#tcw Kano
fanditty · 6 months
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Kitty 501st
I might do this with the other battalions who knows
Inspo from bigonionhead’s original drawing!!
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greaterawarness · 3 years
Brothers CH. 3 Contactless And Poor
(Thanks to Fives new job he learns where Rex and the other Mandalorian clones hangout.)
After two weeks of living on Coruscant Fives and his brothers were starting to settle in. They made it top priority to find jobs considering how fast they were blowing through 99’s trust fund for just buying normal everyday things. They hadn’t expected how hard that would be in such a large city. They imagined there would be plenty of jobs out there. And there were. Just not for clones. The first week was spent hearing possible employers explain how they didn’t want violent clones working in their businesses. This gave them no choice but to take whatever job that would hire them. For now, they would stay in their dingy apartment and make the most of it.
Fives rolls onto his side to watch Cutup hit their holovid projector to try and make the image clear. When the two boxers finally appear, his brother sits back against the caf table they bought for a sad excuse for a table.
“Who’s winning?” Fives yawns as he sits up.
“Well… looks like Thrasher has the upper hand but Wolffe always finds a way to turn the tables.” Cutup says. Hevy sits next to him before handing Cutup a cup of instant noodles. They slurp loudly with their eyes glued to the fight. Fives slips his slippers on, still not comfortable touching his bare skin to the floor yet, and shuffles to the small kitchen. Droidbait is knelt down attempting to fix their oven.
“Any luck?” Fives reaches for an instant noodle cup and pours some hot water into it. Droidbait sits back with an aggravated sigh.
“Nah, hey Echo! Come give me a hand!” Droidbait calls. Echo jumps down from his bunk to help Droidbait out. Fives starts to slurp down his own noodles when Cutup and Hevy start cheering loudly. Echo, Fives, and Droidbait all walk closer to the holovid to see the famous boxer, Wolffe, take down the other man. When the bell dings the clone throws his hands up in victory along with Cutup and Hevy.
“I told you!” Cutup says. He and Hevy start roughhousing.
“We should try and make it to one of his fights.” Hevy says as he throws a punch. Cutup easily dodges.
“Yeah, it’ll just take all of our rent money but sure!” Cutup says. Droidbait and Echo return to fixing the oven while Fives watches his two idiot brothers play fight. When his watch begins to beep, he lets out a groan. Hevy and Cutup stop for a moment to give him a sad grin.
“Back to work?” Hevy asks. Fives lets out a long sigh before pulling his work close on.
“Back to work.” He says while putting the Greasy Bolts cap on his head. The only job that would hire Fives was a fast-food joint. Despite the name it happened to be quite popular, so they hired Fives as their delivery guy. They only paid him two credits a day but told him he could keep all the tips. It didn’t sound to bad until he realized that no one tips clones. It was incredibly frustrating to see nonclone delivery guys get tipped sometimes 20% and then to have the door shut in his face once the food was delivered. The only upside to this job that Fives could find was that they lent him a speeder to deliver food with. It wasn’t great and was decorated in neon red and yellow colors with the Greasy Bolts logo plastered boldly for everyone to see but it was still a speeder. Another positive if he was being honest was it was also letting him learn the city as much as anyone could.
When Fives parks the speeder outside of Greasy Bolts, he walks inside to see the manager already piling orders on the counter.
“Here,” He says not even meeting Fives eye. “We have three orders. The addresses are already in the datapad.”
“Sure thing.” Fives sighs while taking the bags of food. He takes a company datapad and walks back out to his speeder. Two women walk by making Fives blush and pull his cap down lower. They glance at him before giggling and whispering to themselves. His ears burn with embarrassment. He shoves the food into the cooler on the back of the speeder before taking off.
The first order was to an apartment building Fives knew well. He’s delivered here so many times the doorman barely acknowledges him. He also knew he wouldn’t be getting any tips. After finding the apartment and handing over the food the man inside closes the door before Fives can utter a word.
