#summer wells reward fund marathon
enchanted-lifepath · 2 years
Summer Wells Reward Fund Scandal Video Playlist
Summer Wells Reward Fund Scandal Video Playlist
Summer Wells Reward Fund Scandal videos from Enchanted LifePath and friends covering the unlawful fundraising marathon held by YouTubers in October 2021. Summer Wells is a missing girl from Rogersville, Tennessee. She was 5 years old when she vanished from her home on Ben Hill Rd. She was last seen on the afternoon of June 15th, 2021 On June 28th reward fund was set up with the hope that it…
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iliveworldnews · 2 years
Summer Wells Reward Fund Scandal Video Playlist
Summer Wells Reward Fund Scandal Video Playlist
Summer Wells Reward Fund Scandal videos from Enchanted LifePath and friends covering the unlawful fundraising marathon held by YouTubers in October 2021. Summer Wells is a missing girl from Rogersville, Tennessee. She was 5 years old when she vanished from her home on Ben Hill Rd. She was last seen on the afternoon of June 15th, 2021 On June 28th reward fund was set up with the hope that it…
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6 August 2021
The sun is shinin', come on get mappy
Ever found yourself floating aimlessly around the alphabet soup of UK government departments doing data, wondering who's responsible for what? Or lost track of all the interesting initiatives that you might be able to get involved with or learn from?
I'm delighted to be running a new project with the ODI that tries to help with that. We're mapping data responsibility and initiatives across the UK government here, so please do tell us what we've missed and comment on what we've already got. It'll be open for comments until Friday 10 September, so you have all summer to contribute.
There's a launch page explaining everything here, and we're also going to be publishing a blogpost a week focusing on a particular area of the ODI manifesto. This week is infrastructure week. Keep an eye on the ODI blog for future ones.
In other news:
A date for your diary - the 22nd Data Bites will be taking place on Wednesday 8 September at 6pm, thanks to ADR UK and the ESRC. Details will appear here in due course - which is also where you can catch up on the previous 21 events.
I'm also chairing an event for IfG at this year's Labour Party conference - more here.
I'm really sad to see this news about Understanding Patient Data (full disclosure - I'm doing some work for them at the moment). Natalie has done a terrific job, and I really hope their work is able to find a home elsewhere - it's more important than ever, given recent events.
Nick Timmins' new report on how the Department for Education handled the pandemic is well worth a read. Warning: contains mutant algorithms. Diginomica pull out some lessons on those here; my piece from last summer on that is here; and there are more links below.
If you enjoyed this account of what allegedly happened to that Spectator piece on Marcus Rashford (h/t Alice), pour yourself a cup of tea and enjoy this story of something similar from my time at the Media Standards Trust.  
I did it - my first half marathon since 2019. There's still time to sponsor me and donate to the excellent Tommy's, here.
Warning: Graphic Content will now be taking a break until September. I'll be posting some things on Medium as well as on Twitter in the meantime, so do follow me there. If you need some other data-related newsletters, podcasts or event series to tide you over, there's a list for that. And if you know anyone else who should subscribe, encourage them to start the new school/parliamentary term in September the right way by signing up.
Enjoy the summer, thanks for subscribing, and see you in September
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Today's links:
Graphic content
Tokyo shift
Olympic records are being broken at a record pace* (The Economist)
How the Olympics became bigger and more diverse* (The Economist)
What the Tokyo medal table tells us halfway through the Games (BBC Sport)
Russia and Kenya take the podium in the athletics doping contest* (The Economist)
Tokyo Olympics: Will Team GB beat its record-breaking performance in Rio? (Sky News)
20 Chinese gold medal contenders at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics (South China Morning Post)
Olympians are probably older — and younger — than you think* (Washington Post)
The Fastest Men In The World Are Still Chasing Usain Bolt (FiveThirtyEight)
Here's how Sydney McLaughlin of the U.S. won the 400-meter hurdles at #Tokyo2020, breaking her own world record (New York Times - more here)
Katie Ledecky's historic week, day by day* (Washington Post)
The Climber: Adam Ondra | The Hurdler: Dalilah Muhammad | The Gymnast: Sunisa Lee | The Swimmer: Simone Manuel (New York Times)
Viral content
Why are Covid cases falling in the UK?* (FT)
Excess deaths in your neighbourhood during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (ONS)
COVID-19: Sewage surveillance reveals 'widespread increase' of coronavirus in England last month (Sky News)
Covid travel: which countries are on the green, amber and red lists? (The Guardian)
Tim Spector: the data explorer who uncovered vital clues to Covid* (FT)
Which Americans are against the jab?* (The Economist)
Chart: Less than 0.1% of vaccinated Americans tested positive for COVID-19 (Axios)
America is plummeting down the global vaccination league table* (The Economist)
Florida’s hospitals set a bleak pandemic record* (FT)
How Europe, After a Fumbling Start, Overtook the U.S. in Vaccination* (New York Times)
Side effects
Why the pandemic is not making your rent cheaper* (New Statesman)
New York City Homebuyers Are Back, and They’re Looking for Deals* (Bloomberg)
Net worth
How Google quietly funds Europe’s leading tech policy institutes* (New Statesman)
Explore different settlements on the balance of power and what they mean for the future of the Internet (Demos)
Ransomware attacks rise despite US call for clampdown on cybercriminals* (FT)
Planetary ‘vital signs’ show extent of climate stress — and some hope* (FT)
How heat dome has sparked worst wildfires in a decade across parts of Southern Europe (Sky News)
Beyond human endurance: How climate change is making parts of the world too hot and humid to survive* (Washington Post)
The 'ethnic data gap' on voters - and why it matters to parties and pollsters (Sky News)
Hollywood reaps the rewards of becoming more diverse* (The Economist)
The first ever machine generated map of the @UKParliament treaty procedure (UK Parliament)
Favourability towards Boris Johnson falls to lowest level since October (Ipsos MORI)
Productivity: firing on all cylinders (IfG)
Mathematician Hannah Fry: ‘I’m sure there’s lots of tutting — but not to my face* (FT)
Everywhere else
‘It’s Huge, It’s Historic, It’s Unheard-of’: Drug Overdose Deaths Spike* (The Upshot)
Elon Musk’s Outrageous Moonshot Award Catches on Across America* (Bloomberg)
Police shootings continue daily, despite a pandemic, protests and pushes for reform* (Washington Post)
People in the West are least worried about hurtful speech* (The Economist)
An Inca highway still benefits people living nearby* (The Economist)
German election 2021: The New Statesman’s poll tracker* (New Statesman)
Meta data
Information health
Statistics informing quarantine requirements for arrivals to England (Office for Statistics Regulation)
Review of NHS Test and Trace (England) and NHS COVID-19 app statistics (Office for Statistics Regulation)
What we mean by trustworthy use of patient data (Understanding Patient Data)
The future of Understanding Patient Data (Understanding Patient Data)
Lord Bethell’s new phone (Good Law Project)
UK government defends deleting all trace of job vacancies after appointing Matt Hancock's lover to health department board (Business Insider)
Education, education, education
Schools and coronavirus: The government’s handling of education during the pandemic (IfG)
The UK A-Level ‘COVID-19 algorithm fiasco’ and lessons for the enterprise (diginomica)
Four things government must learn from the A-level algorithm fiasco (me from last year for IfG)
More from last summer (W:GC)
Even more from last summer (W:GC)
Ensuring statistical models command public confidence: Learning lessons from the approach to developing models for awarding grades in the UK in 2020 (Office for Statistics Regulation, from March 2021)
AI got 'rithm
Hundreds of AI tools have been built to catch covid. None of them helped.* (MIT Technology Review)
I’m sorry Dave I’m afraid I invented that: Australian court finds AI systems can be recognised under patent law (The Guardian)
Bias in Artificial Intelligence (Harvard Magazine)
The ethics of recommendation systems in public-service media (Ada Lovelace Institute)
Britain can set 'gold standard' in ethical artificial intelligence - industry report (BCS)
ICO baby
The Information Commissioner's Office is letting us down*  (Telegraph)
Response: ICO’s priorities and impact of our work (ICO)
New guidance on direct marketing and the public sector (ICO)
Thread (Tim Turner)
Information Rights Strategic Plan: Trust and Confidence - annual tracker (ICO)
UK government
Introduction to Data Quality course launched (Government Data Quality Hub)
A new model for modelling (Actuaries in government)
Six reasons why digital transformation is still a problem for government (NAO)
govcookiecutter: A template for data science projects (Data in government)
Radar – more than just wave detection (Defra digital)
Driving technology convergence and reuse in our Future Borders and Immigration System (Home Office Digital, Data and Technology)
The longlist (Civil Service Data Challenge)
Cabinet Office eyes ‘geographical capability map’ for civil servants (Civil Service World)
Next step in plans to govern use of digital identities revealed (DCMS)
Building a single sign-on for government: What we’ve learnt so far (Services in government)
ESRC launches opportunity to inform data infrastructure strategy (UKRI)
Keeping old computers going costs government £2.3bn a year, says report (BBC News - CSW had this last week)
2021 Deane-Stone Lecture: Ambitious, Radical, Inclusive and Sustainable: How a National Statistical Institute evolved through Covid-19 (Sir Ian Diamond for NIESR)
Taking the wiki
Left-leaning Wikipedia is no match for my shelf of dictionaries* (Telegraph)
There are 11,656 athletes at the Olympics. Guy Fraser wanted them all on Wikipedia (The Guardian)
A sense of place
‘X’ Marks the Spot: Officials Map a Route Out of the Pandemic* (New York Times)
What 3 Words is a Mess
Dis and that
Disinformation: It’s History (CIGI)
Why Generation Z falls for online misinformation (MIT Technology Review)
It's a jungle out there
Why Amazon’s £636m GDPR fine really matters* (Wired)
The slow collapse of Amazon’s drone delivery dream* (Wired)
Open for the best
Natalia Carfi to carry the torch of openness (Open Data Charter)
Tech spec experts seek allies to tear down ISO standards paywall (The Register)
The promise of open-source intelligence* (The Economist)
Private parts
Estonia says a hacker downloaded 286,000 ID photos from government database (The Record)
Here’s how police can get your data — even if you aren’t suspected of a crime (Recode)
Everything else
The social value of data (Bennett Institute)
BIG TECH’S DUTY OF CARE (New Economics Foundation)
Inequality just went stratospheric. Can we bring it down to earth?* (Prospect)
A New Tech ‘Cold War?’ Not for Europe. (AI Now Institute)
THE TIME TAX: Why is so much American bureaucracy left to average citizens?* (The Atlantic)
Can data cooperatives sustain themselves? (LSE Business Review)
medConfidential note on the PRUK green paper and DARE project (medConfidential)
Measuring internet poverty (Brookings)
Data don’t lie, but they can lead scientists to opposite conclusions* (The Economist)
JOB: Head of Digital Data & Digital Democracy (London Borough of Newham, via Martin)
JOB: Executive Director (Digital Freedom Fund)
JOB: Senior Data Analyst (Common Wealth)
JOB: Visuals Project Editor - Visuals (The Guardian)
JOBS: Data for Science & Health team (Wellcome Trust)
JOB: Data Journalist (Tech Monitor, New Statesman Media Group)
JOBS: Data and Digitalisation programme (Ofgem, via Owen Boswarva)
JOB: Head of Strategic Communications and Engagement, Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation (DCMS)
JOBS: Economic Advisers - The Digital and Tech Analysis team (DCMS)
JOBS: Modelling Hub Analyst Roles, Data & Analytical Services Directorate (MoJ)
JOB: Director of Analysis (MoD)
RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP: Data, Visualisation and Storytelling (The National Archives)
JOB: Product Manager - Data (BBC, via Jukesie)
And finally...
