#sleepover with bri
fakeoutbf · 2 months
i don’t love you is the best song ever created actually
it was like my fifth most listened to song last year and a friend was like are you okay???
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bbrissonn · 2 years
alright so jack and quinn are in henderson right... that's so crazy because so is briss 👀👀
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seung-scrittore · 2 years
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨
thank you, princess, right back at you <3
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two part answer because my music taste depends on the day, so here is today's 🤚
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Dear John || Tell me you didn’t
Dear John || Masters of the Air fanfiction
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Series Summary: Major John Egan wasn’t the pen-pal sort but a couple of hours into a dark night full of writing condolence letters he finds himself wondering why he never tried his hand at the nicer forms of correspondence. Who better to reanimate his numb inspiration than the glamorous Miss Lana Tierney? -the army’s girl next door, the pinup so prolific she was practically a wall paper print and Bucky’s long-standing cinematic crush. It’s not like she’ll read it anyways, tucked up in luxury in Beverly Hills with carts of tedious fanmail burned in her back yard each day, his letter will get lost in the mix. It’s harmless. That thought -and the booze- may loosen his pen a little too much but it’s alright, it’s not like she’ll read it. Right? Right.
Circa: August 1943
Plot: Gale Cleven learns that not only did his best friend send dubious fanmail while blind drunk, he seems to have singled out with his indomitable luck the one starlet of the silver screen capable of matching his depravity
Warnings: 18+ for suggestive and crass content, it’s pretty much two boys acting like a couple of girls at a sleepover deciphering a dirty text from one’s crush
My thanks to my baby Bri for literally being the brains behind the plot and for Christi for assuring me this ain’t trash. We shall if y’all share those sentiments…
The referenced letter link 💌
“Tell me you didn’t.” Gale managed to keep his tone calm but he’d be lying if he didn’t admit his fingertips had gone a little chilly.
“I-“ Egan threw his arms out as if a better truth might form with a little more gesticulation but nothing came, “I did, Buck.” he admitted.
“You wrote it blind drunk.” Gale reminded him with urgency, as if the reminder of its ill calculated circumstances could snatch back his letter from out of Lana Tierney’s posh mailbox.
“I did!” He agreed, “-And I sent it blind drunk. And I never thought she’d read it.”
“I saw you eat it!” Cleven’s voice was growing angry, “I made you-“
“That may have been a botched first draft to Donny’s folks instead.” Egan winced.
Both of them lapsed again into silence, staring warily at the unopened and daintily addressed envelope in Egan’s hand like it might explode at any moment.
“You sonuvabitch.” Gale breathed, two frantic pink splotches appearing on his cherub cheeked face, judgment and disbelief making a whirlpool of his eyes. “Can’t leave you alone for a minute. What all did you even say?”
“I didn’t tell her about ACORN!” John vowed like a child swearing to their sibling regarding secrets kept from mother, “I mean, i called her that but I didn’t explai-“
“-and I said a lotta nice things too, I think, but, I also-“ Egan scrunched his eyes up as if to either better recall or maybe banish entirely all memory of his sentiments, “-I may have mentioned wanting to give her children.”
“It can’t have been that bad, she wrote back!” Egan defended with wounded hope, holding up his still sealed prize. “Buck, swear to God, I never thought she’d read it.”
Gale slumped down next to him on the bed as if the ordeal in voyeuristic stupidity had taken something out of him. “Maybe she didn’t.” he suggested grimly. “Maybe it’s from her attorney tellin’ you to never contact her again.”
He was enjoying ruining this moment a little too much, and now Egan was growing angry he had waited to open it until confiding in his friend. Not a little anxious, and not a little smug, Egan flipped the envelope over, ready to tear its flap. That’s when he saw the kiss print. “Ha!” he barked, flipping it back up and shoving it directly in front of Gale’s crossing eyes, “Do lawyers leave lip prints?” he questioned cockily and when Gale pulled far enough away to ascertain for himself, he gave a conceding nod.
“Yeah, huh.” John goaded but his heart beat a crazy and skittish rhythm as he slipped his finger inside the fold and tore at the slip.
Lovely, scented, gold embossed stationery came into view, it made Egan question how well he had washed his hands the paper was so white and pristine.
