#something something the open veins of latin america
attonitos-gloria · 3 months
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I remember so very clearly how GAGGED I was the first time I read this lol this is your sign from the universe to read Latin American authors
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cicadaland · 6 months
Once I get these overdue assignments in .. Christmas break will be my glow up season. TRUST
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txttletale · 11 months
Hi! I've been making my way through a small collection of books that were recommended to me, on the subject of imperialism/colonialism. I feel like I'm starting to get a grasp of the larger concepts, but I'm still looking for more books in the same vein if you have any recommendations
(so far I've read/am reading: orientalism - all the Shah's men - open veins of Latin America - Wretched of the earth - harvest of empire - imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, and a few more.)
I feel like I'm still missing a lot of key information (I don't think that'll ever go away) so I'd really appreciate any help in that regard. Thank you very much!
i actually recommended some books on this exact topic yesterday! and honestly--i think it's always good to be acutely aware that you are not perfectly informed, that there is always something to learn. that is a valuable way to feel. keep that feeling and use it as a strength with which to forgive yourself for mistakes and fuel your curiosity--but seriously, with the reading list you've given me alone you're already a thousand miles ahead of 99.99% people on this website with regards to knowing what you're talking about re: imperialism.
off the reading list i linked, though, i think that how europe underdeveloped africa and neocolonialism should be priorities to acquaint yourself specifically with the effects of imperialism on subsaharan africa, which is an important area to cover. good luck reading!
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blueberrywhale123 · 8 months
Can you say what do you think the characters did after the graduation?
I’d love to!
Just a warning that some of it might not be super well thought out. As a kid I didn’t give it much thought, I just knew they would do music and assumed it was preforming. Now that I’m thinking of it as an adult, I’m thinking of more nuanced ideas.
so here we go!
Broduey - Dancer/Choreographer/Dance Instructor. This was the easiest for me to decide on. Broduey doesn’t have that many defining traits sadly but one thing that is consistent is his passion for dancing. I think he’d make quite the career out of being a dancer and choreographer for big time names, someone really sought after. And I think later on once his professional career winds down, he’d open up a dance studio where he can teach.
Maxi - Music Producer. This one was super easy too because he does this so much during the show and it is what he’s most passionate about and gets the most enjoyment and fulfillment from. I went back and forth with him about dancing because he’s so good but I eventually settled on music producer because, of the two, it seemed the most important to him.
Naty - Songwriter. Hands down, this girl goes on to write some marvelous songs and has a brilliant career. I also think it’s be cool if she wrote a few plays because her actress apparently did so too. She writes with León, Violetta, Ludmila, and all of them because I refuse for them to loose touch.
León - Solo career singer. As much as the band was a big part of his story in Season 3, I’ve already sent them on different directions. León gets to be a solo artist and he just rocks it because have you seen Jorge in the tours??? He’s so entertaining it’s not even funny.
Federico - Solo career singer. And a successful one at that, especially in Italy. He’s just too charming and talented to not get signed again by another label. It’d be cute if he did concerts with Fran while they were both in Italy.
Francesca - Solo career singer. There is no doubt that once she wasn’t tied to the studio, Francesca had numerous labels clamoring for her to sign with them. She had what, three offers in the last two seasons? She is probably Italy’s darling; a big deal in Europe. People all over have at least heard of her.
Diego - Songwriter and guitarist. This one was hard. I always saw him as a performer but season 3 made me unsure. I knew he liked being on stage still but he just didn’t strike me as the kind to continue in that vein of the music industry anymore. Then I heard someone say he could be a songwriter and all the sudden it clicked. So I think he’d be a songwriter because he definitely seems more comfortable in that area. He’d collab with Naty a lot and if Diego and Fran stay together (🤞) he’d come with her on tours and play in her band.
Violetta - Solo career singer and songwriter. So this one I went back and forth on. Then I decided on both because why not? I think she’d have a very successful career as solo artist in Latin America on the larger scale or just Argentina on a smaller scale, not out there beyond her continent. I think that eventually though, she’d slow her career down and do songwriting more (plus she writes some spectacular songs so she could totally do it). This could probably be because she and León start a family and she doesn’t want to spend as much time on tour.
Camila - singer, songwriter, actress. So this was tough until I decided to give her them all. I agonized until I realized that Cami would probably just do all three. I can just see Cami on something like Broadway(ha!) doing acting and singing but also having a career as a songwriter. And if anyone would try to make it all work, Camila Torres would.
Andres - studio musician. Andres was hard because he doesn’t get a lot of focus when it comes to his music from what I remember (I’m still rewatching s1 after years). But he is consistently on the drums or some form of instrument when preforming instead of out there dancing. So I feel like if he did take a musical career, he’d be a studio musician, where they play for the songs of artists that aren’t a band. I have this headcanon that he is a beast on the drums.
Ludmila - Solo career singer. So this one was my hardest. And even now I’m not too sold on it. I think Ludmila finds great comfort in music but I also think that she was pushed a lot by her mother into the career she wanted her to have instead of allowing her to discover what she wanted herself. So if Ludmila does end up as a singer, I think it’d be a small one. Actually, this is kinda weird but maybe she’d become a writer??? Idk that just popped up out of nowhere.
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gravedangerahead · 1 year
Tagged by @biwonderland98
3 ships: Sydrian (Bloodlines Series), Griddlehark (The Locked Tomb Series), Laured (Lado a Lado)
First ever ship: I truly don't know. It could be something from a book or pretty likely from a soap opera. I'm gonna say it was Lisbela + Leléu from Lisbela and The Prisioner because I adore that movie and it came put before my favorite soap operas as kid.
Last song: Me Deixa Em Paz, by Milton Nascimento and Alaíde Costa
Last movie: Marighella
Currently reading: The Open Veins of Latin America (Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina) and The Trial by Kafka are the ones out of the 15 books in my bedside table that I've touched recently enough to say I'm reading without blushing
Currently watching: Nothing really
Currently consuming: Bread and chocolate milk (not really, but I'll have breakfast in a second after posting this
Currently craving: ICE CREAM, it's hot
Tagging: @dubiousdisco @vfd-inked-kid @academiaipromise @xoverworkedandunderpaidx @belikov @hydrosspyross @notgwene @bcstired @easily-distracted-ivashkov @ariel-seagull-wings @fourtimesleo @odetoretribution
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specialshoesclub · 5 days
I was gonna read a chapter out of Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano between every time I die in Hades II but there was something that made me go wow right in the introduction and I had to put the book down. Guess I'll go outside and stand in the street or something.
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the development of technology for peasants in the third world, unlike proletarians, means a loss of land for many as less can produce more on larger amounts of land. something similar, however, is as technology in industry develops and division of labor with it, it does create more jobs, but lowers wages and heightens exploitation.
read open veins of latin america and wage-labor and capital. this is required btw
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pocketbelt · 8 months
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Steam Next Fest, October 2023
Played a score of demos, as I am wont to do, to find new things of interest and confirm if the ones I already knew or not can clear the first hurdles or crash and burn.
I played these 19 demos:
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I'll put 9 in this post, and 10 in a second, just so the post editor doesn't shit itself from length issues. Going down the list in the order above - really, Asura the Striker should come first but with the English UI, Steam biases non-Latin characters to the bottom.
I flinched every time the Unity logo came up, those poor bastard devs.
Continued under the read more.
