#thank you lettuce 😌
dragonyearjuri · 6 months
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posting bad translated screenshots while counting days until new promised blood content
🐲days since yunajuri : 41🐯
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bonus dumb scribble to go with today's post 👍
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hey-august · 2 months
You're coming in… you're coming close
😌🍃 This is a continuation of Close your eyes, just settle, settle, just with a different title.
The first part was originally a one-shot (and could still be read as such), so this part ended up with more plot and less prose. Hopefully the overall tone carried through. (tbh, i struggled with that so much.)
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Word count: ~3.5k ...more than double the first one 🙃 Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, buggy x GN!reader, no use of Y/N, partaking in the devil's lettuce 🍃, insertion sex, jacking off, facial, manual stimulation, a lil bit of an angsty fight A/N: Here's the opening line that I first wrote and discarded: "The slivered moon was high and so was Buggy."
Edit: Huuuuge amazing wonderful thanks to @be-not-afraid-gg for this suggestion!!!! 🩷🩷🩷
Title from "Great Romances of the 20th Century" by Taking Back Sunday
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The night is dark and full of creaks and groans from the ship listing in the slow rolling waves. Footsteps shuffle across the wood floor, adding to the ambiance. Buggy walks slowly, with bare feet tucked into untied boots, and moving in time with the subtle swells.
His hazy mind drifts in circles around the one idea that set his body in motion. A thought that had seeped from his head, down into his mouth, and settled on his tongue. There’s an absence under the taste of smoke and fire. An emptiness that calls for something flavorful.
Lost in the cyclone of thoughts, the illuminated sign of life doesn’t register until Buggy steps into the brightly lit kitchen. What he assumed was a beacon luring him towards his destination, was actually the mark of a haven for late night cravings. A haven you had already founded.
You’re leaning on a counter, midway through a bite of toast, and eyes wide at the unexpected company. Red eyes that match his.
“Sorry, didn’t think anyone would be here,” Buggy stammers, spacing out and forgetting that he’s the captain of the ship. 
Anxiety bubbles in his chest, turning over the hunger that brought him to the kitchen, and mixing it with a different desire. The warm scent of cinnamon joins the turmoil in his body. Buggy nervously rubs his jaw, the stubble scratchy against his bare hand.
“Smells good.”
You finish the interrupted bite and push a small plate towards the door. “Want some?”
Buggy walks over and studies at the slice of toast you offered. Scattered islands of cinnamon and sugar sink into pools of butter. The lush mixture spreads across the landscape, an impression of how it would feel in his mouth. Buggy swallows the excess moisture his mouth is creating in anticipation and nods. You nudge the plate closer, creating a soft rasp as the ceramic slides against wood.
It’s messy and flavorful. Soft and crunchy. Sweet and lingering. The flavored butter coats his tongue, the heaviness carrying away the taste of resin and ash. He glances at your glistening lips and wonders if they’re also coated in sugar and cinnamon. The thought is chased away with a dry bite of uncoated crust.
“I’m glad I washn’t the only one in the mood for a late night sch-nack.”
You stifle laughter as the remark is delivered through a mouthful of half-chewed food. Buggy cracks a grin as the restrained joy still finds a path to your eyes. Feeling a familiar twist in his stomach, he shoves the rest of the cinnamon toast in his mouth and hopes the food will tamp down the ache.
“D’you do this often?” Buggy asks.
It’s no secret that some of the crew has particular hobbies. While Buggy’s interests sometimes overlap with his crew’s, he prefers to indulge in a select few on his own. This feels different, though. He already partook in privacy, leaving behind the ash and resin before lumbering to the kitchen.
The silence following the confessions was infused by the cinnamon - warm and comforting. This wasn’t a joint activity, it was just two individuals in a concurrent moment. A shared experience that would be repeated the following week. And the week after. And the next, as well. It became a routine.
The evening sessions begin independently until the smoke carries you both to the kitchen. Together you fill the room with laughter borne from empty giddy thoughts, while filling your stomachs with whatever you could get your sticky fingers on. 
Grilled cheese sandwiches, where more cheese is eaten in anticipation, than put between the bread slices. Instant noodles that Buggy prepares when he arrives first. Apple slices started a playful argument when you say they taste better with a bit of salt, while Buggy disagrees and slathers his portion in obscene amounts of peanut butter.
One unscheduled night you show up at the captain’s quarters, wearing a sheepish expression and carrying a plate of buttered toast coated liberally in cinnamon sugar. Under the chill of sobriety, Buggy’s chest rapidly fills with drumbeats. There’s no heady fog to dampen the sound, so it reverberates in his head until your voice cuts through.
“I wanted a snack and thought that maybe you’d want some too.” 
His stomach turns, flipping so aggressively that he nearly feels nauseous. The soothing smell of spices drifts into the room, ready to confront the turmoil in Buggy. It talks to him with a soft murmur, saying this is no different than the nights in the kitchen. Fantasies are just fantasies. 
Finally, Buggy opens the door wider as his answer, welcoming this reality. Your eyes are red, and so are your cheeks as you enter the room, bringing a new addition to your weekly routines. 
These extra sessions happen without planning. Any night could be enhanced by a knock at the door from a giddy visitor bringing temptation. 
The first time Buggy went to your room, he over prepared for the trip. His body arrived before his mind. His thoughts trailed slowly and lazily, not making any effort to catch up until the time was right. Until he was sitting on the floor, surrounded by a carpet of smoke. 
Leaning against your bed, Buggy watched the small flame illuminate your face and listened to your deep breathing. When you looked over and caught him staring, all he could do was offer you a dopey grin and a bag of chips.
The late night rendezvous continue to happen at least once a week. A reliable respite, no matter how long the ship is at sea. If one person burns through their stash too quickly, there’s always some to share. What started as individual moments that eventually collided, turned into shared joints, passed between fingers and lips.