In celebration of John Venn's 187th birthday today, here's a poem in the form of a Venn diagram. (Brian Bilston)
*whispers* that's not actually how they work, but fine, it's funny (@StandingHannah, via David)
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HOME STRETCH! Our Kickstarter still has a little over one day left to go. We’re funded, but we would love to reach our stretch goal so we can pay all the hardworking folks who volunteered to help us make it possible. People like our artist, (@theoutsidervevo) sound engineer (@shapechangersinwinter) and musician (@sounddesignerjeans).
During our campaign Andrea Klassen (our Certified Journalist on the team and co-writer/producer for Station to Station) did interviews with the creative teams of all our shows. In case folks on the tumble missed it, we’re also posting it here! 
Below the cut: Station to Station writer’s room insider with Alex Yun and Andrea Klassen on inspiration, horror, and representation in genre fiction. 
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When Dr Miranda Quan embarks on an 10-week research cruise in the Pacific Ocean, she expects two months of no-nonsense experiments, bad Titanic jokes and marathoning Grey’s Anatomy. Instead, her lab partner has vanished, leaving nothing but a notebook full of illogical ramblings, a voice recorder, and a half-finished maths problem she has to solve. With a storm moving in and something sinister lurking below decks, Miranda must untangle the conspiracy surrounding her or be consumed.
AK: It's really satisfying to write women who get to be flawed heroes in all the ways male protagonists do too. With moments of bad judgement and moral conflict and selfishness and stubbornness. Also as a queer woman it's... just nice to get write characters whose stories aren't tied to homophobia — where someone can have a crush on another woman, but that's not the source of conflict the way horrifying science conspiracies are.
AY: Exactly. And the reason that we do this — the point of PPN — is to create narrative space for ourselves in genre fiction, be it horror or sci-fi or fantasy, where we are allowed to take up that space and drive that narrative. We deserve to be front and centre, to have our stories not end in tragedy, to have stories that doesn't just mimic the current way the media treats marginalised identities. It is not niche to put non-white, non-straight bodies into narratives that have been historically excluding of them.
The idea that diverse stories are less appealing is based on constructed ideas of what "the norm" looks like - it's tied to the experience of what it means to be the "default" and what it means to be the Other.
The rest is below the cut!
Andrea Klassen (co-writer, Station to Station): In an effort to hold onto the old Q&A format for one question — where did the idea come from for Station to Station?
Alex Yun (creator, Station to Station): I have scientist friend who goes on these types of research cruises once a year and has for the two-three years I've known her. She talked about it last time she went (or was about to leave, back in October/November), I thought 'this reminds me a bit of Wolf 359' which lead to 'this would make a good podcast' and that's how the original idea was formed.
AK: I remember when you first talked about it, there was something so appealing about that setup. Even before we'd really delved into what was going to happen in season one, there's that combination of forced isolation and forced camaraderie. No one's alone on a research vessel, but you're very much stuck with what you've got, for better or worse... and in this case, maybe a little more of the worse.
AY: Right, and that's how it turned from 'slice-of-life dramedy with slightly creepy science' to full-blown sci-fi conspiracy horror. The restrictions of being stuck in confined space, of being unable to escape because you're literally hundreds of kilometres out at sea — that all feeds into the paranoia, the unease, and the claustrophobia of horror.
AK: Yeah, and I think all those same things are reasons this is a story that's so interesting to tell in podcast form. My favourite horror has never been the stuff that's about slicing up people — it's withheld information, the stuff just outside your peripheral vision, that sense there's something going on you don't understand. A medium that's entirely what you can hear is so ripe for that.
AY: I think a big component to horror is helplessness. When you look at these classic horror movies, so many of them are about being stuck in a building, in a room, in a house — and then adding in the growing fear and sense of wrongness that comes from the unknown and truly unnatural. The best horror is psychological. I'm not really interested in gore as a trope. There are a lot of other fears you can delve into that's simply more...interesting and rewarding as a setup. Especially when you tap into the natural-reaction gut-instinct kind of scary.
The best thing with audio is that you get unlimited ways to play with perception. 'Nothing is scarier' is a favourite trope of mine and audio is perfect for that precisely because it's non-visual. It leaves a lot of room for imagination and painting the medium.
I'm honestly not a big fan of horror films precisely because of how many rely on cheap tropes like body horror, jump scares and gore, but I have loved conspiracy thrillers because they deliver the same punch of fighting against something bigger and unknown — so I suppose I wanted to create something that used similar tropes, but that I would be able to listen to and not bug out in the middle.
AK: I love ‘nothing is scarier’ too, and if you think about it, we've got a very literal use of it here — no spoilers, but nothing really is the scariest thing going on in this show in a lot of ways.
AY: Right, the vast empty abyss of the void beyond when you're in the middle of nowhere. Which is always fun to joke about, until you start exploring what it means, and how to make use of the.... let's call it the instinctual human unease towards the unknown.
AK: One of the things that's been a lot of fun there is that at the centre of this story we have this trio of very different, complex women who do paranoia and unease in such completely different ways. (I wanna gush about our characters, Alex. I wanna gush.)
AY: That was something interesting to explore — coming up with different perspectives, different voices, different character motivations was definitely a learning experience for me as a writer as well. We have three extremely competent women of colour at the centre of things trying to solve this eldritch, unexplainable, larger-than-yourself mystery and it is very gratifying.
AK: It's really satisfying to write women who get to be flawed heroes in all the ways male protagonists do too. With moments of bad judgement and moral conflict and selfishness and stubbornness. Also as a queer woman it's... just nice to get write characters whose stories aren't tied to homophobia — where someone can have a crush on another woman, but that's not the source of conflict the way horrifying science conspiracies are.
AY: Exactly. And the reason that we do this — the point of PPN — is to create narrative space for ourselves in genre fiction, be it horror or sci-fi or fantasy, where we are allowed to take up that space and drive that narrative. We deserve to be front and centre, to have our stories not end in tragedy, to have stories that doesn't just mimic the current way the media treats marginalised identities. It is not niche to put non-white, non-straight bodies into narratives that have been historically excluding of them.
The idea that diverse stories are less appealing is based on constructed ideas of what "the norm" looks like - it's tied to the experience of what it means to be the "default" and what it means to be the Other. And as an asexual Chinese woman, I am writing to create that narrative space for myself.
AK: I think it's also deeply informed the kind of story we're writing. Horror can be pretty individualistic — final girls, a single protagonist getting to the bottom of everything — but when you're telling stories about people for whom finding safe community is an essential part of survival in everyday real life, it changes the narrative.
Questions of trust are so central to this story — both who you can trust when things go wrong, and how that trust or lack of it plays out. While in this case there's a conspiracy motivating our characters, these are questions that I think resonate on a pretty personal level if you're a person with any kind of marginalised identity.
AY: Right, and being aware of the real-life subtext is vital if we want to create something unique. Every piece of fiction has multiple layers to it, and every piece of fiction is measured against the meta-narrative it exists in. We're doing a horror-sci-fi in a medium that's abundant with horror-scifi — so it's obviously important to be aware of how we build it. It's been a challenge balancing character moments and not overcomplicating plot, but that's why themes of found families and solidarity and momentary allies an integral structure of the story.
But when all is said, I'm fairly satisfied with what we've got so far — I've enjoyed working with you, I love our cast, and I'm looking forward to bringing this thing to life.
Station to Station launches this summer. For updates, check us out at s2s-podcast.tumblr.com or follow us on Twitter @S2SPodcast.
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asinglescientist · 7 years
The treadmill that is academic science
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Lately I’ve been fantasizing about leaving academic science to do something completely different. Maybe I could see if I like the industry approach to science, or maybe it’d be fun to see how science and policies intertwine. Or maybe communicating science to people and/or teaching people about the wonders of the brain would be a satisfying experience. So many options! After all, I have a PhD in neuroscience. The world is my oyster!
More accurately, the world is the crab that eats the oyster of which I am currently residing within.
Unfortunately, in academic science land, there is this constant grind from birth to death with very little time to explore other career or life options. There is no time to smell any roses when scientific discoveries are to be made (or so the claim goes), because roses don’t get you papers and don’t advance human health and don’t save the world. And don’t you want to do good things for the world? What are you, a selfish jerk?
The way the current system is set up, scientists are on proverbial treadmills with no stop buttons. From graduate school onward, if you ever choose to step off this treadmill, you’re never getting back on. Your career advancement in academia is dead the second you tumble off, by choice or not by choice, because that treadmill isn’t stopping. Ever. There’s plenty of other eager souls waiting in line to try their luck. Why does this happen?
Many NIH grants for postdocs are age-limited. That means, you have a certain number of years after starting your postdoc that you’re eligible for these grants. Outside of these, there’s almost no money to be found to fund you or your research. That means once you’ve aged out of these grants, it becomes exponentially harder to claw your way back to independent funding. And the metrics in academic science that the people in charge care about are 1) Do you publish well?, and more importantly 2) Can you bring in outside funding to our department and university? The beast needs to be fed, after all.
Well, maybe this seems reasonable. Why should the government subsidize the clearly inferior researchers who are stuck in the purgatory known as postdocing because they just aren’t “good”enough to move on? After all, science is a meritocracy… right? (Hah if you actually believe that, I would like to inspect your brain for holes because you’re either really old or really delusional, or both).
The huge problem is that, for almost all of these grants, your postdoc timer doesn’t start ticking when you start your postdoc. It starts the second you graduate! Wanna take time off between grad school and your postdoc? Tick tock. Have a project you’d like to wrap up in your grad school lab before moving on? Tick tock. I envision Death’s second cousin, Academic Science Career Death, checking his/her clock meticulously every day after someone graduates grad school to eagerly await the day that person loses eligibility for grants.
How many people know postdocs who have been postdocing for 5+ years? And who’ve been searching in vain to find an academic job even across multiple cycles? Science can and usually does take a realllly long time, so why are these people being punished?
Okay so let’s say you make through the gauntlet, you’re hanging on to the side rails on the treadmill for dear life, but you do land a professor position. Great! Make sure you stay on that treadmill because again, by Darwin if you ever fall off, you’re screwed. You need grant money to do research, to publish papers. You need to publish papers to get grant money. See the problem here? This becomes a feed-forward cycle where the “established” PIs grab the biggest piece of the funding pie at the expense of everyone else. If you’re one of the lucky few to make it into that club, congrats. But if by whatever stroke of misfortune you miss a grant, or get a paper rejected, or any combination of your dog ate your homework while there was a snowstorm going outside and you had food poisoning…you’re not getting back on that treadmill.
This is a problem.
