#roy del roth
On May 20, 1955, Phantom of the Rue Morgue debuted in Ireland.
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astridofraftel · 2 months
reading challenge #11 (wrap-up)
Just finished: The Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan
Currently reading: The House of Hades by Rick Riordan
Next on schedule: The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan
I just wanted to add for myself a little conclusion to the reading challenge I did last year! I went back to university, so I had a lot less time and motivation to read for the past six months. Because of that, I didn't achieve my goals in the end, but that's alright, I'm still very proud of all the dusting-off I did! My TBR pile is much more manageable now, so I will not be keeping up with this challenge in 2024 (I barely read anything not Percy Jackson-related since January, anyway).
So, if anyone is interested in random lists of books, in 2023 I checked off my program:
(FR) Le Prieuré de l'Oranger (The Priory of the Orange Tree) by Samantha Shannon
(FR) La voleuse de livres (The Book Thief) by Markus Zusak
(FR) L'École des femmes + Le Misanthrope by Molière
(EN) Babel, or the Necessity of Violence by R. F. Kuang
(EN) Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
(EN) Daughter of Smoke and Bone + Days of Blood and Starlight + Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor
(FR) Le Chien des Baskerville (The Hound of the Baskervilles) by Arthur Conan Doyle
(FR) Thérèse Raquin by Émile Zola
(FR) Le symbole perdu (The Lost Symbol) by Dan Brown
(FR) Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
(FR) Il était une fois dans le Nord (Once Upon A Time In The North) by Philip Pullman
(FR) Le Roi Lear (King Lear) by William Shakespeare
(EN) The Conqueror’s Saga (And I Darken + Now I Rise + Bright We Burn) by Kiersten White
(FR) Le Flambeau + Témoin à charge by Agatha Christie
(FR) Boudicca by Jean-Laurent Del Socorro
(FR) Fantômes et kimonos by Kidō Okamoto
(FR) Dans l'ombre de Paris by Morgan of Glencoe
For a total of 23 books out of my goal of 30 that I had owned for years and never read!
Which means that my TBR pile now amounts to these 12 books (I acquired the last 4 last year so they were not included in my program):
(FR) L'Ultime Expérience by Bruce Benamran
(FR) Cinna by Corneille
(FR) Othello by Shakespeare
(EN) Three Dark Crowns (re-read) + One Dark Throne by Kendare Blake
(EN) Iskari, the Last Namsara by Kristen Ciccarelli
(EN) The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen
(FR) Le complot des corbeaux by Ariel Holzl
(FR) La mythologie viking (North Mythology) by Neil Gaiman
(FR) La métamorphose by Franz Kafka
(EN) A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
(EN) The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
In addition to all that, although disregarding anything fanfictitious, last year...
(and because I barely have any self-control when it comes to books)
...I also read these, which were not initially included in my program:
(EN) And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie
(EN) Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
(FR) Le château de Hurle (Howl’s moving castle) by Diana Wynne Jones
(EN) The Princess Diaries vol. 1 by Meg Cabot
(EN) Strange the dreamer + Muse of Nightmares by Laini Taylor
(EN) Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
(EN) Divergent vol. 1 by Veronica Roth
(EN) Legendborn + Bloodmarked by Tracy Deonn
(FR) Comme un vol d'étourneaux by Giorgio Parisi
(FR) Le meilleur des mondes (Brave New World) by Aldous Huxley
(EN) I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
(EN) Crooked House by Agatha Christie
(EN) Untethered Sky by Fonda Lee
(FR) La guerre des clans (Warriors) - cycle I vol. 1-6 by Erin Hunter
(EN) Tallstar’s Revenge by Erin Hunter
(FR) Le mystère de Listerdale by Agatha Christie
After all these gruesome lists, I can finally put to rest my 2023 reading challenge. Maybe one day I'll renew it, but I probably won't have the time nor the energy to schedule my readings so seriously for the next two years. It's been very fun though, also it had been the first year in quite some time that I read that much in French, and I think it did me good.
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luthetitan · 3 years
Dia 6
Dia 6: Universo Alterno / Mascotas / Animales
La pareja principal es Damirae (obvio) pero te pido por favor que si no te gusta un ship que vaya a mencionar te abstengas hacer un comentario ofensivo porque recuerda: "Respeta shipps ajenos, para que respeten los tuyos"
Parejas o Ships:
Tim y Conner Dick y Kori Jason y Roy Damian y Raven
El disparo resonó en la habitación, Raven llevó su mano a su boca tratando de acallar el grito que soltó, lágrimas se resbalaban por sus mejillas, respiro hondo tratando de no soltar feromonas que la delataran donde estaba escondida. Vio como una silueta por la rejilla del armario.
—Señor aquí no está —escuchó. —Sigan buscando, debe estar en la casa —dijo una voz grave —Tim, revisa bien este lugar, Conner quédate con él.
Escucho como se alejaban, pero aún no podía salir, había dos personas en la habitación, un omega y un alfa por su aroma.
—Cierra la puerta —dijo una voz suavemente.
A los pocos segundos las puertas del armario se abrieron de par en par, revelando a un chico pelinegro con unos impresionantes ojos azules y por su aroma, era el omega. Raven se sobresaltó, se pegó más a la pared mientras sus ojos mostraban el miedo que tenía.
—Hey, tranquila, no te haré nada —dijo mientras se hincaba —Necesito que me escuches con mucha atención, no tenemos mucho tiempo. —No dejaran de buscarte, eres la heredera de la fortuna Roth y lo más importante la omega de mi hermano —volvió a hablar —Conner te sacará de aquí y te dejará con nuestros aliados. —Tu eres Timothy Wayne —habló algo insegura. —Si, soy el hermano mayor de Damian.
Damian Wayne, ese era el nombre de su alfa, lo conoció en una de las fiestas a la que asistía con sus padres, su padre era un importante político, que estaba asociado con la mafia.
Raven agarró la mano que le ofrecían, Tim se alejó un segundo para acercarse a Conner.
—Déjala con los Queen, Dick la recogerá cuando nos hayamos asegurado de que no hay peligro. Cuídate por favor.
Vio como ambos compartían un beso.
—Ya váyanse, antes de que regresen.
El alfa se adentra al armario donde antes estaba escondida, tanteó la pared y se abrió una puerta secreta, Raven se asombró, en sus dieciséis años de vida nunca supo la existencia de esta. El chico le ofreció una linterna.
—Sígame —dijo para adentrarse por el pasadizo.
Estuvieron caminando por alrededor de dos minutos hasta que por fin salieron por la parte que daba al bosque.
—Es por aquí —dijo guiándola por la gran arboleda.
Llegaron a un pequeño camino y más adelante oculto entre los árboles estaba un auto. El chico se apresura a abrir el vehículo, ella se subió en la parte del copiloto.
—Pónganse esto por favor —dijo entregando una peluca rubia y unos lentes.
Raven se la puso sin reclamar, luego de que se aseguró de que la tenían bien puesta el auto se puso en marcha.
—Le agradecería mucho si no dijera nada —dijo luego de unos minutos de marcha — Hablo de lo del beso. —Saben que no pueden mantenerlo oculto —contestó ella —¿Conner?, no es así. —Si, a las dos cosas. —Temen a la reacción de Bruce —pregunto —Porque tú eres su guardaespaldas. —En realidad tenemos más a la reacción de su alfa.
Raven soltó una pequeña risa. Damian era posesivo, celoso y sobreprotector con ella y con su familia, más con los que eran omegas, como Tim, pero también con Kori y Roy, las parejas de Dick y Jason respectivamente.
La mansión Queen estaba a las afueras de Star City, Raven vio la enorme estructura conforme se acercaban. El auto aparco frente a la entrada, en la puerta la esperan, Oliver Queen junto con su esposa e hijo.
—Un gusto recibirla aquí, pasen por favor —dijo Dinah, esposa de Oliver y su omega.
Un golpe más fue asentado a la cara del tipo que estaba amarrado a la silla.
—Lo voy a preguntar otra vez. ¿Dónde está?
El hombre escupió sangre y volvió a mirar al chico.
—Púdrete. —Bien, se me acabó la paciencia.
El hombre gritó de dolor, dos de sus dedos fueron cortados de su mano.
—Qué asco —dijo Jason al oler las feromonas de miedo del hombre.
Damian suspiro, llevaba más de diez minutos interrogando al tipo para saber la ubicación del idiota que quiso matar a su omega.
La puerta se abrió, dejando ver a una joven pelirroja, está desprendía un aroma dulce, revelando que era una omega y que estaba embarazada.
—Lamento interrumpir —dijo —Pero ella ya está con los Queen.
Damian por fin se relajó un poco, su amada ya estaba en un lugar seguro.
—Gracias Kori, ya puedes irte este aroma puede hacerle mal al bebe —dijo Damian. —Oh, no te preocupes, de hecho, les puedo ayudar —dijo adentrarse completamente a la habitación. —Permíteme.
Agarró el cuchillo que tenía Damian y caminó hasta el tipo de la silla para después enterrarlo cerca de la parte íntima del hombre.
—Ubicación o si no te quedas sin miembro —hablo sin un rostro de la dulce voz que poseía. —103 de Central City, cerca de la fuente —gritó. —Dice la verdad —dijo una cuarta voz.
Kori miró la cuarta voz para luego pasar el cuchillo por el cuello del sujeto, matándolo.
—Recuérdame nunca hacerla enojar —murmuró Jason.
Raven volvió a beber del té de limón, habían pasado cuatro horas desde que llegó a la mansión de los Queen. Dinah le había servido un té mientras esperaban. El timbre resonó por la estancia, Conner se levantó de donde estaba sentado mientras llevaba su mano a la pistola en su cinturón, Dick apareció en la estancia.
—Oh, gracias a dios estás bien —dijo y la abrazó. —Hola Dick. —¿Lista?, te llevaremos a la mansión —dijo mientras le acariciaba su cabello paternalmente —Roy, Jason me dijo que también vinieras con nosotros, algo sobre que su celo se aproxima.
Un gruñido se escuchó por la estancia.
—Papá ya hablamos de esto —hablo Roy mientras sus mejillas se volvían rojas como su cabello. —Sigue sin agradarme ese alfa—dijo el alfa mayor.
La mansión Wayne era impotente, era tan grande como la de los Queen o incluso más, en sus laterales había cámaras y hombres con armas protegiéndola.
Raven junto a Roy camino por los pasillos de la mansión, con Dick al frente y Conner atrás, había estado pocas veces en la mansión y cada vez le parecía más grande si es posible. Dick abrió una puerta dando vista a una sala donde estaban los miembros de la familia restantes.
Roy corrió hasta Jason cuando lo vio, para sentarse en las piernas de este. Dick hizo lo mismo al ver como Kori se levantaba del sillón. Escucho el suspiro de Conner al ver a Tim y como ellos no podían hacer lo mismo, pero sí vio cómo se miraban antes de que el alfa se fuera para resguardar la habitación desde la puerta.
—Un gusto por fin tenerte aquí Raven —dijo Kori nuevamente sentada en el sillón con Dick a su lado. —Damian y mi padre no deben tardar —hablo Jason —Fueron a encargarse del problema. —Siéntate por favor —volvió a hablar Kori.
Pasó una hora para que la puerta fuera abierta otra vez, Raven dejó de hablar con Kori para levantarse de su asiento. El primero en pasar fue Bruce el patriarca de la familia y alfa de la manada, Damian fue el siguiente y sus ojos verdes buscaron inmediatamente los violetas de ella.
—Lamentamos mucho tu perdida Raven, al igual del susto que pasaste —dijo Bruce —Lo bueno es que ya estás a salvo, te quedaras con nosotros si no te molesta. —Claro, muchas gracias —contesto. —Bien ya se pueden retirar, ha sido un día largo —dijo para caminar hacia otra puerta que daba a su despecho.
La habitación fue abandonada poco a poco solo quedando ella y Damian. Ambos se miraron para luego ella correr hacia él y siendo recibida por los brazos de su alfa.
—Tuve miedo de no volver a verte —dijo ella tratando de no llorar. —Ahora estás a salvo —hablo él mientras agarraba su cara con sus manos —No dejare que nada te pase. —Te amo Damian Wayne, mi alfa. —Te amo Raven Roth, mi omega.
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Créditos del fanart a su autor correspondiente.
Si tiene alguna duda con este del omegaverse no duden en preguntarme.
Su servidora tiene dos OTP de DC, uno hetero y otro gay, el hetero obvio es DamiRae y el otro es TimKon, sorry not sorry pero amo a estos ships.
Solo un One Shot y se acabó la semana DamiRae.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
April 8, 1946
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Directors: Lemuel Ayers, Roy Del Ruth. Vincente Minnelli, George Sidney,  Norman Taurog, Charles Walters. Robert Lewis Producer: Arthur Freed for Metro Goldwyn Mayer
The shooting schedule ran between April 10 and August 18, 1944, with retakes plus additional segments filmed on December 22, 1944 and then between January 25 and February 6, 1945. The film was first proposed in 1939. 
Synopsis ~ We meet a grayed, immaculately garbed Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr. in Paradise (his diary entry reads "Another heavenly day"), where he looks down upon the world and muses over the sort of show he'd be putting on were he still alive.
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Lucille Ball ('Here's to the Ladies') is appearing in her 64th film since coming to Hollywood in 1933. 
Fred Astaire ('Here's to the Ladies' / Raffles in 'This Heart of Mine' / Tai Long in 'Limehouse Blues’ / Gentleman in 'The Babbit and the Bromide') also appeared with Lucille Ball in Roberta (1935), Top Hat (1935), and Follow the Fleet (1936). His name was mentioned twice on “I Love Lucy.”
Lucille Bremer (Princess in 'This Heart of Mine' / Moy Ling in 'Limehouse Blues') 
Fanny Brice (Norma Edelman in 'A Sweepstakes Ticket') appeared in the original stage version of many editions of The Ziegfeld Follies on Broadway.
Judy Garland (The Star in 'A Great Lady Has An Interview') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943). 
Kathryn Grayson (Kathryn Grayson in 'Beauty') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943).
Lena Horne (Lena Horne in 'Love') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943).
Gene Kelly (Gentleman in 'The Babbit and the Bromide') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943),  Du Barry Was A Lady (1943), and A Guide for the Married Man (1967). He made an appearance on the Lucille Ball special “Lucy Moves to NBC” (1980).  
James Melton (Alfredo in 'La Traviata')
Victor Moore (Lawyer's Client in 'Pay the Two Dollars')
Red Skelton (J. Newton Numbskull in 'When Television Comes') also starred with Lucille Ball in Having Wonderful Time (1938), Thousands Cheer (1943),  Du Barry Was A Lady (1943), and The Fuller Brush Girl (1950).  On TV he appeared on “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” in “Lucy Goes To Alaska” (1958). Ball and Skelton appeared in numerous TV specials together. 
Esther Williams (Esther Williams in 'A Water Ballet') also appeared with Lucille Ball in Easy To Wed (1946). 
William Powell (Florenz Ziegfeld Jr.) also played the same character in The Great Ziegfeld (1936). 
Edward Arnold (Lawyer in 'Pay the Two Dollars') appeared with Lucille Ball in Roman Scandals (1933) and Ellis in Freedomland (1952).
Marion Bell (Violetta in 'La Traviata')
Cyd Charisse (Ballerina in 'Beauty') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943).
Hume Cronyn (Monty in 'A Sweepstakes Ticket') was honored by The Kennedy Center in 1986, at the same ceremony as Lucille Ball. 
William Frawley (Martin in 'A Sweepstakes Ticket') played the role of Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy” and “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”. He also appeared on “The Lucy Show,” his final screen appearance. 
Robert Lewis (Chinese Gentleman in 'Limehouse Blues' / Telephone Voice in 'Number Please')
Virginia O'Brien (Virginia O'Brien in 'Here's to the Ladies') also starred with Lucille Ball in Thousands Cheer (1943),  Du Barry Was A Lady (1943), and Meet The People (1944). 
Keenan Wynn (Caller in 'Number Please') appeared with Lucille Ball in Easy To Wed (1946), Without Love (1945), and The Long, Long Trailer (1954). 
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Ziegfeld Girls
Karin Booth  
Lucille Casey  
Aina Constant  
Elizabeth Dailey  
Frances Donelan  
Natalie Draper  
Karen X. Gaylord  
Aileen Haley  
Carol Haney  
Shirlee Howard  
Margaret Laurence  
Helen O'Hara  
Noreen Roth  
Elaine Shepard  
Kay Thompson  
Dorothy Tuttle  
Dorothy Van Nuys  
Eve Whitney - appeared on “I Love Lucy” episode “The Charm School” (ILL S3;E15).
