#salphys family
au-mashup-party · 1 year
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Have a wholesome doodle for your troubles today
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susartwork · 5 months
Underwizard alternative timelines:
Like 90% of these are angst timelines and the other 10% are self indulgent ones, sorry not sorry
Pacifist (the original one)
Future (the original but post barrier)
Neutrals I don't think we need a list of all of them, do we?
UWU Infection Never add a U to UW. This is a post barrier timeline where a UwU virus spreads terrorizing Ebott's Town. Frisk, as the monster's ambassador, will have a lot of work to do to ensure everyone's safety from the cute virus.
REDress Previously known as the "Amalgamate" timeline, now it was completely rewritten. The families of the amalgamates took revenge on Sans and Alphys, injecting them too with Determination, melting them into amalgams as well...
War Rewind Flowey and Sans mess with the resets, mistakenly send themselves back to the time of the war between humans and monsters. Flowey dies, but Sans, adopting baby Chara to save them from their fate, allows Asriel to survive in the future and become king. Now all humans who fall underground will be treated as friends. This timeline was fairly inspired by Timetale! And also by my chats with @ask-dcf :3
Hopeless Timeline Flowey grows bored, and decides to torture Sans with Save Files and Resets to see how far that would go.
Underground's Insanity Previously known as the "Hopeless Queen Alphys Timeline" (the name was too long). The genocide version of the Hopeless Timeline. It begins as a Queen Alphys neutral ending, to then take a Horrortale-like turn, with some angsty Salphys who has to face Frisk, the strongest hunter wizard to ever exist.
Stockholm Syndrome Another Hopeless timeline, but where Flowey is able to turn Sans by his side after years of torture.
The Roleplayed Timeline This isn't an actual timeline, it's just how I tag everything connected to my RPs as Hopeless UW!Sans. (See more on Underwizard MASTERPOST).
Playbackwizard Playbacktale x Underwizard Too spoilery to UW's story talk about it now 👀
Helioswizard Heliostale x Underwizard
Playerwizard Self insert Underplayer x Underwizard
Something Magical Something New (Killer!Sans) x Underwizard
GasterBlaster UW!Sans (planned redesign) BOTWOT x Underwizard
Fresh UW!Sans Fresh possessing UW!Sans
"What if...? OC" My UTMV OCs swap backstory with the UW crew. Basic - UW!Sans | Alphysis - UW!Alphys | Clone - UW!Frisk | etc.
Disbelief UW!Papyrus Disbelief Papyrus x Underwizard
Horrorwizard Horrortale x Underwizard
Axewizard Axetale x Underwizard
Dustwizard Dusttale x Underwizard
All of these above were made by @alittlegreenghost!
Underwizard alternative versions:
Wizardfell Underwizard x Underfell (planned redesign)
Wizardswap Underwizard x Underswap Deleted because the swaps make no sense
Overbeast All the events of Underwizard but reversed...? Hunter wizards -> beasts
UnderWoZArD The crappy version of Underẁ̶̙i̴͈̚z̸̼̾-̴̢̄-̷̨͗ ̶̹̂A̴̺͂L̵̥̽L̶̗͆ ̸̛̟H̶̝͛Ä̶͔Ḭ̷͗Ļ̸͝ ̵̛͈W̴̭̚O̴̺̍Z̷̺͝ ̷͕̊T̷̋͜Ḧ̵̨́Ẻ̷̠ ̶͉͑E̸͎͛M̸̮̕P̷͈̍Ḙ̷̎R̵̲̆Ŏ̴̯R̴͇̆
Inversowizard/Wizardinverso Inversotale x Underwizard
Tartaroswizard/Wizardtartaros Tartarostale x Underwizard
Wizardchess Underwizard x Chesstale Frisk and Flowey are stuck in a endless chess battle to decide the fate of the underground.
Zombieverse A mix of many AUs characters, such as Underwizard, living in a zombie apocalypse
Fluffywizard Fluffytale x Underwizard
A L I V E x Underwizard Idk what to call it. It's basically the UW crew but with the backstory of the ALIVE crew. Sorta. ALIVE's story is difficult to apply to UW.
Wizardnovela Underwizard x Undernovela (Pls respect the original creator)
Planet Flash - by @yanair25 Fusion of a series whose name I forgot (sorry) and many other AUs, such as Underwizard
Hopeless UW!Sans x LN (Bucket) - @axmoth Hopeless in Little Nightmares
UW!Aine x LN (Breach) - @parniathedevil Aine in Little Nightmares
XWizard - by @parniathedevil Xtale x Underwizard
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parniathedevil · 1 year
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I made my Salphys clothes remake XD
But sans is non remake XD 💙💛
Age: 44
Magic color: Carbon Blue
Gender: male
Pronouns: he/him they/them
Orientation: Bisexual
* hot chocolate with milk
* sleep and make his wife happy
* Anime and Manga images
* Sci fi books and mathematics
* Mettaton,chara, flowy (asriel)
* see his family sad and useless
* [MOLD] (his bio wopen Monster)
Age: 38
Magic color: lemon yellow ( she doesn't have power but she wants used her soul she had a power)
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her they/them
Orientation: Bisexual
* noodells and milkshake vanilla
* make robots for king
* anime, manga , comics
* mew mew and friends 3 and 1
* Hate soul
* her family die and she be alone
* Sasha's secrets
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petra-creat0r · 2 years
What’s the UT ships where your opinion on them is “that’s weird, so anyway”
Not the freak shit
Not the stuff that made this fandom hated
Morley The interesting ones you don’t see that often
For me it’s any reasonable muffet ship, I see the character so little in any fanart that when I see her getting shipped it makes me take a step back and go “Wait people actually make fanart of her with someone”
Hmmm.... I guess Undyrus or Kriselle? I'm perfectly fine with them, but because I see Undyne and Noelle and both very much lesbians, seeing them in a het relationship is odd to me.
