#so maybe they'll elaborate later
another-goblin · 1 month
SPOILERS for 2.2 and Aventurine's message
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So his stone was completely destroyed, and the IPC knows about it. I've also got the feeling that he wanted to free himself from the IPC. So why, at the end of 2.2, does he act as if most of 2.1 didn't happen? I mean, why would he expect a rise from Diamond? He clearly still has full support of the IPC too.
Can you even be Aventurine the Stoneheart without aventurine the stone? Is Diamond going to give him a new one? 
I hope he's up to something. Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense.
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I'm also a bit confused about this. Didn't it all happen exactly according to his plan? How was it foiled?
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graff-aganda · 11 months
Sometime next month I'll probably open comms back up. 😳
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multishipper-baby · 2 years
Also random fact for my future AU but not only are Eak and Owynn not married, Owynn explicitly rejected a proposal at least once.
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leclercsbunny · 9 months
maybe if you loved me ♡ c. sainz
part six ♡ masterlist
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f1chai sainz and ricciardo allegedly got into a scuffle, sky news report. the two have come up on recent news due to their involvement with yn, as both drivers have been closely linked with the spanish socialite. the f1 management is reportedly investigating this matter, and are adamant to deal out swift and just penalties for both drivers involved. neither teams have expressed their side regarding this matter.
username i would pay good money to see them fist fight
username and nobody caught it on their camera ?? LAMEEEE
username see i would have screamed world star‼️
username hmmm arguing who's the daddy
username will forever be astounded of yn, bagging these men in the same breath
username yikes
username penalty for ocon!!
username don't let these men back on track fia (10392)
username so... private school fighting? pointing at eachother and then screaming?! 🤔🤔🤔
username "sainz and ricciardo had to be separated by several staff in a fit of blind rage."
username "the australian driver emerged with an upset expression, a bruising prominent on his jaw and a crimson eyebrow. the spaniard later on followed suit, an expression of annoyance evident, armed with a busted lip and a limp to his gait."
username so a fight FIGHT. they were scrapping to scrap 😳😳
username oh i know they were just swinging wildly
username ten bucks daniel would have laid carlos on his ass
username disagree. have you seen carlos's hands? he's punching to knock some sense into daniel
username yeah but daniel has the force of justice behind his blows
username not if he's the father. screwing your mate's ex girl while they're on the rocks?
username what do you mean on the rocks?? he cheated on her publicly. then they broke up. then partied like his life depended on it? 🙄🤨
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f1chai daniel ricciardo adds fuel to the fire by posting a shady instagram story amid the controversy surrounding him today. several news outlet reports that the australian pilot have been fined a sum of 5,000 euros for recklessly behaving and have been reprimanded alongside sainz. to waive the penalty, the pair were urged to make ammends, and publicly acknowledge their wrongs for disrupting the peaceful atmosphere present in f1. his response is as follows; "i won't apologize."
username stop playing with him 😳😳😳
username yeah that will tell them🤦🏻‍♀️😂
username they keep letting these men buy their way into being a decent human being... they'll cash out everytime !!
username i love when men are shady
username what if they used chairs ?? would that be atleast 10k ??
username that's spare change for these men 😭😭😭 who assigned these amount?
username it's a minor misdemeanor, it's already blown out of proportition🤭
username yeah but that's like what?? one tyre and a steering wheel ?? 😭😭😭
username so close !! steering wheels could go up to six figures 😂😂
username i stand corrected
username daniel: ... so can i pay in advance to throw hands? 🤔😂
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f1chai both sainz and ricciardo have declined to elaborate regarding their public spat, and have expressed very little about their issue. no direct apologies were addressed to eachother nor was there any indication they regretted they came to blows. new reports claim that the reason of them being tight-lipped had everything to do with the paternity of yn's alleged baby, and although at odds with eachother, both sainz and ricciardo are adamant on maintaining her privacy at this delicate moment.
username enemies 4 life
username awww yn's boys🥲🥲
username the boys you speak of would push eachother on the track if given the opportunity🥰
username yeah boys‼️
username daniel probably talked maaaaad smack
username only reasonable explanation
username not necessarily, i would have been throwing hands regardless. like wym you've been comforting MY girl?!
username they broke up though
username on a break** this has been yn and carlos' dance since forever
username man shut up. yn deserves better than a man who has a very fickle sense of loyalty.
username he has some serious issues
username ALLEGEDLY okay ALLEGEDLY daniel took a swipe at matteo's parentage and said something along the lines of "you're gonna fuck up another kid's childhood just because you can't keep it in your pants?" non verbatim 😳😳
username YOOOOOOO
username that's WILD to even comprehend, imagine hearing it directly.
username ngl i would have been throwing hands with daniel aswell
username nicki type of line
username who's matteo's mom anyways 😭😭
username i know we're all mad at him but look at him 😩
username yn this isn't you‼️
username look away we can do this!!
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ghouljams · 6 days
Just dropping in to tell you that I adore your Fae AUs. I have a question/request about one if you ever have the time or urge to go back to them :)
One of your later Price ones called Jealousy ends on a line like “you’d do the same for him” and I was wondering if you’d elaborate 👀👉👈
Jealous witch?
Witch tends to keep her emotions under very tight control, since her magic responds so readily to them, but she has her moments. Plus I feel like I haven't written for these two in ages. So of course you can have witch being jealous <3
It's a lovely summer day, warm and sunny. The air smells green from last night's rain and the sky is blue. It's well worth the trip into the country, even if your back aches from the train ride. OK maybe not from the train ride itself but from your plus one holding you at an odd angle to fuck you in the trains little stall bathroom. You smooth your hands over your dress and thank your quick thinking for being bringing a pair pair of panties. You glance at Price as he tucks the come soaked ones deeper into his pocket, looking perfectly content with himself.
You ignore him in favor of checking your mental list. Pagan festivals are one of the best places for you to buy harder to find ingredients, and sell more specialized potions, they're also one of the few places you feel right at home. Or can delude yourself into feeling at home. Truth be told you still feel out of your element with all the new witches. You don't speak the same language as them, don't carry yourself the same way, don't look at the world like they do. You're glad to have Price with you. At least having someone to lean on when you're drained is enough to keep you going.
Price's fingers skate over the wards you'd drawn down your arm to hold your hand. Giving it a reassuring squeeze before pulling you through the train station to the gates. The little town is positively buzzing with magic, you can see wards carved into cornerstones, rosemary by garden gates, and iron locks on front doors.
"Wild's creeping it's way in," Price hums, and you stretch your senses a little further to feel for the edge of it. You suppose it's as good a place as any for fae to mingle with humans, you doubt they'll stick around though. Here for the party and gone before they set down roots. You glance at Price, good hunting too you suppose.
You don't realize how right you are until you're counting lovage seeds, and see Price talking to another witch. You assume she's a witch. You pause, staring at her. She's rather pretty, with dark hair and blue eyes, and a black tourmaline necklace. It isn't her looks though, no it's her magic. You can feel it like an overflowing bucket. A small cup stuck under a running faucet, she can't hold all the magic she's pulling in and she's set up no guards to stop the overflow. You wonder what she did to be siphoning magic off like that, how naive she'd have to be to try to take more than she can handle. You worry your brows, no, maybe it's simpler than that: she simply has no wards set up to keep herself contained.
