#shiho (mentioned)
concreteclouds · 4 months
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Collection of all the Valentine's Day inspired art of my favorite P5 pairings. What's your favorite pairing, listed or otherwise?
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priscirat · 4 months
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some sketches of What if shizuku never became an idol etc etc
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correctproseka · 3 months
Prsk as their own lobby
Tw s*icide joke
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pjsk-story-summaries · 3 months
Leo/need Main Story Summary
TL;DR: Though they all were once close, after Tenma Saki's prolonged hospitalization, Hoshino Ichika, Mochizuki Honami, and Hinomori Shiho had drifted away. Despite Saki's attempts, she can't find a way to get them all back together.
One fateful day, the four stumble upon "Untitled" and the mysterious world of SEKAI. Saki asks if they can reform their childhood band, but Shiho and Honami refuse. In the meantime, Saki and Ichika form their own band with the hopes of inspiring the other two to join.
Shiho says she will consider it if they can play a song of her choosing perfectly within a week, but Saki ends up collapsing from overworking when showing their progress. Shiho recognizes both the hard work they've put in and her own love for her friends and joins the band. She also explains that she abandoned them only to protect her standoffish reputation from rubbing off on them.
Honami, however, still refuses. Saki realizes it's probably for the best to leave Honami be now that she's no longer getting bullied by her classmates. Shiho disagrees and confronts Honami. Ichika realizes her true feelings about wanting to be together with everyone and talks to Honami herself, bringing her to the SEKAI to watch the stars. Honami realizes her love for her true friends is stronger than the fear of her bullies and officially joins the band.
Official English Youtube upload / Song (needLe) / Animation
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Chapter 0: Ichika reflects on the band she, Saki, Honami, and Shiho had formed for fun as children. She recalls having been incredibly grateful to the others for joining her, and how they all wished to be together for a long time to come. They go watch the shooting stars from a jungle gym. In the present day, Ichika sees Honami out the classroom window, but the latter reluctantly ignores her. The same happens with Shiho after crossing paths in Scramble Crossing. Back home, Ichika notices her phone flash and is transported to the SEKAI, where Miku and Luka introduce themselves. The duo want to help them find their true feelings again, but Ichika doubts it could ever come true. She's then forced out of the SEKAI. All four childhood friends separately watch the stars.
Chapter 1: Ichika encounters Honami in the courtyard, but Honami leaves as another classmate calls her. She again has another awkward encounter with Shiho. Ichika worries the other two might not consider her to be friends anymore. Her fears are interrupted by Saki's arrival as a new student in her class. Saki is as cheery as ever, but ignorant to the dissolution of the former friend group.
Chapter 2: Ichika is hesitant to tell Saki the truth. All four cross paths in the school hallway, but Honami and Shiho both leave quickly. Saki chalks it up to them being busy. Later, Honami talks to some current classmates about Saki's arrival as Shiho walks by. They discuss Shiho's cold personality, but Honami is too scared to admit they used to be good friends.
Chapter 3: Saki takes Ichika around town with her, excited to catch up on all the life she missed while in the hospital. They end up talking about how fun their childhood band was. Saki realizes it's lonely just being her and Ichika. After parting ways, Ichika wants to find a way to have the four of them together like it used to be, but the thought seems impossible. Miku pops out of the SEKAI and asks for her to visit with friends. Ichika is still confused, but agrees that it would be fun to have a band again. The next day, Saki tries asking Shiho to hang out, but she refuses. Honami gets pulled away by other classmates before Saki can ask her. Saki tries to confront Ichika about their weird behavior, but backs away when she fears there might actually be a problem. She asks about Miku instead and finds a strange song called "Untitled" among the playlist, accidentally transporting them into SEKAI.
Chapter 4: The duo search for the mysterious sound of Miku's guitar. They end up running into both Honami and Shiho doing the same. The four find Miku in an empty classroom, along with all their old instruments. Saki begs to play together again, to which they hesitantly agree.