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Gloria Joy Arden
Jean Ashton  
Irene Austin  
Judi Blacque  
Bonnie Barlowe  
Norman Borine  
Hazel Brooks  
Ed Brown  
Kathleen Cartmill  
Jack Cavan  
Marilyn Christine  
Laura Corbay  
Rita Dunn  
Meredyth Durrell  
Shawn Ferguson  
Jeanne Francis  
Jean French  
Mary Jane French  
David Gray  
Bill Hawley  
Doreen Hayward  
Charlotte Hunter  
Virginia Hunter  
Patricia Jackson
Margaret Kays  
Laura Knight  
Laura Lane  
Dale Lefler  
Melvin Martin  
Diane Meredith  
Lorraine Miller  
Joyce Murray  
Janet Nevis  
Ray Nyles  
Billy O'Shay  
Jane Ray  
Dorothy Raye  
Beth Renner
Melba Snowden  
Walter Stane  
Ivon Starr  
Robert Trout  
Chorus Boys
Rod Alexander
Milton Chisholm  
Dick D'Arcy  
Dante DiPaolo  
Don Hulbert  
Herb Lurie  
Matt Mattox  
Bert May - appeared on “The Lucy Show” in “Lucy and Tennessee Ernie Ford”
Jack Purcell  
Tommy Rall  
Ricky Ricardi (!)
Alex Romero
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“LIMEHOUSE BLUES” starring Fred Astaire, Lucille Bremer, and Robert Lewis
Robert Ames (Masked Man)  
James Barron (Couple with Banners)  
Eleanor Bayley (Couple with Branches)  
Mary Jo Ellis (Couple with Banners)  
Sean Francis (Ensemble)  
James King (Rooster)  
Harriet Lee (Bar Singer) 
Eugene Loring (Costermonger)  
Charles Lunard (Masked Man)  
Patricia Lynn (Ensemble)  
Ruth Merman (Ensemble)  
Garry Owen (1st Subway Policeman)  
Ellen Ray (Couple with Parasols)  
Jack Regas (Masked Man)  
Billy Shead (Couple with Parasols)  
Ronald Stanton (Couple with Branches)  
Wanda Stevenson (Ensemble)  
Ray Teal (2nd Subway Policeman)  
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“LOVE” starring Lena Horne
Juliette Ball (Club Patron)   
Lennie Bluett (Dancer)   
Suzette Harbin (Flirt)   
Avanelle Harris (Club Patron)  
Maggie Hathaway (Dancer)  
Charles Hawkins (Club Patron)  
Marie Bryant (Woman Getting Her Man Taken)   
Cleo Herndon (Dancer)   
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“THIS HEART OF MINE” starring Fred Astaire and Lucille Bremer
Helen Boyce (Countess)   
Feodor Chaliapin Jr. (Lieutenant)
Naomi Childers (Duchess)
Charles Coleman (Majordomo)   
Sam Flint (Majordomo's Assistant)
Sidney Gordon (Masked Man)   
Count Stefenelli (Count)   
Robert Wayne (Dyseptic)   
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“PAY THE TWO DOLLARS”  starring Edward Arnold and Victor Moore
William Bailey (Subway Passenger)
Joseph Crehan (1st Judge) - played a Detective on “I Love Lucy” “The Great Train Robbery”
William B. Davidson (2nd Judge)
Eddie Dunn (3rd Subway Policeman)   
Harry Hayden (Warden)   
George Hill (2nd Subway Policeman)   
Wilbur Mack (Subway Passenger)   
Larry Steers (Magistrate)
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“NUMBER PLEASE” starring Keenan Wynn
Peter Lawford (Voice of Porky)
Grady Sutton (Texan)
Audrey Totter (Phone Operator Voice)
Kay Williams (Girl)
Bunin's Puppets
Elise Cavanna (Tall Woman)
Jack Deery (Man)
Rex Evans (Butler in "A Great Lady Has An Interview”)
Sam Garrett (Roping / Twirling Act)
Silver (Horse in "Here's to the Ladies') 
Arthur Walsh (Telegraph Boy in "A Sweepstakes Ticket") - appeared on “I Love Lucy” in “Lucy Has Her Eyes Examined” (ILL S3;E11). 
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Sidney Guilaroff, Lucille Ball’s hair dresser, who takes responsibility for her famous ‘golden red’ for this movie, becoming her trademark color.
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Although they appear in different segments, this is the only feature film collaboration between “I Love Lucy co-stars" Lucille Ball and William Frawley. Coincidently, Frawley's character in this film shares a striking similarity with his iconic character of Fred Mertz on “I Love Lucy.” In this film he plays a money-hungry curmudgeon of a landlord, much like the show. In the above photo, he appears with director Minnelli and co-star Brice. 
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The horse ridden by Lucille Ball is the Lone Ranger's Silver!
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Lucille Ball was actually fired by Ziegfeld from his road company production of Rio Rita in the 1930s.
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In February 1956, Lucy and Desi appeared on “MGM Parade” to promote their MGM film Forever Darling. The show also included footage of Lena Horne singing from Ziegfeld Follies. 
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Lucy also played a showgirl in pink in “Lucy Gets Into Pictures” (ILL S4;E19) aired on February 21, 1955. The scene was inspired by Ziegfeld’s legendary stage shows featuring beautiful women wearing elaborate costumes navigating long staircases. To solidify the comparison, Ricky says he is going to a meeting with Mr. Minnelli. Vincente Minnelli was one of the directors of Ziegfeld Follies. 
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Lucy Ricardo had previously cavorted around in a lampshade in the manner of a Ziegfeld girl in both the unaired pilot and “The Audition” (S1;E6).
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Ziegfeld Follies includes a sketch for Red Skelton called “When Television Comes” aka “Guzzler’s Gin” in which a (future) television spokesman gets increasingly sloshed on his product. This sketch was an obvious influence on Lucy’s Vitameatavegamin routine in “Lucy Does a TV Commercial” (ILL S1;E30) aired on May 5, 1952. 
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Ziegfeld Girl Eve Whitney appeared on “I Love Lucy” episode “The Charm School” (ILL S3;E15). She used her own name for the character.  
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The Telegraph Boy in "A Sweepstakes Ticket" Arthur Walsh - appeared on “I Love Lucy” in “Lucy Has Her Eyes Examined” (ILL S3;E11) as Arthur ‘King Cat’ Walsh. He teaches Lucy how to jitterbug. 
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The first Judge in the “Pay the Two Dollars” James Crehan also played the Police Detective on “I Love Lucy in “The Great Train Robbery” (ILL S5;E5) first aired on October 31, 1955.
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Porky, a voice on the telephone in “Number Please” Peter Lawford, played “Password” against Lucille Ball on September 24, 1964.  At the time, Lawford was married to President Kennedy’s sister, Patricia. On November 26, 1968, Ball was a guest on “The Tonight Show” when Peter Lawford was sitting in for Johnny Carson.
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Chorus Boy Bert May appeared as a solo dancer on “The Lucy Show” in “Lucy and Tennessee Ernie Ford” (TLS S5;E21) in February 1967. 
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In the dressing room, Lucy jokes with Fanny Brice, one of the funniest women in showbusiness.  This was the only time Ball and Brice collaborated and was Brice’s last film. 
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Ziegfeld’s follies began on Broadway, so it was appropriate that the show featured past and future Broadway musical stars:
Lucille Ball ~ Wildcat (1960)
Carol Haney ~ The Pajama Game (1954)
Tommy Rall ~ Call Me Madame (1950)
Fanny Brice ~ The Ziegfeld Follies 
Marion Bell ~ Brigadoon (1947)
Victor Moore ~ Anything Goes (1934)
There was a lot of material that was not filmed, but written and cast. Some of the original skits would have added “Lucy” performers Mickey Rooney, Ann Sothern, and Van Johnson to the cast.
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quierorodarnojodan · 3 years
Estábamos bromeando con un amigo @mcdonneeli sobre que tenemos muchos ships similares si no casi todos, pero que irónicamente ambos nos peleamos por el mismo pj a usar y por eso jamás podemos rolear las ships xDD entonces me puse hacer la lista a ver que dice mi compatriota desalmado.
Axis Power Hetalia
Alemania x Norte De Italia
Austria x Hungría [♥]
Dinamarca x Noruega
España x Sur De Italia
Prussia x Hungría
Prussia x Austria [♥]
Ichigo Kurosaki x Uryuu Ishida [♥]
Ikkaku Madarame x Yumichika Ayasegawa
Kyouraku Shunsui x Ukitake Jyuushirou [♥]
Carole & Tuesday
Carole Stanley x Tuesday Simmons
Cyborg 009
Jet Link (002) x Albert Heinrich (004)
Ishida Yamato x Yagami Taichi [♥]
Dragon Ball
Goku x Vegeta
Celty Sturluson x Kishitani Shinra
Kadota Kyohei x Izaya Orihara
Fairy Tails
Levy McGarden x Gajeel Redfox
FullMetal Alchemist
Maes Hughes x Roy Mustang [♥]
Get Backers
Kakei Juubei & Fuuchouin Kazuki
Ooikawa Tooru x Iwaizumi Hajime
Haru wo Daiteita
Kato Youji x Iwaki Kyosuke [♥]
Hunter x Hunter
Hisoka x Illumi Zoldyck
Leorio Paladiknight x Kurapika [♥]
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Joseph Joestar x Caesar Zeppeli
Jotaro Kujo x Noriaki Kakyoin [♥]
Mohammed Abdul x Jean Pierre Polnareff
Kuroko no Basket
Atsushi Murasakibara x Tatsuya Himuro
Kiyoshi Teppei x Makoto Hanamiya [♥]
Midorima Shintaro x Takao Kazunari [♥]
Uzumaki Naruto x Uchiha Sasuke
Hatake Kakashi x Umino Iruka [♥]
Haruno Sakura x Yamanaka Ino
One Piece
Eustass Kid x Trafalgar D. Law
Roronoa Zoro x Vinsmoke Sanji
Saint Seiya
Manigoldo x Albafika [♥]
Hyoga x Shun
Sailor Moon
Kunzite x Zoisite
Michiru Kaiō x Haruka Tenou
Sakura Card Captor
Touya Kinomoto x Yukito Tsukishiro [♥]
Shingeki no Kyojin
Erwin Smith x Levi Rivaille
Marco Bott X Jean Kirstein
The Prince of Tennis
Inui Sadaharu x Kaidou Kaoru [♥]
Tiger & Bunny
Kotetsu Kaburagi x Barnaby Brooks Jr.
Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru
Hotsuma Renjou x Shusei Usui [♥♥♥]
Adventure Time
Marceline Abadeer x Princess Bubblegum
Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Jet x Zuko [♥]
Ed, Edd n Eddy
Kevin x Edd (Doble D)
Generador Rex
Rex Salazar x Noah Nixon [♥]
Happy Tree Friends
Lumpy x Russell
Shifty x Lifty
Splendid x Flippy
Daphne Blake x Velma Dinkley
The Dragon Prince
Rey Harrow x Viren
The Legend of Korra
Korra x Asami Sato
Iroh II x Bolin
Takashi "Shiro" Shirogane x Adam [♥]
Xiaolin Showdown
Chase Young x Jack Spicer
Edmundo "Eddie" Diaz x Evan "Buck" Buckley [♥]
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Angel (Angelus) x Spike (William) [♥]
Willow Rosenberg x Tara Maclay
Carmilla Karnstein x Laura Hollis
Matteusz Andrzejewski x Charlie Smith
Common Law
Travis Marks x Wes Mitchell [♥]
Cobra Kai
Daniel LaRusso x Johnny Lawrence
Deadwind (Karppi)
Sofia Karppi x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
Tom Branson x Thomas Barrow
Richard Ellis x Thomas Barrow
Lukas Waldenbeck x Philip Shea
Grey's Anatomy
Mark Sloan x Derek Shepherd
Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Hawaii Five-0
Danny Williams x Steve McGarret [♥]
Hemlock Grove
Peter Rumancek x Roman Godfrey [♥]
How to Get Away with Murder
Oliver Hampton x Connor Walsh
Iron Fist
Danny Rand x Ward Meachum [♥♥]
Julie and the Phantoms
Alex x Willie
Las chicas del cable
Francisco Gómez x Carlos Cifuentes [♥]
Sportacus x Robbie Rotten
London Spy
Alex x Danny
Arhur Pendragone x Merlin
Once Upon a Time
Regina Mills x Emma Swan
Regina Mills x Robin Hood
Shadow and Bone
Aleksander / The Darkling x Kaz Brekker
Jasper Fahey x Kaz Brekker
Star Trek
James T. Kirk x Spock
Leonard MCCoy x Spock
Malcolm Reed x Charles "Trip" Tucker III
Stranger Things
Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Teen Wolf
Derek Hale x Stiles Stilinski
The Alienist
Laszlo Kreizler x John Moore
The Boys
Billy Butcher x Homelander (John)
The Irregulars
Billy x Leopold
Sherlock Holmes x John Watson
The Order
Hamish Duke x Randall Carpio
The Umbrella Academy
Diego Hargreeves x Klaus Hargreeves
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon x Rick Grimes
The Witcher
Geralt de Rivia x Jaskier
Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones [♥]
Trevor Holden x Philip Pearson
Vampire Diaries
Alaric Saltzman x Damon Salvatore
Warehouse 13
Helena G. Wells x Myka Bering
Cloud Atlas
Rufus Sixsmith x Robert Frobisher
Sonmi-451 x Hae-Joo Chang
Eames x Robert Fischer
Dom Cobb x Robert Fischer
Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
James Bond
James Bond x Q [♥]
Rise of the Guardians
Sandman x Pitch Black
Star Wars
Baze Malbus x Chirrut Îmwe
Poe Dameron x Armitage Hux​ [♥]
The Old Guard
'Joe' Yusuf Al-Kaysani x 'Nicky' Nicolo di Genova
The Road to El Dorado
Tulio x Miguel
Napoleon Solo x Illya Kuryakin
Harry Potter
Albus Dumbledore x Gellert Grindelwald [♥]
Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott [♥]
Pansy Parkinson x Daphne Greengrass [♥]
James Potter x Severus Snape [♥]
Sirius Black x Remus Lupin
Magnus Bane x Alexander G. Lightwood
The Raven Cycle
Ronan Lynch x Adam Parrish
Richard Gansey III x Blue Sargent
DC Comics
Apollo x Midnighter
Clark Kent x Bruce Wayne [♥]
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Garfield Logan x Rachel Roth
Hal Jordan x Barry Allen
Pamela Isley x Harleen Quinzel
Jason Todd x Dick Grayson [♥]
Maggie Sawyer x Kate Kane
Roy Harper x Dick Grayson
Cassandra Cain x Stephanie Brown
Hernan Guerra x Kirk Langstrom
Michael Jon Carter x Ted Kord
America Chavez x Kate Bishop
Azazel x Janos Quested
Gambit x Rogue
Erik Lehnsherr & Charles Xavier
Logan x Scott Summers [♥]
Natasha Romanoff x Bruce Banner
Shatterstar x Julio Richter (Rictor) [♥]
Steve Rogers x James B. Barnes [♥]
Theodore Altman x William Kaplan
Tony Stark x Loki Laufeyson [♥]
Vision x Wanda Maximoff
Wade Wilson x Peter Parker
Assassin's Creed
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad x Malik Al-Sayf [♥]
Ezio Auditore da Firenze x Leonardo Da Vinci
Bayonetta x Jeanne
Detroit: Become Human
Captain Allen x Gavin Reed
Connor, RK800 x Gavin Reed [♥]
Elijah Kamski x Gavin Reed
Elijah Kamski x Leo Manfred [♥]
Kara, AX400 x Luther, TR400 [♥]
Markus, RK200 x Simon, PL600 [♥]
Nines, RK900 x Gavin Reed
North, WR400 x Chloe, ST200
Ralph, WR600 x Jerry, EM400
Simon, PL600 x Gavin Reed
Devil May Cry
Dante x Vergil [♥]
Nero x V
Final Fantasy VII
Cid Highwind x Vincent Valentine
Final Fantasy XII
Basch fon Ronsenburg x Balthier [♥♥♥]
Kingdom Hearts
Saïx x Axel
Metal Gear
Solidus Snake x Raiden
Gabriel Reyes x Jack Morrison
Resident Evil
Chris Redfield x Leon S. Kennedy [♥♥♥]
Claire Redfield x Moira Burton
Jake Muller x Leon S. Kennedy
Jill Valentine x Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine x Carlos Oliveira [♥♥]
Jill Valentine x Claire Redfield
Rebecca Chambers x Billy Coen
The Evil Within
Sebastian Castellano x Joseph Oda
Welcome to Night Vale
Carlos x Cecil Palmer
Samurai Jack/Johnny Bravo
Johnny Bravo x Samurai Jack
Canon x Oc
Deadwind (Karppi)
OMC x Sakari Nurmi
Downton Abbey
OMC x Thomas Barrow
Locke & Key
Tyler Locke x OMC
OMC x Duncan Locke
Lost in Space
OMC x Don West
OMC x x James
The Dragon Prince
Soren x OMC
The Irregulars
OMC x John Watson
The Lord of the Rings
OMC x Legolas
Political Animals
OMC x Thomas James "T.J." Hammond
Resident Evil
Jake Muller x OMC
Star Trek
OMC x Julian Bashir
Warehouse 13
OMC x Steve Jinks
Wizards: Tales of Arcadia
OMC x Hisirdoux "Douxie" Casperan
Duplas de Actores
Aaron Paul x Hugh Dancy
Bradley James x Colin Morgan
Chris Evans x Sebastian Stan
Daniel Craig x Ben Whishaw
Daniel Sunjata x Aaron Tveit
Dominic Purcell x Wentworth Miller
Edward Holcroft x Ben Whishaw
Gabriella Pession x Richard Flood
Gabriel Macht x Patrick J. Adams
Hanno Koffler x Max Riemelt
Jamie Dornan x Cillian Murphy
Jensen Ackles x Jared Padalecki
Landon Liboiron x Bill Skarsgård
Mads Mikkelsen x Hugh Dancy
Matt Davis x Ian Somerhalder
Michael Fassbender x James McAvoy
Rami Malek x Martin Wallström
Scott Caan x Alex O'Loughlin
Shemar Moore x Matthew Gray Gubler
Tom Hardy x Cillian Murphy
46 notes · View notes
extrabeurre · 3 years
15 nominations pour LA DÉESSE DES MOUCHES À FEU au Gala Québec Cinéma 2021
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Une autre année pas comme les autres pour le Gala Québec Cinéma, alors que les salles ont longtemps été fermées, ce qui n’a pas empêché une vingtaine de longs métrages de fiction de prendre l’affiche.
