#so if you don't either i understand why
chaikajpeg · 26 days
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yor forger
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fromtheseventhhell · 3 months
I have a question for people who fervently argue that Arya has no potential for politics but think that Sansa will be one of the main political characters, and I'm asking this seriously.
If Arya learning multiple languages, how to tell + detect lies, how to rule her face so she doesn't reveal her emotions, being able to blend into different situations, thinking quick on her feet, knowing the importance of gathering information, being someone who makes friends wherever she goes, convincing a FM to help free Northern prisoners and participating in a coup, etc. don't make Arya capable of participating in politics...what exactly is it that you think Sansa will be doing as a political figure?
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sugarcandydoll · 2 months
thunder reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ rain reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ navy blue reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ men's cologne reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ cheekbones remind me of nate jacobs ♡ swords remind me of nate jacobs ♡ deers remind me of nate jacobs ♡ fresh laundry reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ afternoon naps remind me of nate jacobs ♡ veiny hands reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ bandaid reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ heroes remind me of nate jacobs ♡ cuddles remind me of nate jacobs ♡ drowning reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ babies reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ loneliness reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ policemen reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ stars remind me of nate jacobs ♡ crying reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ pickup trucks remind me of nate jacobs ♡ storms remind me of nate jacobs ♡ beer bottles reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ hugs remind me of nate jacobs ♡ prince charming reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ secrets remind me of nate jacobs ♡ steel reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ handsome strangers remind me of nate jacobs ♡ the ocean reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ grey sweatpants remind me of nate jacobs ♡ dreams remind me of nate jacobs ♡ wind reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ silence reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ blueberries remind me of nate jacobs ♡ long drives remind me of nate jacobs ♡ safety reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ showers remind me of nate jacobs ♡ the cosmos reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ holding hands remind me of nate jacobs ♡ dubio on ice reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ skiing reminds me of nate jacobs ♡ sapphires remind me of nate jacobs ♡ the sky reminds me of nate jacobs ♡
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s0ckh3adstudios · 3 months
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thefirstknife · 9 months
Getting real sick of a certain subset of Destiny players complaining that it’s a baby game and crying to Bungie to nerf exotics and abilities when their ENTIRE POINT IS TO BE STRONG in specific ways as if they are being locked into using them.
MOOD. Go off.
It's incredibly annoying to me. They always use the argument of "the game should FORCE me to do things, I should not SELF-IMPOSE challenges." And like. ? I'm sorry but what? It's a video game for a big audience, it's here to be playable and accessible to the widest possible playerbase. There are plenty of ways to make the game difficult for yourself, so knock yourself out if that's your thing, but don't force others into it.
Like, I enjoy hard content, I regularly at least attempt day 1 raids, I do master raids, GMs, solo and solo flawless content and all that. But only when I want to. Sometimes I don't and I don't want to suffer in a patrol zone or struggle in a seasonal activity I'm doing for the story. The majority of the players don't want that. Designing games for the professional gamers only has NEVER been a good idea and never will be. Fifty streamers can't sustain a video game. It needs casual players who will want to come back to the game instead of feeling defeated.
One of the reasons I really enjoy helping others is because I know that casual players tend to struggle in stuff that's basic activity for me. I've seen people unable to get through a strike. I've sat for 10 minutes rezing someone who couldn't do the jump in a seasonal activity. I want those people to be able to play basic content without feeling frustrated and I want them to know that there are people out there who will help them out.
And this doesn't apply just to basic content, although it should start with that. I think all dungeons and raids and everything should be things that all players can complete. Fine, doing a master raid with all challenges should be tough, but it should be achievable with time and practice, not impossible. What a lot of these "pros" want is just completely divorced from reality.
It takes days and days of practice every time a new master raid is out for me and my team (all with thousands of hours of playtime) to get comfortable to finally finish it. We're far from casual players and it still takes a lot of time to be able to finish hard content. Making it even harder is insane to me. Like, if something is so hard that my team full of people, each with 5000+ hours of playtime and a coordinated team that's been raiding together for years now can't finish it, that means it's absolutely impossible for probably 90% of the playerbase. That's wild to me. Raids and GMs should have more people playing them. If master raids are too easy for you, Mr. I-Play-Destiny-For-A-Living, that's on you buddy. Unequip the super god tier god roll meta guns and loadouts or play something else.
And ofc, another excuse they make is "if I don't use meta, I am not going to win a raid race!" Then don't. Idk. Let me play you the tiniest violin. This affects literally nobody except a grand total of 50 people. Run your meta in day 1, and play with random shit otherwise. Play raids with all white weapons. Play without mods. Play without a HUD. Do things solo only. I don't know, make up a way to spice things up for yourself. I'm not interested in that and neither are 99% of the players out there. The game is genuinely hard enough for the majority of the players. On top of that, I am here to feel like a powerful space fantasy superhero. I am NOT here to die to dregs in patrol zones. If there's ONE thing that I know for a fact that put people off from Lightfall (as in this year of Destiny), it's the difficulty changes. They're annoying, frustrating and for some a barrier to entry more than anything else.