Chapter 5: Ichika and Saki are starting to have fun playing when Shiho suddenly stops them mid-song. She is frustrated with the current skill level of the other three. Miku asks to join in this time, impressing the others with her skill. Secretly, Ichika hopes Shiho and Honami remembering this song means they also might wish to bring the band back. Saki has the courage to say that out loud. Shiho flat-out refuses, and Honami hesitantly denies, both departing the SEKAI. Miku urges Saki and Ichika to not give up on their feelings.
Chapter 6: Ichika reflects on her SEKAI encounter. She truly hopes that reforming the band might bring things back to how they used to be. The next day, Honami and Shiho cross paths in the hallway. Neither know what to think about the SEKAI. Shiho asks if Honami really does harbor such strong feelings about them all, but she's pulled away by her classmates before she can answer, upsetting Shiho. Her classmates still believe Shiho to be rude and sketchy. Honami tries defending her, but denies ever being friends out of fear of upsetting them. This only makes Shiho angrier. Meanwhile, Saki and Ichika have their own discussion about SEKAI. Saki is excited they all have Untitled on their phones, even though she was shot down. Ichika proposes starting a band, just the two of them. Saki accepts, hopeful Honami and Shiho will follow behind.
Chapter 7: Ichika and Saki head back to SEKAI to thank Miku and tell her the news. Luka pops in to introduce herself as well, and offers to mentor the both of them. The Virtual Singers reassure the two that their wish to be reunited is worthwhile, strengthening their resolve.
Chapter 8: Saki and Ichika walk around, grateful for the Virtual Singer's help. Ichika is grateful for Saki's presence, but again doubts her decision to not tell her why Shiho and Honami are so distant. In a flashback to middle school, it is revealed that one day, Shiho decided to completely isolate herself, declining to give any other reasoning than to practice bass. Back in the present, Ichika accidentally runs into Honami buying apple pies. She tells her that she and Saki had started a band and invites her again, but is turned down. Later that night, Honani questions why she turned down the offer yet again. Ichika thinks about how lonely Honami looked in middle school, despite her insistence everything was fine. The current Ichika berates herself for not helping sooner.
Chapter 9: Saki brings Ichika to a music store after school to help her choose a keyboard. They run into Shiho there. Saki begs Shiho to join their band so they can hang out again. Shiho reveals that she had been invited to join a band in middle school, but after arguing over not taking things seriously, she had been kicked out. Shiho gives Ichika and Saki a song to practice, with the promise to join their band if and only if they can manage to play it perfectly by the next week. Later that night, Shiho begins questioning if keeping her distance truly was the right move.
Chapter 10: Ichika and Saki run to tell Miku and Luka the good news, and to ask for help perfecting the song. While practicing, Saki plays Ichika an original melody. She then talks about Ichika's old love of writing song lyrics, and how she hopes to write with Ichika one day. Miku brings the pair to the rooftop to look at the stars. Ichika and Saki chat about their fond memories of watching the Leonids as kids. They're determined to watch the stars as a unit once again. A few days later, Ichika and Saki are ready to show Shiho the song. Honami sees the three of them talking from afar. She thinks her not joining them is for the best, but begins to wonder why it makes her feel so lonely.
Chapter 11: Shiho is impressed with how much Saki and Ichika had practiced. Suddenly, Saki collapses. Shiho regrets asking her to practice so hard, but Saki reassures her it wasn't her fault. Shiho tells Saki how she had kept refusing making new friends in middle school and turned into an outcast. Shiho had distanced herself from Ichika and Honami to protect their reputations from getting tainted, too. Shiho joins the band.
Chapter 12: The next week, Ichika finds Honami standing outside of her classroom to ask about Saki's recent absence. Ichika is glad Honami talked to her normally again. She then reveals Shiho had joined the band and asked her again if she'd like to join, too. Ichika expresses her guilt over not helping Honami when things got rough, to which Honami immediately shuts down. Honami explains how her middle school classmates had often taken advantage of her kindness to vent, which made others mad about her being a people-pleaser. The girls began bullying her behind her back, which began to spread to Ichika. Honami decided to cut ties to protect her. The current Honami is scared that accepting Ichika's friendship again would make the bullying resume. She runs away.
