#sorry for all the tags these are all examples of smps people can work on for it though!!
mcytcreationzine · 5 months
do you want to create fanart for a variety of smaller smps that no one knows about, or bigger smps that everyone and their mother knows about? then look no further ^_^ this zine is for any mcyt smp / mcyter and will be created by streamers and fans!!! this can include skins, plugins etc :D the interest check is pinned and includes a contact for social media if you want to be informed when applications are open !!
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
how does tag wrangling work?? like i'm noticing there's a few separate fics that have different fandom tags for the mcytblr sexyman bracket, at what point would those get consolidated into one tag? sorry if it's complicated to explain i was just curious :0
no this isn't too hard to explain! prefacing this with the fact that i am just a wrangler in training and i don't speak for the archive; this is my personal understanding of how tags work as a wrangler and is not an official statement about org policies.
so for something like the sexyman bracket, where a new tag starts appearing due to a fandom event or even a canon event, we wait for rule of three before canonizing (aka making a tag filterable, meaning you can go through the works tagged with it or use it as a filter while going through other tags/the fandom tag. canonical tags do NOT have to be events/elements that are part of the canon of the media, it's just how we refer to the tags that serve this purpose). rule of three means that three separate users on three separate works use the tag. so, for instance, i can write three fics with the same new tag and that won't set off rule of three, but if two other authors use a tag with the same meaning for two other fics then we'll hit rule of three and wranglers will create the canonical. rule of three is only for freeform/additional tags-- characters and relationships are canonized as soon as they're created by users.
and users do not have to word the tag/concept exactly the same-- the biggest part of a wrangler's job, i would say, is synning. synning is when wranglers take various ways of phrasing a concept (i.e. "bi cwilbur") that people have used and 'syn' them all to the canonical, which usually has an established format.
for example, the canonical freeform "Bisexual Wilbur Soot". anyone trying to find fics where wilbur is bi can find all of them and wont have to check "wilbur soot is bi" "bi wilbur" "bi cwilbur" "wilbur is SO bisexual" etc. If you look through on the tag "Bisexual Wilbur Soot" on AO3 you can even see all the syns:
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so for the sexyman bracket, so long as those tags are in freeforms, we'll probably come up with a canonical once it hits rule of three, although i'm not perfectly clear on how something fandom event based like this would work.
now i'm not sure if you mean that people have been trying to make "myctblr sexyman bracket" into its own fandom tag-- that's a separate process and those tags won't get canonized; they'll probably just get synned into VBRPF (video blogging rpf, the larger parent tag of SMP tags) as it's not actually a fandom. this is why when people try to put "mcyt fandom" or anything like that into the fandom tag on their fics it just syns back to minecraft/VBRPF-- "MCYT" is not a fandom tag on ao3 and has no reason to be.
so basically-- if it's a freeform, it'll probably be canonized! we usually have quite a few freeforms in the bins waiting to get wrangled, so not sure exactly when, but soon (if not already, i'm still working on training so i don't always take part in DSMP/MCYT wrangling discussions and it may already have been canonized by someone). if it's a fandom tag, it won't be canonized and will be unfilterable.
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relaxxattack · 3 years
I'm from twitter but I'm now gonna make an effort to main tumblr instead for my own mental health.
I was wondering if there are any norms on tumblr that we should know about? like how twitter has TW and CW at the beginning of each tweet (if needed)? or tone indicators? idk how familiar you are with how we do it on twt but is it any different? is there anything else?
thank you for being so welcoming to us refugees lol I think if it was the opposite where tumblr was moving to twt (for being toxic) idk how welcoming people would have been, so this is big, at least in my eyes :) <3
aww you’re so very welcome.  we do definitely have etiquette here, the biggest being tags. at the bottom of the post you reblog you can put hashtags— they can be specific to help sort the content you reblog so you can find it easier later, or it can be nice little comments for your followers or for the post author. but most importantly, there’s an option on tumblr to filter specific tags. this is extremely helpful to people with triggers.  for example, the art you’ve just made or reblogged has blood in it— instead of having to put a big “TW BLOOD” over the top of your post, just add in with the other tags, “blood”, “tw blood”, or “blood tw”. someone who doesn’t want to see blood is going to have that tag blocked, meaning it’ll be covered up on their dash and they can choose to see it or not. very helpful!
this system can be used for almost anything you could think of. so generally just remember to properly tag your posts!
