#the tail of the timberwolf
rotting-brains · 1 year
made these for some characters, thought id share.
cw for dead deer on the third image (only skeleton. i dont know if its real or fake sorry)
Snow leopard moodboard with themes of the night and coziness.
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Red tailed hawk moodboard centered around wood and the desert. (the "sky is life" is a reference to the "ball is life" vine lol)
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Melanistic timberwolf moodboard themed around forests and hints of decay/death
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plushcat42 · 3 months
Everfree Fever
Character Log: Lily Ink
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Lily Ink is Stormy’s cousin. They have a.. tumultuous relationship. But that’s purely due to their family, the Starlets, pureblood unicorns. She grew up in Canterlot.
When Stormy was sent out to Ponyville, Lily followed. Ignoring her role at the academy because she didn’t trust a Pegasus and an earth pony to be safe. Without magic what could they do against the horrors of the Everfree?
When Stormy charged out of the forest Lily had never seen the mare so shaken. She was the one to try and heal the open wound of her wing after Skyfeather was the one to cut it off. Which quickly taught them that healing magic responds violently to to the infection which is why Stormy has such a big scar on her shoulder now.
Lily was there when Steele’s body stumbled out of the Everfree before the spell over Ponyville was cast, a faux sense of hope. It only lasted a month before it violently backfired.
Since the infection has started to spread, Lily cut her mane, tail and the long tufts on her hoofed short so they can’t get grabbed or snag on anything. Despite being a spoiled child she was surprisingly serious about it all. She didn’t break down the way everypony thought she would.
Lily uses the magic she learned at the Academy for Gifted Unicorns to keep the group she travels with safe and next to Skyfeather, makes sure Stormy takes care of herself.
The mare is adamant that her or Sky go with the others when they need to scavenge for supplies. This isn’t a Timberwolf or a Chimera. This is serous. While she’s not as bad as her family, Lily still has her beliefs that Unicorns are more fit to survive against such threats due to their magic. She isn’t half wrong either as Healing magic is amazing against the infected but non-magical means of self defense works just as good. Their most valuable skill set is being able to cut off a bitten limb or being able to teleport out of the situation.
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Halloween Drabble: Salty & Sweet (werewolf x gender neutral reader)
A sudden question leads to a bit of flirtation.
If you want to get early releases for my on-going stories or early access to the occasional drabble like this, check out my Patreon!
“Can werewolves have chocolate?” The question came so suddenly as you munch on your own chocolate bar, you not only startle yourself, but the companion you’d been sharing the quiet with. They turn their almost-glowing brown-gold eyes to you.
Kellum sits at the picnic table with you, except he’s chosen to sit atop the table while you sit on the bench. Before your question, he sat hunched over his phone, elbows on his knees as the light flickered over his partially-morphed face. Now, as he stares at you, you realize you’ve rarely seen him in this phase of shifting.
Fur has begun sprouting along the sides of his face, his ears shifted from simply pointed to furry and tapered. The fur is the same shade as his hair, with interspersed flecks of grey. A ‘silver fox’ that was in all reality a wolf, you mused once. His nose has darkened and flattened, taking on the appearance of a snoot than a nose. His lips are the same dark shade and, a little shamefully, you wonder if their texture is somehow different.
When you first saw his outfit - a plaid button-up over a white tank-top and worn blue jeans - you had teased him about being a timberwolf lumberjack. Now, you’re regretting the joke, realizing how the plaid and tee-shirt highlights his muscular-chubby dad-bod, and how the rolled-up sleeves bring your attention to his forearms. Which are also partially morphed, the tan skin fading to a grey-black-brown fur with elongated fingers tipped in dangerous looking claws.
The two of you are taking a break from your shift at the haunted house, run by his college-aged kid and their friends. Gerard, Kellum’s son, actually asked for your help with the haunted endeavor ages ago and, without thinking, you agreed.
You hadn’t realized Kellum would also be helping out. In retrospect, you really should have expected it. The poor guy was having hardcore “empty nester” syndrome with Gerard off living it up at college. You’d born witness to it on a number of occasions, since you were his next door neighbor. Of course, Kellum volunteered to act in a haunted house and spend time with his son.