Chapter 13: Ichika, Saki, and Shiho talk about telling Miku and Luka about the new addition. Saki asks if Honami would want to come, too, but the other two doubt it. They proceed to tell her about what they know of Honami's middle school bullying. Shiho is upset with Honami over how submissive she's being, because she knows the true Honami knows how to stand her ground. She doesn't understand why Honami is giving up like this. Saki realizes it's probably best to give up on getting her to join the band to avoid causing her any trouble with her classmates.
Chapter 14: Luka notices Ichika's worries over the Honami situation. Luka tells Ichika that "there is no right or wrong in music",- there's no one right decision here, and that they should follow their hearts. Saki decides to tell Honami that they'll leave her be and apologizes for the trouble. She returns to Ichika and Shiho, but begins crying. She's sad about leaving her friend, but knows it's the right decision. Later, Ichika and Shiho discuss the matter, to which Shiho reveals how wrong it feels.
Chapter 15: Shiho confronts Honami in the hallway. She questions if this is what Honami really wants, and if she really cares about Saki's feelings at all. She calls Honami out for only caring about herself. Honami knows she hurt Saki, but she's terrified of being bullied again. Later that evening, Shiho runs into Ichika and regrets the harsh things she had said to their friend. Ichika praises Shiho for her determination. Shiho returns the compliment over Ichika's rationality.
Chapter 16: Ichika, Saki, and Shiho walk around after a productive SEKAI session. After Shiho departs, Ichika and Saki talk about how nice it is to have her back. Back home, Ichika reflects on how much she's changed since she was younger, and how powerless she feels when it comes to helping Honami. Suddenly, she finds an old notebook of song lyrics and gets an idea.
Chapter 17: Ichika goes to SEKAI for help. Miku realizes Ichika has found her true feelings: she loves her friends more than anything and wants to play with them again. Ichika realizes the star chart on the chalkboard must represent Honami's true feelings, too. The next day, Ichika asks to meet Honami after class.
Chapter 18: Ichika brings Honami over to the SEKAI's rooftop to show her the stars. They talk about their fond memories of the past, and how the stars always looked brighter because it was the four of them together. Ichika asks if Honami wants to be friends again. Honami is still scared of her bullies, but realizes just how much her true friends matter to her and berates herself for being so selfish. She really does want to be back with them. Saki and Shiho run over with Miku and Luka to congratulate her.
Chapter 19: Honami apologizes for distancing herself because of her lack of courage. She thanks Shiho for what she had said and officially joins the band. Untitled flashes and forms into a song: needLe.
Chapter 20: The next day, Honami tells her classmates about the events of the past few days. They're genuinely happy for her and the new band. It was a lot easier than she had feared. (Saki, Ichika, and Shiho watched from the window.) Later, the four of them discuss their band name. They all come up with the name "Leo/need", after the Leonid constellation, the slash of a shooting star, and how each member is needed in the group. In SEKAI, Miku and Luka watch a shooting star pass overhead.
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Virtual Singer Chapter 1 (Pre-Chapter 0): Miku practices guitar on her own, hopeful the others will meet them soon. She wonders if she should start acting more like a senpai would, but isn't sure what exactly that entails. She decides that it means doing what Luka would. Miku tries it out, with little success. Luka comes in and questions what Miku is doing, reassuring her that she's always here to support in whatever way she can. Miku asks Luka what "senpai" means to her. Luka believes it's all dependent on the people around her.
Virtual Singer Chapter 2 (After Chapter 5): Miku waves Ichika and Saki goodbye after the first practice session. She trusts their resolve to bring them back together. Luka enters, having let Miku take the lead to introduce herself as a proper "senpai". She's proud of the hard work Miku had (secretly) been putting in for this day. They reflect on how each member's sound was hiding a piece of their personality within: Ichika's determination, Saki's joy, Shiho's distance, and Honami's fear. They banter a bit about the senpai role before practicing once again.