Dans la catégorie Meilleur film, on retrouve quatre des films qui ont été le plus vus et appréciés, soit Le club Vinland, La déesse des mouches à feu, My Salinger Year et Nadia Butterly, ainsi que Souterrain, dont la sortie a été maintes fois reportée, mais qui sera le film d’ouverture des Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma cette semaine.
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Alignement semblable dans la catégorie Meilleure réalisation, avec Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette (La déesse des mouches à feu), Sophie Dupuis (Souterrain), Philippe Falardeau (My Salinger Year) et Benoit Pilon (Le club Vinland), mais l’industrie a préféré Daniel Roby (Target Number One) à Pascal Plante (Nadia Butterly).
Dans la catégorie Meilleur scénario, encore là, les gros joueurs sont tous là: Normand Bergeron, Benoit Pilon, Marc Robitaille – Le club Vinland, Sophie Dupuis – Souterrain, Philippe Falardeau – My Salinger Year, Catherine Léger – La déesse des mouches à feu, Daniel Roby – Target Number One.
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Du côté des actrices, on retrouve Émilie Bierre pour Les nôtres, Marie-Evelyne Lessard pour Jusqu’au déclin, l’actrice américaine Margaret Qualley pour My Salinger Year, Karelle Tremblay pour la coproduction Death of a Ladies’ Man, ainsi que Sarah Sutherland pour Like a House on Fire.
Les acteurs en lice pour l’Iris sont Réal Bossé pour Jusqu’au déclin, Paul Doucet pour Les nôtres, Patrick Hivon pour Mont Foster, Antoine Olivier Pilon pour Target Number One, et Sébastien Ricard pour Le club Vinland.
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Dans les catégories « rôle de soutien », on retrouve Sophie Desmarais pour Vacarme, Marianne Farley pour Les nôtres, Éléonore Loiselle et Caroline Néron pour La déesse des mouches à feu, et la mythique Sigourney Weaver pour My Salinger Year chez les dames. 
Chez ces messieurs, les finalistes sont Normand D’Amour et  Robin L’Houmeau pour La déesse des mouches à feu, Rémy Girard pour Le club Vinland, ainsi que James Hyndman et Théodore Pellerin pour Souterrain.
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La catégorie Révélation de l’année est l’une des plus intéressantes selon moi, car c’est un aperçu des visages marquants du cinéma des prochaines années. D’ailleurs, Émilie Bierre et Théodore Pellerin, en nomination cette année respectivement pour un premier rôle féminin et un rôle de soutien masculin, font partie des lauréats passés du prix Révélation. Donc, en 2021, les finalistes sont :  Kelly Depeault – La déesse des mouches à feu, Jasmine Lemée – Mon cirque à moi, Rosalie Pépin – Vacarme, Joakim Robillard – Souterrain et Arnaud Vachon – Le club Vinland.
Voici le reste des catégories :
MEILLEURE DISTRIBUTION DES RÔLES Iris de la Meilleure distribution des rôles
Deirdre Bowen (Deirdre Bowen Casting) | Heidi Levitt (Heidi Levitt Casting) | Bruno Rosato (Rosato Casting) | Supattra « Pum » Punyadee – Target Number One Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade casting) – Les Nôtres Marjolaine Lachance (Balustrade casting) – Souterrain Murielle La Ferrière, Marie-Claude Robitaille (Casting Murielle La Ferrière et Marie-Claude Robitaille) – La déesse des mouches à feu Pierre Pageau, Daniel Poisson (Gros Plan) – Le Club Vinland
MEILLEURE DIRECTION ARTISTIQUE Iris de la Meilleure direction artistique
Patrice Bengle, Louise Tremblay – Le Club Vinland Elise de Blois, Claude Tremblay – My Salinger Year Sylvain Lemaitre, Louisa Schabas – Blood Quantum David Pelletier – Mon cirque à moi David Pelletier – Target Number One
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie
Jonathan Decoste – La déesse des mouches à feu François Gamache – Le Club Vinland Mathieu Laverdière – Souterrain Tobie Marier Robitaille – La nuit des rois Sara Mishara – My Salinger Year
MEILLEUR SON Iris du Meilleur son
Pierre-Jules Audet, Emmanuel Croset, Michel Tsagli – La nuit des rois Sylvain Bellemare, Paul Col, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, Martyne Morin – La déesse des mouches à feu Sylvain Bellemare, Bernard Gariépy Strobl, François Grenon – Jusqu’au déclin Stéphane Bergeron, Olivier Calvert, Martyne Morin – Nadia, Butterfly Luc Boudrias, Frédéric Cloutier, Patrice LeBlanc – Souterrain
MEILLEUR MONTAGE Iris du Meilleur montage
Aube Foglia – La nuit des rois Michel Grou – Souterrain Stéphane Lafleur – La déesse des mouches à feu Arthur Tarnowski – Jusqu’au déclin Yvann Thibaudeau – Target Number One
MEILLEURS EFFETS VISUELS Iris des Meilleurs effets visuels
Alchimie 24 – Sébastien Chartier, Jean-François « Jafaz » Ferland, Marie-Claude Lafontaine – Jusqu’au déclin Real by Fake – Michael Beaulac, Marie-Hélène Panisset – Target Number One The Workshop – Barbara Rosenstein, Josh Sherrett – Blood Quantum
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale
Olivier Alary – La nuit des rois Patrice Dubuc, Gaëtan Gravel – Souterrain Guido Del Fabbro, Pierre Lapointe – Le Club Vinland Jean-Phi Goncalves, Éloi Painchaud, Jorane Pelletier – Target Number One Martin Léon – My Salinger Year
MEILLEURS COSTUMES Iris des Meilleurs costumes
Caroline Bodson – Souterrain Francesca Chamberland – Le Club Vinland Patricia McNeil, Ann Roth – My Salinger Year Noémi Poulin – Blood Quantum Sharon Scott – Mon cirque à moi
MEILLEUR MAQUILLAGE Iris du Meilleur maquillage
Kathryn Casault – La déesse des mouches à feu Dominique T. Hasbani – Jusqu’au déclin Audray Adam, Sandra Ruel – Souterrain Joan-Patricia Parris, Nancy Ferlatte, Erik Gosselin – Blood Quantum Larysa Chernienko, Natalie Trépanier – Target Number One
MEILLEURE COIFFURE Iris de la Meilleure coiffure
Michelle Côté – My Salinger Year Stéphanie DeFlandre – Mon cirque à moi André Duval – Le Club Vinland Marcelo Padovani – Blood Quantum Johanne Paiement – La déesse des mouches à feu
MEILLEUR FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur film documentaire
Errance sans retour – Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins | Mö Films – Mélanie Carrier, Olivier Higgins The Forbidden Reel – Ariel Nasr | Office national du film du Canada – Kat Baulu | Loaded Pictures – Sergeo Kirby | Ariel Nasr Je m’appelle humain – Kim O’Bomsawin | Terre Innue – Andrée-Anne Frenette Tant que j’ai du respir dans le corps – Steve Patry | Les Films de l’Autre – Steve Patry Wintopia – Mira Burt-Wintonick | Office national du film du Canada – Annette Clarke | EyeSteelFilm – Bob Moore
MEILLEURE DIRECTION DE LA PHOTOGRAPHIE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure direction de la photographie | Film documentaire
Sarah Baril Gaudet – Passage Hugo Gendron, Michel Valiquette – Je m’appelle humain Olivier Higgins, Renaud Philippe – Errance sans retour Mathieu Perrault Lapierre – The 108 Journey Marianne Ploska – Prière pour une mitaine perdue
MEILLEUR SON | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur son | Film documentaire
Pierre-Jules Audet, Luc Boudrias, Olivier Higgins, Kala Miya – Errance sans retour Stéphane Barsalou, Claude Beaugrand, Julie Innes – Le château Marie-Andrée Cormier, Olivier Germain, Marie-Pierre Grenier – Prière pour une mitaine perdue Benoît Dame, Catherine Van Der Donckt – Jongué, carnet nomade Olivier Germain, Marie-Pierre Grenier – Wintopia
MEILLEUR MONTAGE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur montage | Film documentaire
Anouk Deschênes – Wintopia Olivier Higgins, Amélie Labrèche – Errance sans retour Annie Jean – Le château Annie Jean – The Forbidden Reel Alexandre Lachance – Je m’appelle humain
MEILLEURE MUSIQUE ORIGINALE | FILM DOCUMENTAIRE Iris de la Meilleure musique originale | Film documentaire
Tom Brunt – Prière pour une mitaine perdue Martin Dumais – Errance sans retour Justin Guzzwell, Tyr Jami, Eric Shaw – Sisters: Dream & Variations Mathieu Perrault Lapierre – The 108 Journey Claude Rivest – Jongué, carnet nomade
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | FICTION Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Fiction
Aniksha – Vincent Toi | Vincent Toi, Guillaume Collin Comme une comète – Ariane Louis-Seize | Colonelle films – Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering Écume – Omar Elhamy | Les Films Rôdeurs – Jonathan Beaulieu-Cyr, Paul Chotel Goodbye Golovin – Mathieu Grimard | Golovin Films – Simon Corriveau-Gagné, Mathieu Grimard Lune – Zoé Pelchat | MéMO Films – Mélanie S. Dubois
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | ANIMATION Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Animation
Barcelona de Foc – Theodore Ushev | Theodore Ushev The Fourfold – Alisi Telengut | Alisi Telengut In the Shadow of the Pines – Anne Koizumi | Nava Projects – Sahar Yousefi Moi, Barnabé – Jean-François Lévesque | Office national du film du Canada – Julie Roy La saison des hibiscus – Éléonore Goldberg | Embuscade films – Nicolas Dufour-Laperrière
MEILLEUR COURT MÉTRAGE | DOCUMENTAIRE Iris du Meilleur court métrage | Documentaire
Clebs – Halima Ouardiri | Halima Ouardiri Le frère – Jérémie Battaglia | Les Films Extérieur Jour – Amélie Lambert Bouchard Life of a Dog – Danae Elon, Rosana Matecki | Entre deux mondes Productions – Paul Cadieux, Danae Elon Nitrate – Yousra Benziane | Yousra Benziane Port d’attache – Laurence Lévesque | Elise Bois
Le Club Vinland – Benoit Pilon | Normand Bergeron, Benoit Pilon, Marc Robitaille | Les Films Opale | Productions Avenida – Chantal Lafleur La déesse des mouches à feu – Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette | Catherine Léger | Entract Films | Coop Vidéo de Montréal – Luc Vandal Félix et le trésor de Morgäa – Nicola Lemay | Marc Robitaille | Maison 4:3 | 10e Ave Productions – Nancy Florence Savard Flashwood – Jean-Carl Boucher | Jean-Carl Boucher | Entract Films | Go Films – Jean-Carl Boucher, Nicole Robert Jusqu’au déclin – Patrice Laliberté | Charles Dionne, Nicolas Krief, Patrice Laliberté | Netflix | Couronne Nord – Julie Groleau Like a House on Fire – Jesse Noah Klein | Jesse Noah Klein | Entract Films | Colonelle films – Fanny Drew, Sarah Mannering | Woods Entertainment – William Woods Mon cirque à moi – Miryam Bouchard | Miryam Bouchard, Martin Forget | Les Films Séville | Attraction Images – Antonello Cozzolino Mont Foster – Louis Godbout | Louis Godbout | K-Films Amérique | Les Films Primatice – Sébastien Poussard My Salinger Year – Philippe Falardeau | Philippe Falardeau | Métropole Films | micro_scope – Luc Déry, Kim McCraw | Parallel Films – Ruth Coady, Susan Mullen Nadia, Butterfly – Pascal Plante | Pascal Plante | Maison 4:3 | Némésis Films – Dominique Dussault Les Nôtres – Jeanne Leblanc | Judith Baribeau, Jeanne Leblanc, | Maison 4:3 | Slykid & Skykid – Benoit Beaulieu, Marianne Farley Rustic Oracle – Sonia Bonspille Boileau | Sonia Bonspille Boileau | 7th Screen | Nish Media – Jason Brennan Le sang du pélican – Denis Boivin | Denis Boivin | Les Distributions Netima | Productions Dionysos – Denis Boivin Slaxx – Elza Kephart | Patricia Gomez Zlatar, Elza Kephart | Filmoption International | EMAfilms – Anne-Marie Gélinas | Head on the Door Productions – Patricia Gomez Zlatar Target Number One – Daniel Roby | Daniel Roby | Les Films Séville | Caramel Films – Valérie d’Auteuil, André Rouleau We Had It Coming – Paul Barbeau | Paul Barbeau | MK2 Mile End | Reprise Films – Melissa A. Smith, Paul Barbeau
Association coopérative de productions audiovisuelles (ACPAV) Représentée par Marc Daigle et Bernadette Payeur
6 notes · View notes
thebookwormsnest · 6 years
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Ho controllato il New York Times. Ho controllato il Telegraph. Ho controllato Le Monde. Ho controllato la BBC. Ho confrontato le proposte delle migliori case editrici italiane. Ho setacciato mezzo internet per poter stilare una lista al contempo più completa e più varia possibile.
E, alla fine, ce l'ho fatta.
Clicca su "Continua a leggere" per scoprire l'elenco completo dei duecento libri da leggere prima di morire! 
