#tfa analysis
gritsandbrits · 1 year
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We joke about how Lightyear buzz looks like a human version of sentinel from tfa but i can't help but think about other similarities
Both attach their identity on materialistic things.
What i mean by that is they define themselves by their jobs, their mistakes, things that don't make up the whole sum of their characters. They were so focused on one petty goal they became self centered in different ways. In Buzz's case going back in time to reverse marooning his crew on an alien planet.
Buzz wants to be this perfect space ranger and attaches his identity to impossibly high standards so in the case that he fails, he ends up feeling worthless. He attaches himself to his mistake. Even after other people moved on and found happiness, he can't see himself enjoying happiness because now he's found himself a new thing to latch on. He wants to change his mistake, not learn from it. He didn't ask what others would feel, even as they tell him that they don't think He's a failure. But he doesn't trust that not at first anyways. He's Buzz Lightyear the perfect space ranger if he fails then who is he?
The answer: he's still Buzz Lightyear!
Buzz was able to think about his mistakes through a clearer lens. He saw Alisha and their group living happy lives. His interactions with Izzy and her team also made him realize that you can move on. You are not just a space ranger, or a mistake and you can't just latch yourself on to these shallow things. By letting his mistake go he is able to let others think and live for themselves and find a life for himself too!
Buzz doesn't go with his plan after all because he learn from the past and it doesn't form his true shape.
Sentinel defines himself based on how loyal he is to the autobot guard, to the law.
He can't let go of on Archa 7. Because of his painful feelings he looks to attach himself to work, to seeking power and status as a coping mechanism. Sentinel pours all his focus on being the perfect Guardsman because he broke the rule once and resulted in catastrophe. He's afraid and it's that fear that led him down a dark path. He doesn't reach out to people; in fact he lashes out at them if things don't go his way.
We see him lash out at Optimus and other characters. He bullies people for not being perfect and calls out their flaws, while downplaying his own. In reality it's Sentinel projecting the grief of his failures onto people. He doesn't seem to trust that people are more than just their mistakes bc he still defining himself on his. Just like Buzz, except the latter doesn't lash out he internalizes things and was wary to reach out. He thinks any flaw or negative trait means disloyalty and uses his status to get over on people. The extreme self centred type.
These two similar may be alike but solved their problems differently.
When Buzz confronted his older self, he refuses to help him knowing thay doing so would ruin millions of lives. He also realized he is more than just a space ranger or his mistakes. He deserves to have a life and rest outside those things. He's learned to trust others and himself again.
When confronted with Wasp and Blackarachnia, Sentinel seems to shift blame or try to downplay it. He lashes out at Blackarachnia. He tried to arrest the Autobots when presented with evidence of Wasp's innocence cuz he doesn't want to admit his role in ruining that bot's life. . Because he never learned to detach himself from shallow labels he lost the ability to trust his own judgement and trust others. He thinks Optimus is just a rival ready to hurt him at any chance, when in reality Optimus is genuinely trying to help him and reach out to him.
At the end of Predacon Rising he says this: it's too late for apologies too late for all of us.
That phrase shows that Sentinel gave up on himself and others. Well I failed, I've become a jerk it's too late for me to change! Most of his choices tie back to that one tragedy. Instead of looking at things through a clear objective view, he tricked himself into thinking that's it. No moving on, no letting it go, No change. He thinks admitting to mistakes means his life is going to be over. Ironically Optimus did end up living a satisfying life and finding his identity outside of failure and status.
Had Sentinel opened his spark he would've seen Optimus having moved on and be happy. But Sentinel doesn't trust that that he doesn't believe people can move on and enjoy life and change for the better. It doesn't help in S4 he actually gets worse because he trapped himself in a toxic cycle of self loathing and poor understanding of accountability.
In contrast Buzz opening up to his honest feelings helped him gain clarify on his situation, and gain the tools needed to stop Zurg. He learn to accept and appreciate his team flaws and all. He learned to see himself as himself not buzz the space ranger not buzz the failure. A much more positive end vs. Sentinel's gradual descent.
In short Buzz & Sentinel are alike but end up in very different places and why it's important to build your identity and self worth beyond basic titles and the past.
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juniaships · 1 year
The tfa fanbase has an ableism problem so let's start there
First it was Calling Sentinel a sociopath for being an imperfect trauma victim. Now I see a certain user calling Optimus deranged for having understandable fears about letting a human child fight grown ppl matters bc he didn't want to lose her like he lost his previous friend. I have had it with these takes.