another etiquette here specific to the dream smp tumblr community is do NOT tag the word minecraft. not “philza minecraft” or “minecraft youtubers” even. the reason for this is that tumblr doesn’t have specific solo tags, instead it groups tags together with the same word in. so the poor minecraft building community is often forced to sift through dsmp fanart instead of the build inspiration they’re looking for. 
basically: don’t tag with the words “minecraft” or “mineblr”
you asked about tone indicators: we do use those here! :] it works pretty much the same as on twitter, except it’s less often in our posts (because we tend to only write long essays or obvious shitposts) and more useful in the tags, comments, or asks you send.
and the final and most important: the reason tumblr is so tolerable lately is that we don’t have an algorithm. you’re not going to see posts people liked, or things that went viral, or things the website thinks is about your interest. you will ONLY see posts from people you follow.
however this makes reblogs very important, because without an algorithm, art isn’t going to be spread unless it gets reblogged. if you see a post you like, you reblog it to help spread it. it’s very important here and often most people’s blogs contain three fourths reblogs and only a quarter original posts.
this got kind of long and i’m sorry about that, but that’s all that i could think of you may need to know! here in dsmpblr we tend to write a lot of long posts about character analysis so don’t be scared by that when you see it :] it’s all in good fun
welcome to tumblr <3 
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quackisinnit · 3 years
hello everyone! this for my 1k clebration and i've decided to do a writing event. this isn't a competition or anything, it's just a place where you can see your work and other's as well!
this is inspired by @svgarbees !! go check them out<3
Event is now closed!
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⤔ The rules:
• any mcyt writer can participate! even if we're not mutuals
• you can pick any cc (that is comfortable with fanfiction) or dream smp character
• x reader only because i am uncomfortable with shipping fanfiction (sorry!)
• can be romantic or platonic
• you pick a prompt from the list and write with whatever cc or character you chose. there can only be a maximum of 2 people in each prompt
• send me an ask, reblog, or comment for the prompt you want to do! when you're done, tag me in the post and i'll add it to this post
• you can do whatever you want with the prompt! if for example, a prompt says "i'll always be here," it can become a fluff, even if it sounds like angst!
• triggering topics are okay, as long as they aren't too graphic
• all fics must be sfw so that everyone can read it:)
• on march 27 the event will be closed! tell me if you need more time
please reblog even if you aren't going to join just so rhat it doesnt flop kshk
⤔ The prompts:
1. "You're insane!" "Arent we all?" (full)
Dream - @whatdoiknowo FINISHED
Wilbur - @crOwbonezz-wr1ting-inc FINISHED
2. "Isn't this illegal?" "Only if you get caught." (full)
Dantdm and Dr. Trayaurus - @psychicnightmaretales
Quackity - @inniterhq FINISHED
3. "I just... I just care for you. Please understand that."
SBI - @mitzimania FINISHED
4. "Promise you won't let go?" "I promise."
Nihachu - @yamturds FINISHED
5. "You see them in me, don't you?"
Quackity - @mina-luv-bot
6. "Do you even love me?"
Captain Puffy - @writinginnit FINISHED
7. "Are you okay?" "It's just a scratch."
8. "I love you but I don't know if you feel the same."
Ghostbur - @llvyu FINISHED
9. "Am I not enough?"
Quackity - @creepling FINISHED
10. "You're so warm." (full)
Wilbur - @forutheworld FINISHED
Technoblade - @sirsleeps FINISHED
11. "They have no idea what they're missing" (full)
Ranboo - @wasteofspacze
SBI - @b4b13c4k3s
12. "'Us?' I like the sound of that."
13. "Shut up and kiss me."
Sapnap - @technopink FINISHED
14. "Are you still awake?" "Yeah." (full)
Awesamdude - @quackitree FINISHED
Karl - @innittubbo FINISHED
15. "Why did you call me? It's freezing out here!"
Quackity - @basilly FINISHED
I will add more if needed.
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dreamsclock · 3 years
I'm seeing a LOT of criticism/hate being thrown at character/smp!Sam about his actions durring the prison break stream and it's honestly really disheartening. Yeah some criticisms are valid but so many people are just like "He should have just SHOT DREAM!! He was yelling so much omg!?!?!"
