#sorry if you ended up confused
Me: hey brain, can we think normal things tonight?
Me: *quietly* ...what the fuck
Brain: Dean is working on an excavation in a cave system when he uncovers this. fcking HUMAN BEING WITH *WINGS* AND *TOO MANY EYES*. PRESERVED IN ROCK IN THE SAME STRATA AS THE DINOSAURS. And ofc Dean is really freaked out and scared of this thing, but then he notices that the figure is curled forward over something, and as he looks closer he sees the skeletons of a nest of baby raptors that the "human" figure was holding tight to its chest, like it was trying to shield them from something. And he realizes that this... Thing... died protecting them.
Except the "human" figure isnt a skeleton, its preserved fully in the rock. Or perhaps...
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
When I suggest Mike’s arc is in part a queer coming of age story and not just him being some prize to help El or Will defeat the big bad—
Angry anons:
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#byler#mike wheeler#I’m sorry but you don’t turn off your protagonists pov and expect to get away with it#you do it to hide something and save it for the end#if mikes arc ends with I love you will or them just having feelings for each other#all that does is equate to El and Mike’s love saving the day#it’s more than compatibility or lack there of#it’s the fucking 80s and their queer okay#let’s wake up and smell the roses#s5 is going to be rated m it’s going to be dark#everyone is going to reach their limits#if you think mikes limits are that he’s insecure bc he can’t save everyone and what will resolve that is him saving someone…#and that’s it…#what…?#that’s not… that’s not worthy of confusing your audience the entire show and especially the last two seasons#there needs to be something to make all those moments in previous seasons feel more impactful#and Mike and Will both assuming their alone in going crazy in the 80s#only to find out they’re not#but that they’re actually going crazy together#that’s a slow burn worth waiting until the end for#slow burn is about slowly burning#that’s what they’ve been doing for the last 4 seasons#I don’t get making their end look identical to milkvans by just recycling their scenes in the last season#the whole point of milkvan is to show what not to do#so anything that happened between them#we can pretty much rule out for byler#the truth is a lot more complex than what s4 presented#if it was really as simple as presented#s5 would offer no surprises#it would just fall flat
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fatmaclover · 1 month
mac being referred to as joyces boy. her boy. hes her boy. mac being the person to understand joyces writing the easiest. they belong to each other theyre each others lost halves if they were ever separated they would stop functioning. auawhhrhwuah
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Human: The only thing that sucks about interspecies friendships is that none of y’all understand my jokes, y’know, by human standards I’m pretty funny!
Vulcan, genuinely: Your grammar is incorrect, you mean pretty and funny.
Human, bright red: aah thank you
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thatonegayship · 8 months
I loved the cowboy comic so much that I wrote a oneshot for it. https://archiveofourown.org/works/50934235 🥺 your art is BEYOND amazing, ty for the food
#billdip#I honestly loved this story start to finish with the ambience and quick pace#hadn't considered the possibility of Bill and Dipper actually working *together* but it's always a good time when they do ❤️#sorry it took so long to reblog 🥲#I read it like- Right when you posted. But I had to catch a plane and then drive an extra hour home and immediately get on zoom for class#and today i was just all around exhausted so i slept roughly 70% of the entire day dndsjdndnd#all that to say that I had your fic in the back of my mind and I very much wanted to set some time aside and re-read it when I got the chan#honestly with how well you set things up I would've loved to see your own rendition of their first kiss#You established their relationship really well at the start and brought them together by the end after outsmsrtong those bandits#it feels like you have a better understanding of who they are to each other than even i do 😌 very much a fan#i love when stories incorporate those sort of 'habits' that the love interests fall into#that confuses character A while character B is so clearly using it as an excuse to get close and spend more time with them#i squealed like a maniac when Bill was like oooph lemme walk you home 😏🤠#sir i am going to wrangle you up if you don't compose yourself#and Dipper's just wary of him because people as handsome as bill used to pick on him 😢#little does he know he's grown into a 10/10 cutie patootie that any cowboy would be stupid NOT to smooch#I'm a simple man. I read oblivious low-confidence cowboy being pursued by a hottie on a horse. I lose my shit#Awesome wonderful writing!!! so happy to have caught your eye and i hope to continue pumping out content for this wonderfully weird ship
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arikihalloween · 2 months
Aight I've been filled in
So people are really just pissy about the lore change ?
