#super junior 14 anniversary
kowaindar0u · 3 months
i present: yuichi's playlist! [spotify] [youtube]
(as of 3/14/2024)
as with most of the playlists i make, some songs are readily applicable, some just have the right Vibe, some are sorta funny... and in yuichi's case, there's a lot of a rain theme going on lol
(also, some are ones from my own tourabu mood playlist that i just had to bring over)
because i've always wanted to do this i'm gonna go through all the songs and maybe explain why i put it there or something?? yolo! playlist guide under the cut lol
i recommend having this going while you listen!
most songs (on the youtube version) have lyrics/translations where available!
there's a lot of kpop don't judge me lol
Dreamcatcher - Full Moon this is a song from dc to their fans on their first anniversary lol, so the themes of a somewhat-new bond are pretty relevant!
Seventeen- Campfire do i even need to explain? sobs this song makes my heart warm ... just thinking about yuichi & all the toudans sitting around a campfire having *sniffles* precious moments... ; A;
Rihanna - Umbrella LMAO this one is very on-the-nose but also just thinking about it's hilarious, i couldn't resist. (plus like... it's a jam. also lyrically it actually does fit!)
Dreamcatcher - Boca be prepared to see a lot of dreamcatcher w/me, they're my Favorite(TM). anyway Boca is about protecting someone from harsh words (better translation is "if those thornlike words / start to hurt you / i won't let them open that boca (mouth)") AND has a very rainy/stormy atmosphere which makes it perfect. yes i know my toudans are Sword Warriors yes i still want to protect them as best i can!! (it's more about like. bullying and hate but yknow. similar sentiments...shhh...)
The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men ...............i don't think i need to explain myself on this >.> (THO HAHA IMAGINE IF THIS WAS HOW SWORDS MANIFESTED IN HIS HONMARU i'm dead)
ToppDogg -Annie (Anniversary) another 'anniversary' type song, i think it speaks for itself. saniwa💙toudans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clean Bandit - Rather Be lyrically, yes!! being a saniwa is not an easy or peaceful job by any means but yuichi wouldn't want to be anywhere else <3 also the song makes me think of rainy/cool moist days!
Seventeen - Home seventeen shows up a decent amount too, but what can i say? the songs fit lol. saniwa-toudan relationships might not always be 100% sunshine and rainbows, but... they are home, no?
Twice - Feel Special GOD. this song came out while i was very into tkrb a few years ago and so that plus the song itself made me actually cry when i first watched it lol. it's so fitting though, i think from toudan or yuichi's perspective. for yuichi, he clearly struggles with his self-worth, and is...well, he's no stranger to a breakdown. but ... he's got so many touken danshi around him who love him
Girls' Generation - Talk Talk no explanation needed methinks! <3 just comparing a love to the rain
SF9 - The Beat Goes On okay this song is just like... pure beach episode, everyone gathering in the sunset and having a great time being free with each other. i include it on so many playlists where i just want to imagine a joyful time with the whole cast of whatever, it just has to go here too, even if you'd be hard-pressed to get yuichi on a beach lol
Yuju - Play this is just strictly for the vibes. i don't know that yuichi has someone who dipped and hurt him like that (but it could be interesting i guess lol). the song just is perfect for the rainy atmosphere
Dreamcatcher - Piri i told u prepare for dreamcatcher lol. anyway this song is literally about like... depression and getting to a point where you need a lifeline. very yuichi, unfortunately
New Politics - One of Us another "do i even need to explain?" song ;u; it's definitely on my tkrb playlist lol. also the lyric video is kinda fun lol imagining it as different toudans at the table
Gfriend - Summer Rain just very nice rainy vibes.
Super Junior - Why I Like You this song (the whole album really) has always given me rainy/humid vibes. but also... love <3 (ofc not necessarily romantic in yuichi's case! but yknow what i mean)
Flo Rida - My House almost a joke addition but like... also almost not a joke LOL
David Cook - Come Back to Me okay this song is tkrb playlist because it's like... 100% kiwame send-off vibes. i initially added it after watching hanamaru, thinking about kashuu sending off yasusada, but i think it also suits most sendoffs very well. i wanna cry. sobs....
SF9 - RPM So I don't have a good reason for adding this to yuichi's or my tkrb playlist other than it makes me think of using time travel to go on a mission. also i just REALLY like the song... and listening to it with the rain going is mmmwah *chef kiss*. just imagine a team going up to the [time travel device] all ready to fucking GO, looking all badass in the mist and shit. and then PPEPWWW they go! and now they're ready to fuck shit up (to un-fuck the timeline)... it's the VIBES AGAIN
Darren Hayes - Bloodstained Heart no words needed <3
Dreamcatcher - Over the Sky another anniversary fan song from dc! this song just makes me so happy and like. energized. spring time. anime conventions. so it's on my tkrb playlist, but it's also a sweet and fun song so, yknow, puts it on.
