#stiles: asks
rayofsunshinc · 3 months
from @painofhumanity "dearly held" for Malia and Stiles
The hug that Malia was pulling him into was warm, and firm. Stiles wrapped his arm around her, chin tucking against her shoulder. He didn't know if dating a werecoyte was wearing off on him, or she just smelled that good that he had to take a deep breath. ❝Hi.❞ Stiles said, and Malia was hugging him tighter, not letting up. ❝Oh, gees.❞ Stiles turned his head to kiss the side of her face, her neck, whatever parts of her that he could get to. ❝Okay, Malia ... too tight.❞ He laughed softly, giving her a tight squeeze to remind her that even if she stopped hugging him, he was right there. ❝Not going anywhere.❞
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bestialitybestiary · 1 month
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That's it. That's Stiles
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Scott: Now that you're dating Stiles, it's time we have the shovel talk.
Derek: What are you talking about?
Scott: You know... I have a shovel, and I know how to use it.
Derek: Am I supposed to be scared of your shovel?
Scott: Not the shovel, what happens before I have to use the shovel.
Stiles: It's okay, Scott. You're doing great!
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 3 months
Credit to @jungshoseok
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patolemus · 14 days
Just Stiles casually being obsessed with Derek's hands and one night when they're in bed Stiles sleepily runs his finger tips over the back of Derek's hand and fingers. An equally sleepy Derek asked why he was doing that and Stiles doesn't reply with nothing but a mumbled 'beautiful' and casually falls asleep while leaving Derek a blushing confused mess, end tweet :>
Sorry if I'm overstepping dear anon but this came out of nowhere so here you have a small snippet??
Stiles has a certain appreciation for Derek's hands. They're big, veiny and bigger than Stiles'. Where he has slender figures, Derek's are bigger, no callouses on the pads because he's a werewolf and werewolves don't get callouses despite all the hard work Derek does with his hands. His nails are trimmed short, and Stiles knows Derek trims and buffs them every day because they grow back a little every time Derek uses his claws and Derek doesn't like it.
Stiles likes Derek's hands. He likes Derek's fingers, too. He likes them when they're spread across his back, or holding his waist, or grabbing his own hand, or slipping in an out of him when they're having sex. Derek's hands are beautiful, a work of art, really, just like the rest of him. And Stiles loves to hold Derek's hands, loves it when they're walking around town with their fingers laced together, or when they're sitting on the couch and Derek lets Stiles play with his hands. He loves it when they're in bed together and Derek sneaks an arm around him to hold him close and Stiles gets to trace paths on his free hand as he doses off.
"What are you doing?" Derek asks in that infinitely fond voice of his that is reserved only for Stiles. It's clear out, sunlight filtering through the curtains, but they're both on the verge of falling asleep. Stiles is tracing the bones in Derek's hands with his fingertip, touch featherlight as he makes his way across the index finger to the wrist.
"Hmm," Stiles merely hums, not really having a reason for doing this other than he likes it. His mind is numb with sleep, and he doesn't want to stop what he's doing. "Beautiful," he mumbles at last, a suitable explanation. He falls back asleep almost immediately after, hand on top of Derek's as Stiles snuggles deeper into the werewolf's embrace.
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murdrdocs · 8 months
taking a bath w stiles … [inspired by this] references to sex but nothing but fluff !!
it’s nothing short of innocent and domestic: a bath ran with the bubbles and oil you’d been saving for a special occasion. the night wasn’t necessarily a special occasion, but the way stiles had fucked you was definitely special. almost all of your long standing fantasies fulfilled, bringing you to your peak over and over again, to the point where your body had absolutely no interest in taking you to the bathroom.
you’d quickly gained interest, though, whenever you smelled the fresh scent, one of your favorite aromas wafting through the open bathroom door and straight to your nose.
stiles had coaxed you into the bathtub, a promise of letting you be the big spoon working to convince you to take the shirt you had just put on off, and climb in before him.
you end up with stiles sat between your legs, both of you submerged in bubbly-oily water as stiles takes one of your hands in his and kisses along your knuckles. he tells you about his day, toying with your fingers, absent of any rings for once. you listen thoughtfully, the warmth from the water and your favorite boy almost coaxing you into a slumber.
that is, until stiles prompts you with a question.