#destiny 2#gameplay#ask#long post#i really do love helping but i can't not feel bad because once the people i helped are out of my fireteam...#...there's no telling what other experiences they'll have#there's so many speedrunners and people who don't care and people who just aren't helping and are instead mocking others#you can only do so much for a few people you see in activities#this season's activities are super tough. every time so far I've played everyone in the team was struggling#i'm gonna have to start going into altars of summoning with my full support build warlock just to sit in there and help people#istg the 'pros' have to get their loadouts restricted. go play with non-god tier armour sets and guns#equip the same loadout that some casual player has available and let me see you then#this idea that everyone has minmaxed best equipment available at all times is bizarre. please get your head out of your ass#'i have perfectly rolled all artifice armour with perfect stat exotics for every loadout because i have infinite time to grind' okay dude#most of us aren't being paid to play destiny. lmao#'the game used to be hard' no. you got better. you mastered it#why is this so difficult to understand. everything is hard when you first start. 5000 hours later it no longer is#the game is fine. the 'health of the game' is fine. you mastered it and outgrew it#either impose challenges on yourself or find something else#like. when i first started GMs they were almost impossible for me#now i play them for fun. they're still challenging but they're not the same level of hard and I'm fine with that#i enjoy them as content and they're still entertaining#and when a new GM comes out it's a new challenge to master so it'll be hard at the start#as everything ever in the world#if that's no longer enough for you then you just outgrew the game and should probably move on#the only reason why some things used to be hard was poor quality of life that got improved over time#not being able to mantle in d1 is not difficulty. it's just not good design. it was fixed and improved#the bitching about light 3.0 as well. man. just don't use the 'OP' fragments. it's so easy to unequip them#i personally love the variety and all the options i have now as opposed to before#okay tag essay done. fhkajhakfhksjf
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ama-kitkat123 · 8 months
Looks at the influx of FNAF Movie posting on my dash. Hey remember when it was revealed that Scott Cawthon donated the maximum amount possible to several far-right Republicans and everyone just fucking ignored that.
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
Doomsday Cult Christians when the Doomsday Cult ideology causes Doomsday anxiety in their kids:
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raveartts · 1 year
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I rmemebrd seeing people do marilyn monroe inspired blaze desngins and iw as like ''h ey i can do thatg too''
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deva-arts · 2 months
I didn't expect Amon to be so short. Baby man.
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*Amon will remember that.*
Sonia's default state of being comes off pretty flirty, but it's soon made very obvious if she actually likes somebody. Amon is somewhat happy for his friend, but... Damn. Being rejected for Vincent of all people definitely stings. What does he have that Amon doesn't? a god complex? Stupid feathers? a bad voice?
Celebrities, man. Ugh.
Vincent has no idea what she's smiling so much for.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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ah yes, she's concerned about the aggressor and attacker who was invading them six months ago. something is wrong with the empire right now, poor edelgard; whatever could've happened to her? :(
like... what. why do you care about what's going on with her specifically when she's the person who made the decision to invade leicester? does the whole war just mean nothing to marianne? it's just totally fine that all those people died in a war edelgard started? poor edelgard, something happened to her after she started her attack? you're concerned about the leader who gave the order to attack your home?
hopes has stupid lines but this one is top tier of the top tier and just an excuse for more edelgardjerking from the writers.
#DCB Three Hopes Run#like no sorry if someone attacked the country i live in and then suddenly their army was a mess#i would /nooot/ be concerned about the leader who ordered an invasion of my home#you'd never see a character being like wow i sure am worried abt dimitri and claude#who are just defending themselves and fighting for their lives out there#but here we get marianne being worried abt the person who declared war on her people#this game tries so so SO hard to make edelgard seem justified and doing a good thing#and also has tons of characters being like wow i sure do just want the best for her#like no i would not want the best for someone who invaded my country unprovoked#being worried abt the civilians in the empire is one thing bc the imperial army was out of control#but just wanting edelgard specifically to be okay? uhhhh. seems like this was just#the only way the writers could keep it in their pants without having shez make a sex joke at edelgard like byleth can#like does marianne not realize the end goal here was to defeat and thus kill edelgard?#it doesn't happen bc of the plot bc thales' magic and yadda yadda#but ultimately without that happening she would've had to be killed to be truly defeated#she's not like claude who would prioritize survival. she would fight to the end#like if you're that concerned about the person who started this war then why are you fighting against her?#either join her side or stay out of the war. really don't understand why anyone from leicester in ag would be worried abt her#they can't even use the classmates excuse bc they weren't even classmates for that long (and it's a stupid excuse even in gw)#but like no rly this game just has ppl love up on edelgard for absolutely no reason#she comes in and starts killing their soldiers for her conquest and marianne six months later is like wow i sure am concerned abt her!!#literally like imagine someone from crimea being like ''im concerned abt ashnard''
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specialshinytrinkets · 11 months
The weirdest gripe I have with Mr Small enjoyers part of the fanbase is as to why he was unanimously agreed to be Canadian
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Is it some sort of American thing I don't understand or?????????