Ravi - Lean on Me is this yuichi talking to a toudan? or a toudan talking to yuichi? or ? who knows, but either way, i like it. sweet and reliable.
Seventeen - Thanks just... a song about being so grateful to know and love someone.
Major Lazer - Cold Water (the one song with justin bieber i listen to unironically lol)
Seventeen - Holiday oh man just LISTEN to it, even without the lyrics it's just like. fun!! party!! chill!!
SF9 - Bibora a jam. a rainy jam. but also maybe some parts of it speak to yuichi.
Jinsoul (Loona) - Singing in the Rain KNK - Rain Super Junior - Raining Spell for Love Strictly for the vibes.
JBJ - True Colors oh man. this song makes me cry too. my heart...
Starley - Call on Me Another song that I think explains itself lol
Dreamcatcher - Reason yet another anniversary song from deukae but it fits. through all the triumphs and hardships, despair and joy, the toudans in this citadel have become his whole reason for being and they inspire him to keep going and do better and be someone they can depend on and be proud to call their saniwa.
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kinkycoffeewhore · 11 months
How I got into Kpop
Just to give you some background, I was 14 years old when I got into kpop. I spent most of my free time watching movies and shows (anime included), listening to music, and drawing when I wasn’t in school or doing homework. I should also mention, I was raised Catholic and my family is Republican, so I didn’t know what sex was nor knew of the LGBTQ+ community. I just thought humans were humans and we each got to live and love the way we wanted to (man was that bubble popped with a huge dose of reality once I learned more about America and the way life is). It’s safe to say that discovering Yaoi and BL changed my life. I started consuming all things gay and it became an obsession. I also eventually realized I’m bisexual. But, anywhooo.
One day in 2015, I was watching an edited Yaoi video on YouTube that had a really catchy song playing, and I was curious about what it was. I ended up finding the title of the song in the comment section and found out, it’s Mr.Simple by Super Junior. I gave it a listen, and I liked it. The song opened me to the world of K-pop which I never knew existed. 
I started listening to a few other songs by Super Junior and I got curious if I’d like other groups’ music. The second group I listened to was Monsta X. Specifically, the song Hero. If you haven’t given it a listen, please do. The entire song is a core memory for me at this point. In the recommended section, what jumped out to me was War of Hormone by BTS. Now, my dirty mind was intrigued. So naturally, I watched the M/V and lyric video and enjoyed it. 
I wanted to explore their music, so I looked at the recommended list and I saw Dope appear. I gave it a listen and loved it! I loved the rap and the combination of singing. It all just flowed well together. I decided to check out other songs, but figured I wouldn’t start truly learning their names till I listened to a new album. Sure enough, Youth was released and I gave Burning Up (Fire) a listen and I officially said I’m in this shit for the rest of my damn life. Now, BTS has had their 10th anniversary and I’ve been apart of ARMY for roughly 8 years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed their hiatus and getting to hear each members’ individual sound. Time certainly flies by, and I’m excited to see what’s next for them.
Outside of BTS, I started exploring other artists gradually and got into NCT127, KARD, Twice, Red Velvet, EXO, Jessi, TXT, New Jeans, Aespa, ATEEZ, and Stray Kids. If you have any other song recommendations, comment below! I want to keep exploring new artists. Thanks!
Kinky out. Peace.
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spicykaraage · 7 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Sadaharu Inui
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Birthday: June 3rd (Gemini)
Blood Type: AB
Relatives: Father, Mother, Cat [23.5]
Father’s Occupation: Public Servant
Elementary School: Midorikawa First Elementary School
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Middle School: Seishun Academy Junior High School
Grade & Class: Third Year | Class 3-11 | Seat 2
Club: Tennis Club (Regular)
Committee: School Festival Committee
Strong Subjects: Physics
Weak Subjects: Home Economics (especially cooking)
Frequently Visited Spot at School: Reference Room 3
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Medical Team
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Favorite Motto: “Knowledge is an everlasting treasure.”
Daily Routines: Organizing data, glasses maintenance
Hobbies: Having the club members drink his (terrible) special vegetable juices, backlighting ➜ Making special vegetable juices for people to drink, playing TRPGs [23.5]
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Music: Any kind
Favorite Movie: Korean films
Favorite Book: Mystery novels, horror novels [TP]
Favorite Food: Durian? (Momoshiro’s guess), spaghetti soup? (Kikumaru’s guess) ➜ Yakult, cilantro [23.5]
Favorite Anniversary: May 30th (the day he began gathering data)
Preferred Type: A calm person, preferably older ➜ A cute person [TP]
Ideal Date Spot: Art museum ➜ A factory tour [TP]
His Gift for a Special Person: “Special Inui Juice… is what I would say, but maybe a wristwatch.”
