#sora a chance please
kingdomnerds · 9 months
For @twilightown’s #kh4challenge! I figured this little piece I wrote would fit the Day 3 challenge (two characters you want to see a friendship form/get stronger). I suppose it could also fit in with Day 2 and Day 5. Anyway, enjoy!
They had come out of nowhere. Sora was used to the heartless appearing out of thin air to terrorize him. But usually, he wasn't alone. He had Donald and Goofy help him take out the monsters. But now? Things were different. He was in a different environment with different circumstances. While it wasn't extremely challenging, it sure was exhausting.
"Get out of here!" He shouted as he took down another heartless, trying to get the citizens of Quadratum to leave the area so he could handle them. He turned back around to face them. He was exhausted. He had just gotten off of work (rent wasn’t cheap) and just wanted to get back home to the apartment to eat dinner, then fall asleep.
But like always, the heartless seemed to have other plans. He dodged the claws of a neoshadow before striking it down. The rain poured from above, soaking him from head to toe. His clothes stuck to him uncomfortably and keeping his keyblade from slipping out of his hands was becoming more difficult the longer he fought.
With a fierce battle cry, he finally managed to take down the last heartless in the area. With a shaky exhale, he let his keyblade disappear in a shower of golden light. He wrapped his arms around himself. He was soaked to the bone, and it was getting darker out.
He fell to his knees as his fatigue caught up to him. Rain droplets rolled down his cheeks like tears as he simply let the rain wash over him, too tired to care at the moment. It was quiet in the park. Nobody was around. Or he had thought at least. He could hear footsteps coming up from behind him.
Sora didn't know who it was. He just hoped they would leave him alone so he could sort himself out before figuring out a way to get home. The rain suddenly stopped pouring down above him.
He froze and looked up. An umbrella. "Need some help?" A terrifyingly familiar voice spoke calmly.
Sora turned around to see Young Xehanort holding an umbrella over his head. Sora glared at the young man and summoned his keyblade, pointing the tip at the young man's throat as he stood. He hoped he couldn't see how much his hands shook or how terrified he truly felt. "How did you get here?" Sora growled.
Young Xehanort seemed a bit taken aback by Sora's hostility. But he let out a quiet sigh, still holding the umbrella over the both of them. "I am his fourteenth vessel.”
“Fourteenth vessel?”
“Yes. My job was to explore unreality.“ Sora raised an eyebrow, not daring to lower his blade. Young Xehanort sighed.
"It's true. You don't have to believe me. But just know that my intention isn't to hurt you. I may not be the exact same person you fought, but I have his memories so I understand your apprehension." Sora slowly lowered his keyblade but never let it fade.
Sora looked the young man up and down cautiously. "How long have you been in Quadratum?"
Young Xehanort smirked. "You ask a lot of questions."
"Well, I'm curious. Can't blame me." Sora replied with a hesitant shrug. He finally let his keyblade disappear in a flurry of gold. A small smile spread across the young man's face. "I don't know how much time has passed back in reality. But here, I've been in unreality for about… I'd say at least a year or two. It's hard to tell."
Sora slowly nodded. A gust of wind blew by, causing the brunette to shiver. Young Xehanort looked out at the hazy scene surrounding them. "Let's try and find some shelter from the rain. I can try and answer any questions you have."
Sora hesitantly followed Young Xehanort as they walked. A tense silence followed. Young Xehanort glanced at the teen walking beside him. He frowned, taking in his features. He looked exhausted. Dark bags had settled underneath his eyes. He was slumped forward slightly. And he seemed to be dragging his feet. He didn't have his usual walls put in place. His positive smile was just a front so nobody knew how deeply terrified he really was. It was only a matter of time before he broke. Xehanort thought to himself as he focused back forward. The silence was starting to become a bit much.
"How did you arrive here?" Xehanort asked quietly, but loud enough for Sora to hear. Sora didn't answer right away, biting his lip as he carefully thought over his words.
"I abused the power of waking to save someone very special to me. Now, I'm paying the price."
Xehanort couldn't help but smile. Sora glanced at Xehanort and frowned. "What're you smiling about?" He asked defensively. Xehanort shook his head. "Nothing. Just…thinking about how similar we truly are."
Sora paused. "What do you mean?"
Xehanort glanced at the boy before looking straight ahead, the rain still pouring down as street lights lit up the area. "We both have sensitive hearts, Sora. But, I guess the only difference between us, is that you haven't fallen to darkness because of it."
Sora stopped walking. Xehanort turned around to face him. "What do you mean by that?" Sora asked cautiously. Young Xehanort was silent as he tried to come up with the right words to say. He sighed quietly. "When I was around your age, I trained to become a keyblade master. However, something happened. A classmate of mine had a heart similar to ours. He was very sensitive to the hearts of others. To the point where after the loss of his sister, his darkness became too much for him to handle. He went insane. He murdered…all of my friends and then some. I studied darkness to try and control it. I swore I would never become like my classmate."
Xehanort laughed bitterly. "But, I ended up becoming just like him. He had even said the same thing I am telling you. How we are the same."
Sora's face fell. He stared at his shoes. "I'm sorry…." Xehanort sighed. "It's fine. Things…happen. And sometimes, we can't control it. Whether we like it or not. Life is unfair. You and I both know that. But, I'm glad you've been able to keep your light."
Sora swallowed nervously. He moved forward, urging Xehanort to follow. "We aren't so different, you and I." Young Xehanort then glanced at the brunette. "You can be honest with me, Sora." Sora raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Be honest about what?"
"That you actually want the title of Keyblade Master."
Sora's eyes widened in shock before he waved his hands in dismissal. "What?! No! I'm fine without the title. Besides, that's all it is. A title!"
"Is it though?"
Sora snapped his mouth shut. "It may be a title, but with it comes respect. I know how they treat you, Sora. How you're always the laughing stock. You're not good enough. Even though you try your hardest. It will never be enough. And you pretend to be fine with it all. You…remind me of my best friend, Eraqus."
"Aqua, Terra, and Ven's master…" Sora whispered. Xehanort nodded.
The teen glared down at his feet, wrapping his arms around himself, feeling a bit insecure. He supposed…what he said made sense. Young Xehanort offered him a smile. "You can be honest. I'm no longer an enemy. I…would actually just like to be your friend."
Sora looked up at the young man, aghast at his statement. "W-What?"
"I would like to be your friend, Sora. I would like to help you out."
Sora chewed on his lower lip. "Think about it, at least. You don't have to have an answer right away. I'm not forcing you either."
Xehanort nodded. "Good. I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Want to get something to eat?" Sora couldn't help but smile slightly. "Yeah, let's get some food."
I want Young Xehanort to come back and be friends or at least an ally to Sora. I'm sorry. I just think this would be really cool!!
If you read this whole thing, wow. Thank you! Hope you liked it!
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mothvalleys · 1 year
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my take on switch mums 🎉‼️
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deecotan · 3 months
Hey, I like your art style can you please do like a comic where Sanji sister finding out that she's gonna be the aunt cause I really like to see the reaction
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sorry for the rather somber atmosphere... it's just in any zosan lovechild AU that is not the "sora lives" universe, i see reiju still keeping a distance when zosan's child is born because she's still with the vinsmokes or any other reason. or at least in the beginning anyway, one day she might finally give a chance on being part of sanji's life again -- once she finds a way how.
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last-flight-of-fancy · 10 months
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hi hello i hope you don't mind but Special Interest Infodump Mode has been activated please keep hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times-
this explanation comes to us courtesy of Dark Road! You know, that cutesy little mobile game where literally the whole cast except the two protagonists dies. This is on brand bc the explanation has it's own fridge horror levels to it if i think too hard about it tbh.
So, worlds have hearts. We've known this since KH1, seen what happens to a world that loses its heart, and how they can be affected. It's rarely been expounded on beyond that however, aside vague allusions to the titular Kingdom Hearts being/harboring the Heart of All Worlds.
(which has. other implications now that i think about it but that's stepping into theorising territory. im sorry im trying really hard to stay on track honest)
fast forward to Dark Road, where we have a bunch of kids venturing out into the worlds for the first time, and as such have to have things explained to them (and thus the audience). NOW i will note here that KH looooooves unreliable narrators and characters imparting incorrect information without knowing it, so there is always the possibility that this could later turn out to be wrong, but currently I see no reason this would be the case and thus for now i feel safe in taking their words at face value unless otherwise contradicted.
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Why are there no people? Because each world is alive, and after the Keyblade War sundering THE World into MANY Worlds, each needed to recover and restore what was lost; life, time, movement.
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This bit here is important, bc as a result
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All of this is the direct result of the Keyblade War of old. Even after so much time, the bits of worlds are *still* recovering, and I do think there's something to be said about how like... the repition between worlds and their apparent stagnation often *stops* after Sora visits them. I don't think it's because Sora's special(tm), but rather just because of who he is; the Dark Road kids are told never to interfere, and as a result the worlds they visit that Sora also visits later are exactly the same to Sora as they were 80+ years before.
But when Sora visits the same world only a short time after his first visit, things CHANGE. Hercules' story moves forward, Simba is having a crisis about being king, Jack Skellington has learned his lesson about Christmas and is on to new shenanigans. And that's only in kh2! in kh3 we see Twilight Town fill with people, barren Olympus expands into a full town (and there's more there too with BBS and how the Wayfinder Trio may have been Olympus' start towards restoring itself completely, and Sora's later arrival more speeding things along)
my point here is *connections*, which is a consistant and overarching theme of the series. Empty worlds are baby worlds, still healing and restoring from being broken away from the rest, and what helps along that healing? Being connected to others.
