#ponyville mysteries
the-real-slim-strider · 10 months
also bc corporations are the bane of my existence when it comes to finding what is relatively not even obscure content, number one enemy of archival, I'm trying to work my way through creating my OWN ebook versions of the ponyville mysteries chapter books bc i could only find ONE POORLY FORMATTED WEBPAGE containing the text of volume 4. I sat through TWO HOURS of mediocre quality audio of some guy reading it just to be able to mark the chapters, and parse through deleting every 2 spaces they used instead of indentations. and then making it fit into relatively the same number of pages as the og book. if anyone has links to even the weirdest formatted pdfs, or hell even the physical books and would be considerate enough to scan them, I'd LOVE to get my hands on them to digitally archive in an more easily accessible way
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artyfartyliz · 1 year
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februpony 2023 day 7: an unpopular character
i was just going to draw twist looking cute, because she’s a character that’s often either disliked or forgotten, but then i found out through her wiki page that there’s an official mlp book wherein she becomes a were(timber)wolf?????? and it sounds like it kind of has big horror energy, from skimming the plot???? and i’m obsessed with that, what the hell is wrong with the mlp writers man /pos. anyway please enjoy this vaguely ominous twist in honour of that book.
(day 6) | (day 8)
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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The second to last comic...
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It's a Spa Day for the Crusaders with Rarity and Applejack. They get to enjoy a steam bath that comes directly from the Everfree Forest. Even though this comic takes place two years after Applejack’s Day Off where said Springs were made using the water they would use for clothing. And according to Rarity, those springs were the reason the Spa is in this specific location. Even though the Mobile Game had them moving to Canterlot. Let’s ignore that and move on.
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Well, the Spring Water isn’t coming in. And despite the Pegasi having a flu outbreak the chances of the Spring drying up so soon is impossible. So the Crusaders are on the job. After learning where to go because Zecora randomly showed up, they discover the spring water being dammed up and a Pipe leading them the opposite way. Unlike the last few comics where there were subtle clues, the instant I saw the machine I figured out who the culprits were.
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But the kids didn’t, so when they followed the pipes it led to the middle of Sweet Apple Acres. And instead of thinking it took a turn underground, they think one of the Apples was responsible for stealing it. Apple Bloom does not take this well. They ask the Apples in subtle ways and of the three, the only clue they got was Winona was barking up a storm the last few nights. While this likely takes Applejack off the suspect list, it doesn't mean they’re off the hook yet.
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But sadly they decided to go over the case at Sugarcube corner, which got overheard by Snips and Snails and they began to spread the fact that the pipe led to Sweet Apple Acres to spread across Ponyville. The next morning, at the Farmer Market, none of the Apple Products were selling. That’s when Twilight informed them about the rumors with Apple Bloom revealing that it is true. The Crusaders promise to clear their name and after thinking who else would need that much water, they found the likely culprits…
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The Flim Flam Brothers who are selling a Hybrid Fruit that is a mix of Apple and Pear (and a plum in case you’re thinking they’re stealing from the Apple/Pear tree). They claim it doesn’t need a lot of water, but as established earlier in the comic the hybrid plants do need more water than normal one. And three likely needs more than two. Re-looking at the pipes, they discover it's only lightly covered in dirt to make it think it ends at Sweet Apple Acres.
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They find the Flim Flam Brothers stealing the water, and figuring that they can’t weasel their way out decides to leave. With the Spring Water restored, the Spa Ponies apologizes for listening to rumors and the Crusaders are done with Spring Water for now. Overall, weaker than the last one but still pretty good. The strengths and weaknesses that come with an IDW persist and to me the strengths still are the best part of this miniseries. Sadly, there’s only one more left. And I’ll let this be canon.
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ponysongbracket · 11 months
MLP Song Tournament
Please listen to both songs before voting.
A Kirin Tale
Morning in Ponyville
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bixels · 3 months
This may be a annoying question but i swear that it's a genuine one....
So, since you're making a translation of MLP and it's plot into old 20's/30's america, will the AU touch on some subjects that are touched (poorly) in the show?? (mainly about the racism episodes. Like Zecora's, The buffalos etc....)