Where He Wants to Travel: Ho Chi Minh City to buy rare herbs
Thing He Wants Most Right Now: State-of-the-art blender ➜ Rotary evaporator [23.5]
Dislikes: Lightning strikes, power outages (since his computer will go down) ➜ Fortune-telling, rhythm games, choosing souvenirs [TP]
Skills Outside of Tennis: Reversi, shogi, chess, Go, administering first aid [TP]
Spends Allowance On: Notebooks, reference books
Routine During the World Cup: Gathering data on foreign players, chatting with an old man whom he became friends with
Height: 184cm ➜ 185cm [23.5]
Weight: 62kg ➜ 64kg [23.5]
Shoe Size: 28cm
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: (With glasses) 1.5 Left & Right
Play Style: Serve & Volleyer
Signature Moves: Data Tennis, Sonic Serve, Waterfall, Super Sonic Serve
Time He Wakes Up: 5:15am
Time He Goes to Sleep: 12:20am
Number of Notebooks He Owns: 218+
Favorite Brands:
Racquet: Puma (Sequence PT0636 0067)
Shoes: prince (Graphite Challenge)
Fitness Test Results:
Sidesteps: 53
Shuttle Run: 100
Back Strength: 118kg
Grip Strength: 55kg
Backbend: 64.5cm
Seated Forward Bend: 51.8cm
50m Run: 7.05 seconds
Standing Long Jump: 225cm
Handball Throw: 36.2m
Endurance Run (1500m): 4:55
Overall Rating: Speed: 2 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 2 / Technique: 4 / Total: 14
Kurobe Memo: “I have no complaints with his play style that makes use of collected data. I must say, though, matches in the real world will inevitably require going against unfamiliar opponents. If he is overwhelmed by an opponent he’s meeting for the first time, he will need a back-up plan. Otherwise, he will be at a disadvantage and it will be difficult for him to turn the situation around.” [RB]
What’s in His Bedroom [10.5]:
A massive bookshelf // He has an enormous amount of “secret notebooks” that he’s been writing in
Magazines on the floor // Half-read tennis magazines and other items are scattered across the floor. He’s not good at keeping things tidy
A digital camera connected to his TV // He records matches for data collection
Computer setup // The hub where he processes all of his data. He’s gathered data on players from other schools as well
Notes written on his wall // He has a tendency to write whatever pops into his head, and has unintentionally written notes on his wall here and there
What’s in His Bag [10.5]:
Laptop and calculator
MD recorder and player // He records himself and others
An 8mm video casette // Footage from a handheld camera. Most of the contents are matches of Seigaku and other schools
Secret notebook and rule book // The secret notebook contains a large amount of data on players. The rule book is for guiding underclassmen
Hole puncher // A two-hole puncher, used to assemble any data he’s written on sheets of paper
Digital camera // Used to record the forms of the other members and matches
Stopwatch and measuring tape
Binoculars // A very expensive pair of high-magnification binoculars
The Prince of Tennis 10.5 Fanbook | Release Date: 11/02/2001
He is the tallest of all the Seigaku members
He supposedly gained his tall stature from drinking a lot of milk. He enjoys milk and drinks it often, and will try out different types everyday as well as compare and research them
Prior to Ryoma joining the team, he was Seigaku’s third best player
Konomi made his glasses obscure his eyes to give readers the impression that they aren’t able to tell what he’s thinking
Konomi had written him to be temporarily dropped as a regular in order to highlight Ryoma’s entry into the team
His favorite foods are unknown but are guessed to be spaghetti soup by Kikumaru and durian by Momoshiro. He states he has neither likes nor dislikes, but does like spaghetti soup. Momoshiro had guessed durian due to his spiky hair
He has been playing tennis since elementary school and enjoys it since he views it as a battle of wits
He had a smaller stature when he was younger
He states that he does not make his Inui Juice to torment his teammates and his intention is to boost their nutrition with it
His personality is described as someone who relies a little too much on data, but everyone else around them relies on it as well
Konomi describes him as “not just a data man”, he may have lost to Ryoma, but he is still skilled
The Prince of Tennis 20.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2003
He tends to speak his mind without hesitation, but means no offense by it
He is described to be suited for professions such as a lawyer, accountant or stockbroker
He is steady and cautious, but can be bold and intrepid as well
He is deeply into physics since the knowledge is useful for tennis
He utilizes his data to improve himself as well and has an aggressive side when playing tennis due to it
He is the hardest working member of the team
He is top of his class in science and math
His secondary sport would be baseball
The Prince of Tennis 40.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 12/04/2007
He is surprisingly(?) interested in romance since love cannot be measured, which is also why he likes Korean dramas
His overly calculating and cautious personality often manifests as a deterrent towards others, but he will show a side completely contrary to his usual self
He began writing in his “Inui Notebooks” once he started playing tennis. He has approximately 218 as of now, but has countless “other notebooks” such as “Exclusive Notes on Yanagi”