You tuck your newest purchase into your bag, sure that Price must be trying to make a deal. It churns something strange in your stomach that he chose someone so pretty to try and snare, but this is what he does. There are too many crones here, too many people warded against the fae, he has to take his chances with those that don't know better.
She smiles at him and you feel your blood run cold. He touches her arm and your fingers tighten on the straps of your bag. He leans closer to speak to her and she laughs. Your breath comes too quick, your eyes latched onto the pretty blush that's painting her cheeks. You hope it's the sun making her warm and not your man. It's too sudden for you to tamp it down, too aggressive an emotion to bottle. You hate her. You hate her with every fiber of your being. It's written on your bones, it's stamped on every platelet every nerve ending: you hate her. You want her gone. You want that stupid smile wiped off her face. You want those pretty blue eyes to pop out of her head and that pretty blush to bleed out of her pores. You hate, hate, hate-
Her nose starts bleeding. A small trickle of red that pools on her cupid's bow, and drips over her pink lips. She frowns, her brows twitching together. She touches her lip, then her temple. Bloodshot veins creep over her eyes, as she blinks to stop the sharp pain of tears. Price looks at you as her skin pales, and takes a step in front of her. You try to glare through him, your anger feels so palpable, feels so justified.
He grips the back of your neck, and pulls you up out of your angry hunch. You meet his raised brow with a petulant glare. "You're tainting the meat," he tells you with a smile. You blink. Your head hurts. Price releases his scruff on you to swipe his thumb over your forehead with a hum. It's like a cold towel being pressed to your brow, blissful in the heat, and tight against your quickly boiling headache. "Are you gonna curse all my meals or just this one?"
"She's pretty," you mumble, explaining yourself as best you can in the face of such an accusation. His thumb strokes your head, affectionate, calming. There's no magic to it besides the gentle affection that flows between you. You press into the feeling all the same.
"And come from so far away," Price agrees, "just another poor girl gone missing on holiday."
"Not funny," you warn, though it does stop some of that awful squirmy feeling to know he was going to eat her. You don't think you like how cavalier he is about murdering this poor girl(never mind that you were going to murder her).
"Man's gotta eat," he glances over his shoulder, "and it's not like I'm the only one eyeing her."
You glance around him, another man's taken his place, cooing over her and offering her a tissue. His eyes are too bright, his smile too wide. He has an extra finger. Price grips your arm tight before you can run to help a woman you had, not two seconds ago, been cursing.
"Chumming the water," Price mumbles. You wrap your hand around his wrist and tug him in the opposite direction. You're so cute when you're angry.
"You don't eat me enough?" You grumble, he can feel the embarrassed heat coming off of you. If he knew you'd be so jealous over him, he might have tried this sooner. She was pretty, you're right, but nothing compared to you.
"Not even close," Price says pressing close as you drag him along, "happy to get on my knees now if you need me to prove it, know quite a few people would be dying to see me do it too."
"You're incorrigible," you take a sharp turn back to your little booth.
"Two on your right, one ahead, three behind staring at you like they'd do the same." Price lists, "you think I don't want to rip their fucking eyes out?"
"I wasn't cursing her." You huff.
"If you think that's going to save you, you'd better start trying a different line," Price hums happily. He's never had someone kill for him without orders before. It's rather nice. Your table cloth would probably hide him if he crawled under there, right?
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fricc-darn · 2 months
More dating B.E.N hcs but sprinkle in some love
(some BEN angst if you squint n slight warning for toxic relationships)
When it comes to BEN and affection it's a tricky situation. It only cares about other moon children in the network. For other people, the concept of love is not on their mind. Due to that, it's not often you'll experience loving moments with them.
Their love is rare and will take time to form as this is reserved for a specific kind of person. Someone who it enjoys the presence of. A person who's a pleasure to mess with but isn't too easy. Someone who keeps things interesting. The perfect toy? In a sense yes! This type of love is genuine. It's truly a weird scenario because BEN continues to be a menace while attempting to be sweet.
Of course, these acts should be appreciated to some degree. At least attempts are being made. Despite how flawed these acts are, it's treatment others don't see. You should feel lucky that you're an exception. The last thing BEN wants is for you to end up dead. Though if you have gotten this far, you'd certainly know to appreciate these moments.
BEN's words of affirmation are just as concise and vague as their regular speech. When it compliments you at worst it's backhanded. At best they come off as someone talking to a beloved pet. Occasionally, it'll complement you in an odd amount of detail. Pointing out quirks that you don't even notice.
Now, if they really like you they have a tendency to info dump. Though they try to keep it at a minimum. They wouldn't want you getting too curious and becoming nosey.
For the most part; simple phrases like "I love you." or "Cute." work fine. It'll take time for you to figure out whether or not BEN is being genuine. Even when you get the hang of it, there's still a nagging uncertainty present. This process would be much easier if they weren't so deceitful. The first time BEN loosely said the words 'I love you' it was out of the blue during a flurry of obsessive messages and threats. They refused to elaborate until much later and took whatever response you had as a yes.
At first, it only communicates with you online or through poltergeist-like activities. They'll even appear in your dreams as individual moon children. These dreams are surprisingly pleasant in comparison to the nightmares. With a substantial amount of trust, you learn more about the spirits as individuals.
Hearing the bits and pieces of what they remember about their past really makes sense of their behavior. Just don't even think about pitying them. Even if its well meaning, the outcome won't be in your favor.
None of them can stand being vulnerable. Especially if they don't have the means to take over the situation. In those almost unthinkable scenarios, it would trigger them into emotional distress. Which isn't something you'd expect from BEN of all people. To avoid that, they lead you to the information with breadcrumbs.
When BEN decides to appear physically, things really get fun!
They aren't too fond of physical affection. You can ask, but it will often result in a no. They have to be the ones to initiate it. There are plenty of reasons but it's mainly for the comfort of each moon child. You'll quickly learn who hates being touched, who doesn't mind, or who enjoys it.
Dealing with BEN is like dealing with a cat with an awful attitude. A spiteful shithead to its core. When they're not toying with your stuff, they'll come up to you whenever they feel like to bother you. From hugging, breathing down your neck, or maybe even biting you. The ladder isn't always ideal since BEN has way too many teeth. When this happens, it doesn't have much of a care for what you're doing or if you want to be bothered. BEN has some major cuteness aggression towards you. They play rough and oddly enough they're pretty strong.
Hugs and hand holding are the most common form of affection you'll get. When you're asleep they might even decide to cuddle with you. Be warned, BEN will take up most of the bed for no good reason. You also have to be prepared for potentially getting scared half to death in the middle of the night. Besides the distorted whispers, it's uncanny generated face will stare at you while you sleep. When you sleep with them it doesn't feel like a person is sleeping next to you. It's more like a general presence. BEN's skin is cold more often than not. Its skin seems to get warm off of your body heat or if there's something going on inside of its head. At least they're soft and squishy.
Can BEN kiss? Sorta. Its kisses are chaste and usually on the cheek. They're a prude, and a super hypocritical one at that. If they happen to kiss you on the lips it's essentially like kissing a mannequin with synthetic skin. It's cold and awkward. They're artificial in almost every sense of the word. Its mouth is the texture of gooey silicone with a long tongue and plenty of teeth. Kissing it is an experience that only you get to have. BEN really tries to be a good kisser but it just doesn't work out. It may be a questionable kisser but it's not sloppy. For that has no appeal, BEN prefers kisses to be simple and clean.