Tho, i totally understand why you would potentionally not touch on them since you know, the shows itself doesn't do a good job at portraying them at ALL
Zeroca has been adapted already. To avoid the original show's depiction of her, she will be treated by the townspeople of Ponyville as a mysterious but helpful woman. As the nearest witch (prior to Thea), she will occasionally bless farmlands with good yields and harvests in times of need and drought. Though most know very little about her, she's well respected in the community.
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None of the buffalos will be adapted. If the story has First Nations characters (and it most likely will, aside from Dash), they'll be completely original.
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flutterflora · 2 months
Whenever I see people say things like "Pinkie Pie should've been a pegasus" or "Fluttershy fits earth pony more" I get a little frustrated because TO ME the mane six have always been a really good example of "societal expectations" VS "societal deviance" of the three pony species within equestria.
Earth ponies are almost always expected to be providers. Like the Apple family for example or the Cake family OR even the "flower trio". They provide necessities, often food or they often provide hard labour (note how "background" jobs like construction and taxi pulling are most often done by earth ponies too). Applejack is obviously a perfect example of this! She's the head of her family, she's extremely hard working, shes incredibly physically strong, she's known and relied on by most of Ponyvill. Applejack very much lives up to the expectations that pony society has of earth ponies.
Pinkie Pie on the other hand is not one bit concerned with hard work. Her whole thing is having fun and throwing parties. In a way she is also providing something very important and necessary, socialisation and relaxation, however these are generally not deemed as valuable as strenuous labour and food production. Pinkie Pie is always written off as "childish" or not taking things seriously enough. She isn't deemed as very reliable a lot of the time and has to work very hard to prove herself, more so than someone like Applejack.
Ponyvill was founded by earth pony farmers, and is densely populated by earth ponies. Earth ponies are expected to work hard and grow food and provide for everyone, their roles are incredibly necessary and their work is highly appreciated. However, without someone like Pinkie Pie who deviates from those expectations, Ponyvill would be a miserable place (as seen in the episode Magical Mystery Cure). She may not be a farmer or a construction worker but her divergence from earth pony "standards" is what keeps everything in balance.
The same can be said for Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy too. Rainbow Dash is an exceptional athlete, she flies like no other pony and she almost always has her wits about her. At the end of the day, Rainbow Dash is truly a performer at heart, she wants to be in the Wonderbolts and show off her skills to all of Equestria. Pegasi are expected to be fast, agile, eager, always cool, proud and quick witted just like the Wonderbolts, and just like Rainbow Dash. She is a peak performance pegasus.
Fluttershy is Rainbows exact opposite. She doesn't care for speed, adventure or displays of athleticism, she truly doesn't even care for flying. She is, in both a literal and metaphorical way, very "down to earth", however her role is still very important and her being a pegasus is still very integral to who she is. If it weren't for her experiences of being ostracised for being different she would never have the empathy and dedication to her animals the way she does (and on more practical note, being able to fly does aid her in her work a lot the time). Fluttershy slows down, she's quiet and she gentle which something that other pegasi (and earth ponies honestly) struggle with. It was alway right for Fluttershy to be a pegasus who could soar the skies, because if she never fell down to earth she would have never found her true calling. Without ponies like her, many important things, creatures and events would go unnoticed and unchecked.
Rarity and Twilight Sparkle is kind of a funny one because I think a lot of people may expect Twilight to be the prime example of unicorns, but that's not really true at all. Twilight, despite being our mane character, is actually the deviant one here.
This is illustrated for us almost immediately in the first episode, where she's invited to a party by three other unicorns but ditches it to go study instead. Magic is merely a tool for most unicorns, but for ponies like Twilight or Starlight, it is their whole existence, it's what they were quite literally born to do. Twilight does not value social status at all, she doesn't have time to and growing up so stuck in her studies I'm not even sure she aware that it's such a big deal to others, especially within Canterlot. It's also worth noting that to Twilight, Princess Celestia was always her teacher and Princess Cadence was her babysitter so their status as royals never really mattered to her and she's able to see them more are regular ponies for that reason also.
