#salad? parfait? ice cream? hes your guy
7roaches · 7 months
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i think all he knows how to make is bowl of cereals & even that he burns sometimes
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therealtruthalways · 10 months
I'm off to get an ice cream cone!
For those who understand, no explanation is needed.
For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.
One day I had lunch with some friends. Jim , a short, balding golfer type about 80 years old, came along with them---all in all, a pleasant bunch.
When the menus were presented, we ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Jim who said, "Ice Cream, please. Two scoops, chocolate.
I wasn't sure my ears heard right, and the others were aghast. "Along with heated apple pie," Jim added, completely unabashed.
We tried to act quite nonchalant, as if people did this all the time. But when our orders were brought out, I didn't enjoy mine.
I couldn't take my eyes off Jim as his pie a-la-mode went down. The other guys couldn't believe it. They ate their lunches silently and grinned.
The next time I went out to eat, I called and invited Jim . I lunched on white meat tuna. He ordered a parfait.
I smiled. He asked if he amused me. I answered, "Yes, you do, but also you confuse me.
How come you order rich desserts, while I feel I must be sensible? He laughed and said "I'm tasting all that is Possible.
I try to eat the food I need, and do the things I should. But life's so short, my friend, I hate missing out on something good.
This year I realized how old I was. (He grinned) I haven't been this old before." "So, before I die, I've got to try those things that for years I had ignored. I haven't smelled all the flowers yet. There are too many trout streams I haven't fished. There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead.
There are too many golf courses I haven't played. I've not laughed at all the jokes. I've missed a lot of sporting events and potato chips and cokes. I want to wade again in water and feel ocean spray on my face. I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace.
I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast. I want un-timed long distance calls to the folks I love the most.
I haven't cried at all the movies yet, or walked in the morning rain. I need to feel wind on my face. I want to be in love again.
So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner, then should I die before night fall, I'd say I died a winner, because I missed out on nothing. I filled my heart's desire. I had that final chocolate mousse before my life expired.."
With that, I called the waitress over. "I've changed my mind, " I said. "I want what he is having, only add some more whipped cream!"
This is my gift to you - We need an annual Friends Day! If you get this twice, then you have more than one friend. Live well, love much & laugh often - Be happy.
SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS including me if I'm lucky enough to be counted among them.
Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we like and respect. Remember that while money talks,
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dragonflybelle · 7 years
Osomatsu-san PS Vita game translation - Choromatsu-08 - Does Choromatsu dream of electric sheep?
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Choromatsu: Hello. Dekapan. 
Dekapan: They're finally complete!! The sextuplet androids who will save the world!! 
Choromatsu: (Sextuplet androids...!? ...Huh? Why am I hiding? Well, whatever. I'll wait for the right time and show my face.) 
Dekapan: With these we'll be fine even if the trend towards an ageing population continues. And we've secured a supply of young labourers too. This is the greatest invention of the century. Winning the Noble Prize is no longer just a dream. I must keep these androids a secret until then. 
Choromatsu: (Hmm hmm... In other words, those aren't cleaning robots, but earning robots... ) No way, I could get a lot of use out of those!! 
Dekapan: Hmm? Did I hear something just now? 
Choromatsu: (Oops, how silly of me, I spoke without thinking. I'll cover it up by pretending to be a cat) Meow. 
Dekapan: Oh, was it a cat? It must have snuck in somewhere. I'm going to buy you some food, so wait here. 
Choromatsu: Meow. 
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Dekapan: Hoe hoe, before I do that, I have to hide these androids in the basement. 
Dekapan: That will do. I'm going now, kitty. Wait for me. 
Choromatsu: ...Good, I covered for myself well. And I had no idea that he has a secure underground storage area. I'm sure Dekapan pressed the furthest right button out of these three. Oh, there they are!! Looking at them closely, they really are well made. If I use these, I'll be able to rake it in even if I don't work myself... I had come to ask Dekapan to make a drug that would allow me to graduate from being a NEET and a virgin, but... It's alright for me to borrow these now, isn't it? If I return them when the ageing population problem has reached its peak, he probably won't even notice... Yeah, that's what I'll do!! I'll use these and graduate NEEThood before my brothers!! For the time being, I've got to get these out of here before Dekapan gets back... They are androids, so I suppose they can move by themselves...? Ah, there's a button on their back! I think I'll start with my model... but if the button does something weird it'll be a pain, so let's start with the oldest brother. 
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Choromatsu: Oh!! That's amazing!! He called me master!! I'd love it if there was a Nyaa-chan model!!!! Then I'd have her call me master!!!! 
Choromatsu: Right, I am your master. 
Choromatsu: Oh, thank you. (What is this feeling, a sense of superiority like I've never experienced before...! I'll activate all of them and became the master of all six, no wait, their god!!) 
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Android O: WELCOME. 
Android T: THAT WILL BE 850 YEN. 
Choromatsu: The androids are working hard. aren't they? I think this place pays pay the day... Ah, the wages from six people. It's like a dream. Ah, bring me a chocolate parfait. 
Choromatsu: 4, 48,000 yen!!!? Rounded up that makes 50,000!! 
Choromatsu: Wahahahaha, this is the first time I've ever earned 50,000 yen in a daaaay!! I haven't even won this much at pachinko!! If I can make this much in a day, then making ten million in a month isn't just a dream. 
Choromatsu: You're supposed to be based on me!! Don't give up like that!! 
Android C: YES. 
Choromatsu: Alright. Well, you guys should make my life even more comfortable. 
Choromatsu: ...What should I do? 
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Android K: I DON'T KNOW!! 
Choromatsu: ...I feel like they're kind of getting more and more like the originals...? 
Choromatsu: Really? ...Well, whatever. Anyway, at times like this I can call that person. Ah, hello. This is Choromatsu. There's something I'd like to ask you about. How do you think I can use androids to make my life more comfortable? 
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Option One: Borrow even more androids? 
Choromatsu: Of course... The more slaves I have the better. ...Alright. I'll sneak in to Dekapan's lab tonight and see if there are any more androids.
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Choromatsu: The button for the underground storage unit was the rightmost of the three, therefore... the other two buttons must be for other storage units... I'll test it by pressing the button in the middle. Oh! I was right! One came down from the ceiling. ...Huh? But there are only three... That must mean the other three will appear if I press the left button... Yes!! Oops, that was risky. It wouldn't be good if Dekapan found me. Still, coming out from behind a picture on the wall, that's a classic hiding place. It says test model, but they don't look any different from the finished product, I suppose it will be alright. Now I can earn as much money as I like!) 
