#teresa almas
paverics · 1 year
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"We're sorry, okay? We'll never leave you out of the panicking ever again."
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aaronstveit · 8 months
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Class of '07 S1E07: Party Like It's 1999
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frootlooppoptarts · 11 months
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Teresa Almas + nicknames
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juliawvicker · 1 year
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clumsycapitolunicorn · 10 months
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"I regret that... I never learned all the words to "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies."
CLASS OF '07 | UTOPIA 1.06
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bookofmac · 1 year
Okay so I rewatched the first episode and bc it's a reunion everyone has 'my name is __' stickers, the only people who aren't wearing them are Tegan and Megan, though I might just have missed them, Anyway, the canon names are
Zoe Miller
Saskia Van Der Beek
Ameila Collins (UPDATE: I previously had this as 'Chapman as that is what her husband was listed as on her phone, this could actually be her name now as she didnt tell anyone she got married to him before the reunion)
Teresa Almas (nee Al'Amis)
Cassandra 'Sandy' Cooper-Reid
Genevieve Tuke
Pheobe Stewart
Renee Williams
And Of Course-
Laura Cunningham
via Chi Nguyen's twitter
Megan Vu
UPDATE 2 - also via Chi Nguyen's twitter
Tegan Florres
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100hearteyes · 1 year
Also really love how instead of 'anyone can die' Class of '07 employs the more sophisticated 'anyone can survive', because those are the actual stakes here. Those girls are too dumb for 'anyone can die' to be a meaningful concept.
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snapdragonsimming · 5 months
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jazzy055 Jason, JJ and I brought Nathalie, Alma, Teresa, Maricel and Lea along to our family swim day, and I snapped the cutest pic of all five of them together. I ❤️ my littlest sisters!
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jdandalthea 🌊💙
thedelacruzfamily My girls 😊💗
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bocadosdefilosofia · 1 month
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«Pasa con tanta quietud y tan sin ruido todo lo que el Señor aprovecha aquí a el alma y la enseña, que me parece es como en la edificación del templo de Salomón, adonde no se había de oír ningún ruido; ansí en este tempo de Dios, en esta morada suya, solo El y el alma se gozan con grandísimo silencio. No hay para qué bullir ni buscar nada el entendimiento; que el Señor que le crió, le quiere sosegar aquí, y que por una resquicia pequeña mire lo que pasa. Porque aunque a tiempos se pierde de vista y no le dejan mirar, es poquísimo intrevalo; porque, a mi parecer, aquí no se pierden las potencias, mas no obra, sino están como espantadas.»
Teresa de Jesús: «El Castillo interior o Las Moradas», en Obras de Santa Teresa de Jesús, tomo IV. Tipografía de “El Monte Carmelo”, pág. 197. Burgos, 1917.
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genevieveetguy · 2 years
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- Oh, what's the matter with you two? Do you always have to talk about killing people? - We're not talking about killing people. Herb's talking about killing me and I'm talking about killing him. - It's your father's way of relaxing. - Can't he find some other way to relax?
Shadow of a Doubt, Alfred Hitchcock (1943)
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cristinabcn · 2 months
Yerai Cortés, guitarra de maestro
Yerai Cortés, master guitarist TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA Periodista, Escritora Directora Gral. de Cultura Flamenca.Prensa Especializada Estaba anunciado en esta vigésimo octava edición del Festival flamenco jerezano, el maestro Riqueni, con un concierto de su nueva producción discográfica dedicada a Nerja, el hermoso enclave mediterráneo malagueño donde acaba la Axarquía, distinguida por su…
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cmatain · 2 years
La «niña de nuef años»: del «Cantar de mío Cid» a Manuel Machado y María Teresa León
En medio del dolor de la partida de Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar y su mesnada al destierro, la ternura se hace presente, en forma de compasión mutua, en el célebre episodio de la «niña de nuef años»: El Campeador     adeliñó a su posada así commo llegó a la puorta,     fallóla bien çerrada, por miedo del rey Alfons,     que assí lo pararan: que si no la quebrantás,     que non gela abriessen por…
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frootlooppoptarts · 1 year
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mirabel headcanons?
