#thanks for everyone whos stuck around for another year of random fandom content and bad jokes
zel-zo · 7 months
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(*cue the Stanley Parable 'Good Job you made it to the bottom of the mind control facility' song but its just the 'good job you did it' part over and over and over.*)
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ofmythsandmadness · 4 years
prompts & requests.
SO...I never meant to delay this for so long, I’m so sorry for this, but I’m excited to rejuvenate this page -- I’m quite bad with tumblr, but I just hit 350 followers and I figured I’d put in a second dime for trying to make this little account work. People seem to like my little writings (which surprises me tbh, but I appreciate the love) and I’ve gotten a lot of questions about requests, so here’s the masterpost of all that for here!
PLEASE NOTE: I don’t use Tumblr too regularly, I’m trying to be more active but because of life & stuff, I’m not always active to write. Plus, just because you request something, doesn’t mean I will automatically be able to give that! It takes time, inspiration, and often the ability to form a sentence, which weirdly I struggle with. Way too often.
ALSO! please feel free to check out the kofi link in my bio (can’t link it here bc tumblr doesn’t like links and this won’t show up at all) and buy me a coffee if you feel like it! please don’t if you can’t and i’m not trying to force, guilt or forcibly nudge anyone to do it, it’s just if you can and want to support me, that’d be real sweet. :)
WHO I WRITE FOR...most people look at this acc for tua writings, which i’ve got an abundance of! I’m quite fine with any requests of any characters, except for five (unless like it’s some aged up version of him; I don’t feel comfy writing about him and I just don’t care to). I also will write for a lot of other fandoms if you ask for them: those including marvel, stranger things (those of age, i’m not writing stories about minors), harry potter and a couple others. Just ask me, I’ll let you know if I write for the fandom & we can move from there, darling. :)
HOW TO REQUEST...I prefer not too many details in a request, just so I still feel inspired to write the piece. So, if you’re asking based on a prompt below, tell me the number(s), the character you’re looking for, and any details you feel necessary to add! Remember, nothing too specific, like don’t give me the entire plot but things like genre, atmosphere, details on the reader are okay. I usually write either genderless or female reader (I try to stick with the former to be accommodating) but you can ask for a specifically gender-neutral or female/male reader too. This also applies to fics you want garnered to a specific section of the LGBTQIA+ community (for example, if you wanted a lesbian reader with Vanya Hargreeves). I try not to add any details to appearance to the story so that everyone can enjoy the fic, but again you can ask for any specific and I will try my best to accomodate for you lovelies.
REQUEST EXAMPLE - “Can you write something with prompt number 3 and 17? Preferably with a gender-neutral reader, and with Allison Hargreeves? I’d like it to be a happy fic, please, and for the reader to not have any powers. Also, they’re a cat person! Thanks!”
Obviously, I know most people know what’s up and are respectful. But just in case you wanted an example, there you go. :)
(these were made by me and to my knowledge, they’re not used elsewhere, only some were taken off my last requests list. also, feel free to mix + match and ask for as many as you want)
Quote Based Prompts:
1. ‘I think I’m falling for you,’ clumsy character. 2. ‘C’mon, this is definitely safe!’ 3. ‘Do you believe in ghosts?’ + ‘Why, is there something you want to tell me?’ 4. ‘Shut up about your black coffee aesthetic and try my (insert here) drink.’ 5. ‘I’m only asking for a hug because I forgot my coat and you’re like a human furnace...don’t get any ideas.’ 6. ‘Just five more minutes.’ 7. ‘And you’re sure this isn’t illegal?’ 8. ‘Wanna go get married?’ 9. ‘I love you” “don’t lie to me’ 10. ‘I hate you’ + ‘no, you don’t.’ 11. ‘let’s dance to taylor swift and forget about reality for a moment, please.’ 12. ‘why don’t you trust me?’ 13. ‘promise me, we’ll make it out of this alive.’ 14. ‘we can’t just pushing each other away and expecting things are going to change.’ 15. ‘why are you helping me?’ 16. ‘tell me a secret.’ 17. ‘you can’t friend-zone me, we’re married!’ 18. ‘is this the end?’ 19. ‘I let you win.’ 20. ‘go away’ + ‘no, not until I know you’re okay’ 21. ‘we were supposed to be forever.’ 22. ‘nothing’s fair in love and war.’ 23. ‘I want to be here for the good and the bad.’ 24. ‘So...what happened this time?’ 25. ‘I just really wanted to see you.’ 26. ‘Uh, that’s the whole point?!’ 27. ‘You cut your hair?’ + ‘I just needed a change.’ 28. ‘I can’t lose you too, dammit!’ 29. ‘Don’t lie, you’re a hopeless romantic at heart.’ 