“That’s what I thought.” He sighs before heading back to the speeder. The second order was to a much nicer neighborhood closer to the surface. The people inside the nice apartment were all drunk and tried to hug him when he handed them their food. This time Fives closes the door before they could touch him. He makes it back to his speeder already exhausted. He didn’t fully understand why he was so tired. He worked harder on the farm and for longer hours, but this job drained him. He misses the farm. He misses 99. They all do but no one wants to be the first to say it. That meant being the first to admitting defeat of figuring out who they are. Fives guessed it wasn’t so bad being a normal civilian, but he still felt like there was something more out there for him. He shakes his thoughts away and focuses on finding the last address.
The third address is in a much seedier part of town. Fives wishes he could afford a blaster. He made a mental note to start saving up for one. He passes the address a few times before realizing he wasn’t delivering to an apartment but to a bar. He parks his speeder next to a long row of speeder bikes. They were all customized by their owners and looked a hell of lot better then Fives company one. The name of the bar shines bright in big neon blue lights. Fives takes the last order from the cooler and cautiously walks up the steps before entering The Resolute.
Fives freezes once he’s fully inside the bar. He holds the food order tight in his hands. Every patron inside is a clone. Not only that but they all wear a black leather jacket with 501stin blue writing on the back with odd white markings below it. They also had unique drawings and symbols drawn on the back that differed for each clone. Some clones play pool off to the side while others drink in large groups at tables. Some play cards with others watching a rerun of a Wolffe boxing match. Fives stands completely still unable to move or speak. When the doors open behind him, he leaps out of the way. He almost drops the food in his hands when Kix shuffles through the bar. He doesn’t wear his Mandalorian armor though, instead he’s dressed in scrubs.
“Denal!” He calls out tiredly while taking a seat at the bar. The clone behind the bar gives him a grin. “Give me the usual.”
The barkeeper Denal slides Kix a shot glass and then places an entire bottle of whiskey on the counter. Fives watches in the corner of the bar as Jesse and Hardcase appear from a group of clones playing cards.
“Another rough day?” Jesse chuckles before trying to reach behind the bar for a drink just for his hand to get slapped by Denal.
“You try explaining to a helicopter mom that her kid’s cough isn’t deadly it’s just a cold! Just for her to insult me, the nurse, and all clones for being incompetent.” Kix says before taking a shot of his whiskey. Jesse and Hardcase aren’t wearing Mandalorian armor either. They wear normal street clothes under their black leather jackets. Both of their jackets reflect their face tattoos on their back. While Fives watches and ease drops, he doesn’t notice someone walking up to him.
“You lost?” a female voice asks. Fives flinches before realizing a Tortuga girl is staring at him. He arches a brow at the only nonclone in the bar.
“Uh…” Is all he can say. She gives a smile before taking the datapad from his hand.
“Oh, I can help you find this guy.” She says. She walks out from the corner of the bar. She clears he throat before yelling “Hey! Kano! You’re foods here!”
The room is silent for a moment before a clone’s head pops up from the couch facing the holovid of the boxing match. He leaps over the back of the sofa before walking up to Fives.
“Great, I’m starving!” the clone Kano says. Fives hands him his food now feeling all eyes on him. He’s never felt more embarrassed about his job before. This was somehow worse than the girls laughing at him. The clone reaches into his pocket and holds his fist out. Fives stares at it for a moment confused. The clone arches a brow. “You want a tip, don’t you?”
“Oh!” Fives holds his hand out and feels a large number of credits fall in it. He stares down at the twenty credits in disbelief. “But… your food was only six credits.”
Kano takes a bite of the fried dough and shrugs.
“You’re a clone. Clones look after other clones.” He says before walking back to the couch. Fives puts the credits in his pocket before looking to the girl.
“What is this place? A clone bar?” Fives asks. The girl crosses her arms and tilts her head with a chuckle.
“Kinda. This is a bar for the 501stclone battalion. Most of these guys fought in the war with some being brought in afterwards. It’s a safe place for them to unwind.” She explains. Fives stares at Kix, Jesse, and Hardcase. He wants to ask about their Mandalorian armor but didn’t know how. He swallows trying to think of a way to bring it up when he notices the markings on her face. When she sees him staring, she frowns. “What?”
