inverted-typo · 2 days
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Beating up bad guys IS the date. Quality time is their love language 😂
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This is Literally Damirae
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Legit the world is ending and they've both suffered too much for any teenager to ever have to go through but hey, if this timeline is going to be erased, might as well kiss the cute girl/guy you've been crushing on for two years and just so happen to be sitting next to.
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raphael-angele · 2 years
Jason: So, demon spawn, what'd you get me for Christmas?
Damian, handing him a box: Here.
Jason: *opens box*
Damian: It's a first edition copy of Misery by Stephen King.
Jason: Oh, how original, even though I have 3 copies of these already.
Dick: Jason, be nice
Tim: Even I have to admit that's a nice gift. The kid probably murdered his allowance for that.
Damian: Oh, no, I didn't. That's one of his copies.
Jason: Wait a minute, you stole my book and gifted it back to me?
Damian: Yes.
Jason: You little-
Damian: Look at the first page
Jason: *sighs and opens book* (;° ロ°) *carefully takes a seat then reads aloud the text* To Jason, you can, you should, and if you're brave enough to start, you will. With best wishes, Stephen King
Damian: Yeah, Raven wanted to get her book signed so I got one of your copies and went with her. Sorry if you didn't want anyone writing on it, he kinda added a few things to your notes
Jason: (⚆ᗝ⚆) *shaking, while holding the book* Stephen King read my notes?!?!?!
Damian: Yes, I remember him complimenting them and saying you were very observant.
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andthendk · 3 months
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Tribute piece for @xaphrin, you are keeping me ALIVE with A Dragon's Hoard 🥹😭💕Love you queen ✨✨
oh and this is the [before] sketch lmao iphone memo's seen better days...
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reverseoforah · 26 days
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hunterofartemis7 · 2 months
Jason: *barges into Damian’s room* hey short staa-whaaat is happening?
*sees this*
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Damian: raven needed help with a spell. I volunteered
Jason:…..okay.. *slowly backs away*
Tim: you okay?
Jason: loon in the brats room
Tim:🤨 *looks*……you good?
Damian: yep
Tim: you don’t need help?
Damian: nope
Tim:…..raven are you gonna send him to hell?
Raven: no
Jason: can you?
Tim: Jason!
Jason: what!? Like you haven’t thought of that!
Raven: can you please leave? I can’t focus.
Tim: right, sorry Rae *leaves*
Jason: I’ll leave you be. BRUCE!! *goes get him*
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mikasrave · 3 months
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2 pages 🩷 thank you all for your patience 🫶🏼 I’m so sorry Tumblr makes it soooo blurry, I’ve noted the dialogue under the cut 😭 ALSO the amount of typos lol 😂
Page 1:
Raven - Mmm, Damian?
Raven - Did I fall asleep downstairs?
Damian - Yes, I brought you to your room.
Raven - Thanks, I appreciate that…
Page 2:
Damian - What’s going on Raven?
Raven - What do you mean?
Damian - I’m not going to pry, but you never sleep downstairs. Also, Victor is worried about you.
Raven - I know… It was not my intention to worry everyone.
Damian - We’re a team Raven, you know people care about you.
Raven - I do, which is why I don’t want anyone overly concerned over something that could be nothing.
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demonbirds-love · 7 months
Have some gorgeous fall Damirae by @chaosticbirds
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soulsforsales · 7 months
Damian *to Dick*: I think I'm in love with Raven Dick: Damian: thoughts? Jason: and prayers
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ravenfan1242 · 7 months
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inverted-typo · 20 hours
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Demon Possession
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shakespeareallanpoe · 1 month
This is it. This is me right here
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(and no, I'm not one of the people in this picture. I'm the hysterical one clinging on to said picture because these people may not be real but they are my babies)
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djbunnie · 3 months
Raven: I was attracted to you first 
Damian: Okay, but I confessed first 
Raven: I asked you out first 
Damian: And I kissed you first 
Raven: I said “I love you” first 
Damian, getting down on one knee: I proposed first 
Raven: Well, I—WAIT WHAT?
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andthendk · 6 months
Late Halloween: warning! Mild Spice🔥
When I asked my friends for quick Halloween ideas, this is what I got
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Y'all NASTY.....(I love it🩷) So after what, 5 days this is probably the quickest piece I've finished....albeit late 😂😂 I feel like this one's similar to one of my earliest lemon🍋 works? Anywho, hurrah until we meet again on smutweek, folks 😂
And yes they are full grown adults here. Anyways you have been warned ❤️‍🔥
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[BEHIND SCENE PLOTS] I had no time to draw but wanted to share anyway...😂
- them cheeks (everyone's loss rly, the real "behind scene")😙
- full shot of cop Damian; Raven at first decided against using the sexy ver. because she respects the mantel and all its forebearers a ton(and it's silly)....but after seeing Damian's cop costume she decided she'll need to make sure they don't attend ;)) next year she's gonna make them go as frumpy salt & pepper shakers or something🧂🧂
- Titus in a three-headed Cerberus plushie costume + custom-made pumpkin Bottega bag for treats🐾🎃
- Kori, at the party, giving a knowing look while Dick's confusion twofolds *flashbacks to several of their own Halloween shenanigans*🌝😹
- (As per the lovely idea-pitcher) Damian later seriously contemplating, "I'm into it, but what does it say about me?" w/ Harley and her professional clipboard scribbling madly in the background🤡👩🏼‍⚕️
- Robin!Raven's revenge, 'cause no Robin gets f**ked over by the police and leaves like that😎💥
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reverseoforah · 3 months
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hunterofartemis7 · 4 months
(The Bat siblings visiting Titans Tower)
Jason; so your girlfriend is a demon, like an actual demon from hell?
Damian; she’s not from Hell and she is only half demon
Steph: yeah because that’s any better
Jason: does she have a tail? Or horns?
Damian: no and no. And never ask me that question again
Tim: she does look human right?
Damian: Drake you’ve met Raven😑
Tim: oh yeah…
Jason: so does she like, act like a demon?
Damian: Todd—
Raven: *runs up to Damian* Dami Dami Dami Dami!
Damian: *smiles* Yes habibi?
Raven: I have a duck *holds up a stuffed duck*
Damian; *trying not to laugh* where did you get that?
Raven: I found it, he’s name is Fred *very happy*
Damian: *kisses the top of her head* that is very cute Beloved.
Raven: 😊 *runs off to show Kori the duck*
Jason:…..I retract my previous question
Damian: good. And if you ever say something to destroy that innocent side of her, I will break you worse then the Joker ever did
Steph: is it bad I wanna know where she got the duck?
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