Virtual Singer Chapter 3 (After Chapter 14): Luka talks to Ichika about the latter's concern over Honami, and Miku Saki's. Miku reassures Saki that she's proud of her for considering Honami's feelings when deciding to leave her be. In the meantime, Luka and Ichika had finished their conversation and came over. Luka talks about how Miku has been working hard to become a proper senpai to the others, much to her embarrassment. They're certain Honami will realize her true feelings eventually.
Virtual Singer Chapter 4 (After Chapter 20): Miku and Luka discuss their feelings over the new Untitled song and the band's formation. Leo/need pop in and ask if they'd like to join a session, to which they happily agree. Saki talks about how they want to start writing their own songs and hands them Ichika's lyrics. Despite Ichika's embarrassment, they find them to be cute and sincere. Luka comments on Miku's excitement to be with the girls as their senpai.
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Screw it, height headcanon. I suck at judging heights, so realistically these should probably be shunted down one or two spots, or made closer to each other. Some notes: Ichika and An are super tall, it feels right, even though they are both taller than Akito. An has hit her growth spurt, and has slowed down considerably, whereas Ichika is somehow still growing.
Tsukasa hasn't grown in a while, and so Mafuyu, Rui, Toya, and Shizuku all outgrew him, and Mizuki is almost the same height, he is not happy with this.
Honami is only slightly shorter than Kanade, but that just makes it easier to clean in some areas (Also perfect height for HonaKana cudddling
I don't really have much to say about the middle of the list, except for the fact that Airi and Ena both has no clue why they are so much shorter.
Shiho is so frustrated she is so short, and Saki teases her relentlessly (Until Ichika just picks her up to eye level). Emu, meanwhile, does not care at all she is the shortest, makes her more nimble!
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chairhahaha · 16 days
10th sinner, 10th flamechaser, 10th prisoner…….
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why do all my favourite characters have smt to do with the number 10
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nono-uwu · 24 days
Hello hi here is what alignments ons characters would have in path to nowhere :3 (and i give zero context for my reasoning!) Also feel free to add on/make suggestions for other characters!
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(Tierlist maker fried the images holy shit)
Characters not included bc i have no fugin clue where to put them: Mitsuba, Chess, Horn
Characters not included bc I was too lazy to grab their images: everyone else lmao
Explanations for each alignment utc! (aka the flavor text in game)
Violence: Boiling blood torments the body of the violent one. Neither love not hatred matters anymore. - No matter how you try, you will be forever mired in blood
Love: The lover's upturned gaze fixes on the sky above the cliff, as if longing for an unattainable aim of desire. - Fulfill my most frantic loneliness
Greed: Greed will ever expand and snowball into a massive, bone-crushing boulder. - You wish to dominate all, but you will perish a servant
Treachery: Paths of the earth become as fatal as a frozen lake with cracks. Icy demise is at the slightest misstep. - The faithless, the insincere, the dishonest - their soul do not return
Limbo: The limbo one tries to see through Fate's plan, yet has learbed how arduous it is to seek the meaning of life. - Blind idiot, all is vanity
Anger: The angry trudges through mud, searching for a clear path. The answer's not out there; it reflects from within. - The fire of rage may burn out, but I am their fuel
Heresy: Wrath of authority trails closely behind, vowing to chase heretics into the eternal hellfire of the sarcophagus. - Outside of the light, I dwell in shadow
Sloth: The heart of the sloth stays where it is. Even if there are countless roads in front, they shall balk at moving forward. - Cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn, stubbornly fetering oneself
Fraud: The fraud believes in what they think is true, and therefore feels they can manipulate everything. - The deluded take refuge in the dark, and those who fool others have no place to return to
Immortal: The one who sleeps here is not deceased. Under the light of the red moon, there is an end to death. - Retrograde without return, withered and sunken
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blackhakumen · 18 days
Mini Fanfic #1204: Exciting News!~ (Persona 5 x Sonic)
Futuba: Great news, everyone!~
Futuba: Gotta enough money to buy a brand new video game today!~ Which will go lovely for our upcoming sleepover at café later on tonite if any if u lovely people are interested~
Mona: Sure
Lavenza: We'd love that very much~
Omega: Invite accepted
Tae: That depends.