He hums from time to time, but is extremely tone-deaf. He is able to read sheet music but is unable to produce the right sounds
He has a total of 121 pairs of the glasses he wears
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nanneouii · 5 months
My V.I.P awakening
Hello Tumblr friends! In honor of my Super Junior posts anniversary coming up, I thought I would share my story about BIGBANG. Let's set the mood. It's 2010, BigBang have just released 'TONIGHT', and GD&TOP have released HIGH HIGH. Envision yourself as a 14-year-old girl with hormone inbalances and antisocial personality disorder. That would be where my story starts. 14 year old nanneouii had nothing for her, did she? So there I was, sitting lonely on my computer. Suddenly, I stumbled across a blog of interest. "JIYONGSMOKINGAPPRECIATIONBLOG", the letters bright across my screen. Me, a smoker since the 7th grade, was immediately interested. So of course, I had to research these Big Bang fellas. I immediately fell in love with T.O.P, along with G-DRAGON. Their swag and quirkiness gave me a sense of belonging, as I was both. My walls were plastered in posters of the boys, shelves filled with their CDs, and my mind was engaged with one thing only; BIGBANG. In 2012, I attended their "ALIVE" tour, which changed my experience. I got to meet my idols, and tell them how much they really meant to me. However, they seemed to be half-assed in their replies. 10 years later, I seem to still hold a grudge. Thank you TUMBLR FRIENDS
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dailyrugbytoday · 2 years
The Killik Cup: Barbarian F.C. v All Blacks XV in London
New Post has been published on https://thedailyrugby.com/the-killik-cup-barbarian-f-c-v-all-blacks-xv-in-london/
The Daily Rugby
The Killik Cup: Barbarian F.C. v All Blacks XV in London
Barbarians face to face All Blacks XV in London. The Barbarians will face an All Blacks XV in the Killik Cup match at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium on Sunday 13 November 2022. See the Barbarians, led by two greats of rugby union in Ronan O’Gara and Scott Robertson, face an All Blacks XV in the first-ever international rugby union match to be played at the Stadium.
Former All Black flanker Scott Robertson, who has led Crusaders to four successive Super Rugby titles as coach since 2017, will be joined by Ronan O’Gara, second all-time Irish cap with 128 between 2000-2013, three times a British Lion, 2009 Grand Slam winner and twice Heineken Champions Cup winner with Munster.
The Killik Cup | Barbarian F.C. v All Blacks XV
2pm Sunday 13 November 2022 | Tottenham Hotspur Stadium
The 28-strong All Blacks XV squad was selected by the All Blacks coaching team of Ian Foster, Joe Schmidt and Jason Ryan and includes eight players with Test experience including Tuipulotu, Aidan Ross, Angus Ta’avao, Asafo Aumua, Luke Jacobson, TJ Perenara, Brad Weber, and Damian McKenzie.
Leon MacDonald is Head Coach of the All Blacks XV, alongside Assistant Coaches Clayton McMillan and Scott Hansen. The squad will boost the depth in New Zealand’s talent pool as Rugby World Cup 2023 approaches.
The All Blacks XV assemble on 28 October, travelling to Dublin where they will play Ireland A at RDS Arena on 4 November followed up with the Barbarians at Tottenham Stadium in London on 13 November.
Barbarian vs All Blacks XV Match Preview
To purchase tickets to the All Blacks XV 2022 Northern Tour, head to All Blacks XV » allblacks.com. Both matches will be available live and exclusive on Sky.
The All Blacks XV was launched as NZR’s next senior national representative team after the All Blacks, as a critical high-performance pathway to the All Blacks. As the next senior national representative side, the All Blacks XV will have the same high expectations as the other Teams in Black.
The All Blacks XV follows in the footsteps of similar teams which have assembled throughout New Zealand rugby’s history, including the Junior All Blacks, New Zealand A and Emerging Players.
NZR has formed an exclusive partnership with sports promotion company Rugby Live (RL) to arrange the All Blacks XV matches. NZR has worked with RL on previous occasions including two All Blacks Tests in Chicago, one All Blacks Test in Washington DC and the UK Barbarians match in 2017.
All Blacks XV Schedule:
The Killik Cup 2022 Rugby
Rugby fans will have the rare opportunity to watch the most famous invitational club in the world face an All Blacks XV on Sunday 13 November 2022 in the world-class setting of Tottenham Hotspur Stadium – the first-ever international rugby union match to be played there.
The two famous sides will compete for The Killik Cup, with tickets going on sale to the public on Tuesday 5 July at 10:00AM via Ticketmaster. It is the next opportunity to see the Barbarians in action following a successful summer with emphatic back-to-back wins over England and Spain.
Players from across the world will come together in the week leading up to the fixture to unite international playing styles into one formidable Barbarians squad.
The Barbarians and New Zealand have quite a history, with this match coming within months of the 50th anniversary of arguably the most famous match in the life of the Club – that of January 1973, which saw the late Phil Bennett pull off an incredible run to set up Gareth Edwards’ famous try during a 23-11 win over the All Blacks.
