#she rolls on the insanity table and gets phobia
vins-oc-hell · 11 months
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Shoutout to the time Loki spent an entire battle cowering under some rocks. 😔✌🏻
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do-not-fearr · 6 months
Arachnophobia - Eevrid the Drider
Pairing: Drider x f!Reader
Wordcount: 4668 words
Tags: Blindfolds, bondage, body worship
Summary: As someone with terrible arachnophobia you decide to try your friends recommendation of "exposure therapy" with an aquaintance of her, who is a Drider.
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Ever since you were a child you had debilitating arachnophobia. Every time you'd see the teensiest spider you'd panic, having to ask someone else to get rid of said spider. It was a little pathetic, and now that you were an adult you were ready to get over this fear already.
"I know what you need," a friend said to you one day, after you yelled at a small spider on the table you were sitting at, and multiple eyes had been on you and your friend. "Exposure therapy."
"Exposure therapy." You deadpanned back. As if you hadn't thought of that yet. You were much too scared to be able to try something like that. "You must overestimate me here. Did you already forget what happened just now?"
She took a sip of her drink, nodding sagely. "That's exactly why. The spider just now was tiny, harmless, and you yelled like you just got bit by a snake."
"Yeah, yeah... rub it in." Came your mumble. You were aware that your panic wasn't proportionate and drew attention from others.
"Don't worry so much. I have just the plan."
You rolled your eyes. "And what would that be?"
She leaned forward over the table, and started speaking in a hush hush voice. "I have an acquaintance who could really help you with this sort of thing."
"He's a Drider."
Fear coursed through you. Though you had never come into contact with the supernatural yourself, you knew of their existence. If there was one being you'd never ever want to come into contact with it was the infamous Drider. "You're insane." She was either joking or crazy. There was no way you would go through with this.
"Well, yes, I'm friends with you!" she joked, and grabbed her phone, looking through it until she found what she was looking for. She turned the screen towards you and you pointedly ignored it. "Just look, it's just his face. No spidery details to be seen. Well... more or less."
Anxiously you managed to take a peek, and she was right. The image did not scare you... as a matter of fact it had quite the opposite effect. On her screen was a picture of a grey skinned man with long white hair and multiple eyes, his mouth was a little strangely shaped, but other than that he was very normal looking. Moreover... he was absolutely breath taking.
"Oh," you said, and she chuckled at your reaction.
"I know! And he's such a sweetheart too! Remember last year when I was lost during cave diving? He's the one that saved me then. We've been friends ever since, and I'm sure he'll agree to curing your fears with a little talking. In your case just being around him will cure you of your arachnophobia in no time flat I'm sure!"
Yeah, you doubted it, but she was right about the fact that something needed to be done about your fear.
"I'll ask him about it and see if he's okay with it. What do you say? Should I give him your number so he can contact you?"
It was just a couple of days later that you got your first message. It was a little awkward, both of you having been brought together by your crazy common friend, but he seemed to be down with helping you. His name was Eevrid, and he agreed to the two of you first just talking through text before you'd go into the whole "exposure therapy" as your friend had called it.
"I don't go out much," he said one day when you were talking about hobbies. "Most humans don't take kindly to the supernatural, let alone one with a spider body." 
You felt a little bad about it, knowing that you would probably be the first to scream if you'd see a Drider in real life. Your friend was right, you needed to do something about this phobia, if only so that you wouldn't be a dick to him and his race because of something irrational as a fear.
Talking to Eevrid was nice, comforting even. And as you went from texting to calling over the phone you realised you were looking forward to your talks. His voice was soft and soothing, and sometimes you found yourself lost in daydreams thinking about his profile picture. A feeling of wanting to meet him in real life started to grow in you, despite the fear that grew in proportion to your longing. You knew what his face looked like... but his lower body was still a mystery to you. You had looked up pictures of Driders, but found it too difficult to look for long, the images bringing out the same fear as the real thing probably would. The lines between friendship and something more seemed to blur with every message, and with it grew your want to meet him. He hadn't asked you yet, knowing about your troubles, but there were definitely moments where he let it show through his words that he really wanted to meet you as well.
Then again... that's what you started talking for. For you to meet him, to get over your fear... You decided to take the step and asked him over the phone one day, if there was a way you could meet him. He seemed ecstatic as the both of you spoke about where best to meet.
And here you were, on your way to Eevrid, your Drider online friend that was going to help you with your phobia. Although you were worried he was just going to make it worse by... being himself. Despite your fears you had decided to meet at his place, since not many places openly accepted the supernatural so willingly yet. It hurt. Hurt extra when you realised you were probably one of the reasons Driders like Eevrid were shunned from mayor establishments, but you put it in the back of your mind for now. Next time you'd find a place both of you could enjoy together. Or maybe next time would be your place. Whatever the case, right now it was at his place, and you were shaking with anticipation.
Or fear.
Maybe both. 
And as you knocked on the door to his house; a surprisingly normal door inside of a cave-like wall straight out of a fantasy your hands shook almost violently. As soon as the last echo of the knock ran out your hands were behind you back, grasped together as if to not show your nerves. 
You almost yelped when "I'm coming" came from inside in Eevrid's calming voice, followed by the door opening and a head poking out.
"H-hi," you said, nerves easing slightly at the kind but slightly anxious smile that was shown on his handsome face as he saw you standing there, "I'm here."
His anxious smile vanished, a genuine, warm laugh escaping him at your stuttering, and he replied: "Yes, I'm glad you are. Welcome inside."
You made your way indoors, forcing yourself to look anywhere except Eevrid's lower body. Why was this so hard? You really, genuinely liked Eevrid, and his presence was both soothing and exciting you, and yet- the thought of him being a Drider still absolutely filled you with fear.
If he noticed you not looking at him properly, he didn't let it show, opting instead to give you a small tour of his house. It was small, sparsely decorated, and in your humble opinion could use a woman's touch... which was a train of thought you instantly cut off. Everything about it did felt like him though, and you smiled slightly at all the cosiness of the space. 
When the room tour ended in his bedroom both of you just stood there, a little awkwardly. The bed that was in the middle of the room was more like a nest of blankets and pillows and if it was half as comfortable as it looked it had the potential to cure anyone's insomnia. 
"Well," he said, and you looked over, feeling like a high school girl seeing the room of her crush. Well, it wasn't far off the mark. Sadly when you looked over to him you finally did what you were avoiding; looking at his lower body, and a small high pitched sound escaped your throat, barely swallowed when you realized you were being extremely rude. 
He instantly made himself small, legs curling up under him in an attempt to make you more comfortable, which, ironically, had the opposite effect. Your fists balled tightly, bringing them close to your chest as you managed to remain rooted on the spot without running. 
"It's- I'm sorry- I tried to-" you stuttered, adrenaline coursing through you as you tried to keep your breathing to a normal level. He remained in place, almost reaching for you when he saw your reaction, but thankfully realizing in time that would probably make the situation worse.
It hurt, he couldn't deny that, but the both of you were aware of your fear, and your reaction was honestly a lot less intense than he'd feared when he had gone over the day in his mind multiple times.
"Hey, it's okay," he said, and you felt yourself relax a bit as you focused on the sound of his voice and his face. "We knew this would happen, and there's no shame in going about this slowly."
You nodded, slowly feeling your breath even out, and letting your eyes move down his face to his chest, lower... your breath hitched again as you quickly brought your eyes back up to his face where you found him smiling softly. 
"How about I get something to drink for you while you calm down, hm? Maybe we can come up with some ideas to keep this fun and light hearted as we sit and talk. And who knows, maybe we'll figure out how to cure your arachnophobia as we go!"
You nodded. You really, really wanted to get over your fear as soon as possible. Eevrid was too nice for you to have a reaction like this to him, it was rude and uncalled for, and you cursed your own cowardice as you saw him leave to make you some tea. Slowly you followed him to the living room where you sat down on a human-sized chair. He told you he had friends over sometimes, that's why some furniture was more catered to you as a human and other more to him as a Drider. 
As you heard his soft footfalls you turned towards him and had to stifle your laugh as he had covered his lower body with a blanket. It looked so goofy, as if he was wearing an enormous lumpy wedding dress, and when he said: "It looks stupid doesn't it?" with a slight blush you couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. 
"It does," you said honestly, "But I really appreciate the gesture." 
It really worked though, and as you sat, drank tea and talked, you realized how comfortable you were with him. It was exactly the same as through text, and as you looked at him you realized he felt the same. Until he stumbled over the wedding dre- no, blanket, and you panicked to see him tumbling trying to not stumble over all 8 of his legs. 
"It's not really helping isn't it..." you pondered, and saw him nod apologetically, as if he was the problem and not you. "It's also not helping me get over my fear. How about..." you were quiet a bit, knowing where you wanted to go with this sentence, but feeling a little silly. He looked at you expectantly. Honestly he really wanted to help you with your fear, both for you and for him. He just really wanted to be able to be closer to you without scaring you off... his body yearned for yours, contact with you not only mentally. 
You cleared your throat and continued with a small blush on your face. "How about I use a blindfold? That way I can maybe touch you without the visual fear and that way I might easier get over my fear?"
It was said more as a question, it sounded more stupid than you thought the longer the sentence went on, but you saw him nod seriously. 
"That might work," he said, willing to try, and instantly grabbing a clean hand towel to use as a makeshift blindfold. You chuckled awkwardly as he fastened it gently, asking a "Is it alright? Not too tight?", and feeling you nod in return. 
"Okay," you said, carefully reaching out your hand to him and feeling him grab it in one of his. It was large, strong and slightly cool, but a blush instantly ignited on your face as you felt him squeeze it a bit at your words. "I'm going to touch you now, is that okay?" 
You heard nothing for a little bit, and when you tilted your head at him inquisitively you heard him chuckle a little, sounding embarrassed as he said: "I'm sorry, you can't see me nod right now. Yes, I'm okay, do what you want." 
His permission made you instantly jolt into motion, one hand still squeezing his' as you other slowly moved upwards to his chest to start your fear conquering path onwards to his 8 legs. 
"Tell me if you don't like it, okay?" You mumbled as you hand slowly mapped out his upper, humanlike body. His pecs were hard, but different from a well build human. The skin itself felt tougher to the touch, as far as you could tell through his clothes, and you hummed as you slowly ran your fingers over his abs, stopping short of his crotch. You were really only doing this to get over your fear. Of course...
However now that you had started touching him you felt your blush deepen. What you were doing suddenly hit you like a pile of bricks. You were blindfolded, feeling him up under the guise of getting over your fear. A small sound escaped him.
"I, uh," you removed your hand as if stung. 
"I'm sorry," Eevrid said, "Was it too much? Are you scared?" 
Scared? Right now you were far from it. Your hand itched to be touching him again, and you replied with a negative. "Can I... can I touch your legs now?" The words came out in a squeak, the concept still scaring you, but you wanted to touch him all over now, and if there was ever a moment you might get over your fear it was under the influence of your arousal that was growing more insistent with every touch you laid on him. 
"Of course." He said, his voice sounding a little husky to your ears, and you felt your hand tremble as he slowly took it to put it on one of his many legs. It trembled with you, but only for a second as you let out a small sound of both fear and excitement. 
It was slightly coarse, but much softer than you expected, and it felt a lot less scary than it looked. You let your fingers run over the tickly hairs, running a hand up and down the appendage, slowly getting used to the idea that Eevrid had a lower body that was basically a giant spider without the visuals of such. Slowly your hand reached the part where leg met abdomen, and you curiously let your eager fingers glide across, feeling a small shiver go through his body under your ministrations. Another sound left Eevrid, almost imperceptible to your ears had it not been absolutely quiet in the room save for your beating heart and both of your breaths that had picked up significantly. The sound was unmistakable now; it seemed this little game had an effect on both of you, and you couldn't help but smirk as you let your hands wander to what you assumed were less innocent spots. 
"Ah, y/n," he warned, "If you go there I don't know if I can stop myself." 
It sounded less like a warning to you, and more like a promise. "Stop yourself from what?" You said cheekily as you ran your hand square of the front of his body, where spider met human in a transition of coarse hair to hard exoskeleton to soft skin.
A hand grabbed yours to stop it, a small chuckle coming from Eevrid at your actions as he pulled your hand away.
"I've taken away your sight, should I take away your ability to tease?"
"Oh? Are you going to tie me up then?" came from you, you were giddy with your earlier fear and your current arousal, and so very willing to take this a step further. The blindfold had really helped so far, and if just touching him innocently had worked you up this much you wondered how much better him touching you would make you feel. "I can still tease you verbally though." you chuckled as you felt his fingers run softly over your wrists, still waiting for your permission.
"Not if I do this-" he muttered, much closer than you expected his voice to be. Strange lips pressed against you the next second in a kiss that instantly deepened when you gasped in surprise. A thin tongue invaded your mouth and you moaned as it met yours, tangling in a sensual dance as he pushed your body back with insistent but gentle motions.
"Where are you taking me?" escaped you between passionate kisses, almost stumbling over something on the floor, and he decided to just lift you up and carry you.
"Bed," he replied, nipping your lips one last time before putting you down on a soft surface you realized was the nest of pillows and blankets you'd seen earlier. It was as comfortable as you'd thought and you sighed as you nestled further into it, reaching your arms up to Eevrid who you imagined was above you.
You felt his abdomen again, but before you could reach for what you hoped was his crotch he had grabbed your greedy hands again. He tutted, shaking his head at you though you could not see it.
"I told you what I was planning to do with these naughty hands, didn't I?"
A giggle from you was his reply, and a "Well, what are you waiting for then?"
He muttered something that sounded like "You asked for it", as you felt a silky kind of rope wrap around your wrists, pulling them up over your head, stopping you from moving them. You wondered if it was his webbing, which made the whole ordeal simply more exotic and more intimate to you somehow. You tested the restraints with a harsh pull. They felt deceivingly soft, but they held sturdy.
You felt the bed indent around you, a shadow falling over you which was the only thing you could make out through the blindfold.
"It's time I return the favour," Eevrid said, sounding high above you, but his next words were much closer as you realized he was now hovering right over your prone body. "Where do you want me to touch first?"
A slightly cool hand landed on your legs, and you jolted, feeling him squeeze your thigh through your jeans.
"How about this tiny leg of yours. You might not have many, but they make up for it in squishiness."
You let out a squeak. Realization of your subconscious action of opening your legs to him came a second after and you blushed a scarlet red. You were throbbing in your panties, wishing he'd take your clothes off already and touch your skin directly, but you didn't get to voice this thought before he spoke again.
"It's a bit unfair you got to touch my skin directly and I can't though..." he muttered, fingers running down the length of your legs, squeezing the fat occasionally as you shivered under him. "I think it's time to remove the barrier, hm?"
His teasing words made you groan, and open your legs a little wider. You couldn't see his face, or what he was doing, and your ears strained for any and all sounds that would indicate his actions or the sounds he was making. The occasional sigh that came from his as you felt his hands slowly undo the button to your jeans and sliding them down your legs made your insides throb. Your socks came with it, but he sadly left your panties in place as you wiggled your hips at him.
His fingers were now on your skin without any fabric in between, and he ran one finger from the slope of your belly, over your covered core, over your thighs all the way to your toes, where the tickling feeling made you retreat your foot quickly with a small giggle replacing your earlier moan. 
"I've always thought human legs were silly looking, but now that I have your feet uncovered I am completely validated in my opinion. What even are these?" he said teasingly as he grabbed one of your toes to wiggle as you tried to no avail to remove your feet from his tickling fingers. 
"Stop," you giggled, trying to get your hands free to push him away, but the webbing held you in place. This teasing only lasted for a second before he started a different kind of teasing. A gentle kiss was placed on the top of your foot as he ran his hands up your calf, moving his lips up to kiss a trail up to your knee only to start on your second leg. This time he slowly moved up your thighs, alternating between the two as he started nipping and licking his way up to your core while you tried to keep your noises and whining to a minimum. 
“Eevrid,” you whined, “Stop teasing me…” 
A chuckle was your reply as you felt his lips curl in a smile against your stomach now, skipping your core entirely as he moved his way up. 
“I can’t help it,” he said, “You’re just too cute.” Your shirt was pulled up over your head, pushed up to your hands that were still bound as he first kissed the skin around your bra before undoing it slowly and finally lavishing your breasts with ample attention. Your back arched as you tried to move yourself closer to him, body shivering under his ministrations as you whined for him to stop teasing and get to the main event.
���Please, I need you inside me,” you gasped as he pulled on a nipple with his teeth, overstimulating the sensitive skin as you weren’t sure if you wanted to pull away or push closer. You wish you could feel him against your core, but he kept himself away from you, only touching you with his hands, lips and tongue. He removed himself from your left breast as he retreated from your upper body. Unsure of his next action you let out a pathetic whine, thrusting your hips up to him as if to invite. 
A curse came from above you, as he mumbled. “I wanted to take my time tasting and worshipping you, but I don’t think I have the patience anymore.” 
“Then don’t,” you groaned, “Give in and fuck me already.” You were so ready for him, throbbing and leaking, and if you didn’t feel him inside you anytime soon you were going to scream. Your wish was granted as seemingly out of nowhere you felt weight on your thighs again, the only indication that he was close before something hot and throbbing finally rutted against your wanting pussy. The sound you let out was almost pornographic, and it almost made you miss the groan he let out as he finally ended the sweet torture for himself and you. 
“You’re so wet,” he groaned, and you didn’t even reply. Of course you were. You had been soaked for seemingly hours now, desperate for him.
His dick bumped against your clit and you practically growled at him to put it in, words underlined by a sharp thrust upwards that lined him up almost perfectly with your opening. His chuckle at your impatience devolved into a hiss as he finally pushed in, and if you weren’t blindfolded you would’ve seen his eyes roll back as he slid in all the way to the hilt. He was filling you so well, stretching you perfectly as your greedy walls milked him for all he was worth. He slowly pulled out before pushing in again, the rhythm slow but steady as you were almost unable to hear the small groans he let out over your own moans. Everything he did to you was so gentle and filled with love. All earlier fear was completely removed from your brain, no matter what he looked like. And when a slightly rough leg joined his hands in the caress of your body you leaned into it without thoughts, forgetting entirely why you were afraid in the first place if every touch felt so good. 
Lips were suddenly against your mouth and you kissed him back with the same desperation that had permeated your actions all day. You had wanted him when you were only just texting and calling, and you realised now that you were finally making love how big that want was exactly. 
Your hips snapped against his, legs trying to pull him closer, almost forgetting about his lower body’s width when you tried to wrap them around him. He kissed you again, muttering apologies but for what you weren’t sure. His pace picked up and you shivered in his arms.
You monad his name as if it was a chant, and begged him to remove your blindfold so you could see him. 
“Are you sure?” He asked, hands suddenly not so sure as you felt them shiver slightly when they touched the blindfold that was still covering your eyes. 
“Yes!” You keened as you felt yourself hurdling towards orgasm with his faster pace. “I want to see all of you! I can handle it.” The words almost made no sense as you tried to speak between your gasps, but he understood either way, removing the cloth quickly as if removing a bandaid. 