“are you even listening to me?” the question was simple, but you jumped in your spot against the porcelain, eyes snapping open as you stared into stiles’ amber ones that displayed nothing but amusement.
“what? oh, yeah. definitely …” your statement is loose, clearly a lie, and stiles chuckles softly.
he presses his lips to yours, a soft chaste kiss that makes you smile, dazed and hazy.
“‘s okay,” he tells you, giving you two more chaste kisses before he settles in for a longer one.
your lips move in tandem, a perfectly rehearsed dance from constant practices. just like always, your hand finds his hair, soapy fingers tangling in the waves at the back of his head. stiles sighs, the tip of his pretty nose pressing into your cheek as he slowly raises one of his hands to cup your cheek.
when he pulls away, he kisses your other cheek, unable to keep his lips off of you for long enough to speak. somehow, he manages it.
“d’you think we could fuck in here?”
you laugh, unable to help it, your head thudding back against the tub. “you’re depraved,” you tell him, meaning it while also being too lovesick to notice what you’re saying.
he brings your head back level with his, the grip he has on your cheek maneuvering you as he wishes.
he leans in, lips move against yours when he speaks. “still not answering my question.”
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ultram0th · 1 month
I am fond of you Derek turning into a more muscular and/or hairy guy if that's the kind of request you were looking for? Love your stuff though regardless it's hot and well done.
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It all began the morning after Derek had assumed his new Alpha title. Stiles had slept over, cuddling up next to his boyfriend when he'd jolted up awake as soon as his hands had brushed up against something unfamiliar.
"What...?" he trailed off, his eyes wide at his boyfriend's chest that he usually used as a pillow.
"Hm?" Derek sleepily yawned, wondering what his smaller boyfriend was panicking about.
"Der," Stiles mused, "your chest. It's... really hairy."
The werewolf cocked his eyebrow up at his boyfriend, running a hand over his pecs. Sure enough, the werewolf's previously smooth chest was now covered with black hairs. They spread out over his pecs, running down across his stomach before connecting to his bush. The hairs curled and looked thick enough to where one might've guessed that Derek had always been rather hirsute. His pert nipples poked through the dusting of hairs, looking hard. Plus, Stiles hadn't noticed it initially, but Derek's square jaw was also covered by a thick beard that looked like it'd take weeks for a guy to grow... not just a few hours.
Derek's eyebrows knitted together as he ran his hands over his hairy chest, his heart starting to race. However, just as soon as the worry began to trickle in, it disappeared.
His face smoothed out and he yawned loudly, gently placing a hand on Stiles's head to pat it back down to his now hairy chest.
Stiles wanted to argue, confused over both his boyfriend's sudden change and different attitude. He knew that Derek should've been freaking out and wondering what was happening to him, but instead his boyfriend acted like everything was normal.
He tried to ignore it, but as Stiles rested his head back down onto Derek's chest, something about the way he had to crane his neck alerted the human to something else.
"Derek!" he gasped loudly, sitting back up and tearing the covers away from his boyfriend. "You're... bigger!"
His boyfriend had always had a pretty toned physique, but now it looked as if Derek's chiseled pecs were now significantly larger and much more plump than they should've been. Without the covers over him, Stiles could also see that it wasn't just Derek's chest that had grown larger. His boyfriend's arms seemed to have doubled in size, looking thick and powerful as he lied on the bed. Even his legs were larger, his quads pressing tightly together and shoving his bulge (which seemed to stretch out his underwear more than usual) out in front.
And of course, every single larger muscle was covered in dark, manly hair.
"Stiles," Derek groaned, going so far as to roll his eyes, "everything is fine. I feel fine, there's nothing to worry about--"
He was interrupted when his phone alarm beeped, letting him know that he had to get out of bed, making him frown.
With a groan, Derek rolled his hairy bulk out of bed, the frame squeaking much more than it usually did as he moved. His heavy footsteps thudded over towards the dresser. As he walked, Derek noted how odd it felt to have his thighs rolling over one another, and how awkward it was to have his muscular arms resting at a ninety degree angle atop his flaring lats.
Stiles watched in disbelief as Derek nonchalantly attempted to get dressed in his normal clothes.