Tae: Will my dear Sae be there too?
Futuba: U know it!~ I already asked her join
Futuba: And u know as well as i do that she couldn't say no to this face~
Futuba: Puppy Dog Oracle.jpg
Tae: Lol nice~
Yusuke: What game have you purchased this time, Futaba?
Futaba: The sequel of this masterpiece of a gem!
Futaba: Hades 2.jpg
Futaba: Really good thing I got it in time too. It was last one they have in the shelves lol
Tae: Wait time out.
Tae: You kids used to play Hades at one point?
Mona: Yeah a long time ago actually
Mona: It was so much fun~
Futaba: So much fun~
Lavenza: And the artstyle and the soundtrack the previous game has offered are both equally as breathtaking~
Yusuke: Yes, indeed.
Yusuke: That game, to tis day, has inspired me into bettering my skills in drawing and painting
Yusuke: It even got me to creating a portrait of Lady Aphrodite of my interpretation.
Yusuke: Goddess of Love & Beauty.jpg
Tae: Impressive.
Lavenza: Very lovely indeed~
Omega: Your artwork continues to not disappoint the eyes of many beholders
Yusuke: Thank you.
Yusuke: It's still a Work in Progress, but I refuse to rest until I could completely capture the beauty and elegance the goddess herself, has effortlessly grace upon the screen.
Futaba: Wow, Inari!~ I didn't know u find the Goddess of Love affective~ 😏
Yusuke: I do to some extent.
Yusuke: But she could never reach the status of true beauty and magnificence as you do in my very heart, Futaba Sakura.
Futaba: iyggbtt ft jgchj ft ykjghikndfonnf
Yusuke: Futaba!?
Tae: I wouldn't worry about her too much, kid.
Tae: Texts like that mostly indicates your partner blushing up a storm right now. Common occurrence really.
Mona: You made Sae blush during a text before, haven't you?
Tae: Guilty as charged~ 😉
Omega: Common occurrence is an incredible understatement considering the fiftieth times Rouge would make Knuckles blush in their texting conversation
Lavenza: I've made Mona-Chan blush twentieth times on our texts!~
Mona: Sufeeszxgy Lavenza! They don't need to know that here!
Lavenza: Oops!~
Lavenza: Sorry my love!~
Futaba: At least warn a girl before u start making her cheeks flare up like that!
Futuba: I nearly dropped my phone on the floor cuz of u!!
Yusuke: Apologies, Futaba.
Yusuke: I never realized my text would give you that much of a reaction. Hope you are well.
Futaba: Yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it.
Futaba: I feel a lot better now knowing our favorite lover kitty boi here is wayyy more of a blushing mess than I am~ 😏
Mona: Oh shut up!
Mona: At least I don't carelessly drop my phone on the ground after receiving a compliment!
Futaba: Better than getting flustered over twenty times in the row!
Futaba: Press D for Doubt!~
Omega: D
Omega: How else do you expect me make Futaba feel better more than she currently is?
Futaba: AWWWW!~ Love u Big Guy!!~ 😊 😊
Omega: 👍 👍
Mona: Oh barf.
Lavenza: Morgana, be nice
Lavenza: So Futaba-Chan, how exactly were you able to afford this game?
Tae: Yeah, I heard they're crazy expensive
Futaba: Oh I just saved a few money I have left on pocket
Futaba: Add thay with the money I've earned winning another bet Sojiro and I made a while back ehehehehe!~ 😈
Mona: Oh god. What did you two bet on this time?
Futaba: Well, u see, my kitty bro, to answer that question, allow me to present u all the second of the spendid news we have today
Futaba: Guess who about to get hitch in the near future?
Futaba: Here's a hint: it's the one couple who's been acting like a married one since the day they became a thing!~
Tae: Is it who I think it is?