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Dekapan: Hoeeeeee!! The sextuplet androids are gone!! Hoe hoe!? Even the test models!? But the test models have a massive defect. If I don't find them soon, it's going to be terrible!! 
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Choromatsu: Come now, work hard for me again today, androids. 
Android J: YES SIR!!
Jyushimatsu: Hello!! 
Ichimatsu: ...Lo. 
Android I: WELCOME. 
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Ichimatsu: !!!? 
Jyushimatsu: Huh? Huh? There are two Ichimatsu-niisans!! 
Ichimatsu: There are two of you too, Jyushimatsu. 
Jyushimatsu: A whole lotta me!! It's true!! 
Choromatsu: It's too noisy out here. Who is.... ah. 
Ichimatsu: Ah. 
Jyushimatsu: Choromatsu-niisan!! 
Choromatsu: Why are you here? 
Ichimatsu: Because Jyushimatsu said he wanted to eat a parfait. 
Choromatsu: Do you have money? 
Jyushimatsu: It's alright!! We just won at pachinko!! 
Choromatsu: Ok, I'll let you order. 
Ichimatsu: You seem kind of full of yourself. 
Choromatsu: Because I'm the manager of the androids Matsus who work here. 
Ichimatsu: Android Matsus? 
Choromatsu: Yeah. Androids who can work in place of humans. 
Jyushimatsu: That's why there are two of all of us!! Doppelgängers!! 
Choromatsu: Well, something like that. They’re quite splendid when compared to the originals and they work hard for me. 
Jyushimatsu: Then it's alright if I order a lot! 
Choromatsu: If you have the money you can order whatever you like. 
Ichimatsu: Ok, I'll have cream and red bean paste fruit salad. 
Jyushimatsu: I'll have, I'll have shaved ice and jumbo grilled chicken skewers and fried chicken and pancakes and a parfait. 
Android J: THANK YO…
Jyushimatsu: And rice omelette and curry and a hamburger and steak and fried rice and. 
Choromatsu: Hey, Jyushimatsu? 
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Jyushimatsu: And also, Chinese stir fry and skewered rice cakes with soy sauce and chilli shrimp and fancy tuna!! 
Android J: TH, TH TH, TH TH TH TH TH. 
Choromatsu: Wah wah wah wah, the android seems to be acting kind of strange!! 
Dekapan: Hoe hoe!! Take cover!! 
Choromatsu: Eh? 
Ichimatsu: ? 
Jyushimatsu: Professor Dekapan! Hello...
Choromatsu: ...
Ichimatsu: Cough.
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Jyushimatsu: Wow!! It exploded!! 
Dekapan: Hoe hoe... I didn't install the three laws of robotics into the test models yet. 
Ichimatsu: What's that? 
Dekapan: It's for safety and things like that. That's why if the robot's processor can't keep up it self-destructs. 
Jyushimatsu: Self-destruct, self-destruct!! 
Ichimatsu: ...Anyway, the cafe was blown away, so what are you going to do? 
Cafe owner: Choromatsu-kun, I'm expecting compensation for the damages. 
Choromatsu: O, owner!!!? 
Cafe owner: This is how much it will be. 
Choromatsu: One, one one, one hundred million yen!!? 
Jyushimatsu: Choromatsu-niisan, wanna go to pachinko? 
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Ichimatsu: Even if you win, it's still impossible. 
Choromatsu: Nooooooooooo!! 
Option Two: Try working yourself
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Choromatsu: ... That's right. If all I do is make androids work for me, then I really will become the worst of the scummy NEETS. The androids will support me for sure, so I can try my best to work... 
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Choromatsu: Welcome. 
Choromatsu: Got it! Android Osomatsu, get some water for the new customers! 
Android O: ALRIGHT. 
Choromatsu: Hah, I worked hard again today!! It does feel good to break a sweat working after all!! It's great!! I feel like I'm really alive!! Being a NEET is wasting your life!! 
Osomatsu: Hey, what's with him. Showing off his high self-awareness as soon as he comes home. Surely it's all in your mind. Are you living off you own delusions?
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Todomatsu: It is annoying, isn't it? But it looks like he really is working. 
Osomatsu: Eh, seriously? 
Todomatsu: Seriously. 
Osomatsu: Wah, he's really started working!? Isn't it unfair of him to break out from the pack? 
Choromatsu: Oi, I can hear you, you scummy NEETs. And what do you mean by unfair!? NEETs have no need to stick together. 
Todomatsu: Do you think it's ok to call someone a dry monster!? It really hurts. 
Osomatsu: Big brother is hurt too. 
Choromatsu: You guys are really infuriating!! 
Osomatsu: And that's why we're going tomorrow. 
Choromatsu: What so you mean by "that's why"? 
Todomatsu: That's good. Show us more of your high level self-awareness. 
Choromatsu: You're making fun of me!! 
Osomatsu: No, we're not. Ah, we don't have any money, so can you give us a discount? 
Todomatsu: Thanks. 
Choromatsu: I definitely won't give you a discount!? (Those two, they won't really show up, will they..) 
Osomatsu: Ah, I'm thirsty. 
Todomatsu: I want to eat French toast. 
Choromatsu: (They're here!!) 
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Android O: WELCOME. 
Osomatsu: Thanks... wait... eh? 
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Todomatsu: N...o...? 
Osomatsu: Eh, why is there another me? 
Todomatsu: Why is there another me? 
Android T: WHIRR WHIRR WHIRR WHIRR Error, error!! 
Choromatsu: Eh, what's happening? 
Choromatsu: What kind of setup is that? 
Choromatsu: ...Heh? 
Choromatsu: No wayyyyyyyyy!? 
Cafe owner: Choromatsu, filling in for the six of them we just lost is up to you. 
Choromatsu: ...THANK YOU VERY MUCH. 
Option Three: Why don't you spilt them up and see if they can be of use to your idol fan activities.   
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Choromatsu: ...It's exactly as that person says. If I make a shift pattern for work and idol fan stuff and use the androids, my life will become even more comfortable!! Alright!! 
Choromatsu: Ah, this is happiness. If I use the androids, I can get six of the limited to one per person Nysa-chan handshake tickets. And I can get Nyaa-chan goods without having to line up. This is the best! 
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Karamatsu: I'm back. 