“Well?” Gale kept to a respectful distance of half a foot away from his friend on the bed, and being a good sort of man, he was not snooping or side eyeing private correspondence.
“Uh, yeah, right.” Bucky rallied himself and unfolded the missive fully, forcing his eyes to focus on deciphering charming, school girl cursive. “Get over here, Buck.” he griped at last as it was hopeless to make headway between his own nerves and Cleven’s hovering presence.
Gale didn’t move and Bucky didn’t expect him to so he scooted over herself, smashing him on the edge and held the letter out as they both leaned in.
“Dear John, -I’m sorry Major Egan, I just had to.”
“Oh shit.” Bucky swore in realization.
“She’s funny.” Gale’s tone was ever so mild.
“Nah she’s, Buck, she’s quoting me back to me I told her -nevermind, let’s see-“
They peered back at the letter together, Cleven more invested that he’d ever admit and Bucky’s heart doing the oddest little flips at the realization that someone gave enough of a damn to write this sorta thing back to him.
“Heartfelt.” Gale murmured her choice of words for Bucky’s letter aloud with something close to relief, only to be then followed by a groan- “you did not write the word ‘knockers’ in a letter to a woman!”
“You're right, you’re right,” Egan ducked his head, repentant, he wouldn’t have been the least surprised if he got a wallop from Cleven for it, “awful of me. I admitted it even then. She admits it. Let’s move on.”
“RACK!” Cleven growled moments later in growing disbelief. “Jesus, John.”
“Oh don’t act better than all of it, you know she’s got the best melons out there-“
“-you’re the one who felt compelled to write a nice young lady and tell her as much.” Buck stabbed an accusatory finger dangerously close to Egan’s nose, “And used vulgarities while at it.”
Egan gave a defensive shrug and began his reading anew. “She said she’s fizzing…over making babies.” he whispered, “With me.” John was awed and this time Cleven had no rebuttal, just ever growing wonderment on his ever reddening face. “And she says here, look! she says you’re a bad boy for breaking us up that night! HA!”
“She’s being polite Bucky,” Gale cautioned, worried at where this surge of confidence might lead, “she didn’t admit to remembering a bit of it. They send girls to school to let fellas like you down easy.”
“Aww, now she says to give ya a kiss.” Egan cooed, saccharine and wicked, “See, she’s so nice and you’re the one who’s awful, doubting her like that. She says to give ya one if you’re the sort to take it well, are ya Buck, huh? Are you? Huh?”
“No, no! Jesus, get off me!” Cleven exerted every bit of his wiry strength to lug off the sudden onslaught of Egan’s heavy embrace as they folded together back onto the bed, John’s mouth making sickening smooching noises against Cleven’s baby smooth cheek, mustache a foreign and terrifying tickle on his jaw. “Get the hell off me, what is wrong with you?”
“I’m riled, just like her, that’s what’s wrong.” Egan replied vehemently, pulling his face away but keeping a perturbed Buck beneath his greater weight. “And maybe one day you’ll know what that feels like, Goldilocks. See, says right here: *I can feel my pulse somewhere besides my wrists* Do you hear that?” He demanded, still holding the letter aloft as Gale looked up at him with the sort of patience people reserve for lunatics liable to murder them at the least hint of movement. “I’ve made her horny.” he spelled it out and Gale’s face somehow flushed an even deeper shade of scarlet. “She wants to know what acorn means.”
“Don’t you ever tell her.” Gale warned.
“Why not?”
“It’s not even a good acronym, it’s misspelled and missing a whole word.”
“She wants it to be ‘salacious’ -says so herself.”
“No way.”
“Yes way.” Bucky flipped the letter over for Gale to see and judging by the panic in his eyes he caught more lines than that one alone.
“Jesus.” he repeated, it was starting to sound like a genuine beg for divine intervention. “Get off me.”
That itching physical impulse to roughhouse remained but Egan obligingly rolled to the side, aware Buck didn’t have what would cure his own riled self. “She says she enclosed something for the morale, said to keep it safe. But there’s not anything else. You see anything else?”
“I don’t.” Buck sounded worn down but he made an effort to look around amongst the sheets.
“Julia Jean.” Egan pondered, “Says that’s her real name.”
“Yeah, well, maybe now you can stop calling her acorn every damn time she comes on screen.”
“Don’t count on it.” Egan grinned back.