Absolutely! Here’s Mirabel headcanons:
Mirabel’s full name is Mirabel Teresa Rojas Madrigal
She is named after Saint Teresa of Ávila
Her birth was a disappointment as everyone had been expecting a boy
As a baby, Mirabel was very easy to please/soothe and didn’t enjoy being fussed over
Her first eleven words were all colours, starting with “purple” for Luisa
She had no interest in walking or crawling, until Agustín accidentally knocked a book off a shelf and she had to move to put it back. This started a long game of Agustín (and later Pepa) throwing books and Mirabel stopping what she was doing to walk over and put them back
Young Mirabel use to cry at mess
Subsequently, she had to eat separately from Camilo
Mirabel had her first eye test after Camilo’s ceremony, as she had been unable to see it
She has myopia in both eyes
The green frames are not for Bruno (who had no relationship with her), they are for Pepa because young Mirabel wanted to have green eyes like her Tía
Agustín taught her to play the piano very early on
Julieta taught her to sew
When stressed, she over cleans - a habit she picked up from her mother
The most popular theory of what her gift would be was sight, ironically. The family figured she was very observant and similar to Dolores, hence similar gifts
As she gets older, she gets mistaken for Julieta more frequently
Like her mother, she’s never had any desire to leave Encanto
Like her father, she burns very easily in the heat and therefore tends to carry around an embroidered parasol (that matches her skirt) during particularly hot days
She is known to be the most intelligent among the Madrigals
The biggest history nerd
Will find a way to make anything into a history lesson. Seriously ANYTHING. Definitely associates particular historical figures with her family members
Mirabel is the biggest bookworm in Encanto
She also has a fondness for philosophy
Her philosophy knowledge can be a bad mix with her overthinking, anxious mind. When she’s anxious or paranoid, her philosophy books are placed on the highest shelves in Casita
She is closest to Luisa
She didn’t start helping with Antonio until he reached the toddler stage/moved into the nursery with her, as she is uncomfortable around babies
She use to read to Antonio when they shared a room, so much that she unintentionally memorised the stories. She use to be able to recount them word for word while they were out and about town to calm him down
She can play the piano and accordion
She loves knitting. Never leaves home without some knitting needles and wool, just in case
She has no interest or skill in making clothes. She just likes the more decorative elements (embellishing), such as embroidery and beading
Probably gets a job as an embellisher in the future
She learnt French for the sole purpose of reading originally French books. She is fluent, as far as reading and writing goes. She is pretty terrible at speaking
She has very bad stage fright and hates public speaking. She also can’t act, like at all. If Tío Bruno or Camilo want her help with a show, she’ll only accept a backstage role
She is the shortest Madrigal and always will be. She uses it as a bragging right, as oppose to a weakness
She is aromantic asexual
She doesn’t want children. Maybe just a cat. Or three…. Or twenty.
Is a real old lady at heart
She has PTSD - that’s pretty self-explanatory
Is a bit of a workaholic, and therefore can be hypocritical to Luisa
Don’t argue with her. She will write an entire six page essay to prove you wrong with full evidence
Does have a habit of needing to be right, she gets it from Dolores
Mirabel does not want to be Alma’s successor
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surrealsubversivo · 1 month
Quando você soube do acidente
O carro estava em alta velocidade,
as minhas mãos cedendo no volante,
a madrugada,
o sono,
a batida.
Lembro do impacto, das luzes vindo e indo embora no mesmo instante, da dor no meu peito, do grunhido final, de tudo escurecendo. Então é isso no fim? Uma escuridão inteira para eu devorar sozinho? sem medo, sem alegria: apenas algo sem sabor, neutro, sem som, o nada em seu estado mais puro. Eu me casei com a noite por alguns segundos.
O divórcio.
Depois de algum tempo, cheiro de álcool e pisos brancos, tudo o que vi foram as paredes daquele quarto do hospital Santa Teresa. “Aqui cuidamos de você”. Era madrugada quando tudo aconteceu, e quando tive uma segunda chance para essa vida já eram quatro horas da manhã.
Lembro das lágrimas caindo sem nenhuma explicação do meu rosto, talvez por conta da realidade. Recordo da minha irmã dormindo ao lado da minha cama, dela segurando o próprio celular nas mãos e do rosto com uma expressão de cansaço. As vozes dos meus parentes do outro lado da porta, cochichando se eu conseguiria andar novamente ou se os meus olhos seriam capazes de despertar.
Eu queria me levantar, correr para longe dali, gritar naquela estrada todas as coisas que encheriam a minha alma nas próximas sessões de fisioterapia. Mas, só fechei os olhos e dormi.
Costelas quebradas. Morfina na veia e você aparecendo do outro lado da porta na visita
Eu não sabia muito bem o que dizer e nem você, lembro dos seus passos entrando no quarto, meus olhos fechando, sim, você deve ter percebido que eu estava fingindo. Os meus familiares fingindo que iam tomar um ar lá fora, só para nos deixar sozinhos, você fingindo que nada havia acontecido nos últimos meses.
Nunca lhe contei, mas eu não fingi na parte que você segurou os meus dedos e eu desmoronei nos seus braços.
“Você não pode fazer esforço” foi o que saiu da sua voz embaçada, “foda-se” foram as palavras seguintes, e a sua boca encontrou a minha.
Eu era lágrimas, só lágrimas, e você uma praia vazia para fazer de mim o seu oceano.
Ninguém nunca me disse quem te contou sobre o acidente, aquela aliança no seu dedo sendo um banhista intruso em nossa praia, eu agarrando a sua mão como um barco que me mantém bem durante toda a tormenta.
Eu e você, o hospital, as lembranças, tudo como se naquele momento não fôssemos o nós do agora, como se tivéssemos sido transportados pelo tempo de quando nós dávamos bem.
Você foi embora, e não disse nada, eu só te olhei e fingi que voltei a dormir. Nós nunca mais nos falamos, nem por mensagens, nem por fingimentos.
A calcificação
Você se casou
Minhas costelas se reconstituíram
Não penso mais em você
Não dirijo mais a noite
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bookofmac · 1 year
Class of 07 Main Cast Character names
Zoe Miller
Saskia Van Der Beek
Amelia Collins (possibly Chapman nee Collins)
Teresa Almas (nee Al'Amis)
Cassandra 'Sandy' Cooper-Reid
Genevieve Tuke
Phoebe Stewart
Renee Williams
Tegan Flores
Megan Vu
Laura Cunningham
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