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Coming from Australian solo developer Jordan Mochi (the studio, Catchweight Studio, is just him at his house), Conscript is a survival horror game set in the middle of the Battle of Verdun in 1916, the longest individual battle in the First World War. While there have been quite a few games, indeed some in recent times, that utilise the horrors of the First World War as their setting and something to reflect on or just as a source of misery or pathos, I actually can't think of any that are just directly a survival horror game.
Conscript acquits itself superbly, using that setting superbly. You are a young French soldier at the frontline trench separating the French and German forces, and the miseries of trench warfare and all that plagued it (enemy artillery shelling, chemical gas weapons, failing roughshod infrastructure and non-existent supply lines) lend to a dirty, grimy brown and grey misery pit that's much more grounded than the usual ones for horror games.
The integration of setting and mechanics, elements and aesthetics come together so well. The chaos of the First World War and its conflicts are used excellently; the opening event of the game, where you are shepherded out to hold the line, has enemies continuously appearing from nowhere. German soldiers, speaking a language your protagonist doesn't understand and can't make out, equally driven to their limits with some appearing haggard and lanky like beasts, wielding only trench shovels or cudgels (as their ammo also runs scarce), they fit their moulds for survival horror enemies very well. The assault ends after a set amount of time, and no clear direction or indication of this is given; you're left to fend against the incoming waves with whatever ammo, guns and tools you can find.
Your primary guns, the rifle and pump shotgun, need you to hit the reload button between shots not to reload but just to chamber a new round/pump a shotgun, which provides that little barrier to seamless combat that a good survival horror needs. Melee combat is awkward and messy. You can stop enemies from respawning by plugging gaps at the trench walls with barbed wire, as if boarding a window from zombies, cigarettes are traded for upgrades/resources, the horrors haunting you are often artillery or creeping gas as they are enemy soldiers. It comes together so naturally.
The graphics are also of particular note; whether they're sprites or models, the character sprites carry the look of 3D models rendered as 2D sprites, a type of style I mostly associate with the Gameboy Advance, where it was regularly used to awful effect. That console's library is plagued with some of the most hideous games you'll ever see, when it was so capable of absolutely gorgeous 2D visuals, a plague spread round the industry by things like Sony America's anti-2D mandate during the PS1 era. Conscript uses a similar style to excellent effect; it looks nice on its own terms and it fits with the moody, atmospheric approach the game takes. It truly is all in how you use it.
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Darkest Abyss
Coming from Brazilian indie studio 2ndBoss, Darkest Abyss trumpets its obvious inspirations and goals from its description; it's a 2D platformer in the vein of the classic NES Castlevanias, a style it apes very well, with the usual sneaky breaking of hardware limitations for grander displays.
Darkest Abyss is a very competent take on the formula, if one that's a little easy. Your subweapons in particular are pretty good and the game is generous with refill items, and indeed a lot of rooms seem explicitly designed around subweapons that they hand to you at the start. The diagonal attack one oneshots even beefy enemies and shreds even the stage boss very quickly, the only tricky part of the demo level is the auto-scroller where a giant horse (above) slowly pursues you due to its use of blocks that break under your feet. Go too fast and you'll run out of blocks before you can see where you can jump to.
I have two issues with Darkest Abyss, one a little fiddly thing and one a flavour thing. For the former, in an attempt to be helpful with mounting and climbing the infamously fiddly Castlevania staircases, Darkest Abyss makes them work such that you can just hold left/right into them and your character will climb them, no need to mess with up/down. Problem is, when ascending, your character passes by the bottom step a little, before turning and going back and then ascending. This makes it super easy to be faced the wrong way from impeding or incoming enemies when you didn't mean to be, and you can't extract yourself from the stairs so easily. It also loses a bit of nuance, where in games like Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon or Grim Guardians, you can walk at a ledge where a staircase is going down and just walk off the ledge for a fast descent, either for speed reasons or to tactically escape enemies and pivot to hit them as they approach. This is ultimately a minor issue, though, once you realise it's how stairs work you can just work around it.
The flavour issue comes from the game's intro cutscene, setting the stage of the world and the tale of King Dracula. During it, after describing Dracula's monstrous reign, it pivots to describe at length a demon who looks like an old man with a massive sword called Furcas, and how he's a wandering badass who kills all he sees, summoned by the Church who lost control etc etc. The problem isn't that per se, it's that it then awkwardly pivots to your actual character Lucy, a half-vampire desperately seeking to kill Dracula who turned her to break the vampire curse before she zombifies (and the flavour of how she stalls the curse's progress is pretty rad, an ornament with a weeping demon singing that somehow slows its progress). Then, at the end of the first level, you find Dracula dead with Furcas' big sword in his neck before fighting the first boss, who is not Furcas but just some demon that a wizard has been sealed inside. The characters are then curious about who could've done this, who is this mysterious Furcas, etc etc.
I'm making a lot of hay by explaining it but basically it would've been cooler to not detail and show and hype up Furcas at the start awkwardly between the two points that matter immediately (your character and her initial goal) and instead have the subversion hit properly and the explanation doled out over the course of the game. Narrative matters even for games with simpler, more limited delivery of it.
Still, Darkest Abyss seems pretty cool and I'm looking forward to seeing if it sticks the landing.
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Echoes of the Living
Comparing a game to existing ones, especially big brand or prominent/important ones in a genre, is a good shorthand for explaining and introducing them to people or selling people on them, but some can see it as annoying. In posts like this I often do it because a lot of indie games (at least the ones that I play, which is perhaps telling of me) are clearly and sometimes openly directly trying to capture the specific feeling of a specific IP, or to mimic and/or build upon its gameplay and mechanics because the developers loved it (such as Darkest Abyss just above us). It's reductive in some ways, sure, but it's useful and sometimes it's just the only way to sensibly do it.
All of this is to say that Echoes of the Living, by Spanish developers MoonGlint, is a survival horror clearly in the vein of the classic Resident Evils, with visuals more reminiscent of the Gamecube remake of Resident Evil 1. I think that's pretty explicitly the goal; the game opens with a "This game contains scenes of explicit violence and gore" warning screen of the same exact fashion as those games, which all games referencing or inspired by Resident Evil are fond of doing. And, I think, it mostly gets there!
The movement is perhaps a little twitchier, but its tank controls work, the shooting works the same ways with the same nuances of aiming down to hit downed foes or aiming up to get higher critical chance, you've got your herbs for healing, gunpowder for crafting ammo, and so on. It's got the vibes down, the environments look great, good stuff.
There are a few design issues, though, which dings it a bit. Which is to say, in the 27 odd minutes I played the demo, I couldn't reach the first save room. Not because the game is vicious and finding my way there was too fiendish, no; it's just fucking buried behind a good two dozen or more rooms of zombies and items. This is an issue because the save room is also where the item storage is, and EOTL is actually very generous with items outside of healing ones - you've got more than enough bullets to clean out the initial areas of the pub you reach after the opening streets segment and still have plenty to spare. But your limited inventory also has to hold puzzle items, and if you pick up some keys and can't find the doors they go to they're just going to clog things up and get in the way of more resources or puzzle items. You're dying for that storage crate pretty quick.
Less serious but just kind of odd are melee weapons; EOTL has degrading melee weapons like baseball bats that can be used to kill zombies without spending bullets, but despite being described as being for this use, they are way more scarce than bullets. In fact I only found one, I think, the one it gives you at the start when introducing them, and it's great, it's five or six free oneshots if you aim for heads, but if they're meant to spare your ammo reserves for more important moments their scarcities should probably be flipped.
