acrispyapple · 4 years
Hi, Anna! Which are your favorite pair dynamics in IkeSen? Mine are Yukimura and Sasuke, and Sasuke and Kenshin. It's so funny and endearing how Sasuke manages to keep Kenshin under control, and he doesn't seem to mind. ☺ Bonus: Shingen knowing that Kenshin isn't "right in the head," but still cares about him.
heya! there’s too many! here’s some that i can think of right now~ ☆
mitsuhide and hideyoshi: these two are just so fun because we know they both respect each other a lot, but hideyoshi still gets baited all the time.
hideyoshi please calm down
shots fired
anniversary special
ieyasu and mitsunari: it just never gets old for me. there’s tons of memorable scenes but i just thought of a few!
ieyasu’s threats
i never said that
book suggestions
birthday snark
ikemen yellow vs the dark angel
self sabotage
ieyasu explains gardening
bonus: ieyasu and masamune
masamune is evil
nobunaga and ieyasu: nobunaga teases ieyasu a lot and he’s just a troll. there are a lot of examples in ieyasu’s route. it shows how nobunaga and ieyasu have a sort of big brother - little brother relationship
kenshin and sasuke: i just love their antics. here, here, and here!
ieyasu and sasuke: i love how ieyasu just can’t with sasuke. omg, i think i remembered too many scenes haha
otto graft
that weird guy
still no autograph
fanboying > being yuki’s bff
sasuke with a tsundere and a yandere
bonus: ieyasu and yukimura
the insult
the list
masamune and hideyoshi: masamune also gets on hideyoshi’s nerves and sometimes masamune just does it on purpose
scheduled scolding
living in the past
counter proposal
residence ownership
bonus: mc and nobunaga
nobunaga ships
riding threat
sorry for the long list! it was fun looking back, but it’s really impossible to list down everything. ikesen has so many fun and memorable moments! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
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cailann · 4 years
Hello! What's your favorite part about drawing?
Hii!  My favorite part in the drawing process is.. the glow up! :D  I’m not satisfied with my art, but once I put on the lighting and shining I’m like “hell yes, yes this is it”. I mean, look
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it may be “too much” for some, but for me, it’s like putting a life into them. It’s just really lots of fun. :) And when I send the finished piece to someone, who genuinely loves it and is happy thanks to it.. then that would be the most favorite part of drawing. Thank you for asking and have a lovely day/night!
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datenoriko · 4 years
OMG one of my tumblr senpai @lordbunshin​ noticed me  😍
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)
Dance-like, ladylike movements! Like when how my pinky involuntarily sticks itself out whenever I type (literally me right now) or drink from a cup, or how I sort of dance through hallways when I am actually avoiding physical touch of strangers
How I am comfortable in my own company: eating and/or discovering places all by yourself, getting lost in the moment. (some people in my place still think being alone means you’re a lonely person. Well, heck no!)
Fashion Sense, I guess? I never had it ‘til around two years ago when I had the means of buying clothes that I want (thrift shops have hidden stash of awesome clothes!) and started the mix-and-match thingy. According to peers they like it so there~
I am told numerous times how weird/strange I am by not liking every trend the rest do but that’s fine by me; just happen to have my own preferences and wouldn’t trade it for anything else
Now this is something I often say no to until now: I’m not pretty, not ugly, but cute forgive me 
Tagging: @mllorei @voltage-vixen @tsuki-no-usagiii @certifiedpotatotrash @fairstival @katriniac @ikesensrandomninjagirl24 @rizosrojizos @diagnosed-by-doyle @aliaisreal 
p.s. as always I’ll understand if you refuse ^^
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bmpmp3 · 6 years
Hello! Just passing by to send Wormy some love! ♡
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he’s sending some love back as a thank you~
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daeva-agas · 6 years
I love your Plant AU idea! Would you consider making other Mandrake Guides for the other warlords, like you did with Kennyo? Now I can't stop thinking about 2 OCs that own a Plant!Kennyo and a Plant!Mitsunari. Plant!Mitsunari would light them while they study late at night and Plant!Kennyo would keep their stress levels at bay. Don't know if they'll get along, though.
