Based on the results of this post from my whump blog
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@shrinkthisviolet @fezwearingjellybananas @negative-speedforce
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 month
Caitlin for the character bingo!
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Funnily enough, she was my least favorite character when I started watching the show, and I was neutral about her for a while, until season 4, which was when I started to actually like her. I kinda felt like she was just there to be the tropey uptight-smart-girl character at first, and while I don't feel that way about her anymore (even when rewatching the earlier seasons), it did take me some time to warm up to her. I think part of that had to do with my thinking she would inevitably get a romantic storyline with Barry and/or Cisco, and I was dreading seeing that happen (with Barry because I didn't care, and with Cisco because I value their friendship too much as-is to want it to be anything else), but once it became clear that the show wasn't gonna go either of those routes with her, I was able to relax and start to appreciate her more.
So the funny thing about Caitlin—I love her, but I dislike so many of her storylines. She spent three seasons being wrapped up in love interest subplots, and when she finally broke out of that cycle, everything started to revolve around Frost. Which wasn't a bad thing at first, but instead of seizing the opportunity to give Caitlin more development, instead the show did the exact opposite, and took away parts of her personality, history, and role on the team, and attributed them to Frost instead, whom they had decided was now a completely different person and not a repressed side of Caitlin anymore. And while there are things I love about them being separate characters, that retcon seriously screwed Caitlin over by limiting her screen time and stunting her potential for more growth (plus it kinda felt like the writers were more interested in Frost, and they didn't know what to do with Caitlin once they'd amputated Frost's personality traits from her, so to speak).
Her treatment in season 8 had a lot to do with why I didn't even watch season 9. She became the character I was most invested in after Cisco left (which I was not expecting), and I just had zero interest in watching things get worse and worse for her.
I hesitated to mark off "the fandom is so mean", because she IS a major fan favorite, but at the same time it's...complicated. You have the section of Iris stans who hate her just to spite Snowbarry shippers, and you have the Frost fans who consider Caitlin to be the lesser/boring Snow, and then there's the chunk of Snowbarry shippers who...don't actually seem to really appreciate her, they just want her with Barry because she's not Iris?? (not black, that is) So like she's simultaneously overrated for qualities she doesn't have, and under-appreciated for qualities she does have.
And of course, I would be remiss not to mention @frosty-the-killer-doll's near-constant cheerleading, endearing me to Caitlin even further.
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vexic929 · 25 days
“Baby Eo” please 👀
Baby Eo is of course the AU where future Barry steals baby Eobard and drops him off with past Barry, except in typical Barry Allen fashion instead of dropping him with his past self who's already married to Iris, he drops him with Season 1 Barry who still doesn't even know he can time travel lol
here's a snippet :)
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astromechs · 4 months
2, 21, and 25 for Jyn?
2. favorite canon thing about this character?
i really love that jyn was allowed to be a multifaceted character, with real flaws and humanity. there's been a trend in a lot of mainstream media over the past decade or so to follow what i call "girlboss feminism", which is to present these "strong" female characters who are self-assured and don't have a lot in the way of real flaws or opportunities for character development, and jyn wasn't that — she was written as just... a character. a character with trauma and struggles and realistic flaws that were logical to the experiences that she'd had but also a character with a lot of potential for development, and it's really satisfying when she makes these choices to be the best version of herself and save the galaxy. i love her so much; honestly, best protagonist of a star wars movie that we've ever had.
21. if you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? what's something you don't like?
i love everything about writing jyn, really, but i do, in particular, enjoy making up very creative swears for her to say, because, you know, she's got a colorful little mouth lol it's also such a treat to get to write in her moments of softness. and there's nothing i don't like about writing jyn, she's everything to me.
25. what was your first impression of this character? how about now?
loved her in an instant the first time i saw rogue one on opening day in december 2016. there were a lot of things that were going on personally for me at that time, and i saw a lot of those struggles reflected in jyn, so i really, really connected to her. my current impression is... much the same. loved her then, love her now. literally one of my absolute favorite characters of all time.
character ask game!