Your eyes were unfocused, tears in the corners, threatening to fall and for a second Eevrid was afraid it had been too soon, but when he saw no fear or rejection in them, only love and desperation for him he kissed you again, a smile on his face. A hand went down to tease your clit, but the moment he made contact you already exploded, contracting around him so hard he had to stop for a second, groan escaping his gritted teeth. You were so beautiful, so small under him, and he couldn’t hold on either, rutting into you sloppily a couple more times before pulling out and releasing as well. White ropes splattered over your stomach, as your name fell from his lips in such loving desperation you almost orgasmed again from his voice and the visual of his face as he came. 
Slowly both of you came down from your heights, Eevrid slowly undoing the webbing around your hands as he kissed the skin under it gently. Your eyes were on him, the way he moved around so gently, making sure not to step on you with his many legs despite his size. 
And suddenly you were so glad you took this chance to overcome your phobia. You might still be afraid of an everyday spider, but not of Eevrid. Never of Eevrid. Your newly released arms reached out, pulling him closer to you as you kissed him again, muttering thanks and little nothings to him as he cleaned you with the same reverent gentleness he had displayed all day. 
Your heart seemingly grew in size when you realised you had gone from fear to love, and with a content sigh you curled up against him as he pulled a large blanket over the both of you.
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lets get personal.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
When You’re Looking Like That - Westlife
Hysteria - Def Leppard
Beautiful - Flickerstick
Hello My Love - Westlife
For What It’s Worth - Buffalo Springfield (covered by Anti-Flag)
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Michael Rosenbaum - Smallville
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
4: What do you think about most? Too much shit... because I have BAD anxiety.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? Headed out.
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?  With
7: What’s your strangest talent? Pick up things on the floor with my toes.
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) Are crazy/ Are a pain in the ass.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? Yes
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? 2005
11: Do you have any strange phobias? MANY
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? No
13: What’s your religion? Wiccan
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Chillin Out
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? They aren’t totally a band... but I have to say Westlife... if we are talking proper band, either Def Leppard or Avenged Sevenfold or Flickerstick
17: What was the last lie you told? Anytime I play nice with my dad
18: Do you believe in karma? Yes
19: What does your URL mean? Random Crap nickname.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Weakness is my emotions, Strength... I have survived this long.
21: Who is your celebrity crush? It is actually a hockey player... Martin Necas of the Carolina Hurricanes
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Does sex in a hotub with other people in the room count??
23: How do you vent your anger?
24: Do you have a collection of anything? All kinds of things.
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Texting/ Messaging
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? No
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Chalkboards/ The Middle
28: What’s your biggest “what if”? What If the last 20 years never happened.
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Sure why not?
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Table/ Couch
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? Ham
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Oh there are so many!
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? East
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Nicky Byrne
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
36: Define Art. Something I just don’t get.
37: Do you believe in luck? Yes
38: What’s the weather like right now? Sunny early evening in the 50s.
39: What time is it? 7:14
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? I don’t drive, though I have been in a couple benders....
41: What was the last book you read? The Secrets of Birthdays
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? No
43: Do you have any nicknames? Yeah
44: What was the last film you saw? Mom’s on a date with a vampire.
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? Thyroid Storm, not an injury... (there are plenty of those) but the storm was the worst thing of my life.
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? When I was little
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? Always, I have OCD
48: What’s your sexual orientation? Straight, I like guys.
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? I am sure... but I don’t care
50: Do you believe in magic? Yes
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yes
52: What is your astrological sign? Scorpio
53: Do you save money or spend it? Both
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? Coffee Creamer
55: Love or lust? I think one can turn to the other
56: In a relationship? I wish
57: How many relationships have you had? A few
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No
59: Where were you yesterday? Home..
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes, my bed jacket
61: Are you wearing socks right now? Yes
62: What’s your favourite animal? Giraffes, Manatees, Kitties
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Eyes, and a full flirt package
64: Where is your best friend? Not sure where she is
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
66: What is your heritage? 1/4 German 1/4 Dutch 1/2 crap  
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? Almost asleep
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Duh
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yes
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Help that Pup
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? A - They would figure it out, from the look on my face/ B - Live it Up!/ C - Terrified
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. Love
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Hello My Love & When You’re Looking Like That - Both Westlife
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? No Clue
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust
77: How can I win your heart? Play Hockey? I don’t know... changes with my moods
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? Huh?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Getting my kitty Binx, even though he can be a pain in the ass.
80: What size shoes do you wear? 8 1/2
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
82: What is your favourite word? Fuck
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Mom
84: What is a saying you say a lot? Not really a phrase, more like a word... and that is Fuck.
85: What’s the last song you listened to? Roll Me Away - Bob Seger
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? Blue/ Pink/ Purple.
87: What is your current desktop picture? Ravenclaw wallpaper.
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? At this point in time, there is a good chance of that.
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? Wat is  my true worst fear.
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? Scream!
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? The power to make people/ animals live forever
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? HA HA.... Playing with the Serge.
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? The loss of my Kitty...
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? Nicky from Westlife.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? In a perfect world,  I would be going to see Westlife perform.
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? I have in the past.
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yes.
98: Ever been on a plane? Yes.
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? STAY THE FUCK HOME!
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alj4890 · 5 years
Halloween Prompt
(Thomas x Amanda) (Maxwel x Nadia) with the prompt of visiting a haunted house  as requested by Anonymous.
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(Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) (Maxwell Beaumont x Nadia Park) taken from And Then I Met You storyline.
A/N Sorry Nonnie! Been sitting in my drafts folder while being sick. Finally added the ending just in time for Halloween. 
@lxaah11​ @alleksa16​ @penguininapinktuxedo​ @blackcoffee85​ @stopforamoment​ @hopefulmoonobject​   @krsnlove​   @annekebbphotography​ @gibbles82​  @cora-nova​ @bella-ca​  @hopelessromantic1352​ . @sunflowergirl05​ @desiree-0816​ @greywitchyshots​ @lilyofchoices​ @emceesynonymroll​ @dr-nancy-house​ @aworldoffandoms​ @ab1901​ @pixieferry​ @lolablackwrites​ @flyawayboo​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ . @trappedinfandoms​
Don't Let Go
"I think this will be our first Halloween not spent in Cordonia." Maxwell remarked while carving a pumpkin.
Amanda looked up from hers and thought back. "I think you're right."
"Damien's mom has invited Nadia and me to some kind of costume party. Apparently it is a pretty big deal in the Nazario household." Maxwell dropped some pumpkin guts into the trashcan set between them.
"When are Kai and Damien flying in?" She asked.
"A few days before the party." Maxwell glanced up at her. "What are you and Thomas planning to do for Halloween?"
Amanda shrugged her shoulders. "We haven't really discussed it. Most likely stay in. Thomas doesn't strike me as a Halloween enthusiast."
"Huh." Maxwell's brow puckered a moment before devoting his attention to his pumpkin.
Amanda paused. "Huh what?"
"Nothing. I thought I remembered reading somewhere that he loved haunted mazes and houses." Maxwell explained. He looked up at Amanda freezing. The terror flickered in her eyes. "You haven't told him yet, have you?"
She audibly swallowed. "No and I don't intend to ever tell him."
"Amanda, he loves you. He won't think less of you simply because you--"
"Don't say it!" She hissed, shame flooding over her. "I don't want to talk about it."
"But, you--"
"No!" She bitterly interrupted again. "In a few days this blasted holiday will be over and I can relax. Let's just enjoy everything else autumn."
Maxwell's lips parted as if he were about to argue some more then relented when Thomas joined them outside.
He leaned down and kissed Amanda's cheek before sitting next to her. "How's the carving going?"
"Good." Amanda smiled and turned hers around. The scene of a cornfield on a moonlit night was starting to come through. "These patterns Nadia drew up are perfect. I can hardly carve a triangle straight much less anything this intricate on my own."
Maxwell whipped his around, revealing a haunted graveyard. "My wife is literally the best artist on the planet."
"Aww!" Nadia came running up. She kissed Maxwell and plopped down beside him. "Thanks sweetie."
"How are the party decorations going, blossom?" He asked after another kiss.
"Good. Damien and Kai have decided to join us tomorrow to finish decorating. Mrs. Nazario has gone Halloween crazy with all her ideas. I can hardly keep up with her." Nadia studied Maxwell's work and smiled with approval. "I could use a breather from party planning. How about we do something tonight?"
"About that, I have a surprise for us." Thomas announced.
"You do?" Amanda asked, smiling at the excitement on their friends' faces.
He held up a large envelope. "Our plans are in here."
"May I?" Nadia asked, her smile growing with each second.
He handed it over to her when he noticed Amanda's hands were covered in pumpkin.
Nadia ripped the paper and pulled out four lanyards. Her eyes widened. "Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights!"
Amanda stared in disbelief. Thomas chuckled at her and Maxwell's shock. "We will have the VIP treatment tonight so we can enjoy all ten houses or mazes as they call them."
"That's awesome!" Maxwell exclaimed a little louder than usual in an attempt to divert attention from Amanda's silence. "I've always wanted to go after watching all those videos on YouTube."
Nadia squeezed his arm in a hug. "You will protect me right?"
He grinned. "I dare a ghoul to get near you."
Thomas gently rubbed Amanda's leg. "Are you surprised?"
She nodded. "Very." She cleared her throat and forced a bright smile. "It should be...something."
He chuckled and pressed another kiss to her lips. "Make sure you all wear something comfortable to walk in. I've got a few things I need to finish up before we leave."
Nadia jumped up and told them she was going to take a much needed nap if she was going to scream the night away. Once both spouses were gone the two best friends fell into silence.
Amanda's head hit the table with a thud. "Why? Why did he decide on not only one haunted house but ten?!"
Maxwell quickly wiped his hands on a towel before touching her shoulder. "You have to tell him. There is no way you can get through this by pretending. It's not just ten houses. There are also multiple scare zones you walk through to get to each one."
Amanda's head shot up. "Kill me. I will write a letter exonerating you from the crime. Choose your favorite weapon." She gestured to the different knives between them.
Maxwell rolled his eyes. "Why won't you tell him?"
"Because it is a ridiculous phobia!" She argued. "I know none of it is real. I've known it since childhood. I should be able to come face to face with a mask and not have it happen!"
Maxwell rubbed his hands over his face. "The last time you tried to prove that you no longer had the fear, you nearly passed out from hyperventilating on us and that was a single encounter! You are going to have numerous ones tonight."
Amanda wiped her hands off and shoved away from the table. "I am not revealing it to Thomas. You saw how happy he was. I am not ruining this for him. I don't want to take something he loves away."
Maxwell groaned and dropped his head back dramatically. "Why do you have to be so stubborn? You know you are more important to Thomas than a billion haunted houses. He's going to be upset if you purposely make yourself miserable for him."
"I can't tell him." She mumbled. "Just help me keep it secret. Please." She lifted her eyes to his understanding blue and gave the look he had never been able to refuse.
He covered his face. "Not the eyes!"
She bit back a smile when he promised her. He picked up the garbage can and followed her back into the house. "I don't know how we will keep this a secret, but I will try."
Amanda could already feel her phobia trying to rear its ugly head as they walked through the entrance. Fog machines had been working overtime to give the place an eerie sense of foreboding. Screams, chainsaw sounds, and growls filled the air.
She had a plan in place. Keep looking down and hold onto Thomas as if he was a lifeline. She could make it through a few hours. She had to. There was no way she was going to allow this phobia that had not only caused her to give up trick or treating at the age of eight to even to this day being unable to walk among costumes cause her to ruin this night.
Thomas smiled softly at her. He thought it was sweet how demonstrative in her affection she was being tonight. Her arms were wrapped around his waist and she had her head pressed against him.
Amanda had lost feeling in her fingers already from gripping his belt loops so tightly. She hoped he still had feeling below the waist because she might need him to carry her limp from fainting body out of here.
Then the creatures came out of the fog.
"It's the first scare zone." Maxwell announced, mostly for Amanda's benefit.
She audibly swallowed and tried to look away. Thomas tugged her toward one of the scare actors. "Extradionary. Look at the amount of detail the makeup artist put into this. He truly looks like a drowned sailor returning to the surface."
The creature leaned down toward Amanda's face and stared into her eyes. She couldn't breathe. Couldn't speak. It finally moved off when she did not respond in any fashion.
Maxwell elbowed her to get her breathing before she passed out. She gasped and mouthed her thanks to him.
Nadia squealed when another drowned sailor came up with a gleaming hook covered in blood. He chased her and Maxwell for a few feet.
"Please. Please. Please." Amanda barely pleaded. "Don't come up to--" she buried her face in Thomas's side and kept her eyes closed.
He chuckled while watching the gait of the actor. "He even moves like one would think a long lost drowned, decaying victim would. They have truly outdone themselves this year with the training."
"Yes, they have." Amanda's voice cracked.
Maxwell and Nadia came back and discussed with Thomas what they should see and do.
"We could get something to eat first." Maxwell held the brochure up to a dim light. "They have mini pumpkin doughnuts, babe."
Nadia's eyes lit with interest. "Definitely after we do a few of the houses."
Thomas draped his arm around Amanda's shoulders when she tightened her grip on him. They were slowly approaching the first stop for the night. She closed her eyes and moved behind him. She had never been as grateful as she was right now that he was a good bit taller than her. He blocked what they were approaching, she then only had to worry about the sides and back.
He gripped her clammy hands and moved her in front of him. "I don't want to lose you." He whispered in her ear. He softly kissed her neck as they crossed the threshold.
Her eyes flew open. There was no one in front of her. She could see everything. Her heart began to race while her breathing became more labored. She knew something somewhere was going to jump out at her. She studied the atmosphere and managed to ask a question.
"Is...is this a hospital?"
"Looks authentic, doesn't it? Nothing to make one more fearful than being misdiagnosed with insanity." Thomas replied.
"It's a psychiatric hospital?!" Her throat was closing up. She was going to have crazy mask wielding people coming at her.
Thomas jumped with her first blood curdling scream when a deranged orderly appeared out of a dark corridor. He had no idea she could scream like that. There were sound effect technicians that would metaphorically kill to capture that type of horror.
If she had not been nudged forward, she was certain she would have fallen to the ground. When the third jump scare happened with a woman in a straitjacket, Amanda moved quickly behind Thomas. She closed her eyes and pressed her face into his back. Her hands clutched the other as they met around his front.
"Are you alright?" Thomas asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Just keep walking." She managed to say while her breaths became louder. She knew by the flashing lights and screams that something truly horrific was occuring. After what felt like an eternity, she opened her eyes and immediately let out a curse word she never used. They had reached the hospital's morgue where body bags wiggled on bloody slabs.
Thomas whipped his head around in surprise when he heard the word she practically yelled out. They had to maneuver through the tables to exit. One of the bodies sat up and reached for Amanda. Her terrified scream caused the scare actor to pause in surprise.
Amanda began to breathe a little easier when they stepped outside. She assumed it was over. There was one final scare by a doctor covered in blood popping out of the bushes.
She stumbled in shock and fell backwards, hitting Maxwell on the way down.
Thomas quickly knelt down by her. "Are you hurt?" He gently cupped her face, trying to see what if anything was causing her pain.
She debated for a few seconds lying and saying she was in a great deal of pain. He would insist on taking her home and she would be free of this date night. Amanda looked into his eyes and shook her head. "I'm fine." She stood up and brushed her bottom. "Maxwell helped break my fall."
"What else are best friends for?" He teased.
Thomas frowned some when he noticed her keeping her eyes downcast. She quickly edged around the mental patients wandering about. He caught up to her and took her hand. The grip she placed on it caused him to wince.
They were soon walking through a Killer Klowns from Outer Space scare zone. Creepy, distorted clowns ran about, causing screams and laughter.
"I hate clowns." Nadia muttered hiding her face against Maxwell's shoulder. She clutched him tight and let out a few yelps when one scare actor continued to try and get screams out of her.
Amanda closed her eyes as her breathing became more labored. She tried to ignore the noise and chaos. She let go of Thomas's hand to link her arm with his.
He observed her silently while a puzzling frown formed. By the fourth house, he knew something was definitely wrong.
"I say after we do this next one, we get us a treat." Nadia announced. "Pumpkin doughnuts and those waffles from Stranger Things are calling to me."
This house went as the others had. Thomas tried to keep Amanda in front of him so that she wouldn't miss anything and he could hold her. Within minutes of walking, she would duck behind him and keep her face against his back.
Once free and at the half way point of the night, Amanda sagged against Thomas.
"You two go on ahead." He said to Maxwell and Nadia. "There is a set piece I want a closer look at. Amanda and I will catch up to you in a few minutes."
Once the couple disappeared in the fog, Thomas pulled his wife to a deserted spot in the shadows.
She looked up at him and tried to smile. "What was it you wanted to see?"
"I wanted a private moment with you. What is wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing." She quickly replied. "Why?"
"You have barely spoken two words together. You either stare at the ground or have your eyes closed." His frown became fierce. "So I ask again, what is wrong?"
"Nothing." She repeated. She had to get him to stop questioning her and move them out of this area. They were currently in a Walking Dead scare zone. The last thing she needed popping out with her trapped between a building and her husband was a zombie. She could hardly look directly at them on tv. How would she be if she came face to face with one?
"Amanda--" Thomas began.
She let out a breathless scream at what was lumbering behind him. Her breath caught and she started coughing to try and breathe.
Thomas looked over his shoulder before patting her back.
Blackness ebbed around her vision as she struggled against the mental block that was causing her to think her throat was closing up. She sucked in air and coughed out gasps.
Thomas became alarmed listening to her. "Amanda!" He grabbed her before she hit the ground. Her eyes were wide in terror at the number of zombies coming out of the fog around them.
"Let's go." She pulled on his shirt and tried to make her dead legs move. "Please."
Thomas walked her quickly out of the scare zone. They bumped into Nadia and Maxwell, loaded down with sweets.
"We got you the chocolate Stranger Things shake." Nadia pressed it into Amanda's trembling hands. "Look at the little Mind Flayer. How cute is he?"
"Thank you." She quickly looked away from Thomas and took a sip. "It's good."
"Pumpkin doughnut?" Maxwell held the bag out to the couple.
"Amanda," Thomas gently began again. "What is--"
"Yes, please." She quickly stuck her hand and pulled a warm miniature doughnut out. She took a bite and sighed. "These are fantastic."
Maxwell looked down into the bag and cocked an eyebrow. "They must be haunted because there are only two of the dozen left."
Nadia held out the stack of waffles to him. "You know my weaknesses are sweets and you."
Maxwell pressed a kiss to her lips that were coated in cinnamon and sugar. "Good save."
She laughed and offered to get more doughnuts. She glanced at the other couple and stilled. "What's wrong?"
"That is what I am attempting to find out!" Thomas exclaimed. His eyes zeroed in on the silent communication going on between Amanda and Maxwell.
"Maxwell," Thomas said in a deadly serious tone. "Perhaps you can shed some light on this."
