#snapper gif
quini-fr · 3 months
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thestarshire · 7 months
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Three days till Applications Close!
If you are interested in applying, check out our post here! Applications for the Shire close on November 15th at 11:59pm PST.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask here!
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souptomatobasil · 7 months
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Happy Halloween~ [First] [Previous] [Next] [Asterales]
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luminarystimboards · 1 year
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A school of Bluestripe Snapper in the Maldives.
Free to use with credit!
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groveyrising · 1 year
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finished like. a million projects the last week or so since i finally had time and the motivation during lightning dom. so here's a roundup of all the dragons i haven't showed off yet <3
(Dragon info + skin credits)
Aloysia - Lady Dawn by Reisiger
Lahar - Penumbral Pantomime by WildGazebo
Asher - one-winged dove by auroshen
Rigel (G1)
Trifle - DDD-Other gloves by DDDFirefox
Tanager (G1, #69999710) - the curse of the Midas by Adegeill
Dani (#60007777)
Jacinta (G1)
Tanikala (#70700707) - Mother of the Pearl by Saerino
Silakbo (7-digit) - SS-Incomparable by Eiyora
Echidna (G1, #66642064) - Harvest Celebration by Sherushi
Carioca (G1) - 2NACAN by Elextra
Budgie (7-digit) - TO THE SEAFRONT by brightmyth
Scorpius (G1) - Beyond the Horizon by Straka
Sammy - Fish Fear Me by GimmeThemPrimals
Everyone here was self-hatched/are from my pairs except for Trifle, Dani, Silakbo, and Sammy!
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peepz-art · 26 days
Boat Boys
This is such an Oh, snappers drawing lol
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t00thpasteface · 3 months
POV: you are following me rn
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tangledinink · 3 months
Voting for Donatello Swanatello in the AU Competition!!!
Go Swannie Go!!!
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it's true, he IS aggressive... u _ u
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kittynomore · 5 months
I love your snapper lou turtles so much! Mikey is such a tiny little guy, and the twins are so feral! And Raph absolutely does deserve to have a papa massive enough to cradle him in his arms!
Since their behavior is so much more animal-like as babies, does it take them longer to start doing things like speaking? Do they retain many of their more animalistic behaviors into their teenage years?
Their first language is turtle. Like they chirp and growl and squeak and hiss and click like turtles. Lou tries to teach them japanese and english. But sometimes just reverts back to turtle. Nini(Ghost) @amevello-blue is a big help tho in teaching the kids with visual aid and talking with Lou so the kids can listen to actual conversations. Lee was first to pick it up and LOVED the attention so much he didnt stop speaking and would talk thru the whole day and night. Dee already knows the languages but chooses to stay quiet only talking in full sentences to retort back at Lee. Raph picked it up after everyone started speaking more. Angelo learned via being in the shell pocket most of the time, so Lou talks to him the most. April knows how to speak turtle.
They started acting more human when they started watching films and series. Seeing how people move and act they instantly picked it up. But they will still be feral nature, biting and playing like big cats/dogs
But for the most part they hunt and fish. Nini also built them brushes and cow back scratchers
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They all have different sizes. Lou and Raph's back scratching sessions are DEADLY!! You have sharp scutes flying EVERYWHERE! Nini uses it as jumping training and the kids uses it as a game to collect the most scutes. The kids like to hide and play with the scutes
Nini built them all sorts of toys and games. Coz Dee giving him a dead rat. And Lee got jelly of the attention and also started giving him dead stuff. Nini teaches them to hunt invasive species in parks. Oh they also yoinked the teleporting odachi to teleport anywhere and everywhere. And all the weapons. Lou and Nini teaches them ninjitsu and other arts.
Their stomach acid is so strong it can digest ANYTHING. Also why they have high metabolism and high prey drive.
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paytato435 · 4 months
Snapper and Stinkpot Character Ref: Bad Future Donatello
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Donatello Hamato - 33-39, he/him
A lot has changed since Donatello’s brother accidentally caused the apocalypse. He can’t drink coffee, he’s carrying the research and development team of the resistance on his back, and he rarely ever gets a day of peace and quiet… until he suddenly find himself with far too much quiet.
After coming up with a proposal that could help save hundreds of human lives from the looming Krang menace, Donatello suddenly finds himself estranged and alienated from the family he would do anything to protect. Maybe they just can’t understand his vision?
My design for future Donatello comes from his ever growing feeling of loneliness and overwhelming drive to fix things. Passionately trying to make up for his missteps, Donatello throws himself into his work and art 24/7. Does it work? We may never know. I love the idea that Donatello finds meaning in life through the things he can make and design for others- it’s all he knows how to do. He won’t admit it, but he’s a huge people pleaser and he needs to help them in order to feel loved. This Donatello is broken; his drive to help others has backfired and hurt the people closest to him, and Casey Junior is especially reluctant to forget it.
In lighter news, Donatello’s outfit on the far right is inspired in part by Casey Junior’s outfit in the movie. My thought while looking at him was: “where did that fur come from?” I’d like to think that while Donatello did design his clothes, Casey refused to let the fashionista anywhere near his ensemble. Simply put, Donatello wears it all much better.
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Really kid, please take better care of your clothes. Wear colors that don’t make me think of barf. 🤢
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(PNG version)
Also, consider this propaganda for the @obscure-au-comp ! Votes for Snapper and Stinkpot are votes for more comics made around/ of my fanfic!
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phasdraw · 1 year
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a few wiggly doodles bc im considering opening some commissions on the cheap side to fund a few gene projects
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a-mess-of-a-crow · 8 months
But today there is a fishing tournament!!!
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Btw for those who play animal crossing, what's your favorite fish?
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fieriframes · 9 months
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[Go ahead. I mean, get it all over your nice shirt. [ Laughs ] Espionage is not a cricket game. That red snapper is amazing. Red snapper, when you say Haitian food, this is like a staple. -Exactly.]
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slapthebass · 2 years
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DIR EN GREY - 激しさと、この胸の中で絡み付いた灼熱の闇 (In studio footage)
Gear focus
Bonus: Toshiya with glasses :)
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h3y-spac3-cad3t · 4 months
tj snapper stimboard! my lovely wife
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gifs not by me!
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xthaliax · 2 years
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My ship as it bloomed not long ago, these poor innocent souls of a mutant and Goetia owl.
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