unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
First driver (Daniel Ricciardo)
You had a car and an empty seat, you wanted to win a championship and he was casually free. Fluff to smut
Note: this is me daydreaming about Daniel and a good team who loves him and its only @lillypotter00 's fault. (x) I didn't follow completely the request because I got a bit carried away.
Warning: Not proofread, there are some (many) mistakes here. Sorry. Toto is a bit of a dick. I don't dislike him but he is a rich man, it's just for the plot. +18. Penetrative sex. (m on f)
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You had an eye on him for a while. You wanted him. He was the driver your car needed. He was the driver you wanted on your team. But he was with McLaren. He had that damn contract. He had that shit box and boss shitting on him. And you were getting frustrated.
Then the summer break came and those news broke every motorsports site or magazine. Fans were angry, other couldn't quite understan the decision, other simply said Daniel Ricciardo's career was over. It was your moment. You had the money, you had the car, you had the team. Porsche Racing F1 team was a thing. It wasn't announced yet, though you were already in. The FIA knew and they agreed. Other teams principals and directors knew. You had the whole team formed, the cars were already designed. You had engines. You had some of the best working with you. You only needed him. And another driver of course.
You were with Helen, your head engineer and a brilliant woman, when the announcement came out. Sarah, your assistant who was also there, gasped.
"Sarah, contact his team. I want him"
"Fuck, yes." Helen said raising his fist.
"Dear Helen, I will get you a nice driver. You know what it means?"
"Get the whole team to analyze him"
"Yes. We will win races with Daniel Ricciardo"
You were sitting on the table, on the middle, Helen on one side, Sarah on the other, and your lawyer on the right end of the table.
"They are five minutes late" Helen said.
"Five more" You insisted.
Right then the door opened and Will, your secretary let them in. Daniel Ricciardo and Blake Friend.
You and your girls got up.
"Welcome. And nice to meet you" You said reaching your hand for him. He politely shook it. You eyed his clothes carefully. Overside band t-shirt, tight and ripped jeans and vans. Some chains on his neck and a backwards cap on his head. "Curious clothes for a job interview"
He looked at you in surprise, a soft gasp leaving his lips. He looked a Blake, who was equally confused.
"Take a seat"
You sat, both of them taking their seats in front of you. Daniel seemed speachless, but Blake was already on his manager mode.
"What is that about a job interview?"
You smiled and opened you black folder.
"Fine. Sorry for the secrecy. My name is YN YSN."
They nodded.
"I've heard of you" Daniel said.
"I know." You were a powerful figure on motorsports. You were known for having sponsored many drivers, mainly females, and also some teams. Your family had a big business and your knew how to work with it.
You passed them two folders.
"Porsche Racing?" Daniel asked.
"I want you, Daniel."
He looked at you opened mouthed. Blake was already reading the papers.
"I have a car. A good one. I have a team. I only need a driver."
"A team? Is this real? If it's some kind of joke..."
"Do you think I'm joking, Daniel?" You said.
"I don't know anymore."
You felt kind of bad for him.
"Well, I'm not. I want to win races. I want to win a championship and seeing how others have been wasting talent for years I think it's a good moment to try. I'm giving you a car, a seat. You would be the first driver of Porsche Racing F1 Team."
He looked at you, his brown eyes giving you an intense glare.
"How much?" Blake asked.
"How much do you want?"
"Fine" Blake said. "Conditions?"
"All of that it's on the folder. You can read it now. You can wait. We still have some time."
"For how long?"
"Multi year"
Daniel read the first pages.
"I need an exit."
"You have it. Page 12."
They shared a look. It was as if they were having a telepathic conversation.
"We need some time to talk. And the negotiations..."
"I'm open to ideas. The contract is flexible. But I won't spoil you, Daniel. If you are my driver, I want you to give everything. If I give you a winning car, you can't waste it. I won't tie you to the team. You will be free to leave whenever you want. But you need to know that if I need to kick you out I will"
He nodded. His eyes were brilliant and he had the ghost of a smile on his face. He liked you. He liked your energy. Big Dick Energy. As he would say. Or... Big ovaries energy? What ever. He liked you. You wanted something and you would get it. He wanted it too.
"Well talk about it. I'll contact you soon." Blake said.
All of you got up and Daniel reached a hand for you.
"For the moment... Count on me"
"Daniel..." You heard Blake.
You laughed a bit.
"Okay, I won't cross your name on the list." You shook his hand. "Yet"
"See you soon, Ms YSN."
"This is top secret. No one knows yet. Only you and Jessica."
You nodded.
The next time you heard from them wasn't long after. Sarah passed you the message from Blake. Another appointment. This time you invited them over the factory. You wanted them to see what you had.
"Daniel, Blake. Welcome to Porsche Racing Development Centre." You walked down the wide corridor to the big hall. "How was the flight?"
"Nice thing you have in here, Ms YSN" Daniel said while pointing at some good old classics in exposition.
"Call me YN, please" You told him. "Same to you, Blake."
The manager nodded with a smile.
"Come with me. We have a meeting room right back there. Helen is already there"
Both men walked on each of your sides.
"My head engineer. She is a brilliant woman. Helen Moore. First of her class. She comes from a family involved on motorsports. His father worked for Honda in the past. She knows what she is doing. Trust me. I only want the best of the best on my team" You side looked at him. He was smiling at you. Big smile actually.
"Thank you"
"It's nothing."
His clothes were more appropriate that day. He was wearing a jumper. Black and expensive. Some black jeans and more discreet vans. He looked so good.
Daniel was also checking your outfit. Wide trousers, white shirt, high shoes. All your clothes were perfect. You were impressive. He respected you since he saw you. He knew you didn't want games.
"Here we are." You opened the door. Helen and Sarah were there. "We don't have a big lake like the MTC, but we have a good view to the forest. Daniel, Blake. You already know them, but they are Helen Moore and Sarah Wilson. Take a seat."
You all sat around the table, this time round table. You prefered it, everybody facing everybody.
"Well. I'm all ears. I'll let you speak first."
"I want the seat." Daniel said. "I won't waste it. You want wins, I want wins. If your car is as good as you say, I can give you wins. Give me a race winning car and I will win races."
You felt something on your chest. It was the way he was looking at you. It was the hunger in his eyes, as if there was fire behind them. It made your hear beat faster.
"Perfect. That's what I need. What I want. I want Daniel Ricciardo winning races on my car."
"You have me"
It was as if the other had banished. It was only you two on the table, one in front of the other sharing the most intense looks.
"Welcome to Porsche Racing Team." You reached your hand for him and he gently took it.
"Thank you"
"Well, there is legal stuff to talk about, right?" Blake said.
"Of course, Blake. Of course. Just tell me what you need."
"Okay. No preferences. No giving more to one driver than another."
"You don't get to choose on that. I do. I have two drivers."
You obviously wouldn't let them boss you around.
"We will favor the driver who gets the better race. That's how we will work."
They both nodded.
"What else?"
"The money. 29 or nothing"
"For next year. Perform well. Earn your money, Daniel."
Blake took a deep breath but nodded. Daniel kept looking at you. Just as intense.
"I want Simon"
"Rennie?" Helen asked. "He is still on Red Bull"
"I want him"
You nodded slowly.
"I can't promise anything."
"I understand"
"Anything else?"
"Not much. It's all in here"
Sarah took the papers.
"Fine. We will give this to the legal team. And the contract will be ready soon. It's still a secret though. The team will be announce after the last race. It will also be in the contract. Top secret, okay?"
They nodded at your words.
"Now, let me show you all of this, Daniel."
You both walked around the factory, he was curious, he talked a lot. He asked so many things. Until you reached the technology wing.
"Here is where we're are working on the car. Where you will work once you are free from the papaya team"
He chuckled at your words.
"The Sim?"
"Yes. And the building"
"Of the car, yes"
"Do you want me to..."
"If I'm going to give you a car, I want you to be comfortable on it" You opened a door and he gasped. The car was there up on the air. It was still only a skeleton, but it was there. "Not much people have seen this, so if any of our secrets get leaked..."
He chuckled at your tone and loved the way you smiled.
"How is it gonna be? The color?"
"I want it black. But you will help us with that too. The suit will be black too."
"Yeah, people say I look good and black"
It made you chuckle. You liked him. You loved his energy, his personality. You have followed his entire career. He had talent. He was good. And he knew how to win people over. The other drivers liked him. He had no "enemies" on the grid. He the perfect first driver for your team.
"What are you looking at, boss?"
"Don't flirt, Ricciardo. It's too soon for that."
"When can I then?"
"Secure your seat first. Sign the contract. Don't be stupid" You said with a smile. He laughed.
"Okay, after the contract then"
He turned his look to the car.
"What is your part in all of this? You pu the money or..."
"I'm the CEO and team principal. I own the 85 percent of the team. I got my degree and I know a fucking lot about cars and strategies. All my life have turned around this world. And I've learned a lot."
He let and impressed whistle.
"Wow, boss. That's... You left me speachless"
"Why are you talking, then?"
Daniel looked at you. He fucking wanted you. He loved the way you talked, how you didn't even flinch. You were powerful and he loved that.
"You win"
"I hope so" You smiled.
You walked him back to the hall, were Blake waited with your girls. That night you went to bed with Daniel's intense look suck in your brain. This had just started and you were already in problems.
"What a mess" You said looking around. Two days after the last race, you were ready to launch your team. It had been announced, but today it was the official presentation on the factory.
"It's perfect don't worry about that." Sarah told you. Everything was covered in clothes, make up... "You look beautiful."
"And scary?" You answered joking.
"So much".
You had gotten the suit done for you and it fitted you so perfectly.
You were expecting a good gala, lots of people, other principals, sponsors. So many people, important people. You two drivers. Daniel and Jessica. You made the presentations. Gave a speech. Motivated everyone. You wanted to show power, to leave a good impression and tell your colleagues you weren't playing you had come to stay and you would fight for the title.
Then it was the moment to announce the driver's. It wasn't public yet. When you pronounced both names and they climbed to the stache, you saw the other principals. Some of them were laughing. Others were playing much attention. Zak Brown was looking at you and you didn't like it a single bit. Toto was serious. Horner had a look on his face that made you want to punch him. You tried to breath deeply, to not let if affect you, and when it was time, you practically ran away from the stage.
"I'm fine"
"Are you sure?" Sarah seemed worried, but she always did so...
"I am"
"Hey boss. Nice speech in there."
You looked back. His suit was still perfect. The tie was on its place, the buttons were closed. He look pristine.
"Thank you, Daniel."
"Ms YSN"
Daniel and you looked to your left.
"Mr Brown."
"Nice thing you have in here. Beautiful place. And what a surprise for next season."
You smirked.
"Thank you, Zak."
"Tell me, what are your plans?"
"Spill my secrets? No thank you"
He laughed.
"Well, you got my driver. I want to know if he is going to be treated well".
You wanted to throw your champagne on him. Instead, you took a step closer, facing him and looking at him in the eyes.
"Last time I checked, you kicked my driver out of your team." You said letting your voice drop. Zak fixed his tie uncomfortably. "And if his wellness is what worries you, don't worry Zak. He will be treated better than he has in a while. He is our number one priority"
Zak opened his mouth so speak, but he said nothing so you turned to Daniel.
"Let's go, Daniel. I want to sit with Jessica and you. I want to get to know my drivers better."
As you walked away from the American, Daniel's hand softly touched you. It was so light. Almost like a feather, but electricity ran up and down your arm.
"Thank you for that."
"I can't stand him."
He chuckled.
"Thank you, really"
You looked at him. He was sincere.
"It's nothing, Daniel."
You were watching closely. The first testing was almost there. 10 days. Daniel was on the Sim, he had been there for a while.
"It seems fine, right?" You asked Helen.
"Yeah. If it works as good in reality..."
Daniel crossed the finish line. Soon he was out of the fake car. He was sweaty and his hair was a mess. He wasn't even wearing shoes when he came to the room with the engineering team.
"How was that?"
"I would say 79%"
He smirked.
"It's a simulation, Daniel. I won't give high marks until I see the car rolling."
He smiled.
"I can't wait."
You smiled too. These months had been intense. Everyone had to work a lot. You had to lead them, build the confidence, make sure everyone was feeling okay, deal with sponsors and the FIA. You had to get it on point. You were the leader and this was your team.
You checked your phone.
"Shit. I have a meeting. Well done to everyone. Go home and take the rest of the afternoon. Enjoy"
You left the room and went to your office. Sarah had everything set for you. It was about races and rules, the last changes they had made.
Toto and Christian had been bickering for a while. You were tired of fragile masculinities and testosterone.
"Well, from my point of view. If what you suggest applies for every team, then it's fine. But if only some of us will suffer the end of it..."
Someone laughed. You could get who, but one of them laughed.
"Is it funny?"
"What do you know about this, YN?"
Anger boiled on your veins.
"Ms YSN for you, Horner."
"I think he has a point. These regulations are not completely knew, but some people here is. There is nothing you can complain about, YN" Toto added.
You clenched your fist around your skirt.
"Sorry, but there aren't rules about what I can complain about and what not."
"This is not about rules. It's about experience." Zak said.
"If you are implauing I don't have experience, Zak..."
Another laughed. It was Christian this time.
"What are you laughing at?"
"Well, YN. Calm down. Don't get to emotional."
That was the last straw. Since your arrived with your folder and new team to the first meeting, it had gone like this. Weird looks, humiliating comments, they were all trying to belittle you.
"If it wasn't for my money, half of the driver's of the grid, in F1, F2 and even Formula E wouldn't had made it to were they are. They would still be kids with not enough money to buy a seat. If it wasn't for me, half of you wouldn't have your little race winners. Or... Well. Some of them can't even win. I won't accept this kind of comments about me, okay? I'm another CEO and team principal, I'm not less than you. Than any of you. So start treating me like that because I'm not playing in here." You were fumming. You wanted to close the videoconference and cry. You were strong, but it was a delicate time and these comments hurt.
"Okay, I think we should wrap." The president said.
Soon the session was over. You took your shoes off and opened the first buttons in your shirt. You reached for you mug and tool a sip of your favourite coffee. Sarah was an angel for this.
The phone rang and you reached for it.
"YN, Daniel is here. He says he has something he wants to talk about with you"
You ran your hand through your face. Things with him were complicated on your side. He had to be this perfect and funny guy, he was hard working and was hungry for the win. That was what you needed. What yoy wanted. But not the stupid tickling on your belly everytime he was close.
"Yeah. Um... Tell him to come in. And go home, Sarah. It's late" It was past 9pm.
"Have a good night, don't leave too late yourself."
"Thank you, Sarah"
A minute later the door opened. Daniel didn't had those sport clothes anymore. He was wearing his usual baggy shirt and tight trousers. His hair was wet and he smelled like soap.
"Hi, boss"
"Hi, Daniel. Is everything okay?"
You leaned over your elbows and played with a pen.
"Yeah. It's just... About the car. And something I want to talk about."
"Sit then"
He walked to you and left the bag on the chair.
"Tell me."
"I think that we should prioritize races with long straights. There is were the car is fast. And when I say fast I mean really fast."
You nodded.
"Helen talked to me about this. But what do you mean prioritize?"
"On the Sim. On races. Data collecting. I feel that if we focus all of this on this races we can get some good points."
You nodded.
"Okay, I will take notes and think about it. Something else?"
"Strategy and team orders"
You frowned.
"What about that?"
"Sometimes, as a driver you feel some stuff on the track. Then you receive some orders and they go against what you feel. It's like, hey man, let's get on jards. But you feel good on softs."
"You want to have a say on that" You said.
He looked into your eyes and nodded slowly.
"No team orders then."
"That's not what I meant"
"Danny, you are my employee. You are not the boss in here. If the data says..."
"Excuse me, I don't want to interrupt you. I know I need a team. I just want to have the possibility to choose. How many races have been fucked up because the team didn't listen to the driver?"
"We are building the whole car around you, Daniel. Don't say we don't listen to you" You said frustrated. Then instantly regretted it. You ran your fingers over your faced and massaged your temples. He was looking at you. His jaw was tense. This wasn't how you wanted it to be. You wanted to be the supportive boss he needed. "I'm sorry. I... I had a meeting right before you came and... I shouldn't have let it out on you"
Daniel relaxed when he saw your expression changing. Your whole posture changed too. You weren't that strong woman, that badass he loved so much. You looked tired and kind of weak. You looked vulnerable.
"It's fine. Was it too bad?"
You moved your chair a bit and looked through the big windows. The moon was bright over the forest.
"Kind of."
"You could have told me to come tomorrow."
"You have a free day tomorrow, Danny"
He felt a shiver. It was your first time calling him Danny.
"I don't mind"
You stayed in silence. You were truly exhausted. You had snapped at him because eyou were so angry at others. You felt that your apology wasn't enough but you didn't know how to deal with it now.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked slowly.
You looked at him. He had pulled the chair close to your table and you hadn't even noticed.
"Your old bosses are a bunch of cunts. And Toto. And Gunther too. All of them"
Daniel felt the need to protect you. He wanted to hug you close and then go and kick their asses. Although he knew you didn't need it. He had gotten to know you better. He had seen you in action with the team, sponsors, lawyers...
"What have they said to you? I can break their little cars a bit"
"I won't pay for it, Danny" You smiled a bit and he felt proud of making you smile.
His eyes were so soft on you. You felt completely comfortable with him then.
"The other CEOs and principals keep trying to... I don't even know. Show their dicks are huge or something. I don't really know. It's this whole misogyny and patriarchal thing. A woman comes to their world and they get scared."
Daniel felt kind of guilty. He was a man, he knew what she was talking about. He had sometimes felt it.
"They always get on defensive mode. Christian has gone full on women are too emotional. It's hard because I feel like a little girl again. All this hard work during these years... Nothing."
He reached for your hand and took it carefully.
"Listen... I know they are a bunch of cunts. But you? You are brilliant. You are strong and powerful. You are amazing. You have done all of this by yourself. If those dicks can't see it, or if they feel threatened it's because they know they should. You are strong and intelligent. And you will run over them. You will show them how much you deserve to be on this world."
A tear had fallen, but you dried it fast.
"Sorry" You quickly said.
"Hey, YN. It's nothing. It's okay to feel vulnerable sometimes."
You ran your finger over his knuckles.
"Thank you."
"You are one of the best boss I've had."
"You haven't seen me in action"
"I can't wait."
You spent long seconds looking at each other.
"Really, I can't wait to work with you."
You smiled. You were falling in love with this man.
Bahréin came. After two successful testing sessions, Daniel put the car on P6. P6 on our first race was celebrated by the team like a win.
Then the next race was a P4. And the next a P5. The fourth race came and Daniel got a pole. And then...
"That's a podium. P1." Simon told him.
"Yes! Fuck! yes! I KNEW I STILL CAN. I KNEW IT"
You were shaking. You couldn't stop looking at the screen in front of you. Daniel lifting his fist on the air, driving one handed through the track, hearing him on your headphones.
"Daniel, it's YN." You took a deep breath. "You are the first winner in the story of the team. Thank you for bringing this home" You were on the verge of crying, but you wouldn't. Not with all the cameras and your reputation to keep.
"Thank you for building this car for me, YN. And the team. Thank you all for believing in me."
You couldn't even name all the things you were feeling when you saw him standing tall on his black car. His family was there. Daniel had said he had a good feeling. It's was what he talked about, about straights. He had a good feeling because he knew he could win.
He was greeted by the team, but he felt something weird when he couldn't spot you there. But then he kept walking around, he kept doing his duties of race winner and when he was going to see his parents, he saw you standing there.
You were talking to Grace, the woman had grew fond of you when she met you on the car launching. She was telling you about Danny's first car. And she couldn't stop thanking you for giving him this opportunity.
"YN... This is very important for all of us, we let him go to the other side of the world when he was just a young boy. This was his dream" You saw the tears on the woman's eyes and your first reaction was to hug her. Danny saw that. He saw your mum holding you close and whispering in your ear. He felt everything dissappear. Only his dad hugging him pulled him out of the trance.
"I'm so proud of you, son"
He hugged his dad so close. He had to thank you for the proud look on Joe's eyes.
"Thank you, dad."
Then he turned to you and Grace. Grace ran and hugged him while you walked close. You wanted to give him space. You couldn't eat what Grace was telling his son, but you saw the tear falling down Danny's cheek. Then he opened his eyes and looked at you. His mum let him go and Daniel was fast hugging you.
"Thank you, YN. I-I don't know how to properly thank you for this. Nothing seems enough. Thank you for believing in me."
Although they could hear his words, all the photographers had their focus on you. The hug between principal and driver. Not like others.
"I always did. I always knew it would be you" You said on his ear.
His arms only tightened around you. And so did you, gripping his swaety suit as if your life depended on it. You didn't want to let go, but you eventually had to. He had to get a trophy.
It might sound weird, but when you climbed in there with him, drank from his shoe and laughed with him and the others, Lewis al Valtteri, Daniel felt the happiest. He felt complete. He felt so in love with you.
Then at the party, you appeared with a nice dress and beautiful shoes. You seemed so happy, everyone congratulated you. You were a good team principal, people were starting to see it.
His father was next to him, a beer in hand and looking at his son.
Daniel looked at him. He was serious and made him worry for a second.
"Are you sure?"
Daniel swallowed.
"About her?"
Joe nodded.
"She is your boss, son"
"I know"
"I'm sure"
Joe smiled. He had seen how the woman and his son behave around each other. Grace had noticed too. They had talked about it in the hotel room. It was so obvious. The mutual respect was obvious. The way their son's eyes light up was obvious. The fond smile she got when looking at him was obvious.
"Go for it then"
Daniel nodded and hugged his dad. He still felt like a kid sometimes.
You saw movent from the side of your eyes and turned your face. You felt your breath hitch in your throat for a second. Daniel's shirt was half open, you could see his chest, his chains... He was confitent, happy and loving the attention. But his was only in you. When he reached you and the group of people you were talking to, his hand respectful3found a place on your back.
"Do you mind if I steal my boss for a couple of minutes?"
They didn't deny him. How could they?
Without nothing more than a soft smile, Daniel guided you to somewhere more private.
"Is everything fine?" You asked. Although you were trying to keep yous trong shell, your knees felt weak. He was still touching you.
Daniel didn't even know where to start.
"Please don't tell me you are leaving at the end of the season" You half joked half not.
"I'm planing on retiring in here, if you let me"
You smiled.
"You don't even have to ask."
You were standing close, so close, both leaning on the railing but facing eachother. The city was loud and bright under your feet.
Somehow, you ended tracing the visible tattoos of his arm. He wanted to talk to you but didn't say anything, you thought about giving him time.
"There is something I wanted to ask. About my contract and all"
You looked up at him and let him speak.
"Blake and I read it a couple of times. We actually checked it. I did a final check by myself. But... It says nothing about..."
"About what, Daniel?"
"About falling in love with the boss and all of that. There is nothing about kisses and affection. And all of that. So... I have some doubts. Is it allowed? Or will human resources come to get my ass?"
You swallowed hard. Was he joking? He wouldn't joke with something like this, right? He respected you, you had a good and tight relationship.
"Danny, I..." You hands fell on his chest.
When he saw you so serious he thought it was over. He had fucked up.
"Okay, it's fine. I'm sorry. We can just forget about it. Like nothing happened and..."
Seeing him like that confirmed to you that he wasn't joking. So you cupped his cheeks and pulled him down to your lips. You hadn't kissed anyone in a while, and the hunger you felt for it, for Danny, was showed on the kiss. He instantly moaned in your mouth, gripping your hips and pulled you close.
The electricity was instant. The connection was already there. You never felt better kissing anyone. His lips were soft and tasted like expensive cocktails. Somehow, you could still smell the champagne on him.
His hand fitted perfectly on your waist and you wish you could feel them under your dress. But he pulled back.
"What does this mean?"
"I definitely think it's aloud. If not... I can have a word with the boss and ask please for a change of rules"
He laughed and kissed you again, cupping your face this time. He was a great kisser. You should have know.
"Let's go somewhere else" He whispered in your lips.
"Don't you want to enjoy your party? They are celebrating you" You said fixing the neck of his shirt.
"I prefer to celebrate with the woman who made all of this possible."
You kissed him once again.
"Let's go then"
Later, he gently pushed you against the door of your suite. His fingers traveled up your leg at the same time his lips kissed down your neck. You had lost all control. You were just there for him, waiting to please and be pleased.
His fingers reached your expensive lingerie and you shivered. You didn't thought about him while choosing it. You hadn't even imagined ending like this. It was obvious there was something there. There was tension, there were looks, there were little touches and sweet words. But him asking if he could fall in love with you? Not even in your best dreams.
"What are you thinking of?" He whispered while kissing your shoulder.
You gently pushed him and took him to the bed. He simply let himself fall and opened his legs. You lift your feet and rested on his knee. He got the hint. With care, he started to unwrap your shoe laces from your ankle.
"I never thought this could happen" You said while running your finger down his nose. He was beautiful.
"And why is that, boss?"
"When you have power and casually are a woman too, men don't want you. How is a man going to date a woman who is over him?"
Daniel kissed your knee and made you change your foot so he could take the other shoe of.
"That's what made me fall in love with you."
You let a shaky breath out and planted both feet on the floor. He then reach to the side of your dress, where he had felt the zipper before.
"I love how you stand there and talk to everybody. How you lead the team. How you came here and said, I will win races. And put me in that car and took me to the podium"
Daniel pulled the dress and it felt to your feet. You were only on your panties then. He took a look of your body, ran his hands over the shape of it, kissed your chest and abdomen. He worshiped you with slow movements and care.
"You brought me back, YN. And I love you so much for it"
You let a shaky breath.
"Do you only love me because I put you on a good car?"
He pulled you by your waist and made you fall on the bed. He climbed then over you and captured your lips on a deep and passionate kiss.
"I love you because you believed in me. You opened your arms for me. You made me get the confidence back. You haven't just been a boss. You have been my friend. I love you because you are a beautiful woman inside out."
You closed your eyes and kissed him again. Soon you had taken him out of his clothes and he had taken the last part of your. You were there tangled in a mess of bodies and kissing slowly and deeply.
"I love you too, Daniel" You said looking at him in the eyes.
He slid in you slowly and you both left pleasure sighs out. Finally. Months of sexual tension, of longing touches and long nights dreaming alone were finally over. You finally had him.
Daniel trusted slowly in you while you shared kisses. It was probably the most intimate sex you've ever had. Then you broth grew desperate and he turned you around. You your chest down on the mattress and a pillow under your hips, Daniel fucked you harder and deeper.
"You feel so good. I knew you would... Fuck, I love you so much" He talked to the skin of your shoulder.
You reached back to him, pulling his face closer. He kissed your cheek and and groaned your name again. You felt in heaven, not even able to form a word and just laying there feeling him.
He wasn't particularly heavy, but his warmth over you felt so welcoming. His strong arms were surrounding you, one around your shoulders and the other next to your face. You had reached for one of his hands.
Then he pushed one of your legs higher with his knee and it was over for you. The angle made you come undone in seconds, panting and shivering, with tears in your eyes and goosebumps on your skin. He came soon after, moaning your name and resting his weight on you. You had your eyes closed and were almost falling asleep. It was overwhelming the amount of things you were feeling.
"I love you" You whispered scared of braking the atmosphere between you.
"I love you" He repeated.
After that, you showered together, which meant another mind blowing round under the water. And then you went to bad and just laid there together. Just you and him. YN and Danny, not boss and driver. Two people in love sharing a quiet moment.
He was distracted with your skin, following every single mark he found with his finger or cresting imaginary shapes where the skin was clear.
"Where will you get it?"
"Get what?" You ran you hand over his curls.
"The tattoo, Zak and Cyril got one."
You smiled.
"It's a surprise." You hadn't even thought about it, but now you definetly would get it.
Maybe this wasn't meant to last or maybe it was. You didn't know what the future had for you. You didn't know if he was the person you will share your life with. But you knew you wouldn't ever be able to forget about him. He had a special place on your heart.
One week after the win, everyone was working on the factory for the next race. Daniel was on the sim.
"Jeff. Tell Daniel to come to my office when he is done."
Nobody but Helen as Sarah knew about the two of you. They didn't know that Daniel had spent the whole week in your mansion or that he had started to hide on your office with you for lunch.
They didn't know you had a surprise for him.
When Daniel came to your office, he said hi and gave you a soft kiss on the lips.
"They said you wanted me here, boss"
"I have something for you" You whispered. He had sit on the chair and you walked between his legs.
Slowly, you opened your shirt, always closed and perfect around your neck. He panted but a smirk appeared on his face.
"Office sex? Has always been a kink of mine"
You laughed but told him no with your head. When you reached the fifth button, you opened the shirt. He looked down at your chest.
"You can't make this one public, though." Between your breast, there was a number 3. It was small, varely a centimeter. But you'd need to be careful with it.
Daniel gently circled it, not wanting to touch the new lines on your skin but needing to at least feel something.
"Do you like it?"
"I adore you, YN."
You cupped his cheeks and kissed him softly.
"Let's have that office sex, pretty please" He pouted.
You chuckled.
I worked my ass off to get this done and boy, I love it. It's was kind of sad, though. Crying some good tears because it's all fiction.