Which is to say that the keyblade weilder's doctrine of 'do not interfere' while most certainly well-intentioned (as Dark Road also points out, one persons darkness is anothers light, and morality is not a solid truth across worlds, so interfering is risky at best and dangerous at worst), the flip side to this is that without being connected, without that ''interferance'', the world's restoration stagnates and struggles. It will still get there eventually (the Tangled world seems to be doing alright for example), but chances are it might've been a little easier/faster if someone had done a little interfering.
tldr keyblade war broke the worlds and reset them all to zero. As the worlds heal time stops until it's People finally pop back into existance and their stories can resume. And that's how the invisible crowds in early kh games are canon.
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bestygogirl · 4 months
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
Yuzu Hiragi
The entire show would not work if the cast wasn't obsessed with her, and they're all right to stan her, literally gets Sora and Serena to defect from Academia with her sheer charisma, beat Masumi at their gay little rivalry, Yugo spends a few days with her and is ready to die for her, Yuya is simply just the loudest about adoring her And why not? She is so clever and determined, doing the most work out of anyone to figure out the myth plot. Actively trains to keep up with the rest of cast. Even when the universe is conspiring against her and trying to keep her down, she fucking headbutts Roger and tells him off or manifests to help save the world in the ultimate girlboss team-up that was the Arc V finale. Truly any dimension without her is worth upending.
The mysterious magical bracelet that isekai's her to different worlds, the Can-Do attitude, the cool poses (fusion summoning), the ADORABLE character design, AND she was 1/4 of a world-saving hero in the past?? If it weren't for the meddling writers, she would have been the main character
yuzu is everything. literally the plot of arc v hinges on the fact everyone who meets her become just as obsessed with her. and they are totally right to do so
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
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Series Synopsis: The ways that you and Seishiro Nagi fall together and fall apart over the years.
Chapter Synopsis: You wrap up your affairs before flying over to your hometown, where your best friend will soon have his wedding.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing(s): Nagi x Reader, Kira x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.2k
Content Warnings: unhealthy relationships, cheating, non-linear narrative, probably ooc, angst, nagi is endgame, kira sucks, alternate universe, original characters
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A/N: you know it’s a m1ckeyb3rry fic when the main love interest doesn’t even show up for the first few chapters…also please note this is NOT THE FIRST CHAPTER of the story there is a prologue before it!! which gives a lot of necessary background so you’re not (as) confused by the plot
divider credits: @/benkeibear
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“Sora,” you cooed at your cat, your torso jammed beneath the bed as you tried to pull her out. “Dearest Sora, please don’t make this so difficult.”
“I told you you should’ve gotten rid of her when you had the chance,” Ryosuke said from where he was folding clothes to put in his suitcase. “Honestly, I don’t get why you insist on keeping her around. All she does is shit in the house and make problems.”
“She uses her litter box like a good girl, and she doesn’t cause trouble on purpose,” you said. “She’s an animal, not a person. She’s not capable of malicious intent.”
“Whatever. All I’m saying is that things would be a lot easier if you had just left her at the shelter when you moved in with me,” he said.
“I’ve had her for years,” you said, finally getting a grasp on her body and yanking her out in one swift move. “She’s a part of my family. I don’t know why you’re so determined to hate her.”
“She hates me, too!” he said. True to form, Sora hissed at him as you walked past, her ears flattening to show the disdain she had always held for him. “And you always take her side. It’s like you like her more than me!”
You rolled your eyes. “She’s a cat. You’re jealous of a cat.”
And you’re the one who’s cheating, anyways. You left this second part unsaid, because it wasn’t really relevant to the conversation, and besides, you had done such a good job at maintaining the facade of normalcy in your relationship that it would be a waste to break it just because he was annoying you.
That didn’t stop you from scowling at him when his back was turned, pressing a kiss atop Sora’s head and smiling when she purred at the show of affection — or was it because you were in the kitchen and near to her container of treats on the counter that she was so pleased?
“I’m not sure what to do with you,” you admitted, scratching under her chin with one hand and opening the jar with the other, offering her half of a treat as a consolation for having ripped her so uncaringly from her hiding place. She accepted it daintily, which meant that all was forgiven, and you stroked her in appreciation.
She was an enormous, fluffy white cat, closer in size to a small dog than anything. Her eyes were a wide, endless blue, hence why you had named her Sora, and her fur felt like cotton when you ran your hands through it. You had had her for almost as long as you had been in America, and you thought that there was almost no one in the entire vapid country who you loved more.
Normally, if you and Ryosuke had to go somewhere, you’d drop Sora off at Chigiri’s. She liked him well enough, and he was typically glad for the company, so it was a mutually beneficial deal. But of course, this time, Chigiri would also be away, as he was attending the same wedding that you and Ryosuke were, which meant that you were somewhat out of luck.
Sora dangled limply in your arms like a heap of rags as you paced about the kitchen, trying and failing to come up with someone who could take care of her while you were gone. Finally giving up when you realized that Chigiri had been right, you really did need more friends, you picked up your phone and called the man in question.
“Yo,” he said, answering almost immediately, though you could hear the shower running in the background, which meant he was either about to get into the bath or had gotten out for the express purpose of answering you. Either way, you decided not to hold him up with useless pleasantries.
“Hey, Chigiri,” you said. “I heard you’re going to Reo and May’s wedding?”
“Yeah, I’m between jobs again, so it’s not like I need to take off work or anything,” he said.
“Again?” you said, your resolve to have a quick conversation shattering almost immediately. The sound of water stopped, which meant that he, too, sensed the call was probably not going to be a short one.
“Tell me about it. I can only land short-term gigs at the moment,” he said.
“Maybe you should just move away from trying to coach entirely,” you suggested. “You were a marketing major, right? You could probably go corporate.”
“I know, but I don’t think I’m that desperate yet. I’m sure something or another will come along. The issue is that no high-level team wants a coach who hasn’t played in years, but those high-level gigs are the ones that are much steadier in terms of pay and schedule,” he said.
“I’d want you as a coach,” you said loyally. “If I was a soccer player.”
“You’d be a shitty soccer player. I don’t even think my coaching could change that fact,” he said.
“You’re so mean to me,” you said.
“Someone has to do it,” he said.
“And there I was, trying to support you,” you said. “On a more serious note, though, any team that doesn’t hire you just because of what happened back then is stupid.”
“Oh, I agree completely, but try telling them that. It’s all ‘sorry, but we want a coach that has a little more experience.’ I have experience! The only reason our school ever won games was because of me, even after I stopped being able to play myself. It’s not like that dumbass coach ever did anything for us beyond praising your peacock bastard fiancé,” he said
“Exactly,” you said, though you had no idea how true this was, as according to Ryosuke, he had been the one to carry the team to victory. The roles Chigiri might’ve had to play in their victories, if any, had always been omitted.
“Ugh, it’s fine. Like I said, I’m sure there’s some youth league that’ll take me on next season, so it’s okay. I’ll work it out, like I always do,”he said.
“Let me know if you need help at any point,” you said.
“Always,” he said.
“In the meantime, uh, I actually need your help,” you said.
“Right, I was wondering why you had called,” he said.
“The thing is that I don’t have anyone else I can leave Sora with, so I was going to pay one of my company’s interns to watch her while we’re gone,” you said.
“Aw, make sure you pick someone gentle. She’s very particular,” he said.
“You know, she is my cat,” you said.
“Just reminding you!” he said.
“I think I know who I’m going to ask already, so as long as he agrees to it, it’ll be fine,” you said.
“Okay, so what’s my place in all of this?” he said.
“Ryosuke and I have to go over a little earlier, since I’m the maid of honor, so I was wondering if you’d be alright with watching her until you have to leave?” you said.
“Why, because you don’t have to pay me?” he said.
“I can, if you want,” you said. “It’s just so she can be somewhere she’s comfortable, since she’s never met this kid before.”
“I was just joking, don’t worry about it. Drop her off whenever,” he said.
“You’re the best,” you said.
“Yup,” he agreed. “Now, I was kind of in the middle of something, so…”
“Oops, right, go enjoy your shower,” you said.
“Wait, how’d you know I was showering?”
Although there were several interns working for your company at any given time, you generally paid little attention to most of them. You were too busy with your own work and life to care about their struggles, so beyond giving them advice when they asked and helping them out when you didn’t have to go out of your way to, you didn’t interact with them much.
There was one boy, though, who had caught your eye. Something about his aloof personality and quiet demeanor reminded you of a person you had known back in high school, and you had unofficially adopted him, though you weren’t sure if he was exactly aware of this fact.
Actually, he was definitely unaware, considering the way he all but jumped out of his skin when you sat across from him in the lunchroom.
“Hey, Niko,” you said brightly. His dark hair covered his eyes, so you couldn’t read his reaction, but if you had to guess, it was probably panic. If you were in his place, that was what you’d be feeling, considering it wasn’t exactly typical of the regular employees to hang out with the students.
“Um, hello, Miss L/N,” he said, somehow managing to keep his voice level. “Am I in trouble or something?”
“No,” you said. “I just need you to do me a favor.”
He got out of his seat immediately, pulling out his phone from his pocket and opening the notes app. You furrowed your brow as he tapped his foot expectantly.
“Well? What’s your coffee order? And which shop do you want me to get it from? I accidentally went to Starbucks the other day to get a latte for the director and he freaked out about it,” he said.
“Oh! He thinks Starbucks makes their coffee too sweet, that’s probably why,” you said.
“I learned that the hard way,” he said.
“Yikes, I’m sure that was not a fun conversation,” you said. “But that’s unimportant. I don’t need coffee, and you don’t have to say yes to this or anything. I guess you can consider it to be more of a request from a friend — although I promise I will pay you!”
“Okay,” Niko said hesitantly.
“I’ll just lay it on you,” you said.
“Go ahead,” he said.
“I’m going abroad for a wedding soon, and I need someone to watch my cat,” you said. “She’s very well-behaved and friendly! Honestly, she’ll just sit with you on the couch the whole time, I’m sure. I’ll give you her food and everything, and like I said, I’ll pay you, so how about it?”