Embarrassed, you glance at his ear - locking your gaze to the glow-in-the-dark gauge there - to avoid eye contact. “I mean, dogs can’t. Not sure about wolves, but I imagine they can’t either. So can werewolves?”
In an effort to stave off further embarrassment and babbling, you shrug and break off another piece of your chocolate bar, shoving it in your mouth.
“I don’t know,” Kellum finally answers, a thoughtful timbre to his tone.
You rack your brain for any memory of him having chocolate in your presence, but come up empty. “How do you not know?”
It seems damn near impossible for the man to have gone his whole life without eating chocolate. But he shrugs again, before leaning over to pocket his phone in his jeans. You think you sense the slightest grin on his lips. Suspicion crawls over your skin, but you ignore it, telling yourself it’s the chill in the air.
“Should we test it out?” He asks, and you catch the sight of his tail flicking back and forth on the table.
At first, you’re not sure. What if it really makes him sick? Or agitates his system? Weren’t chocolate allergies often deadly?
But Kellum isn’t a spontaneous risky sort. He was a single father for fifteen years, for cripes’ sakes. He wouldn’t put his life in danger over testing a silly hypothesis. Likely, even if he did suffer adverse reactions, it’d be minimal, right?
He waits patiently as you mentally struggle, amusement curling at his lips. Eventually, you settle on a decision. Kellum is a grown-ass man, capable of saying no and understanding risks. And if anything really bad happens, you have your phone at the ready. “Okay, but let’s go small, just in cas-”
Your words are swallowed up by Kellum’s mouth, pressed suddenly to your lips. He moved so fast, your heart barely had time to beat between your words and the kiss. Heat claws up your face and you jerk, only to realize a clawed hand cradles the back of your head. His free hand grasps your shoulder, claws pricking into the fabric of your shirt. You gasp against his lips, which only seems to make the corners of his lips curve upward.
Then his tongue, thick and wet, slips into your mouth. Without thinking, you part your lips a little wider, angling your head as the kiss deepens. He is everywhere in your mouth. Tasting your tongue and your teeth, encouraging your own tentative exploration of his maw and teeth. 
Your eyes flutter shut, the woodsy scent of Kellum’s cologne enveloping you as he leans closer. His body heat sinks into you, warming the chillier parts of you and stoking a warmth deep inside you. Your hands slip to his upper arms, grasping the fabric bunched at his elbow. 
As quickly as it began, the kiss ends. Kellum pulls away, leaving you frazzled and - honestly - feeling a bit sloppy. You brush the back of your hand against your lower lip, swiping away any wayward drool, as you level a glare at the man.
Kellum ignores your irritated look, smacking his chops and humming in consideration. “No, I don’t think I-”
Suddenly, his eyes fly wide, a choked sound leaving his throat as his body stiffens. Even a slight tremor flickers through his body. Your eyes fly wide, terror gripping at your chest as you watch him list forward, toppling completely over before his back hits the ground.
“Kellum!” You shriek, trembling hands shooting for your phone. You stumble down from the picnic table, trying to find any sign - foaming at the mouth or gurgling - as further symptoms. In your head, you’re already rehearsing what you’re going to say as you dial the emergency services.
You freeze as Kellum’s eyes crack open, a wolfish smile tilting his lips. Embarrassed and angry, heat rises in your cheeks just as you realize his tail is wagging, thumping against the ground.
“Oh no, I must be allergic,” he chuckles sarcastically, propping himself up on his elbows. His furry brows raise, a devilish expression crossing his features. “You might have to give me mouth-to-mouth.”
You only barely resisted the urge to thump Kellum on the chest before standing. Fueled by rage and mortification, you’re already stumbling backward. With an accusatory finger, you jab it in Kellum’s direction. “That is not funny!”
Turning your back on him, you begin charging back toward the haunted house, trying to ignore how fast your heart is throbbing in your chest. It feels like your cheeks are going to burn off, with how hot the flush across your cheeks feels. Your brain tries to make sense of why Kellum pulled such a stunt. But wasn’t that what Halloween was about? It wasn’t simply about treats, but also the tricks.