In the Barbarians’ recent match against England at Twickenham – which the visitors won 21-52 – the squad formed a 10 on the pitch during a moment’s applause in recognition of “Benny”, often considered the ultimate Barbarian.
All Blacks superstars such as Zinzan Brooke, Christian Cullen, Jonah Lomu, Justin Marshall, Carlos Spencer, Joe Rokocoko, Richie McCaw, Ma’a Nonu, Jerome Kaino, Sonny Bill Williams, Charles Piutau, Steven Luatua, Richie Mo’unga, TJ Perenara, to name but a few, have pulled on the famous Black and White to play for the invitational side. The Barbarians have played the All Blacks 12 times, with eight wins to New Zealand, two famous wins for the Barbarians and one match resulting in a draw. The latest chapter in the storied rivalry will mark an historic first match between the Barbarians and the All Blacks XV.
Stand by for free-flowing attacking rugby at its best as Barbarians take on an All Blacks XV in the Killik Cup at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium.  Tickets are on sale here.
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Hi! I'm new with your blog.
I have 2 questions.
1: what do you do on here?
2: is that discord server you pinned is still alive?
(because I wanna join)
I'm Mario's Apprentice. Garth Jacob.
I recount my life in this blog.
My life involves being trained by Mario Jupmin, who is the current SUPER. A title that has been around for nearly 100 years. We celebrated the 99th anniversary this year.
I also do other stuff when I'm not being trained by Mario. I went golfing with Bowser Junior, I fought pirates with captain Abidab, and other stuff.
I also answer questions (this is an ask blog after all.
It can be about my life, history, people I know, and lots of other things.
If you want to know more about me and my life, I suggest reading the blog from the beginning.
Also, yes. The discord server is alive (barely).
It just need a bit more of an active community.
Here is a link
So that's pretty much it
Garth signing off.
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hyukfthae · 5 years
proud of them! 💙
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Happy 14th anniversary Super Junior!
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bluebaybabe · 5 years
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HAPPY 14th ANNIVERSARY MY LOVES!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
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elf-sj-oppa · 5 years
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HAPPY 14TH ANNIVERSARY SUPER JUNIOR ! Thank you for being still active today even though the road from your debut until now was full of hardships. We are really glad that you’re once again a full group... Let’s stay together for a long long time !! ELF love you all and always support you a lot 💙💙 
JOYEUX 14EME ANNIVERSAIRE SUPER JUNIOR ! Merci d’être toujours actifs aujourd’hui alors que la route depuis votre début jusqu’à maintenant a été semée de d’embûches. Nous sommes vraiment heureux que vous soyez de nouveau un groupe complet... Restons ensemble très très longtemps !! Les ELF vous aiment tous et vous soutiennent toujours beaucoup 💙💙
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alliseasj · 5 years
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#Happy14YearAnniversary Heechul 🎉
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wrestlingplaylists · 3 years
Tam Nakano & Kagetsu’s Greatest Hits: Being a summary of my favorite wrestling feud with links
NOTE: This post assumes you have a Stardom World subscription or know someone who does. In 2017, Tam Nakano, the Stardom Dream, hasn’t been in World Wonder Ring Stardom very long. She was an idol singer first, then she got famous doing exploding bat deathmatches (which are more or less what they sound like). Stardom signed her, but she’s out of her element, there’s no gimmicks here. With no friends and no bats, she hasn’t been winning much and she’s starting to feel really lost.