Most Unicorns are socialites, they value "social currency" and monetary gain more than they value magic. They don't care that the Princesses are very powerful magically, they care more about their political powers and their social status as royals. We see this clearly in the season 2 episode "Sweet and Elite" where Rarity gets swept up on the high society life of Canterlot, when she mentions being from Ponyvill to two random snobby unicorns they look down on her, yet once it's revealed that she's staying at the castle for her visit, things change, mostly notably: her status. Rarity is a prime example of a unicorn, she's stylish, she's ambitious, she's concerned with image, she's social, she has very fine tastes and she's a businesswoman.
As the series progresses we she both Twilight and Rarity gain some fame. Twilight is mostly inconvenienced and troubled by this whereas Rarity, like most unicorns would, relishes in any sort of limelight. Unicorns are expected to be professional, they're most often more modern or "ahead of the curve" than other ponies and tend they to be the primary business owners of Equestria. However without ponies like Twilight, magic would become just an afterthought. Without powerful wizards like Starswirl, dedicated students like Subburt or magic obsessed freaks (affectionate) like Twilight Sparkle, pony society would crumble.
Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity are prime examples of what is expected of earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns, respectively, in Equestrian society. However without ponies like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle there would be no balance and no progression. In fact in the episode "Hearts Warming Eve" we literally get canon lore telling us that if it wasn't for three ponies who deviated from the rules and expectations of their respective tribes, that Equestria wouldn't even exist today.
I think the mane six are a great small scale example of how pony society functions and I really appreciate this aspect of the writing <3
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leavemebetosleep · 2 months
do you have any good fluttercord fic recs?
OH BOY DO I. In no particular order (except of when I thought of them):
1: Non-Entity by Captain Wuzz: An AU in which, instead of being turned to stone, Discord was shot in the head with a magic arrow that takes away his sentience and magic for a 1,000 years. Fluttershy mistakes him for a wounded animal and brings him home. I loved it so much.
2: Chaotic Neutral by C-Puff: The magic is starting to fade from Equestria, and the Main 6 and Discord go on an adventure to find out why, and reverse it. A bit of AU, in the sense it was written before the show was done, so it diverts in some places because of that. Super sweet, and I love the character development here.
3: Time is Taller than Space is Wide by Dott. Can also be read on Ao3 if you prefer. Soulmate AU (?) fic with a Groundhog Day style twist. I rarely see fics play with the idea of what if Fluttershy and Discord's friendship had started when they first met, so this is fun.
4 & 5: Blank and it's sequel Reconnection by @geekcat. Can also be read on fanfic.net. AU in which, before Discord can choose friendship over ruling Equestria, Twilight remembers a "reformation" spell. He is stripped of his free will, and Fluttershy does her best to bring him back. If you don't like the idea of Twilight being a villain, you might not like this one, but I think her villain arc in this is done in a perfect way for her character. It's super heart wrenching in many places, but in a good way.
6: Our Fair Lady of the Chaos Lord, also by GeekCat Can also be read on fanfic.net. Fairy tale inspired AU in which Fluttershy is a princess who's father is pressuring her to marry noble knight Sir Big Mac. Wanting to be sure he's a good person, she makes a deal with the Chaos Lord, letting herself be "kidnapped" so she can test his character. You can guess who she falls for instead. Honestly I've enjoyed all of GeekCat's fics, so they're getting an extra mention. Check out the rest of their fluttercord fics if you like any of these.
7: The Draconequus with the Dragon Tattoo by A M Shark This is a major case of, strange premise, kick ass results. Basically an AU based off Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Steig Larsson, with Discord as Lisbeth, and Fluttershy as an amalgamation of Mikael and several other characters, but focusing more on the murder mystery aspect of that book, and less on the...everything else. If you're familiar with GwtDT, don't worry, there's no rape scenes. Again, it's more about the murder mystery part. If you're not familiar with GwtDT, then don't worry again, because you don't need to know the original to enjoy it. It's just Discord and Fluttershy playing detective and solving a murder together. It has two sequels, but I haven't read them yet, and it didn't feel right to rec something I haven't read.