As angry as you are, you can’t help being a little amused. And that just makes you angrier.
Behind you, you hear Kellum getting to their feet and laughing as he tails after you, “Aw, why so salty?”
Something in Kellum’s tone makes you freeze. That particular resonance when a dad is about to lay on a dad joke. A realization prickles through your thoughts. Turning around to face him, you narrow your eyes and point a finger in his face again. “You better not say what I think you’re going to say.”
His toothy grin only widens at your words, showing off his sharp canines. In that instant, your stomach drops, but the heat at your center churns wildly.
“Lucky for you,” Kellum’s eyes positively glow as he scoops you up in his arms, holding you against his warm chest. The fact he just picked you up leaves you a little dumbfounded. Instinct kicks in as your brain fritzes out and  you struggle and squirm. As he teasingly growls, the echoes vibrating through his chest, you freeze. “I like my treats salty and sweet.”
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And last but not least of the new designs this week is Sirque.
This is one of the, if not the hardest design to do. It took me so long to decide what Sirque's animal motif would be, and even if I told myself her temperament has resulted in her being likened to a dog I still kept on hitting walls. Writing ep21 has helped me with settling the design, because this is basically a tamer version of the timberwolf / nine-tailed fox hybrid haunting her dreams, but I still had a hard time with drawing her pose.
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mailb0xbunii · 2 years
empires x hc members and the mlp species i think they are ! some have extremely detailed reasoning and others are just from vibes alone , but get ready bc it is a semi-long post (also yes i Will be drawing all of these ideas)
Shelby: water kelpie . where kelpies come from , ponies don't directly use magic and instead use potions ! i felt it fits since she focuses on potions . and water kelpie bc . Swamp Frog Witch
Jimmy: earth pony , but here's the kicker . lore potions turn him into a teeny tiny breezie
Katherine: unicorn crystal pony . her horn/magic is corrupted similarly to King Sombra's , and on bad days her eyes go all Evil Sombra Eyes y'know ?
Scott: also a unicorn crystal pony , but he is a crystal pony in the same sense the mane six were Technically crystal ponies for a period of time when the crystal magic hit them . he went all crystal-y after the whole Gem Skull Eye situation went down
Sausage: earth pony . come on . he's a big , strong lumberjack .
Joel: griffon . this one is entirely vibes
Hermes: gargoyle
Lizzie: catfolk but shhhhh don't tell anyone
Pix: unicorn
Joey: hippogriff/seapony
fWhip: diamond dog , bc they're little creatures that live underground and love shiny things
Oli: it would be funny if he was also an earth pony considering all the crazy stuff that happens to him . the local Just Some Guy
Gem: okay sit down for this one it is a doozy . she is a changeling , but she didn't really stick to a species that actually exists in Either server . in empires she's like a breezie , but normal pony size with more butterfly-oriented features . over in hermitcraft she is is a deer , but she is like . an oddly mystical deer ? look up the great seedling , she's kinda like That Thing
Grian: also a changeling ! but most of the time he is in the form of a hippogriff with more pony-like features (to distinguish him from Joey) . also i think it would be funny if Gem and Grian have no idea the other is a changeling
False: I had to make Someone an avian and she's the one !
Pearl: a pegasus , but Saint Pearl is an alicorn . i like to think when pearl travels through the rift she grows taller and her wings get bigger , but she doesn't Fully become an alicorn
Xisuma: dragon
Cub and Scar: bat ponies bc vexes ^_^
Impulse: minotaur but like . more imp like ? different horns , maybe slap some wings on him . you get the picture
Doc: also a minotaur . but mix in a little bit of minecraft creeper and some storm creature and boom u got a whole new Guy
Tango: kirin . bc they have funny tails like the tails most fanartists give him and they burst into flames when angry
Jevin: half smooze-half skeleton pony
Keralis: earth pony
Joe: okay Hear Me Out . draconequus . i swear it makes sense
Ren: timberwolf but bipedal . i considered a diamond dog but they don't realy fit his overall Vibe so now he's made of sticks and magic :-)
Cleo: i wanted to make her a chimera , but it felt a bit over the top ? so i settled on a zombie pony with like 2 or 3 other creature limbs stitched on .