Maxwell' blue eyes grew large and he took a cautious step back. His pleading glance collided with Amanda's. She dropped her head in her hands.
"Fine!" She exclaimed. "I suffer with a type of Masklophobia."
"With what?" Thomas asked. He gently brushed her hair over her shoulder before tipping her face up.
"It is a phobia of Halloween masks, costumes, and mascots." She explained. "When I am around them my heart races and my breathing is affected. Panic attacks and sometimes fainting occur." She shamefully covered her face again. "I know it is ridiculous! None of this is real! I've always known it wasn't. A few years ago I made Maxwell paint his face and put a mask on in front of me hoping seeing the steps would break this idiotic mindset. And I still panicked and passed out."
Thomas wrapped his arms around her. "Why didn't you tell me? I would have never made you come to this."
"Thank you! That's what I told her and begged her to do." Maxwell exclaimed.
"I didn't want to ruin it for you, for any of you." Amanda looked at the three of them. "I will be fine if I can keep my eyes closed."
"I'm not going to make you finish the last houses." Thomas looked into her eyes and sighed at the tears building. "You and I can find a restaurant to sit in while Maxwell and Nadia go on. Then--"
"No!" Amanda shook her head and swiped at the stray tears. "I want you to enjoy them. You love this and--"
"And I would rather spend the evening with you." He interrupted while caressing her cheek.
Nadia audibly sighed. "That is so sweet."
Thomas ignored her commentary. "Come on. We--"
"Are going to finish the houses!" Amanda stood up. "Just hold onto me and don't let go. As long as my eyes are closed and you have me, I think I will be fine." She slipped her hand in his warm grasp and lifted pleading eyes to his. "Please. Let me do this for you."
Thomas tried to look away. Maxwell leaned over and shook his head. "Might as well give in, Thomas. Amanda has always been too stubborn."
Thomas ran a hand down his jaw. "The moment you feel your panic rise you tell me so we can get out. Is that clear?"
Amanda's tense shoulders eased and she nodded. "I will."
He grunted in reluctant approval and wrapped his arm around her. "Let's see what is around the corner."
As they approached the next house, she moved behind him and closed her eyes.
Nadia stood behind her and gently patted her shoulder. "Don't worry. Maxwell and I are right behind you. I dare anyone to try anything."
Amanda reached behind her and squeezed Nadia's hand. "Thank you. You don't know what that means to me."
Nadia beamed and stuck close to her, making Maxwell grin at her protective spirit coming out. He slipped his arms around his wife and kissed her when she looked up at him. She smiled and focused on the monsters starting to pop up.
They managed to finish everything with little to no trouble. Amanda continued to keep her eyes closed with each place and focused on slowly breathing in and out. Her face buried within either Thomas's back or side helped keep her calm or as calm as one could be knowing your worst fears were parading around you.
They made it home and talked about all they had seen. Amanda listened quietly to the excited chatter and laughter. Maxwell and Nadia parted from them and went to the newly built guesthouse out back.
Thomas locked the backdoor and then came up behind Amanda as she finished the dishes. She paused when his lips touched her neck. Each lingering kiss made her skin tingle.
"Promise me that you won't keep something like that secret from me again." He whispered in her ear. "Do you think I wouldn't understand?
She sighed and turned in his arms. "It wasn't that. I didn't want to disappoint you or keep you from enjoying something you clearly enjoy."
"I'm never disappointed with you." He pressed a kiss to her lips.
Her eyebrow lifted in frustrated doubt. "Yes, because everyone wants to walk with their spouse plastered against them."
His lips curved. "I might have come up with the idea of going just for that very reason. As much as I hated discovering that I had planned the worst night possible for you, it was nice to discover that you turned to me to keep you safe."
She shook her head with a laugh. "Did you truly enjoy yourself tonight?"
Thomas nodded before taking her hands. "I did and I promise not to make you do this again." He lifted her hands to his lips.
"Thank you." She captured his lips in a tender kiss. Her lips lifted in a teasing smile against his. "Would you like to watch a scary movie?
"Haven't you been tormented enough for one night?" He asked.
"I could press close against you each time I get scared." She nipped at his earlobe. "And not being to watch the scenes with the masked killer would most likely cause me to entertain myself in other ways."
He stilled for a moment. "I will go find us a horror moive."
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emybain · 5 years
Renegades Titanic AU: Part 2
I have a lot of random enthusiasm for this okay? just let me write it out for my own sanity. these are pretty short so far, so I can write them pretty quickly. anyway, enjoy!
side note: as someone who has many health problems and a mother with asthma and grandparents and family members who smoke(d) and some died from cancer, I do not condone smoking. bUt I had to think about the time the movie takes place/when the actual ship sailed, as well as the characters:)
part 1
part 2: At First Sight
It was stuffy inside the third class general room. It was currently just before lunchtime, and Nova was certain that the entire third class was crowded inside the room. It was too small for seven hundred people all to share. She grabbed one of the papers that was on the table in front of her and folded it up to fan her face. For once, she was jealous of Honey’s handheld fan that she carried with her everywhere. 
She looked at their four person table. It was small. They were small. Once upon a time Ace had supporters around the country and at his feet, kissing his shoes. And now here they were, the four of them. Just Nova, Ingrid, Honey, and Leroy. Before they left America, Winston had been placed in an insane asylum, and Ace’s closest ally, a man nicknamed Phobia, was arrested. The four of them were all that was left. 
“Little Nightmare, are you paying attention?” Ingrid snapped her fingers in front of Nova’s face. Nova blinked and sat up. 
“What? Yeah, yeah, I’m paying attention.”
Ingrid raised her eyebrows. “Sure you were.”
Nova rolled her eyes and scanned their plans laid out before her. There was a sketch of Ace’s prison, a map of the city where the prison was located, and a handful of notes. 
It had been decided weeks ago that Nova had to be the one to physically free her uncle. As her alter ego, Nightmare, she was unrecognizable and had yet to be caught, at least in Europe. She was currently one of the most wanted criminals in London, Paris, and a dozen other cities. The others were already being watched with every move they made due to their own criminal pasts, so they used her as a loophole to continue their crimes. 
“Remind me again how all of this ties into us murdering the Council.” Nova flipped through the papers. The ‘Council’ was their nickname for the five people who were in charge of all the Renegades; they were the power hungry and stuck up asses who betrayed Ace years before and had him imprisoned. 
“We free Ace, his old allies return, and our power is restored,” Honey drawled. Her eyes wandered the room, most likely for someone who was attractive. But it third class, it was hard to come by. Most of the third class guests were immigrants or homeless or both, but they all had poverty in common, and poverty was not a handsome trait.
Sweat trickled down the back of Nova’s neck. Her fingers were itching for a cigarette, but Honey had confiscated the pack she snuck onboard with them. 
“It’s unladylike,” she had said before hiding them from Nova. 
Nova didn’t even like smoking. She found it rather disgusting, in all honesty, but it gave her something to do; it was something to distract her mind. 
The heat of the room was growing more and more unbearable. Suddenly, Nova stood from her chair. 
“If you’ll excuse me, I need a minute.” Leroy began to stand, but Nova had already started out the door when he called her name. 
The bell for lunch would be ringing soon, but Adrian and his friends were outside on the deck, looking at the ocean before them. The others chatted with one another while Adrian was bent over his sketchbook that was perched over the fine wood railing. He looked up every few seconds, eyes pointed down toward the third class deck. There was a grandfather holding a little girl up on the railing, probably explaining the mechanisms of the ship, from the way he was pointing down below at the water. 
“Do you ever sell your work, Adrian?” He turned his head up to find Danna looking at him, a ghost of a smile on her lips. 
He shook his head. “I have no need. If anyone ever wants a piece of mine, I give it to them for free.”
Ruby snorted. “How charitable. Could you draw me something, Adrian?”
“You could draw me,” Oscar offered, “but I’d like a nude portrait.”
Adrian pushed him jokingly, laughing out loud. “That would cost you.”
“Well, I am worth a lot,” Oscar said, to which both Ruby and Danna laughed at. Adrian opened his mouth to respond, but it closed when his eyes found someone new on the third class deck. At first, he thought it might be a young man, because of the shorter hair and suspenders and trousers, but upon closer inspection, he saw it was a young lady, probably around his age. She made her way to the railing overlooking the ocean, resting her arms on the rail, crossed at the wrist. He could only see half of her face, for she was facing away from him, but even from his spot on the first class deck, higher up than her, he could point out her sharp features. 
He could also tell, from the way she was standing and the way she had walked, that she was thoroughly pissed. 
Adrian flipped to a new page in his sketchbook quickly, pencil hovering over the blank paper to begin a new piece. But he froze as pencil hit paper. Something in his head told him to not draw her, that even he, who had been into art since he was young and was skilled at drawing, could not catch her person properly. 
“It seems like our sweet, kind, quiet Adrian has a crush.” Adrian tore his eyes from the girl to look at Oscar, whose lips were curled up teasingly. 
Adrian felt his cheeks heat up. “What? No. She just looks interesting is all.” He turned back to her, pursing his lips. “Different.”
Danna and Ruby moved closer to take a look, Ruby leaning over the rail, as she was the furthest away. “She’s very pretty,” Danna observed. “But seriously, Adrian, she’s third class. We know your dads expect you to get married soon, but be a little more realistic. It could never happen.” Her tone was light, teasing, but it still hit Adrian with reality. At least it wasn’t like he was actually attracted to her or wanted to meet her.
She turned her head then, and her eyes met Adrian’s. His breath caught in his throat. He was wrong. He was definitely attracted to her and a sudden longing to learn her name and her life story filled his body. She turned away again, but after a few seconds, looked back up. Adrian was still staring. Feeling awkward, he raised a hand and waved weakly. She scowled at him and whipped her head to face the ocean once again.
Another woman, this one dressed rather elaborately for someone in third class strolled up beside the girl, reaching for her arm. The girl turned and yanked her arm back, as if repulsed. The woman was much older, and at first, Adrian suspected she was the girl’s mother. However, something told him he knew the woman, and so that meant he must know the girl too, but he didn’t, so he ruled out the familial relation. Also, they looked nothing like one another. She could be adopted, he supposed, like him, but he highly doubted it by the look she was giving the woman. 
The woman said something to her, which deepened the annoyed look on her face. She scoffed and brushed past the woman, stalking off and out of Adrian’s view. His heart sank.
“Honey Harper,” said Danna, her voice now cold. She pulled at Adrian’s arm as the lunch bell rang. “See, Adrian? She’s one of them. You don’t want to get mixed up with her, even if it’s just a fling. She’s no good.”
Adrian allowed himself to be pulled away by his friends, but he couldn’t stop thinking about the girl for all of lunch and the rest of the day. 
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darling-blurbs · 5 years
Dead Man’s Land
Dead Man’s Land Ep. 1
Over-All Warnings: Swearing, Death, Gore, a lot of triggering topics and Illnesses Mentioned.
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“Honestly. There is an issue on the South and North Side,” The Queen of Death herself glares at the young boy in front of her. “Meaning they are trying to get into our territory.”
“OUR TERRITORY. Tokoyami, what are you are Tamaki doing about this issue?” The Queen turned her head towards the two bird-like boys. 
“Right away your Majesty!” The Queen Smirked. Before standing from her throne, making those in the room stand.
“Now, it is time for me to be a civilian for a while~ I hope I can trust the Prince of Fire to watch you all?” A rumble gave it’s agreement. The Queen kissed the Red Dragon which turned into its human form. 
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Esther kicked the rock that was in her path as she hummed to a song that blasted into her ears. Unknown to her, a multiple pairs of eyes stare at her, or more glare, across the street. 
All of a sudden, she felt a tap to her shoulder, making her turn around. A tall boy with black shades and a black suit stood in front of her. He had black hair and a chill worthy smile yet Esther was no normal female. She didn’t shiver nor squeak as any normal person would when they saw the symbol of the South Side, which was a Bomb Pin on their jacket or tie. Somewhere it could be seen.
“Yes?” Esther said as she tilted her head with innocence of a bunny. “Is something wrong?”
“You are in the Bomb Squad Territory. What Gang are you in? Or are you a normal girly?” The mysterious figure got into her face, trying to scare her, Esther guessed. 
“I thought this was No Man’s Land? Or Dead Man’s Land. I don’t remember! I’m a little new to town!” Esther smiled and giggled. 
“Oh well! Can you tell me where you are going?” Esther nodded and grabbed her bag and brought her phone out. 
“Um. I really don’t want to go with a stranger so can I have your name?” Esther asked while looking at her feet. A faint blush was placed on her face.
“My name is Sero Hanta. I’m from the Bomb Squad!” Esther giggled as his brain went on a frenzie. 
“I’m Osore Esther! I’m from...” Esther trailed off. “It’s stupid.” 
Sero tilted his head this time. “What is?”
“I’m a Puppet yet the Queen doesn’t trust me with anything. I might leave her gang but how can I when my quirk isn’t cool. She will kill me if I even think about it!” Esther started rambling but was cut short by a hand on her shoulder. Esther’s frantic blue eyes met the glasses. 
“Hey. If you are that worried, how about you try to join another gang before leaving hers?” Sero pondered.
“I could but what gang would want me?” Esther waved it off. “Anyways, I need to go to Nyx Nightclub.”
“Oh! Why are you going there?” Esther scratched the back of her neck. “Nevermind! I need to go there anyways! King Explode Kills is having a meeting with all the gang leaders which means him, Deku, Shoto, and Queen Death-” 
Esther smiled sadly. “Why is Shoto going? Isn’t he part of Deku’s gang?” 
“Well, every gang leader is bringing backup. Bakugou is bringing his most prized members, even though he won’t admit it. So, me, Red Riot, Chargebolt, and Alien Queen are going as back up. I don’t know if Queen Death is taking anyone with her-”
“Her dragons...” Esther mumbled.
“Dragons?!” By now, the two were already walking towards the nightclub. 
“Yes. She has four dragons. One being a red one with black spikes, another being pure white with purple as it’s secondary color. The Third one is black with purple as it’s undertone. The fourth one is unknown as it is her favorite,” Sero’s eyes looked like he was just told that the Earth was a peaceful place. 
“How about her quirk?” Sero asked.
Esther swallowed. “No one knows if she has more but the most known is called Death Puppeteer. She could kill someone by glancing at them. All she needs is their name and face. She can rearrange how someone would die so they could either die quicker or slower. She can also know how someone will die. As well as knowing their death, she can also know how their life plays out. But she can’t know if she is in it,” Esther looked at Sero before looking at the Building. “This is where I leave you. Thank you for walking me here!”
“Be careful!” Sero yelled as she left to the back of the building. 
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“What took you so long?!” Bakugou screamed at Sero. “I thought you said you would deal with the issue and then come back right away?! Why can’t you listen to a-”
“I found out more about Queen Death,” Sero said making Bakugou shut up. Bakugou made a motion which meant ‘spit it out’. “Queen Death has four dragons. Her quirk is called Death Puppeteer. Meaning, she can make your death quicker or slower just by knowing your face and name.”
“That doesn’t help us!” Kaminari, or Chargebolt, said. “Just that we should not tel... Her our full names! Boss, this is perfect!”
Bakugou growled before walking into the club fully. He saw a person with a Puppet tattoo. While Bakugou’s gang had pins and Midoriya’s had bracelet or necklaces, Queen Death had her Puppets get tattoos that had a certain symbol. No one knows what each mean. 
Bakugou saw another worker had the Deku Gang Bracelet. He looked around until he saw his pin. He walked over to the unexpecting worker. “Where should I be right now you damn Extra?!”
The scared worker pointed to a door that said ‘meeting is in progress’. Bakugou stomped over and slammed open the door. Meeting eye to eye with the insane boss of Quirkless, Deku. 
“Nice to see you join us Kacchan. Queen Death had a messenger say that she would come in a second,” Bakugou growled before sitting in a seat that was on the other side of Midoriya’s.
They all sat in silence while both leaders glare at each other. Well, Bakugou glared while Midoriya smirked with insanity in his eyes. Their higher up members looked between the two. In the room currently was Chargebolt, Red Riot, Alien Queen, and on Midoriya’s side was Shouto, Uravity, and Ingenium. 
The staring battle stopped when a different door opened. Out came a women with pitch black hair and black eyes. Her skin was pale. Behind her was four ‘dragons’. They were glowing and small yet still floated in the air like chinese dragons. One was a deep red, another white, another black, and the last one was blue. 
“Nice to see most of you are here,” The voice from the body said. The voice was smooth and made the table listen to her. “I’m Queen Death and I’m a little angry with the current report I got from my spies.”
“What do you?!-” Bakugou was hushed by a hand. One would think someone put their hand on his mouth to make him shut up but the Queen was raising her hand making no sound come out of his mouth. 
“Have you heard of Glossophobia? Fear of Public Speaking. Luckily, we are speaking very publicly so my quirk can work,” A smirk landed on the girl’s face. “Now anyone else want to interrupt me??”
The Queen clapped her hands together and smiled a sweet yet very creepy smile. “Great! Now let’s talk about you coming in my territory! If you have any brain, I’m the Queen of Death or Death Puppeteer. Heroes are scared of me and I was claimed the strongest out of all of you. Since I have two very powerful quirks, I will skip to the good bit!”
The Queen snapped her right hand fingers together. Door to her right opened and a table on wheels came rolling in, being pushed by two people in Puppet cloaks. 
Pausing it here for a second. Puppet cloaks are cloaks that lower Puppets wear. Puppets are known to be emotionless and only listen to her majesty (Queen of Death), others are not so emotionless. If a puppet is emotionless to a point where they think their life is pointless without their Queen, they will wear cloaks. Meaning, they will hurt you if you hurt their queen of if their queen asks of it. 
“On this table is an event I will be hosting. If you can steal my heart by then, I will let you have my territory as well as merging it with No Man’s Land. How does that sound?” The Queen flicked her hand, letting her Blue Dragon mistic thing, follow her Puppets out. 
Shouto raised his hand. “How do we know it would be you and why must we do it?”
“Nice work Shouto! By the way, your brother as well as father are lovely puppets,” Shouto blinked as he tried to register what she said but didn’t have time as she was already answering the question. “My Land has many resources! To sweeten the deal, I will let you lead my Puppets by my side. For the other question, you don’t! Of course, I do not have black hair and black eyes. This is all thanks to my other quirk, Fear! Let’s me do a lot of things such as know all of your fears and using others fears and phobias. Lockiophobia is the Fear of Childbirth and I can just think of the word and the person I want to have a child! Another phobia that I use is Necrophobia which is a fear of Death or Dead Things. I can make someone see something they love dead as well as that person dead! If I like you back, then you can also have parts of my power! So what is your answer? By the way, this deal isn’t just for Deku and Kacchan! It’s for all of you as well as the world. You are just the first I am talking to about this. If you say you don’t, there are probably be some low-life who could get two terriotries as well as getting my powers and people!”
“I’ll do it!” Everyone said at once.
“Let the games begin!”
