#power rangers mega battle gameplay
sage-nebula · 4 years
Top 5 Pokémon games! (Spin-offs included)
I’m going with my gut on this one because otherwise I’ll be here all night waffling over the decision and I have mac’n’cheese to make, so—
1.) Pokémon Sword — This is probably going to draw a lot of gasps and confusion, and to be honest I can’t even fully explain it myself except to say that this game was just genuinely a joy and delight to play for me. There wasn’t much to the story (it was mostly just “be the very best like no one ever was while also maybe stopping a disaster on the side), but in honesty I think that contributed to my enjoyment of it. Aside from Game Freak’s storytelling being less than great (to put it mildly) for the past two generations, Sword made me feel the way I did way back in childhood when I was playing the original Red & Blue versions, and those games had . . . pretty much the same story, except replace “disaster” with “yakuza / mafia crimes.” To me, the most important thing in any game is that it be fun to play, so the fact that Sword didn’t have a stellar story didn’t matter very much to me. In fact, again, given Game Freak’s recent track record, it’s a bonus. Sword is just an absolute blast to play, I love the characters, I love a lot of the pokémon, Galar is beautiful and I’m hyped that the expansion is DLC rather than a whole new game that’s the same story plus a few added details. Despite its faults (e.g. lack of a National Dex, lack of Mega Evolution, etc), I’m really happy with the Gen VIII games and like them a lot.
2.) Pokémon SoulSilver — Despite starting with Gen I, the region that has always felt the most like home to me is Johto, and so to see it re-imagined with beautiful graphics and a host of amazing new features was like a dream come true. The following pokémon mechanic is one that NEEDS to be a regular main game mechanic, the Pokéthelon was a TON of fun, and while the story wasn’t expanded on very much, it was super cool to finally get to legitimately access the Celebi event, and to have the encounter with the legendaries feel so powerful as well. I’ve really wanted to replay SoulSilver over the past few years, but I don’t want to erase my save file since I foolishly never transferred my ‘mon up, so it’ll require getting an emulator and I’ve just been too lazy for that. Someday, though . . . someday.
3.) Pokémon Black — Easily the best story out of the games. Don’t get me wrong, it had its faults—what they did to Bianca was unforgivable, and considering other small things in the story (e.g. Juniper inheriting her professorship from her father, who showed up a bunch of times to interrupt scenes Juniper was in to help her since she was “less experienced” than him, and in a way that past (male) professors never needed) smacked of sexism—but I think most of us can agree that Black & White was where the series writing hit its peak. On top of loving the story and the characters, the region of Unova is fantastic (I especially LOVED the seasons mechanic and would love to see that come back), it again has a great regional Dex, the music is incredible, and it introduced some really cool battle mechanics as well (such as Triple Battles, RIP to those). The Unova games got so much flack back in the day and it was ridiculous. I’m glad they’re getting the respect they deserve now.
4.) Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs — MY FUCKING JAM!!! Okay, listen—there are aspects of the story / plot / characters that make me laugh. The fact that the main antagonists for most of the game are called the Pokémon Pinchers is one of them. The fact that the true Big Bads are a group of old people that call themselves Societea is another. (Fun fact: In Japan they’re called Tea Party and while I understand why Nintendo of America wanted to avoid controversy and thus changed it, I still think they should have said “fuck you” and kept it.) But the gameplay is INCREDIBLY fun, I love the concept of “conveying your feelings of friendship” to pokémon to get them to cooperate with you, the scene where Uku’s (what I call Ukulele Pichu) home island is obliterated by Societea is actually pretty intense, Guardian Signs had Soaring before OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire were even a thought bubble in Game Freak’s minds, and the story that I made up for my character as I played is one I got myself invested in. So I really love Guardian Signs and the only reason I wish I still had my Wii U is so I could download it and play it from the eShop, since I won’t erase my file since I S-Ranked everything, including the DLC captures. (They weren’t called DLC back then but they were special event ones and I don’t remember what they were called beyond special event.) The fact that we can have a billion Mystery Dungeon games but Ranger is a discontinued series makes me endlessly bitter.
5.) Pokémon AlphaSapphire — And finally, the only good game(s) out of Gen VI. (Well, to be fair, X & Y had fantastic gameplay mechanics; it’s the story that was shit-tier.) Hoenn was gorgeous in the remade graphics, the changes they made to the characters were welcome (e.g. Brendan is no longer a douchebag fuckboy), Soaring is possibly the BEST mechanic ever introduced and I’m completely flabbergasted they won’t bring it back, the mystery islands were also incredible, everything added to the lore was great and the Delta Episode not only introduced the best games character (Zinnia<3), but also had an incredible story that referenced the best anime character (Alan<3). Although the lack of a Battle Frontier was disappointing, I can forgive it in light of everything else. The Gen III remakes saved Gen VI and that is a fact. It’s a shame Gen VII didn’t have anything similar.
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pkmn-fangamer · 5 years
Pokémon Uranium Review
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Enjoy the region of Tandor, with over 150 new original species of Pokémon, complex characters, and many secrets to discover. Become Champion, complete the Pokédex, and beat the many challenge modes available; it’s time to prove your worth as a trainer! Pokémon Uranium, at its core, is a homage to the original Pokémon games, which have been in the hearts of many of us since childhood. Coupled with a serious storyline and slightly harder gameplay, this fangame is aimed towards a slightly older audience: one that often remembers Pokémon with nostalgia.
How to Play:
Go to Pokemon Uranium’s Reddit here, which gives several download options and further instructions.
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-Light spoilers below-
The story of this game is unique and interesting. For the most part it is strongest at the beginning and the end of the game, though it’s not particularly weak in the middle. There is a cut scene at the beginning of the game in which your mother is working as a scientist at a nuclear power plant, where she disappears during an accidental nuclear meltdown. Your dad, Ranger Kellyn, originally from the Almia region, is struck with grief, and becomes obsessed with his work as a ranger. You, the main character, are forced to live with your elderly Aunt, and later become a Pokemon trainer and assistant to the local professor to financially relieve her.
If you find the above summary of your first fifteen minutes of game play intriguing, you’ll probably enjoy the plot of Pokemon Uranium immensely. I certainly did- the game’s story mostly took itself seriously, getting dark in a few places without getting too edgy.
The biggest difference between main series games’ plot and Uranium is the lack of your average evil team. The enemy in this game is both physical and philosophical. I’ll only get into it partially, so I don’t spoil it too badly. The main enemy are Nuclear-type Pokemon, and whoever/whatever is causing the meltdowns of nuclear plants across the region. But these plants were obviously created by humans, and in turn Nuclear-type Pokemon are also in way man-made. Nuclear Pokemon may be the obvious enemy in this game, but the human perspective is also lightly explored, and for this I was glad.
This is also the first fan game I’ve played through in a while with genuinely interesting characters. Your rival is a bratty child at first but matures and develops as a person by the end, for example. Additionally, your absentee father may seem distant and uninvolved in your life at first, but eventually you grow closer to him too, as you battle Nuclear Pokemon alongside each other. Many of the gym leaders are also interesting past their gimmick, and are encountered not just in their gyms, but are also present in another part of the game that you’ll just have to find out for yourself.
Score: 9/10
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The Pokedex of this game contains exactly 200 Pokemon, about 150 of which are original Fakemon, the rest being Pokemon selected from various regions. At first, I was puzzled as to why some real Pokemon were included, but then I later realized that many of these Pokemon were either given new evolutions or mega evolutions, which in the main series are sorely needed. The best example of this is Dunsparce’s new evolution, Dunseraph, making it a strong Dragon/Flying type Pokemon. However, a there are a few main series Pokemon that are included without any improvements being made to them, so their appearance does confuse me a bit, though I’m not totally against their presence.
The Fakemon in this game are overall likeable. The starters are all well designed, and in my opinion are some of the best Pokemon in the game. They are unique because they’re only two stage Pokemon, with all main series starters being 3 stage Pokemon. I picked Orchynx, which is a Grass/Steel cat Pokemon, and there was never a point where I regretted my choice. The rest of the Fakemon are pretty good- there are some designs I’m not the biggest fan of, but this can be said about many official Pokemon too. The Fakemon range widely in abilities, types, and movepools- which brings me to my next topic.
Undoubtedly, one of the biggest gimmicks of the game is the new Nuclear-type. Nuclear Pokemon are weak against every type except themselves, but their new Nuclear-type moves are super-effective against every type but Nuclear and Steel-types, and doubly so against Pokemon with more than one type. This makes these Pokemon super interesting to use- the strongest of their types can be the ultimate glass cannon in battle if used correctly.
There are both Nuclear versions of main-series Pokemon and some original Nuclear Pokemon present in the game. The former are much more numerous than the latter, and I wish there were a few more original Nuclear types, but I understand coming up with new Pokemon for a new type must be time consuming and difficult.
Score: 9/10
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The gameplay of Uranium is great overall. While the game is contained in a single region, there is an East and West segment that makes it almost seem like there are two different regions in the game. The West half that you begin on is land-based, and the East half is water-based, on an archipelago of islands. The wealth of different cities, areas of interest, and routes are sure to give the player more than enough to take in and explore.
For those of you curious, I would put the difficulty of Uranium at a bit above the average main series game. It’s not horrifically hard, and not much grinding is necessary until towards the end of the game. A balanced team will help you get far, and I’d say it’s rather important to have a Steel-type, Nuclear-type, or both on your team to help you get through battles with Nuclear Pokemon. However, if you’re looking to bump up the difficulty level in playing, having neither of those types will definitely help challenge you.