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totothewolff · 10 days
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Season of Love (8/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
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The Color of Truth is Blue Arc Chapter 8: Safety car needed
Trigger warning: Child trauma, abuse.
And to think Toto felt guilty enough about hiding from you his decision to get back with Susie and try to make things work with her, giving himself the hardest time for it while you had been married this whole time!
The two of you are truly made for each other since none of you have morals.
He wants to grab the helmet on the clear glass coffee table inside his remote office before him and smash it against it, but he contains himself. 
Instead, he stands up to pour himself a drink that's almost pure alcohol and just a bit of ice, frantically prancing around the room.
This GP is "hometown" for you guys. 
Mathew's assistant has zero problems fitting it into his busy schedule, so he can assist in your name.
It's not that you do much for the team, anyway. You are more like a figure to lift the morale and PR the team and its sponsors around. 
Mat looks excited to be at the paddock. He loves the attention he is getting. He remained as far from it as possible for obvious reasons, but now it seems like an excellent time to join in the fun. 
Mainly because he feels like it, and when he likes something, he has it.
Now that the real boss is in town, people need to get used to his presence and his long list of shenanigans.
Get a grip!
The weekend at Spa starts with the now-usual FIA meeting. On this occasion, everyone is on time. 
The group is gathered in the final rows of chairs in another world's saddest meeting room. As always, they are messing around while they wait for the meeting to begin.
—This carpeting looks out of a 70's Vegas casino —Seb mentions, looking around his feet.
—It's giving "cheap motel," —Charles adds.
—It's giving "crime scene" —Samanta joins in.
Toto and Fred enter the room, beverages in hand, gossiping. 
Woaff! Lewis notices that Toto looks rough. His hair is messy, and big dark circles are under his eyes. Also, he seems reddish on the cheeks. Is he drinking at work?! Lewis recognizes that kind of blush on him.
—It's giving "once someone died in here" —Checo jokes as he pictures a silhouette drawn with chalk while staring at the floor.
—It's giving "I think I saw this place in Law & Order" —Millie says.
—How many hours of L&O have you seen? —Mick changes the topic, knowing Millie is a fan.
—More than needed —she admits. 
—So you weren't joking when you said, "I go and put Law & Order on any device before a race as my race ritual"? —George looks at her, eyes widening and holding a giggle.
Sam interrupts as Millie is about to answer: —Elvis has arrived.
All their heads turn to the door as Matthew swags in.
—Armani ani ani ani —Millie sings Megan The Stallion style. —He looks so stylish in that suit! Hot!
—He is your boss, dude! —Oscar says and looks at her, chin up.
—And married to my wife! Who's also your boss. So more respect, please —Lando adds.
—Does that make you her father? —Sebastian jokes, pointing at the blonde.
—Are you Millie's dad?! —Lewis joins in, acting shocked.
—Dad?! —Millie turns in his chair to face Lando, wide eyes and arms reaching for a hug.
—You all stupid —Sam laughs, enjoying the exchange.
Mathew being the annoying ass he is, goes straight to her and drops in the chair next to Sam, placing his arm around her shoulders. —Amelia, hi! —Mat addresses her with a big-ass smile and stunning blue eyes staring at her.
—AMELIA?!! —everyone but Millie lets out in shock.
—How lovely to see you! —Sam greets him with a "fuck you!" gaze but answers with the sweetest voice.
—Yes, that's her middle name, you didn't know?! —Mat asks the group, pretending to be shocked, knowing she hates that name.
Then, the FIA deputy enters and asks Mathew to join him upfront since they are addressing the whole Lenkov situation and the new safety on paddock protocols with the drivers for the first time.
—Well, now that everything is clear, I will leave the microphone to Mr. De Vos to introduce himself...
—Yes, take off your shirt and tell us —Lando jokes in a low voice, next to Millie, discreetly bumping her and laughing low. 
Those fuckers.
Everyone looks bored as Fred goes forever after grabbing the mic to discuss the car skidding due to fluids and oil spills on the pitlane.
—No, you guys. I like this topic! I identify with it since I'm also fluid —Millie adds, all confident and open.
—Genderfluid? —Seb smiles big at her, eyes sparkling at her gutsy statement.
—I love the gender fluids —Lando jokes, with a cheeky innuendo as usual.
—I wouldn't mind some gender fluids instead of this, mate —Dani adds.
—I would have the gender fluids, please! —Mick jokes, pretending to raise his hand.
—I'm feeling my gender-fluids right now —Millie colorfully adds while looking at Mathew.
—What fluids is he talking about?! —George asks, serious, not recalling watching spots or brushes on the pitlane, unable to hear Fred accurately and utterly unaware of the jokes around.
—The genders —Seb and Millie answer simultaneously before bursting out laughing, watching a perplexed George. 
Everyone in the room turns their heads to them.
—Oh shit!
As soon as the doctors inform you that you can leave the hospital, your team moves you to the Manor, where Mathew insists you take a break and rest before putting a foot back on the paddock, much to your complaints.
He lets you know he will handle it while you are gone, and not enough "I'm fine!" on your part makes him change his mind.
Nothing good will come out of this with him there, you know that!
The press is desperate to get an interview out of Mathew, and the photographers already love him, a cloud of lens following him around.
With those looks, impeccable suit, and swag, who wouldn't want to snap his picture? 
But his security has him covered.
A new and hot Sky Sports reporter approaches him, and he lets her slide in, with a microphone in hand and a cameraman following her.
Mathew gives her an exclusive interview, instantly switching to his most charming, funny, and sweet persona. He shines under the lens, showing his big, bright smile with gorgeous teeth.
Mat reaches the reporter's ear when the interview finishes and the cameraman lowers the lens. —Tower Suite 1898 The Post, 7:00 p.m., don't be late. I'm fucking you in dark lingerie and ankle-strap black high heels.
She nods, all blushing, knees shaking at his invitation.
Okay, Toto can't resist it anymore. He promised he wouldn't do it, but he can't. It's driving him nuts.
He opens his iPad and smashes the keywords on the Google search bar, typing "Mathew De Vos."
A ton of links and information show up.
"Cambridge Faculty of Law Board Member, Masters in Corporate Law, PhD. in Law, former ONU ambassador, former Interpol Associate"
Toto closes those taps after reading them and moves to the next more frivolous ones.
"#4 on World's Richest Men, #2 Billionaires Under 30, #2 GQ's Stylish CEOs"
In all his status, Mathew appears married, and in most of his interviews, he always mentions his wife, you, which hurts him.
Okay, but what does Matthew do right now? Why buying an F1 team? There's nothing linking him or you to the sport. Could it be just for a hobby?
"Current investor and CEO of Little Heroes Global: Safeguarding Minors Around the Globe."
Okay, there's still no connection. Maybe it was just a good business deal? 
Toto keeps reading and then moves to trashier, gossipy sites.
Le Soir
Brussels, 2004.
Tragedy strikes De Vos family as helicopter crash kills parents, leaving 16-year-old son heir.
A devastating helicopter crash in the rolling hills of Belgium has claimed the lives of Victor and Lina De Vos, leaving their 16-year-old son, Mathew, the sole heir to their vast family fortune.
According to eyewitnesses, the De Vos family was on a routine flight from their estate in Wallonia to Brussels when the helicopter suddenly lost control and crashed in a nearby field. The accident occurred at approximately 10:45 a.m., with rescue teams arriving on the scene within minutes.
"It was a scene of utter devastation," said Alfred Van der Meer, a local farmer who witnessed the crash. "I saw the helicopter go down and then... grey clouds."
Victor De Vos, a wealthy businessman and billionaire, was 45 years old at the time of his death. His wife, Lina, was 42. 
The couple was known for their philanthropic efforts and various charitable organizations throughout Belgium.
Mathew De Vos, 16 years old at the time of the accident, is now the heir to his father's business empire and the family's Manor. The exact value of the estate is unknown, but insiders close to the family suggest that it could be worth hundreds of millions.
"We are still trying to come to terms with this tragedy," said Michel Droveb, his godfather, a family friend, and business associate. "But we are all relieved that Mathew is safe and will be able to carry on his parents' legacy."
As news of the tragedy spread, tributes poured in from around the world. "The De Vos family was a shining example of generosity and kindness," said King Leopold II of Belgium. "Their loss is a great blow to our nation."
Funeral services are scheduled for next week at the St. Michael's Cathedral in Antwerp.
In the meantime, Mathew De Vos has been taken under the wing of his family's trusted advisors and is expected to continue his parents' business endeavors.
As he begins his journey as one of the world's youngest billionaires, Mathew De Vos has vowed to honor his parents' memory by using his wealth to make a positive impact on the world.
"We will continue to give back to our community and support those in need," he said in a statement. "My parents would want nothing less."
The exact cause of the crash is still under investigation. 
Toto finishes reading the old entry on the news site, a bit pale and shocked. That may explain some of Mathew's attitude. 
He locks his iPad after indulging himself too much and thinks it's enough. Toto has more important things to do.
As soon as you are allowed to leave the bed, you go visit Mat's mom since you miss her very much. You walk there barefoot, feeling the cold wood and stone floors of the Manor all the way to the next wing.
She is peacefully lying in bed. The massive room is full of bright natural light, and a fresh and stunning bouquet of her favorite flowers is placed on the nightstand next to her, filling the room with a delicious scent.
You want to tell her all about your new life and the people you have met, and as you share everything about Toto with her, you get emotional and overwhelmed.
So when Mathew arrives there after searching for you, he finds you crying while holding her limp hand.
He comes closer and sits at the border of his mother's ICU hospital bed, placing himself between it and the armchair where you are sitting at. 
The room remains quiet, just the sounds of the life support pieces of equipment keeping his elderly mom alive, in a coma, but still.
He tenderly kisses her mother's temple before facing you, leaning his body in to wipe the tears sliding down your cheeks.
—Tell me what's hurting you to fix it? —compassion and care fill his eyes.
—This has no fix. Damage is done —you stare down at your hands before adding: —But going out to dinner can help me feel better.
He nods. —I know the place.
Sam joins you for breakfast at the Manor the following morning, where you tell her every detail about the plan, now being able to, and how it went.
—Then Pascal played one for the team again! —she says before grabbing a portion of her pancakes.
—I'm worried about him. I hope he is safe and well. —you express with deep concern, much to Mathew's dislike.
—Oh, he is. He let me know days ago —Mat says in the most nonchalant, neutral voice while picking his fruits.
—What?! Why didn't you tell me?! I've been worrying all these past days! —now you sound exasperated at him.
A "here we go!" face sets on Sam.
—You needed to rest! No further point! —Mat continues, still not caring, as if nothing was wrong.
—Stop telling me what I need! —you raise your voice at him, now you are mad!
He looks up and stares at you with an icy look but doesn't reply; he continues having breakfast as if nothing is happening.
One day, you will lose it with Mathew's controlling and psycho moves. 
You regain your composure and add: —This can't keep happening! I need to know the things that involve me right at the moment!
—Understood —it's all he says.
—And what about Lenkov? Any whereabouts? —Sam says, pushing topics, used to witnessing you fight.
You text Seb to let him know you are at the Manor now.
—I'm glad! But where's that?! Do you own a manor? It doesn't sound much like your style! Ah, and thanks for answering back!
—Sorry for the delay in replies! I was resting. Shit! I forgot you don't know about it. Let me ask Mat if you can pop by. He is very particular about who is allowed here.
—No worries! I can ask him myself. I'm watching him right here.
Seb puts his phone inside his red tracksuit pocket, scooters down the pitlane to Mat beside Michael, and chats casually with the men in German before asking him the question.
—Wait, Seb! 
Seb doesn't read your text. Seb takes Mathew entirely by surprise. 
Mathew allows him to visit you, sensing Vettel is kind and has some guts to reach him.
When you return to the Manor, feeling tipsy after drinking a lot in that sports bar where you watched the race in secret.
Your heart sank every time Toto appeared on screen, looking as handsome as ever but without acting playful in front of the camera.
Sebastian is already in the old drawing room, waiting for you and chatting with Mat in a friendly way, which is rare. Damn, time flew by!
—And there she is! Hello, drunk! —Seb greets you as soon as you enter the room.
Mathew sends you a cold look, which you defiantly ignore.
—Bee guy! —you reach Seb and give him a warm hug. —Podium, heh!
—I know! Third place! Not that bad for this old man?! Tell Millie to leave me to win sometime, one win this season, pretty please! —Seb smiles big at you.
—No way, Jose! I'm sorry for making you wait with this one! —you point to Mat with your thumb.
—Alcohol produces brain damage, and you need cold water and food! I see you two at the dining table.
Mat exits the room, annoyed; he hates alcohol, cigars, drugs, sugar, and everything that's unhealthy for the body.
—Does he always swags all moody like that? —Seb asks, following him with his eyes, raising his eyebrows.
—Oh yeah —you let out a giggle.
You love Vettel.
—And those are your parents, right? —Seb asks, observing the massive regal oil painting of a family of three hanging on the wall by the exquisite wooden crafted stairs before sensing the atmosphere changing.
He got offered a tour of the Manor.
—Yes —Mat answers solemnly, you two standing near Seb while he leans to peek. All alcohol is out of your system by this point.
—Do the eyes follow you around as you walk past? —Vettel jokes in the most Sebastian way possible.
A smile forms on Mathew's lips. —It sometimes shakes too. You know when father disapprovals! —he pats Seb a bit too hard on the back.
—It's a bit too much, isn't it? —you join in. Shruging your nose, looking at the old painting.
—Yeah —both men agree, letting out in unison.
—You were such a cute kid. What happened?! —Seb teases Mat.
—Life, life happened to me —he answers, more honest than joking, oblivious to Seb, clear to you.
Why is Mat acting open and friendly with him?
—Ta-dah! This is my room! —you invite Seb to hang out in a more private space, taking him to the last spot of the tour.
Mathew had already left to the wing of the Manor that is his. He always hides in there; sometimes, you even forget he exists or that you were supposed to live with him.
—So this is where you grew up? —Seb is curious and naturally funny, so he is already playfully peeking into your drawers, looking at the Polaroids on the wall, and checking the decor. —Oh wow, baby Sam!
He points to a picture where "kid Sam" and a younger Alexi, Mat, and you appear.
—Yeah, that's about when I arrived here, and no, I didn't grow up here —you shake your head several times. —I wish!
Now, Seb is confused. Mat just told him you two lived together "since you were kids." —Then, where?
—Here, take a sit —you invite him to hang on the sofa in front of the big stony fireplace as it lights the huge room. The night is fully set, and the air in the countryside is cold. —Bare along...
This story is not a happy one.
You will never forget that big old mansion in the woods where you grew up. Your oldest memories start there at age four.
You had no idea who your mom was; you had never met her, only your nanny, who cared for you and your baby sister, a cute five-month-old girl, a chubby, healthy baby with pink cheeks. 
You loved holding her; she always wrapped her fingers around your thumb and tried to get your long, shiny hair into her mouth, which made you giggle.
You let her play with your teddy bear; she is the only one allowed to grab "bon-bon." 
You love wrapping big bowties around its plushie neck, and your papa occasionally gifts you colorful and shiny ribbons.
Every day, you take lessons with a rigorous and cruel governess who teaches you manners and scolds you when you do things wrong, calling you an animal and a brute whenever she loses her patience with you.
You don't like how she treats you, but you don't notice anything wrong with it. It feels ordinary to you.
The following day, your nanny wakes you up early and tells you they have important guests coming over, and you must look pretty to welcome them. 
She combs your hair roughly and, in a rush, pulls it into a tight bun as instructed while you are on your feet on top of the makeup chair. 
She puts you into a puffy chiffon dress and starts applying you makeup, which you love. You like all those things: hairstyles, dresses, makeup, nails, glitter, and sparks. 
When you see yourself in the mirror, you look like a doll that belongs on a shelf as you stick your tongue out and make silly faces at your reflection.
She then takes you downstairs to your favorite room of the large house. The playroom is colorful and has many toys to play with; it's a shame you always play alone.
You go inside and grab a couple of plushies and a plastic tea set when you notice several stern and tall men watching you. 
You feel a little bit shy under their stares; among them is a man who looks intensely at you. 
He is a tall, silver-haired, muscular man with captivating eyes and a dangerous smirk that could charm the devil himself.
Standing next to him are gunmen and two large menacing dogs guarding him. 
Another group of gentlemen join him before they all enter your dad's office, a forbidden ground for you.
After a while, everyone exits the house's entrance door and leaves, but the silver-haired man stays longer. 
You have seen him before; he is your daddy's boss.
Sometimes, they have meetings, and whenever he is at the house, they get you all cute-looking and rushed downstairs.
He always asks for you and handles you expensive gifts every visit.
You get distracted by him bringing you cake; all you want is a slice. The merengue looks delicious and smells like vanilla.
Your dad and the man come closer to you. He greets you brusquely, caressing your cheek.
Now that you are near him, you look terrified at the two scary Dobermans monitoring your every move.
—They don't bite unless I command them to —He looks at the muscular animals. —So be a nice girl —he jokes with you. 
You reach closer to your dad's leg, trying to hide behind it, but he neither pats nor reassures you.
—Status on her training? —the silver-haired man asks.
—She is about to start it, sir.
—When it gets done, send her to me —he instructs with an authoritarian voice but nonchalant. 
He brushes his hand on your hair before he heads out of the big, beautiful wooden entrance door.
As the days go by, you start to spend more and more time studying with your governess.
That cruel woman seems to be under such stress of quickly teaching you many things, so she behaves even more viciously. 
Your German, French, and English lessons feel too much for your little brain. No six-year-old should feel this pressure on herself; all you want to do is play. 
You get moody and start to cry, not being able to take it more; you are tired!
Suddenly, you feel a painful sting on your cheek; your dad slapped you hard for whining. —Stop crying, behave! —He commands you.
And you do so.
You are in the staff's kitchen, sitting on a high barstool, legs swinging in the air, while the cook prepares the meal. 
You ask her to make you a sandwich, but she tells you you are no longer allowed bread or carbs. 
That kitchen leads outdoors to the massive gardens by a backdoor; it's a vast property. 
Another prominent building sits right across the field, in the distance, behind some bushes and trees.
You are not allowed out, and you are not allowed to go near there. 
But you are a curious and strong-willed girl, after all. 
You peek through the window and see two little boys and girls walking from room to room inside the other property. You want to go and play with them, as you are always among grown-ups.
The cook follows your gaze and rushes you out of the kitchen and back to the living area.
It's late at night, and you wake up to the sound of your stomach growling. 
The house is so quiet, as everyone is sleeping, and it's the perfect moment for you to sneak to get ice cream. 
You risk going to the kitchen after your curfew because you feel hungry from the small portions they have given you lately. 
For some reason, they have been measuring and weighing you daily.
You navigate the large house's hallways, avoiding making a sound. Your steps softly creak on the wooden floors unnoticed, which is why you are barefoot, which is also not allowed.
You finally make it to the kitchen and, on your tiptoes, take the big bucket of ice cream out of the freezer and to the countertop. 
You are short for your age, which makes you look younger and even more adorable. You are such a cute, tiny girl.
You hop on the stool and eat the chocolate ice cream straight from the bucket with a big spoon, licking it; chocolate goes all over your collar and lips.
If the governess saw you doing this, she would lock you in the closet. She had done it before and made you spend an entire night there for disobedience. 
You cried hard for your dad. That place was cold and dark, but he never showed up.
You catch movement with the corners of your eyes outside the large window into the garden's bushes, the same window from which you peeked out earlier.
A small shadow moves quickly, and you get a bit scared, but curiosity makes you reach closer to the window's glass, your nose almost touching it. It feels cold, it must be freezing outside.
You catch a small girl hiding in the bushes and dropping to the dirt quickly as she notices you. 
The door to the outside is just steps away. What if you go help her? She looks distressed and must be cold! 
You know you are not allowed to, yet you go. 
You expect the door to be locked, but you open it easily.
You hear a soft beep as you set foot outside on the deck. Then the alarm goes off, and the motion detection lights turn on; they are so strong they blind you. 
You watch the little girl run to the forest as fast as she can. You try to go after her when you feel a firm grip pulling you from the hair and throwing you back into the kitchen. 
You hit the floor hard, sliding in.
You see a pair of black combat boots about to kick you in the stomach when your dad's voice screams very loud. 
—Don't get her scratch! She's valuable! —the man immediately stops mid-kick with a yes, sir.
You watch the other guards drag violently the little girl back inside the other building. 
You barely hear her indistinct screams in the distance. As you lose sight of her, you think she is begging for her mother, and then the door gets violently slammed close in front of you and locked down this time.
You don't understand what is happening but remember feeling freaked out that day. 
You then recall how scared you used to feel every single day back in those times.
They leave you for two days inside that dark closet with no food and no water as punishment.
The following month, the governess tells you she has finished her job with you but informs you that your training is set to start. 
You don't get what she means by "training."
Then, she leaves the study room and returns with a boy about two years older than you. 
You quickly get happy to see someone close to your age and not another adult. You have been raised among them.
The boy looks rigid and lost in the eye as he approaches you. 
When he is standing before you, he pulls you closer and kisses you on the mouth. You giggle at the sensation. It feels funny!
But you see nothing wrong with this, you like the contact since you have never been held like that.
These lessons last for several weeks. They get weirder and more touch-y each time. 
When winter arrives, it starts to snow outside. You are cozy sleeping in bed, hugging your teddy plushie under your warm blanket. 
The fireplace creeks and heats the room when you hear heavy footsteps outside your bedroom door before it opens.
A big, bulky guy picks you up from the bed, still wrapped in the blanket, waking you up. He carries you down the hallway, heading with you down the stairs.
There, you see your dad, for the last time, on your way to the SUV with tinted black windows parked right outside the front door. 
It turns out that man wasn't your father, nor was this your actual home.
You remember feeling increasingly nervous as the car gets further away from the property. All you think about is Bon-bon and the baby. 
You cry.
You are sent to the Serbian ring, where your price is high for obvious reasons. You overhear the man who takes you there sound delighted at how high your bid went. 
You don't understand a thing.
Two days later, they fly you to a high-end hotel bungalow in Bali, where an older man expects you. 
They make him read some papers with terms and things he is suggested not to do to you since this type of man doesn't like the phrase "not allowed to," and he agrees. 
The chaperone then closes the room door behind you, leaving you alone with him.
You don't know what to do next, so you watch him remove his tie and shoes as he points you to the bed. 
As an obedient and collected girl, you get in there. 
This man paid in advance for an entire year of your services and exclusivity, which is an enormous amount of money. 
They make you meet with him always in different countries and locations until he gets bored of your body and moves to the next younger new girl.
After that, they return you to the market, and you visit the ring again, this time in Turkey. 
You were supposed to live in several security houses when you weren't traveling around the globe to meet your owners, which never happened to you. 
They rotate them constantly, and cameras and microphones are everywhere, so the other girls and boys cannot interact. 
It doesn't matter much anyway. 
With time, you learn that the more money you make them, the better things go for you. 
Soon, you discover you are one of the privileged ones since Lenkov, the silver-haired man from childhood, is infatuated with you and asks for you whenever he wants you. 
He is a scum.
—If you weren't so good for my business, I do have you living here with me full time like one of my dolls —the fit older man tells you while inhaling coke from the tits of a busty teenager. 
While another underage girl like you sits in his lap wearing a tiny bikini, five of them are in there fighting for his attention and petting him all around at his open-floor mansion by the sea in Punta Cana, where he currently lives. You are the youngest one in there.
Lenkov has many places and doesn't stay in one longer, and the girls he likes for his sick enjoyment only get to follow him all around.
It's a better type of prison to be at; you get to learn, and it's way better than getting bid off in the rings.
At least with him, you know what to expect.
Lenkov hosts one of his infamous parties as a goodbye to Punta Cana, which is full of powerful and corrupt guests. 
Drugs, alcohol, and a bunch of underage girls and boys are there at their disposition and for everyone's enjoyment, all if they pay, of course! 
Bricks of money and bags full of rolls are on several surfaces.
After your previous owner passed away in a very sketchy way, you are pretty sure he got himself poisoned.  
Lenkov ordered that they broght you so he can enjoy your body during the weekend and for your attendance at the party since a couple of Arab princes and some Serbian moguls will be there, and he wants you to work your way with them.
A very stoic, tall, and older man in an expensive suit sits, legs crossed, in the expensive armchair next to Lenkov. 
He looks you up from afar, his eyes traveling every inch of your skin. 
You know how to read a room by this point in your life. So you get closer and slowly twirl for him.
—She —he turns to tell the silver-haired man, looking at you, and Lenkov nods, allowing it.
There he was, your new owner. 
God, you hated that word. You weren't a thing to be own; you were a person, even if they didn't treat you like one.
When your chaperone opens the door to a massive suite in Dubai, you are surprised to be greeted by a tall, gorgeous, muscular man with piercing blue eyes, dark, wavy hair, and great skin. 
He is big and athletic. You would find him extremely attractive if he wasn't this sick person. 
After being with many 50-plus-year-olds, a 33-year-old feels young enough for you. Even if he is not, you are only 14 by this point. 
Well, you have been told you are. 
Since you don't own a passport or credentials, you don't know exactly who you are, how old you are, where you come from, or anything about yourself.
He agrees to the terms presented to him, and then, as usual, you are left alone with him. 
Either they go all over you immediately, asking you to take your clothes off in an instant or foreplay a bit before demanding you to go straight to the bed.
But none of the listed happens this time. 
He returns to his laptop, where he seems busy working. Of course, he didn't forget about you. He was totally ignoring you. 
It's always tricky with these guys! They are often arrogant, violent, controlling, or power-obsessed and challenging to read or act around. 
But, unfortunately for you, you have enough experience dealing with all those types. 
So you take off your dress, revealing your tiniest lingerie, and against your will, as usual, approach him, showing off your body. 
You get into his lap, placing yourself on his crotch. 
You don't want problems, and you know what happens to girls who get a "bad review" to say it like that.
He stops reading what's on his screen, getting distracted by you, then turns to grab his jacket and offers it to you. —No need for any of that —he tells you. 
And you put his coat on. 
It looks so big on you, covering your whole body. You move to sit on the sofa near him. 
Dead silence. 
He couldn't care less about you.
—Sir, I'm all okay? Is there a way I can pleasure you? If I'm doing something wrong, please let me make it up to you —you freak out as you notice the time of your session is running out; you don't want trouble.
—I didn't hire you —he says, still typing and looking busy. That takes you off guard. He looks straight at you with those fierce blue eyes, frowning.
—My sick father gave you to me as a "forgive me" present —he lets out with disdain. —I don't get how he is okay with this stuff. I'm not too fond of paid girls or STDS. I'm not into the young ones.
—I'm very clean, I get tested all the ti-
—So, how does this shit work? —he interrupts you, not caring about what you are saying. —I read on paper that a titanium package was paid. Even the name sounds absurd!
You look at him collected, avoiding saying a dumb thing, being extremely careful with each word.
—It means I'm exclusive to your enjoyment, and you have me ten sessions before acquiring the package again if I please you, that I promise I-
—I see —he again interrupts your rehearsed speech.
You hear soft knocks in code on the door. It means Fran, your chaperone, of course you know that isn't his real name, is waiting for you.
You get your dress back on, and he walks you to the door.
Before reaching it, he suddenly pushes you into a rough and intense kiss, messing your hair and fucking your lipstick, biting open your lip, and, in a powerful movement, tearing your dress a little bit, taking you by surprise.
Fran opens the door at your lack of response and quickly apologizes, witnessing some of the action. —I didn't mean to interrupt, sir.
—No worries, I'm done with her —he says deadpan, pushing you out with a big slap in the ass.
This goes on for the subsequent sessions. 
He doesn't touch you more than what is required to pretend you two did the thing. He is clever at keeping appearances.
—So, as long as I have you under my power, I can take my time to have our "sessions," right?
—Yes, sir, but not that much.
—Good, that gains us little time.
He asks you one night while looking out of the panoramic windows, sipping his coñac. 
Damn, he is muscular and hot.
—Feel free to use the suite amenities. You are not allowed out of the room, correct?
—Oh no, I'm not —you confirm quickly, not wanting to get in serious trouble. Guards parol you, so there's no way you could get out even if you tried.
He renews his package with you without touching or disrespecting you in any way. 
Every time you meet him, you expect him to ask you to return the favor. Your life experiences have made you wary and distrustful.
But he doesn't.
—Yes?! —he looks your way. You have been staring at him for five minutes. He is not the most tender-speaking person.
—I'm sorry, I wasn't, I-
—It's alright, you can talk.
—No worries, you seem busy.
—Go straight to the point or remain shut up —he dislikes wasting time.
—Why are you doing this? —you venture to ask. —I'm not trying to sound ungrateful. I'm more than thankful to you, sir.
—Don't call me sir; it makes me feel dirty —he drops himself on the sofa beside you, giving himself time off from work, stretching. —I get what you are going through. I'm in a prison of my own, too.
You remain quiet a little bit, pensive to open your mouth, knowing you can trust no bitch, but this feels different. So you trust your gut. —What do you mean?
—My father got my family, me included... —he stands to pour himself another glass of coñac and offers you one. You aren't allowed to drink unless they offer you, so you accept it. —...dragged into his illicit business, sadly, we have no way out now.