(The Dragons:)
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Red // Prince of Fire // His small version is a floating, glowing red, chinese dragon.
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Shadow // Prince of Shadows // His small version is Black, floating, chinese dragon.
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Unknown // Prince of Space // HIs small version is white, floating, chinese dragon.
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??? // ??? // Small Version is a blue, floating, chinese dragon.
(Other Characters stated)
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Queen Death // Death Puppeteer // Quirks: Death Puppeteer and Fear Raiser
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Osore Esther // Puppet // Quirk: ??? // Works at Nyx?
All the Gang things (Pins, Tattoos, and Bracelets):
Bomb Squad Pins but a bit bigger so people could see it in a crowd:
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Quirkless Bracelets:
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Quirkless Necklaces (The chain doesn’t have to be red):
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Known Tattoo of Puppets:
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Known Tattoo of Other Members who aren’t the top ranking ones but aren’t puppets either:
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~Mod Dia Here~ See I said I would post the first part! I’ll get Mod Bambi to do his story, which is Mafia and slightly similar yet is different as Deku isn’t insane in Mafia and Shouto is in his own Gang and there is a different concept. This one is based on a beat. The Queen has challenged all gang leaders as well as their members, to try to win her heart by the time of her event. It doesn’t say in this chapter but, spoiler alert, the event is a masquerade party anyways. The real challenger for these boys is knowing who she is. Her appearance is different as she says. She is using her Fear Raiser Quirk to make her look different. I won’t look up the official name right now but when you have the fear of yourself or mirrors. So more on her Fear Raiser quirk in the next one!
~Mod Dia Out!~
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nukenai · 5 years
I’m really scared for my doctor’s appointment but I’m trying to calm myself down by just... thinking of the completely insane shit I’ve had to deal with over my life in terms of doctor’s visits. Going to see my primary now is fine, she’s really nice and listens well.
But thinking about my appointments as a minor is... so upsetting? My mom never let me speak for myself. My main horrible experience I had was when I had lyme disease. I was at the doctor and they decided they wanted bloodwork done. I tried to explain to them that it’s a horrible phobia of mine that will literally make me pass out, but I’ll totally deal with it if I could have a couple minutes to compose myself and get ready for it.
The doctor basically rolled his eyes and said “No, because you’ll keep stalling forever”, then had several nurses physically hold me down onto the table (roughly) while my mom stood and watched me scream for help and beg for a minute to calm down? But no. They did the procedure while I was screaming for them to stop and several adults had to roughly restrain me.
Then there was when I hurt my foot, thinking it was broken. I think we had to go to the emergency room for an xray because it might’ve been a holiday? So I’m in this weird room, not a normal exam room. There were at least 4 nurses running around like mice doing 20 things at once. I was just kind of sitting there. One comes up without saying anything and puts an automatic blood pressure cuff on me. I got her attention and let her know that getting my blood pressure taken makes me get dizzy, and I really hate the automatic ones. I told her that I needed it to be off as soon as she got readings because I would start fainting (the automatic cuffs take way longer)
She ignored me and walked away and left the cuff on me for nearly an entire goddamn minute (I was counting seconds to keep from panicking. I started blacking out and yelled over the insanity of everyone running around if I could please take the cuff off. One nurse said “sure” so I started taking it off, which made another one yell “NO NO NO NOT YET”. It was too late anyways because my entire vision went black and I put my head between my knees.
This made everyone in the room go absolutely nuts and they were desperately (annoyingly) asking me questions to keep me conscious I guess. Eventually they made me lay down for 20 straight minutes and I wasn’t allowed to get up. Because by then I was a medical risk.
Gee, it’s almost like if they listened to a goddamn word I said, all of this absolute insanity could have been avoided.
Then there was the cool time a couple years ago where I went to an orthopedic doctor because my back problems were causing hip pain. I got a full-body xray (no big deal, any kind of scan is fine to me) and I was sitting in the xray room while the tech looked it over. A nurse walked by, saw my xray, and said “WOAH” loudly. While I was sitting there. Then when they brought me back in to see the doctor, he basically shrugged and told me, “Uh, there’s nothing we can do, so I guess keep going to the chiropractor?”
Then they charged me a $50 copay and sent me out the door with nothing.
I’m just so goddamn tired lol.
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Look at what I found in my hard drive
(Remus/Severus, post Battle of Hogwarts)
Remus was sent to the Dae Llwellyn ward, it turned out, on accident.
Amid the stream of bodies being sent to St. Mungos after the battle at Hogwarts, they had seen yet another "werewolf" scrawled in his file and hastily redirected his unconscious body to the ward for serious bites.
By the time they had realized their error, they couldn't be arsed to care. He was a quiet, unobtrusive patient- more plainly, he didn't regain consciousness until his second week in the ward.
The Killing Curse, even one that a patient had not borne the full brunt of, was nothing to sneeze at.
When Remus did finally wake, alive and still mostly paralyzed, he wished he hadn't. In all his scenarios of the possible outcomes of this war, he had not imagined that Dora, young and quick to laugh, might die while he lived. He should have known better- hadn't it been him, sick, impoverished, mistrusted, who had lived while James and Lily Potter had died?
He realized, as he lay there day after day, fingers slowly beginning to twitch, to grasp spoons, that he hadn't had a contingency plan for living. The hospital bill alone would be more than he could pay off in a lifetime, and now that his face had been plastered across the Prophet the prospect of paid work was nearly impossible. He could attempt to make his way back to India if Umbridge's restrictions were repealed, but it seemed a bit cruel to Harry.
Nearly every day since he'd first been committed to the ward, Harry had come by to visit, at first simply to keep up a stream of words even though Remus could not speak. He told him about the demise of Voldemort, the rebuilding of the castle, and one day came in with a look of bewildered pride and announced Ginny had agreed to marry him.
Remus had managed a hoarse congratulations, even as he felt a stab of pain- he imagined he'd worn nearly the same expression when he had realized Dora loved him. The simultaneous sense of paternal pride was why he could not leave England- he was Harry's last link to his parents, and after so much loss he couldn't truly entertain the thought of buggering off as he had in 1981. He would stay. He would figure something out. He had plenty of time to worry himself sick in the meantime.
Naturally, it was Harry who told him of Snape's hand in the downfall of the Dark Lord, the vicious attack he'd endured and very nearly died from at the fangs of his serpent. Predictably, Severus had a contingency plan- after seeing so many who had betrayed the Dark Lord killed in this manner, he had found it prudent to carry a healthy dose of an antidote to the venom.
It was not until after the night of the full moon when he had been brought down to transform in the Ministry's cells and wheeled back to the ward afterwards that he first saw Severus.
Or, rather, heard him.
"You insufferable wretch," a deep voice croaked down the hall, "How dare you condescend to me, as if my mental faculties were not intact! That you are paid a full salary to force fingerpaints upon the crippled is galling. Yes, go! And in the future, find an occupation worth the air you breathe!"
Remus, muscles still shaking with the pain of the transformation and still feeling vaguely as if he might vomit, smiled.
Remus worked his painstaking way to having just enough control over his fingers to feed himself, urinate on his own (thank the gods), and finally to operate a charmed chair that would take him out of his room.
This afforded him only enough freedom to venture to the shared room where patients could socialize under the watchful eyes of medical professionals. In the afternoons, an aggressively compassionate witch named Hilda led them in small crafts. Several of the patients seemed to take comfort in her attentive interest as they struggled to make meaning of their suffering, and drew strength from her belief in their recovery.
Remus loathed her.
It wasn't entirely fair, he realized. It certainly wasn't something he was proud of. But on the fifth day that she coaxed him from his perch gazing out the charmed window currently opening to the depths of the ocean, he thought, call me honey again, and I will bite you.
Even Harry's visits had begun to exhaust him; he did not want to tell Harry that he was getting better, that yes, he would be out of here in no time, that he felt very grateful- he would nearly make a full recovery, after all. There were other words on the tip of his tongue that he could not possibly tell the boy- that sometimes, he thought he missed the war.
It was somewhere in the depths of this masturbatory angst, lingering in the doorway of his room, unsure if he might be more miserable staring at the bare walls of his room and navel gazing or socializing under the piercing stare of the crafts witch, that he heard the sharp clatter of a metal tray.
"Bancroft! Only Bancroft may make my potions, you imbecile! I will not accept this- oh, you're certain there are no poisons? Dimwit. Do you know how easily those tests are fooled? I betrayed the Dark Lord- has it not crossed your mind how many wish to see me suffer?"
A moment later, a young man emerged from the room, goblet in hand. "I wouldn't mind," he muttered to himself, then looked up to see Remus.
"Oh, hello Mr.Lupin," he smiled.
"Good afternoon, Bessel," Remus wheeled past him, silently thanking the mishap of paperwork that had brought him here- it was difficult to last on this ward with a phobia towards werewolves.
"You don't want to see ‘im," Bessel warned Remus, who had made his way to Severus' door.
"He's an old friend," Remus reassured him.
Bessel looked at him in disbelief.
"A coworker," Remus amended. "We went to school together."
"Your funeral, I s'pose," Bessel shook his head.
Severus' head was turned away from the door, and he ignored Remus as he wheeled slowly to his bedside.
"Is she sending in scouts now to coerce me into creating sculptures out of broomstick twigs?" Snape's baritone cut through his still torn throat like gravel.
"Hello, Severus," Remus greeted.
Snape whirled at this, and Remus controlled his reaction to the sight of him a moment too late. One eye was bloodshot all the way through, the other still swollen shut. In fact, entirely half of his face was grotesquely swollen; it was not difficult to imagine bones crunched beneath jaws and pieced together again.
"Lupin," Snape sneered, "I thought you were dead."
"Reports of my death were exaggerated, I'm afraid."
"I should have known," Snape pushed himself, shaking, onto his elbows. "Dark creatures are notoriously difficult to dispose of."
"Not up to your usual standard, Severus," Remus smiled. "And, as you yelled at Hilda the other day, your cognitive faculties are intact, so I shan't cut you any slack."
"That woman does not need nor deserve your pity."
"Perhaps not, " Remus allowed. "She is rather tenacious, isn't she?"
"She has the inexhaustible glee of the Demented given a victim to Kiss," Snape muttered.
"That's better," Remus wheeled himself to Severus' bedside.
"Leave, Lupin," Snape turned his head again, hiding his disfigured face. Remus could see that under the swathes of bandages, his chest and arms were a mass of swelling and purpling bruising.
"Do you know," Remus continued, "I think we may just be the last of our class? Certainly of the Gryffindors and Slytherins."
"You say that as if we have some shared history to fondly recollect, instead of the torment your dear friends inflicted upon me. We could, if you like, talk about that time you tried to rip me apart with your teeth, but I'm not sure you would remember that as well as I do."
Remus snorted. "As if you never gave back twice as good as you got."
"Well," Snape smiled fondly at that. "I do remember Potter and Black shouting their carnal love for one another at breakfast."
"That was inspired," Remus chuckled, remembering two boys standing atop the breakfast table, hooting audience gathered below. When Severus didn’t resort to retaliatory cruelty, he had a sarcastic streak that was nearly likeable. Unfortunately, it did not show itself often.
"We are not friends," Severus frowned at him.
"No," Remus agreed. "You are my captive audience. Hilda doesn't come for me when I'm speaking with someone else. And the other patients care that I lost my wife, my family, and all of my friends."
"I would rather be bitten again than listen to your sob story."
"Do you ever miss it?"
"The peace and quiet I enjoyed before you tried to foist your problems upon me?"
"The war," Remus said softly. "Having a sense of purpose to get you through. Feeling like you were needed."
Snape's single bloody eye widened. "You are insane, Lupin," he rasped. "Though perhaps that would make sense to a beast. Connected a bit too much with the inner animal, hmm?"
Remus watched him, silent.
Severus broke his gaze with a huff, and rolled away onto his side. “Leave. Spare me your nattering.”
"Get some rest, Severus," Remus replied, and wheeled himself back to his room.
Remus returned the next day with a chess set, which he unfolded onto a stainless steel medical tray.
"You only have to concentrate on where you'd like the pieces to move," Remus explained. "It's charmed."
"Explain to me why I would do that," Severus lifted a violently trembling hand to brush the hair from his eyes.
"Because you're bored," Remus shrugged. "You've got to be, sitting in here all day."
"Perhaps I enjoy the company of my own mind," Severus replied, "more than mentally unsound werewolves."
"Your stipulation was that I be silent," Remus gestured to the chessboard. "This doesn't require speech."
"Stipulation makes it sound as if I gave you terms under which you could visit me," Snape peered at the chessboard. "I'll take the black."
Severus seemed surprised when Remus held his own and nearly won. Remus thought he should be offended, but he found he didn't much have the energy to care.
"What will you do when you leave here?" Remus asked.
"I thought we had agreed not to speak," Snape frowned. The shattered chess pieces were realigning themselves, erstwhile arms scrabbling across the board to join their bodies.
"I thought you never actually gave me a stipulation."
"I will be free of both the Dark Lord and Albus Dumbledore. I will do what I wish."
"I don't know what I'll do either," Remus folded up the board, suddenly tired. "Thank you for the game, Severus."
Harry visited the next day, pacing the room the entire time with a barely contained nervous energy. Molly Weasley had decided that the wedding preparations should be underway, and Remus was adrift in a sea of talk about the appropriate flower to symbolize Harry's love for Ginny.
Remus tried to be the father Harry needed, but the more Harry paced, the more the room seemed strange and far away. Remus had a recollection of Dora admiring a sunflower in the field surrounding the Burrow, how appropriate that was, how open she was to life and to love, like Lily. Lilies, the flower of high summer, warm and vibrant.
"I'm sorry, Harry," Remus said softly, "I'm feeling very tired today."
"Harry and Ginny have scheduled a date for the wedding," Remus' white knight advanced.
"Pity. Ginerva was a passably clever student."
"They've invited you."
"Oh joy. Oh rapture unforeseen."
A black knight, after careful consideration, moved left.
"He asked me about flowers. I couldn't stop thinking about Lily."
At this, Severus stiffened.
"I wonder, sometimes, what advice she would give. She always knew what the right thing to do was. The right thing to say."
"She would tell you that your need to be liked is so pathological that you are recalling the memory of a woman some twenty years lost to ask how to best serve her son's needs. Your move, Lupin."
Remus moved his pawn forward, and Severus swiftly captured it.
"If you are not here for the game, I think you would be better served by the company of the other patients," Severus crossed his arms over his chest. Remus wondered when he might be able to leave his room unaided.
"You must check that tendency to shoot yourself in the foot."
"A muggle expression," Severus leaned forward to watch his queen take Remus' king.
"We were both raised half muggle," Remus leaned back.
"Yet another thing we can reminisce over," Snape's eyes narrowed. "Our incandescent childhoods."
"My childhood was fine," Remus became acutely aware of the fact the game had finished.
"Ah, yes,” Snape sneered. “I can picture it now. Gay romps through grassy fields, a healthy appetite for human flesh…”
Remus watched Snape quietly until the tirade petered out. "Same time tomorrow, then, Severus." Remus closed the board with a snap.
Snape did not contradict him.
"I thought we might try a rune riddle," Remus held the paper up. "Bit of a change of pace."
"Tired of being beaten?" Severus looked at the paper with interest.
"I beat you plenty," Remus passed the paper to Severus, who held it with a hand that only trembled slightly. "I beat you at least a third of the time."
"A quarter," Severus muttered. "This first rune is fire."
"Yes," Remus took the paper back, "the third line is the one I couldn't parse."
"Give me the quill," Severus demanded, and Remus handed it over without comment, watching him struggle to write with his non-dominant hand.
"Harry wants me to be part of the ceremony."
"Hmm," Severus squinted at the rune puzzle.
"I'm flattered," Remus sighed, "but when I'm around him, I feel like I'm trying to be the ghost of James."
Severus put the paper down. "Lupin," he rubbed his functional hand across his forehead, "you are miserable because you have spent your entire life attempting to anticipate and cater to the needs of others. You are not a house elf. You are a man."
"I don't think Hermione would appreciate that comparison."
"Granger is a-"
"Smart, compassionate young woman," Remus finished. "I can't just," he sighed. "Harry needs me. He deserves this. He's suffered enough."
"We've all suffered," Severus muttered. "Now be quiet and let me think."
"You didn't come yesterday," Severus said.
Remus blinked. "I- it was a full moon."
Severus' eyes closed briefly. "Of course."
Remus felt a grin break over his face. "You missed me."
Snape glared. "I don't have much choice for company."
“Oh, don’t martyr yourself,” Remus tossed the morning paper at him. “You’ve run off anyone who tried to show you kindness.”
Severus looked surprised, briefly, at his bluntness. "And yet you keep returning to be abused," he recovered quickly, pulling himself up to sit cross-legged. He hunched over the paper. "You've already done the interesting bit," Snape glared from beneath his lank hair.
"I missed you too."
“They’re releasing me tomorrow,” Remus said conversationally, stirring a godawful amount of sugar into Severus’ tea. The anti-wobble charm was not quite enough to counteract Severus’ tremor in any two-handed task, and they both pretended amnesia at the first episode of spilt tea and sugar all over the linens.
“I’m sure Hilda will find other victims,” Severus took the tea in his left hand. “Though none quite as compellingly pathetic as yourself, I’m sure.”
“You’ve only to ask, Severus,” Remus met his eyes. “I’ll come visit.”
“We’re not friends, Lupin,” Snape’s eyes narrowed. Both lids retracted smoothly now, the swelling faded to a sickly green and black mottle of bruises, two dark puncture marks beneath the right eye.
Remus watched him, quiet.
“What is it, wolf?” Severus sat up, infuriated at the judgement he felt in the silence. Lupin’s easy retreat gave him no satisfaction, his containment no victory. “Are you so desperate in your loneliness that you thought I might consort with you of my own free will?” He sneered. “Had you imagined I would drop by whatever den you’ve crawled into with tea and biscuits? Pathetic, crippled mongrel-“
Remus regarded him for a moment. The expression was brief, but Severus was a master of reading intention. This was not anger, or hurt. It was pity.
Remus stood with his tea, almost elegant despite the hospital robe and noticeable limp. He walked out, and without raising his wand the door swung and clicked shut behind him.
Sound cut out all at once, and Severus could hear only his own quick, enraged breaths, steadying over slow minutes.
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peinde · 6 years
I'll try to give solid answers.