For the first time, he looked up at you, his hair falling out of his face and revealing bright, shimmering eyes. He clasped his hands together, a smile threatening to dawn upon his face, and then it was your turn to grow bewildered by the sudden switch in his personality.
“Yes!” he said. “I’d even do it for free, Miss L/N.”
“Woah, are you a cat enthusiast or something? And none of that; of course I’m going to pay, or else it’d just feel like I’m taking advantage of some poor intern,” you said.
“I really like them,” he said. “I’ve had one my whole life, but my house is a three hour drive from campus, so I haven’t gotten to see her much since graduating high school. I really miss hanging out with her, though, so it’ll be nice to have a cat around, even if it’s only for a little while.”
“Perfect!” you said, cheering internally at how well things had worked out. “She’ll be staying with a friend of mine, so if you’ll give me your number, I’ll send it to him so you can coordinate picking her up at some point.”
“Sure,” he said, giving you his phone so you could type his number into your own. “What’s your friend’s name?”
“Hyoma Chigiri,” you said. Niko’s jaw dropped.
“Hyoma Chigiri?” he whispered. “You’re friends with him?”
“Do you know him or something?” you said, handing him his phone back. Niko shook his head.
“Not personally, but I remember reading about what happened to him,” he said. “It’s one of the reasons my parents convinced me to stop playing soccer.”
“Ah, maybe don’t mention it around him,” you said. “He’s doing fine now, but he still doesn’t like talking about it.”
“That’s understandable,” Niko said. “My lips are sealed. I just can’t believe I’m going to have Hyoma Chigiri’s number in my phone!”
“Feel free to act like a fan all you want,” you said, after the initial strangeness of meeting someone still so obsessed with Chigiri had passed. “He really appreciates it when people praise him. Though, you probably shouldn’t spam him or anything.”
“I’ll be just as responsible with his phone number as I will with your cat. Thank you for entrusting me with this, Miss L/N! I promise I won’t let you down,” he said.
“I know you won’t,” you said. “And, to be fair, it’s not really a difficult task. Just sit at home and watch TV a lot and be kind with her; if you can do that, then Sora will be perfectly content.”
“That’s what I’d do anyways,” he said.
“Great,” you said. “Now I can feel even less like I’m taking advantage of some poor intern.”
“Thank you again for your faith in me!” he said when you reached your office, bowing at you as if you were some kind of sage master that had offered him a great opportunity for personal growth.
At least he was taking it seriously. You thanked whatever deity had intervened on your behalf that you had found the one person within a ten-mile radius who would care for Sora as well as you or Chigiri would.
Unlike Ryosuke, you barely packed anything but the most basic of items. This was because you knew full well that the minute you stepped foot on Japanese soil, you would be dragged into Reo’s arms, whereupon he would force you into his car and take you shopping at the closest luxury mall — on his card, of course. He was prone to such acts when it came to you, mostly because you were one of the first true friends he had ever had, and so he tended to spoil you as if you were his baby sister or something.
“How can you be sure that Reo’s going to get you everything you need?” Ryosuke said, eyeing the suitcase you lifted into the trunk of the car. “It’s been a pretty long time since you saw him last. He’s probably matured a ton since then — I mean, he’s getting married! What kind of wife would be okay with her husband doting on some random girl?”
“For one, I’m not some random girl; I’ve known May longer than Reo has, and I’m also the one who introduced them to one another. She knows there’s nothing between us, so there would be no reason for her to not be okay with it. Secondly, I’ve been friends with Reo for so long that he’s more like a weird cousin of mine than anything. The Mikages look after their own, and it just so happens that I am, by proxy, one of them. So I can be reasonably confident that it’ll work out in that way,” you said.
“Don’t you feel bad, then?” he said. “You’re using your best friend for his money.”
“You’re so determined to find fault with our relationship,” you said. “It’s not like that. Everyone has different ways to show affection for the people they care about. It just so happens that Reo’s so wealthy that that kind of thing is his own personal manner.”
Ryosuke scoffed, pressing the button to turn on the ignition and starting the car without another word, prompting a worried mewl from Sora, whose carrier was currently on your lap. You tapped the side to remind her that you were still there with her, and she quieted at that.
“Don’t forget that we have to go to Chigiri’s first,” you said.
“Yes, yes, we’ll stop by your lover’s house,” Ryosuke said. At your surprised expression, he laughed. “What? You’re always with him or at his place. Any normal person would suspect it.”
There were a million things you could say in response, but the least-inflammatory was a repetition of the same thing you had been telling him since the day the two of you got together.
“You know I’ve never been with anyone but you,” you said.
“Of course,” he said. “I guess that’s true. No matter how many people you sleep with now, you can never change the fact that I was the first.”
“Hm,” you said, staring out of the window and speaking to his reflection instead of facing him properly. “Don’t be crude.”
“Come on, it’s just us two. When else can we make these kinds of jokes?” he said.
“You didn’t seem like you were joking,” you noted.
“Y/N, I’m hurt. You thought I was being serious? I mean, did you really think that I believed for a second that anyone preferred that washed up princess’s company to mine?” he said, stalling the car in the driveway and grinning. “Tell him I said hi.”
“You and I both know that’ll accomplish nothing,” you said, slinging the bag of Sora’s things over your shoulder and gripping the handle of her carrier so tightly that your knuckles whitened. “I’ll be back soon. No point in missing our flight.”
“I’ll be here,” Ryosuke said, waving at you as he began to fiddle with the knobs on the car’s dashboard, evidently trying to decide whether he wanted the radio to play classical music or the latest episode of some talk show.
You rang the doorbell and then stepped back, knowing it might take Chigiri a second to get to the door depending on where in the house he was located. Luckily, he had been expecting your arrival, so by the time your arm began to grow numb from holding Sora’s carrier, he was opening the door and inviting you in.
“Thank you again for doing this,” you said, setting the carrier down with a thump and massaging your shoulder. Chigiri crouched gingerly, unzipping the opening to the carrier and allowing Sora to peek her head out. When she realized where she was, she bounded out, rubbing her head against Chigiri’s legs as he breathed out a laugh and rubbed her face with his hands.
“Don’t mention it,” he said. “It’s nice having someone else in the house. Less lonely.”
Your face softened, and if it weren’t for Ryosuke’s presence looming in the driveway, you’d have leaned over and hugged him. But as it was, your fiancé was waiting, and if you lingered for much longer, you risked missing your flight.
“You have Niko’s number?” you said.
“Yeah. He’s kind of a weird kid,” Chigiri said.
“What do you mean?” you said.
“He keeps telling me that he thinks I’m cool and that he can’t believe he’s texting me,” Chigiri said, a faint pink dusting his cheeks. “So strange.”
At this, you smiled, vowing to text Niko and thank him later. His admiration was exactly the boost Chigiri needed when he was so down on his luck, and though he was pretending like he found it odd, it was obvious he was pleased by the attention.
“As long as he can take care of Sora,” you said. Chigiri nodded in determination.
“I’m sure he can. He obviously has good taste in other things, so it stands to reason that he’d be the kind of person who could really look out for her in the way she’s used to,” he said.
“You would be the first to die in a horror movie,” you said. “Did you know that?”
“What? Why would you say such a thing?” he said.
“Never mind,” you said. “I should go. Ryosuke’s in the car, and our flight is soon.”
Chigiri wrinkled his nose, his whole delicate face crumpling at the mention of your fiancé.
“I thought something felt off about the property,” he said.
“You are so dramatic,” you said. “He says hi.”
“Tell him I said fuck off,” Chigiri said.
“I don’t think — actually, sure,” you said. “I’ll do that. See you at the wedding. And Sora, please be a good girl for Chigiri and Niko alike.”
“She will be,” Chigiri said affectionately. Sora had wriggled her way into his arms, and he stood while hugging her to his chest, ready to shut the door behind you. “See you, Y/N.”
You were reluctant to leave, because it would be so easy to stay and talk with Chigiri while playing with Sora, but you knew you had to. Even that knowledge, though, was hardly enough — it was simply the thought of seeing Reo and May again that made you take the next step, and the next, all of the way until you were back in the passenger seat of the car and Ryosuke was reversing the car down the driveway.
“So, how is my beloved teammate?” Ryosuke said. “Did he leave you with a message for me?”
“Yes,” you said. “He told me to tell you to fuck off.”
Ryosuke chuckled. “Sounds about right. He’s always been a petty son of a—”
“Ryosuke,” you sighed. “Do you really get any gain out of insulting the only friend I have left in this country?”
“It’s the same gain he gets out of insulting your fiancé!” he said.
“Which I always reprimand him for,” you said. “And also, he at least has something resembling a reason to resent you. When you do it, it just feels excessive.”
“You defend me to him?” he said.
“Obviously?” you said. “Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“I suddenly feel very cheerful and optimistic,” he observed.
“What are you talking about?” you said. He waved you off.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “It was a personal musing. Think of it like an interjection from the narrator, except that in this case, the narrator and the protagonist are the same.”
“Okay,” you said. “Sure. If that’s what makes sense to you.”
The two of you spent the rest of the drive to the airport in relative silence. Ryosuke hummed along to whatever pop song came on the radio, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel as he drove, and you texted your friends — mostly Reo and May, who had been anxiously waiting for your arrival since you had agreed to come at all.
When you had first started dating, you used to go on aimless drives for hours, talking about whatever crossed your mind. Not a second would go by without one of you speaking, but that kind of constant conversation wasn’t sustainable. Eventually, you both ran out of things to say, and so you began to spend more and more of your time together in silence. That was around the time that Ryosuke began to seek outside assistance in quelling the fire which was constantly blazing within him; whether it was a coincidence or a cause, you could not tell, but it remained that everything had happened at once and led to your relationship now being like this.
You always forgot how long the flight back to Japan was. It was the second reason you never visited, beyond the fact that there was hardly anything worth visiting in the first place — it was a day-long ordeal composed of arguing with the TSA agents, waiting in security lines, and of course the flight itself, which was only marginally bearable because Reo insisted on buying you first-class tickets.