8: The Corpse Bride by Bad Horse. Dark fic. No relation to the Burton movie. Fluttershy dies in a tragic accident, and Discord brings her back from the dead as his zombie wife. Her friends (sans Pinkie) are horrified. Has a fantastic twist ending. If you like some of the darker stuff, def worth a read.
Bonus: Comic rec: The Last Adventure by Eveeka. Taking place after the final defeat of Tirek, Cozy, and Chrysalis, Discord gets into a depressive funk after shouldering the hatred from Ponyville citizens for his latest actions, but also because his friends seem to never be available anymore. He starts to think maybe Equestria would be better off without him, as he can't seem to exist with out making everyone miserable, and decides to hide away in the Everfree forest. Fluttershy, worried when he doesn't show up for tea, asks her friends for help, only to discover there's a monster running lose there he and the rest of Equestria might be in danger from. This fic has two endings, so keep reading even when it seems like it's over. You've got one more ending left. This one nearly made me cry.
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solkatt-arts · 1 month
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We got more from what I'm calling the Intertwine-verse!
Quick facts about this verse of G4(/G5) that is unlike the canon:
- Alicorns cannot be made in this universe, therefore Celestial, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, Flurry and Luster never become full alicorns. However, by being crowned a royal by Sterling and Gold (alicorn's blessing), the pony in question will gain potent magic that amongst other things gives the pony a longer lifespan (up to 300 years extra). The magic is likely to manifest like how Sunny Starscout’s alicorn powers do.
- The lifespans of royals goes back to normal once the magic is taken away between G4 and G5. When the magic returns later on only Sunny gain the alicorn's blessing since she is the one to bring Luster's crystals back together. She is likely to be the last pony to gain the alicorn's blessing for a long time.
Here's some Intertwineverse history
Gold Lily and Sterling were alicorns born long before Equestria’s beginnings. Similar in age but never acquainted in childhood, both were chosen to save the pony tribes from freezing to death.
Gold Lily chosen for her calm empathic and kind nature. She knew the unease of new unknowns, about being forced to face the dread but come out on top. The young alicorn had a way of easing the anxiety of change for others. How to welcome progress in a way that could only compared to the hope of a new dawn.
Sterling chosen for her reassuring but stern nature. She always put emphasis on the inevitability of a setting sun, nothing could ever last forever. That did not mean the past was no longer epochal in how it teaches us our most valuable lessons. Sterling had a way with closure and letting the past go that could only compare to the sun’s last light fading behind the horizon.
The two young alicorn first met only days before their departure to what would later become Equestria. Without yet knowing each other, they both knew their destinies were intertwined. They both felt it the moment their eyes met.
Gold and Sterling earned their god-like powers after restoring balance to the world by defeating Discord with the Elements of Harmony early in Equestria’s history. The god of chaos had made a rift so prominent that the two princesses had to learn how to manually raise the moon and sun. No longer could the day nor night make it through its natural cycle without them moving the celestial bodies.
After about 700 years of royal duties, Gold and Sterling began looking for apprentices. Someponies to take over the hardships of ruling Equestria, all this in hopes that the two of them could focus on finding a way to restore or undo what Discord’s magic had caused. Two young and promising unicorns named Celestia and Luna are chosen to train under the princesses until they are ready to take on the princesses' roles.
The unicorn sisters rule over Equestria for almost 300 years before taking on their own apprentices, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle. Sunset Shimmer mysteriously disappears and leaves Twilight to train under Celestial and Luna on her own.
A jealous Opaline Arcana has watched Gold Lily and Sterling be the most powerful beings in Equestria for almost a thousand years. She decides she is more worthy of all that power and goes to take it all for herself. On the day Twilight Sparkle is about to meet her future friends Opaline makes her way to Ponyville where not only Celestia and Luna are, but Gold Lily and Sterling too.