1) Sexuality? Pansexual. ((same 2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Ariana Grande, moby, if only to quell t)(e rumours t)(at we look alike. ((IDK i don’t really have anyone 3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. ”She arches )(er body like a cat on a stretc)(. She nuzzles )(er cunt into my face like a filly at t)(e gate. S)(e smells of the sea.” ((i don’t have any books near me ;n; 4) What do you think about most? My wife. ((adult cartoon TV wives, or if i’m angry, Bold and the Beautiful 5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? ”H3Y B4B3 W3R3 OUT OF PIZZ4 ROLLS >:[” ((”hey hun call me ASAP pls” 6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on? Wit)(out. ((with. i need to be ready to outrun zombies in the Canadian winter 7) What's your strangest talent? I can do voice impressions! ((i can’t make impressions, but i can make voices 8) Girls.... (finish the sentence); Boys.... (finish the sentence) Girls don’t like boys, girls like cars and money~! Boys will laug)( at girls w)(en t)(ey’re not funny~! ((honestly...same 9) Ever had a poem or song written about you? A couple of times... ((nah 10) When is the last time you played the air guitar? Just now w)(en I answered number 8. ((same 11) Do you have any strange phobias? No? ((a TON 12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? Yes, but only twelve times! ((no??? 13) What's your religion? Dick. (i’m technically Christian 14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Working, doing c)(ores, doing )(obbies, visiting friends or )(itting t)(e town. ((going to school or going to work 15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? In front. ((both 16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Don’t ever ask me t)(is again. ((i guess Mother Mother, but there are quite a few 17) What was the last lie you told? ... ((i can’t remember 18) Do you believe in karma? No. ((yes 19) What does your URL mean? I keysmas)(ed, because I didn’t know w)(at to type. ((it’s Peixes + Grande but that’s only OOC knowledge 20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? My greatest weakness is me wit)(out my wife. My greatest strengt)( is my wife. ((my greatest weakness: my lack of motivation. my strength: my ability to dream 21) Who is your celebrity crush? Jason Momoa! ((Kat Dennings 22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Yup! ((nope! 23) How do you vent your anger? I tell me wife everyfin. ((hahaha, i don’t
24) Do you have a collection of anything? You could say t)(at... ((not really? 25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? P)(one. ((neither OMG 26) Are you happy with the person you've become? ... ((yeah. i mean i could be a lot worse off 27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love? I don’t like nails on a c)(alkboard, but I do like nails tapping on a table. ((i fucking hate children crying, but i like anything that can basically be “white noise”, like the hum of a vacuum, or the working of a portable heater 28) What's your biggest "what if"? I don’t want to talk about t)(is. ((i don’t really think about those? i mean they didn’t happen. best to just move on 29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Believe in? I mean yea)( sure. T)(ey’re everyw)(ere. T)(ey’re real w)(et)(er I believe in t)(em or not... ((yes and yes 30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. I’m grasping air. Now, I’m touc)(ing my wife’s face. ((i touched my metal storage thingy. then the wall 31) Smell the air. What do you smell? My wife’s farts. ((nothing. just the way i like it 32) What's the worst place you have ever been to? )(ig)(sc)(ool. ((any public washroom ever 33) Choose East Coast or West Coast? West! ((East!!! 34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Does t)(e Rock count as a singer? ((IDK i used to have a crush on Pete Wentz 35) To you, what is the meaning of life? My wife. ((my Christian ass says God
36) Define Art. Out of my league. 38/ ((a necessity to man 37) Do you believe in luck? No. ((yes 38) What's the weather like right now? Sunny! ((rainy 39) What time is it? 8:23 PM ((11:23 PM 40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? No, and yes. ((no, and no 41) What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading Written on t)(e Body! ((i think it was a Sophie Kinsella book? 42) Do you like the smell of gasoline? Yes! ((yes 43) Do you have any nicknames? Lots of people call me “Fef”. ((i have many IRL nicknames, but everyone knows me by Tori 44) What was the last movie you saw? Fifty S)(ades Freed (illegally, obviously. I’m not paying for t)(at drivel.) ((Devil 45) What's the worst injury you've ever had? I’ve died, does t)(at count? ((i fell off the monkey bars at age 8 and landed right on my back 46) Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes! ((no :( 47) Do you have any obsessions right now? I )(ave many, t)(e most important being my wife. ((i guess? i’m always obsessed with something 48) What's your sexual orientation? Wasn’t t)(is asked before? ((yeah 49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Yes... ((yes... 50) Do you believe in magic? Again, it’s real, so yea)(. ((yup! 51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Nope! ((Fef you fucking liar yes you do. and yes i do 52) What is your astrological sign? Cancer! ((Pisces!!! 53) Do you save money or spend it? Spend. ((both 54) What's the last thing you purchased? Pizza rolls for my wife. ((a bracelet off Aliexpress 55) Love or lust? Love! ((love 56) In a relationship? Yes! ((nope! 57) How many relationships have you had? I lost count. ((1 58) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yes! ((nope! 59) Where were you yesterday? At work. ((at home 60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes! ((yup! 61) Are you wearing socks right now? No? ((yup! 62) What's your favorite animal? My princesses...plus you know, t)(e entire ocean. ((any sea creature 63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Kindness! ((oh i don’t give a fuck 64) Where is your best friend? Doing activities you s)(ould NOT be questioning. ((online...talking to me 65) Spit or swallow?(; Swallow, you coward! ((i’ve never had the opportunity to do either 66) What is your heritage? Alternian! ((i’m black Caribbean 67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM? 38;3c ((i was on this hellsite 68) What do you think is Satan's last name? Natas??? ((meanie-bo-beanie 69) Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Obviously??? ((obviously??? 70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Yea)(! ((sure, why not? it’d mean i’ll know someone who shares my musical interests 71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? I’ve never been late to work? Plus, it’s a legitimate reason??? ((i’ve worked at my job for far too long and have rarely ever been late, especially too rarely for her to keep track. this argument would be completely baseless. also, it’s a legitimate reason??? 72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? It’d probubbly be fake, so no I wouldn’t say anyfin. I’d just wait until I could revive, and no I wouldn’t be afraid, you fucking coward. ((i’d tell everyone, IDK what i’d do. probably pray, sleep maybe, oh i’d be terrified 73) You can only have one of these things; trust or love. 38( ((trust 74) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Be Alrig)(t by Ariana Grande ((Arizona Highway by the Darcys 75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 3838 ((i’m not telling you??? 76) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Being in one like mine and Zi-Zi’s ((communication 77) How can I win your heart? --Exist. ((LOOOL good luck buddy 78) Can insanity bring on more creativity? It sure can! ((i guess! 79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? Getting married. ((going to therapy 80) What size shoes do you wear? 6 ((10 81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? “Finally”. ((”i’ll be back” 82) What is your favorite word? Glub! ((intricate 83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Zi-Zi. ((organs 84) What is a saying you say a lot? Glub! ((”for fuck’s sake” 85) What's the last song you listened to? Girls and Boys by Good C)(arlotte ((same 86) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors? Baby pink, lig)(t blue, lilac, mint green. ((rose gold, burgundy, olive, turquoise, black, eggplant, fuchsia 87) What is your current desktop picture? Zi-Zi. ((on my laptop? default mountains. on my PC? Mother Mother 88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? ??? I don’t know! ((Donald Trump, probably 89) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? ...t)(ere are a lot. ((”are you straight” 90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do? Go back to sleep. ((flip TF out and run 91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? W)(at would I want t)(at I don’t already )(ave? ((flight 92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? Being revived. ((??? none of it? leave that shit in the past my dude 93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? --Everyfin from t)(e time I was revived onward. ((what did i just say? 94) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? T)(ere are so many options... ((??? 95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? New Zealand! ((Paris 96) Do you have any relatives in jail? I mig)(t, w)(o knows. ((probably 97) Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yup! ((no, but i almost did! 98) Ever been on a plane? Yup! ((yup! 99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? Most of t)(e fins I already say. ((”i can’t wait for the apocalypse”
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thecrystalauthor · 7 years
For All of Us [Part 1}
Ok, so before i start the actual story I just wanna say I’m kinda nervous to post this cuz y’know I’m an art blog and all, so if you could give this some extra love and notes I’d be really happy.
She muttered as she angrily paced down the city street. The pale faced girl stuck out like a thumb even in the huge city, and her choice of all black clothes and a little kitty headband only emphasized her case.
“I've had enough!” She hissed through clenched teeth. She was nearly at her apartment now. It wouldn't be long until they all paid.
As she lined the geometric figure on the floor with candles, Jane took a moment to think of what reasons she had to go through with this, her coworkers. It's true the girl had never been very popular, her gothic attire had got her mercilessly teased in high school, but she'd expected respect in work. Respect she got, fear included. Not a soul would speak to her, work was left on her desk without Jane even being able to catch who left it. She was never invited out for drinks, or for work barbeques and the seclusion of being a complete pariah drove her insane, not literally though, she thought as she lit the last candle and looked down at an old dusty book of spells.
Translata quid hocTune es qui terebravisse!
Omnia bona fortuna sit penitus ego sumquod aliquid geometriam
It looks like another is summoning
Whose turn is it?
It’sssss yoursssss we think
As Jane finished her ritual the flames brightened to an unbearable white; Jane curled into a ball, shielding her eyes in her lap, bracing for whatever will leave the ring.
This was a bad idea
She can't help but think just a little too late,
And then,
Jane rubbed her head as she stared at what dropped on her from above. She gently picked up the item to examine it, a tiny blue rhombus made of wood. Is this? Jane couldn't help but be reminded of the tangram toys she used to play with as a child.
“Excuse me?”
Jane's head snapped up to look at the voice in the ring, the flames burned duller now, but even still she could only see a silhouette as it stood in the circle. Was it human? No. Although at first glance the figure looked human, She noticed an extra arm tearing through its elbow, and only one eye on the left side of his face. Jane could only stare on in horror at the thing she had summoned, and it got no better as it stepped from the ring. It wasn't even flesh, maybe if it was at least skin and bones Jane could manage, but it's entire body was those little colored blocks, each one twitching as the thing stepped forward. It looked like it's unliving gaze could kill her, but then it did something odd, it laughed.
“Could I have that back?” The thing mused. Jane was finally freed from her paralysis enough to look to the block in her hand and back at the creature. “Yes, that.” It stood there chuckling to itself until Jane shakily handed the block over. “thanks kitten.” It snapped the piece into the end of his hand, creating a sound not unlike bones snapping. Jane shuddered. “Soooo?” The thing took another step forward, the candles going out and the lights coming on; Jane scrambled to her feet and jumped back.
“Stay  BACK!” Jane shouted at the thing, causing it to pause.
“Rude.” It had no concern for her fear, or at least didn't act like it, “after you called me and all.” Jane felt her adrenaline fade slightly, after all it, no he, Jane decided, didn't seem hostile at all. Maybe he did just want to help. That's his purpose, she supposed
“Um, yes,” she paused, “ I uhh need you-”
“Lemme guess, you've got some half baked revenge plot against your peers because they don't understand you because you're goth.”
“That's everyone's plan kitten. Everyone I've met at least.” He rolled his one eye, leaning against the side wall.
“It's Jane.”
He grinned.
“Nice ta’ meet cha’ Jane!” His arm thrusted towards her, the force pulling the pieces of his arm apart slightly before snapping back in their place, “Name’s Chao.”
Jane's brow furrowed.
“Like the dog?”
“No not the dog,” Chao grimaced, “like the Latin word for chaos!” He threw his arms in the air for dramatic effect.
“How original,” she quipped.
“You're right, they created a word based on my name and now it's so overdone,” Chao frowned, deep in thought. Jane paused, considering if it was possible for Chao to be that old.
“So, Chao,” she paused, mulling over her thoughts, “Can you do it?”
“Can I do it?” He seemed insulted, “yes I can do it, I can do anything. I'm a chaos god.”
Jane seemed temporarily stunned.
“You, you're not a demon?” She fumbled through her spell book, “I could've sworn you should've just been a low level demon, something harmless..”
“Well I'm not kitten, sorry,” He obviously didn’t mean it.
“So what do I need to do?” Jane took a step closer, “do you need my blood, my soul?”
“No!” Once again, Jane seemed to offend the thing with her stereo typical knowledge.
“Then what?”
Chao paused.
“What do you mean nothing? You're just going to help me?!”
“Sure, I'm bored; ever since you humans invented the internet you've been doing my job for me, it's total discord,” he crossed its arms in a bizarre formation to account for the extra limb. He even pouted slightly, making Jane wonder if Chao was actually a threat.
“Alright. Well, uh, should we?” Jane had no idea what to do, she’d never summoned anything, and certainly never something like this.
“Do you have a plan?” Chao quizzed, “anything? All of your peers? Dead or just tormented? Anyone have phobias?”
“I don't know!” Jane shouted, shutting Chao up for the time being, “I didn't think about it,” she sighed, “I didn't think at all.”
“Don't worry about it kitten, I'm patient,” he curled an arm around her and she flinched; His body was cold and hard, as you would expect wood to be, not at all comforting to be held by, and certainly not helping Jane be less afraid. She tried to politely step away, and chao didn't seem to be offended by the gesture.
“Why don't you take some time to think it over? I don't know get some food or something, Just calm down,” Chao, finally content with their progress in talking, started looking around the room he'd been summoned in.
“Uh, are you hungry?” Jane examined Chao, “Do you need to eat at all?”
“No,” Chao paused, “or if I do, it's only once every thousand years. However, if you're offering.”
“You can have some pizza,” she offered, slightly wary of accidentally insulting the god again, “I can't eat one in just one sitting anyway.”
The two headed back to the living room, in order to continue planning their evil plot.
Jane knew the pizza delivery girl personally, Sammy, she’d learned over time. Jane ordered pizza at least twice a week, so they spoke often. This meant when the usually dead faced Jane answered the door nervous and full of thought Sally took notice.
“What ‘sa matter J?” Sammy asked through a mouth full of bubble gum.
“Hmm? Nothing.” Jane hurriedly took the food constantly glancing behind her to make sure the monster she'd summoned stayed out of sight.
“You gotta boy over don’cha?” She proceeded to blow and pop another bubble as Jane's face turns bright red.
“No no no Sammy you got it all wrong!”Jane stumbled over her words but Sammy just laughed.
“No I didn’t, I can read you like a book J,” she smirked, “Just stay safe, a'ight?”
Jane was temporarily stunned by the implications of Sammy’s remark. If Sammy only knew what was going on she wouldn't joke about how “safe” Jane should be. Jane stood there long after the delivery girl was gone. Long enough for Chao to slink out of his hiding spot and waltz over.
“that's what food looks like now?” Chao eyed the box.
“Chao when were you last summoned?” Jane was honestly curious. As they waited for food, Chao had explored everything in her house and seemed familiar with very little of it. Chao paused, before counting on his hand.
“1875,” he declared, nodding slightly as he checked the math in his head
“1875? You're kidding!” She looked at him as if he was even more insane than she'd already determined.
“Nope.” Chao snagged the box and pivoted, placing it on the table.
“So you've never seen cars, or cellphones or laptops?” She offered, trying to better understand.
“I've seen cars,” Chao retorted, “I stayed here until 1903, cars were invented in 1885. Plus, I'm not an idiot, I know what cellphones and computers are.” He shifted, his pieces slanting slightly as he leaned. “Just never seen them.” Jane nodded, understanding a little better. As she plated their dinner she dared to ask, “what kind of deal did you make that took almost 30 years to complete?” Chao somehow seemed to go even more rigid.
“The kind that isn't your business.”
Not wanting to aggravate him anymore, Jane handed Chao a plate and a soda.
“Thank you,” Chao sighed, before sitting on the couch.
It's going to be a long night
They both decided.
Morning was never a good time for young adults, and as Jane found out, it wasn't very good for Chao either. As the girl got up and ate leftover pizza for breakfast and clumsily got dressed, the monster she had summoned laid motionless on a recliner.
I hope he's not dead.
Jane thought, then momentarily puzzled if he even could die. Would the pieces just collapse? As she stared and wondered, Chao finally rose, stretching his three arms and groaning like a teenager on the first day of school. They both just watched each other for a moment, but Chao was the first to speak.
“It's rude to stare,” he mustered, throwing his weight off the couch in a movement Jane was sure would make his body collapse. It didn't and he stared at her a moment more before walking over and snagging the last slice of pizza.
“Made up your mind on your revenge?” Chao asked, an impersonation of a stereotypical villain creeping over his words, in an obviously mocking tone. He expected her to chastise him, as most humans thought it would be acceptable to do, but she just stopped chewing and stared at her counter momentarily.
“Can you make me more likable?” She didn't even look up at him as the hushed words left her mouth.
“Whoa, whoa this is a big shift from yesterday,”  Chao looked her over, not expecting her to have changed her mind so quickly.
“ well yeah, but it's only because you said it.”
Chao paused. Humans weren't usually ones to take advice from weirdos. Humans wouldn't even listen to other humans if they were too weird. If Chao had known how easily Jane would listen to him, he would’ve used his words much differently.
“I can't hurt anyone Chao. You're right, I just chose to be mad and didn't think, and now you're here and-”.
“Calm down,” Chao insisted, “This isn't some anime where I'm gonna eat your soul or something because you accidentally summoned me. You're fine.” Despite his annoyed tone, Chao’s words seemed to calm Jane slightly. “Besides,” he continued, “I can't enter this plane of existence without being summoned, so, y'know, you kinda did me a favor anyway.”
“Wait, you were banished from here?”
“Well yes, but-”
Jane suddenly seemed panic stricken. “So are you gonna try and murder us, or destroy the world, or enslave-”
Once again Jane's ramblings were cut short.
“I said CALM DOWN!” Chao’s pieces clicked together, his anger more apparent. “Yes I was banished we ALL were. Just because you humans won't let us on your plane doesn't mean we'll just blindly destroy everything jeez!” Chao huffed and dug his teeth into the remaining pizza crust. Jane nodded.
“Sorry.” She looked away from him again and Chao simply scoffed. “It's just, no one's seen anything like you in hundreds of years, you'll have to forgive me for being a bit…”
“Of an ass?”
“I was going to say presumptuous.”
“I wasn't.” Chao grinned and looked at Jane, who laughed a little at the remark.
“I should get to work, would you be ok staying here until I get back?”
“You still want me here?” Chao looked her over for an explanation, maybe she was just tired.
“Well I'm obviously not just gonna let you leave without helping me with something.”
Maybe we’ll get along alright after all. They both thought.
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madeofpurestarlight · 7 years
If This Was A Movie, VII
// While Effie Trinket is Hollywood’s darling and all her dreams seem to be finally coming true, Haymitch Abernathy is drinking himself into an early grave and shuts the world out completely. However, Plutarch Heavensbee decides it’s time for his comeback. The two main stars can’t stand each other and tension builds up soon, but as they dive in deep into this project, somewhere between shooting love scenes, fighting on-set, fighting off-set, opening up hesitantly and helping their younger colleagues deal with everything this world brings, they grow closer and closer, until one day they realize they’re not pretending anymore. | Hayffie Actors AU //
May, Venice
 Having Chaff around usually had surprising perks, but lately, his presence was only making Haymitch even more grumpy, tired and generally annoyed than he usually was.
Firstly of all, Chaff was used to getting up early. Haymitch totally wasn’t.
Secondly, Chaff has decided that he was going to whip Haymitch into shape if Effie alone failed. And Haymitch totally wasn’t down for that.
But because the first nine days of filming were rather uneventful in general, at least there was finally someone to talk to. Haymitch was slowly realizing that he was kind of starved for an understanding company again.