There is one more issue:
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Can you read the text on for that item without pulling the image out and zooming in further? I couldn't on my huge 48-inch TV about a metre and a half from me, and the game was running at maximum resolution and settings and all. It's compacted down to make room because that entire right side of the screen is intended for the storage crate when you get to it. But, well, there's a reason why Resident Evil and others have bespoke separate screens for storage crate item management, it's for ease of use. Compacting the inventory screen like this isn't the best idea, that screen space is wasted any time you're not at a storage crate. It's admirable to want to be efficient, but sometimes you need more menus and screens!
Echoes of the Living is a good effort and I hope to see at least the inventory screen tidied up if not at launch (which is soon) then afterward. The rest would require a bit more shuffling of rooms or item design, but otherwise it holds up well. At some point I may well come back round to it.
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Japanese Drift Master
I usually try a racing game out in Steam Next Fests when I see one, because I've always been fond of different kinds of racing and car games, but only ones about high-speed sci-fi racing like F-Zero or Fast Zero RMX really stick with me. I suck at basically all others, even though I like shit like Crazy Taxi and have liked the idea of ones like the older Need For Speed games and all, and especially old arcade racers. I can never wrap my head around games where they behave more like actual cars and not karts or lightspeed hover cars.
This is one of those; coming from Polish developer-publisher Gaming Factory, JDM is more "realistic simulator" than you first might expect given the subject. It has a bevy of detailed control and handling options and fairly straight-laced but nice realistic visuals once in-game. I'm not qualified to say how good it is at those options, but it seemed to have its shit together even to a layman like me.
Perhaps my idea of drifting has been somewhat warped by Initial D memes and more arcadey racers, but it feels like there isn't quite enough space on its realistic tight-streeted world map or in the event I tried in it, but I am inept at this shit. I passed the event with a bronze medal by managing to drift in a consistent circle in a wide enough spot in one of its turns. At some point I need to sit down and pick a game and commit to it to get a feel for how to handle things, otherwise I'll just never vibe with them.
Still, JDM seems pretty neat if you're looking for a fairly realistic simulator with an emphasis on pulling drift tricks.
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Koumajou Remilia II: Stranger's Requiem
I still haven't played the original non-Steam PC release of this, or gotten around to the Switch version of the first game (which I own), but I did play the original Koumajou Remilia some years ago and was fond of it. Coming from Japanese indie dev Frontier Aja, this a Touhou fangame that apes Castlevania openly, aiming for its aesthetic and musical style as well as the gameplay, but blended with Touhou. Its character illustrations in particular are fucking incredible.
Regrettably, this port or version is something of a fucking mess. The screenshot probably gives you some immediate ideas; this game can't be full-screened, and there are no graphical or performance options of any sort in its menu at all. There's not really an options at all, which is really unfortunate because the game's default controls are fucked up, with multiple actions bound to the same key by some accident or glitch. The game's tutorial will tell you buttons for swapping subweapons/summons or performing certain moves and they'll often do nothing or just stack up, as they either overwrite each other or clash. You can't actually cycle subweapons with LB & RB on the Xbox controller, for instance, neither of them do anything. One of the cycle directions is bound to Y, which is also your backstep button. The flurry attack performed by hitting Up + X is also bound to B, which is your subweapon usage button. And because it's going at the same time as the subweapon, it often overwrites or prevents their usage.
The game defaults to Switch button layouts so this might even be a bad port of that version, in which case hopefully the Switch ports avoid these issues. I'll have to see by busting it out, and if so that's good, and if not that's a horrible, horrible shame. It does remind me that I still need to get around to Touhou: Luna Nights.
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The Last Exterminator
Something that struck me over the last week, amidst news of service games dying away and losing all their money, was how far we've come from the awful bastard days of cover-based shooters. The drift to the current "Boomer Shooter" renaissance was gradual, exploding with Doom 2016 in particular and we're still riding the wave. God, how much better things are now with shooters that actually have to give a shit about enemy design, and level design, and can have challenge that isn't just "you were breathed on, sit behind a wall for seven seconds".
From Australian studio Ironworks Games, The Last Exterminator is a prime example of the new wave of boomer shooters; taking obvious overt cues from Duke Nukem 3D in particular (but with actual 3D graphics for you and enemies, more akin to stuff like Quake but with Duke's art style), it's a boomer shooter in basically every way: sprawling levels where paths interweave and criss-cross and turn back on each other, health & armour meters, the usual suspects for weapons, no forced cover system and a very fast protagonist, on and on. It's fucking sublime. It's just excellent.
The demo is just one level, but it's a good level, guns feel fucking great, movement feels great and it looks really nice. It's a plain ol' fucking treat. The core part of this renaissance for shooters is that these old shooters were just plain fucking great, a lot of the time, whereas the horrid tunnel the 7th gen of videogames went down struggled to produce much of any worth, never mind reach even vaguely similar heights. I would even go as far as saying that the only truly excellent shooters of that time were Vanquish and Resident Evil 5.
Last Exterminator does basically everything right - it even already has great gamepad controls out of the box, a bit of a rarity for boomer shooter demos in my experience. A highlight of this Next Fest, easily.
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The Last Faith
Sadly, I don't think I've ever enjoyed a 2D "Soulslike", if I'm being honest. Maybe there is one out there, but I've wracked my brains and I can't come up with any I'd call good. If you count Blasphemous that'd be it, but the thing is I don't, I think that's just a pure Metroidvania platformer and not an action RPG at all. It's not that I decree that it can never be done, just that I've never enjoyed one. Partially because it feels like so many fall into weird traps that don't make sense if you've played the games that inspire them.
And like, look at that menu and art above and tell me this isn't just wanting to be Bloodborne specifically. And that's good, more of that is always good. Coming from English studio Kumi Souls Games, The Last Faith misses the key ingredient of its inspiration: speed.
The Last Faith's issue for me is that getting around in its world just feels tedious and fighting enemies feels like a slog. In the name of challenge they want your animations to be very specific and require you to parry moves if you can't dodge them, but all of that just made me feel like I couldn't ever quite move around enemies properly or quickly. And you don't have a block to make up for that, as far as I can tell, because these gits never have a fucking working block/guard system ever because why would you? Who would ever want that.
The thing about Bloodborne taking the block system away is that your general movement and attack speed was significantly increased to compensate. Your dodge becomes a lunge that can close distance incredibly as well as having great i-frames, and most weapons are very fast or have fast forms. The Last Faith doesn't really have that, and it hurts it so much. Both demo characters feel too slow to get around at a reasonable pace and regular enemies take too many hits to feel good.
There's a bad habit among indie devs of assuming that "hard" or hell, "balanced" means "takes longer", that in a "balanced game" or a "hard game" you need to do some "middling" amount of hits to beat things. This makes them tiresome fucking slogs because nothing ever just dies and getting anywhere takes forever. Basic enemies die terribly fast from the very start in Souls games, and no-one ever seems to notice.
I can't say I recommend The Last Faith. The thing is, Bloodborne's still great and it's playable on PS5 as well as PS4, if you're hankering that bad. Its other inspiration, Castlevania (you can tell by the styling of the brawler character and his backdash especially), is represented vigorously and better elsewhere.