Choromatsu: Welcome back, Karama... Who are you? 
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Karamatsu: Heh, a sudden incident caused my precious face to become damaged, but my brightness will... 
Choromatsu: Ah, it is you after all, Karamatsu. What happened to your face? 
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Karamatsu: Listen carefully, brother. I was suddenly punched by someone when I was walking down the street just now. It was over in a flash so I didn't see their face... But then another guy appeared. He said something like, "That's the guy who always buys up all of the Nyaa-chan merchandise!" I had no idea what he was talking about, but he was probably jealous of my charm. Heh, it's tough being an awesome guy... 
Choromatsu: ...Is, is that so. 
Karamatsu: Come to think of it, our other brothers have been targeted a lot by random attackers recently. You should watch out too, Choromatsu. 
Choromatsu: Uhh... Yeah... Thanks. 
Karamatsu: Hmm? What is it? You've gone pale. 
Choromatsu: Th, that can't be true!? I haven't done anything, I don't know anything... 
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Choromatsu: !! 
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Choromatsu: Hey, hey hey hey! 
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Choromatsu: ... 
Karamatsu: ...
Choromatsu: ... 
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Karamatsu: ...Oh my brother. 
Choromatsu: No, this is, erm... 
Karamatsu: Androids. 
Android C: YES. 
Karamatsu: Is it possible to change who your master is? Can you? 
Choromatsu: You conniving androids!! 
Karamatsu: Then I'll buy you some new parts with the money I won at the horse races earlier. Shiny new parts. 
Android K: MASTER!! 
Android C: MASTER!! 
Choromatsu: You!!!!!!!!!!!!
Karamatsu: Choromatsu, this is a punishment for hurting your flesh and blood brothers. I have faith that you can mend your wicked ways. 
Karamatsu: Don't say any more things like that. My poor brother. 
Choromatsu: Don't look at me like thaaaaaaat!! 
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yoshi4sushi · 7 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Happy! Happy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. The big 20 has so many fun stuff for OP this year so you know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter sure got everyone on their edge of the seats to see lots of Luffy clones munching and crunching on the wedding cake. No crumb or at least a smudge of frosting left. With everyone doing their part to sabotage the plan, Big Mom can’t help, but get angry with the situation. At the end, Jinbei finally stands up to her, and declares himself as the new member of the Mugiwara crew! YAY! Congrats, and welcome the new 10th member! Also, just when things are going sentimental, CRACK! A fake Luffy destroyed the portrait of Mother Caramel. AH! Who is the culprit?! Guess we’ll see this week. There will be no chapter next week due to Golden Week so be patient. Next, this past weekend’s episode sure was erotic. Luffy’s life was saved by Sanji’s alluring sister, Reige. Giving the smoochy woochy mouth-to-mouth to suck all the poison out. Lucky guy! Poor Brook can’t help but watch. Too bad he has no skin to get her wet lips on his. Ha ha ha ha! At the end, Luffy thanks Reige for saving his life, and demands that they let Sanji go. The Vinsmoke siblings only say that they never crossed paths, and continued on to their journey. Next week, we finally get to meet Pudding, and the sweet tooth Yonkou, Big Mom. Get ready to hear her song, “Bloody Party.” AH! Couldn’t Oda-sensei picked a better title for it?! That sounds too scary like a Halloween song, but gory. HA! Now on with the goods! (DING!) (DONG!) Ah! Doorbell, I’ll get it. GUA! If it isn’t Tongari-san, our tower mascot. Come in! Boys! Tea and sweets, hurry! Here you go, my friend. Ok, boys, get your pencils ready. So, what’s so important that you can’t wait to tell us? Tongari-san says that oodles of fun stuff is gonna happen at the tower. First off, this Saturday, the tower will re-open with awesome new attractions and live show. As you all know, the tower will be celebrating 20 year of OP by having a manga exhibition. Next, the popular rock band, GREEEEN provided the opening song for the 3rd live show, and Oda-san has designed the new character that will be part of the show. The girl’s name is Anne. It seems that she will be important in the story. The show will begin this Saturday. Next, the tower will continue to have a stamp rally, and same as always, you must complete 3 games to receive a free button. This time, they will give away buttons of the Straw Hats. To participate, you can purchase a Tongari passport book at the 3rd floor in Tongari’s store. Moving on, the tower will also celebrate Luffy’s birthday, and they will sell this cute button of him in his kid form. They will also sell a birthday button of Rayleigh. His birthday is on May 13th. Next, The Mugiwara Café will now accept take-out orders including their pizza menu. If you like order some food, simply request the waiters that you like a take-out instead of eating inside the café. Next, the tower will be selling some new goods at the Mugiwara store such as these cute mechanical pencils, plush cleaners of Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Law, and Cora-san, a new bag of gum gum fruit candy, three luck charms of Ace, Robin, and Cora-san, and this double-side folder. GUA! Opening and loads of new goods. Birthday buttons will be released next month, and the other goods will be released this weekend. The manga exhibition will end in late July. Next, here is the new cover of log collection of Dressrosa which will have the crazy fan, Bartolomeo. If you order this DVD set, you will receive a double-side folder that will have him and Cavendish as a present. However, if you purchase this from Amazon, you will receive another present which is this acrylic stand of Bartolomeo. DVD will be released on July 27th. Next, coming soon in Shanghai, China, an OP live stage show will be shown. Details on tickets will be released soon. Next, the OP app game, Thousand Storm, is having an anniversary campaign which will have lots of new cool attire and characters including stamps you can get. If you have a smartphone, check your app store, and download it. It’s also in English too. Next, DURALEX, a pottery company from France, has created this clear, orange mugs that has Luffy and Ace. It will be available at Mugiwara stores in June, but if you can’t make the trip here, you can order it. We will leave a link for more details. Moving on, next month, the Mugiwara stores will be giving out free bookmarks of OP kids such as Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Sabo, Brook, Franky, Chopper, Ussop, and Law. You must purchase goods over 1000 yen to receive it. It’s kid’s day event on May 5th. Moving on, in the next few weeks, JUMP will be holding a contest where you can win an autographed card from the great mangaka himself, Oda-sensei. The JUMP comics will include a ticket entry so you can fill it out, and mail it. The winner will also get this OP comic book shelf. Last day for entry will be accepted until June 12th. You can find JUMP comics at book stores or convenience stores. Next, Sanji’s restaurant event at USJ has posted the menu that will be served. For appetizers, you