God damn, I have nothing else to say but "grow up" ( as bitchy as it sounds)
Choco admitted the mistake of not setting proper boundaries and feeling unhappy about what the direction of their characters, that happens, it's not the end of the world
Characters are litterally a bunch of lines and words, it can move, change, stretch, and sometimes the creator wants to change the direction, and that's okay, it's their choice
Yes, it affects the lore of others, that's unconvinient, but ( and I may sound bitchy again here), good lore writing should allow you to always move forward despite the change in characters, especially in roleplay.
I'm all for Glitch changing if it makes their mod and creators feel more comfortable with it
Calling it a drama and involving me is taking things so out of proportions about something that at the end of the way, doesn't matter that much
Again, it's just a story, there are plenty more !
Also, the haters should really stop coming to me as if I'm some sort of autority here.
I'm just a gremlin that caught on the trend at the right time to make awesome friends, and I'm happy to see that more cool characters were born out of the multiverse concept too
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nguyenfinity · 1 year
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Every time I draw Mamagi it does AoE damage (I am also in the area of effect)
Lighthearted bonus:
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#enstars#hiiro amagi#rinne amagi#i don't know if this is a bad time to be amagi-posting given that hiiro's fs2 just dropped but. oh well#also this might be the last thing i draw for a bit because i am in the final stretch of this semester#if you sent in a request. i will get to it and thank you for your patience#anyways i know i'm kinda being like 'haha rinne mama's boy' which like. yeah but also sometimes--#--sometimes you're an adult in their 20s and like. yeah sure you're technically an adult or whatever but you still feel like a kid yeah?#and sometimes you just maybe want your mom to help you when you're lost or confused or when you need someone to tell you it'll be okay#but you won't get that for whatever reason#sincerely: an adult in their 20s#....can you tell why rinne is like. a vibe to me now#anyways i'm not saying mamagi dying was a necessary evil but if hiiro and rinne had an adult who actually loved them at home they probably-#-wouldn't have left and we wouldn't have the main story#if she was alive today tho she'd be going to their lives sorry i don't make the rules (yes i do)#if she ends up being exactly like the rest of their village in some future lore i'm gonna be so sad.#she'd throw hands with niki's parents#imagine leaving your sons behind because you straight up died (couldn't really do anything about that)#meanwhile your son's boyfriend's parents just. up and left him because they could#also posts with her will be tagged mamagi#if you read all that <3#mamagi#she'd adopt all the bees and alkaloid too#imagine if they got their singing skills from her#also mamagi 1 rinniki shipper (also does not care it's not legal)#rinniki
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zaynes-left-chesticle · 4 months
Okay I just read Zayne's "Still in Dark" anecdote, and now I'm crying and also my jaW IS ON THE GROUND, WHAT IN THE FUC-
enjoy the tags, I just needed to vent....
And I'm scared 🤣
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aingeal98 · 8 months
Having Bruce and Cass and the Robins thoughts and they're a bit messy and jumbled so bear with me.
Idk how to explain why the Bruce and Cass messed up but loving dynamic is so much more appealing to me than his toxic relationship with his other kids but I guess it's because the entirety of Batgirl 2000 understands that Bruce is not a perfect parent. His flaws and virtues are both deliberately and carefully written and his relationship with Cass is so layered and it makes it so that I can both laugh and cringe, appreciate the sweet moments and rage at some of his more shitty moves. It's not perfect but overall the writing is just GOOD, and there's enough material to form a solid core of understanding even when their dynamic grows past Cass's solo run. This is Cass and Bruce and this is how they tick and no writer has been able to thoroughly screw that up no matter how hard some of them were pushed to by editorial.