“Sorry, I just realized the white markings on their jackets match the ones on your face.” He says feeling his face grow hot. She lets out a laugh.
“Yeah, they were jealous of all the other clone groups having mascots and decided that my face would be the 501st.” She laughs to herself.
“Other clone groups?” Fives now stares in curiosity. She arches a brow at him.
“Why? You wanna join one?” She asks.
“Absolutely.” He says making the girl’s expression soften. She opens her mouth to say something when a door to the back room opens. Fives tenses when Rex walks out. Most people in the bar acknowledge him in some way. Some give little whoops while others do polite nods or gestures. He doesn’t wear Mandalorian armor either. Today he wears black pants and a dark shirt under his own leather jacket. When he turns showing his back, he doesn’t have the girl’s face markings but the jaig eyes from his helmet. His gaze falls on Fives and the girl.
“Hey,” He calls making Fives freeze. “Wanna be a part of this or not?”
Fives stares at Rex feeling like his heart might beat out of his chest. His mouth felt dry as he tries to form words. This is it.
“Yeah,” The girl next to him calls. Fives feels his heart drops. “Tell them I’ll be there in a minute.”
Rex nods before disappearing back into the backroom. Fives pulls his cap down lower while heading for the door. He can’t seem to leave fast enough. When he reaches his speeder, he notices the girl running after him.
“Hold up!” She calls. Fives can’t look her in the eye without his face growing a deeper shade of red. “You wanna join, don’t you?”
Fives takes a deep breath and turns to face her. He gives a nod.
“You think they’d actually let me in?” He asks after crossing his arms.
“Well… they don’t just let anyclone in. You have to prove to either Rex or Anakin that you can keep up.” The girl explains. “There are conditions and… well they don’t just sit around a bar you know.”
“I know.” Fives says meeting her eyes.
“Good.” The girl gives a curious grin. “Then you know that if you’re going to be a part of any clone clan that you’re going to need a blaster. More than that, they need to know that if you go out on a job that you aren’t going to freeze up and get killed or get any of the others killed.”
“Well… how do I do that?” Fives asks uncrossing his arms. The girl lifts a hand to her chin while thinking.
“Well for starters I would look into purchasing a blaster. Then I would try and find a contact that will hire you for jobs. Build up your resume and prove to a clan leader that you can keep up then you’re in.” She gives a shrug. Fives sighs while leaning against his speeder.
“Easier said then done.” He snorts. The girl gives another smile.
“If this is what you want then that’s what you have to do.” She says. he nods while staring at the ground before lifting his eyes to her again.
“Then names Fives by the way.” He says standing up straight so he can hold his hand out.
“Ahsoka Tano.” The girl says shaking his hand. When they release Fives gets on his speeder.
“Thank you,” he says, starting up the bike. “But I have to ask, why are you here? You’re not a clone.”
She gives grin while walking back towards the bar.
“Why don’t you join and find out?” She calls. He watches her disappear inside before taking off.
“I found them!” Fives yells while bursting through their front door. His brothers slowly look up from what they were doing.
“Found what?” Echo asks. Fives throws his cap on his bed while walking to the center of the room.
“I found Rex and the other clone Mandos!” he says. This makes his brothers sit up intrigued. Fives tells him about The Resolute and everything Ahsoka told him. When he’s done, they sit in relative silence in deep thought.
“So how are we supposed to build our resume?” Droidbait asks.
“We pretty much have to become bounty hunters.” Hevy sighs making Echo and Droidbait exchange a look.
“Don’t bounty hunters usually work on multiple different planets?” Echo asks. “We don’t have a ship and we can barely afford the subway here.”
“Not to mention we don’t have a contact that will hire us for jobs. I wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for that.” Fives adds. They all sit back feeling discouraged before Cutup sits up.
“I… actually might know someone who can help.” He says slowly.
They end up following Cutup out of their apartment and through the streets of their level. Echo and Fives stay close to each other when they turn down a dimly lit street. Cutup stops in front of a laundromat.
“Cutup,” Hevy starts when they step inside. “What are we doing here?”