Lavenza: Ren-Ren and Makoto are going to get married!?~
Futaba: Ren-Ren/Makoto AND Ann/Shiho are both getting hitched!~
Futaba: And the best part about all of this is.....Makot.and Shiho are the ones gonna do the propose!~
Tae: Damn really? And here I thought Guinea Pig would be the one to do it lol
Mona: Wait, is that what you guys been betting on?
Mona: See who gets to propose first?
Futaba: Yeeeup!~
Futaba: Victory couldn't be any sweeter
Omega: Congratulations and wedding gifts will be in order when the time is set to motion
Futaba: Ooh Omega! Wanna share a gift with me to give?
Futaba: I wanna consider this thx for being the best robot bro ever!~ ☺
Omega: I would be honored ☺
Lavenza: Awwwwww~
Tae: Adorable
Mona: Still barf
Lavenza: Mona!
Yusuke: Just to be certain. Makoto and Shiho-san are the ones that are going to propose, yes?
Futaba: That's what i said!~ Possibly later this year actually. Why?
Yusuke: Oh I was planning on informing the others on this glorious news.
Futaba: Sweet!
Futaba: Just don't mention any of this Ren and Ann. It's a secret for them to find out on their own
Yusuke: Roger.
Meanwhile at Okmura Residence.........
Ryuji: (Immediately Gets Up From his Seat Along With his Girlfriend, Haru) HOLY SHIT!
Haru: (Clasps her Hands Together With Happiness and Excitement in her Eyes) They're getting married!?~
Ryuji: It's finally happening!~
Haru: I'm so happy for all of them!~
The couple hugs each other before hopping around and cheering in rejoice over the exciting news.
Haru: This is truly wonderful!~
Ryuji: I know, right!? About damn time those lovebirds get hitched!
Haru: There's so much to plan and prepare for- ('GASPS') (Grab Hold of her Boyfriend's Shoulders) RYUJI! We need to find ourselves the perfect wedding gifts for both parties ASAP-
Ryuji: (Gently Place his Hand Onto Haru's Arm, Helping her Calm Down a Bit) Woah, woah. Easy there, hun, relax. They said they'll propose later this year, right? We have all the time in the world to get ready by then.
Haru: ( Sigh in a Bit of Relief') If you're certain. I just hope the presents we pick out for them will be at least presentable. (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) I wonder if Yusuke is doing an open art commission at this time......
Ryuji: It's possible. If not, I could always try convincing him to- (Etes Suddenly Begins to Widened Before Facepalming Himself and Groaning) Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.........
Haru: (Starts Getting Worried) What's wrong?
Ryuji: I just remembered the bet he abd I made a while back on which is gonna propose. And guess who now owes the guy fifty bucks?
Haru: How much do you have now? I could help you pay it off.
Ryuji: (Takes His Wallet Out of his Pants Pocket and Opens it Before Looking For Something Inside) I got like....twenty bucks left I think? (Turns to Haru) But you really don't have to go out of your way to help me.
Haru: (Gives Ryuji a Reassuring Smile) True, but I don't mind at all. (Forms a Playful Smirk on her Face) If you so something for me in return~
Ryuji: Up! (Smirks Back) There's that catch I've been looking for. What you want in return?
Haru: Ohh nothing grand~ (Hugs Ryuji Again) I just want to spend the rest of the evening here with the love of my life~ Talk over dinner, movie, under the stars..... (Starts Smirking Seductively) Maybe doing something more sensual afterwards if you behave well enough~
Ryuji: ('Heh') Sounds like hell of a good compromise to me. You got yourself deal, gorgeous~
Haru: Good~ (Gives Ryuji a Kiss on the Lips) Pleasure doing business with you my dear~
Ryuji: Ditto~
The couple resume back to their making out session, having it yurn more passionate real fast.