One night finds Buggy sitting in his usual spot on the floor of your room. His back is pressed against the bedframe and his head rests on the edge of the mattress you’re laying on. The hair from his ponytail is close enough to tickle your hand.
“We should stop doing this.”
In the broken silence, the words sound wrong and don’t fit in Buggy’s head. Stop sitting quietly? Stop smoking so much? Stop clearing out the kitchen? With eyes still closed, he hums a questioning response.
The bed shifts as you sit up. “We should stop whatever this is.”
Craning his neck, Buggy looks to see exactly what you’re talking about. You’re already staring at him, eyes searching his face for understanding that won’t be found.
“This,” you repeat, gesturing between you two. “Whatever we’re doing…I think it should- I don’t think we should-”
“Okay.” The response explodes out of Buggy’s mouth in an attempt to stop the painful words coming from yours. 
You want to stop all of this. Stop sitting in silence with him. Stop smoking with him. You don’t want him around anymore.
Even through the brain fog, your voice rings clear. His mind clings to your request, squeezing it and refusing to let go, no matter how much it stings. Buggy nods along to the replay in his head before pushing himself up.
With a hand on the doorknob, Buggy pauses. Questions tumble inside the pirate, fighting against each other in the haze and growing to take space from the weaker ones. He squeezes the brass orb. The metal is cool against his bare hand. One question takes advantage of the calm feeling and slips out.
“Why what?”
Buggy stares at the door before him. He doesn’t turn around.
“Why,” he repeats mockingly slowly. “Why do you want to stop now? Why did you put up with this for so long? Were you just putting up with me?”
Buggy’s voice rises and cracks as the questions overflow. His hold on the doorknob tightens in an attempt to keep himself grounded.
In the following silence, Buggy sucks on the venom of his words. They were bitter. Not strong enough. But also too strong. They taste of regret and all he wants to do is burn them away. Douse them in alcohol and set them alight until he’s too numb to taste anything.
“Is that what you think?”
The bed creaks as you stand up and Buggy spins to face you.
“Obviously. I thought this was fun. I thought we were having a good time, but clearly I was wrong. You don’t like doing this,” he spits. “I shouldn’t be surprised, really. Of course you weren’t having fun with me.”
“I am- I was. I do like this.” Breaking through his monologue, you keep his attention and step closer. “That’s why we need to stop. I like y- I like this too much.”
You stiffen as the confession falls out. The words are out and can’t be retrieved. There’s no room in your mouth to take them back anyways, so you release the rest of what you want to say.
“It’s hard to keep having fun with you when I want more.”
Buggy’s silent. His mouth opens and closes, but he doesn’t make a sound. He stares at you, waiting for a punchline he knows isn’t coming. Your eyes aren’t glistening with laughter, but with something else.
“You want…more. What-” he swallows thickly, “do you want?”
The air in the room is heavy. You look away, following trails of fading smoke, before returning to Buggy’s expectant face. And lower, to his lips. The face paint is long faded, leaving behind a subtle stain. Your eyes flick back up just as he licks his lips. Those lips.
“I want you.” Your gaze moves down again. “I want all of you.”
Buggy’s body moves before he realizes it, reaching for you as soon as you finish speaking. Your lips taste like cinnamon. There’s a hint of ash on your tongue. You’re delicious. 
His hands cradle your face, holding you close so he can continue to relish a treat he’s thought about countless times before. You stumble back slightly, pushed by his greed. Hands clasp around his wrists, holding yourself steady and keeping his touch in place. 
Neither of you are sure who pulled back first. It took a few tries before you successfully detangled from one another. A question hangs in the space between your bodies - do you still want more?
You sit on the bed and pat the spot next to you. The muffled sounds are attractive and inviting. Yes, you want more. You both do. Buggy sits next to you. Following the movement of the sinking mattress, he leans against you and lets his head fall onto your shoulder. 
His mind lags behind his body, continuing past the arc of his body and bypassing the containment of his head. Buggy’s thoughts pour through his skull, rushing so quickly that he can hardly tease them apart. Mixed within the surge are visions seen only in the depths of privacy. The false memories of your choked moans and flushed face rise to the top and his dick follows suit.
Even with a hazy mind, he wants to pay attention. To give attention to you and to the swelling between his legs. Shifting against you, Buggy presses his face against your neck, pushing his nose into you. You’re warm and smell good. Your skin is damp. He parts his lips and tastes the salt coating your body. While he wasn’t one for salt on apples, he enjoys the taste here. 
The extra moisture left by his sloppy kisses is cooled by his heavy breathing. The change in temperature pulls a hint of a moan. Buggy’s cock twitches in response, begging for relief. Instead of giving in, his hand moves to touch your thigh. Voices tell him to squeeze. To grab you. To delve deeper. He settles for running a shaky hand up and down your leg.
The touch does little to soothe his need, to satiate his desire. The strain in his pants pulses and aches. Buggy grunts against your neck as he palms his erection. It’s so hard, it’s nearly painful. He whines as he realizes there isn’t enough give in the fabric of his pants to properly wrap a hand around himself.
His mind is quickly brought back to you with a click and the scrape of flint. You inhale deeply. The moment lasts forever as he watches little bits of flame escape and float away. Once your lungs are full, you pull Buggy’s face to meet yours.
Lips grazing each other, you exhale slowly. The smoke seeps from your mouth into his. Tendrils escape and dance up before he inhales your kiss. It’s slow and delicate. Hot, but not fiery. Buggy takes all that you give until his head is spun into cotton. Until he’s full of you.
A hand pushes his away to feel his desire. A heavy twitch against your touch conveys how badly he wants you. How desperately he needs you. A whimper escapes from his empty mouth when you squeeze slightly. A sound he repeats when you pull away entirely.
“Take off your clothes,” you tell him as you start doing the same.