"Damn," Derek growled as he examined himself in the mirror. With his new bulk, none of his clothes fit him anymore. He couldn't get any of his jeans up past his massive quads, having to throw on a large pair of sweats that used to be baggy on him. Now, the material was skintight, showing off his meaty glutes and enormous package in front. The t-shirt he'd grabbed barely wrapped around his torso, ending above his navel. It had torn significantly across his large muscletits, showing off the hairy cleavage that he now possessed. There were two large bumps on the front from where his larger, nubby nipples poked against the thin cotton.
Stiles watched as Derek paled in the mirror, his beard-framed mouth opening like he was about to voice his concerns, but again, Derek seemed to instantly relax. He shrugged his broadened shoulders.
"I think my clothes shrunk in the wash," he chuckled, gesturing down at his hairy muscles.
"Derek!" Stiles cried, throwing his hands up in the air. "It's not the wash, it's you! You've turned into a hairy bodybuilder!" As crazy (or crazier) as it seemed, Stiles could've sworn that he'd watched Derek's hairy pecs balloon out a few more inches in those few seconds.
Derek took one last look at himself in the mirror, seeing how large and imposing he looked with his incredibly large, round muscles and the thick, masculine hair that coated them. He couldn't help but smirk back at his shocked boyfriend, flexing a large, hairy bicep. As his massive muscle bulged to the size of a bowling ball, the tight sleeves of the t-shirt burst apart.
"I'm not a bodybuilder," Derek smiled at his boyfriend, giving him a playful wink. "I'm the Alpha."
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lucky-bishop · 8 months
But what are your Steter thoughts about the wild hunt?! 💚💚
I had a fucking essay written and then tumblr deleted it. I'm mad. Let's try this again. Also damn y'all are really getting after it with the great questions today. 💖 Thanks for indulging me in never shutting the fuck up about Steter haha.
Peter's ultimate goal in the series is to survive and live unafraid. Power is definitely his secondary goal but it is to enable that first one. He spends time trapped - in his coma, in Eichen, and ultimately the wild hunt. It is no coincidence that Stiles is the one to 'wake' him in the train station - they are connected.
Peter asks Stiles if he wants the bite, then respects his decision even though he believes Stiles is lying. That's huge. Peter's a manipulator and a liar and he likes to play god but he respects Stiles' decision. Even though it means Stiles kills him not long after.
Peter is also the one to tell Stiles Derek's story about Paige. Now this is a great episode of the show - it is told from Gerard and Peter's perspectives. Two liars, killers, people we know we cannot trust but their version of the truth is the version we get. The way that Peter presents himself in this story is interesting - he is trying to influence Stiles' opinion of him. They spend the rest of this time snarking and bantering. It's great.
But that's it: a bit of respect (maybe even fear) and banter between them. Then Peter (helps) save Stiles from the nogitsune - while asking for nothing in return for the first time in the show. He even says the line about narcissistic teenage girls when he 'helps' Lydia and Allison. But Stiles is different for him. They are connected. Still. Again.
When Peter sees Stiles - truly - in the train station, what does he say? It had to be you. He says this derisively - not because he doesn't respect Stiles, but because if Stiles is in here then it means he's not out there and Stiles out there, working on this whole thing, is his best chance at survival. Seeing Stiles cements Peter's belief that he will not be saved or escape his imprisonment this time. He won't live freely, and that terrifies him. But on the other side - seeing Peter is what gives Stiles hope. Even though Peter is still manipulative Stiles wants to work with him. Let me repeat that: Stiles "Paranoia" Stilinski wants to work with him. Maybe it's not trust, yet, but it's the potential for it and that's huge.
And when Peter gets out? He works to rescue Stiles. Even though he just died. Again. Their fates are connected. They are connected. They have so much potential.
They are enemies they are reluctant allies they are snarky and mean to everyone around them. They are dogs circling each other trying to figure out if it's safe to interact. They have saved each other they will always save each other they have put each other in mortal danger they will always want to kill each other and take each other apart. And I fucking love it. Plus the touch and look dynamics in the train episode (once you brighten it enough to see them) are fucking insane.