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harvestmoth · 1 year
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heres my one page thesis on why hinomori mafuyu real
#back on this again. apologizes but the newest event hit me across the face#they found her in a wet cardboard box all alone…#also all of l/n call her babygirl its just that mafuyu only knows this from kanade who in turn has only heard honami say it#anyways heres my thoughts on the hinomoris and why they should get to keep mafuyu#uh.#so everyone knows how mafuyu has the mask she puts on yea. but i dont really see people mention how shiho and shizuku. also have that#in different but still similar ways#with shizuku putting on a perfect act where shes always smiling for her idol job and as to not worry her friends and shiho#while shiho puts on her act of not caring and pushing everyone way so they dont have to deal with her or the people who target her#so as we can see here. they both put on a mask and are self sacrificial about it for the sake of others#mafuyu does that too but instead of doing it for her friends and those that actually care about her. she does it for her mom who does not#idk. anyways something something these three have a similar way of dealing with things by bottling it up until they no longer feel it#do you get me#do you understand what im on about#if not idk i might be making it all up i havent had a chance to watch all of the events and ive been kind of skipping around on them#like watching the newer ones first which is probably not the best idea#okay im done now i just want others to see the vision and do my work for me#project sekai#mafuyu asahina#shiho hinomori#shizuku hinomori#oh last thing. shiho and shizuku absolutely beat up asahina its what they all deserve#asahina mother i mean. not mafuyu. they beat each other up in the losing at card games way while they beat up asahina mom with a steel chair
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starshine-valley · 7 months
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Hey y’all I was messing around in project sekai costumes and here are the mmj esque group which is now called Cute Cotton Sky instead of Cute Clovers since the theme won’t be revolving about luck/clovers unlike in the main story of mmj so yeah! (Even if there are clovers in the design it isn’t the main thing unlike mmj)
Might do more later we’ll see
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rose-void-789 · 1 year
Don't you love it when your trying to romance someone and all they talk about is another person they are super totally not in love with.
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lunemoths · 5 months
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this one is a bit of a mess but big doodle page i did in vc of a warrior cats x p5 au but never finished... appearances are tagged but the main clans featured are windclan (primarily shujin) and shadowclan, with a couple of rogue and loner influences [mainly in shady ties with shadowclan leadership, but also takemi exists as a loner and takes in shiho for example] ... undecided if personas and magic actually exist in this au but its fun to think about
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priscirat · 5 months
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yukilisa hinomoris new year
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princekirijo · 2 years
You know I love all those drawings and hcs that show Joker acting as a cat because he does have major catboy energy but also I think Ann deserves this too. Is anyone gonna catgirlify her or am I gonna have to do it myself
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Run! Sports Festival! Committee Rush! Event Story Summary
TL;DR: The Miya Girls sports festival is soon approaching. Saki invites Haruka to join the planning committee for the event, along with Emu. Though the rest of the committee members just wanted to do the same day as last year, Emu and Haruka manage to convince them to let them plan a new day where everyone, regardless of ability, can have fun. Through Emu, Haruka, and Saki's hard work, the rest of the committee was motivated to plan an incredible day.
On the day of the event, all the teams compete in events like ball toss and bamboo tug-of-war. Emu competes in the three-legged race with Mafuyu, and though she's intimidated by her false smile, the pair end up winning.
One of the students slated to run the final relay race ended up hurting their leg, so Haruka stepped in for them. Emu reassures her that things will be fine: they've been working together for so long, their baton pass will be great! When the event eventually comes around, Haruka managed to close the gap for the second years, successfully pass the baton to Emu, who narrowly won the final stretch against Mafuyu thanks to Miku's cheering (who had been hidden in a nearby tree). Immediately after the win, Emu runs to hug Haruka, joined by Ichika, Saki, and Honami. Though Haruka is sad that the day is now over, Emu shares advice from her grandpa about the fun waiting in the next day.
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Fan translation (HLYF) / Official English YouTube Upload
Chapter 1: A classmate finds the penguin eraser Haruka accidentally dropped, but gets flustered upon learning it belongs to the idol. Saki and Ichika soon approach and ask if she'd like to get lunch, to which she agrees. Saki begins talking about the upcoming sports festival. She bonds with Haruka over never having the chance to do these things as kids. Saki has also joined the planning committee for the event, to which Haruka is surprised by the lack of popularity around. Saki asks if Haruka would join the committee, too. Since the rest of MORE MORE JUMP! are ok with it, she agrees. Meanwhile, Emu dances down the hallway, singing about the sports festival.