1984 – George Orwell
1Q84 – Haruki Murakami
A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
A ciascuno il suo – Leonardo Sciascia
A Fine Balance – Rohinton Mistry
A me le guardie! – Terry Pratchett
A sangue freddo – Truman Capote
Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie – Lewis Carroll
Alla ricerca del tempo perduto – Marcel Proust
Altri libertini – Pier Vittorio Tondelli 
Amabili resti – Alice Sebold
Amore e Psiche – Apuleio
Anna dai capelli rossi – Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anna Karenina – Lev Tolstoj
Artemis Fowl – Eoin Colfer
Ayla figlia della Terra – Jean Auel
Bar sport – Stefano Benni
Black Beauty: autobiografia di un cavallo – Anna Sewell
Bleak House – Charles Dickens
Brideshead Revisited – Evelyn Waugh
Buchi nel deserto – Louis Sachar 
Buona apocalisse a tutti! – Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Caino e Abele – Jeffrey Archer
Canto di Natale – Charles Dickens
Casa Desolata – Charles Dickens
Cent'anni di solitudine – Gabriel García Márquez
Charlotte's Web – EB White
Cime tempestose – Emily Brontë
Comma 22 – Joseph Heller
Cristo si è fermato ad Eboli – Carlo Levi
Cuore – Edmondo de Amicis
Cuore di tenebra – Joseph Conrad
David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
Delitto e castigo – Fëdor Dostoevskij
Diario – Anne Frank
Dieci piccoli indiani – Agatha Christie
Dio di illusioni – Donna Tartt
Don Chisciotte della Mancia – Miguel de Cervantes
Dracula – Bram Stoker
Dune – Frank Herbert
Emma – Jane Austen
Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
Favole al telefono – Gianni Rodari
Finzioni – Borges
Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
Furore – John Steinbeck
Gente di Dublino – James Joyce
Germinale – Emile Zola
Gita al faro – Virginia Woolf
Gli indifferenti – Alberto Moravia
Gormenghast – Mervyn Peake
Grandi speranze – Charles Dickens
Guerra e pace – Lev Tolstoj
Guida galattica per autostoppisti – Douglas Adams
Harry Potter – J. K. Rowling
Ho un castello nel cuore – Dodie Smith
I Buddenbrook – Thomas Mann
I cercatori di conchiglie – Rosamunde Pilcher
I Dolori del Giovane Werther – J. W. Goethe
I figli della mezzanotte – Salman Rushdie
I fiori del male – Charles Baudelaire
I fratelli Karamazov – Fedor Dostoevskij
I Malavoglia – Giovanni Verga
I Miserabili – Victor Hugo
I pilastri della terra – Ken Follett
I Promessi Sposi – Alessandro Manzoni
I Tre Moschettieri – Alexandre Dumas
Il barone rampante – Italo Calvino
Il bianco e il nero – Malorie Blackman
Il buio oltre la siepe – Harper Lee
Il Cacciatore di Aquiloni – Khaled Hosseini
Il canto del cielo – Sebastian Faulks
Il Codice da Vinci – Dan Brown
Il Colore Viola – Alice Walker
Il Commissario Maigret – George Simenon
Il Conte di Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
Il diario di Bridget Jones – Helen Fielding
Il Dio delle piccole cose – Arundhati Roy
Il dottor Jekyll e Mr. Hyde – Robert Louis Stevenson
Il dottor Zivago – Boris Pasternak
Il fu Mattia Pascal – Luigi Pirandello
Il Gattopardo – Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa
Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini – Giorgio Bassani
Il giardino segreto – Frances Hodgson Burnett
Il giornalino di Gian Burrasca – Vamba
Il giovane Holden – J. D. Salinger
Il grande Gatsby – Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Il leone, la strega e l'armadio – C. S. Lewis
Il maestro e Margherita – Bulgakov
Il mago – John Fowles
Il Mandolino del Capitano Corelli – Louis De Berniere
Il mondo nuovo – Aldous Huxley
Il Nome della Rosa – Umberto Eco
Il Padrino – Mario Puzo 
Il paradiso degli orchi – Daniel Pennac
Il passaggio segreto – Enid Blyton
Il Piccolo Principe – Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Il potere e la glori – Graham Greene
Il Processo – Franz Kafka
Il Profeta – Kahlil Gibran
Il profumo – Patrick Süskind
Il ragazzo giusto – Vikram Seth
Il ritratto di Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde
Il Rosso e il Nero – Stendhal
Il signore degli anelli – J. R. R. Tolkien
Il signore della magia – Raymond E. Feist
Il signore delle mosche – William Golding
Il vecchio e il mare – Ernest Hemingway
Il velo dipinto – W. Somerset Maughan
Il vento tra i salici – Kenneth Grahame
In culo al mondo – Antonio Lobo Antunes 
Io, robot – Isaac Asimov
Jane Eyre – Charlotte Brontë
Katherine – Anya Seton
Kitchen – Banana Yoshimoto
La casa degli spiriti – Isabel Allende
La ciociara – Alberto Moravia 
La collina dei conigli – Richard Adams
La coscienza di Zeno – Italo Svevo
La Divina Commedia – Dante Alighieri
La donna in bianco – Wilkie Collins
La fabbrica di cioccolato – Roald Dahl
La famiglia Winshow – Johnathan Coe
La fattoria degli animali – George Orwell
La fattoria delle magre consolazioni – Stella Gibbons
La fiera delle vanità – William Makepeace Thackeray
La lettera scarlatta – Nathaniel Hawthorne
La luna e i falò – Cesare Pavese
La Storia – Elsa Morante
La trilogia della città di K – Agosta Kristof
La verità sul caso Harry Quebert – Joel Dicker
La versione di Barney – Mordecai Richler
L'alchimista – Paulo Coelho
L'amore ai tempi del colera – Gabriel García Márquez
L'arte della guerra – Sun Tzu
L'arte di essere felici – Arthur Schopenhauer 
Le affinità elettive – Goethe
Le avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie – Lewis Carroll
Le Avventure di Pinocchio – Collodi
Le Avventure di Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Le Cronache del Ghiaccio e del Fuoco – George R. R. Martin
Le notti bianche – Fedor Dostoevski
L'eleganza del riccio – Muriel Barbery
Lessico Familiare – Natalia Ginzburg
Lettera a un bambino mai nato – Oriana Fallaci
L'insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere – Milan Kundera
L'isola del tesoro – Robert Louis Stevenson
Lo strano caso del cane ucciso a mezzanotte – Mark Haddon
Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov
L'ombra del vento – Carlos Ruiz Zafon
L'ombra dello scorpione – Stephen King
L'opera completa di Shakespeare
Madame Bovary – Gustave Flaubert
Mattatoio n. 5 – Kurt Vonnegut 
Memorie di Adriano – Marguerite Yourcenar
Memorie di una geisha – Arthur Golden
Middlemarch – George Eliot
Moby Dick – Herman Melville
Morty l'apprendista – Terry Pratchett
Niente di nuovo sul fronte occidentale – Remarque
Night watch – Terry Pratchett
Noi, i ragazzi dello zoo di Berlino – Christiane F.
Non ora, non qui – Erri De Luca
Norwegian Wood – Haruki Murakami 
Notes From A Small Island – Bill Bryson
Oceano mare – Alessandro Baricco
Odissea – Omero
Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
Opinioni di un clown – Heinrich Boll
Orgoglio e pregiudizio – Jane Austen
Pastorale americana – Philip Roth
Persuasione – Jane Austen
Piccole donne – Louisa May Alcott
Possession – AS Byatt
Preghiera per un amico – John Irving
Quel che resta del giorno – Kazuo Ishiguro
Queste oscure materie – Philip Pulman
Racconto di due città – Charles Dickens
Rebecca, la prima moglie – Daphne du Maurier
Ritorno a Brideshead – Evelyn Waugh
Se questo è un uomo – Primo Levi
Shining – Stephen King
Siddharta – Hermann Hesse
Sostiene Pereira – Tabucchi
Storia di una gabbianella e del gatto che le insegnò a volare – Luis Sepulveda
Suite francese – Irene Nemirovsky
Sulla strada – Jack Kerouac 
Tess dei d'Urbervilles – Thomas Hardy 
The Faraway Tree Collection – Enid Blyton
The Wasp Factory – Iain Banks
Tre Uomini in Barca – Jerome K. Jerome
Uccelli di rovo – Colleen McCullough
Ulisse – James Joyce
Un Uomo – Oriana Fallaci
Una città come Alice – Nevil Shute
Uomini e topi – John Steinbeck
Via col vento – Margaret Mitchell
Via dalla pazza folla – Thomas Hardy
Vita di Pi – Yann Martel
Winnie the Pooh – AA Milne
Mi sembra strano che autori come Baudelaire, Wilde o Shakespeare siano stati citati un'unica volta, così come il Diario di Anna Frank o Ulisse di Joyce - che per carità possono piacere o non piacere, ma sono comunque importanti dal punto di vista storico il primo ed il padre del modernismo inglese il secondo - mentre Harry Potter o Il Signore degli Anelli erano presenti in tutte le liste - anche qui, importantissimi per la storia del fantasy e perfino rivoluzionari, ma paragonarli a Shakespeare?
E voi, cosa ne pensate? Siete d'accordo, anche parzialmente, o ci sono grandi assenti? Fatemelo sapere nei reblog :)
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carmenvicinanza · 3 years
Corita Kent la suora pop
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Corita Kent è stata un’artista e educatrice molto particolare. Negli anni ’60 del secolo scorso, le sue vibranti serigrafie hanno ottenuto consensi internazionali. Le sue opere propugnavano messaggi di pace e giustizia sociale.
Nata col nome di Frances Elizabeth Kent il 20 novembre del 1918 nello Iowa, si trasferì, dopo pochi anni a Hollywood con la famiglia. A 16 anni entrò nell’ordine delle Sorelle del Cuore Immacolato di Maria a Los Angeles, famose per essere progressiste e per accogliere favorevolmente la creatività. Divenne così, Suor Mary Corita.
Laureatasi in storia dell’arte all’Università della California, nel 1951, visse in convento per trent’anni, dal 1938 al 1968, dapprima fu insegnante e poi direttrice del dipartimento artistico dell’istituto. Intanto viaggiò per il mondo e venne a conoscenza di tante realtà che portò nel suo lavoro.
Il suo stile d’insegnamento era rivoluzionario. Le sue lezioni erano avanguardia pura, apprezzate da ogni artista che la incontrò.
Incoraggiava i suoi alunni a guardare il mondo attorno con occhi nuovi, con una diversa prospettiva perché ogni cosa è unica.
Il genio è guardare cose ordinarie in modo straordinario, era uno dei suoi motti preferiti.
Il suo lavoro che, in una prima fase, era figurativo e religioso, incominciò, gradualmente, a incorporare immagini pubblicitarie e slogan, testi di canzoni pop, versi biblici e letteratura.
Già all’inizio degli anni ’50, mostrò uno stile estetico e didattico così unico che i membri del clero di tutto il paese arrivano a seguire le sue lezioni.
Nel corso degli anni ’60, la sua arte divenne sempre più politica, affrontando temi come  povertà, razzismo, la guerra del Vietnam e le crisi umanitarie.
Negli anni le vennero commissionate molte opere per eventi religiose e non.
Nel 1962, Corita Kent, ispirata dalle opere di Andy Warhol, produsse la sua prima stampa Pop. Risale a questi anni il logo prodotto per la rivista Life, in cui compaiono le citazioni di Philip Roth e di Simon & Garfunkel.
Nel 1966 venne nominata tra le nove donne dell’anno per il Los Angeles Times.
Nel 1967 era sulla copertina del numero di Natale di Newsweek Magazine. I suoi lavori, chiaramente ispirati dagli artisti Pop  contemporanei, come Andy Warhol o Roy Lichtenstein, se ne differenziavano per un utilizzo continuo e “sociale” della parte testuale, di citazioni o frasi indicanti un messaggio di solare e irriducibile positività.
In Juiciest Tomato, utilizzò la grafica di un annuncio della compagnia Del Monte per la descrizione della Vergine Maria come il pomodoro più succoso di tutti.
Venne incaricata di creare una serie di cartelloni pubblicitari in cui si criticavano le guerre in atto nel mondo.
Nel 1968 lasciò l’ordine, pur rimanendo in ottimi rapporti e si trasferì a Boston.
Nel 1971 le venne commissionato il logo per i serbatoi di gas della Boston Gas Company, la più grande opera d’arte protetta da copyright al mondo.
Negli anni ’70, la sua opera adottò uno stile più scarno e introspettivo, influenzato dal vivere in un nuovo ambiente, da una vita secolare e dalle sue battaglie contro il cancro.
Nel 1980 venne allestita una grande retrospettiva del suo lavoro al de Cordova Museum in Massachusetts.
Nel 1983 firmò i cartelloni pubblicitari “possiamo creare la vita senza guerra“.
Nel 1985 disegnò il bellissimo francobollo l’amore è un lavoro duro.
Si occupò di cause sociali fino alla sua morte per cancro al fegato il 18 settembre 1986.
Al momento della sua morte, aveva creato quasi 800 edizioni serigrafiche, lasciò le opere invendute e i diritti d’autore alla Comunità del Cuore Immacolato, che nel 1997 fondò il Corita Art Center. Il centro, ha organizzato centinaia di mostre dei suoi lavori, curato i diritti d’immagine, venduto le sue stampe e sviluppato programmi educativi basati sui suo metodo.
Le sue opere sono presenti in numerose istituzioni pubbliche e collezioni private in tutto il mondo.
Corita Kent utilizzava il metodo della serigrafia perché consentiva le riproduzioni, che era il suo modo di intendere l’arte, accessibile e disponibile. Non voleva che nessuna delle sue stampe fosse più preziosa delle altre. Non le numerava e a volte non registrava la produzione totale dell’edizione. 
Una vita spesa a propugnare il suo amore per l’umanità attraverso la sua arte e creatività.
Corita Kent è, indubbiamente, la suora più pop della storia.
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Are Black Lives Matter Being Honest?
If you have the patience to listen to Black Lives Matter for more than a single minute, you’ll find a repeated theme the whole way across their campaign: ‘Blacks have to fear for their lives because white people want them dead’.
So for such a victimized group who are being terrorized and hunted down by white people, surely this purge of black Americans by the evil whites would be quite evident, right? Well, let’s find out.
Here’s the list of victims of interracial killings involving innocent blacks and innocent whites in just the past five months of 2017 alone. We’ll start with white on black homicide first so we can understand where Black Lives Matter’s argument comes from:
White on black:
On March 5th, Steven Fletcher was stabbed to death in his home in Great Falls, MT. His white girlfriend has been charged with the murder.
On March 20th, Timothy Caughman, 66, was stabbed to death in NYC. A white male turned himself in and confessed to the murder afterward.
On March 17th, Troymaine Deanthonies Johnson, 33, was killed in Upson County. He is disabled and was dumped at a campground by his white girlfriend. She left him to freeze to death.
On April 22nd, Javon Donahue was found dead in Knob Noster, MO. It is unclear exactly when he was killed. His white wife was charged with murdering him.
On, April 29, Jordan Edwards, 15, was shot and later died in Balch Springs when officer Roy Oliver fired into a car. Oliver has been charged with murder. 
On April 30th, Monique Clark, 30, was shot and killed at an apartment complex in San Diego. The shooter was a white male who opened fire on neighbors and then committed suicide.
On May 20th, Richard Collins III, 22, was stabbed to death in College Park, MD. He was visiting the University of Maryland. A white male has been charged with the murder.
Now let’s look at black on white:
On January 29th, Bailey Zylo, 18, and Andy Fockler, 38, was killed during a home invasion in Weirsdale. Two black males invaded their home and shot them. Fockler’s stepson Bailey was killed execution style while he laid in his bed. Fockler’s wife only survived because he shielded her with his own body.
On January 29th, Billy Dale Stacks, 62, was shot and killed at a gas station in Tyler, TX. Police charged three black males.
On January 29th, David “Wayne” Bullins, 24, was shot and killed in Stoneville, NC. Police arrested a black male. Bullins was found dead in a ditch.
On January 26th, Jeremy Nedow, 39, was shot and killed in Nashville. He was inside his car and had just pulled up in front of his home. A black male has been charged with his murder.
On January 26th, Jennifer Taylor, 33, and her daughter Marissa Lynn Taylor, 9, were shot and killed in Fitzgerald, GA. Police arrested the mother’s black boyfriend. The shooting took place right outside of a school.
On January 25th, Michael Genovese, 57, and Carl Clark, 52,were both shot and killed on Staten Island. Both were killed execution style, with a single shot to the back of the head, inside a mortgage office. A black male has been charged.
On January 25th, Tiffany Greer was shot and killed in Indianapolis. The perpetrator is her black boyfriend. He committed suicide afterward.
On January 24th, Russ Roberts, 60, was shot and killed inside a laundromat in Del City. A black female was also murdered. The female victim was the manager and the male victim was a customer. Police arrested a black male for the killings.
On January 24th, April Marie Daugherty, 24, was killed while riding her bicycle in Wilmington, NC. A black male has been charged with a felony for killing her.
On January 24th, Senicha Lessman, 25, was shot and killed in Eagan, MN. Her black boyfriend was arrested. She was 32 weeks pregnant and the baby died.
On January 23rd, Ruslan Magamedov, 57, was killed while working at a gas station in Paterson. Police arrested two black males.
On January 20th, Michael D. Louviere, 26, was shot and killed in Jefferson Parish, LA. A black perpetrator shot his pregnant black girlfriend, killing her. Louviere tried to provide assistance to the woman but the perp shot and killed Louviere execution style too. The perp later shot himself.
On January 19th, Carissa Oakman, 36, was murdered in Detroit. A black handyman beat and smothered her. Her body was later found dumped in a garage.