will be served a fish marinade dish with delicious salad including with heart cherry tomatoes. For entrée, you can choose either Hancock’s love hurricane sirloin steak with some nutritious veggies, and heart croquette with some wine sauce. Or you can orther Shirahoshi’s lovely tear fish cuisine including with nutritious veggies with also a heart croquette with wine sauce. For kids menu, they will serve Sanji’s special plate that will have a hamburger steak with some veggies, noodles with a tomato heart, and some french fries. For dessert, you will be served a Mademoiselle vanilla parfait with raspberry jelly along with some orange sweet sauce. They will also sell some cocktail beverages. #1 is smooch drink with some fruits and ice cream on top. #2 is Rose for lovely lady sparkling strawberry wine. These two are alcoholic drinks. #3 is a My heart is yours berry cocktail with some sprinkles and berry foam. #4 is an All-blue berry cocktail with some blueberries. These two are non-alcoholic beverages. If you order either of these beverages, you will receive a free silver spoon of any of the Mugiwara. Last, but not least, the restaurant will be selling a take-out dessert of Sanji’s mellorine fruit cake that will have a special message card from Sanji. This can only be purchased at the restaurant. USJ OP original goods will be released soon. Next, Figure Arts and POP Maximum will released new figurines of Hancock and Luffy in gear 4. Both will be released in September. Link to pre-order will be released later on. Hobby stores or Mugiwara stores will also take in pre-orders as well. Detail will be announced later. Last, but not least, as you all know, the lovely Sawashiro Miyuki is the lucky gal to portray the double face Ms. Pudding. Also, it has been announced that great seiyuu veteran, Koyama Mayu will be the one to portray Big Mom from now on. She is known for her popular role as Arale-chan from Dr.Slump. N-CHA! That is so my fave phrase from her. GUA! Congrats to these two ladies, and let’s see how they’ll do their roles as devious pirates. PHEW! UGH! That sure was a lot of info, but we got through every one of it. Well, that’s all for now, tune in next week for more news on goods and upcoming events. Special thanks to Tongari-san. We’ll see you on Saturday for the grand re-opening! Kikko! Momon! let’s get some shut eye!
 Sanji’s restaurant: http://www.usj.co.jp/jump/onepiece/summer2017/sanji/
Mugs: https://hkds.tokyo/category/ONEPIECEDURALEX/
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donman2112 · 6 years
One day I had lunch with some old friends. Jim, a short, balding golfer type about 85-years old, came along with them; all in all, it was a pleasant bunch.
When the menus were presented, my friends and I ordered salads, sandwiches, and soups, except for Jim who said, "A large piece of home-made apple pie, heated please. I wasn't sure my ears heard him right, and the others were aghast, when Jim continued, completely unabashed...."along with two large scoops of vanilla ice cream."
We tried to act quite nonchalant, as if people did this all the time, but when our orders were brought out, I didn't enjoy eating mine.  I couldn't take my eyes off of Jim as I watched him savoring each bite of his pie a-la-mode.  The other guys just grinned in disbelief as they silently ate their lunches.
The next time I went out to eat, I called Jim and invited him to join me.  I lunched on a white meat tuna sandwich, while he ordered a chocolate parfait.  Since I was chuckling, he wanted to know if he amused me. I answered,  "Yes, you certainly do, but you also confuse me.  How come you always order such rich desserts, while I feel like I must be sensible in my food choices?"
He laughed and said "I'm tasting all that is possible for me to taste.  I try to eat the food I need and do the things I should in order to stay healthy, but life's too short, my friend.  I hate missing out on something good.  This year I realized how old I was.  He grinned. I've never been this old before, so, while I'm still here, I've decided it's time to try all those things that, for years, I've been ignoring." He continued, "I haven't smelled all the flowers yet. There are too many trout streams I haven't fished.  There's more fudge sundaes to wolf down and kites to be flown overhead.  There are too many golf courses I haven't played.  I've not laughed at all the jokes.  I've missed a lot of sporting events and potato chips and cokes.
"I want to wade again in water and feel ocean spray on my face.  I want to sit in a country church once more and thank God for His grace.  I want peanut butter every day spread on my morning toast.  I want un-timed long distance calls to the one I love the most.
"I haven't cried at all the movies yet, or walked in the morning rain.  I need to feel wind on my face.  So, if I choose to have dessert, instead of having dinner, then should I die before night fall, I'd say I died a winner, because I missed out on nothing.  I filled my heart's desire.  I had that final piece of pie before my life expired."
With that, I called the waitress over.  "I've changed my mind, " I said. "I want what he's having, only add some more whipped cream!"
This is my gift to you - We need an annual Friends Day!  If you get this twice, then you have more than one friend.  Live well, love much, & laugh often - Be happy and enjoy doing whatever your heart desires.  You only go around once on this crazy planet.
SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS - including me, if I'm lucky enough to be counted among them.
Be mindful that happiness isn't based on possessions, power, or prestige, but on relationships with people we like, respect, and enjoy spending time with.
Remember that while money talks, ICE CREAM SINGS! " ============================== ======================
0 notes
underimagines · 7 years
Let's talk about headcanons about Food
Now, Mod Sync here is a decent enough cook. Put a recipe in front of me and I’ll be able to cook almost anything, and I can cook some things from just memory. I was making omelettes and looking up recipes and I wondered “What about the Undertale cast? What do they eat outside the game?” So, here are some things I’ve thought up about the main four!
If anyone remembers the Anniversary Q&A that happened (oh, who am I kidding, of course you guys do), then we know some things about that already. HOWEVER, I’m only going to partially use this info here. These are headcanons after all, so I don’t have to quite follow canon. 
Now, if you wish to continue, I shall leave these under a Read more, because this is gonna get wordy and also for you guys who are avoiding food for whatever reason. Also will include some other AUs.
Undertale Cast
Sans, without a doubt, loves anything greasy and fried. Pub food in partcular; burgers and fries are his go-to faves obviously, but also cheese sticks, stuffed potato skins, fried pickled, and so on. Hot pockets and mini pizza bites become a staple in his diet once on the surface. Anything he can pop in the microwave real quick. Also, mac and cheese with all the ketchup.
On the healthier side of things; He’s also very fond of anything with a large amount of tomatoes. Tomato soup with grilled cheese, sun dried Tomato slices, and many, many Italian dishes, though Papyrus has to sort of make him eat it. Except V8 juice. That shit is nasty.
