#surprisingly good film
the-wolfbats · 1 year
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"What do you know about this world?"
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redladydeath · 2 months
Do you think when Alastor brings Vox to the hotel he gives him a job like Husk and Niffty, or is he so far gone that he's useless and Alastor just makes babysitting him every else's problem?
Yeah, he'd have a job– whether he's consistently good at it is another matter. He can be their handyman. It's honestly a lot of fun for him; Val and Velvette never let him handle electronics anymore and trying to fix things is like a fun, engaging puzzle for him. Someone lowkey needs to sit with him and periodically remind him what he's trying to do as he works, but still.
Half the time the things he's trying to repair end up irreparably fried, but Charlie is nothing if not endlessly patient. She makes SUCH a big deal out of even the little victories– it really brings out Vox's craving for praise– so he tries his best to stay focused and not break things for her sake.
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hardoncaulfield · 1 year
the master and commander movie is good actually?!? only problem is that Russell Crowe is too Manly and Heroic to pull off Jack's outrageous dad jokes -- other than that its like ?? a good adaptation? did not expect
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shapelytimber · 11 months
I’m still watching way too much Hammer movies with @quijicroix​- so anyway we made another uquiz !
which one of Baron Frankenstein's boyfriends are you ? (link)
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Frankenstein is the cuntiest man alive, so sexist he's gay, his main appeal is how divorceable he is <3 And yes I know they're his ""assistants""... but it's way more fun to read them as queer
Hope you’ll enjoy :)
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mikimeiko · 2 years
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Zombieland: Double Tap | Directer by Ruben Fleischer (2019)
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zippocreed501 · 11 months
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Isn't she beautiful?
Christine (1983)
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whitelighter2013 · 4 days
If the movie, In a Violent Nature, blew chunks, what movie would you recommend people watch instead? Horror movie wise.
hiii im not a horror expert or anything but i have a couple recs :)
i loveddd braindead (1992) for awesome nasty gory grossness and its fun and exciting and silly. definitely recommend watching with friends if you can
thanksgiving (2023) has a really stupid plot but it's a good slasher and successfully grossed me out a couple times so extra points for that
christmas evil (1980) (starring fiona apple's dad, of all people) surprised me with how much i liked it, it's not super gory if i remember right but it's definitely entertaining
barbarian (2022) if you haven't seen it it's best to go in blind but its so good and really funny at times but it's also genuinely unsettling
house of wax (2004) is also really fun even though it has terrible reviews there are some really cool effects (though i watched it a couple years ago and dont remember it too well)
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somewhere-and-once · 1 year
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tamaharu · 2 years
What isekai are you reading if you don’t mind me asking?
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okay... but youre not allowed to make fun of me... its called "50 tea recipes from the duchess." korean woman gets fired, gets isekai'd into the body of a duchess who is timid to the point of patheticness and everybody fuckin hates her. is like uggghh well i dont care if im hated as long as i have my special interest: TEA. and with her autistic girl swag (label pending) she makes both the society and her cold intimidating husband love her. 70% of it is her infodumping about tea to the delight of everyone around her.