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two hubbies that co-own you :) they pamper you and organize sacrifices while you fall asleep in their laps <3
Every morning you wake up, in both of your lovers' arms. Everything feels right with the world. You try to get up and get dressed, but they don't want you to, stay in bed with them and enjoy the morning, who cares if they have duties. After you manage to convince them to get out of bed (probably after some morning sex, let's be real), they'll bicker over what jewellery you should wear the gold one with white accents or the black one with green accents.
They ultimately settle on both, complete with your usual collar, both of their names written on the little tag. Before they can start fighting on what you wear, you call in your handmaidens, and they help you choose a nice outfit, not too revealing, but still enough for your picky lovers to be satisfied. The next step is to have a nice breakfast, and today it's Sydney's turn to have you on his lap, though you both know that by the end of the meal, Kylar will have joined you, envious as he is.
When you move to the audience room to hear petitioners, you move next to Kylar's seat, and he enthusiastically grabs at you, dragging you in his lap and holding you there so you can fall asleep in his arms. He keeps you there for the rest of the morning, barely even listening to the people making demands, more focused on your steady breathing and the way you look so sweet and pliant, just for him (and Sydney).
Lunch time comes around, and Kylar wakes you up, smiling down at your sleepy face. All three of you get a nice lunch in the boudoir, your lovers refusing to let you do the slightest bit of work, insisting on feeding you. Usually this would also be a time to have some fun, but you're a bit too sleepy for that today, maybe later.
You let yourself drift off a little more in your lovers' embrace for a little longer, until you have to move to another part of the temple to witness the sacrifices. Not your favorite part of the day, but it is necessary, and Kylar will not let you skip out on it. You're about to get up when Sydney gathers you up in his big beefy arms and smiles down at you, carrying you to the altar room.
There, in between the two thrones, sits a nice, comfortable bean bag with a blanket, which you promptly wrap yourself in, curling up while you let Kylar do all the talking. His hand comes down to pet your head, brushing through your hair, and you lean into it before grabbing one of the books you left here last time, and diving into it, forgetting all about the sacrifice. You're only taken out of it when hearing the screams of the victim, but Sydney covers your eyes and shushes you gently when you turn to look, not to protect your innocence really, but mostly to have your full attention on him.
He motions for you to sit on his lap, and you climb to sit, facing him. You don't have to wonder what compelled him to ask you for long, because he's already grinding on you, not focusing on anything around the two of you anymore. He's panting quietly in your ear, hands holding onto your hips to push you down on him, telling you to be quiet in hushed whispers. You look to your left, and Kylar is struggling to not stare at you, you can see his jaw clenching and his fists crunching up his robes.
Sydney's going faster now, biting his lip to try and stay silent, and you can feel his hard on now, even with the robes in the way. Your little gasps and whimpers have not escaped Kylar's notice, and he seems to have teared up his robes with how hard he's clutching them. You reach out to at least hold his hand, which he gratefully takes and brings to his mouth, sucking on your fingers.
Sydney's noticed your little noises too, and decides to kiss you to shut you both up effectively, which works a little, until he's biting and sucking at your lip. His hand moves to disrobe himself slightly, making you feel the heat of him even more. When you expect it to move away when he's done displacing his clothing, he instead takes the opportunity to slip his hand in your underwear, stroking at your core.
He's now sucking on your neck uncaring of any moans that slip out of you. His only goal is to make you cum now, he needs you to finish before him. He speeds up, his hand moving even faster and his hips thrusting harder. In a few short strokes, you come undone, and he allows himself to let go, ruining your outfit.
Before you can turn around to face the group of flustered cultists, you hear Kylar order for the proceedings to finish immediately, before he takes you from Sydney's arms and carries you to the bedchamber. He's determined to have his turn.
Once you're done with that, which is to say, a few hours later, you rejoin Sydney in the dining room, finally getting your own chair for the first time today. All three of you discuss advancements in the cult or the book you're reading lately, basically making pleasant conversation, before you're done eating and servants come to take away the empty plates.
You're then guided to your private bathroom by your lovers, who insist on holding your hands, even if you remind them you know where it is by now. They help you undress and wash, fondly lathering you in soap as you return the favor, fooling around and splashing each other, leaving responsibilities behind, in this moment you three can just be loving, and not care about the world outside. There are no fights, no arguments here, only tenderness and pure unadulterated love.
When all of you are squeaky clean and the water is getting cold, you relocate to your bedchambers, where you can prepare for a full night's rest, if nothing, or rather no one, disturbs your sleep tonight. You slip into bed, awaiting your lovers to cuddle and let yourself drift off in their arms again, until you wake up the next morning, ready to tackle the next day.
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theredengineapologist · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! 💙❤
Of course, I had to do something Jameward for the occasion. Even though this meme is literally called "Understand my Ship in 5 Minutes", I still wanted to include some commentary/headcanons because I've been DYING to talk about them forever. So if you're interested, read on under the cut!
(Also, please note that the interpretation of the characters depicted here is specifically for my AU, TTTE: Sudrian Boys)
NAMES: For the sake of making sure their names fit in the boxes, I used the last names they picked for themselves before they got married. When they do eventually get legally married, they'll combine their last names together (a conclusion they got to after much bickering). So respectively, they will be James and Edward Hughes-Pettigrew.
James is GAY. GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY. Sorry not sorry, but there is not a woman-liker bone in his body.
Edward, on the other hand is bi. Part of me thinks he tends to prefer the company of men, but maybe that's just because there's significantly more male engines on Sodor. Also he is nonbinary. This will be something I explore later. But to summarize, Edward never felt entirely male in the strict sense that humans define it. However, he felt the need to be the consistent, steady, "old reliable" his peers saw him as, so he never questioned what others chose to call him. This changed when "The Great Shift" happened (aka, the engines learning to shift into a human-like form). Edward saw an opportunity to experiment with his presentation, and so he had a brief stint where he tried going in the opposite direction, presenting as a woman named Alice. As fun as it was, however, he found that it didn't feel quite right either. To him, "Edward" was where he felt most at home. He's not a man or a woman, he is just "Edward". Edward uses "he/they" pronouns because those feel the most neutral to them.
HORNY LEVEL: I will not be elaborating.
AWKWARDNESS LEVEL: I don't think Edward and James ever really had an "awkward phase". Before they got together, they always felt comfortable with each other as close friends would. They never really had that thing of "oh I want to tell him I like him but I also don't want him to know". Edward always knew he liked James, he just didn't say anything because he didn't think James was interested. And once James admitted to himself that he liked Edward, he confessed and it was all smooth sailing from there. To be honest, not much changed when they moved from "close friends" to "boyfriends". They still act like close friends, just with added kissing privileges.
JEALOUSY LEVEL: At the point where they're at in their relationship right now, both James and Edward are pretty secure, so it's rare for either of them to act jealous.
