#specially tiktok
me-imherenowhere · 2 years
It’s so beautiful to check on The Sandman tags and actually see people taking about it :’).
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simon-eriksson · 2 years
non-rvd watchers/rvd-haters are gonna have a field day with that performance
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lilpumpkino · 1 year
I've been on Tumblr for too long, For a second I thought people were nice
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noyaspjs · 2 years
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Loid Forger taking a moment
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saryasy · 5 days
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I'm not supposed to be here. I should've died in that fire. I made a plan to fix that. I kept this book with 148 lines in it. Every time I saved a life, I filled in the line. One life saved to repay one life lost. And what then? After you've saved the 148? I'm not supposed to be here.
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concerto-roblox · 2 months
i love g1 but i'm actually getting so sick of g1 purists like it's not enough for them that g1 existed and was popular, it has to exist now and continue forever even though that's just not how toy companies work. i have yet to see a post that even mentions g3 that doesn't have 10 billion "bring back g1!!" comments. like today i saw a comment under a post about the g3 show possibly being cancelled saying "hoping this mean we'll get a g1 comeback" girl get a grip!! like please step back and remind yourself you are not the target audience for a children's toy and let the g1 ghouls rest in peace.
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jewishcissiekj · 6 months
Local Prequels girlie thinks about Anidala for more than two seconds and proceeds to eat drywall
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forsworned · 2 months
Y/N, wagging her feet over Ghost's legs as she records him: Can you give me a foot massage? Ghost, pushing her foot away with his forearm while laughing: Get th' fuck outta here. 'm not givin' ya a foot massage. Soap, sitting in the corner staring at the both of them: I'm not givin' ye a foot massage either Y/N: Ghost: Soap: *Looks away, sipping his beer before they all bust out laughing*
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mariposiel · 1 year
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Guess who just turned 21?? 🎉🎂
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werewolfenthusiast · 6 months
sirius reads basically anything he can get his hands on and he reads fast. he’s especially drawn to muggle books. remus often finds a book missing from his collection and it’ll be returned a few days later with sirius’ notes in the margins. remus starts to gift him muggle books for birthdays and christmas’ since he doesn’t have much access to muggle books until he runs away from his family and can start buying his own (remus doesn’t stop gifting him them). he really likes fantasy because he finds it endlessly fascinating how muggles imagine magic to be. he likes mystery but always figures out the culprit way too early. he enjoys nonfiction, wizard and muggle alike. he starts a collection of mechanic handbooks and motorbike magazines. he’s interested in the punk scene and regularly buys zines. he reads aloud to remus after moons. he borrows the invisibility cloak all the time so he can just look through the restricted section. he has read every book in his family library front to back several times over. he is endlessly curious and loves to have intellectual conversations about the books they’ve read with remus and he is SMART.
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sergle · 7 months
the horny horny response to that tiktok makes up for the ppl in the notes having full on wah-wah meltdowns over the suggestion that tiktok's perceived Quality fully has to do with how you, individually, use it. I don't even have to say anything, bc these two tags already summarize it perfectly
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Was there a time Steve sleepwalked and someone did call Eddie? Was there another time it came in handy when Steve lost Eddie (or Eddie lost Steve) or something other?? Please I need more that is so cute
Just a warning, I made this sad for no reason.
Once when Steve went on tour with Eddie, he wandered off in a post-ictal fog and ended up lost in the city. It took them a few hours to find each other because Steve didn’t know where he was nor did he have any money on him. After that, he would write the phone number of Eddie’s manager on his arm since he was the only guy on tour with a cell phone.
Pat, Eddie’s manager, wasn’t thrilled with this arrangement because he didn’t particularly like Steve, but after Steve channeled the coldest version of his mother and reminded Pat that only one of them was replaceable – “And managers are a dime of dozen” – he begrudgingly agreed.
He was never called.
Steve actually got the idea for the bracelet from one of his second graders.
After a pretty bad allergic reaction, one of his students came back to school with a little silver bracelet on her wrist. It had her mother’s phone number on it and the words ‘Peanut Allergy.’ She smiled up at Steve when she showed him and said, “My mama says this will keep me safe!”
He smiles too, “I bet it will.”
The bracelet is a surprise that Steve never gets to tell Eddie about. The day it comes in the mail, Eddie is over at Gareth’s for a D&D campaign so Steve never even gets the chance to tell him. He goes to bed before Eddie gets home and wakes up in the Emergency Room.
He’s cold and his feet hurt, and there are cuts on his hands and medical tape on his face, and for a second, he thinks he’s in the backseat of a blue Camaro with the world’s most reckless driver. He tries to sit up and it sets up an alarm and then there’s a hand in his, squeezing it.
It takes Steve a second to recognize the rings, to follow the rings up an arm, up to big eyes and messy curls, and Steve breaths out the only thing he can think, “Wow.”
“Wowza, big boy,” Eddie grins back at him, and Steve loves him. “How are you feeling?”
“Did something happen?”
“Yeah, uh. Sleepwalking again,” Eddie hums and then he smiles again. He taps a ring on his free hand against the metal bracelet on Steve’s wrist, “This is fucking brilliant, by the way. Did you think of it?”
Steve’s jaw kinda hurts like he’s been clenching it, but he smiles anyways, “Yeah.”
“You’re a genius, babe. They called me immediately,” He says, kissing his knuckles. Steve frowns, seeing a bruise there. Eddie notices and his grin takes on a chaotic edge, “You punched a security guard.”
“For real, babe,” Eddie laughs at the panicked look on his face. “I don’t know what they did to trigger you, but you fuckin’ decked one of ‘em.”
“Oh my god, I’m going to jail.”
“Nah, it’s all good. I took care of it,” Eddie says and then to the skeptical look on Steve’s face, he rolls his eyes. “Okay, fine. The guy is a fan and I gave him tickets not to press charges. Also, he feels pretty bad about spooking you since you clearly weren’t in your right mind.”
“Was in my left mind then?” Steve half-jokes, half-yawns. “Who brought me in?”
“You did.” Eddie’s smile dims in a way that’s a little sad but full of love. “You came here on your own actually – without shoes. We’re gonna have to teach your left mind about shoes – and, uh. Based on what I’ve heard, you were looking for a patient.”
“A patient? What patient?”
“They, uh. They said you were looking for Max.”
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thekidsarentalright · 9 months
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seeing a fob fan on tiktok saying this is just like. wowwww ur so quirky and interesting for having this reductive opinion do you want an award?? do you want us to clap because you’re just so special and cool???
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jjanguri · 3 months
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bring your kids to work day~
ft. cuties between takes
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textpostmemespksp · 2 months
Meme #384
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Art drawn 10/16/2023
(Image description in ALT text, original image below the cut!) 
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bookinit02 · 4 months
genuinely i think if i have to see taylor swift’s name one more time i’m going to start breaking things.
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