Bdubs: this man has completely stumped me . he just fits So Many pony creatures , so for now im saying earth pony ? but adaba would also be cool and so would a dragon or even griffon or
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ever since i learned how to quickly find the gold mine in ash canyon, i've been starting all of my games of the long dark there, which means i get to timberwolf mountain very quickly
something changed emotionally for me when 'excavate the airplane' started becoming my second task. i've killed several airplanes' worth of enemies in games, but being presented with silent, scattered carnage spread out over an entire map and a half when your only stated goal is to survive is a unique experience
i live in the tail for a good long while. there's too much to transport down the mountain in one go, you need to do a lot of doubling back. at least the saplings and skins will be dried when everything's back at the mountaineer's hut, and i can get to heavier crafting.
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vanillatalc · 1 year
had a genuinely moving exp earlier playing the long dark lol :') as you all know i have no sense of direction + am also extremely bad at maps so this game is a challenge for me even if i turn off all the animal attacks (which i do)
anyway i managed to get up the mountain to the crashed plane, grab all the supplies i needed, and then get back down to the cabin by the lake my game woman has been staying in :) i s2g when i saw my cabin appearing over the horizon i was so moved i was like That's My House!! and im coming home!!
i was also too impatient to find the proper routes down so i did hurl myself off some cliffs which did a number on my woman. i let her sleep it off when we got home
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dont worry about it she's fine
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the fit, before i found the long johns + a balaclava. actually i found about 10 balaclavas in the tail section at the top of timberwolf mountain lol
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should-be-sleeping · 2 years
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☣ Timberwolf is in Quarantine ☣
Timberwolf is sick so we had to remove her from the community tank to better treat her and prevent anyone else from being infected. She's behaving mostly normal but she has cloudy white spots on one fin and her tail (and maybe her lip, it's hard to tell with her coloring), we're thinking either fungal or bacterial infection.
Please send her good vibes.
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undertsums · 4 months
Kana and Techno's friendship
(Little warning for harm that happens, it's all fine)
Kana didn't mind when it was just her and Kino…The mindspace was peaceful, quiet. She could relax without worry of being killed or hunted until a fateful day there came a new arrival.
Kana stared at the animal, she wasn't sure what it was…It wasn't a predator, it had no claws and their teeth were flat. Still…The idea of fresh prey was…Tempting.
Maybe it was a gift to her? A new character made just for her to hunt and eat. Oh yes! For certain that was what this was. She smirked and pounced.
When Techno opened her eyes she was somewhere else…Not in her home…Not in Equestria…She was confused. But Kino, a sorta human who lived here explained everything to her. It was odd to find out she was a character, that in a way she wasn't real…But it didn't phase her that much, she was excited to learn about her new friends. Kino was apparently a God in her world…How odd.
She didn't notice until someone pounced on her and took a bite "OW!" Techno yelped, Kino was quick to get the mean one off of her "Kana, what the heck?" Kino said. Kana spat out the small bite she took "gross, why is it sweet?" She said. Techno hid behind Kino, staring at the creature that looked kinda like a human and a Timberwolf combined.
Kino sighed "I never thought I'd have to input the rule of no violence given you never attacked me" she said, Kana huffed "listen, it's an animal…It doesn't matter anyway…It's disgusting" she said. Techno pouted "hey, there's no need to be rude!" She yelled at Kana. Kana stared looking confused "that was a compliment…Means I'm not going to eat you or be tempted to" she said.
Techno huffed "that's not an apology" she said, Kana rolled her eyes and walked away. SO MEAN! Kino sighed "sorry about her…She's kinda…Prickly…She's not used to seeing new creations and making friends" she said. OH…So that's why she's rude…She just doesn't know about friendship… Well who better to teach her!
Techno couldn't believe it, she's been here for YEARS! Kana barely seemed to care or like her yet she bonded to Roman and Shadow so quick. She pouted…Was she that unlikeable? Did she smell? Techno just wasn't sure, "what are you pouting over?" A stern female voice said as Techno looked up seeing Kana standing right in front of her. "Oh…Uh…Nothing, it's just not like you to befriend someone so quickly" Techno said. Kana sat down next to the pony "eh, they're cool…Kinda helps they aren't human or animal too" she replied. Techno fiddled with her tail "is…That why you aren't friends with me?" She asked. Kana looked down stunned "what are you talking about?" She asked.