On January 18th, Richard Cozart Jr, 20, was shot to death while sitting in the back on a car in New Albany. A black male has been charged. The two apparently knew each other.
On January 17th, Sandi Roth, 29, was stomped to death in Columbus. Police received reports that a black male was beating her in the Hilltop neighborhood of Columbus in mid-morning. The perp kicked her in her face and head. She was placed on life support, but never regained consciousness. She was taken off life support on March 19th.
On January 17th, Joseph Bilella III, 34, was shot and killed in his home in Palm Beach County. Police charged a 19-year-old black male.
On January 17th, Meagan Dearman, 31, was killed in Baird, Texas. Her body was dumped in a lake. Police arrested her black boyfriend.
On January 17th, Christian Chancey, 23, was shot and killed in Edmond, Oklahoma. A black male was charged. The murder took place inside a fast food restaurant.
On January 15th, Ryan Small, 22, was shot and killed in York, PA. Police charged two black males.
On January 14th, Rosalie Koenig, 62, was horrifically killed in Long Island. She was pumping gas in her car. A black female slammed into the other side of the pump. The entire pump broke away from the ground Koenig was crushed between the pump and the car.
On January 12th, Ali Brown, 20, and Victoria Brown, 28, were shot and killed inside a Kansas City apartment. Ali Brown’s son was shot five times, but survived. The suspects are three black males.
On January 11th, Robyn Hale, 27, was shot and killed at her home in Baton Rouge. Police charged her black ex-boyfriend.
On January 9th, Ryan Dubuc, 28, was shot and killed in St. Charles Parish, LA. A black male was charged. Dubuc was carjacked, shot execution style, and dumped on the side of the road.
On January 9th, Jonathan Palmer, 31, was shot and killed at a gas station in Townsville, SC. Police arrested a black male.
On January 8th, Catherine Wicker, 81, was killed in a horrific murder in Memphis. A black male tried to steal her purse, but another pedestrian helped her fight back. So the perp got in his car and rammed Wicker. He dragged her body across a parking lot, killing her.
On January 8th, Gerald Gillespie, 86, was found dead in his Fayetteville, NC home. Police charged a black male with invading his home and killing him.
January 6th, Amy Byrd Schrader, 58, was stabbed to death in Christianburg, VA. A black male was charged. A second woman was also stabbed but survived.
January 2nd, Terry Paul Crouse, 55, was killed in Annapolis. Police charged a black male. Crouse was killed in front of his home.
On February 28th, Jason Thomas, 35, was shot and killed by a black male in Fort Smith. He was shot in the face, right in front of his wife, while sitting in his vehicle. The couple was having trouble starting their car. The perp walked up and shot him through an open window and then walked away.
On February 27th, Michael Mullikin, 68, was killed and his body shoved in a barrel and then burned in Goose Creek, SC. He rented a room in his home to a young black male. Police charged that man with killing him and stealing his car.
On February 27th, Sean Shoemaker, 21, was killed and his body dumped in a pond in Louisville. Police charged a black male.
On February 27th, Jessica Lynn Mills, 29, was shot in the back and killed by two black males in Houston. She was murdered in front of her husband and two small daughters.
On February 24th, James Melton, 36, was shot in the head and killed while sitting in his truck in Alexandria, Louisiana. Two black males have been charged. He was in the parking lot of Save More in broad daylight.
On February 24th, Derrick Yanetta, 24, was shot and killed outside of a bar in Cleveland, Ohio. The perp is a black male who is a career criminal. The perp got into a shootout with police after he killed Yanetta.
On February 23rd, Sidney J. Campbell, 56, and Marie E. Stamp, 31, were shot and killed by black males in Columbus, Ohio. Police say the perpetrators killed them so they could not testify in a case about drug trafficking in their neighborhood.
On February 22nd, Zachary Winters, 28, was shot and killed in front of his apartment. A black male neighbor was charged with his murder.
On February 19th, Trevor Tiemann, 26, was shot and killed in Cincinnati. A black male was charged.
On February 18th, Ashley Fricke, 25, of Woodford, Virginia was found shot and killed in her car in a Walmart Parking lot. Police have arrested a black female. The murder appears totally random. Fricke was engaged to be married.
On February 17th, Brian Smith, 27, was shot twice and killed in El Dorado, Arkansas. He was killed while standing in the front doorway of his home. The suspect is a black male with a history of violent felonies.
On February 16th, Julianna Chambers, 13, was killed in Whiting, IN. Her 57-year-old grandmother was also injured. The perpetrators are two black males who rammed their car while fleeing from police.
On February 15th, Clyde A. Weeks, 19, of Hinesville, GA was shot multiple times and killed. The suspect is a black male who reportedly was terrorizing the neighborhood. The suspect initially pulled a gun on someone else and Weeks tried to intervene.
On February 15th, Walter “Wes” Scott Jr., 65, was delivering newspapers in Charlotte, NC. He was shot and killed near Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. A black male with an extreme criminal record has been arrested for the murder. The suspect was on parole at the time. The victim was widely loved by the community. Friends say that Scott was worried about how dangerous the neighborhood had become. The shooting is being called totally random.
On February 15th, Lewis Hay Frampton IV, 27, was shot and killed in Summerville, SC. Police have arrested and charged a black male.
On February 14th, William Grahek, 22, was murdered in Duluth, MN. He was a student at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. He was shot by a black male. Several other people, including both blacks and whites have been charged for being accessories.
On February 14th, David B Eadie, 58, was shot and killed in Charlotte, NC. Police arrested a black male.
On February 14th, John Wesley Pruitt Jr, 41, was shot and killed while working at a BP gas station that he owned. The Family Fare/BP station in Durham, NC. The suspect is a 16-year-old black male. Apparently, Pruitt managed to shoot the perpetrator during the attack.
On February 14th, Joshua Evans, 18, was shot multiple times and killed in Louisville, Kentucky. Two black males have been arrested. This was one day after the victim turned 18. The victim named his attackers in a Facebook post just minutes before he was killed. Evan’s father says the perps had been bullying Evans for four years.
On February 14th, Timothy Echols Jr, 17, was shot and killed in Corpus Christi, TX. A black male was arrested in New Orleans several months later.
On February 13th, Richard Lee Rawlins was shot and killed in Tuscaloosa, AL. Rawlins was killed in his own front yard. Police arrested and charged a black male.
On February 12th, Anthony McIntyre, 60, was murdered inside his home in Louisville. Police charged a black male who lived a few doors down. It appears to have been a home invasion.
On February 12th, Barbara Lynn Grubb, 35, was found murdered and dumped on the side of the road in Sumter County, Florida by a black perpetrator.
On February 11th, an interracial couple was murdered in Macon County, TN by two black males. The victims were James Turner, a black male, and Ashley Mondoni, a white female.
On February 11th, Jack Carter Little, 69, was shot and killed while working in his High Point, NC Army Surplus store. Police arrested two black males and a black female. Little had owned the store for 35 years.
On February 9th, Zackary Mason Farmer, 20, was shot and killed in Muncie, IN. A black male was arrested.
On February 8th, Reagan Tokes, 21, was raped and murdered in Grove City, Ohio. She was a senior at Ohio State University. A black male has been arrested. The suspect is a convicted sex offender, who had just been released from prison last November. Tokes was abducted after she left a waitress job. Her body was dumped in a park.
On February 8th, Robert D’onofrio, 66, was shot and killed in his garage in Brooklyn. His Mustang was stolen. A black male confessed to the murder.
On February 7th, Nicholas Olson, 31, was found shot to death in his car in West Palm Beach. Police have charged a black male with the murder. The suspect confessed that he took the victim’s wallet and cell phone, but then shot him multiple times execution style. The victim is a father of two.
On February 7th, Alexander Reed, 18, was shot and killed in Little Rock. Police have charged a black male.
On February 7th, Kyle Simpson was murdered in his driveway in Jacksonville. Witnesses saw three black males load his possessions into an SUV and drive away. When police tried to pull them over, they rammed the police car.
On February 6th, Patricia Payne, 54, was murdered in her home in Ventura, CA by her black husband, who is a retired judge. When police arrived at the home, he shot himself.
On February 3rd, Vitali Mialik, 34, was shot and killed in Suwanee, GA. Police have charged a black male who shot Mialik in the neck and ran off.
On February 2nd, Alex Phebus, 25, was stabbed to death in Madisonville, KY. Police have arrested a black male. The victim was able to describe the attacker before he died.
On March 30th, Cheyenne Calderon, 20, Kelly Freshour, 50, and Timothy Keyser, 70, were all shot and killed in Canton. The perpetrator is a black male who Cheyenne was dating. The perpetrator also killed their pet Siberian Husky. He committed suicide afterward.
On March 28th, Travis L. Bourne, 34, was beaten to death inside his home in New Paris, Ohio. Police arrested two black males.
On March 28th, John Porter, 69, was shot and killed inside his home in Fort Worth. It was a home invasion. Police arrested and charged a black male.
On March 28th, Sheena Engstrom, 28, was shot and killed in St. Louis. The killer was her black boyfriend who committed suicide afterward.
On March 27th, Martha P. Watson, 74, was beaten to death in Harrisburg, PA. Police have charged her black stepson for the murder.
On March 27th, David Wilder, 61, was shot and killed in Cleveland. Three black males have been charged. Wilder is a local college professor. He was crossing the street when he was killed in a drive-by shooting.
On March 27th, Andrew Nesbitt, 46, was stabbed to death in his home in Madison, WI. Police arrested a black male. They say the perp saw Nesbitt at a gas station, stalked him back to his house and killed him.
On March 27th, Jonathan Nipper, 38, was shot and killed in Hoke County, North Carolina. Police have charged three young black males for the murder.
On March 25th, Madie Hart, 18, was killed in Cincinnati. Police have charged a black female with her murder. The perp intentionally hit Hart with her car and dragged her 88 feet.
On March 24th, Jamie Urton, 44, was beaten, shot and killed in Cincinnati. His car was stopped and he was attacked by a mob and then shot. An unidentified passenger was also attacked. Police have charged a black male for his murder.
On March 23rd, Deborah Liles, 62, was beaten to death inside her home in Jacksonville. Police have charged a black male. It was a home invasion and Liles did not know her attacker.
On March 22nd, Greg Zyszkiewicz, 64, was shot and killed in Milwaukee. He was working as a home inspector when he was shot. Five black males have been arrested.
On March 22nd, Courtney Hoage, 29, was shot and killed at her home in Crowley, LA by a black male. The same person killed a black female, injured a police officer, and killed a police K9. The perp was eventually shot and killed by police.
On March 22th, Corrina Mehiel, 34, was found tied up and stabbed to death in Washington DC. Police do not think she knew her attacker. A black male from West Africa has been charged.
On March 21st, Brandon Burrow, 18, was shot and killed in High Point, NC. Police charged two black males. Burrow was shot in the back.
On March 21st, Jennifer Foxx, 34, was found dead in Spring Lake, NC. Her black former roommate has been arrested for her murder.
On March 20th, Kelsey Tennant, 19, was beaten to death. The killer is a black male. Tennant came home from work and the suspect was in her home. Tennant’s boyfriend was attacked and shot at when he came looking for her.
On March 19th, Officer Shawn Anderson, 43, was shot and killed. Anderson was trying to arrest the suspect for rape when he was killed.
On March 18th, Jason Bradley Smith, 31, was found shot on the side of the road in Conway, SC. Police identified a black male suspect a month later. In May, he was finally arrested for the murder.
On March 18th, Stephanie Woodford, 34, was shot and killed in San Antonio. A black male has been charged. Woodford was at a friends house to help her remodel. Her friend was beaten in the head with a pistol.
On March 17th, Jamie Bates, 31, was shot and killed in her home in Lasalle Parish, LA. A black male has been charged. The killer was invited to stay at the house by one of Bate’s roommates.
On March 17th, Tricia Freeman, 47, was killed in Manatee County, FL. Her adopted daughter’s black boyfriend has been charged.
On March 17th, Travis Brandt, 45, was shot and killed in Memphis. A black male has been charged with first-degree murder.
On March 15th, Harold Frisard, 56, was stabbed to death in his apartment in Metairie, LA. Two black males have been arrested. The same perps also killed three black victims and shot an unidentified woman in the face.
On March 14th, Alyssa Sayago, 19, was shot and killed in Las Vegas. Police have charged two black males aged 17 and 18.
On March 12th, Taylor Brandenburg, 20, was shot and killed in Dayton, Ohio. She was babysitting for her cousin. The cousin and some friends were at a neighborhood bar when a member of their group was attacked by a black male. Then another black male followed the group home and opened fire on them. Brandenburg was exiting the house and was shot multiple times.
On March 10th, Harrisburg Fire Lt. Dennis Devoe, was killed responding to a fire in Harrisburg, PA. A black female wrecked into him. Police say she was drunk and driving a stolen car. She fled the scene.
On March 10th, Jordan Baker, 19, and Howard Wick, 35, were shot and killed in Westland, Michigan. A black male has been charged with shooting them. A second black male and his white girlfriend have been charged with being his accomplices.
On March 7th, Rocky Wayne Marsh, 38, was beaten to death in Killeen, Texas. Police have arrested three black males and a white female. The murder took place in the parking lot of Marsh’s apartment complex.
On March 7th, Joshua David Lindauer, 33, was shot and killed in Jacksonville. Police have charged a black male.
On March 6th, Sheila Ray Keenan, 45, was beaten to death in Des Moines, Iowa. A black male has been arrested.
On March 5th, Allen Ray Plexco, 50, was beaten to death in Fort Worth. A black male has been charged. Plexco was a homeless man.
On March 4, a white male and two white females were riddled with bullets inside their apartment. The white male invited two black males over to sell them marijuana. Instead, they tried to murder all three and just stole the product. Christian Peck, 21, was killed. One female victim was shot was severely injured with gunshot wounds to the face, head, and shoulder. She miraculously survived. The other female victim was shot in each hand.
On March 3, Sam Norman, 51, was shot and killed execution-style while sitting in his pickup truck in Stone Mountain, Georgia. He was targeted at random by a group of black males.
On March 3rd, Barbara Van Den Broeck , 73, was killed in Cincinnati. Police say a black female hit her with her car. Then she turned around and hit Broeck a second time and fled, leaving her to die.
On March 2nd, Charlotte Lahr, 46, was murdered while working in a store she ran in Rochester. The perp is a black male who is a career criminal and had recently been paroled from prison. She was beaten to death.
On April 27th, Matthew Makarits, 22, was shot and killed at a park in Greenacres, FL. Another black male victim was also shot and killed. Police have charged a black male with shooting both victims. Police say the gunman wanted to steal their marijuana.
On April 26th, Kelly Glasgow, 29, was shot and killed in Galena, KS. Police have arrested her black boyfriend.
On April 25th, Caleb Lee, 9, was critically injured in St.Louis. He died of his injuries after about ten days in the ICU. Two black males aged 15 and 16 committed an armed carjacking earlier in the day. They were fleeing from police in a stolen car and slammed into Caleb and his family.
On April 24th, Haley Rathgeber, 20, was found dead in a field near her apartment in Warrick County, IN. Police have charged a black male who is Rathgeber’s ex-boyfriend.
On April 23rd, Austin Cupp, 23, was shot and killed in Kansas City. A black male has been charged.
On April 23rd, Nathaniel Ewing, 20, was shot and killed in Norman, OK. Two black males are responsible. It was a random shooting. Ewing was a student at the University of Oklahoma.
On April 22nd, Tabitha Newbill, 24, was murdered in her home in Kansas City. The perp is her black boyfriend. He committed suicide afterward.
On April 20th, Roshanda Hayden, 22, was shot and killed in Oak Grove, KY. The shooting took place inside a motel room. A black male has been charged.
On April 20th, Alex Boschert, 27, and William Froelich, 52, were shot and killed in St. Louis. They were utility employees and connecting a gas line to a home. The killer was a black male who committed suicide afterward.
On April 19th, Barry Roger Cooper, 54, was murdered in Grand Rapids, MI. A black male has been charged.
On April 18th, Allison Tenbarge, 20, was killed in Clarksville, TN. She was eight months pregnant at the time. Her black boyfriend has been charged with killing her.
On April 18th, Avery Wheeler, 22, was shot and killed Edgewater, FL. He was the first murder victim in Edgewater in sixteen years. Police have charged a black male.
On April 18th, Zackary Randalls, 34, Mark Gassett, 37, and David Jackson, 58, were all shot in Fresno, CA. A black male who espoused Nation of Islam theology was arrested. The same perp had killed a black security guard a few days earlier. He told police that he wanted to be known as someone who killed a lot of white people, not as someone who killed a black security guard.