From Edward's perspective, he knows that James is young (relatively speaking) and very attractive, so it's hardly surprising to see that other people would try to flirt with him. There's a small pang of jealousy that comes from him thinking James would have preferred someone younger or stronger, but that quickly goes away once he sees James return to being on his arm and very proudly proclaiming he's already spoken for.
From James's perspective, he thinks Edward is the real catch between the two of them. Plus, it's not often that other people would try to shoot their shot with the silver fox. So when other people do try to get a little too close for comfort, James would certainly be stewing in jealousy. If the feeling gets to a certain point, he'd probably make himself known. But once they get home, the situation gets explained out, and they're cuddling on the couch with a blanket and some tea, James finds he can let go of the jealous feeling relatively quickly.
BIG SPOON/LITTLE SPOON: Majority of the time, James is the little spoon. He likes to be held and Edward LOVES holding him. James's favorite thing is when Edward keeps their hand on his chest. But occasionally, they do switch places, especially if Edward has a particularly hard day. Sometimes Old Iron wants to be cuddled too.
LENDS/BORROWS CLOTHES: Both of them tend to steal borrow clothes from each other, but under different circumstances.
At home, it's relatively commonplace to see Edward walking around in one of James's pants, shirts, or even his prized red coat. But more often than not, these are cases of Edward just picking them up of his own accord and James just letting him have it.
Outside, it's James who more actively does the borrowing and Edward who does the lending. James likes to go out ✨IN STYLE✨ without taking into consideration pesky things like the weather. So when James (inevitably) gets cold at night, Edward is the one to lend him his jacket.
PET NAMES: They don't use pet names often, but they do use some of the more basic ones on occasion. For James, Edward would sometimes call him "Jamie", "darling", "dear", or his personal favorite, "love". James usually calls Edward by his full name because Edward prefers it, but sometimes he might slip in an "Eddie", "baby", or a "kitten" in there just to make the old man flustered.
AFFECTION THROUGH WORDS/ACTIONS: This one might seem paradoxical, but let me explain.
James is more receptive to affection through words because he's used to being dismissed. In his worst moments, he can be pretty down on himself as his insecurities eat away at him. At times like these, Edward knows exactly what to say to help James pick himself back up again. It's especially meaningful because Edward absolutely means everything he says. He's not the type to lie just to make James feel better. He's honest and straightforward. If James did something wrong that needs calling out, Edward will tell him (politely of course). So when Edward tells James that he's wonderful or that he's a "really splendid engine", he 100% means it. And you can tell from just the look in his eyes that Edward loves his red boyfriend SO DAMN MUCH.
Conversely, Edward is more receptive to affection through actions. Edward is always the one out caring for everyone else and tends to forget to care for himself too. But at the same time, he's very much the type to never ask for help (even if he needs it). James knows this, so he goes the extra mile to help take some of the load off. If Edward is especially tired one day, James will step up and do Edward's share of the housekeeping without being asked. He'll volunteer to go supervise Bill and Ben so that Edward can take a day off. He'll fix up a warm bath for Edward after a hard day. Anything to make sure Edward is taken care of, James will do it. Not only that, but James is also the one planning most of their dates. ;)
Edward NEVER had any plans to confess to James. Romantic relationships are uncommon amongst engines since there's no real use for them. Plus, he didn't think James would be interested in a plain old iron like himself (as he views himself anyway). So Edward was just content to just feel his feelings and never act on them.
James, on the other hand, took several years to both realize and accept that he was in love with Edward. But once he got to that point, he confessed fairly quickly. Sure, there was a normal amount of hesitation and worry that Edward might not feel the same. But he was about 90% sure that Edward loved him back so he didn't end up worrying that much leading up to the confession.
CAN'T DRIVE LOL: Even as engines, they can't drive themselves. Plus, they know trains are the superior way to travel. So if they ever need to go somewhere while shifted into humans, they just catch one of their friends' trains. I don't think they've ever even sat in a car before.
COOKING: Edward loves to cook (especially baking). It was one of the first hobbies he picked up after learning how to shift and he would often make meals to share for the entire Steam Team. James, on the other hand, can cook, but not nearly as well as Edward. He doesn't know as many dishes as Edward. Even the ones they both know, James's, for some reason, aren't as good. The only time James would ever take over cooking is if Edward is feeling too exhausted to do so. There's a mutual acknowledgement between them (and also the rest of the Steam Team) that Edward is the superior chef (and he also enjoys it more). So if he can help it, James prefers to leave the cooking to Edward.
PDA: James absolutely LOVES PDA. He will take literally every opportunity he can to dote on Edward in public so that the entire island knows that they're together, much to Edward's embarrassment. Edward secretly loves the PDA too, and he appreciates how proud James is to be his boyfriend (and later husband). But Edward would never admit it. He tries really hard to at least appear decent in public. That said, when the opportunity arises, Edward does like getting to flip the script and fluster James in front of onlookers.
OVERPROTECTIVE/CHILL GOING: Both are more than reasonably protective over each other, but for different reasons and under different circumstances.
James gets into accidents relatively often, usually as the result of his own dumbassery. So Edward has gotten to a point where he's not too concerned if James winds up in an accident again. He'll still worry a little and warn James to be more careful next time, but Edward knows after a trip to the Steamworks that his boyfriend will be good as new again.
It's when they're shifted into humans when Edward becomes more protective of James.
Because of the way James looks, it's unfortunately not uncommon for James to get harassed while shifted as a human. When this happens, Edward goes into full protective mode to make sure his beloved stays safe. Thankfully, it doesn't happen too often. But it does happen often enough that Edward feels like he has to keep close watch of James while they're traveling after nightfall.
James, on the other hand, always has a bit of worry for Edward at the back of his mind. He knows Edward is capable of handling himself, but he also knows that Edward is old and doesn't recover from accidents as quickly or easily as he does. He worries that if the damage is too great, Edward could be scrapped. So if Edward were to end up in any sort of accident, James would go ballistic. He's puffing over right away to make sure his beloved is okay and may or may not have a fierce word with whoever caused the accident. The same thing goes when they are in human form. If Edward were to end up in some sort of fight, James would put himself in harms way to make sure Edward is protected (even though in human form, Edward is actually physically stronger than James).
RELATIONSHIP EXPERIENCE: Neither of them had any relationship experience before each other, they were each other's firsts. You can maybe argue that Edward has slightly more experience because he's had crushes on other people in the past, but fleeting attraction that is never pursued could hardly count for true experience. Their whole relationship is something that James and Edward are navigating together. It's new and at times a little scary, but there's nobody else James and Edward would rather be with than each other.
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tossawary · 5 months
That post I made about being annoyed whenever historical fantasy fiction starring "upper class" character leaves out even mentioning the existence of the "lower class" characters who would have been doing the necessary daily labor... I thought it was going to get maybe a couple dozen notes? At most?
I was being very general because I've seen an absence of servants across all sorts of time periods and countries depicted in media, and in fantasy worlds with no relation to our own, with "servant" situations in stories that range from "supposedly equal rights but severe wealth disparities" to "dude, that's enslavement". I've seen it in books and movies and shows and comics made by people in many different countries. And I was trying to be quick and snappy and funny about a mild frustration rather than go on a bunch of different tangents, while covering enough of my bases so that I wouldn't get someone immediately hopping onto my post to misinterpret me, like, "You WANT people to have serfs?! You think feudalism is okay in real life???" (Uh, I don't, no.)