—I think I met him once from afar. No disrespect, but he seems harsh.
—You can disrespect him all you want. I hate my father; he is a scumbag, he got my brother locked up and murdered in jail, and my mother is also dead, thanks to him. So now it's just us.
—Are you in any danger? —you ask, honestly concerned.
—Worried about your situation?
—No si- shit! —you quickly correct yourself. —Sorry, what do I call you?
—Pascal, that's my real name, by the way. As you can see, I don't care much, and yes! I'm always in danger, not imminent, but still, it's a dangerous game I'm playing.
—You are kind to me, that's why I asked. I don't know my real name, so I have no name you can call me.
—I can think of a couple of ones —he makes an innuendo, and by your shocked expression, he quickly adds. —I'm joking! I'm kidding!
You laugh for the first time in God knows how long.
Knocks come on the door.
That goes on until Lenkov becomes possessive of you and warns him that this is the last time Pascal is allowed to acquire your package, and he won't steal you away from him.
—I'm not planning to do so, Lenkov, it's just that pussy is so good, and I don't know how to quit it —he lies.
Lenkov smiles at him with an "I get it" expression before asking him for an obscene amount of money.
Pascal agrees to it, but only if he is allowed to have you for more time, for an entire year.
—A million, and it's a deal.
—But if she stays with me in London...
—She will be not allowed out of the apartment, I will place snipers, and if you try to trick me, I will slight her throat in front of you and then yours. A million and a half, and it's done.
Pascal pays for it.
He welcomes you to your new home with a glass of champagne.
—To the birthday girl.
—Today is your birthday. According to your birth certificate, here, it's your gift.
—Is this real?! —tears fill your eyes. He nods, and then Pascal looks taken aback when you give him the warmest hug he has ever received. 
He doesn't know what to do until he relaxes and hugs you back.
—I could sleep with you right now! —you say, and you quickly add by the shocked expression he gives you. —I'm joking! I'm kidding. Ah! I'm one year older than I thought! But how did you get this?!
—I have something to confess to you, and it's the reason why I moved you here with me —he sounds serious and looks stern; he hesitates before continuing. 
You start thinking about the worst possible outcome. Here comes the part that goes bad for you. 
—A few months ago, I made contact with Interpol.
—Oh, please, I'm, look, I, I rather not —you mumble and start to panic, fearing for your life.
—I see. I may die after this —Pascal lets out.
—You what?! —you panic.
—It doesn't matter. Yeah, it's better you stay out of it.
—If it threatens your life, then I'm in! —you sound so assured that he looks shocked.
—Why would you...? —he starts asking.
You jump in. —Risk my life for yours? Anyday! You are the only good thing that has ever happened to me —Pascal looks at you with an expression you cannot read.
—This guy I got in contact with has been pursuing Lenkov for some time and plotting his downfall.
—This guy?! Wasn't the Interpol?!
—Well, yes, he used to work for them...
—Oh god, how are you sure he is not setting you up and wh- —you panic again.
He calms you down and quickly explains. —He is the most annoying guy ever, but it's legit. He started his own organization and has the best of the best working for him, and that's why he moved the Lenkov case with him and left Interpol to work it on his own; it's personal to him.
—Have you met with him?
—Just on the phone, many, many times.
—I don't like this.
—I promise you he is legit and has resources. He was the one who got me your birth certificate. All he is asking from us in return is to act as a witness in case all goes well and we get Lenkov on trial.
—And what's in this for you? I'm sorry for judging you, but my life has taught me some lessons. You aren't in this just because you want my freedom, right?
—To whistleblow my father and expose his business with Lenkov, and make them both rot in prison.
—You are going to get us murdered!
Pascal starts worrying about you bailing out, judging your fear and panic.
He is getting ready to start working you out when you suddenly calm down.
—But what do I have to lose? This is no life, and if I can help to protect you, other girls, and boys and gain my freedom along the way, I will.
Lenkov sends people to check on you two occasionally without previous notice, trying to catch in any weird move and have an excuse to move you back with him.
It comes to his attention that according to the people he sends there, they never seem to interrupt you in sexual activities, enraging him.
You are cozy on the couch watching TV when Pascal's deep voice grabs your attention.
—Listen, whenever someone from my "dad's business," aka my job, comes here, or we aren't alone, no matter if it's the help service, I need you to play along and pretend we are in a sexual relationship. We need to keep appearances and have the word spread. 
—Why? —you start feeling concerned. —Did something happen?
—Don't stress about it —he dismisses it. —Just so you know.
—Y/N, you are right. You are not being paranoid —you have been feeling observed by people looking from the building across for some days now. —Probably Lenkov moved some people to one of the apartments in front. They are watching us now.
Pascal pretends to enjoy a drink while looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows to the skyscraper in front of yours. 
—Moving out is no option for us —you add, feeling nauseous. Months have passed since you started living peacefully with Pascal at this place you now call home.
—We need to engage more, then —he sounds grim.
—If we close the curtains but keep the lights on, maybe we could dry hump for them. Silhouettes may work.
—Have the men you have been with ever cared enough to close the curtains? 
—No. I get it. It's going to look staged. They won't go away till they make sure.
He lets an exasperated sigh and smashes his glass on the floor.
You instinctively jump. —Listen, I have done it before, we could... —you go all red.
After several days of noticing him consumed by the situation's stress, you cross the distance between you and gift him your first kiss. 
Obviously, it's not your first physical kiss, but the first one that feels real.
You kiss him all the way to the bedroom. 
Where Pascal makes love to you in a missionary position, all flesh in full display and bodies moving in rhythm for them to witness. 
After you cowgirl him, he takes you in doggy style till you cum from pleasure for the first time ever while moaning his name.
You completely forget that you were doing it for the men watching you at a distance, secretly shooting photos without you noticing before they have them printed and delivered to Lenkov.
There is a slight shift after that night. 
The interactions between you two become more tender; there are more accidental touches and sweet looks, along with some cuddling, but nothing sexual ever happens again after the Lenkov people leave you alone.
Not even a kiss.
Three months later, as you grow impatient every day since you know your year agreement is near its end, Pascal informs you that this guy wants to implement the plan.
Next week, a massive raid on the Lenkov rabbit holes, properties, and security homes will occur. People are going to get arrested and youngsters rescued. You are on the list.
The difference with you is that you will immediately be moved to Belgium to the Little Heroes Global headquarters to testify and for them to prepare you for court.
It's a Wednesday morning, the first time you talk to this guy on the phone. 
He sounds young, but his tone is too solemn. He informs you that Pascal was the critical piece he needed to deploy his long, elaborate plan; he and his team have spent years trying to get Lenkov.
Now that you have all the knowledge and information he needs to take him down, it is all good to go.
It's the first of many calls you two exchange, and you eventually become incredibly familiar with his voice.
The day that "Operation Lina" arrives, you are so nervous. 
Everything is going according to the plan. 
But then, as a lot of commotion happens outside your apartment door, Pascal bolts to his feet and places you behind his body, protecting you.
A SWAT team bursts in, knocking the door down. Pascal looks at you, confused at the violence, but you see him smile for the first time in all the time you have met him. 
—That's the sound of your freedom —he addresses you, briefly resting his temple on yours. You want so desperately to kiss his lips.
Then the SWAT team moves quick on their feet, guns up to approach you, or that you think so.
Unexpectedly, they pinned Pascal in a violent move against the floor. He hits his head hard in the process.
—What are you doing!? —you start screaming and kicking as they push you out of the way. You go insane as they keep dragging him away from you. —LEAVE HIM YOU FUCKERS! You are hurting him! This wasn't part of the plan!
They yank him down the apartment entrance hallway, and you fight your way to follow along, demanding to know where they are taking him, screaming and kicking.
—PASCAL! —You are desperately calling for him at the top of your lungs. 
When you feel a hand softly rub you on your shoulder, you turn around, expecting the worst, to see Lenkov standing there, so you violently remove the hand from you and, with all your force, push the guy against the hallway wall.
—Easy! Easy! —that familiar voice tells you. —He is going to be okay, I will make sure —a kid slightly older than you is standing before you, his beautiful blue eyes are set on you.
—Are you!? —you let out in barely a whisper. You can't believe your eyes; he can't be that young!
—Yes —he starts fixing himself. —You are strong. Mathew De Vos —he offers you his hand.
—Why the fuck are you betraying him like that?! —you start immediately fighting with him, which, funny enough, becomes a habit for you two.
—I'm not! Listen, in one of the raids inside of one of Lenkov's drawers at his office desk, there were photos of you and Pascal, you know, explicitly engaging in some illegal acts.
—But that's not! He didn't ra-! I consent to it, AND it was just because Lenvok people were watching us ove-
—I believe you. I'm not happy to lose one of my biggest witnesses, but it's still a crime. Due to cooperation, we can offer him a good deal, so Pascal will be alright, I promise you.
—How do I know I can trust you?!
—I'm here, as I promised I will. Let's go. The quicker we get this done, the faster you will win back your freedom!
Days later, Mat informs you he moved his influences to get a particular trial for Pascal and that he ended up with just domestic arrest in Budapest, ankle monitor and all.
But that you won't be able to see him, probably ever again. You are only allowed to talk to him on the phone.
Lenkov corrupts his way out of the situation. To both your fury, you have never seen a man so furious as Mathew that day; you almost felt like running away from him as soon as possible, but this unexpected outcome forces you into a witness protection program.
Mathew offers you a place to stay until things get sorted out, a stay that will last for years to come.
—The obvious aside, duh, why did Mathew want to take Lenkov down? —Seb asks, his voice husky. 
It's cold and late at night, around 5 a.m., and by this point of the story, you are already wrapped around Seb's arms, sharing the soft blanket on the couch as he plays nervously with your golden bracelet. 
Seb has remained empathic and supportive, listening to your life story.
—Mat got scarred by that same man. Victor, Mat's father, was just solidifying "Heroes Global" after building it to protect minors, legally advise victims and their families, and help intelligence agencies dismantle traffic rings when he was the first person to discover the real business behind Lenkov's legal facades—you explain. Seb's eyebrows go to the roof, and his eyes look sad.
—As Mat was dealing with becoming an orphan, his team found out the helicopter crash that killed his parents, well, his dad mostly, wasn't an accident. Mathew's mom has been in a coma for years with no hope of recovering, but she is still with us, thank God. 
—Are you a believer?
—Yes. God sent Mat to me. He means the world to me, Seb. He really does, even with all that implies. It's the only family I have. Even in our worst moments, I have never not loved him. He gave me a chance and a better life than I had ever imagined.
—It's good to know —Mat's voice takes you both by surprise, making you un-cuddle and turn to him. He walks inside the room before standing before you, hands inside his soft pajama bottoms, shirtless.
—Where did those abs come from, ancient Greece? —Seb can't help but peek as he jokes. He looks good.
As soon as I found out Lenkov did it and what he really was, I took the basis of Heroes Global and founded Little Heroes Global, working with Interpol. Did you know, Sebastian Vettel, that this girl right here is the foundation's vice president? he asks in the voice of a quiz host while pointing at you.
—I begged Mat to let me stay and work with them as soon as I was freed, I wanted to help others, but I was an illegal here in Belgium, with no papers and in need of a citizen permit and a passport.
—Also under age —Matt adds. So, I wasn't able to marry her to fix all of that thing at once, but as soon as we could, we did, I stayed true to my word of taking care of her.
—It wasn't a romantic or traditional wedding —you explain.
—Just transactional, sign here, sign this, sign there —Mat adds.
—Do you ever?
—Yes —you both answer at the same time.
Dead silence.
—But you two need to go to bed, to sleep, I mean. On another occasion, Y/N may tell you all about us; I prefer my version, though. Feel free to stay over Vettel. Just respect my roof —he winks before leaving, implying to be discreet with sex if there is to be. 
Sebastian goes all red. To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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ace-race-ace · 2 months
Ok ideas for my potential TeamPrincipal!Fernando fic trying to establish Aston Martin as a championship winning team. With Lance as his top driver 🤭
Sexual tension up the wazoo! As teammates they barely resist each other but the risk is too high
Now w/ Nando being TP, it becomes even more risky as Lance is now his “employee”
Does that stop Lance??? NOOOOO
He keeps batting his eyes at him, asking Fernando for personal “training” and Nando has a hard time keeping professionalism
Eventually, Lance is essentially begging him to fuck and Fernando says something to the effect of “You want me to fuck you so bad? Win the championship first.”
Initially Fernando says more as provocation, believing that Aston doesn’t yet have the right car to win and that Lance will get over him by the time they do
Cue Lance suddenly working twice as hard to win, all while trying to break Fernando’s resolve
Still, Nando remains strong (barely) and doesn’t fuck Lance. He still praises Lance after every race and they get up to non-professional things but ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING
A lot of extra context, really getting into how the team operates, Drugovich as Lance’s teammate and getting suspicious 🤨 the car going through development (aka I don’t want the fic to be just about them, I want to expand the narrative a little)
Finally, Lance wins his championship and he gets to absolutely wreck the boy
(Maybe a little extra but not sure how it would fit in context, Nando actually wins his 3rd before Lance so now they get to see their names written next to each other on the WDC trophy forever—— this could also be its own one-shot tbh)
I want to get back to writing a longer fic so this idea might be the one! What do we think?? Yes? No? Needs more ideas? (I am open to suggestions 👀)
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smashstappen · 7 months
Can we get raceengineer!Max or teamprincipal!Max fics now that we have visual proof of him looking hot on the pit wall.
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paddockbunny · 1 year
Heyhey, just a Q, do you write for other teamprincipals too? Horner, wovles?? Or bono?💓
Yes for Toto….I haven’t ever been asked to write for Horner or Bono either tbh 🫣
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powerixnews · 3 months
Shocking Motor Racing Scandal Involving Christian Horner Breaking News U...
ChristianHorner ,MotorRacing ,Scandal ,Incident ,F1 ,RedBullRacing ,RacingScandal ,ChristianHornerScandal ,Formula1 ,HornerAccused ,MotorSport ,ChristianHornerAccused ,RacingNews ,F1News ,F12021 ,BreakingNews ,Horner ,TeamPrincipals ,ScandalAlert ,RacingIncident,livenews, news
0 notes
cartierre · 8 months
HI! I HOPE YOU ARE STILL DOUNG REQUESTS! Could you do a max x ferrari!teamPrincipal!reader, where max and Charles are actually really good friends, max starts complaining loads about ferraris crap strategies and how the boys deserve better, and so reader is hired, and the world watch them fall for eachother?
pls don't be too disappointed in me
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lordperceval16 · 4 years
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Toto Wolff is really attractive. Like he’s FINE but he’s old enough to be my dad 😭😭😭.
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zoranzivkov · 4 years
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U novom broju magazina #TopSpeed intervju sa legendom svetskog relija... #TommiMakinen je jedini čovek u istoriji #WRC takmičenja koji je osvoji šampionske titule kao vozač i šef tima! #TeamPrincipal #ToyotaGazooRacing #legend #driver #champion #temboss #boss #Toyota #ToyotaWRT #WorldRallyChampionship #Rally #FIA #racing #event #trip #travel #Scandinavia #motorsport #TopSpeedMagazine (at Jyväskylä, Finland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7tpI6KhHsT/?igshid=14wzzki0aokwg
0 notes
totothewolff · 1 month
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Season of Love (7/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
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The Color of Truth is Blue Arc Chapter 7: Red flagsss
You stay off-the-grid that entire weekend to everyone's concerns. 
Your phone remains turned off and forgotten on the sofa at Seb's place, kilometers away from you now, as he takes you on a sudden road trip through the Italian Riviera in his 1995 classic blue Citroën DS19. 
Knowing the beautiful scenery and brief stops at the Mediterranean towns' gorgeous tourist sites would keep your mind from hurtful thoughts.
And, boy, he was right. 
Your mood gets less somber as you two enjoy your gelatos while peacefully walking the Giardini Botanici Hanbury, feeling the fresh breeze from the trees on your skin and hearing the birds chirping around you.
It turns out Seb is full of great love and life advice. He sounds so mature and open about it that it seems new and shocking to you.
How can someone love so freely and so fearlessly?
Seb watches you sigh as you finish packing the clothes you bought and wore during the weekend in your also new suitcase since touring Italy in his clothes seemed like something other than a fit for your aesthetics and ego. 
Still, you chose to wear his vintage Monty Python t-shirt with mom jeans for the flight back, as you loved the graphic, its colors, and the fact that it fits you a bit oversized and comfy. It made you feel safe.
—Everything will be fine —he expresses.
—I know —you look at Seb and give him a shy smile, only if he knew.
—Ready, then? —he holds open the door for you.
—More than ever —you answer, and you are.
Much to your poor nerves, the Hungary Grand Prix week is finally here.
And you need to meet Pascal on the outskirts of town so he can deliver you the device.
That nervous sensation in your stomach grows as the chauffeur/gunman drives you closer to the meeting point, which is inside the third floor of a decadent and abandoned old building from the socialist era.
It's been more than a decade since last you saw him in person, as he was getting violently pinned down to the floor and dragged away by a SWAT team as you screamed.
His piercing blue eyes and his handsome face were covered in blood coming from a deep wound over his eyebrow from the contact of a fist punch as he whispered a soft and reassuring "I will be fine; you will be fine." 
That memory was forever tattooed in your brain, sometimes making you wake up with a cold sweat at night.
As you finish climbing the narrow swirl stairs that once may have been stunning, you open the enormous, washed-down, and scratched-wood double doors. They creak so loud, making the place echo, as the tall, muscular figure of a man looking out of an open, broken window turns your way, following the sound.
Your heart skips at the sight of him; you guess those feelings never truly disappeared. 
He watches you approach him with the same expression as your heels clack loudly on the dirty, now opaque, tiled floor. 
You rush your pace in the last couple of remaining steps. Reaching closer to Pascal's figure, a smile forms on his lips, expecting you to throw yourself into his arms. 
But as you are millimeters away from his body, you slap him so hard, making his head turn. His lip bleeds a little bit from the contact before sinking into his neck as he pulls you in a really tight hug above the ground; your hand caresses his hair and cheek as you lay your foreheads in one another.
—It's great to see you, kid. We don't have much time —Pascal tells you as he places you back to the ground and points to the ankle monitor on his calf with a blinking light. —Inside this is the tracker; follow the protocol precisely as we practiced it, and everything will be alright. You are so brave —he hands you a green Hermes bag. —Go.
You want to talk to him more, say more, and let him know all that happened in your life after him and thanks to him, but he rushes you to leave, not wanting to expose you more than necessary, and for you to return to safety.
You slide your hand down his arm and squeeze his hand as you walk away, letting it go only when he gets out of your reach.
The weather at the track gets damn awful, umbrellas everywhere, grey skies, and all lights on, even if it's really early.
The free practice is a complete mess, thanks to the various puddles and Logan's car pinballing around.
Sam looks extremely uneasy that day under the stern scrutiny from Toto.
—Stop it. You are making me uneasy, too. What's with you? —he asks as Sam nervously moves around.
—Nothing, I don't want Lewis to crash or George to get hurt. That thing with Logan was awful —she lies quickly, as paramedics had to help him out of the car while many "ouchs" from the crowd were exchanged as he wasn't walking alright. 
Toto looks at her with a deadly "Please, I'm not stupid" look.
But he lets it go before he overhears; Niki asks her directly as she reaches him. —Have you heard from her?
Sam knows exactly to whom (you) he is referring. —No.
And that's what makes her more nervous than anything. "Please, be ready," she thinks.
Toto raises an eyebrow at the interaction. Is something going on?!
You decide to show up until qualy. 
You walk around the paddock and pitline as if following a path, but this is only noticeable if someone is paying you lots of attention, which Charles is.
He catches your step in the middle, distracting you; you cut him as he opens his mouth to say something.
—Not now, later —you look so authoritarian he doesn't protest. —I need to focus. Do you get it? —now you mutter to him, low.
He nods. —Take care, please —is all he says, and he walks away. He is not able to talk to you about what happened at the Gala and about all Seb told him; he only told him the bits Seb knew weren't to be kept.
Toto is there, too, observing your every move. The more he looks and follows you, the weirder it gets.
Judging by the expression you and Charles shared, how nerve-wracking Sam is acting, and how quiet Niki is, there is no way something isn't happening.
Could it be the aftermath of what happened at the Gala? To which he is the one to blame for.
Toto waits for the perfect moment to confront Sam. After the practice ends and everyone moves to the hospitality and headquarters, he notices the blond walking down the corridor of his office in the direction of Niki's. He quickly gets on his feet and follows her around. Sam notices and rushes her pace.
Out of nowhere, he pushes Sam softly against the wall to make her stop. —What's going on? Don't dare to lie to me —he looks dead concerned about it, borderline paranoid.
—It's not my place to tell you —she sadly replies and pushes him away too, roughly, knowing the last time she said those words, she ended up hurting a friend. —Don't push it! It won't work! My lips are sealed —she warns him as she fixes her shirt and returns to work.
—I know I fucked it up —Toto lets out, looking at Samanta's back as she faces the door down the hall as he leans one of his hands on the wall.
Fuck, he sounds so sad, almost wounded. Sam closes her eyes, feeling awful, before taking a step and walking away in total silence.
It's the eve of the Hungarian Grand Prix, and the paddock is abuzz with excitement and anticipation.
It's regular business with teams preparing their cars and mechanics working tirelessly to ensure every engine is revving if it wasn't for the extreme security present this time.
There are not-so-discreet gunmen in different places, catching the attention of some guests and team members.
Fans gather at the circuit, voices rising in cheers. The energy is palpable as everyone eagerly awaits the engines' roar and the tires' screech on the track.
This time, The Hungarian Grand Prix is more than just a race; today, it welcomes a peculiar, to say the least, special guest to participate in the opening ceremony: one political candidate, desperate to be in the spotlight and under the cameras, seizing the opportunity with the upcoming election just weeks from today.
It has been almost a year since your intelligence team confirmed to you that the juicy donations from Hungarian and Serbian accounts addressed to the FIA/F1 were the single most crucial lead to the man you have been hunting for years and years: Jószef Lenkov.
Lenkov had planned to tour the paddock on foot before arriving at the pit lane to participate in the committee during the country's anthem ceremony.
It's your only opportunity in decades to approach him, and you can't miss it. Your entire team and life depend on it; it's personal.
You feel sick to your stomach as you watch Lenkov and his entire entourage arrive. After all these years, he is there, in person, just meters away from you, as in one of your nightmares; there he is, the reason behind all the suffering in your life and the ones you love.
Even if you now have a different name and aspect and are being protected and monitored, a lingering fear is still deep in you. 
You were just a child the last time you saw him.
God, how much you despise that man, how much you want to succeed in bringing him down, how much you want him gone for good.
You start casually walking closer and around them, near the distance but not enough to be noticed by all those guards protecting him. 
You follow the path that you rehearsed thousands of times. 
Everything goes according to plan until you make it to the pitlane on the final and most crucial move.
In a matter of seconds, your vision gets all blurry. 
Your ear makes an awful whistling sound, and you feel stabs of pure pain on your right forearm, the one you just got up by instinct to protect you from smashing directly into the glass, which shatters enough to hurt you as you get pushed to the side against the glass barrier where Rolex had an interactive advertising booth for those with a VIP access.
Everyone near you watches the scene in genuine shock as one of the brutal security assholes of Lenkov forces you away from him. 
As you approach the older man from behind, you are able to place your hands on his shoulder and just above his jacket pocket inside that entourage of suited security men as he waves the crowds of militants in the stands supporting him. 
Lewis watches, shocked at how little you react to such a violent punch. There is almost no expression in response from you, no wincing, which raises all his alarms. 
Samanta tries her best to look as surprised as the rest, and thank God Toto next to her is fuming with rage that doesn't pay her any attention. 
Since yesterday, he has been suspicious that something is going on and has followed her closely the entire day, too, so she has remained as far from you as possible.
A lot happens around you as you recover; Lenkov doesn't even bother to turn around or give his attention to the commotion as he gets rushed away from the scene by his team of gorillas guarding him.
Your blood starts spilling everywhere on the pitlane concrete floor; it seems and feels like a deep cut on the forearm. 
FIA security holds the violent bodyguard and escorts him out, and aid comes your way. 
You compose yourself reasonably quickly. 
Out of the corner of your eyes, you notice your entire team of mechanics and drivers moving towards the guy with killer instincts since everything is happening barely a meter away from your garage entry.
—Anyone who dares to move an inch gets out of this team —you warn them in such a dangerous, deep voice. Something no one has witnessed you do before. 
Millie looks at you as you have transformed into someone else, like something buried inside you has come out.
No one dares to move. 
You rush to grab one of the mechanics' jackets and tighten it around your arm, trying to stop the bleeding. Paramedics arrive as fast as possible and start working on your nasty wound. 
Once inside the ambulance, you instruct them to take you straight to your hotel room against their will; you let them know it's an order, not an option.
You catch a glimpse of Pascal among the crowds near the pit stop. Now, he knows you have accomplished the job because of the smile you give him through the open door of the ambulance, like a lioness before eating her sleep prey.
After getting some provisional stitches and a fresh bandage, you arrive at the Corinthia Hotel. 
The white gauze gets redder with every step you take. Still, you hide it well behind the space thermal blanket the paramedics give you, walking as fast as possible, trying to avoid grabbing the attention of the guests in the hotel on your way to your destination. 
Drops of blood are on your expensive pink glaze tweed Valentino dress. 
You knock on the room you got instructed to, using the signal number of knocks your team told you to. 
You quickly enter the large double room once they open the door for you. The curtains are closed, and the lights are on. A team of six guys on computers with tons of cables and some devices wrapped in foil, along with a couple of gunned men, greet you. 
An exceedingly handsome, fit man in an expensive Armani power suit sits on the couch, legs crossed, with a drink in his hand. 
He turns to talk to you. —We got signal! Now we can trace him —he informs you; he notices you are hurt and instantly gets concerned, and his fierce eyes softened.
Everyone claps as you collapse next to him on the couch. He grabs your once again bloody hand and comes close to kneel in front of you, sharing an intimate moment as tears run down your cheeks, not knowing if it was the emotion of the moment or the pain provoking them.
—You succeeded! I'm so proud of you —Matt rubs a finger on your bruised knuckles and softly kisses them —The tracker you placed on Lenkov will lead us to his current quarters. I will take it from here.
You nod, exhausted.
—You are done more than enough; now I have to play my part —he informs you.
—What?! —you let out as your heart skips.
—If I don't cause a scene, it will raise questions.
—Wait, Matt, it's unnecessary! I don't think they notice; the FIA aren't exceptionally bright...
—You just got slaughtered in our team garage, and you think it is not necessary? —he looks at you with an exasperated face.
—You don't need to show up! I can handle this! I don't require you to intervene! —you enter complete panic mode; you need more time and want more time.
—What you need is a surgeon; that cut seems deep, but they will take you to the hospital now. I will meet you there after visiting the pitlane —Matt ends the conversation right there, his beautiful clear blue eyes looking authoritarian at you.
—Matthew, no, wait! —you know it is impossible to make that man change his mind; once he makes a decision, it gets done. You all live in a world that is his. You know how erratic, spoiled, and unreliable he is. 
There it is, the control freak from which you ran away.
Your limbs get cold as you have this conversation, and moving causes you so much pain now, so you let your case rest, knowing there's nothing else you can do. 
More tears run down your face, but not caused by the wound; it is your heart bleeding.
Samanta watches Matthew walk past the Mercedes garage's front like she is seeing a walking ghost. 
He looks gorgeous, with perfect hair, on-point clothes, and swaggy steps, but this time, he has a lethal gaze. 
He tilts his head and looks straight at her for a second. Sensing her eyes on him, Matt subtely smirks at Sam and keeps going.
Sam stays still, watching, knowing everything is about to change.
—All good? —Lewis asks her, concerned, witnessing the interaction.
—Yes, I'm just shocked and worried about what happened! I hope she's doing okay!
—We all do —Niki joins the conversation, looking somber, hands in his pockets. Then, he softly whispers to Sam. —I hope she succeeded.
—Me too —Sam answers, knowing that he knows.
Toto is quiet and reflective in his chair, far from them. Sam does everything possible not to cross his sight and avoids him the rest of the night. 
He has many questions and needs your answers.
If you ever want to talk to him ever.
He prays God you do.
That you still want him.
Matthew arrives at the gruesome scene with a group of lawyers, who carry cameras and tablets and start taking pictures and collecting testimonials. 
Of course, it is all pretend; your team is about to control the narrative of the events: "It was a non-related security brokerage" is about to fill social media, bots, press, and TV. 
The FIA is about to be blamed for having weak security protocols for its people.
Matt is not pleased to see your blood spread all over the pitstop's concrete floors. He feels murderous inside, and he looks like it. 
He notices many curious eyes set on him, but he is used to it; a man with his appearance always draws attention anyway.
Schumi walks to him. —Hi, Mr. De Vos. Is Y/N okay, boss?!
—I just got informed she is at the hospital right now getting surgery. I will be by her side soon. I needed to see it first with my own eyes. I can't believe this! —fuck he sounds pissed looking at the "crime scene."