Compare that to how he's written with his other kids, where every writer has their own version and some have him be a perfect dad and others have him be shitty and frame it as "He's got this darkness in him" while another group of writers have him absolutely brutalise his kids or neglect them or gaslight them for angst all while knowing the kids will never receive any sort of narrative justice for this because he's Batman and he's the big flagship hero. There is no single run you can point to and say yes this here showcases the heart of the dynamic between him and Tim or him and Damian, no single run so good that all other comics about their dynamic use it as their basis for this bond between father and child. There is no consistency and no communication or understanding between writers or even an attempt to pick up what the other puts down. Batman comics will have him be a good parent or a bad parent but either way it will be all about Him. Batfamily comics tend to have him just be absolutely awful and then a few months later they have to pretend it never happened because the main bat books want to make him a good parent again.
It's all shock value that rarely lasts past the arc and writer. When Tom Taylor has Dick hug Bruce and call him dad I'm remembering that time Bruce beat him into a bloody pulp or backhanded him across the face and Dick never got to call him out on it. But we're not meant to be thinking about that in Taylor's run because this is a Good Dad Bruce comic. Taylor's Bruce and Dick dynamic is completely different to the New 52 dynamic the same way that dynamic is different to Wolfman's which is different to the original Batman and Robin. And that variety can be a great thing when it comes to comics but the downside here is that you can pick Bruce's "good dad" comics or you can pick his abusive asshole comics but you cannot find the middle ground that Batgirl 2000 hit because (controversial opinion I guess) it doesn't exist for the batboys and no writer has successfully managed to pull all the different comics together and create one.
Fans have tried. Fans have pieced together a decent narrative from the mess of inconsistencies, taking the moments of almost cartoonish abuse and the moments where Bruce is shown to care, and forming the image of a complicated and nuanced abusive parent from it all. But the great thing about Batgirl 2000 is you don't have to do all that effort of trying to make the happy fluffy hero batman and the edgy punches his sons Batman fit into one character. The writing does it and does it in a more realistic fashion too, which is saying something considering the big Bruce and Cass emotional fight is solved by Bruce letting them both get drugged and fight bloodlusted. I do think there are moments when it hypes Bruce's bad parenting up a tiny bit but compared to the absolute mess that is the writing of say, Bruce and Jason? It's just so much easier to actually engage with. Being on the same page as a narrative instead of chafing against it is just a much better way for me to read comics.
That's not to say there isn't any kind of narrative and canon dynamic for Bruce and the Robins. Tim's Robin run, Dick's various runs, UTRH, Batman and Robin etc. Just that for me none of them hit that balance Cass and Bruce's dynamic succeeded in hitting during Batgirl 2000. And to be fair it's harder to hit that balance when you're working with characters who have been through the hands of so many different authors before landing on your doorstop. UTRH probably comes closest but unfortunately everything that came after that did manage to shake the emotional foundation utrh set up to the point you can look back on it and wonder if Bruce cared about Jason much at all, despite the writer clearly not wanting it to be seen that way.
Not sure how much sense this makes but to me it's the difference between a bad parent Bruce I am actually interested in engaging with and a bad parent Bruce where I just want the kids to team up and knock his teeth out.
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miss-mossball · 6 months
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I wanted to a redraw of a doodle I did wayyy back in 2013 vvv
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sunshinediaz · 9 months
last line + tidbit tuesday ⛈
it's officially tuesday in oklahoma and while nobody's tagged me yet i have something to say + this is going to double as my entry for the last line game, so yeehaw
“God, Buck.” He shakes his head and smiles, mean and rueful. “Sometimes, I think caring about you hurts worse than getting shot.” 
i was tagged by @jesuisici33, @ladydorian05, @wildlife4life, @try-set-me-on-fire, @jeeyuns, @eddiediaztho, @hippolotamus, @disasterbuckdiaz, and @wikiangela for last line and i'm returning the favor to them + nominating @housewifebuck, @honestlydarkprincess, @thewolvesof1998, @eowon, @exhuastedpigeon, @rogerzsteven, @alyxmastershipper, @callmenewbie, @fortheloveofbuddie, @giddyupbuck, and everybody else for both last line and tidbit tuesday <3
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Is there a post explaining the fnaf Lights Out AU lore?