#ask me no questions and ill tell you no lies#started reading it on tapas bc i was bored and it was free. embarrassingly got invested.#more uhh romance isekai? rather than like an action based one. its cute enough. not really groundbreaking but i like the FL.#we did manage to achieve a conversation between the protag and her body swapped soul so that was fun.#generally i dont support ppl who go on abt art that they only engage w for mindless fun or whatever bc theyre usually talking abt fuckin.#idk marvel movies or the latest army propaganda films or whatever. and generally the media they talk abt verges to harmful.#but i am an avid supporter of reading dumb shit you know is silly. all art has value including stupid stuff.#other dumb stuff ive read: at least two ~sexier~ manga/manhwa. former had surprisingly decent world building.#latter had an INCREDIBLY TOXIC cast of characters. it was absolutely fascinating.#those are the more embarrassing ones and the ones i WONT be dropping titles for.#others include furry shoujo isekai; aromantic shoujo; mousou telepathy (ive mentioned that before)#gag comedy where a dude gets ~magicked~ into a girls body but the joke is hes so lazy that he doesnt give a shit (mood)#stupid bl manga with a hot fat character who is very much the main object of desire#a lot of it is manga/manhwa bc its easier to get into something kinda dumb if its bolstered by having nice visuals rather than like a book#or whatever where you have to slog through it with your imagination alone. even when reading 'dumb' art i try to engage it properly bc i#very sincerely believe that every story has some form of meaning if youre just willing to engage with it#(<- plot of orv btw for an ACTUALLY good story)#like i said the sexi manga has surprisingly good worldbuilding. the toxic story the sexu manhwa was telling was earnestly fascinating.#idk! sorry i know you were just looking for the name but while i do consider it just kinda silly its broader impact has a deep effect on me#this is why i love orv❤️ please read orv. while i already had these fond feelings prior to reading orv it really cemented it for me.#oh and i read romance novels sometimes. i like stuff thats cute and silly! idk. youve been on my blog you can see my icon this isnt news.
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tigresslanzhu · 11 months
Communicating With Mizuki
Buster: Come on, guys, THINK! Where do we find a spinning wheel for our Sleeping Beauty show?
Mizuki: Souda! [I know, or that’s it, or I have an idea]
Buster: Meezki, how can you possibly think of Starry at a time like this?
Ash: [rolling her eyes] You SO need to study that little yellow book again!
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Melb trip hehe :-)
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blistering-typhoons · 5 months
Vincent is Tim Burton's only good stop-motion film I think.
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ubourgeois · 5 months
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Split (2016) dir. M. Night Shyamalan
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mariocki · 1 year
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Jacqueline Pearce may or may not have information to sell, as potential informant Miss Brown in Man in a Suitcase: Sweet Sue (1.7, ITC, 1967)
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kimmkitsuragi · 10 months
i just watched that gay british royal family movie and it was so funny like sometimes movies are so bad they become fun. you know?
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I’m so mad I just watched the first episode of Hornblower. Only now! After finishing my dissertation! When my dissertation topic was literally the portrayal of epilepsy in film and television
#I’m FUMING#the guy who got cut loose? I think he’s dead (better fucking not be btw but he’s got exposure and dehydration to deal with + a head injury)#that’s a seizure! those were seizures!#and it’s implied he gets them fairly regularly????#I know what a seizure looks and sounds like THAT was a seizure#I’m so mad. the show NEVER came up when I was looking for seizures on screen (in fiction)#I’m so mad because A- that could have added SO SO much to my paper! epilepsy/seizures in a historical WAR drama?!??#and it’s NOT the main focus????#and B- I missed the valid opportunity to watch the show lol#also C - it was a surprisingly GOOD portrayal! like holy fuck??#I have had to sift through DECADES of film and TV representations of epilepsy/seizures#and most of it is. it’s really bad. they get so much wrong or just straight up dehumanise the character#I’ve seen a lot and there’s soooo many details that are just WRONG.#and yeah were both seizures scenes in Hornblower perfect? nah but they were clearly better than other ones#for example YOU DONT HIT SOMEONE ON THE HEAD WITH A TILLER HANDLE WHEN HES SEIZING#so if he didn’t die from THAT then it’s definitely starvation/exposure#holy shit actually thinking about it that character has got to wake up in a horror story#last thing he’ll remember is being on the launch boat with the crew and the NEXT is waking up in THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN ALONE#that’s scary#I’ve had so many seizures and tha.#that’s scary. even if you’re not loved from where it began it’s TERRIFYING#there was so much there I could have talked about!!!! FUCK#in other news I just started the Hornblower tv show#god I’m so stressed out lol he better not die#(he will I’m sorry but I’ve seen enough epilepsy on tv to KNOW he dies. bury your epileptics lmao)#fucking. hell!#wanna know WHY I watched it AFTER I submitted the diss?? I was saving it as a treat to celebrate submitting the diss with#I was purposely NOT watching the show because I wanted to finish my paper first lmao#FUUUCK#anyways
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