The way some folks talk about certain characters here is abysmal. Everyone in the show has trauma but i always see it used as fuel for shipping, or stans throwing words they don't understand all because they don't like a character.
Yes Optimus has flaws as a fangirl I do acknowledge them but I hate hate HATE how he's being called deranged by someone just for expressing a behavior clearly rooting from trauma. Or try to make him out to be as toxic as Blackarachnia and Sentinel even though they're the ones actively hurting people and not really giving a shit. On the flip side I see people rag on Blackarachnia more harsher than they do male villains and ignore her trauma responses; and straight up demonize Sentinel for his.
I see people fight over who had it worse in Autobot boot camp, when Bee and Wasp and Bulkhead didn't deserve to go through that shit. Cuz I tell you right not Bee and Bulk didn't do anything to deserve Sentinel's wrath. Wasp didn't either. I see people downplay Prowl and Ratchet's backgrounds, how they're traumatized. Or the decepticons and how they're nothing but pure evil ignoring how they also may have had traumatic experiences as well. Or mock Perceptor for his funny voice, and Arcee for her amnesia. And what about the Sumdacs? Sari's existential crisis? Isaac's fears? Barely brought up except for tired angst.
By all means criticize a character. Point out their flaws I don't care. But don't go around playing psychiatrist and diagnosing terms you clearly do not understand as a form of critique. It's not funny nor cute.
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magicalmousey · 10 days
“Now let’s try this again.”
Yes, Starscream is very funny at times, but the show knew how to make him downright serious and sinister.
Also, that voice is PEAK.
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arceespinkgun · 9 months
I really appreciate that Earthspark is unique and holds up amazingly well as its own thing, but is also constantly in dialogue with other parts of the franchise. I couldn't help thinking about Sari from TFA when I was watching Mo and Robby in the newest Earthspark episodes.
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Remember when Sari, feeling like she kept being left behind despite being a key part of the team, upgraded herself and then lost control and stabbed Bumblebee, and the only way to stop her from her rampage was for the Autobots to shut down most of her upgrades? It reminded me of how Robby did something similar, throwing himself into combat, trying to be more adult (despite only being thirteen), and then dying (!) and becoming extremely ill when Mo brought him back to life.
I was thinking about how I was shocked when I saw Sari's rampage and was really interested in seeing, you know... how she felt about everything that had happened. Maybe she wouldn't be in a rush to grow up after all of that. Maybe she and Bumblebee and the rest of their friends would have lingering trauma from this experience—Ratchet was having PTSD flashbacks while operating on Bumblebee!
But no. None of that happened. Once Sari's upgrades were mostly deactivated, we got one scene with her unconscious with her father worrying about her... and none of this was explored any further. Sari became less and less prominent, her feelings about this situation were not addressed, and we never got to learn much more about her. Her origin supposedly would have been revealed by season 5 (not even 4!!!) which never happened, and the creators have been cagey about it ever since the show ended.
Compare this to Earthspark. After what happens to Robby when he uses his new Cyber-sleeve powers, we get to see the horrified reactions of his entire family. The next episode's premise is about searching for a cure to his illness. The episode after that is all about Mo's trauma from this situation, and we get to see an exploration of adultification and how unfair Mo feels life has been to her and her family. Her parents are struggling just as much even though they're not the focus, but it's clear how worried they are for their children.
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I've seen some people think the pacing is too fast in Earthspark, but I'm glad it followed-up on all these themes so quickly. I've also seen people understandably be disturbed—like Dot and Alex were—by the fact that Mo is nine and yet was chosen by a Prime. But I think the truth is that this connects to real life. Life sucks and is exhausting for marginalized kids like Mo. The reason she saw all those "messed-up memories" was to see how life isn't fair, it isn't predictable, and bad things will happen no matter what, but compassion and a desire to be there for the people you love still matters and helps preserve joy and positive aspects that could otherwise be lost. I think that's what Quintus Prime meant when he said the power was always inside of her, and that's why her battle with Mandroid was in the mental/spiritual plane. This is why Mo is the "Legacy of hope" along with Robby, and why the powers she and Robby have were not taken away like Sari's were—they symbolize the qualities the Malto kids have always had.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that since their powers are similar, the Cyber-sleeves look similar to Sari's robotic palms and arms, they're all South Asian kids, they went through similar trauma and adultification, Mo and Sari are both nine, etc. I was really happy to see Earthspark take the time to explore all of that in-depth after it was brought up, while TFA didn't really and lost its chance.