You spent most of it dozing, the armrest between you and Ryosuke pushed up so you could lean your head against his chest as he watched a movie. In the haze of your sleep, you could feel his arm wrapping around your shoulders, his fingers idly stroking your cheek as if that were the natural outcome, as if there was no other place that they could come to rest. It was the easiest that things had ever been between you in some time, and subconsciously, you relished in it, in the soft scent of his cologne, in the warmth of pretending like you were loved by someone again.
Reo had told you, in no uncertain terms, to not even attempt going to the baggage claim. He had contacts in the airport who would take care of it, because of course he did, and so the only thing you and Ryosuke had to do was meet him and May at the gate. You stopped in the bathroom, mostly at your insistence, so that you could freshen yourself after the long flight, which had sapped you of most of your energy despite how much of it you had spent sleeping.
“Are you nervous?” Ryosuke said as you reached the door. He held both of your carry-on bags in his hands, an amused grin on his face as you all but vibrated with every step you took.
“Of course,” you said. “I haven’t seen them in so long, and I haven’t been back home in that same amount of time. I don’t know how it’s all changed. And what if it hasn’t? What if the only one who’s changed is me?”
“Only one way to find out,” he said, nudging you in the side. “Look who it is.”
Standing awkwardly by the metal barrier separating the airport from the street in front of it, surrounded by security guards that kept the rest of the crowds at bay, was Reo Mikage. He wore a pair of khaki shorts and a polo, sunglasses perched on his head as he checked the time on the — likely expensive — watch which he wore on his left wrist.
A grin split your face, your spirit rejuvenated as surely as if you had never been exhausted in the first place. Cupping your hands around your mouth to amplify your voice, you shouted out his name with glee.
The boredom dropped from his expression immediately as his head snapped up, trying to determine the source of the noise. When he locked eyes with you, he beamed so brightly that you were all but blinded by it, and then you were both racing towards the opening in the barricade where you could finally meet.
You tossed your arms around his neck as soon as you could reach him, clinging onto him tightly, suddenly and unreasonably weepy at the fact that the two of you had finally been reunited. He did the same, squeezing you to the point that you thought you might burst from the pressure.
“I can’t believe you’re finally back,” he said, letting you go and holding you at an arm’s length so that he could look you over with a critical eye. “How have you been?”
“Good,” you said. “Where’s May?”
“She had to go to the bathroom,” he said. “She should be back in a couple of seconds, and she’ll probably be furious, too, considering she was really hoping she’d spot you first. I convinced her that it would be fine for her to take a moment to herself, and that it’d probably still be a bit of time before you arrived, but, uh, I guess it ended up being kind of an unfortunate coincidence in that sense.”
“What’s up, man? Congrats on the wedding,” Ryosuke said, finally catching up to you and offering Reo his hand. Reo glanced at it, and anyone who didn’t know him as well as you did wouldn’t have even noticed the way he hesitated before taking it and shaking it with the firm conviction of a businessman.
“Thanks, Kira,” he said. “You’ve been taking care of my best friend?”
“’Course I have been,” Ryosuke said, ruffling your hair. You did your best to force a laugh, not wanting Reo to have to concern himself with your wellbeing when he was about to be married. “You’ll be the one coming back to America for our wedding soon.”
“That so?” Reo said, raising an eyebrow at you. “I expect to be the first one invited to the wedding, then.”
“Was I the first one invited to yours?” you shot back.
“Er, I mean, not exactly…” Reo said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I had to tell Nagi first, since I wanted him to be my best man and had to give him adequate time to prepare for the hassle of the role.”
“Then I’ll invite May first, since she’ll naturally be my maid of honor,” you said, your stomach twisting at the mention of Nagi. “But you can be second, Reo.”
“That’s right!” a new voice said. “He had better be second, considering he sent me to the bathroom so that he could win our bet!”
And then there she was in front of you: Reo’s soon-to-be wife and your former roommate, May Ducat. Her thick brown hair was loose and wavy around her shoulders, and her peacock-feather eyes gleamed as she embraced you tightly.
“May,” you said. “It’s so good to see you.”
“It’s good to see you!” she said. “I miss you every day. Mostly because you were a much better roommate than this one. He snores.”
“Hey!” Reo said, gasping in offense. “I do not.”
You dug around in your pocket before solemnly presenting her with a box of breathe-right strips.
“I know,” you said. May clapped in delight, accepting them and then turning to hand them to Reo, who took them even as he protested that he definitely didn’t need them and how would Y/N even know if I snore, anyways?
“Congratulations, May,” Ryosuke said, offering her his hand as well. May glanced at but did not accept it, opting to smile frigidly instead.
“Thank you for coming,” she said. After a discomfiting pause, Ryosuke lowered his hand, brushing it off against his pants and clearing his throat.
“I couldn’t let Y/N come alone,” he said.
“Of course not,” she said.
“It’ll be my first time meeting her parents,” he said. At this, May gave you a sad look. Though you had never told her much, she had always harbored her suspicions, always been less fond of Ryosuke than she really ought to be, considering he was typically polite to her.
“I hope it goes well,” she said. Ever the diplomat, Reo was the first to break the ensuing silence, clearing his throat.
“Alright, then! I’ll have one of my drivers take you two to your hotel room, where your things will be waiting, and then tonight, we can show you around. Y/N, they just built a new mall where that park used to be, so we can go shopping there,” he said.
“They built a mall over the park?” you said, your eyes widening at the prospect. Reo nodded.
“Isn’t it great? It’s so much more convenient than the one we used to go to,” he said. You disguised your frown with a yawn.
“Right,” you said.
“Try not to sleep,” May advised. “It’ll help you break your jet lag if you just stay up for as long as you can.”
“We’ll do our best,” Ryosuke said. May gave him a measured look before nodding slightly, turning away to continue her conversation with Reo instead of risking further discussion with your fiancé.
The hotel you were staying in was only a few streets down from your childhood home, and as with all things Reo, it was excessively opulent. The shower itself was large enough to fit at least ten people, and you spent far longer in it than was really necessary, rinsing the grime of your journey off of yourself.
“Going to sleep already?” Ryosuke said when you crawled under the covers of the bed beside him. “May recommended we wait.”
“I know,” you said with a yawn. “I’m just going to lie down and close my eyes. I’m not actually going to sleep or anything.”
“Whatever you say,” he said, patting you on the head. “I’ll do the same, then.”
Before long, the both of you had passed out.
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sorikufeels · 1 month
amazing art by pondrea (link above!!!) got me feeling things (the art is so good op!!!!!! 💚) and now i need to yap about this scene lol it’s of the moment zexion disguised himself as sora to riku in com.
(i hope it’s ok to post the link here! let me know if not!)
i’m CONVINCED what zexion said to riku as sora this still haunts riku to this day. it wasn’t even sora who said all that, but i’m sure the fear of how it played out in com actually playing out with the real sora scared riku to death. the fear of this happening led to him walking away from sora first, not even giving him the chance just in case there was a repeat scenario. sure, there was a lot of self hatred and feeling like he didn’t deserve to see sora as well, but the look on riku’s face tells you that this scarred him. this was his biggest fear. he rather fade to darkness than go through this again and isn’t even willing to risk that it could go another way.
anyway, this is just context for what i actually want to talk about lmao
so this is probably one of worst moments for riku right? utterly rejected by his best friend and now that friend was willing to kill him for who he is now. and it wasn’t even real.
but you know who that was real for? sora. in hollow bastion. utterly rejected by riku. his only means of defense taken, basically left to die. and then riku fought him tooth and nail until he lost and sora let him run away.
you know who got closure for their version of this scene? riku. he got it when sora fell to the ground on his knees in the world that never was, when he said he looked everywhere for him and told him he was still riku no matter what. sora told him exactly what he needed to hear to reassure him that sora didn’t think any of things riku feared he did. sora telling him specifically that he was still riku no matter what showed riku that sora stills wants him around. even if he looks like their enemy and even if he did some real awful things, he’s still riku and that’s enough. riku as he is is enough for sora. always has been.
you know who never got anything like that? sora. in fact, the conclusion that sora found to get him through is that he’s not enough. his friends are his power. alone, he has no strength. he only made it through by relying on a complete stranger he managed to befriend. if beast wasn’t there or if he refused to go with sora, would he have survived? he had magic but that would run out eventually. would he have even made it to the room he fights riku in?
i don’t think he thinks he would’ve. in kh3, he says alone, he’s worthless. he’s held that sentiment this entire time. no one told him otherwise. (until riku’s sacrifice but it’s murky about whether sora even remembers that at this point. but even if he does, it wasn’t like the scene in the world that never was. sora was able to dictate exactly what riku needed to hear with no imminent threat and riku was not emotionally compromised like sora was in the keyblade graveyard. riku was able to process everything sora said. that is a far cry to sora screaming in agony over all his friends dying, sora believing wholeheartedly that he's nothing without them, and riku just saying he believes in him. sure, thats what sora needed in that moment to save everyone, but it's not a response to his fears and insecurities established in kh1 like how what sora says to riku is a response to his fears and insecurities established in com.)
at this point, i think it’s obvious that sora knows riku’s changed from kh1 and that he doesn’t believe the same things. sora knows he cares based on his actions and how he saved him too and we know as an audience how dedicated he is to him. but it fucks me up to think that riku got that verbal closure while sora never did. that riku got to start healing from that awful moment but sora really never did.
just,,,, please please please please let them talk about what happened in kh1 i am on my knees begging
extra thoughts: didn’t think of this at first so sorry it’s a little disconnected, but maybe the reason riku is so horrified in that moment in com is because he realizes this is what he put sora through. maybe he made this connection himself and feeling what it was like to be on the other side of it, on sora’s side, horrified him. what’s worse, in riku’s mind, is that riku deserves to be in this position and deserves to be rejected due to his past actions. but sora never deserved it. maybe that contributed to why the self loathing spiral got worse after com.