“Maybe it’s still in the envelope.” Gale suggested, tentatively picking up the air mail slip and handing it to Bucky.
Egan sat up and shook the paper between them, wondering if it was really something worth hiding from the censors like some OSS spy shit. A couple of shakes and sure enough, some slippery little card shaped thing fluttered out of a crease and wafted to the ground, settling between Buck’s boots. John’s stoic young friend bent over and retrieved it, but not without his entire spine stiffening like he’d been hit as soon as he’d caught it.
“Jesus.” it was more of a wheeze this time. Gale’s slow hand raised it and passed it over.
There wasn’t anything to say, not when confronted with such perfection. Not even a shielding arm to cheat him of the whole display, nothin’ at all but a carefully cropped photograph of the ripest pair of-
“Goddamn.” John’s tongue finally materialized a sentiment and he heard Gale’s appreciative sharp intake of breath beside him as if he’d forgotten to breathe here lately. “They’re wonderful.”
“Yeah.” Gale’s own throat sounded dry as dust, “W-we should probably stop starin’.”
“Whadda ya think she sent ‘em for?” John laughed, a rough, victorious laugh, never once dragging his admiring eyes away from them or ceasing to thumb over the shiny print. He could almost feel her warm, giving flesh under the pad of his finger, could almost imagine the pebble of a rosy nipple responding to his swipes.
“Yeah, they’re alright-“
“Alright? Alright!?” Egan repeated, incensed for his beloved’s reputation, “THESE ARE THE BEST TITS IN THE NATION!”
Gale actually looked mildly chastened, especially as his eyes strayed guiltily back to the photograph like twin marbles gravitating to the corner of a box when tipped.
“I know you haven’t seen many, Buck,” Egan goaded him further, “but take it from me -they don’t get better than this. And you better enjoy this look, it’s your last, she told me to keep them safe. So see this? These? This pair? S’why we fight, Buck.”
“Don’t be crass, John,” Gale stood up abruptly, less angry at his friend than at himself for his momentary lapse of discipline, “we fight for the people we love.”
“Course we do,” John grinned, “but I also happen to love these, told her so myself.”
“You didn’t-“
“I did.” Bucky was pretty chuffed, bouncing on the edge of the bed like he had her seated in his lap right now, “Everybody’s got to have a goal, Buck, you wanna marry Marj and I wanna aggressively come on ripe knock-“
“-A.C.O.R.N. yeah, yeah.”
“Acorn.” Bucky grinned in agreement.
“You gonna admit to her you didn’t know knockers was spelled with a k?”
“I did, too! Just couldn’t make it work.”
“Still doesn't work.” Buck informed, but his smile was returning, he’d not been this close with Bucky for this long not to learn to roll with the differences and appreciate that what made his best friend tick was a very different sort of morale than his own. “I’m happy for ya, John.” he conceded, as he turned to leave, “But when you write her back -and you gotta, she’s been too kind -promise me you’ll be a gentleman about it. Apologize, like the man I know you are. Drink got the better of you, just, explain it that way.”
“Uhuh.” John gave him a sober nod, still a little dazed this wasn’t some fever dream. “Kinda already did. In the one I sent.”
“She wasn’t deterred.” Gale mused, “Either you were shit at it or she’s-“
“Zesty.” Egan deduced, sucking his teeth with a manic gleam in his eye.
“Yeah, as an orange peel.” Gale snarked and walked away, past the rows of empty beds and outside into the rain, “I’ll leave you to it.”
Bucky fell back against his mattress, sudden peace and aloneness giving him a chance to soak it in a second time, carefully reading over it all again, savoring each quip, each earnest prayer and naughty subtext. Which naturally led him back to admiring her little picture, groaning in unrestrained appreciation for her assets. She’d hinted about him taking it to his bunk -well wasn’t he fast to obey! Something possessed him to flip it over and there in the corner of the photograph, written in tiny little script, were doodles of music notes along with the ever so familiar lyrics:
“Beat me daddy, eight to the bar.”
John threw back his head and let out a roar of appreciation for finding a mirrored soul. “Oh Julie Jean, honey baby, don’t you worry, I’ll beat out somethin’ for ya, that’s for sure.”