HMs are present in this game, but there are items that you can receive later to replace them. It is nice that these items become available later in the game, but I wonder why HMs exist at all in the game if the creators were willing to replace the HMs with items. I would have preferred receiving these items rather than HMs from the get-go, but it is pleasant at least that you don’t need HMs eventually. My biggest gripe about HMs is how late you receive HM Fly in the game- not until winning your 8th badge. Luckily, there are various methods of transportation available, like subway and boat, but paying for these services and coordinating which methods work in what town is a little tedious.
In general, the gameplay of Uranium is very polished. There are so many tiny features that make this game more playable than even main series game, still without making the game too easy. One such feature is the Pokepod, your main technological device. In it, there is a Jukebox used to listen to any in-game track, your region map, and a phone to call the regional professor, and store numbers of trainers looking for rematches. A Pokeball is present next to trainers who want rematches, and best of all, your opponent’s rematch team has levels that are scaled to be equivalent to yours. This makes grinding much easier and more enjoyable.
Score: 8.5/10
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The overworld art resembles Gen 4 graphics in a way that is creative and original- I can barely find a tile that was imported directly from Gen 4, aside from some overworld character sprites. The landscapes are varied and nice to look at, many of them being based on the country Brazil. My favorite city is Venesi City, which is a beautiful port city based on Venice, Italy.
The in-battle art and animation are fantastic as well, based on Gen 5, with your Pokemon and your opponent’s actually moving around a bit. There are also many moves with great animations. However, there is also a fair number of moves lacking any animation. This bothered me a little, but perhaps it could have been a glitch? Either way, the battle scene is very polished- almost every new area has new background art accurate to whatever time of day it currently is. With how much time is spent battling in this game, I appreciate the effort put in to make it look as nice as it does.
The music in Uranium is about a 50/50 split of well-composed original OSTs and re-orchestrated versions of tracks from other generations. Since these re-orchestrations are well made and contribute well to the game’s atmosphere, I don’t mind the lack of original music in these spots. I especially enjoyed that the diving theme was a slower, more beautiful version of the in-game surf music.
There is one more important thing of note before I move on, and that is the ability to choose a well-designed, non-binary player character. Gamefreak should really pay attention and implement that feature (but I know they won’t). Fantastic job on inclusivity in this area, and I especially loved the proper usage of pronouns depending on which appearance you choose.
Score: 9.5/10
If you play Pokemon fan games, or have even heard of them at all, then you probably know at least a little bit about the incredible rise and forced decline of Pokemon Uranium. I urge you to read about what really happened here, according to one of the creators, @oripoke. I don’t have much more to say about this topic without getting heated about it, so I suggest checking out the provided link here if you’re at all interested.
Because of the cease-and-desist order from Nintendo, the community for this game is a little more hidden than it would be for a famous fan game. However, you can find an extremely helpful wiki here, and the main discord here.
I’ll begin my conclusion by saying that this is the third time I’ve attempted to finish Pokemon Uranium, and boy am I upset that I didn’t stick to following through with this gem of a game earlier. Uranium truly does have just about everything fans could want- a game with a slightly deeper storyline than main series games, with nearly all new Pokemon (and even some old ones, if you prefer), a new region to explore, and even a new type to spice things up.
I would gladly recommend this game to Pokemon fans new and old. This is a polished, pretty product, and you won’t find many other fan games as complete and polished as this one. There are almost no glitches- the only one that I experienced was the music cutting out occasionally, but the game can easily be saved and rebooted to fix this.
Usually I have more to say in this ending section, but I think that’s all for my final thoughts. This game really is just a work of art, and because of its interesting plot and gameplay, I can see myself picking Uranium up and playing it through again in a few years, possibly even more than once.
Final Score: 9/10
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couchpotatobros · 7 years
Power Rangers: Mega Battle #6 (FINAL) – BATTLE FOR ANGEL GROVE In the epic finale of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Mega Battle, the Rangers face Lord Zedd and the Monstrous Serpentera, to see if they can save Angel Grove once and for all.
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inkyminty · 5 years
Super Princess Peach 2 electric boogaloo
What a surprise, and here I thought Peach was a one and done deal but nope, she got a sequel to her game on the 3ds, the problem is it is a Japanese exclusive game. Developed again by Tose and published by Nintendo and released in 2017, I only found out about it by finding a copy in a local swap meet (the power of swap meets ladies and gentlemen). What caught my eye was the back of the box which after translating it says that Peach and other princesses are playable and yeah the box doesn't lie. The other playable princesses are Daisy, Rosalina, Shroob (weird), a Bowsette-like princess but with red hair and tan like skin, Queen Merelda and Princess Shokora (from Wario Land 4), with a secret playable character being Pauline. So let us see if this sequel is worth releasing outside of Japan or should it stay there like Captain Rainbow.
PLOT (no spoilers)   As Mario and Luigi are off to battle against Bowser when suddenly a new baddie comes out of nowhere named Captain Command who takes over Peach's castle and has her take far away from her kingdom. As Peach wakes up in a strange land she then has to go on an odyssey to get back and overthrow the usurper from the Mushroom Kingdom and take back the throne. Along said adventure, you pass by other familiar kingdoms and pass by a few familiar places and faces such as the ones mentioned in the first segment, the reason is Cap. Command took over these kingdoms on his way to become the king of the world.
GAMEPLAY   It is the same for Peach as the previous game the only differences are the genre,  which is a sort of goofy beat 'em up combined with platforming elements, and how the heart works. For one thing, they cost jewels (about 2 jewels) and it is for everyone (I'll explain in a bit) and it only lasts for a few seconds so you can't spam the move since there is a limit on how many jewels you have (which can be upgraded, same with health, in the store to have more but not enough to cheese the game). There is also a playing difference with the other characters from the intro. (Note that Peach is the standard character) There is Daisy, who is a bit faster and a bit stronger than Peach but jumps the same height as her. Then there is Rosalina, who is slower and not as strong as Peach but can jump higher than Peach and can summon a Luma to attack more. Next up, Princess Shroob who is more effective in ranger attacks but sucks at close combat. Coming up is the surprise of Princess Zilla (the Bowsette-like girl) who attacks multiple enemies with her attacks and is decent in single combat. The other one is Princess Shokora, who can transform into a cat, a few weird beasts and Mr.Game&Watch (who I guess is Mrs.Game&Watch but whatever) which can cause some status effects similar to the Wario Land games (ie balloon, get set on fire, etc). Coming up is Queen Merelda who when finishing an attack will drop more coins at the of an attack but is a risk and reward character for being a bit frailer. Finally, there is Pauline who is a bit of a mixed bag, a sort of mid-range close quarters fighter (possibly because of living in the Bronx).
  Now, remember the hearts I mentioned, yeah they are completely different. For starters, the orange heart gives you a floaty jump, the red heart makes you stronger, blue heart makes you faster and the green heart gives you more defense, each one lasting about 5 to 7 seconds and costs 2 jewels (you start off with 6 jewels but can upgrade it to 16 jewels) and you can pick up jewels from defeated enemies which can sometimes drop mushrooms at time (the 3 are the normal mushroom which gives you health, the mini mushroom which makes you lose some defense and strength but can jump higher, become faster and find secrets, and the mega mushroom which makes you bigger which can also break certain areas to unlock secrets, stronger and better defense but become slower), the other items are stars, which gives you invincibility, a purple New Donk Coin (which if every coin is collected unlocks New Donk city to unlock Pauline: Note that there is 1 purple coin in all  levels excluding the bosses), and finally Toad, yes Toad, who works as he does in smash where you get a free pass on recieving damage and thus counters the enemy who attacked you.
Likes The beat-em-up aspects of the game are rather addicting, it is fun to combo an enemy and how the combo animations are very goofy yet "ladylike" for a Nintendo Princess, there are also a few mini games (like the previous one) that are ok, but they do help you earn a few figurines and different costumes for each character, and I like the little descriptions  for each character explaining their first appearance.
Dislikes Sometimes the secret areas to get the purple coins is too vague, there are hints but they don't explain it too well, not to mention once you get all the upgrades and figures they still give you a lot of money at the end of a stage but nothing to spend it on, and online play is very very laggy, it's best to play it locally if you can find anyone to play it that is. Also getting a high rank is incredibly hard since the game is very strict on what you did well and gets very stingy with damage taken and time left over, I mostly got C's and B's and the only time I got an AA rank (which isn't the highest rank its Crown) was the first level.
Verdict So is this game worth forking over 40 bucks plus shipping and handling I would say Yes, but... The game is rather fun, hell there is future DLC planned to include a few Zelda princesses like Zelda (duh), Toon Zelda (ok), Ruto, and that one princess from Triforce of Heroes, so anyone in Japanse who bought it must think so but jeez does this game expect perfection to get any higher ranks and I wish there were other ways to use the money you collected but considering how fun it is, I still say it is worth it but If your one to complete games, well good luck with that. Thanks for reading.