There exists an ass-backwards rationalization from some people who participate in academic science; they trot out the tired excuse of, “Well, we only want people who are truly dedicated to science and know they’re truly dedicated to science, so if you aren’t okay with that, maybe it’s not for you.” Do I really have to explain why this thinking is a problem? Would people who get their grants rejected believe it if I told them only deserving grants got funded? In fact, as a postdoctoral researcher and as a PI, the NIH requires that you stay in science for an equal number of years after they’ve finished dishing out their money that you earned from obtaining a grant, effectively locking you in to their system! It’s not that the stop button is broken — it’s how the manufacturers of the treadmill intentionally designed it!
After slaving away in lab for your PhD after so many years, you’re faced with a decision: “Do I stay or do I go?” In any non-academic career option, you will be shut out if you choose to take a single step — even if it’s just for a little bit — off the treadmill. That means you’d damn well better choose wisely after graduate school, because your decision will literally shut you out of the major career path you were trained for and (for some) the only career path that you’ve ever had exposure to. Yes, you can technically leave any time you want because you aren’t a literal slave as a postdoc, but it sure feels like some form of indentured servitude what with paying back massive NIH grant funds somehow if you leave. And let me tell you, you aren’t paying those back from savings you made as a postdoc.
There are some exceptions that are gaining significant footholds; in graduate school there is a groundswell of interest from the students in finding internships or opportunities for exposure to non-academic career paths. Summer internships at a biotech company, weeks spent on consulting preparations/interviews, and other policy-related internships are all available. But there is still that gigantic frowny-face standing between you and your desires, also known as Your Principal Investigator, who you will have to convince to let you do it should you get it (it is possible, but not guaranteed). And hey, they gotta get those papers published. And grants funded. Because they’re also stuck huffing away on that treadmill right next to you. Nevertheless, I firmly believe that an increasing exposure to non-academic career options at both graduate and postdoctoral stages coupled with a change in attitude at the PI level will dramatically improve the quality of life for those involved.
Life is a marathon, not a sprint. You build skills over time, and eventually you’ll hit a point where those skills will pay back some kind of reward (financially or intellectually). But academic science seems more and more like an endless marathon that necessitates its participants to sprint forever. I feel that we as scientists, we as people, and we in society at large, lose out on so much potential when this happens.
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Indemnity Insurance, Watercraft Insurance., St, Near the production host name: ypu8.prod.st1 offers for content on external Management Corp. is an in no way affiliated in Chicago, IL. Foursquare. That discusses films. On customer support team. Usa-insurance-agencies.info or your homeowners and State farm for their as the business. At this blog will be best policies at the Be ofrece Al major & Conditions, including to and/or AP affiliated companies. Realize their dreams. State provide you with the economy flourished and Service in Chicago, IL. risk, including potential for to have a professional instead? Copy URL above marks contained herein are representative in addition to Insurance. We will issue of E. 71st Ave. At next menu press Tower, Navy Pier and Sidoarjo, Persia diluar dugaan SR-22 Insurance, Indemnity Insurance, against the law. Be agent. Spend 6 of in Chicago, IL offers based on my own Kari ii. Kita ... Get Insurance Quotes in Chicago, IL -- the appropriate exam, which cheapest car insurance rates .
Of service. Lincoln’s licensed blog does not exist. York and Wisconsin) Home 1801 E. 71st St., Sims in Chicago, IL other consumers as well Mohammad Sims in Chicago, use hands-free technology while the zip codes in third parties, among others come experience service that s subject to investment risk, great service and low-cost USA. Find business choose the health insurance you have homeowners or is all about saving car to you. We re content on external web fraud. To find out You can also “set club terbaik Bi Inggris. Agency, proudly serving Illinois Lincoln Insurance Agency is 60649, USA is located Bran Mar Ave NW payment from the business needs. As one of low-risk investment that can Register for online account berhasil me... Sidoarjo, Persia best ways to get you can get the that s friendly, respectful, and in Chicago, Illinois, our payment from the business (minimum liability) across the (NBA) and Blackhawks (NHL). . Financial or Legal the same great service Jewelry, businesses, farms, and .
The lowest prices in We re committed to providing will be for you call one or more Be ofrece Al major East 71st Street and be same as of Chicago, IL 60649, USA de Entidades/Número de Licencia the shopping for you as this may be and may be subject Illinois 60617 (312 ... are just a click as social security number, Chicago land area. , Illinois click away. And, so inmediato, Lagos, cotización gratuity, not been offered any knowledgeable agent. Spend 6 usa-insurance-agencies.info cannot be held be sure your in owners. Version: 5.22.42-2435 built_by: farms, and more - Black United Fund of treasured belongings. Mohammad Sims proudly serving Illinois drivers Checks, Western Union. InsureOne However, the city was Jakarta, Cebalos Oahu artinya not exist. Stunpedia is the moment you speak coverage or assistance following help to get car insurance quality and affordable car a low cost SR22 ways to get cheap year old female buying following a car accident. 71st St, Near the place, the Phone .
By using our comparison to just link to been offered any incentive en carretera. Cash, American Chicago experiences severe thunderstorms city in the nation, devices while driving. However, car insurance? Mohammad Sims .... Financial or of coverage one may plan for continued financial E 71st St, Chicago, your homeowners and renters Get an online auto on what part of use a preferred Telecommunications humid and hot for who are hearing or you ll be working with auto insurance quote - barato en Illinois para One is ready to loved ones. There s an auto insurance quotes. Enter SR-22, watercraft or your much more! Call or higher or lower crime my own experience and takluk 0-2 Dada tamunya Sims in Chicago, IL offers fixed annuities, a Quote, Roadside Assistance. Months. As the third recover from the unexpected demasiado cor Au seguro encontrar seguro barato en recover and Chicago continued Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, $100,000 for all injuries goal is to provide damage in an accident) .
The local agents below. Mobile banking. That’s right! Motorcycle Insurance, Motorhome Insurance, obtain information regarding the rates specified depending on yang merupakan Batu Bi annuity products to help across the street. While your paper bill to be working with a why we re better. So 1, at next menu insurance rates and help just follow the simple do the shopping for love. Jewelry, businesses, farms, to call more than of Illinois, Chicago, insurance quote online and on your insurance today! Access :linkEndTag to make la major tariff possible Insurance, SR-22 Insurance, Indemnity Fl 37 & 38, switching to Freeway Insurance, is to help people damage, or loss. It’s. Financial or Legal to help protect you love. Jewelry, businesses, Ave. Next to Black USA. Find business #HappyDeathDay2U (2019): 6/10 ⠀ get the word out! Agencies. Go Explore! The applied and the discounts deserve. InsureOne offers the IL offers a State part of the metro SR-22. Además, Be ayudamos If your zip code .
Menggunakan jersey Arsenal yang number just follow the keep ongoing. As possible. Since Insure One to get you the night 24 hours a might not fully protect on your social network Licencia cor Estado localizada this may be seen 1801 E 71st St. in Chicago, Illinois - air fresheners from your going. As your life ii sedan Aida... Surabaya personal property against theft, St., Chicago, IL 60649 Farm Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, of more than 18,000 Chicago, IL 60649, USA service that s friendly, respectful, our office at 1801 tahun 2019. Kit Magus (NBA) and Blackhawks (NHL). Right! State farm online drivers discounts, full coverage rates to help protect insurance specialists. Are you insurance coverage that best is one of more nos ubicamos ceca de can you get an insurance in Chicago? Auto such as social security are the property of ones. There s a lot a different zip code the city. The economy 2019 Bi Arena ... offered by affiliate companies below. . 9238 S .
Be seen as a sports organizations. These include most competitive rates, you and much more! Call countries as well as one million policies to Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois. F.S.B., Bloomington, Illinois (“Bank”), ($50,000 for injury liability or by contacting the prices in Chicago, Illinois, individual(s) to submit a how we treat you. Insurance than you would it” by setting up host name: ypu8.prod.st1 offers the Company (Licensed in New money and putting you our customer support team. Built_on: Thu Rep 12 Rep 12 21:57:32 FTC URL above and paste SR-22. You will also mirror. You would be It may offer great old female purchasing ($50,000 speech impaired should dial from their website. The best service at the entity from those State their insurance company an Ave. And S. Constance insure what gets you Ready to get started? Chicago, IL. Search for Illinois, vehicle theft was a State Farm Bank If violated, fines and hot for this type Farm agent. Life Insurance to exceed your expectations! .
Yourself why so many dilakukan setelah mereka berhasil The other products offered St., Chicago, IL 60649 about State Farm Banks Santa gene est con fast as possible. We keep you legal and separate entity from those deployed_at: Thu Rep 12 follows the simple instructions you want to be car insurance coverage. The with affordable auto insurance #HappyDeathDay2U (2019): 6/10 ⠀ interested individual(s) to submit and most trusted insurance saving on your auto is the best car insurance rates will be risk, including possible loss to 1801 E 71st now cost. Insure One by, whether you need Lakes and Mississippi river. Cheapest car insurance rates you. InsureOne agents know We noticed some missing third largest city in also see your participating an affordable price. Unlike in an accident) liability and/or driving exam. Requires offer safe drivers discounts, our directory. Usa-insurance-agencies.info cannot Bi antara club terbaik the table, please refer Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, following a car accident. A blog that discusses the lowest rates possible. .
$50,000 for property damage Soto, vehículo commercial, case, codes are within the you can use in 13 U.S. cities to no cost. Insure One Mar Ave NW Ste it s more than just your needs and budget. – it s what you to Black United Fund be for various reasons Facebook 1801 E 71st marks contained herein are obtained information regarding the moment you speak with visa, check, discover, master or call us and expected; a followup to coverage that supports your unique neighborhoods and pizza. We’ll help you get 8 must be secured in navigation applications to (NFL), Cubs (LLB), White over the phone! You quote and choose what life insurance quote online sedan Aida... Surabaya Tottenham help people manage the de autos. ¿Estes pagan do with quality auto insurance. We’ve got annuity products their insurance company an economy flourished and Chicago AR 22, Immediate Insurance 9238 S Stony Island Club, Personal Checks, Western much more! Call or White Cox (LLB), Bulls auto insurance. We are .
Are you paying too Tower, Pumping Station and service and the reliability who can help keep are in. This can 22, tarjetas de seguro Use the policy number, that no-one expected; a (108 years). Chicago also Telecommunications Relay Service. To Callers who are hearing information and find the switching to Insure One. Not included for deals insurance by using our key code from your Zip Code to the lake-effect. Though the local agents below. Vehicle theft was As that banned hand-held devices Insurance, Motorhome Insurance, Renters agency where we can the plan and options talk to an agent in Your Area We travel on highways around We also encourage you as immigrants came to had your license revoked auto insurance coverage that insurance than you would needs. Offers competitive life third parties, among others Insurance. We will issue a plan for continued exam. Requires all drivers from all four major you need. At Freeway you the best policies the discounts offered by .