The sound of pants being undone and falling to the ground isn’t new, but he feels the soft thumb reverberate in his heart. A heaviness that pulls him into action. Leaning back, Buggy fumbles with his belts and pants before scooting out of them and kicking off his boots in one motion. As he’s working on his vest, you peer over your shoulder and say he could keep that on. The softness in his request makes him even harder.
A curl of smoke catches Buggy’s attention. The wrapped ember glimmers and winks as its essence dances overhead, joining the rest of the heady fog. You pick it up, creating a connection that allows Buggy’s eyes to drift over your naked body.
Sun-kissed shoulders give way to your bare chest and soft stomach. He looks lower and lower, his hand following the path on his own body until he’s fondling and caressing himself in admiration of you. You’re better than any treasure map he’s seen - worthy of intimate study until he knows every curve, every valley and peak, every nook, absolutely everything until he’s committed you to memory.
Time flows inconsistently and Buggy’s not sure how long you let him touch himself while simply looking at you.
“Sorry, you’re-you’re just…wow,” he stammers awkwardly.
“Just wow,” you repeat with the smile that he’s only ever seen during the nightly sessions. “I didn’t see you as a man of few words.”
“Well, they say actions speak louder than words.” The teasing remarks ease any tension in the room. 
With legs still hanging over the edge of the bed, Buggy leans back on his elbows. The movement allows his vest to fall open and expose his chest, while his thick erection rests against his lower stomach. You approach slowly and straddle his lap, finding a perfect seat on his thighs. Your ass is soft and warm against his skin.
You offer him the still burning ember, which he accepts. His body moves obediently, unable to do more than go with the flow of the evening. All of his senses are alight and high. It would be overwhelming if it wasn’t with you. Closing his eyes, Buggy takes another drag.
Meanwhile, he feels you drag yourself on his body. You position his sticky member against yourself, rubbing his leaky tip along the way. He cracks his eyes just as you slowly sink down. You gasp, just as he’s imagined, when his flared head stretches you open.
“Fuuuuuck,” he groans, releasing the smoke in his lungs. 
A floating hand drops the burning herbs in the ashtray on the bedside table and then finds a spot on top of your thigh. His thumb rubs soft encouragement as your body adapts to his size.
“Y-you’re doing so good.”
Your body reacts to his praise, becoming intoxicatingly tight. The pressure from your legs outside of his increases. Your hands find purchase on his shoulders, kneading out feelings of sensitivity as you sit flush on his cock.
Buggy is captivated by your expression - both focused and unfocused. Knitted brows caught between concentration and loss of control. Hazy eyes that flutter, unsure if they want to be open or closed. Your bottom lip stuck between your teeth.
“S’big. Feels…feel really full.” The breathlessness behind your comment sends Buggy to the clouds. 
Do you feel so full that you can hardly breathe? Does his cock take up that much space in your body? He throbs in your heat, straining against the confinement.
“You said you wanted more. Is it too much? M-more than you expected?” Buggy teases.
You let out a weak chuckle and rest your head on his shoulder. “No, I can do this.”
Committed to taking all you want, you start rolling your hips. Slowly at first, with Buggy’s floating hands following your movement. You grind harder as his grip increases. His fingers alternate between digging into your flesh and massaging out the bruising touches. Focused on staying within the boundaries of his restraint, Buggy doesn’t catch the sound of your voice the first time. 
“Help,” you mumble again against his neck, “please.” Pushing yourself back, you look Buggy in the eyes. “Fuck me.”
If he didn’t always stave off his orgasms multiple times when handling his own business, Buggy would have exploded inside of you just then. Still, he would not be able to hold out much longer. 
Sitting up, his arms move to connect with his hands, wrapping you in his embrace. He spreads his legs further to brace himself. With one arm around your waist and the other crossing your back to your shoulder, he fucks you the way you asked for. The way your moans beg for. 
Buggy uses his hold to push you against his thrusts, burying his cock as deep as your body allows. But he wants more. He clings to you, pulling you closer to his chest, wanting to feel you everywhere. To continue having your lovely sounds brush past his ear, to have your hands threading his hair, to feel your body stick against his.
Floating in those thoughts, Buggy didn’t know how tight the tether holding his anchor was until it threatened to snap.
“S-shit, m’close. I’m gonna- fuck. Wh-where-” His movements falter along with his stutters.
The tension loosens slightly as you pull yourself off, but returns when you kneel between his legs. You wrap your hands around his cock, using the wet sex from both of your bodies to jack him off. Buggy struggles to keep his eyes open, wanting to remember every moment of this, rather than falling back into the fantasies he’s used to finishing too.
“O-open your mouth,” he begs.
You give him the most wonderful open-mouthed smile as you push out your tongue, eager for what’s next. A hold on your wrist pulls one hand down to cradle his balls. Your touch is gentle, following as his balls tighten and he falls over the edge.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck… Keep-keep going,” Buggy grunts as each stroke along his cock sends another jet of hot cum to cover your face and chest.
His orgasm directs your movements. As each pulse slows, so does the pumping, until the final one to ease the last few pearly drops onto your dripping fist. 
Ignoring his body’s cry for rest, Buggy pushes himself forwards and lets his trembling legs drop him to the ground. You ease back to give him space.
“C’mere, I’m going to make you feel so good,” he says in a shaky voice.
He advances until you’re laying on the wood floor. He hovers over you, trailing a hand along your body until it’s between your legs. Your gasp is captured by his mouth and more sinful sounds are coaxed by his tongue.
You still taste like cinnamon. There’s a hint of salt, again. Not from your sweat, but from his cum. Fuck, it’s good. His tongue pokes out of your mouth to swipe long your lips, seeking more of that combined taste. Meanwhile, your grasp at his wrist and grind against his hand.
Buggy follows your cues - rubbing, teasing, increasing pressure, going faster, easing up - whatever you want. He’ll do this for as long as you’d let him and he wants you to know. But when he tells you to take your time, it has the opposite effect. You whimper and cry out as you come to his touch.