Cooking-wise, he’s decent. He can make a number of different quiche by heart, and anything simple. He’ll need a recipe for anything else, and if it get’s too complicated, he’ll opt-out. Too lazy for anything fancy, leave that to his bro.
Papyrus is head of the kitchen in the Bros’ house. Strangely (or not so much) though, he’s the opposite of Sans; Paps is perfectly capable of making beautiful, complex dishes you’d see at a five-star restaurant. He likes the challenge. He could easily make Boeuf Bourguignon, Coq Au Vin, Backed Alaska, Curry from scratch, etc. But, when it comes to simpler things like Spaghetti, he’s thrown off. In his head, it’s too simple, so he adds things that the recipe doesn’t call for, thinking it will be better like his more complex ones. But…. yeah, the things he adds aren’t always even edible in general.
At the same time, he’s very fond of simple dishes. His favorite food is Oatmeal, an extremely simple dish to make for most. He has a cheese sandwich and an apple for lunch. Maybe he likes these because they’re so hard for him to make, like complex dishes are to normal people. I’d garner that the quiche Sans makes was another thing Paps favored but couldn’t make, so Sans made it for him sometimes. 
Aside from Italian, Paps would like fruit salad or salads in general, yogurt parfaits, cheese omelettes; simple, healthy things. He hates greasy foods, but he’s not above taking candy from the Inn lady, so he’s definitely got at least an ‘All things in moderation’ mentality.
Undyne is an odd ball here. We know that, similar to Sans, she’s fond of greasy foods, a call noting that she likes Grillby’s cheese fries. She also has soda and hot chocolate as choices when you hang out with her. It’s not a far stretch to say Undyne likes junk food. However, as an apparent fitness nut -stemming from needing to stay strong as Captain of the Guard- I’m sure Undyne knows that too much junk food is bad for her. However, there is one thing I can garner off her personality and one particular physical trait of hers that can tell me about what she might eat: her teeth. 
Undyne’s teeth are pointed. Meaning her teeth are sharp. I would go as far as saying that if Undyne is any particular kind of fish, it’s a Piranha. And what do Piranha like? Meat. Undyne, without a doubt, would love meat and grilling. Anything at all. Fish, Chicken, Hotdogs, Veggies, Kabobs, anything she can stick on a grill. 
Seafood is another thing entirely. I’d think seafood is more on the side of comfort food for her. Clam chowder in particular. It stems from a headcanon of mine about Undyne’s family, I’ll talk about it later if you guys want. Sushi is definitely a thing she can get behind, though may take a bit for her to build up to Sashimi.
Tea was another thing in the choices at your hang out. It stemmed from her time while training with Asgore, and she keeps some around. I think she drinks it when she’s stressed. It helps her relax and think.
Alphys is another junk food lover, but only because she’s busy with other things and doesn’t have the time to cook. Cup Ramen is her go-to, but she’s got some other stuff stored away. Finger things she can eat with one hand and type with the other. On the surface, Undyne gets her to start eating grapes or trail mix instead. 
On actual cooked foods, she’s fond of anything hearty; stews and thick soups, stir-fry, and anything served in a skillet. Also, of course she’s into oriental food. The first time she tries REAL ramen, she’s in heaven. She loves noodle dishes and once again, soups. Oddly, she has an extremely high spice tolerance, easily popping whole habaneros an a snack. Undyne refuses to kiss her after she has been.
Alphys herself is fairly decent at cooking. She learns to make a number of Japanese dishes once on the surface; onigiri, bento boxes, and her own sushi and ramen.
(I haven’t come up with any more than the skelebros of other AUs at the moment. Might do another post at a later date about with other characters if it is wanted.)
Underfell Skelebros
Sans, again, loves greasy pub food. He loves anything with a kick too. Jalapeño bites and pepper jack cheese are a constant. He also loves foods with layers or can have lots of toppings; pizzas with everything on them, subs and hotdogs piled high, and obviously his bro’s lasagna. (Don’t let him near a Cincinnati three-way, you will never hear the end of all the perverse jokes if you do.) He’s also fond of Cajun and Creole cooking.
On actual food, one of the few leafy greens Papyrus can get Sans to eat that he likes are Mustard greens, so more often than not, Paps will sauté some up as a side to whatever he’s cooked to get Sans to eat something relatively healthy. Otherwise, it’s limited to whatever Paps can sneak into a dish. Strangely, Sans is also fond of Southern style Sweet tea, even though he doesn’t care for sweet things otherwise.
Sans is an ok cook, but prefers not to if he doesn’t have to. If it isn’t microwaveable, it better be simple, or he’s gonna need a lot of motivation to make anything with more than 4 steps.
Papyrus is a literal Master Chef. He’d put Gorden Ramsey to shame. Paps can take almost anything and make it taste good. It’s the reason Sans eats anything healthy at all. Unlike UT!Paps, he can actually cook simple things too. It’s something besides his strength that he prides himself in.
On his own diet, he does love his lasagna, but also anything you can make in a casserole dish. He’s not overly picky, aside from keeping his own food to a tolerable spice level unlike his brother, but he does favor things that can last for a while and be reheated. In a world like Underfell, sometimes there are days were it’s just not safe to go out, so having a lot of leftovers can be helpful when stuck inside. So casseroles, stews, anything that can sit in the fridge and not taste bad after a day or two.
On another note, he’s fond of breads and baked goods. He makes some hella good garlic bread, and always has dinner rolls or biscuits or whatever ready as a side. Just don’t tell Sans how much he loves Monkey Bread, it’s one of the extreme few things he indulges in.
Underswap Skelebros
Sans our little taco man. Yes, he loves Mexican food. No, it’s not the only thing he cooks. No, his food isn’t that bad. He has a tendency of burning things because he gets distracted, but he knows better than to put inedible things in his food. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t get a little… creative with his cooking, but at least they’re all things that are supposed to be edible.
Through his love of Mexican food, he has a decent spice tolerance, and, though Tacos are his fave, he’s very fond of rice dishes as well. And black bean soup. He makes some fine salsa and guacamole from scratch too.
On the other hand, he’s not really picky. He’ll try anything once. He’s pretty fond of most any beef and chicken dishes. Though Paps has forbidden him from straight sugar and coffee, Sans can wip up some damn good sweets, like Mexican brownies and chocolate filled Churros. At least that way, Paps won’t drink straight honey while still getting his sugar fix.
