applestruda · 6 months
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The Earth
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saintforan · 3 months
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I think this lil guy reminds him of someone
ignore how messy it is, its like 5 am here n i needed 2 get this out of my system
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bibluebutterfly · 7 months
I think the beautiful thing about the Broppy relationship is how they impact one another.
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Branch’s impact on Poppy is the most obvious in the movies because he’s the one who teaches her to calm down and listen.
But what I think people overlook is the fact that despite her flaws, Poppy never gave up on Branch. Because as cute as they are now, there was a time when Branch was actually pretty cruel to her (ie. Putting her down, smashing her custom made invitations for him in front of her face, mocking her ideals, etc) and probably had been treating her like that for years before movie #1.
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Everyone else had given up on him, basically deeming him as a lost cause, but Poppy never stopped trying. Yes Branch got on her nerves and hurt her feelings, and as far as she knew he would just throw her invitations away afterwards. Yet despite that she still put in the effort to make him custom invitations and genuinely want him to be there.
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And even though he never dared express it, those efforts meant something to him.
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Like we love Branch, but I don’t think we give Poppy enough credit for her role in Branch’s life. He was unkind (to put it lightly) to her for years, but despite that she never held any resentment towards him and still felt that he deserved to be happy. And by that incredible persistence, she worked her way into his heart.
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See, Branch is a character who is completely used to tragedy and people he loves leaving in his life. So that’s partially why he pushed Poppy away and treated her so poorly. But despite that, Poppy was always THERE. She was with him when literally nobody else was. She was naive, optimistic and annoying, but she was there. Always putting the effort to be his friend, and the only one who had any sort of faith in him. He may have been isolated, but because of Poppy he was never truly alone. And even if it irked him, he still appreciated that.
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And when somebody sticks with you literally no matter what, it’s not surprising that he fell more than a little bit in love.
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As for Poppy, she’s slowly becoming aware that she can be a bit much sometimes. She always wants the best for her people but she doesn’t always know how to do that. Branch, even if originally rude about it, has always been able to give it to her straight. And even if he pretended not to care, he still had her back when it mattered the most. And after number one, it looks like he has her back more than ever while still being able to be the voice of reason. Which yes, Poppy definitely needs.
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(Gah I wish I could put more pictures to elaborate my point but y’all get it.)
Anyway. They’re not perfect characters, but they are perfect for each other. Branch supports Poppy but gives it to her flat out. Meanwhile Poppy too supports Branch and is stubborn enough to stick by him, even when he’ll intentionally and/or unintentionally push her away. And that’s just gorgeous.
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maiko-coy · 2 months
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Smiling Critters but Catnap is some sort of cryptid shapeshifter that can has a 100% capability to do harm but the others doesn't know and are trying to teach him the ways of being a friend which is sorta working--
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shakoualt · 6 months
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some sketches and a drawing of viva and poppy!!! ^v^
i also drew something broppy because I love III LOOOOOVE their relationship
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elliskeith · 4 months
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I will explain a little for their appearance and my headcannons:
Almost all the toys interacted with blood in one way or another, which left dried traces of blood on many of them.
Poppy is the cleanest in view of the long stay in the case
CatNah is slightly bald due to nerves (perhaps he pulled out the fur himself)
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spooky-pop · 2 months
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Branch reacting to Poppy's hair down :}
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spaceistheplaceart · 5 months
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anyone remember how branch can seamlessly adapt to different genres and also how he likes a ton of them. anyway.
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hello trolls fandom
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paleon-todd-ogy · 3 months
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I kept circling back to what troll society must have been like before there was any music.
Tbh, it was kinda just….boring. Lots of surviving and avoiding getting eaten and not much else. But, some thing are still the same…
Introducing: Queen Poppy the first and her little brother Vita! They’re the best ever and nothing will ever go wrong for them!
I’m thinking I’ll continue this little au and explore what the other genres would look like as well.
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amberluvsbugs · 4 months
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Poppy Playtime
With the release of chapter 3, I was tasked to make an updated mega piece featuring ALL the characters from chapters 1-3 of Poppy Playtime. I had an absolute blast creating this for the team.
Process is down below
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realizinau · 4 months
This is an au i'm excited to see! Are they going to have any interactions with the other toys or the kids? Have a good time wherever you are!!
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Thank you!
Yep! Inside of the factory is like a weird little town or city for the toys that dwell within, so interaction between toys in different parts of the building is very frequent.
As for their interactions with the children, that will be elaborated on in a future post :3c
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Patchnotes 2/13/2024
Gave Catnap his Long Ass Tail back. Originally didn't have it because I thought it would be cumbersome for him in reality, but I have come to appreciate how iconic it is
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saintforan · 4 months
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Oh no, he's turning him into bread!
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bibluebutterfly · 7 months
I’m sorry but it’s absolutely hilarious and yet adorable how the series handles Broppy’s relationship. First we get them traveling together as rivals (which was a bit more one- sided on Branch’s part) before slowing learning how to work together and to change for the other. Also it’s heavily implied Branch has an underline crush on Poppy. Then we get True Colors, and everyone thinks “okay they’re in love now”.
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Some people/audience members are on board, others not so much. BUT THEN it turns out that the “I love you” they say to each other was a PLATONIC love confession. Like “you’re my friend, and I value you.” Which is still sweet, but was unexpected. (Though it does explain why the writers decided to put another platonic love confession scene between Bridget and Poppy. Yeah, I get it now)
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So they just go through the journey as bffs who have feelings for each other but won’t say anything. And again, they learn how to work and grow together as a team and make the necessary changes to benefit the other. And then FINALLY we get the romantic love confession.
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But it doesn’t stop there, oh no. Now we get adventure #3, this time with them as a full on couple. And they are actually really cute. Actually the film doesn’t focus that much on their relationship but we see hints of how they are as a couple.
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Poppy is still all over the place but she’s much less in her own head and far more open to listening and being a good girlfriend.
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Branch on the other hand is still occasionally getting exasperated by her energy but this time also has an appreciation for it. Also he learns to open up to her a little more and she’s there to listen and accept him with open arms. (Bonus points to their flirty dynamic because wow. They were adorable here.)
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And it’s ONLY THEN (7 years after the first film) when they get their first on screen kiss.
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Anyway. In conclusion: Trolls is the slowest slow burn I have ever seen in a Dreamworks trilogy.
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maiko-coy · 3 months
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Your honor, they all share exactly one braincell and 80% of it are Bubba's
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medievalatkinson · 4 months
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sea of monsters 🦀🦑🐡💨
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caramelcove · 26 days
Ah yes, my favorite episodes of smiling critters
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It was originally just supposed to be this
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