Thank y’all for reading, hope you enjoyed! Feedback is a writer’s life blood, please scream at me, I thrive off it. 💋
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
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Pairing: Xu Shangqi x f. reader
Genre: smut
Warnings: mentions of sex, hickies, scratches, amnesia, Vegas shenanigans, alcohol consumption, hangover, Shangqi being a tease, implied smut (plz let me know if I am forgetting any)
Summary: A trip to Vegas leads to you waking up to another man in your bed. 
Word Count: 864
Notes: This started as a request from my bday sleepover almost a year ago 💀 and I lost inspo for it until I decided to take part in @the-slumberparty Warm-Up: One Word Drabble. Thank you Navy and Roo for hosting this sleepover and thank you Bri Bri for the request! Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
word generated: club
request: 🎉 from the prompt list, specially the smutty ones, 15. “I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.” and 29. “I’ll take it that you like what you see.” with Shangqi? 🫣 👀 - @hollandparkersx
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You woke up to a pounding headache and dry throat. But with your friends around, you knew that you would end up drinking more than you can handle and make even more crazy decisions. Speaking of your friends.
Oh shit, what time was it?
The alarm clock on the side of your bed flashed 11:30am. You groaned, massaging your temples. 
Well, so much for brunch at The Cosmopolitan. 
In annoyance, you snatched your phone from the nightstand. Turning it on, you read a message from your best friend.
Sorry, hun! Was gonna wake you up but then we saw you snuggled up to that hottie from the club last night. Don’t worry, we’ll bring you something when we come back. Have fun with your man 😘 Lmk if you need more of those XL condoms 😉
What the fuck was she-
On the opposite side of the queen sized bed was a naked man, whose body looked like it was sculpted like Michaelangelo himself. Not to mention, red scratch marks trailed down his back as if a rabid animal attacked him. That couldn’t have been your doing…right? 
He began to roll over, exposing his equally sculpted chest and abs that was littered in hickies and kiss marks. Your eyes widened when you realized the lip stains on his body matched the shade of your lipstick from last night. As you wiped the side of your mouth, your smeared lipstick appeared on your fingertips. Finally awake, the man stared at you, leaning against his propped arm. You tried not to stare at his bulging bicep, but he caught on as he smirked. 
“Good morning, sweetheart,” the man slurred with a low, sexy morning voice that was richer than the coffee you craved to cure your hangover. His eyes scanned your bare torso, smirking as you quickly covered yourself.
“No need to be embarrassed, sweetheart,” he chuckled and you watched his chest rise and fall. “I already know you look beautiful naked.” Your cheeks heated up and you slowly let the blanket fall in your lap.
“I know I should care about the reason why you’re naked in my bed, but I will just enjoy it for a moment.”
The man laughed again. “Well you and I got pretty drunk last night and I guess one thing led to another…”
Now your memories were coming back to you. You and your friends went club hopping on the strip, and you met the guy in bed with you on the bus ride there. While you were still sober, you and he chatted over how you were in Vegas for your friend’s birthday, and he was there to get over some family issues he dealt with in the past month. 
By the time you got to the club, he paid for you and your friends' drinks. You basically left both of your groups to dance with each other but would still follow each other on each ride to the different clubs. At the end of the night, you and he went back to your room while both of your friend groups stayed behind to find a place to eat. The rest of the night with him was still a blur but it was pretty clear that you both slept with each other. Only thing was, you forgot his name.
“I’m sorry,” you started, “but can you remind me of your name please?” 
“Don’t sweat it. It’s Shangqi.” You nodded and then gave him your name.
“I remember your name, sweetheart.” Shangqi smiled. “Surprised you forgot mine when you were screaming it all night long.”
You clenched your jaw as you grew wet between your legs. The urge to pounce on him was strong, especially with the way he stretched across the bed. Your gaze automatically landed on his groin that hid underneath the bed sheet. 
“I’ll take it that you like what you see,” Shangqi teased once he caught you staring. You curled your lips inward as your face warmed up. He decided to change the subject to spare you of your embarrassment. 
“Got any plans for today?” Shangqi asked.
“I was supposed to go to brunch with my friends but seeing that they found us sleeping together, they decided it was best to leave me behind.” Shangqi gave you an apologetic look, feeling bad that he kept you from your friends. You reassured him, “Don’t worry though, I had a great time last night. I mean, I don’t remember everything that happened, but I know it was fun.”