In the 5 Star Grand Prix Tournament, she fights Io Shirai, the ace of Stardom and leader of Queen’s Quest (a faction of super competitive tomboy types). The girls who check on her after her match are Hana Kimura and Kagetsu from Oedo Tai (a faction of hot goths who don’t play by the rules). Queen’s Quest and Oedo Tai fucking hate each other and this will be important later. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1412/contents/1403?fcid=14
Hana and Kagetsu face each other later in the same show. All of Oedo Tai is pulling for Hana to win the tournament, but Kagetsu believes her job as the leader is to make her juniors prove themselves, so she isn’t about to go easy on Hana. When the match is over, Tam sees the way Oedo Tai takes care of each other and she asks to join. More than anything, Tam wants a family, and Oedo Tai seems like that to her. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1412/contents/1405?fcid=14 
Tam gets injured pretty soon after joining and gets kind of shunted off into a manager role. It’s not the coolest thing ever, but at least she has a cool new costume and a panda stuffy. Meanwhile, another new member (Natsu Sumire) has joined Oedo Tai and the rivalry between them and Queen’s Quest has really started heating up. After an epic 4v4 match, Kagetsu has a special request for a final faceoff between the entirety of both factions. Tam is also here and she is a delight. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/298/contents/297?fcid=2
At the January 2018 Anniversary show, Oedo Tai and Queen’s Quest have a 5v5 elimination match with the stipulation that the last wrestler eliminated will be kicked out of their team. It’s a huge match for both teams and Tam is back for it. Finally, she will prove her worth to Oedo Tai now that she’s back from her injury and can fight alongside her chosen family. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1593/contents/1592?fcid=2 
Tam and her new tag partner, Mayu Iwatani, announce their intention to win the Goddess of Stardom tag team belts. The belts that Hana and Kagetsu took from Mayu and another partner not that long before all this. Needless to say, Oedo Tai sees this as a betrayal. Tam was supposed to find her own way but not like this. This is personal. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1613/contents/1611?fcid=2 
Tam and Mayu challenge for the tag belts and, well, it’s emotionally intense for everyone involved, but at least it means the feud is over right? Right? https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1620/contents/1617?fcid=2 
Lol nah, Oedo Tai is as pissed as ever. Things are still extremely tense and personal. Natsu challenges Tam and a partner of Tam’s choice to a tag match against her and Kagetsu to end the feud once and for all. Any stipulation Tam wants. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1687/contents/1686?fcid=2 
IF YOU ONLY WATCH ONE MATCH IN THIS POST PLEASE MAKE IT THIS ONE!! I don’t know what else I could say here. Tam and Io get their revenge on Oedo Tai with the gimmick that made Tam famous. An exploding bat death match. I don’t want to overhype it too much, but it’s a real good capper for the feud and I just, yeah, I go back to this one a lot. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1073/contents/1072?fcid=2 
With the Oedo Tai feud more or less ended, Tam spends some time working on herself and helping to build Mayu’s new faction, Stars. She mostly plays supporting roles in other people’s stories for a long time and doesn’t get a ton to do specifically with Kagetsu. But she does have a few tense moments with Hana, and it’s interesting to see Hana and Oedo Tai starting to begrudgingly respect Tam again. She’s stronger and more confident than ever.
It’s the last match of the 2018 5 Star Grand Prix Tournament before finals. Tam hasn’t been having the best tournament. She only has one win so far, but she hasn’t been letting it get to her. Though she’s lost and lost, she’s kept her spirits up and she’s going into her match with Kagetsu with her head held high. Kagetsu, for her part, is the World Champion now and she’s won nearly all her tournament matches despite increasing tension within Oedo Tai, She only needs one more win to secure her place in finals. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/1678/contents/1676?fcid=2
At the January 2019 Anniversary show, Tam challenges Momo Watanabe for the Wonder of Stardom belt, but it’s not really about the belt. Tam remembers losing to Momo a year ago. She remembers being kicked out of Oedo Tai, losing her family and having to start over. She’s dyed her hair black like the old days, she’s made her peace with her past. And whether she wins or not, Tam is determined to prove that Stars has made her better and that she can no longer be disregarded. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/19/contents/70?fcid=1 
The Cinderella tournament, a one day tournament where competitors are eliminated over the top rope, hasn’t historically gone great for Tam. She just never seems to take it especially seriously. Even meeting Kagetsu in the first round doesn’t seem to bother her. She says she thinks about fighting Kagetsu all the time. She says it nonchalantly and with a smile. Tam’s not angry anymore. She and Kagetsu are finally equals and this will be the night that proves it. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/346/contents/352?fcid=1 
Through 2019, Tam’s main focus is Stars and her relationship with her teammates. She has something of a rivalry with her teammate Arisa, at first they fight over Mayu’s affections and then over the Wonder of Stardom belt after Arisa takes it off Momo. The rivalry grows into a grudging respect and I could make a whole playlist for that storyline. What’s relevant here is that by the time the Goddess of Stardom Tag League rolls around, Tam’s tense friendship with Arisa has consumed all her time and energy. When the two face Kagetsu and her new partner Andras Miyagi, Tam isn’t even thinking about Oedo Tai. What matters to her is the hope of winning the tournament and the relationship she’s built along the way. Though of course, Kagetsu hasn’t forgotten, and the draw at the Cinderella tournament was only salt on the wound. It’s been two years since the bat match and the humiliating Grand Prix defeat, and Kagetsu is still too angry for words. https://www.stardom-world.com/set/876/contents/885?fcid=1 
It’s the January 2020 Anniversary show. Kagetsu has announced her retirement. Tonight is Tam and Kagetsu’s last match together and they’re going to leave it all in the ring. I have a lot of feelings about this one. I’m just gonna let you watch it.
A month later, Kagetsu prepares for her last match in Stardom. A gauntlet match against the entire Stardom roster. Every friendship, every rivalry, every weird tense relationship in between, it all ends here for Kagetsu. Tam is here too, but for once it isn't about Tam. Here, Kagetsu gets to be the hero of her own story and pass the torch to a generation of wrestlers she helped train. And I'll be damned if it doesn't make me cry every time.
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chicken-fifi · 3 years
Super Junior Headcanon - Leeteuk’s G/F Celebrates Their 15th Anniversay
Requested by anon: Could you do something like an ot9, but s/o is Leeteuks gf where she’s with them to do something for their 15th anniversary? Thank you!