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voltronisanobsession · 5 months
Hi! It's me again, I was wondering if I could ask a Derek hale x sister! Reader where since the hale fire the reader stop talking to anyone but only her siblings (like laura, Derek and cora) and one day the pack come in to derek's loft and saw reader whispering to Derek a d they ate shocked because even at school she never speak but as soon as she saw them she stop speaking/whispering to him. So the pack always try to make her speak by speaking to her or asking her things but reader either sigh or growl but never speak to them even though they're her pack because she's afraid that they'll die once she will start being friendly with tem, sos some people of the pack start getting frustrated and stiles or someone else make a comment about her being mut or thinking that she was mute and Derek her big brother stand up for her. Please and sorry it's so so long.
Derek defending Reader b/c of their Quietness
UGH YES LOVE THIS🦅🦅🦅 it’s not long bro, don’t even worry about it, I love writing for teen wolf teehee
Idk if I did you justice but I hope you enjoy this!!
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Derek is SUPER protective of you, like it’s not even funny😭
Since you’re with your older brother most of the time, the pack has gotten used to your presence and silence, yet were always so curious to know more about you!
But whenever they’ve come across you, whether it be at school, walking down a street, or even when fighting, you never say a peep to any of them
They obviously know that you somewhat care for them with all the times you’ve saved their asses from trouble, but you’re just so quiet that it’s hard to form a connection with you
I don’t think they’ve actually heard your voice besides from the occasion sigh or chuckle you would let out whenever someone said something funny
At one point they all just assumed you were mute until they one day unexpectedly dropped by Derek’s studio when they hear faint talking from outside his door
Of course they hear Derek’s deep voice, but they also hear a new voice as well
This once is much softer, yet filled with life as they heard the joyful laughing of this unknown person
Stiles being Stiles, homeboy just barges in to see who this new person only to see the surprised faces of you and your brother
“You can talk?!” Is definitely the first thing this dude would say
Your mouth is glued shut at the question and before the group can begin interrogating you, Derek steps in to separate you all
Since then, the group (mostly stiles tho) would try and make you talk
Whether it be about the most random things, they are always in some way waiting for your response
I think Allison would be the one in the pack to understand your hesitance of forming a connection with them because of your terrible pst
She understands your boundaries and only converses with you when it’s only the two of you
Allison doesn’t let her surprise how on her face you you laugh at a joke she offhandedly said to make you feel comfortable
She’s the only one you would actually talk to in private, allowing her to take a place in your heart with how many times she’s saved you, and made you laugh
Scott doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable by any means, but sometimes the silence between you both makes him feel awkward
He definitely bugs Derek about it though. Because of how much he asks about it, Derek does fold at one point and reveals why you never speak around them
Scott sees you in a different light at the knowledge of you scared of forming relationships with them, but he doesn’t treat you any differently
He’s learned to embrace the silence and calmness you bring, throwing smiles towards you every now and then when you guys make eye contact
Lydia and Stiles are more of the pushy types, always bothering you about why you don’t talk
Lydia learns to just let I go though after the first few times she tries talking to you
She doesn’t wanna waste her breath when you won’t even respond to a yes or no question😭 you usually communicate with her with your eyes or by nodding your head
Stiles on the other hand won’t let go of it
He’s always asking you questions, waiting for a response before babbling about something else
There are times that he asks sensitive questions which he knows is wrong and insensitive of him but he just wants to hear you speak again
I think we all know how stiles is, pushing someone’s else’s limits until they actually do so emerging to him to him shut up💀
I think Scott might reveal a little about you to Stiles because of how annoying he’s gotten about the subject
Stiles actually gets fed up one random day tho after the group almost gets killed because of your reluctance to communicate with them, making an off handed, and lowkey insulting, comment towards you
“What, are you finally gonna speak at our funerals when one of us dies? There won’t really be a point in doing so though.”
Might not seem like much, but for you, your heart breaks at that
He will admit it’s not his proudest moment
The second the comment leaves his mouth tho, Derek is slamming the younger boy against a way and giving him the death stare
Everyone gasps at the sound of Stiles hitting the wall
Scott tries to make Derek let go, but Stiles was talking shit to his younger sibling and he’s not gonna take that
You quickly walk over though, resting a hand on his arm
Everyone is supposed, even Derek, when you speak
“It’s ok Derek, let him go.”
