#shadowhunter bingo masterpost
greentealycheejelly · 3 months
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Bingo! For @sweetspicybingo. It's almost the end of the month, so I'll probably stop here. Links to all the prompt fills:
I'm Yours: Buttercup from 911 Lone Star.
Angel: Iskierka from Temeraire books.
Ever After: Tristan and Yvaine from Stardust (movie).
Cloud Nine: Parker from Leverage.
Kiss Me: Jack and Phryne from Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries.
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sivan325 · 2 years
Shadowhunters Bingo Masterpost
Alpha/Alpha Two Aces in a Pot I Raphael/Alec, side pairing: Malec Explicit. Violence, Non-Con Summary: When Raphael and Alec first meet, they both are alphas. Either of them tell the other that they are “Ace”, but Alec takes his time to get to know Raphael as the other does the same.
Omega Magnus doesn’t seem thrilled that the alpha he was assigned to, rejected him, and Magnus will do anything to get the alpha to be his.
Pandemonium Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble I T, Malec Summary: When he summoned the shots to appear in front of the shadowhunters, to say that he was surprised at how the drink looked compared to what he remembered that he created the last time, was was an understatement. Magnus didn’t know what had happened.
That was not how he’d last seen the drinks, but he did hope that his eyes were not deceiving him.
The Hunter's Moon Too Much Pain I General, Malec
Summary: It was too much pain, remembering that he did everything for the first time with Magnus, and now, he could see Magnus in everything even when he closed his eyes.
Magnus Bane smelt like sandalwood and he will miss that smell that always lighten with fresh air as the warlock entered the room, he will miss the way of the glittering clothes and the makeup that he wore.
Why does it have to be so painful?
Fairytale AU + 'Fuck the Clave' + Morning Snuggles A Birthday to Remember 1-3/3 I Explicit, Malec Summary: A birthday party is planned to surprise a certain warlock. Magnus, for his part, believed that they forgot about his birthday.
Free Space The most important battle is one to conquer yourself I Teen, Malec Summary: Ragnor saw his friend flinch and came to his defence as he snarled at Magnus, not knowing why he was prejudiced. He never thought that his friend was so cold-hearted, “I thought that you were better than this, Magnus Bane. I never thought that you could be that nasty. You know nothing about him.”
Jealousy Not Your Son! I General, Malec, part 1 of "Not Good Enough!" Summary: Alec tried so hard to do everything as he was told but still, he wasn't good enough.
Realization hits him when he believes that he is adopted, the only one with blue eyes and that's why they have treated him like this.
Demon Blood So Proud I General, Malec Summary: “Our teacher wants us to write if we know someone who has demon blood.” Max looked at his Papa, not noticing that he was floating up towards the ceiling as he spoke.
Kidnapping Taken I Mature. Violence. Malec Summary: Magnus has been kidnapped. Alec is not happy, and he will do everything he can to bring his Omega back, even if it means risking his life.
Java Jace A - Anniversary I General. Raphael/Alec, side pairing: Jimon Summary: It’s been nearly a year after what happened with omega Magnus, as Raphael stared at his sleeping mate, wishing that his nightmares would pass, so he could feel alive again without any fear.
Raphael brushed his mate's raven hair, he watched him with watchful eyes, he hated to see him hurt.
Blind Character Warriors I General. Malec Sequel to - Everybody Wants to Rule the World Summary: Alec could hear Magnus’s footsteps as he walked toward him.
“It’s not a good result, right?” Alec asked as Magnus stopped right next to him.
Misunderstanding Not Your True Love! I Explicit, Malec, open ending. Part 2 of "Not Good Enough!" Summary: Alec believed that Magnus truly loved him, realization hits again when Magnus called him the wrong name in the time of passion.
Thank you to @shadowhunterbingo for creating the event, and I'm looking for the next round.