And it's been fun seeing all of the different responses to that post, the additions and elaborations and corrections, the resources, the different pieces of media people recommend and the stories they've judged for missing such a basic part of worldbuilding. That's been really cool!
But man, I did not miss what having a mildly popular post does to your notifications page, even if that post only has a few thousand notes at the moment. I think it's the most popular post I've had on this blog? So, I might end up turning off reblogs on that post sooner or later, so I can go back to focusing on my personal fandom stuff in my own little corner. I don't want to delete it, and I don't want to mute notifications and not know what's going on over there at all, but I also don't really want my house to be the spot of the party...? Not because I'm against partying! But because it's starting to get a little out of hand for me and my little house to deal with, now that it's outside of my general circle, and also I don't want to wait for someone outside of my general circle to inevitably wildly misinterpret anything I was saying or what anyone else is saying. I would prefer if people start their own little parties now, please, so that the SVSSS book club can squeeze back in here.
I'm turning reblogs off on this post too from the get-go to make it harder for the irony demons to get me. They'll probably manage anyway somehow...
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Benny weir wanting to ask reader out?
Hi hi!! I hope this is OK, I'm a little nervous about it and I ended on a cliffhanger because I wasn't sure which direction I wanted to take it in, I struggle a little bit with more general prompts, but I hope I did Benny justice enough!!!
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The bell had just rung for the 4th hour class of the day, the halls were quickly clearing out as Ethan emptied his previous class's books into his locker.
"Benny, just go for it." Ethan ducks his head, turning to Benny while he gesture's towards Y/N. He is tired of watching his best friend stare longingly at the back of their head.
"Absolutely not E! Maybe if I had some sort of love potion or maybe something to make them forget it ever happened. Just in case I get rejected," He turned his head back to Ethan, "I need a plan. In all due time buddy."
The bell rung once again before the halls cleared out entirely, a majority of the student body filing into the cafeteria.
Benny and Ethan sat at the lunch table, awaiting the rest of their usual group. "So, what's your plan Benny?"
Benny looked around quickly, a swift bloom of flowers erupting from his hand. He sat them down on the other side of the table, checking again to make sure that no one has seen him. "I will obviously woo them secretly until they fall in love with me, then I'll reveal myself, and they'll have no choice but to be my partner."
Ethan scoffed, and shaking his head he was about to speak up until Y/N sat their tray down across from them, plopping into the seat, Rory following along. Before they could speak, Rory chimed in, "wowza, where did these come from?" grabbing them, and shoving them into his nose.
"Those are for Y/N actually, the little card thing says so, not sure where they came from."
They chuckled, "are you joking?" They picked up the bouquet, checking the tiny card with the inscription of their name. "From secret admirer, ha. This has to be a joke." A soft blush lit up their cheeks as they rolled their eyes, assuming it was some sort of prank.
"I don't think it is," Ethan took a bite of his sloppy lunch potatoes, watching Benny push his around intensely.
"Anyway, did you guys see that new movie that everyone was hyping up?"
The rest of the night was uneventful, until a few days later, when Y/N opened their locked to a stuffed bear. They were used to smaller tiny surprises, but they seemed to really step up within the next few week. The next time it was chocolates, then answers to a math quiz, and then a letter. A long letter. They were eager to share it with their friends, especially Sarah, who might have an idea on who it is.
Y/N waited by their locker for Sarah, who came by a few minutes before the first bell. "Oh my gods, Sarah, read this. I've been getting these presents from a "secret admirer" for a few weeks now, but this is the best one yet."
"I noticed, those flowers you had the other day were gorgeous. I was kinda jealous," she chuckled and started reading, mumbling to herself as she scanned the page. "Wow."
"I can't tell if it's an elaborate prank or not, it's kind of sweet." Y/N shrugged, avoiding Sarah's eyes as she looked up.
"This seems really heartfelt. I bet it's from Benny. 'I want to play Knights Of Ninjitsu IV with you for hours, I want to kick your butt, then let you win.' Who else would write that?"
They chuckled, "god no way it's Benny!"
The bell rung. "Just think about it," Sarah assured as she turned to walk to class. Had these really been from Benny? It would make a little sense, but Benny seemed like he had a type, and that type was not Y/N.
Hours later, they had finally caught Ethan alone. "Is it him, Ethan?" They seemed a little panicked, and he couldn't help but feel bad.
"I can't say who it is. I am forbade." He turned quickly and walked away, almost tumbling over his own footing. The more and more they thought about it, the more sense it made that it would be Benny. But that would be too good to be true.
The small clique had a movie night scheduled for that Sunday evening, and slowly, but surely everyone had arrived. Everyone meaning Ethan, Benny, and Y/N. They had all agreed upon a new movie, normally watching reruns, but tonight's movie seemed a little awkward, Benny had just seen slightly off all night, and for the past few weeks. Ethan ran off to the kitchen, quickly making a few bags of popcorn, the majority of which would be eaten by Benny.
"Oh, I'll go help Ethan!" Benny sprung up, turning on his heel before Y/N grabbed his hand. "I need to ask you something." Benny's breath hitched momentarily, a small blush flooding his face, "of course, what's up?"
"Has it been you?"
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"Hey, man," Percy's voice lifted over on his left before he felt the tell-tale thwump of his hand landing on his shoulder.
"You got a minute? Let's get drinks, on me-" and so Grover finds himself led away from his project for the tenth time this week, because he would never say no to his best friend if it wasn't something Important.
Miles later, when so much time has passed that neither of them are willing to check the clock, Percy's eyes flicker towards him, but he doesn't look at him. Instead, he looks up out the window to the sky, rapidly darkening but still light out in that inescapable, metropolis way.
"Sorry, no, it's-.." Grover angles his body towards him, not sure where Percy is in his mind but not so surprised, either. He sighs.
Percy's eyes lift to his for a breath of a second, then skitter away.
"Grover, was I too much?"
Too - too much? He feels his eyebrows bunch together as he mulls it over. He's not so gauche as to ignore what Percy might be implying here, but he's not so sure anymore.
They don't talk about it much, those years between them now that they can't catch up to. Something slipped and fell and broke, maybe, but with all those conversations they've forced themselves to have, they figured most of it out, he thinks. Enough to know they both still love each other, obviously. Enough to know they never stopped.
Also enough to know they have to say so, when they don't understand each other. Sometimes being blunt stops the ship from sinking, or whatever. So that's what he does.
"Percy. Can you - elaborate. Elaborate, I'm serious, I'm basically drunk by now - "
"Was I too much for you, though?" Percy sounds far away, gazing through the window again. Like he's not here, in Grover's apartment, drunk on cheap beer that he bought that neither of them really like but use as an excuse to see each other when there's no other obvious thing to do, and six hours away from the things they're really supposed to be doing.
"It's nothing - or, well, it is something, I just - you know they preserve all those old messages and things on those servers these days, right? And I was going through those old messages. And I know - I was looking back too, a couple years after, you know, and I just - it was everything. It's not - it seems so simple, and I can't tell if I'm overreacting or underreacting, and looking back now I should've stopped always texting like that and let you go sooner -"
"Hey." He cuts Percy off, because - fuck. Hell, no. He gets what he's talking about now. Percy's friendship style has always been a little - not clingy, exactly, almost so respectful and vulnerable that sometimes it tripped the line into - exactly, 'too much' - but he's not going to say that. He's biased. He won't. He won't hurt him like that. Not just because it's not the whole truth, but also because he knows that if he gives Percy's insecurities an inch, they'll really be miles away by morning.