The next day, the stewards were going nuts trying to manage the entire situation, and the busy FIA scheduled a meeting to discuss the violent events with all the astonished team principals. 
To reassure them that they were handling the situation and that there was no need for anyone not to feel safe, and to say: "It won't happen again, we swear."
—I didn't know Ken existed in real life! —Otmar jokes under his breath with Mattia and Fred as they all watch Matthew having a call on the other side of the clear glass panel walls outside the meeting room.
All TPs are gathered in a vacant and enormous room, along with some team owners, waiting for Massi to arrive and discuss the gruesome circumstances of the night before.
Matthew enters the room, grabbing everyone's attention and provoking a "Who is this guy?" face on the men inside. 
His blonde lawyer waits for him outside just by the door; they both look busy. 
That blonde guy looks familiar to Toto. Oh, yeah! It's Sam's brother.
Matthew joins the circle of chairs. —Couldn't they get cheaper ones? —he jokes as the thing squeaks with his weight. He is very muscular but lean, like a model.
Everyone laughs, agreeing.
—We look like we are about to take fucking therapy —Gunther colorfully adds.
Horner chuckles at his comment. 
—My name is Zack, and I'm addicted to speed —he teases.
—Hi, Zack! —three of them answer in unison.
—I'm Christian. I'm addicted to winning —Horner jokes, too.
—Mr. Lauda —Matthew greets him, standing to receive a hug from the older man as he joins the group. 
—Oh, so handsome as ever! —Niki comments on Matt's good looks and pats his face. Matt doesn't seem bothered by it; he has quite an authoritarian presence and a stern face that could spam from the sweetest thing to a serial killer within seconds, but he smiles at Niki.
—How is she? —Niki asks, concerned for your well-being.
—She went through reconstructive surgery, which took five hours. The glass cut tendons and nerves, so she needs to take therapy to get her movement back. She can't feel pressure or heat on her fingers and has minimal movement on her entire arm.
—Yeah, all sense gets gone for a good couple of weeks —Niki states. He knows the procedures well; he went through some after his crash. —I'm calling her to advise her on how to deal with it; it gets frustrating.
—That would be fantastic. Y/N will very much appreciate your supporting words; she is still shaken by all that has happened.
—And what happened exactly? —Mattia inserts himself in their conversation. Matthew turns to him with a cold expression, a mixture of "you aren't part of this conversation" and "I don't have anything to explain to you." 
—According to the FIA, it was just a simple "accident," but my team differs —Matthew answers him with sarcasm and deadpan.
Toto already dislikes Matt. He acts arrogant and entitled. Niki sits beside him, and Massi rushes in, followed by a group of stewards and his assistants.
—Apologies, it's been crazy! Oh! Mr. De Vos, thank you for joining us!
"Mr. De Vos?!" Toto's expression changes from annoyed to surprised as he stares for the first time straight at him, to which Matthew holds his look.
Matt instantly switches personalities as Massi addresses him. His pose goes from relaxed on his chair to dangerous, with one leg resting on his knee. His eyes look harsh, like a wolf about to bite the lamb's neck.
—This can't happen again —he says in the most authoritarian voice, with no greeting. Massi's eyes widen. —This wasn't an accident; it was incompetence from your security, your organization, and yours —Matthew destroys him. 
He knows playing with your food is not polite, but he isn't the most successful man in his type of business by being kind or soft. —Bring your PR team. I need to have a word with them —Matt continues.
Massi looks at him, alarmed, but nods, agreeing.
—Now —Matt slowly and softly finishes saying.
Massi nods again and quickly goes out of the room.
—Can we hire you? —Stroll asks Matt in awe.
—You don't have that kind of money —he jokes back.
"Yes, he is insufferable," Toto thinks.
After an extensive meeting, Matthew gives the FIA two months to develop a new and better security protocol, or they will sue.
After receiving many concerned texts and "I hope you get better soon" mentions, you finally replied in the group chat: "I now have a bionic forearm, but it doesn't shoot lasers. Bummer!"
"I have something in my body that shoots too, but neither is my arm nor are lasers," Lando jokes.
Everyone laughs.
During the break that the Mercedes team takes to lunch, Sam visits you at the hospital, and she takes you tons of gifts. She is the only one who is allowed to visit you or knows your location.
Among the gifts is a letter from Toto that you don't dare to open.
After returning from the hospital, Sam joins the girl squad for a much-needed chat.
—He looks fake! It's like the Greeks marbled him —Millie says, checking out Matthew while he talks with a man obstructed by a poster with Sam, Angela, and Brigita beside her.
—He is so handsome! That's some cute, firm bubble booty —Angela lusts for him.
—And you haven't seen him without a shirt; he has abs for days —Sam informs them.
—One can only imagine —Brigita whispers.
Matthew is chatting with Alexi, Sam's brother, behind the sign, obstructing Millie's view until he moves. 
As soon as she notices Alexi, she hugs and greets him. —Uncle! —she lets out, throwing herself into his arms, excited as they embrace each other. 
Sam joins them against her will. —How lovely! A family reunion, yikes! —she says sarcastically, pretending to hate the thing.
They all candidly talk till Niki and Toto reach them.
—You don't remember Matthew?! Really? Are you sure?! —Alexi looks incredulous at Millie as he asks her. 
She denies fiercely with her head.
—But he has been invited to many family gatherings!
—Nope! —Millie then gestures at Matt's body with her hand. —If I had seen this, I would remember it, believe me! —then she turns to him, a bit red on the cheeks. —With all due respect —she adds, and Matthew shrugs, amused.
—Don't boost his ego, please. It's already enormous —Sam rolls her eyes at them.
—No worries! —Alexi addresses his niece. —He is so used to this; a girl once fainted before him. No joking; it happened during our college years. You were so popular with the girls —then turns to face Matthew. —Y/N was the most envied girl on campus —Alexi finishes saying and then looks at the two men now joining them.
—You must be Sam's brother —Toto extends a hand to him, to Niki's right. 
 —Yes, I am! I have heard so much of you —he says as they shake hands. Alexi looks very friendly and chatty, utterly different from Sam and Matt. It could be more like Millie's genes; maybe it's that part of his family.
—I hope nice things! —Toto jokes.
—Apparently, this gremlin is fond of you —he smirks at a now embarrassed Sam at the revelation.
Alexi is Matthew's lawyer. They have been friends since childhood, since the womb as their families have been close for centuries. Yes, centuries, big old-timey money with insulting fortunes, the kind of money that would make someone sick.
They both studied law at Cambridge at the same time.
Alexi then quickly adds. —You haven't been introduced to each other, right? Matthew, this is Toto Wol..
—I know —Matt cuts him. —We just saw each other at the meeting. 
None of them moves an inch to greet the other. An awkward tension is palpable.
—Oh, well, then. Anyway, this "knows it all" is Matthew De Vos, owner of the Williams team and Y/N's husband.
"Y/N'S HUSBAND! WHAT THE FUUUU-!" Toto struggles to play it cool.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter > - A new arc is here with lots to unpack and reveal! Finally, we are getting to more know about her! I hope you liked this chapter, but prepare for what comes next! Read you soon <3
78 notes · View notes
lfcrobbo · 2 years
Ahhhh I'm so excited for the rest of the TeamPrincipal!Seb fic!! The righteous indignation on Charles's behalf 😍. The emphasis on ensuring he knows his worth and talent 😭. The massage 🤭.
I also saw that you kept in the Nike joke haha I love it 💚.
ahhhhh thank you🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 i'm so glad you liked it!!
it was so dumb i couldn't NOT keep it in. dumb jokes are my brand<3
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ultimavoce · 5 years
Ferrari, ufficiale Mattia Binotto: scopriamo chi è
#Ferrari, ufficiale il nuovo #TeamPrincipal Mattia #Binotto: ecco il suo profilo:
Mattia Binotto è il nuovo Team Principal della Ferrari. La notizia è ufficiale: il 2019 per la storica scuderia di Maranello inizia così, con un cambiamento importante ai vertici decisionali che nessuno si sarebbe mai immaginato, almeno fino a qualche settimana fa.
Binotto sostituisce Maurizio Arrivabeneil quale lascia per motivi personali e in maniera del tutto consensuale con la scuderia. 4…
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totothewolff · 1 month
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Season of Love (6/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 6: Collision at Turn "Your Heart"
Sam and Toto go to the Soft Serve Society in London the following day to have milkshakes. They share a sizeable Instagram-able shake, asking for two straws instead of one. 
The place is intimate and small, perfect for chatting. Its location in a trendy neighborhood gives Sam the ideal excuse to pull that Thom Browne boyish suit out of her suitcase.
As Sam is asking for two matcha cookies to complement their order, she notices Toto smiling like an idiot at his iPhone screen.
—Wow, that time you two spent apart did wonders for your relationship. I thought it was a "cease and desist" situation, as if there wouldn't be a turning point, but I haven't seen you like this in a long time.
—How? —Toto moves his gaze to Sam, a bit perplexed.
—Stupidly in love. So you two are genuinely back?
—Oh, that... well, we are trying this open relationship thing. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about it.
Sam gives him a judgy look, her eyebrows slightly frowning. —Let me guess. Susie suggested it; you said no, then she pressured you, and you followed along. There is no need to explain further; I get it.
Toto shrugs and barely nods his head.
—It's always what Susie wants, isn't it? You are so blind sometimes —she sounds now annoyed.
—I thought you, of all people, would get it. You see love differently than in the traditional way. Preferences aside, you are more free regarding feelings and partners.
—Yes, yet I'm not into playing with other people's feelings. 
—I'm not being played or playing with her feelings.
—To which one of the two hers are you referring?
A silence.
It's the first time Sam addresses the elephant in the room. 
—Listen, I don't want to overstep, and God knows I don't want to get in the middle; I love you both; yes, I said that, and stop smiling like that, but for fuck sake, you two need to communicate and talk! LIKE TALK! I know it's not my place, and I have tried to remain as neutral as possible, but I genuinely care about Y/N; there's more you need to know about each other because this thing is going to blow in your faces the worst way.
—What's on this? Is this really happening? You telling me how you are feeling? —Toto picks up the shake to smell it, making a funny face and trying to lighten the mood. He also avoids giving Sam an answer but pays attention to her every word.
—Oh, fuck off —Sam pushes him a bit roughly.
—Sugar sure is a drug! —Toto's holding a laugh.
—How did your day out with Toto go?
—How do you know we went out? Stalker!
In response, you give Sam an exaggerated insulted expression (hand over your chest and open wide mouth). —He texted me when you two were at the ice cream place! He even sent me these pictures! —you show her the conversation. —By the way, that outfit of yours is CUTE!
—Oh! It was you then —she says quickly and softly.
—Sorry? —you look at Sam as if another head grew from her neck.
—Oh, nothing. Toto didn't mention anything. He was just smiling like an idiot and giggling like a teenager, looking all in love at his phone screen.
—All what? Sam, what you said?! —you feel your heart in your throat.
—Did you follow my advice? —she cuts your shenanigans.
—I tried to follow it and address our "situation," but he rushed to get wine. He ran from the conversation, and I didn't feel like having it much, either. I knew how it was going to end.
—Well, keep pushing, trust me.
—Is there something I should worry about? —you suddenly stop and look straight at her.
—It's not my place to tell —Sam answers neutrally.
Then you two board your jet with directions home, your new home, Monaco. 
Now, thanks to Sam's words, an eerie sentiment fills your head. Is she trying to warn you something?
It's a quiet flight; well, if it wasn't for Samanta's snoring, not even an English Bulldog snores that loud. 
Which makes you laugh hard; you have forgotten how terrible Sam sleeps. 
It's been a while since you two slept nearby, which was the most common thing for all those years you lived at the Manor.
You have always been very much like sisters.
You take out your phone and start recording a video of Sam sound asleep with T-rex arms, open mouth, and loudly snoring, all weirdly placed on the comfy, big seat next to you.
Why, every time you land in Monaco, your mind is in desperate need of a Toto detox?
As soon as you are in the car ride home, you hit the send button on the "Get a grip, loca🏎!" group chat.
After you share the video of Sam sleeping, a long list of replies and reactions appear in the group.
She threatens to murder you in your sleep.
Two nights after being back, when Charles enters the apartment wearing the world's most oversized outfit while trying to juggle four bottles of wine - one held under his chin - and a big fancy grocery bag while avoiding stepping on "Robbie" - your Roomba robot - you feel so at home; this couldn't be a more domestic scene for you two before you rush to help him.
Never mind, too late! Now, the kitchen floor looks like a crime scene. 
God, how much you missed him! Keeping your friendship while hiding it from the rest of the Scuderia has been difficult. 
Ferrari is a hermetic group that likes it that way; being extra friendly with the enemy could cost Charles' head, thanks to Binotto's paranoia.
—FUCK! FUCK AND FUCK! —he lets out, looking at the now red floor, followed by various French cursings coming out of that pouty mouth. 
—At least the other three survived —you hear Sam say, entering behind him and holding two more bottles and a cake.
—Several bottles of wine and lots of food. This is an intervention for me, isn't it? —you ask, looking at them suspiciously.
Both of them energetically nod.
—We need to talk about Bruno —Charles jokes; he obviously means Toto while grabbing the paper towel on the kitchen counter to try cleaning his mess, which is as useless as you expected.
—Damn —is all you let out.
At some point, Charles gives up and prefers leaving a fat tip and a Post-it for Rosita when she comes clean tomorrow morning.
—Hi, I have a quick question: How much do you weigh?
A text from Toto comes in the early hours of the day as you are about to hit the treadmill in your luxurious building's training center. You rushed down there, unable to sleep a second more.
After the intervention, you comprehend lots of things need to change.
—(Y/N's weight), why? —you reply. 
It's still dark outside.
Only you and three others are alone in the enormous gym section, which feels quiet and isolated, perfect for decompressing. 
Apparently, when Toto and you are apart, you are both early birds. It's always a snooze fest when you two are tangled in sheets. Probably, it's because he makes the world's most fabulous pillow or because he loves having you wrapped in his arms.
Judging by his text's unusual hours, he may be overthinking it too. Lately, you have felt driven to exercise earlier in the morning as well to avoid losing your sanity.
A couple of minutes later, a video of Toto adjusting the weight of his barbells to your weight before doing a couple of hip thrusts comes as a reply.
You watch the video a couple of times, okay, several times, before hitting the reply button. —I can help you do some repetitions if you want; I know a very effective routine! My trainer also advised me I needed more cardio —you tease him, feeling a tingle down there, hehe. 
Fuck! You are falling for it again, and you just swore to Sam and Charles that there would be no Toto during this break!
As Toto reads your text, a pleased smirk forms on his lips, and then he exhales and returns to exercise. 
He shouldn't be feeling this desperate for your attention. It has been only the first week without seeing you.
The way you have turned his life upside down is unimaginable.
—Your girl is in town! —Normani sends a selfie of herself in the group chat, throwing a pose on the Monaco pier, looking flawless and stylish in a two-piece Casablanca outfit (an orange thee with colorful stripes and shorty shorts and pulling the coolest glasses) while blowing a kiss. —Let's hang out tonight!😈😈
—OH, I KNOW JUST THE PLACE —Lando writes back.
Several "???" appear.
—I'm in Italy —Seb clarifies.
Now, it makes sense.
—Someone needs to help Seb with this, really —George says.
—Let's take him to one of those free classes at the Apple store, you know, with the senior citizens —Checo jokes. —I'm with Carola's parents and the kids in Guadalajara, so we are out of the fun this time.
—Tell Carola I love her —you request Checo.
—I will, thx.
—I don't wish for an apple, thank you —Seb replies.
—Dear God —Lewis texts.
—Jk! Jk! I'm not that inept, and I'm not yet a senior citizen, but soon, 2032 let's go! —Seb exits the conversation.
—Lando, send the location —Lewis texts. —That's great to know, Seb. I'm already saving for our turbo wheelchairs to challenge you in races at the retirement home.
—There, see you guys at 1 a.m.
—I want to live enough to witness that, Lewis —Mick enters the conversation.
—This club looks like a shithole! I don't wish for my organs to get stolen —Charles points out after looking for the place on Google Maps; it's only a run-down facade photo of the place in a not-that-neat street.
—Trust me, you are going to love it —Lando comments.
—Is it private? —Lewis asks. —Cause last time we went out in London, getting us out of there was a nightmare.
—That's precisely why I'm suggesting this place!
—I'm in Spain —Carlos texts, mocking Seb. —Have fun without me, guys, even though I don't think you can. Send pictures. I miss you, my friends.
—Te extraño, too🙇‍♀️ —you reply, Carlos, you have become fond of him.
—🥰🥰 —Carlos sends.
—I'm liking this sketchy, mysterious place already —Sam joins in.
—Sam, is Millie still in town? —you ask her, you met Millie for brunch two days ago.
—No, I already left 😭😭😭. Mick invited me to hike in Patagonia—a photo of them out in nature follows her text. 
—Okay, the ones who are going, please send a hands-up emoji; I'm booking the table —Lando texts.
You make your way through the winding streets of Monaco on Charles' bike at full speed; you are sure you flashed at least four people with that party mini dress you are wearing as you head to the mysterious nightclub. 
As soon as you park, you agree with Charles that it looks like a sketchy part of town, but the faint sound of pulsing music and the flickering lights emanating from a door down a narrow corridor between two buildings right in front of you quickly distract you and guides you in.
Soon, as you enter and go down the long stairs, you are immediately enveloped in a world of luxury "decadence." 
The atmosphere is electric, and the air is heavy with the scent of exotic perfumes. 
—It smells like good sex —is what Lando tells you as he greets you, looking at your two "trying to discover the scent" faces.
The walls are decorated with striking artwork, each more provocative and daring than the last.
For sure, this place is the stage for many wild escapades.
As almost everyone gets there, the group is drawn to the center of the club, near where the main stage, lit up with swirling lights and seductive, almost naked dancers. 
Your table in the VIP area "it has the best location in the place", again, according to Lando.
As you sit next to Nomani, who gave you the world's greatest greeting hug, you get mesmerized by the hypnotic rhythm of the music and the dancers' graceful motions. 
You get transfixed, unable to tear your eyes away from them. Gorgeous he/she/they are on the stage.
—Beer, gin, what are we drinking? —Normani asks you.
—Tequila —you answer too quickly for her and Sam's amusement.
—Tequila, it is! —she says loudly and makes a little dance, shaking the girls around. The more than happy waiter witnesses it before getting the bottle.
You pour everyone a shot to start the night. Lewis just arrived, and George is running late as usual.
—Can you smell it? —you ask everyone.
A couple of "What?" come along.
—The regret —you joke as you all take the shot.
The group then goes full party core, joining the pulsating dance floor and losing themselves in the music. 
Laughter and shouts fill the air as the exotic dancers approach you and the crowd to exchange some sensual moves.
Amidst the chaos and allure of the night, Toto arrives. Unexpectedly.
Charles and Sam instantly look at you, almost throwing you darts.
—I swear to God I didn't invite him!
George did.
As alcohol skyrockets Lando, he starts doing push-ups for you in the middle of the dance floor as a techno-dub mix of Olivia Newton John's and Dua Lipa's "Physical" starts playing while he looks straight at you.
—Is that supposed to impress me? —you raise an eyebrow, cross your arms, and lean on Lewis, who is also witnessing the action.
—Is it working?
—Never stop believing in your dreams —you laugh it off, and Toto playfully rolls his eyes at him, then winks at you.
"Oh, God, I'm weak! I'm not going to resist the temptation."
—The dancer with the jockstrap hasn't taken his eyes off you the entire night —Toto points out for Normani, gesturing to which one he refers.
Normani makes a "definitely wouldn't mind" expression. —Too bad I don't do one-night stands —she confesses.
—Like ever? —Lewis looks at her like she is from Mars.
—Hopeless romantic right here! —Normi answers. —I like to party, but I'm so old-fashioned. Thanks, Mom!
—What a classy lady, indeed! —George says.
—It's my Britishness britishing —she jokes. —I want a husband, a big house in the countryside, horses and babies, you know, the traditional.
—Like, literally, this is the worst place to discuss family! —Sam warns them with a "Don't kill the mood, guys" look.
—The worst! —you all burst out laughing.
—I'm not sure if she is messing with us or..? —Lando comes closer to saying to Charles.
—No, really! It's my biggest wish. I can't wait to be a mom! —Normani lets out. 
—But you are so young! —everyone looks so shocked at her. Quite the revelation!
—I KNOW, but I want four! So, I better hurry up.
—FOUR?!! —everyone kind of screams in response.
Normani looks at them with a big smile, happy with the chaos her confession is causing.
—I get you, girl. I do love one myself; I have wanted to be a mom for years now. I feel I'm close to adopting one, but I need to do something with my schedule first. It would be impossible with a baby!
Toto listens to your conversation, very quiet and still, looking as if something inside him broke.
—Hey, I want to talk to you privately. I have something important to tell you; it's been on my mind for a while —Toto approaches you to whisper in your ear.
—Oh, sure, yeah —you agree to. "Okay, breathe, the moment it's coming."
When you reach a quiet spot to talk without all the people buzzing around, the loud background noises, and the almost butt-naked performers, you two remain there in an awkward silence for a minute.
Toto looks like he wants to say something but doesn't, so you break the ice first, feeling your hands shaking a bit.
—So what do you want to tell me that's so important?
He looks straight at you and takes two steps to close the distance between you. —Ahem, so... so what are you planning for... for the off-season? —he takes you off guard.
"Okay, this is not what I was expecting."
—I... I don't know... yet.
—Maybe we could spend it together. I know a private island that would be perfect —Toto offers you, totally improvising.
—Oh, I see...
—I mean... if you want to.
—No, no, of course, I want to!
—Perfect, then —he says, his voice deep. Toto then takes your hand, and you're surprised by the warmth from his touch.
"Coward" "Selfish" is all Toto thinks for himself. "But I don't want to lose her. I need her just a bit more. I don't know how to quit her."
—What do you say if we continue this conversation somewhere even more private? —Toto invites you, his intense dark eyes piercing right through you. 
Before you have time to respond, he takes your hand and leads you toward the exit at the back of the place and into his car.
Soon, you arrive at his luxurious penthouse, abandoning almost all of your party clothes in the process. 
You glance around the dimly lit living room, admiring its opulence. The walls are decorated with fine art, and the scent of wealth lingers in every corner.
Toto, already bare-chested, removes the rest of his clothes, revealing himself. You can't help but stare at his toned abs, defined muscles, and delicious dick. 
He smirks, noticing your admiration, and pushes you closer to the sofa. It creaks softly under your weight as he sits you down, eyes locked onto each other.
—You're stunning —Toto says while tracing his fingers down your body as you remove your last piece of clothing.
Your pulse quickens at his touch, and you move in, pressing your lips hard against his.
Toto's tongue sneaks its way between your parted lips as he pulls your naked body close to his. You moan softly.
Slowly, he leans back onto the plush pillows, taking you with him. Your bodies intertwine in a passionate embrace, enjoying the heat from his broad chest into you as you run your hands all over him, feeling every inch of Toto pressing against your core.
He grabs you by the hips, grinding you against him forcefully, causing an excited whimper to escape your lips. You can't help but crave his every single inch.
Sliding yourself lower, you feel him harden beneath you. —Fuck, you're so hard —you whisper into his ear as you stroke his length up and down. 
Toto flips you onto your back, not letting you control the show yet, spreading your legs wide. He effortlessly glides both of his hands beneath your ass, lifting you up like you weigh nothing.
His left-hand squeezes your ass cheek possessively while his right supports your lower back. Then Toto lowers his mouth to your inner thigh, his tongue trailing a path of wetness up to your core, where he tastes you. 
You gasp, your breath hitching whenever his tongue flicks your clit.
Plunging his tongue deep inside you, he tastes the sweetness of your essence. Moving back up to your clit, he sucks hard, provoking you to tremble under the pleasure.
Your fingers entangle his thick hair, tugging and pushing as waves of delight roll over your body. 
Toto stares at your swollen clit and massages it gently, building an almost unbearable tension in the pit of your stomach before he slides first one finger, then two inside of you, feeling you tighten around them as he moves them in deliberate circles.
—What the fuck, you feel incredible —he mumbles against your folds. He increases his pace, sucking harder, flicking faster until you are shuddering against him, gasping for breath, about to break apart.
Your vision gets blurry as an involuntary moan escapes your lips.
—I'm so fucking close —you cry out, inarticulate with pleasure. Toto looks up and climbs back up your body, kissing and nipping at your soft flesh as he goes up until his thighs are between yours.
—You want me to make you come, don't you? —he whispers seductively, nibbling on your earlobe.
You nod, biting your lip. You need Toto to fill you, to end this unbearable craving he had built inside you.
—Please, Toto —you beg, thrusting your hips upward. A desperate whimper tears from your throat when your sexes don't meet.
Toto chuckles softly, smirking at your desperation. —Then fuck me —he murmurs, placing you on top of him, inviting you to ride him right there, inviting you to guide him inside of you. —Fuck me hard.
The feeling of him filling you up, inch by inch, sends waves of ecstasy through your body. —Oh, god, yes —you moan, encouraging him deeper.
Your bodies move together in perfect harmony as you ride waves of pleasure. Toto grunts and groans with each bounce, whispering obscenities in your ear as you cowgirl him with an arched back, panting heavily. Wetness pools between you as your sweat-slicked bodies slap together rhythmically.
Toto grabs your hands and pins them behind your back, changing the angle of his thrusts. He hits a spot deep within you that sends shivers down your spine, producing a guttural moan from your lips. 
He smirks at the sound and repeats the action, watching your reaction with fascination.
—Fuuck —you cry out, every muscle tensing as your fingers curl into fists. 
Toto continues to plow into you, each thrust harder and deeper than the last, making your tits bounce without control, making you a mess. 
You look down at him to see your bodies moving in a slick rhythm, leaving trails of sweat and lust on your skin. He looks wild, eyes burning with desire and mouth parted in a low growl as the scent of sex permeates the air around you.
You whimper as he releases one of your wrists, allowing you to wrap your hand around your breast. Your fingers tease your sensitive nipple, sending a fresh wave of sensation flooding through you.
Toto watches you touch yourself, entranced by the movement of your hand on your breast as his thrusts become erratic.
—Fuck, you're so goddamn beautiful —he mutters roughly, his hips slamming into yours hard. The sound of your bodies colliding resonates throughout the room, mixing with your erratic breathing. 
—You like that? —Toto asks, smirking at your eager expression. You feel yourself getting closer to the edge, ready to burst at any moment.
Toto's dark eyes pierce into you, watching every twitch of your face and every moan of breath.
His thrusts become more deliberate, each one pressing into your womb.
—Fuckkk —Toto groans loudly, struggling to contain himself. His muscles tense as he gives it to you very fast; sweat drips down his face, onto his chest, and you.
—Toto! —you moan very loud as you come all over his dick.
—I need you —he confesses to you as he is about to come. You bounce hard and desperately on his cock, till you hear him grunting loud; a mess of panting Toto fills you up.
Ferrari's big anniversary is coming up next weekend, and they are set to throw the biggest party ever, a very fancy gala that will take place in Rome, or so Charles discloses to you.
—I'm actually excited for this one! —then he turns to show you the jewelry bracelet he likes before trying it on while cheerfully chit-chatting.
—This one is more your style, I like it better —you agree with his pick, as you two are out shopping.
While the sales lady adjusts it to his wrist measurements, Charles continues telling you: —This party has been in the making for so long, and all the rumors we have been hearing about it from the planners keep getting better; it honestly sounds so good!
You attentively listen to him while trying on a set of butterfly diamond earrings. Yes, you need them.
He continues: —I really wish I could take you like my plus one! But I'm taking my mom; I promised her way before meeting you.
—Oh, sweetie, no worries! But do tell me more about it. Sounds fabulous.
—Well, it will be very VIP, with only big clients, a couple of A-lister celebrities, and influential motorsports people. There's a lot of gossip about what or who will be the entertainment.
—I guess I'm not part of the big names of motorsports yet because I haven't been invited, haha. Mattia doesn't like me, isn't it?
—He is not your biggest fan, but almost no one has been invited; as far as I know, it's just the Scuderia and people Mattia considers his "paddock friends." —Charles gestures with his hands. —And some special guests with a history with the brand, like Niki. He is going! I know because Sam is his plus one; she told me yesterday.
—Maybe I should buy Ferrari to party with you at that fabulous event —you laugh it off as you sign the check for the earrings.
—And to party with Niki —Charles adds, joking.
—I heard he goes hard! —you joke back. Nowadays, if Niki stays up after 10 p.m., he considers it a wild night, in his words.
As you are about to finish your grilled salmon at that gorgeous "Gaia" restaurant in Monte Carlo, your phone buzzes on top of the white mantelpiece, grabbing your attention.
—Didn't you lose something?
—Not that I know.
—How weird, cause I have this plus one ticket with your name on it.
—Haha. You got me!
—Feeling like going to a fancy party in Rome?
—A getaway trip to Italy? SIGN ME UP! —you happily reply, already thinking about what you will wear.
As the sun descended over the iconic Roman Colosseum, flashing cameras lit the red carpet at the ancient structure's entrance. 