30. ‘Can we keep it?!’ 31. ‘Why can’t this happen like it does in the movies?!’ 32. ‘Can you come with me? It’s just to get gum, but I don’t want to be alone.’ 33. ‘I made muffins!’ + ‘You can bake?!’ 34. ‘I can’t sleep.’ + ‘We can share.’ 35. ‘It used to be so simple...’ 36. ‘STOP SINGING THAT SONG OR-’ + ‘-or what?’ 37. ‘I just wanted to tell you...you look really nice tonight.’ 38. ‘Ooh, show me, show me!’ 39. ‘I really wish I could paint, because you’re the perfect muse right now.’ 40. ‘Where’d you learn how to do that?’ 41. ‘Hey, it’s okay...you’re safe now.’ 42. ‘Am I in heaven?’ + ‘Aw, you think I’m your idea of heaven?’ 43. ‘I’m not crying!’ + ‘Oh, so it’s normal for your eyes to leak like that?’ 44. ‘Why wouldn’t you tell me that sooner?!’ 45. ‘What do you think of kids?’ 46. ‘Do you think I’m a good person?’ 47. ‘Don’t look down.’ + ‘You’re only telling me that now?!’ 48. ‘It’s okay...it’s going to be okay...’ 49. ‘I didn’t think it would hurt so much to do this.’ 50. ‘Nerd.’ + ‘Loser.’ 51. ‘Wait, you actually came?’ 52. ‘You didn’t notice the one bed before?!’ + ‘It didn’t say on the website!’ 53. ‘I’m in the hospital, but don’t worry--’ + ‘Don’t worry?!’ 54. ‘Yeah, I was jealous. So what?’ 55. ‘Did you know you talk when you sleep?’ 56. ‘Of course I kept it. Why wouldn’t I?’ 57. ‘I can’t get you out of my head...’ 58. ‘I made you it because I love you, duh.’ 59. ‘I trust you.’ 60. ‘How am I supposed to trust you?!’ 61. ‘You have to start getting better excuses.’ 62. ‘I think they like you!’ 63. ‘I swear if you sing baby it’s cold outside ONE MORE TIME--’ 64. ‘You’re telling me you don’t know all the words to Promiscuous? Who are you?!’ 65. ‘I only went along with it for your sake, you know I hate (insert here).’ 66. ‘Hold my hand but only so we don’t get lost. I don’t need you getting any ideas about us.’ 67. ‘Loosen up, jackass, and give in to evil a little more!’ 68. ‘You didn’t respond to any of my texts, so I assumed you were either dying or crying. I brought answers to both situations.’ 69. ‘That’s it. I’m officially convinced that you’re actually three years old.’
Situation Based Prompts: 1. Person A refuses to dress for the cold and gets sick; Person B is stuck taking care of them afterwards. 2. Person A finds a stray and wants to take it home, but Person B isn’t so interested. 3. Coffee Shop AU; Person A shows up every Saturday to work, and Person B becomes infatuated with the mysterious person. 4. Person A wants to watch a scary movie. Person B accepts, too chicken to admit they’re terrified of horror movies. 5. Person A falls asleep, and Person B plays with their hair. 6. Person A and B wake up hungover and realise that they got married last night. 7. ‘Oh...you love them’, where Person A realises that their real feelings for Person B. 8. Person A is a Christmas enthusiast, but Person B hates the holiday season. 9. (School Based Prompt); Person A doesn’t know how to talk to Person B, and decides to pretend to need help in a subject they definitely don’t need help with. 10. Person A decides to confess their feelings to Person B through a series of anonymous gifts...only they aren’t who B suspects behind it all... 11. Person A and B have a Catwoman/Batman type relationship, dancing around one another and ignoring their obvious feelings. 12. Younger!Person A and B shared their first kiss with each other -- not because of feelings, JUST to get it over with. It never meant anything, right? 13. There’s only a little bit of time left for Person A...will they make it to B, in time? 14. (Flower Shop AU) Person A comes in every day to purchase the same single flower every time, and Person B has no clue why. 15. (Villain/Hero AU) Person A goes home to find B in their bed, bleeding and fast asleep. 16. Person A has a fear of driving. Person B finally asks why. 17. (School Based AU) Person A and B get paired together to complete a project worth a lot of their grade. The only problem? They hate each other. 18. (Coffee Shop AU) Person A comes in every day with a different name and sunglasses on, ordering the same thing every time. And Person B is obsessed. 19. Person A has a hard day at work. Person B doesn’t know what they should do to help. 20. Person A finally finds out about Person B’s big secret -- only, it doesn’t come from Person B. 21. Person A is the most oblivious person in the world. Person B is slowly losing their mind over it. 22. Everyone thinks that Person A and C are meant to be together, and it’s only A and B who really, really don’t see it. 23. And they were roommates (oh my god, they were roommates...) 24. Person A’s roommate’s boyfriend is over again, and they escape to Person B’s for peace of mind. 25. Person A finds a random bag and is determined to return it to the owner -- only, all the clues she has for who the person really is, is in the contents of the bag. 26. (Party Based Prompt) Person A and B really, really didn’t want to go to the party. But maybe meeting one another makes it worth it. 27. Person A and B go laser-tagging for some stress relief. 