Anyways. "Percy, are you seriously thinking - we've had years. You know I would've said something." He did, technically. Nevermind, that's a terrible example -
"Okay, not that; Percy, listen to me. You're not too much. You'll never be too much to handle, just as yourself. If being your friend is too much for someone else to handle, then they can damn well tell you about it, alright?"
Percy bobs his head slightly, leaning back against the table, since they've decided to sit on the floor for some reason.
(It's Grover. He's the reason. Percy never acts like he notices, but he probably gets that Grover likes to be grounded most of the time - well, as much as they can be, a gazillion feet in the air, anyway.)
"A dam well, you say?" he suddenly giggles, a little wetly.
"Whatever, man."
They clink bottles and lean back.
It's almost black outside now, that dark shade that's something deeper than indigo, violet.
"Is this about Jason?"
"..No. Not really."
The yellow lighting from the lamps settles around them. Grover feels weighed down by it, anchored to the mat where they're sitting. He watches as Percy curls his fingers around the neck of his bottle.
Cuticles perfectly trimmed and obnoxiously perfect nail beds. The bastard.
"You.. this is - okay." Percy jerks his head up, startled by how sharp Grover's voice suddenly is, probably.
He softens it before trying again. "We were kids, Percy."
The idiot genius in question makes a half-sound of disbelief.
"No, shut up. We were. Whether you were too much or whatever - when else are you supposed to figure out these things? When you're twenty? Now? When else are you supposed to find out how to navigate conversations with people? Look, Percy, whatever's gone down between us - I'm not going to blame you for not being a, hell, fully matured flawless conversationalist at age nine."
"Well, when you say it like that.."
"Oh, I'll say it like that. I'll say it like that every time you need me to grow a seed of perspective into your brain, you strain of seaweed."
That's the thing that gets him to laugh, in the end. Grover watches as Percy's shoulders relax and he curls inwards, shoulders shaking.
"I- I thought only Annabeth was going to call me seaweed, but now I see the market hasn't been cornered-"
"Shut up. Clarisse gives you new nicknames every summer."
"Alright, G-man."
Grover grabs the pink-white striped throw pillow from the sofa, pets it affectionately, and then whips it at his best friend's face. Percy squawks and dives out of the way, and they're lucky their bottles are finished because he tips over both of those too in the mad dash to Grover's bedroom, probably to stock up on more pillows.
Grover stands in the middle of the hallway and dodges the first of Percy's paltry attempts at revenge, then another. When Percy has to stop and pick up his pillows again, eyeing him suspiciously, he retreats to the kitchen.
He grins while grabbing the blue blankets from the supply closet. He's not going down alone.
my writing directory if that's a thing you'd like to check out - I put all my writing posts on there so I can't lose track of them TT
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khaotunng · 2 months
can't believe i'm doing this but. queen of tears post sad ending vignette:
Hyunwoo doesn't know how it happens, or why he cannot simply walk way and live life differently, now that everything is different. Maybe it's just the way he is, the same way he fell in love with Haein without knowing all the important details —or anything at all, to be honest. He is not a stupid man but he is a fool in the way he loves: he is lucky to have found Haein the way he did, and not a placid intern that could never become the love of his life. He just did not expect to keep seeing her brother so often, long after Haein is gone.
During Haein's last month, the one that went by syrupy slow but also way too fast, slipping through his fingers like the warm seasons of his sunny childhood in the fields, Haein sometimes forgot her age, mixed up faces and places and lived in a world that made sense only in her head. She was happy, she said one evening where it was just the two of them watching an old drama, that they had met so young, because this way he could be a good influence on her brother. After a few beats of silence –his heart breaking, splintering, while his hands remained steady as he held her–, he asked her to elaborate, in a roundabout lawyer-like way she would have seen through if she weren't sick.
"Imagine if I'd found you later, after school," she explained. Even when her voice faltered from exhaustion, the tone remained the assured one he knew, the one she'd use to explain why she was actually always right in their playful first year of marriage. "Soocheol needs a good role model."
She mentioned her brother almost as often as Hyunwoo, while others in the family (her mother, her long lost brother) were not forgotten, but perennially out of focus. Hyunwoo was happy that wherever she ended up in her head, he always seemed to be included.
The truth is that a tiny part of him hates seeing Soocheol. It's that side of him capable of hate, of deep-bone exhaustion that buries every good thing deep inside of him until he forgets why he loved in the first place. He hates Soocheol's happiness, his lockscreen showing the last picture his ex sent of Geonu, now less chubby and nothing like his father, he hates the rare moments where, maybe out of desperation, Soocheol says something that makes him think of Haein alive, and not Haein as she was at the end, as she is now. A shadow who loved him.
In Soocheol's eyes, they both made up with Haein before the end, and that's a good thing. He said as much over soju, one rare evening where it was him to witness Hyunwoo getting drunk and not his best friend. But Soocheol speaks of Haein dying happy, of resting in peace, and while Hyunwoo was raised catholic he cannot stand the thought. Haein should be angry at him. She should be alive and blazing brighter than everyone else and he should be trying to win her back. To make it work better the second time around.
(He dreams of surprising her with flowers, of running after her in the rain, of doing it all again from the beginning. Of marrying each other a second time without Haein too weak to walk down the aisle.)
He cannot stop thinking that the Haein he forgave, who forgave him in return, did it all for his sake. She loved him too much to end things differently. The one factor that would make her choose a losing hand was always Baek Hyunwoo, after all.
Today, he meets Soocheol with the intention of it being the last time for a while. They'll have the anniversaries to meet again, after all, and he can always see Soocheol's face on the news while the other fixes the Hongs family reputation one donation at a time (they don't trust him with much else, but Soocheol surprisingly does well when it comes to delivering teary speeches at every charity gala involving kids, or cute seal cubs).
He doesn't expect to see Geonu. Soocheol probably texted him a million times to tell him his son was visiting, but Hyunwoo is working late and sleeping little. The kid hangs from Soocheol's hand and kicks the pebbles as he walks, and he has his mother's eyes. Mother and son have started to look at Soocheol in the same way, a puzzled, pleased blink that betrays fondness.
"Look who's here!!" Soocheol laughs. He doesn't call Hyunwoo uncle to his face, but that's how Geonu refers to him, and Hyunwoo's heart can take it. Mostly.
(If they'd had their baby, would he remember different years before the end? Would she have Haein's face?)
Geonu tries to bow, or maybe crouches down to pick up a good rock. His big head is so close to the ground that Soocheol panics, but just for a moment.
(Haein as a mother.)
A thought: what if he talks to Geonu about his aunt who lives far away. She's in Germany. She has a big company and works all the time but if he behaves, she will bring him the best present ever. She's Hyunwoo's wife but they don't live together because sometimes love is hard and complicated. By the time he'll finish trying to make sense of who they were, Geonu will have moved on to a more interesting game.