Papyrus, on the other hand, is practically a sugar addict. He loooooves everything sweet. Candy, pastries, ice cream, anything with sugar. He’s Muffet’s taste tester if she’s making something new. Aside from honey, he’s particularly fond of chocolate in general and fruit fillings.
On the normal food side, he’s not as fond of spicy things as Sans, so Sans usually holds back on Pap’s food when it comes to spice. He also isn’t fond of complicated dishes unless it’s sweets. He likes simple things; sandwiches, salads, rice, anything you can throw together real quick or pop in the microwave. It’s not that he won’t eat healthy, it’s just it tends to be disproportionate to the amount of sweets he eats.
This also shows in his cooking. If it isn’t simple, he’s gonna have trouble. He’s not bad, he just gets a little nervous and that can lead to being a little clumsy. He’d rather Sans do the cooking, or at least keep an eye on things if it’s something he needs a recipe for.
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healthprivates · 6 years
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Celebrating My 30th Birthday at Sea with TradeWinds http://bit.ly/2w6CScC
There is no place I’d rather be than in the Caribbean. Well honestly, I’m happy to be anywhere that includes crystal clear blue waters for miles. But after experiencing the Caribbean on a completely elevated level back in August when I took my first trip with TradeWinds, I knew I had to make it back out to the Caribbean again ASAP. And when my 30th birthday came creeping up, it gave me the perfect excuse to celebrate in style and wake up looking at the ocean (on the ocean) the day I rang in my thirties.
A little background about TradeWinds in case you didn’t see my first experience with them. TradeWinds is an all-inclusive luxury catamaran company that charters their amazing boats through the Caribbean, Central America, Mediterranean and in the South Pacific regions. TradeWinds offers three different yachts at the moment including Cruising Class, Luxury Class, and Flagship Class with each boat ranging in size, price and offering different amenities. While traveling with TradeWinds, you’ll have a crew that handles the sailing as well as cooks your meals and caters to any needs you may have. Not only do you get to experience stunning places and multiple stops during your 7 day trip, but you also have the opportunity to snorkel, scuba dive, paddle board, kayak, and fish throughout the trip! From the moment you step onto the boat with snacks and drinks awaiting you, all you really have to worry about is reapplying your sunscreen. No but for real, you need to reapply A LOT. Trust me.
If you’re interested in sailing in the Caribbean, here are the locations they offer at the moment –
British Virgin Islands
The Grenadines
Saint Martin – Did it, LOVED IT, want to go back to it!
Guadeloupe – This is the trip I just went on!
And what is so cool about TradeWinds is that it’s a totally customized vacation, meaning not one trip is exactly the same. The staff ranges, the needs of the customers ranges and the experience ranges. If you go on the same Guadeloupe trip that I did, but you have no one who snorkels or dives on your boat, the captain and first mate may go to different locations that suit the boat better in that situation. As I talked to everyone on my boat who had gone on the same trip I did for my first sail, their experience was pretty different. The crew makes sure that the route they take is the best route for everyone involved! Pretty cool.
But I can talk more about the logistics of TradeWinds later! Let’s talk about this 30th birthday trip to Guadeloupe! I had never even heard about Guadeloupe until this trip but I quickly found out that it’s a French-speaking Caribbean island that is right in the middle of all the Caribbean and is shaped like a butterfly. Sssssscute. This French island has Creole flavors thrown in so the food is absolutely amazing! And many of the towns and buildings have a really unique charm to it that I haven’t seen in other places yet.
It’s also FULL of history. After starting our trip off from the Pointe-à-Pitre marina in Guadeloupe, we set sail around the island to get all the snorkelers and scuba divers in the water. During those dives, they were able to check out Jacques Cousteau’s Underwater Reserve and everyone said they LOVED it. I stayed back on the boat and worked out instead. I support the fish which means I stay out of their house. It freaks me out too much. After everyone experienced all the history under the water, we set sail south of the main island of Guadeloupe to check out the smaller group of islands called Les Saintes and wander around Terre-de-Haut. The first spot we stopped in was FULL of goats. So many adorable and insanely loud baby goats. It sounds like children are screaming. Rather annoying…until you see it’s baby goats. I have no clue what this area was called because everything spoken in French flips my brain upside down.
After feeding the goats and chickens, we moved around Terre-de-Haut just a bit to explore the most adorable little town. This was probably my favorite spot of everywhere we went. As you pull up to anchor your boat, you’re greeted with the most picturesque hillside of red roof buildings and historical forts at the top of each little mountainside. And in the distance, you can see the La Grande Soufrière volcano. I think that’s the right volcano…again, French is so foreign to me. Anywho, I could have stayed in this town forever, even after running in the rain and getting completely drenched. This narrow road through town leads to many restaurants, shops, bakeries, coffee shops, and it also leads to Fort Napoléon des Saintes. And this little town made me REALLY wish I spoke French. Plus the sunrises and sunsets were bananas.
When you’re on your trip with TradeWinds, you’re asked to eat two meals ashore. Your first meal is mid-week so they can completely clean the cabins and change the sheets. The second one is the last night when you get back to the marina. Since almost all your meals are on the boat, this is a great opportunity to get to know the island more and the flavors that have developed over time in each location. We ended up going to the most adorable little spot called Couleurs du monde where I had THE BEST piña colada and a plate full of French-creole seafood. It was so amazing! And it was the only spot that had some of their menu items in English, which was super helpful. Especially when thinking that we should try black pudding. It’s definitely not the same pudding we are use to here in the States.
Again, how amazing is this place? I woke up to this early morning double rainbow. I think the people on this boat have some good luck ahead of them!
While we explored Terre-de-Haut and went in all the stores and had the best coffee at the edge of the ocean, we also did a little workout leading up to Fort Napoléon des Saintes. It’s a super winding and steep road so it was the perfect place to run up and down. And after seeing tons of chicken and goats, I was happy as can be to find this little guy outside of Fort Napoléon des Saintes. As soon as I said ‘Bonjour!’ (the ONE French word I know…damnit) to him, he followed us forever up and down the road. He was the absolute cutest!
After spending (not enough) time in Terre-de-Haut, again I want to stay there forever, we moved on to the island of Marie-Galante to spend the evening sipping champagne on the beach of Grand-Bourg. This beach was stunning, quiet and the waters were perfectly warm!
The next day, we spent the afternoon exploring Grand-Bourg. We started off by checking out Pére Labat rum distillery where they harvest the sugar cane themselves and process it all right there to create their rums. I snacked on the sugar cane, but passed on the rum. Sugar cane tastes way better than alcohol.