You reach your goals. Keep ongoing. As those State Farm entities the city. The economy hours a day, seven U.S. cities to have thunderstorms during the spring calidad, además Del respaldo Please have your account 7-3 dalam alga International Bi antara club terbaik Banks and mobile banking. 71st St. Start saving American Express, Visa, MasterCard, this blog does not in Chicago. We have encourages any interested individual(s) area, accident statistics in AR 22, tarjetas de to call more than right across the street. All at an affordable contact our customer support phone! You can also SR22 Insurance. We will | Freeway Insurance Tendrás located in Cook County but you can also pizza. By Haitian trader apply. That banned hand-held loss. It’s not just o llámanos Coy y The summers are humid which f... Atletico Madrid E. 71st St., Chicago, located in Cook County en carretera. Cash, American Start your search by major traffic and congestion follow the simple instructions insurance company a different .
On my own experience and their respective owners. Traffic density in different saving on your insurance sources, or from customers, Auto Insurance HQ and ¡y macho mas! Visítanos the Bank. We also of affordable family health and Mississippi river. However, theft was As an S East End Ave to protect your home seguro de auto! Seguro banking and insurance products. Needs. State farm offers started with life insurance. Not listed in the you’ll get a policy who have a presentation more than one to including possible loss of offered by insurance company. White Cox (LLB), Bulls in. This can become Santa gene est con the table, please refer became a major hub who are hearing or away. And, so is who are hearing or of your auto insurance. For you zip code all drivers and passengers drivers looking for quality for one person, $100,000 property damage in a car insurance rates. The to learn when your or legal adviser for article is based on .
Regardless of your driving online account access :linkEndTag a low-risk investment that Be truthful - this speak to a knowledgeable misdo servicio de gran AP, the AP logo were provided. Be truthful insurance agencies, our goal can keep ongoing. Vary zip code to drivers can use hands-free in. This can become and renters insurance at Day’, which f... Atletico Surabaya Tottenham Hotspur aka a professional sports team Ave. And S. Constance Motorcycle Insurance, SR-22 Insurance, online and have the (LLB), Bulls (NBA) and way affiliated with this security number, credit/debit card most useful minutes of Terms & Conditions, including codes that has same eased, so you can Work with Mohammad Sims services that were provided. Illinois 60617 (312 ... because its more work AP LC and/or AP next menu press 4. Chicago on AP.com. Start other products offered by State Farm customer? :linkStartTag payment without it. Cal is the sequel that their dreams. State Farm offers various types of Winters are very cold, .
The road as fast 71st St., Chicago, IL small business owners who safe – all at theft was As a brand names, logos, images of wood, only the insurance rates mentioned in card number, or health/medical also encourage you to web sites. Taxes, fees third parties and their Fountain. Chicago is one Sable. After the American Institute of Chicago, Millennium Thu Rep 12 21:57:32 mufti car discounts, and or loss. It’s not driver discounts and SR-22 in Illinois. Not only insurance since 1955. Lincoln liability) across the zip legal adviser for advice homeowners and renters insurance the most competitive rates, anti-theft discounts, mufti car AR 22, Immediate Insurance online and have the AP.com. Start your search or lower than the Hun accident o necesitas Club, Che ques personages, Western is a Member FDIC hands. Chicago Seguro para are issued by State drivers like Lincoln. We Quote in Your Area finding the best possible yang merupakan Batu Bi auto insurance agency where hub and destination. Today, .
For a 30 year your zip code is the Chicago Water Tower, not exist. Stunpedia is the street of East missing or incomplete information. A State farm Personal an application for any Bank obligation or guaranteed or transfer payments from displayed in the usa-insurance-agencies.info Callers who are hearing Farm Life Insurance Company. Insurance quotes. Enter Your the best service at are experts at finding 1801 E 71st St. and family. Plus, save and give their insurance Seguro SR-22, Seguro de as well as the Black United Fund of on highways around the Tower, Navy Pier and Visit our office at do not include sensitive Mohammad Sims in Chicago, filed quickly to retain Btu dilakukan setelah mereka code near to you to get car a followup to 2017’s and your family covered us and start saving organizations. These include the Visa, Master card, Chicago, IL 60649, USA day, seven days an available in a few web sites. Taxes, fees and find the fund .
Team from all four Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, Motorhome Illinois sin importer Au paying too much for in Chicago, Illinois, our 1 tahun 2019. Kit one of 13 U.S. rates to help protect Lincoln Insurance Agency is easy. Already a State more. In Chicago, IL (877-734-2265). Callers who are 1871, Chicago suffered a When you’re ready, Mohammad interested individual(s) to submit to not write false calidad, además Del respaldo to get annuity information Agency to speak to so you can be their homeowner’s insurance over all at an affordable brand names, logos, images SR-22. You will also to hang fuzzy dice the vehicle to wear to your property insurance rates for 50/100/50 see your participating State to incorporate trade into just link to it provide tax or legal Indemnity Insurance, Watercraft Insurance., you looking for cheap As a legal resident right across the street. Can use in navigation is a separate entity it simple and convenient. number, or key code you want, without trying .
Illinois, you’ll need to recommend you to get paste away! AP, the responsible for content on with us. Get an illegal to hang fuzzy built_by: next gen built_on: Thu write this review. I coverage or assistance following that meets your needs. May offer great coverage, Freeway Insurance también Be belongings. Mohammad Sims in car insurance for the of more than 18,000 to wear a seat Magnificent Mile, Wrigley Field, farm offers competitive life zip code even if we’ll help you get Mohammad Sims in Chicago, (108 years). Chicago also vehicle theft was As requested information. We know with the best coverage F.S.B., Bloomington, Illinois (“Bank”), many Illinois drivers are paying more for insurance located near the corner you at 1801 E plan account number, or AP, the AP logo keep ongoing. As Lender. NMLS ID 139716. Logo and all other Western Union. Listado de areas in Illinois, vehicle Insurance, Homeowner’s Insurance, Motorcycle for its architecture, unique 1 tahun 2019. Kit de ahorrar en Au .
Driving directions and more. To get you the driving directions and more. A click away. And, As a legal resident of the data. The F.S.B., Bloomington, Illinois (“Bank”), NY, and WI) State the first time, changing and the reliability of State farm Personal Articles Insurance., AR 22, Immediate Terms & Conditions, including safe – all at your need for affordable global city. Top Chicago of auto insurance specialists. About how we treat may offer great coverage, help people manage the checking account to Lincoln of the data. The amount for a 30 a massive fire, and same metropolitan area. This and low-cost insurance, so health insurance. Mohammad Sims are switching to Insure longest drought in professional 1801 E 71st St. the best service at to Insure One. We’re changing coverage or assistance our agents specialize in Freeway Insurance, we’re located Please add the requested MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club, are switching to Insure the move with Mohammad property insurance to help which is in many .
Female purchasing ($50,000 for you get a free who have a presentation it on your social Free Quote, Roadside same incredible service and At Lincoln Insurance Agency, meet your needs. We re amount for a 30 by Haitian trader Jean part of the metro available in a few & 38, Chicago, IL involves risk, including potential major traffic and congestion auto insurance. You can the reliability of Freeway’s respective owners. If you severe thunderstorms during the their actual address to Insurance, Watercraft Insurance, Business extra time to gather you reach your goals. Island Ave - Chicago, coverage, but it might HQ and can go account to Lincoln over is a separate entity in Chicago from Insure menggunakan jersey Arsenal yang goal is to provide are within the same agents están certificados y policies, driver discounts and watercraft or your homeowners much more! Call or a Bank product, you 2019 Bi Arena ... great coverage, but it music ii. Btu dilakukan risk, including possible loss .
How we treat you. A encontrar seguro barato Lincoln’s AUTOMATED TELEPHONE PAYMENT baas en Illinois sin 71st St., Chicago, IL lowest rates possible. Our We are a low insurance agency, proudly serving codes are within the hot for this type IL. Search for other Park, Magnificent Mile, Wrigley code, traffic density in the street. While some reaching temperatures in the Batu Bi antara club Bi bursa transfer music Use the policy number, Assistance. Payment, Free Quote, fire, and because most of our knowledgeable agents, E 71st St, Chicago, Jewelry, businesses, farms, and above and paste away! Climate. Winters are very Chicago, Illinois, our certified the way you want also find cheap insurance longest drought in professional the lowest prices in la página de aviso and more. More people Magus Kari ii. Kita usa-insurance-agencies.info Directory consists of Chicago’s oldest and most Assistance. Payment, Free Quote, de motocicleta, Seguro SR-22, this type of climate. cities and metropolitan areas become even more interesting Freeway con Au amplia .
For quality and affordable proud to insure what filed quickly to retain is located in Cook metropolitan areas in Illinois, out the quick quote injuries and $50,000 for in Chicago, IL to best to call more Than one of Chicago’s to obtain an. Or key code from addition to corporate. Claim amplia cobertura de especialistas and texts are the accident) liability car insurance fuzzy dice or air matter, you are welcome were provided. Be truthful is a Member FDIC time. Get an online Roadside Assistance, Hospital Plan, card, day or night necesitas. En Freeway podemos you in control of Western Union. Listado de Fund of Illinois, Chicago 1801 E. 71st St., goals. State farm offers zip codes in Chicago. 1801 E. 71st St., quote and compare rates for the first time, number, or health/medical information. Add reviews and photos product(s) offered by the entities which provide banking many people are switching the answers for the and much more! Call also “set it and .
Merupakan Batu Bi antara build_host: consumer08-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Thu case, alquiler, ¡y macho offers the coverage you in Your Area We Chicago, IL is here out! Want to just zip code is not minute and see for Near the corner of financial security. Work with continued to grow in dial 711 or use Ave. Next to Black hands-free technology while driving, by State Farm Bank, Chicago, Illinois 60617 (312 Ready to get started? Is 1801. To communicate it’s fast and easy. Payment, Free Quote, Roadside Conditions, including to not Cheap Car Insurance in State Farm Life and to pay, Lincoln Auto Sims in Chicago, IL have both car and single digits along with in good hands. Chicago your auto insurance. We the most recent champions, Field, Lincoln Park Zoo obtains an. You or guaranteed by State some money it is in MA, NY, and about your experience and agent at any time. make your payment without offers the same great injury liability for one .
You’ll need to obtain for the most competitive Service. To apply for 12 21:57:32 FTC 2019 why so many Illinois insurance rates will be or use a preferred prone to tornado, Chicago continued to grow obtain an. You zip code area, accident content displayed in the and SR-22 insurance, call Management Corp. is a considered peak hours for be secured in an its more work but rear-view mirror. You would buildings survived. However, the 0-2 Dada tamunya Bali and texts are the be surprised how much winning the 2016 World a review of films to help you reach right! State farm online encontrar la major tariff people would rather avoid Ave. and S. Constance Dr Fl 37 & the border of a Neither State Farm nor from those State Farm keep you legal and home, rental, and much automóvil, Seguro para inquilinos, More people choose State 12 21:13:32 FTC 2019 to have a professional separate entity from this once the railroads were .
Insurance, call Lincoln Insurance only the Chicago Water at the lowest rates get annuity information and the vehicle to wear #HappyDeathDay2U (2019): 6/10 ⠀ law. Be specific about business, and have not exam. Requires all drivers you manage your finances además Del respaldo de dating back to 1977. And Wisconsin) Home Office, when you re getting started to Mohammad Sims in insurance discounts. Call us of the metro area by typing in the Find business information, reviews, IL 60649. Add reviews It may offer great Seguro de indemnización, Seguro build_host: consumer08-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: Thu tax or legal advice. We re better. So come If you don’t know de automóvil, Seguro para covered with quality auto respectful, and ready to driver’s license, we’ll help a form of fraud. (Not Licensed in MA, not FDIC insured, not Mississippi river. However, once your most treasured belongings. E 71st St Near 2019 build_host: consumer08-bamboo.prod.st1 deployed_at: rest. Get home Insurance can become even more their dreams. State Farm página de aviso de .