There's like more, but in general, I like a lot of legal ships. As long as it's not incestual or pedophilic, I'm cool with it. Even like, rarepairs. Like Mettagore. I'm a hard core Papyton shipper and prefer King Dings, however I've seen some rare Mettagore art and adore it. Same deal with Salphys. Hardcore Soriel and Alphyne shipper but because of @allesiathehedge's Timetale and Salphys family art, I've found it growing on me.
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Rating: G
Word Count: 1280
Summary: After a year as queen, Alphys no longer expects a reset.  With her newfound confidence and with Sans by her side, would it be awful to admit she doesn't want to go back? (Salphys fic for @con-cognito!)
Sans and Alphys shared a queen-sized bed.
It was a joke, a gift that he’d gotten her a few months after she was flung into this position.  She hadn’t been a queen then, not really.  She was just… there.
Sometimes, just being there was enough.  Sans had taught her that.
Now, over a year later, Sans was here. In her bed.  Tangled in her pink bedsheets, his bare ribcage rising and falling with ironic snores.
Normally the noise was enough to put her straight to sleep.  Tonight, though, old worries found new footholds in her head.
How long was this going to last?  In the first days of her reign, the thought of the human resetting the timeline was all that kept her going.  Then as the days turned into weeks turned into months, she decided they weren’t that benevolent.  They’d wanted this.  Sans had watched them murder without hesitation or mercy.
But now that she was finally getting used to this life… well, it wouldn’t surprise her if the human decided to take it all away.
“Alph,” Sans grunted.  His bony hand flopped onto her face.  “Shhhh. You’re thinkin’ too loud.”
She snorted.  “You read minds now?  What are you, an anime character?”
“Nah.” His eyesockets were still closed, but his permanent grin stretched wider. He looked blurry without her glasses on.  “You spark when you get in your head.”
“Huh?” She sat up slightly, then caught a jolt of static electricity jolting off of her pillow and down her nightgown.  “O-oh.  Oops.”
“Heh.  ‘S cute,” he mumbled, still smiling.
“Sh-shut up.”  She blushed. They’d been in a queerplatonic relationship for about a month now, but she’d always been easily flustered.
(He could be flustered too, she’d found out.  Physical displays of affection wouldn’t faze him, but a genuine compliment would have him hiding in his hood for an average of four minutes and thirty-seven seconds.)
“Make me,” he teased drowsily.  
He only said it ironically—she’d overused the trope in too many of her old fanfics.  It had become somewhat of an inside joke after he’d “accidentally” found her computer folder full of them.
(She couldn’t bare to read them anymore, not when over half of the characters were dead.  But for the same reason, she couldn’t bare to delete them.)
(Some nights she caught Sans up late reading the more tame ones about Papyrus and Mettaton.  In the shameless darkness of their room, he’d admitted that it was nice to pretend they were happy somewhere.)
“I’m gonna make you sleep on the couch,” she grumbled, but snuggled closer to him.  
His pointy elbow was jabbed in her side, and his skull was cold against her cheek.  She didn’t mind.  On nights like this, it was nice to feel someone so solid.  So real.
“C-ouch,” he echoed, emphasizing the pun.
She let out a loud snrk.  
“Just go back to sleep, Sans.”
He rolled towards her slightly, one eyesocket peeking open.
“You sure?” he asked. “I know I’m not the most useful guy around, but. Uh. If all that static’s keepin’ you awake…”
She winced.  He was always observant, even when he didn’t know what to do with what he knew.
“Just the usual. Resets. The human.”  Losing myself. Losing you. “Lame stuff.”
“Oh.”  He was clearly more awake now, but he wouldn’t meet her eyes for some reason.  “Yeah.  Guess that’s… still a possibility.”
“Did you stop thinking about it?” she asked, brow furrowed.  
He’d always seemed more caught up in the concept of alternate timelines than she had.  If he’d stopped worrying, maybe he could help her, too.
“...Nah.  I mean, I’m still not getting my hopes up… but I can see how it’d be nice.” He rolled onto his back.
She shouldn’t feel betrayed.  Alphys had lost most of her friends, but Sans had lost his family.  Of course he’d want to get that back, even if it meant losing… this.
It wasn’t like he was wrong.  She could see how it would be nice, too.  Asgore leaving her voicemails she wouldn’t answer.  Mettaton barging through her doors, recounting his latest episode that she’d already watched on TV.  Undyne calling her up just to talk about the nonexistent weather, or to watch anime, or to build giant swords.