Sleek Ferraris pull up, each more luxurious than the previous, dropping the celebrities and high-profile guests off to make their grand entrances, dressed in the most glamorous outfits and adorned in shining jewels. 
Amidst all that circus, you two stay on the sidelines, watching the spectacle unfold before quietly skipping the paparazzi and splitting apart to enter the temporarily built ballroom.
—Surprise! —you extend your arms to Leclerc; he is now fresh off the red carpet, the one you avoid to keep it as discreet as possible.
A prominent smile forms on the lips of the Monagesque. —We could have shared the flight here, you know! Instead of you flying here all by yourself —Charles rolls his eyes at you and then hugs you. —I really believed you when you said you didn't get invited. You got me!
"But I didn't fly by myself!" You want to correct him on that, but you don't.
Inside, the atmosphere is as opulent as outside. Red lights illuminate the ancient structure, and lavish decorations adorn every table set. Cirque du Soleil performers move gracefully through the crowds, dazzling costumes twirling and shimmering as they entertain the guests with their mesmerizing acts.
You take in all the sights and sounds of the extravagant gala surrounding you, where motorsport legends mingle with billionaires, entertainers, engineers, celebrities, and beautiful models. 
Laughter, loud music, and chatter fill the air, along with the clinking of champagne glasses.
After having a blast dancing around, chatting, and goofing an hour later, you go to look for Sam, knowing she must be somewhere around. 
But the place is enormous, the crowd is big, and no luck so far; she is nowhere to be seen.
You get tired of searching for her and go to the bathroom. By this point, you have had many drinks, "Damn, that waiting line is long!"
As you try to find something to entertain you while you wait, you start scanning the place with your eyes, observing every gorgeous detail, when the silhouette of a beautiful blond woman steals your attention. Four girls in front of you in the line, there is Susie.
She is as beautiful as you expected her to be in person but more petite; she looks fit and fierce but kind. You can't help but stare at her before wondering what she is doing here. Then a "Duh! Idiot! She is a big name in motorsports!" hits you.
As you return to your table from grabbing chocolate-covered strawberries a bit later, you run into Sam.
She stares at you with the widest eyes ever, completely surprised. —What? —she lets out, standing still.
—Surprise! —you reach to hug her. —I have been looking for you all damn night! —she barely hugs you, and your big smile starts to fade away. —Is all good? —you ask, concern while looking straight at her.
—I'm so sorry, Y/N. I genuinely am —she mumbles. Samanta's features are full of dismay.
—Sam, you are worrying me.
She gestures to you to turn around.
"Oh, there is that feeling you remember so well." 
That awful fucking feeling of getting your heart shattered. Like a bullet going through the flesh, a sting of pure pain as if your heart was glass and was getting crushed by a hammer, pure and profound pain as you watch Susie wrapped around Toto's neck with no inch of space in between them, standing by the Mercedes guest table, sharing soft kisses and pets. 
Yet you are so skilled at hiding your feelings that it requires an expert - like Sam - to figure you out.
With a neutral face, you faintly say: —I need a moment.
—Y/N... I will go with you...
—I need a moment, I... I need to get fresh air. I will be right back —you start walking in the opposite direction to them, and Sam follows your every step.
—Y/N. I'm here for you...
—I'll be back, Sam. I need a moment, please —you make her stop following you around. So she contains herself and watches you walk away, worried about you. 
Sam knows your mental health hangs from a fragile thread.
—I want a Tequila and tonic with three tequila shots in it, please —Samanta brusquely drops herself on her seat at the Mercedes guest table and asks the waiter for a heavy drink.
—That would be two, please. You have learned from the master herself. Where is she, tho? I spotted Y/N and was going to greet her, but I got distracted by a sexy lady asking for a selfie. Now I don't know where she went to —Lewis asks while looking around, trying to spot you among the crowds.
The music is loud, so conversing is challenging if you aren't near enough.
—She's outside chatting with Vettel —Charles inserts himself in the conversation between a pissed-off Sam and a clueless Lewis, arriving a bit rushed at the table and placing himself between their two chairs.
—Hi mate! —Lewis pats his arm, and half hugs him while still sitting. Charles rubs his shoulder in response.
—Hey, Sam. I made the changes you suggested to my speech. Do you approve? —Leclerc hands her a folded piece of paper; "She is out there crying" is written in big caps.
Sam and Charles exchange warry looks.
—It's perfect. I will help you practice it.
—Great idea, let's g...
A loud "ow" sound from the crowd interrupts them. A tray hits the floor loudly, followed by glasses breaking. It's all coming from far on their left. 
They all turn their heads toward the noise, as does almost everyone in the entire place.
—I'm so so sorry! Oh my god! I'm an idiot! Please forgive me! —a very distraught and nervous Vettel apologizes frantically to you. 
He accidentally crashed into the waiter holding a tray of wine glasses as he crossed paths with you, the ones that landed all over you, fucking up your dress, before smashing on the floor. 
Which made poetic sense since you felt wounded, and now you looked like it.
You could sense Toto's eyes burning into you. You weren't supposed to be there.
Lewis gets on his feet. —Jesus, poor Y/N —and he notices how Toto looks utterly shaken by seeing you here and looking whiter than a ghost, and at that moment, he gets it. Fuck.
—Seb, Seb, SEB! —you raise your voice as Vettel keeps apologizing and talking nonstop. —It's okay, sweetie. No worries; I will go change! It's all okay.
—I'm sorry. Please forgive me; let me escort you out. It's the least I can do.
—Okay. Fine —you finally agree, looking a bit done with Seb.
You two start walking to the exit, which is all the other way around for your fucking luck. As you depart, you can hear the people whispering and staring at you. 
A frozen Toto watches you walk past them, and you can't help it; for the briefest moment, you make eye contact with him before Vettel blocks the view.
—Sebastian Vettel, you are a good man —Sam whispers.
—What? —Charles reaches even closer to her.
—Y/N is not coming back. Seb was her exit out. 
—Was that on purpose?!!
—Yes. That's why you saw them talking out there, for sure.
—Are they that close? Since when? I had no fucking clue.
—Since Y/N set foot on the paddock —Sam replies, knowing the whole story. —She's an expert at hiding in plain sight.
—Should we check on her? —Lewis turns to them, still on his feet, looking tense.
—Y/N will be fine; she always is —Sam says aloud for the entire table to hear. She can feel Toto's eyes on her but doesn't care to look back at him.
Vettel takes you inside a black-tinted Suburban. As the chauffeur speeds away from the Colosseum, he holds your hand and never lets it go.
Seb asks you to stay at his place so he can care for you and keep you company, and you agree.
You two cuddle in the back seat while you cry in his arms all the ride to his place. 
It's a long one.
You don't know if it's because your heart is shattering into a million pieces, or because you feel vulnerable right now, or just cause Seb is such a kind and precious being that you pour all out. 
You let him know everything, every single fucking detail about your fling with Torger and how you feel right now. You had never been so forthcoming with anyone about this, not even Sam.
—I'm so sorry about how the night turned out; I invited you as my plus-one with the idea of having the best time. I wish I had known all of this before! Finding it out this way, gosh, that's harsh —Seb tells you, with a mixture of mortification and sadness.
—You aren't the one who should apologize! Hey, at least we had a good time on the flight here. Thanks to you, now I want to build hundreds of hotels for the bees.
He smiles brightly before adding: —Right now, you need to rest and feel, let it all out of your system, and tomorrow start new! I'm here for you.
—Thanking for acting out that exit; you deserve an Oscar.
—I have been mistaken for Brad Pitt before, you know —he jokes to try to make you smile, but it's in vain. —You are a good actress, too.
You crash on his couch. Barely making it inside, collapsing as soon as you cross the entrance door, feeling drained.
You have experienced the "heart broke syndrome" before and know how it goes, so you needed to lie down ASAP.
After God knows how many minutes since you blacked out on the sofa, you hear a noise above you. You slightly and a bit unwillingly open your eyes to see Seb covering you with a remarkably soft blanket that feels so delicious. He drops a puffy pillow on the rug beside you and lays himself down there next to the couch.
You move to face him as he gets comfy there on the floor. —What are you doing?
—Oh, shit, did I wake you up? I'm staying here if you don't mind —he looks at you with apprehension in those stunning eyes.
—You are the sweetest —you tell him as you slowly drift off, exhausted.
As you fall asleep again, you understand now why Lewis dared risk it all for Seb and start wondering what happened to those two.
You wake up disoriented and feeling anxious. 
It's still dark. 
Seb is profoundly asleep and relaxed in the blueish-tinted living room, with the moonlight sneaking through the large windows. 
You stay there, unable to sleep but with zero energy to move. You observe his breathing, which weirdly helps you soothe yourself when suddenly, your phone screen lights up, stealing your gaze.
You try to reach for it since Seb placed your purse and phone on the coffee table at arm's distance before going to look for an oversized T-shirt that could work you as pajamas. 
It's a simple text from Toto. "Can I please talk to you?"
As you navigate your phone, you notice many missed calls from Sam, Charles, and Lewis.
Well, now it's clear communication and sincerity weren't your thing. You weren't one of those couples. 
Were you even a couple?
"Maybe it's best this way," is all you reply to him before turning your phone off.
Tears start coming down again as your phone screen dims and fades to black again.
The following day, Seb offers you to stay for as long as you wish, and you will take his word for it.
You don't feel like returning to the city you share with Toto; it's way too risky for you to be in Monaco. 
You need time to compose yourself. A lot is about to happen soon, and you need to be at your best. You can't fail. To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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totothewolff · 4 months
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Season of Love (5/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 5: Cold tires, warm heart
The weather stays cold all day long at Silverstone; the crisp air bites your skin, causing shivers down your spine, and your breath forms small clouds before you as you walk briskly to the campsite area where the luxury motorhomes & RVs are parked, yours included, huddled in layers of warm clothing, feeling drained as the rest of the grid feels, seeking an opportunity to lay down and rest. 
Everyone warned you the mid-season was tough on the body, and they were right! As you drag yourself inside your luxurious, trendy, and sophisticated RV. The sleek and clean design aesthetic greets you; it's a zen monochromatic color scheme space full of high-end finishes, innovative storage solutions, elegant sofas, and a large comfy bed with a kitchenette and bathroom, creating the perfect getaway place for you away of the chaos at the paddock.
You share your location and access code with Toto, but he doesn't reply to your text. You assume he must be busy, so you fall soundly asleep on the bed there until you feel a pair of muscular arms hug and softly spoon you, half-waking you up.
You feel Toto's firm body against yours, with no inch of space between you two, as he wraps you in a tender and affectionate display of intimacy; your bodies intertwine as he seeks your warmth.
—I missed you so much —you turn to tell him, kissing him softly. —It feels wrong not having you by my side —you find the courage to let Toto know how you felt these past days without him, breaking the room's quietness, then burying your face in his neck, feeling shy and vulnerable and softly smooching it. 
He caresses your cheek with his index finger and slowly kisses your lips, leaving you breathless after a few minutes.
Toto seems exhausted as you peek at him while patiently waiting for him to comment on your confession, but he only looks pensively at your words as he rests his temple on yours. You sense his right hand caressing down your arm on its way to hold your hand. Then he pulls you closer to his chest, where you get cozy and fall asleep again.
One text, two texts, five texts.
—She is not answering —Michael says, a bit taken out.
One call, two calls, five calls.
—He is not answering —Niki says, quite concerned.
Once again, you wake up after a bit, feeling dozy and disoriented as you hear an iPhone ringing in the distance, still nestled in Toto's embrace, overwhelmed with tranquility and happiness but fucking annoyed at that damn ringtone. 
The softness of the bed, the heat of Toto's closeness, and the gentle rise and fall of his breaths make it a cozy heaven you don't want to leave, but that goddamn annoying phone doesn't let you nap and is about to wake him up too, and you want him to rest.
So you bravely drag yourself to your feet, hating life, and walk straight to Toto's duffel travel bag to search for his iPhone buzzing inside. To your surprise, you find it next to a torn and used voucher for "Cocktails for 2" at The Savoy Hotel in London, along with his passport. 
As you pick up his phone to turn it off, you wake it and notice that Toto still hasn't changed his wallpaper; he appears there posing in a pottery studio couple session, all smiley, with Susie wrapped in his arms, both of them looking in love and joyful as the professional camera lens captures their handsomeness, they look like they belong together. 
You can't avoid the sting of pain and insecurity washing you over, but you take the thought off. It's probably nothing, you try to convince yourself. So you finish turning his phone off and leaving it where you found it.
Then you turn off yours, ignoring all the red bubbles in it, on your way back to Toto's arms. All you want right now is him and you, and fuck the rest of the world. This "relationship," if you can call it that, is meant to crash soon, so you want to hang on to it as much as possible.
Two hours have passed since then, and Toto's hands are now roaming across your back, guiding your movements as you are in a cowgirl position on him. At the same time, his tongue dances erotically with your tongue, adding a sweet and sinful layer to your passionate embrace.
Your moans echo throughout the RV, blending perfectly with the rhythmic creaking of the bed frame beneath you. Toto's breathing grows heavier as you ride him hungrily, showing how much you miss him.
As he explores your curves, Toto begs you: —Bounce on my cock —with a voice husky with desire and with trembling hands, and you give him what he craves, exploding with pleasure as each time more desperately you go up and down his shaft.
Your nipples stiffen, them peeking out from beneath the fabric of your dress; this time, you didn't even care to take all of your clothes off; they were begging for his attention. Toto can't resist it; he leans in, pulls down the upper part of your dress, and captures one in his mouth, sucking it gently as his tongue teases its sensitive tip.
—Oh, God! —you cry, arching your back with pleasure. —That feels heavenly.
Toto releases your breast, looking up at you with a sultry grin. —Wait till it's my turn to show you how much I missed you —he purrs, hands dancing all over your ass.
As you are about to reach an orgasm, you can't escape the guilty thought in the back of your mind. —We shouldn't even be here, less doing this —you say in between tiny breaths and moaning a bit. —It was irresponsible for me to text you to come over —you protest weakly. —This could be no good for our careers —releasing a big moan as you finish the sentence, not being able to stop rocking yourself on Toto, moving now your hips in circles. His dick is so hard, and it feels so delicious all the way inside you.
Toto shrugs nonchalantly, then growls, his eyes smoldering lustfully, enjoying the sight of you going all over him. —I was planning to look for you anyway. Do you want us to stop and leave? —he replies, out of breath.
Toto gives you an "I agree" in the form of thrust, hitting you with such force that causes you to scream out in pleasure and unstabilize you, making you quickly place both of your hands on his chest to not fall on his face.
Then, his strong arms wrap you around the waist, holding you steady as he moves in rhythmic strokes that push your boundaries. Each withdrawal leaves you craving more, and each entry pleases you; he starts speeding up, making you moan out his name many times as the sounds of your body colliding fill the air. It's a symphony of pure passion.
—You make me feel so... complete... and free... and loved —You gasp out, voice shaking as Toto's powerful thrusts drive you deeper into the realm of satisfaction.
For some reason, feelings are bursting out of you in the form of words lately, freeing your thoughts without thinking much about the repercussions, being weirdly open and sincere for once in your life. Maybe it's because your period is near, and you always feel more emotional around that time; you lie to yourself, not wanting to admit falling for him because you know it will hurt more when it's over, which is sadly approaching.
It's not only the sexual part that makes you feel so whole with him. It's also his small displays of affection, his caring texts every morning to know how you slept, to let you know you are one of his first thoughts of the day, or the long conversations about anything you two share, the pictures you send to each other of the most mundane things to share life.
That makes you always feel him present and being taken care of. Also, the many times you advise each other, from billionaire businessman to billionaire businesswoman, or the quiet moments when you two are silently wrapped in each other's arms, just enjoying your presence and bodies.
—Toto, I'm so close! —you moan loud as he manhandles you around; you feel yourself dripping and so warm, like your pussy is burning. Your pussy folds, rubbing around Toto's shaft, who positions himself to pound you against the mattresses.
Then you feel him shifting his entire weight on you, topping you, and placing his thumb finger inside your mouth for you to suck it. —Then cum for me —he whispers, hot against your ear. He starts to fuck you hard like that, making your ass wable, and the bed squeaks so loud as he pins you down against the sheets, but all get muffled by the sounds he is provoking you to release. You feel a bit of pain in your hips and lower back as he slaps hard against you.
With a big moan, you cum all over him, all red and sweaty.
Toto has never had this before, someone so willing to please him, in all senses, someone so light-spirited and carefree. He is trying so hard not to fall for you, too. You please him like no one else in bed but also outside of it. You are the whole fucking package. 
If change didn't fright him, he would be willing to try.
He would venture for more if he weren't so scared of failure.
Toto feels a responsibility for Susie and her feelings and heart; she counts on him for this, and Toto has never missed his duties since he was a young man, even if his heart desires something else.
He ended up agreeing to try the "open relationship thing" after saying no to it at first and breaking things with Susie because she showed up very distressed one night at his hotel room door, crying and saying how much she still loves him and how hard this is, that he shouldn't punish her for not wanting children. Toto felt so guilty; that wasn't his intention, but what if she was right?
But you happened in the middle of this. By accident or destiny is a cruel joker. This fling started like that, and it was supposed to stay there, not this. 
He pays attention to you more than you think; he has noticed the meaning and sentiment of your words lately and can't avoid feeling guilty for not being as open and honest as you deserve and how you are being. But Toto knows you will end it as soon as he lets you know you are his free pass on an open relationship agreement, so he is hanging on to you as much as possible. It's selfish and wrong, but he doesn't know how to quit you, how to say no to this, how to say goodbye.
Only if Toto knew.
Only if you knew.
—Is Torger still in London?! —Niki asks out loud, now absolutely annoyed, addressing Sam in the middle of the circus inside the Mercedes garage as he tries to manage everyone for the opening ceremony of the F1 anniversary race, set to start in about 20 minutes. 
Toto is always on time and never misses something without previous notice; this is uncharacteristic. Niki hadn't seen him all day; they had different schedules.
Lewis and George are scheduled to make donuts driving along with the other grid drivers. They all will do the same simultaneously to create a fog while AC/DC performs on a high-stage platform.
—Toto is here. I saw him a couple of hours ago. His phone seems out of reach —Sam has sworn never to lie to Niki. She quickly picks up her phone to call you, knowing you are also missing after being asked for the fourth time by several Williams team members if she had seen you around. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! It is evident for her where you two are. 
Since you don't answer the texts she bombards you with, she takes action and puts her feet in motion.
"You can't act this recklessly!" Sam thinks and looks visibly irritated. People are going to start wondering, especially when you two idiots arrive late with "we just fucked" hair and satisfied expressions at the paddock, and God forbids you two to show up together at the same time! Or worse, you two do not arrive at all.
Sam shows up at your RV's door, almost tearing it down, betting Toto and you were in there this whole time.
—Are you mental?! —Sam tells you, looking stressed, as the door's mechanism finishes opening.
—I'm sorry —you honestly apologize, knowing quite well what she refers to.
—Niki is furious! —she informs you, still at the bottom of the stairs and out of the RV's entrance, with no visible intention to come in. —Toto is still in there? —she asks in a low voice, pointing with her head.
You nod.
She comes closer to you, almost whispering to your ear. —Please don't get offended. I love you, but I know you are not here because of the sport, nor do you care which team wins or not; I know this is not your actual job. But please, could you...
You interrupt Sam, finishing for her in a sad tone. —Not interfere?
—I... —Sam sighs; she doesn't want to blame you or make you feel bad; she gets it, knows what you are going through, and wants more than anyone else for you to be happy. —Listen, our team is working its ass off; there are thousands of us relying on performing the best, and this is our livelihood; it worries me that this could...
—It won't happen again; I get it. I know we acted unprofessional. Sam, you understand how hard it has been for me... I'm just... I'm just trying to enjoy life for the first time, to feel happy and free for once; YES! I'm sorry it wasn't the place or the moment, but...
—I know, I know —she quickly adds. —Listen —Sam gets a little nervous and hesitates before adding. —I think you two, really, should talk openly and honestly about your "situation." I don't wish any of you hurt. Please talk —she sounds insistent, which worries you a bit.
—Yeah. Okay. I agree.
—Are you showing up for this Massi's wet dream? —Sam tries to lift the mood and return to the main topic.
—Toto is —you inform her. —He is finishing getting ready in the bathroom. I'm not. I will watch it at the hotel —now is your turn to come closer to Sam's ear and whisper. —I have to prepare for the call; Pascal set the meeting at 2 a.m., and we will rerun the scenario.
—It's good to know; I hope it all goes as planned and well —Sam says, looking relieved as she hugs you goodbye and leaves before bumping into Toto.
Toto claims "food poisoning" to excuse himself and that he spent hours feeling nauseous at his motorhome, as he makes it just in time at the garage. It's a white lie everyone buys. Actually, this happened once to him in Spain after going out for dinner.
Niki notices he has far too much color on his cheeks, for that matter, but chooses to let it go. Toto has been far more than responsible for many years, which has significantly cost him a lot in his personal life; Niki feels he deserves and needs some recklessness and happiness in his life. So, he plays along.
He softly pats Toto's shoulder and gives him a small smile as he sits beside him at the workstation and places his headphones and gear on.
The show is about to start.
The F1 anniversary's opening ceremony is the most glamorous affair! Bringing together a star-studded guest list of celebrities, like every big name, is there. 
And there are way too many influencers wandering around the garages for Michael's likes; he lets you know as soon as you call him back, excusing yourself for leaving the circuit, calling it a personal emergency.
Minutes later, you turn on your hotel room's TV to watch the start of the ceremony. A spectacular video mapping and drone display showcases the sport's rich history on the circuit track. It displays iconic footage on the many kilometers of asphalt as broadcast to millions of viewers worldwide. 
This is followed by a visually captivating driver's parade in which current drivers donned old-fashioned racing suits representing different eras of their teams, paying homage to the evolution of the sport as they get driven around interloped with cars with performers giving it all and working the crowds, till they make it to the main stage, where AC/DC comes out to close the show. 
In the middle of their set, all the grid drivers exhibit their coordination skills, making donuts together as the cherry on the cake, leaving fans ecstatic. You must admit it looked so cool. Massi must be shitting his pants!
Your room service order comes just in time as the race starts; you asked for too many desserts and sweets along with your salmon; you are feeling low and are taking comfort in the delicious food you savor, an unhealthy habit of yours, eating your feelings. 
Toto let you know before leaving, in between kisses, that he was attending a Mercedes team dinner after the race to celebrate with the team so that you would be sleeping alone tonight. You were so grateful for it, avoiding the trouble of making out an excuse to be able to attend the late-night meeting in private.
Sam is right; you aren't taking any of this seriously enough. 
The entire Mercedes team gathers in one of the most glamorous and lavish restaurants in London, "Amazónico." It is the coolest place Sam has been in a while, full of foliage-festooned walls and decor inspired by the rainforest of Brazil. Gorgeous velvets, greenery environments, and deco touches give the place an exotic yet luxurious vibe.
The mechanics and engineers, usually in their sports attire, look sharp in elegant outfits, and the mood is ON! Drinks flow as Toto gives a motivational speech to start the night, congratulating the team for their performance so far and inspiring them to give their all to secure the championship, acknowledging the fierce competition from Williams and Ferrari.
Susie and Toto are by the bar; she is sitting on the stool with her arms resting on the shoulders of a standing Toto as they chat, almost mouth-on-mouth, looking joyful.
Niki looks bemused as he watches them from afar, already sitting at the main large table the venue arranged for them and where they are about to have dinner. He addresses Sam, sitting to his right, without moving his gaze from the couple. —Weren't they..?
—Apparently, they are not —Sam gives him a look as she looks for something in her purse.
Niki looks as disappointed and surprised as she is as he nods to her, lets out a small, barely audible sigh, and sips his bourbon.
As Sam gets hammered with Bono and Annalise, Toto reaches them at the booth near the back of the place. He stays on his feet, waiting for them to finish their round of shots on a spinner wheel, and then bends to talk to a very comfortable, sitting, and tipsy-looking Sam with pink-red cheeks.
—What are your plans for tomorrow? —he asks her a bit loud, over the set the DJ is playing.
—Nothing, just chilling and recovering from this night; why?
—To hang out and tourist around, like we always do or did, how about that?
—Aw, you miss me, asshole?
—You are a necessary evil, but yeah, I miss you. 
—Why does everyone seem so emotional lately? I hope it's not contagious.
—We have lots to catch on to; I feel it's been ages and pure work between us.
—Please tell me if it's terminal.
—No, you moron, I'm totally fine —he swings his hand a bit too hard, spilling some of his drink.
"Then tell your eyes, liar! Yeah, all drunk at a work event? Sure, you are TOTALLY fine," Sam thinks. —I'm free, then. Will she join us?
—Who? —Toto looks taken off guard, thinking of you instead of Susie, whom Sam refers to.
—Sus, since she is around again.
—Sam, I...
—Oh, no, it's none of my business. I would rather it that way; I'm just asking.
—No, she isn't; it will be just us.
—Good —she ends the conversation.
"Is Sam mad at me? She sounded like it." Toto thinks. It's always hard to read her.
As the night is about to end and everyone seems drunk, Toto comes to cool down and relax after being forced to hit the dance floor against his will. He is not feeling it tonight, so he chooses to sit next to Niki and chat with him.
Toto is not on his usual dumb and lively drunk ass; he is weirdly somber. In the middle of their casual conversation, Niki asks him: —So, who changed their mind? —knowing what's up as he looks at Susie dance with George.
—Having children.
There is a long silence while Toto looks at Susie, laughing and throwing some moves around the dancefloor.
—I'm giving it a try.
Niki slowly nods and says nothing, and Toto stares at him. He recognizes Niki's disappointed face when he sees it, and Toto takes another big sip of his drink, swallowing hard.
You wake up late the following day after falling asleep around 5 a.m. once the call ends, feeling emotionally drained and not wanting to leave the bed. But when in Rome, you mean London. Nothing will lift your spirits more than going shopping; you are a shoes and purses maniac, and that new Miu Miu collection screams your name.
You are in the middle of buying half of Harrods when you receive a text from Toto.
"I won't be able to stay with you these days as I was hoping, I'm expected at Brackley. See you on the weekend. I miss you already."
Great, just what you needed.
Still in the UK
The British GP is here! And most of you already feel like you had enough Silverstone already.
Since Lewis swept the floor with everyone on the anniversary race, a similar result is expected for this weekend.
The FIA calls you all into one of the now traditional meetings, but this time around, Massi is expected to join in.
So when you arrive at that sad meeting room, he is standing right there next to the door; you are the last one to join, so he is facing you while waiting for you to finish stepping in to close the door after you, and you don't let go an opportunity like that.
As you step in, you hand him your coat and purse as if he were the receptionist and thank him, motioning to tip him as the entire room laughs.
Massi looks so confused and appalled at you, getting taken entirely off guard, but follows along, not knowing what else to do, or if you are serious or just messing around, still holding your things in his hands, and places your coat on the hanger and your purse on the empty chair next to yours.
—The nerve —Sebastian tells you in a low voice and takes a discrete bow at you with his hands as you sit on your chair next to his. Vettel is hiding behind Charles in the row in front of him, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. Both your eyes sparkle as your looks lock and smile at each other. Seb has the most gorgeous eyes on earth.
Then the meeting starts.
After being freed from that, you are walking down the pitlane on your way to free practice, chatting and fooling around with Carlos, Lando, and Mick, but suddenly, you stop just meters away from the Mercedes' slot. 
Lewis and George join you as soon as they notice you guys and come out of their garage, staring amusedly at a very frozen you as they reach you.
—Is that..? —you say, peeking inside the Merc's garage. —Oh, my God! Is that ROGER FEDERER?! —you let out in a funny and pitchy little scream.
George starts to laugh behind his hand, covering his mouth. You sound hilarious, and he looks at you in delight as you act all star-struck. Who would tell?
Carlos takes a few steps nearer you and closes your mouth, softly pushing your chin up with his index finger. —You are drooling —he jokes.
You go all red, tomato red, as you return to your senses.
Lewis sees the perfect opportunity for mayhem. —Oh, I'm so introducing you two! —He returns to the garage as quickly as possible to look for Roger.
—WHAT!? NONO! —you say way too loud as you watch him go, causing a couple of mechanics to raise their heads and look your way.
Lewis abruptly interrupts the engaging conversation Federer is having with Toto.
You start hyperventilating as Lewis walks alongside Roger straight in your direction. Toto observes the scene from the distance, with his muscular arms crossed. You feel his dark eyes on you.
You can't even form a greeting sentence when the Swiss introduces himself to you. A funny sound comes from your lips that sounds like a "Hi!" 
Millie looks at you, astonished, as she comes closer with Normani after the guys pointed at her with their hands and arms a "Come see this, please." She pivots her gaze from you to Normani and back with an "I think she broke" expression.
Meanwhile, your brain goes: "Roger is tall, hot, hot. Jesus, that smile! Is that chest real? Oh god, don't you dare peek down at his grey sweatpants!" as you stand there like an idiot without moving or saying something.
There are a couple more seconds of pure and awkward silence till Lando's stupid, mocking little laugh gets you out of your trance. Oh, the group is living for this!
—Delighted to meet you, Roger. I'm Y/N!