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Shadowhunters Pride Bingo 2022 Masterpost
Series on AO3 | all fics are created for the Shadowhunters Pride Bingo presented by the Malec Discord Server. @malecdiscordserver
of love & names Magnus-centric, Malec | G, tw transphobia | The best thing that Asmodeus ever did for him, Magnus sometimes thought, was letting him choose his own name. Or: Magnus is trans, has friends, and (finally) feels accepted. | Prompt: AFAB | AO3 | Tumblr
U — Understanding [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Alec-centric, Malec | G, tw internalised & institutionalised homophobia | Isabelle realised that her brother was not straight when she was fifteen and he was sixteen. Or: Izzy loves her brother, but some wounds go deeper than she can fix. (Ft. gratuitous light/dark metaphors, sibling antics, and angst with a happy ending.) | Prompt: “Love is Never Wrong” | AO3 | Tumblr
of colourful nails & the defeat of homophobes Malec | G, tw homophobia | Magnus’ nails glowed with every colour of the rainbow. Or, Alec paints his nails and is politically savvy. | Prompt: Painted Nails | AO3 | Tumblr
N — Natural [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Malec | G, tw internalized & external homophobia & aphobia | Alec is ace and gay, Maryse is evil, Alec meets a certain Magnus Bane, and the road to self-acceptance is long and hard — but it's a bit easier when you have friends and family to support you. (Ft. pining idiots and Alec writing books.) | Prompt: Forehead Kiss | AO3 | Tumblr
sweeter than sugar Malec | G, tw minor mention of homophobia | Pretty boy. Darling. Alexander. Sayang. Husband. Five times Magnus called Alec something that wasn't his name, and one time Alec returned the favour. | Prompt: Pet Names | AO3 | Tumblr
cum non bellantis Malec | G, no warnings | Alec and Magnus enjoy the benefits of a telepathetic bond and Alicante has its first pride. (Takes place in my libertate bellantis ’verse.) | Prompt: First Pride | AO3 | Tumblr
G — Gaze [Shadowhunters Ace ABC] Magnus-centric, Malec | G, tw aphobia | Magnus sometimes found the gazes of strangers unnerving. Or, Magnus is demisexual and sex-positive, people are not always understanding, Camille is a bitch, and Alec loves Magnus. | Prompt: Free Space | AO3 | Tumblr
pull me closer Jimon | G, tw mention of Jace's abusive childhood, panic attacks | For most of Jace’s life, his assumption that he was straight went unchallenged. Jace is definitely not straight and in love with Clary. That doesn't change just because Simon's cute and funny and brave and— well, Jace is straight, so obviously he doesn't like Simon that way. (Right?) | Prompt: Pansexual | AO3 | Tumblr
(beyond) this place of wrath and tears Malec | T, tw for mention (not graphic) of the following: biphobia, racism (anti-Downworlder and anti-POC), whatever it's called when people want men not to wear makeup, suicidal thoughts, and depression | People tend to hate what they do not understand, and while Magnus can ignore most cruel words, he sometimes fears there might be a fragment of truth in them. Fortunately, he has Alec. | Prompt: “There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s a lot wrong with the world you live in.” | AO3 | Tumblr
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real-life-living-dead · 4 months
By the Angel Bingo prompt - Alliance rune
My fill for one of the prompts for the 2024 Shadowhunter bingo.
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Here is a link to my master post: Masterpost
The bingo was housted on the Malec discord server @malecdiscordserver/ @MalecServer
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malecdiscordserver · 4 months
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Calling all Shadowhunters creators--it's time to dust off your notebooks, sketchbooks, laptops, drawing tablets, and other creative instruments.
Welcome to By the Angel Bingo!
What is By the Angel Bingo? By the Angel Bingo is a Shadowhunters-themed event where you request a grid of prompts in the layout of a bingo board. The goal is to fill the prompts until you get a traditional bingo (filling 3 or 5 in a row, column, or diagonally) or until you blackout your entire board! 
Do I have to be a part of the Malec Discord Server to sign up? No, being a part of the Malec Discord Server Community is not required to be a part of this event, but it is highly encouraged if you’re looking for friends to bounce ideas off of, if you need help finding a beta reader, or if you’re just looking for Shadow Fam to hang out with. 
What is the schedule?
Sign-ups open: February 1st
Sign-ups close: February 29th
Last day to request prompt changes: March 31st
Masterpost due by: September 30th
Have more questions? Join the Malec Discord Server or keep reading under the cut for official rules, minimum requirements, and other FAQs!