28. There’s a Halloween party and neither A or B knows who the other is going as. But the (insert costume) standing in the corner is looking rather suspicious... 29. (Apocalypse AU) Person A and B have been struggling for months alone, and finally reach something that gives them hope.  30. Person A and B both head to the roof for some escape. They definitely didn’t expect to see someone in their special place... 31. Person A works really late shifts downtown; Person B always makes sure they’re there to give them a ride, no matter how inconvenient it is. 32. Person A forgets about changing their emergency contact, and this backfires when they end up in the hospital... 33. (Soulmate AU) In a world where people don’t age past 21 until they meet their soulmate, Person A is surprised to learn that the partner they’ve been with for four years hasn’t aged a day -- but they have. 34. (Airport AU) Everything shuts down in a last-minute snowstorm, leaving two strangers stranded. 35. (School AU) Everyone ships Teacher A and B together, and scheme to finally set them up. 36. Person A and B ride the train together every day. 37. (Doctor AU) Person A has to take Person C to the doctors. Much to both surprise, Person A falls quickly for the Doctor who comes in (Person B) -- and Person C takes it upon themselves to let B know. 38. (Neighbours AU) Person A is tired of hearing Person B being so loud so late at night -- especially when they have to get up super early. They finally decide to confront them on it. 39. (Soulmate AU) Everyone has the same cuts, bruises and scars as their soulmate, which really freaks out Person A, who becomes determined to find their soulmate to make them stop getting hurt. 40. Person A and B are hiding their relationship from everyone. They’re not very good at it. 41. Person A finally trusts Person B to meet their (insert here); the last step in their relationship. 42. Person A sends their text to the LAST person they wanted to send it to: Person B. 43. (Delivery Person AU) Person A somehow always manages to be the one to sign for the office packages...does Person B have anything to do with it? (Also, why does A keep buying so much stuff?!) 44. (Arranged Marriage) Person A is being forced into a marriage to Person C neither they or Person B wants. But B might just have a plan out... 45. (Bodyguard AU) Person A always knew that Person C was rich, but never rich enough to need a legit bodyguard. But when C’s father’s company is threatened, they call in the big dogs -- and they’re cute, too. Aka...A makes a point to catch the attention of Person B at any time possible, much to their upset. 46. (University AU) Person A needs a model. Person B needs a way to occupy their afternoon. Thus, a deal is struck. 47. Person A is a private detective hired to work the case on a mysterious murder (that strangely, Person C doesn’t want getting out). Person B is C’s lead suspect, but A can’t help but feel like they’re not the real culprit... 48. Person A drags Person B along onto a roadtrip across the country to go visit their oddball grandparents. But things go south quickly. 49. Person A gets robbed, and has no one to call when they can’t shake the nightmares but Person B. 50. Person A can manipulate time, but only by an hour. Person B doesn’t know this, but gets suspicious when they see A do something very, very weird... (you can supply more details for this one) 51. (Neighbours AU) Person A and B have the thinnest walls ever, which would suck, but they both oddly have the exact same taste in music. It’s nice; if only they got to meet. 52. (Store AU) Person A and B get locked into their work’s freezer for the night. 53. (Coffee Shop AU) Person B has never met Person A; they always miss them by only a minute. They do, however, manage to sit at the exact same table every day and pick up the piece of art they leave for the next customer. 54. Person A has loved Person B their entire life. Too bad they’ll never get to tell them. 55. (Diner AU) Person A meets Person B at three in the morning when they stumble in soaked. They’re surprised, when they show up again...and again...at the exact same time. 56. (5+1) Five times Person A told Person B they loved them, and the one time Person B finally said it back. 57. (5+1) The five times Person A surprises Person B, and the one time Person B surprises A. 58. (5+1) The five times Person A broke Person B’s heart, and the one time they didn’t.  59. (5+1) The five times Person A saved Person B...and the one time Person B couldn’t save A. 60. (5+1) The five times A and B almost meet, and the first time they finally do. 61. (5+1) The five times Person A lies to Person B, and the one time they finally tell the truth. 62. Person B is like, super allergic to dogs. But Person A doesn’t need to know that. 63. Person A has no clue how to tell Person B how they feel. So, they make a playlist. 64. Person A and B accidentally switch luggage at the airport.