With the help from the Elements of Harmony, Twilight and her friends defeat Opaline and banish her to the sun. Before being blasted away Opaline swears revenge on Twilight and her friends.
Gold Lily and Sterling leaves Equestria to search for the cure to Discord's chaos magic once again, feeling that Equestria will be safe in Twilight and her friends' hooves.
Twilight rules for a little more than 300 years before passing the throne onto Luster Dawn. (Cadence passes the throne onto Flurry Heart)
Gold Lily and Sterling manages to find an ancient draconequus artifact that restores balance to nature to the point that ponies no longer need to change the seasons, weather or day to night. Unfortunately they have to pay their immortality for the artifact. They retire to live out their last days back in their homeland.
When Opaline returns a thousand years after her banishment, she finds out that not only is Twilight long dead, but magic has disappeared too. Luster Dawn had had a moment of weakness not long before passing away in which she feared that once Opaline returns, she’ll have no one to stop her from taking everyone’s magic (and taking over Equestria). So if no one has any magic, there’s none to take. Luster separates the magic into one crystal for each of the three pony tribes. She orders her apprentices (one from each tribe) to hide the crystals away where they won’t be connected nor found.
Generations of misinformation and mistrust later, Sunny Starscout brings magic back together with her friends and Opaline is free to finally collect it. She is later defeated by Sunny and her friends.
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anonymous-dentist · 3 months
Also, since we're talking My Little Pony tonight, let me give my two cents:
Pony Roier- Pegasus, Very Fast Pegasus, prefers not to fly these days after getting injured in a race against his friend Pony Spreen that he was rigged to lose
Pony Cellbit- Unicorn, survivor of the Pony Hunger Games, is convinced that his Cutie Mark means that he was born to be a killer but it really means he's very very good at solving murder mysteries
Pony Bagi- Unicorn, Pony Cop, has been trying to court Pony Tina for MONTHS but keeps being shot down before anything can become official
Pony Tina- Changeling, runaway Changeling Princess, has been voted Ponyville's Best Dressed for five years running
Pony Pac- Pegasus, lost a wing because of Pony Cannibalism in Pony Alcatraz, pointedly doesn't look at Pony Cellbit's Cutie Mark every time they run into each other
Pony Fit- Earth Pony, prosthetic leg thanks to Pony 2B2T, claims that his nuclear bomb Cutie Mark is just a mushroom and is pretending to be cottagecore with his "roommate" Pony Pac
Pony Mike- Unicorn, sometimes gets possessed by the personification of the Element of Creativity (aka his wife Mine), has a matching Cutie Mark with Pony Pac
Felps- Felps, is just straight up Felps, doesn't seem to realize he isn't a Pony
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orphicswanart · 4 months
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description under here
It is unknown what's the source of the infection, but it al started in town called Ponyvile, on one of the local farms. It happened in the middle of the night when they youngest member of the family heard strange noises from the woods near the farm house. She couldn't wake her family up from their deep slumber so she decided to explore on her own, venturing in the dark forest. The young filly went missing for two days, her family worried sick for her well being and hoping for her safe return. One the third day she returned, well she was returned, nobody knows how she was and she didn't remembered anything that happened in the woods only why she went there. The young filly was missing her left front hoof with mysterious purple liquid mixing with her blood. Sadly after 3 weeks she passed away from the paint brought on by the her injury. Ponies around her noticed that her blood had a purple glow to it. The mystery liquid might have also contributed to her losing vision and loss of her teeth.
Months later [redacted] was infected, they survived, which might be a worse fate than death as their body started to transform into something akin to the gods of the old world, they grew aggressive towards others and would even go on to attack other residents of Ponyvile infecting them as well to grow into disfigured creatures like themself.  In the tragedy of the attack, a surprising discovery was made, the infection only effects ponies (pegasi, earth ponies and unicorns as well as zebras), every other species seems to have an immunity to it, as the dragon was just fine with only sign of the attack was a skin pulling bitemark. Not long after Ponyvile became the first ghost town in Equestria due to the mystery virus. The safest pony species were the pegasi as the infected cannot use their wings not magic, they only crawl and cry if they're able, if the still have mobility or a mouth. It is also impossible to kill them as they would regenerate at a very fast speed, approximately 30 to 60 seconds.