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aisha-robinsons · 19 days
AU where Tory and Aisha get together in season 2?
1. Sam is fine with it, okay?
2. So fine. Super fine. So so fine. She is just totally totally fine so maybe stop asking, Robby?!
3. In this version Tory is encouraged to go after Aisha by Miguel whom wants the best for his fellow “Heart Broken by Sam Larusso” club mate and can sense how much she likes Tory and wants to date her.
4. Aisha’s parents didn’t grow up like Amanda but they’re still just as much protective parents so after Tory starts coming over more and getting closer to them they starts filling in the roles Amanda did for Tory in S4 and offering support (except with the abundance of bad blood maybe Tory is less reluctant to accept it).
5. School fight ceases to exist because Torisha live out their days being the happiest sapphics in the whole wide valley 💕.
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For the AU headcanon game, AU where Wally gets his powers from the s2 accelerator rather than s3 Alchemy shenanigans?
Yes! Number one is Joe is going to have an utter fit about this.
Like Jesse, Wally's initially unconscious, until the zap from Barry. Like Jesse, at first when Caitlin checks him over everything seems normal
Wally's powers spark when Zoom breaks into the West House. It's triggered by the adrenaline rush, the Speed Force kicking fight or flight into overgear, and what's meant to be a nice family dinner has just been interrupted by the guy who kidnapped Wally a few weeks ago to use against the Flash, and Wally doesn't know who's under that mask yet, as far as he knows, no help is near.
He knows when both he and Barry barrel into Zoom at the same time.
Wally suddenly being able to do that is distracting enough Barry manages to get Henry away from Zoloman before he can kill him. Henry's probably still hurt though, and Barry can't chase after Zoloman when he's got to run his dad to the hospital, he can't lose him too.
It's while Barry's at the hospital waiting for Henry to get out of surgery the others try the stop Zoom plan that leads to Joe getting kidnapped.
Wally's also at the hospital- he probably should have been more suspicious when Iris sent him to the hospital to find Barry instead of all of them going, but he did have questions he wanted answering. It's a little uncomfortable though, he and Barry weren't exactly getting on before, and Wally's very aware the last time he was in this building it was by his mother's death bed.
Wally insists on helping when Barry agrees to race Zoom. That's his dad, and he has powers too. Powers he'd had for like ten minutes, but still powers, everyone's got to start somewhere, right?
Jesse was held prisoner by Zoom for months. He was also dying, and while she wasn't exactly in the best position to start studying the Speed Force, and she was fully aware she was just a hostage to use against her dad, saying she could help might have taken some of Zoom's attention off her dad, and maybe it would have given her a way out, and it could try and keep her on Zoom's good side (not that he's got much of one, but maybe it'll keep her alive for longer), and there's another speedster there she could talk to and find out more from. Zoloman still kept Jay's face hidden, still didn't let him tell Jesse his name, but if she had a way to make him faster, he wasn't going to say no.
Which means Jesse- working on the beginnings of the Speed Equation- has a theory for how to attract the attention of the Time Wraiths. And with Wally there, with powers, he can draw Zoom away, just for a minute, while Barry destroys the magnatar.
Which means Barry doesn't create a time remnant. He destroys the magnatar himself and he survives, unlike the doomed remnant, created just to die, but he's got this huge burn all down one side of his body, bad enough it'll leave a permanent scar even with his super fast healing.
(I remain pissed off the writers broke their own rules just to give Savitar a facial scar to show he's the evil Barry, so now Barry the superhero gets it instead)
They rescue the real Jay now Zololan's been whooshed into the Speed Force thanks to Jesse. He still looks kind of like Henry, and he's very pleased to properly meet them all.
(He tells Jesse she reminds him of an old friend, Johnny Chambers, and promises to introduce them some time)
Henry's fine, he's just going to be in hospital for some time, so no Flashpoint. Definitely no Flashpoint when Caitlin bans Barry from running until he recovers. Which means Central's going to be without a Flash for a few weeks at least if Caitlin gets her way (which she will, she insists with this almost icy glint in her eyes), and then Barry's going to need all this extra time to look after his dad
Well, says Wally, what if he had a sidekick to help him out?