"Well…I've been here for years but…You never lower your walls around me…You always keep your distance and don't bother with me" Techno stated. Kana laughed! Techno glared at her "What's funny?" She asked annoyed.
"Techno…Just because I talk to Roman and Shadow more easily doesn't mean I'm not your friend" Kana said with a smirk. Techno blinked "but you refused all my friendship attempts!" She stated. "Yeah because you want to hug, invite me to some party in your world, play games…All that stuff that I don't care for. Doesn't mean we aren't friends…I figured you knew and that's why you stopped" Kana said.
Techno stared dumbfounded "so…We are friends?" She asked, Kana shrugged "for as long as you're around, sure" she said. Techno sat up and smiled, Kana glared "don't even think about it" she said.
"FRIENDSHIP HUG!" Techno yelled as she pounced onto Kana "ARGH! GET OFF!" She yelled.
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blueshelledbastard · 1 year
My lord. I'm starting to understand why people are excited to find the tail section in the event of a plane crash.
Climbed Timberwolf Mountain today and the haul is absolutely out of this world. Around 100kgs of supplies of all kinds.
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wolfalikes · 1 year
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Photo: Tully and Inca from Tikaani Wolfalikes
What is a Wolfalike?
A Wolfalike (the noun being taken from the adjective ‘wolf-like‘) describes a type of dog (Canis familiaris) intentionally created to be as close to the wolf (Canis lupus) in appearance and characteristics as possible while retaining mostly dog-like behaviours but no or negligible actual wolf content.
For years people have been trying to create a Wolfalike dog to this specification. More familiar Wolfalike breeds might be the Northern Inuit Dog, The Utonagan and the Tamaskan – all of these were originally bred using the same founding dogs.
The most popular breeds used in the foundation of the different Wolfalike breeds are the Siberian Husky, the Alaskan Malamute and the German Shepherd; traces of other breeds such as the Samoyed and Norwegian Elkhound and Collie have also been found in the genetic makeup of some Wolfalike dogs. You will also find that some Wolfalike dogs do have a minimal amount of wolf content in them, but this is negligible. Some breeders have used The Saarloos wolfdog or the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Vlack) in their breeding programs as well.
Because of people’s difference of opinions on how the various Wolfalike breeds should move forward, many breeders have opted to move away from the closed gene pool clubs and become independent breeders to better develop the breed and widen the gene pool by introducing other Wolfalike type dogs.
A Wolfalike can be large and athletic – or Giant and robust, some are similar in height and weight to the German Shepherd, others tower above the German Shepherd and take on the Timberwolf stance. He or she should have a wolf-like appearance with a dense coat in the winter and a sleeker coat in the summer. The head should bear medium-sized ears and a characteristic “wolfish” mask. The tail should be straight and bushy. Everyone’s perspective of a wolf is different but the more similarities the individual has to a “standard” wolf in looks and movement the better.
Wolfalikes are intelligent dogs, but, on occasion, might like to come across as less clever than they actually are. They love to learn and are really willing to please you, but they do lose interest and get bored easily, at which point they are likely to feign stupidity and forgetfulness! They are loyal and lovable companions with a wonderful Temperament and make fantastic family pets. They get along well in a home environment with children and other animals as long as introduced to them when your dog is a puppy, so they will grow up together.
Wolfalikes are, as a rule, pack animals and are therefore at their best kept together in a group. They can, however, be the only dog if you have a huge amount of time required to commit to their not inconsiderable needs. In an only-dog situation, you will become your dog’s pack and he or she will want to do everything they can with you. You will need to entertain him/her as otherwise he/she will become bored and potentially extremely destructive. Prey drive (which may include small pets such as cats or rabbits…) varies from dog to dog depending on which breeds have been added into their makeup. If you find you have a puppy with higher prey drive, then we suggest plenty of training on a long line lead and that you do not let your dog off lead if it is anywhere near animals unless you have full control with recall.