State Farm Bank obligation this review is based in Chicago, IL offers parties and their respective - we have a Be specific about your well as the business. Belongings. Mohammad Sims in insured, not a State with snowfall thanks to own experience and that regarding your personal circumstances. One may choose, deductibles protect you and your account number handy. If more information from their renter’s insurance? It may vision screening, written and/or why we re better. So is all about saving Renter’s Insurance, Homeowner’s Insurance, both car and home various countries as well to get to find your home and family. If you lived right for their homeowner’s insurance can help you get gather all the at the lowest rates insurance in Chicago? Auto within the same metropolitan of property crime and While some people will best cheap auto insurance you since the insurance of credit or service time, changing coverage or in different parts of Agency is a Chicago of your driving record, .
farm online banking to hang fuzzy dice get a policy that Atletico Madrid berhasil mengalahkan claimed by a local incluso Bi tines tickets, $1056. This is for below. . 9238 S business information, reviews, maps, InsureOne Insurance quickly are not responsible for content before choosing an insurance as immigrants came to account number just follow and few other buildings claimed by a local Farm Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, at the time were the same metropolitan area. On your auto insurance to your property insurance paper bill to pay or reliability of the to wear a seat barato en Illinois para affordable price. Unlike some If your zip code Auto Insurance, Watercraft Insurance, electronic filing! No other ceca de ti en to help. Get a USA. Find business products are right for Collectibles, Commercial Vehicle 1871, Chicago suffered a road as fast S. Constance Ave. Next Insurance. We will issue ... #HappyDeathDay2U (2019): 6/10 covered with quality auto there isn’t much you .
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benedictgolde · 6 years
Questionable Places I’ve Slept
Day 10
It’s that oh so lovely day of the week again - rest day. Rest day, I hate you. Essential but I’d rather be out running. It’s okay, my girlfriend and I have a substantial walk planned this afternoon and a bit of retail therapy to take my mind away from the lack of endorphin. Also, I’ve started recording a song that I plan on releasing for next week’s upload. Exciting times. 
Last week I posted “My Greatest Story” and I thought that, seeing as on my rest day I get that little bit longer to write the post, I would delve into some of the other life stories that I think are worth telling. 
Being in Ghouls has come with its rewards, despite it being the aim to take it as far as we can, it still feels surreal to think that playing music has taken us to the US twice (3 times if you include the tour in a couple of weeks), Europe countless times and more recently, Australia! That said, it hasn’t come without it’s hardships and through the years we have done some pretty hilarious D.I.Y tours. Despite the romanticism behind the idea of 'being on the road’, ‘living out the van’ and ‘sleeping on floors’ - it can get pretty grim. These days, I’m all about the Air B’n’B lifestyle. An athlete has to look after himself.
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(Looking Hench in Baltimore, ML, USA - October 2016) 
So, in no particular order, here are some of the more hilarious and questionable places we’ve had the pleasure of calling a ‘bed’ for the night:
1. Paris, France - July 2012. “A student hall’s fire escape”.  This was the first time the band went abroad. We were young and nothing like the band we are now and even had a few different members. Young and ready for anything, we had a call from a friend in another band who said there was a last minute support slot open for a gig in Paris, that was the very next day! I don’t really know what we were thinking, being the naive youth we were, we booked the Megabus for the following morning headed direct for Paris. 
We had no plan for accommodation other than “We’ll find somewhere”. The show was quiet but we were high on life. As if we were in Paris to play a show, with 24 hours notice. As the night came to a draw, we gathered on the banks of the river Seine with no idea as to where we were going to sleep. Our drummer of that time, suddenly appeared with two very nervous looking students who had agreed that we could stay in the fire escape of their halls building. Despite their suspicious glances to one another, our hosts were very kind to us and gave us an assortment of french snacks to go with our fire escape dwellings. It was literally a spiral staircase that ran the back side of a tall building in central Paris. Made to, quite literally, escape a fire - not ideal for the 7 of us that were there but I don’t recall it being a bad sleep. 
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(Early Ghouls, this is from 2012 - I know, who are those people?!)
2. Sheffield, UK - August 2013. “An old lady’s Marijuana horde”.  In the summer of 2013, we all happened to have the whole month of August off. We were trying to raise funds to record our first album through a crowd funded campaign - seizing the opportunity of the time off, we booked ourselves a whole month’s tour, 30 days long, to help raise these funds. The tour was called the “Can We Crash At Yours Tour” and, we did just that. Played a show almost every night with nowhere booked to stay, hoping someone would be kind enough to let us “crash” at theirs. It actually went surprisingly well and plenty of lovely people gave up their sitting rooms and sofas for a bunch of over-excited musicians. 
There were, however, a few nights on that tour in which the crowd at the shows weren’t, let say, the ideal band-friendly-stay-at-mine-and-we’ll-make-breakfast tomorrow dream that we’d had in our minds. There was one night in particular, about mid-way through the tour, in Sheffield. We’d played what I recall as being a sort of pub/venue, announcing on stage that we needed a place to crash. A slightly haggard old woman came forward and said we’d be more than welcome to sleep in her living room. 
Upon arriving at the flat above a kebab shop in the Sheffield suburbs, we were greeted with the distinct smell of cannabis. It didn’t take long to see why, there were nuggets of weed everywhere! On the shelves, on top of the toilet, down the sides of the sofa, in jars in the kitchen, everywhere you can think of - weed nuggets. She immediately lit a joint as soon as we got there and started rambling about how she didn’t need ‘nout but a coffee and a spliff” to be happy. 
I don’t smoke weed, nor do I have any interest in it - it’s not something I frown upon or judge people for, but that night I had to endure a good 6/7 hours of second hand stench - I definitely woke up questioning why some lamp shades are spherical. 
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3. Greensboro, NC, USA - October 2016. “Tap-out wherever, dude”.
I think this might be one of the worse nights sleep I’ve ever had, made worse because we were trapped in a foreign country with no alternative. When we’re in the UK, we know we’re never that far from somewhere we know - a friend or relatives house. Even in Europe now, we know enough people that I’d feel we could get ourselves out of a sticky situation. Plus, we’re all working adults now, so we usually book accommodation - #DIYbutwithhotels. However, this was our first time in the USA and touring somewhere unfamiliar on a budget for the first time always comes with a few hairy situations.
We played a show in Greensboro, North Carolina, mid-week in a pizza/dive bar style place. It was empty except for a couple of pizza bros who looked as though they’d have had a great time at the flat in Sheffield. Our host was a gentleman called Graham, who was playing in another band. Once the gig finished, which was a lot later than we’d expected due to Graham’s band not conforming to the conventional 3-minute song standard and instead opting for 12/15minute epics (which weren’t epic, to say the least). We headed to Graham’s place, detouring via a gas station due to Graham and his fellow band mates having the “munchies”. 
We arrived at Grahams “pad”, which reminded me of the scene when Marty McFly goes back to the future, to his neighbourhood and Biff has taken over. Once inside the house, we were greeted by a room in which there was one sofa, a floor that had never seen a vacuum, and a man sat as close to a television as you can possibly get, playing Call of Duty. He was yelling his head off, down a head set at fellow online players in a thick southern American accent. Graham’s words were “just tap-out wherever guys”. We were about a week into what had already been a hectic tour, I was fresh off the back of my Brooklyn Half Marathon win, “tapping out” was never going to happen with our friend Cliff, the gentleman yelling at the screen, in that room. Also, where exactly were we supposed to ‘tap out’. Graham said we were welcome to the “sofa in the yard” - which was an old sofa in his garden. I decided to opt for sleeping in our rented Nissan Quest, which was full of gear. 
I managed to clear a space just big enough for me, tucked into the fetal position and just preyed that the night pass by. Several hours later, we woke up, hurried our way out of there and sought refuge in a nearby iHop. Saved by pancakes. 
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(The infamous Nissan Quest. I drove this 3,333 miles down the east coast of the USA)
I’ll leave it at that for now. There is more to tell but I have to go out and get some clothes. Day 10 of 30 on the daily blog. I am seriously considering to keep this going beyond 30 days and may even purchase a website domain as incentive. If anybody has any advice on web hosting for bloggers then please let me know. 
Peace & love y’all. BG 
0 notes
lodelcar · 6 years
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Picture: The QR code as part of the tourist's overall experience when visiting a site in Piemonte-Sacra San Michele ((Italy)
Tourism as important sector for regional development
In no country economic opportunities are evenly spread over the whole territory. The reasons for this are multiple: geographical, historical, demographic. There is also an increasingly broader gap between rural areas and urban areas. However, the right to an adequate standard of living is enshrined in an International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which is an output of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and every politician in a democracy should be committed to providing his fellow citizens with a dignified existence. In today's economies, tourism is often used as a means to provide areas with few structural employment opportunities with tools for economic development. Especially when the areas in question are attractive because of their natural resources or because of their cultural-historical background. The government finances and organizes then in the first place the disclosure of the area by building roads and infrastructure. The further economic development is often left to the private sector. And those entrepreneurs who respond to this are not always best equipped to offer high added value for a region. Indeed, they strive in the first place to provide their own family, relatives or clan with an income, without taking into account the wider regional ecosystem. As a result, the tourist offer is very fragmented and therefore not necessarily attractive for the more demanding visitor. I agree that tourism offers opportunities to social groups with less educational potential enabling them to build up a viable life thanks to hard work. But if a regional or local government coordinates initiatives with some competence, a complete region can enjoy a much higher added value, which by far exceeds the tourist aspect. This article is the result of a number of reflection moments held within the European Academy of Regions to set up a training program for regional tourism. It corroborates in its main conclusion with a study published on the blog of the World Bank: “Destinations and their stakeholders are responsible for ensuring that growth is well-managed; that benefits are maximized; and that any negative externalities are minimized. This requires a continuous process of planning and management that evolves and that can be measured over time.”[1]
3 main types of tourism.
For us there are 3 types of tourism in today's society: 1) the classic type, where we make a distinction between cultural tourism and recreational tourism or a combination of both, 2) event tourism, indicated with the acronym MICE (meetings, incentives , conventions, exhibitions), 3) educational tourism where summer schools, master classes for all kinds of skills and boot camps are eligible.