And like- do yall know ANYTHING about Sam's character?? They're tossing a lot of shade around when they have no idea about Sam's character development up to this point and it's genuinely upsetting. :(
Can I get some words of positivity in this trying time?
hey anon !! i’m sorry that’s happening: my best advice is to unfollow some of the blogs (if you can) that are posting stuff like that, and also block the tag warden sam critical / c!sam critical (or negative) in the hopes ppl are tagging their negativity like that !!
as for words of positivity, i hope this helps — sam has put so much work into his character, and it’s very clear that it’s paying off !! his character used to be super likeable and his slow descent into corruption has been sooo interesting, and i do love it a lot !! there are so many interesting parallels between him and season 2 c!dream in this latest stream, which i also love, and it’s super clear how in tune sam is with his character :D people will come to realise this eventually, even if they don’t know — not only do some things genuinely have to happen because of plot (ie. c!sam couldn’t shoot c!dream because they need him alive for lore purposes lol), but also the characters are all so morally grey ?? c!sam is maybe the best example of this, and though right now a lot of the fandom seem to ricochet between calling him “good” or “evil”, i think season three will really be about dismantling those ideas and breaking them down, which will hopefully involve c!sam being understood more too !!!
at the end of the day, people are always gonna judge incorrectly at some points, esp. if it’s in favour of their favourite characters (in this case c!tommy) — but i am so confident that this will change in terms of seeing characters as good or bad !! and maybe then more people will understand how complex and interesting sam is as a character :]
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dyinginlava · 3 years
Anti-Shipping and the Dream SMP community
Now before I start, I’d like to quickly establish some things. Firstly, I would not see myself as being a ‘shipper’ in general: while I might enjoy ship content occasionally, I’m more interested in character dynamics in general, whether they be romantic, platonic, familial, or antagonistic. Secondly, I’ve only gotten interested in the Dream SMP quite recently (shortly after the Festival) and have only started really engaging with fan content even more recently.
However, despite being fairly new, I’ve already noticed the strong feelings people tend to have towards shipping in the community. This does make sense, due to the link with RPF (real person fiction) which the AO3 tags and overlap with the Dream Team fan community don’t help. RPF has always been a point of debate in fan communities, with questions such as:
Is it fine to ship real people if they’re alright with it?
Why does RPF, much like grave robbing, become exponentially less taboo the longer the subject has been dead?
Where do you draw the line between the person themself and an act or persona they put on?
It’s that last question that’s most relevant to the Dream SMP, as the characters within the story are heavily based on the people playing them, which might make some people uncomfortable with shipping, as they feel the character and creator are too similar. This can lead to misunderstandings within the community.
The primarily example of this that I’ve seen, especially with the recent exile arc putting the relationship between the characters in the spotlight, is a lot of negativity towards the idea of the Tommy/Tubbo pairing (purely referring to the characters, not the creators themselves). The arguments I’ve seen against it range from reasonable ones“the real people are uncomfortable with shipping” to the almost bizarre “don’t ship them because they’re minors” (terribly sorry to break the news for you, but 16 year olds have romantic relationships irl all the time).
Now brushing that aside, let’s focus on the main argument we see, of respecting what the creators themselves want. While I believe this is a valid stance to take in regards to RPF (if you really feel you absolutely must ship, keeping it private at least is polite) the concept of ‘death of the author’ comes into play with the story. For those unfamiliar with the concept, it essentially means the creator of a work has no control over the interpretation of their work. An author may write two characters as friends, and a reader may interpret those characters as romantic partners, or the other way around. While you personally may prefer to stick with the ‘approved’ interpretation, others aren’t at fault for having their own.
In conclusion, let people ship what they want, don’t harass people for shipping, and don’t annoy creators about fan content especially if they/the person who made the fan content isn’t comfortable with it. Also, if anyone’s actually read this far, would you mind reblogging? I’d hate to see splits in the fandom over simple RPF vs roleplay misunderstandings!
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irrealisms · 3 years
i don’t know if this is 🔥 but how does a person get ‘into’ dsmp? maybe 🔥 about how much background is needed. i remember that for example archive binging webcomics when i was younger always had conflicted advice.
you get into dsmp by watching VODs, streams, clips, and summary videos, or by reading about it on the wiki! honestly you can also consume it via infodumps and animatics but i feel the need to warn you that this is a slippery slope to Watching It.