How will it work? On Thursday, February 1st, sign-ups will open for a bingo card. In your sign-up, you will be asked a few questions including what size bingo card you’d like (3x3 or 5x5). You will then receive a bingo card from one of the Mods to your preferred method of contact within 3-5 days. Sign-ups will remain open until Thursday, February 29th. From there, you’ll have until Monday, September 30, to complete what you can on your bingo card! 
What if I don’t like my prompts? You may request 3 (for 3x3 cards) or 5 (for 5x5 cards) replacement prompts at one time. If you need more than 3-5 prompts replaced, you will be sent an entirely new card. This can only happen once. If you receive a new card, you can request 3-5 replacement prompts again for the last time. You can request changes to your board until March 31st, a month after sign-ups close. 
Can I sign up if I’m under 18? Yes! Anyone is able to receive a bingo card, but you must be over the age of 18 to request NSFW prompts or submit NSFW fills. You also must be over the age of 16 to join the Malec Server. 
Are there any content restrictions? This bingo is open to all creations; fic, art, gifs, videos, moodboards, playlists, cosplay, physical art, etc. All bingo fills must be Shadowhunters-related. Any ships/characters/ratings are permitted as long as they are properly tagged. RPF is not allowed for this event. 
Am I required to get a bingo or blackout my card? Not at all! You can fill as little or as many prompts as you have the time/energy to complete. This is low to no stress. Low risk, high reward. HAVE FUN. 
Can I combine prompts? Each prompt needs to be its own fill, but you can post a multi-chapter fic or art series with one prompt per chapter/piece. 
What if I black out my entire card before the final posting date? Congrats! You did it! You can either be done OR ask for a second bingo card. 
Minimum requirements: 
Fic: 500 words
Digital/physical art: 1 piece
Photomanipulation: 1 piece
Gifsets: 2 gifs
Moodboards: 4 images
Video: 30 seconds
Playlists: 10 songs 
Podfic: 500 words (with author’s permission)
You must be over 18 to request NSFW prompts and submit NSFW fills. You have to be over 16 to join the Malec Server. 
Any Shadowhunters-related ships/characters/ratings are permitted as long as they are tagged appropriately. 
You may create works based off of the show, books, or movies, but no RPF is allowed. 
You may request a 3x3 card (8 prompts) or a 5x5 card (24 prompts). 
You may request 3 (for 3x3) or 5 (for 5x5) replacement prompts at one time. 
If you need more than 3-5 prompts replaced, you will be sent an entirely new card.
This can only happen once. If you receive a new card, you can request 3-5 replacement prompts again for the last time. 
You can request changes to your board until March 31st, a month after sign-ups close. 
Each card has one “FREE SPACE” to be used as a wildcard where you can submit any creation that follows the rules of the event.
Each prompt needs to be its own completed fill, but you can post a multi-chapter fic or art series with one prompt per chapter/piece.
Each fill must be NEW during the bingo posting period. No past creations may be used as a fill.
Fills can be combined with other events (i.e. Femslash February, Any Fandom Bingo, Trope-specific bingos, etc.) only if the other event allows it and you meet the minimum requirements for both events.
Prompts can be interpreted as literally or figuratively as you like (I.e. A/B/O meaning a frat house, or falling to your knees in the sense of lust, despair, clumsiness, etc.) If you think it fits, it probably fits. 
All bingo fills must be added to the AO3 collection. If posted on Tumblr/Twitter, the Malec Discord Server must be tagged (@malecdiscordserver/@MalecServer).
If you are participating in this bingo, you are not allowed to shame any ships/kinks/characters/content of any kind created by other participants. Failure to follow this rule may lead to a lifetime ban of Malec Discord Server-run events. We’re in this for a good time, not a dramatic time. 
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ember-rayne-storm · 2 years
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Hunter’s Moon 2021 Bingo Masterpost Mists of Blood (Malec | Moodboard) – Summoning Gone Wrong
Overdrive (Malec | Moodboard) – Kidnapping
Heartwarming (Malec | Moodboard) – Java Jace
Honeymoon Memories (Malec | Moodboard) – Memories
Battle Bound (Malec | Moodboard) – Battle Couple
Snapshot (Malec | Moodboard) – Free Space
Across the Court (Malec | Moodboard) – College AU
Starlight (Malec | Moodboard) – Star Gazing
Created for @shadowhunterbingo​‘s Shadowhunter 2021 Bingo - ❤
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antisocial-af · 3 years
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Interrupted by spoons - G - SFW, Prank War, Friendship, Fluff. - Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood.  