Happy requesting, darlings.
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A Birthday Surprise
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony)
summary: On his birthday, Steve keeps wakening up because Tony leaves the bed unusually early and it unfurls a whole array of odd events.
length: 1 577
a/n:  Happy Birthday, Steve and Happy and safe 4th of July to those of you who celebrate it! For this occasion, I bring you some domestic Stony fluff, which is my fav kind of fluff. if you enjoyed the fic, asks, reblogs and likes are needed and appreciated!
A Birthday Surprise
On his birthday, Steve had woken up exactly four times before leaving the bed. Which was rather unusual as on most of the days, he had a very regular sleeping pattern, but was a light sleeper, schooled to react to every sound, a skill he had acquired during his years as a soldier and which continued as an Avenger.
The first time he had opened his eyes was a few minutes after 4 am, so almost an hour earlier before his usual wake up time. It was a very subtle sound that woke him up and light movement following, covers pulling away from him, before held back, kept in place on purpose.
It wasn't like Tony to be a considerate sleeping partner - Tony could flop all over the place, kick the covers down or pull them to himself and wrap with the material, creating a cocoon. Other times, he tended to crash into Steve, rolling into his sleeping body with force and holding, looking for his husband's sleeping form and being a clingy octopus. Even if that usually woke Steve up, it was comforting and Steve quickly fell back to sleep, lulled by the sound of Tony's breathing and his warmth, unlike on those nights when Tony wrapped himself in the covers, and Steve had to wrestle some material from underneath him. So, even if Steve woke up, he decided to not give it away, because Tony clearly didn't want to disturb him. Tony tried to be all sneaky and quiet, slowly moving to the side of the bed, almost sliding, trying to evenly distribute his weight and not let the mattress dipping give him away. It would be a success, if not for the final part, when, probably he stepped on something on the floor, most probably the socks he had carelessly thrown to the floor the evening earlier, and spectacularly slipped and tumbled down the bed, landing on the floor with a loud thud and a bit back curse. Still, Steve didn't react, and Tony did neither, just staying still and out of Steve's line of sight. The moment continued, and Steve felt alarmed, thinking that Tony wasn't a klutz, but he had a history of unfortunate accidents while not fully rested, and Steve feared that maybe his husbands slipped so badly he somehow managed to bang his head, but before that thought could fully form, there was Tony's head popping up over the edge of the bed and very, very slowly, Tony stood up, taking his night robe and quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom.
Steve pulled his eyebrows together, thinking that it all was a bit odd because taking the night robe meant that Tony wasn't sneaking off to his workshop, he didn't go to the adjoined bathroom either and leaving the bed seemed a bit random.
"Eh," Steve shrugged it off and yawned, closing his eyes back to sleep, thinking that he didn't marry Tony for being an organized person, and his husband did have some adorable quirky qualities that made him more lovable.
The second time Steve woke up was not so long after the first time, maybe around 30 minutes later from the first one, and was much more abrupt. Steve smelled smoke. He sat up on the bed straight away, eyes darting around and trying to spot the flickering flame, his mind racing to get to Tony and get him out and alarm the other Avengers.
Steve's tensed shoulders jumped when Friday addressed him. Oh right. He was living in a highly technological building, if there would be a fire, Friday was the first to know and could activate the complicated line of sprinklers. False alarm.
"Friday, what's going on?" Steve rubbed his eyes, feeling a bit dizzy from the sudden wake up.