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dashielvlup · 7 years
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IT'S MODAPH#%KING MORPHIN' TIME B#TCH!! [Power Rangers: Mega Battle] (x)
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tgndiregaming · 6 years
This video showcases Gameplay of The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (The Red Ranger, The Green Ranger, The Black Ranger, And The Pink Ranger From The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Series) VS Bass From The Mega Man Series In A MUGEN Match / Battle / Fight Become A New Patron Of My Epic Video Content Via Patreon: https://ift.tt/2hge3BE Become A Follower Of My Epic Live Stream Content Via Twitch: https://ift.tt/2pG2Dgj Become A Supporter Of My Epic Video Content Via Streamlabs: https://ift.tt/2N1Buv8 by EpicGamingMultiverseExtraordinaryContent
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franco-ikari · 3 years
Guia definitivo dos jogos de luta atuais.As diferenças em como era a produção dos jogos antigos e novos,se é justo ou não pagar por personagens, etc
Existe muita polêmica sobre jogos de luta,principalmente entre os jogadores casuais e por isso eu vou falar sobre o atual modelo e esclarecer o porque das coisas estarem como estão agora com jogo base,Season Pass etc.Então vamos lá.Primeiramente vamos falar em como as empresas trabalhavam suas franquias antigamente.Obviamente todo jogo de luta tinha um ciclo bem curto,de um ano até outro novo jogo de determinada série ser lançado. Cada empresa lidava com isso de forma diferente tendo vantagens e desvantagens e não sentíamos porque não precisávamos nos preocupar em comprar jogos,eles estavam no fliperama e apenas comprávamos as fichas e pronto.O lançamento pra consoles era irregular muitas vezes nem saia determinada versão de tal jogo pra alguma plataforma como SNES ou Mega então a coisa era bem diferente.Então pegando o exemplo do Street Fighter II a Capcom obviamente pensando em lucros já que ela é uma empresa e não produz de graça e vendo o potencial competitivo de SFII lançava constantemente atualizações do jogo que deu até uma má fama e motivo de piadas entre o público mas com  o cenário competitivo atual eui agora percebo e vejo com bons olhos essas atualizações,SFII World Warriors era um jogo revolucionário e ótimo de se jogar certo?mas e se esse mesmo jogo pudesse ser melhor?que tal poder escolher dois jogadores diferentes?e com os chefes?daí tivemos Champion Edition resolvendo essas questões.Mais velocidade e novos golpes pra cada personagem?veio o Turbo adicionando isso.Mais personagens,golpes,diferencial entre Ryu e Ken,melhorias gráficas?com SSFII tivemos isso.Mas a velocidade que era legal em Turbo foi perdida.Então que tal SSFIIT pra resolver e de quebra com novos golpes,Juggle combos e possibilidade de ter um Super Combo junto?isso sem falar que cada jogo rebalanceava tudo,tentando equilibrar,diminuindo poder excessivo de certos golpes e aumentando de outros,isso enriquece o jogo competitivo.Novos golpes,novos personagens deixam essa cena mais rica pra se jogar 1 contra 1 ou 2 contra 2 ou 3 contra 3 dependendo do jogo.Só que tudo isso tinha um revés: todo ano saia um novo jogo.As pessoas só passaram a comprar jogos todo ano a partir do PS1 onde geralmente saia em até  um ano depois do arcade.SF Alpha saiu em 1995 e em 1996 já tínhamos o SF Alpha 2 que é praticamente um upgrade do primeiro com novos personagens,o Custom Combo,rebalanceamento e mudanças de gameplay e novos cenários.E isso custando cerca de 60 dólares que você tinha de comprar todo ano.Com a SNK a situação era diferente,a empresa visava sempre inovar todo jogo mas na sua franquia chefe King of Fighters ela passou por problemas em fazer dela anual,isso significa que praticamente todo ano ela precisava inovar nas mecânicas e nem sempre as mudanças eram bem vindas ou bem elaboradas,dando espaço pra melhorar apenas lançando um novo jogo repetindo seu sistema e melhorando.Esse tipo de coisa trazia inúmeros problemas.Muitos jogos que mudavam radicalmente traziam um desbalanceamento incrível e inúmeros bugs e glitches.o próprio Samurai Shodow III e Fatal Fury 3 sofreram bastante.Muitas vezes a inovação mata a possibilidade de melhorar coisas que eram boas.Imagine um upgrade do KOF 98 com mais personagens,golpes e balanceamento,correção de bugs ao invés de algo totalmente radical como KOF 99 fez?e não adianta argumentar contra,KOF 98 é considerado tão bom que muitos ignoraram a 99 e seu problemático novo sistema e o jogo é jogado até hoje por grande parte da player base da franquia dividindo espaço com o 2002.KOF 99 trouxe muitos problemas com Strikers,a esquiva nova e entre outros pormenores no gameplay,sem atualizar o jeito foi corrigir isso apenas 1 ano depois com 2000,só que ali exageraram nas melhorias que trouxe ainda mais problemas.O qu eu quero dizer com isso é que a SNK poderia ter melhorado o sistema de algum jogo como o 98 e só depois do refinamento absoluto deste aí partir pra um jogo novo,eliminando essa necessidade de inovar,a série acabou estagnando aliada a problemas internos,equipes de desenvolvimento mudando e baixa criatividade.A Arc Systems tão elogiada também usa esse recurso da capcom de sempre melhorar um determinado jogo como Guilty Gear e suas várias versões X) e Blazblue ao máximo antes de partir pro próximo(e não recebe o mesmo hate e ser acusada de mercenária omo a Capcom curiosamente)
Eu como jogador competitivo e que gosta disso aplaudo esse tipo de situação,tanto que GGXX Acent Core Plus e SSFIIT continuam tendo um ótimo competitivo até hoje.No entanto muita coisa mudou com a ascensão da internet.Hoje a empresa não precisa mais lançar um novo jogo todo ano como antes,basta ela lançar um e através de um ciclo longo ir melhorando adicionando rebalanceamento,personagens,golpes,novas tecnicas e tudo pra deixar ainda melhor.Quem trouxe esse modelo foi a Capcom com SFV onde você compra um jogo como no caso a versão base ou vanilla se preferir de 2016 e ir atualizando comprando DLCs(ou usando  a moeda do jogo o Fight Money pra comprar personagens no caso) sem precisar se desfazer desse jogo logo um ano depois de compra-lo.Na geração passada a Capcom usou o modelo antigo de sempre lançar um jogo novo todo ano seja disco ou digital e sofreu muito rage por isso e daí ela mudou essa politica e tods as outtras empresas foram nessa.Nesse caso lançam o jogo base e todo ano um novo Season Pass com novos personagens adicionais,balanceamento(esse é gratuito e não precisa comprar Season Pass pra ter acesso) pra manter interesse no cenário competitivo pois como dito novos personagens significa mais opções,mais pra se aprender mesmo se você não o utilizar competitivamente já que você estuda o adversário caso enfrente com este novo personagem,tudo isso enriquece o jogo.Muita gente confunde dizendo que antigamente a gente fazia código pra ter mais personagem,e agora compramos.Isso não é verdade.Naquela época era apenas jogo base que possuia personagens secretos,ele dava uma falsa ilusão de te dar mais personagens mas na verdade era o rooster da versão base só que ali era o jogo completo assim como o SFV de 2016 tem o rooster completo com 16 personagens só que esses não eram secretos,já tavam todos ali sem precisar de código,era a única diferença.O DLC seria equivalente a empresa lançar um novo jogo com novos personagens(no caso como era no SFII,uma atualização do mesmo jogo) só que ao invés de você comprar todo o jogo de novo pelo preço cheio você paga só pelos personagens novos,ou seja um preço menor do que o jogo completo.Quer exemplo? Tekken 7 custa hoje na PSN americana 49,99 dólares(sendo que tem desconto já que no lançamento todo jogo é 60),o Season Pass 2 que é meio que padrão que encontramos hoje em dia vem com 4 personagens e um cenário extra além de algumas roupas customizáveis e outros mimos por 29 dólares(e olha que a Namco é a mais careira,outras empresas cobram bem menos).Esse preço não é padrão tem DLC que pode custar menos como 25 dólares,outras mais.Agora se você acha justo ou não é outra história afinal jogos precisam de um tempo pra ser desenvolvidos,existe custo principalmente com funcionários que não trabalham de graça,fora a atualização com balanceamento e até novos sistemas que geralmente vem de graça.A recompensa por ter mais conteúdo é bem alta também no competitivo e na diversão fora o fato de que jogos de luta estão bem complexos em recursos e nos próprios personagens em sí que oferecem bastante coisa ao jogo mais do que antigamente e naquela época nem dava pra jogar online com direito a rank etc.Tem muita gente que por algum motivo incompreensível acha que tudo tem  que ser de graça,não é bem assim que a banda toca.E se você for casual não precisa comprar o Season Pass,compre personagens separados,no caso apenas o que você quer.Só que tenha em mente que eles individualmente saem mais caros que ter todos daquela Season Pass de uma vez.Se não quiser nenhum não é obrigatório comprar.O Season Pass é mais pra jogadores competitivos que precisam do rooster total do jogo ou pra quem quer tudo que o jogo tem pra oferecer.A escolha é sua.Eu acho bem justo,afinal quando saiu SFIV no ano seguinte já saiu o SSFIV tendo 10 personagens a mais então de certa forma eu estava comprando tudo que tinha no jogo anterior e os personagens extras com balanceamento e outras coisas praticamente. Claro que tem abusos como a Namco vendendo Frame Data por 3 dólares algo que deveria ser de graça ou Power Rangers Battle for the Grid cujas DLCs tem menos personagens e é o mesmo preço de DLCs com mais personagens de outros jogos(o dela tem 3,enquanto tem jogos que possuem 5) e esses Season Pass inexplicavelmente custam mais caro que o jogo base.E em se tratando de Brasil tudo é mais caro que o normal,aí o melhor seria esperar uma promoção.A maior desvantagem desse sistema é quando você começa o jogo bem depois de lançado.Se você quiser começar Tekken 7 vai ter de comprar o jogo base e 4 Season Pass pra ter todo conteúdo lançado atualmente e diferente da Capcom que lançou o SF Arcade Edition em mídia fisica e digital em 2018 tendo os DLCs das Season Pass 1 e 2 gratuitos por Voucher por um preço abaixo do lançamento a Namco não promove nenhum pacote pra te incentivar a jogar,tendo que gastar uma grana forte de cara sem desconto.Desconto mesmo só em promoções nas lojas como as de fim de ano caso contrário nada feito.Tirando isso eu acho bem justo esse sistema principalmente se compararmos como era antes,as coisas não eram tão exatamente mais baratas que agora como esse artigo mostrou.De qualquer forma espero que isso sirva pra resolver as dúvidas sobre esse sistema e quem sabe incentivar as pessoas a investir em jogo de luta novamente e enriquecer mais a FGC.