As with many double-coated breeds, Wolfalikes moult twice a year, usually in Spring and Autumn. During their moults, their soft undercoat will fall out gently and painlessly in tufts for weeks. This process is known as “blowing their coat”. At this time, they will need brushing around 3 times a day. Your house will resemble a snowstorm and you will have tumbleweeds of fur rolling around, so investing in a good vacuum cleaner is a must. Sometimes you will wonder where all the fur has come from – it seems impossible that one dog can be hiding so much.
Occasionally they will also lose their guard hairs (top coat) and when they do, they tend to look very untidy and unkempt until their full coat grows back. When they have finished moulting, daily grooming of Wolfalikes is good practice as it keeps them clean and knot-free. It also gives you a chance to check for lumps, bumps and any injuries or ticks they may have picked up on a walk.
As puppies, Wolfalikes are very quick to learn and willing to please. It is recommended that as soon as they are allowed out in public, you should take them along to an approved training school where they can begin to learn not only some basic manners but also how to mix with other breeds. Some puppies can be very outgoing and bold, whilst others are more reserved and need extra coaxing to join in. Wolfalike dogs need plenty of early socialisation and positive training experiences as they grow. They can be very stubborn at times as they get older, so extra encouragement and patience are needed. They do go through different life stages, just like human beings, and if they are left untrained, habits formed at these times can cause issues as the dogs grow into adulthood. If you start from an early age, most Wolfalike dogs can be successfully let off the lead, and with plenty of training will come back to their owner on command. Training is a lifetime commitment with a Wolfalike dog.
As with any large breed dog, care should be taken with the amount of on lead exercise you give a puppy. A good rule of thumb is a ratio of five minutes of exercise per month of age (up to twice a day) until the puppy is fully grown, i.e. 15 minutes (up to twice a day) when three months old, 20 minutes when four months old etc, up to twice a day. Once they are fully grown, they can go out for much longer. As Wolfalikes are a large or Giant breed you really need to be cautious with what you allow them to do at a young age, absolutely no agility, mushing or continuous running until they are past 18 months old, and then it will depend on how the growth of each individual dog is going.
Wolfalike Dogs love to be part of the family and cuddle up on the sofa with you, just remember when allowing that cute 10kg puppy up on the sofa or your bed for cuddles, that that 55kg Adult will also still think its ok to come up for cuddles, set boundaries from the start. A safe area for when you are out is great to have, as they can get up to mischief as soon as they know you are not around. Crate Training is a sensible thing to do with these dogs if done correctly as it keeps them safe and out of harm’s way.
Some Wolfalikes prefer to be cooler and may want the door open to the outside all day, a nice outdoor area is always a good idea, where they can be dry but still lay out in the fresh air. A fair size garden is ideal for these dogs, remember to check you have no plants that are poisonous to dogs, as Wolfalikes do like to help with the gardening.
Source: International Wolfalike Companion Registry
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inkaminamartha · 6 years
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I mean.. What are the odds that someone can write and leave a message behind, right? Also this place smells like.. Old dust... Nothing more really. No spoops here it seems..
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the-skull-breaker · 2 years
soooo companion concept (badly drawn)
so I've got this concept of a companion concept that was inspired from my guardian OC, Mahanie, specifically her warrior outfit with her mask, antlers and all. because see, the point of her wearing this mask with these antlers is in spite of her years of abuse by her clan and family before she joined the guard of Eel, and it got me thinking : why exactly would she combine these things ?
and the answer would be this :
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(note that I had to trace on a wolf and a deer photos in order to make this, since I don't really know how to draw animals correctly)
I don't have a name for this companion yet and it's not well drawn, but the idea is here : a wolf with a snake tail and antlers.
now what exactly inspired Mahanie with this creature you may ask ? good question ! the answer is the following : the legends tied to them according to lamias.
see, they have the reputation of being aggressive towards lamias specifically (if we don't mention the fact that lamias are the ones attacking them in the first place) which made the rumors that they're the spirits of vengeful lamias -much like the draflayels being the spirits of dragons.