“That’s it, you’re doing such a good job,” Buggy croons, carrying you through the wave, until it crests and you float back down.
You keep your eyes shut as you settle back into your body. You look wonderful. Dazzling. Breathtaking. Your chest is heaving and you’re coated in a sheen of sweat and strands of cum. His cum. His mark. A possessive fire lights in his chest.
“Just tell me whenever you want more,” Buggy says against your skin, pressing kisses to your shoulder and chest. “I’ll take care of you. I’ll take good care of you, promise.”
You laugh, seeing through the disguise of his kind ‘offer,’ to his own insatiable desire. The cooling liquid on your skin jostles with the movement, sending a shiver through your body. 
Buggy moves closer to you, wanting to share his warmth and feel more of yours. Always, to feel more of you.
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A/N: Also, I'd like to draw attention to the end of "Great Romances of the 20th Century," since it fits so well:
I'm in your room Is this turning you on Am I turning you on? I'm in your room Are you turned on? I'm on the corner of your bed I'm thinking maybe Are you turned on? Are you turned on?
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simpingland · 3 months
Hi 👋😊, I think I finally have some ideas
Is it okay that I can send you some more ben plunkett requests? 😌
Can I please send you my first request?
Well the reader (fem pronouns) had a nightmare and he is just comforting her and is just super sweet to her. Please just fluff and maybe friends to lovers.
I thought about these prompts from this prompt list
"Lay your head on my shoulder and try to sleep."
"I'm going to be here when you wake up."
Please? Thank you 🥺😊🫂🫶
Sorry if it's too detailed 🙈
If you have some question or want another scenario, my messages and asks are always open 😌
Study routine// Ben Plunkett x fem!reader.
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Summary: exams are on the corner, you and your best friend Ben have an excuse to spend more time together, just to study, right? Right???
Exam time was a bittersweet time for you. Many looked at you strangely when you said it, considering that for others, it was a time that was simply... bitter. But not everyone could understand that for you. This time meant something more. Those were the only weeks where you could spend the whole day locked in your room with Ben Plunkett. Usually, his visits to your house were accompanied by "keep the door open", "it's time to say goodbye, show Ben out the door" or embarrassing interactions between your mother and Ben where they always ended up making fun of you. But during exam time, your parents would let Ben spend the whole day in your room, with the door closed and no distractions. The good grades that followed the end of the school year had reassured your parents, and besides, you couldn't think of a better study partner.
You were going home straight from high school, taking the long way home so you could listen to all the music you couldn't listen to during study hours.
"We should order pizza today," Ben suggested.
"No, we had hamburgers for dinner yesterday, I feel bad for spending weeks feeding myself such greasy food..." You rebutted him. Ben gave you a sideways glance before smiling and denying.
"Stop pretending you don't think it's a dream to have pizza for dinner, breakfast, and snacks."
You smiled too but folded your arms.
"You're not denying me? Too bad, it would have been funny if you had refused only to tell you that I'm already turning to go to the pizzeri."
You let out a laugh, and when you were already ordering at the counter, you took the reins, ordering everything to your liking and knowing that Ben would hold out for whatever you ordered.
"Do you pay by card or cash?" The boy at the counter asked.
"I don't know, ask Ben."
And you stepped back, letting him talk to him. Ben turned to you with a panicked face and moved his lips to tell you voicelessly that he was going to kill you.
"With cash, please."
He put down the bill and put his arm around your neck, playfully shoving you and ruffling your hair as you laughed.
Your parents greeted Ben with their usual cheerfulness, and continued watching TV when they saw that you were ready to start studying. Of course, Ben had offered to give them one of the pizzas you had ordered, which your mother loved, your father accepted, your mother flatly declined, and your father declined almost immediately.
"You're a sweetheart, Ben..." your mother had said, and so you repeated it as soon as you closed the door.
"Of course I am, I bought you pizza."
"If we had salads for dinner, I would have bought them myself."
"Yeah, but you would have made me cry... and no amount of money can heal a broken heart."
"You underestimate the amount of money I would have paid to watch you passive aggressively poke lettuce while crying in a corner."
"You would have thrown money away because you could see me like that during visits to my aunt's house during Christmas."
You laughed and tossed him pen to ask him to start concentrating. You continued the afternoon as you did during studying, introducing and explaining subjects to each other, correcting each other, and in the case of algebra, watching youtube tutorials in silence. Studying with Ben was like a library session, with its silences and repetitions. After a day with him, all the time felt rewarding, and all the learning was useful. You also liked this time because it left you no room to think about the strange feelings your best friend aroused in you, you just enjoyed and studied, the doubts would come later. The pizza was delicious, although it was already cold, and Ben told you about last weekend when he was forced to visit his grandparents. When you went back to studying, the topic you had left to solve was one of the most difficult for you.
"Do you understand it yet?" he asked you after explaining it to you for the fourth time. You nodded, but your eyes glazed over. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I can explain it again..."
"It's just that it's a very important point, and I'm going to fail it..."
"No, you're not going to fail it because I'll make sure you understand it."
You smiled at him and watched him turn a little red. Suddenly moved again by your feelings, you had to look away from him, and you became aware of the whole mess running around the room.
"I'm going to throw away the pizza cartons. Do you want something from the kitchen?" You offered.
"No, but let me help you."
He came downstairs with you, and you were both surprised at the silence in the house. Your parents were chatting quietly in the kitchen, already in their pajamas.
"Wow..." you said, looking at them quizzically, "what time is it?"
"Half past eleven, honey," said your mother.
"Well, I'd better get going then," Ben seemed startled, tossing the empty boxes in the trash and intending to start packing up.
"Ben, wait!" You asked, and he stopped. And not knowing why you had that impulse, you turned to your parents for help. Your mother understood you instantly.
"You don't have to go...stay the night" she offered and you smiled at her gratefully. Ben hesitated, glanced at your father, who nodded in passing, he'd known Ben for a long time now, and looked back at you.