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earthstellar · 2 years
Cybertronian Cuisine: From Energon Additives to Feeding Sparklings to Getting Wasted
preface: I am very drunk and naturally my first response is to compulsively clean my room and then write a bunch of shit about Transformers. 
disclaimer: god I’m so hammered, so if I mess anything up here, it’s mostly because oh my god I’m so hammered. I will do my best to avoid errors, but if anyone spots anything fucked up, please let me know and I’m happy to fix it as soon as I can! <3 
without further ado, let’s start with foods!
Energon Types, aka Energon Cubes are Space Lunchables 
There are many different types (and representations) of energon, varying from each series to the next. 
In some TF media, energon is depicted as being a singular universal fuel, while in other TF media, energon is the basis of most food goods, and in other TF media, energon is simply one of various potential fuel sources.
There’s a ton of variation, so I plan on doing an energon-specific post at some point in the future and go series by series to better outline the differences in how energon is utilised between different shows/comics! 
For now, I’ll be talking about energon in a broader sense, with some details noted here and there whenever it’s something that has popped up in canon on more than one occasion, or in at least two different pieces of TF media. Sometimes there are inconsistencies in canon, particularly in media like the G1 Marvel UK TF comics, which had a lot going on and a lot of things were one-off mentions or were essentially retconned later within that continuity. 
Probably the most blatant differences between continuities are the visual depictions of energon; In TFP, energon is famously blue and tends to appear most often in an unrefined crystal form, due to their circumstances on Earth. 
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Generally though, energon is most often pink, although the liquid consistency of this pink energon seems to vary (sometimes it moves in a clear cube like water, other times it drips like it has a thicker viscosity). 
In G1, energon is sometimes more of a purely liquid-like substance, but in some episodes (like here in “Transport to Oblivion”), the energon appears to be converting from some kind of electricity/lighting looking situation into a liquid. Because it’s G1. 
(Most likely, this was intended to look like a liquid, just one that emits sparks or lightning-like arcs of electricity while being poured.) 
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So, we have a zillion different depictions of energon, a lot of which aren’t super consistent, some of which are, and lots of variation in between each series etc. in regards to what you can and can’t do with energon, how energon works as a fuel, and so on. 
That having been said, I’ll do my best to keep this straightforward and fairly simple! 
The same goes for “energon additives”, which are essentially seasonings or additional ingredients which change the flavour (and sometimes the texture and/or appearance) of energon. 
But I want to talk a little more about energon itself, first: 
Energon itself often requires refinement to become a consumable fuel, with unrefined energon typically being depicted as more difficult or unpleasant to consume in a “raw” form. 
Energon can also be chewed on in crystalline form; This is sometimes depicted as a desperate measure with diminished “nutritional”/energy benefit, and at other times has been depicted as a treat (somewhat like rock candy) or even as a delicacy (with energon crystals sometimes being shown as a “high class” or rare type of treat, presumably because it may be considered far more expensive or difficult to obtain raw, unprocessed, unbroken crystals which could presumably otherwise be broken down and refined into a greater quantity of liquid energon, but this is just my own conjecture). 
It is worth noting that there does sometimes seem to be a classist association with different types of energon: Crystalline energon has been depicted (mostly in comics) as being a possible delicacy or confectionary-like good, and has been suggested on some occasions to be more expensive or harder to obtain (or both) compared to liquid energon. 
At the same time, poor bots (those who are dilapidated, “siphoners”, “leakers”, or lower class workers such as those who actually work in the energon mines) are often seen having difficulty chewing raw energon shards or larger crystals. 
There may be a difference between the crystals used for confectionary-like goods, versus genuinely “raw” energon crystals as they naturally occur in the ground, but to my knowledge this difference has never been specified or detailed in any TF media yet. (I could be wrong, but I couldn’t find anything in my admittedly currently drunk researching for now.) 
Liquid energon is almost always considered the “refined” form, and there are multiple different grades of energon quality-- In much the same way there are different fuel grades for gasoline, the same sort of tier-quality system can be applied to energon in most continuities.
