xgoldxnhour · 2 years
❛ do you wish i was different? ❜
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“There’s a lot of things I wish were different.” Uncertainty was never a shade El wore lightly—constantly bending the line between what was or could’ve been. Though each thing that tugs that line falls far before she met Scott. It was wishing she knew her mother far more before she passed. Or treating her father kinder when he tried to raise his kids on his own. Or trust her instincts more. Or tell herself to never feel ashamed for love wholly and completely. No, there were things that she wanted differently, but perhaps if she did, this place—this moment in time would never exist. And that was something she could never risk.
“But you are not one of them. There’s not a single thing about you that I wish was different, Scott.”
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lovelylostminds · 2 years
@scentedwolfperfume as plotted
Charlotte didn’t mean to stare but she couldn’t help it when the single father tried his best to feed his baby before he could even feed himself and so before she could order anything for herself, Charlotte stood from her booth and walked over to him.
“Good morning, I couldn’t help but look at your direction..” she started “Do you mind if I help? I’m really good with kids and we’ll it looks like you need a little break.” She says before gesturing the empty spot across from him on the booth “Why don’t I feed your son while you eat?” She suggested before sitting down across from him “Sometimes you just gotta play with your baby to get them to eat.” She says with a soft smile before reaching over to cut his chicken nuggets into small pieces, she even puts a little ketchup to give the baby a chance of taste.
Charlotte soon began to make little airplane noises which only made the baby giggle and open his mouth to eat “It’s yummy, isn’t it?” She asked the baby “Gotta eat some more buddy, you gotta grow strong.” She smiles and continues to feed him until he was done “There we go.. he’s a very pretty baby.” She then looked at the father “I’m Charlotte, nice to meet you.”
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ofmagicallonging · 2 years
The Truth Hurts | Closed
@scentedwolfperfume asked "lie  to  me…"
Scott to Timothy :D
Timothy looked at the other man for a brief second before looking away. He never lied and wasn't going to start now. He didnt have it in him to lie. He looked away from Scott, staring down at his hands. "I can't, Scott. I can't lie to you." Timothy sighed. God right now he wished he could. He wished he could say everything was okay and last night hadn't happened. But it did and he couldn't change that. "I lost control last night and I killed. I can't lie about that Scott. I wish I could but I can't. I can't lie, not to you." There was tears in Timothy's eyes then as he thought about what happened. He regretted it so much. Words couldn't describe it. "I'm sorry."
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Closed starter for @scentedwolfperfume
Jim was making his way down the street, annoyed that he was having to bother with something so menial as walking and shopping, but apparently it’s frowned upon to not have any food in his flat, as he’s been told many times. It would also seem the half empty containers of takeaway doesn’t count either. He’s not sure why, food is food, after all.  His mind is in a million places, planning the next three jobs he has coming up, working three equations, mentally sorting out moon phases. Some of the tasks are more fun than work related but then something catches his eye and this could either make his errands much more fun or much more horrible. He can’t decide if he should duck and run or walk up to him and see if he is who he’s thinking.  Jim hasn’t seen him in years, so he’s not positive, it’s been since their childhood where Jim suddenly had too much going on trying to keep himself and his brother alive and he could have sworn the other man, Gregory he believes, had just disappeared. But maybe that was just Jim. Either way, he takes a breath and makes his was over to the man, seeming to have made up his mind. 
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 3 years
scentedwolfperfume asked:
 Greg hadn't been paying much mind to his surrounding's when he crashed into a young man, causing both of all their things to go toppling to the floor. His head was pounding and he was in a rush to make ends meet with certain employers. But Greg cursed, and apologized, before he furrowed his brows in recognition. "I swear, I've seen your face before".
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@scentedwolfperfume​ Anthony sputtered unintelligibly as he bent down to pick up his things. His bookbag contained his laptop, but it was a hardy thing that had sustained far worse and ran reliably for years, so he wasn’t fussed over the matter.
“No no. I should have been looking too,” he said quickly as handed some papers to the stranger and they both rose, more or less intact.