Even after 10 years since the first 2 cases no cure has been made and ponies migrated to different places of Equestria and started to mix with other species to insure the infection won't have effect on their offspring. Rumors' have the infection might have to do with a creatures from the old world, as it might have return to the land of the living from it's thousand of year old slumber.
Something not so cute...tho I still have to work on my monster designing
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
Do you got time for a yandere Twilight Sparkle headcanon?
This is more season 1-2 Twilight, I hope that's okay! c:
💜 You were most likely somepony Twilight had met early on when the unicorn first moved into Ponyville. Perhaps someone she spoke with at the Summer Sun Celebration, or one of the first guests she had at the library. Either way, Twilight was eager to get to know you and expand her limited knowledge of friendship. And… It was fun. Really, really fun! Twilight had no idea that she could connect this way with another pony before! What had she been missing all these years? To make up for lost time and make the most of her research opportunities, it'd surely be for the best to spend all her free time with you. Speaking of which, were you free tonight? She just had her first sleepover with Rarity and Applejack, and it was so much fun! Though, it'd be a whole lot more fun if they had followed the rules! She'd love nothing more than to have one with you where everything is done by the book and see the results when done right!
🌌 Speaking of research, she's made her own little research book dedicated all to you! It's a little strange, sure, but it's a practice she's enacted since she was a filly. Whenever she was particularly fascinated with a subject, she'd pour all her focus on it ravenously, devouring every bit of information and putting it all down in writing and graphs and charts and drawings, all organized and sorted into categories so the information is easily understood and readily available to look over again and again and again and- well, you get the picture! See? It has different sections devoted to your appearance, your schedule, your relationships, your likes and dislikes, your special talent, what you do for a living. It's even color-coded! And it's decorated with pictures of you and her (which she laminated herself, thank you very much), and Twilight even made little drawings of you in the corners and margins! Adorable and informative - just like you - the perfect combination! But, it's a bit embarrassing, so it's for her eyes only…
💜 She was sure this was all entirely normal behavior, before her five closest friends (besides you!) gave her quite the reality check. This wasn't normal? She was doing it wrong? A cold feeling of shame and shock settles into Twilight. She had only just started her friendship studies and she was already failing? One of the unicorn's eyes twitched. She ran a hoof through her hair, messing up her mane but managing to soothe herself somewhat. Oh sweet Celestia, what would her mentor think if she knew Twilight was getting it all wrong?! The Element of Magic is only drawn out of her silent ruminations by Rarity's teasing insistence that Twilight had a crush on you. A… Crush? Twilight was already out of her depth when it came to discovering the magic of friendship, so when it came to the mysteries of romance, she'd have no idea where to begin. She was so sure everypony had an extra special friend. Hm. It sounded like she needed to do more research on the subject! All the more reason to spend even more time with you!
🌌 Hanging out with you was exhilarating! She had a feeling Rarity was right, considering what Twilight had read up on the subject. Thinking about your crush often? Check! Feeling euphoric during close contact with the object of your affections? Check! Prioritizing your relationship with that pony over all others? Check! Although, there were some behaviors she was exhibiting that weren't detailed in her readings. She found herself unable to think clearly when not around you, which was usually the opposite problem ponies experienced - in fact, it had gotten so bad that she could hardly focus even when reading! None of them seemed to include any mention of intense jealousy of others, fixation on exerting control over objects of affections (it just… Really irked her when you didn't do what she expected of you - like devoting your time to anypony but her!), following you around town when you both weren't actively hanging out. Perhaps seeking out information from a secondary source would be the best course of action? She knew Rarity had at least some knowledge of romance…
💜 Twilight left Rarity's Boutique with a messier mane and far more stress on her shoulders than she had when she arrived. Apparently, her behavior was unusual and bordering on unhealthy. Outwardly, she presented herself as understanding,  but the moment she left, she nearly collapsed in despair. Unhealthy. So, not only had she gotten everything wrong, but she was hurting you, as well! Not only was she a failure, but she was being a bad friend on top of that! But, now she was in far too deep. She had already become addicted to you, your presence… And it felt so right to do what she did. She didn't want to stop. Maybe… Maybe she wasn't in the wrong. Maybe it was everypony else that was wrong! She'd prove she wasn't a failure and that she was in the right! All she needed was research materials, the right environment for conducting the study, and her favorite pony in the whole wide world!