On April 16th, Trent Stutheit, 29, was shot and killed in Omaha, NE. He was killed at random in a parking garage by a black male.
On April 15th, Devin Lowe, 44, was murdered while driving a limo in Detroit. Police release photos of two black male perpetrators.
On April 15th, Andrew Swiatek Jr. 29, was shot and killed on the side of the road in Colorado Springs. Police have charged a black male.
On April 15th, Aaron Jennings, 21, was shot and killed in a parking lot of a nightclub in Evansville, IN. Police say a black male was thrown out of the club. He waited in the parking lot and opened fire on a random group of people. Another victim was shot and injured.
On April 14th, Trina Kuznik, 46, and Mike Kuznik, 50, were shot and killed in Cleveland. They were working at a car dealership. The shooter stormed into the office and shot both in the head. A pet dog was also killed. Police arrested a black male.
On April 14th, Steven Thompson, 49, was shot and killed in Kansas City. He was shot on his front porch. Another man was shot and injured. A black male has been charged.
On April 12th, Joseph Angelo, 36, was shot and killed inside his home in Guthrie, OK. Police say he was shot 36 times with two different guns. They have arrested two black males.
On April 11th, Megan Leigh Getrum, 36, was raped and murdered in Plano, TX. A black male has been charged. He is the same person charged with killing another white female in Fort Worth.
On April 11th, Zackery Ganoe, 20, was stabbed to death at a motel near Kissimmee, FL. Police have charged a black female. She also seriously wounded a second victim.
On April 10th, Gladys Rachel Bradshaw, 63, was murdered inside her own home in Clinton, NC. Police have arrested a black male. He apparently killed Bradshaw in a home invasion. He was caught using the victim’s credit cards.
On April 9th, Philip Molis, 23, was shot and critically wounded while working as a security guard in Galveston, TX. He died in the hospital seven days later. Security cameras captured three black males.
On April 8th, Janine Ackerman, 35, was shot and killed at her workplace in Coral Gables, FL. A black male, who was a former personal trainer at the gym, opened fire on his former co-workers. Another white male was also injured.
On April 7th, Justin Micheal Aiken, 21, was shot and killed in Hickory, NC. It was part of a spree shooting that killed three and injured one other. A black male has been charged with the murders.
On April 7th, two sisters and their father were shot and killed in St. Paul, MN. The victims are Wade McIntosh, 50, and his two daughters, Olivia, 17, and Maria, 19. They were shot by two black males who are brothers. One of the shooters was dating Maria. One of the perps committed suicide and the other was captured. Anita Mcintosh, the mother of the two sisters, was also shot and seriously wounded.
On April 7th, James Short, 74, was stabbed to death in his home in Austin. Police have charged a black male with the murder. Short had hired the perpetrator to help him go shopping.
On April 4th, Dennis Ronald Gayton was shot and killed in Gainsville, GA. He was walking down Martin Luther King Jr Blvd at the time. Police say the perpetrator is a black male.
On April 4th, Michael Luckey, 29, was murdered and his body was dumped in a river in Osawatomie, KS. A group of black males and females have been arrested. They lured the victim off of craigslist with a prostitution ad.
On April 3rd, Craig Alan Henise, 50, was shot and killed in York, PA. A 16-year-old black male has been charged.
On April 2nd, Michael Harvey Cox, 31, was shot and killed in Florence, SC. Cox was shot outside a hotel by a black male.
On May 31st, Sabrina Galusha, 23, was stabbed to death in Concord, NH. Police have charged her black boyfriend with killing her.
On May 31st, Jimmy McBride, 33, was shot and killed in New Orleans. McBride was servicing an ATM machine when he was shot. Police have arrested a black male.
On May 31st, Dylan Steffen, 22, was shot and killed in Milwaukee. Police have charged a black male who had just been released from custody only eight hours earlier. Steffen was walking down the street with a friend when the perp attacked them at random and then shot Steffen in the back.
On May 28th, William Durr, 36, was shot and killed in Bogue Chitto, Mississippi. The murder was part of an eight fatality shooting spree by a black male. The other seven victims are all black.
On May 28th, Taelyn Woodson, 6, was killed in Muncie, IN. She was in a van with her mother and her mother’s black boyfriend. Police say the boyfriend started beating her mother while she was driving. This caused the van to wreck. Taelyn was ejected from the vehicle and killed. The black boyfriend has been charged with several felonies, including a felony negligent homicide charge.
On May 27th, Chesney Shaw, 71, was stabbed to death in Cincinnati. Police have arrested a 22-year-old black male.
On May 26th, Jessica Newcomb, 21, was shot and killed in a motel room in Mobile, AL. Police believe that she met a black male for sex, and then he shot and killed her afterward.
On May 26th, Michael Walter, 48, was shot and killed in Richmond, VA. A black male has been arrested for the murder.
On May 25th, Amanda Korkosz, 32, was killed when her house was intentionally set on fire in Baton Rouge. Police have arrested her black boyfriend.
On May 24th, Viktor Yashchyshyn, 51, was walking his dog in Old Bridge, NJ. A black male attacked him at random and beat him to death.
On May 24th, Donavan Ruland, 12, was shot and killed in Rockford, IL. He was riding an ATV in his neighborhood. Police say a black male shot him and then ran away.
On May 23rd, Reese Bowman, 8 months, was beaten and suffocated to death in a daycare center in Baltimore. Police say a black female employee intentionally murdered the baby.
On May 23rd, Edna Warren, 98, was beaten to death inside a nursing home in Newnan, GA. An African immigrant who was working as a nursing assistant has been charged.
On May 23, Rita Henon, 43, was shot execution style as she was leaving a gas station in Baldwin County, GA. Police say the perp is a black male who has been arrested many times.
On May 23rd, Jacquelyn Landry, 18, went missing in Lafayette, LA. On June 1st, police charged a black male with killing her.
On May 22nd, Jason Heck, 29, was found dead on the side of the road in Kokomo, IN. Police have arrested a black male.
On May 21st, Alisa Burnett, 42, was murdered in Kokomo, IN. She was a waitress at a bar. Police say a black male was kicked out of the bar. He waited in the parking lot and then intentionally rammed his car towards people who were leaving. He pinned Burnett against another car and killed her.
On May 21st, Kevin Wade Wirth, 30, was beaten and stabbed in Lansing, MI. Police have arrested a black male. Wirth befriended his killer in a bar, and then later sent a text message to a friend that he was in fear of his life.
On May 21st, Misty Martinez, 41, was shot and killed in Bessemer, AL. A black male has been arrested. Another victim was also shot and injured.
On May 21st, Richard Eyerman, 23, was shot and killed in Norfolk, VA. Police have charged a black male. He was shot multiple times in the back.
On May 20th, Linda Terry, 69, was found dead in her Harris County, TX home. She was beaten to death. Police charged a black 19 year old male.
On May 19th, Kaitlyn Duffy, 18, was killed in Virginia Beach. A black male, who is a career criminal, was driving drunk with a suspended license and hit her car.
On May 17th, Renee Sue O’Neal, 35, was shot and killed in her home in Lincoln, CA. Police arrested a black male who is her ex-boyfriend.
On May 16th, a black male shot three members of a white family in Ruffin, SC. Phillip Miller, 46, Lori Miller, 52, and their son, Vincent Miller, 13, were all killed. A nine-year-old granddaughter was shot in the leg. A black female has been arrested for being the getaway driver.
On May 16th, Paul Gren, 53, was shot and killed in Orlando. Gren was working at his tow truck business when a black male shot him three times at point-blank range.
On May 16th, David Paul Everly, 52, was shot and killed in Louisville. Police have arrested a young black male.
On May 16th, Rand Cameron Vanwert, 27, was murdered in Chibolo, TX. He worked at an inflatables company and was found dead at his workplace. Police have arrested a black male.
On May 15th, Angela Boggs, 38, was killed in an Arson attack in Akron, OH. Her black boyfriend and her five children were also killed. Police arrested an older black male, who lived down the street from the victims.
On May 15th, Cameron Williamson, 17, was shot and killed in Bardstown, KY. Police have charged a black male with shooting him. Another black male and a white female have also been arrested and charged with being accomplices.
On May 8th, Crystal Gurney Wiley was murdered at her home in Summerville, SC. Her black husband has been arrested.
On May 5th, Kenneth Clay Foshee, 70, was shot and killed in Shreveport, LA. He was sitting in his car in a parking lot when a black female shot and killed him.
On May 5th, Richard Field, 49, was tied up and killed inside his luxury apartment in Boston. His fiancee was also killed the same way. They were both medical doctors. An African immigrant fired at police when they got to the apartment. He has been charged with the murders.
On May 5th, Randall Shawn Davis, 25, was shot and killed on the side of the road in Greenville, SC. Police have charged a black male.
On May 4th, Brittany McNew, 18, was shot and killed in Indianapolis. She was pregnant at the time and the unborn baby also died. Her boyfriend was shot in the hip. A black male has been arrested.
On May 4th, Andrea Urban, 51, was murdered in the Chicago suburb of Hinsdale. She was beaten to death. It was the first murder in Hinsdale in decades. Police have charged a black male.
On May 3rd, Clatie Dean Stribble, 35, was stabbed and strangled to death in Newberry, SC. Police have arrested her black boyfriend.
On May 3rd, Steve Ault, 37, was found murdered in Pine Bluff, AR. His body was found in a ditch. A black male has been arrested.
On May 1st, Harrison Brown, 21, was stabbed to death in Austin. The perpetrator was a black power activist who also stabbed two other whites.
On May 1st, Adam Anderson, 30, was shot and killed at Lincoln College in Nashville. Police have charged a black male.
On May 1st, Mark Burbridge, 43, was shot and killed in Council Bluffs, Iowa. The perpetrator is a black male who was an escaped convict.
On June 12th, Patrick Weatherford, 41, was shot and killed in Newport, AR. An eighteen-year-old black male shot him.
On June 10th,  James Celani, 43, was shot and killed in San Diego. Police say two black males shot Celani and another victim outside of a comedy club. Police say the shooting appears to have been random and without provocation.
On June 10th an unnamed white female was found stabbed to death under an overpass in New Orleans. Police quickly arrested a black male and charged him with murder. 
On June 9th, Rebecca Murphey, 20, was shot and killed in Lone Jack, MO. Murphey and a male victim were abducted, taking to a residence, stripped, and then shot. The male victim survived. Police have arrested two black males and white female. Police say one of the two black males shot both victims.
On June 8th, Melissa Barto, 26, was shot and killed in Butler, PA. Her body was also burned. Police have charged her black boyfriend with killing her because he thought she was cheating on him.
On June 7th, Adam Hillburn, 34, was shot and killed in Springfield, MO. Police say two black males shot him in a parking lot. 
On June 6th, Kera Teel, 19, was shot and killed at random in the parking lot of her apartment complex in Beaumont, TX. She was seven months pregnant, her baby also died. She is also the mother of a one-year-old baby. Police have charged a black male. 
On June 5th, Courtney McGhee, 41, was beaten to death in her home in Bellefonte, PA. Police say her black husband beat her to death and then set the house on fire. Their two cats died and the daughter was woken up by a fire alarm and made it out of the house.
On June 6th, Jamie Baker, 40, was shot and killed in Evansville, IN. Police say she was walking down the street with a friend when a black male randomly opened fire on them.
On June 4th, Ashley Cates, 30, was stabbed to death in Knoxville. A 57-year-old black male was charged. 
On June 4th, Spencer Weber, 21, was shot and killed in St. Louis. Police say a black friend was playing with a loaded gun and shot him. The black male has been charged with a negligent felony homicide.
On June 3rd, Joseph Leeman was shot in the head and killed during a home invasion in Walterboro, SC. Police have arrested a black male and a black female. 
On June 3rd, Amber Green, 25, was shot and killed in St. Louis. Green was in a car with several black males. They pulled into a gas station in a black neighborhood and their car was riddled with bullets by black males. Another black male was killed and two people were injured.
On June 3rd, Mary Dudley, 36, was shot and killed in Des Moines, IA. Police have charged her black husband with first-degree murder.
The media likes to downplay black murderers because it’s so common and it would also harm the whole narrative of blacks primarily being the victims of murderous white supremacists. As you can see, this just isn’t the case. These incidents are only from January to mid-June this year alone. Can you remember any of these murders being hyped all over the media and throughout the political sphere and leftist activism, apart from the first few white on black murders? How about the several hundred black on black homicides so far in 2017? How about the staggering black on white rape rate? Silence.
Black youth are in danger but it’s not white people killing them. And no, white police officers aren’t killing them either. Evidence proves black and Hispanic police officers are far more likely to fire a gun at blacks than white officers and let’s also remember, when you commit majority of the crime, you are putting yourself in direct confrontation with police.
Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks have committed half of homicides in the United States for a straight 30 years. In 2012, black people, at just a fifth of the size, committed almost 1,000 more murders than their white counterparts. It would take the police 40 years to kill as many black men as have died at the hands of others black men in 2012 alone. Blacks are 18.5 times more likely to kill cops than be killed by cops.
Yet, Black Lives Matter continue to use the ‘White people are killing us for no reason! Cops are killing us for no reason!’ propaganda which has fueled the anti-white and anti-police trend all across the country. They publicly justify the murder of law enforcement and applaud and celebrate as white people are attacked and harassed.
Here they are chanting in unison for cops to be killed. Here they are chasing white people to beat them. Here they are laughing and dancing after police officers were massacred in Dallas by a black sniper. Here they are beating a white guy and stealing his car. Here they are chasing and severely beating a white man. Here they are kidnapping and torturing a white guy. Here they are dropping a cement block on an officer’s head. Here they are cutting a fire hose while firefighters tried to save a store that other protesters had just torched for fun. Here they are shooting 17 rounds into a police officer’s home.
All of this is justified by BLM and its white supporters, because “black people are being hunted by racist whites” and “they have every right to react with violence and for wanting whites and police to be removed.” Which has also sparked anti-white reactions all throughout our campuses, as black students feel ‘unsafe’ around white people and no-whites spaces have been provided, whites aren’t allowed to graduate with black students and more black teachers and staff are demanded to replace white people. And they want to call us racist for not supporting Black Lives Matter? Lol fuck.
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margiehasson · 5 years
Nostalgia anni Novanta
  Carlton, in una scena di Willy, Principe di Bel-Air
«Gli anni d’oro del grande Real, gli anni di Happy Days e di Ralph Malph, gli anni delle immense compagnie, gli anni in motorino, sempre in due. Gli anni di “che belli erano i film”, gli anni dei Roy Rogers come jeans, gli anni di “qualsiasi cosa fai”, gli anni del “tranquillo, siam qui noi”». La canzone Gli Anni, hit degli 883 del 1995, riassume alla perfezione cosa sono stati i ’90 per chi li ha vissuti davvero.
Erano gli anni di una generazione speranzosa e scanzonata (ma ben dotata di tumulti interiori) che indossava i Dr. Martens, un chocker in velluto, mom jeans e una camicia in flanella, che guardava le serie tv Beverly Hills 90210 e il Willy, Principe di Bel-Air, che cantava i Nirvana e che trovava spensieratezza nel girl power lanciato dalle Spice Girls.
Di Ere se ne sono succedute, ma quella Nineties resta nei cuori dei nostalgici e piace anche alle generazioni di oggi. Facile spiegare il perché: nel suo essere grunge, era semplice e alla portata di tutti. Non è un caso che il pin dress di Versace torni di moda e che Hollywood crei un quarto capitolo di Matrix. E non è un caso che il numero di ottobre di Glamour sia dedicato al sentimento della nostalgia, che ci fa tornare alla mente le cose che abbiamo amato di più in passato e che oggi rivorremmo tanto con noi. Se proprio non possiamo riavere quell’esatto capo o accessorio, ci sono dei cult che sono tornati di moda e, altri, che non hanno mai abbandonato i nostri scaffali di casa. Qui il nostro best che, anche gli Z, non potranno non possedere. Con un mantra: i tormentoni di ieri sono i must-have di oggi.
I Fiorucci Angels. Torna il brand creato da Elio Fiorucci e tornano gli iconici angioletti su T-shirt, felpe, costumi e top crop. Per le nostalgiche del concept store Milanese, torna anche la collezione girlie Love Therapy.
Il walkman. Per festeggiare i 40 anni del dispositivo, la Sony crea un nuovo esemplare del “mangiacassette portatile” ma iper tecnologico. Si chiamerà NW-A100TPS e sarà in vendita da novembre. L’Invicta. Lo zaino che ha accompagnato tutti a scuola, per anni, non è più pop come all’epoca ma veste vintage. Qui il modello Jolly.