Square Used: Curses
Homework, Pentagrams, and Tiny Demons - T - Fluff, Magic Misshaps, Cute Max Lightwood-Bane, Protective Rafael Lightwood-Bane. - Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood.
Square Used: Pentagrams
1x13: A Bastian Fix-it - T - Fix-it, Angst, Politics, Slight Fluff. - Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood. 
Square Used: ‘Fix-it’
Late Night Coffee - G - Jalec, Fluff, SFW, Alternative Universe. - Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland.
Square Used: ‘This World Inverted’
First Hunt - T - Hurt/Comfort, Slight Angst, Protective Charms. - Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood.
Square Used: Hunt
Lost Bet - M - NSFW, Smut, First Meetings, Lingerie, Light Dom/Sub. - Magnus Bane/ Alec Lightwood. 
Square Used: Mundane AU
One Line at a Time - G - First Meetings, Meet Cute, Holiday Fluff, SFW. - Lorenzo Rey/Andrew Underhill. 
Square Used: Friends Got Them Together
The Dangers of Petting a Cat - G - Demon Simon Lewis, Demonic Possession, Attempt at Humor, SFW, Meet Ugly? Saphael. - Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago. 
Squares Used: First Time, Traveling, &Cursed Items.
A Chance at Forever - T - Angst with a Happy Ending, Immortality Issues, Time Travel, Good Friends Ragnor & Catarina. - Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood. 
Square Used: Time Travel, Misunderstandings, & Free Space. 
Well that is all for my Bingo for this year! I had so much fun. Kinda sad I only got a bit over half of my squares done but hopefully next year I will get a full card done. 
Thank you to the wonderful @brightasstars. I believed that she beta’d 90% of my fics for this event. She is amazing to have in your corner with her constant support and motivation. I couldn’t of finished most of these fics without her help. 
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la-muerta · 4 years
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I know I’m not going to be able to fill anymore squares by the deadline so this is my masterpost for Shadowhunter Bingo!
1. we’ll be dancing all night (Clizzy | T | 1,552 words | Dance AU) Clary, a small-town girl with big dreams, moves to L.A. and ends up working as a waitress at a neo-burlesque club called the Pandemonium.
2. A Midwinter Night’s Dream (Malec | E | 4,063 words | Mistletoe) While chasing a white hind through Blackthorn Woods, Prince Alec, soon to be king of the realm, meets a sorcerer named Magnus under a bough of mistletoe growing on an oak tree.
3. Facilis Descensus Averno (Malec | E | 2,706 words | Wing Fic) The descent into Hell is easy. Father Alec Lightwood has never truly understood just how easy, until Magnus finds him.
4. Chain Reaction (World Inverted Malec | E | 4,562 words | Fuck or Die) When shadowhunter Clary from the other dimension comes crashing into Magnus' simple, boring, magicless existence and awakens Magnus' dormant magic, she awakens a lot more than that.
5. Mr December (Malec | T | 1,408 words | Firefighter AU) Alec is a famous architectural photographer who has agreed to help do a photoshoot for the Brooklyn Fire Department for a charity calendar. One of the firefighters should really have come with a goddamned warning.
6. I have the ocean's soul (Maiabelle | T | 2,318 words | Long Distance) While out "fishing" (avoiding her brother) on a warm summer's day, Maia accidentally catches a very odd fish.
7. a girl in a garden  (Clizzy | T | 1,135 words | Marriage) King Robert Lightwood has decreed that it is time for his eldest son to take a wife. Heart-weary on her brother’s behalf, Isabelle escapes into the palace gardens for a breath of fresh air, only to lose her own heart.
8. Thunderstruck (Malec | E | 18,152+ words | Sports AU)* Jace and Alec were once world champion motorcycle racers, but an accident forces both of them into retirement. Alec swore he would never get on a bike again - until their chief engineer Izzy gets wind of a talented illegal street racer who could put them back in the competition. *I haven’t managed to complete the fic, so I made art for the square instead
9. One Year Later (Malec, Clace, Sizzy | T | 3,367 words | Immortality) The morning after Clary chases Jace down a dark alley and remembers his name, everything changes.