And Kid Flash is born
(Iris comes up with the name. Cisco is thrilled. Wally slightly less so initially, but it grows on him. Joe just can't believe both his sons ended up doing this)
(When Jesse also gets powers a few months later it's Harry's turn to have the fit)
Thank you!
[5+ headcanons for an AU]
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4, 10, 17, 20 for the whump ask game!
Thank you very much!!
4. Do you prefer physical whump or emotional/ psychological whump?: Emotional. The physical whump is what I often write but it’s to get to the emotional whump. And tbf, physical whump and emotional whump are a package deal. You can’t have torture without the psychological effects of it.
10. When did you first realize you were into whump?: Childhood, though I didn’t know there was a word for it at that time ofc. I always enjoyed when characters got captured and had no idea why (I had a period of time where I seriously thought there was something wrong with me for that. Twas not fun.)
17. When was the last time you got the whumperflies?: I am SO glad you asked!! Was going through the scenes from Barry’s prison arc (if you can even call it an arc. Considering it did next to nothing.), specifically when he was in the metawing. Not bad whump ngl. But THIS PART took the cake.
Specifically 1:32
Electrocution is one of my favorite whump methods yet I did not remember this part and was delighted to run into it. Barry whump is love, Barry whump is life.
20. How are you doing today, buddy?: Dying (school) but other than that, doing good! I should get some food though. I want popcorn.
Thanks for asking!
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lady-of-the-spirit · 21 days
💌send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome.💌
you and @shrinkthisviolet both sent this to me you guys are so sweet ❤
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itsmoonpeaches · 1 month
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Is this a cop-out if I recommend @chocomd for kataang, zukaang, and ATLA fics?
Bonus Fire Emblem: Three Houses fic by vannen called Loss
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Stand in the shower, blast moody music, and think too deeply until an idea comes to you
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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inlovewith-icecream · 19 days
Here’s a PLL AU: Ezra gets arrested and Aria gets with someone else? 👀
Omg yayyy Ezria hatred my beloved and I actually had a pre-existing headcanon in my head for this (spoilers for the end of PLL below the cut)
1. Okay soooo basically Alex has a crush on Aria ("you and I are gonna be best friends" gay coded shit) so when she escapes from Mona's dollhouse she anyways turns in that report she was holding over Aria and Ezra goes to jail </3.
2. Aria is upset at first and takes Katherine (who's still a baby so not old enough to form memories thank god) to visit him in jail buuut in therapy she realizes what a creep his ass is so she stops, gets a divorce, and also reports him for stalking all the Liars for the book and he gets extra years plus filing a restraining order for if he gets out.
3. (My favorite one) She moves in with Hanna and Caleb so now Aiden has his cousin to play with and she's then a badass single mom poet with her pal Pigtunia.
4. Tbh I mainly enjoy the idea of Single Mom!Aria but if she got with anyone either King Liam comes back orrrr she marries Wes just to keep the surname (“What? I wasn’t giving up on Mrs Aria Fitz just because of that crusty ass stalker.”) and to piss off Mama Fitzgerald.
5. When Katherine gets old enough (I imagine middle school because she doesn’t wanna keep up the cycle of keeping secrets from her kids till it’s too late) Aria tells her about Ezra and what he did but her mama loves her and protects her and it’s all good they’re good aaand they have a happy life with Aria Katherine the Auntie Liars and Pigtunia ❤️.
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negative-speedforce · 1 month
☕️ CW’s Flashpoint had so much potential but it was rushed and not explored as deeply as it should’ve been
Yes! You can't just have something that world-changing and confine it to one episode, then maybe talk about a few of the changes in subsequent episodes but not really. Idk there should have been more time to focus on the fact that the last almost 20 years just got erased and rewritten- twice.
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☕️ Jesse should've been terrified of being a speedster, given her experience being kidnapped by an evil speedster for months, not super excited from the get-go
Quick sidetrack: I need to rewatch seasons 2 and (especially) 3 but if I remember correctly— Jesse never wanted to be a superhero, she just wanted a normal life!