The group burst out laughing at your expense, enjoying the spectacle from afar, watching you try to act human around Federer until he turns his head their way. Now, they are all gathered together, sensing their stares, and the group quickly goes apart, acting like nothing has happened, returning to their activities.
—Is it me, or is Wolff not enjoying their interaction? —Normani asks Millie as they both intertwine arms and walk away together.
—Toto!? —Millie turns her head, looking back at a serious-looking Austrian inside the garage. —I don't think so. He always looks serious. I guess it's just his resting face, but he is such a cinnamon roll.
—A cinnamon roll? What language do you speak?
—English, Miss Posh Britain Got Talent.
Normani rolls her eyes at her. She is bonkers.
—In my defense... —you start to tell the table later, as all of you try to fit into a tiny table in the McLaren cafeteria; this time, Lando is sponsoring the lunch, and as you munch your veggies wrap.
—There's no defense —Carlos mocks you.
You toss your arms in the air, mouth still full of food, to protest as everyone laughs again at your interaction with Federer.
—We witnessed one of your canonic events —Mick jokes, making Millie almost fall from her half of the chair they are sharing.
—Oh, it was hilarious —Lewis adds.
—A masterpiece —Lando admits. —That coming from me —he points at himself with a thumb finger. —It means A LOT.
You finish passing the food and clear out your throat before continuing. —In my defense, Roger was wearing the slutiest thing a man could wear, and my brain was trying to process it.
All the boys look inquisitive at you with a please tell us more face.
—The grey sweatpants! —Millie and Normani answer for you simultaneously, agreeing with your statement.
—See! —you give them all a funny face.
—I still don't get it —Lando says.
—OH GOD! Go put on a pair of grey pantsuits and look down at your dick, and tell us —Sam teases him, done with him.
—Don't you remember that viral Lewis "I have an anaconda down here" mirror Instagram selfie with the grey sweatpants? —Millie says.
—That a friend told you about! —Seb jokes, addressing Millie.
—THAT A FRIEND OF HERS TOLD HER ABOUT! That that friend isn't me —Normani joins in the fun.
—With all due respect, Sir —Millie adds, looking at Lewis, who is laughing and trying to hide his red face in the gap his flexed arms are creating, lying on the table's surface.
—So... Do you like your men in grey sweatpants? Good thing I have four of those to wear —Lando tells you, moving his eyebrows suggestively up and down several times.
—OH GOD, PLEASE NOT! —the entire table screams.
Toto joins you that night in your hotel room; the two of you don't feel like doing anything fancy; just spend the evening together. After playing a competitive round of "Talk, Flirt, and Dare," as you stack up the board game cards for the next round, he asks you. —So, Tennis? Of all sports... Tennis?!
—Yeah, it's fun! —you slowly approach Toto; he is sitting on the rug next to the game placed on the coffee table between you in the living area, looking comfortable, relaxed, and shirtless after taking a dare card, currently only wearing his briefs. 
You slide a hand on his neck and chest before sitting on his lap, facing him. He wraps your waist with his toned arms and pulls you closer. Whispering against your lips —How?
—If you say so... —he shrugs. —For me, it's boring; there's not much adrenaline in it.
—Well, not all sports have to be lethal, you know? I thought you would like it since it is fast-paced —you make a thinking gesture by rubbing your chin.
—You have seen him play?
—Who? —you reply, trying to act dumb.
—Federer —he says pretty sternly.
—Several times, yeah.
—Are you one of those girls who follow him around? He told me about his groupies —he teases, but there is a jealous undertone.
—What? No, no. I don't like him like that.
Toto gives you a look that you read as "Really, girl? Closed fist, big long acrylic nails." —Uhm! If I remember correctly, you went all over him today; I think I have never seen you smile that big before —he adds. —You must look delighted in those selfies you took with him before you gave him that private tour of the Williams garage. Did he really get into the car? He passed with us. Did he like the driver's helmet you gifted him?
How on earth did Toto know about all that? That man has eyes everywhere.
—Hey, listen, I met one of my heroes FOR THE FIRST TIME and, AND, I got a bit excited! —you comb your hair with your hand. Toto's eyes can't avoid peeking at your tits as they wiggle with your arm movement. You also ended up shirtless; that sheer bra leaves nothing to the imagination.
Then he arches an eyebrow at your answer. A "bit excited" is downplaying. —He made you lose words, at first, then got you all over him, but sure "a bit excited", so, he looks better up close, or..?
—AND I got carried away. I admit it was a little embarrassing —Yep, Toto is envious. —He is okay, yeah. Are you jealous?
—Yes, completely —he purrs dangerously against your mouth, and you feel his warm breath brushing your lips. —Lucky for me, that guy is off the market —he looks intensely at you.
You kiss Toto, melting for him inside. —I wouldn't pick him over you —you pause to reassure him and keep kissing him. —I wouldn't pick anyone else over you —more kissing. —You are all I want.
Toto reacts weirdly. He gives you a look you don't know how to read; it's full of devotion, but there's something else, like anger. Is he that possessive, or is there something else?
You feel like following Sam's advice, and this may be the perfect moment for it.
But he senses you are about to open a conversation he isn't ready to have. Toto hates himself for it, so he quickly and softly moves you to get on his feet and asks you if you want another glass of wine. He is already taking your glass and walking to the winery, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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totothewolff · 7 months
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Season of Love (2/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
< Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 2: Lights out, and away your feelings go!
Australia By mere luck, Toto had one of those sponsors' events in the afternoon, and he was wearing a Tom Ford tan suit with a white shirt, a classic ensemble, instead of his usual Mercedes kit.
And you, well, you looked so chic wearing a romantic Saint Laurent satin mini dress with an off-the-shoulder neckline paired with ribbon bowtie Jimmy Choo stilettos up to the occasion.
You wave Sam goodbye as she enters the car and returns to the hotel. And then Toto and you stay standing there, not knowing what to do next.
—So, at what time is the reservation? —Toto asks you.
—In two hours, it is downtown.
—Good. We are getting there on time, right?
—Oh yeah, we can go on my c... —You look at the empty space where your Lambo was parked - well, where Michael parked it, now empty and immediately take out your phone, shit! You left it on airplane mode. All messages and missed calls start to appear, red dots everywhere. Your assistant asked if you needed the car or if they had moved it to the hotel hours ago. Later, she sent the chauffeur to pick you up, but he couldn't reach you. He waited for you a long time and left.
—My team took my car, so...
—No worries. I can take us there.
"For sure you can!" you thought. Jesus, why were you so horny lately?
Toto then texts his chauffeur, and on your way, you two go; it was a quiet ride for a bit.
You both laugh at the back of the car.
—So our minds are connected, huh? —you joke, referring to your tendency to talk at the same time.
—It's becoming a bad habit, yes —Smiles. —I was going to ask you where have you been existing. Everyone close to me seems to know you, but they never mentioned it before; I feel left out; somehow, I have no idea who you are —Toto tells you.
—First of all, I take serious offense that neither Niki nor Sam mentioned me before; how dare they? And to answer your question in Belgium. I met Niki recently and Sam forever ago but she is pretty private so I guess that's why.
—Umh, I thought Sam and I had something special, but I'm calling it quits —Toto says. —She keeps secrets from me —putting on a fake sad face.
—Welcome to da' club. She's all Lewis's now.
Then, at the restaurant.
Toto and you were greeted by a blond supermodel-looking hostess who took you to your booked table. You entered the historical building - big old brown bricked walls, high ceilings with restored wooden beams, and dark marble tile floors - barely lit with just a couple of lights strategically placed reflected on the walls. The tables were small and intimate, and all the furniture was statement pieces - wooden carved and expensive textiles - the silverware and china were spectacular. The place was a printery back in the day, and it ended up in the middle of downtown and has now turned into a Michelin-starred restaurant.
The hostess acted extra caring with Toto, taking all the time to tenderly adjust his blindfold and explain every single step and detail of the dining experience. Since he couldn't see her, she went all handsy, relying on touch a bit much, and for obvious reasons, she tied your blindfold too tight. Really, girl?! Sorority like in where?
—So it's crucial for the experience when you give the food to each other, slowly savor the flavors and then start a conversation about each dish, what it made you feel, what reminded you of, what you thought it was, taking turns —she tells you two as she takes each your hand and makes you feel the space where a single plate full of finger food where to be placed - on top of a marble "lazy susan." —Please let me know if you need me —a lot of emphasis on "need me" and more addressed to Toto than you.
Wait, what?! Give each other the food?! What on earth?! You are so glad Toto isn't able to see you because, for sure, you are tomato red. Then you hear the hostess walk away.
—I frequent high-cuisine restaurants all over the world, yet I haven't dared with this one. It has so many mixed reviews —Toto tells you.
—I met the Chef at an auction gala for charity. He sat at our table and sold us the idea, which sounded exciting and intrigued me, so I told him I would stop by when in Melbourn —you add. He never mentioned that we had to feed each other during the experience.
A moment later, the dish arrived, and the experience began. Your hands were shaking a little bit. Your days went from ignoring Toto's bare existence to placing food into his mouth now.
—By all means, you go first —He offers you. Why did he have to be a gentleman?!
—Sure, thanks —You don't know where to start, so you pick a bite and stay there frozen when Toto notices it softly grabs your hand to guide you to his mouth to avoid you pocking him an eye with the food. Many "Oh god, oh god" fill your mind. You could sense him slowly biting the food from your fingers, his warm breaths on your skin, while hearing soft crunch noises.
He munches. And you wait, hand now resting on the table.
—Soft skin —he says.
—That is what it tasted you like?!
—No, of course not —Toto softly chuckles. —You have soft skin. The bite tasted like, amh, some sort of Gnocchi, but it wasn't. I'm not a big fan of this one and its flavor.
—So you like Italian cuisine?
—Everyone likes Italian cuisine, duh.
—Excuse you? That attitude, Sir! —you flirt, I mean, joke with him.
—Yes! I used to spend the summers in Italy with my family. It is a country that reminds me of my father. Cinque Terre has a special place in my heart.
—You miss your dad —You say before thinking, shit! Now he will assume that Sam and you gossip about him or think you Googled him. Shit! You are supposed to not know anything about him. Lol, if he knew. —It must be hard being away from family all the time with this busy schedule —Smart girl... Good save..?
He looks at you, a bit confused. —Ahm, yes. I miss my dad.
—Okay, it's my turn! —you shift topics quickly and naturally.
Toto picks up a small bite, and you wrap your hand around his wrist, guiding him to your mouth. Your thumb finger could feel his pulse, which weirdly relaxes you. You bite the food slowly, and your lips make a bit of contact, brushing the skin of his fingers.
—What does it taste you like? —he asks you. You try your best not to have dirty thoughts.
—Feet? God, this is awful —you answer while trying to chew the fucker.
Toto almost chokes on his water. Who calls feet a signature Michelin-star dish?
—I'm so hating this! I can't with pretentious places, to be honest. Uptight people are the worst!
—You tell me I live surrounded by those, but you will be fine. Why did you mention the uptight people?
—Send tips. Because there is no way an average person could have come up with this idea and this type of food! What are these flavors, honestly?!
—You are hilarious.
—Aw, thanks. What am I to you, a clown? Well, every circus needs one... I'm glad to help! Why do you keep laughing, stop!
—You are so right; F1 can be a circus! —Toto admits.
—So, what's your job at the F1 circus? No, seriously, don't laugh. TOTO STOP. Do you juggle or what? —You two keep reaching closer over and under the small table, knees now touching.
—Highly accurate! Or I could be that one guy on the tightrope! —He waves his arms.
—So meta. Listen, for us girls being the ones stereotypically called "catfight-ty," you guys...
—You have no idea! And it is just starting...
—Does the drama get too good? You are getting me excited! Don't play with my heart, Torger.
—I won't —Somehow, it sounds more profound and meaningful. Silence.
—Can we go back to the food, please? We are getting distracted from its delicious flavors —you say amidst giggles. —What? Don't you believe me? This dish is so good, "Latifi good".
Chuckles. Then you notice Toto left his right hand on top of yours this whole time.
With your free one, you pick up another portion. —Oh, you are going to love this one. Smells, uhm, so good. Wait for my soft hands to come closer —you tease Toto.
He loses it. People around you start judging you two; you are being "noisy."
—Why suddenly I don't want to open my mouth? I'm not helping you get there anymore. Find your way; if you miss it, then I'm so sorry.
—Oh, don't you worry, "Tots". I can always ask for more of these.
—Oh god, no.
The dining experience ended on the sixth small bite, thank Jesus. You two never walked out of a restaurant that fast, and none of you felt like staying to experience the drinks part, judging by the food.
But were in desperate need of refreshers. The night was now fully set, and the air was fresh. You two walk almost hand in hand on the sidewalk under the clear skies, choosing to explore the city, looking in the surroundings for a pub. You were lured by a very busy one - with live music - three drunk girls burst out of the door in a great mood, and it looked packed; then it must be good!
It was. —Do I ask to pour you a pint, too? Or are you on a diet or something? —Toto offers you on his way to get drinks. A great cover of "Your Love by The Outfield" played in the background. The singer had great vocals, and the guitarist was so talented.
—On a diet? God, no. I'm not that fit! Who gives that excuse? Who's that picky?
—There are people —Toto answers, a bit sad. You wonder if Sussie behaved like that. Of course, you don't dig.
While he goes on his mission, you find the last free table for yourselves. The place was what you pictured when someone said "pub". A classic, extensive wooden bar, tap beer, and tons of bottles on display. Small round tables, bar stools, and many empty frames hanging on the wooden panel walls mixed with art deco posters. It's nothing fancy but eclectic and cool.
As time passed, you two got drunk and the beers, too. You talked and talked and talked about everything. At least what you two wanted to share, obvious subjects were avoided. Toto didn't mention Sussie the whole time, and you chose not to reveal much about your "situation." The two of you formed a bond and had such chemistry none could explain. You were feeling so comfy with each other. He looked so happy and having a blast, and you were, too.
Then, the drinking contest started, and you sent your best knight to battle. You ended up sitting cross-legged on top of the bar with your short dress going up with your every move, surrounded by a group of people watching the spectacle - as well as the other couples of contestants - with Toto on his feet right next to you, resting one of his hands on your thighs. At the same time, you poured the beers directly into his mouth. The first one to finish a row of four pints with no pauses and successfully do "the loaded twirl" - four fast spins - then walk to ring the bell at the end of the counter - without falling - could leave not paying a penny, and win a cool metal medal too.
Toto sounded the bell first. And the place went fucking nuts.
By the end of your night out, you two couldn't even walk straight as you were being playful on the sidewalk on your way to meet your driver. At some point, you lost a heel while dancing, you knew how to move and rhythm was natural to you. Toto carried you around until a good soul gifted you his flip-flops; the poor unknown hero was so into you. Fantastic pubs and guys on flip-flops, thank you, Australia.
While rocking the stranger's flip-flops with your Saint Laurent mini dress, you were singing and throwing some moves on the street at the sound of "Notorious by Duran Duran" - it was the last song you heard the band played before leaving and got stuck in your head - it was around 4 a.m. by then.
Toto had his medal wrapped around his head, looking all stupid and hot. There is no sight of his suit jacket. He must have lost it when you took him to the bathroom - of course, you waited for him outside. He was too drunk to get there alone - or when you two started dancing, burning some of the alcohol in your systems.
There is something about him that makes you feel so many things, and you don't want the night to end. And you wanted to spend more time with him, listening to his voice, hearing his laugh, looking at his eyes, having his body near yours. You find him so attractive.
—I don't remember the last time I had this much fun; it must have been ages ago! —he says, way too loud and drunk.
—Me too! We should do this again! Are you sure it's here? —you reply, looking around. No cars in sight.
—Yes! I'm not that drunk. Here is where the pin marks —he says, looking too closely into his phone. His nose almost touched the screen, looking at the map.
—Let me see.
—Nein —He raises his phone, extending his arm, placing it out of your reach. You jump to grab it, failing miserably. You ended up bumping him instead. Balance isn't a thing for any of you at the moment. And you both get closer. At some point in the night, you two started to behave like magnets, unable to keep away from each other, all handsy. Toto places a hand on your lower back to steady you.
You aren't sure if the sensation you are feeling is the alcohol in your system or the butterflies in your stomach.
—You are so carefree. Zero pretentious. So fun. So captivating, so... —Toto says in such a dangerous voice, staring at your lips with his fingers, placing your hair behind your ear.
You two get closer.
—So..? —You beg him to continue, staring at his lips too. You take the lead and start closing the distance between you.
It's been a while since either of you had sex in your lives.
Or love.
He looks at you with desire and affection but without moving an inch. Then Toto decides to take a step back.
That distance feels like miles, and the car arrives. Ending an almost perfect night.
You feel ashamed since you overstepped and carried yourself away. None of you mentioned what just happened on the ride back to the hotel.
Spending time with you starts to feel like a necessity to him now.
Toto is standing there, left shoulder leaning against the bar wall near where the band is playing, sipping his beer, watching you dance with some strangers, glowing and smiling, and having fun among those girls while he admires your curves and body movements. You have the magic to make him forget about the rest of the world, its people, and its problems. Going out with you tonight felt like healing, like self-care. 
After days of being heartbroken, Toto called things off with Sussie, which was not an easy choice. She was the love of his life, or so he thought, and after spending a significant portion of your life with someone, saying goodbye to that person is never easy.
Even if tonight was great and felt like a lucid dream, he couldn't escape reality forever. This Cinderella story had an end.
Of course, he notices the way you look at him. The attention you pay to his every word, your excitement every time you make him smile, or how you lean closer to his touch whenever the two of you make accidental - or not - contact.
But he wasn't ready for you. Of course, he would love to make a move and enjoy the whole of you, explore your every corner, trace your hips with his hands, and feel your body beneath his, making you release sounds he would love to hear. He wanted to fuck you badly, but you weren't just for a one-night stand.
You deserved someone who could fully admire you. That worshiped you. And Toto wasn't able to be that guy at the moment. He felt wounded and needed time for himself.
So, when you had the courage he lacked to make the move, knowing that if he accepted that kiss, you would wake up tangled in his sheets, he stepped back.
Seeing your surprised, embarrassed, and hurt reaction spiraled him into coming days of somber mood and turned into a quiet ride back to the hotel.
Once you reach your destination, the driver opens the car door for you, and you step out of it, praying your balance has returned. After that fiasco ending of the night, all the alcohol in your system seems to have evaporated thanks to that emotional gut punch Toto gave. You glimpse Toto catching your step, walking now as normal as you.
You two may be walking seemly normal now but your looks scream drunks, loud and clear! - messy hair and clothes, not to mention your flip flops, a thing that made you smile as you remembered the now distant memory - as you passed by a floor-to-ceiling mirror on the way to the elevators.
The bellboy pushes the buttons to open the elevator doors for you.
—On which floor is your room? —he asks.
—Oh, no, we aren't...
—Eleven —you answer a little deadpan, interrupting Toto.
—Fourteen —he mumbles.
As you two go up, you start saying goodbye, also wanting to cut the tension a bit. —It was a fun night, "Tots"! My liver may disagree, but we'll see —you smile.
—Yeah, yeah, it was, except for that horrid food —he replies.
—Let's not, let's bury that part.
He nods with a small smile. The door opens on your floor. You smile at him one last time and head out.
Toto wants to say, "Wait!" or follow you down that corridor, inviting himself to your room and bed, but instead, he remains just standing there, and the elevator goes up.
You take your time to walk down the corridor, hoping there is still a chance, till you hear the sound of the elevator's doors closing and following it, total silence, no footsteps, no movement. So you let out a sigh and get inside your room.
You are left facing a feeling of emptiness and solitude as you walk across the empty and dark suite with your surviving heel in hand, and then you toss it across the room on the carpet. You enter the shower and start washing your make-up and body off, letting your mind wander to the idea that the two of you could be there right now.
So, a bit defeated by not having Toto's naked and wet body before you, you send yourself to bed, struggling to fall asleep and shut down your brain; after a while, you feel yourself drifting away in the arms of Morfeo - and sadly not Toto's.
—He thinks I'm captivating and have soft hands —you say while giggling like a teenager, adding sugar to your Chai at the end of the counter. Already in a better mood, trying to look at the bright side of things.
—Soft hands??? —Sam replies, making a silly face and grabbing a napkin.
You two meet on your way to get Starbucks, located two buildings away from the hotel. You are still hungover and need fuel before stepping into the paddock.
—You know, never mind. I don't want to know —Sam adds, biting her bagel.
—Oh, wait. No. Nothing like that happened —you wave your hands in concern.
—Calm down; you know he and Sussie are in the middle of a time-off. Nothing wrong if it had happened. He has been in such awful moods lately that I think he needs it to happen. This time, their breakup seems real.
—Can you at least don't sound that excited? Oh god, you are smiling. I hate love —Sam sips her black coffee, rolling her eyes at you.
—Leave me live my fantasy, alright? —praying sign, you joke.
—Now you will be all weird around him, won't you?
—Nooo, well, maybe a little. What? Like you don't ship us.
—Puff —Sam lets out.
—Oh, you fed me way too many details about him for years and set us up last night just because, huh?
—Okay. Fair. I sold you the idea. Am I clever, or what? Listen, I care about you two a lot, and frankly, I think you are great for each other.
—Ooh, so Sam Dobrev has a heart.
—Shut up! Please don't make me regret it —she replies, all done with life.
—Hi, big guy —Sam pops her head inside Toto's office, simultaneously knocking on the open door.
—You owe me one —Toto answers deadpan. Concentrated, looking straight at his iPad, not bothering to look at her.
—That restaurant you made me go to was horrible.
—Well, I didn't pick the place, so no whines to me, but at least the company was fantastic, right?
—Umhju —Toto mutters, still looking at the screen. Then silence.
Sam interprets that answer as I'm not telling you anything else.
—Since you are here trying to gossip. Aren't you busy? If you have free time, you could help me with several things.
—Jeez, that mood. I'm not here to gossip. Here, sign this. Niki needs it.
Toto reads the paper Sam just gave him and picks up his phone. —I need to make a call. Would you mind closing the door on your way out? Thank you.
—Okay —Sam answers slowly and exaggerates the "O" while doing what was asked. Even she knows messing with a somber Toto wasn't a good idea.
Unfortunately for you, no gossip or insights of your night out were obtained from Toto.
It was a Grand Prix victory for Lewis. And a third place for Mick, but since it was his first podium, you guys celebrated as if he had just won the race. Sadly, Millie got pulled out of the track for a technical issue with the car.
You were hoping to chitchat with Toto at the podium ceremony, make him laugh a little, and watch his beautiful smile. Well, you hoped that the entire day, actually. But he was nowhere to be seen.
Until you spotted him in the distance, there was no casual way to start a conversation with him that way, and you didn't want to be perceived as pushy or desperate going straight to him. So you let the idea die. There was no rush.
If something was meant to be, it will happen without forcing things.
On the paddock in Baku, Toto chose to behave the opposite of that night in Melbourne. Serious, professional, and borderline unfriendly - but still polite.
That caught you off guard, and it was so confusing. After spending that great time together, you thought you two were on your path to becoming friends or more if luck was on your side. You didn't get the sudden change, and it was a bit hurtful when you went to say hi to him - all warm and smiling - and he gave the cold shoulder with a blunt "Good morning" and kept on walking.
You stood there looking a bit stupid, wondering if you did something to bother him or if he was acting Austrian. Maybe Toto was feeling really uncomfortable by how you approached him at the end of that night. Damn, drunk you!
But then, a couple of hours later:
"Unknown" is typing...
—Darci told me you left your office to have lunch. But I'm here outside your hospitality and don't see you - Toto.
Your assistant gave him your number. —Hi!!! Yes, I'm here having lunch.
—Where? I'm wearing my good glasses, and I'm sure you are not that bald guy eating a salad.
—Sandro is a very nice guy. Look up, grandpa!
—The rooftop? What are you, a pigeon?
No joke in reply, just an honest: —I like the view from here. It's peaceful! Bonus points for being private. No one bothers me here or intrudes. It's my secret special place. Do you want to join?
Toto finishes climbing the ladder and goes to greet you, kissing you on the cheek. As he does so, a crazy thought crosses your mind: What if you turn your head? Is stealing a kiss considered harassment? But you don't.
You two share your homemade Yakimeshi - you love cooking even if you have a private Chef, and you are damn good at it, well, according to everyone that has eaten your food, so you ask the hotel to get you the fresh ingredients you need - while talking about the day, sharing ideas, throwing shade, and enjoying each other's presence.
—What a diva! —you reply, grabbing a portion with your chopsticks.
—I know. I expected better, but engineers... you know —Toto shrugs.
—Ye! —you agree. Sometimes, they acted, well, a little bit challenging.
Toto was acting so relaxed and casual as you expected him to be, and not what was going on in the morning. You wonder so badly why there is a change in ways, but you don't dare to ask.
"What if he has bipolar disorder?" a question that came to your mind at some desperate point during your day. Not that there was something wrong with that.
The sun is setting, and you two enjoy the view, sitting next to each other - no space in between - He places his arm around you, palm resting next to your left hand, but without making physical contact.
This becomes a routine for you two, lunching together on the rooftop of the W hospitality, away from the rest of the world, in your private little bubble. It becomes your favorite moment of the day. And Toto's, too, even if he swore he would never like routine.
—Excuse me, excuse me, how did the tire taste you like? —you tease a very solemn Lewis walking past you on the paddock while you pretend to hold an invisible mic at his face, acting like a reporter. An instant smile forms on his lips.
—Roscoe attack! —Lewis commands.
Roscoe stares at him for a second and then wanders to sniff a palm tree, not caring.
—I think your trick didn't work —you get closer to greet him with a hug.
—He is too lazy for that —he tells you while embracing you.
—You are too cute; don't listen to that man! —you say with a silly voice, addressing Roscoe, letting Lewis go, and flexing to pet the dog, rubbing around his ears, which Roscoe seems to enjoy.
It was a Qualy of hell for Mercedes. Lewis's car's back tire flew out into the air before bouncing on a safety barrier at speed, almost hitting him back. Plus, George's car ended up in the gravel after losing power.
In contrast, Williams did great. Mick was one with the car, achieving the day's fastest lap.
—Feeling better, sweetie? —you ask Lewis with honest concern, after seeing the incident unfold and how he made it out of the car really distraught.
Although you must admit that even though that whole thing wasn't funny, the memes were pure gold, so you texted Toto your pick: the one where the tire hit the space station with a photoshopped explosion, the one with Lewis's face photoshopped on a baseball player hitting a home run, but instead of the ball it was the tire and your favorite, the one with photoshopped Toto, Lewis, and George riding the tire to the sky.
—Yeah. I'm good. A positive mindset always helps, thanks.
—I think I just saw you kicking, crying, and screaming in the bathroom, Mr. Positive Mind Set —Sam joins the conversation, teasing him.
—So, what's the plan for tonight-A? —she asks.
—Noone human says tonight like that. Not even Michael Jackson on drugs —you tell Sam.
—We are in Miami, chica! Aren't we clubbing?! —she replies.
—Are you high?
—I will if we go out...
—You realize we are here for work, right? —Lewis asks her.
—Like we haven't done it before. What's the worst that could happen? Toto finding out? You losing the race? Toto, finding out you lost the race because you went out clubbing with us?
—Yes! —you all answer at the same time. —To all of that —you add.
—Well, not if Toto comes with us...
Lewis starts laughing like a madman. —Sam, are you suggesting convincing Toto to go clubbing with us the night before the race so he doesn't get mad if he finds out we went clubbing?
—I got lost, mate —George arrives, earing that last part, trying to figure out what the hell.
—Well, I'll not be convincing him. Y/N is.
—If you really love me, you will —Sam pushes you toward the Mercedes' motorhome.
Gaslighting a bit much?
How am I supposed to do this? I'm going to sound so unprofessional. Although, technically, you two went out pub-ing?? and got drunk the night before the race in Australia. Okay, that made-up word sounds terrible; let's never use it again, so there may be a slight chance to relive that.
At least you needed to practice your words before going in there since "Hi, Toto, wanna go clubbing?" wasn't an option but destiny was a bitch; you two crossed paths before you had the opportunity to rehearse. Toto was on his way back to his office; he left his badge access on his desk. He seemed surprised to see you there; you were far away from the Williams' grounds. So you are forced to improvise.
—Are you looking for Sam?
—No, not really, not this time.
—Oh. Niki?
Toto was now standing right before you with his hands in his pockets, all tall and handsome. You liked him even more when he wore his reading glasses.
You start a bit shy; Toto has a powerful presence. —I heard Miami has excellent places, and because last time I made you join me for that awful dining experience, I thought maybe we could go out and have a good time but in a better establishment.
He sounds slightly judgy. You go on: —I was talking with the guys, and they mentioned "Floyd." It sounds great...
—The guys?
—Sam and Lewis, and George...
—Ooh, they sent you? Sam!
Oh boy.
—The cocktails sound goo...
—I'm not taking my drivers drinking or to a nightclub before the race or allowing it. It's ridiculous —Toto interrupts you again.
You look at him, now slightly nervous and bummed out.
—None of us is going; it's not happening —Toto adds firmly.
Yeah... He was a pro at the top of his game. Of course, he cared about discipline, mindsets, and winning races and titles; what were you thinking?!