🌌 It's the longest time she'd spent away from you since you met, all in order to get the library set up for you. She could barely sleep, unable to think of anything but you. and the next time you and Twilight met, she's absolutely manic, her mane a mess, bags under her eyes, twitching sporadically. She dragged you into the library with her magic, talking a mile a minute and ignoring any questions or objections that came from you. She took you down into the basement, locking the door behind her before prancing around as she went on and on about how excited she was to have her first date with you, that it'd be the start of the rest of your lives together and you'd live happily ever after forever and ever! Spike, clearly uncomfortable, snuck up to whisper to you, reassuring that he and Twilight's other friends had already expressed concerns about the unicorn's behavior to the Princess. The moment Celestia arrived, you'd be set free and Twilight would come back to her senses! … At least, he hoped she would.
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wiingdings · 1 year
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Introducing Destinyswap! Destinyswap is an AU where the the mane six have their destinies and elements of harmony swapped like they were in magical mystery cure. All the lore is below the cut.
Fluttershy is a children's entertainer who likes making shapes out of clouds and balloons. She's much better with foals than she is with adults, and is awkward around grown-up ponies. Despite this, every parent in Ponyville recommends her. She sometimes volunteers at schools and hospitals to work with the foals there and cheer them up.
Applejack is a Manehattan fashion designer who makes every garment by hoof. She's widely known across Manehattan and inspires fashion trends, but tends to stay out of the limelight. She tries to make her section of the city a better place and gives out blankets and coats to those in need.
Rarity is a unicorn with pegasus magic instead of unicorn magic. She had to learn how to channel her pegasus magic through a horn by herself and now works as weather control in Ponyville. She loves making patterns in the clouds and often has a few small clouds floating around her for her to absently fiddle with and shape.
Pinkie Pie works at Sweet Apple Acres as a baker and extra muscle to help with harvesting and chores. She sells her pastries at the Apple Family stand. She doesn't talk much but isn't unfriendly.
Rainbow Dash is a pegasus who barely flies. Preferring to stay on the ground, she lives on the edge of town and takes care of the animals that live in or around her cottage. She's quite nervous but is Ponyville's go-to veterinarian. Everyone knows that if you have an animal problem, go talk to Rainbow Dash.
And... Twilight Sparkle.
Twilight Sparkle isn't friends with the other five. She doesn't know what it is, but she can sense that something is wrong. That she's forgotten something vitally important, that she's failed somehow. She stays in her library most days and Princess Celestia visits her in person to check up on her since she's stopped writing letters. She feels a twist in her gut when she sees the other five, so she tries to avoid them.
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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The final story of the Ponyville Mysteries.
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Remember Songbird Serenade from the movie? She’s making an appearance at Ponyville. And because her normal dress designer got sick, that meant Rarity was picked. So she did outfits for Sapphire Shores, Rara (ah-ah-ah) and now Songbird. But there is a catch to Rarity’s design job. She has to make outfits based on the Abyssinia Albatross: a rare item handed down in her family. It’s priceless so you can imagine someone would want to take it.
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And the next day, someone did. Now it's up to the Crusaders to find out who did it. And sadly, Ponyville is packed with people from all over Equestria, including Canterlot. So they asked Onyx Ardor, who was Songbird’s temporary assistant at the time. How odd both Songbird’s dress designer and usual assistant is not available. Though she doesn’t take the news about the Abyssinia Albatross being stolen well. So after a panic attack, Onyx thinks Hulking Hoarder could be the culprit since he REALLY wants that Albatross.