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Little Goody Two Shoes
Coming from Portuguese developer AstralShift, Little Good Two Shoes is an astounding visual treat. Its art style, its sprite and animation work and the very tasteful VHS filter are the stuff of dreams. All of the little animation touches, from Elise's portrait in the top left reacting to things to just how she runs or hops across stones to go across a river, all of it is perfect and adorable. It has that 90s anime/PC-98 visual novel art style to it, and its title animation captures the same style immaculately. This is, truly, one of the ideal ways a game can look, frankly.
The demo is remarkably large as this is a slow-burner; a mix of traditional dating sim and a horror adventure game, where you weave your way to one of 10 endings by romancing one of three girls and investigating talk of a witch and demons in the woods around your medieval/early modern German countryside town. It balances these pretty well - there's a hunger meter as well as a health one, giving you a reason to do minigames for money so you can't just devour the dating/horror story immediately, and the minigames are fun besides. It gives the whole thing a good pacing.
It does lay it on thick, too, you get jumped by thorned demon vines minutes into things and get chucked into the thick of time management and arranging dates with your potential girlfriends relatively quick. It's all slickly done, the characters are delightful and mystery abounds pretty quick.
The horror aspects I saw, from the trailer and the demo, aren't my taste for horror exactly but they give the story good intrigue all the same, and Elise is a fun character so seeing her bounce off her love interests and others is a laugh anyway. For its asking price it seems like a fucking steal, and as it's out soon I may well pounce on it quick.
Even if it somehow doesn't stick its landing, I want to see these devs keep at their craft because holy god, it's so fucking pretty.
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Little Locked Rooms
From solo developer riolucci, Little Locked Rooms has an adorable premise: a detective making dioramas of locked-room mysteries for his kids to solve. It's a good set-up, and I'm very fond of these kinds of puzzle game, but the demo's single level leaves it wanting.
The demo level involves a thief entering a cabin and then fleeing from it without leaving a trace when the police arrive 30 minutes later, and from the supplied screenshot above you can likely figure it out quick. But the way you have to convey the answer is to pick through a series of questions that aren't always clear in what they want: they want you to pick through the scenario and solve it through the questions, answering each step as if you don't or can't immediately tell waht happened.
So here, you have to answer that the thief exited the house by walking, then specify that he walked backwards through his own footsteps, then specify that he grabbed a tire and then walked back through the tire tracks, using a tire to cover his footprints in the tracks. It makes delivering the answer a little fiddly, but at least with the answers and scoring system, there is some pleasantly surprising nuance: you can pick the tire tracks first when identifying how the thief left, and get explicitly told "not yet" and to find the interim step, and not have your score penalised. It's a flow thing, I suppose; I would prefer giving the answer and then "defending" or "proving it" to make things feel more natural, but maybe that's just me. Maybe the point is figuring out how to work your way there rather than answering.
Either way, the demo level is short and simple. There's promise in this, but I'd like to have seen a more complex diorama and thus what the "average" level of the game looks like, to see what it aspires to. Perhaps at a future Next Fest.
Part 2 is here!
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missmoondrops · 1 year
read byf!
‼️Putting the DNI at the top here since some of you fuckers can't be bothered to read ‼️
Apparently, this has to be said. If you are USAmerican and show support for the economic and geopolitical chokehold your country has the rest of the globe in, I don't want you following me. I don't tolerate military worship and I don't suffer the ramblings of fascists.
That being said...
Call me Miss Moonie or Miss Moondrops.
22 – cis (she/her) – domme – single
Reclusive, romantic pervert
I reblog anything I find hot, mostly featuring guys/men/pretty boys.
As a general rule, I'm attracted to masc-presenting people, regardless of gender.
I keep my asks, DMs, etc. open. If you want to send me creepy shit I can’t stop you, just don’t expect me to respond/don’t be surprised if I block you.
Do not ask me for pictures or videos. If I want to send you something, I will.
I queue a lot of posts.
I like writing erotica. Feel free to send me requests and I can write a short piece for you. Rules for requests here.
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other stuff about me
∆ I am Latin American
∆ I speak English and Spanish. I like translating things I reblog! Find the translation in the tags, it'll look like #t: _
∆ I'm goth. As in, actually goth. Which means, apart from dressing in black and liking horror movies, I listen to the music, I like Gothic literature, and I'd go to a funeral every day, if I could.
∆ Some bands I love (favorites in bold): Caifanes, Switchblade Symphony, Sisters of Mercy, London After Midnight, Sidewalks and Skeletons, Sanguis et Cinis, Los Carniceros del Norte, Inkubus Sukkubus, The Cure, La Scaltra, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Type O Negative, The March Violets, Scarlet's Remains, El Último Vecino, Diva Destruction, Nosferatu, Lebanon Hanover
∆ I also listen to basically every other genre of music as well. My all time favorite band is Sisters of Mercy. My current favorite song is Numb by Switchblade Symphony.
∆ I love reading, mostly Nonfiction. A few faves: The Open Veins of Latin America, The Wretched of the Earth, pretty much anything by Michael Parenti. Fiction-wise, I'm very stereotypically goth in my love for Anne Rice's stuff and I love dark/romantic poetry :3c
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anarchistin · 3 years
Do you have any socialist book reccomendations? Ideally something modern and not just applicable to americans.
Anarchy by Errico Malatesta
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa by Walter Rodney
Anarchism and Other Essays by Emma Goldman
Transgender Liberation by Leslie Feinberg
Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon
Annihilation of Caste by Dr BR Ambedkar
Are Prisons Obsolete? By Angela Davis
Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano
Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
The Dispossessed by Ursula K Le Guin
Blood in my Eye by George Jackson
Caliban and the Witch by Silvia Federici
Debt by David Graeber
Governing the Commons by Elinor Ostrom
Anarchist Tension by Alfredo Bonanno
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Should… | Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Emma Masters) | Chapter 1| ... We Go To My Room?
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Emma Masters
Summary: Five years ago, Emma Masters just landed her first big acting gig on a soap opera. While it is not much, it is an opportunity to grow. While out celebrating, she meets up with a fellow actor, Tom Hiddleston. While she doesn’t recognize any of his work, the two hit it off. Before they know, they are getting hot and heavy in the elevator up to Tom’s room. Like ships passing in the night, the two never manage to meet again.Now five years later, Emma is a heavy hitter in the prime time drama world and Tom is a Golden Globe winning movie star. Their paths cross again but things have changed. Will they do what they should or fall to their deepest desires?
Warnings: smut, vaginal sex, fingering, drunk sex, oral sex, cheating, unhealthly relationships
Five Years Earlier
“Yes, I accept!”
Emma hung up the phone and ducked into a nearby hotel where she knew the bar served half-off appetizers and cheap drinks. A packed bar in the early evening did not bode well. Emma waded through the sea of ill-fitting suits and too-tight shift dresses to reach the bar. She motioned to the bartender who came over to take her order.
“Jack and Seven, please.”
The bartender slid the drink over and she searched for a place to sit. She found a small table in the corner with two chairs. She collapsed into the nearest one and took a big swig of her drink. Emma pulled her phone out and started on a text to her mother with the good news.
“Excuse me, but I believe you took my seat.” a smooth voice with a British accent commented.
She turned to see a tall man smiling behind her. His curly blonde hair gelled in place. She stood to move.
“It’s all right. I’ll take the empty one.”
