Person B, who is in a system. Person C, a protector in the same system, fronts to give Person A their version of the "shovel talk."
Person A, unaware of System B's plurality, mistakes a syskid fronting as age regression.
System A and System B, both masking as singlets, are pretty sure the other one is plural, but neither are confident enough to ask, and so both pull out roundabout ways of looking for clues one way or the other.
System A recently came out as a system to Person B. Person B is now realizing that, oh heckity hell, they may be a system too.
Same as prompt 4, but with some extra angst; Person B was dismissive of System A because they've had similar/near identical experiences to System A's "plural traits," and they're still a singlet, so that must mean that System A is one too! Basically Person B fakeclaims System A because they haven't realized they're also a system, and mistake all the signs as perfectly normal occurrences.
Person A and Person B (and more if you want) meet, and realize they both know the same person, System C! As they get to talking about their mutual friend, however, both become confused at how different System C seems to act with both of them... System C must explain that they both know different system members.
Person A is starting to get suspicious that they may be a system, but they know none of the proper terminology or that there's communities surrounding this sort of thing – they don't even know the word "system!" How will they fare, going in blind to their own questioning?
System A is out, while System B is not. System B is envious of System A for being able to be so confident of who they are, and decides to come out to them as a fellow system.
System A has yet to realize they are a system, despite all the clues in front of their face(s). System B watches from the sidelines as they write off every sign imaginable with an ignorant smile. (Bonus, if you like angst: System A isn't totally ignorant, they're just not ready to face the truth yet.)
Person A begins fronting for the first time in a long while, and must adjust to current life with the friends that other members made while they were away.
Person A, a singlet, was just recently introduced to plurality by their system friend/partner, System B, coming out to them. They're learning to recontextualize everyday moments that they previously brushed off.
Person A just switched in during a conversation with Person B, but doesn't know that Person B knows about their plurality. Cue Person A being concerned that Person B seems to see through their mask, and Person B being confused because they're pretty sure that was a switch, but they're usually told when that happens, and whoever this new fronter is hasn't said anything?? (Bonus: Person C is co-con with Person A and is trying to explain, but Person A misunderstands what they're saying as wishful thinking for if they came out to Person B.)
After System A's coming out, Person B has tried to develop notes and a process to tell each system member apart. It's up to you how accurate this process is.
A new system member is shoved into front shortly after forming. They must now piece together what's going on with their new life and brain. (Bonus: their exomemories confuse them further, maybe even implying the answer to their questions is something other than plurality/reality.)
Person A is a singlet who recently met System B, who are open about their plurality. As they learn more about it, however, they start to realize that they've seen something similar from Person C, and aren't sure whether to confront them with their suspicions or not. (Bonus: System B meets Person C and ends up being the one to confront them.)
We tried to keep these as general/vague as possible so systems of all types could find something they relate to and want to write. Go wild, my ducklings – I want more plural stories to read.
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pluralprompts · 6 months
Prompt #1,060
Write about a system falling down the stairs!
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pluralprompts · 4 months
Prompt #1,242
Whenever someone becomes a werewolf, they also become a system, with their wolf form serving as their other headmate. If someone is already a system when they're bitten, they simply gain a new, wolfish headmate.
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pluralprompts · 2 months
Prompt #1,423
"I don't know who I am," they admitted, voice barely held together enough to keep from cracking. "Do... do you know? Can you tell me?"
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pluralprompts · 6 months
Prompt #1,117
Immortal A has decided to replace all of their blood with something else just for the fun of it. Vampire B, who tried to drink their blood, does not see "the fun of it".
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pluralprompts · 4 months
Prompt #1,236
In an effort to prove magic is real to a skeptical classmate, Person A casts a spell to reveal the skeptic's inner self/true form. Only... the spell hits the wrong person. In order to make up for their mistake, Person A spends the duration of the spell tagging along with System B, who are now shapeshifting every time they switch to match the look of each fronting headmate.
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pluralprompts · 27 days
Prompt #1,527
"Maybe in another life."
"This is 'another life' to me."
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pluralprompts · 3 months
A prompt submission:
There is a prophecy that is thought to be about a pair of (singlet) twins. It turns out to be about a pair of Headmates.
Submitted Prompt #146
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pluralprompts · 3 months
Prompt #1,342
Headmate A has a very comforting presence and always knows just what to say. When someone the system knows begins showing signs of distress, Headmate A steps in to help them.
Bonus: the system isn't out to this person, and a few days (or hours) later, they begin questioning where that comforting nature came from.
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pluralprompts · 4 months
Prompt #1,298
System A switches in the middle of date night without realizing. Person B, their date, figures out what's happened before they do.
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pluralprompts · 4 months
Prompt #1,248
System A's newest fictive is still adjusting to this new body and life when they come across merch for their source while out shopping.
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pluralprompts · 5 months
Prompt #1,199
Headmate A comes back from dormancy and realizes the rest of the system has fallen into a very toxic friendship. The problem is that they don't realize its toxicity, due to it being a slow development; Headmate A only recognizes it because they weren't present for the build up. How do they get their system out of this situation?
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pluralprompts · 2 months
Prompt #1,449
A monster hunter has the sudden realization in the middle of a hunt that they're a system.
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pluralprompts · 23 days
Prompt #1,539
I am a cat.
The thought drifted across Character A's mind with an air of certainty. If it weren't for this air of certainty, Character A wouldn't have questioned it, but as such an absurd sentiment came to them with such certainty, they took the time to ponder it, rearranging and restating it a few times only to conclude that it felt wrong to change it in any way. "I am a cat." felt right in a way "I am like a cat." or "I feel like a cat." didn't; it felt wrong to dismiss or challenge the statement, as though it were an immortal truth to the universe – and to them. The absurd sentiment was also a correct one.
"Guess I'm a cat now," Character A murmured, and refocused on what they were doing right before the thought appeared to them.
Normal people don't just randomly think of themselves as cats.
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