He was ignoring Effie since the chair incident (when he showed the bruise to Chaff, his friend ordered a bottle of champagne for her room, which she returned to him with an eyeroll the next morning), Peeta and Katniss were busy, Finnick and Johanna were drinking all the time which he felt no need to witness in his permanent semi-drunk, semi-sober, desperately thirsty state, and Plutarch and the rest of the crew were nice, but Haymitch didn’t feel any need to spend time with them. The only exception was Cinna, one of the costume designers, who often joined him during dinners and who had at least proven not to be as annoying as the rest.
One morning, Chaff dragged Haymitch for a nine am walk around the town. It was one of the colder days, without much sunshine, and it actually looked like it was going to rain – again, weather usually had zero effects on Haymitch’s mood, which was shitty whether it was falling wheelbarrows or whether he was being slowly fried in his own sweat, but walking around windy, sleepy Venice in a winter jacket with Chaff who was purposefully stopping on every stone bridge and was non-stop reading out loud from a handy tourist guide just to annoy his friend was definitely going to take place on the top of Haymitch’s list of things he never wanted to experience in life.
They visited the Doge’s Palace, the San Marco Campanile, countless museums and galleries and when they finally found a spot to have a lunch at, Coin was already ringing Chaff to come back to the set, which left Haymitch with room service and the unwanted bottle of champagne, which has turned out to be actually pretty disgusting, so Haymitch didn’t know if Chaff meant it to be a thank you or a fuck you for Effie for bruising his ass.
Eventually, a warm day, fully spring day came, with various smells in the salty air, most notably chlorine from the pool and the scents of continental breakfast ahead of Haymitch and Chaff who were sitting by an opened French window in the cafeteria and were silently struggling with their pancakes and cold, overly creamy coffee. Haymitch’s attention was caught by the opening of the glass door leading to the pool area and he quickly looked at his watch. Exactly eight fifteen as always. That woman was insane.
It was Effie, in a white beach dress, with hair up in an elegant ponytail and heels unreasonably high for merely hanging by the pool, she walked up to her usual spot by the flower bushes, carefully placed her designer handbag on the sunbed and reached for the hem of the dress, then pulled it over her head and no less carefully folded it next to the handbag. Next thing, she kicked off her shoes and headed to the pool where she first dipped her toes into the water and then slowly lowered herself there.
She was doing everything with grace, but it was also irritating him for some reason. As if she felt the need to prove everyone how much better than them she was, twenty-four seven, even if she thought that no one was watching – which she couldn’t have thought, because except for Haymitch and Chaff, there were also Finnick, Johanna, Cinna, Portia, Castor and Cressida in the cafeteria, and they all had to stare, if unwillingly.
“It’s not a bad life,” Chaff remarked when he looked in the direction of Haymitch’s steady gaze. “I wouldn’t complain if I had this view every day.”
“She’s awful,” Haymitch grunted, but didn’t take his eyes off her.
“Why are you stripping her with your eyes then?”
“I’m not.”
“Tell that to someone who doesn’t know you,” Chaff dismissed it with clear amusement. “You like her.”
Haymitch snorted. Like her. Sure. In what universe? Since the moment he came here, she was his nightmare. He has discovered a phobia of his – getting stuck with her in an elevator. Sharing the same hotel floor was bad enough. Yeah, she was hot, he’d give her that, who wouldn’t, but hot was no longer a deciding factor when it came to liking someone.
“I see our little drama queen is giving you horny guys a show.” Johanna slumped down to their table without a warning and Finnick closely followed. He at least didn’t stare so openly, but it was obvious that he wanted to have a look, too.
“Can you all just stop staring at her?” Haymitch suddenly lashed out. It was beyond him why it was annoying him so much. He was doing the exact same thing. It wasn’t even about protecting her dignity, or whatever. She wanted that kind of attention, even if she was a horrible prude on the outside. He just didn’t like how everyone seemed to not have a better thing to do than to ogle at her as if they have never seen a woman before in their life.
Chaff raised his brows and turned to the newcomers. “We were just talking about how Haymitch has developed a crush on Trinket.”
“No shit,” Johanna laughed, apparently in her element. “I mean, I’d go with her too, if she wasn’t so annoying.”
“Also, I’ve never heard of a man who could withstand Effie Trinket’s personal charm,” Finnick chipped in. “I myself have gone into acting just for the hope that I might get to play her lover someday. Well, I’m playing her son, but it’s still a progress. Maybe someday. You lucky bastard.”
“Shut up,” Haymitch took a sip of his coffee, but the three people around him were apparently having way too much fun.
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of,” Finnick continued, “it’s perfectly normal, actually.”
"You’re staring, too!” Johanna pointed out bluntly and took a piece of his bread without asking, then dipped it into his creamy coffee and bit into it.
“It’s too cold for that,” Haymitch explained, jerked his head towards the pool and then brushed off the crumbs from the bread into Johanna’s lap.
She brushed them on the ground like a child. “No, it’s not. I’d have a swim, too.”
“You like her,” Chaff insisted.
Haymitch rolled his eyes and stood up, pushing the chair away in the process. "You’re like little kids.”
“No wait, sorry,” Finnick laughed and waved it off. “Hey, have you two got any plans for today?”
“I don’t know,” Haymitch shrugged.
"Nevermind,” Johanna waved it off with the soaked bread, “we’re finishing here tomorrow and me and Finnick and Cres thought that we could have a little wrap party. I mean, we’ve been here for some time and we haven’t gone anywhere together, so now’s an opportunity.”
“You’re going out with us,” Finnick translated it to the two men.
“No, thank you.”
Johanna rolled her eyes and lent back against the chair violently. She was prone to violent moves in general, as if there was always too much energy for her body to contain. “C'mon, you’re no fun.”
“I can live with that,” Haymitch replied dryly.
Chaff caught up pretty fast, though. “It could be fun,” he elbowed his friend with an important look.
“Everyone’s going,” Finnick insisted.
"What do you mean by everyone?” Haymitch asked cautiously.
“Well, everyone. Us, Effie, Katniss, Peeta, I think, if he’s not already in France, the crew…”
"No, thank you.”
“Come on,” Johanna wined, stretching the ooooon as annoyingly as possible, “it’s end of one part. Plus, Plutarch insists on us doing something as a group for bonding purposes or some shit. I promised to him I’d get you to join us once a while. If you come now, you’re done.“
Haymitch couldn’t believe his ears. He didn’t know what has gotten into everyone. Normally, when people saw that he wasn’t interested and didn’t even bother to hide it, their own interest dropped quickly, but everybody here was so persistent. Had he wanted to socialize, he would have. "So you promised Plutarch, huh? I don’t have to listen to him once the camera’s off, so-”
Johanna heavily swallowed the rest of the bread and interrupted him again. “I’ll make sure you get a drink or two, and if Trinket opens her mouth, I’ll gladly kick her boney ass out the door, but don’t make me listen to all that you need better relationships if you want good results bullshit. It’s like kindergarten all over again.”
“When exactly?” Chaff asked and ignored Haymitch’s dirty look.
“Tomorrow at five. We’ll tell you the place once we find something proper.”
"Fine, we’ll be there,” Chaff said and blocked Haymitch’s vicious under-the-table kick.
Johanna snapped her fingers and nudged Finnick to get up. She pushed the chair a solid meter away at the intensity of her movement. "Cool. See you.”
“And you like her,” Finnick lent to Haymitch and ran away before he could earn himself a punch.
Chaff waited until the two were out of earshot and took a nonchalant sip from his coffee. "So?”
“What?” Haymitch snapped, royally aggravated this early in the morning.
“Do you?”
Chaff’s laughter followed him out of the cafeteria when his nerves finally cracked and got up just as vigorously as Johanna, then marched out with knuckles white on his fists when his eyes wandered back to Effie who was climbing up the pool’s steps with her now loose, soaked hair combed back and wet white bikini clinging to her in all the right places.
Like her.
 Katniss didn’t notice that there was someone else with her in the internet café until that someone had put something down on the desk and she felt their presence immediately behind her. “Happy birthday.”
She hastily closed the tab and looker over her shoulder in startle. Her eyes met a pastel blue pair. “Peeta.”
“Sorry,” he laughed, pulled out a chair for himself and sat down next to her. The air was immediately full of the scent of cinnamon. He always smelled like Christmas – either cinnamon, or apples, or oranges, or vanilla. It was his hands that smelled that way and she could never figure out why. “It is your birthday, isn’t it? The 8th of May?”
“Yeah,” she said awkwardly. “I just kinda hoped no one would know.”
“Really?” Peeta’s face fell. “Oh well… hope you’re okay with this.”
“It’s fine.” Katniss looked down on what Peeta had gotten her. “What is it?”
“Have a look.”
She only hesitated for a second, then picked it up. It was a folder with something light in it. In the folder, there was a sketch between two pieces of blank paper. It took her a while to understand what it really was when she looked at it. Then her heart dropped. It was her.
It was a portrait of her, a portrait of her she had never posed for and one that certainly wasn’t based on a picture she had ever posed for, either. It wasn’t colored, but it was amazingly well-shaded, and almost photorealistic. n the picture, she was sitting on a bench in what looked like a rose garden, wearing a flower crown, her lose braid falling down her shoulder like an ebony waterfall. Her eyes were sparkly, she was laughing, and the real-life Katniss was amazed at how well he could grasp her features. He must have studied her pictures for a long time. It made the blood rush into her pale cheeks.
Katniss wasn’t used to be much of a center of attention. Back home, in the small town of Seam with its deep, fresh-smelling forests, huge meadows and permanently polluted air thanks to the nearby mines, she had never been considered interesting, just different, not necessarily in the positive sense of the word.
The media made it seem like she sat alone at the lunch table because other kids were afraid of her unique charm. Because she intimidated them with being so courageous, self-reliant, interesting. In reality, she was sitting there alone because instead of going home after school to do her homework and then hanging out at some café with her classmates, she went to the Hub to help Hazelle and wash dishes, hand out sandwiches and scrub the toilets, and the next day, she’d be sleeping on her desk during breaks at school instead of socializing. During the weekend, she’d do the cleaning and cooking for the next week. By the age of fourteen, she was basically taking on a parent’s role – picking up Prim from school, bringing home some humble money, managing the household and still taking on her own responsibilities.
Her basically only friends were Gale and Madge. Gale was Hazelle Hawthorne’s oldest son whom she met at the Hub when she was eleven, just a few weeks after her father died during a mining accident, but she had seen him before – at her father’s funeral. She saw Haymitch Abernathy there as well, drunk as always, only staying there for so long as necessary, then immediately sneaking out before her mother even had the chance to talk to him.
Nobody welcomed him there with open arms; he had been gone for too long and things have changed too much. Or at least as much as possible in a small southern town in the heart of the Appalachians. She didn’t even know that he was his father’s friend until Hazelle told her. He had never come to visit, at least since she could remember, he had never done anything. He just left and never looked back. Traded the gold leaf of Hollywood for his roots while people there were daily struggling to get by. Like Katniss’s father, or Hazelle, or anyone else.
Gale was a good friend to her, a safe haven. They were close like siblings and cared for each other’s families as if they were their own. Madge Undersee was a good friend to her as well. She was the daughter of the local Mayor and lived in the nicer part of the down, closer to the center, in a huge house with a separate dining room with an old piano, many original paintings hanging in the halls and a pool in the garden. They used to sit together during lunch and sometimes went out together, but Katniss wasn’t really into Madge’s hobbies such as shopping or yoga or new music.
No, she definitely wasn’t spending so much time on her own because she was intimidating someone with being so awesome in every way. She was sitting there alone because she liked sitting there alone, and did everything to maintain it that way. Nobody had to knew how bad her situation was. She didn’t want the compassion. She didn’t want the sympathetic stares. She didn’t want the awkward offers of help. She just wanted to be left alone.
But in the world of the silver screen – a world that she was thrown into thanks to one test screening where her drama teacher sent her to along with a few other girls out of pure pity – never asked her whether she preferred to be alone, because she was never alone. When she wasn’t with her publicist, she was with her manager, or with the cast, or with a make-up artist, or with a journalist, or with random fans, or-
No, there was no alone.
 In Venice, she was forced to spend time with people that she felt like she had nothing much to say to. The adults treated her as if she was a little kid, especially Effie, who, for whatever reason, felt the urge to always ask her not to speak with her mouth full or to adjust the collar of her shirt.
Haymitch was the opposite pole – he didn’t want to spend much time with anyone. He was with Chaff a lot and Johanna has proved to be a solid match to him when it came to being an asshole. At first, Katniss didn’t even want to talk to him. But once, during a lunch break, they found themselves sitting next to each other. Katniss still sort of despised him, especially since his drunken episode which has left her and Peeta for Effie to take her neuroticism out on, but the two shared, except for the same eyes and the same roots, the unique gift of love for silence. Their silence somehow wasn’t awkward – it was strangely comfortable. Her father cared for him a lot and that was enough for her to try to at least tolerate him, even if the personal feeling of betrayal lingered on and probably still would for some time ahead.
Peeta was nice and he was trying, but he didn’t know the extent to which it was really nice and the point when it became annoying. Whenever he could, he’d pull out her chair, take her things, help her into her jacket. He took her out for a walk around the town, bought her ice cream and now drew a portrait of her.
She had little to no experience in this, but she wasn’t an idiot. She knew what was going on, ever since they first met six months ago in New York when Plutarch was introducing the cast and he had spent so much unhealthy time looking at her when he thought that she wasn’t paying attention. And, due to her zero experience, the only way she knew how to let him know that she wasn’t really feeling the same way was withdrawing and shutting him out completely.
“This is…” she cleared her throat when she realized that she was just quietly staring at it for too long and he was watching her with palpable anxiety, “this is amazing. Beautiful. God. You’re talented. Really.”
Peeta laughed lightly. It was the delicate laugh of relief of someone who didn’t want to ruin a fragile peace or trample a rare nice moment. It stung to be a person someone else thought was rare to have nice moments with. “You’re welcome.”
She looked up. Their eyes met again and though she didn’t see him move, he was suddenly closer than before. Or maybe she just imagined it because there was an unspoked question in the air. There was something else. She followed his eyes back down to the folder. There was another piece of paper. Smaller and thinner, luxurious-looking, with the huge letters 2017 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL on it. It wasn’t the formal invitation one usually got from the organizers, it was a VIP ticket to a movie screening. Peeta’s movie. She understood it before he asked.
“Would you come?”
And there it was.
She couldn’t decline him. She wanted to, really. She had no desire to go to Cannes with him, or to go anywhere with him for that matter, because he was bound to consider it more than it was, an invitation to step forward. But when she watched him, his ears red, the way his fingers shook, eyes insecure and kind, she just said yes. His face lit up and he thanked her, said that it was awesome, and kept smiling through the entire day. Later, during the shooting of a scene in a gallery, he kissed her on her cheek, all out of a sudden, and Plutarch was thrilled about this sweet little improvisation. Well, at least someone was.
With the feeling of someone sentenced to guillotine, she mailed the news to her manager and publicist, who both considered it a great move, and then decided to call home.
“Hi,” she heard Prim’s soft voice on the other side.
“Hi, little duck,” Katniss smiled in relief. Finally, at least something familiar - finally something that made her feel normal. “Why are you picking up? Where’s mum?”
“Mum is at work,” her sister said hastily. Katniss immediately knew that it wasn’t the case.
“Is everything okay back there?” she asked anxiously, playing with the scratched plaster on her balcony. Her eyes wandered around the complex; it was the usual view - Effie Trinket was sitting by the pool, also speaking on the phone, gesturing toward Finnick and Johanna, who were rather loudly playing Marco Polo in the pool, to shut up. Fulvia Cardew was sitting in the pool bar, tapping something into her laptop.
“Of course,” Prim humored jauntily. “I got an A in Natural History today. Gale came over and brought us something from the Hub. He’s starting in the mines next week.”
Katniss let out an annoyed grunt. “I totally forgot about it. I should call him.”
“Are you okay?” Katniss could see Prim furrowing her brows in concern, big blue eyes hard to deceive. She was thirteen but she wasn’t an idiot and Katniss was never one to treat her as such. “Has something happened?”
Katniss considered brushing it off, but in that moment, she saw Peeta walk over to Effie, sit down and start sketching something, so she told Prim everything. When she finished, the younger girl remained silent for a while, and then she just said: “Why did you say yes if you wanted to say no?”
Thirteen-year-olds were prone to letting a lot of dumb things out of their mouths - but they were also prone to see everything simply. Prim was in that transition phase when she wasn’t a child anymore, but she wasn’t a teenager yet, either. However, she had always been the one who saw things clearly and realistically while remaining so optimistic about it. And she was, unlike other thirteen-year-olds, prone to always asking the right questions at the right time.
“I don’t know,” Katniss admitted. “Say hi to mum.”
That was three days ago and now, her eyes were rested at the suitcase provocatively lying on her bed, half-empty, with only the few basics there. She didn’t even have a dress. Cinna promised to get her one, and Peeta’s stylist would do her hair and make-up, but still, it was all so out-of-the blue, she didn’t feel ready. She had nothing prepared and she didn’t feel like going out there, posing for cameras next to Peeta who was too excited for her to tell him she had changed her mind.
People do a lot of things they don’t want to do and they need to cope with the consequences. That was apparently how adult life was and she had no chance but to accept the fact that she was an adult now without ever actually having the chance to be a proper teenager. It didn’t have to be that bad, after all. At least she’d see the sea. Prim had always wanted to go there. At least she could get her some pictures.
“What’s your problem again?” Haymitch lashed out, not towards Plutarch, who was sitting in his chair by Cressida’s camera, but Effie, who was lying beneath him in a tight red cocktail dress with smudged lipstick and furrowed brows.
“Nothing, just…” she pushed him away while she was sitting up, “you’re doing it wrong.”
“Wrong?” His brows shot up. “That’s about a first when it comes to someone telling me that I’m doing it wrong here,” he patted the mattress tellingly and she rolled her eyes, pulling up her shoulder strap.
Plutarch sighed and waved at them with the screenplay. “Did you even read this? It says passionately. Not I’m not in the mood to do my job today, so I’ll just give an average performance and hope Alma Coin still pays me.”
“I’m not getting paid, anyway,” Haymitch shrugged and reached for his tuxedo jacket that had been carelessly left somewhere on the floor previously. Previous four times, actually.
“We’re not getting anywhere like this,” Cressida told Plutarch and didn’t even bother to make it discreet. Not that she’d manage that, anyway, because the room that they were shooting in was quite small and except for the two desperate main stars, Plutarch and Cressida, there was also Pollux, who was doing the close-ups, Chaff, who was leaning against the desk and watching the whole scene with undisguised amusement, and three assistants.
Not that Haymitch used to have a problem with it, but he had many, many years to wean it, and the thought of seven people including his best friend watching him pretend to fuck Effie Trinket wasn’t exactly… appealing. He was horrified when he first read it in the script, he was horrified when they talked about it during the rehearsals and he was horrified now that he realized that she wasn’t going to make it any easier for him.