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llannasvsp · 2 months
Dragons Rising Season 2, Episode 2: Shattered Dreams
Before I start I just want to say that I don't know how long my little recap will take to finish because of my life schedule, but hopefully I'll get it done within a week. I share a TV with two other people so that puts a hold on my ability to rewatch.
Now lets begin!
Heyyy Cloud Kingdom!
Is the Master Writer destined to be a douche??
I also want bagels. ("Selecting a bagel." -Peter Parker; Into the Spider Verse, 2018).
I'm still so confused on how writing destiny works. Do they decide destiny? Do they not? I don't get it. Someone please help me.
Hey Imperium!
Percivallll I love youuuu yes you fix Imperium!
Euphrasia freaking dies.
"Then I wake up screaming." DO YOU WANT MY HEART TO FALL OUT??!
Lloyd is a braver man than I. I could never consume that tea.
Not Lloyd making a joke about his panic attack. Me too buddy.
Still don't know what the deal with Fedulian is.
Awh, Arin. I love him so much.
Why are the so mean about Sora's cat? Poor Sora.
Lloyd getting floored by a cart. Nice.
Do we think that anyone in our team is going to get their soul shattered?
Oh ehm gee Cinder heyyy. (Guys I kind of get it).
I love Lloyd thinking Arin's grapple is cool.
Lloyd is just SO kind to Arin he's so gentle with him and is always reassuring him it AGHHHh I love.
So was it because of Ras that the ninja were attacked in season 1?
Isn't there a comic about the Forbidden Five? I want to read it.
Not Sora still not remembering Jordana.
I want to know who is under the wolf masks GRRRR.
More Arin getting tossed by the foot.
"You know I thrashed the last one, right?" Served.
First Shatterspin fight is pretty cool. I love how Wildbrain has really solidified that they have the superior action sequences.
Lloyd's sword toss move during the fight has me giggling he is so cool.
RIP Wyldfyre's leg.
Arin and Lloyd's jump looked a lil goofy tbh.
Lloyd havinnnnnng more doubt.
Oooohhhh yes the gong clashing + Cinder's snarky lil smirk. Peak television. I love.
GUYS I LOVE DRAGONS RISING SO MUCH. I don't think words can actually express the depth of my love for this series. This is it. After 13 years, I think Ninjago has finally hit it's own true potential. I have so many things I want to say but I think it will be at the end of my recap series.
Shatterspin is so cool and I love how Cinder owns them all. We see firstly that Cinder is a good fighter, but not good enough to defeat Kai without Shatterspin. Then, when he actually uses Shatterspin, the ninja don't stand a chance. It proves how powerful the technique really is.
I think I mentioned this in the last episodes post, but Lloyd having canon anxiety and panic attacks is just. Everything. Representation is fantastic. As someone who has had anxiety my whole life... if I had seen that as a child, maybe I would've learned about my anxiety way earlier. I'm so glad that this show is not afraid to talk about mental health.
I just. I love.
(this is the sword toss i was talking about)
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shipcestuous · 6 days
Okay, so I found a list of canon incest on Mydramalist.com (here https://mydramalist.com/list/61GmGYn3), obviously it only containts movies/TV shows from Asia. What I wanted is for your followers to confirm if all of those is blood-related incest? Cause it's supposed to be blood-related, for fauxcest there's a different list, but also errors happen, and I already found one, Ireland 2004 is fauxcest, as least with main characters (who think they might be brother and sister). Copying the rest of the list here:
Ashes of love (2018) - cousins
Kissing cousin (2016) - cousins
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo - brother/sister, this one I've seen on your blog so it's confirmed to be blood-related incest
My man (2014) - father/daughter
Graupel Poetry (2012) - brother/brother
Just like today (2011) - ?
Mitsu no aji (2011) - uncle/niece, this one I've seen and confirm it's blood-related, at least nothing to suggest otherwise is mentioned and they say they cannot get married (non-blood uncle/niece would be able to get married in Japan)
Himitsu (2010) - father/daughter
Forbidden Love (2008) - brother/brother
Innocent Love (2008) - brother/sister
My sister, my love (2007) - in your masterlist, so I can count it as confirmed?
90 days of love (2006) - cousins
Withered in a Blooming Season (2005) - brother/sister
Temptation of wolves (2004) - brother/sister
Damo (2003) - ?
Old boy (2003) - father/daughter, brother/sister, this one is popular so we can be safe it's confirmed
The Rose (2003) - brother/brother, brother/sister, for this one I actually read spoilers and (spoilers obviously) confirm there's incest but the endgame couple is fauxcest
Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no Hoshi (2002) - brother/sister
Jan Dara (2001) - ?
Secret (1999) - father/daughter
Kou Kou Kyoushi (1993) - father/daughter
Kou Kou Kyoushi (1993) (movie) - father/daughter
Himiko (1974) - brother/sister, I've seen and confirm
This Transient Life (1970) - brother/sister
Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) - ?
Profound Desires of the Gods (1968) - ?
From myself, taking the chance, add
27. Love's circle or resentment (2016) - brother/sister, two couples are suspected to be half-siblings (spoilers) one is really related and the other isn't (side note I cried so much in the end)
If anyone could confirm or refute the blood relation I'd be thankful :)
I hope everyone sees this. Please forward to anyone you know who watches Asian dramas and might be able to help.
Plus, I would love to hear more about what's on this list if anyone can rec.
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lasagnaeatsu · 5 months
(Repost cuz my phone is being dumb)
OKAY SO NINJAGO MOVID AU W ARIN, SORA AND WLYDFYRE SO HERE WE GO! But first big thanks to my friend @imotakkun who helped me come up with some stuff for this au 🤩‼️
First off, the ninja, when we saw them in the movie they were all highschoolers. But if we'll still applying some rules from the show we can assume they're all adults by now.
Now, at first, I was gonna have them be in college, but we have to take in how the movie ended. However, I did more thinking, and ninja's identities have been revealed, so it's safe to assume college and any part of their daily aspects have been affected.
So what happens? Well, first, I'm trying to figure out something equivalent to the merge, but I'm not sure if it's gonna an actual event this au as I don't want it being exactly like the merge.
But for the ninja, I came up with an idea. However, it's quite angsty. Well, Garamadon is now good, so the ninja have no one to defend ninjago from? What if this caused them all to slowly distance themselves, but before the final blow, what if Wu went missing? Wu going missing is what can be the final straw, and the ninja go there separate ways.
Yeah, that'd be pretty painful, I think.
Now I'm thinking that right after Wu disappears, something happens that like the merge can happen and cause all these people to go missing, and can open a new book of possibilities? But I'm still thinking, so if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to share!
Anyways so after this event, that's the end of the original ninja, and years go by and no one has seen them. Like in series I'll add a timeskip, but this one will be confirmed (lol) I'll say 5 years.
Now something like the merge has happened, all these new developments in Ninjago City, all these new people, and the world has adjusted. So when this big event happened Arin and Sora could be like 10 then after the timeskip they'd be 15.
OKAY, now to Ninjago High School!!! Let's start with Arin and Sora. In the series they seemed to get along with people well in the crossroads, so I would like to apply this to this au.
Let's start with Arin, first off, he's a huge ninja fan, who doesn't like the ninja!? I would like to imagine that the school has a ninja fan club which he'd absolutely be the president of.
Also, he's extremely friendly, so I think he'd be pretty popular having a great personality, being a ninja fan, and making some pretty delicious pies.
To add on, he'd also definitely be into an elective where he can bake, he'd also most likely be a huge history nerd. (Since in the show tells Lloyd about all the types of pie crust, also ninja fan sooo)
Now, to the angsty part of Arin, in the big event, like in the show, he lost his parents. And well, I'd kinda wanna make this au a tad more realistic, so, following the disappearance of his parents, the world's all in chaos. However, after a while since school is mandatory here, perhaps one of his teachers caught onto this and he was put in foster care.
Unfortunately, his current foster parents aren't all too nice :( So he spends most of his time in school anyway. Not that he minds, it just gives him the chance to better his school record for college.
Luckily for him he has a great best friend!
Let's dive into her story. So to start off, she's definitely a stem girl, loves stem, is a huggeeeee stem nerd. I'd imagine she's as popular as Arin. They're just seen as that duo in the halls. I mean, why wouldn't she be popular? She's super skillful, independent, and smart! (Perhaps trans? 👀)
She's also really easy to get along with. She reminds me of those nice popular girls you see around school who are crazy talented and in all these extracurricular activities.
Speaking of Sora most definitely loves all things cats, and is a huge music nerd you cannot convince me otherwise. Though I can also see her being a huge gamer so she'd definitely be I'm her school's esports club.
Now, as to her backstory...like in the show, she's a runaway, and she often compares how much better her new school is compared to her old one. Especially since her hometown sucked.
Now, no one really knows where she came from. She was just there for freshman orientation. Since she'd good at tech stuff (and she's a good student), she'd be able to escape getting put in the foster system. Whenever someone checks her records, she can just hack them.
Now, for where she lives, this would be kinda tricky, but I'd like to imagine her working at a library, and her boss (Mr frohicky) let's her stay in the library over night.
And it's not all bad! Sora even discovered a secret room hidden in the library, which she turns onto her own room. (think of Amitys secret room in the library from the owl house) She just really loves it, and it's definitely her safe space.
Sora often has sleepovers with Arin in the library. The two get a bunch of books and blankets and make a tiny fort.
And since the library has computers and free wifi it's the ultimate spot for sleepovers.
Arin would often geek out about the Ninja and ninjago history, showing Sora books, videos, photos, and stories of the ninja.
And in return, Sora would show Arin a bunch of video games, music, and her current experiments.
The two talked about everything! Heck Sora even offered to hack Arin out of the foster system, he denied, though, as it was too risky, plus he didn't want her getting caught and also being put in the foster system.