and to get back to Mahanie, ever since she joined the Guard of Eel she wanted to dress herself to look like the one thing her clan fear the most just so she could feel better after she got abused and almost killed by them.
so yeah, hope you like my concept, if you got any idea for a name just let me know, thanks
sources of pictures for the drawing : https://images.photowall.com/products/61320/deer-in-the-snow.jpg?h=699&q=85 https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/canadian-timberwolf-picture-id1208811811?s=2048x2048
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mistasangel · 2 years
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My Monster High Doll collection, Invisi Billy and Heath Burns will be added when they arrive in the mail. Neighthan Rot is my favorite he is so adorable! All their accessories are in the case that Porter and Ari are sitting on,lol I plan to get Holt Hyde, Jackson Jekyll with his glasses the one I have is the Gloom Beach doll and I want to scare up the for bitten love Clawd as I love his outfit and he has his ear pierced the Clawd doll that have is the Scarnival doll. Elissabat, Frankie Stein and Clawdeen Wolf are the frightfully tall Ghouls, I'm hoping to find Goolopie to go with them, I have first wave Draculaura, Cleo DeNile and Deuce Gorgon as well. Also have Mouscades King, Silvi Timberwolf, Jinafire Long, Peri and Pearl, Isi Dawndancer,Lagoona Blue, Abby Dombinal, another Draculaura, Cleo DeNile from the Electrified line and Catrine Demew. Porter Geiss is the newest Manster to join the group until Invisi Billy and Heath Burns arrive Neighthan Rot is my favorite and the most loved and pampered Manster as he just had his mane and tail washed, brushed and styled. Also the bracelet that Jackson Jekyll is wearing is not his it goes to another doll I have that is not Monster High, Jackson liked it so he borrowed it,lol I also write fanfics and am currently working on a Neighthan Rot one.
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mlpmoviemerch · 2 years
New My Little Pony Ponyville Mysteries: The Cutie Mark Chronicles Volume 1 Book
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New My Little Pony Ponyville Mysteries: The Cutie Mark Chronicles Volume 1 Book $15.99 available here: https://amzn.to/3KIEqLs
Details below:
Join the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they solve mysteries around Ponyville!
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle love that they've been able to help so many ponies with their cutie marks, but they can't help feeling like the Cutie Mark Crusaders should be doing something...more adventurous.
When a mysterious new Unicorn named Lilymoon moves to town, it seems like the Cutie Mark Crusaders start having nothing but adventures! New friends, scary creatures, and spooky houses-what mysteries won't the gang face?
Ideal for younger readers, these mysterious and sweetly spooky stories are sure to appeal to all My Little Pony fans--both girl and boy.
This bindup includes books 1 through 3 in the My Little Pony: Ponyville Mysteries series: Schoolhouse of Secrets, Tail of the Timberwolf, and Riddle of the Rusty Horseshoe.
Perfect gift for any My Little Pony fan!
Features a Ponyville Mysteries: The Cutie Mark Chronicles volume 1 book.
Brand: Hasbro
Character: My Little Pony
Color: Multicolor
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (September 4, 2018)
Language: English
Paperback: 352 pages
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 5.13 x 0.88 x 7.63 inches
Assembled Product Weight: 8.8 ounces
Reading age: 8 - 12 years
Grade level: 3 - 7
Inspired by My Little Pony
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mousiebae · 3 years
Ok, so I never really watched any of the webshow or movies or anything like that, so I’m basing my judgments solely on the appearance of the dolls. In all honesty, I’d have to say it’s tie between Manny Taur and Silvi Timberwolf (and I’m including all of Clawdeen’s new little siblings with her too). Manny’s character design is actually pretty good, but they reused the typical MH guy legs with Manny’s brawny custom sculpt, so it looks like he’s just skipped every leg day since the dawn of time. And the dog nose on Silvi really annoys me. None of the other werewolves had the dog noes before the reboot. I didn’t mind the inclusion of tails, but the noses seem a little overkill. Like seriously, why give them dog noses all of a sudden?? It looks so out of place with the rest of the character design, like they’re wearing cheap face paint.
and yeah I agree the dog noses were a little extra in the reboot
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