Friday didn't answer for a while, clearly hesitating.
"Friday," Steve said in a firmer voice, hearing that 'nothing' from Tony too many times when it clearly was 'something'. Like father, like daughter.
"You can trust me on this one. Everything is fine."
"I should still check on Tony - "
"Tony is fine. You can go back to sleep."
Steve huffed a laugh, feeling that it was pointless to argue with the AI. And Friday had an eye on every corner of the Tower, so she certainly knew what she was doing. Even more, it seemed like she was covering for Tony... And if Tony was doing something truly dangerous, Steve trusted Friday to let him know. So, considering it all, it couldn't be that serious.
"Alright," Steve agreed, lying back in bed and pulling the covers to himself. "Just watch Tony for me, okay?"
Hearing the reassurance, Steve drifted back to sleep.
The third time Steve woke up was at 5:10 am, his usual wakening up hour. He was still alone in the bed and sat up, not feeling exactly rested, the last two wake ups leaving a toll on him, but it was time to start his day -
"Yes, Friday?" Steve asked, luckily not smelling any more smoke, but having a feeling that he might not like what he would hear next.
"You should go back to sleep."
Ah. Not so bad. Just puzzling.
"Why?" Steve asked.
Another moment of silence.
"Just... Go back to sleep. He needs more time."
"Who, Tony?"
Friday didn't answer. Steve let out a long breath, trying not to think too much about it. He trusted Friday. He trusted Tony. He didn't like that Friday was so secretive and that Tony had sneaked away, but it couldn't be anything too horrible.
"Is Tony alright?" Steve asked, just needing to be sure.
"Yes, he is fine."
"Hm," Steve made a disapproving sound, feeling that Friday was withholding some information from him. But he did miss some sleep and didn't have anything urgent scheduled in the morning, so...
"Good night, Friday," Steve lay back in bed, pulling the covers to himself.
"Good night," Friday replied, sounding relieved.
The fourth and final time when Steve woke up was after 6 am, when it finally became orangish outside from the slowly rising sun. It was the most pleasant of all four times, and he woke up to a sweet smell and a warm baritone singing a song.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you - "
Steve stretched, he opened his eyes and looked around, before his eyes locked with Tony's. His husband was sitting in the middle of the bed on his knees and holding a tray and singing gently.
"Happy birthday, my Steve, happy birthday to you."
"What?" Steve smiled, lifting himself and leaning his back against the headrest. Tony, still in his night robe, was smiling with love at him, his face a bit tired, lit with the glow of the sunrise. Some claimed that no one looked good in orange, but Tony presented himself flawlessly, almost as some divine creature out of this world.
"Happy birthday!" Tony repeated in a bit louder voice, motioning to the tray. "Breakfast in bed!"
"Aw, babe," Steve cooed, looking at the contents of the tray and letting out a short, loud laugh. Freshly squeezed orange juice in a tall glass, a bright sunflower for decoration and a stack of steaming, fluffy pancakes, decorated with whipped cream and red, white and blue sprinkles, and fresh berries and a small American flag stuck on top. A truly patriotic breakfast on the 4th of July.  That explained the burnt smell from earlier and why Friday tried to keep him in bed. All to not spoil Tony's surprise.
"Thank you, honey," Steve leaned in closer, kissing Tony and strongly tasting coffee on his husband's lips. Well, Tony had to somehow keep himself awake.
"Eat up," Tony encouraged, putting the tray in Steve's lap, while he sat beside him and leaned over Steve's shoulder.
"You are not eating with me?" Steve asked, taking a fork and easily cutting through into the fluffy pancakes.
"This is all for you," Tony murmured, kissing Steve's shoulder, before putting his head back there. "And I had to eat all the burnt ones, so I am full," he said and made a displeased sound when Steve laughed, his shoulder jumping a bit and jostling Tony. "And I have a whole day planned for you! So, stock up on energy because you're gonna need it, birthday boy."
"Mhhhm," Steve smiled, savoring the sweet flavor of the pancakes and the spongy, melting in his mouth texture. Tony wasn't as bad in the kitchen as everyone assumed he was, but had some difficulties with properly measuring the time for cooking, so sometimes he burnt or left the food not fully cooked. This was perfect, just like Tony could perfectly make omelets and scrambled eggs, mastering the two simple dishes and elevating them.