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nanowatzophina · 6 months
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Sometimes you just gotta scroll through Lay’s art on her @dungeons-and-dragon-age blog and decide to draw one of her wardens.
Gotta say, was pretty easy to fall in love with Renan, they are very pretty and I wanted to draw him looking at least somewhat happy. She deserves it.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
Pearl wakes up. She blinks a few times to get the sleep out of her eyes. She swings her legs over the side of the bed and stretches her arms and goes to look out the window over her alien cliffsides. It is morning on a Tuesday. She is well. She checks under her fingernails for the blood from where she’d been scratching herself earlier and finds nothing.
It must have just been a dream, she thinks, realizing she isn’t scratched anywhere. She checks several times. She remembers it, though. Scratching herself. Feeling cold. She still feels cold, actually, and she’s not in a cold biome, not Gem on her mountaintop covered in snow. If anything, it should be temperate here, and yet…
She stops herself from scratching at her arms and frowns. She doesn’t know when she picked up that habit. She goes to take a long shower, and she makes it scalding hot, and she scrubs at her skin for what feels like an hour and doesn’t feel particularly clean or human at the end of it, just achingly lonely, even though her neighbors are at most a short ways away.
She feels lonely and cold and dirty and like she’s not quite human—no, that’s not fair, but it’s how she feels, the kind of dirtysadtireddull that makes a person feel like scrubbing their skin raw and—
She turns off the shower. She gets out. She gets dressed, and she doesn’t wear any red, which feels notable, for some reason. She considers going to talk to Impulse, but that makes her feel more like scratching again, so she doesn’t. She takes a deep breath. She calls Gem. Gem, she thinks, will know what to do, or will lie and pretend to know what to do because Gem lies like breathing, and she also doesn’t make Pearl feel like there’s blood under her nails.
Gem responds. Pearl packs a shulker and goes to go help her mine sandstone. When Gem starts talking, Pearl feels better. She must have had a nightmare, she decides. There’s no reason for her to feel like this. There’s no reason. And as the day goes on, she doesn’t anymore.
She’s not lonely. She hasn’t been lonely in a long, long time. The empty beating of something that is missing doesn’t make sense.
For the third time in a row, she dreads going to sleep. She’s tired of waking up like this and not knowing why. She is.
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little-paper-man · 1 year
After 1 and a half years I finally made new journey friend!!! :D
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God I’ve been wanting to do another for so long but adhd meds can’t stop the fact that college eats up all my time and energy 🙃
It also doesn’t help that I wanted one based on my favorite concept guy so I needed to heavily modify the existing pattern >u>;;
I do not know how they ended up taller than the other three…
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shuploc · 3 months
Could you upload your BG3 masterpieces to Redbubble please? I would buy from InPrnt but the sizes they offer are too small for what I’d like ❤️
Sure thing! I've added both my BG3 stuff, and the remaining Spiderverse stuff, you can find the BG3 prints here
The reason I stopped adding more things to my Redbubble store was simply because INPRNT is a much better option when it comes to print quality. I get a much much much bigger cut too, compared to Redbubble, that only pays creators in pocket lint and nail clippings, frankly. You mentioned in the ask that they don't make the prints big enough, but I'm pretty sure you can get posters on INPRNT? Have a look at least!
Thank you for reaching out and for asking, you're not the first person to reach out either, so I finally got everything sorted. If you end up grabbing a print, thank you SO much!! 🤗❤️
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