He walks towards the entrance of the Hongs mansion and is betrayed by habit, his feet finding the path before his brain. His heart skipping a beat at the promise of memories of her, the house brimming with them until it becomes bearable to enter.
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emma-altium7 · 3 months
Deity Sky
Due to the fact that Sky killed Demise, it would mean that he'd become a god. You know how the saying goes? "You kill a god, you become one." So here's what Sky would be the god of.
First off, starting strong, he'd be the god of the sky, I mean, it's in the name. His main Domain and where he thrives would logically be within the skies.
He'd also be the god of clouds and other things that reside in the sky (bird included but I'll speak of that in more details later). He can control the clouds and make them move, part, evaporate and become one.
Sky'd be the god of thunder and lightning, as well as storms. He can summon lightin/thunder, he can also summon any type of storms, etc.
Sky would be the god of birds and I totally headcanon him having the Loftwing as his sacred animal and him having wings, like, maybe dove wings or smth. (He totally has preening sessions with Sun(Zelda)). Sky can speak to any bird, they'll have hour long conversations which the Chain have learned to ignore.
Sky would also be a minor god of creation because he forged the Master Sword, although it's nothing big, he can summon things like a teapot, a cup, etc.
He's also a god of the wind, he can use it, as in manipulate it and summon it. He can bend it to his will, etc.
He is so the god of hope and perseverance. Must I elaborate?
Sky is the god of heroes, he's literally their predecessor-
He is the god of light and purity.
He is the god of prophecies.
Sky's the god of wood carving, if you know, you know.
Sky is also the god of sleep, I headcanon him having some type of problem which causes him to sleep often but I think I'd be fun if he could help you rest and get good dreams.
Anyone else think that Sky'd be the god of Courage?? Because of the Triforce-
I think god of music would also be a good title for him xP, also he would be seen playing the lyre like daily-
I think that's it, phew, that's quite a bit. Hope y'all enjoy this piece of my mind, do whatever you want with these headcanons, if you want me to add anything I'll be glad to do so! :]
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sevensoulmates · 2 months
i don't see eddie getting his own queer arc i think for one it'd be repetitive. i think for eddie it's simply gonna be the realization that he's in love with his best friend. buck will be the experienced one of the two so it's not bling leading the blind.
I respectfully disagree. Personally, I don't think it'll be repetitive if Eddie gets his own queer realization arc, because both of them have two different experiences with queerness.
Technically diving into my own headcanon here, so fair warning but I personally (IN MY PERSONAL INDIVIDUAL SINGUALR OPINION (I hate to use disclaimers here but I'm not trying to get accused of biphobia here)) view Eddie as a repressed gay man. I don't believe he is truly attracted to women (at least romantically, sexually is another story but then I'd have to dive more into demisexuality which I don't plan to do here). Anyway.
Buck's experience with coming out would be as a man who has always been happily attracted to women and will find out that he is attracted to men IN ADDITION.
For Eddie, if he were to get a queer realization arc, I think it would be vastly different from Buck's because he wouldn't be realizing he likes men as well as women, he'd be finding out that not only does he like men, but he hasn't actually been in love/attracted to any of the women he was with in the past (and that includes Shannon, and NO I will NOT be elaborating on that). I think that this will end up triggering a whole huge overhaul of Eddie's view of himself, his entire life, his family, and his marriage, and I think it will bring him a lot of guilt. Eddie's not the kind of person just to be like oh guess that's why I never was into sex with Ana or Marisol whoopsies and move on. Man is gonna feel GUILTY. That's what he's programmed to feel in response to everything.
I was telling a friend that I bet you ANYTHING Eddie is gonna resist something with Buck out of some backward loyalty to Shannon. Like "No, I can't be gay. Because that means I was using Shannon." No honey you were not. You were just deeply deeply repressed and traumatized.
For me, an Eddie queer realization arc would be an entire deconstruction of every single thing he's ever believed himself to be. Which would be vastly different from Buck realizing he's bi. Buck's bisexual arc will likely come with its own bisexual-specific issues.
I also want to say that even if Eddie did come out as bisexual like Buck (and I would be 100% okay with that happening in the show) I think it's quite diminishing to say Buck AND Eddie both getting queer realization arcs would be "repetitive" because the fact of the matter is that every queer person has a different experience.
More than likely, if Eddie figures this out later than Buck, then yes, Buck will likely be the one most experienced. And I do agree that it's unlikely they'll have Eddie realize he's queer in the exact same way Buck does (ie jealousy over a 3rd guy, etc) but I do think there's a strong possibility of Eddie having his own queer arc. Maybe in season 7 in tandem with Buck, or maybe later in season 8.
Either way, I need people to get off this whole "stop rehashing past stories", "I hate characters making the same old mistakes" or "get off the hamster wheel" train. What I like about 911 is that despite the somewhat unrealistic disasters and calls, and somewhat over-the-top drama at times, the actual character journeys they tell are true to real things people go through. And in real life, people exist in cycles, and that's not always a bad thing.
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dacabats · 2 months
crying thinking about Jerome fantasizing about escaping from the circus with his brother. Creating these elaborate thoughts in his head as they sleep in the same bed together at night, hiding in cabinets to escape from the abuse and just thinking what it would be like if he didn't have these scabs, these bruises, this pain and anger welled up in his heart. He's seen happy kids before, how they don't have half as many scars as him, how they smile at their parents and how their parents actually smile back, how a little boy was laughing so joyously at the circus, clapping his hands. Thinking, where was that when I needed it? But no, he can't get caught up in that, him and Miah are thinking- trying to escape, they are going to escape and then they'll be free and everything will be fine because Miah promised him it would be and Miah is smarter than him obviously so he has to be telling the truth right? right?? they'll escape, they'll escape together, with each other, hand in hand. It'll be fine as long as him and Miah are together, and they'll be together forever. But then Miah starts telling lies. He starts talking about how Jerome lit his bed on fire, how he held a cake knife up to his throat and "Look mama look! it's right here!" he said, pointing to a faint red mark on his neck. And then Miah starts ratting him out, telling the adults about his hiding places, Miah starts sleeping in the bed with Mama and he's alone and cold and so so anguished. How could he? Why would Jeremiah do that too him?? But it's okay, maybe this was just apart of the plan that Miah hadn't told him about because it has to be realistic, so his feelings aren't that hurt, not that much at least- it'll be okay, Miah said it would, he promised.
And then one day he's just gone. Jeremiah is nowhere to be found and so is his uncle. He looks everywhere, had Ma started beating Miah too?? It would be okay, this time he would promise, he wouldn't rat him out, he wouldn't tell lies, he would help this time around. But Jeremiah doesn't pop out anywhere, and one night it hits Jerome that this isn't a game, that it wasn't all an act, that he was well and truly alone. Jeremiah had lied. He curls up in bed that night, days of looking for his brother pushed aside as he covers his mouth, wide eyes staring into the dark as tears push their way out of his tearducts and it hurts, it really does. Where was his brother? Had they taken him?? Did they kill him?? More tears spurt out and he tells himself no- repeats it over and over again, no no no no that couldn't have happened, that wouldn't have happened. Maybe Miah escaped and is coming back for him later, when he finds a nice place to live and they can be fed everyday. Where theres electricity and they're bruises can heal. Yeah, yeah thats nice. For now he'll just wait, he'll take everything if it means getting to see his brother again. It'll be fine, it'll be fine, he's sure of it. It has to be fine. Jeremiah promised.