On some occasions, liquid energon has been shown as possible to form into various shapes, not unlike popsicle sticks or fruit juice frozen into certain shapes. It’s not clear if the energon is “frozen” to make these treats, or if there is another method of re-solidifying the energon to produce this type of snack. 
Now, energon additives tend to fall into two general categories: 
1) Liquid additives 
2) Solid additives 
Liquid additives seem to be added to liquid energon, although on at least one occasion, a liquid additive has been applied to a solid consumable (energon or another type of food--we’ll get to that) like a sauce, explicitly to add and/or enhance flavour. 
It is unknown if any energon additives change the composition of the actual energon itself, or if they remain chemically etc. separate, thus retaining their own distinct flavour. 
It is the case that several energon additives have flavour on their own, so it would seem that it isn’t a reaction with the energon itself that is required to produce a new flavour, but rather, other individual compounds can also be processed and tasted on their own as a distinctive food item. 
Some energon additives have been described as “unhealthy” or as having less benefit to a bot’s health, while others have been described as accelerating energy recovery or having other benefits. 
Again, there seems to be little consistency or detail regarding a lot of Cybertronian food items/additives in most TF media, and a good number of them have only ever been mentioned once and then never again, so there’s very limited information to work with. 
However, I’ve done my best to dig up most of the named Cybertronian foods that we DO know a little about in canon, with the assistance of my TF media archives (movies, TV shows, and comics) as well as a hefty amount of TF Wiki searching. 
Cybertronian Food Additives/Alternatives: A grocery store on their planet would fucking kill us instantly 
This is not a comprehensive list of all Cybertronian foods; I have selected these to show an idea of the variety available, and the nature of certain additive compounds or materials. 
There are also two further categories of foods and additives: 
1) Things based on real materials that exist on Earth 
2) Fictional things based on author names or in-jokes, many of which are not meant to be taken seriously or may not be fully canonical 
For example, mercury sauce would be in category one, since mercury is a real thing, and apparently exists in some form on Cybertron as well. 
In category two, we have Budianskium Basil, which is a noted ingredient in Garbage-Os and is named for Bob Budiansky. 
Here are a couple noted non-energon Cybertronian consumables: 
Lead sulfide crystals -- Green in colour, they seem to be consumed in solid cube form (for the most part), and are commonly garnished with various additives. 
Caesium salami -- It’s exactly what you think it is.
And of course, you can check out the TF Wiki page here for other foods! 
Sparkling Food: Yes, there are certain foods that are more or less equivalent to Gerber’s Baby Carrots
Now, sparklings and protoforms have so much variation between each TF series and across TF media in general that I’m not going to get into the specifics here. I’ll just note the continuity each food is mentioned in, but it’s worth keeping in mind that as always, few things are universal between different continuities! 
In TFA, Wreck-Gar’s Garbage-Os are specifically noted as being OK for protoforms to consume: 
For class 1 through 3 protoforms, a standard serving is two kilo-units. And with twelve servings per container, there are enough servings for twelve protoforms. - TF Wiki page on Garbage-Os
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In other TF media, sparklings have been fuelled or fed in all manner of ways and with all sorts of materials, from “plain” refined energon to specifically raw energon to adulterated forms of energon (not many details available) to requiring saturation (being submerged) in energon as well as other materials (again, details are fairly sparse) to ensure healthy development and a good diet. 
In IDW 1, it is explicitly stated that Camiens are the sparklings of the Titan Caminus; We have no information on how Caminus (the Titan) sustained all of his sparklings in order to populate Caminus (the planet), only that resources were extremely limited and that he damaged himself extensively in addition to largely disassembling himself in order to provide the necessary materials and environment for them to flourish. 
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We can’t say specifically what materials from Caminus were needed to sustain his “hot spot” and ensure the healthy development of so many Camiens, only that whatever materials are needed to sustain a spark/protoform/sparkling, Caminus himself was able (barely) to provide. 
It could be that some materials could be created, possibly artificially, later on once an initial population was established, thus allowing Caminus to retain as much as possible of his own materials from a certain point onward. However, that is conjecture, based on the fact that we know Caminus is a society which is expert in energy conservation, and that in MTMTE/Lost Light, we see Velocity (who is a Camien) briefly discuss what is essentially midwifery with Anode-- A subject I also have saved for a future analysis post. 