Gli occhiali ovali di Kate Moss. I sunglasses ovali, amati anche da Kurt Cobain, li ha lanciati nel 1992 Christian Roth con la campagna con protagonista Kate Moss. Oggi l’iconico modello Series 4001 torna in vendita.
Le Fornarina Up ’92. Le sneakers in mesh con suola platform sono state l’accessorio del desiderio per un’intera generazione di ragazze. Oggi tornano con una collezione di 6 colori che inneggia il “forever young & glam” del brand italiano. Il gloss in roll. Chi è stato teen negli anni ’90 non può non ricordare l’applicatore a sfera per creare labbra effetto specchio. Oggi Inc.redible Cosmetics realizza la versione 2.0, a base di olio di cocco, in tre gusti diversi.
Lo scrunchie. Il famigerato fermacoda è tornato a rendere new age i nostri raccolti in tutti i colori e in tutte le texture. Qui quello di Scrunchie is back, l’e-store parigino specializzato proprio in questi accessori per capelli.
Il “primo profumo”. È di Lolita Lempicka, con violetta e liquirizia, e tutte le teenager anni Novanta lo hanno avuto come prima fragranza. Qui il coffret Anniversaire Mon Premier Parfum, per festeggiare i suoi primi 20 anni.
Il Tamagochi. La sua inventrice Aki Maita, dell’azienda giapponese Bandai Namco, lo creò dopo aver visto uno spot televisivo in cui un bambino era disperato per non poter portare a scuola la sua tartaruga. Oggi torna con un nuovo display, a colori da 2,5 pollici, e sincronizzabile tramite Bluetooth con l’app, e potrà far entrare in contatto con gli altri utenti, con cui partecipare a feste o addirittura sposarsi. Le scarpe di Bel-Air. Su StockX, la piattaforma di reselling in cui vendere e acquistare sneakers e capi di streetwear, ci sono i modelli di Air Jordan, della Nike, più iconici indossati da Willy, principe di Bel-Air.
La Smemoranda. Tutti l’abbiamo avuta a scuola e tutti ci abbiamo scritto i nomi dei nostri primi anori. Per il 2020 si tinge di colori arcobaleno ed è un “mai senza” per tornare a scrivere le proprie passioni (e delusioni).
L'articolo Nostalgia anni Novanta sembra essere il primo su Glamour.it.
Nostalgia anni Novanta published first on https://lenacharms.tumblr.com/
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On March 11, 1955 Phantom of the Rue Morgue debuted in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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luthetitan · 3 years
Dia 7
Dia 7: Almas Gemelas / Boda / Luna de Miel.
Leve mención a los ships de: Robstar (Dick y Kory), Joy (Jason y Roy) y TimKon (Tim y Conner).
Cada persona tiene un alma gemela, su otra mitad, esa persona que lo completa, cuando tu alma gemela nace, en tu cuerpo se crea un tipo de marca o tatuaje, algo relacionado a tu otra mitad. Pero esto al no ser tan específico como un nombre, muchos no encuentran a su alma gemela. Son la minoría la que la encuentran por eso, estar con tu alma gemela es lo más maravilloso, y Raven quería experimentarlo. Por eso atrapo a su padre en una gema para ser libre.
Apareció en la ciudad de San Francisco y fue acogida por los Jóvenes Titanes, los que se convirtieron en sus compañeros, amigos, en su familia. Fue ahí donde conoció a Robin, su alma gemela, o eso pensaba antes de que él renunciara a ser este y se convirtiera en Nightwing.
Raven tenía el tatuaje de un petirrojo en su muñeca derecha.
Fue cuando ella entendió, quien el que usaba el manto de Robin no tenía que ser específicamente su alma gemela.
Al final el alma gemela de Richard (Dick) Grayson, el primer Robin fue su compañera de equipo y amiga, Koriand’r (Kori) Anders, la del segundo Robin, Jason Tood fue Roy Harper, claro que su relación fue algo complicada ya que Jason murió y luego revivió, se dice que si tu alma gemela muere, entras en una profunda depresión, en el tiempo que Jason estuvo muerto parecía que Roy igual, el chico empezó a consumir drogas para calmar y desaparecer el dolor, luego Jason volvió regresándole la vitalidad a Roy, pero Jason regresó como Red Hood, lo la llevo al tercer Robin, Timothy Drake.
Raven creyó en el dicho de la tercera es la vencida, y lo parecía, solo por un detalle, Tim no tenía marca, pero eso no desalentó a la chica, ya que el chico la cuidaba y protegía, aunque sabía que ella era muy capaz de eso, Raven estaba decidida a mostrarle su marca a Tim, cuando pasó lo impensable, a Tim se le apareció su marca en su hombro derecho, una S, el signo de Superman o mejor dicho el símbolo de la casa de El. Y apareció Superboy o Conner Kent (Kon El) el alma gemela de Tim.
Raven suspiro mirando su muñeca, y si era como la mayoría de las personas que nunca encontraban a su alma gemela.
—Lo lamento —escucho a alguien decir a su lado. —¿Por qué?, no es tu culpa —dijo mirando esos ojos azules. —Estoy seguro de que ahí afuera está tu alma gemela Raven —hablo Tim y agarro su mano —Y yo te voy ayudar a encontrarla.
Raven le sonrió.
Fue cuando sucedió, el cuarto Robin apareció. Pero Raven ya no quería hacerse ilusiones y más al enterarse que era Damian Wayne, el hijo biológico de Bruce Wayne también conocido como Batman.
Pero el destino es impredecible, porque Damian fue herido después de desafiar a Blue Beetle, que lo sintió y más al curarlo.
Raven estaba en el jardín luego de despertarse, ya que se desmayó luego de curar a Damian, su alma gemela.
—Eres tú —dijo Damian y se descubrió el antebrazo.
Y ahí estaba, la marca de un cuervo, su símbolo. Raven se quitó su guante mostrando su muñeca derecha donde estaba el petirrojo.
Damian caminaba de un lado a otro nervioso.
—¿Quieres por favor parar? —hablo Jason. —Tranquilo Dami, veraz que todo saldrá bien —dijo Dick alentado a su hermano. —A menos de que ella decida darse a la fuga.
Un cuchillo fue lanzado en dirección al de mechón blanco.
Mientras en otra habitación.
—Te ves muy hermosa Raven —dijo Kori. —Creo que al final no necesitaste de mi ayuda para encontrarlo —hablo Tim que estaba sentado en uno de los sillones de la estancia. —Gracias por hacer esto, enserio se los agradezco —dijo la chica mientras terminaba de arreglar su vestido. —No hay nada que agradecer —hablo Kori —Es hora. —¿Lista? —preguntó Tim mientras le ofrecía su brazo. —Lista.
El patio de la mansión Wayne estaba perfectamente decorado, todo en su lugar (cortesía de Alfred) para celebrar la boda de Damian y Raven. Los invitados se pusieron de pie al escuchar la clásica música que anunciaba la entrada de la novia.
Raven aparece en el pasillo que se había hecho siendo llevada por Tim hasta donde estaba Damian esperándola. Ambos se sonrieron cuando se encontraron enfrente.
—Yo, Damian Wayne, te toma a ti Rachel Roth, como mi legítima esposa, para unirme a ti, desde este día en adelante, en lo bueno y en lo malo, en la riqueza y en la pobreza, en la salud y enfermedad, para amarte, respetarte hasta que la muerte nos separe.
—Yo, Rachel Roth, te tomo a ti, Damian Wayne, como legítimo esposo, para unirme a ti, desde este día en adelante, en lo bueno y en lo malo, en la riqueza y en la pobreza, en la salud y enfermedad, para amarte, respetarte hasta que la muerte nos separe.
—Los declaro marido y mujer, puede besar a la novia —dijo el juez.
Damian tomó la cara de Raven entre sus manos para darle un suave beso, mientras los invitados empezaron a aplaudir.
—Te amo Raven.
—Te amo Damian.
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Créditos del fanart a: Maru Davalos
Y terminamos la semana DamiRae, siendo sincera no creí que terminaría los siete escritos, anyway espero que les haya gustado, nos escribió así super bárbaro, pero se hizo con amor. Gracias por leer mis escritos, no saben lo feliz que me hacen cuando le dan corazoncito y lo rebloguean.
Si gustan también me pueden seguir en Wattpad, me encuentran como luthetitan.
Como dije, amé a esta pareja desde que vi las películas animadas que empezaron con Flaspoint y terminaron con Apokalips War. Digan lo que digan el DamiRae es canon aun si Flash hizo otro Flaspoint y el que no esté de acuerdo nos agarramos.
Espero vernos el próximo año. Cuídense y que viva el #DAMIRAE.
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pangeanews · 5 years
La versione di Maf, il cane di Marilyn Monroe. “Sono letterato, trotskista, proustiano il giusto; ho visto Frank Sinatra imbizzarrito e Kennedy all’apice del potere. La mia padrona era dolce, disponibile, impasticcata…”
«Ciao a tutti, mi chiamo Mafia Honey, per gli amici Maf, e sono un barboncino di indiscutibile pedigree. Sono nato in Scozia e ci tengo, e per diventare la delizia che sono ho abitato per due anni a Brentwood, Los Angeles, al 12305, 5th Helena Drive. Indirizzo famoso, eh? Sì, stavo proprio con lei, Marilyn Monroe, la diva, la signora dalle sciccose e maleodoranti décolleté Ferragamo, con strass e senza. Vi dico subito che io non sono un cane qualsiasi, sono un cane letterato, trotskista, e proustiano il giusto. Alla faccia di Cartesio, convinto che gli animali fossero privi di ragione, io sono un cane pensante e impregnato di opinioni, ma che Cartesio avesse torto lo diceva già Montaigne, e Plutarco, e pure quel simpaticone di Pitagora. Per Thomas Mann era strano che un cane osservasse ogni cosa senza dire niente, infatti noi parliamo e capiamo tutto e in tutte le lingue, senza bisogno di interpreti. Il guaio è che ascoltiamo senza essere mai ascoltati.
Non so che rapporto avesse Mann con Bauschan, il suo pointer tedesco, il mio con Marilyn era ottimo, seppur tribolato: sono arrivato nella sua vita in pieno terzo divorzio, quello da Arthur Miller. Tutti i libri che Marilyn aveva in casa erano un regalo di Arthur, non che lei li abbia mai letti, in due anni l’ho vista con solo I fratelli Karamazov in mano, e ne leggeva poche righe, poi lo chiudeva, e per un mese lo ha lasciato per Le lettere di Freud. Il cane di Freud si chiamava Jo-Fi, era una deliziosa chow-chow parigina che aveva il merito di mettere a suo agio i pazienti col suo padrone, e quest’ultimo con se stesso. Sartre scrisse una sceneggiatura su Freud per un film di John Houston, insistendo affinché il ruolo di Anna, la figlia di Freud, andasse a Marilyn. Non se ne fece nulla, ed era uno dei rimpianti della mia padrona stesa sul lettino dei suoi analisti freudiani campioni del senso di colpa, e nel vedere nella figura del padre, in ogni sua mancanza, la chiave dell’infelicità. La Marilyn che ho conosciuto io era una ragazza dolce e disponibile, ma che beveva e prendeva pasticche. Un tipo spiritoso e artistico fino al midollo. Credetemi, ci sono attori che fuori dalla scena non sono nessuno, non esistono. Prendete Laurence Olivier: che come persona, lui non esistesse, lo diceva persino sua moglie, Vivien Leigh! Marilyn invece non recitava, lei ‘era’. L’ho vista io, sui set, a scuola da quel vanitoso di Strasberg e di quel grosso pipistrello a rovescio di sua moglie Paula: guardavo Marilyn, una persona che cercava altre persone da diventare.
La celebrità di Marilyn dava le vertigini alla gente: mi portava a spasso nascosto sotto il suo cappotto, e nelle nostre trasferte newyorchesi andavamo alla Castelli Gallery, il cui pavimento era fatto di mattonelle bianche e nere, e il signor Leo, che stranezza, camminava solo su quelle bianche. Castelli parlava a Marilyn della transitorietà della bellezza, e di quanto i dipinti della sua galleria non significassero nulla: “Roy e gli altri ragazzi non credono alla morte, o non la capiscono. Non sono come Picasso, o come Goya, che di morte trasudavano, esalavano morte…”!
Stare con la donna più desiderata del pianeta, agli inizi degli anni ’60, aveva i suoi vantaggi: le personalità più influenti del tempo mi sono rotolate incontro sul pavimento, come monetine luccicanti. Era l’epoca della sicurezza, del vigore intellettuale dei nuovi letterati ebreo-americani, generati da Bellow e dal primo libro di Philip Roth. Uomini giovani, con la Storia alle spalle e l’uccello vispo nei pantaloni. Una volta a un party, a casa di Alfred Kazin, ad altezza moquette ho sentito Dwight McDonald parlare a Frank O’Hara della sua testimonianza al processo su Lady Chatterley; c’era Allen Ginsberg che beveva vino da una caraffa e offriva baci in bocca, e strane rivelazioni su un suo Urlo; c’era Irwing Howe, e Edmund Wilson così ubriaco da non reggersi in piedi; gironzolavo per le stanze scansando scarpe di lusso e orribili pianelle come quelle di Lillian Hellman: con quelle sue calze bucate, riusciva a dire qualcosa di spregevole su tutti, tranne il suo amato Stalin. Sputacchiando tabacco e vodka, dava della volgare a Marilyn, del finito a Mailer, e io non ci vidi più e la morsi quando disse che Trotsky era un traditore, “e sono felice di essermi opposta alla sua richiesta d’asilo negli Stati Uniti”. Signori, Lillian Hellman: l’unica stalinista della storia mondiale in pelliccia di visone. Quella sera Marilyn era andata dai Kazin con me e con Carson McCullers, invidiosa marcia di Truman Capote, argomento principe delle sbronze che le due si prendevano insieme: “Tutto quello che ha scritto lo ha rubato a me, e a Faulkner”, si lagnava McCullers, “Capote non è altro che una checca di paese affascinata dalla bella gente!”.
“Cognato di ’sto c**zo!”: l’ho sentito con le mie orecchie, ha detto proprio così, quel prepotente di Frank Sinatra, quel giorno che io e Marilyn eravamo a casa sua. Quando Sinatra ce l’aveva con qualcuno, infieriva senza risparmiarsi, e quella volta ce l’aveva con Peter Lawford “quel maledetto finocchio da due soldi, ma lo sapevi che sua madre l’ha vestito da femmina per i primi 10 anni della sua vita?!?”. Che io sappia, Peter Lawford non era affatto finocchio ed era il vero cognato del presidente Kennedy, nonché attore e sodale di Sinatra. Era successo che il presidente era in visita ufficiale a Palm Springs, Sinatra lo voleva ospitare a casa sua, a far bordello, per questo si era fatto costruire un’apposita piattaforma per elicotteri in giardino, “e lui invece che fa? Se ne va da Bing Crosby! Che si fot*ano!!!”. Quando Sinatra scaraventò il carrello dei liquori carico di bicchieri fuori dalla veranda, mi presi un tale spavento che depositai una bella pozza di pipì su un pregiato tappeto arancione. Tutta casa Sinatra era arancione, era convinto che fosse il colore più felice, ma l’uso isterico che ne faceva lasciava chiaramente intendere che viveva perennemente sull’orlo di una crisi di nervi. Volete sapere di John Kennedy? Scarpe Oxford, lucidissime. Io l’ho incontrato una volta sola, alla casa al mare dei Lawford: seduto in veranda, beveva whisky e soda, e rispondeva alle domande che gli ospiti si erano studiate di fargli. Davanti a lui, tutti avevano gli occhi più sbarrati e più scuri del solito, inebriati della stretta vicinanza al potere. Marilyn e Kennedy si incontrarono poche volte, con suo fratello Bobby ancora meno, sono state entrambe due passioni, due colpi di testa che la Storia ha elevato a rango di leggenda. È vero, l’ultima volta si sono visti al Madison Square Garden, cerimonia che io ho seguito in tv. Kafka diceva che tutto il sapere – ogni domanda, ogni risposta – è contenuta nel cane. Io so com’è morta Marilyn, ero lì, ho annusato la verità, non ho nessun problema a dirla, peccato che né poliziotti né inquirenti mi abbiano prestato la dovuta attenzione».