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satoshi-mochida · 6 years
Sega has updated the official website for Valkyria Chronicles 4 with new information and screenshots on characters Angelica, Minerva, Karen, and Ragnarok, as well as the Training Grounds, Operation Room, and Order and Potential systems.
Get the details below.
■ Characters
◆ Edinburgh Army 101st Division No. 1
Angelica Farnaby (voiced by Ayane Sakura)
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An energetic and brave civilian girl who finds her way into Squad E. When they found her, she could not remember anything except her name. Much about her is unknown, including the events that led to her involvement with Squad E. Rather than have a child-like selfishness, she is a kind-hearted character who cares about those around her. She is offered protection under the care of the military physician, but proposes to help by taking care of meals, laundry, cleaning, and so on. Her cheerful personality has also made her popular among the helper soldiers, who nicknamed her “Ange.”
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Minerva Victor (voiced by Saori Hayami)
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Edinburgh Army 101st Division No. 1 Battle Brigade No. 32 Armored Ranger Battalion Squad F leader and first lieutenant. She was in the same class as Claude at Edinburgh Military Academy, and graduated second in their class. She worked and studied very hard to graduate at the top of her class, but was not able to surpass Claude. Since then, she sees Claude as a strong rival who she believes was chosen by mistake, insisting that her own abilities are superior. Due to her father’s influence, she has a strong sense of elitism, and values the chivalrous spirit of a fair battle. On the other hand, she can be stubborn and persistent about trivial thin, but there is no doubt she is a skilled military officer. Minerva was actually promoted earlier than Claude, and is his senior first lieutenant. She is sociable and kind to others—except Claude.
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Karen Stewart (voiced by Yuka Saitou)
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Edinburgh Army 101st Division No. 1 Battle Brigade No. 32 Armored Ranger Battalion Squad E medical officer and corporal. Quiet and kind, she’s popular among the troops for her soothing smile. Since she grew up in an all-male household, she is particularly skilled in the treatment of men, and patches up the injuries that come her way with a smiling face. She hopes to go to medical school, but is volunteering to serve in the military in order to help her family.
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Edinburgh Army 101st Division No. 1 Battle Brigade No. 32 Armored Ranger Battalion Squad E medical dog and mascot of the unit. He was originally a stray found by the squad. He became attached to Claude and company, and joined Squad E. He is a brave dog who will fearlessly run to the battlefield even during gunfires and bombings to aid injured soldiers. He cannot ignore the weak and will run to their aid against better judgment. He is prideful and gets angry when people pat his head, but behaves courteously to soldiers who give him food (especially women). He sees Claude and company as rookies, and feels obligated to help them when he senses danger. However, such thoughts do not reach Claude and company, who see Ragnarok as a friendly, foolish dog.
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■ Systems
◆ Training Grounds
You can train your classes (unit types) at the Training Grounds. There are six basic classes, but through training, you can rank up to higher-level “Jaeger” classes, which will significantly expand the breadth of strategy, such as the increasing types of weapons available for that class to use.
At the Training Grounds, which are located at the camp on the front lines, you will receive the guidance of senior officer and first lieutenant Minerva Victor. She will drill you on the necessary information.
By allotting the necessary experience points to each class, they will level up. To what extent you train a certain class is up to you. When a class levels up, it will learn new “Orders” and a “Battle Potential” may also awaken.
(Read more about Orders and Potentials in their separate section below.)
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Advanced Classes: “Jaeger”
When a class reaches level 11, it will rank up to a higher-level “Jaeger” class. When you become a Jaeger class, you will be able to employ a wider range of tactics, including the ability to use more new weapons.
Scout Jaeger (Scout) – Ability increases all around, and the “Rifle Grenade” becomes available for use. Compared to a standard hand grenade, the Rifle Grenade can fire grenades from much further away.
Assault Jaeger (Assault) – Ability increases all around, and the “Flame Thrower” becomes available for use. The Flamethrower can fire through the defense effect of sandbags, and waved from side to side to reduce enemies to ashes, but has short range.
Sniper Jaeger (Sniper) – Ability increases all around, and the “Auto Sniper Rifle” and “Lancer Sniper Rifle” become available for use. The Auto Sniper Rifle attacks with a rapid-fire three-shot burst. The Lancer Sniper Rifle has high VS. Armor attack power. Also, by becoming a Sniper Jaeger in Valkyria Chronicles 4, you will be able to counterattack the enemy.
Lancer Jaeger (Lancer) – Ability increases all around, and the “Mortar Lance” becomes available for use. The Mortar Lance is a weapon that can fire a mortar with a ranged attack effect. It is a weapon with high VS. Person attack power that creates a parabola and explodes upon impact.
Engineer Jaeger (Engineer) – Ability increases all around, as does the amount recovered from the “Tank Reparation Kit.”
Grenadier Jaeger (Grenadier) – Ability increases all around.
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◆ Operation Room
In the “Operation Room,” you can switch your party members in or out, and change their equipment. Organize a party suited for the current situation and lead your squad to victory.
The Unit Ability Screen
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01. Name: The character’s name
02. Class: The unit’s class
03. LV: The class’ level
04. HP: The unit’s health power
05. AP: The unit’s action power
06. Firing / Evasion: The character’s firing and evasion ability
07. Special Ability: The Potential possessed by the character. There are two types: Personal Potential (P) and Battle Potential (B)
08. Affinity: Characters with good affinity. The screenshot shows Raz has good affinity with Claude, Kai, and Zaiga. You have a higher accuracy rate when performing co-op attacks with good affinity characters
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09. Equipped Weapons: The names of your weapons
10. Hit: Hit accuracy (from best to worst: S > A > B > C > D)
11. Range: The range a weapon’s attack reaches (effective range)
12. VS. Person: Attack power against infantry soldier units
13. VS. Armor: Attack power against tank units and destroyable objects
14. Shots: The number of shots that can be fired in a single attack
15. Bullets: The number of times you can attack. If this is used up, you will not be able to attack until it is replenished. “∞” means infinite
16. Area: Whether the weapon affects multiple units. “Circle” means it does, “X” means it does not
17. Special: In cases where special effects exist, such as “Lowers Defense Power,” an icon will be displayed
18. Equipped Armor: The names of your armor
19. Defense: The defense power of your armor
For each character, the Potential that can be acquired differs. Also, there is difference in ability, as well as both strong points and weak points depending on the class, so be sure to strengthen each character.
◆ Orders and Potentials
“Orders” are special actions that can be used by the protagonist and enemy bosses, which can manifest various effects unto the user’s party. “Potential” reveals a character’s personality and their skill level as a soldier. In an “Abnormal State,” the state of the units in your control will change, and by meeting certain conditions during Action Mode, there is a fixed chance Potential will be activated.
Orders are special actions that the protagonist and enemy bosses can use during Command Mode by spending CP. Effects include changing the stats of your units, sending in reinforcements, withdrawing from battle, and more. In addition to learning Orders when raising class levels, Orders can be learned by talking to comrades at the “Salon.”
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The Two Types of Potentials
There are two types of Potentials: “Personal Potentials,” which originates from the character’s personality and traits, and “Battle Potentials,” which originates from the class’ skill level. There are both good and bad sides to Personal Potentials, but Battle Potentials normally increase ability.
Neither of the two Potentials are all unlocked from the start, but rather learned through awakenings as you progress. Also, there are situations where Personal Potentials will change due to clearing certain story missions and other circumstances.
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If you missed our previous mega-update on Valkyria Chronicles 4, catch up here. Sega will host a gameplay premiere live stream on December 27.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 is due out for PlayStation 4 on March 21, 2018 and for Switch in summer 2018 in Japan, and for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch in 2018 in the Americas and Europe.
View the screenshots at the gallery.
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android-for-life · 4 years
"Stadia Savepoint: October updates"
It’s time for another update to our Stadia Savepoint series, recapping the new games, features, and changes for Stadia in October.
This month we celebrated some Good Stuff on Stadia, teaming up with YouTube Creators Lamarr Wilson and LaurenZside who revealed free and exclusive week-long demos for PAC-MAN™ Mega Tunnel Battle and Immortals Fenyx Rising, plus an OpenDev Beta for HUMANKIND. We can’t wait for these amazing games to launch on Stadia, starting with PAC-MAN Mega Tunnel Battle on November 17. Over three days we also revealed new games and content coming to Stadia including the Drastic Steps expansion for Orcs Must Die! 3 (Nov. 6), Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (Nov. 24), ARK: Survival Evolved (early 2021), Hello Engineer (2021), Young Souls (2021), and Phoenix Point (2021).
NEW Games on Stadia + Three FREE Demos | Official Recap
Throughout October, players explored a Dungeons & Dragons adventure in Baldur’s Gate 3 Early Access, fought against a surveillance state in Watch Dogs: Legion, and carved their path to vengeance in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. All of these games, plus many others that arrived this month, are now available for purchase on the Stadia store. For players that are subscribed to Stadia Pro, they received instant access to a library of 29 games in October, with even more available on November 1.