“Sorry...” Emma paused looking at the man.
“…Thomas, Tom. And you are…?”
“Em…Emma. Nice to meet you. Mind if I share the table with you? There are only limited options around.”
She nodded. Tom sat down, scooting the chair over to give Emma plenty of room.
“You aren’t from around here, are you?” Emma asked, rolling her eyes at the obvious question.
Tom chuckled.
“What gave it away? The accent?”
“The suit.” Emma said, deadpan and Tom broke out into a full laughter.
“So, what brings you to America, Thomas?” Emma asked as she took a long drink of her whiskey, finishing up what was in the glass. It burned down her throat.
Tom sipped his drink while contemplating the question.
“I’m here to do some interviews on a recent project I did.”
“Oh, what line of work are you in?”
“I’m an actor.”
Emma’s ears perked up.
“Would I have seen you in something?”
Tom almost choked on his drink, not used to having to explain his burgeoning celebrity status.
“I played Loki in the Thor movies and The Avengers.”
Emma stared back, unmoved.
“I don’t watch superhero movies.” Emma’s nose crinkled up at the word “superhero.”
Tom continued, digging into his filmography, stunned that she didn’t know about Loki.
“Only Lovers Left Alive? War Horse? Midnight in Paris?”
Tom frowned.
“I just finished a run of Coriolanus at the Donmar.”
Emma leaned in.
“Ooh. Shakespeare.”
“You know Coriolanus? I’m impressed.”
“Oh, the Bard and I are on intimate terms. He was the subject of my senior thesis.”
Tom’s eyebrows drew up, and he pulled back.
“Oh! I studied Classics at Cambridge.”
Emma sipped the rest of her drink, already getting tipsy on her empty stomach.
“So Cambridge, can you say something in Latin?”
Tom gulped down the rest of his whiskey for some liquid courage. He unbuttoned his jacket and swooped it back with dramatic flair before leaning close to Emma. Heat radiated off of him like a furnace. She fought the urge to just melt against his broad shoulders. Tom cleared his throat before continuing.
“Omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori.”
Emma raised her glass.
“May we all yield to love.”
Tom raised his now empty glass.
“To love,” they clinked their glasses together. Tom went to drink and realized he finished his drink.
“I think we need more drinks. What was yours?”
“Jack and Seven .”
Tom’s eyes crinkled as he smiled.
“Whiskey. My kind of girl.”
Emma blushed as Tom headed off to the bar. Emma’s stomach flipped. God, he was handsome. After several minutes, he returned two glasses in hand.
“So, are we celebrating or drowning our sorrows?” Tom asked as he handed over the drink.
“Celebrating. I just booked my first big job.”
Tom beamed and brought the glass to his lips.
“Congratulations! What kind of job?”
Tom spit his drink back into this glass.
“You could have led with that.”
“And miss that spit take? Not a chance.” Emma quipped, openly flirting now.
“What kind of acting job?”
“A minor part on a soap, but there is an opportunity to grow.”
“I wish you well.”
They clinked glasses once again. Two drinks turned to three, which turned to four. Emma and Tom talked about everything from horror stories from the acting trenches to family to hopes and dreams for the future. After the fourth drink, the bartender started giving them the eye.
“I think he wants us to leave.” Emma giggled from both alcohol and giddiness running through her veins. Her smile faded and she let out a breathy sigh as she had to leave.
“We should take this upstairs.”
Emma narrowed her eyes at him.
“Excuse me?”
“You know, take the conversation some place private. Like my hotel room.”
She gulped. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe her good mood, but going up to Tom’s room sounded enticing.
“You know what?” Emma slammed her hands on the table, rattling the glasses, “That is a brilliant idea.”
Tom laughed and the two of them rose to leave the hotel bar. They giggled the entire way through the lobby. Tom rocked back and forth on his feet, waiting for the elevator. Emma sidled up to Tom, fingers brushing up against his. The skin on skin contact sent electricity through Emma’s body. There was more than just alcohol coursing through her veins as she drank in the sight of Tom.
He glanced over and smiled at Emma. Tom marveled at the sight of this woman next to him. Her dark brown hair pulled into a simple ponytail and her casual clothes failed to convey the complex personality underneath. He was drunk and not on whiskey. He wanted to know everything about Emma.
The elevator dinged. Emma stepped in first, pressing herself against the back wall. Tom followed suit, leaning on the wall next to her. The tension in the air was palpable and Tom noticed his collar getting tighter and his palms sweating. As the doors slid closed, Tom leaned in towards Emma.
“Hold the door!” a small voice called out. Startled and flustered, Tom reached out to hit the button and straighten himself up. Emma smiled as she turned her head away. An elderly woman entered the elevator, ladened with shopping bags.
“Hit floor 6 for me, please?” she asked Tom, smiling up at him.
“Certainly, my dear.”
“Are you from England?”
Emma hid her face as she worked to contain her laughter. Tom responded with a smile.
“I am. Wimbledon, in fact.”
“Isn’t that where they play tennis?”
“It is.”
The ding of the elevator interrupted the exchange, and the lady stepped out.
“You two youngsters have a nice evening.”
“Thank you,” Emma added, giving her a little wave.
Once the doors shut door, the two of them burst into laughter. Tom swung around, leaning over Emma’s small frame. He rubbed Emma’s arm, again sending electricity straight to her core. She swallowed hard before gazing up at Tom’s blue eyes.
“Now, where were we?” Tom asked as he pushed even closer.
“You were flirting with that old lady there?” Emma cracked a joke to distract from the butterflies in her stomach.
“Oh, that was not flirting,” Tom smirked, moving his face within inches of Emma’s.
Tom swore he heard her heart beating faster with each passing second.
“It wasn’t?” she squeaked, becoming more anxious.
Emma looked to see there was a way to escape but Tom’s arm caged her against the elevator wall.
“No, flirting requires the interplay of two peoples wants and desires…”
“Desires...” Emma repeated after Tom becoming lost in his words.
“Yes. As they say, it takes two to tango.”
Emma blushed at the thought and Tom took this opportunity to close any remaining distance between them. His lips crashed against hers with a sense of want and lust. Emma’s body softened against him and reciprocated the affection.
Tom sighed against Emma’s lips and she threw her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deeper. Tom, overcome with lust, pushed his hips into Emma. She moaned as his hardness brushed against her. Tom lost control as he slid his hand down Emma’s side, grazing over her waist, hips, and thighs before hooking his hand behind her knee and lifting it up.
The elevator interrupted their interlude by reaching Tom’s floor. Tom released Emma, and they were both flushed and panting. Emma attempted to straighten herself as the doors opened. Tom grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her down the corridor. Once they reached Tom’s room, he fumbled in his pockets for the key card. After what seemed like an eternity but was mere moments, Tom got the door opened and ushered Emma into the room. The door slammed behind them and Tom wasted no time.
“At last, you are mine,” Tom growled as he attacked Emma’s lips again.
His tongue was insistent and Emma moaned, granting it access. Their tongues explored each other’s mouths. With each passing moment, Emma’s arousal grew more and more. She threw her arms around Tom’s neck, holding on for dear life. Tom placed his hands on both of Emma’s thighs. He lifted her and shoved Emma’s back into the wall.
“Ahh!” she yelped.
“You are intoxicating, love,” Tom growled into Emma’s ear, sending a shiver down her spine.