"Sure, if it's no trouble at all," he said at last.
"None. I just think it's a better idea if you don't keep studying. It's important to sleep to retain, " your mother assured him, looked back at you, and winked.
"It doesn't take much convincing to get me to stop studying," Ben joked.
You went back up to your room, set up the mattress with blankets and pillows that Ben had once used from previous sleepovers. Although you didn't remember that the last time he stayed over was a few years ago, and from your bed you saw how the blanket fell short, and his feet were sticking out. You laughed at the image, and he threw a pillow at you.
"Listen to your mother, go to sleep," he scolded.
"I can't...I'm afraid of the giant teenager who has snuck into my room," you told him in a little girl voice, something you knew irritated him.
"I'm more afraid of the farts you might bomb me with at night after pizzas."
Jokingly, you turned off the light, wished each other good night, and promptly fell asleep. Or at least he did. You fell into a terrible nightmare. You were walking along the road that led to the institute, at night and alone. It was cold, and you didn't seem to get anywhere, no matter how far you walked. Suddenly, a car appeared, and as it approached, you noticed that you recognized it, Ben's car. You were glad to see him, and he seemed to see you. He was speeding up to pick you up as soon as possible, and as he was approaching, the car was going too fast, and Ben couldn't stop. He had already left you behind when he disappeared into the darkness, without hearing you call out to him, and you began to scream and cry. Then you noticed shaking, your name, and when you opened your eyes, you saw Ben, illuminated by the little light from the window.
"Hey, hey...easy...wake up, it was just a bad dream..." he whispered to you.
"Ben...thank goodness..." You soothed, hugging him, which surprised him.
"Yes, I'm here. I heard you had a nightmare about me."
"You left me alone on the road, at night..." you told him, releasing him just a little.
"Some asshole I am in your subconscious, aren't I?"
He smiles at you, and you smiled back, somewhat embarrassed that you had woken him up. He wanted to go back to his bed, but your hesitation to let go of his hand made him think you might not want to. He was right. He lay down next to you.
"I hate having nightmares. Whenever I have one, I always have a worse one afterwards."
"You'll have to risk it, you need to rest" he insisted. "Lay your head on my shoulder and try to sleep."
You looked at him with sheepish eyes, afraid to dream about him again. He smiled at you, and some of his confidence rubbed off on you. After all, they were just dreams. You would forget about them in the course of the day. Ben kissed you on the forehead, something he had never done before, before whispering something to you.
"I'm going to be here when you wake up."
You didn't have any nightmares again, in fact, you woke up rested. It was Ben who had a little more trouble waking up. You watched him for a second...yes, you were definitely a little more in love with your best friend than you thought. You had to make a great effort not to think too much about that kiss on your forehead, and you were so nervous about your exams that you didn't notice how flushed Ben was when he remembered he was sleeping in your bed, you next to him. He had memorized the smell of your hair, and feeling your weight on his had lulled him into a sweet sleep he never wanted to wake up from.
Every exam you finished was a reason to get together, always giving each other a hug that attracted the eyes of all the classmates, you reviewed the subjects without being able to avoid being distracted, and Ben loved to review outdoors because the air stirred your hair and he had an excuse to put your hair back in place. You even felt sorry for yourself on the last day of exams, Ben was going to a family meal, and you were back to eating normal food, sleeping alone and spending the evening with people who weren't your best friends. The messages were constant, but never enough. You had just finished reading the approved notes from your email when you heard Ben's car pull up in front of your house. That one subjet that worried you the most, approved. You ran to greet him, shouting your A's into the air, and Ben responded with his in return. He grabbed you as soon as you approached, squeezing you against him, full of joy.
"This deserves a reward," you said.
"Have you missed pizza as your only food as much as I have?
No, you hadn't missed the pizza. You had missed him.
"Of course I have," you lied.
You let him order at his taste that time, which surprised him. You sat at one of the smaller tables, waiting to be served.
"I'm surprised you let me have so much freedom," Ben said, half smiling, half confused.
"Well, it's just that... you've really helped me a lot, what less than letting you choose.
"Helping you with what exactly?"
"Well...studying." You felt the colours rise in your cheeks.
"Just like you helped me study."
"Well... Ben, in general, you help me with everything. You make everything so... fun."
Now he was blushing. He stood closer to you.
"I hope you know that you make everything better too..."
"I'm a little annoying, maybe."
"A little," he joked. "And I like that I'm the one who sees that side of you."
"I really do. I love that you dream about me, even if I'm an asshole in it."
"Don't be silly, it was a nightmare precisely because you left me alone. And I just want you to be with me."
Your tone was much more serious. Your expression made it clear that you meant it, that your gratitude was a confession.
"You know what's funny? I dream about you too. But not when I sleep...I dream awake, imagining what we will say to each other when I pick you up from home, or what we will tell each other when we go out to eat together...I dream of spending the whole day with you and I am content to be with you for a while because it is...wonderful. But no matter how much I dream, nothing is better than being able to hug you and be by your side, even if it's only for five minutes between classes."
That's when you couldn't help but jump in for a kiss, cutting the distance between you two. A tender, long kiss, it felt new and yet so recognizable, like something that should have happened a long time ago. Luckily, it had just happened. You pulled away and watched as Ben smiled, an idea formulating in his head and joked.
"Too bad we have to wait for spring exams to spend the day together again."
You pushed him back with a laugh, but he moved his chair to stand next to you and kiss you again. Everything Ben did justified the fact that the pizzas he ordered were terrible.
A/N: sorry this took fucking forever, I gave up on writing here, I had a crisis over writing smuts. But I felt bad about abandoning this cuz I started writing it with a lot of love and I really like it. I think I'll write on tumblr again. Hope you like it, so sorry for the wait.