But to go back… to lie again, to hide again, to pretend she was fine when she was just steps away from the abyss— 
She couldn’t live like that again. She couldn’t.
“Alph?”  Sans shook her gently, and her magic sparked along his carpals.  “Hey.  Talk to me.”
“S-sorry.”  She reined her magic back in.  “I’m just—being stupid.”
“There’s only one bonehead around here, and it’s not you.”  He rubbed a thumb soothingly over her arm as he spoke.  “I said something dumb, didn’t I?”
“N-no!  I just…” She sighed.  “You won’t judge me for being selfish, right?”
“Hardly fair for the pot to call the kettle black,” he said wryly.
“Ha ha.”
She wrapped her arms around herself and tried not to lean into his touch.  She didn’t deserve it.
“At least you don’t want things to stay like this,” she muttered.
His thumb stilled.  “...Huh?”
“You want the k-kid to reset.”  She dug her nails into her arms.  “I don’t.  I can’t.  I mean, according to our r-reports, I wouldn’t even remember, but!  If I did!  Or, or even if I don’t, and I just feel like, like I’m living it all over again, that whole time I h-hated myself…”
Tears were leaking from her eyes.  She’d long since given up being embarrassed around Sans over things like that.  Still, it made it even harder to see his expression. 
“Why do you think I want to go back?”
She blinked.
“B-because you just said you did?”
“Oh.”  He scratched the back of his spine.  “Huh.  Honestly, I just said that ‘cause I assumed you wanted a reset.”
Well now she felt dumb.
“I mean, yeah.  I wish less people were dead.”  He shrugged, shifting the sheets around them.  “I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss Papyrus.  But he… he wouldn’t want me to stop living too.”
His eyelights were fixed on the ceiling.  She untangled her arms from around herself and squeezed his hand.
“I think he’d be really proud of you,” she said quietly.
“Yeah.”  He smiled.  “Heh, I can picture the look on his face if he found out I’m working for the Queen.  He’d be so jealous.”
“H-he wouldn’t have to be.  I’d make him a part of the Royal Guard.  A-and give him the fanciest, spikiest armor he could want.”
“He’d shine it every day.  You’d be able to see your reflection in it.”
“He and Undyne would cook spaghetti for us—”
“And we’d pretend we could stomach it.”  Sans grinned, fully facing her again now.
She smiled back, nuzzling her snout against his nasal ridge.
“It’s… not so bad to think about them,” she realized.  “Even if they’re not coming back… we still have their memories.”
She’d been wrong to try to throw that away.  Even if remembering hurt sometimes, it was better than chopping off her memories like a diseased limb.  Asgore, Mettaton, Undyne… they all deserved better than that.
“We do.  And, uh. We’ve got each other,” he added, his cheekbones glowing an ethereal blue.  “Right?”
“You’re such a n-nerd.”  She kissed the top of his nasal ridge.  “I couldn’t do this without you.  You know that.”
“Doesn’t hurt to be reminded.”  He smiled, his eyesockets drifting closed again.
Within seconds, he’d fallen asleep in her arms.
“Thank you, Sans,” she murmured.  “For reminding me, too.”
This time, his snores lulled her quickly to sleep.
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cats-of-riften · 7 years
It's finally done!!! Smh it sucks though ~tags~ #frisk #sans #papyrus #grillby #gaster #asriel #flowey #muffet #toriel #asgore #chara #mettaton #alphys #undyne #salphys #frans #soriel #alphyne #charisk #red #orange #yellow #green #blue #indigo #violet #white #black #iloveyou #myfam #family #fell #tale #error #mom
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au-mashup-party · 1 year
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Im an idiot!!! I just realized that I never ever drew the Salphys couple in MY AU, well here they are!!
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((This was the concept design for them, I didn't like it but I decided to show you guys anyway lol.))
Btw they are from Blisstale <3
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au-mashup-party · 9 months
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Blisstale Gaster!
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au-mashup-party · 11 months
Hey Bisstale Sans, I have a challenge for you, I dare you to steal your wifes stuff to get her reaction 😂
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au-mashup-party · 1 year
Is Blisstale Sans a fan of mew mew anime?
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(Learning how to draw alphys better hooray!)
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au-mashup-party · 1 year
How old is Sampys x3 he is so adorable 🥰
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Sanpys is still learning how to speak so Alice has to help him with it
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susartwork · 2 months
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1K followers. Thank you all so much! ♡
Just-- holy moly, that's many people. I could fill like 16 buses with all of you. Thank you all for checking out my little corner of the internet <3 Also, great news, I think I overcame my burnout, so I might post more these days!
I know I already asked this, but I wanted to give you more options:
Plus have some comic WIPs to show you that I've been working these days 💦
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Underwizard comic update (completed)
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2. Meeting Alphys' family
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3. Dreemurrs lockets
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4. Wizardnovela???
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5. Papyrus and Muffet's first date
Except UW's main comic, they are all one-page comics. Mainly because I needed them for a school project. Enjoy!
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