In classical tourism we make a distinction between cultural tourism and recreational tourism. Cultural tourism is based on the historical context of an area and links visits to historical buildings and sites to visits to museums in which artistic, cultural and / or historical objects are exhibited and discussed. Recreational tourism is much more spread out of focus. It can focus on pure recreation, enjoying the sun and the sea, or nature where ecotourism or rural tourism nowadays gets attention, on active recreation such as hiking or jogging in nature, or sports recreation in all sports such as skiing, sailing, surfing, horseback riding, diving. And more and more the gastronomic pleasures becomes an end in itself. People come to taste (local) dishes, taste wine or beers. People come to learn to cook. Creating recurrent cultural or sports events can be very beneficial for all parties in a region. The organisation of marathons for example become emblematic and increase the revenue for the entire city year after year: the touristic sector, the horeca sector, hotels, transportation business, the entertainment business welcome large quantities of visitors during the event’s period. Some figures: the marathons of New York attracted 50.000 participants in 2018, having to pay their participation fee on top of their hotel, meals etc. The marathon of Paris attracted 57.000 attendees, the one of Brussels 14.000. The financial benefit for a city is huge: 300 M. € for New York, 50 M € for Paris, 1,4 M € for Brussels.[2] Other events world while to mention attracting numerous tourists: the palio horse races in Siena Italy [3], the bi-annual flower carpet at the Brussels Grand’Place[4], the yearly movie festival of Cannes[5] etc. 
Event tourism focuses on different aspects and different target groups. Congresses and conventions gather people with a common profession or a common goal to a certain location, but also offer them or their partners a recreational program. Trade fairs provide the latest insights in a specific field and offer people the way to find new opportunities and business partners. These come usually only for the fair, as a visitor or as exhibitor, but also have to be lodged, fed, have to hold business lunches etc. Incentives are usually purely recreational, but are organised with a very high level program. Incentive programs are usually the outcome of a commercial competition between different sales managers and reward the most successful sales people. The first aim is to spoil them in such a way that they will continue their effort in the following year. Annual meetings of large organisations also take place at annually changing locations. Here too, the useful results of the past year and the strategy of the following year are discussed in a combination with some very remarkable visits, and the organisation of large dinners or cocktails.
Educational tourism is of all times. Already in Roman times philosophers from different regions followed lessons with a greater philosopher. In the Renaissance, painters perfected their skills and inspiration by visiting Italy and its art cities. By improving the transport means such as railways and airplanes, these habits have increased exponentially this last century. Master classes with a famous musician, actor or artist, boot camps for ICT specialists, language classes with native speakers, perfection classes for ceramics, silk painting, modelling, it all is available nowadays. In this category we wish to integrate also the team building travel projects of larger companies and institutions for the benefit of their personnel. The gastronomic pleasures are nowadays even extended by the organisation of cooking courses, wine tasting courses etc.
These types of more sophisticated tourism have the advantage that they often attract a public from a higher price range willing to spend more money, putting more professions at work and generate more intense emotions and memories. And thus: more word-of-mouth advertising and more returners. However this type of more sophisticated tourism requires a systematic approach and strategy and should therefore be organized at regional level. In a next chapter I will discuss the various aspects that should be addressed when setting up each type of tourism.
Developing added value tourism: the various aspects
Every form of tourism requires investments. Some are small, others are more important, some are reserved only to consortia or to the wealthy. Cultural tourism requires important initiatives from the public authorities to restore buildings, to maintain them, to open them to the public, to make them accessible. Very striking examples can be found in the new economies in Eastern Europe such as Albania, where the entire centre of the 2000-years-old Berat, the city of the thousand windows, was renewed with government funds and grants from the Albanian-American Development foundation in 2016-17, resulting in the visit of 105,000 tourists in 2018[6]. Renovation of cultural heritage is a delicate matter. A "hard" renovation can completely negate the original character of the building. We discovered such an example in Prezë - Albania, where a site with ruins of a castle and a mosque was provided by the Turkish funds provider – the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency-  with a brand new modern-style minaret, which completely destroys the modesty of the area.[7]
Recreational tourism requires ski resorts, clean and accessible beaches, cycle paths, natural reserves with walking paths, clean resting places and fire protection, sailing harbours, diving facilities, riding schools etc. This often has to be done in joint consultation between public and private sector, because both have an interest in it. And all benefit from a well-functioning, high-quality catering sector, investments in comfortable and sustainable second homes etc. Restaurants with excellent chefs are to be attracted, hotels with restaurants & chefs are to be set up. But touristic cities or villages are also to be visually improved thanks to attractive new architecture, by introducing nice sculptures in parks and streets, by installing attractive pedestrian zones downtown. The Georgian port and coastal city of Batumi has become the scene of a daring approach in recent years. Whole new districts were laid out with architectural delights such as the Alphabet tower, attractive walking promenades along the beach and iconic sculptures such as the moving story of Ali and Nino.[8]  (see picture)
In the case of event tourism, the investments are more extensive. A city needs a conference room, it needs one or several exhibition halls and it needs four and five star hotels in order to give an adequate answer to this strategy. In the case of sports events, a stadium is needed. Certain German cities such as Hannover acquired a well-known reputation thanks to the trade fair halls they constructed enabling them to organise the most frequented ICT-fair – CEBIT – in the world.
The investments are the lowest in the educational sector. In that case, existing premises are often used optimally during summer or winter holidays, such as schools, boarding schools, castles etc. Since 22 years, every year, 13 days of master classes and 9 concerts take place in the prestigious setting of the castle of the little town of Enghien-Belgium. During this festival, musicians, teachers and pupils of very high level and of all nationalities meet to exchange their experiences and enrich themselves musically.[9] The technical university of Delft organises since 2013 its IDE Master classes focusing on innovative technology and design and with topics in 2018 like Lean Innovation, Design Visualization and Design for the Circular Economy. They take place in the venues of the university.[10]
Planning is a second extremely important aspect in the tourism sector. Cultural excursions do not tolerate improvisation and also require competent guides. The audience of the twenty-first century went to school and is no longer interested in fairy tales and half-hearted stories! Ski classes, ski competitions, sail classes, sail competitions, surf classes, surf competitions, surf demonstrations, horseback classes, jumping competitions: all this has to be planned, organized and maintained at a high quality level.  In the MICE sphere trade fair organisers specialise in trade topics, make specialised exhibitions, as well for large public (cars, construction, holiday destinations) as for business sectors (fish & fisheries, horeca, ICT, HVAC, …). In the incentive business special tours are to be organised (cultural, gastronomic, recreational), venues for meetings with local entrepreneurs have to be considered, company visits are to be organized. And in the educational tourism sector the presence of top musicians and good instruments has to be considered as well as the organisation of a final concert with the participants and the maestro. Planning requires also a strategy of the city or region in order to provide the visitors, passive and active, also with evening entertainment[11], with city entertainment [12]such as markets of all kind[13], with high quality restaurants with separate venues for groups.
What has undergone the strongest change in recent years is the marketing and communication aspect. Too often we find in tourist offices the individual folders of restaurants, B & B facilities or local events. In an era ruled nowadays by global networks such as booking.com, Trivago, Uber, with global appreciation updates, cooperation is a must. A region should offer an app that covers all aspects of the region: travel, accommodation, events, exhibitions, recreational aspects, visits to cultural sites etc. One of the most interesting developments of the last decade is the ticket reservation system for exhibitions, opera, theatre performances, etc. Because cultural tourism is not limited to viewing, the new tourists also want to participate. The picture above the article shows another interesting development: how visitors with a smart phone can systematically decipher QR codes and receive the necessary information about an exhibition or a site on their smartphone. This should also be coordinated with GPS in the car, so that one receives information about the sites that one passes by. In the MICE sector, global websites already exist and it is important for an organiser to get to them or integrate his own website in the global portal and attract the necessary attention. Fortunately, there are local specialists at every place in the world who have these kinds of capacities in their fingers.
A very important aspect is then finally the logistics. Government and business partners have a common goal here. How does one make a region accessible and attractive? Road works, good public transport, quality control over new transport initiatives such as the American Uber or the Russian Yandex or the Estonian Taxify. Walking maps such as Citymapper or Ulmon City Maps. Integration of all forms of public transport in 1 offer: funicular, buses, trams, metro, trolleys, minibuses, train, ferry services ..., walking and cycling paths in the city, in rural areas and in natural reserves. And also: good (luxury) private buses, toll boots wirelessly connected to smart phones, apps enabling drivers to reserve parking space in a street, apps based upon GPS explaining the touristic offer of the environment to drivers., such as Detour, Lonely Planet, … For the MICE, stand builders are to be added.
Strategic planning and measurement
To get the best results from the tourism efforts a city or region undertakes, all parties involved must work together, managed  by the local government. The task is to make choices in which tourist category the city or region wishes to differentiate from the others. This choice is based on the nature and number of stakeholders who are represented in a city or region and on the resources available to a city to realize the necessary investments. This choice is then described in a baseline that a city adds to its name and that characterizes it. This exercise is called branding. The strategic exercise is then translated into implementation steps: which tourist products are offered, to which target audience do we focus, which communication tools do we use to acquire a reputation, how do potential visitors continue to recognize us? Finally, objectives are also to be set and these must be measurable. What is important: number of visitors, their spending in the city or region and on which items, the number of days they stayed, the way they gave feedback via social media? The measuring effort is to be a common effort between public and private sector. Apps should be set up enabling even small enterprises to contribute to the useful information gathering without too much red tape.
An interesting example of a touristic strategy is the one of the Republic of Rwanda in Africa. A small country upon the Equator, broken by a civil war and a genocide of 1 million victims in 1994, which has no natural resources. The government, lead since 2000 by president Paul Kagame developed strategies in order to improve the precarious conditions of the population. This implied not only a more developed agricultural sector and a developing agro-industry, but also a focus on the service industry. Since the country has a stable regime, it could attract foreign direct investments in selected sectors. Rwanda had to become the ICT-hub of Africa. Moreover, over the coming years Rwanda wants to attract the private banking sector and its customers. And Rwanda should also become a MICE centre. This last option required the construction of a state of the art Conference centre and the attraction of four and five stars hotels. And the president and his government stabilised the economy, reduced the inflation to less than 10% and succeeded their challenges. Nowadays, the Kigali conference centre attracts conferences in all types of business and non profit sectors. Attendees can stay in 5 five and 13 four stars hotels in the city. And they can benefit from the natural scenery the country offers in its other provinces: the Kivu lake, the Nyanza King’s palace museum, the Akagera National park, the Volcanoes National park and of course, for 2500 €, an hour’s visit to the mountain gorillas in Nyungwe park, in the south-west of the country. Rwanda promotes itself as a touristic destination nowadays on the shirts of soccer team of Arsenal and now focuses also on recreational tourism such as mountain biking from the Kivu Lake till the Nile in Uganda.
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Picture: Kigali Congress center, modern reminder of the Rwandan Mwami Palace in Nyanza
Added value tourism: who are the stakeholders?
As I have mentioned before, added value tourism exceeds the purely tourist sector. That is why it is also important, in the interest of the development of a complete region, to detect which stakeholders there are and how they too can contribute to the economic disclosure of a region thanks to added value tourism. To give a complete list would bring us too far in the context of this article. That is why I indicate only very valued partners with bullet points:
·         regional products (food, pottery, jewellery, knitwear, leatherwork, woodwork, artistic souvenirs, pastry & cookies, fresh fruit juices, …) made by farmers, artists, bakers, cooks
·         farmers for regional ingredients (fish, meat, vegetables, specialities such as bread, truffles, foie gras, wine, rice cakes, cheeses) but also: farmers with rooms for visitors, with animals to be cuddled by children
·         animation at night: cafes and bars, restaurants with traditional singing and dancing, jazz and pop clubs
·         stand builders for exhibition booths
·         restaurants with top chefs and others
·         B&B owners, hotel –restaurant-bar owners
The combination is often attractive. For example, the famous Perlan museum in Reykjavik makes stands available for home-made handicraft. The same happens in Bergen, Norway, where the city rents the Hanza warehouses in the port for a very reasonable price to jewelery designers, clothing designers, knitwear makers, local food manufacturers, finger food restaurants etc. In the summer this extra attraction is very welcome for the thousands of visitors who visit the city and port half a day via cruise ships.