Didn’t manage to complete as many squares as I planned to but the rest of my ideas ended up really long D: At least I managed one bingo? LOL
Much thanks to @shadowhunterbingo​ for organising!
Here’s my card!
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ladyoxymoron · 4 years
Shadowhunter Bingo Masterpost
I didn’t manage to write all the fics I’d planned. Tbh, I am a heathen and I didn’t even manage to edit all the fics I’d already written for the bingo.
This is my minimasterpost for the SHbingo. 
1- The Road to Memories  [Malec| M | 2650 words | Traveling ]
“I would ask you to take it easy for the next few days but I am aware I’ve married a stubborn man.”
“Actually,” Alec says, taking Magnus’ hand in both of his own. “I’m off until Monday. I thought, maybe..." he trails off, suddenly unsure, but Magnus is smiling in encouragement. "I thought we could visit one of the places you always talk about showing me.”
Or: Alec, Magnus, and a well deserved vacation.
2- Night at Pandemonium  [Malec | E | 2750 words | Pandemonium]
The boy is sitting on the bar stool, his posture just a bit on the side of tense but not wound tight like most of the nights Magnus has watched him from afar.
Tonight, he looks approachable.
Or, an alternate first meeting.
3- The making of Traditions  [Malec | T | 3500 words | Christmas Fic]
Alec, Magnus, and Christmas through the years.
4- A Glimpse of Happiness  [Malec| T | 14180 words | Portals]
On his wedding day, a glimpse into an alternate dimension makes Alec question his choices. It may very well be the catalyst he needs to pursue his happiness.
Or, an alternate spin on the ending of Season 1.
5- Waking Up By Your Side  [Malec | M | 1370 words | The Morning After]
Magnus wakes up to Alec after their first night together.
6- All is Fair in Love and War  [Malec | M | 7815 words | College AU]
The new teacher may be charming and unfairly attractive but he keeps parking his fancy car in Alec’s assigned space.
Alec is willing to go to great lengths to get his coveted spot back, even if it means engaging in a prank war with the enemy.
Or, how a parking space war between two equally stubborn teachers leads to something more.
7- Confession is Good for the Soul  [Malec/TWI Malec | T | 5545 words | Drunk Confessions]
Magnus is still concealing his magic from Alec, fearful to lose him.
Some liquid courage may be the push Magnus needs to say what he is afraid to say sober.
Thank you, this was so fun! (but next time I’m going to ask for a 3x3 card, haha.  :)
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visander · 3 years
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This is my masterpost for @shadowhunterbingo​. Thank you so much to everyone who ran this event! This was my first year joining and it was so fun.
Mundane AU | Magnus is a very recently single father. Alec is Magnus' new bodyguard | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Single Parent | That was one good thing about having a difficult teenage son. Magnus knew that Raphael would put any of his romantic partners right to the test, even if Magnus wished he wouldn't | Malec, Magnus & Raphael, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fake Relationship | Simon had only been a shadowhunter for a few weeks when he asked Jace to sneak out and help him break into a police station to steal something for his friend | Jimon, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
New Years Eve | Jonathan was not meant to be loved. Sebastian was not meant to be dead. Both could be true. If something that was not meant to occur had to happen, Jonathan would choose the one in which Sebastian had not died for no reason | Jonathan/Sebastian, MCD, Dead dove: Do not eat | Ao3, tumblr. 
Spy AU | When Alec adopted a warlock, he expected that people would be watching him closely. He didn't expect the High Warlock to follow him while he was running errands | Magnus & Alec, Alec & Baby Max, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Mates | Alec thinks about the people he loves and he thinks about how differently he loves them | Magic (Meliorn/Alec/Magnus), gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Summoning | Jonathan summoned Raziel to beg for help but when the angel finally arrived, Jonathan found that he could not speak at all. Still, the angel heard him and Jonathan heard the angel, kind of | Jonathan Shadowhunter/Angel Raziel, NSFW, Consent Issues | Ao3, tumblr. 