ASHGJD I might make the “Care guide” and “Unique points” if I get any good ideas, because the planting and “do not break the pot” thing would be identical with all the mandrakes. Masa definitely needs a miniature cooking set and make food for us LOL (but small!!)
Mitsunplant and Kennyoplant probably gets along okay. Because Mitsun is an angel and would treat everyone with respect :3 
(you can see Mitsun and Kennyo having semi-decent interaction even when they ARE antagonistic in Mitsun route)
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Hi! May I ask for "Ieyasu visiting the modern world" headcanon?
He’s amazed by modern science, and quite frankly, he’s more amazed by how easy it is for people to be cured of most, not all, diseases.
But what surprises him even more is how peaceful Japan is. Was Nobunaga the cause of this? Or was it something else? He can’t help but want to learn about everything and anything possible.
Ieyasu takes to the internet much like a fish to water. He loves the amount of information he can acquire from one electronic machine, and he can’t wait to put some of the information he acquired into practice. Though it’s true that he can’t use all of the techniques he learned, at least he can bring back something. 
Sometimes he can’t help but think about how much this world fit you. You were radiant, almost blindingly so. He couldn’t believe how happy you were, and how at ease you felt - he wanted to continue seeing you like this, even if it meant for him to give up his life as a Sengoku warlord.
But whenever he barely manages to bring it up, he’s so easily shot down by your genuine desire to return back with him. Even though he’s been showered by your love for him and for those in Sengoku, he’s still surprised and overwhelmed by it.
He does get embarrassed though. Not from his lack of experience with the modern world, but rather by the way you look at him with awe and flustered admiration when he wears modern clothes. Though really, if you’re flustered, he’s the one that basically can’t function properly when he sees you wear those tank tops and short shorts that hug your curves in all the right ways.
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rimalupin · 7 years
Here's something fun: Which Youtubers do you think the Midcin Suitors would follow?
Heya, Rizos! :D
Ooo girl, you are in luck: I binge-watch YouTube videos whenever I can get a break, so your ask is right up my alley, LOL. ^-^
ALL. THE. BAKING. VIDEOS. He gets so excited when he watches them: he will actually whip out a notebook and start writing down the recipes that he wants to try (a.k.a. ALL OF THEM! xD).
He especially likes watching cake/dessert-decorating channels (think Rosanna Pansino and My Cupcake Addiction), mostly because he wants to brush up on his decorating & design skills~.
He’d also probably watch some horse-related videos (equestrian, racing, etc.) and maybe a few dog videos so he can get ideas of what tricks he could teach Arthur.
Another dog video person: he watches adorable dog compilation videos and wonders if he can teach Jess some tricks~.
He needs to stay up-to-date about what’s going on around the world for his job, so he’d probably watch some late-night show clips (think John Oliver and Stephen Colbert) for the sake of both serious and hilarious political commentary (Ya boy’s gotta stay woke AND maintain his sense of humor! :D).
He doesn’t like to admit it, but he used to watch a bunch of gaming channels before he got too busy with his job! :P
Also watches political commentary clips from late-shows because he wants to know what people outside of political positions/occupations think of the world.
But he’d much rather watch AsapSCIENCE videos, especially those that have to do with astronomy.
He also watches a bunch of pop culture/meme videos that Nico sends him in order to “help him keep up with what’s ‘cool and hip’”. Thanks to Nico, Byron now knows that PPAP and dabbing were “so last year.”
Another avid political commentary watcher. Also watches videos that summarize political events going on around the world (like “NowThis” and other news channels’ videos).
He’s definitely a CrashCourse fan! He especially loves the History Series~.
When he’s trying to destress, he looks up latte art videos. He’s always so amazed by how the baristas create their drinks~.