“Yeah, we went through like 5 condoms last night.” He picked up an opened condom packet, causing your breath to hitch when you realized it was a gold XL packet like your friend mentioned in the text. 
You huffed out a flustered breath. “Wow, I guess there is a lot more that I don’t remember from last night.” 
Shangqi’s next words turned you into a puddle. “Want me to jog your memory, sweetheart?” 
You bit your lip as your thighs rubbed together to ease the growing need in your core. God, this man made it extremely impossible to resist him. “Yeah, help me remember every single detail.”
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jealousgrl777 · 1 year
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all about bri <3
hiya:) i’m briseis ! and welcome to my digital diary and blog 🤍
pronunciation ; bri - say - is
- a beautiful white swan 🦢 🩰
(i’ll constantly be updating!<33)
i enjoy ; watching horror movies, baking, museums, days at the beach, scrolling on pinterest, music, playing my pink electric guitar and piano, journaling, shopping, and having sleepovers and js hanging out with my smileymileyy<3
she/her 🫶🏼
my color pallet ; cream, white, light pinks, and nudes
fav artist/bands ; taylor swift, twice, the aubrey’s, lana del rey, the beatles, etc.
fav actors ; finn wolfhard, emma watson, louis partridge, timothée chalamet, winona ryder, angelina jolie, brittany mueller, etc.
fav movies ; romy and michele’s highschool reunion, jennifer’s body, to all the boys, girl interrupted, the turning, it, the goldfinch, everything everything, clueless, black swan, etc.
fav shows ; xo kitty, gilmore girls, the glory, the summer i turned pretty, atypical, outer banks, etc.
fav quote ; “ her world was the colour of pearls : pale white and pink. and softly glowing ” - neil gaimon, cinnamon
languages ; english, spanish, french, bit of korean, and italian <33
my sports ; golf, tennis, ballet, basketball, badmitten, soccer, and during the winter i go ice skating! <3
age and bday ; 4teen + july 27
zodiac ; leo <3
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goldensmilingbird · 10 months
One of the things that I love thinking about is Quantics dropping by at each other's houses after an exhausting mission/patrol.
Like Felix staying at Bri's or Allan's house for the night when his dad is away on business and he is feeling extra lonely (not that he would admit that). Or when one of them gets hurt, others keeping them company as they recover. Or all of them together having a big celebratory sleepover where they order takeout, play games, watch movies and then finally get some good sleep after staying up all night. And when the parents wake up, there is a big cuddle pile of kids and someone is already making breakfast in the kitchen.
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fakeoutbf · 1 month
i love u and i hate to tell u this but…it’s still my least favorite
ummm you’re not done bestie where is my sunshine riptide review
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pixelplayhouse · 9 months
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yumi’s ballet instructer told them to watch “a ballerinas tale” and that they would discuss it next class. yumi invited another dancer in her company over, brianna “bri” to watch with her. the two do more talking than watching. they tell eachother their life stories, talk about their exes, their dreams and everything in between. they really begin to bond with eachother, they have many similarities. the two have a sleepover and drink a little too much champagne.
yumi learned that bri is also bisexual and has been a dancer her entire life, her father is a famous french director. they bond over their celeb parents and similar interests soon becoming close friends.
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moriartyscrown · 11 months
found this on pinterest :)
Unfortunately i can't find the blog that created this... :( But anyways, i'm gonna answer these questions
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Uh, really hard to say, but i think it’s Bri because i can identify w/ him and he's kind of a role model for me
ROGER. I don't know i just imagine it to be verrry good
With all of them together? Maybe drink some red wine and dance and have a sleepover...?
Absolutely. Love our cute lil disco-boi♡
I think Bri once said it was "Deacy" in one of his posts, so Deacy it is for me :)
Adorable ❤😊💞
Babysit, because i love cats but they don't love me 😂
Bri or Deacy. Maybe Freddie. NOT Roger
Well, i prefer his 70s hair, but in the 80s he did all of his solo albums that i really love, so i think 80s ♡
Without, but not in that time when he was already so close to death :'(
Nooo... please, no...🥲 i hate it... Like, wtf is that Bri? You're supposed to be a cute lil baby...