Rivals | The rivalry between Magnus and Ragnor was the gossip of the downworld and really, who were they to deny the downworld a show? | Ragnor & Magnus, Side Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Christmas Fic | Magnus wasn't quite sure how he was going to spend his Christmas but struggling to close a rift in the middle of an icy hellscape as a sweet surprising shadowhunter offered him assistance wasn't quite what Magnus expected | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Reverse Verse | When Valentine decided to take his children and leave, he'd done so because he knew that Jocelyn was far beyond saving | Valentine/Luke, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Halloween Fic | There was something in Alec's apartment and he was pretty sure it was trying to seal him inside | Malec, Demon Magnus | Ao3, tumblr. 
Royalty AU | Being an orc, Magnus knew that the primarily nordic people of his village did not like him but Magnus didn't realize just how deep that hatred went | Malec, mature for violence | Ao3, tumblr. 
Free Space | Jace didn't go to the bar to watch Simon sing but when he realized Simon was on stage, he could think of nothing else. Afterwards, Jace knew he needed a distraction and he needed it now. Thankfully, Maia was more than willing to shove every thought right out of his head | Onesided Jimon, Jace/Maia | Ao3, tumblr.
Omega/Omega | When Alec presented as an omega instead of the alpha he knew he was supposed to be, he knew his life was over. Magnus was an omega and two omegas could never be together | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr.
Tentacles | Magnus finds out that Ragnor has another warlock mark, despite Ragnor's best efforts to hide it | Magnus & Ragnor, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fairies Made Them Do It | The Clave was offering Alec a chance at a life he'd never had but choosing that life would mean leaving everything Alec had ever known behind - including Meliorn | Meliorn/Alec, gen | Ao3, tumblr.
Vampire!Alec | With Magnus busy on a plane, Alec knew that it was up to him to plan he and Magnus' costumes for the party later. Thankfully, he had twitter to help him come up with ideas | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Fairytale AU | There was one simple fact about Jace’s life. He could not live without Alec. So, when Alec was taken out into the ocean never to break the surface again, Jace knew that he had to follow him, no matter what it took to do so | Jace/Alec/Magnus, teen | Ao3, tumblr.
Sex Club | Sex clubs weren't exactly Raphael's thing but Simon liked them, so Raphael tended to go to make sure he was okay.On one of these occasions, Raphael happens to get lucky... for Simon | Simon/Raphael, implied Simon/Raphael/Izzy, mature for sexual location | Ao3, tumblr. 
Warlock!Izzy | When Isabelle Lightwood first realized she had magic, she'd gone to Magnus Bane for help. She didn't expect to meet a girl there, a girl who regardless of how many times they met, did not remember her | Izzy/Clary, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Soulmate AU | When everyone heard that Andrew and Lorenzo were soulmates, the entire school had assumed that it was a joke. They show everyone fairly quickly that it is not a joke | Reyhill, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Hurt/comfort | For a long time, Jonathan thought that Sebastian was just being nice to him to get something from him but at some point, Sebastian managed to convince him otherwise | Jonathan/Sebastian, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Truth Serum | Alec would have complimented Magnus if they were in any other situations - if Magnus hadn't been about to rip the words from Alec's throat that would mean the end for his people | Malec, teen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Ragnor Ships It | When Magnus woke Ragnor up in the middle of the night to give him the horrible suit he'd found, Magnus had truly expected that to be the end of it. He assumed he'd never see Ragnor actually wear the suit - until Ragnor showed up at Magnus' wedding, wearing it | Ragnor & Magnus, side malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
Accidental Marriage | In which Alec and Magnus got married when Alec marched down the aisle and kissed Magnus, unbeknown to them both | Malec, gen | Ao3, tumblr. 
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icymalec · 3 years
Shadowhunters Bingo Masterpost
A HUGE thank you to @shadowhunterbingo​ for organising this!
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Beauty of strangers | ch1: Halloween, Ch2:Truth Serum|Teen|Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood, Alec Lightwood/Magnus Bane (mentioned), Slight Alec Lightwood/Simon Lewis
Worth the risk | Warlock!Izzy|Teen| Isabelle Lightwood/Maia Roberts
Domestic Bliss | Morning Snuggles| G| Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood
Everything Changes in Vegas| Accidental marriage| Explicit| Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland, Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland
Sharing a family secret | Seelie!Alec| Teen| Simon Lewis/Isabelle Lightwood
Seelies know how to play| Seelie Drinking Game| Mature| Magnus/Simon, Magnus/Simon/Jace, Clary/Izzy, Alec/Meliorn
Big Decisions| Free Space| G| Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood.