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For starters, all of the boys love you
I mean how can they not?
You bring out a different side of their leader they have never seen and they LOVE it - and you feed them so that’s a plus
For their 15th anniversary, you actually convinced the producers and staff of Super Junior Returns to do an episode where they unknowingly began decorating a room for a small celebration - cause ya know Covid (bad covid bad)
While they were busy doing that while also completing some rather silly and pointless challenges, you were busy in the cafeteria making their favorite dishes and a cake
When finished with the decorating, you could hear the cheers as you walked down the hall with a few of the dishes, staff members helping you with the rest
Walking into the room, the boy were too preoccupied with admiring their decorating to notice you slip into the room
Kyuhyun was the first to notice you as you began setting dishes down
His eyes would immediately go to the jajangmyeon that you went to set down as he shot out of his spot and ran over beginning to help you
Kyuhyun would probably be singing you praises for taking the time to feed them because the staff was being mean and not giving them food
You can probably guess that Kyuhyun acts like a baby around you all the time
Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, Shindong, and Heechul would all begin teasing Leeteuk about how he’s gonna have an even more spoiled maknae in the group
Donghae would join Kyuhyun on tattling on the staff as he helped with setting the food on the table
Let’s be real they’d all be acting like children who had been left at home with dad while mom went out grocery shopping
Siwon and Yesung would probably the most calm and collected out of all of them, silently helping while thanking you for taking the time to surprise them with this
Leeteuk would be a blushing mess but incredibly moved by your touching act
He would for sure be smothering you with his affections earning groans from everyone
“You already have 14 kids why would you want more?” would be the first thing to leave Heechul’s mouth in a joking manner
Overall all of them would be really moved by your small surprise
They’d all probably like you more than Leeteuk - cause you feed them often and food is life
Just a lot of laughs and thankful ness for your existence in their lives - more importantly Leeteuk’s cause he deserves it
Expect a lot of whine when you announce you have to leave
Just a lot of fun and beautiful family moments if I’m being honest
Happy belated 15th Anniversary Super Junior!!!!
A/N: I made it a headcanon since I didn’t want to make a reaction where everything was similar for a few members so I hope you don’t mind that. 
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mysilentmemory · 3 years
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210325 [TRANS]
OSEN : #SUPERJUNIOR is ranked no.1 on Gaon Chart (period March 14-20). The power of its 15th debut anniversary, Super Junior and its unchanging popularity also topped itunes in 23 regions and ranked first in various Chinese music sites.
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I can’t believe it took 14 years for Super Junior K.R.Y. to finally have any type of Korean album. I understand it’s part of Super Junior’s 15-year anniversary, but their decreasing popularity will make it difficult for them to receive recognition for their vocals. They’re frontrunner vocalists in the industry, and not many new K-pop fans know of them. If only this was done for Super Junior’s fifth or tenth anniversary.
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Task: Character Playlist Deep Dive
Playlist: Blaine Valentine’s Character Playlist
Number of Songs: 15 (as of July 2021)
Length: 53:48 (as of July 2021)
Triggers: Physical illness, death, mental illness, violence
Track 1: Wake Me Up When September Ends- Green Day
Blaine’s mother died of cancer when he was only 4 years old. Like Billie Joe Armstrong’s father, she died in the month of September. When she died, Blaine’s innocence and empathy died as well. Remembering the few memories he has with her upsets him deeply. It’s a type of deep pain he doesn’t know how to express. Whenever the anniversary comes up, everyone closest to him knows to leave him alone; he just wants the month to be over. 
Track 2: I Am Machine- Three Days Grace
After his mother’s death, Blaine became emotionally numb and initially hated what had become of him. He went through a stage of emotional turmoil as he grappled with understanding what was going on. He missed being happy-- and feeling anything at all, for that matter. He didn’t know how to fix this, so he often lashed out in order to feel something, anything. Eventually, he learned to accept what he couldn’t change, but this song is meant to reflect the time before he came to terms with himself. 
Track 3: Behind Blue Eyes- The Who
Blaine has never met another person like himself in real life. As he got older, he found an online community for people with ASPD and was able to diagnose himself, but before this, he felt very alone and misunderstood. Once he got past his stage of complete emotional numbness, he began to feel his emotions on a duller scale than prior. But this wasn’t enough for him to be normal. Once he was in therapy, he began mimicking the emotional reactions of those around him and wearing a “mask” to hide his true thoughts and feelings, but this wasn’t enough to make him normal either. He wasn’t normal, but no one knew what it was like to be him. 
Track 4: Super Rich Kids- Frank Ocean & Earl Sweatshirt
Blaine grew up without a mother. Though his father was physically there, he became emotionally distant and had to work long hours to support Blaine. As a result of his dad’s excessive working, he grew up with money. He isn’t the richest person around, but he’s always been able to get what he wants materially and takes great advantage of his privilege. He has expensive clothes and drives a fancy car, but this isn’t enough for him. He’s always been missing something he can’t quite hold. 
