ven-system 6 months
When will posters on r/fdc and systemscringe ever realize how shitty and ableist they're being 馃槶馃槶
Like they police how disorders work for no reason
They even fakeclaim actual diagnosed systems and other disorders/disabilities
They think this is exactly how each single brain will work
When they probably don't even have said disorder/disability
Like bro get over yourself, you're embarrassing and disgusting
Sorry rant over it's just so annoying fjdjdj - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 6 months
Do people really have nothing better to do than fakeclaim innocent people online? Some of us are literally minors like ???
Like fakeclaimers please like
Get a hobby or something
We're not hurting anybody by just existing lmao - Amity 馃挏馃惐
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ven-system 5 months
I hate being autistic, every day is so exhausting and overwhelming
The bright lights, the loud noises, the screaming
I hate it all
And then when I'm failing my classes I get upset because I want to do better
But then people get upset and say that it's because I just don't do my work, I do nothing
But I want to, I really really do
I want to do my work and be successful but
I'm exhausted to my core
My brain, my body, it all shuts down - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 6 months
Relationships and being autistic could not be a worse combo
Friends, family, romantic, it's all the same
I can't read people
I can't figure out what they want
I can't look them in the eyes for long
I make a wrong move and I have to fix it all, I have to be good enough for everyone
That's how my brain learned, I had to be perfect so I wouldn't annoy anybody or irritate them
Sometimes I just wish I wasn't autistic
Everyone knows how to do things so easily when they're neurotypical
They're happy, they have fun with friends, they get to go out without fear of sensory overload or a meltdown
They get to live a nice life
And I'm left behind, teased even, for just being myself - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 5 months
I really hate when people say "endogenic systems are just doing this for fun! They're just roleplaying"
Like bish
I didn't want this 馃槶
I didn't want to be a system, I didn't choose it
Some people might want to and that's okay, that's their choice and honestly nobody else's business - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 6 months
Why is like every single age regression server anti endo??
Makes me so sad to see people that don't do research of their own, and yes of course people can have their own opinions
But that doesn't mean you can paint us in this negative light
We're not doing anything wrong we're just y'know
If us existing by itself is hurting you then there's something bigger there
I just want a safe space for when I regress but I can't go anywhere
Sorry rant over just
Bleh - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 7 months
Some people believe autism/adhd is just this little brain quirk
But they need to understand that it's so much more
I am sitting here, burnt out and tired, and only from just going to school, and attempting to do homework
They don't understand how much it hurts to be so exhausted every day - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 6 months
Who even am I anymore
I'm sorry to those that I've hurt
Even though they would say it's not ever my fault
Im broken
Almost beyond repair
My chest feels heavy
I walk in the shadow of who I used to be
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ven-system 6 months
Going to school everyday as someone like me (Probably autistic, with known anxiety and PTSD) fucking sucks
Nobody understands how utterly exhausting it is
Every loud noise is overwhelming, and since it's a bunch of teenagers, yeah, it never ends
Especially when you're going to a different class, those hallways are hell sensory wise
And because of trauma I jump at everything, I get scared of everything
I'm tired all the time, and by the time I get home I'm too exhausted to do anything
Can't even do homework, I just lay there and fall asleep
Not to mention the ableism and homophobia lmao
Its so bad
I can't stim, be with my boyfriend, be myself, without people being horrible
Makes me feel broken
Tldr; school sucks - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 6 months
I swear if I get one more spam message I am going to explode /silly - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 6 months
I cleaned the whole house today without being asked
My mom says "you're being oddly nice today"
No its just cuz my brain isn't being nice to me today - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 7 months
I want to be okay
Sometimes I'm mad at you for hurting me, leaving my childhood and innocence in the dust
I don't know if I can ever fully forgive you
But one day I'll be healed, I'll be able to live my life normally - Ven 馃挏
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ven-system 5 months
It's a cycle
It's all happening again
How do I tell you that it's my fault
How do I tell you that I wish I didn't do this
How do I tell you that it's never your fault, it's mine
I'm scared of messing this all up
Make the wrong face or move
I feel a need to be perfect
But that's unrealistic I know
But it makes sense to me
I wish I wasn't overwhelmed so easily
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