Long Awaited Confession | Best Friends to Lovers| Teen| Alec Lightwood/Jace Wayland
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notquiteascrazy · 3 years
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First time participating in @shadowhunterbingo and wow what a journey! Was definitely daunting starting out (even with a little 3x3 card - so utmost respect to y’all who went 5x5) but the prompts were incredibly inspiring and I had a lot of fun blacking out this card and writing some of the fics that I’m most proud of as part of the journey! Masterpost below - be prepared for lots of crack, some fluff and of course, the Spy AU that grew ;)
Cheers to @tobythewise for organising this! <3
Bright Smiles & Sharp Tongues (Part 1 of the Spy-verse series) [Maiabelle | Teen | 6,319 words | Warnings: Alcohol abuse / drinking to forget |  Forbidden Love]
Isabelle Lightwood never backs down from a challenge. And Maia Roberts might just be her most exciting challenge yet. It's not easy joining a tight-knit, family-run organisation like the Institute so when Maia first shows up, it's no surprise things get off to an icy start. But soon, Izzy warms up to the incredibly capable, efficient handler she's been assigned. It helps that Maia has a cutting wit and is incredibly attractive, now if only she could persuade the other woman to give in to the chemistry they clearly share...
Just a Simple Mission (Part 2 of the Spy-verse series) [Malec (background Maiabelle) | Mature | 44,471 words | Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Guns, Discussion of homophobia |  Spy AU (Chapter 1), Babysitting (Chapter 2), Free Space (Chapter 3), The Morning After (Chapter 4)]
It’s just a simple mission. That’s what he’d said when he’d been handed the brief. A simple mission - get to Magnus Bane before The Circle can and then keep him safe. Agent Alec Lightwood has conducted many similar missions throughout his career and he knows what to expect. Except, as he gets to know Magnus, the lines between professional and personal begin to blur. At least it’s just a simple mission, right? What can possibly go wrong?!
Come Fly With Me [Malec | General |  2,324 words | No warnings | Wing Fic]
Alec had never flown for fun… Until the day he met Magnus.
Our Story to Live [Malec | General | 1,739 words | No warnings |  Christmas Fic]
Christmas presents are tough when they’re for a Warlock who has everything he could ever want
Simon vs Snake  [Jimon | General | 942 words | No warnings | Drunk Confessions]
With his thesis defense coming up, Simon is feeling the fear. But Jace knows just how to motivate him...
This World Inverted, Inverted [Malec (TWI) | General | 2,802 words | No warnings | This World Inverted]
Between re-learning how to control and channel his powers, and a whirlwind romance with an incredibly handsome, extroverted party planner Magnus has barely had a moment to breathe. When a simple spell goes awry he's forced to cancel his plans with Alec to protect both his secret and their relationship. Alec, however, has other plans...
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2020-2021 Shadowhunters Bingo Masterpost
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I only got three fills for @shadowhunterbingo BUT it was still fun to participate! Here are my fills, in no particular order (with rating and category in parenthesis).
Memories: Angel's Advocate (teen | gen)*
Free Space: Tangled Up In You (gen | m/m)
Outside POV: The Duck Shrine (teen | m/m)**
Extra Warnings:
*self-harm, unhealthy coping mechanisms
**talk about child abuse and animal death
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echele-78 · 3 years
2020-21 SH Bingo Masterpost
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Wow, this season of @shadowhunterbingo is done. Seems like it started forever ago, yet I was still down to the wire finishing. 😬 I’m proud that I completed the Blackout Challenge I set for myself. Thanks to everyone who read, left kudos, commented, liked or reblogged. Ya’ll are great and kept me motivated to continue. 💜😃💜😃💜
Also, many thanks to @tobythewise for managing this whole thing. I’m sure it was an enormous amount of work. You did an AMAZING job! 
Here’s the breakdown for all 25 squares. I wanted to have a little bit of variety, so I created Fics, Mood Boards and a Fanmix.