Chapter 2: Saki and Haruka are disappointed by the lack of creativity within the planning, as they've only been using ideas from the past year. Suddenly, Emu speaks up about how she wants to come up with a whole bunch of new ideas so everyone, athletic or not, can have a fun time and leave with a smile! However, the other committee members aren't willing to put in the time at shut her down. Haruka decides to support Emu anyways and proposes reviving old events to make things more manageable. The committee eventually relents and lets them (and Saki) create a schedule.
Chapter 3: Emu and Haruka go to the gym storeroom to check supplies. Emu's excited to be inside, since she'd only been able to look through the window before (which happened to be two stories up). Haruka asks why Emu keeps mentioning shows, so she explains her job at Phoenix Wonderland. Haruka admires the goal of making others smile and decides to go see a show one day.
Saki gives the rest of the committee members the advertisement posters, while Emu hands them the completed event list. She and Haruka will keep working on a manageable schedule so even busy students can compete in something. Once the two finished a while later, Saki handed them a completed participant list. The hard work they'd shown motivated the others to pitch in more.
Chapter 4: Emu goes to practice the three-legged race with the upperclassmen. She's partnered with Mafuyu, who despite being popular with the others, scared Emu with her false smile. Honami comes over to say hi, immediately noticing Emu's nervousness. She assumes it's because of Mafuyu's strong reputation and cheers them on.
Later in the SEKAI, Miku complains to KAITO about not seeing Emu much recently. Coincidentally, Emu pops into the SEKAI at that moment. She's come to tell Miku all about the fun stuff she'd planned. Miku decides to come as a cheerleader since she can't directly participate.
Chapter 5: The day of the festival arrives. Shiho, Kohane, and Minori participate in the ball toss, but Shiho can't get herself to throw the cute animal themed balls. Some students gossip about how well Shizuku and Airi did in the bamboo tug-of-war, too. Miku pops by with hand-made pom-poms to cheer Emu on, so Emu places her phone in a special tree so Miku can see everything without being detected.
The time for the three legged race has arrived. Though Emu is still scared of Mafuyu, she wants to do her best for Miku. The pair ended up taking first place. For just a moment, Emu thinks she's seen a true smile from Mafuyu, but the false one returns the moment the others come over to congratulate them.
Chapter 6: A student accidentally injured their leg and was no longer able to compete in the grand finale relay race. Saki takes them to the nurse, and Haruka takes their place as the substitute. Though she's a bit nervous about the baton pass, Emu reassures her that it will be fine, since they've been working together on the committee for so long. The two practice a bit before the big event.
At the start of the race, the first years are in last but slowly catching up. Haruka takes the baton and closes the gap even more. Haruka's pass to Emu was flawless, leaving an intense race for the finish to Emu and Mafuyu.
Chapter 7: Thanks to Miku's cheering, Emu managed to just barely win the race for the first year team. She immediately runs to celebrate with Haruka. Haruka tears up, happy she decided to return to school. Ichika, Saki, and Honami all join in on the celebration. Emu then goes to retrieve her phone, where Miku congratulates Emu on the win. Emu thanks Miku for the support and tries showing her around the school, but gets called over by the cleaning committee before she can.
Chapter 8: Saki invites Haruka to her celebratory dinner party after they finish cleaning up, to which she accepts. When cleaning with Emu, she admits she's sad by the day being over. Emu tells her that her grandpa once said the fun is waiting for what lies in tomorrow, so even though today is done, there's still much more left to do! Haruka laughs, since Emu reminds her of Minori.
A few days later, the classmate that had gotten injured hands Haruka a limited-edition Phenny keychain as a thank you, and also asks if she'd like to hang out together one day.
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Saki, clearly drunk: Shiho, hit me another drink… wooOO HOOoo… Shiho: I think you need a therapist and not a bottle. Saki: I think yooOOoou need to shuUT YOUR MOUTH!
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