After the breakfast, Steve stayed in bed longer than he had planned, solely because Tony fell to sleep on his shoulder, needing to make up for the shorter night and Steve didn't mind, maneuvering his husband into the covers and laying next to him, just soaking in the moment. Friday took the moment to wish him a happy birthday, and Steve thanked with a bright smile, proven to never doubt Friday. And when Tony woke up, they still stayed in bed, because the first thing on Tony's list of birthday activities involved a bed and two people in it and Steve, being the organized person he was, wouldn't argue with the schedule.
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Thank you again and still for all the help and support! I really truly can not imagine making it through the past couple days without it, considering I spent most of it awake and in the bathroom puking from the constant migraines that come with your head not being happy about its bones not being in the right place. Stress aggravates them, or at least my awareness of them, and because of how little work there is currently and how expensive being broke and disabled in LA is, let’s just say, there’s been stress, lol.
I’m feeling a bit better today, or at least I’m making myself pretend that and act like that since I’ve got another appointment at that clinic where I get my juicy and tasty IV bags of nutrients pumped into me since I barely even CAN eat, physically, which combined with the lack of sleep and the nausea, like, also not a great combination.
So, I mean it when I say your donations and support have absolutely been invaluable, everything from a couple dollars to an anonymous message, like, its all amazing and appreciated and invaluable. Yeah. I already said that, whoops, anyway, BUT I DIGRESS.
That’s about all of an update I have there, lol, so in other news, I should be around more today since like I said, I’m feeling a bit better and have possibly plateau-ed on this latest pain level. (My super-annoying superpower....ever since I was a kid I’ve been able to adapt to increases in pain like a pro. As in, being able to manage/function despite it. Course, I still feel it, but give me a day or two to adjust to a new norm in how much my body hates me currently, and then I can power through).
So, like I said, I should be around more today, and I’ll probably be random as hell. Like I’ve mentioned before, my blog is where I spew literally everything from inane thoughts to fandom feels, since its like.....my only social outlet these past couple years and the only way I get to interact with people who aren’t doctors. Expect no pattern in topics until I find whatever sticks and keeps me focused on it enough to serve as a distraction from, y’know, the broke body and broke bank account.
SO! Absolutely feel free to hit me up about anything and everything. ESPECIALLY if you’ve made a donation or sent me something. Like, I know some people who have sent money don’t even follow me or know me at all and are just generous spirits who saw my post somewhere, but for any of you who have sent any kind of support just cuz you like, like me and my rambles, lol, totally feel free to drop into my messages even on anon and say what kind of posts or content from me you really engage with and would love to see more of. I can’t make any promises or guarantees, unfortunately, given I didn’t expect or plan on crashing so hard these last couple days, bleh, and just....literally, like, writing more of the kind of stuff or posts people who have helped me stay alive is pretty much the only way I have of kinda giving at least something back, so I mean, I am happy to pounce on anything in that direction. 
Again, just can’t make any guarantees given how unpredictable my life is and depending on how many people send requests or prompts or messages, etc, but I don’t delete anything of that nature and I usually get back around to stuff EVENTUALLY. For instance, I’m REALLY hoping to finish up two one-shots today, one that’s focused on Duke, Dick and Cass from that prompt you sent me a couple weeks ago, @zee-gee, and the other uh.....that umm, TW/X-Men fusion you commissioned way longer ago than my pride will allow me to admit in public @camelotpark, lol. And like, those posts you see me making to @russianspacegeckosexparty about the changelings project I talk about a lot, like.....Adam basically just sends me random thoughts and prompts about it all the time, and its like a running thread that’s easy for me to pick back up and sink into whenever I see a new one in my inbox and I’ve got enough spoons at the moment to dig in.
Also have a couple other things I want to respond to today while I have the energy and a destined-to-be-longer-than-it-needs-to-be meta about Dick’s positioning in narratives with various other characters and WHY I think it so usually works out that way, and I’m aiming to keep that more like....musing-esque than rant-errific, but uh, let’s see how that actually goes, lmfao.