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After talking to as many Canterlot people as they can to find him, he finds them instead. He proves his innocence by saying “if he already had it, he would have been gone by now”. With so many people and no clues, they head back to their Clubhouse to find it a wreck. Turns out there’s a Unicorn there looking for the Abyssinia Albatross. Not finding it, he thinks she double crossed him and leaves. After freeing themselves, they hoped they could trial him to find the true thief, but lost him in the crowd. 
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Sadly, with no clues, it seems the only logical thing to do is tell Songbird the truth. And luckily for them she’s coming a day earlier than expected, so they wait for her at the Trainstation. But just so happening to be there and looking like they’re leaving is Onyx. Onyx didn’t know about Songbird’s arrival so when she did show up, the girls led ALL of them, including Onyx and the two security ponies, to the Carousel Boutique. When Rarity admits it was stolen, the Crusaders reveal Onyx was the true culprit since she was the only one who knew of the location, is a female like the Unicorn said, and was leaving early despite being the Assistant. 
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The Unicorn shows up to confirm this as well and Hulking Hoarder makes an offer to Songbird. But it turns out this Abyssinia Albatross was a fake all along. It wasn’t priceless in a monetary way, but a family heirloom way. And the security ponies do their job and take the crooks away. It ends with Songbird celebrating the Crusaders for a job well done at the concert. Overall, I found it to be pretty good. Onyx did throw me off the first half, because her reactions seemed perfectly normal in a MLP Context but the second hand showed she was the true thief.
Also, apparently this is inspired by The Maltese Falcon. I never saw the movie but Hulking Hoarder does look like a pony Sydney Greenstreet in a way. And sure, it remains canon. I am going to miss this miniseries. I think stories like these are what IDW does best with MLP.
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ponysongbracket · 11 months
MLP Song Tournament
Please listen to both songs before voting.
Morning in Ponyville
A Cutie Mark Won't Change You
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astraleyes1111 · 2 months
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These are my MLP main six redesign concepts!
Names and pronouns here !
Twilight Nova Sparkle: they/them
-Princess of friendship ruling alongside Celestia and luna (in my HC Twilight never got her wings, but it still crowned princess. Basically Magical Mystery Cure is exactly the same except Twi doesn’t earn her wings and celestia just crowns her princess)
Rainbow Blaze Dash: He/Him (trans man)
- currently a part of the wonder bolts
Fluttershy: She/they
-shy and timid, works at Ponyville’s animal sanctuary
Pinkamena Diane Pie: She/her
-local baker at sugar cube corner
Rarity: She/her
-fashionista and Designer in Canterlot
Applejack: She/her
-Ponyvilles local apple Farmer at sweet apple acres
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bixels · 3 months
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I've gotten a ton of asks about this, so I'll answer all of them here (can only tag @imamwolf, sorry anons).
I will be making more worldbuilding comics, especially on the topic of magic and Canterlot. Here's the short of it, though.
Anyone could become a witch or magician (not just unicorn characters), but it takes intense studying, as it's a practice not natural or innate to humans. Some humans are more naturally attuned and gifted to using magic while others find it next to impossible. For example, Trixie desperately wants to be a real magician but for whatever reason can't.
However, there are two types of magic: the studied "standard magic" (spells and hexes and whatnot) and the unorthodox "chaos magic," which are random, uncontrollable outbursts of magic only a few are capable of emitting. Most people with chaos magic don't even realize when they're "using" it. Pinkie and Trixie are unwitting users of chaos magic, which operates on the "only when it's funny" rule. It explains Pinkie Sense and their slapstick moments of surviving falling pianos. Discord is the only one who can control chaos magic.
Anyone can become a witch in practice, but recognition by Canterlot's court must be earned by incredible, selfless feats of magic. Canterlot as a whole is a complete mystery, having been debated on by scholars, scientists, monks, writers, and psychologists throughout human history. From what we know, it's a parallel world that exists on same same planet as Earth. That's why both are affected by the same sun and moon. To cross into Canterlot, one must not only be invited but know the location of specific gateways strung out across Earth. The closest gate to Ponyville is in a wheat field in Kansas.
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