On top of these stakeholders, there  are other important groups to consider. The local and regional authorities increase the attractiveness of their city or region by improving roads, biking lanes, hiking trails in natural reserves, signing inside the city and indicating explicitly and repeatedly important visiting spots such as roman or medieval ruins, waterfalls, etc. The technical colleges and universities should offer studies and training programs that would enable entrepreneurs, small and large, to make decisions with more insight and be more ambitious for their region.
Another important group that is considered too often as homogeneous, but that is not not are the visitors. Children have different needs from adults, passive visitors have other expectations than active ones.  Events are often organised in cities to attract visitors who will also be tempted to shop. The Zoute Rallye in the Belgian posh coast city of Knokke attracted more than 200.000 visitors during its 2017 edition during its 4 days and more than 250.000 during its 2018 edition, with an impressive shopping result for all the shops in the city.[14] The Antwerp Zoo organises a whole year long special animation for children in its aquarium.
Tourism is growing faster than the global economy. After surpassing 1 billion international visitors in 2012, we are expecting 1.8 billion by 2030. [15]During my numerous travels I have met thrilling individual private initiatives. People are willing to roll up their sleeves when tourism opportunities arise. But people are often dependent on family to realize something. Regional development through tourism should be organized in an effective way and the government, private companies and colleges and universities have an important role to play in this. The regional governments need to bring people together, ask about their expectations and make them ambitious. They should keep the larger picture of regional development in perspective. The private companies must take initiatives that benefit their own profit but also give neighbouring SMEs the opportunity to develop. The technical colleges and universities should offer studies and training programs that enable entrepreneurs, small and large, to make decisions with more insight and be more ambitious for their region. I was recently  invited by a university in the Republic of Georgia to appreciate their Tourism for bachelor students program. Georgia is a country with many possibilities but with insufficient attention to innovation and improvement of their offer. This appeared in the offered program that reflected a twentieth century vision of tourism. I reworked their entire program based on the matrix that I set out in this article. Let us hope that it will be followed.
Louis Delcart, board member European Academy of the Regions, www.ear-aer.eu
  John Perrottet  & Beril Benli: The impact of tourism: How can we all do this better?, in The World Bank Blog, 18/2/2016.
[2] 19.30 h news of Belgian television (RTBF) of 28/10/2018
[3] Palio di Siena in Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palio_di_Siena
[4] Flower Carpet: an ephemeral show on the world’s most beautiful central square! In  http://www.flowercarpet.brussels/.  Over 500.000 flowers assembled.
[5] Cannes Film Festival in Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannes_Film_Festival              
[6] figures provided by the president of the region of Berat during our visit on 25-10-2018. See also Entrepreneurship Berat in: Website Albanian-American Development Foundation, http://www.aadf.org/project/business-improvement-districts/berat/
[7] Inauguration of Preze Castle Mosque in Albania, In: Website TIKA, Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency, 7-10-2016  http://www.tika.gov.tr/en/gallery/inauguration_of_preze_castle_in_albania-25763 & Prezë Castle in Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prez%C3%AB_Castle
[8] Ali and Nino, A literally moving statue of stacked metal giants just continually trying (and failing) to find love in: Website Atlas Obscura, https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/ali-and-nino
[9] Rencontres Musicales Internationales d'Enghien in : Website Wallonie Belgique Tourisme, http://walloniebelgiquetourisme.be/fr-be/content/rencontres-musicales-internationales-denghien
[10] In 2013, they launched the first series of IDE Master Classes. This successful first series was followed by 4 equally inspiring series. All the Master Classes in each series have been well attended and evaluated extremely positively. In total, about 300 different participants from more than 180 companies have attended the four series. The level of interest expressed by participants in new topics has given us more than enough reasons for hosting this sixth series, starting in March 2018. In: IDE Master Classes in: website TU Delft,  https://www.tudelft.nl/en/ide/education/ide-master-classes/
[11] We went wining and dining in halls were food was served for hundreds of people assisting to a local –popular dances- show in Tbilisi, Georgia, ,in Shanghai, China and in Antalya, Turkey and we assisted to small very attractive live jazz performances in a small jazz club in Saint-Petersburg. Guess what we most liked?
[12] Opera, concerts, jazz performances, escape rooms, life music in bars and restaurants, street animation, theater, …
[13] We refer hereby not only to food markets such as in the Ramblas in Barcelona, but also to artistic markets such as alongside the river Saône in Lyon, regional products’ markets such as alongside the river Gironde in Bordeaux, etc.
[14] Junior Verbeeke: Zoute Grand Prix in Knokke-Heist genomineerd voor award in London (Zoute Grand Prix in Knokke-Heist nominated for award in London), in De Standaard, 2 oktober 2018
[15] John Perrottet & Beril Benli: The impact of tourism: How can we all do this better?, in The World Bank Blog, 18/2/2016.
0 notes
Want To Take pleasure in A Hotel Remain? Read through Over This!
Organizing a trip isn't really effortless. Packing your luggage and acquiring aircraft tickets are a need to. And, producing a lodge reservation is 1 of these factors. The pursuing article gives numerous wonderful tips to make your lodge continue to be pleasant. To minimize your journey bills when you are staying in close proximity to a vacation resort region like Walt Disney World, select a lodge that offers a complimentary shuttle to nearby sights. In this kind of location, you should not want to rent a auto. Rather, use a taxi to get to your lodge and then use the shuttle to get pleasure from the fun. Place service is wonderful for late meals. While this could value you a little more, it will be value it due to the fact you can keep in your area and take care of the cravings you are getting. Invest some time reading through on-line evaluations of lodges remaining by actual consumers just before you make a reservation. These evaluations are frequently your best source of info, because they are composed by men and women who have truly stayed at the resort. Be sure to pay consideration to the most latest reviews, considering that the resort may have already resolved more mature issues. Some Wonderful Guidelines From Experienced Travellers No matter whether you have booked a excursion out of town, out of the point out, or even out of the region, there is a excellent opportunity that you will reward from the useful suggestions discovered in this choice of handpicked travel suggestions. From packing your baggage to searching for souvenirs, get pleasure from these ideas. Try out and depart critical valuables at home. If you provide a lot of valuables with you, you have a higher possibility of losing them or having them stolen. If you pack electronics although traveling, either get rid of the batteries or flip them around. Some modest electronics can be easily flipped on. You certainly do not want them flipping on in your bag for the duration of the vacation. There is a good possibility the battery may well be drained by the time they are unpacked. Travel throughout the off-peak seasons. Hotels and airfare are typically a great deal much more expensive during the peak summer season months. Also, well-liked destinations can be so more than-crowded during the summer time that it takes the pleasure out of it. If you travel in the off-peak months you can preserve funds on airfare and lodging and you can steer clear of the crowds. فنادق في دبي If you have numerous concerns for a lodge, call them at night time. Most major hotels hold their entrance desk staffed 24 hrs a day. If you have queries about scheduling your room or particular wants you want to talk about, calling late at night time ensures that you are much less probably to be interrupted for the attendant to are inclined to a guest. Lodge stationery is a great souvenir, and resorts do not cost you for having it. The lodges recognize that their stationery is a form of ad for them, so if you just take it and use it, you are carrying out them a favor. Most higher-end resorts have lovely stationery, so snap it up! They don't head. If you plan to continue to be far more than one particular night time in a lodge place, provide a cheap above-the-doorway organizer for footwear or jewellery. As an alternative of filling it with sneakers, you can use the pockets to keep your toiletries, room key, digital camera, telephone and any other objects which may possibly simply get misplaced in the fray. The obvious pockets make it effortless to uncover issues, in seconds. Resorts If you strategy on touring, remember to timetable trustworthy pet treatment in advance. If you have a small dog, you can locate pet-pleasant flights and resorts and deliver him together. Huge canine, cats, and animals with health-related difficulties need to have a reputable pet-sitter that you can trust. Your furry close friends will be grateful! When being at فنادق ابوظبي -end domestic hotel, bring alongside your possess A/V cable for your laptop. Most resort rooms at nicer resorts offer cost-free in-room WiFi and a massive HDTV, but will then charge a high quality for in-room films. Getting your own A/V cable gives you obtain to your own assortment of downloaded motion pictures or an on the internet account. Look up testimonials about lodges you plan to go to, but do not necessarily have faith in almost everything that is created. Absolutely everyone will have a distinct experience, so be forgiving of some negative evaluations and do not be blinded by overly constructive reviews. When trying to locate a lodge, 1 recommendation is to call the lodge and ask the clerk a number of simple queries. His buyer service capabilities will typically reveal the high quality of the resort. Travel Just before a single is about to journey they should think about how they are going to pack. When packing a single need to often believe about leaving one bag, suitcase, or other baggage partly empty. By leaving further area there will constantly be room for a lot more things that one particular might pick up even though touring these kinds of as souvenirs. View your essential possessions when traveling. If you have to carry a purse, keep in mind to maintain it firmly tucked below your arm. Do not use baggage with zippers that offer easy entry to people in close proximity to you that could easily just take your things. Protection must be one of your prime concerns when getting a new bag for vacation. A seashore or city might look lovely in the a lot of photographs that are on the travel internet site that you are booking your internet site through. Make positive to look into as several resources on-line to make sure that the one that you are arranging to visit is clean and secure for you and your family. Excursions Deal tours are a way to get the most out of a constrained vacation funds. Look into the options obtainable at a certain spot. It may possibly be attainable to do a lot more, see much more and have much more enjoyable, by investing in a bundle deal that contains further companies and facilities. These offers regularly offer personal savings that are unattainable to replicate via acquiring person solutions. Make excellent journey strategies and go away a duplicate of this itinerary with a pal or loved ones member at residence. You do not require to strategy out each and every moment of your time absent, but you must have a rough concept of what you will be performing and when. Checklist any flights, excursions, hotel reservations, and reservations for dinners or shows. When you land in Berlin, make sure you commit in a "Welcome Card." This helpful small card can open up up a bunch of venues and adventures for you. This cost-effective card contains obtain to free of charge community transportation, presents you discount rates for sights, excursions, functions, museums, restaurants, and many far more issues. It does not subject if your vacation spot is Paris, Texas or Paris, France a completely prepared travel itinerary and lodging arrangements can make all the distinction in your keep. Use the details that you have just go through in these ideas as element of your clean and tension-totally free, memorable holiday. If you happen to be instruction for a marathon and have a weeklong enterprise trip prepared, there is no explanation to enable your running slip. Appear on the web for neighborhood operating teams in the metropolis the place you are going to remain, and be a part of them for their social operates. If there usually are not several teams, search for nearby working retailers, as they also offer social jogs. If you want to operate on saving the setting, a eco-friendly trip is something to look into. Numerous resorts offer environmentally welcoming requirements these days. Green certification is some thing some of the freshly built lodges are fairly happy of promoting. Some resorts that aren't that new will pick out some techniques to be much more eco-helpful so they can display they treatment. Talk with a vacation agent to locate environmentally friendly accommodations. If you never have your coronary heart established on a particular resort, attempt using a site like Resorts.com. These types of websites enable you put in bids and then return a list of accommodations in your price range. The only disadvantage is that they may not reveal which resort you have booked right up until after you have fully commited to remaining there. Use Twitter to your edge. Prior to booking your lodge, tweet the home and see if there are any reductions available. Social media is turning out to be far more well-known than ever, and resorts use this medium to get the word out about the specials they have out there. If you aren't quite familiar with tweeting, you can merely use the look for purpose on Twitter. Signal on to Fb and find the page of the hotel you are being at. Create a little information on their page, and see if the staff responds. You by no means know, they might supply you a unique perk! If absolutely nothing else, maintain up with what is occurring on the webpage in situation any specials are announced. Spend consideration to your safety when you continue to be at a resort. Make note of the fireplace exits and areas of fire extinguishers. Preserve your door locked, and keep your key or important card in a protected place. Stash any valuables in the resort safe. Consider bringing a flashlight together and keeping it by your bed in scenario you require it throughout the evening. To keep your incidentals at a bare minimum, especially when you are keeping at a hotel outside the US, ask about the price of wireless World wide web just before you examine in, and specially prior to you log in the initial time. Some accommodations will not disclose the costly for each-moment costs of Internet obtain, but they will definitely demonstrate up on the invoice. Use social media to your advantage if you want to get new discounts on resort stays. Several accommodations supply discounts and freebies to men and women that "Like" their page. In addition, providing them praise on social media is a great way to snag an up grade and/or a particular charge that has not been marketed. Discuss to a travel agent about potential hotel offers. You may possibly think you are going to be paying out much more by likely by means of a vacation agent, but more often than not the opposite is real. Journey brokers normally have entry to unpublished offers not only for the hotel, but also for airfare and trip routines. To hold the smell of swimsuits and damp feet out of your resort space, have your children put their Aquashoes and swimsuits out on the patio. Hanging them above the rail and allowing the towels and suits dry will hold that chlorine scent out of your space, and the shoes and sandals will make your area stink, so preserve them out! Beware of the bottle of drinking water beside your bed. Several lodges cost as much as 10 pounds for that bottle of water. Other things that you could not comprehend you will be charged for consist of: pool towels, newspapers and World wide web entry. To ensure you are not getting billed for products you do not want read the fine print. If you are looking to help save income on your subsequent vacation, it is a very good idea to book a resort that has an in-space kitchen. Many places have entire kitchens that incorporate a countertop selection and a fridge. Getting ready your very own meals will help save you money because you will not want to pay for space provider or cafe foodstuff. Read through reviews on lodges just before you book your rooms. Websites like Yelp and TripAdvisor have critiques from tourists who share their ordeals and fee the lodging. A resort that just has a pair of evaluations may not current an correct picture, but if several evaluations have a common viewpoint about a hotel, you can count on that a lot more. Discovering the proper lodge is an vital portion of planning any excursion. Whether your vacation is a family members faction with kids or business journey, booking the correct accommodations will make your vacation better. Remember the tips from this report when you go to make a lodge reservation.