Mafia Honey, detto ‘Maf’
(ovvero: Barbara Costa)
L'articolo La versione di Maf, il cane di Marilyn Monroe. “Sono letterato, trotskista, proustiano il giusto; ho visto Frank Sinatra imbizzarrito e Kennedy all’apice del potere. La mia padrona era dolce, disponibile, impasticcata…” proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news http://bit.ly/2MFJbbr
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ninelicks · 6 years
Tumblr media
Wie // Het beste van 2017 volgens Nick.
Wat // Tweeduizendenzeventien was een kutjaar, maar er waren ook hoogtepunten als Lowlands (een van de beste edities ooit) en een contract bij De Arbeiderspers. En er kwam een hoop moois uit qua muziek, film en literatuur. 
ALBUMS | 1. The War on Drugs // A Deeper Understanding 2. Roxeanne Hazes // In mijn bloed 3. Four Tet // New Energy 4. Bicep // Bicep 5. LCD Soundsystem // american dream 6. Spoon // Hot Thoughts 7. V.A. // Welcome to Paradise (Italian Dream House 89-93) 8. Destroyer // ken 9. Mac DeMarco // This Old Dog 10. Future Islands // The Far Field 11. Thundercat // Drunk 12. Lorde // Melodrama 13. Pavel Dovgal // Aura 14. Spinvis // Trein vuur dageraad 15. James McAllister, Sufjan Stevens, Nico Muhly, Bryce Dessner // Planetarium
MEEST GELUISTERD (volgens Last.FM) | 1. Joep Beving // Solipsism 2. Mac DeMarco // This Old Dog 3. The War on Drugs // A Deeper Understanding 4. Pavel Dovgal // The Aura 5. Four Tet // New Energy 6. Spoon // Hot Thoughts 7. Lorde // Melodrama 8. The Blaze // Territory 9. Roxeanne Hazes // In mijn bloed 10. Thundercat // Drunk 11. Burial // Untrue 12. Alan Parsons // The Time Machine 13. Gorillaz // Humanz 14. Lana del Rey // Lust For Life 15. Spinvis // Trein vuur dageraad
TRACKS | 1. The Blaze // Virile 2. Roxeanne Hazes // Ik was toch je meisje 3. The War on Drugs // Pain 4. Four Tet // Two Thousand and Seventeen 5. Arcade Fire // Everything Now 6. Kamasi Washington // Truth 7. Spoon // WhisperI’lllistentohearit 8. Destroyer // Sky’s Grey 9. The National // The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness 10. Moses Sumney // Plastic 11. Thundercat // Show You the Way (Feat. Michael McDonald) 12. LCD Soundsystem // other voices 13. Yaeji // Drink I’m Sippin’ on 14. SZA // Drew Barrymore
FESTIVALS/FEESTJES | 1. Lowlands @ Biddinghuizen (Future Islands, Linde Schöne, Adonis) 2. Verjaardag @ Ot En Sien 3. Life & Death @ Thuishaven 4. These Guys @ NDSM 5. Bingo met Marja van Katendrecht @ SS Rotterdam 6. DJ Harvey @ Marktkantine 7. Festifest @ Noorderlicht
SHOWS (incl festivals) | 1. Future Islands (Lowlands + Oedipus Brewing) 2. Gorillaz @ Ziggo Domes 3. Roxeanne Hazes @ Melkweg 4. Roy Ayers Ubiquity @ Melkweg 5. Jameszoo Quintet @ Paradiso 6. Her @ Bitterzoet 7. Thundercat @ Paradiso 8. Jamiroquai @ Ziggo Dome 9. Status Quo @ Sparkasse Stadium Mönchengladbach 10. British Murder Boys @ Basis
IN DE BIOS GEZIEN | 1. American Honey 2. Goodfellas 3. Nocturnal Animals 4. T2: Trainspotting 5. Moonlight 6. mother! 7. Manchester by the Sea 8. Dunkirk 9. Taxi Driver 10. Daphne 11. 20th Century Women 12. Vele hemels boven de zevende 13. Baby Driver 14. Het is waar maar niet hier 15. Once Upon a Time in the West
GELEZEN | 1. Kees Quirijns - Maanheuvel 2. Marlon James - A Brief History of Seven Killings 3. Max Porter - Verdriet is het ding met veren 4. Erik Jan Harmens - Hallo muur 5. Arnon Grunberg - Blauwe maandagen 6. Anne-Marieke Samson - Klootzakjes 7. Delphine de Vigan - Niets weerstaat de nacht 8. Philip Roth - Alleman 9. Seppe van Groeningen - Aards paradijs 10. Özcan Akyol - Eus 11. Rolinde Hoorntje - De club 12. Jason Rekulak - De wonderjaren van Billy Marvin 13. Mick Johan - Totemdier Arafat 14. Jan van Mersbergen - De ruiter 15. Hendrik Groen - Zolang er leven is
GESCHREVEN | 1. Roxeanne Hazes @ Playboy 2. Hopper Penn @ VOGUE Man 3. Spinvis @ Playboy 4. Bram Tankink & Laurens ten Dam @ Bicycling 5. Viviane Sassen @ VOGUE 6. 125 jaar Van der Velde @ Libris Blz. 7. Rick Brandsteder @ Playboy 8. Surfers Scheveningen @ VOGUE Man
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margiehasson · 5 years
Nostalgia anni Novanta
  Carlton, in una scena di Willy, Principe di Bel-Air
«Gli anni d’oro del grande Real, gli anni di Happy Days e di Ralph Malph, gli anni delle immense compagnie, gli anni in motorino, sempre in due. Gli anni di “che belli erano i film”, gli anni dei Roy Rogers come jeans, gli anni di “qualsiasi cosa fai”, gli anni del “tranquillo, siam qui noi”». La canzone Gli Anni, hit degli 883 del 1995, riassume alla perfezione cosa sono stati i ’90 per chi li ha vissuti davvero.
Erano gli anni di una generazione speranzosa e scanzonata (ma ben dotata di tumulti interiori) che indossava i Dr. Martens, un chocker in velluto, mom jeans e una camicia in flanella, che guardava le serie tv Beverly Hills 90210 e il Willy, Principe di Bel-Air, che cantava i Nirvana e che trovava spensieratezza nel girl power lanciato dalle Spice Girls.
Di Ere se ne sono succedute, ma quella Nineties resta nei cuori dei nostalgici e piace anche alle generazioni di oggi. Facile spiegare il perché: nel suo essere grunge, era semplice e alla portata di tutti. Non è un caso che il pin dress di Versace torni di moda e che Hollywood crei un quarto capitolo di Matrix. E non è un caso che il numero di ottobre di Glamour sia dedicato al sentimento della nostalgia, che ci fa tornare alla mente le cose che abbiamo amato di più in passato e che oggi rivorremmo tanto con noi. Se proprio non possiamo riavere quell’esatto capo o accessorio, ci sono dei cult che sono tornati di moda e, altri, che non hanno mai abbandonato i nostri scaffali di casa. Qui il nostro best che, anche gli Z, non potranno non possedere. Con un mantra: i tormentoni di ieri sono i must-have di oggi.
I Fiorucci Angels. Torna il brand creato da Elio Fiorucci e tornano gli iconici angioletti su T-shirt, felpe, costumi e top crop. Per le nostalgiche del concept store Milanese, torna anche la collezione girlie Love Therapy.
Il walkman. Per festeggiare i 40 anni del dispositivo, la Sony crea un nuovo esemplare del “mangiacassette portatile” ma iper tecnologico. Si chiamerà NW-A100TPS e sarà in vendita da novembre. L’Invicta. Lo zaino che ha accompagnato tutti a scuola, per anni, non è più pop come all’epoca ma veste vintage. Qui il modello Jolly.
Gli occhiali ovali di Kate Moss. I sunglasses ovali, amati anche da Kurt Cobain, li ha lanciati nel 1992 Christian Roth con la campagna con protagonista Kate Moss. Oggi l’iconico modello Series 4001 torna in vendita.
Le Fornarina Up ’92. Le sneakers in mesh con suola platform sono state l’accessorio del desiderio per un’intera generazione di ragazze. Oggi tornano con una collezione di 6 colori che inneggia il “forever young & glam” del brand italiano. Il gloss in roll. Chi è stato teen negli anni ’90 non può non ricordare l’applicatore a sfera per creare labbra effetto specchio. Oggi Inc.redible Cosmetics realizza la versione 2.0, a base di olio di cocco, in tre gusti diversi.
Lo scrunchie. Il famigerato fermacoda è tornato a rendere new age i nostri raccolti in tutti i colori e in tutte le texture. Qui quello di Scrunchie is back, l’e-store parigino specializzato proprio in questi accessori per capelli.
Il “primo profumo”. È di Lolita Lempicka, con violetta e liquirizia, e tutte le teenager anni Novanta lo hanno avuto come prima fragranza. Qui il coffret Anniversaire Mon Premier Parfum, per festeggiare i suoi primi 20 anni.
Il Tamagochi. La sua inventrice Aki Maita, dell’azienda giapponese Bandai Namco, lo creò dopo aver visto uno spot televisivo in cui un bambino era disperato per non poter portare a scuola la sua tartaruga. Oggi torna con un nuovo display, a colori da 2,5 pollici, e sincronizzabile tramite Bluetooth con l’app, e potrà far entrare in contatto con gli altri utenti, con cui partecipare a feste o addirittura sposarsi. Le scarpe di Bel-Air. Su StockX, la piattaforma di reselling in cui vendere e acquistare sneakers e capi di streetwear, ci sono i modelli di Air Jordan, della Nike, più iconici indossati da Willy, principe di Bel-Air.
La Smemoranda. Tutti l’abbiamo avuta a scuola e tutti ci abbiamo scritto i nomi dei nostri primi anori. Per il 2020 si tinge di colori arcobaleno ed è un “mai senza” per tornare a scrivere le proprie passioni (e delusioni).
L'articolo Nostalgia anni Novanta sembra essere il primo su Glamour.it.
Nostalgia anni Novanta published first on https://lenacharms.tumblr.com/
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stopkingobama · 7 years
Roy Moore Defeats Trump’s Pick, Luther Strange, in GOP’s Alabama Senate Runoff (Race of the Day)
Photo: Gage Skidmore/Flickr (cc by-sa 2.0)
Challenger Roy Moore soundly defeated incumbent Luther Strange in Tuesday’s runoff to choose the Republican nominee in Alabama’s U.S. Senate race.
With all precincts reporting after 11 p.m., Moore had 54.6 percent or 262,204 votes and Strange had 45.4 percent or 218,066 votes. The Associated Press called the race when results from about half the 2,286 precincts were in.
“Republican voters know who a person of principle is,” Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots, told The Daily Signal in a pre-election interview predicting a victory for Moore, former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court.
Moore will face Democrat Doug Jones in the Dec. 12 special election for the Senate seat vacated by Republican Jeff Sessions when he became attorney general in the Trump administration.
President Donald Trump had endorsed Strange, whom he considered loyal to his priorities.
Trump tweeted congratulations to Moore late Tuesday night:
Congratulations to Roy Moore on his Republican Primary win in Alabama. Luther Strange started way back & ran a good race. Roy, WIN in Dec!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 27, 2017
“From the beginning of this campaign, my priority has been serving the people of Alabama,” Strange, the state’s former attorney general, said in a written concession statement. “Tomorrow, I will go back to work with President Trump and do all I can to advance his agenda over the next few weeks.”
In victory remarks in which he characteristically evoked faith in God, Moore said:
Together we can make America great. We can support the president. Don’t let anybody in the press think that because [Trump] supported my opponent I do not support him and support his agenda. As long as it’s constitutional, as long as it advances our society, our culture, our country, I will be supportive. … But we have to return the knowledge of God and the Constitution of the United States to the United States Congress.
The runoff Tuesday was set up when neither Strange nor Moore garnered 50 percent of the vote in a 10-candidate primary Aug. 15.  (Moore got 40 percent to Strange’s 33 percent, while Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Ala., finished third with 20 percent.)
Republicans seek to preserve their slim 52-seat majority in the 100-seat Senate.
Moore tweeted as his victory became clear:
Because of you, tonight, the establishment has been DEFEATED in Alabama!
— Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) September 27, 2017
Democrats’ nominee Jones, 63, is a lawyer and former U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Alabama appointed by President Bill Clinton. His campaign platform includes health care reform, environmental protections, civil rights, and criminal justice reform.
On  Feb. 9, then-Gov. Robert Bentley appointed Strange to the seat vacated when the Senate confirmed one of its own, Sessions, as attorney general.
Trump endorsed and stumped for Strange, but also said at a rally Friday night in Huntsville, Alabama, that he would work “like hell” to elect Moore should the challenger prevail.
“I might have made a mistake,” Trump said at one point. “I’ll be honest, I might have made a mistake.”
But the president added: “Luther [Strange] will definitely win.”
It was great being with Luther Strange last night in Alabama. What great people, what a crowd! Vote Luther on Tuesday.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2017
In the runoff, Moore, 70, presented himself as the true conservative, while Strange, 64, batted away accusations that he is too establishment. Moore had led in polls, but Strange appeared to be closing the gap.
Andrew Roth, vice president of government affairs at the Club for Growth, predicted in an interview with The Daily Signal that the runoff would be a bellwether for how state voters view progress in Congress.
“The way I view this race is that it’s more of an establishment versus anti-establishment race,” Roth said. “The issues, conservative or not, didn’t really play in this. The race is more about what voters want out of Congress and out of the Senate.”
Vice President Mike Pence, a former congressman from Indiana as well as that state’s governor, also endorsed Strange.
“Our president needs Luther Strange back in the United States Senate so he can finish the job,” Pence said Monday night at a rally at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport. “I know Sen. Luther Strange will be there for our president, because he’s already been there.”
The Washington Examiner and other news outlets reported that the Senate Leadership Fund, a political action committee tied to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., filled Alabama’s TV and radio airwaves with millions of dollars worth of ads backing Strange and attacking Moore.
Moore’s high-profile supporters include Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and GOP vice presidential candidate, as well as former Trump White House aides Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka.
“A vote for Judge Moore isn’t a vote against the president,” Palin said Thursday night, adding:
It is a vote for the people’s agenda that elected the president. It’s for the big, beautiful movement that we’re all a part of. The president needs support to keep the promises that elected him. So we’re sending Trump someone who has our back, not Mitch McConnell’s … Make no mistake, ‘Big Luther’ is Mitch McConnell’s guy.
Moore-mentum! 👍🏻🇺🇸 https://t.co/4YZvDraYSU
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) September 22, 2017
“While we were honored to have fought hard for Big Luther, Judge Roy Moore won this nomination fair and square and he has our support, as it is vital that we keep this seat in Republican hands,” the Senate Leadership Fund said in a formal acknowledgement of Strange’s loss Tuesday night.
Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, came out Monday in support of Moore.
“A Judge Moore win really would make sure that the Trump agenda gets implemented,” Meadows told Breitbart News, adding:
There’s all kinds of members of Congress and senators who will run, and they really run so incredibly strong like they have a backbone of steel, but they really have a backbone of a banana. You know, when it’s peeled back, it gets real mushy when they get to Washington, D.C. So we need to give them some steel. Judge Roy Moore has a backbone of steel.
Trump won Alabama in November with 62 percent of the vote.
Moore is perhaps best known for being removed twice as Alabama’s chief justice, first in 2003 for refusing to take down a Ten Commandments monument and again in 2016, after his re-election, for ordering judges not to issue licenses for same-sex marriages.
Moore’s campaign platform included support for limited government, immigration reform, a border wall, energy independence, and the military.
Great to talk with President Trump tonight about #ALSen!
I very much look forward to working with the President to win in December! pic.twitter.com/A72Fdc6Mua
— Judge Roy Moore (@MooreSenate) September 27, 2017
The Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund also endorsed Moore.
Martin, the Tea Party Patriots co-founder, told The Daily Signal before the polls opened that by choosing Moore, GOP voters would be “sending a message to Washington that they want someone they can count on to stick to their principles.”
A victory for Strange, she said, would be on account of Trump.
“Given President Trump’s endorsement, people in Alabama will think that Strange will support the president’s agenda,” Martin said.
Freedom Caucus chairman backs @MooreSenate in Alabama Senate race https://t.co/rocBIjPuci VIA @thehill
— TeaPartyCitizensFund (@TPPCitizensFund) September 24, 2017
The GOP runoff was a product of voter frustration with the status quo, the Club for Growth’s Roth said.
“The dysfunction in Washington has been around for so long that maybe, finally the voters have finally had enough,” Roth said, adding:
You certainly saw them express that in November when Trump won [and] you’re going to continue to see the voters express their anger until they get things fixed.
Ken McIntyre contributed to this report, which was updated to include candidate statements and final unofficial results.
Report by Rachel del Guidice. Originally published at The Daily Signal.
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