Track 5: Do It All The Time- IDKHBTFM
Blaine is highly self-centered. He does what he wants whenever he wants, within reason of course. Whenever he’s deciding whether to do anything, his first question is “Will this benefit me?” For the most part, nobody has ever stopped him from doing what he wants, so he sees no reason to stop himself from doing it. The song itself is a critique on people who are spoiled and privileged, but Blaine fits this bill perfectly. 
Track 6: Emperor’s New Clothes- Panic! At The Disco
This song, though not an exact fit to his life, is a further expression of his self-centered mindset and hedonism. when he was a teenager especially, he had a strong desire to climb the social ranks and take everything he thought rightfully belonged to him. Blaine’s family didn’t come from money; both of his parents were first-generation college graduates and the first lawyers in their respective families. His logic is that they worked hard for what they achieved, so he might as well take advantage of that and use their success as a stepping stone for his own future success. 
Track 7: Lose It- SWMRS
When Blaine was a sophomore in high school, he had his first relationship with a girl named Hadley. Hadley was a junior and the student body president. He initially pursued her because he wanted to increase his social status, but he ended up really liking her. It wasn’t quite love, but it was the closest he’s ever felt to romantic love. When he found out from a friend that she had cheated on him, he was angered beyond belief. Music was the thing they bonded over the most, so there was a period where he couldn’t listen to any of his favorite songs because they reminded him of her and the betrayal he faced. 
Track 8: Antisocial- Ed Sheeran & Travis Scott
You can’t have ASPD without antisocial behavior. Even though he talks to people and has a circle of friends, Blaine is highly introverted by nature and generally wants to be left alone. He does have people that he likes to keep around and hang out with, but he doesn’t need others to survive and he only wants to hang out with people on his own terms. With how busy he is with law school and internships/externships, he is perfectly okay on his own most nights.
Track 9: Kill Somebody- YUNGBLUD
One of Blaine’s most dangerous symptoms of his personality disorder is his intrusive thoughts. These thoughts come to him randomly without rhyme or reason. Sometimes they’re as minor as shoplifting a bag of chips from the convenience store, but other times they’re as extreme as killing his friends and family. He’s able to dismiss the more extreme thoughts by talking himself through it, but that doesn’t stop them from popping into his head. 
Track 10: Bored- Tessa Violet & MisterWives
Blaine is chronically bored. He’s constantly looking for things to do to stimulate and excite his brain, because when he lets himself be bored for too long, he becomes restless and irritated. However, he often finds himself doing repetitive behaviors, which only worsens his irritability. The only real way to quench his boredom is to engage in reckless behavior. 
Track 11: Feelin’ Low (F*ckboy Blues)- Peach Pit
Blaine isn’t a romantic person. Between his overall dull emotions and his unresolved trauma from his first relationship, he doesn’t think he’s capable of falling in love. Whether or not this is true is still up for debate, but he also doesn’t want to try. His logic is that a one-night stand can’t betray your trust. There have been certain one-night stands who were particularly good in bed, who he considered sleeping with more than once, but in the end, his “logic” gets the best of him and he moves on to the next girl. However, no matter how many girls he hooks up with, he always feels like something is missing.
Track 12: Stinkfist- TOOL
This song is a representation of the way in which Blaine constantly seeks out new thrills in order to satisfy his chronic boredom. Every-day life bores him, so he goes out seeking stimulation by destroying things around him. However, there’s only so far he can go before he gets bored again. His intrusive thoughts are always telling him to go deeper and deeper into illegal activities, but his logical side must pull him back so he doesn’t go over the edge and end up injured or arrested.
Track 13: Wrecking Ball- Mother Mother
The emotion Blaine has the most frequent spikes in is anger. His anger spikes, combined with his chronic boredom, result in a lot of destruction. He wrecks things around him, both physically and metaphorically, for no reason other than that he can. Like a wrecking ball, he swings aimlessly, not necessarily caring what gets destroyed or who gets hurt in the process.
Track 14: Killer In The Mirror- Set It Off
In February 2021, Blaine began taking boxing lessons. Boxing has helped him release his pent up anger without delving into illegality. When he boxes, he thinks of those who have crossed him and imagines that he’s beating them to a pulp. Not only is the song about him boxing, but it also represents the way in which life has toughened him to the point where trusting people isn’t easy and he feels he’s the only person he can truly rely on for the important things in life.
Track 15: Talk To You- Ricky Montgomery 
This is another track to reflect his feelings about his mother. In recent months, Blaine has found himself thinking about her more and more. He knows he can’t change what happened, and he doesn’t want to change anything about himself, but he often wonders what his life would have been like if she hadn’t died. He wishes he could talk to her one last time and know whether or not she’s proud of him. 
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