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“Me? I don’t recall us meeting.” Honestly, he would have remembered the tall, striking man. “I guess I just have one of those faces,” he lied. The chances were small that he’d be recognized for his work. Generally, people commented on either his resemblance to his father, or sometimes his mother, depending on what part of the country he was in. “Are you okay? I hope I didn’t bump you too hard with this,” he said, lifting up the rigid bag containing his computer.
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rory-is-hiding · 3 years
i was cheated out of the lives i didnt get to live
and all of a sudden
nothing feels enough.
i was meant to run naked through forests
stealing mushrooms from the land
teasing my name to the fae
oudh and the scent of decay.
i was meant to live in the breath of the ocean
the darkness of a kelp forest
a storm rumbles far away and the water is colder than it was before
ambergris and salt.
i was meant to be the undying warmth of fungi
turning over with death like a dream
or the pages of a book
dirt and tree moss.
i was not meant to live this version of myself
cold sweats
dust and vomit.
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neko-mun-rp · 3 years
continued [x] @scentedwolfperfume
“To me this is not my face. I grew up with the illusion, that pale green-eyed was what I saw when I looked in the mirror for the majority of my life. I was raised as an Asgardian child and we were at war with Jotunheim, the frost giants are ruthless savages even to their own kind. I don’t want anything to do with them.” The trickster tried to explain.
He looked away as he was pulled close. The compliments meant nothing to him. Loki held only distain for how he looked. Greg thought he was beautiful only because he cared for him, his thoughts might be different if he had seen and experienced what other Jotuns were like. His face was turned to look to Gregory’s and was gifted with a soft yet affectionate kiss.
The warmth of the human’s lips against his own made the trickster relax and he happily returned it. Loki made no move to pull away, instead wrapped his arms around the taller man’s neck and let himself be held while they shared a slow and passionate kiss. After a few minutes of making out their lips parted and Loki’s blue face had a violet tinted blush  across his cheeks from the heat Greg had caused.
“I suppose, when it’s just the two of us, I can take this form if you want...” Loki said with a shrug. “Though touching me like this for an extended amount of time will cause harm. It’s like laying in the snow, you’re fine for a little while but if you lay out in it all night you’re going to get frostbite.”
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hvnteramelia · 3 years
Blood Bath
@scentedwolfperfume​ | cont. from [ x ]
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Amelia was able to take town the monster after HOURS. She herself was shocked that she came out alive, and hopefully this stranger would continue to live. There were some casualties... and unfortunately, that was to be expected on a hunt like this one. As the sun was rising, she was able to bring the man back to her car which wasn't too far from where she was thankfully. She patched him up the best she could before he woke up. There was so much blood. Some of it was hers, and she didn’t know what half belonged to her or this person. She was able to patch up her own wounds in the mean time, as hers weren’t as bad.
She let out a sigh of relief when he came to, and actually responded with words. 
“I’m Amelia---” she announced, “We’re somewhere in 100 Mile Wilderness. In Maine.” She said, trying to answer as many questions as he had. She understood the confusion - this came with the job in being a Hunter. And she would do the best she could to relay the information without hopefully freaking the other out enough. It wasn’t always easy, nobody in their right mind would believe her unless they too experienced it. The monsters, that is.
“I don’t know how much you remember, but you were attacked.” She said, pausing. “By a monster...” her voice trailed off almost waiting for his reaction, but she continued on. “Wendigo.” 
As the man started coughing, she placed a hand on his shoulder, “You should take it easy... I need to bring you to a hospital. I was only able to fix you up so much. You lost a shit ton of blood...” but she shook her head, “it’s both of ours. But most of it is you.”
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tricktm · 3 years
“Is the knildo a knife blade attached to a dildo, or a dildo attached to a knife hilt? Discuss.” (hope this was okay! plus its hilarious XD I had too XD )
( ask. | @scentedwolfperfume )
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The words confuse him and he’s supposed to be great with words so that’s made him extra grumpy. Good job.