But it was fine, as they spent most of their time in school, the two did almost everything together. They were the it duo of the school. They were friendly, skilled, and straight A student, so it was a no-brainer when they were called into the office to show the new student around!
Wlydfyre, well, she's wild, I mean, what can you expect from a kid who grew up in the wild? She would often go to the nearest junkyard and do what she could with what she found. Sometimes, she'd get caught, but she's too slippery to actually get caught. She'd often use her powers, too, which appeared out of nowhere, but she didn't question it. How did this girl never get restraint? Who knows?
Until she found someone like her, a guy with fire powers?? Kai had found the girl and, after a bit of talking, decided, 'I'm adopting this child', and without all the paperwork! It was a win-win situation, adopt kid, no paperwork, yayy!!
So Kai being Kai... sent her to a highschool...yeah kinda questionable on his part, but eh governments have done worse.
But that's a story for another time. What Arin didn't expect was seeing his best friend gain these magical tech powers?
It even shocked her. You see, they were in a tight situation, causing them having to defend themselves, so Arin did his fanboy spinjitzu, and Sora discovered her magical tech powers. Through this baby dragon??(where had he come from?)
After the two got away, and the baby dragon just?? Disappeared, they were wondering if they were both collectively hallucinating. But that thought would be broken when the police appeared and ARRESTED THEM?
Welp can't do much when you're in jail. Both were in a sort of panic as Arin didn't want to deal with his foster parents, and Sora had no parents, so she'd definitely get caught.
Luckily for them, they were released by their older cousin.
EXCEPT THEY HAD NO OLDER COUSIN? It seemed to be this blonde guy? They couldn't really see his face as he wore a hood, but something about him was familiar to Arin.
After they left the station, both Arin and Sora were pretty cautious because...well, stranger danger? But he did bail them out.
That was until the guy took off his hood which made the two do a double take.
It was THE green ninja, Lloyd Garamdon?
Lloyd had gone years without seeing any of the ninjas, that was until he and Kai had recently found each other again. And when he found out Kai had found a kid from the wild? And he took it under his wing. He definitely didn't think he'd see the day where Kai was taking on a mentorship kinda role, yet here they are.
But anyways Lloyd was lonely, and to put it lightly really, really sad. He had been alone for about five years. He'd often visit his parents, but they were currently off on a vacation, so it was just him. Man he really missed his friends.
He decided to be the sneaky ninja he was and go out at night and see what's up.
Well, what he didn't expect to see two figures, one doing spinjitzu and the other had..Elemental powers? Before he could go up to the two, the police got to them first.
Good thing he was a master of disguise.
Once he got them out of jail, he did NOT expect to see just two lil teenagers. It reminded him of when he was in highschool and well.
I'm assuming you've all watched the ninjago movie.
So when asked who was doing spinjitzu and using Elemental powers during the street fight. The two younger duo were well surprised.
Especially Arin, poor boy, was about to faint. As the two explained that it was, in fact, them, Lloyd was getting confused now.
They both achieved these skills, WITHOUT training?
He silently cursed Wu in his head. Well, he thought he could take them under his wing just like his uncle had done! How hard could it be? Right? Right?
Everyone screamed when the baby dragon from earlier appeared out of NOWHERE.
Yeah, Lloyd had his work cut out for him.
OKAY SO THATS WHAT I HAVE SO FAR, sorry if the writings not that good...I've never made a full au before EVER, I'll try and make some art for it when I have the chance. I kinda wanted to add some type of realistic affect to this au this yk talking about foster system and just generally child services (as i and ppl close to me have experinced it sooo) ALSO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. Heads up stuff abt this au is bound to change, AND IF ANYONE HAS ANY QUESTIONS OR IDEAS FEEL FREE TO SHARE!!!! but yeah that's it for now :D (also I need an au name so hand em over 😈)
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astrae4 · 6 months
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It was a normal day in the cafe. The birds were singing, the sun shining, the scent of coffee and bread filling the whole room. Now, reread the part where i said it was a normal day in the cafe.
The first customer was an old lady. She was the most pleasant and was even considerate about the fact that the coffee took so long to make. (sorry Juyeon honey, but those skills do need sharpening…) It was then lunch time after a couple of people passed in the shop.
Usually, lunch would be a low season where barely any people came, so Juyeon and Sora used this time to chill and eat. Despite the fact that they were exes, it wasn’t uncomfortable at all. Conversation flowed like water and awkward moments turned into a series of laughter in seconds.
It was at this moment that a group of guys (around seven people) came. At first, they just laughed and goofed around at the door, but after a while, they pushed one of their friends in the store, making loud cheering noises. The guy came, and Sora abandoned her fried rice to serve the customer.
“Good noon, what would you like?” She asked with a smile.
“Hi, I was just thinking if I could perhaps have your number..? You’re really pretty and it would be a shame to not take the chance.” He said, bashfully.
Sora let out a small laugh because it was a bit cute, at first.
“Sorry, but I’m afraid i’d have to deny your offer.”
“C’mon pretty, just give me a chance!”
Getting a bit uncomfortable now, she replied hesitantly, “I’m sorry..but would you like to buy anything?”
It was at this moment that the smile seemed to leave this guy’s face and his true nature came out.
“Are you kidding me? Hey, I asked nicely already.” He demanded, holding Sora’s wrist. She tried taking it back, but the hold was too strong.
“Hey! Unhand me!” She exclaimed, surprised and slightly terrified.
“Who are you to—!” The man got cut off by a hand twice his size holding him and forcefully grabbing his hand away.
“She said to let go,” said Juyeon, whose voice seemed calm but eyes told the opposite.
The guy’s friends seemed to be panicking outside and telling him to just leave, but seeing that his pride was hurt, the man didn’t respond nicely.
“And who are you to say that? What are you, her boyfriend?” He glared.
Before Sora could intervene, Juyeon answered, “Yeah, I am. What about it?”
There was an awkward silence for a minute, before the guy’s friend walked in with nervous laughters.
“Hahahhaa…sorry about my friend, we’ll go now,” the friend said, dragging him out and away.
Both Juyeon and Sora stared at the retrieving guys until they were out of sight in silence. Then, after they were gone, they slowly stared at each other. The eye contact seemed to be unbreakable until Juyeon let out an awkward cough. Sora broke off the stare, going ‘umm…’
“Right. Uh..” stated Juyeon, “Sorry about that by the way, how’s your hand?”
“Oh uh, it’s okay.”
There was a short pause between dialogue.
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© astrae4 2023 | please don’t copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms!
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finn-m-corvex · 8 months
Lightning in a Cubicle Pt. 3
And here it is, a day before Pt. 2 so we can see just how factually incorrect this AU is! And it will also officially become an AU rather than just speculation. This one took a little rewriting but I got it somewhere that I'm happy with.
Words: 3.4k
No TWs! But there is a taglist: @rainofthetwilight @giftofjay @lightning-chicken @i-love-jay-walker @sir-robyn this is for all of you! Remember that if you want to be tagged, please tell me explicitly! Enjoy!
“..and that should be everything.” Jay finished, leaning back in his chair. He watched as Sora bit her lip in concentration, running the eraser on her pencil along the bullet points written on the paper to make sure that she had gotten everything. Her thoroughness made a bolt of pride shoot through Jay, and he was almost afraid of how quickly he had gotten attached to this kid.
Sora looked up, pencil tapping against the blue clipboard that Jay had lent her. “Are you sure?”
“Pretty sure, yeah,” but Jay still reached for the small manual that he had printed out while Sora had run to the bathroom. Before today, he didn’t know that the Administration’s website had an official ‘How to Train your Intern!’ handbook, and Jay figured it couldn’t hurt to try it. “At least, that’s everything in here. If you have any more questions, though, feel free to ask me.”
“Got it.” Sora gave him back his pencil, and Jay was quick to put it back in his pencil cup before he forgot. “Now where do I work, exactly?”
That-that was a great question, actually.
“Uh,” Jay said, flipping through the handbook and cursing the lack of a spine, “it says here that you’re just supposed to stay in your handler’s office, except, well…”
“Your office is smaller than my shoebox,” Sora joked, and Jay chuckled. She wasn’t wrong.
“Maybe this will finally be my excuse to get a proper office,” Jay said thoughtfully, tapping his chin as he mulled the idea over in his head. Even Shitty Sharon wouldn’t be able to deny him an office now, especially with an intern assigned to his name by the head of the department and not just his manager.
“Oh, I see how it is,” Sora leaned forward on her clipboard with a mischievous smile, “you only got the intern to get a squeaky new office? How could you?”
Jay put a hand on his chest, making a sound in mock offense. “Sora! Your dear superior would never! How could you think such a thing?”
“You have ‘get an office’ written as one of the things on the visionboard that I’m guessing you had to make during a work function.”
Quicker than lightning, Jay’s hand whipped out and grabbed the offending visionboard, tossing it over his cubicle wall in a perfect arc to land in their shredder. “You saw nothing.”
The girl looked surprised to hear the shredder start up as the board landed, starting to make its way into Bitchy Bethany’s next batch of paper-mache. “Did you just-”
“I did nothing,” Jay said quickly, whipping around to open his laptop up properly. He needed to start answering emails as soon as possible, who knows how many had already piled up in his inbox since yesterday? Gotta make himself look busy in case Shitty Sharon decided to show up.
Except the damn thing didn’t turn on.
Pressing the power button in frustration, Jay and Sora waited a couple seconds, both watching as the laptop did nothing. Jay pressed it again, growing impatient. He could feel his lightning start to come alive under his skin, and it took everything in him to stay in control. He could not afford to slip up now, with an Imperian intern sitting not even a foot away from him with everything to gain and nothing to lose from turning him over to Empress Beatrix.
Sora cleared her throat. “If you want, I can try to take a look at it?”
Waving his hand in a frustrated motion, Jay told her to have at it. He watched as the girl closed the screen and flipped it over, examining it and the holes hiding the screws. “Do you have a screwdriver, by any chance?” she asked, and Jay did a quick look over his desk and through his drawers only to come up empty-handed.