“Just wait.” Cutup says before walking to a girl sitting on a stool in the back. She lifts her eyes from her magazine and frowns at him.
“Hey, don’t make me throw you out again!” The woman warns. Cutup holds his hands up in defense while Fives and his brothers roll their eyes.
“Only Cutup would find a way to get thrown out of a laundromat…” Echo mutters.
“Hey, Rafa come on!” he says only making the woman, Rafa, frown deeper. “You know me!”
“No, I don’t!” She says crossing her arms.
“Okay, so you don’t really know me, butyou know I’m not a snitch.” He says making everyone’s eyes land on Rafa. Her eyes go wide and then narrow back down with a frown.
“What do you want, clone?” she asks finally.
“I know you work with contacts. We need one.” Cutup says getting serious. Rafa rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
“And why pray tell would I ever tell you?” She asks holding her hands out. Fives and his brothers look back and forth from Rafa and Cutup. It almost felt like watching a boxing match. Who would win? The idiot or the laundromat lady?
“Because I’m charming?” Cutup says with a big grin.
“Yeah, as charming as a bantha maybe.” Rafa snorts.
“Ooo good hit.” Echo whispers making Fives chuckle.
“Counter?” Fives whispers.
“Right because you’re just oozingcharm and I can’t help but notice the coat you’re wearing was the same one I saw a lady bring in a few days ago!”
Rafa’s mouth drops for a second before she stands toe to toe with Cutup.
“Well, at least I mind my own business and don’t harass business owners because I’m too dumb to find my own contact!” Rafa shouts.
“That was a tough one. Can he turn the tides?” Echo whispers while Fives, Droidbait, and Hevy hold in laughter. Cutup and Rafa both stare at them.
“Shut up!” they yell only making them want to laugh more. Rafa and Cutup stare at each other for a moment before Cutup reaches into his pocket and holds out some credits. Rafa’s eyes stare at the money.
“This could be it…” Fives says before Rafa takes the credits. This prompts Fives and his brothers to burst out laughing earning death glares from Rafa.
“Fine. You know what? I do have a contact for you.” She says turning to write something down. She hands Cutup a sheet of paper. “Go to that address. Knock on the door. The password is gedetir.”
“Thank you.” Cutup smiles.
“Now get out of my laundromat!” She yells with a finger pointed at the door. They don’t waste any time as they run out of the shop. They each reach over to either pat Cutups back, punch his arm, or give him a noogie.
“Cutup, how do you already have a reputation at places?” Fives asks as they walk down the street.
“Because unlike all of you self-isolating weirdos I go out and actually talk to people.” He explains. Hevy gives him a playful shove.
“Those poor people.” Hevy chuckles prompting Cutup to try and get him in a headlock. When Echo, Fives, and Droidbait keep walking they eventually stop their roughhousing and catch up. Fives notices Echo in deep thought.
“What’s wrong?” He asks him. Echo doesn’t answer at first.
“It’s the password,” he says when they all crowd into a lift. “It’s Mando’a. it means beg or to plead.”
“You know… what are we supposed to do when we get there anyway? Tell them that we have no weapons or a ship, but you should totally give us a job because I really want it?” Droidbait asks. It was true. They hadn’t exactly thought this through. But it seemed like no one wanted to back out from it.
“We’ll… figure it out when we get there.” Hevy eventually says. They say very little once they get to the right level. This level is the lowest they’ve been on since being in Coruscant. The only light is from the flickering street lamps. They stay close to each other as the feeling of being watched intensifies the further they go. Hevy stops at the top of some stairs leading down to a red door.
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Echo says before Hevy takes a deep breath and walks down to knock on the door. A gatekeeper droid pokes its eye at them.
“Gedetir.” Hevy says with way more confidence than he probably had. The droid pops its eyes back in before the door slides open. A female Mandalorian stands on the other side. They stand frozen until she motions for them to follow. They walk-through single file. They walk down a dark hallway with walls covered in graffiti. At first, they can only hear the loud music playing from the speakers overhead but eventually make out screams coming from a distant room. Fives feels Echo’s anxiety building up. Fives looks over his shoulder at his brother and gives a reassuring smile, but it does little to help him. The female Mandalorian takes them into a larger room. Another female Mandalorian stands behind a desk talking to someone on a holovid. Her armor is jet black with tally marks covering most areas. A black tapestry hangs on the wall behind the desk with giant blue jaig eyes staring down at them.