          “ Why would you do either thing? Why not JUST have a knife or just have a dildo and have fun with either one? This is stupid. ”
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moved3677 · 3 years
“ i must’ve blacked out for hours. ”
@ Eric
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"Something like that. Luckily for you, i know how to keep myself entertained." He said smoothly but there was a hint of underlying concern, though he didnt vocalize it. "How are you feeling now?" He asked, slipping his cell in his pocket and opened the sunlight proof windows in his home now that the moon was out. "I obviously dont have food to offer but theres coffee if you want it." Not that he drank it but he kept it around.
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heirofapocalypse · 3 years
( @scentedwolfperfume )
While Billy was typically a sensesible teenager, he was still a teenager and with that came the urge to do the occasional stupid thing. The thing in question involved experimenting with his hologram: making himself look like an adult in order to enter an adults only space. A bar seemed like the easiest place to test that out. He had already obtained a fake ID, hoping it would be enough to fool the average bartender at a quick glance. He wasn't even capable of drinking, merely wanting to see if he could get away with being there. He ducked into an alley, pressing a button on his belt to change to an older looking version of his typical hologram. He then casually stepped out and headed into the bar.
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xgoldxnhour · 3 years
“  i don’t actually enjoy killing.  it’s messy.  the blood gets everywhere.  it’s just necessary sometimes.  ”
The wood creaks beneath her steps, as it does with each movement, bidding its cautionary tale. Every motion must be precise, intentional. Meals at certain of day with minimum audience outside. Lights out even if they still remain awake in order to avoid suspicion.
Quietly, the blonde sits, taking the spoon and dipping it into the now luke-warm stew from earlier. Though, surprisingly, her company is far from luke-warm.
Humming, El smirks, swirling the spoon around. She can’t remember what brought on this conversation, but appreciates the honesty that’s resided between the two. Her secret.
“I know, it was a pain in the ass getting out.” She giggles, taking her sip, referring to the blood she washed out of his clothes that first night—hiding in the barn—nearly got his head blown off.
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Though she pauses, taking another sip in silence as she’s waiting for any sounds to make themselves known. Nothing. “I wonder if there’s a difference between necessary and evasive.” She understood in a sense, when it came to life or death situations. But, she’d like to believe that there’s always a choice, a way out. Killing is just avoiding consequence.
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Gregory bursts into his office, looking bloodied and frayed. His clothes disheveled and even torn at places, and crimson stains where the blood dripped from his nose.
"I need some assistance, you have a couple of not very happy drug dealers, on their way. And after I barracade this door, I want some fucking answers as to why you have Fucking DRUG DEALERS MAD AT YOU AND BEATING THE ASS OUT OF PEOPLE YOU KNOW!", he barked in a frantic flurry of emotions before he then spun around and started to drag Jim's shelf in front of his office door. Looking frankly- like a mad man.
Jim looks up at him quickly from the whiteboard he was writing on, covered in numbers and equations in different colors. It takes him a moment to process just what is going on at the moment.
"What the hell happened to you?" He asks, putting a cap on his marker before rushing over to help the other man push the shelf into place. "You know I have people, right? Guards, snipers, people watching, they should be able to take care of them before they make it this far." He says, trying to calm the other a little.
As soon as the shelf is in place, he pushes Gregory over to a chair to sit down. He grabs a couple of tissues to give to him, another to try cleaning up some of the blood off his shirt, knowing it's a lost cause even before it starts.