It’s Nico’s fault that he has so many meme videos on his watch history. Poor Albert has gotten Rickrolled by Nico more times than he can count… xD
In case y’all haven’t already figured it out, Nico is very much into meme videos: from YouTube classics (like Numa Numa) to Vine compilations (even though Vine is dead #RIP), he has an entire freaking ARSENAL of these videos. :P
He also likes watching prank videos to get inspiration for his own silly antics (like fousyTUBE’s old prank videos and Thomas Sanders’s “Pranks With Friends”).
He has fallen in love with parkour videos and he may or may not have tried to do some of the stunts (don’t worry: Albert is always there to catch Nico when he falls yell at him for being so reckless).
Another CrashCourse fan! He and Albert may have had a few CrashCourse binge-watching sessions together, LOLOL. :D
He also likes watching the book summary and analysis videos like CrashCourse Literature and Thug Notes.
He loves watching YouTube comedians, especially those whose videos are #Relatable (think Lilly Singh, Liza Koshy, Domics, sWooZie etc.). As y’all can tell, I too watch A LOT of YouTube comedians, haha~. :P
High-key cat video person, ESPECIALLY when he’s stressed (If he had a nickel for every time he watched the Keyboard Cat video, he’d be effin’ rich.).
His search history is FILLED with yoga and mindfulness meditation videos. It’s another good destressor that also helps him maintain a healthy mind and body~.
He also has a bad habit of watching cooking videos when he’s hungry, especially the sped-up recipes videos (like Tasty’s recipe vids).
He discovered CrashCourse thanks to Leo and Albert, so he’ll occasionally send the Princess some videos to help her with reviewing lessons~.
BOB ROSS. Oh, and other performance painting videos~.
He’d definitely be the kind of person to watch oddly satisfying video compilations (both ASMR and non-ASMR).
He also loves travel videos!
It’s Amber’s fault that he watches so many hedgehog compilation videos, haha~. c:
He claims that he doesn’t watch much YouTube unless there’s something remotely interesting to him on the “Now Trending” page.
But TBH, he’s a huge BuzzFeed fan: he watches their videos whenever he gets a break and/or just needs to de-stress (regardless of the “quality” of the vids). He has subscribed to ALL the BuzzFeed channels, but he doesn’t want to admit it, LOLOL. xD
I can also see Rayvis as a TED Talks fan. He’s honestly such a nerd for these videos, and he isn’t afraid to embrace it~.
Hair tutorials and hair product hauls galore. What? Even the best of the best need some advice on maintaining their luscious locks.
He absolutely loves song covers (from vocal song covers to instrumental versions).
I can also see Louis trying out crafting thanks to DIY videos~.
Although ballroom dancing is his forte, he also tries to learn some hip hop routines! Some choreographers he watches include Matt Steffanina, WilldaBeast Adams, Dytto, and more~! Yes, I also watch a lot of dance videos, LOLOL.
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lainy-lane · 7 years
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Quick drawing of Modern!Albert and MC from @rizosrojizos‘s story that you can read HERE. Read and watch them be adorably dorky around each other lol
text messages and story by @rizosrojizos
art by me
Albert and MC belong to @cyikemen
no reposting plz!
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acrispyapple · 4 years
Imagine an IkeSen event where Nobunaga gets to be a matchmaker. He'd be in his element, having the time of his life! 😄
heya! i can totally see it happening! i mean, he already does it sometimes in events and routes. he’s just casual about it haha (≧◡≦)
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heya! yup, kenshin trained yoshiharu for a bit! and you’re correct, it’s from his b-day fest! ✿
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heya~ thank you! i hope you’re doing okay too, with enough supplies to last you for a good amount of time. anyway, this has been asked so many times so i’m just going to copy / paste my past answer! you can also use basic keywords to look for the answer to this btw– since it’s a common topic people wonder about. (°◡°)♡
love rivals = unique to ikesen. not a thing in ikerev / ikevam.