After a moment of hesitation, Derek lets Stiles go, not before threatening to rip his head off if her ever speaks to you like that
Once he’s backed off, you look to Stiles, eyes filled with hurt and anger
“Are you happy now Stiles?”
And boom, you angrily walk away leaving everyone tense, Allison chasing after you
I think this’ll have a more emotional affect on you because this dude basically forced you to kinda relive a trauma you’ve grown to have
He destroyed the coping mechanism you had, which was keeping to yourself in silence
But maybe this was the push you needed. Maybe you needed someone to break you out of this shell you were in.
It was a difficult and scary process for you, but with the support of Derek and Allison, you slowly began speaking more
Starting with small comments, everyone gave you time and space to go at your own pace when talking with you
I think you would have a stutter because of your limited amount of contact you’ve had with other people throughout the years
So the pack patiently as you get out the words and sentences you stumble on occasionally
They don’t make fun of it, but instead encourage you to continue, especially if you get frustrated when you can’t get out a specific word
They are also there to remind you that they’re always going to be there for you, and that they won’t ever leave you💔
You appreciate so much because that’s been your number one fear ever since the fire that happened all those years ago
While at first things were still awkward with you and Stiles, he apologized the second you guys were alone
He’s super sincere and remorse full of the way he treated you. You accept his apology, but not without giving him the classic Hale threat if he ever does it again🤭
Derek is still super protective of you and always reminds you to not push yourself
You honestly love and appreciate him for that, and often remind him how much you appreciate him
Cora, if she’s visiting, would be surprised to hear you talking freely now. While she gives Stiles the stink eye at hearing how it all happened, she’s lowkey happy that you’ve finally broken from your chains of doubt
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hedwig221b · 2 months
🤲 please can I have another snippet? I’m thirsty and your writing is the only thing to satiate me
Stiles couldn’t help but trace Derek's cheekbones with the tips of his fingers. Every wrinkle on that face was lovely to him, every tiny scar.
With an amused huff, Derek pulled Stiles’ hands away and kissed his fingers. “Come here.”
He gathered Stiles in his arms and sealed their lips in a kiss.
Full of biting reassurance and hot shared desire, it made Stiles’ heart beat faster. Not from the jealousy this time — though it still had its bitter thorns buried inside him — but from the possessiveness of Derek’s hands sliding across his spine and the slickness of his tongue against Stiles’.
He could spend an eternity kissing Derek Hale and still be hungry for more.
“Come to my rooms tonight,” Stiles breathed into the sliver of space between them. Their lips kept touching and Derek couldn’t resist catching them. “Please.”
“Midnight?” Derek’s voice was hoarse and deep.
“No. Let us dine together. Father knows and I’ll be damned if he does anything about it. If someone asks, tell them a spoiled brat kidnapped you.”
Derek chuckled against his cheekbone. “If that is a prison, then lock me in for the remainder of my days.”
Stiles bit his lips that refused to stop widening in a smile. “Shall I wait for you, then?”
“Please, do. I’ll come right after the evening rounds. It won’t be long.”
“I shall charm the sun to set it faster.”
can this be counted in for WIP Wednesday, @dear-massacre? pleek
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christinesficrecs · 7 months
Any recs where Talia or the hales absolutely hate stiles or disprove of their relationship? I’ve already read the searching ceremonies.
hedwig221b (don't feel awkward! 🩷) also had a fic that matches this ask. So, go read that as well if you're a fan of the angst.
The Happiest of All by Hedwig221b | 32.5K | Explicit
“It’s every wolf’s dream. To find a perfect mate, to procreate. It’s a necessity, it’s healthy. It’s in our blood; akin to the moon in the sky, a wolf belongs to their mate. And humans don’t have the capacity to become a mate.”“But I love him,” Stiles whispered, begged.Talia stayed silent for a couple of minutes.“That’s why you should understand it’s not healthy for him to be with you,” her words were simple and clear, like a piece of glass, but sharp all the same. “He will not find true happiness with you. You’re wasting his time. Preventing him from having a future he deserves.”
Also, compromised-emotionally suggested this one.
Down By Contact by standinginanicedress | 117.4K | Explicit
Lydia looks over her shoulder to look at Derek Hale again, then back to him. “He’s an asshole, you know.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Stiles is confused, furrowing his brow. “I’ve only spent the last ten years of my life fighting with him.”