...i also feel the need to warn you that it's, like, bad. it's not good. i like it! i like it very much! there are parts of it i would say are good! but on the whole it's bad.
there are lots of different ways to get into it-- some people just jump right in and start watching streams by the people involved, some watch everything by their favorite streamer and nothing by anyone else, some have been watching it live since it was a normal server with no rp. PERSONALLY i watched 100 hours of background in two weeks but yknow. not everyone is me.
ok now that i have done my "everyone is valid!!!" spiel you get my UNPOPULAR OPINION which is that i DO NOT UNDERSTAND the people who do not watch 100 hours of background before watching things live. HOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND ANYTHING. YOU ARE MISSING LIKE HALF OF THE PLOT. HOW DARE YOU HAVE OPINIONS. I REALIZE THAT A SOLID CHUNK OF THE CAST HAS ALSO NOT CAUGHT UP ON THE LORE BUT S T I L L
that said i do also recognize that i have no room to talk bc i also haven't watched big chunks of the plot! lots of POVs of s1 and 2 are just.... lost. tommy's really good about putting VODs up but a lot of people aren't. (yes, this means i also have no room to talk about a lot of things. i'm working on filling in my gaps but it's harder when they're not conveniently right there for me!)
i used @relaxxattack's carrd to catch up, and i really can't recommend it highly enough if you're here for the lore. there are definitely some gaps in it, like i mentioned, but it hits on all the 'main plot' stuff and it's already organized in a playlist you can just watch in order. if you're not me, it will probably take longer than two weeks, and there's more content fairly regularly. i'm very sorry.
oh, bonus tip: watch on 1.5x speed. 1.75x if you can. there is So Very Much
if you end up watching a summary video, i personally haven't watched any but i've heard good things about evanmcgaming
& ofc i am! always available to infodump!!!
the fandom around the dream smp also tends to be into some things that aren't dsmp proper-- for example, right now there's 30smp, various people do vlogs, dream does speedruns and manhunts and gets canceled on twitter a lot and so on, there's an MCC (minecraft championship) this saturday, a lot of them do various funny minecraft videos on youtube, phil does hardcore mode a lot, a few of them are really into bedwars, i enjoyed 3rd life smp and keep considering getting into hermitcraft; these are all things that i would tag #mcyt (minecraft youtube) that aren't dream smp, so don't get too confused by that. point is if you like someone on the dream smp they almost definitely produce other content that you'll also like. if you don't like anyone on the dream smp and instead are like "wow these people are incredibly annoying", well, don't say i didn't warn you.
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wilczachannn · 3 years
hi wilcza!!! i’m thinking of starting a blog and writing dsmp/mcyt fics, any tips? also take care of yourself and stay hydrated bub <3
— 🧝🏽‍♀️ anon
hii 🧝🏽‍♀️!! that’s amazing sweetheart!! i hope these will be helpful :)
- try to have a theme, it doesn’t always work, but it looks really good!
- use tags that are actually important, so like a tommy fic, use tags like “#tommyinnit x reader” plus/or “#tommyinnit x reader platonic”
always use “#mcyt x reader” or “#mcyts x reader”, because more people can see it! :D thes tags are the main ones, and the can help a lot!
- use special tags, example “wilcza’s reblogs”
- check peoples bounderies! [ @/smp-boundaries ]
- never write romantic fics with minors.
- masterlist, taglist are always welcome!
- if you are willing to take requests, make request rules, who you write for and your bounderies.
i think this is all i can offer :D
i’m not the smartest on here, so i’m sorry if these don’t help!
if you have more questions, feel free to ask <3
have a great day/night! ^^
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she-toadmask · 3 years
An Open Letter to the DSMP Fandom
Hello there! If you're seeing this post, I'm assuming you're a fan of DSMP and either create or consume fan content about it.
I am operating under the assumption that many of you are new to Tumblr, fandom, or both. I would rather assume ignorance than malice, as I can see myself making the same mistakes.
Creating content about the DSMP is great! Exploring ideas and creating things about them is something I really appreciate. However, there are a few issues that have come up. For one, fandom tagging.
If you look through the dsmp tag with regularity, you'll be familiar with this. Tagging your posts and creations with the dsmp tag is a great way to share it with other fans! But there are a few tags you should avoid using. While DSMP members may be Minecraft YouTubers, or MCYT, most people looking through the MCYT tag aren't looking for DSMP content. They would look in the DSMP tag for that. Same thing with Minecraft as a whole. People looking in the Minecraft tag aren't looking to consume content about the DSMP, they want content about builds and public servers, or about characters associated with Minecraft who aren't part of a series, like Steve and Alex. Additionally, some people don't want to see DSMP content, for whatever reason. This is valid. Please remember to tag your DSMP-related posts with DSMP so people can blacklist the tag and avoid content.