His words spurred Emma on and she pulled on his jacket, ripping it off his shoulders. Her hands then turned to unbuttoning his shirt. Tom pulled her top off in one motion, exposing her skin to the cold air of the hotel room. Tom moaned in appreciation at Emma’s curves before devouring that sweet spot in the crook of her neck. It was as though that spot connected to her core.
“Tom?” she breathed.
“Fuck me.”
Tom’s lips curved into a devious smile.
“With pleasure.”
Tom pulled Emma across the room until her back landed onto the soft sheets of the bed. She propped herself on her elbows to watch Tom undress at the end of the bed. He undid the buttons of his shirt and peeled the shirt off, dropping it on the floor. He undid his belt and fly next. Emma licked her lips in anticipation.
“Is someone enjoying the show?” Tom asked as he pulled the belt from the loops at a painstakingly slow pace.
Emma could only nod, not trusting her voice to cooperate. Tom took this as an opportunity to torture her. He lowered his pants, kicking them off behind him. Emma could see the sizable bulge in his boxer briefs. Emma gulped at the thought of him filling her to the hilt. She was gushing. Tom moved to hover over her on the bed. He moved like a jungle cat stalking his prey. He started kissing Emma on her collarbone. She arched her back and unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the side. Tom turned his attention to Emma’s now heaving chest.
He took one of her nipples and sucked with fervor.
“Oh, God!” Emma groaned, and she tangled her hands in his blond curls. This only spurred on Tom as he drew his attention to the other breast, giving it the same treatment, eliciting the same reaction from Emma. She struggled to undo her jeans, when Tom grabbed her hands.
“Allow me.”
With deft hands, Tom made short work on the button and fly of Emma’s jeans. She bucked her hips up to allow Tom to pull them down, taking her underwear with him. She laid there naked as Tom drank in the sight. His eyes hooded with lust, he pressed his chest into hers as he crushed against her lips.
“Perfection,” Tom muttered as his hands raked across her body. As his hands grazed her pubic bone, Emma shifted her legs apart, granting him access to her glistening sex. Tom’s fingers slid up and down her slit, collecting juices along the way.
“So wet for me. So ready,” Tom moaned into Emma’s ear.
With no warning, Tom pushed one long digit into Emma’s pussy and she gasped, digging her nails into his shoulders. Tom chuckled as her walls gripped onto his finger.
“You are so eager to please.”
He pumped his finger in and out at a languid pace, drawing out Emma’s pleasure. Soon, he added a second finger and quickened his pace. His other hand found her clit, drawing tight circles. There was a tightening in her core.
“Oh, yes!” She gasped as Tom curled his fingers inside.
“Come on darling, cum for me,” Tom urged on as he continued to fuck Emma with his fingers.
“Don’t stop!”
Tom continued to finger Emma, curling his fingers while stimulating her clit. Before long, the coil snapped and Emma orgasmed.
“Fuck. Me!” Emma screamed as waves of pleasure washed over her. Tom pulled off his underwear and lined up with her entrance, pushing in to the hilt.
Emma never felt so full in her life. Tom filled every inch of her.
“Oh God, you feel amazing,” Tom exclaimed, and he began to thrust, pushing in balls deep each time.
A second orgasm fast approached and Tom’s hip thrusts grew more and more erratic. Tom cried out as he spilled into her and moments later, she came. The two of them collapsed onto the bed and drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Emma woke to find the bed empty. She rolled over and found the spot still warm. As she still detected him on the pillow, spices and woods. Emma heard the bathroom door open and Tom stepped out, wearing only a towel around his waist.
“Morning.” he said with a smile.
“Morning.” she responded, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
“Um… I guess we should talk.”
Emma blushed.
“Might be a good idea after last night.”
“Yeah, I don’t do that sort of thing. You know… last night… with girls… I mean ladies… I’m a nice guy, I swear.” Tom blabbered about, the last few words squeaking out.
Emma couldn’t help but giggle.
“Nervous much?” It’s fine. I never sleep with someone the first time I meet them either.”
Tom smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed.
“I would like to see you again.” Tom ran his hand up and down Emma’s arm.
There are those shivers again.
“Me too.”
“But I am leaving New York today for London.”
Emma noticed the packed bag by the door. In the heat of passion last night, she had missed it. Emma’s face dropped.
“But I should be back in three weeks’ time. Can I take you out on a proper date?”
Emma nodded.
“Until then, how about some room service breakfast?” Tom stood to head over to the phone.
Emma’s stomach growled in response.
“I will take that as a yes.” Tom smiled.
He ordered breakfast for two and got dressed while Emma took a shower. She washed her hair before slipping back into the clothes from last night.
“Here.” Tom shoved a shirt in Emma’s face. “In case you don’t want to wear the same shirt again.”
Emma took the shirt and switched out. The shirt smelled of Tom.
By this time the food arrived. The two of them ate in a hurry, chatting and exchanging numbers, Tom’s car set to arrive soon. As Emma shoved the last piece into her mouth, Tom’s phone rang.
“I’ll be right down.”
Emma walked out with him. Tom leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
“Three weeks. It’s a date.”
“It’s a date.”
It wasn’t a date. Emma got busy with her new role, and then sick and they canceled plans. Tom and she her exchanged phone calls, emails, even a few video chats. But never met in person again.
As the weeks turned to months, the texts became more scarce. Both their careers continued to prosper, Tom with a Golden Globe performance as Jonathan Pine and Emma translated a few Daytime Emmy wins into starring in a prime time drama. After 18 months, the texts stopped altogether. Emma forgot about the one-night stand.
Present Day
“Em?” a familiar voice rang out across the L.A. restaurant.
Emma looked around for the source. It couldn’t be a fan, no one called her “Em” anymore. She saw a man with unruly ginger curls wearing a tailored suit, making a beeline towards her. Her eyes widened and her heart jumped into her throat. All the memories of that night rushed back to her like a tidal wave.
“Is that who I think it is?” Corrine, Emma’s friend asked, tugging on her arm.
The man reached her table and Emma rose to her feet, gripping the table for support.
“I can’t believe it is you, Em!” he pulled her into a big bear hug. He still smelled of spices and woods.
“Tom!” Emma pulled from the embrace, looking him over. “Nice beard.”
Tom chuckled as he rubbed his hand through the whiskers. The two of them stared at one another for what seemed an eternity. Corrine cleared her throat and Emma jumped at the sound.
“So sorry! Corrine, Tom Hiddleston. Tom, Corrine Saunders, my friend and former publicist.”
“Charmed.“ Corrine cooed as she extended her hand palm down.
Tom gave a nervous chuckle before giving it an anemic shake.
“So Tom,” Corrine started in. “How in the hell do you know our little Emma over here? She’s never mentioned you before.”
Emma’s face flushed as the color drained from Tom’s. They exchanged knowing looks before Tom cleared his throat.
“Well, it is a funny story.” Tom started as he pulled on his collar.
Emma wasn’t laughing.
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Insānĭa || Alfie Solomons x reader || Part One
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↬ Part Two ↫      
Anon requested/summary: “Hi luv can you write a Jealous Alfie that's leads to in ur words good old fashioned rough sex pretty please 😉”
Warnings: swearing, dirty talking, smut, rough sex, oral sex, jealous Alfie getting me on my knees
Author’s notes:
Sooo, I’ve definitely decided to use this kind of titles for fics about strong feelings such as jealousy because Latin is a magnificent, very expressive language that allows you to grasp every single shade of a word and fully understand its meaning
I had to split this in two since it was awfully long, part two will be out in the next hours!