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Crowd Choice now available
Crowd Choice, available in Baldur’s Gate 3 and Dead by Daylight, changes how games unfold when live streaming on YouTube. Viewers have the power to vote on decisions made by the player in each game.
Play Stadia with mobile data
Mobile data gameplay has graduated from Experiments and is now a fully supported feature on Stadia to play games using 4G and 5G. Data usage may use up to 2.7GB/hr. Gameplay is service-, network-, and connection-dependent, and this feature may not be available in all areas.
Referral rewards for friends and family
Refer someone for a free trial of Stadia Pro and they’ll get an extra free month of games. Plus, if they subscribe after their trial is up, you’ll get an extra free month of Stadia Pro as well. Terms apply.
Push notifications on mobile
Receive notifications in the Stadia app on Android and iOS devices about Stadia Pro games, incoming friend requests, and more.
Stadia Pro updates
Claim six new games for free with Stadia Pro in November: Sniper Elite 4, Risk of Rain 2, The Gardens Between, Hello Neighbor: Hide & Seek, République, and Sundered: Eldritch Edition.
Twenty-nine existing games are still available to add to your Stadia Pro collection: Destiny 2: The Collection, PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS, SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech, SteamWorld Dig, SteamWorld Dig 2, SteamWorld Heist, GYLT, Little Nightmares, Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, SUPERHOT, Panzer Dragoon Remake, Crayta, West of Loathing, Orcs Must Die! 3, Strange Brigade, Just Shapes & Beats, Rock of Ages 3: Make & Break, Super Bomberman R Online, Gunsport, Hitman, Hello Neighbor, Metro: Last Light Redux, Embr Early Access, Dead by Daylight, Human Fall Flat, SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE, Lara Croft: Temple of Osiris, Celeste, and Jotun: Valhalla Edition.
Act quickly: It’s your last chance to add Just Shapes & Beats, Metro Last Light Redux, Strange Brigade, and West of Loathing to your Stadia Pro collection before November 1.
There are still ongoing discounts for both Stadia Pro subscribers and all players - check out the web or mobile Stadia store for the latest.
October content launches on Stadia
Baldur’s Gate 3 Early Access
Cake Bash
Crayta - Dark Circus
Dead by Daylight
Human: Fall Flat
Immortals Fenyx Rising Demo
PAC-MAN™ Mega Tunnel Battle Demo
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
Watch Dogs: Legion
New games coming to Stadia announced this month
ARK: Survival Evolved
Assassin’s Creed Origins
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
Assassin’s Creed Unity
Far Cry New Dawn
Far Cry 5
Hello Engineer
Orcs Must Die! 3 - Drastic Steps
PAC-MAN™ Mega Tunnel Battle
Phoenix Point
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands
Young Souls
Watch Dogs
Watch Dogs 2
That’s all for October—we’ll be back soon to share more updates. As always, stay tuned to the Stadia Community Blog, Facebook and Twitter for the latest news.
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
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enterinit · 4 years
New Xbox One Games for February 11 to 14
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New Xbox One Games for February 11 to 14.
AO Tennis 2 (February 11)
A PLAYING FIELD MADE FOR YOU, BY YOU Use the comprehensive Academy editing suite to create a player just like YOU as well as your own courts, or you can download thousands of community creations. THE BEST PLAYERS IN THE WORLD See how you compare to the big names on the ATP & WTA circuits, including Rafael Nadal, Ash Barty, Angelique Kerber and many more. A COMPLETELY REDESIGNED CAREER MODE Set out to conquer the world rankings in a singles career or in doubles with a friend. Manage your Reputation, sponsors and performance to reach the top. NEW GAME MODES Relive legendary matches or create new challenges using the scenario editor.
Reed Remastered February 12)
Reed is the last creation of an old supercomputer that has started to break down and lose its information cubes. To help calibrate the cubes to reboot the system, it created Reed to save the world. Can you help Reed and save the world? Everything depends on you and your platforming skills!
Project Starship (February 12)
Take the role of Garret or Gwen, pilots charged with saving their world from an ancient evil. Evade, adapt and survive randomly generated challenges that are never the same. Take down gods and demons alike in unpredictable bullet hell shoot ’em up action and dive deeper to confront the hidden eye that watches over all.
Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo (February 12)
It's 2051. Earth is all but dead, an almost uninhabitable polluted mess of smog and tar. Remotely control space blasters from a dying Earth. Fight in epic space battles against all kinds of weird alien spacecraft. Rescue cute 'blastronauts' from alien capture. Wipe-out the alien forces and take-over their planet to give humanity a new home. Time is running out. Do you have what it takes to become the ultimate space blaster pilot and the saviour of the human race? A modern take on the retro arcade shoot 'em up (shmup). Super Mega Space Blaster Special Turbo is an addictive, fast-paced space shooter with bullet hell elements, loads of unlockables, and leaderboards to climb. The ‘Turbo’ edition of Super Mega Space Blaster Special is the definitive edition giving you more ships, more game modes, more unlockables, more challenges, and more space blasting fun than any ever before. Blast your way through 5 unique game modes including 2 new Turbo edition modes. Save cute astronauts and destroy the boss to claim victory in ‘Save The Colony’ mode. Manage your fuel and ammo to survive to the big-boss in 'Survival' mode. Protect your mothership from damage for as long as you can in 'Protect Mother' mode. Blast your friends into space dust in local competitive multiplayer modes 'To The Death' mode and the new ‘One Shot’ mode. Play alone in single player, or with a friend in local co-op to take out the aliens. Collect coins to unlock more space blasters (ships), upgrade your weapons and power-ups, and explore the shop for extra perks. Complete over 40 fun challenges to get those extra coins. Use each space blaster's strengths to your advantage; from turrets that allow twin stick control, to fast manoeuvrable ships that can outrun your foes. Arm yourself to the teeth with awesome power-ups like big-bombs, homing missiles and lasers. Destroy the alien boss and continue the endless gameplay to rack up a massive score and become the ultimate space blaster pilot and top the leaderboards. Features: Fast-paced addictive shmup gameplay with bullet hell elements.5 play modes give varied gameplay and replay-ability.Play alone in single player or with a friend in local cooperative or local competitive multiplayer.Collect coins to unlock all 15 space blasters (ships) each with their own perks. From fast ships for darting around to slower ships that allow precision aiming.Exclusive space blaster called 'X-Blaster' only for Xbox and Windows platforms.Some space blasters have turrets, turning the game into a twin-stick shooter.Loads of awesome power-up weapons to help you take down your enemies including lasers, homing missiles, and multi-shot.Use your coins in the shop to upgrade weapons and unlock more perks.Collectables to aid you in your mission. Big-bombs wipe-out nearby enemies, shields help you survive longer, and magnets drag fuel and ammo towards you.Endless high-score chasing gameplay with over 15 enemies and a boss for those who can survive long enough (gameplay continues after the boss). Over 40 in-game challenges to help you gain coins and develop your space blaster piloting skills.Simple hand-drawn art-style allows you to easily pick out the foes amongst the asteroids. Compete to be the greatest space blaster pilot in the leaderboards.Play along to the pumping 80s inspired synth-pop original soundtrack by Electric Fan Death.
Outbreak: Epidemic (February 12)
The infection goes nation-wide in Outbreak: Epidemic, an action-focused survival horror adventure. Featuring the great Outbreak series gameplay with greater mobility, crushing difficulty and more camera options than ever before. You'll fight through the Campaign story mode, the wave-based Onslaught Mode and all new Experiments Mode scenarios. Choose your survivor, class and level up to unlock new buffs for your survivor as you face the nightmare. You'll need to manage your inventory and supplies carefully, so make every bullet count! Hardcore Survival Horror: You only have one life, make it count! OTS: Claustrophobic over-the-shoulder gameplay brings the nightmare alive. Defense: Utilize numerous firearm and melee weapons against the undead. Limited Inventory: Manage your inventory and supplies carefully! Explore: In Campaign Mode search areas, read logs, find keys and solve puzzles to survive. Difficult: Play across multiple difficulty modes. Story Mode: Experience the epidemic first hand as you fight through the story. Onslaught Mode: Take out hordes of the undead with limited supplies. Experiments Mode: Bonus modes with a unique spin on survival horror.
The Adventures of 00 Dilly – (February 12)
Get ready to shoot crash test dummy 00 Dilly as far as you can across the Grand Canyon with the weirdest and whackiest devices. Collect points, find treasure, and soar upward to the highest scores with Dilly as you aim for the giant bullseye.
Darksiders Genesis (February 13)
Get Rampage (for War) and Despair (for Strife), two different in-game horse skins for both playable characters plus the standard version of Darksiders Genesis, plus 24 hours early access to the game. Ride Rampage and Despair for the first time in Darksiders Genesis. Strife and War can mount their siblings' apocalyptic warhorses. Fury and Death gladly lent their steeds to support their 2 brethren in their endeavour to "restore the balance" (read: kick some filthy Demon's butt). DARKSIDERS: GENESIS is an action/adventure that tears its way through Hell and back with guns blazing and swords swinging. Genesis gives players their first look at the world of DARKSIDERS before the events of the original game. Furthermore, it introduces the fourth and last horseman STRIFE, as well as Co-op gameplay for the first time in the history of the franchise. https://youtu.be/Vyo1uG6ljBM
Galaxy Control (February 14)
Join with friends in a free-to-play, real-time PvP multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA). Collect and upgrade an ever-growing number of cards featuring the sci-fi troops, perks, and defenses. Destroy enemy Spacecruiser Towers with your army to defeat your opponents and win Fame, Stars and glory in the Arena.