🎵 - Fanmix:
Malec Forever (Free Space)
🙂😐🙁 - Mood Boards:
I Am & Will Always Be, Your Loving Husband (Wedded Rune)
Happy New Year (New Year’s Eve)
Designing the Mood (Fashion)
📚 - Fics:
(Title • Pairing • Words • Rating • Square Filled)
All Work & No Play Makes Alec No Fun At All (Malec • 1267 • G • Halloween Fic)
The Search is Over (Malec • 2033 • G • Immortality)
Shadowhunters, Soldiers & Immortality (Malec • 4159 • G • Crossover)
Training, Interrupted (Malec with background Clace, Heline, Sizzy, Maruke &  Reyhill • 2444 • T • Training Room Shenanigans)
The Betrayal (Malec • 568 • G • Mundane AU)
A Five-Star Friendship (Malec • 1201 • G • Only One Bed)
Painful Memories (Malec • 568 • G • Memories)
Warlocks & Runes (Malec • 1106 • G • Rune Ceremony)
There’s Gotta Be Somebody (Malec • 1010 • T • Blind Date)
Cats & Potions: What Could Go Wrong? (Malec • 737 • G • Chairman Meow)
Someday (Malec • 1254 • G • Alliance Rune)
House Hunters: Alicante (Malec • 740 • G • Hunt)
Unhappy Hour (Malec • 2004 • T • Drunken Antics)
Blessed (Malec • 516 • G • Angel Blood)
No Words Are Spoken (Malec • 626 • G • Royalty AU)
Sex? Drugs? Misunderstandings? (Malec • 1828 • G • College AU)
The Next Contestant (Clizzy • 2137 • G • Undercover) 
Magnus ❤ NY (Malec • 1893 • G • Shadowhunter!Magnus)
Moving Away & Moving On (Malec • 2432 • G • Long Distance)
You Can Do MAGIC?? (Malec • 2059 • T • Amnesia)
A Tale (Not So) Old As Time (Malec • 6663 • G • Parent Trap AU)
💖 That’s it, that’s all. Thanks again. Hope we can do it again next year. 💖
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real-life-living-dead · 4 months
By the Angel Bingo - Shadowhunter Bingo 2024 Masterpost
This year I decided to try joining the Shadowhunter Bingo and this is my try at a masterpost. The bingo was housted on the Malec discord server @malecdiscordserver/ @MalecServer
The bingo ends september 30th so I will keep updating this post every time I finish a prompt until this date arrives.
I'll try to remember to update the pic of my bingo card, so it's easy to see with prompts are filled out, and with what.
My bingo card:
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I'm not really a writer so this is the first time I'm attempting something like this, but I thought it would be a fun challenge. And I was right!
Prompt - Trying to get their attention (AO3 /Tumblr - Writing)
After a long day of difficult clients all Magnus wants is some attention from his adorable boyfriend.
Prompt - Alliance rune (AO3/Tumblr - Art)
Digital art of Magnus and Alec with matching Alliance runes.
Prompt - Idris (AO3/Tumblr - Poetry)
A poem about Idris.
Prompt - Up against the wall (A03/Tumblr - Moodboard)
A suggestiv moodbord about Malec having sex up against a wall.
Prompt - Truth or Dare (AO3/Tumblr - Playlist)
A playlist about the first season of Shadowhunter to the overarching theme of Truth or Dare.
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malecdiscordserver · 4 months
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Calling all Shadowhunters creators--it's time to dust off your notebooks, sketchbooks, laptops, drawing tablets, and other creative instruments.
Just under two weeks to sign-up for By the Angel Bingo!
What is By the Angel Bingo? By the Angel Bingo is a Shadowhunters-themed event where you request a grid of prompts in the layout of a bingo board. The goal is to fill the prompts until you get a traditional bingo (filling 3 or 5 in a row, column, or diagonally) or until you blackout your entire board! 
Do I have to be a part of the Malec Discord Server to sign up? No, being a part of the Malec Discord Server Community is not required to be a part of this event, but it is highly encouraged if you’re looking for friends to bounce ideas off of, if you need help finding a beta reader, or if you’re just looking for Shadow Fam to hang out with. 
What is the schedule?
Sign-ups open: February 1st
Sign-ups close: February 29th
Last day to request prompt changes: March 31st
Masterpost due by: September 30th
Click here to sign up: https://forms.gle/8xp6y2YW1nAVyP54A
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