“Yeah, but, I mean, he’s an asshole,” she draws the word out nice and long, as if it takes on a different meaning depending on exactly how she says it. “No one who has ever dated or hooked up with that guy has ever had anything nice to say about him after the fact.”
“What do I care about that?”
She looks at him. It’s that all-knowing, all-seeing gaze, like the eye of Mordor. Stiles feels tiny under its wrath, so he looks away and stares down at his beer can, traces the design with his thumb. “I know you, Stiles Stilinski.”
“Not really. We only dated for, like, five months.”
With a snort, totally uncharacteristic of her and something she would never do sober, she rolls her eyes. “Gee, I wonder why.”
Hmmm. Not really, but here are a few.
Divided We Stand by  KouriArashi | 156.7K
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn’t expect and aren’t sure they approve of….
A Pair of Shoes by ReedMeme | 5.7K | Explicit
He was the human boyfriend. A lot of them don't really approve. Of course his boyfriend had to have a huge family. Which makes sense with the whole Werewolf thing, he supposes. But once in a while, Stiles still wishes he knew that before falling abso-fucking-lutely head over heels for Derek Hale.
Hello, Heartbreaker by  astoryaboutwar | 18.4K
Stiles and Derek have been fuckbuddies for a while when Derek loses his memories of the past three years - and them - in an accident.
Talk Me Down by SylvieW | 26.3K | Mature
After the Hale family narrowly escapes the fire, Derek moves to New York to escape their lingering resentment. There, he meets Stiles, and feels an instant connection to him, but their relationship, and Derek’s self worth is tested by the hurdles Derek’s pack throws at them
I Would Fake Forever With You by Halevetica | 53.9K
Derek Hale is the black sheep of the family, always has been. That’s why he moved to Seattle. Now he’s got a job he loves, a nice apartment with an incredibly hot and endearing neighbor, Stiles Stilinski. One night when Derek’s overly large and demanding family shows up early for their yearly visit, they run into Stiles, who is accidentally introduced as Derek’s boyfriend.
Taught by Experts by unpossible | 29K
“Let me get this straight,” Stiles says. “You’re going to be publicly dating someone else.”
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Stiles: Would you love me if I was a worm?
Derek: Well, it would only be fair.
Stiles: We need to work on your self-esteem.
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teecupangel · 6 days
Hey, what you think about Desmond in Teenwolf universe? Like him working there in bar and eventually help gang with supernatural problems(because well he can fight and doesn't want these teenagers die?)
Oh, man. I was into Teen Wolf years ago so let’s see what we can do with this one.
First of all, we’ll put Desmond in the gap between Season 1 and 2. Why?
Because he’s there to investigate the killings of Season 1. It’s a personal thing.
It’s connected to Ratonhnhaké:ton because his Bleed of Ratonhnhaké:ton makes him believe that there is something familiar with the way those people were killed by a ‘wild animal’.
He’s not sure if it’s related to a POE though but it’s worth investigating (we will also be moving the timeline of Teen Wolf so S1 happened in 2013 instead of 2011 and this is after Desmond saves the world from the Solar Flare)
The real reason why he’s there though is because he’s supposed to be hiding. After his attack on Abstergo’s Rome facility, Interpol has been on his tail so he needs to lay low for a bit.
We’re also placing him between S1 and S2 so there’s some time for him to integrate himself to the plot. Specifically, he’s working in the Jungle where the problematic teenagers would get themselves in trouble later when the hunt of the Kanima starts.
That’s also when he becomes entangled with the plot because he’s been researching about the ‘new’ killings happening all around Beacon Hills and, Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, there were a lot of reds calling themselves ‘hunters’.
Desmond has a feeling that something more was going on.
In this one, Desmond actually spots the teenagers as they enter Jungle because he’s been a bartender long enough to spot problems (and Jungle doesn’t want problem, especially since being a gay club means they’re not unused to some… annoying flies) so he pats the other person working the bar with him, which is a silent signal that he was going to switch to being the teenage bouncer and give their actual bouncer another scolding (seriously, he doesn’t care if sweet boy Danny is planning to graduate early or whatever, he’s still in highschool)
Then he feels it.
Something about these teenagers that alerts him. A ghost of a Bleed from Ratonhnhaké:ton…
And then the Kamina attacks and all hell breaks loose.