You nod apologetically. Your eyes look a bit sad, well, because... You don't need to explain why. Just start turning around to head back and tell them the news.
—Wait! We could go to "Basement", which has a bowling alley and a DJ. But no drinking! Not even a drop for anyone; we must return to the hotel at a reasonable hour. Do you like that? That makes you happy?
—Sounds perfect to me —your smile is big and bright. Did Toto change his mind to please me?
To make things even, you end up bringing Millie and Mick. You wanted to make clear you weren't playing unfair tactics with your opponents. You earnestly desired to spend a good time with the people you began to care about.
The place was all for yourselves. It was a club slash bowling alley with colorful neon lights reflecting on the lanes, varying intensities and colors to the DJ's beats. It was a dope place.
Lewis invites Seb. They two took bowling seriously and had a years-long competition. They show you a list of their scores on Lewis's iPhone going back to the dark ages.
Bono also shows up, and Carlos and Lando, too, God knows how.
Lando starts stretching right in front of you, warming up, and making eye contact with you while doing his poses in a bit too sexual and exaggerated way. Samanta and you start laughing at him for acting all idiot. You two sit on the bowling benches while drinking Coke and eating popcorn.
—Every group needs a slut —you tell Lando.
—I don't think you are impressing her, man —Carlos joins, watching the spectacle, on his feet.
—It reminds me of when little children warm up before jumping into the pool —you kill Lando with your words.
—You have never seen legs like this —he tells you, overconfident. All of you laugh. —But, I will fight for your heart, malady. Is there another knight brave enough to face me in a bowling fight to the death?
—But what's the prize?! —Seb screams across all lanes.
—A NIGHT with the princess —Lando claims.
—Keep dreaming, sweetie —you reply.
—A KISS from the princess —he backtracks.
—Fine! Everyone, write your names here! —Sam takes a Post-it and a pen out of her purse - an assistant's habit - and passes them around.
—WHAT?! What are you doing?
Sam starts folding the papers and mixing them up. —The council calls Sir Hamilton to the pit!! Please choose your horse and weapon for the fight (lane and bowling ball) —Sam reads Lewis's name from the paper she picks up, and then she selects another one. —Warrior Dobrev to the fight! —cheers are heard, and Mick and Carlos pat Millie on the arm and back; Vettel massages her shoulders when she stands by her approach area. —Knight Wolff to the pit! And last but not least, Warrior Bonnington, too! —there were only five lanes. —You all brave souls are to fight buffoon Norris for a kiss of the Lady. Lord Vettel and I will oversee the combat.
—Hey! —Lando complains, pouting. Then, George starts motivating him, and they start making stupid grunts and jumps before the bowling round begins.
—The battle commences now! —Sam calls.
—You really need to stop watching House of the Dragon —you tell her.
—It's official: Bono is the worst player I have seen —Vettel interrupts, watching Bono be the first to get disqualified. —Is it okay if I leave you a second? If I don't go and bother Lewis every time to time, I get anxious —Sebastian sweetly tells you.
—Go, honey —You pat his hand and let him go. You two were watching the competition unfold together.
Lando, Lewis, and Toto were really good at it, but Millie was in a league of her own.
—How can someone so tiny have such a steady grip? —Lewis tells her she was in the lane next to his.
—Lew, I gladly would share with you all my secrets if I wasn't determined to win this —Millie replies.
—So you really want to kiss her? —he is curious, and a little smile forms on his lips.
—Look at Y/N, I wouldn't mind, but I don't want to. I think all five of us here hate losing... or love winning. Well, except for Lando, I believe he truly wants to kiss her.
"Not just him," Lewis thinks, looking in Toto's direction. After years of being teammates, he could read him like a book. It isn't just Sussie who has him shifting moods. Since you appeared, Toto began to act all weird. When Lewis noticed the looks you both exchanged, everything made sense to him.
And another fantastic strike from Lando.
Millie was almost right. Lewis loves winning and hates losing, but not when friends or feelings are in the middle. A lesson Sebastian taught him. So Lewis prepares and throws the worst shot he has ever made. His bowling ball bounces, hits the gutters, and invades the next lane, instantly disqualifying him.
Hisses and laughs fill the room. Lewis turns around, shrugs, smiles, and goes to take a seat. A minute later, he feels a thumb rubs his neck, caressing it. —Sir Hamilton, my good Sir, you sure are an honorable and respectable fellow —Sebastian tells him with his best Shakespearean voice.
—Stop talking like that, please.
—It doesn't please you how this low-grade peasant talks, good Sir?
The face Lewis gives him is priceless. Vettel laughs, and Lewis slides closer to him on the bench.
A loud "AAARGGH" comes from Lando as he dramatically throws himself to the floor. Wooff, what an awful shot.
—Luck next time, Lando! —Sam teases him as Carlos and George pass by, carrying him to the benches, one grabbing him by the legs and the other by the arms. Out of the competition, he was.
Now, it was a Dobrev vs. Wolff clash.
—Make our house name proud, niece! —Sam yells at her.
—You are having too much fun, aren't you? —you tell her.
—Sorry —Sam covers her face with her hands, monkey emoji-like. —Your knight made it to the final. Good for you, girl, but Millie is ruthless, so...
—I know! I can't watch any more. I'm too nervous! I feel like I will puke if Toto wins or if he loses.
—...she misses.
Okay, okay, this wasn't happening. Oh God. Sam turns to you and gives you a smile The Grinch will envy.
—Knight Wolff wins the battle! And takes the princess! —Sam announces. You shoot her a dead glare. —...'s kiss
Cheers are heard. Then everyone gets on their feet and starts chatting and bowling. Laughs and mocktails fill the room.
You pass Lando, still lying on the bench, on your way to get a drink. Now you need tequila in your system. —Oh, I'm so wounded! Only a kiss on the lips would heal me —he tries, offering his arms to you. The kid has the material to be an actor.
—Carlos!! Lando needs you!! —you joke back in answer, smiling at him. Lando gets on his feet in less than a second. —All good, I feel better! —he tells you, chuckling.
Toto is there when you reach the bar, sipping a whiskey on the rocks. —Not a drop of alcohol, you said? —you mock him.
—And you are here to ask for a Coke, right? —he teases you.
—A Paloma, please —you ask the bartender. —You could be a professional bowling player —Please let that become a meme, you think, and an image of a Toto in a complete bowling outfit surrounded by a group of senior citizens with white hair comes to mind.
—You picture it; that's why you are smiling.
He arches an eyebrow.
—Fine. I admit it! —you sit on the bar stool next to him and rest an elbow on the bar counter, smiling like an idiot and gazing at Toto until he notices it and gets on his feet. 
—I haven't seen you play, let's go! —he tells you.
—Oh, if this really were the old ages and it was me who had to fight for your hand, consider yourself single for the rest of your life...
You all arrive together at the hotel and walk inside the lobby, making a lot of noise.
—Shuusshh!! Zack doesn't know I'm not in my room! —Lando whispers, looking around.
—Sure, he is hiding behind that plant, Lando. That old fart is so fucking asleep in his bed, mate! Calm down! —Vettel adds.
—Hey! You haven't kissed Toto yet —Lewis recalls and addresses you.
—Right! Give him his prize! —Mick adds.
You feel your cheeks turning red. —Are you all going to stare and make it all weird?
—YES! —everyone answers.
—You guys suck! —you complain, pretending to be annoyed at them.
—Not as much as I would like to. WHO SAID THAT?! —Millie dirty jokes, looking around.
—Millie Alexandria Dobrev! —Sam shouts, shocked. —I can't believe you...
Between giggles and two Croatians fighting in the background, you kiss Toto for the first time.
With your left hand, wrap Toto's bicep and rest your right on his chest as you reach his lips on your tiptoes. The kiss is brief, delicate, more like a brush of lips, but it is enough to make the butterflies in your stomach go wild and to still be on cloud nine when you reach your room.
You were so excited to be officially living in Monaco. It was your first week there, and you had never lived on your own before. And since Sam also resided there, you spent lots of time together. You two were enjoying the break and touring the city around.
Miami went terrific, and that kiss still made rounds on your head.
Sam and you were walking in the area close to your new place when you turned the corner and were greeted by this scene: A furious Monegasque girl screaming at the top of her lungs in French words that did not sound nice at all and throwing objects out the window while a man on the street was trying to picking them up and reason with said girl. Some people were staring, and others were rushing to pass by.
—Is that Charles?! —Samanta asks you, stunned, pointing to the guy crouched and picking up what looked like a pair of Jordan's.
Yeah, that was Charles Leclerc. You two look at each other concerned and rush to help.
—Hi —Sam shouts among the screams in French.
—Oh, hey, Sam —Charles looks pretty embarrassed.
You quickly offer him the almost empty tote bag you were carrying and speed walk to grab an open, worn-out cardboard box from the greengrocery next door. The three of you start getting his things inside while avoiding getting hit by the last objects thrown out.
—Thank you —he says to you. —My girlfriend went mental.
All of you hear a loud bang and look up; she shuts the windows dramatically. "More like ex-girlfriend now" you think.
—Merde —you hear Charles say. —My keys and wallet are inside there, fuck!
You can't avoid feeling bad for the guy. He looks so done with life right now.
—Ahm, Charles, if you want to join us, we are grabbing lunch. We can grab some cocktails, too; I'll treat you guys. You seem in desperate need of alcohol and a chat.
—You're right, I need alcohol, thank you. I would love to.
The three of you walk your way to a restaurant Charles loves. It was pricey, but you agreed to let him pick the place since you were spoiling him and trying to lift his spirits.
—Huff, why are all the streets in Monaco inclined? —you complain after climbing the fourth hundred stairs of the day. —On the bright side, tho, I just need to live here to skip leg day at the gym.
Charles laughs. That's good!
The face the hostess makes when you three arrive and place the second-hand cardboard box with Charles's things on the fancy counter - clothes, some books, sneakers, a Funko Pop of Charles himself for some reason, and what looks like Xbox controllers, a man's most prized possession - makes it worth it almost losing your legs to get there.
—Good evening. Table for three? Right this way. Terrace, as usual, Mr. Leclerc? —she asks.
—Yes, please.
You are led to your table. It was a sea-inspired high-cuisine restaurant. The ceiling of the place had a breathtaking art installation: A whale made from bamboo wind chimes. —The waiter is on his way; here is the food and mixology carte —she offers you. It takes you a long time to read the entire selection.
—Ask for whatever you guys want; the check is on me. Don't hold back —you offer them.
—Great, then! It would be two spritzes instead of one, please! —Sam gestures with her fingers at the waiter, who is already taking your order. Sam seems so happy and excited; for someone who grew up that rich, she loves getting stuff for free.
—I would like a Tequila and Tonic with two tequila shots, please —you finally choose.
—A margarita and two shots of tequila for me. To start —Charles orders.
The drinks arrive quickly. At the same time, you hear everything about Charles' toxic relationship, giving him the space to spit it all out; as more alcohol makes it to the table, the more details you get.
After a good couple of hours of free therapy, high cuisine, drinks, relationship advice, and tragic love stories, it got dark.
—Well, it was a damn good chat! I'm glad we were able to help you, my friend. But we better go —Sam says to Charles. —I'm walking you back to your place —she addresses you. —I have to wake up early tomorrow. Toto wants me to join the Mercedes' Zoom call at 7 a.m., and I don't want to see his annoying, angry face at me.
The thought of an angry Toto makes you bite hard the tiny chocolate cake you are eating as dessert.
—Oh, no worries! It's just all the way down the street; I will get there without problems —you say while savoring the remains of your cake.
—Are you sure? —She inquires. You forgot how protective of you Samanta was, even if she was younger than you.
—Yeah, go, go. It's never a good idea to make an Austrian guy angry —You joke.
Charles choked on his drink, laughing. —Sweet Lord.
Sam giggles, hugs you two goodbye and waits for her Uber.
—It's late, I'll walk you. There are plenty of good hotels near your building and the marina; since I'm not going home, I need to book a room —Charles mentions.
—If you don't mind, you can crash at my place; there's not much furniture yet, but you are welcome to stay —you tell Charles. He seems relieved.
Charles sees what you meant with "not much" - just a small table with no chairs, one kitchen counter stool, a mattress in the bedroom, another on the living room floor, and some boxes, making the place look way bigger - as you two enter your apartment.
—I just got the keys —you excuse yourself.
—Oh wow, this view reminds me of my grandparents' apartment view from growing up —He reaches the balcony fast. —Oh, look, you can see the old side of Monaco from here! Good memories! —He ignores your comment, not caring much about the furniture or decor.
He seems in a better mood than before.
—Well, let me know if you need anything. Sleep well! —you say, on your way to your bedroom.
—Thank you, good night!
You hear noises outside your bedroom's open doors a few minutes later. Charles moves his mattress nearer the plug on the wall and connects the charger you lent him to his phone. With that change in the arrangement, you are both placed facing each other in different rooms and with distance in between.
Since none of you seemed able to fall asleep that night, you better keep chatting, each of you resting your back against the wall, relaxing, and him crossing his arms behind his head.
—So you are besties with Sam?
—Yes, she was one of the first people I met when I arrived in Belgium —you answer and look out of your bedroom's massive floor-to-ceiling window to the beautiful sea and the tiny-looking lights of Monaco. He stays silent, waiting for you to continue.
—So, how was growing up here? —You ask him and were sincerely curious but also want to switch the subject of conversation from you to him.
He tells many anecdotes of his childhood and buzz about some of the high society Monegasque families. He seems to enjoy gossip, and you are here for it.
Until you feel your eyes shutting down and fall asleep with the sound of his voice.
Two weeks later, Charles was still staying at your place; there was no furniture yet, however. By the third week, you arrive home, and all of Charles' things are filling the space. He moved "his bed" to one of the guest bedrooms and packed the living room with boxes. His piano starts serving you two at your dining "table." You always ate there, sitting, standing, taking turns: breakfast, Charles, lunch, you, etc.
He is just one box away from officially becoming your roommate. Of course, you don't mind. After many years of feeling alone, you desperately needed a friend and its company.
Charles' wireless speaker is the most significant addition to the apartment; it was never turned off, both of you being obsessive music maniacs, constantly introducing new music and artists to each other.
It is your turn to pick a song, and you want to lift the spirits while unpacking boxes and arranging things, so you turn the volume all up and hit play. Bad Bunny's "Yo perreo sola" started blasting.
You start singing and dancing to the beat, shaking it, and then Charles joins you in the chorus, singing the lyrics perfectly and throwing some great dance moves. You two start twerking.
—You know this song? Wait, you speak Spanish?! —you ask loudly, almost screaming. The music is so loud.
—My mom is Colombian. Didn't I mention that? My dad is the Monegasque one. I know my reggaeton and merengues by heart —he screams back. —I know all the good clubs in the city with this type of music, we should go and dance our asses off.
—Oh, for sure we are!
Another level of friendship is unlocked.
The three of you are inseparable. It is the weekend, and Charles took you and Sam on his boat sailing to an excellent spot to take a swim. Coronas, good music, sun, and fresh water fill your day.
You came up with a competition to see who jumped out of the boat the funniest way because you three were dumb. Charles wins by jumping and agitating his arms and legs like an old cartoon falling or very Gaga at the Super Bowl. Your stomach hurts from laughing, and your face from smiling.
After that, you all lay flat on your stomachs like iguanas under the sun, getting tan atop the boat; you don't remember a day nearby when you felt so happy. You felt at home with those two by your side.
It was around 4 a.m. and pitch black when Charles was suddenly awakened by sorrowful sounds coming from your bedroom.
He rushes and quickly opens the door, not caring to knock. He finds you crying, curled in your bed; you look like a total mess with red eyes, messy hair, and softly shaking, and Charles reacts like a headless chicken, pacing frantically around the room before getting to his senses and starting supporting a very troubled you.
—I got an idea that could help you feel better! —he tells you.
—You trust me?
You nod.
—Let's go! —he offers you his hand and leads you out.
You take the lift to the basement parking lot, where Charles' Ferrari is all poorly and crocked parked outside lines of your apartment's parking spaces - that man was a great driver but terrible at parking - next to it is his powerful Ducati Panigale black motorbike is waiting for you.
Soon, you two are on his bike, crossing the streets of Monaco at full speed. Getting further away from the city and into the road. You tightly wrap your arms around him as he tells you you are entering the highway, and he begins to speed, pushing the bike's engine.
You could feel the fresh nightly ocean breeze hitting your body and entering your pores, every time more violently as you moved and Charles kept speeding up. You could see the full moon reflecting on the ocean waters. It was a clear night, with no stars in sight.
You love the rush and adrenaline of this speed ride. Charles speeds even more, and you hear the violent roar of the motor, the bike reaching its maximum. Then, in that brief moment, you get why all drivers are passionate about F1. Now you get it. Your sad tears become happy ones. You have never experienced something like this before, and it makes you feel so alive. The air feels so cold and harsh at the speed you are going that you almost feel it cutting your skin. It is a sensational feeling.
Charles then starts to slow down till he parks the bike and turns the engine off, helping you get on your feet, and you two lay on the grass after arriving at the destination.
—What a view! —you let out. The two of you are far away from the city, and you can see Monaco at the distance from the cliff you are on top of.
—This is my secret spot. I have been coming here since I was young when I felt I needed to clear my mind or wanted to escape everything. This view humbles you and calms you down at the same time —Charles confesses.
—Thanks for sharing it with me —you say to him, extremely grateful.
—It's the least I can do.
You can hear the waves hitting the cliff rock below you, and you admire the infinite ocean in front of you. The two of you sat there for a long time.
—Whenever you feel ready to talk about it. To open up about your past, who you are, or why you cried tonight, I will be here to listen —Charles offers you, breaking the comfortable silence. He is a kind and sweet person, a good person. And you aren't used to that.
He places his hand on top of yours just briefly, and you feel so happy to have a friend, to have him, no love feelings, no desire in between, just genuine friendship and honest support. 
He deserves the truth, and you want to let him know, but you are afraid of the repercussions. You don't want to get judged or, worse, to lose him.
Charles has been paying attention to you these past weeks and has noticed how you avoid or change subjects whenever your past or private life gets mentioned.
Every day that passes, he gets to know you more. It is just a matter of time before the truth comes out.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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totothewolff · 8 months
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Season of Love (1/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: Hi, fam! I'm nervous since this is my very first fanfic. I have been following this tag for a while now, and I got so inspired by all the talent here that I went and wrote my own story. Please be kind to me. English is my second language. I will upload chapters regularly - using this hashtag and on #seasonoflovefic. I have been dealing with anxiety the entire year; writing this has been part of my healing process. I hope you like it. By the way, this story is fun and light-spirited.
< Masterlist | Next chapter >
Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 1: Engines on and hearts off!
It is a hot and sunny day in Bahrain. Golden hour is set, and every single person in the paddock seems to be in a rush. It is the usual chaos every pre-season brings.
Toto makes his way through the sea of people, cables, tire carts, and cameras at his regular pace - which means those toned and long legs going full speed - rocking this year's Mercedes kit and a new pair of designer sunglasses, phone in hand when it buzzes.
—Breaking news: After lengthy negotiations during the break, the De Vos Group acquired Williams Racing - as speculated. New female owner Y/N De Vos will be joining the paddock this season. The team's principal will soon be announced. Check our exclusive first look with her.
Toto reads on his iPhone after tapping the Sky Sports push notification, slowing his pace a second. He raises an eyebrow and gazes around, noticing many people in the packed pitlane doing the same, slowing the frenzy on the floor for a close bit. 
He reaches out for his pockets and puts on the Bose earbuds before hitting the play button. Curiosity is overpowering him - and, honestly, excitement, too - as he looks at the preview thumbnail. A stunning, tan-skinned woman with great, shiny hair and a beautiful smile appears in front of the microphone with a smug smirk.
—God, she's gorgeous —Toto lets out to himself. Continuing his way to the Mercedes garage. This year, it is located one spot before Williams and following Ferrari's.
Finally, something exciting, someone new. After years of dominating the game, trying not to sound too egomaniac, every season starts to feel like routine to him. Toto is hitting a personal low, avoiding calling it what it is: depression mixed with boredom, especially this season and at this moment in his life. Same old tracks, same old challenges, same old people, same old ways, same old Toto.
You answer the interviewer's questions with ease. You are very well-spoken in his eyes like you are used to doing press or public speaking, and you have a cheeky sense of humor. Toto gets captivated, to say the least. He puts his phone into his back pocket and continues walking while listening to your interview, muffling the paddock's noise.
You have a soft voice, a professional speech pattern, and excellent enunciation, reinforcing Toto's idea of you being trained at it. He detects some accent but can't figure out where it is from. He listens to the whole thing; it's impossible for him not to sigh at the stupid questions they ask you a couple of times. The more Toto listens, the more questions he has for you in his mind. He may get them answers later when he finally meets you.
So far, you seem like a breeze of fresh air, and Toto is desperate to breathe you.
And yeah, no question Williams looks different. Toto, as usual, ventures to inspect more than he should - and is allowed to - taking a good peek at your brand-new garage. Knowing quite well, he also is hoping to spot you in person.
The garage looks tech and minimalistic, matching your new modern W logo. Whites, blacks, and touches of grey colors predominated. The lighting, screens, and interior design look so futuristic, expensive, and dope; it's a whole vibe. It is a sexy garage! A phrase he never imagined using. What F1 has done to a man?
Toto can feel the desperate modernity Williams once needed and the resources. Of course, he knew firsthand the Williams family was looking to sell after years of struggling to win races and its economics. Toto remained neutral throughout the process, informed but not too involved. He had felt a little indifferent about the entire ordeal till now. 
He hopes not to sound insensitive. Of course, he has a special place in his heart for that team and its people, he first started there, but the businessman side of him knows it is the right call and best for them. Of course, it's sad, but that is the game: evolve or die.
He knows his investment is in good hands because last he had heard, and in Niki's words, it got acquired by a Belgian zillionaire, and Niki reassured him it was a perfect choice. He was respectable and trustworthy, and Toto didn't need to know more. But this sudden change - and announcement - took him a bit by surprise. Little did he know.
Gossip and theories fill the paddock. Supporters and haters - already - are all over social media, typing divided opinions as usual. It is the talk of the town, and you, you are the center of it at this point; there is more to come.
Toto greets his team on his way to his chair, already inside Merc's garage after doing his little on-site research. A couple of pats on the back and hugs later, he makes himself comfortable in his spot while catching up with Bono. 
Just as Toto is about to place the headphones on his head, the corner of his eyes caught Samanta, better known as "Sam" - a beautiful, thin, young, pale-skin, platinum blondie - Niki's assistant, hugging you goodbye and walking towards him. 
You wave Niki hello from afar and on your way to the W garage.
For the briefest moment, Toto's eyes and yours met. You are more petite than he expects. And you dress very classy and minimal but with a sexy touch. You match the new identity of Williams, or well, Williams matches your style. The Jacquemus "La robe saudade" dress you wear hugs your curves, accentuating your beautiful toned legs and great ass. He couldn't avoid staring you down as you walked past. Sometimes, he was just a simple man.
Toto suddenly feels the Arabic heat rushing through his body.
—Getting up close with the enemy, tearing down its walls, I like your style, evil as I would expect from you —he says to Sam, now next to him, as she takes off her access badge and picks up her tablet from a drawer.
—Bok, dumb. No bad blood! Just a friendly welcome to this testosterone hell, you know, girls being supportive of one another. I'm pretty sure you will like her, and judging by that look you just gave her, I guess you already.
—Začepi, dumber —Toto answers in his usual authoritarian and collected deep voice, but jokingly. He feels his cheeks turning red. —Spill how, when…
—We were roomies a long time ago. I adore her, she's great, strong, intelligent, kind, fun, and so damn hot. That's all you need to know for now, and that's all I'm telling you.
Sam is the youngest daughter of the Dobrev heirs, a very wealthy and old-money Croatian - almost royal - family who owns multiple fleets and half the country, like filthy rich. They are famous for being all platinum blondes, having many scandals, and investing in motor and water sports. They are one of the main Mercedes-AMG sponsors. 
As far as Toto knows, Sam doesn't have the best relationship with her family and dislikes talking about it, but he knows she cares a lot about her elder brother, to whom Toto hears her speak on the phone now and then.
After years and years of working and traveling the world together, Sam lets her walls down with Toto, becoming great friends and this sort of family away from family, although she remains pretty reserved on some subjects. He loves her like a little sister. She is pretty younger than him and sometimes reminds him of his own sister. Niki always describes them two as his annoying children, always teasing and bickering at each other when possible. The old man cares so much for them personally and at work, and they do, too.
Toto wonders if by "old roomie" she means ex-girlfriend? He has met some of Samanta's "roomies," and… Toto doesn't feel like pushing. He wonders if you may have someone... You know... As team principal, he has to learn about other teams' dynamics, right?
He tosses the thought off and gets in the zone. They have another title to win.
You hug Samanta goodbye and take a glance at the Merc garage. Sam is family to you, and you heard so much about them and F1 over the years, ever since she moved out of the Manor after having that massive fight with her parents and started working for Mercedes-AMG, swearing to make a living of her own and never needing them EVER again, a bit over dramatic reaction but that who Sam is and you love her that way. 
She is also your bestie; you two text each other daily. Thanks to her, you knew everything about everyone in the paddock: the good and bad, scandals, and more. Yet they knew nothing about you. For them, you are brand new and the perfect excuse to gossip about.
And there he is, Torger Christian Wolff, the guy Sam couldn't stop gushing you about. Damn, she is right, Toto is gorgeous. You would feel slightly jealous of their closeness if he wasn't Sam's cup of tea. But you can't get distracted; you have a purpose for being there, and nothing will get in the middle. Even if you are dying to meet him, even if you treasure every detail you know about Toto, even if you have been fantasizing about him for the longest time, not to mention being half in love with the man already or the idea of him. Sam made him sound like such a remarkable and caring human being. 
Niki waves hello to you from afar, and you wave back. You adore that old man. He is one of the reasons why the Williams family agreed to sell you the team. Without his support, it wouldn't have been possible.
You met Niki two winters ago; thanks to Sam, you explained to him your motives and why you wanted to buy a team, and he fully agreed to support you and mentor you throughout the whole process. He is a badass and one of the kindest people you have ever met. You immediately felt embraced by the Laudas. Along with Sam, they are among the very few people who know your entire story and genuinely know you, the real you. 
Back to the present day. You feel Toto's dark eyes set on you and can't resist ignoring them even if your life depends on it, so you look back at him. For the briefest moment, your eyes met. The desert is too hot, isn't it? Uff, what's going on with this heat? Damn you global warming! 
So you better hurry yourself away before it is too late and you dare to get closer to him. You reach your new team's garage at the speed of light, so it is fittable for the place you are at. It feels weird saying "your" so much. 
Everything is so different from the world you are used to, but you don't feel nervous. You are a woman on a mission, and after all you have gone through in life, you are not that kind of girl. You bear a challenge.
You greet your team. —He hasn't arrived yet? —you ask the aero performance engineer while he is placing green and yellow dots on the left side of the new car. You reached close to inspect the latest upgrades.
The car is beautiful, matte black with a powerful Lamborghini engine. They are your main sponsor and partner and the only one, which is insanely impressive. No million logos, no visual noise - it is something to see due to F1 budgets. 
Commotion and gasps come from the outside. While you ask the engineer that question, a frenzy starts in the front of the garages. You watch camerapersons and fans pass by, running crazy. Total mayhem.
Oh, there he is.
Toto's phone buzzes again - in the middle of that circus - "Breaking news; The legend is BACK. Michael Schumacher joins Williams as Team Principal, son Mick Schumacher, and the sensation of the moment, female driver Millie Dobrev joins him along as drivers."
The FIA, in its many attempts to be perceived as "forward" or "woke," has allowed for the first time mixed-gender racing, starting this season - about damn time! Millie is one of the top female drivers and the youngest, achieving a lot at a young age and becoming a serious threat to everyone on her way. 
—Dobrev… Dobrev?! —Toto looks from the photo on his phone screen to Sam and back; a very young petite girl - with sun-kissed skin, short platinum blonde hair with pink ends and clear blue eyes, a round face with delicate features - poses in a pastel color outfit doing a Korean heart gesture with her hands, fingers full of expensive jewelry. —Care to explain?
—Yes, did I mention she's my dear niece? —Sam answers, deadpan.
—The fuck —Toto says —Are all blond Croatians your family? —Toto teases.
—Hilariously accurate —she laughs it off.
—Your niece?! You are like twelve, how old is she, two!? Can't believe you are an aunt already. I don't know what to do with that fact..."
Samanta rolls her eyes. "Thank my gross old uncle with a young trophy wife?" she thinks.
—So you keep secrets from me, huh? I thought ours was special.
—You give yourself too much importance. And yes, that's why my hair grew bigger during the break. It's full of secrets! —Sam replies. Swinging her long, straight locks.
—What??? —Toto doesn't get her Mean Girls reference.
—Sometimes I forget you are prehistoric, almost fossil.
They both fulminate each other with gazes in a classic and frequent stare-down. Then Sam proceeds to cross tasks on her tablet, slowly stepping away.
—Don't you dare run away from me! You have things to explain, missy.