“Is there going to be a day when there’s not a problem with you two?” Plutarch shook his head and got off his chair, then waved with both hands towards the door. “Alright, everyone get out, I want just Haymitch and Effie to stay here.”
“And what are we supposed to do here?” Effie crossed her arms and then released them again to adjust her wig.
“Talk about this. I’m a director, not your babysitter,” Plutarch told her sternly and opened the door to the hall of the hotel where they had rented an entire floor to film the last take of the Venice shooting, which was supposed to be a romantic, passionate love scene but so far was only a mess that was eating up their time and money without satisfying results. “If you two have a problem, then it’s you two who has to do something about it. I didn’t care but it’s ruining this filming and I’m tired of it. When you’re done, come for us. We’re next door.”
With that, the room slowly began to empty. Neither Haymitch or Effie missed the disagreeing scowl that Chaff shot them before leaving.
“This is your fault,” she hissed at Haymitch when the door closed behind her assistant and they were left there alone, face to face. “You’re just not doing it right.”
“How exactly am I not doing it right?” he retorted. “Never thought about the possibility that maybe you’re the problem here? Like, when was your last lay?”
“Certainly more recently than yours,” she fired back, and her expression made it clear that she herself had no idea why she was even responding to him and letting him irk her like this.
“So tell me what you’d like,” he was near shouting now. She stood up and he followed, so now they were standing in front of each other with faces reddening with anger that they had this unique superpower of arousing in each other without much effort.
Effie curled her hands into fists and propped them against her hips, a gesture that, he noticed, she was often using when mad or during a fit of self-righteousness. “Do you know what I’d like? Some respect, maybe. You can’t just grab someone and throw them on the bed like that.”
“I’m sure that’s exactly what you’d use from time to time,” Haymitch spat.
“Well, if you start it like that, then finish it like that,” she continued, her voice soaked with mockery, “or are you always running out of battery in the middle of the act?”
“I’m not the only one here. Maybe you’re frigid.”
“You’d be surprised.”
He wasn’t really thinking when he did it, but suddenly, her back was against the wall and their faces mere inches from each other’s. They weren’t touching, but they could feel each other’s breath on their faces; they could feel the tension of the other one’s body. He was breathing in her flowery scent and the warmth of her skin and he promptly snapped back to reality in which this was a stupid idea. He really hadn’t been with anyone like this in a long time.
He’d lie if he said that he hadn’t thought about kissing her right there.
“That’s what you’d like?” she asked sharply with a pout on her mouth. Her feisty eyes fell on his lips for a split of a second before going up again and locking with his. That was when Chaff’s words popped up in his mind. It was like a kick in the stomach.
“You wish,” he grunted and moved away. It didn’t escape him that she let out a shaky breath as if she had been holding it the entire time.
They stood in front of each other, in a respectable distance now, with hardly much to say. There were things they couldn’t sort out in this very moment, like the fact that they were never going to get along and that he had weird and dirty things running through his mind when he saw the red spots appearing on her neck and half-exposed chest in embarrassment. They could do their job, though.
“So…” Effie ran her fingers through her wig, “what are we gonna tell them?”
Haymitch didn’t answer her, he just headed straight to the door and violently opened it. He didn’t want to admit to himself that what just happened made him a little bothered. “We’re ready.” The crew standing awkwardly in the hall looked up with careful hope in their faces. Haymitch looked at Plutarch who skeptically raised his eyes from the technical notes he was going through with Cressida. “We decided we don’t want anyone here. Just you, Cressida and Pollux.”
Plutarch nodded slowly. “As you wish.”
Once they all found themselves in the closed room again, they got in their places – Plutarch into his director chair that he had brought here for ostentatious purposes, even if any chair they had in this room would serve just as well, Cressida got behind her steady cam and Pollux lifted his heavy camera and carefully placed it on his shoulder, ready to circle the main couple in well-trained motion in order to get the best shots.
“Are you ready?” Plutarch asked, specifically talking to Haymitch and Effie, who were standing in front of the door, already locked up in a tight embrace, the hair of her wig tickling Haymitch’s nose. It wasn’t until now that he realized how petite she was in his arms.
“So… ligh- oh yeah, to hell with you two.” He got off the chair to turn on the artificial lights himself, then hurried back, “cameras, action!”
It was a good thing that there was no dialogue in this scene, because they wouldn’t get very far with talking. The second Plutarch said action, Haymitch pulled her towards him, just like he did those four times before, and didn’t bother to make it any gentler despite their previous talk. Effie didn’t seem to have a problem with it this time, though, because it was her who kissed him first.
He pushed her towards the bed and when her knees made contact with the edge of it, she pulled him down with her while helping him out of his jacket. The second it was, once more, forgotten on the floor, his hands wandered under her dress, up the tender skin of her thighs where they stopped. Meanwhile, she was unbuttoning his shirt vigorously and biting on his earlobe. Her hot breath and the undying flood of soft sighs sent chills down his spine.
His fingers reached for the hem of her dress and pulled it up. He had totally forgotten that there was someone else with them when he took her dress off and they moved further on the bed, throwing away his shirt. She giggled lightly when she struggled with his belt and pulled him down for a deep kiss.
She was, without a doubt, a good kisser.
Her fingers were running through his hair freely while his were tugging at the wig and the natural hair beneath it. He didn’t see her breasts, however, he felt them rubbing against his own bare chest and once more wanted to repeatedly bang his head at something at the ridicule of this all. Filmmaking was a fucked up concept in general, but situations like these always took it to a whole new level.
Then she pulled him for a kiss again, and he didn’t know whether it was her moans, her soft touch, her sweet warmth or a few years without an affair or at least a one night stand, but he suddenly felt himself… reacting.
He looked her in the eye and he knew she noticed it too. At first, he expected her to push him off her again and to have to start all over, but she didn’t do anything to let anyone know what was going on. She just ran her nails across his back and his lips moved to her neck. Her skin was soft there, and tasted bitter after her perfume and lotion. Then she pulled his face back closer to her face and they started kissing again – in a way that definitely could pass for passionate this time.
The more they were rubbing together, the worse it got. Not that having her under him like this was a horrible experience, but he found himself desperately waiting for Plutarch to yell stop nevertheless. He was becoming a little impatient, because when his and Effie’s eyes met before she closed them and let him lead, he could tell for sure that she was teasing him even more on purpose.
The second he heard that magical word, Haymitch rolled off her as if she had burned him and Effie quickly covered herself with the sheet. Plutarch and Cressida whispered something to each other and the director walked up to the bed with a smile on his face. He handed the dress to Effie and the shirt to Haymitch.
“Good job, you two,” he said indulgently, “how are you feeling?”
Haymitch didn’t want to get up in fear that someone might notice his little problem, so he just sat on the edge of the bed and shot Effie a look. She seemed to feel just as uncomfortable. “Fine,” she said, nevertheless.
“Okay,” Plutarch quickly caressed her arm and headed for the door. “We’ll give you some space and send you your assistants. Take a little break, then we’ll shoot the next sequence and we’re done here!”
With that he nearly waltzed out of the room. Plutarch was notorious for being hard to please but once he was pleased, he could be grateful.
That didn’t matter to Haymitch. His face was ablaze, his insides tight with humiliation and anger. He was shaking. “You’re a bitch.”
“We are actually quite compatible between the sheets,” she replied indifferently with a shrug just as her assistant walked in with a water bottle and a robe. “Thank you, dear!”
She got up to go to the next room that was reserved for her when she heard his coarse voice shouting after her. “Do you feel better?”
She stopped in the door frame, gifting him with a flutter of her long, velvety fake lashes. There was something in her newly smug face that was making a clear statement. I won this time, sweetheart. However, her response came in a voice so innocent, it couldn’t be further from the throaty moans that were still echoing in his brain and torturing him even further. “But why should I?”
Heeeeeey everyone! So, a new chapter is here, finally! I keep getting nice messages/reviews despite taking so long to update, which is nice. Thank you everyone for motivating me to sit the hell down and finally finish the drafts that have been in my ‘writing’ folder for way too long. Considering the long wait, and also that the next chapter is on the shorter side (for my norm), I’m going to post both 7 and 8 this weekend, and you can (hopefully) count on an update next week. Also, there have been slight cosmetical adjustments to the previous chapters, but it’s all just about the style of posting. Thanks for reading and have a nice day x
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infjwinchester44 · 7 years
This Looked Fun!
1) Put your music on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up.
1. No One Like You, Scorpions 2. Haunted, Taylor Swift 3. To Build a Home, The Cinematic Orchestra 4. You Don’t Own Me, Lesley Gore 5. Rock N Roll Fantasy, Bad Company 6. Cold As Ice, Foreigner 
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Jensen Ackles 
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“Whether they work together or apart.” -Robert Frost
4) What do you think about most?
Whatever TV Show I’m watching or Book I am reading. 
5) Ever had a poem or song written about you?
No but I wish someone had
6) Do you have any strange phobias?
7) What's your religion?
I don’t really have one but I’m not really an atheist. I guess something in between. 
8) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Walking my dog
9) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Bad Company
10) What was the last lie you told?
I told my mother in law that I would have my husband help me take the Christmas tree out tonight but that probably won’t happen. 
11) Do you believe in karma?
12) What does your URL mean?
It’s a secret ;)
13) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
My greatest weakness is that I have low self-confidence and my greatest strength is that I am very observant and easy to talk to. 
14) Who is your celebrity crush?
Jensen Ackles
15) How do you vent your anger?
I listen to music and read. 
16) Do you have a collection of anything?
I have a huge book collection. And I have so many that I have collections of Funko Pops, Mugs, and Magnets.
17) Are you happy with the person you've become?
Yes! I have more self confidence than I used to (even though it’s still not much) and I have learned a lot that has made me into a better and happier person. 
18) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?
I hate the sound of my voice on a recording and I love the sound of my husband’s voice. 
19) What's your biggest "what if"?
I guess what if I dated more? I have only dated 4 people and the 4th person became my husband. I wouldn’t trade him for the world but I do wish that I had met him a little later in life so I could have explored things more. 
20) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
I think there could be a possibility of both. 
21) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
The edge of the table and my travel mug. 
22) Smell the air. What do you smell?
Kettle Popcorn 
23) What's the worst place you have ever been to?
Honestly my mother’s house because I was emotionally abused there for years. 
24) Most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender?
Jensen Ackles when he sings but if you mean professional singer than I would have to say Adam Levine.
25) To you, what is the meaning of life?
I don’t think anyone can understand the meaning of life until around the time they die and I also think that the meaning of life is different for everyone. 
26) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
I don’t drive because it gives me really bad anxiety. But I am working on getting better with it. 
27) What was the last movie you saw?
28) What's the worst injury you've ever had?
I guess probably when I was riding a 4 wheeler and it feel down on top of where my leg meets the rest of my body. I thankfully didn’t break anything but I got a huge bruise that took a while to heal. 
29) Do you have any obsessions right now?
Right now my obsession is Legends of Tomorrow/The Flash and Captain Cold. But my overall obsession is and always will be Supernatural and Dean Winchester. 
30) Ever had a rumor spread about you?
Haha my husband’s suitemate was telling everyone that my husband, his roommate and I were huge pot heads. It was hilarious because his suitemate was a huge pot head and the 3 of us have never touched drugs and at that point we didn’t even drink alcohol because we were underage. 
31) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Kindof I guess. 
32) What is your astrological sign?
33) What's the last thing you purchased?
34) Love or lust?
35) In a relationship?
Yes I am married. 
36) How many relationships have you had?
37) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
I remember things that they told me and bring them up later. People like it when you show that you actually listened to them. 
38) Where is your best friend?
On his way home from work. 
39) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?
I believe at that point I was sleeping but I might have still been reading fan fiction. 
40) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
41) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Screw my job, I would definitely save that poor dog!
42) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a. I would definitely tell my husband because I am horrible at keeping secrets from him. But I don’t want to spend the last month of my life having everyone else treat me like I’m dying so I probably wouldn’t tell anyone else. b. I would try to do as much as I can from my bucket list and spend as much time as I can with my husband. c. I would definitely be afraid. 
43) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Any Bad Company song.
44) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Listening to each other and making compromises. Never taking advantage of the other person.
45) How can I win your heart?
I love when I can have an intellectual discussion and the person makes me laugh. I also love when the person shows that they are kind.
46) Can insanity bring on more creativity?
Yes I believe so. 
47) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Moving out of my mother’s house. 
48) What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Well since I am hoping not to die until I’m old, I would like it to say something like “Loving Wife, Mother, and Friend”
49) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "heart."
Love and my husband. 
50) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors?
Purple, Blue, Black and Red
51) What is your current desktop picture?
Ireland scenery 
52) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
Probably my step father
53) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
“How do you really feel about yourself?”
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
The ability to read minds, turn invisible or read auras. All 3 would be amazing! 
55) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
I think a half hour of my wedding reception because I didn’t take the time to actually eat the delicious dinner and I wish I had. 
56) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
I don’t think I would erase any of it because it made me the person I am today but it would have been nice to erase the emotional abuse.
57) You have the opportunity to sleep with the celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Jensen Ackles but before he was married.
58) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Ireland, no doubt about it. 
59) Ever been on a plane?
Yes once with 2 stops.
60) Give me your top 5 hottest celebrities.
1. Jensen Ackles 2. Sebastian Stan 3. Alex O’Loughlin 4. Matthew Grey Gubler 5. Wentworth Miller
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takenews-blog1 · 6 years
We Guess You Gained’t Watch These Terrifying Horror Films Alone
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We Guess You Gained’t Watch These Terrifying Horror Films Alone
What makes a film really terrifying? Is it flesh-eating zombies? Vengeful spirits? Or maybe a crazed serial killer with a penchant for the style of blood?
The scariest films depart us spooked even after we depart the theater as a result of they play to our best fears and phobias. Psychology Right this moment says there are particular parts that make films scare us, together with issues like demise, the darkish, typically spooky locations equivalent to graveyards and overgrown forests, suspense, disfigurement, and dismemberment (yikes).
Whereas opinions differ on the scariest films of all time, these horror flicks are undoubtedly chilling and possibly shouldn’t be watched alone. See which of them made the checklist.
Launched in 2005, The Descent tells the story of a bunch of harmless younger girls who go spelunking within the mountains of North Carolina. All appears properly at first—that’s, aside from the ever-building anxiousness that one thing is about to go terribly improper.
As the ladies meander via the cave, they notice that they’re terribly misplaced and may’t discover their approach out, leaving them disoriented with a restricted quantity of sunshine. As if being misplaced throughout the depths of a darkish cave isn’t already scary sufficient, they quickly uncover that they don’t seem to be alone.
The flesh-eating humanoid who inhabits the cave makes your run-of-the-mill assassin appear to be Mr. Rogers. The ladies should battle their approach out in a suspenseful gore-fest of a movie that isn’t for the faint of coronary heart. The mixture of the otherworldly creature coupled with the chilling considered being misplaced in a cave with no gentle and no approach out is certain to make even the bravest movie watchers uncomfortable.
Launched in 2014, The Babadook is an Australian psychological horror movie that’s unexpectedly terrifying. Though the film took some time to catch on, after the movie confirmed on the 2014 Sundance Movie Pageant, The Babdook rose in recognition and is now thought-about top-of-the-line horror movies of the final decade.
The movie facilities round a widowed mom and her son who’re haunted by an evil entity from a mysterious pop-up e book known as Mister Babdook. Though the movie itself is terrifying, with breathtaking leap sequences and disturbing pictures, maybe the facet of the movie that’s really chilling is the underlying theme of mother-child resentment. If you happen to watch this alone, chances are high you’ll be sleeping together with your closet door open for some time.
Antichrist is an experimental horror movie starring Charlotte Gainsbourg and Willem Dafoe. It has been considered probably the most polarizing films of 2009 resulting from its twisted and obscure plot and intensely graphic sexual content material. The movie focuses on a grieving couple after the premature demise of their toddler son. With thematic parts of motherhood, grief, misogyny and sexual violence, viewer discretion is critically suggested with Antichrist.
After viewing the movie, you’re left feeling virtually ashamed for watching it, but proceed to maintain fascinated with it again and again. Though Antichrist is in contrast to most horror movies, missing in leap scenes and alien-like creatures, it’s a movie that’s psychologically damaging and also you don’t need to be alone when the credit roll round.
Marketed as “100% medically correct,” The Human Centipede is certain to go down in movie historical past as a kind of films that you have already got to be considerably sick within the head to observe. If you happen to watch it alone, it’s advisable that you just search counseling.
Launched in 2009, the movie follows the story of a mad scientist-doctor who kidnaps three people to carry out his sick medical experiment of surgically connecting all of them in an anus-to-mouth line with a view to create a human centipede. If the gore and graphicness of the movie don’t get you, the psychological facet will, definitely making you suppose twice earlier than you knock on a stranger’s entrance door.
The 2009 movie The Collector takes the horror of residence invasion thrillers to a wholly totally different degree. The movie tells the story of a burglar breaking right into a home the place a horrendous crime is already happening.
The burglar enters the house, however the first intruder has arrange grotesque booby traps everywhere in the home as he takes turns torturing the relations inside. The burglar should battle his approach via the maze of dangling fish hooks, bear traps, and acid all whereas making an attempt to avoid wasting family members and preventing off the killer. In case you have any points with suspense or highly-detailed gore, keep away from this film just like the plague. If you happen to do resolve to observe this by your self, your own home could appear a bit much less secure than it as soon as did. You possibly can’t say we didn’t warn you.
Inexperienced Room is a suspense movie centered round a struggling punk band that has the chance to play a present within the Pacific Northwest. After their efficiency, they witness the grotesque homicide of a younger lady by neo-Nazi skinheads. In an effort to flee the scene, the band is trapped within the venue and held hostage.
They have to then depend on their wits, sources, and adrenaline to battle towards a gang of skinheads which might be dead-set on ensuring they don’t get out alive. Packed stuffed with looking canines, razor blades, and machetes, “suspense” is a time period that doesn’t do that movie justice. You won’t need to watch this one alone since you’re going to want somebody to seize onto.
Launched in 2013, Contracted is an impartial movie that heeds warnings in regards to the risks of unprotected intercourse. Nonetheless, this story is likely to be on steroids.
The movie facilities round a lady who finds herself drunkenly having unprotected and presumably non-consensual intercourse with an entire stranger. She then begins exhibiting indicators of a extreme an infection that’s seemingly tearing her aside from the within out. Not solely is the movie graphic in nature, however it’s really horrifying for younger individuals who might imagine that nothing that dangerous can come from unprotected intercourse. This movie reveals a worry that many bury deep down.
Launched in 2016, Don’t Breathe was a breath of recent air within the horror film style, but was nonetheless properly acquired by most conventional horror connoisseurs.