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xxxlovedandlostxxx · 3 years
xxxlovedandlostxxx asked: "kiss me like"-11
One argument, and a train later they were separated... And dumbest part of all, was Greg chose not to leave the little... Confession note he wrote, that he intended to leave in the book he had purchased for Anthony, and his travels... It was something he read once, and another novel like the ones he read of Anthony's, that was a love that was sad, and bittersweet. That ended not as you would expect but fruitfully, and love was unrequited... More Happy, Than Not. Was the name of it, and before he had given to him on the train... He let go all of his feelings, into a small piece of folded parchment he found lying around his pub. But he left it, on that go forsaken counter top. Greg watched with a mournful, dreaded expression as he realized this, and that he probably wasn't ever going to see, or talk to Anthony Bennet again. He had become a fling.... But Greg never wanted that to be the case, and mayhaps, that was what scared Anthony away.... Greg was so tired of being alone, but was so horrible at communicating, so self-deteriorating, so fucking angry.... He was split personalities, with one still just a little boy trying to find a place to feel whole, who was still looking for happiness, and laughter, and then just an angry, vengeful old man... Destroyed by what made him. Greg felt empty, and grew emptier the further the train went on. It would be a couple weeks, and Greg would be moping around his apartment on a fruitless Tuesday night. He felt hung over from the night of drinking alone before, and decided to skip work, and call everyone off that day. Just to snort up snow, listen to music blare from his kitchen stereo, all while he started go through paperwork like a senior during a spelling exam. He never stopped arranging bills, pays, staff management, stock, people he owed money too, he kept himself busy with it more than ever now. And it was all starting to wear down on him. He hadn't been eating as much, headaches became frequent, and turned well into migraines on a daily... and only drinking, smoking cigarettes and staying awake with a bump of coke every few hours, to just feel like he was, surviving. Greg didn't feel like much, and he knew he'd get over it, but the things he had confided with Anthony about... Depressed him every time, he thought of how he sounded, how he smelled... How he looked at Greg like no one had, in a long, long time. He just hoped this feeling would fade away just like the others always did in the past, but the thoughts of Bennet never ceased to to rain. Then a knock came from the door, and Greg was shocked that anyone would be out, let alone at his door at such early hours of the night, and he when he came by to open it. Only in a tight night shirt and boxers, he nearly choked up and cried at the sight of Anthony standing at his door. There was nothing stopping him now, and he didn't care what the other could have possibly stopped by his apartment for. Gregory grabbed Anthony by the collar of his attire and pulled him into his lips, into his home, kissing him, with a need greater than oxygen, greater than any kind of pain or hunger he could have ever expirenced. He kissed him, as tears brimmed his eyes. As a relief and a fear took a hold of his soul, while he savored in his lips, in case this would have been the only moment he would have to taste them.
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@scentedwolfperfume​  He never asked for this, so just GO already. He’d flung that line at Greg during that dumb, bitter, defensive fight. He never asked to be bumped into. Thought they could both be adults about the whole thing and avoid entanglements of any kind. That moment haunted him. Greg’s face seemed to crumple as he understood he was the ‘entanglement’. The inconvenience. The snag in Anthony’s carefully ordered, carefully care- less life.  He turned away as Greg left, balling his hands into his pockets in such tight fists that his nails cut into skin. Anything to keep his grip- to keep from doing something impulsive and sentimental, like reach for Greg, apologize, and kiss him with such abandon only describable as maudlin.  This was just a fling. Get over it. 
What a fucking joke....
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The door shut. The train creaked as it lurched back into motion on the track. and Anthony tried and failed not to find pieces of Greg everywhere, but everything had a new context since their encounter. Those poetic eyes scanning something in a window display. The type of drink they’d have in the morning. How the light this time of day looked on Greg’s hair... And now, the sheer absence of his touch and scent seared at his brain was driving him crazy. They’d never have that again. He tried to go home and forget. Tried not to feel that loss, that was all too close to grieving. No, guilt was better. He felt like he’d killed something that was new and young and beautiful because his heart was too fucking scared to make room for it. And the weight of all of this was intolerable... He recalled the location where Greg said he’d be and  dressed on autopilot, blessedly driven to the point he didn’t allow himself to second guess, right up to when he knocked on a door, and Greg Brandy, the specter that haunted his dreams stood in the flesh. Fuck, it was overwhelming. He felt himself dragged forward by the collar of his shirt- like he’d fucking fight this at this point, which he did not, reaching and clutching, hungrily as they kissed. Holding on with the same scared pathetic determination he felt when holding himself back when Greg first left him. “Should’ve followed you,” he said, muffled, ragged and husky- lips wet on Greg’s cheek.  “Killed me to hold back.” But standing here, like this, he was reborn.
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