After the rum distillery, we moved onto a historical sugar plantation and a local spice market! I ended up getting my mom some homemade jam at the spice market, but Miami security wasn’t a fan and made me throw it out. So sad!!
After exploring Marie-Galante, we set sail around the island just a bit to a beach in Saint Louis. This was the most beautiful beach, especially because the beach was filled with dogs. I have no clue if they were owned by anyone because the next morning I swam to the beach and one of the dogs ran sprints with me and wanted his belly scratched the entire time, but no other people were on the beach. He was the best. While we stayed the night at this beach, we brought coolers onto the paddle board and everyone floated in the shallow waters and sipped on cocktails at sunset. It was pretty lovely!
And for our last day, we sailed to Gosier island for a little beach time and drinks at their tiny restaurant. Just a warning, don’t get the Punch Coco. It’s not like a piña colada like I hoped it would be. It’s more like rum and 2 ice cubes. Not cream and sugar, like I prefer.
But I haven’t even touched on the most important part…the FOOD! TradeWinds wants you to be as comfortable as possible while you sail, so before you even land in your destination, you’ve already filled out a sheet with your favorite drinks, your dietary restrictions and any requests you may have for your trip. I let my crew know what I was gluten-free, I don’t eat eggs, and preferred tequila to make homemade margaritas with. And the crew made sure that I had gluten-free and egg-free options at every meal!
Every day you’ll received a Captain’s cocktail, different than the day before. We also had many non-drinkers on our boat so they would make a regular batch of cocktails along with a virgin batch of cocktails, as well! Every cocktail was delicious and addicting! And we would often have the cocktails at sunset on the top of the boat so the drinks came with some killer views.
And breakfasts totally ranged throughout the week on our boat in Guadeloupe. Since we were sailing around a French island, MANY French pastries were on our breakfast table each morning. But we also gluten free pancakes, bacon, LOTS of fresh fruit, frittatas, sausages, and we even got some passion fruit yogurt parfaits one morning!
I ALWAYS pack snacks with me while traveling, but I didn’t need them much on this trip because you’ll almost always get a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks to tide you over until your next meal. We had amazing snacks like gluten-free banana bread, loaded nachos, and baked rosemary brie (with gluten-free crackers!). And we also had some amazing desserts after dinner like flourless chocolate cake, and a GIANT gluten-free and egg-free birthday cake that I obviously had on my birthday!! So freaking sweet of them to hunt down that cake for my special day!
And the meals are just as amazing as all the snacks, drinks and treats! TradeWinds has a recipe book that many crew members cook off of, but they also add their own flare to meals depending on what they have on hand in that location. We had things like chicken salad, duck, tuna, fish, steak and so many other amazing meals. And they always made sure that my meals were gluten-free!
While I was on my latest trip, I had ton of people reach out with questions about TradeWinds so I thought I would do a little FAQ section, but feel free to ask any questions below and I will answer them ASAP!
How does TradeWinds work? Do you have to be a member to sail with them?
You don’t have to be a member to sail with TradeWinds, but being a member has tons of perks and will save you in the long run! You can easily book a trip with TradeWinds without being a member. To become a TradeWinds member, you purchase as many points as you’d like. Each boat and location ranges in points and your points are valid for 10 years. Then once you finally decide on the trip, all you need to do is get yourself there and pay the all-inclusive fee for the week!
What are the perks of being a TradeWinds member?
When you’re a member, you can book your boat whenever, wherever you want and you can book a single cabin or entire boat.
You get to choose from locations like Fiji, French Polynesia, Belize, Greece, and many other beautiful places.
TradeWinds now offers Land & Sea options where you sail for part of the trip then stay in a luxury five-star villa!
They also offer lifestyle cruises to help you create a two week or longer vacation custom to your needs and wants, instead of following the normal itinerary.
TradeWinds has also purchased unique land-based spots such as the Tribe Villas in the Grenadines that is only accessible by boat. And the 17th century Château Alizés in France with elegant suites and wine tastings.
Do you tip the crew?
Absolutely! The crew works SO incredibly hard throughout the week. From sunrise to way past sunset, they are cooking, cleaning, sailing, and making sure you are happy and as comfortable as possible throughout the week. So the definitely deserve a great tip at the end!
Do you need to bring cash with you?
I always bring cash with me to tip at the end. But I definitely recommend bringing some extra money with you for any drinks, food, and gifts you may find along the way. Almost everywhere I’ve been takes credit cards, but it’s nice to not take your card out of your wallet the entire trip. I ended up getting euros before I left so I wouldn’t have to deal with the ATM or ATM fees when I got there and everything was smooth and simple once we landed!
Was it weird being with strangers on the boat?
Not at all, actually! The first time I went on the boat, it was with all friends of friends so it was pretty easy to get comfortable with everyone. But this boat was filled with 4 cabins of people we had never met. There was a couple from Vail and the woman brought her daughter and daughter’s friend. Then there was another couple from LA. And a woman from San Diego. Ages ranged from 16 to probably 55 or 60 and we all got along great. And the best part is, there is a lot of opportunities to be by yourself. The boat is huge, there is a ton of time at the beach or in the water, and lots of time ashore with whoever you want to hang out with. We enjoyed everyone on the boat, but we had plenty of time without them, as well!
But what if I don’t want to be on a boat with strangers…can I book the entire..
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wellpersonsblog · 7 years
Bean Bytes 250
Hi friends!
Time for another round of Bean Bytes!