UnderHero (February 14)
Underhero is an RPG-platformer where the chosen hero has failed, and an underling of the evil king reluctantly takes his place as the new hero. Use timing-based combat to defeat enemies as you venture across the land, face off against quirky bosses, and save the Chestnut Kingdom from your own evil boss, Mr Stitches. Features: A side-scrolling RPG adventure, complete with lush pixel art and cartoony aestheticsJump, slash, evade, talk, and bribe your way through a fantasy adventure with a satirical twistTurn-based combat… without the turns! Precisely timed actions are your most powerful weaponsLevel up, solve puzzles, find secrets in a world full of friends, foes, and weird inhabitantsA wonderful original soundtrack composed by Stijn van WakerenA story full of humor and mysteries awaits! https://youtu.be/-xS2XRP6ups
Tony Stewart’s Sprint Car Racing (February 14)
Feel the rush of over 900 horsepower as you slide through the turns in a 410 Winged Sprint Car. Tony Stewart’s Sprint Car Racing puts you in the heat of the action and the mud will fly as you hit the track in a dirt racing experience featuring all the drama of Saturday night short track racing. Race your way in quick race, a championship season, head-to-head split-screen, and 25-player online multiplayer action.
Glass Masquerade 2: Illusions (February 14)
A dreamlike collection of artistic jigsaw puzzles to piece together at your own relaxed pace. Dive into the rabbit hole of the abstract and the fantastical, putting together stained-glass fragments to solve dreams and riddles. Enjoy baroque depictions of 20th century imagination, in puzzles more intricate and complex than the original.
Spaceland (February 14)
It is probably the most dynamic turn-based strategy in the spirit of the old school. Less covers, more action! Land on a lost planet and show the mutants what you are made of. Shoot, kick, blow up and destroy. You will put together the most reckless team of fighters and unravel the mysteries of the mystical planet following the best traditions of science fiction. Features: The game is inspired by the best turn-based strategies of the old school A unique system of dynamic turn-based battles lasting 10–15 minutes A squad of space rangers made up of 7 fighters with a unique fighting style A story about the mysterious planet in the spirit of the golden age of science fiction A hand-drawn map of the game world Assault rifles, machine guns, plasma guns, grenade launchers and a lot of other equipment to make your fighters even stronger More than 20 different enemies from alien animals to dangerous monsters Futuristic upgradable equipment which gives your fighters unique abilities Intense dialogs between team members, which reveal unexpected plot twists Colorful special effects that transform a turn-based combat into an exciting action movie And, of course, the party headliners are dangerous bosses that show up at the end of each chapter of the adventure https://youtu.be/F0E-AUwnvJ8 Read the full article
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rangercommand · 5 years
NEWS - Street Fighter™ Character Chun-Li Becomes a POWER RANGER in Legacy Wars
Street Fighter™ Character Chun-Li Becomes a POWER RANGER in POWER RANGERS: Legacy Wars
Introduction of Chun-Li Ranger also brings back all prior Street Fighter characters for sale  
SAN FRANCISCO – November 15, 2019 – POWER RANGERS: Legacy Wars, the popular mobile fighting game by developer nWay in partnership with Hasbro, Inc. (NASDAQ: HAS) and global content leader Lionsgate (NYSE: LGF.A, LGF.B) today announced the introduction of Chun-Li Ranger as a playable character starting tomorrow. The accompanying trailer details how the legendary Street Fighter™ character Chun-Li and the POWER RANGERS join forces to combat her arch nemesis M. Bison and his army of evil Rangers, as well as her transformation into Chun-Li Ranger.
Chun-Li Ranger is a brand new character created by nWay in partnership with Capcom and the POWER RANGERS creative team. Street Fighter characters first crossed over into Power Rangers: Legacy Wars last spring and marked one of the most successful events in the game’s three year history as it introduced Ryu Ranger, a POWER RANGERS: Legacy Wars exclusive character where Ryu received a Power Coin and morphed into a Power Ranger. Now filled with the power of the Blazing Phoenix, Chun-Li’s moves can set her opponent ablaze with blue phoenix fire. Flip in with a Kasairyuu (Volcano Kick) into Houohmai (Phoenix Dance), activate your super to unleash a brutal Senhoukyaku (Thousand Phoenix Kicks), then toy with your foe as they deal with the heat.
As part of Chun-Li Ranger’s introduction to POWER RANGERS: Legacy Wars, all prior Street Fighter characters—including Ryu, Guile, M. Bison, Cammy, Akuma, Chun-Li, and Ryu Ranger—will be available for sale in-game once more.
POWER RANGERS: Legacy Wars is available to download now in the App Store, Google Play, and Amazon Appstore.
Play as Chun-Li, along with a robust cast of iconic fighters, in the latest installment of Capcom’s Street Fighter franchise in Street Fighter™ V: Arcade Edition, available now exclusively for the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and Windows PC. Visit http://www.streetfighter.com/ for more information.
POWER RANGERS: Legacy Wars – Street Fighter Showdown can be viewed here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luI0jRMUjFo
Find out more about POWER RANGERS: Legacy Wars at PlayLegacyWars.com. More information about nWay can be found at nWay.com.
About nWay
nWay is the game studio behind Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, Power Rangers: Legacy Wars and ChronoBlade. The company’s proprietary engine makes fast-paced, synchronous multiplayer gameplay possible across multiple gaming platforms. Based in San Francisco and Seoul, nWay is comprised of leading developers and senior executives from Sony, Electronic Arts, WB Games, LucasArts, Kabam, Nexon and NCSoft. Collectively, the team has contributed to over a dozen hit mobile, console, and online games, including Marvel Contest of Champions, Injustice, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Dominations, FIFA, Battlefield Online, Lineage II, and Warhammer. nWay is backed by Ridge Ventures, March Capital, Baseline Ventures, Translink Capital, and WI Harper. For more information, visit www.nway.com.
About Hasbro
Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) is a global play and entertainment company committed to Creating the World’s Best Play and Entertainment Experiences. From toys and games to television, movies, digital gaming and consumer products, Hasbro offers a variety of ways for audiences to experience its iconic brands, including NERF, MY LITTLE PONY, TRANSFORMERS, PLAY-DOH, MONOPOLY, BABY ALIVE, MAGIC: THE GATHERING and POWER RANGERS, as well as premier partner brands. Through its entertainment labels, Allspark Pictures and Allspark Animation, the Company is building its brands globally through great storytelling and content on all screens. Hasbro is committed to making the world a better place for children and their families through corporate social responsibility and philanthropy. Hasbro ranked No. 5 on the 2018 100 Best Corporate Citizens list by CR Magazine, and has been named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere Institute for the past seven years. Learn more at www.hasbro.com, and follow us on Twitter (@Hasbro) and Instagram (@Hasbro).
About Lionsgate
The first major new studio in decades, Lionsgate is a global content platform whose films, television series, digital products and linear and over-the-top platforms reach next-generation audiences around the world. In addition to its filmed entertainment leadership, Lionsgate content drives a growing presence in interactive and location-based entertainment, gaming, virtual reality and other new entertainment technologies. Lionsgate’s content initiatives are backed by a 17,000-title film and television library and delivered through a global licensing infrastructure. The Lionsgate brand is synonymous with original, daring and ground-breaking content created with special emphasis on the evolving patterns and diverse composition of the Company’s worldwide consumer base.
About Capcom
Capcom is a leading worldwide developer, publisher and distributor of interactive entertainment for game consoles, PCs, handheld and wireless devices. Founded in 1983, the company has created hundreds of games, including groundbreaking franchises Resident Evil™, Monster Hunter™, Street Fighter™, Mega Man™, Devil May Cry™ and Ace Attorney™. Capcom maintains operations in the U.S., U.K., Germany, France, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Tokyo, with corporate headquarters located in Osaka, Japan. More information about Capcom and its products can be found at www.capcom.com or www.capcom-unity.com.
Capcom, and the Capcom logo are registered trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd. in the U.S. or other countries. Ace Attorney, Devil May Cry, Mega Man, Monster Hunter and Resident Evil are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd., in the U.S. and/or other countries. Street Fighter is a trademark and/or registered trademark of Capcom U.S.A., Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners. “PlayStation” and the “PS” Family logo are registered trademarks and “PS4” is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
NEWS – Street Fighter™ Character Chun-Li Becomes a POWER RANGER in Legacy Wars was originally published on Ranger Command Power Hour
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
I’ve decided to switch focus for a moment from RWDE to this, a sort of hyperbolic series of videos criticizing Video Games. I will might also cover his Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword too but I wanna hit this because I am very well versed in Pokemon and I have been a fan of the series since I picked up an old Red Version back in the early 2000′s so yeah, I have been a long term fan having played the games from Red to X and the only reason I don’t play Sun or Moon is because I haven’t gotten the games. I have done quite a bit of research on them though so I feel confident that I can debate this. So let’s begin:
Actually yes, they have. A lot. Like the Steel Type which WASN’T a part of Generation 1, Berries, alternate Pokeballs with differing catch rates based on conditions, Natures, Physical/Special Split, Double Battles, Held items, Evs and Ivs, Abilities, Breeding, EV training, Poke-amie, Mega Evolution which completely changed the game, Roaming Legendaries, the Fairy Type and re typing of previous Pokemon, the Alolan forms, Poekpolaga, Z-Moves and many others because I don’t do competitive battles. And this is all coming without delving into how THESE aspects are changed and built upon, such as the Triple battle, Rotation battle and Inverse Battle being built off of the Double Battles along with the various new Pokeballs, The change with the Physical Special Spilit, the sheer variety of the held items and the Abilities that are rare like Hidden Abilities or Mega Abilities. And then we have spin off games, such as the Mystery Dungeon Series, the Ranger series, the Rumble series, Pokemon COnquest, Pokemon Snap, Poke Collseum, Pokemon XD, Pokken and such. This is simply not true.