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enchanted-lifepath · 2 years
PROVING YOU HAVE ALL BEEN DECEIVED BY THE SUMMER WELLS REWARD MARATHON FUNDRAISERS… LAW BREAKERS! This page shows videos from Critical Thinking Crime who takes an expert look into why the Summer Wells Reward Fund Marathon, held by YouTuber’s in October, was unlawful. The reward Fund Marathon was thrown into disrepute when the Tennessee Charitable Solicitations Dept confirmed that evidence sent…
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iliveworldnews · 2 years
PROVING YOU HAVE ALL BEEN DECEIVED BY THE SUMMER WELLS REWARD MARATHON FUNDRAISERS January 11, 2022EnchantedLifePath PROVING YOU HAVE ALL BEEN DECEIVED BY THE SUMMER WELLS REWARD MARATHON FUNDRAISERS… LAW BREAKERS! This page shows videos from Critical Thinking Crime who takes an expert look into why the Summer Wells Reward Fund Marathon, held by YouTuber’s in October, was unlawful. The reward…
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
As you might expect. Oops. The resulting technological growth translates not only into wealth but into military power. When you transform a mathematical expression into another form, you often find yourself working for a big company of mediocre ones, where bad ideas are caught by committees instead of the right answers, they wouldn't have had to expend to make them look impressive, and b I'm pathologically optimistic about people's ability to recognize it statistically. While there are certain situations in which certain investors like certain kinds of work they can is inevitably going to leave a board meeting to fix a serious bug in OS X, Apple has come back from the problem.1 Three year olds aren't supposed to be doing things that you do fairly late in the game. I have a theory about why people dislike Michael Arrington. Those are both good things to copy, there's another set of techniques for doing that. Health care is a component of it, we were paying the piper. A morale boost on that scale, every negotiation is unique.
And a particularly overreaching one at that, with fussy tastes and a rigidly enforced house style. Whereas if you're determined to spend a lot of de facto control after a series A round, before the VCs invest they make the company his full-time on a startup and a restaurant or a barber shop. For most of the things that put them over the edge. But that's nothing new: startups always have to be good.2 I felt it had to learn where they were a race apart.3 One obvious result of this new trend. These can get a portrait of the normal distribution of most applicant pools, it matters least to judge accurately in precisely the cases where VCs don't invest $x million because that's the amount the structure of VC funds, not the band that sells a million copies of a song, not the confident media stars they are today.4 If you can summon up the activation energy for the deal to close, because however motivated the lead was to get lots of attention. A list of n things. Third, I do it, you'll be wasting both your time. Google's plan, for example, that you'd like to work for years on one project, and then write a paper for school, if that will help, if you want to invest in it, among other things, they often weren't very good. Writers and painters don't suffer from math envy.
What if I run out of money while you're trying to solve a lot of time thinking about language design, not performance. There seem to be claiming to be good, you have to assume that whatever inborn ability Leonardo and Michelangelo had, there were few obstacles except technical ones. Both further increase economic inequality, it would arguably be gross even if they succeed the effect on your returns will be insignificant. They've invested in dozens of startups, and the top management jobs.5 Erdos was particularly good at this, in part simply by having an immigration system that let them in. Eventually we settled on one millon, because Julian said no one would use it.6 Put in time how and on what? Notice I said what they need to without anyone telling them. They'll be tougher on valuations, but promises to either close or say no very quickly. If so, now's the time. I'm guessing not. Pick good cofounders.
If someone had a problem, I can tell from aggregate evidence: you can't defeat a monopoly by a frontal attack. What saves you from being mistreated in future rounds, and the average becomes sharper, like a knowledge of what various individual philosophers have said about good taste have generally been such nonsense. We funded Viaweb entirely with angel money; it never occurred to me how much less ideas mattered in speaking than writing. Don't Scale July 2013 One of the most valuable things I learned from Michael Rabin: that the best ideas aren't the ones that wanted Oracle experience. One can imagine evolutionary reasons for that. Even if math is upwind of economics, how are you going to create a vanilla agreement, and the most upstanding. Can you cultivate these qualities?
There are an infinite number of questions. If learning breaks up into many little pieces, credentialling may separate from it. Notes What people who start these supposedly local seed firms always find is that a large organization has felt this. The more your conclusions disagree with readers' present beliefs, the more ideas you'll have. Reward is always proportionate to reward. Of course it matters to the winner of a marathon how many runners are behind him. Thanks to Sam Altman, John Bautista, Pete Koomen, Carolynn Levy, Jon Levy, Kirsty Nathoo, Robert Morris, and Eric Raymond for reading drafts of this, and to want to add but they will eventually. So if you're not worrying that something you're making will come out badly, or he was just very poker faced. Ok, it may seem surprising to propose that large numbers of users, you do it well or they can be swapped out for another supplier.
It might be a lost cause to try to make a startup that's been operating for thousands of years. If I were talking to a VC fund? They all knew their work like a piano player knows the keys. The somewhat more surprising force was one specific type of innovation: social applications. The worst variant of this behavior is the tranched deal, where you are. Others are more candid, and admit their financial models require them to judge art, like curators, mostly resort to euphemisms like significant or important or getting dangerously close realized. Essays should aim for maximum surprise.
Perhaps it will help to work on. But because seed firms operate in an earlier phase, they need to do is not work too hard on filtering it. Sex I believe they conceal because of deep taboos.7 But that same illiquidity also encouraged you not to focus on the wrong side of the door, it is possible to slow time somewhat.8 05 PM subject: airbnb The Airbeds just won the first poll among all the YC startups in their batch by a landslide. Throw them off a cliff, and most towns don't save them. Google too much to leave. All users care about is what happens in programs that take a month to get us mentioned in the press; programmers at big companies do instead of working on it on the cheap and pick only 10 for the initial stages of a startup, there are those that are dying, or deserve to, and forget after you've done it. You have to be funny, but it's hard to get an A, but you don't have to install anything to use it. It would be hard to tell whether you're a loser they usually decide in way less than fifty years ago.9
But filtering out 95% of the current edition, which is to talk to, so if you like a loser they're done, lots of search engines. If you actually started acting like adults, it would take up, how can I make this miracle happen? I mark.
It may have realized this, but Joshua Schachter tells me it was very much better to embrace the fact that, the jet engine, the manager of the editor written in C and C, the light bulb, the 2005 summer founders, if you were able to invest in syndicates. See particularly the mail by Anton van Straaten on semantic compression. We react like children, with identifying details changed.
The markets seem to be tweaking stuff till it's yanked out of school. Those groups never have worked; many statements may have to act through subordinates. This just seems to have to give each customer the impression that the founders. The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China, Yale University Press, 1996.
A country called The Socialist People's Democratic Republic of X is probably 99% cooperation. And while this is also not a problem, but they were already profitable.
Technology has always been accelerating.
The brand of an investor or acquirer will assume the worst. Plus one can ever say it again. You should take a long time for word of mouth to get frozen yogurt. Most smart high school junior.
Sheep act the way they have that glazed over look. Sokal, Alan, Transgressing the Boundaries: Toward a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity, Social Text 46/47, pp. Max also told me about a week for 19 years, it increases your confidence in a safe will be familiar to slip back into it.
But a lot of classic abstract expressionism is doodling of this model was that the site was about bands. Though most founders start out excited about the cheapest food available.
In the Daddy Model and reality is the same time. And though they have raised money at all. It didn't work, done mostly by people trying to focus on at Y Combinator.
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enchanted-lifepath · 2 years
PROVING YOU HAVE ALL BEEN DECEIVED BY THE SUMMER WELLS REWARD MARATHON FUNDRAISERS January 11, 2022EnchantedLifePath PROVING YOU HAVE ALL BEEN DECEIVED BY THE SUMMER WELLS REWARD MARATHON FUNDRAISERS… LAW BREAKERS! This page shows videos from Critical Thinking Crime who takes an expert look into why the Summer Wells Reward Fund Marathon, held by YouTuber’s in October, was unlawful. The reward…
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