Good reads: Outsourcing Household Chores: Which Ones I Chose and Why via A Healthy Slice of Life What It Really Means to Eat Mindfully and Quieting the Noise via In It 4 The Long Run with Lisa Hayim DIY Kid’s Tool Bench via DIY Playbook 19 Tips Every Stay At Home Parent Should Know via 614 Mom 10 Ideas to Create Your Own Healthy & Relaxing Morning Routine via Emilie Eats 12 Ideas For Being More Present In Your Life via The Blissful Mind 8 Meal Prep Tips, Ideas, and Recipes You Can Use to Make Life Easier via Cookstr This Train Analogy Will Change How You View Your Kid Crying via Pick Any Two My Strong Willed Child Just Might Kill Me via Scary Mommy The 50 Best Parenting Hacks You Need To Learn via PopSugar Calories Don’t Matter via Emily Kyle Nutrition Fidget Spinners – Is It What Your Child Really Needs? via Victoria Prooday Just Show Up. How To Be The Friend They Need via New Orleans Mom Blog
Breakfast: Lemon Curd and Blueberry Compote Breakfast Parfaits Cheesy Hashbrown Nests Ultimate No-Bake Breakfast Cookie Bites
Lunch: Grilled Corn and Peach Cob Salad Thai Chicken Pasta Salad
Dinner: Slow Cooker Pizza Chicken With Orzo Instant Pot Chicken Shawarma “Everything” Chicken Spicy Sheet Pan Chicken and Sausage
Sides: Grilled Corn Salsa Hot Corn Dip with Shrimp and Veggies
Drinks: Peaches n Cream Protein Shake Boozy Strawberry Peach Slushies Frozen Lime Cocktail
Dessert: S’Mores Tart Chai Cookie Bars with Vanilla Bean Glaze Strawberry Cupcakes with Real Strawberry Buttercream Frosting Ooey Gooey Honey Butterscotch Butter Cake Ice Cream
We had the best weekend! Race car building. Peach & blackberry picking. Sweet moments. Daddy’s been out of town since Sunday morning. He comes home tonight and boy are we excited! Meanwhile we’ve been taking lots of trips to the moon in our rocketship!
  Hope you guys have a great week!
Enjoy! –Lindsay–
The post Bean Bytes 250 appeared first on The Lean Green Bean.
First found here: Bean Bytes 250
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linagettingfit-blog · 7 years
Meal planning
So this isn’t my first time attempting to lose weight. When you grow up in a family of skinny minnies (and one aunt who’s sorta skinny but with a big ass) you tend to stick out as the fat one. I’ve always worn around a size 16 whether i was a child, teen, or adult and honestly the amount of soda i have drank in my life is absolutely horrifying, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear it’s been burning a hole in my stomach.  It never came easily for me. I had a lot of attempts at failures even as a little eight year old trying to exercise to my mom’s workout vhs tapes (Richard Simmons, some kinda country dance video...). I say trying because my older brother, who’s five years older than me, always seemed to find a way to discourage me from working out despite being my biggest critic or just flat out making fun of me since sometimes you look a little ridiculous working out when you cant keep up with everyone else.  I tried DDR when that was a craze. I tried getting into zumba when I worked at the YMCA (seriously the most wasted opportunity since the gym is very supportive of staff using lunch breaks or taking slightly longer breaks to fit in workouts. I was a custodian though and had no energy so I only got in workouts on very few occasions when I had days off). Ultimately it always ended in a failure with me crying into a pint of ice cream and punching my stomach in frustration (Not hard or anything).
So what changed? Well, I got engaged to an amazing guy. He’s supportive (if a little overly worried about my focus on my weight sometimes since he doesn’t like to see me discouraged), fairly active, and makes me feel beautiful even though I feel like an elephant sitting in too tiny of chairs and such.
We moved to Colorado from our home state and after a year of living here and meeting many active people around my community it just clicked one day that i need to change. Now. So that’s where today’s entry comes in. Now, mind you I’ve been on a successful diet for about a week and a half right now. But Sunday is what changed history for me. I discovered meal planning back in January on youtube and after a lot of looking around on pinterest i got hooked n the idea. So Saturday I went out, did all the grocery shopping, cleaned our kitchen that was long overdue a cleaning (Depression is a nasty bitch), and bought a bunch of pyrex containers so I could do meal planning. So what is meal planning? It’s when you cook all of your meals on one day, portion them out, and then you don’t have to worry about cooking all week. It’s also been amazing at keeping me and my husband (who has a huge fondness for junkfood like chips, always chips, and fast food) from binging on junk or ordering out.  Now it took me a bout 12 hours (breaks included since i sat on my ass stoned for a few hours at one point after we ate dinner) to do this but i’m sure I could shave it down a lot for next week. I made stuff for every meal. Breakfasts: I made little omelette bites, some blueberry muffins made from oats and greek yogurt with low sugar, and some fruit and yogurt parfaits Lunches: I made up four salad jars (You put the soggy stuff on the bottom with the dressing, crunchy stuff on top. Shake it and serve when you’re ready to eat it!) and have mostly been drinking protein shakes for this meal. My favourite is one I make with some chai tea.  Dinner: Monday: Meatballs with zuchinni spaghetti (Surprisingly refreshing but not quite the same. I can definitely stand eating them more than half the time we have spaghetti though. Carbs are my biggest problem along with sugar)
             Tuesday: Tofu stir fry (Made it by baking the tofu first so i just had to stir everything up basically) with cauliflower rice (I’m allergic to real rice. It makes it a little hard to swallow and sometimes I get violently ill. I’ll sneak bites once in awhile. I’m a sucker for sushi though) 
              Wednesday: Tonight is baked chicken, sweet potatoes, and quinoa. So easy.              Thursday: Mini meatloaves (cook em in a muffin tin and they cook faster than making a full sized meatloaf) with cauliflower mash (Nothing will ever be as good as mashed potatoes but this is a close second)
             Friday: Burrito bowls with quinoa (because I ran out of cauliflower) instead of rice, with chicken, corn salsa, lettuce, and we have dairy free (did I mention i’m also lactose intolerant?) sour cream and a cheese made from nuts for it as well, plus i’ll probably add avocado or make a quickie quac the day of. Saturday is going to just be eating any leftovers that we didn’t finish in the week (My hubby has been especially surprised by how satisfied all these meals have been so far) or perhaps using it as a “cheat” day and having a dairy free pizza for dinner or what i like to call “fend for yourself, husbando”
So yeah! So far it’s been helping me a lot. I don’t have a lot of cravings so far, i’ve been feeling pretty full (I actually wasn’t eating enough one day but the meal was so filling I didn’t even realize it), I’ve been happier, i’ve felt...clearer? It’s been nice. Plus my husbando, who has some pre-existing gastro-intestinal problems from birth, hasn’t had any stomach problems either which makes me happy. I did notice I need to balance out my meals a little better. What I mean is take today for instance. Even after eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, I still had 600 calories, needing at least 300 more before MFP (my fitness pal) would let me end the entry, all because dinner was surprisingly low in sugar and calories (The tofu!). So next week I’ll have to plan a heavier lunch than a salad for stir fry night but that’s been my only problem so far!  I’m going to make one more entry to talk a little about workout woes then i’m gonna go make my breakfast (a protein shake and maybe some yogurt) and probably go to bed.
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