“nope, there’s no running theme for love rivals in ikerev. it might have someone liking alice near the end -sometimes-, but it’s not to the same extent as the ikesen love rivals and also not as consistent. it’s also not something that is shown focus or shown more than a few times.”
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cailann · 4 years
We don't interact much, but I wish you a very happy birthday from the bottom of my heart! May this year brings many blessings for you!
I’m really just a shy introverted person who always wait for others to reach out  ( ; ω ; ) but still, im very happy I met you here, your support always means a lot and thank you for your wishing. ♥♥ It’s so kind ♥
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datenoriko · 4 years
Freckles and tea stains
Freckles: Five facts about you
I tend to greet animals wherever I go, literally giving them a wave and go say ‘Hi!’
My music preference is a mess (Spotify is a witness of it); from varying languages (English, Japanese, Korean, and Filipino) and genres (J/Kpop, Rock[indie, pop, classic or Brit], gaming/classical scores with a hint of metal!)
Can’t tolerate coffee very well due to this acidity thing, but I really love its scent
My second name is Bean, but I am not named after Mr. Bean like most people would ask lol (it’s from Frances Bean Cobain in case you’re curious)
My family’s starting to call me an old maiden because I still don’t have a significant other at my age (having no partner here in your mid/late 20s worries the older generation). They don’t mind it and I love them for it, saying that I should establish my career first
Tea stains: Name three of your followers you would like to have tea with? 
I’m gonna go with you, @mllorei and @voltage-vixen since I’m curious about all you three at the moment (I’m very awkward and quiet in real life though, but more than willing to lend ears for listening! introvert issues)
Thanks for the ask! 💙 
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beserkerjewel · 7 years
rizosrojizos replied to your photoset “�� but also ��”
lmao right?
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daeva-agas · 6 years
@rizosrojizos commented on rizosrojizos's post “Modern AU Jobs: Kennyo”
@daeva-agas where can I find that letter?
The thingy Kennyo wrote? It’s in his Wikipedia page (Japanese). I have a somewhat mangled translation in my doujin LOL but here’s the original:
Though we have been together for a very long time, and my feelings have never changed, I eagerly await to spend this one day of Tanabata with you (like Hikoboshi longing to reunite with Orihime) 
Though year after year the Tanabata festial doesn’t change, spending Tanabata with you this day, feels like the very first time
-Nyoshunni (his wife)- 
(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。
BTW this was written/exchanged AFTER they all got booted out of Honganji, and are living somewhere else. 
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angeltreasure · 2 years
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apenitentialprayer · 2 years
I've been tagged by @smokeyloki (and a couple other people, apparently)
Five songs I've been listening to on repeat:
"Manhattan" by Sara Bareilles
"Love Song" from Sara Bareilles
"Hold On" by Tom Waits
"Hurt" performed by Johnny Cash
"Old Friends" by Pinegrove
Last Movie: I don’t think I’ve seen a movie since Spiderman: No Way Home back in January?
Currently Watching: I don’t commit a lot of time to watching television.
Currently reading: The Light Ages: The Surprising Story of Medieval Science (Seb Falk), God and the Goddesses: Vision, Poetry, and Belief in the Middle Ages (Barbara Newman, I really need to get back to this).
Thanks for tagging! I’ll tag @itsallwearecalledtodo, @rizosrojizos, @ogtumble, @a-shower-of-roses, @glowing-disciple, and anyone else who wants to do this.
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rimalupin · 6 years
Kennyo and Mitsunari.
Hiya, Rizos! Hope you’re doing well~. ^-^ I’m assuming that your ask relates to this post (please correct me if I’m wrong, haha~.).
Okay, here’s the thing: while I absolutely love Kennyo’s whole “dark and mysterious, yet super sweet and gentle” persona (plus he gives me some Beast vibes - y’know, from Beauty and the Beast, hehe~), realistically I’d date Mitsunari: he’s super sweet and dedicated and I’m a sucker for adorkable people in general. Plus, we can be awkward bookworms together! So there ya go. :P
Thanks for stopping by! :D
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