Makes me wonder if she kind of triggers herself sometimes with them, like, the sound created when she zips into a room or smth
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icedteaandoldlace · 3 months
Here’s an interpretation of s1 Caitlin that I haven’t seen discussed before:
Even though it wasn’t initially planned in s1 for Caitlin to have a dead father and an emotionally distant mother (“my dead fiancé can fly. I haven’t broken that to my parents yet”), that retcon actually adds a lot of depth to Caitlin’s grief response in s1. After Ronnie is presumed dead, she becomes emotionally distant, just like Carla after Thomas’s (also presumed iirc) death 😭
Tbh I think Caitlin mirrors her mother in a lot of interesting ways…which is made all the more tragic by the fact that it was more of a “You become what you fear to be” thing, rather than a conscious “I want to be more like you” thing.
Ooooooooh, that's a very interesting takeaway! It fits, too, because s1 Caitlin is presented as such an uptight and emotionally repressed person ("icy" as the original script described her), but we saw in a flashback that she was very warm and welcoming to Cisco when he started at S.T.A.R. Labs, and she was sassy with Hartley, a side we didn't really see too much of until a bit later in the series, when she'd started to recover from her grief for Ronnie. There are several moments in other seasons where she starts to try to close herself off, too, but gets pulled back by one of her friends.
And there's the whole thing about Carla telling her that she's the one who left first. Which never sat well with me, because it essentially puts the blame on Caitlin for the distance in their relationship, when it's Carla's job as the parent to be emotionally available for her daughter and make an effort to reach out when she pulls away. But it does contribute to the idea that Caitlin has a bit more of her mother in her than she would like to acknowledge, which is always a fun and frustrating dynamic to explore.
I'm like reframing my whole view of Caitlin now, because I've never thought of this before, but it makes so much sense. She responds to difficulties in her life with coldness (literally and figuratively) because that was all she knew for a while, and it just took having the right people in her life to show her that it's better to lean on the people who care about you than to shut them out—which is something that she points out to Barry on more than one occasion.
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vexic929 · 13 days
A Barrisco thought for you:
We’ve all heard of the evil power duo that is Savitar x Reverb…but what about Savitar x Echo 👀
Savitar is trapped in an endless loop he can’t escape, filled with anger and pain and jealousy of Barry Allen, and Echo has the power to rewrite fortunes and give unfortunate souls better lives…and also they’re Barry and Cisco, they’re drawn to each other. There’s something here, I can feel it
ooooooooooooh wait yes I love this you're onto something for sure!!!!
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astromechs · 2 months
I’ve always felt you have such a great perspective on Jyn, and “never let me go” shows that so well 💞 the memory of how Lyra once told Jyn why some sand is black but Jyn can’t remember anymore…that hit hard.
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jyn is so very dear and important to me as a character, so i am literally clutching my chest like spidey here 🥺 like, augh, it would take all day for me to unfurl that scroll, but that's my GIRL, and this is a true honor ;; thank you!
anonymously - or not - tell me what passage, fic, line of narration, or anything you remember me by as a writer.
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cowherderess · 2 months
Thank you for sending this and I'm so sorry I forgot to answer it!! Here is a bit more than three sentences– we'll call it interest on the debt :)
They followed the sound of laughter to Amy’s room, where they found the children clustered together in the armchair. Nora and Amy shared the seat, a laptop open between them, while Oliver looked over their shoulders.  “What’s so funny?” Rebecca asked, her mouth quirking.  “Oh, nothing!” Amy sing-songed, before another giggle escaped her.  “Yeah, nothing,” Nora agreed with a smirk.  Rebecca grabbed at Flo’s arm, overcome. “When nothing gets boring, there’s dinner downstairs,” Flo said.  Oliver nodded. “Okay, be right there.” They turned their attention back to whatever was on the screen.  Rebecca and Flo stepped away, and as soon as they were out of sight, Flo squeezed her into a hug. Rebecca took a deep breath. “They’re friends!” Her breath hitched. “They’re friends,” Flo agreed, a glimmer in her eye.
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