“No, sorry,” he said, “but it’s okay! We can just run it down to I.T. real quick. They like me so we should be able to just get in and out.”
Besides, he could always do with more time out of the office; it would help settle him down. Grabbing up his keycard and wallet, Jay stuffed the computer into his bag and slung it over his shoulder. It was close enough to lunchtime to warrant stopping by one of the restaurants on the upper floors, and it would be a nice way to get to know his new ward. Plus, he hadn’t splurged on some good food for himself in quite some time, so it should be a nice time for both of them.
Following behind him, Sora closed the door to the office as Jay punched them both out, and she took the time-card from his hand to stuff it back into her jacket pocket. “Thanks, Jay.”
“Anytime,” Jay said easily, making sure to shorten his stride so the girl could keep up. She was taller than he would’ve expected, but he still cleared her by a few inches, enough to make it difficult to walk at his pace. “You down to get some lunch while we’re out?”
Who was he expecting to see when he saw her?
“Only if you’re paying,” she joked, and Jay chuckled. Yeah, he liked this girl.
“Glad to see they finally hired someone with a sense of humor,” Jay remarked, waving hi to Luke the security guard as they passed by him. Luke had a friendly smile on his face, twirling the standard-issue baton in his hands.
“Who’s the kid?” Luke asked, and Sora stiffened on Jay’s other side.
“This is Sora, my new intern,” Jay explained, subtly moving in front of Sora to try and shield her from view. Why was he suddenly feeling so protective over her? “Sora, this is Luke, the security guard for our floor. He’s super chill.”
“Nice to meet you,” Sora said, reaching out to shake hands, but Jay saw how stilted the movements were. Maybe she didn’t like meeting new people?
Jay was quick to usher her along after Luke’s hand dropped away, giving the man a quick wave behind him. “See you later, Luke! We’re going to lunch!”
“Enjoy yourselves!” Luke called, and Jay gave him a quick thumbs-up. Sora looked almost relieved to be away from him, and Jay felt that protective instinct flare up from inside of him again. She smiled at him, and Jay had to stop walking with the wave of nostalgia that washed over him; there was a flash of blond hair in his vision, and he recognized it immediately as Lloyd’s.
What was going on?
Sora paused, looking back at him standing in the middle of the hallway. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine,” Jay stammered, starting to walk with her again to the elevators. “Just got lost in my head for a second.”
That’s one way to say it.
Flicking his keycard out from his pocket and swiping it, Jay noticed that Sora’s foot started tapping against the floor as they waited for the elevator, an exact mirror of how he would do it. He knew that whenever his foot started tapping it meant he was nervous, so was she feeling nervous? Over what?
“Is everything okay with you?” Jay asked, gently laying a hand on her arm. He noticed for the first time that she was wearing gloves over both hands; a rather odd choice for someone who had to use their hands all day.
Biting her lip, Sora looked nervous. “A-Are there any other Imperians in the building?”
“Huh?” Jay wheeled around, quickly checking around the hallway. Panic surged through his veins as his eyes searched for people, finding no one. There was only Luke whistling to himself as he checked his phone. “What Imperians?”
He was fucked if there were other Imperians in the building.
“That one that you just introduced me to,” Sora hissed, picking up on his urgency. “Is he the only one or are there others?”
“Luke isn’t Imperian,” Jay said, confused. He squinted at the man, searching his face for the signature markings. There wasn’t even a little trace of them, which left him even more confused as Sora pulled him into the elevator, punching in a random number just to make the doors close even faster. It was a miracle that the car was empty, especially at this time of day. Neither of them were paying close enough attention to Luke, turning to each other as the doors finally slid shut, and they didn’t see as the man pressed a button on a hidden communications unit around his wrist.
“We may have a complication, sir,” he said, and no one was around to listen to the rest of their conversation.
“What were you thinking?!” Jay said quickly, trying to figure out any way to stop the elevator. He was this close to ripping the control panel off and rewriting the whole damn thing, because they could absolutely not get off on the floor Sora had typed in.
“Is floor 154 bad?” Sora asked, raising an eyebrow at the way Jay started running his hands through his hair, pacing back and forth across the floor even though he could cross it in two strides.
“That’s the aquarium!” Jay exclaimed. “Do you know what they’ll do to us if they find us in the aquarium?!”
Oh right, she was still new here. He shouldn’t be surprised that she hadn’t gone over the directory yet. “Floors 150 to 160 are for families only. You cannot go there unless you have kids or you have a really good excuse, and in case you haven’t noticed we are lacking both.”
“That’s dumb,” Sora said, frowning. “Why can’t people just go to the aquarium whenever they want?”
“Because that’s not how it works around here!” Jay could feel a vein start to pop out on his forehead in frustration. “You don’t understand! If they catch us in there-”
“What? Are they gonna scan our keycards and find out that we aren’t long lost father and daughter?” Sora said mockingly, which only heightened Jay’s anxiety.
Her face fell. “They can actually do that?”
“The Administration is one of the most technologically advanced places in Ninjago,” Jay said angrily, “of course they can do that!”
Before he could start to chew her out thoroughly, the doors opened with a quiet hiss, and suddenly Jay was face-to-face with a security guard. The guard was taller than him, with large shoulders and sunglasses on his face with a red rim around the legs. He definitely looked much less chill than Luke ever could be in his life.
Holy shit they were so fucking hooped! He was so fucking fired.
Imperians had fucked him over just like he thought they would; he just wasn’t expecting it to be via wrong floor of the elevator rather than a lifetime of being drained like a damn battery.
The guard looked down the bridge of his nose at Jay, who could already feel the sweat starting to gather on his palms. “Good afternoon, sir. Welcome to the aquarium.”
“G-Good afternoon,” Jay said, plastering a phony smile on his face and standing in front of Sora, as if that would keep her hidden away and mitigate their punishment. “I’m so sorry for the inconvenience sir, we’ll just be on our way-”
“Nonsense!” the guard smiled, an uncharacteristically crooked grin splitting his face. “We just put in a new shark exhibit, and I’m sure you and your daughter would love to see it.”
“Daughter?” Jay caught himself. “Uh, yeah my daughter! Totally my daughter. Then I guess you wouldn’t mind us just walking in, right?”
Were they actually going to get away with this?
“Of course not, sir,” the guard said, “and please, call me Sam. I only have to look intimidating for those of us who don’t have kiddos at home. Gotta keep the peace around here somehow, you know?”
“Absolutely!” Jay said with as much fake joy as he could muster. He frantically signalled behind him to Sora with a gesture that he hoped she would understand, and the girl popped her head out from behind her shoulder to wave to the guard. “The peace, yup, that means everything to us lowly office drones! Pardon us, this is our first time here.”
Sam squinted, scrutizing the two of them, and Jay felt like sweating buckets. “Say, are you sure she’s your daughter?”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-
“She’s adopted,” Jay blurted without even thinking about the implications of what he was saying, and he could only imagine how horrified Sora probably looked standing behind him, “we haven’t been together for very long, and I thought I would show her around the aquarium as a sort-of welcome home.”
A pang of something filled his chest from top to bottom when he thought more about what he had said. Adopted? Why did that word resonate so strongly with him?
Why was it making him feel sad?
Jay was not prepared for the force of the shoulderclap that Sam gave him, keeping his wince hidden and forcing another smile on his face as he shook himself out of his thoughts. “Good for you two! I better not keep you any longer, then. Have a good time!”
“Thank you!” Jay said forcefully, making himself take a couple steps out of the elevator; the feeling in his chest had grown into a small void. Sora wasn’t following him, he noticed, so he turned around to the girl still standing in the elevator. “Sora? You coming, kiddo?”
“Oh!” she said, walking out of the car and past Sam quickly. “Yeah! Coming, D-Dad!”
Dad. Another word that struck him in a way that almost knocked him off of his feet.
He wished he could remember what had happened to his dad. God, Pa must be so worried about him; was his pa even okay? Jay knew that his parents were on the older side, but still, surely he would’ve remembered if something had happened to him.
What was his life? He had barely known this girl for a few hours and now he was pretending to be someone as important as her father? Good grief, she must be so mad at him.
The hallway leading to the aquarium was dark and ocean-themed, painted floor to ceiling like tidal waves with fish under the sea in a scene that niggled at the back of Jay’s mind, the only sound being the echoes of their footsteps against the tile. It was one of the most awkward silences Jay could ever remember being in (not that it meant very much), and his eyes were darting around the corridor, looking for anything to latch onto other than the girl at his side.
“Hey, Jay?”
“What’s an aquarium? Like, are we in danger?” Sora asked quietly, and Jay turned to look at her. She seemed nervous, wringing her hands together and biting her lip. That wouldn’t do, especially when they were supposed to be having fun.
Jay chuckled. “No kiddo, no danger. An aquarium is like a bunch of giant fish tanks all in the same building. They keep all sorts of stuff in them, they’re actually really neat. I went to the one in Ninjago years ago, before the Merge.” It was one of the few things he could remember from that time. He had been with his parents on his first trip to Ninjago City, and he could remember sitting on his Pa’s shoulders and looking through the glass with a sense of wonder, pointing to all of the sharks and the manta rays that would pass by.
Except his favorite one had been the giant octopus, and Jay felt himself blush at the memory of the tantrum he threw when his parents tried to take him away to another exhibit; that was how much he had loved the octopus. It wasn’t his fault that it was so cool!
“There weren’t any aquariums in Imperium,” Sora commented, and Jay forced himself to stop walking down memory lane and pay attention to her. “I don’t even think we had oceans.”
“And that’s why there’s a first time for everything,” Jay said, noticing as the hallway started to get brighter with blue light. They were getting close.