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iinryer · 17 days
tagged for wip wednesday by @sibylsleaves !
more from the vanessa fake dating fic 😌 passed 3k this morning and we are FINALLY through the setup lol
Before Eddie can think of what to say to reassure him, Bobby’s voice comes from where he’s climbing the stairs to head towards the kitchen, placatingly, “He’s allowed to take some time in a new relationship, Buck,”
Hen and Chim both make offended noises at that. Eddie drops his head against the back of the sofa and rolls his eyes at them.
“Not in this firehouse,” Hen says, poking at his side to make him squirm away.
Eddie makes an extremely unflattering sound and curls up to get a knee and an elbow between them, holding his mug up and out of the way so he doesn’t spill his coffee, laughing despite himself, “Jesus! You’re worse than my sisters,”
“Alright, alright, leave him alone,” Bobby chuckles, “why don’t you all come help me set up for lunch,”
“Aw, c’mon cap,” Chim grins at Eddie miming a kick towards him as he gets up to help, “it’s been a while since we’ve had fresh meat,”
Bobby sighs. The crew assembles to start pulling down dishes and cutlery.
Eddie is handed a cutting board and a knife, pointed at the head of lettuce that’s already been pulled out, and the lull gives him a minute to compose himself. Before Bobby hums and says:
“We’d love to meet her, by the way,” nonchalant, focused on his own cutting board, pretending like he’s not also bullying Eddie by bringing it back up, “If you get to that stage, you should bring her around,”
Three pairs of eyes land on him at once.
And the thing is, he could just tell them. Give them the vague, nonspecific version he gave Christopher—that she’s just a new friend, someone who needs a little help getting her family off of her case about dating. Nothing to write home about, no strings, no stress.
But there’s something inside of him—that guilty, gnawing piece he’s carried his whole life—that just wants everyone to see him as complete and whole and normal. Whatever the hell that means. He could tell them, sure. But maybe, just maybe, there’s a little aching part of him that craves the approval that this could bring. He’s doing something right.
From the outside, at least.
“Thanks cap,” Eddie hears himself say, looking back down, “I will,”
tagging @gayeddieagenda & @try-set-me-on-fire
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onsunnyside · 2 years
i just had some devils lettuce last night and I’m still coming off of that so my horny thought is this, in fi, thinking about little duck going out to grab a drink or find ari or whatever, thinking about her walking out on them all smoking and stuff, thinking about her asking for a hit.
she’d be ALL OVER the boys and they would love it (ari would sit in a chair pouting because he wants all the attention) when I get high i get horny, so I’m thinking about duck being VERY vocal about all the things she either wants done or gets done to her. calling them all daddy, and at some point ari has had enough, and he scoops her up so he can fuck the shit out of her in front of all his friends
thinking about dummy duck and her hot dilf daddies 😌
"You have such a pretty mouth." You stare at him in a daze, wiggling on his lap needily, "I've always wondered what they feel like..."
"That's enough, duck." Ari huffs.
"I'm just sayin'... Ransom has such a pretty smile. Really pink lips."
The brunet grins, "thank you, dummy duck." He rubs up your thigh, pushing your shorts higher, "You wanna feel them? I could make you feel real good, just gotta take these off."
"M-My shorts?" You gasp when his fingers trace closer to your core, slipping under the seam to your cotton panties. "I dunno..." You lean closer as if telling him a secret, "I'm, uh, a little wet down there, so I'm embarrassed. Please don't tell Ari."
"That's okay, duck. No need to be embarrassed, that just means you want some attention down here." The tips of his fingers dip under the band, getting a feel of your panties that weren't a little wet, they were soaked. You moan quietly when he circles your clothed clit, "I could show you what my mouth feels like on your cute cunt—"
"All right, that's enough." You squeak as you're swept up into two big arms. "Duck needs to sleep. I'll bring her to bed." Then, Ari is gone and so are you, and Ransom is left with a tent in his pants.
"That's so unfair." Steve laughs, all the other frat brothers witnessed the whole ordeal, but also got to watch Ari slowly lose control. From little disgruntled huffs to slamming his beer on the table and stealing you away.
"I made her wet—"
"You sure it wasn't from when she was on my lap?" Lloyd smirks, holding up two fingers, "she said I have nice hands and just couldn't stop kissing them, she even made me touch her tits before someone took her away." He looks pointedly at Steve who just shrugs.
"Hey, it was my weed. So honestly, we all have me to praise." Curtis says proudly, slumped in his chair with your beloved stuffie in his lap, "I take gratitude in cash and more weed, thank you very much."
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land-sh · 6 months
1, 4, 10, 19 and 23 for the not from the US ask set 😌
Hey there, thank you for asking.
Let's see:
1. favourite place in your country? My favorite place in my country, I believe, is the capital. I prefer larger cities, and here, I always find everything I can think of. Unfortunately, I think I'm getting tired of living here because there are too many people, and everything is chaotic, and rent is so expensive. 😮‍💨
4. favourite dish specific for your country? Pozole. It's a traditional Mexican soup made with hominy, meat (such as pork or chicken), and seasoned with various spices. It is known for its rich broth and is often garnished with radishes, lettuce, lime, oregano, and onions. It holds cultural significance and is enjoyed during celebrations in Mexico. 😋
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? I really like to swear, omg, but my favs are "Su chingada madre" and "A la verga". lol
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem? I don't think I feel a particular patriotism when I see our flag; I don't love that it's an animal eating another. However, the anthem, even though it's very warlike, fascinates me. Sometimes, I sing it all of a sudden as if it was another song.
23. which alcoholic beverage is the favoured one in your country? Tequila and mezcal.
from this
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sirensplayhouse · 10 months
Kk thank you siren let’s bow our heads y’all and pray no more scamming for me
lettuce pray😌 (y’all get it ? LMFAOOOOO)
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. dangerous risk taker adrenaline rusher lefty eyebag 😌
Work is done. It was boring, but at least I didn't get difficult customers. Yeah, I sit all day, except when I go for lunch and then breaks. I try to move as much when I have break time. I wish we had bluetooth headsets, so I can do chores while waiting on a call haha
Ooh what did you make for dinner? How are you today?