Queen II and the Game
No, it's the only queen album that i don't like at all
Depends on the song, my favourite is Freddie's, but in songs like '39 i prefer Brian's and in songs like In The Lap Of The Gods i couldn't live without Roger's falsettos
As i said, i don't like the Hot Space album
Difficult question. I think so, yes, but i still ship Maylor, because maybe in other circumstances, maybe in an other world, Rog and Bri could have been a couple ♡
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seung-scrittore · 2 years
they're so busy with uni TT but i love them and don't blame them </3 miss my little mariposa so much though TT
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shelbsimmies · 5 months
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“Darling Duplex” Left Side 🔮🍂
This side of the duplex is furnished for Celeste and Kendis and their daughter Bri. This duplex has a downstairs primary with an en-suite bathroom as well as laundry + a half bath.
Upstairs is Bri’s room, a small “office” which I did not take a picture of and a bathroom.
Bri recently aged up to a child so I am still working on her room plus she has the sleepover aspiration so I tried to leave some floor space for friends. I love the tooth fairy feature 🦷!
I love showing houses my sims actually live in because I grow through great lengths to take the perfect family photos at every life stage (AND THEN HAVE NO WHERE TO PUT THEM 😭😭)
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
okay i think this would qualify as funnel cake IDK but i just saw the cutest little pink house while driving and now i want someone to think about eddie with a significant other that is like obsessed with pink and what he would do if they painted the whole house pink while he was out one day or smthn (implied; them living together after graduating, aged up a bit)
bri i LOVE this idea like okay you're just like, feeling it one day, you know? maybe its because a neighbor said something snide about eddie's hair or about the way he still drives that van or about how you welcome a seemingly endless stream of high school students all the time (the kids come to visit a lot, okay?) and you just want to DO something to make this tiny house you've bought feel like home. and to show the neighborhood that it's YOURS and you are SO HAPPY. so when eddie goes away for a weekend for a show, you decide to just do it. you're going to paint the house your favorite color: pink. you enlist the kids to come help you for the weekend in exchange for a sleepover with any snacks they want, and they're eager to help. it's not a lot to paint, really, just two stories and the porch of your tiny cottage. so you get it done in a few days, after calling joyce to confirm how exactly you're meant to paint a house. you play the radio loudly the whole time but you're all having so much fun that the neighbors don't dare come complain. and when eddie pulls up on Sunday night to find you all sitting in the front lawn admiring your work? well, he shoves his questions down for later and just sits down with you guys and asks for the whole story, winking at you. (later, he'll be like, okay, what the hell went on here, and you tell him how you were feeling and he just goes oh okay, well that makes sense. should we paint the van matte black, or something next?)
join the celebration!
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yeonjuins · 2 years
my woobear i love u !!!!
bri bby i love u so much
chogiseok / the way when we both had chogiseok headers and that was our couple matching moment / having the honour to give u a jungwon pc <3 / pink pink pink / sanrio related things as well / fluffy pink runway fashion related things / bold colours / the insane popsicle house you built / the concept of building a fort out of couches and having a sleepover within them / 'woobear' / all your live blogging posts with millie and how i picked up on the habit as a result / cute iced drinks / building a bear snowman / the cat hat you wore and i rmbr seeing u wear when i first followed u / ur matching plushie icon w millie
mutuals ! send me a 💌 and i will tell you what i associate you with <3
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Ok so where did Bri and Haru messed around? Now I'm curious. Let us know Shay. Especially since Carson doesn’t leave them home alone and (I assume) he doesn’t let her have sleepovers?? 👀👀
There were some times when Haru came over when Carson was at work or otherwise gone, so it would happen in her bedroom and also in Haru’s car 🥴
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winderlylandchime · 7 months