“… you’ll get me those codes. Unless you want your precious empire to burn down with you?” the Mandalorian says to the man on the holovid. The man drops his head before looking back up at the woman.
“As you wish…” the holovid shuts off after that. The Mandalorian turns to face them. She lets out a low laugh before slowly walking around the desk taking in the sight of Fives and his brothers. Fives feels trapped in the Mandalorian’s gaze. She leans against the desk.
“What do we have here?”
Read full story HERE on AO3.
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anpansblog · 6 years
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Sergeant Kano
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cienie-isengardu · 6 years
Rule of Three
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
I was tagged by erenaeoth. Thank you! :)
Three Fandoms:
Star Wars
Mortal Kombat
One Piece
The First Character You Loved:
Darth Vader - and that was love at the first sight when I watched ANH for the first time, at age of 6-7. He made such an impression on me that I couldn’t care any less for Empire or Rebels, I just wanted to see Vader again and again and again....
elder Sub-Zero (Bi-Han)
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
Well, Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma weren’t any part of reasons why I read Sith Wars comics series, but I love those two nerds Sith Lords
Sektor - my latest rambling about him is all the proof you need XD
Basically all Straw Hats Pirates (beside Zoro, because the moment I saw him, I knew he is gonna be my fav).
The Character You Relate To The Most :
Walon Vau - like him, I have problems with telling people I care about how much they mean for me and can only hope that somehow they know that and I too have pessimistic, cynical sense of humor & view on world, people, or life in general.
Sub-Zero bros - a fellow aromantic & asexual people who also happens to be asocial (though Kuai Liang is masking his distance to people with politness)
Zoro -  the lack of interest in romance and sex, loyalty to friends, the need to improve your own skills, and love for napping XD
Yes, I relate a lot to aromantic, asexual, asocial / introvert type of people who have “cold” nature
As for me, I would have chosen:
well, since I’m not interested romantically in anyone, I would choose to be my friend:
The Character You’d Slap :
Quan Chi
all fucking Tenryuubito / World Nobles and we all know they deserve every slap!
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
Vader/Anakin, Tor Vizsla, and depending on my mood Walon Vau I have weakness for black armor or other mandalorian warrior (except Skirata) that actually catched my attention
Bi-Han, Kuai Liang and - depending on my mood - Shang Tsung, Syzoth, Sektor or Frost
Zoro, Kuina... right now Killer since I wish to learn more about him
Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Like Anymore:
the whole cast of Rebels; I lost interest around season 2. It’s less not like and more, don’t care right now.
once again it’s less not like anymore and more like currently not being interested sooo... everyone beside Lin Kuei/Shang Tsung/Syzoth (whom all I adore) and Quan Chi/Shinnok/Kano (whom I despite).
it’s not that I dislike Luffy now, more like, I’m bored with the routine of events, you know? Luffy befriends someone, Luffy is saving said person / people, kick ass of major villian and repeating the cycle... HOW LONG I WILL WAIT FOR ZORO TO COME BACK TO STORY???
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
Pre Vizsla - mainly because TCW ripped off stuff from EU just to twist it awfully and I was disappointed what was made to Mandalorian culture but in the end, Pre was a true warrior and I’m pretty sure Tor Vizsla of old Death Watch would be proud of him.
Well, Erron Black, I guess?
Capone Bege
Three OTPs: shipping is not my thing, sooo...
Anakin/Vader & Padme, less real preference, more like it’s estabilished pairing and I can’t see them without each other.
Kuai Liang + a happy reunion with Bi-Han
thankfully One Piece is not so much focused at romantic relationship, so I have only nakama feelings about my favs :)
I hope you don’t mind, to be tagged:
@luffik​, @zlukaka​,  @padawanlost​, @popiell​, @mahiyana​ and all my followers who feel like doing it!
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