When clueless criminals break into the house of a blind man, they assume it is going to go off with no hitch. However quickly, it turns right into a worst-case situation. The tables are turned when the group is hunted by the highly-trained and highly-adapted blind man in his home with no approach out. A squeak of a floorboard, a cough, or respiration too closely might price them their lives. The film continues with one plot twist after one other with ongoing suspense up till the movies remaining moments. If you happen to don’t have anybody with you, you’ll not less than need a blanket to cowl your eyes.
The 2002 movie The Ring helped set up a complete new sub-genre of horror associated to expertise. Focusing round a videotape that if watched will find yourself killing you in seven days, it was a really terrifying film when it was first launched.
It had such an influence on its viewers that even at this time it’s nonetheless probably the most extremely regarded horror movies in the previous couple of a long time. It additionally helped to open the door to the quite a few different technology-related horror movies that adopted which resonate deeply with an viewers whose lives revolve round tech.
In 2014, It Follows began out as a small horror movie, but rapidly caught the eye of horror lovers. Centering round a lady that can’t escape an unknown entity that constantly follows behind her till it catches her, It Follows performs on psychological terror.
Irrespective of how far the character will get away from the unknown entity, it continues strolling endlessly to meet up with her. It’s an fascinating tackle the horror style however has turn out to be extremely regarded locally and has paved the way in which for brand new takes on psychological horror movies. If you happen to’re watching this movie alone, be ready to look over your shoulder each as soon as and whereas.
In 1980, director Stanley Kubrick introduced Stephen King’s novel to life on the large display screen. The Shining follows a household that’s watching over a summer season resort within the depths of winter in Colorado. On prime of some extremely uncomfortable paranormal occasions, the viewers hopelessly watches Jack Nicholson’s character slip slowly however absolutely into insanity.
King’s knack for making any story horrifying mixed with Kubrick’s masterful eye for dream-like imagery, uncomfortable angles, and incapacity to carry again is what makes this movie an total cinema basic. The movie is comparatively quiet, so when you’re watching it alone, it makes you notice simply how alone you’re…and that possibly you’re dropping your thoughts too.
In 2007, director Michael Haneke launched his 1997 remake of the movie Humorous Video games. The movie is predicated round a bunch of intruders that casually break right into a household’s residence, unmasked. They proceed to play a wide range of sick and twisted video games and make the relations do terrible issues to battle for his or her lives.
What makes the movie so disturbing is how a lot enjoyable the director had with the sadistic premise of the movie together with the stellar performances of all the actors. There are even some superior filming strategies used such because the breaking of the fourth wall wherein the intruders communicate on to the viewers, making for an oh-so-suspenseful ending.
Very similar to Humorous Video games, the 2008 movie The Strangers is about residence invaders that terrorize a pair of their secluded cabin. Nonetheless, these invaders aren’t simply sporting masks, they’re sporting the scariest masks they may presumably discover.
After an evening of torture, suspense, demise, and struggling, the movie lastly concludes. Nonetheless, the terrifying facet of the movie isn’t just the attackers, their weapons, or their masks, however their motives. Ultimately, the viewer discovers that the group is terrorizing the couple for no explicit purpose, besides “as a result of they’ll,” making the movie all too practical. This film is certain to unsettle anybody spending an evening alone in an empty home.
No movie has had such an influence on its viewers because the 1973 movie The Exorcist. There isn’t a single facet of this movie that isn’t overwhelmingly unnerving. From gore, and faith to possession and physique disfigurement, the movie performs on virtually each worry possible to terrify viewers.
If you happen to handle to stay unphased as an harmless lady transforms into extremely evil and downright terrifying demon proper earlier than your eyes, not a lot will. If the thought behind the movie doesn’t make you uneasy, then the 360-degree head rotation or inexperienced projectile vomiting will need to have some impact.
In 1974, Tobe Hooper launched his spine-chilling movie The Texas Chainsaw Bloodbath. The movie follows a bunch of younger adults touring collectively who discover themselves in a nightmare of a state of affairs with a maniac chainsaw killer and a sadistic household.
What makes this movie even scarier is that it was stated to be based mostly on a real story. The considered there being an precise assassin who makes use of a chainsaw to stitch his sufferer’s faces over his personal was rather a lot to deal with within the ’70s and continues to be rather a lot for at this time’s fashionable viewers. Whereas the story turned out to be fictional, the plot particulars had been impressed by the real-life serial killer, Ed Gein. In any case, the movie is horrifying sufficient to make you flinch at any time when an influence device is turned on.
Insidious is a 2011 supernatural horror movie that facilities round a household whose son falls right into a coma. Whereas in a coma, evil ghosts and creatures try to make use of his physique as a vessel with a view to stroll among the many residing.
The movie is packed stuffed with heartstopping leap scenes, disturbing pictures, and demons and ghosts which might be straight out of your worst nightmare. It is a nice film to observe with a bunch of pals, but to observe it alone in a dangerous resolution. The movie gained huge recognition resulting from its originality, in addition to in depth use of efficient leap sequences leaving the viewers persistently on the sting of their seats.
In 2013, The Conjuring was the horror movie that no one might cease speaking about. It was the primary installment in a steady collection, centering round a household experiencing disturbing paranormal occasions of their new Rhode Island residence. It’s also based mostly on the real-life stories impressed by the Amityville Horror story and movie franchise.
The movie grossed over $318 million worldwide from a paltry $20 million funds, making it one of many highest-grossing horror movies of all time. The movie was so impactful on the viewers not simply due to the unique story, but it surely was extraordinarily properly produced and it’s clear the director and producers knew precisely what they had been doing.
Goodnight Mommy is a 2014 Austrian horror movie about two younger similar twins who’re satisfied their mom has been changed by an imposter after she undergoes facial surgical procedure and is roofed in bandages.
The boys go to nice lengths to show that she is just not their mom—primarily by mentally and bodily torturing her. If that isn’t sufficient, the twist on the finish will certainly depart you dumbfounded. This movie is especially scary not solely as a result of it’s in a international language which provides its personal factor of shock, however due to the psychological terror that builds all through the movie.
Launched in 1984, Nightmare on Elm Road managed to make the important act of sleeping fully and totally terrifying. The movie facilities round a bunch of pals which might be terrorized by the supernatural villain Freddy Kruger of their desires. The catch is that if he kills you in your dream, you die the identical approach in actual life when you’re sleeping. The movie is known for the grotesque kill scenes with sleeping youngsters which might be gutted and thrown across the room by an invisible power.
If the gore and Kruger’s abominable look aren’t scary sufficient for you, the premise ought to be. All people must sleep, and finally, you will go to sleep, which implies you’ll be able to by no means actually escape Freddy Kruger. After watching this movie, you may discover falling asleep is a bit tougher.
Launched in 2007, Lifeless Silence options everybody’s favourite vaudeville dolls. The story is a couple of ventriloquist named Mary Shaw that was murdered by the folks of her city within the 1940s after she was suspected of kidnapping a younger boy. After her demise, she lives on to hunt revenge on the folks and households that killed her, together with the assistance of her dolls.
Essentially the most horrifying a part of this movie, apart from the extremely scary dolls, is that you’ll solely be killed when you scream. This provides loads of psychological torment as a result of it’s a must to take a look at your self when you suppose you’d scream for the time being, therefore the title, Lifeless Silence.
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And Now the News
Episode Recap #29: And Now the News
Original Airdate: October 14, 1988
John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion Robey as Micki Foster
Guest cast:
Kate Trotter as Dr. Avril Carter Kurt Reis as Dr. Kevin Finch Fran Gebhard as Bradley Ian A. Wallace as Nurse Swanson Alex Karzis as Craig Eddy Henry Ramer as Radio Announcer Stephen Black as John Gibson Shaun Austin-Olsen as Clarence Stone Wendy Lyon as Mary Fraser George Buza as Hulk Maniac
Written by Richard Benner (as Dick Benner) Directed by Bruce Pittman
We open on a stormy, rainy night outside of a hospital, technically a psychiatric institute for the criminally insane. Inside, a doctor Finch is trying to cure a hysterical woman of her snake phobia by holding snakes right in her face while pushing her to confront why she is scared of them. He feels like she made a breakthrough.
Another doctor, Dr. Avril Carter, enters Ward B, which has some very deranged patients. She watches as a man yells out the window of his door. An nurse says he will get the patient some drugs, but Carter says no, the man has to face the psychiatry board in the morning and she doesn't want him drugged. The patient continues to freak out.
Another patient goads the nurse about always following the doctor's orders. The man gives the patient his medication.
In her office, Carter removes an antique radio from a safe. It is playing music, but is not plugged in, in fact the wire is frayed.
Dr. Finch brings Mary, his snake-phobia patient back to her room. When she asks if he thinks she'll be released, he says he believes so, since she was never a threat to anyone but her father, the root of her phobia. After her door is locked, she notices the radio, now on her table.
Finch tells a different nurse his treatment with Mary might be a break-through for other similar patients. He invites the nurse to his office for a drink.
Mary goes to bed and listens to the radio. It tells her the news: thousands of snakes are loose in the institution - especially her ward. Mary gets up and moves her sheet and sees many snakes. She screams, they are coming out of everywhere in her room. She screams again as the radio taunts her. She ends up dying of fright as Dr. Finch and the nurse rush in. As they take her away, the radio goes on to say that Dr. Avril Carter will find a cure for serial killer Craig Eddy, the psychotic from earlier. Carter hears the broadcast.
She goes to Eddy's room and treats him, knowing the curse on the radio will help. He calms as she talks to him, beginning to cry. She holds his head, telling him he is cured.
At Curious Goods, Micki comes in with the mail. They have a postcard from Jack saying he'll be back in a week. There is also an answer to their mailer, telling them about the antique radio. Seems the man who bought it, Joseph Damian, died in the institution. The lawyer who wrote said the man checked himself in with the radio. They decide to investigate the hospital.
At the institute, they ask the nurse about the doctor in charge, Dr. Finch. She thinks he'll be replaced by the up and coming Dr. Carter, who is sort of a super star in the psychiatric field. And Finch has lost some patients, she thinks they were scared to death.
Micki and Ryan meet with Dr. Finch, asking about Joseph Damian, who came in with a radio they would like to buy back. He says he can check the file, but he never met the man. Micki asks if they can look around, but Finch is reluctant. He is curious about the radio. Micki says it could hurt someone. The doctor is still suspicious, and shows them the door.
Outside, Micki and Ryan try to come up with a way to get back inside. Micki wants to call Jack, but Ryan says they need to work it out. He thinks he'll sneak in at night. Micki is unsure.
Later, Craig Eddy is told he is being released to a standard prison. He isn't sure of his sanity, but Dr. Carter says he won't hurt anyone again. He smiles and leaves. Carter is goaded by another patient, Gibson, who wants a turn with her miracle treatment. She doesn't think he can be cured. He threatens her, intimating that he knows something. She walks away.
That night she visits Dr. Finch in his office. He is obviously a bit distraught over Mary's death. Carter asks if he wants to talk about it, he says no. He says he was asked to give her time off to speak at a convention. He jokes that the Nobel Prize could be next. She think he's jealous, but he says just wants some of her luck. She says it is just a business, she takes on the tough cases to get noticed. He mentions the release of Eddy. She says he's cured. Finch doesn't think he could be cured, especially not so quickly. He demands to know what she did. But she doesn't bite, instead taunting him with Mary's death. She says he's lost six now. She leaves.
Micki drops Ryan off and he scales the chain link fence to the institute. As he goes over the top, he hits the electrical current and is shocked and falls, his foot getting caught and saving him from hitting the ground.
Inside, the nurse rushes Ryan on a gurney, telling another nurse to get Dr. Finch.  She finds him with a patient who is afraid of fire. Finch has a match in front of the quaking man and snaps at the nurse. She leaves. He continues his treatment.
Ryan comes to as Dr. Carter examines him. She asks if he knows who he is and what day it is. She says he is lucky. As the attendant unties him, Ryan makes an excuse about pledging a fraternity, so he had to climb the fence. Carter is wary, but tells Ryan she won't call the police.
Outside, Ryan comes upon Micki and tells her about the fence. He seems in good shape for his ordeal. He tells Micki that Dr. Carter might be someone to look into. He also wonders if someone who is not a patient could have the radio. They head back to Curious Goods.
Inside the institute, the radio tells Dr. Carter that she is about to make a breakthrough with John Gibson, the man who goaded her earlier and is highly violent and dangerous, a serial rapist. She waits for the radio to tell her what to do with him.
Micki can't find any information in Jack's files to help. Ryan finds that Dr. Finch has published a lot of papers on fears and phobias, specifically those who end up in violent murders or death. They think they should talk to Carter, since maybe Finch has something to do with the radio, with all his patients dying.
At the institute, Finch continues to work on the patient with the fear of fire. The man is terrified. Carter shows up and Finch sends the patient off. He snaps at Carter. She says she is going to work with Gibson, but he says no. The man is too violent. She asks why he doesn't like her. He said he doesn't trust her or her methods, she's too quick, cures people too easily. She asks again for the records, he says no. She says she will go ahead without his approval. He says he'll get her fired. She snaps back, telling him he is worse, his patients are actually dying at his hand. He steams as she leaves.
Micki, posing as a journalist looking to interview the rising Dr. Carter, sneaks past an open door. She is startled by a patient and then is comforted by Gibson, who says he isn't like the rest of the patients. She is still unnerved.
Carter continues to take notes from the radio on curing Gibson. The radio says to stay tuned, they have news on another violent death. Ryan paces outside, waiting for Micki.
The patient afraid of fire wakes up when he hears Dr. Carter in his room. She says he deserves an award and places the radio in his room. She leaves and it plays music - at first.
The nurse tells Micki to stay away from Gibson. Carter appears and allays Gibson while scolding the nurse about the security on the ward. She takes Micki to her office.
The radio has a news broadcast that the institute is on fire, burning out of control. The patient freaks out, seeing smoke and flames. He begs for help. He screams as he sees his room burning, then he is on fire himself. He tears the safety grate off his window, throws himself out and dies on the ground below, as Ryan watches, helpless.
Later, the man's body is removed by ambulance as Micki approaches Ryan. She says she was barely able to ask a couple of questions of Carter before she was called away. Ryan says another patient is dead. They leave, hoping to come back to finish the "interview" tomorrow.
Finch says the coroner believes the patient was dead before he hit the ground. In the patient's room, Finch asks the nurse about the radio he saw earlier. She says he didn't have one. When he asks if anyone else was there, she remembers Dr. Carter came and offered to help. He rushes out.
Carter listens as the radio tells about the patient’s death. It says he was the first of three deaths that night that will lead to a cure for the rapist Gibson and Carter winning the Nobel Prize. It also tells her how to deal with Gibson. As Finch calls to her, she hides the antique.
Finch knows she did something, knows about the radio. She plays dumb. He starts to put the pieces together about her involvement in his patients' deaths. He wants to know what she is doing. Then he hears the static of the radio and as he bends down to pick it up Carter hits him with a lamp.
She rolls him on a gurney into the room of the patient who is utterly insane. Finch tries to fight, but the crazy man pulls him inside as Carter locks the door. The patient kills the doctor. Across the hall, Gibson has watched this all play out. Carter finds a business card on the floor for Micki at Curious Goods. Gibson then asks her if it feels good to kill.
The phone rings at the store and Micki answers. Someone on the other end pretends to be Finch and says he has the radio. He tells them where to meet and hangs up. We see it is Gibson, being led by Carter. Carter says he has her permission to hurt Micki, that it is for the best. He is confused by her giving him the okay.
Micki and Ryan arrive, and she goes on her own, since the doctor would recognize Ryan. She goes to where "Finch" told her to meet him. It is a dark and abandoned part of the hospital. Ryan dons some rubber gloves to again scale the electric fence.
Micki goes down the creepy hallway, calling out for Dr. Finch. She starts to get wary, no one is around. She hears breathing, but before she can react, Gibson pulls her into a room and throws her onto a mattress. She screams as they struggle. Micki fights the crazed man.
Ryan successfully gets over the fence and goes to find Micki, but the security lights go on so he runs.
Micki continues to fight Gibson, a rough struggle between the two of them. She hits him with a piece of wood and stuns him. Ryan rushes into the ward she is in, hearing her screams. Micki, battered, stumbles away as Gibson slowly comes to. Ryan punches Gibson but Carter appears and hits Ryan over the head, knocking him out. Carter and Gibson leave with an unconscious Ryan as a shocked and freaked Micki tries to get her wits about her. Micki finally rushes out, calling to Ryan. She sees them bring him into the institute and rushes off. 
Carter and Gibson have Ryan tied up next to the radio as it begins to play. Micki slowly makes her way to the building, gathering nerve to go inside.
Carter says Ryan's death has to look like an accident. The radio tells her that she will soon have her success over Gibson's mental issues after the next news broadcast, about another death at 11:55 pm.
Carter plans to electrocute Ryan and use his death to restore Gibson's sanity. She has electrical paddles ready, but the power goes out. They go to investigate. Ryan struggles to free himself. The nurse tells them a breaker is out, but they are working on it, so they go back. Another nurse asks this nurse if she has seen Carter and Micki listens in.
Back in the room, as Carter goes to electrocute Ryan, Micki rushes in and pushes the woman, who stumbles into Gibson, electrocuting him instead. Micki and Ryan try to escape as Carter approaches them with the paddles. But the radio announces her death, since she was unable to give it three deaths to cure Gibson. It tells her their deal is off and as she grabs it in anger, the radio electrocutes her, as well. The room lights up and Micki and Ryan hide themselves. The radio, unharmed, says it will be back with another offer after a musical number. Micki slowly touches it then picks it up. They leave.
At the store, Micki and Ryan, battered and weary, bring the radio down to the basement. Micki asks how long they can keep doing this, that they both almost died. Ryan asks if she wants to stop. She says she knows they can't stop, but when will it get easier? Suddenly, the radio comes on with a breaking story. It has a way to recover cursed antiques harmlessly, if certain conditions are met. Freaked out, Micki tossed the radio to Ryan as the episode ends.
My thoughts:
A great episode with an interesting antique. By helping Carter cure some of these patients, while some people die for her to do so, are people saved in the future from these insane maniacs now being cured? Hmm...
I like that we get to see Micki and Ryan on their own, with Jack away. Ryan makes a dumb move with the electric fence, but he still wants to try and get this item back themselves, without having to bug Jack for help. I like it.
The scene where the rapist attacks Micki is hard to watch. The performances are gritty and real and Robey definitely gave it her all there. She seems to be in genuine distress at the end. Scary stuff.
Kate Trotter is always great, and she gives Avril not only the hard, take no gruff edge of a woman determined to do whatever it takes to get ahead, but a bit of a soft side, as well. When she is forced (?) to kill Dr. Finch by giving him to the maniac, we see some glimpse of remorse, however short-lived. She is human, even if it is just barely.
One of the best bits of this one is the very end. The antique doing a sort of last ditch effort to avoid eternity in the vault by offering up a way to get other cursed items back, with minimal fuss and muss. Zoinks - that is scary stuff! Not only is it speaking to them, but the curse is definitely aware of Micki and Ryan and what they are doing. Interesting.
Next week: Tails I Live, Heads You Die
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