Basically, how you feed your baby bots depends on your continuity and your circumstances in canon! :) 
special shoutout to IDW Swerve fans, lmao this one’s for you <3 
now, in the G1 episode “Microbots”, we straight up see the Decepticons sitting around getting wasted as hell on plain ol’ energon, in what is a process called “over-energizing”: 
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it’s this episode that sort of set the precedent that quantity of energon matters, and if someone over-fuels themselves, it’ll likely result in drunk-like behaviour or outright intoxication.
essentially, energon in and of itself has intoxicant properties, but it depends on how much energon is consumed. a seemingly hefty amount of plain, “regular” energon needs to be imbibed before a bot starts doing karaoke and sending emotional text messages to people they haven’t spoken to in five years. 
(unless you are Starscream, who seems to be slightly more lightweight than others, which might be a suggestion that Seekers may have a lower tolerance for energon intoxication compared to vehicular alt-modes, or it might just be Starscream being Starscream and using it as an excuse to have vaguely malicious, embarrassing fun. it’s genuinely hard to tell.) 
however, in more modern continuities, there have been some “cocktail” like energon blends which are mentioned, presumably as a way to differentiate “regular” energon from the energon that will absolutely get someone blasted as hell-- this sometimes coexists alongside regular energon getting people trashed in high enough amounts, and sometimes exists as an alternative to suggesting that energon can get bots trashed. 
because I’m sure Hasbro realised eventually that not differentiating energon (sober) from energon (thinly veiled alcohol equivalent) in any way, visual or otherwise, was probably not great lmao 
Cybertronian Intoxicants versus Cocktails: not quite the same thing! 
it’s worth noting that intoxicants are not necessarily the same as an alcohol-equivalent, and include poisons or sometimes literally the dark fuel/blood of Unicron (dark energon) in TFP, for example-- which may have been partially inspired by Angolmois Energy in the Japanese G1 continuity, but I don’t have any proof of that. 
so I just want to specify that fuel that can get a bot trashed, energon or otherwise, are not necessarily the same as general intoxicants, which can be harmful substances that are consumable in many cases but are not typically intended to be consumed and are not common types of fuel. 
Swerve’s Bar!!!! hell yeah disco night
IDW 1 brought us engex, which seems to be either some form of energon, energon that has been treated in a particular way to increase it’s intoxicant properties, or is possibly a mix of various compounds or additives which result in a range of intoxicating beverages. 
Engex is sometimes depicted in different colours, including the same pink colour as “regular” energon, which could be down to different additives or manufacturing/mixing processes and the inclusion of certain additive ingredients. 
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As you can see above, both of those drinks are engex, but are different colours and are being served in similar looking glasses but are differently sized, which could be roughly analogous to the different glassware found in human bars. (Shot glass versus brandy snifter versus a stein etc.) 
There are a few canonical cocktails, such as the Botropolis Special, and you can find more listed here. 
Sadly, we don’t have any complete menu for Swerve’s, Maccadam’s, or Blurr’s bars, among various others featured in the IDW continuity and/or others. 
I need to go hydrate and take a nap now 
Hopefully this was interesting for someone!!! If you read all of this, thank you so much! <3 
As mentioned before, I am currently drunk, so if anyone spots any glaring issues or anything, please do let me know and I’m happy to fix anything that might need some fixing. :) <3 
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
I'm gonna post the discord word vomit in chunks but
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I kept in the typo because i realizes it was funny
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Just realizing that Kylo tells Rey in TLJ to "forget the past, kill it if you have to" which is EXACTLY what he does in the opening of TFA when he's talking to Lor San Tekka who reminds him of his origins "you cannot escape the truth that is your family" to which Kylo's only response is: "you're so right," and then to kill Tekka. Very in line with his character philosophy as we get to know him more and more. I just find it all so fascinating how very consistent his character is even as he grows throughout the trilogy. Gotta love that kid.
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dgknightblue · 1 year
I see Bumblebee as a young adult.
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miniisside · 2 years
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"My costume? Well it's a noble soldier who was disgraced and perished in battle by... losing... his... Oh Optimus you son of a-"
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acharnemcnt-a · 2 years
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I love Hux's precise emotional control. His practiced apathy and self control certainly contributed to his rise in the ranks. Along with his skepticism & analytical tendencies. That is also why he is successful when challenging Snoke & Kylo Ren.