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cirilla-fiona-riannon · 9 months
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Be Careful of Bad Men
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors. Slightly Suggestive.
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Mai: “Kicho, do you have any plans for the following days?”
I asked about his schedule when he returned from the bath.
Mai: “I might be able to take a day off, so if you’re free, um...”
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Kicho: “Is that an invitation for a date?”
Mai: “Yes. Is it too sudden?”
I looked at him with a hopeful expression, thinking he would refuse.
Kicho: “I was actually thinking of asking you to the festival at a nearby shrine.”
Mai: “Really!?”
Kicho: “Yeah, if you’re interested, why don’t we go?”
Mai: “Okay!”
(Yay, I’m going to the festival with Kicho!)
Kicho: “You look happy. Do you like festivals?”
Mai: “That’s part of it, but I’m also excited to go with you.”
Kicho: “Mai...”
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Kicho: “You really say the cutest things.”
Smiling, Kicho gave me a gentle kiss, and I accepted it, feeling excited about our date.
Mai: “It’s raining again.”
I sighed as I looked up at the pouring sky.
Because of the rain, the area around the shrine got all muddy, so they had to cancel the festival.
Kicho: “It’s too bad about the festival. You were probably looking forward to it.”
Mai: “I can’t control the weather, so it can’t be helped.”
Mai: “I’m happy to stay in this room as long as I’m with you.”
I put on a smile so as not to show my disappointment.
Kicho: “Don’t worry, Mai. I’ll make sure we can go to the festival.”
Mai: “But there won’t be any festivals for a while.”
Kicho: “It’s your wish, so I’ll make it come true no matter what it takes.”
I felt like his eyes briefly gleamed mysteriously.
Mai: “Kicho?”
Kicho: “But for now, I want to enjoy this moment.”
Mai: “Mm...”
I gently leaned into him on the windowsill as our lips overlapped.
A few days later一
Mai: “What’s this?”
I entered his room when he called me and saw an array of colorful yukatas.
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Kicho: “I arranged these for the festival. Choose whichever one you like.”
Mai: “Huh? But the festival was canceled.”
Kicho: “I told you I’d grant your wish.”
Mai: “But what does that mean?”
Kicho: “You’ll find out when we go.”
He gave me a meaningful smile while I was still feeling confused.
That same day, he took me to a castle.
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Kicho: “The festival is being held here.”
Mai: “Huh? A festival in a castle!?”
(I’ve never heard of that before.)
I tilted my head in confusion as the townspeople passed through the castle gate, one after another.
Kicho: "Mai, let's go."
Mai: "O-Okay."
I followed him inside the castle, encouraged by his smile.
Mai: "Wow!"
Just as Kicho said, the inside of the castle was lined with stalls, and the corridors and rooms were decorated with lanterns.
Mai: "This is amazing. It really is a festival!"
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Kicho: "There are also open-air stalls in the garden. When the sun goes down, they'll have bon dances around the tower."
(It's more elaborate than I thought!)
He smiled knowingly and took my hand.
Kicho: "With this, we can enjoy the festival without worrying about the weather. Let's go."
Mai: "Okay!"
I replied with a smile and walked hand in hand with him through the castle.
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That night一
Mai: "That was so fun. I never thought I'd get to carry a mikoshi with you."
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Kicho: "I'm glad you enjoyed it."
He fanned me with a festival fan as I got out of the bath.
Mai: "But why was the festival held in the castle?"
Kicho: "The daimyo probably organized the festival for the sake of his people, who were disappointed that the shrine festival got canceled."
He shook the fan with a blank expression on his face.
Mai: "Huh? But the owner of that castle sounds familiar. Wait, he's your business partner."
Kicho: "That's just a coincidence."
(Is it really just a coincidence?)
Mai: "Did you arrange the festival?"
Kicho: "Do you really think a mere merchant could have that much power?"
Mai: "I don't know, but you said you'd make my wish come true no matter what it takes."
Mai: "If that's the case, maybe you did something behind the scenes."
Kicho: "I won't go into details, but I've decided to make anything impossible possible if it's what you want."
He told me this with a bright smile.
Mai: "You're quite the schemer, aren't you?"
Kicho: "Do you hate bad guys?"
Mai: "Of course not."
Kicho: "Then was it a nuisance?"
He stopped fanning and peered into my face.
(He probably used some pretty forceful methods.)
(I feel bad for making him do something like that for my sake, but...)
Mai: "Nope. Just happy and embarrassed."
I shook my head and honestly conveyed my feelings.
He made our festival date a reality because he was thinking of me. It was an undeniable fact, and I felt his love for me.
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Kicho: "I see."
With a happy expression, he narrowed his eyes and kissed me.
Mai: "Mmm...!"
The tip of his tongue slipped between my lips and melted into my mouth.
When our lips parted, he softly lifted me up.
Kicho: "From here on, it's just the two of us."
The feverish voice whispering in my ear stimulated the pit of my stomach, making my heart race like it was about to burst.
He gently laid me down on the bed and kissed me deeply again.
Mai: "Nnn...haa..."
He teased my earlobe between our kisses, causing a shiver to run through my shoulders.
Even though his touch was gentle, my body heated up from that sensation alone.
Eventually, our lips parted, and he gazed at me thoughtfully.
Kicho: "Mai, how do you want me to love you?"
Mai: "Even if you ask me how, I..."
I looked at him, puzzled, and he reached out and took my hand.
Kicho: "If you want, I could shower affection on these adorable hands of yours."
Mai: "Hyaa..."
He kept his eyes on me, kissed my fingers, and gently licked them.
Kicho: "Or I could be bolder than that and shower you with kisses all over your body."
Mai: "Nn...ahh..."
He kissed my collarbone, and a tingling sensation spread from that spot.
He smiled slightly and gently untied my obi.
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Kicho: "Do you prefer the feeling of my fingers caressing your body? Or maybe you prefer to be touched here?"
Mai: "A-Ahh..."
He slid his hand over my thigh and teased the sensitive spot between my legs.
Kicho: "Does this spot look good to you?"
He stroked my skin and asked this seductively.
(What should I do? This is so embarrassing.)
I blushed, unable to answer due to shame. Suddenly, I noticed a cloud pass over his face.
Kicho: "Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
He withdrew his hand, playing with my skin, and kissed me on the ear.
Kicho: "I just want to fulfill all your wishes."
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Kicho: "When it comes to you, I seem to lose control."
Mai: "Kicho."
My heart was filled with love as I gazed into his eyes.
Mai: "Please don't apologize. I want you to love me as you wish."
Kicho: "Is that okay with you?"
Mai: "Yes. Accepting your feelings is the greatest happiness for me."
Kicho: "Mai..."
He called my name tenderly, his lips forming a smile.
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Kicho: "Hearing such words from you makes it even harder for me to hold back."
Kicho: “I apologize in advance if I push you too far tonight."
Mai: "Nn…"
The bed loudly creaked as he dropped a biting kiss.
(I want to accept both his gentle and intense love.)
We embrace each other tightly, confirming our passion and feelings in the deepest part of ourselves.
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