This Mario analogy really bites him in the ass because if Pokemon is nothing but these turn based battles, then Mario would be, by his logic, nothing but jumping around. And once again, this only applies to the Pokemon main series, not the spin offs which have dungeon crawling, adventure games, beat em ups, stradegy games, photo shooting and fighting games. So this compliant still doesn’t hold up and with  the Mario analogy kind of gives an air of willful ignorance.
“Copy and Paste”? Really? So the fact that there are new characters, new locations, new cities, new types of battles, new items and so are completely disregarded? If so, then no wonder you have a problem: you aren’t taking things into account. And then there’s the fact that not every Pokemon fan watches trailers so that flaw doesn’t apply to them and is thus not a universal criticism.
*Groans and growls* A. That doesn’t even make sense considering wild Pokemon cannot stall the game like that, they would have no concept of such a thing being WILD Pokemon, another Pokemon means more experience points without having to look for more Pokemon, grinding is inherently slow so “quickly” doesn’t even make sense, you are pretty much guaranteed to be stronger than any none Legendary Wild pokemon in the game so a second pokemon would pose no threat and this could have just been avoided if you mentioned how in generation 5 when you are faced by two wild pokemon you could send out two. I know this is a joke but the joke is so poorly written and so badly enacted that there’s no humor for me to suspend my disbelief for him.
Gee, i dunno. Because that’s over 800 POKEMON that you would need to program into the game which is located on a hand held console meaning it has less space and less processing power than a console. Also, Pokemon following you around is your suggestion? Dude, that is the definition of a novelty: as cheap throwaway gimmick that in fact would be just like that “new coat of paint” you were complaining about. All the stuff I mentioned but you refuse to acknowledge actually impacts the gameplay.
...Would you believe it if I said that this exact analogy is why I decided to do all of this? Yeah, this is a TERRIBLE analogy. First off, you’d HAVE to order the Cheesecake, just like how you’d BUY a pokemon game. If you complain about getting the same basic formula as before, it’s no one’s fault but your own.
Secondly, stuff like Abilities, Fairy Types and Mega Evolution would change the game entirely so it would be exactly the same as before. But you know what IS essentially chocolate shaving? Having your Pokemon follow you around. The one specific compliant so far and it spits in the face of everything else.
Third: The part about not putting chocolate shaving on strawberry would be disgusting if it actually happened, just like how adding in Pokemon following you everywhere would clash with the gimmicks of some of the gyms.
Fourth: The part about being more expensive is just blatantly false: Teh starting price of Pokémon games, at least since Diamond and Pearl, has always been 50 dollars. Are older games cheaper now? Yes but that’s how prices go: The newest games are more expensive because they expanded more than the older games.
Fifth: You can stop ordering cheesecake at many time and look for another dessert, just like you can stop playing the main series of games and look at the spin-offs or just different games. Nobody is forcing you but yourself.
Remember this.
But if you change the battles, that would be a complete OVERHAUL of the game, that thing you said Pokemon didn’t need to do 5 SECONDS ago!
4:43 And Abilities, and new types, and Mega Evolution, and held items, and Double+ battles...
Also, no unique Z-Moves? Well, sorry Catasrropika, 10 000 000 Volt Thunderbolt, Stoked Sparksurfer, Extremem Evoboost, Pulververizing Pancake, Genesis Supernova Sinister Arrow Raid, Mailcious Moonsault, Oceanic Operetta, Guardian of Alola, Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike and Clangorous Soulblaze: None of you are unique enough!
4:52 Then don’t USE the Z-Moves: You have a choice to not use them. Even so, you cannot speak for everyone and if this is YOUR issue, that’s YOUR problem, not Gamefreak’s/
5:13 A. The opinionh about Totem Pokemon is personal opinion and without any proof is irrelevant.
And B. What about Kiawe’s trial which is about spotting the difference in the dancing, or Mallow’s trial where you have to find four ingredients or Sophocies’s trial where you have to answer several questions? A bit more expansive than most Pokemon Gyms.
5:30 Because if they did do that: Then the Gym Leaders (oir Captains here) would just feel like a generic trainer. It works for the rivals because you see their teams grow but with Gym Leaders? One battle and that’s it. The types give them more personality and more vibrancy.
Why are the rivals dumb? What makes them dumb? ... No answer? Well then, they aren’t the dumb ones here.
And if we talk about rivals as a whole: What about Gladion? He’s a call back to older rivals, specifically Silver with his personalty and parental troubles.
A. YOU DID NOT FINISH THE GAME. This explains why you have made so many mistakes here: You are talking out of your ass and pretending you know this stuff without seeing it for yourself or, lie me, doing any research on them. If you don’t even confirm what you are saying is true, why should anyone believe you?
And B. Exp. Share is OPTIONAL: You have no one to blame for that but yourself if you let your team get that overleveled.
A. Pikachu’s voice is literally it saying “pik-a-chu” That’s it. Nothing else. You are directly lying here.
B. That skit is as unfunny as one form modren Family Guy
And C. Pikachu’s only appear in SOS battles and only in two places so they DON’T appear that often. And even if Hau has a Pikachu, he uses it three times and evolves it into a Raichu.
7:40 Then that would break the game, making attacks with low PP completely worthless and making super hard to defeat Pokemon like Shuckle a terror. You say, don’t do a big overhaul but this WOULD be a big overhaul.
8:04 THAT is the very definition of a complete overhaul. You just contradicted yourself AGAIN.
8:15 You mean like a dungeon crawler, or a beat em up or an adventure game or a fighting game? Like the ones that already exist? Yeah, kind of makes it look like you don’t do a lick of research.
8:27 Okay then, what’s your excuse for fans like me, ones who ARE older but still enjoy the new games? Nothing?
8:35 ... He says they should do a spin off game...and references a spin off game...
.. Do I even need to be here?
A. Teh E-Shop games cost about six bucks a piece: Not really a cash grab.
And B. That part ignores the legal side of things where, by using already existing Pokemon, the creators have every right to protect their intellectual property if they so choose. Not to mention this sin’t even exclusive to Pokemon, which around the time Uranium got hit a Metroid fangame was hit as well so this is clearly Nintendo’s doing.
You know...Nothing...and I mean nothing...pisses me off more than some whiny, entitled, arrogant, pissant pseudo-fan claiming that a creator is being lazy or some shit because all that says is that you understanding NOTHING about what they d Especially since this so called “artistic intergrity” was gone when you started not doing research, contradicting yourself and outright LYING just to push your narrative while insulting the real fans for paying attention to the changes that the creators have done over the years and teh chances tehy’ve taken.
And the most ironic thing is, you putting LESS effort into your videos would actually HELP. Because you already don’t do research or fact check anything you say, you already take footage from other places and the one thing you put effort into were the WORST parts of the video. Remove the original animations and you’d actually have a better product. Funny how stuff rebounds on you.
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couchpotatobros · 7 years
Power Rangers: Mega Battle #5 – THE GOLDEN WARRIOR GET READY FOR GOLDAR! The rangers take a dangerous trip to the Dark Dimension, where they encounter the infamous Golden Warrior himself.
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Power Rangers Mega Battle is a must play. This is a total throwback to all the retro side scollers. Awesome gameplay, level tree, challenging, and of course Megazord Battles!!! If you played the games over the years and watched the movies, you will love this game. release on Xbox one on August 1, 2017. 🔹 🤖👘🔫💥🏢♦️🌀💛✴️🌸👽🥋 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please follow our IG and click the link 🔗 in our bio to watch our Mixer and subscribe. Dont forget to turn notifications on for alerts to our live shows 📺. 🥰 Thank you to those who took the time to comment!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🔹 🔹 Thank you for supporting UGN - we couldn't do it without you!✌️🖖👊 🔹 @xbox.universe @sabanspowerrangers @xboxambassadors @xboxonefansofficial @watchmixer #gamers #xboxonex #xboxone #xboxambassadors #iggamers #gamersofinstagram #streaming #videogamers #xboxcanada #streamer #instagamer #xboxlive #consolegamer #gameroom #xboxfan #gamer #gamergirls #gamerlife #nerd #watchmixer #gamerguy #gaminglife #gamersunite #xbox360 #unlocksgamingnetwork #gamingposts #gamer4life #videogameaddict #powerrangers #gamerforlife Photo credit: unlocksgamingnetwork Microsoftcentral.com Gamegrin.com Google images (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxH63gHlM1E/?igshid=11impmxrgeplx
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tgndiregaming · 5 years
This video showcases Gameplay of Peppa Pig Crew (Peppa Pig And Peppa Pig And Peppa Pig And Peppa Pig) VS Mega Tigerzord From The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Series And The Annoying Orange And Grizela And SpongeBob SquarePants On The Hardest Difficulty In A MUGEN Match / Battle / Fight Become A New Patron Of My Epic Video Content Via Patreon: https://ift.tt/2hge3BE Become A Follower Of My Epic Live Stream Content Via Twitch: https://ift.tt/2pG2Dgj Become A Supporter Of My Epic Video Content Via Streamlabs: https://ift.tt/2N1Buv8 by EpicGamingMultiverseSplendidContent
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rangercommand · 4 years
NEWS - Robert "RJ" James joins Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid - Season 3 Out Now
Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger Now Playable in Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, the fan-favorite fighting game from developer nWay, in partnership with Hasbro and Lionsgate, today announced the release of its first character for Season 3: Robert “RJ” James, also known as Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger.