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
Okay, now I’m curious: when you say you like to imagine that Blitzwing was already a Triple Changer before Blackarachnia joined, do you mean it in the sense of “Blitzwing was forged a Triple Changer and was always like how he is now” or in the sense of “Blitzwing was still forced to undergo the Triple Changer procedure that ended up severely traumatizing him and fracturing his mind, just by someone who wasn’t Blackarachnia”?
I always saw Blitzwing as a senior member of the Decepticons. He underwent the procedure during his days in Autobot Society, but left bc he was too "out of control" so he ended up falling in with Megatron. This backstory actually fits in well with the Autobots' penchant for conducting morally questionable experiments. It also paints him and B.A. in a different light: In spite of all the squabbling, deep down they're not really that much different:
Bonus: the impact of Blackarachnia crossing the line when she does it on Wasp is given a lot more weight bc it's her first time doin something like that, showing how she's truly become the bots she hated. If she did it on Blitzwing first it wouldn't go with her sympathetic arc the show built for her.
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juniaships · 2 years
To add to that Sentinel post yes Optimus was flawed but the difference is he chose HEALING. Even if not shouted on the top of a mountain Optimus grew to able to speak for himself and reinforce boundaries. To put him down because of Blackarachnia and Sentinel's failings, doing the exact thing the show was criticizing, isn't it either.
Everyone shares responsibility but Optimus shouldn't get unfairly high blame for it nor does it give them the right to guilttrip him and treat others like garbage. While Blackarachnia also deserves sympathy she willingly joined a known terrorist group and did awful things and tried to use her form as an excuse. It is NOT misogyny to hold her accountable for her actionsl (though I have problems with her writing in other places). All of them had toxic traits - So what! It's called humanity for a reason. Optimus chose to work on his issues but Sentinel and B.A. succumbed to theirs. They're both a cautionary tale on what happens if a person refuses to accept help & healing. Even then That doesn't make them sociopaths and even if they were, that still don't mean we're not allowed to have compassion for them.
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magicalmousey · 9 days
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Prowl smiled when he gave up his spark to save everyone in the city.
Instead of his regrets, what if he thought about the good memories? The incredible sights he witnessed on Earth, the growth of his character, and the team he learned to call “family”?
He had no more regrets.
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arceespinkgun · 1 year
I really want to highlight the immense improvement that can be seen when comparing Mo Malto from Earthspark and Sari Sumdac from TFA.
Sari's name comes from a piece of clothing + "Cadmus" spelled backwards, she's voiced by a white VA (as is her father), and I was stunned when I realized she was seven at the start of the show because she is not written as a convincing portrayal of a child so young... this may be because she's a robot, but that's part of the issue. I don't think her racial identity was ever explored? While there were plenty of story possibilities surrounding, say, what it was like for her father to become such an influential inventor while being a person of color, I don't recall anything like that being discussed. Plus, later Sari gains permanent blue eyes and no longer resembles an eight-to-nine-year-old.
Whereas with Mo, it's very easy to accurately guess that she's nine based on her characterization even though she is very intelligent, and there are so many natural references to her heritage throughout the show! Her father being a history teacher especially helps with this, but the explorations are also as subtle as showing Mo's bonnet while she sleeps. I love the way her hair is animated, by the way! Her cyber-sleeve powers also don't get in the way of the rest of her design, either, and I appreciate that in the most recent episode she expresses very realistic fear upon using them.
As I'm sure people know, I like Sari a lot as a character, but I'm also so happy to see progress being made! The TF franchise has a lot to answer for when it comes to how it's portrayed race, and I think this is very promising and refreshing.
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sassinake · 1 year
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Snoke & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Kylo Ren/Rey Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Snoke (Star Wars), Armitage Hux, Han Solo, Chewbacca (Star Wars), Knights of Ren, Original Characters Additional Tags: Character Study, Pre-Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Flashbacks, Visions in dreams, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Physical Abuse, Trauma, Force Bond (Star Wars), Kylo Ren Angst, What girl?, POV Kylo Ren, Caging, Suicidal Thoughts, Whump, 404 Error Ben Solo Not Found, well maybe if you squint Series: Part 2 of Reylo Short Stories and Novellas
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A week in the life of Kylo Ren before TFA.
This work attempts to answer 2 questions: * Who is Kylo Ren ? * Why did killing his father not empower Kylo Ren like it was supposed to ?
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buffynha · 2 years
Melchie Dumornay: The young Haiti star set to spark a bidding war
#72 September 2022 | David Astill
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