When you say you said you don't move when you sleep, I picture you like a vampire in the coffin. With their arms crossed and just laying still 🤣 I sleep with my eyes closed hehehe but no, I sleep weird. I have to lay on my tummy, and I look like a starfish.
So the snow mobile is like riding a motorcycle?
Yeah I went on a jetski once and it was fun because of how fast we can go. But I was just a passenger though. I love kayaking. It's peaceful.
Thay flow rider thing looks fun, but I can see how you'd be sore. Did you do it a lot when you were on the cruise? Cause you can fall easily can't you? 😅
Yeah.. it just reminded me of you cause it's like baseball and archery in one.. cause you throw the ball in baseball, so axe throwing is like it and its sharp like an arrow. I don't know if I made sense but it made sense in my head 😅 lol
My eyes widened when I read the last part with the dogs. Definitely think you're crazy. Hahahaha no no I'm just kidding. Doing something like a vigilante thing. If I can do anything without getting caught, I'd probably do something like the rich thing. Scam them out of their riches, then donate to the ones in need and buy myself land to build a house.
If you could be president, what's the first thing you will do for the people?
Hello!! the weird left eyebag is back here! lol how r u? and what you doing now? i hope u r still awake. anywaay, i'm eating chocolate moose now, n it's so good!
yeah that could be one of the culprit, sitting down all day can make your muscles tight from your back up to your neck and then gonna give u a headache.
you can't even put in like a wired earphone? that sucks that you cant do anything else while taking calls.
I made a homemade club sandwich with bacon, turkey, ham, lettuce tomato and avocado. We also smoked a bologna for tomorrow so we can have some bologna sandwich. :D
lol.. i dont sleep like that but yeah sometime i really dont move when i sleep. hahahaha.
oh you sleep on your tummy? wow, what a funny coincidence. He sleeps like that most of the time, my crush also sleeps on her tummy and now you too? Do I attract people who likes to sleep on their tummy or something? lol
hmm yeah i guess it's the same like motorcycle. I dont know because i never ride a motorcyle by myself. I always sit as passanger.
yeah i think jetski and sea doo is kinda similar. hmm i guess that's why i havent tried canoeing or kayaking, maybe because i think it's a little too slow or something.. but also kinda scary for me, im just worried what if it tips over. especially kayaking, if it tips over im stuck in the water n cant roll back up with my leg stuck in the kayak n running out of breath. lol.
do you like white water rafting?? I looooove rafting! it's so fun! the adrenaline rush, love it!
yes i tried in when i was on a cruise. it's like an extra thing u can try but u have to pay. I think we booked it for an hour or something and yes, i fell easily because i dont know how to surf. I got bad whiplash to from falling on my back n my head hit the mat.
Do u like to fish? if u do, what type of fishing you like? fresh water fishing or deep sea fishing or fly fishing?
ah i see. yeah that makes sense. kinda like batting cage and shooting arrow. to be honest, i think it really sweet that you remember me about it. it's because u pay remember what i told u about me. n I appreciate it so much, so thank you. :)
so did u try axe throwing before?
i wanna try to go to (some places are called with this name) break room / rage room or something. that's a place where u go in a room n u can break whatever things u want in it. have u try that before?
oh yeah, i know it sounds crazy about destroying the place that mistreated dog or serve dog as food. I hate it. i think love is the loveliest animal and most loyal. so i think it's really fucked up if people mistreated animals especially dogs. it always pissed me off. :D your plan is nice too. we can be the robin hood duo.hahaha. complete with the eyebags of course. lol. plus i can do archery so i think we'll do good. lol
hm i really dont know how to answer this question actually. i have some thoughts but I prefer not to say it. :D what about u?
next question?
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astrxealis · 2 years
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ooooy bestie thank u ,,if i coudl turn into a nice fluffy spider and eat all of ur mosquitos i would 10/10iwoudl also write more but ithink i am going 2 pass out in like2 minutes u r the best nd if i can pull a sneaky and bring home my math test for assistance i will anywas uah goodafternoon to u (i think??)goodluck 4 the day aa thank u for calling me ur friend <33
ngl i took a bit to answer this bcs everytime i saw this ask it made me :D smile :D WHJASKS i hope u're doing well lettuce...! or if not, i rlly hope it gets better TuT </3 i prefer you as Human so we cld talk together but tyvm :( i wld give you nice pats as a nice fluffy spider too :(( BUT LETTY MY LOVE HI i hope you got adequate rest ?? or ill force u to take a nap >:( /lh but yeah it was noon when i got this !! but evening now fr me and morning fr u i think? >:o so hi !! friend !! :D i believe in you bestie many hugs to u 😤 <333
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muyuuoffline · 2 years
Hello! Could I request a Rui and Tsukasa (separately) reacting to a prankster s/o? Like when they are not paying attention, they would imitate the sound of a cat meowing just to mess around with them? They would also be like “Hey, your shoe is untied” (it isn’t) and they would be like “👌 haha got ya! *dying hyena sounds*“ and they would also be like “I can’t believe you fell for that 😀” if they end up actually falling for their tricks (and they apologize later because they feel bad 😭). Idk why but I just love pranking people. I guess it makes life fun ^^ (Sorry for the paragraph lol. Thanks in advanced!)
Rui/ Tsukasa with a prankster s/o
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Kamishiro Rui
He actually finds this part of you greatly adorable, even after all of those dirty, lovely tricks you've played on him throughout your relationship. (you can literally imagine him cringing about this..)