Anyway, that’s what I have in mind for today, aside from my going to get my IV buffet at ten and emailing and calling people from listings about rooms to rent, but tbh, I might just end up being even more random and sporadic than usual, if I can’t focus on any of those long enough to stay sufficiently distracted today. (Like, my other annoying superpower as long-time followers have heard before, is my ridiculously fast metabolism. I know, “oh no, I’m so skinny, poor me,” but like....its never been about weight gain or loss for me, its about how fast my body processes various medications, meaning pretty much every painkiller I’ve ever tried is largely useless to me, or at most wears off in a couple hours.....whereas my ADHD meds actually provide me MORE relief from the pain than any of them. Basically, they let me actually focus on something OTHER than pain and not get interrupted/distracted by the occasional pain spike that likes to remind me its there and wants my attention......so I mean, I still feel everything that comes with my head being physically out of whack, but for the hours vyvanse is working for me, coupled with some heavy duty pain meds, I can like.....just sorta....not care about it for awhile. Like, it hasn’t gone away but its more shoved to the back of my mind at least. And all of that, I’m happy to stuff in a closet whenever I can, lol).
And that’s enough rambles for this post, I think. LOLOLOL, as if I have a quota. But yeah. Just wanted to express how much your support has meant and continues to mean, and like.....I’m still here and alive and crossing fingers that I’ll hear about an actual surgery date soon, but in the meanwhile like......I’m kinda stuck in a perpetual Limbo, one that’s largely confined to whatever is in hobbling distance from my bed of the day, and as much as donations help me physically, in remaining able to at least stay that way, just, any and all interactions on here help by keeping me engaged with the world on at least some level, and make it so I have stuff to think or talk about beyond my own situation and how I’m not a super huge fan of that.
(Okay, I shouldn’t say any and ALL interactions are appreciated, since I have my fun little runs of anon hate in my inbox, but I mean, all of the above is why they’re not really a big deal to me and never have been. Its like, dude, my own body has been trying to take me out for the past three years, and you think a few insults from an anonymous stranger are gonna do the trick? LOLOL, please. Tbh, the only real negative effect anon hate has on me is that it makes me a bit more snappish and quick to assume the worst than I’d like, when people @ me in a way that I misread as aggressive or in bad faith. I’m aware that my day-to-day temperment is a lot more irritable and open to fights than I usually like to be, as self-control is kinda a big deal to me, and my situation and stress and other shit kinda keep me constantly operating at a level best described as itchy, and none of that is an excuse for any times I read an interaction wrong and go for the throat. I just mean like.....I’m a very blunt and straight-forward person, and I do appreciate when people take a similar approach to me as it really helps keep those misreads to a minimum. Any time someone wants to engage with me in some way, I promise I am SO much easier to talk to if you just....put it out there, whatever it is. Its the games people play online (and in real life) that just frustrate the hell out of me and...yeah. Again, I’m not saying any of that as an excuse or a request for a free pass any time I fuck up an interaction or cross a line, I’m just saying, if anyone’s held back on interacting with me because they think I might snap at them or mistake it for them trying to start a fight, like......just be direct with me. Honestly, thats just....always gonna be more productive when it comes to me.)
But yeah. So that’s the current state of me and all that jazz. Again, I so appreciate everything everyone’s done to support me, not just these past couple days but over the course of these past three years as well. I notice and remember all of it, and its why even though I rant and complain and am critical about so much in society and fandoms and all that.....I really truly am a believer in the idea that there’s more good in people and the world than bad, and the bad just tends to be louder is all. It was especially loud for me the last couple days, the volume got way jacked up, but the goodwill from you guys has been more than enough to drown it out and give me some reprieve.
Alright, shutting up now. All done. The end.
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bitletsanddrabbles · 5 years
Downton Court Hotel pt. 7
How to tell that I’m stuck on my longer NANO pieces and want to get on to the scene in this thing that I’ve had in my head for months!
I spam Tumblr with first drafts! MWAHAHAH!
The second half of the reception and a little wrap up with the Bateses ‘cause it’s really not fair to just show Thomas’s PoV where they’re concerned. It’s a bit....biased.
That said, this is still dedicated to everyone who would have more fun in their lives if people would spend a bit less time trying to force them to have fun.
Fandom: Downton Abbey
Characters: Phyllis Baxter, Joseph Molesley, Tom Branson, Sybbie Branson, Sybil Branson, Thomas Barrow, Anna Bates, John Bates, Gwen Dawson
Relationship: Baxter/Molesley, canon pairings
Warnings: No one at the reception has read through their entire copy of ‘Care and feeding of Thomas Barrow’. Some of them haven’t even read the first page.
"Alright, everyone! Mrs. Molesley is going to throw the bouquet now! Single women, please gather in the center of the room!"