[textless & "template"] under cut
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life-winners-liveblog · 6 months
Okay, DL!Scott, here comes the promised rant. (p.s., Scar, if you're feeling nice, do you think your Watcher powers could override Scott? I feel like Pearl might need to hear at least some of this)
Pearl didn't mean to leave Scott. She was genuinely looking, and ran into almost nobody. She went to the nether with Martyn because he was the only person she could find, and they wanted to find some stuff for their soulmates. MARTYN was the one running into danger, while Pearl tried to play it as safe as you can in the Nether. Her main focus was getting mushrooms so they could heal any damage. Whenever she did take damage she instantly started shoving food in her mouth while yelling sorry to the air, because even though she knew that her unknown soulmate couldn't hear her, she was still so genuinely sorry. Martyn started pushing to go into a bastion, and she was the one to point out that maybe that wasn't a smart idea. When she and Martyn came back to the overworld, she was excited for like .2 seconds, because while they were angry and Martyn she was happy! Because Cleo and Scott and her were together again! And then it dawned on her that they were leaving her too. When, while I'm sure it looked different from Scott's pov, from her perspective her only crime was going with Martyn, let me reiterate the only other person she could find.
And then Martyn turns around and says "I'm breaking up with you too." And then Ren banishes her from Box calling her a demoness. And then Tilly, the only living thing on that server that had showed her any kindness, died in front of her eyes. Of course she went mad. She wasn't just the crazy ex girlfriend, she was a hurt and lonely and grieving girl who had just watched the only person she cared about die.
And you have the nerve to call her the ignorant one? She is the one that's in the wrong here?
You're the least likable version of Scott, you know that? You call the others, who are all much better fighters than you according to the statistics, weak because they were attached. Yeah, maybe you weren't married, maybe you didn't have quite the same relationship as the three G's, maybe you didn't have an ally that you allowed to kill you because you were going to die anyways and if anyone is going to get your time it's them. But you did have Cleo. Don't act like you're above attachments. In the one game where you were supposed to have partners, the single game where the mechanic was designed so that nobody would end up alone, you pushed Pearl away. Martyn and Cleo became on at least decent terms towards the end, you and Pearl did not. No matter how much Pearl wanted to. You went against all of that. And still you think that you are somehow better than the others?? No wonder the Watchers hate you.
You're a b*tch, DL!Scott. I hope you know that
(wow that was impressive)
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thranduel · 2 years
"el would be so heartbroken without mike, she needs him"
meanwhile el: her happiest moments were with max when mike wasn't around, she was happy after she dumped mike, max was the only person who truly allowed her to be herself and taught her how to discover her own interests, she chose to go with owens even though she was warned she might not ever see mike again, she has proved over and over again that she doesn't need him
"will can just move on and find someone else, he can get over mike"
meanwhile will: has been in love with mike since the beginning, had an emotional breakdown and destroyed castle byers after his fight with him, thought about mike when he was away and made him a special painting that meant the world to him, considers mike "the heart", only feels fully safe and comfortable with mike ("you make me feel like i'm not a mistake at all. like i'm better for being different. and that gives me the courage to fight on"), literally told mike that he'll ALWAYS need him, had another emotional breakdown and cried in the van because he confessed his feelings to mike and loves him so much but he thinks that mike will never love him back and he's so afraid of losing him, still finds it hard to watch mike and el to the point where his brother notices and has to remind him that everything will be okay and that he'll always be there for him because will is really struggling mentally
like seriously come on
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menlove · 5 months
whenever I finally watch saltburn it's over for me I fear
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pokimoko · 2 months
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Alright, I don't want to be a dick (and that's half the reason why I'm not answering this ask properly and censoring the user's name; I don't want to throw them to the wolves over poor wording), but I just have to say this: if you're going to send in an art request to me, please at least do me the basic decency of being polite about it. I am doing them for free and out of my own spare time, so I am under no obligation to make them if I don't want to.
The way this particular request is written feels like the equivalent of a 'please update' on a fic or like I'm some sort of AI art generator you're putting a prompt into, and it absolutely turns me off wanting to make art for you, which I won't be doing for this one. I'm sorry to be pedantic over phrasing, but I have to set some boundaries when it comes to requests, and this is one of them.
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chaosandbeyond · 2 months
goodbye watcher i guess
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