Players can digitally purchase the new character on PlayStation Store, Nintendo eShop, Microsoft Store, Steam or Stadia for $5.99 or the full Season 3 Pass for $14.99, which includes RJ and two additional new characters, along with a bonus character skin that is exclusive to the Season Pass. With the exception of the additional Season 3 characters that will be available in the coming months, most of Season 3’s content — both paid and free — are available today.
Available Today:
New Character: Robert “RJ” James, Jungle Fury Purple Ranger ($5.99) – Courageous as a wolf, Robert “RJ” James joins as the Jungle Fury Rangers’ mentor before revealing that he is the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger. Originally trained under his father, Master Finn, RJ rejected the Shark Style and instead adopted the wolf spirit for combat. When he is not fighting alongside the Rangers, he runs the Jungle Karma Pizza parlor that also acts as their headquarters.RJ, as the Jungle Fury Wolf Ranger, embodies the Wolf Animal Spirit. His fighting style derives primarily from the traditional Muay Thai style, clearly expressed through his barrage of elbow-and-knees-based attacks. As a momentum-based melee fighter, RJ overwhelms his foes with an oppressive litany of strikes, inevitably breaking their defenses.
New Character Skin: Phantom Beast King skin for Dai Shi (Free with Purchase of Season 3 Pass) – When Jellica freed the Phantom Beast Generals, they turned on her before using their powers to make Dai Shi the Phantom Beast King. With the Phantom Beast Generals and his new power, Dai Shi was able to defeat the Rangers time after time until finally, Jarrod was able to break through Dai Shi’s control and weaken him enough that the protectors were able to destroy the evil spirit once and for all. This skin is exclusive to Season 3 Pass.
New Ultra (Free): Samurai Megazord – We are united! Call up the power of the Samurai Megazord to assist your team in battle.
Megazord Revamp (Free): Megazord Ultra activation conditions have been revamped. Instead of requiring at least one character to be knocked out, you can now activate your Ultra based on the consumption of the Megazord Revenge Meter.
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid pits current and classic Power Rangers and villains from the multiverse’s over 25 year history against one another in epic 3v3 tag team battles. The controls promote simplicity and fluidity, enabling beginners to enjoy the combat system and encouraging advanced players to delve into its gameplay mechanics, which include real-time assist takeover, dynamic defense through push blocking and aerial guard, customizable juggle combos, and a unique Megazord comeback mode. Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid supports full crossplay across PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC and Stadia. More information is at battleforthegrid.com
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid Patch 2.3 Notes
Bug Fixes
[Online] Blocking high attacks no longer forces a standing block state.
Fixed an issue causing inconsistent combo rules when combo-ing a leader swapping out. I.e., “Happy Birthday” combos should work consistently across the board, regardless of enemy assist takeover events.
Megazord Rework
Megazord Gauge
A new Megazord (MZ) gauge has been added, deprecating the old Megazord Ultra activatable condition.
MZ meter is accrued through receiving damage. Amount gained is based on a percentage of your team’s total health pool.
Successful Swap Strikes reduce one bar of enemy MZ meter, with two exceptions: if the Swap Strike KO’s an enemy character or if the enemy has only one character remaining, enemy MZ meter is unaffected. Essentially, you have to successfully swap out their leader in order to reduce their MZ gauge.
This adds counterplay to excess MZ meter gain (e.g., from damaging enemy assists), in addition to an extra layer of resource management.
A common scenario is choosing to let up on a guaranteed kill combo with a Swap Strike. While you give the opponent a chance to recover, you reduce their comeback potential through depleting their MZ gauge.
Megazord Ultra
MZ Ultra activation condition changed to simply having at least two bars of MZ meter.
MZ Ultra depletes your entire MZ meter, with its duration scaling accordingly. I.e., activating with a full meter grants twice the duration of that of activating with two bars.
With the new MZ meter system, it’s possible to activate MZ Ultra more than once per match.
Megazord Counter (New)
Megazords can now be summoned as a counter attack, as a secondary option with the new MZ meter.
To perform, hit Forward + Assist 1 + Assist 2 during block stun (similar to Pushblock timing), with at least one bar of MZ meter
MZ Counter attacks cause a non-comboable wall bounce that deals damage, but cannot KO. MZ Counter attacks are unavailable while your own MZ Ultra is active. However, they are available during the opponent’s MZ Ultra.
Megazord Rebalancing
MZ attacks during MZ Ultra have been improved, raising the power levels across the board. Dino Megazord, Dragonzord, and SPD Megazord should feel as effective as Mega Goldar in terms of utility and comboability.
Dino Megazord
Clearout – functionality reworked to pull enemies in, instead of drag enemies away.
Ultra Power Sword – adjusted juggle hit reactions to improve utility and comboability.
Mega Goldar
Goldia Fist – Slight increase in recovery time.
Tail Drill – Decreased startup and recovery time, improved comboability.
Imbalancer – Decreased startup time, increased follow-up damage proration.
Tail Slam – Decreased startup and recovery time.
SPD Megazord
Delta Arrest – against grounded enemies, inflicts stagger hit reaction on a successful hit. Against airborne enemies, inflicts a spinning knockdown. Improves comboability and utility.
Delta Sword Taser – decreased overall damage and increased recovery time.
Universal Adjustments
When blocked, EX Attacks are no longer cancelable with MZ Ultra.
MZ Ultra activation now has some amount of startup and vulnerability. I.e., activating MZ Ultra is no longer a get-out-of-jail free card and its advantage on cancel is slightly reduced.
Character health adjustments. These are aimed to improve match pacing in conjunction with the Megazord meter rework.
Tommy Oliver 1050 > 1000
Jason Lee Scott 1050 > 1000
Gia Moran 1050 > 1000
Ranger Slayer 1000
Kat Manx 1050 > 1000
Magna Defender 1250 > 1100
Lord Drakkon 1050 > 1000
Goldar 1150 > 1100
Mastodon Sentry 1100 > 1000
Cenozoic Blue Ranger 1050
Udonna 1050
Dragon Armor Trini 1250 > 1100
Trey of Triforia 1000
Jen Scotts 1000
Lord Zedd 1100
Shadow Ranger 1100 > 1000
Quantum Ranger 1050 > 950
Dai Shi 1050 > 1100
Lord Drakkon
Drakkon Dash – now projectile invincible for the first 39 frames.
Drakkon Dash ~ Wrath – now projectile invincible for the first 6 frames.
Drakkon Dash ~ Teleport – can now be performed much earlier. Additionally, Drakkon can opt to teleport behind or in front of the enemy leader. Input forward OR back + Special to perform a crossup teleport, input Special for a non-crossup teleport.
EX attack stuns victims in place, making the follow-up sequence much more consistent in most cases.
Kara throw range and momentum slightly reduced.
Kat Manx
Reduced inflation of juggle limiter penalties across most normal attacks.
Increased crouching medium recovery by 6 frames.
Mastodon Sentry
Reduced juggle limiter inflation penalties across most normal attacks.
Increased forward dash and back dash startup by 2 frames.
Crouching heavy projectile speed and damage increased.
Crouching heavy startup decreased, making crouching medium into crouching heavy much more reliable at long range.
Land Mine recovery reduced by 3 frames.
Standing light 3 can now be canceled into Special attacks, normalizing its cancel rules with standing medium 2 and standing heavy 3.
Cenozoic Blue Ranger
Reduced juggle limit inflation penalties across most normal attacks.
Cenobolt damage reduced, but can now be used as an instant OTG attack.
Normal attacks now properly advance Cenozoic Blue Ranger forward, making combos more consistent.
Forward throw: increased follow-up damage proration to balance new combo routes with OTG Cenobolt.
Kara throw range and momentum slightly reduced.
Dragon Armor Trini
Mega Beam (leader) advantage on hit reduced significantly. Hitbox height reduced, slightly. Juggle properties are now more consistent.
Mega Beam assist startup increased significantly, making it less obnoxious in the neutral game.
Mega Beam assist: fixed an issue with DAT “auto-correcting” her facing direction during an assist takeover
Dragon Pound minimum height restriction removed.
Dragon Pound: initial 20 frames are now projectile invincible.
Dragon Pound now inherits DAT’s jumping momentum, allowing for forward and retreating mobility, depending on the jump it’s canceled from.
Dragon Pound now inflicts a reverse launch state, improving its utility and comboability.
Fixed physics box issues with crouching heavy and Mega Beam, making it less likely for DAT to unintentionally cross under juggled foes.
Fixed an issue with DAT’s Mega Beam projectile lingering when canceling with MZ Ultra and Super.
Fixed an edge case issue with Giant Leap causing an erroneous throw receive reaction.
Lord Zedd
Fixed an issue with standing medium 2 receiver reaction failing to trigger in certain edge cases.
Anubis Cruger
Crouching light now properly moves Anubis’s position forward, allowing for much more effective “kara throws”.
EX attack stuns victims in place, making the follow-up sequence much more consistent in most cases.
Eric Myers
Fixed an issue that caused Eric’s Quantum Power back throw hitbox to land on the enemy leader, regardless of distance.
Forward throw now applies proper follow-up damage proration.
Airblade startup frame increased to 10, up from 5. Anti-air invincibility startup increased to frame 7, up from frame 1.
Crouching light: reduced hit stun.
Dai Shi
Ultimate Dai Shi: can now be canceled by holding or pressing S during its animation.
NEWS – Robert “RJ” James joins Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid – Season 3 Out Now was originally published on Ranger Command Power Hour
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