2/2 ‘BRIAN AND EMMETT! LOOK AT THE BEST FRIENDS. When you think about it, theyre basically the same person. (Emmett says it hasnt been his year dick wise) THIS is what im being robbed off when they don’t give me them as friends! Since when does Em know about cancer? I know for a fact that’d be a sweet moment between them and i was robbed! This is how he’s telling people? Iconic. If this was today, he’d just post it on his IG Story.’ And we are back at Mel and Mikey ‘I genuinely say this from the bottom of my heart: i hate them both. Finally lindsay has a fucking brain shes using. Unfortunately she still has a horrible haircut though’ Loretta brings Deb heart shapped dessert ‘oh rosie. My sweet Rosie *long pause and then looks at me and points to his Brian inside a heart shirt* This is literally me with Brian.’ ‘FINALLY TED MAKEOVER! I get triggered every time they say queer guy, just thought you should know. I’m so happy that Emy and Teddy are friends again’ ‘look Mike is realizing he’s an asshole. I could’ve told you that 4 seasons ago. Or episodes. The next apology and confirmation that he’s an asshole needs to be to Brian that dinner pissed me off! Who does that to a friend? Just watches while they get attacked?. I still hate him for that. BRIAN! Look at this cutie (and Ted reveal happens) TEDDY! He looks good. Wait, I need a video of Brian saying Ted is fabulous on a loop’ ‘they brought Rosie just for a little kissy kiss and that was it? Good for her. *looks at me like he just figured out all the world problems* mmm she probably had to go back to work on her show’ (she did not the show was already over at that point but he refused to believe me) Mel asks Linds if she is giving up JR bc she doesnt want to be her mother ‘girl, after how you and michael behaved? Even i dont wanna see that damn baby anymore. Now where the fuck is Gus, the real star of the show? Give him to Brian and Justin for a sleepover’ ‘mike acts like he’s got it all figured out and like he’s this grown up dude who is suddenly too good for Liberty Avenue and yet he��s a fucking idiot and a child. WHY IS HUNTER BACK ON THE STREET? What the fuck is going on with him? Why would they do that?’ AND we are at that Britin scene now ‘Blondie! Look at him drawing. Imagine if they hung out at Brians office and Blondie worked on his art and Bri was working on his shit? I should’ve been a writer on the show. God, im so happy his hair is back. BRI BRI! Okay what the fuck is going on? He doesnt wanna fuck Brian? Okay cool that’s okay. Can’t relate but to each their own, i guess but why does he look like hed rather jump off Empire State Building? He’s acting like he killed someone calm down it’s just an std it happens, what the fuck? WHAT IS GOING ON? Since when does Justin care for all this? Why is he being like this?’ Justin reveals the Rage drawings ‘WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS? When are you gonna stop fucking every et that moves??? NEVER? And he gave him a virus in the series? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED? Did i hallucinate the part where Justin and him had that foursome? Or when those dudes were all over him in babylon? OR THE LA FUCKS? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BLONDIE? Blondie i said never change? What is this? And dont even get me started on the Rage comic. Thats fucked up, thats why he hid it from Brian cause he knows that’s fucked up. I hate this. What the fuck is going on?’ He then got up and went outside to smoke and didn’t come back for 20 minutes. And when he finally did all he said was ‘this is bullshit’ and then he left the house to go on a walk to clear his head. And when he came back he refused to talk about qaf. So the beginning of the end has officially started.
BRIAN AND EMMETT! LOOK AT THE BEST FRIENDS. When you think about it, theyre basically the same person. (Emmett says it hasnt been his year dick wise) THIS is what im being robbed off when they don’t give me them as friends!
Your brother is feeding my little KinneyCutt shaped heart. They are basically the same person, I've been saying that! Also, they're both tall.
*long pause and then looks at me and points to his Brian inside a heart shirt* This is literally me with Brian. Yes it is, Brother. If Loretta adopted a cat (which she will in a half a second because she's a lesbian, yes this is a self-own) she would/will name it Debbie.
mike acts like he’s got it all figured out and like he’s this grown up dude who is suddenly too good for Liberty Avenue and yet he’s a fucking idiot and a child. The joy I am getting from your brother reading Michael is immeasurable.
I should’ve been a writer on the show. Yes, he should have.
WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS? When are you gonna stop fucking every et that moves??? NEVER? And he gave him a virus in the series? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED? Did i hallucinate the part where Justin and him had that foursome? Or when those dudes were all over him in babylon? OR THE LA FUCKS? WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY BLONDIE? Blondie i said never change? What is this?
I'm crying. I'm so sorry anon. I'm so sorry Brother. It gets worse. It gets so much worse.
(To be clear, I love the Only Time speech because it encapsulates them, but Brian proposing and every moment of that is awful. (okay we get some cute couple moments from them being engaged BUT AT WHAT COST? Justin not being at Babylon in the last shot is awful. It is entirely out of character. I hate the writers)
I'm sorry.
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