Unorganized Notes:
Would absolutely push himself into Derek’s little pack because he sees the cool front that Derek is showing and calls bullshit on it. He doesn’t know they’re werewolves yet but he knows something is up and Derek’s pack has information. Caring for the pack later on was not the plan.
He sees Erica, Boyd and Isaac as recruits in need of care. Derek is annoyed with him though because he keeps butting in to tell him to be nicer or to explain it more and- Desmond has no idea what a Stiles is but he’s probably being insulted, the asshole.
He does learn what a Stiles is because Stiles annoyed him by visiting the club repeatedly. The Drag Queens love him and has adopted him and has band together to stop Desmond from throwing his underage ass out.
Stiles is the one who spills the whole werewolf hunter thing because he thought Desmond’s strange mannerism (“It reminds me of my dad but like… more spec ops?” “You play too many video games, squirt.”) might mean he’s a hunter.
Oh and Stiles being in the club a lot? Yeah. Sheriff Stilinski gets into this whole mess because he’s sus of Desmond. It doesn’t help that Desmond has been teaching Stiles a few tips of how to fight (“Why… why do you know that you should kick off the tail lights of a car if you’re inside the trunk?” “My dad’s a cop, dude. I know how to shoot too. Wanna see?” “With your flailing limbs? Nah, I’m good”)
Desmond is an annoying older brother to both Derek and Stiles. The pack loves him for it.
Scott thinks he’s cool too but he’s a bit wary of him since he’s close to Derek. He’s also worried that he’s being used to pull Stiles to Derek’s pack.
But that’s not really Desmond’s problem at the moment because the Bleed of Ratonhnhaké:ton he’s been ‘feeling’?
That’s because Ratonhnhaké:ton has confronted werewolf hunters before. To be more exact, the Argents during his time in France. Arno Dorian is actually the one who got the wrath of the Argents but that extends to the Brotherhood in general.
The Argents are not Templars but they definitely don’t like the Brotherhood. And Gerard Argent? He has a feeling an Assassin is snooping around their hunting ground. It’s only a matter of time before he finds the rat.
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derpylittlenico · 7 months
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[insert screaming keysmash]
(... don't ask me, idefk. i just love these extra bitches)
"This had to be some kinda...bizarre bit of karmic bullshit, or whatever, because it was so beyond unfair that the one time he accidentally texts Peter instead of Cora, he admits to wanting to swallow him down like he was the last glizzy at the Pump N Go. That.....was probably dirtier than it sounded in his head. Probably lucky he hadn't said that. Not the point. The point was? His luck fuckin blew."
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eevylynn · 6 months
The person who says that Derek is a "fake edgy ass bitch" is like... completely bonkers
He's not edgy at all?? Stiles is the edgy one??? Derek is the softest marshmallow boy ever
Anyone that says Derek is edgy only ever casually watched scenes with him during seasons 1 and 2 and only ever took in the most basic, surface level information on him. They see him going through The Horrors, and assume he must be edgy. They see the Alpha spark going through him, and they assume he's on a power trip (versus trying to be a stable pack, so they can survive against enemies)
That is the only explanation because if you pay him even the slightest attention, you'd see how much of gooey, softhearted marshmallow Derek is. He just wants to be a part of a safe, thriving pack again. He was born the middle child in a huge pack that included born werewolves and humans alike. He wasn't meant to be an Alpha. He wasn't meant to be alone.
But because he is (and 100% puts the blame on himself), he built this armor around himself to protect who he truly is, and he only lets those he trusts most to see past that for the longest time.
Unfortunately, shallow people can't see that.
Sidenote: the edgiest thing about Derek is that sharp tongue of his. Which is why Stiles has so much fun bantering with him- because THAT is an edgy little bastard boy.
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derek and stiles are literally like "stiles wouldn't mind loving a boy, if it meant that boy wasn't derek" and "derek wouldn't mind loving stiles, if it meant that stiles wasn't a boy". THEY'RE LITERALLY " I love you" AND "I wish you were a girl"! THEY'RE "you were a wonderful experience" AND "you were everything"!!!!!! THEY'RE SO "you came" "you called" CODED YOUR HONOR, I CAN'T EVEN-
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