Alfie -and Tom Hardy in general- is one of my most remote wet dreams, I truly hope I did a good job with this one ♡
I’m sorry for being this late, but I’ve been really busy in the past days and writing is never just easy, it demands concentration and effort, plus I don’t want you to be disappointed, so I’m always extra accurate while working. I hope this is worth the wait!
Let me know what you think and tell me if this is what you expected  ♡
I’m Italian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for every possible mistake I made. Also, please, help me improve my writing by telling me if there’s something wrong
Insānĭa  [insaniă], insaniae feminine noun I declension  1. madness, insanity 2. fury, frenzy 3. excess, extravagance 4. profligacy, luxury
The dark green brocade of your dress flawlessly embraced your body, creating a ravishing contrast between the bright colour of  that precious fabric and your y/s/c velvet skin, as you gave a final glimpse at the mirror, appreciating what you saw for once. That surprising realization made a small smile appear on your ruby lips and you brushed behind your pearled ear a stand of your hair escaped from your fine coiffure, before finally leaving Alfie’s office, headed to the great hall of the distillery where an important business dinner was about to take place. Actually, your fiancé hardly ever involved you in his working life, indeed he always tried to keep you safe, far away from the atrocities of that cruel world, almost like you were his rare rose under a bell jar, he would’ve never let anything happen to you, at the cost of his own life. But that was a special occasion and it demanded an exception: Alfie had finally succeeded in reaching an agreement with a new Italo-American partner, in order to expand his traffic in rum all the way to the Americas; consequently, that opulent feast was arranged not only to celebrate, but also to define the ultimate details of their recent deal, and your presence was required too. Entering the huge room already half full of people, you immediately waved your hand at Ollie who was friendly smiling in your direction, before your eyes went looking for your boyfriend, finding him seconds later, while he was busy talking with who you assumed to be Mr. Antonio Fontana. As you approached them, you had to admit to yourself that Alfie’s latest business associate was, without a doubt, one of the most charming men you’d ever seen; his tall, muscular figure stroke a thrilling fear into you, as his dark greedy eyes examined your body with surgical precision and, when you eventually found yourself right in front of him with flushed cheeks, a slight smirk formed on his fleshy lips surrounded by a hint of beard, just as black as his curly hair.
You remained caught up in your inappropriate thoughts, unable to pronounce a single word, until a strong arm unexpectedly harpooned your waist, catapulting you back into real life, and you recognized Alfie’s intense cologne as it forcefully filled your nostrils. Only then you raised your eyes at him, noticing an irritated look contaminating his sublime masculine features, still you didn’t manage to say anything because, just as you attempted to open your mouth, Antonio’s deep voice overtook you, capturing your attention again.
“May I ask who this stunning creature is?” Although that question was in effect addressed to Alfie, your guest’s impudent gaze entangled yours once more, as he held your right hand, leaving a brief kiss on the ardent skin of its dorsum; his strategical sweet-talk, along with his sudden gallant gesture, inevitably intensified the blush on your face, preventing you to look the other way, so you simply kept your irises locked with his.
“I’m y/n ...” Before your full name could leave your red lips, Alfie nonchalantly took your tiny hand from his, sending him an indecipherable, unsettling glare in stark contrast with his apparently mild voice, while his fingers automatically stroked his long beard .
“Antonio, this is Y/n y/l/n, my lovely wife-to-be” That last appellative in particular was marked with far too much emphasis as his strong hand, still laid on your side, gently pulled your back closer to his vigorous torso covered by a creamy-white shirt and black jacket; already bothered by all of that impudence, he was obviously making it clear that you were not available, still the half Italian just didn’t seem to care and continued to shamelessly court you, right under Alfie’s harsh stare.
“This means it’s not too late for you to make a better choice, angel” Antonio’s grin widened while he spoke those insolent words, making his black eyes blatantly travel from your mouth to your deep neckline, his tongue slithered on his bottom lip in a salacious movement as he lingered on the soft skin of your chest. You felt your fiancé’s fists brutally clench, moreover his muscular arms visibly tautened together with his large shoulders, and you knew he wouldn’t have contained his anger for much longer, still, before your spellbound brain could start working again, your rambling mouth raced beyond the point of no return.
“Guess it’s never too late”
You said lightly and, as soon as you realized how idiotic your answer was, your eyelids snapped wide open with absolute panic for the likely destructive consequences of your foolishness; however, to your great surprise, nothing of what you expected actually happened. Alfie was still holding you tight, his heavy breaths slightly betrayed his attempt to remain calm: he was well aware that the deal with the Americans was way too important for him to ruin everything at a few inches from the finish line, so he just had recourse to all his self-control and somehow managed not to blow his shareholder’s head off his neck right on the spot. He simply cleared his throat before speaking again. “You know, my friend, we are businessmen, aren't we?”  Your boyfriend’s husky voice revealed a hint of edginess, even though he was using his usual unintelligible tone  “And as a businessman, there’s only one fucking thing I demand when it comes to my affairs, and that’s respect, ‘cause respect, mate, is fucking sacred, innit?” His tattooed hand drew a few little circles in the air as his brows and mouth raised simultaneously, giving birth to a brief pretentious expression.  “I mean, no matter how hard I want to, I can’t just break into your house and fuck your mother under your bloody eyes, eh? That wouldn’t be right, mate” Antonio looked at him with a cheeky smile never leaving his face, and again he chose to totally ignore those veiled warnings, his attention utterly moved to your silhouette once more and his fingers dared to move a lock of your hair behind your ear. “Amico mio*, I think when you desire something so bad, you have to take it, even if it meant breaking the rules”
With fiery blood both in his greenish eyes and on the palms of his hands, due to the nails now wedged in his own flesh, Alfie abruptly breathed out, ready to assault his new sworn enemy and probably kill him right there and then, without a second thought; luckily, you were able to read him like a book, so, with great timing, you successfully avoided a bloodbath by yanking his arm, in order to dissuade him from the violent intentions crowding his turbulent mind. “Mr. Fontana, if you’ll excuse us for a few minutes, I just remembered I need help with a couple of things before our dinner is served” You put on an apologetic smile, starting to back off towards Alfie’s private room while dragging him with you “Please, take a seat, we’ll be back in a moment”
As soon as the two of you entered the main office, you quickly closed the door along with the curtains, conscious of how hard it was to cope with your man’s wrath, especially when it came to other blokes brazenly flirting with you. “What the hell was that, eh?” Alfie furiously removed his jacket, carelessly throwing it on the floor, his hoarse voice echoed between the walls almost astonishing you, as he approached your minute figure with a literally livid look. “How dare you eye-shag that fucking wop, in my own fucking home! He was practically about to put his dick in you right in front of me; and you would’ve fucking let him!”  His savage screaming paused for a short instant when he spasmodically messed up his hair, madly pulling its tips in a desperate effort to hold back his rage.