Sure, Jay had been in an aquarium before, but he wasn’t expecting one quite on this scale. Stepping out into the main hall was like walking straight into the sea, and Jay had to take a deep breath to double-check that he wasn’t underwater. Patterns danced across the now carpeted floor as the light warped and refracted off of the glass, and Jay felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him as he looked around at all of the tanks. They were filled with as much coral and plantlife as he would’ve expected from a place as loaded as the Administration, and all of the colorful fish looked right at home swimming back and forth in the humongous tanks.
He turned to look at Sora next to him, smiling at her awe-struck expression and the soft sound of amazement that left her mouth. “Like what you see?”
“This is so cool,” Sora breathed, and Jay was unprepared for her to grab at his arm and start tugging him towards the biggest tank. “Come on! I wanna go look at the sharks!”
“The sharks?” Jay asked. “Aren’t they a bit overrated?”
“You can never go wrong with sharks,” and when they finally stopped in front of the tank, Sora held up her hands and pressed her face against the glass, trying to get as close to the sea creatures as humanly possible. “Look how cool they are! And they’re so BIG!”
Something about seeing her so happy, so carefree as she looked at the fish with the biggest smile on her face made Jay’s chest squeeze. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he had been here before, done something similar to this with someone else in his life. A rush of ptotectiveness came over him, and even though he had only known this girl for a few hours Jay knew that she was filling a hole in his life that he didn’t even know he had.
Had he always been this much of a sap?
Catching his eye, Jay turned to a floor-to-ceiling cylinder tank, and something in his gut was tugging him in that direction. He walked up to it, placing a hand on the glass and reading the plaque on the side, almost as if he were in a trance.
Octopus. He found his favorite.
“Hey there,” Jay cooed, watching as the large creature slithered across the sand. Its head jiggled as it went, the sand under it flying through the water as it moved. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Almost like it heard him, the octopus shifted around, waving two tentacles in the air before starting to move towards the edge of the tank. Jay watched, transfixed, as the octopus raised a single tentacle and placed it where Jay’s hand was resting. The moment was made even more magical when lightning surged from Jay’s fingertips without his permission, almost as if the creature was calling it. The blue glow was mesmerizing, and this wasn’t the first time that Jay would let sparks fly between his fingertips just to watch the energy move through the air. Jay let it flow, small enough so that it couldn’t be seen by any passerby. Never before had using his power felt so satisfying, so right.
Who was he in his past life? An octopus whisperer?
“Wow,” Sora said from next to him, scaring him out of his skin. The octopus quickly skittered away, and Jay was surprised at how saddened he felt watching it go. He couldn’t bring himself to be mad at Sora, though.
Turning to look at her, Jay readjusted his shirt collar and rolled up his sleeves, hoping that he had just looked like a crazy person rather than a personified livewire. “All done with the sharks? We still have a lot more to look at, and then we’re grabbing lunch.”
“On you?” Sora asked jokingly.
“Yup, so we’re gonna get whatever you want,” Jay smirked. “Gotta keep you out of the office for as long as possible.”
“Isn’t the whole reason I’m here to help you in the office?”
“No, they probably just assigned you to me to help keep me young,” Jay sighed.
8ut that was a good thing, he realized as Sora started leading them to the manta ray exhibit, because this whole intern thing was already so much better than he ever could’ve hoped for.
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zee-rambles · 1 year
Guys…my heart is broken…I am seriously crying.
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Please tell me we’re not giving up…that there is still something to hold on to.
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It can’t be true right? There’s still a chance if Conway is still interested! Right!!?
I won’t give up! I’ll keep believing no matter what! If Sora can get into smash, then Rise can have a season 3!
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nataliayelena · 14 days
top 5 BL works??
i guess we know each other for you to know this, but thank you hun!
i know BL is cancelled on tumblr but idgaf and i'm going to list my top 10 BL works and i will talk a bit about each of them. i read them all when i was a lot younger though, i don't read BL manga anymore.
everything under the cut, because it's long:
1; sora wo daite oyasumi by kyuugou
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one of the most deep, realistic and fucked up "BL" work i've read. really fucked up. it depict mental illness and taboo themes so realistically it just blews my mind even now, after years.
2; saezuru tori wa habatakanai by yoneda kou
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it has an anime, never watched it and never will. i've been reading saezuru for years. it has so, so many trigger warnings though, but it depicts everything so realistically just like sora wo daite oyasumi does. yashiro (the main character) is so complex you wouldn't understand unless you give it a chance.
3; acid town by kyuugou
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it's about gangs, it's dark, longer than usual and again, has many trigger warning, like everything i read. one of the best BL manga out there.
4; hidamari ga kikoeru by fumino yuki
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at last! something sweet and without triggers! it's about a boy with hearing issues and a boy who suddenly enters his life, their relationship is really healthy and approved by everyone, honestly, it's just so heart warming and not fetishizing or dark at all.
5; barairo no hoho no oro by nakamura asumiko
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sad teenagers, sad love, sad story. as far as i remember, it doesn't have sexual content, just a pianful, painful love story. that's all i'm going to say about it, the drawing is very unique but still so beautiful.
6; doushitemo furetakunai by yoneda kou
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painful, because life is hard, but very romantic and very well done, as expected by yoneda kou.
7; hana no miyako de by takarai rihito
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one of the most heartbreaking manga i've ever read, it still hurts just to think about it. it's about true love and the art of letting go.
8; copernicus no kokyuu by nakamura asumiko
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the MOST fucked up manga in this list, even more than sora wo daite oyasumi, please don't read it, but i enjoyed it so much. it's very, very dark, with TONS of trigger warnings. but it's fiction so i don't give a single fuck, it's really well done.
9; yozora no sumikko de, by hayakawa nojiko
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at lat! some healthy and sweet BL manga again! it's so romantic and cute, i recommend it to anyone who's interested in a sweet story between adults.
10; endou-kun no kansatsu nikki by hayakawa nojiko
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the old school love story, it's so cute and sweet, i highly recommend it!
put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer
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smashinghalloween · 9 months
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𝕭𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕲𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞 𝖆𝖌𝖊 . . .
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A familiar chill is sweeping through the Smash Mansion-- with it a cacophony of ghoulish giggling echoing along every hall. The source of the frightful uproar were hoards of ghastly ghosts. This year they weren't simply here to deliver a message. Residents and visitors alike would find themselves plagued by the nightmarish apparitions as they delivered merely a taste of the horrors they would soon experience in the town of Halloween...
No wall or door was a barrier to the haunting ghouls and everyone would find themselves personally accosted by a gruesome spectre and left with an invitation in their posession. The envelope resembled the iconic Smash Invite, except the paper was more withered and the symbol upon the orange seal bore a glowing jack-o-lantern.
The invite was a request for your presence by the one and only Pumpkin King himself. Included was a torn map of both Halloween Town and the renowned Hotel Transylvania. It contained directions on how to reach the hotel via the connecting graveyards for your stay, including a booking and room number with a signature by Count Dracula himself.
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This special Halloween event is for the Smash / General Nintendo community! If your muse chooses to attend, they will transform into a Halloween creature upon arrival to Halloween Town ( like Kingdom Hearts ). It’s up to you what sort of Halloween entity your muse will become! Of course, if your muse is already scary, they needn’t change. Duplicate muses are welcome!
You may find non-mutuals participating in the event, you are not required to interact with everyone, but please be respectful and open to everyone.
You don’t have to be following this blog, but it makes life easier since all updates will be posted here. Jack Skellington and Count Dracula will be the main hosts of this event.
Your muses will be staying at Hotel Transylvania during the event, which Count Dracula runs. He is an old friend of Jack. The graveyards at each location offer a quick portal to and fro.
I wanna stress that this event is open to everyone in the RPC. Smash is about celebrating crossovers and Sora being in Smash makes everything canon. Don’t be afraid to get involved! Canon characters, OCs or otherwise, you’re all welcome to have some spooky fun in Halloween Town!
It will take place the throughout all of October with special events, ect every week. This means everyone gets a chance to take part, but you’re not locked into the event, you can RP outside of it normally of course! Your muses will be helping Jack and the rest of the town make Halloween happen! They will also get to experience many different activities such as pumpkin carving and finding a prize through a haunted maze. Parties will also take place at the Hotel and live music events. Again, the community tag for this event will be: ‘#event: spooky smashing fun’
The events aren’t time sensitive and can overlap, so don’t worry if a new one starts and you’re still having fun with another one. For example, your muse can carry on pumpkin carving, while a masquerade party is also happening. You can take part in as many or as few events as you like. The point is to have some Halloween fun all through October! Even when the event ends, you're free to continue threads.
Please reblog this promotion post if you’re interested / your muse is joining the fun! It helps gauge interest. Please feel free to join the Smash/Nintendo RPC Discord server for more discussion and to share your ideas for this event, meet other participants and more! https://discord.gg/SETxJyv
Needless to say, anti-LGBTQ+, TERFs, MAPs, incest shippers/supporters, racists, exclusionists, ect are not welcome to participate in this event.
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bestygogirl · 4 months
Match 1
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
Yuzu Hiragi
The entire show would not work if the cast wasn't obsessed with her, and they're all right to stan her, literally gets Sora and Serena to defect from Academia with her sheer charisma, beat Masumi at their gay little rivalry, Yugo spends a few days with her and is ready to die for her, Yuya is simply just the loudest about adoring her And why not? She is so clever and determined, doing the most work out of anyone to figure out the myth plot. Actively trains to keep up with the rest of cast. Even when the universe is conspiring against her and trying to keep her down, she fucking headbutts Roger and tells him off or manifests to help save the world in the ultimate girlboss team-up that was the Arc V finale. Truly any dimension without her is worth upending. - The mysterious magical bracelet that isekai's her to different worlds, the Can-Do attitude, the cool poses (fusion summoning), the ADORABLE character design, AND she was 1/4 of a world-saving hero in the past?? If it weren't for the meddling writers, she would have been the main character - yuzu is everything. literally the plot of arc v hinges on the fact everyone who meets her become just as obsessed with her. and they are totally right to do so
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