There is another, more serious issue related to tagging: trigger warnings. Some subjects can cause people to remember traumatic experiences, such as ab*se. This is especially important to remember given the current events on the DSMP. I will use cats as an example of how to tag things. If you're discussing cats in detail, like how they act, you would tag your post or content with tw cats. If cats are mentioned, but not talked about with much depth, you may tag it with tw cats mention or tw cats. It's always better to over-tag a post than under-tag it. Ab*se is something that a lot of real people have experience with, and while it is your right to discuss that with your peers, if you don't tag it appropriately, you could really hurt someone.
Note that this goes for both text and art posts. It's also common courtesy to put art that may trigger someone, like if it portrays violence or blood/gore, below a 'read more' so nobody sees it when they don't want to.
I understand that you may not be aware of this, or not have understood how tagging works prior to now, but it is very important to do this as to not hurt people.
I will add my conclusion here. I understand you aren't doing this to be malicious. I don't want to talk down to you, and if it feels that way, I am genuinely very sorry. I just want you to understand that other people do not have the same experiences as you, and I know when I was younger I definitely did not respect 'peers' the way I should have. It doesn't take a lot of effort to tag, and it could really help someone.
Now below the cut I go on a tangent about a personal suggestion: If you don't consume much other content outside DSMP, I highly suggest consuming at least a bit of other content, either as a point for comparison as to how harsh DSMP is compared to most other content or just as a breath of fresh air.
If you have the time for another series, many people here will suggest Hermitcraft (Season 7 specifically, since it's the current one). It's another series where people play Minecraft on a server together and have different interactions, but the tone is much lighter. If you don't have the energy for something that long and involved, it has been going on for a year after all and even the creators who don't upload as frequently have lots of episodes (they're usually 30 minutes or less instead of stream vods but still), there are still lots of other creators to watch.
If you still want another SMP (these are all names I've heard from friends so I can't give solid information), there is FruitSMP, EpicSMP, Shady Oaks SMP (I know this one is a server with some older YouTubers, hence the retirement-home name, I know CaptainSparklez is on there but not sure who else), One Life SMP, and certainly lots of others I'm not aware of. If you want a series, Naked and Scared is a long-running series where in every 'season', two people start a hardcore world and have specific restrictions on what they can do but they have a goal to achieve. I believe season 12 is the one I watched part of. You can watch it on ImpulseSV's channel, and as far as I'm aware all the seasons are independent, you just pick one and enjoy.
If you just want some lighthearted solo content, I'm not too familiar with most of the current creators, but LogDotZip seems to still be making some good content and CaptainSparklez, who I mentioned earlier, uploads fairly often. Lighthearted group content that isn't a long-running series, I again am not too familiar with current groups, but if you're willing to watch some old content, I (completely unbiased /j) suggest watching old SkyDoesMinecraft collab videos like Cops n Robbers. They're recorded with friends and are a lot of fun, though I haven't watched them in a while so they may have some problems.
It also might be a good idea to consume some content that isn't Minecraft-related. I don't consume much that isn't vaguely informative these days, but I'm certain you can find someone who can give you a recommendation.
Just find something to give yourself a breather.
Note that I would talk this way to someone of any age who I didn't think knew better. If you know better already and choose not to tag, I would no longer be nice.
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fruitbur · 3 years
Thank you for tagging your dream SMP stuff with who is in each post! I love seeing your stuff on my dash and having the option to block out one or two of the people in it temporarily if needed be (for example, tommy during the banishedment (?) arch)! Keep up the great work!
aw thank you!!!! what a nice ask to wake up to!! i try my best to tag everything i can think of, i just noticed i haven't been tagging posts that seem to be from or of the exile arc with the right tags and i'm sorry! but at least you can block the tommyinnit and dream tags!
but if i see a post with Tommy, Ghostbur, etc i'll use all the tags i can think of. and if there is blood i use the blood tw tag, even if i'm one of the only ones who does tag the art with that. i remember that one of my mutuals carrds says that they only follow someone if they tag all triggers so i try.
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