On the other hand, you simply couldn’t take your eyes off him: whenever he got angry, the way veins swelled in his solid neck and half-exposed forearms drove you crazy, you were in a haze as you kept staring at his manly features pursed in such a cursed yet handsome expression, and if that wasn’t hot enough, his muscular body tensed several times, showing all of its virile glory, while he continued to shout at you. “I don’t even know why the hell I haven't killed that cunt yet! Maybe I should just go and rip his throat open” A familiar heat began to rise in your belly and you tactically sat on his desk, viciously martyrizing your bottom lip with your teeth, determined to tease him a little more, in order to eventually get what you were craving. “Oh, c’mon, love, no need to be this irascible! He is a gorgeous man, you can’t deny that” In truth, you couldn’t care less about that eyetie, still you kept using that coquettish tone, knowing how easy it was for you to find his weak spot, indeed Alfie immediately got close to your face, slightly squeezing his menacing eyes. “Are you fucking trying to make me mad on purpose, y/n? eh?” His palms loudly collided with the wooden surface on each side of your legs, his plump lips were now only a few inches apart from yours, his hot breath warming your flushed cheeks as you pierced his dilated pupils with a lustful gaze.
*Amico mio = My friend
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mtamarindo55 · 4 years
John Leguizamo’s Latin History for Morons (2018)
I saw the trailer thanks to Netflix's auto play, (I may gripe about it but I think it did good by me a few times). And the title caught my eye.
I think it wasn't exactly what I expected, perhaps not being familiar with John Leguazamo's work outside of movies made me unprepared. What I was expecting was more like the last 30 minutes of the show, more about the American history that involves Latinos. Instead it's this story of trying to get his son to see there is so much more to everyone's history, and to grow from that. And that ended up being about an hour of Aztec and Inca history.
I think there was a few beautiful moments when discussing how this lack of perspective in history harms us, I could have done without the voices and personalities he used (he relies on stereotypes, its pretty lazy and not funny now and days, really he could have left it out since it doesn’t add anything to his main point). But that's what he uses as the comedy in the performance. Basically I wasn't big on his performance art, but I do think there is something big he’s on to. This is like the appetizer to hopefully get you to want to learn more on your own. I even wrote down the books he mentioned. A People's history of the United States by Howard Zinn, Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent by Eduardo Galeano, and 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann.
This was such a strange thing, it's like part ted talk, part, performance art, part comedy special, part something. Even though I didn't get what I wanted, it does inspire me to go do my own research.
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tansypoisoning · 5 years
Thirteen Songs I Can’t Stop Listening To (Was it supposed to be ten? Because I’m fine with more xD):
Meet Me in the Pale Moonlight – Lana Del Rey
Do You Doubt Me Traitor – Lingua Ignota (listen at your own peril lol it gets all screamy... It provides a certain mood, and it isn’t a pleasant one)
Sidi Habibi – The Gerard Edery Ensmeble
La Ballata Della Dama Bianca – Modena City Ramblers
Love Stranger Than This – Salter Cane
Cecco Il Mugnaio - Mercanti Di Liquore
Today We Kill… Tomorrow We Die – The Hellbenders
Apeshit – The Carters
Edward – American Murder Song
Lonesome hunter – Timber Timbre
Geordie – Mercanti Di Liquore
Big Black Crow - Isobel & November
Óðinn - Krauka
Favorite Ships:
lmao I’ll steal from you and say me/reader x any character I might be interested in xD
Sasuke x Sakura [Naruto]: I’m a sucker for redemption and change being brought by through love, problematic aspects of the trope be dammed. The development of their relationship pre-Shippuden was legitimately well-paced, subtle and touching.
Mr.Darcy x Elizabeth [Pride & Prejudice]: The quintessential Jane Austen experience ™. I like the overall dynamic: How Darcy, who begrudgingly falls for Elizabeth, then learns she feels nothing more than contempt for him (cause he’s an asshole) and he has to embrace everything about her and try to improve himself rather than resent her, and Elizabeth has to swallow her pride and to look at things from others’ perspective rather than just accept her interpretation of events, and they both grow as a result. Not to mention the way the pining is written is super torturous and you just desperately wants to see them get together and be happy.
Billy Knapp x Alice Longabaugh [The Ballad of Buster Scruggs]: I’ll never understand how they managed to build a believable, organic relationship between those two characters while their story only got one sixth of a movie. ALSO THE COEN’S BROKE MY FUCKING HEART SO THANKS FOR THAT
Ruby x Sapphire [Steven Universe]: THEY’RE JUST SO GOSH DARN CUTE TOGETHER!
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Last Movie, TV Show, and Book:
Last Movie: I re-watched the Winter Soldier - both to get a better grasp of some characters and because I’m trying to understand why I liked a lot of things in the movie but I didn’t like the movie itself (like the whole is lesser than the sum of its parts or something?)
Last TV Show: I... I don’t remember .-. I don’t watch series regularly, so I don’t keep track of them.
Last Book: I basically only have time to read textbooks nowadays, but I recently started reading “Open Veins of Latin America” by Eduardo Galleano. It’s about the history of exploitation of Latin American by colonial powers, from the discovery of the continent up until the seventies. I’ve read only a little so far, but it doesn’t pull punches from what I’ve seen.
I’m tagging: @sophiria, @imanuglywombat, @the-soulofdevil Feel free to do it and tag me if you’d like for us to be friends - and also feel free not to do it even if I tagged you lol
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Are you- or any of your mutuals- familiar with any trustworthy, comprehensive and, if possible, free material (especially books) about Venezuela's contemporary- or at least modern history of Imperialist exploitation by first world nations? I'm the one who've recommended Open Veins, but the book was published in '79. I'm mildly familiar with Venezuela's current political scenario, but would like to dig deeper about it's modern roots. Thank you very much & have a nice week 🍀🐇
i read something about a book that just came out about media coverage of venezuela but i cant find the title again but if i remember ill edit this.. but other than that im not sure of any specific books on venezuela but venezuelanalysis.com has good reporting on venezuela and some historical background and fair.org, democracy now, grayzone project, and the empire files also have decent reporting. telesur has decent reporting as well and were the first news outlet to report accurately on the aid at the border (theyre partially funded by the venezuelan govt as well as other governments in latin america so theyre not “technically neutral” and people took issue with me using telesur as a source last time i said something about venezuela reporting but nothing is neutral and every single corporate news source in the us is no less biased lmao) also not venezuela related specifically but against empire and rethinking america: the imperial homeland in the 21st century are amazing books about imperialism id recommend if u havent read them
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iphigenae · 5 years
rules tag some people you’d like to know better
tagged by @longbottoms (ty darling 💕)
one — name/alias: leonora/nora
two — birthday: april 5th
three — zodiac sign: i’m an aries angel ✨
four — height: 164 cm
five — hobbies: reading, editing, writing, watching random videos about k-idols which i know nothing about on instagram..... lmao
six — favorite color: orange
seven — favorite book(s): we were liars by e lockhart
eight — last song: hmm ‘não sou obrigada’ by pocah 💁‍♀️✌️
nine — last film: far from home
ten — dream job: something that allows me to sleep at night knowing i did something good for this world every day (?) don’t know if it makes sense
eleven — the meaning behind my url: branwells as in the family from tsc but tbh i had charlotte in my mind above anyone else and wanted an url abt her and this one was available
twelve — top three ships: andreil, feysand, & i’m currently hurting bc of alex and henry from rw&rb
thirteen — lipstick or chapstick: lipstick
fourteen — currently reading: oh man here we go...... love in the time of cholera, throne of glass, open veins of latin america & style but i may be forgetting something idk
tagging tbh i have no idea who to tag but if you want to do this you can say i was the one tagging you !
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