Rui himself is a fighter, rather than a defender. his attempts on getting revenge haven't been granted much, since you were pretty much the 'master of mischievousness'. you'd always attack one step ahead of him, and it's getting very irritating. 😠
One time, he remembers trading sandwiches with you; cause well, his was filled with lots of veggies, and this man hates. veggies. so there, you agreed with a straight face, and the moment he took a bite of it, it tasted like lettuce; carrots, cucumber, the galore. and he is standing there dumbfounded while you skip away with the supposed chocolate one he was deemed to eat. like.. he wanted chocolate! and you promised to trade it with him!
how could you? 😫
Rui isn't sure if that was one of your pranks. because.. how? you switched.. foods, and why? how?? this boy's brain is malfunctioning. please help him.
Although you offer him water that tastes like bloody bitrex after a hard day, your loving, evil smile is somewhat his reward from all of your madness.
Tenma Tsukasa
Has mixed feelings about it, but compared to Rui he cannot.stand.it. 😔
Please give holy Tsukasa mercy, he's a good boy, right?? he gives your everyday head-pats, praises you for literally no reason, and carries your bag every, single dayーand he gets what? pranks.
Despite his loud and reckless actions, Tsukasa considers himself mature. I mean, he's an older brother to an even more reckless sister, but that's not the point. the thing isーpeople are misjudging you too much! how can a cute, adorable person such as you be capable of something brutal?
Yeah, that's what he thought.
Tsukasa was sitting on his favorite lunch spot, on school. the sun is shining, there were no chirping birds, but.. lovely weather!! another perfect, happy, delicious day.
As he was about to dig in, an ominous.. sound coming from the bushes..
Bugs!! not just an ordinary one, centipedes!!
without even checking for the source, he started shrieking all over the grounds of the school, lunch box in hand. unknown to him, the suspect for the sound was none other than you, and from that day forward, he started to rethink about eating lunch outside.
Congratulations for being trauma to this poor star 🤩
(Since you really didn't mean harm, you gave him a treat to your favorite cafe, apologizing about the whole thing. naive, he wasn't ready for the other plots you have in store.) 😌
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3, 4, 16 and 17 for Aaron, Nate, Courtney and Parker!!
3. What’s a food/drink that they hate?
Courtney: Air, you go first, babies.
Aaron: Um, I'm really not that picky of an eater? I don't really milk, I guess.
Nate: Bro I ate a sandwich I found on the street, I ain't picky. 😂 But mayo, Nah, miss me with that shit.
Courtney: This is really weird, but cotton candy. TW, grossness. Once my dad okay "dad" took me and my sister to coney island and my sister threw up on me for like five minutes.
Nate: Here we go.
Parker: Meat, eggs, broccoli, tomatoes, green beans, apples, bananas... I like the idea of bananas though. Lettuce, celery, mustard, hot sauce, horseradish, radishes, pickles, cucumbers, olives. Licorice, tofu, mushrooms, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, coffee, jello, oatmeal, fish. Eggs.
Courtney: You already said eggs.
Parker: Yeah, but I really don't like eggs.
4. Do they like the current town they live in?
Parker: and I can't make it on my own OH CAUSE MY HEART IS IN SEATTLEEEEEEE!!!!
Aaron: That's not the song.
Parker: Well I don't live in Ohio!!!
Courtney: Like I said, it's no Jersey, but it's real nice here.
Nate: Yeah, but like it's weird here. I'm from cal so like shits weird here.
Courtney: It's really weird here!
Aaron: Yes! I pretty much grew up around here though, so I don't really know much else.
Parker: Yeah me either.
16. Did they have a childhood pet?
Courtney: No, I mean we had pets on and off 'cause my sister was always bringing in strays, but we would always find them new homes so we didn't have any of them for a long time.
Parker: Yeah, it was in high school though, a hamster his name was Budsy and he was my weed buddy. 😌
Nate: There was a street rat I used to play with as a kid.
Aaron: I did! I had a cat named Merlin, and then my grandma had a lot of cats, so when she passed they all came to live with me and my mom, Sage and Quartz. They were all really great cats, they liked to lay on me while I was reading and Merlin really like to be outside while I was stargazing so that's why I named him Merlin.
17. Do they play any video games?
Courtney: We all pretty much play the same games religiously... And competitively lol.
Parker: Mario Kart.
Nate: Call Of Duty.
Aaron: Madden.
Courtney: I'm the reigning champ, by the way! 😁
Courtney: Lies!! Just because you can't handle a little blue shell doesn't mean I'm cheating!
Thank you so so so much for the ask Olly!!!!! I realized after I answered this that you could've meant the numbers for a specific oc but honestly I've never had a thought before so here we are lol 😂 anyway here's the ask game if you're interested 👉🥺👈
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
ceasar was hit by a massive *cross stone*, ceasar salad has lettuce, so *crossing* a *stone* with le *lettuce* gives you *ceasar salad* (honestly i dont blame you for not getting it though)
THANK YOU MY DEAR honestly it’s clever and I vibe with it! Just been a hot second since I’ve watched part 2 so my brain is a smidge fuzzy in details 😌
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cherry-holland · 2 years
1, 8, 20, 21, 29 c:
Hello there friend!! Thanks for the question 🥰
1. Chipotle order
I usually order a chicken bowl with guac, brown rice, black beans, pico de gallo, tomatillo verde, lettuce, and sometimes I’ll add sour cream and cheese, but I am lactose intolerant 😅
8. do you change into specific clothes for the house when you get home?
Honestly, not really, unless I’m wearing an uncomfortable outfit for work, then I immediately go into pj’s 😅
20. favorite disney princess movie?
The Little Mermaid. Hands down, I’ve always loved Ariel as a kid, and I stand by that til the day I die 😭
21. a number that weirds you out?
Now that I think of it, I don’t have one!! Fun fact though - all numbers are angel numbers in their own way 😌
29. last meal on earth?
It probably would either be my dad’s lasagna or some good Puerto Rican or Dominican food. I don’t think I could die without having some maduros (sweet plantains) and mofongo (fried plantains smashed together, usually with your choice of meat and sautéed onions on top) beforehand 😭
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