—Sorry, I'm so busy right now, unlike you.
—I'm busy.
—No, you are not; you are trying to gossip!
—I'm always busy. I'm this team's principal, to remind you, so yes, I'm important, and maybe… maybe… I'm trying to gossip… a little bit —Toto gestures with his hand.
—Could you two stop?! —Niki calls it quits, half annoyed, half laughing, struggling to hear clearly what the tactics team is trying to tell him, turning around on his barstool and waving his hand at them.
Toto and Sam laugh softly, and Toto makes a small O with his mouth while Sam pretends to adjust her invisible tie before returning to business and being professional people doing professional tasks.
Toto looks once more at his phone screen. —Impressive —it's all he lets out. Toto can't wait. He can't wait.
It's been a long time since Michael set foot on the paddock, after years of being retired and living almost exclusively to recover - after his infamous accident - and trying to enjoy being a father and a husband when possible. He became this mythical figure that existed in F1 and people's minds but is nowhere to be seen, making him feel like a ghost. Nowadays, he is doing way better but was getting bored of being a recluse at home waiting for the right moment, for that one sign that make it all start over for him. 
And there she is, in front of him, doing a fake courtesy.
—Welcome back, Kaiser —you joke with him.
—Hi, boss! —Michael greets you with a thick German accent and sweet voice. —Sorry about that! —He pushes you aside as a photographer flashes photos. The lens almost hits you in the face while two other cameramen bump into each other. —Better if we go inside. There's lots to talk about and to get ready to start testing. This is bonkers! —he finishes saying, looking at the circus surrounding you two.
—Okay. Let's go then, Schumi —you reply to him.
You feel ready.
The testing goes out smoothly for Mercedes. There are just a few sensor improvements and small details to fix, but only a little to worry about. Lewis and George seem happy with their car's performance, and the team feels optimistic.
As for Toto, his day was stressful; he felt exhausted after many meetings and people asking him questions all day, demanding his attention at all times. The hours went at an alarming speed. Somehow, the day is done, but the amount of work has just started. He blinks and is dark already, and the chauffeur is now driving him to his suite in a high-end hotel.
Tomorrow is a crucial day for the team, and his schedule is full of press, too. So he needs a good night of beauty sleep; at the moment, he looks like trash and feels like it. Toto likes to keep it real. He loves the attention of being under the reflectors and calling the shots but still isn't a massive fan of media day.
Speaking of the devil, he takes out his phone and opens his news app. Toto relaxes in the big luxury car seat. He has bookmarked several sites that cover F1, his long, unhealthy habit. He likes to stay current, even if he has "briefing" and a person in charge of doing that.
Even though he doesn't want to feel like a stalker, he pretty much is acting like it. Toto refreshes the app to read the latest news about Williams and you. He learns all he can of you from the newly released press articles; there is little about your background, past, or in general; all he keeps reading appears to be PR-approved since it is constantly reprised on different platforms, which feels weird.
Google doesn't offer him much either, just a couple of articles with photos in which you appear in various charity events related to children's foundations. It is like you don't exist online.
Toto reads your most recent interview and Michael's, and you both appear in good spirits about your car performance. He hates losing but loves a good challenge. A good old-fashioned on-track battle. For a change.
The bellboy opens the suite's double doors for him and carries Toto's things inside. It is a massive entrance and makes him feel tiny in comparison. Toto notices a small LV suitcase in front of the large door, next to a big antique wooden carved table, in the middle of the foyer under the soft dim coming from a stunning Tiffany's chandelier, which lits the room and reflects on the exquisite tile walls. The Arabic architecture and interior design of the place are breathtaking.
It means Susie has stopped by. Their relationship is in a weird spot, in one of those hiccups they face occasionally after dating forever and from a very young age. Their relationship at the moment feels monotonous, and love is lacking, which is slowly killing him. He still loves her very much but could sense he is losing her. Especially since they started seeing each other less and less - although he wouldn't blame anyone who has to bear with his crazy schedule - they almost stopped texting and talking to each other, too, and sex is nonexistent. So many red flags.
—Hi, schatzi —Toto greets her.
—Hi, Toto —she gives him a quick kiss. —You look tired.
—I am, but I'm happy you are here —he says, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his temple on hers. Soon after, he lifts Sussie from the ground into a tight hug. There is a clear height difference.
—I know. I'm happy to see you too, even if it's for a brief moment. I was hoping you got free sooner. Our jet has permission to take off in an hour exactly.
—I'm sorry, today was crazy —Toto apologizes.
—I can imagine. I tried to communicate with you earlier, but it was impossible to reach you; it was almost like you were avoiding me.
God, she knows him so well. Yes, he has been avoiding her - although not today, he honestly had a crazy day - but since they had that awkward and hurtful conversation at their New Year's Eve reception at their house in Oxford. Not because he is angry at her or scared, he misses her a lot. It's just he has been unable to decide and come up with an answer to the situation.
—I wanted to clear things out between us before the start of the season. I'm aware that from now on, you only get busier and more challenging to reach, and my schedule this year is also insane, Sussie says.
—Yes, love. Tell me what you need?
—Your thoughts.
—On what? —Toto pretends to be confused and not get what she is referring to. 
—Come on, Torger. Would you like me to remind you of our last conversation at New Year's?
The last time they saw each other in person was months ago. He panicked after that conversation and left for Austria, calling it a business trip and a visit to his sister to spend time with his nephews. She didn't follow him around. Because it was clear he was running away and needed time alone without her.
—So... as I mentioned to you that night... You wanted to try for children this year, and I let you know I didn't see that happening this year or any year. And that I have been feeling increasingly lonely since you spent most of your days away. Honestly, every day, we spend more time away from each other. My career keeps taking off, and I'm not raising children on my own amidst it! I can't even imagine the idea of being pregnant to start with! Plus, you said there's no way you are quitting your job, and I'm neither, so...
—I didn't say that. That's not how it went —Toto feels his head hurting now. He rubs his forehead, exasperated hearing Sussie's Director's Cut version of the events. "It went more like this: I don't get your full attention at all times like before, I'm not able to control you as I once did, and every time you ask me to spend time together, me traveling to you or you traveling to me, if it's not the way I want it I always come up with something to avoid it. Plus, I never mentioned to you before that I didn't want children, not once in the thousand times we discussed family and raising kids together, ah! And I always blame your job as the reason why things aren't working between us." That's how it happened, Toto thinks.
—The point is... —Sussie ignores him. Throwing him a look. —We didn't reach a middle ground but chose not to break things off immediately because none of us felt sure.
There is a pause and a big exhale from her. 
—That's why I suggested exploring having an open relationship. We would establish rules and limits. I know you are more traditional and don't envision this for us, but I wanted you to think about it and give it a chance, not to run away and avoid me after suggesting it. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to be with someone else behind your back because I still love you, and I want us to work. I feel we both need someone who is present in our lives to touch us and hold us when we feel like it. 
Toto feels crushed. All he wants is to settle down, start a family, and become a good father - as his father was to him - he never expected Sussie to go in the opposite direction. His intention has never been to make her choose between a career or kids. This isn't the case. It is going to be a two-person job. Besides that, they have all the privileges, resources, and support to successfully achieve being both parents and having careers simultaneously. —This isn't the right moment for this conversation. I had an...
—It's never the right moment for you! Christ's sake, Toto! I..! —Sussie starts losing it and gets emotional. He can't avoid feeling miserable. Suddenly, Toto felt the day's weight on his shoulders and back, which was killing him now; he needed a soft mattress to lay down so desperately. He doesn't want to make the drama bigger.
—Okay, easy, love —he hugs her. —I will think about it and give you an answer this week.
—You promise? Won't you run away from it anymore?
—I promise. I won't.
—This week, Toto! —Sussie wipes her tears, hugs him once more, and kisses him goodbye. —Let me know.
—Yes, this week. I will.
She grabs her suitcase and exits through the doors. Toto drags himself to bed with the remains of his energy, tosses his phone on the wireless charger nightstand, and lets himself drop on the mattress, face down. As he drifts away, a new notification red dot appears in the news app.
Now, an open relationship looks like an acceptable idea.
He falls asleep.
The view from your suite is impressive. Bahrain's entire skyline of modern skyscrapers is lit under the night skies, and the desert surrounding it looks beautiful through the floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows. 
It isn't your first time in Western Asia, but your first time traveling so far from home on your own. This hotel is insanely expensive, and the suite is humongous for you by yourself. If you weren't so used to inhabiting a massive, almost empty Manor with you as your own company, you would have felt anxious in such an isolated, huge, and quiet space. 
It is already late at night to text Samanta and meet her to chat. You both have work tomorrow and need to rest. But you have so much to catch up on - since yesterday? - No, but seriously, a lot had happened during your first day at the paddock.
As you are relaxing in the bathtub - you chose a bath bomb made of sea salt soap and local herbs with delicious scents - you let your mind go through all the day's events. You can't stop thinking of that pair of dark eyes going all over your body. You wanted to do the same. You wanted to admire him all. 
You have created many scenarios of what it would be like to meet him. But it went so differently than what you pictured. He doesn't even know who you are or doesn't even care about you. You two could become friends in the future, but for now, your feelings for him are all over the place, and you don't wish to let your heart shatter, not again. Besides, he has Sussie - of course, you have no idea what those two are going through - and you, well, who would want to be with you and your whole "situation"? Your chances with him are zero minus a hundred.
You do your skincare routine before sending yourself to bed - for sure, you will be visiting the hotel's spa in the following days - already dreading tomorrow, a day full of meetings and interviews, you are slightly nervous about what the press is going to ask you, even if Michael does the heavy lifting for you in those matters, everyone seems so curious about you. 
You turn the lights off and pray for a good night of sleep, free of the frequent nightmares you experience.
The following day, the driver's parade happens inside walls, while all drivers gather together in a small meeting room - a very office-looking space with sad, white-empty walls, gray carpeting, and way too lit up. Cold lighting is the worst! No F1 glamor on sight - this is part of one of the new progressive and "brilliant" ideas from the FIA. 
Chaos is unleashed as everyone looks for a chair with their name tag.
—Did everyone see her? —Lando asks loudly to the entire room - filled at the moment just by drivers - He is sitting backward in his chair, on the front row, facing the rest. He is wearing his McLaren kit and cap, which is worn backward.
—Yes, we all did. Unless you live under a rock, you have missed that circus, but coming from you, it wouldn't surprise me —Checo answers, joking. 
Lando purposely ignores him and throws him a dirty look and a kiss. —Then, ladies… From 1 to 10, how hard would you bang her? Starting with you, Seb —he asks everyone.
—Seriously, mate? So… sexist… —Vettel answers.
—Come on, bee-guy. What? It's just friendly chit-chat among us drivers, as the FIA would love to remind us, "This meeting's purpose is to establish communications between all teams drivers, their principals, along with the FIA representatives to build relationships and sportsmanship among-"
—Stop reading from the sign, idiot —Carlos says, following Lando's gaze to the sad poster pin crooked on the open door.
—Fine, but let's be honest here: she's the most exciting thing to happen to us in a while, not to mention the most recent. It's not like we are going to admire new guy Yuki's hips. All here have excellent vision, and she looked so FINE like you pervs didn't notice.
—Speak for yourself —Pierre answers jokingly, coming through on his way to his chair, passing in front of Lando in that reduced space, trying not to step on someone. Everyone laughs.
—She is so out of your league anyway; why bother? —Max mentions from the corner, sitting stretched out, his back against the wall, legs on top of the chair beside him. —And I agree with Pierre, Yuki's hips are immaculate, by the way.
—If someone cares, I think my vision is starting to fail me. I will need glasses soon —Nando jokes.
—Don't you worry, abuelo! It's just you getting even more ancient —Pato adds.
—I thought this meeting was for drivers? I mean real ones —Alonso jokes back.
—Oh, mate, low punch! I saw some of her interviews on telly; she is cheeky —George adds, drinking from a Merc bottle and standing near the door.
—Couldn't sound more British if you tried —Bottas adds. 
—He is your Royal Highness, Prince George —Lewis jokes.
—More like your Royal Ass-ness —Leclerc adds amidst laughs.
—I saw her interviews too! It's like Ricciardo got female, but was actually funny and hot —Lando replies.
—Fuck you, mate —Daniel answers, laughing. —You know, she could breastfeed you.
—I wouldn't mind —Lando kids, hitting Dani - sat beside him - on the ribs with his elbow. Today, he is set to act like a naughty boy.
—Lando!! —four drivers say in unison, in shock.
—You're so gross, mate, I swear —Lewis adds simultaneously, palm on his face, half laughing, half wanting to rip his own ears off.
—I'm pretty sure that would be so illegal. I don't want to go to jail, Mr. Officer! —you say, entering through the door. Everyone turns to look at you. You overhear that part of the conversation; it doesn't feel mean-spirit. Then Lando's face matches the red color on Charles' shirt as he slowly turns around on his chair and sits - the proper way - quiet and still. It's a hilarious scene.
—I'm not into minors, but I could change your diaper and read you some bedtime stories to make you fall asleep. "The Little Orange Tin" you would love —you joke to break off the tension.
Michael follows you inside, laughing under his breath. You two take your seats and start chatting casually, two places away. You are seated next to Lewis - to your right - and to an empty chair with no tag to your left by the end of the row. 
You are already a fan of Lewis. And again, you know so much about him because of Sam. Now, he is her favorite person on earth. You feel slightly hurt by that fact, but he sounds lovely, so honestly, it doesn't bother you.
—Hi, I'm Lewis —he offers you a fist bump.
—Hi, Lewis. I'm Y/N 
—How is F1 treating you? All good? —Sebastian asks you, popping out from Lewis's right. Both their attention to you. Heavens, those are some beautiful eyes. You can't figure out if they are green or blue, but you don't want to stare too long.
Sebastian's actual chair is next to Charles, some rows at the front, but he sits next to Lewis because he feels like it. Messing the order. An anarchist at heart.
—All good, thank you —you answer. —It's been chaotic, but I'm enjoying it. And I'm eager for the first race.
—Me too. I always miss driving during breaks —Lewis tells you.
—I agree —Seb adds. —It is the best feeling in the world, so it's hard to let go.
Then Millie enters the room - pink cat-ears headphones on, rocking the new Williams kit: A minimalistic stretchy sports jersey, a white tee with black seams, and the W logo in black print at the center of the chest. It is a fully fitted silhouette with a high neckline and short sleeves, paired with some sleek black sports slacks. 
Michael and you point Millie to the chair next to Michael - with her name tag - she gets there fast and takes off one side of her headphones.
—What up! —Millie greets. —Hi, Sebs!, Hi Lew! —she says extra sweetly and high-pitched tone, waving a hand while facing them. That girl is like a walking cartoon. She looks extra petite and young among those guys.
—Hi, Millie!!! —both of them answer in unison, with the same sweet-pitched tone. It's a cute moment.
Then, the room starts to fill up. And the FIA representative enters, meaning the meeting is about to begin.
A very rushed Mick gets in, also wearing the team's kit. Millie raises a hand and waves it, catching his attention. He moves very fast to his seat. And behind him enters Mattia and Toto, chatting with each other.
Holy shit. The fact that Toto would be there didn't cross your silly mind. And since Seb swapped chairs. The one where he sat belonged to Toto. So the chair next to you is empty and available for the Austrian. You see Mattia sit on the last free spot at the front, and Toto glances around, confused, till he spots the space to your side. You see him walk towards you almost in slow motion. And you set your mind to "if I pretend to not notice him, it means he's not there."
You sense him sitting only inches from you, his arm skin almost touching yours. While you keep your eyes locked straight ahead, point to the FIA guy without daring to move. He stretches while trying to adjust himself to a comfortable position. He is tall and muscular, and these chairs are a joke. His knee moves dangerously close to yours. For a moment, you see the inevitable contact coming. And your heartbeat starts to rise. But it doesn't happen. Damn, he smells so good! How on earth are you to get focus? 
And then the meeting begins.
The whole thing is lame. You and Lewis laugh several times at Seb's under-his-breath comments and jokes about what is happening right at the moment. The German has excellent timing and good puns and one-liners. Those two seem like besties, Lewis being the "serious" of the pair; go figure!
The open mic section starts and the FIA guy offers the microphone around. Lewis instantly and discreetly crosses an arm over Seb's hands, and Vettel raises his eyebrows. —Freedom of speech, much? —Sebastian jokes. 
—What are you going to ask? Seriously? —Lewis tells him.
—I have a genuine question!
—Why I don't believe you.
—Like why? You don't trust me?
—Oh, I do, but...
—But then... let me grab the mic.
Lewis lets out a sigh. Seb raises a hand, now free from Lewis's grip. And the microphone goes to him.
—Check, check —The entire room pays him attention. —Ahm, I have a question for you all.
—Yes, please, go ahead —The poor FIA guy looks overly excited that someone cares enough to say something. Most of them, not to say all of them, look forced to be there, bored, and by that point, so done with this meeting.
—Gentlemen, a short view back to the past. Thirty years ago, Niki... —The more he talks, the louder everyone laughs. Michael loses it. Sebastian recites the whole thing by heart.
What an icon.
The FIA guy couldn't look more confused.
You hear Toto's laugh for the first time; he has been sitting there quietly this entire time. You briefly and occasionally feel his gaze set on you, but you don't dare to turn, look, or talk to him. You know very well that any moment of weakness from you means your doom. Back to Toto's laugh. What is that heaven-sent sound? You want more. How can you get more? Can someone get addicted to a sound?
—Blimey, I knew it! —Lewis lets out, shaking his head and also smiling.
With that question, it is clear the meeting has ended.
As everyone is getting on their feet, you feel Toto purposely caressing his arm against yours as he gets on his feet and then walks to the exit without looking back at you. Your eyes follow him around till you lose sight. Sweet baby Jesus, those toned arms.
Race day arrives. 
The Sahkir circuit is a whole party, and the atmosphere is to the roof. All drivers get in position after the entourages move quickly out of the way. The chaos on the track dissipates within seconds. 
Then, after the formation lap, the red lights turn off, and the violent roars from the engines fill your ears. Oh, what a sound, now you are addicted to it.
After a great start from your team and almost two hours later, Lewis and Millie face down in a back-to-back battle. Switching positions 3 times in the final ten laps. It is a monumental effort from the drivers, teams, and their strategies. Emotions are on edge at the pitlane and at the benches.
Millie crosses the line first, less than half a second ahead, and fireworks go up in the air. Fans roar, and you all go nuts! Your crew runs to the pit wall fence, climbing it up and waving as she passes by, lots of fist pumps onto the air. It's your first podium! Your? Like you did something, lol. Your team gets their first podium!! - better - it is a great start. And for the first time in forever, you feel alive and cheerful.
Amidst hugs and pats on the back from crew members and supporters, you make your way to the podium area, following Michael. He is dragging you along; you are in a blur with all that adrenaline rushing through your veins, the noise, the lights, and the crowds.
During the podium ceremony, when the Croatian anthem plays - you are now surrounded by all three teams' entourages, all watching the ceremony together and supporting their driver - you notice Millie getting emotional. It is a first for her, too. And when it finishes, everyone around you starts cheering and clapping like maniacs for her as she raises and kisses the trophy. 
Michael, right next to your side, takes off his white W cap before Millie, and she gestures a praying sign with her hands from high above the podium to thank him and thank you. You blow her a kiss just before rivers of champagne fill the place.
Millie is the sweetest. You felt a genuine connection from the first moment you met her - a couple of months ago at the new Williams headquarters - before she agreed to sign the deal. She trusts you, and you believe in her. So you are on this journey together and feel so happy for her.
You get so distracted by these thoughts and others, too, that you don't notice the place started to empty. When you return to reality, you turn around to leave, following Michael's steps, and almost crash into someone walking in the opposite direction. You are left facing a very nice-looking chest - mere inches away from your face - wearing a white Mercedes shirt. You raise your gaze from those fine pecs that belong to Toto and look at his handsome face.
—Hi... —He says, looking down at you, he is way taller than you.
—H-h...i —You feel weak on the knees.
—I... I'm.
You both say at the same time. You step to the left, and Toto steps to the left synchronously. 
You both keep talking over each other. So Toto moves aside, gesturing with his hand to let you go through first.
—Nice meeting you —you say calmly and quickly rush away.
—Same —he replies, following you with his gaze and watching you walk away. You feel he wants to say more, and you do, too, but it is better this way.
"What the fuck was that. Why on earth were you so nervous, girl? It was like you forgot how to speak!" You think.
"The fumes in the garage are starting to affect me," Toto thinks. "Is she running away from me? Yeah... The fumes are definitely affecting me. Damn, she walks fast."
Thanks to poor scheduling and the worst jet traffic, Michael and you aren't able to land on time. All tracks are being used at the moment, so you get sent to another terminal further away from the circuit. Qualy for the Australian GP is about to start, and obviously, you two are running late.
A Lamborghini Sian car is already waiting for you when you land. So you ask the chauffeur to toss the car keys to Michael. —We have like ten minutes to be there —you tell Schumi.
—Understood, boss.
You instantly regret phrasing it like that. Schumi is driving like a madman while getting directions from the chauffeur in the backseat. Michael pushes the engine to the limit, and the car goes full speed. You feel your body melting with the car seat as you hang for your dear life to the seatbelt. Ten minutes was a say, you didn't truly mean it, let's try another one: To get there alive if possible, this one you meant it.
Michael enters the staff parking lot at the Melbourne circuit by taking an extreme corner still at full force. The two security guys sprint to open the gates; it is that or get run over. 
Once you get in, you see him letting the wheel go a second, and the car starts spinning around - it twirls at an alarming speed. "Am I going to get projected out of this window?" you think. And in just one wild movement, he parallels parks, tires burning. The Fast and Furious stunts were a kid's play next to his. Everyone stares at the scene, astounded.
—9.48.00 minutes, boss —Schumi says. Turning off the engine while checking his Rolex Daytona.
He was insane for this.
—Well, I hope you are as fast on your feet as you were on this car —You joke, grabbing your purse and access badge while getting out of the vehicle, heels hitting the ground like nothing had happened. Because, above everything, you are a bad bitch.
—Are you? —he dares you. Walking past the front of the car, catching your step.
—Haven't you seen my legs?! —You joke. Toned they are.
—You make the 100-meter dash athletes jealous —He jokes back. 
You are going to get so many fines. So many.
You two make it to the W garage on time. You "fashion walk" there, according to the people who mock you. Since you don't feel like blending in with the mechanics - and because of your outfits and looks. The Williams garage is located dead last on the pitlane, so you have to walk in front of all other teams' garages to get there every time - expensive bag-swinging in the air, designer heels clacking on the floor, always wearing a chic something; dresses, shorts, skirts - as if they don't enjoy it! Of course, you expected toxic masculinity and sexism on your way, especially since your team is dominating! But not this early on.
—You are late! —Millie jumps at you.
—Let's not talk about it. I'm going to need therapy, thanks to that experience.
—What?! —She looks at you with a funny face.
—Nevermind. All ready?
—Do I look like ready? —She says, gesturing at herself. She is wearing an oversized lilac tee - at least twice her size - and a white tennis mini-skirt with matching white Jordans. 
She follows you to the dressing rooms right across from your remote office, where you quickly leave your purse and stuff inside. As you two get there, Millie tells you how excited she is that Sanrio offered to design her helmet for Suzuka before going to change.
—What do you think? Is it too much? —she asks you. Inviting you into her custom dressing room and pointing around. It looks like Minisio had puked that room out.
—Is very you! —you answer.
—I know, right!!! —she gives you a big dumb smile.
—Are your boobs out? —Mick asks while entering through her dressing room doors - eyes closed, arms extended in front, walking mummy-like - not seeing you there, obviously.
—What?! No! —Millie answers as Loretta (her trainer slash assistant) finishes suiting her up.
—Great! I can open my eyes then! —he says.
—I don't think there's much to see, Mick —Millie jokes while putting on a sad face and looking down at her chest. —Two lemons, barely.
—I don't think Marc from statistics thinks the same. I saw him trying to find them —He jokes. Mick gains a smack on the arm.
Millie's popularity has skyrocketed; she is already a paddock favorite. By this point, she had already rejected three engineers who asked her out - not because of ego, being rude, or wanting to break hearts - but because she is so clueless and a shy dork with zero social skills, in her own words: "I communicate better with cars and engines than with people, at least I know how to work them."
—Kids, kids! —you say, amused at the scene.
—Oh, hi, boss! I didn't notice you there —Mick looks at you, a bit embarrassed.
—No worries —You are glad those two are getting along well.
Mick drops himself on the fluffy pink oval puff in one of the corners. One leg up.
—Why are you here on my land? —Millie asks.
—Oh yeah. I came to say something —Mick adds like he is just remembering. —Yes! My father is waiting for you two to start the team's meeting. Everyone is there already. It's urgent. So hurry.
—Oh god, and you just let us know now.
The three of you get on your feet real fast.
After a good team catch-up and an impeccable motivational speech from Michael, all of you get to your positions inspired and ready to give it all.
As the Qualy starts, you turn to Michael. —You are a great leader, you know? We are lucky to have you —you tell him.
—I'm glad to be here, more than you imagine, boss.
Millie secures a pole position. Sparks flyed. Damn, that car was fast, and she, she was faster!
When the workday is done, you wait for Sam across from Merc's hospitality. It's getting dark.
You are sitting on a bench a few meters away, next to a tree with beautiful yellow flowers, looking at your phone and minding your business, avoiding looking like a threat near competitors' territory.
—Waiting for Sam? —Toto asks you from the other side - at the bottom of the stairs of their main cafeteria entrance - you raise your gaze at the sound of his voice.
—Yes! Hi! Will she be taking long? —You can't avoid smiling at him and sound slightly nervous.
—No, she is on her way, but I must warn you, she's been insufferable the entire day. She had one of those, what she calls it? A bad ha...
—A bad hair day —you both finish in unison. —Yikes! How bad it was? The hair? I mean.
—Oh, terrible! I had to look at it all day —he answers jokingly, putting an ew face. Toto walks towards you and sits on the bench by your side, stretching his legs and resting one on top of the other.
The truth is, Samanta doesn't have naturally straight locks; she has long, curly hair she straightens. And sometimes, some days, some weather gave her that wavy, frizzy, wild, non-combable hair.
—You are such an inspiration, a true survivor. Tell me all about your journey —You make him laugh, you love that. More, please.
The door interrupts you two as you both smile at each other like dumbs and lock eyes. Sam goes out, black Merc hoodie on, covering almost her entire face, overdramatic as usual.
—Rocking the Palpatine? —you tease her.
—Hilarious. Bad hair day. I look like Monica Geller on that trip to the beach beneath this —she says with sarcasm. Toto laughs. —Ah, now that reference you get —Sam rolls her eyes.
—Jezz, that mood, huh? A few drinks will get you through these dark times, my friend. Let's go! —you add.
—Oh no, I'm not going.
—What?! Why?! Why are you like this, Samanta?!
—No, why is humidity a thing? Who needs it?
—Aem, all of Australia's wildlife? —Toto adds.
—Shut up, smarty pants —Sam lets out.
—You look like Hagrid —he replies.
—Torger, don't test me, I swear —she warns him, fingers rubbing her forehead.
—So, when will you be available then? —you ask her, cutting off the bickering.
Sam opens her weather app to check the humidity levels. —Ahm, like next week? Not in Australia?
—Are you serious, dude?! I already booked! —You two were going to that Michelin star blindfolded dining and drinking experience. It was so on trend that booking a table there was Melbourne's most challenging and expensive thing at the moment.
—Sorry, I'm not going out looking like this! But for sure Toto could join you! He desperately needs to get some of that stress out of his system. He's getting meaner.
—What!? Me, the meaner one? —Toto lets out.
—What?! Sam! No, no. He is probably busy, and I don't want to bo... —you add, quickly, getting nervous while trying not to show it.
She interrupts you.
—Busy?! No, he is just in an antisocial mood swing. Toto barely left his office today! All grumpy, he was inside there. Besides, didn't you, my guy, tell me you were going straight to your hotel to lock yourself and binge-watch Love Island while eating ice cream straight from the bucket? —Sam teases him, well aware Toto is feeling low - more like heartbroken - Sam hates Sussie, but of course, she will never admit it publicly, and definitely not to him. This is her weird way of showing him her support by setting him up to go out and have fun with a great person instead of being miserable and all alone. Classic Sam.
—What? No. What's Love Island? I wasn't being antisocial; I had a ton of work today, unlike you —He answers deadpan. 
—Do you even own a TV? —Sam is seriously curious.
—Of course, I do! Several, in fact —It doesn't mean he watches them.
—You must be rich! —you joke. He smiles.
—Yeah, whatever. Come on! Get to know each other! Have a good time on me and my hair's behalf —Sam grabs you both, each by the arm, and walks you towards the exit.
—Is it me, or is she getting worse with age? —You address Toto.
—No question!
—Hey! You can't trash-talk me! —Sam complains.
—Oh, that's all we will be doing; we are going to talk so much trash about you, piles of it, that the garbage collector will plead to us no more —you mock her.
—I'm hating this already! —Sam crosses her arms.
Well, now you have a date with Toto. A date, yeah, in your dreams.
To be continued... < Masterlist | Next chapter >
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