Thomas quietly gave thanks that he wasn't a single woman and helped himself to a third slice of cake. Then he thought about it, picked up a second slice, and headed for where the Bransons were seated, only to find the women of the family notably absent. "Where's Sybbie?" he asked, setting one of the plates down on the table.
"She wanted to do the bouquet toss," her father informed him, eyeing the frosted confection at the seat next to him. "And she doesn't need a second piece of cake."
"Of course she does," Thomas informed him primly. "Without that, she might get to sleep on time tonight. Can't have that."
"Given that it's a school day tomorrow, yes, we can." Glaring at him, Mr. Branson took the cake and started eating it himself.
Thomas watched him for a second, then shrugged. "Suit yourself. But I'm telling her you ate her piece."  He turned back to his own seat and managed to get himself settled in just as Phyllis stood up, hand on her husband's shoulder, on one of the rickety folding chairs that his mother had always said you shouldn't stand on. "Shouldn't they do that from the stairs? Or a table at least?"
"The stairs aren't in a good position to see," Anna informed him, watching the proceedings as if the fate of the world were hanging in the balance. "And the tables are too tall. This will be fine as long as Mr. Molesley is there for her to steady herself on."
Still unconvinced, but deciding that it was the newlyweds' honeymoon on the line, not his, he turned most of his attention to his cake. It really was amazingly good cake. He'd have to find out where Phyllis had ordered it and get himself one for his next birthday or something, even if it did mean eating it all himself.
"Alright everyone," Phyllis called, standing as straight as she could without toppling. "One, two, three!"
The little bundle of lilies and baby's breath went sailing over her shoulder, into the small knot of waiting hands. Thomas had to admit he felt a pang of sympathy as it went straight past Sybbie's outstretched fingers, even with her mother holding her up so she'd stand a chance. Not that any of the grown women, who he had no doubt were superstitious enough to believe such things, wanted to wait for her to grow up to get married, he was sure, but her pout of disappointment was adorable. In the end it was Gwen who managed to snatch it up, just as it started its downward arc to the floor.
He winced as Anna cried happily in his ear and the room erupted in applause. Great. He was probably going to hear about that for the rest of the year, or at least every time there was some good looking guest at the hotel who smiled in the red-head's general direction. If nothing else, so many flashes went off, you'd have thought the happy couple had kissed again.
"And now the men!" Mr. Molelsey announced, helping his wife down from her precarious perch.
Thomas responded by shoving another forkful of cake in his mouth, perfectly content to stay right where he was. He had better things to do with his time than make a fool of himself grabbing for a woman's underthings, even if a garter wasn't terribly intimate. He almost jabbed himself in the cheek when Anna shoved him in the shoulder.
"Go on, then, Thomas. Your turn!"
He stared at the maid as if she'd gone mad. "Me? I'm not getting up there, don't be ridiculous. It's just a stuffy old joke anyway."
"Oh come on, you're a single man. You have to."
Gwen came gliding happily over and sat back down next to Anna, then looked at him. "Thomas, why are you still sitting? Get up there."
"I'll do nothing of the sort," he glared at them. "I'm going to sit right here and eat my cake."
"You're forgetting, ladies," Mr. Bates calmly reminded the women from Thomas's other side. He'd been able to ignore the other man while the Molesleys were seated between them, but their chairs were vacant now. "The only thing Mr. Barrow hates worse than having fun is doing things that would make other people happy."
Thomas brindled. It was starting to look almost worth joining the knot of desperate singles in the middle of the room just to get away from his coworkers. "I have no problem making other people happy, if they're people who matter. You three don't matter."
"And neither does Mrs. Molesley, apparently," Anna glared right back at him.
"She doesn't need me to make an idiot of myself to be happy."
As Phyllis put her foot up on the chair and started to pull her skirt up, to whistles and cat calls that Thomas found frankly embarrassing, Gwen stood up and called, "Wait a moment, you're missing one!"
"Oi, leave off, will you?" It hadn't been funny to start with. Now it really wasn't funny. Suddenly calls of 'come on' and 'what are you waiting for' were coming at him from perfect strangers. Forget his cake, he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him.
"Oh, that's right. Come on then, Mr. Barrow," Mr. Molesley called him, his tone cheerful and unconcerned, as if he didn't realize that Thomas was very unintentionally not coming. Then again, the unobservant idiot probably didn't. "The cake will be there when this is over."
"Come on, Thomas," Phyllis finally called in that damn, sympathetic tone of hers that said she knew he didn't like it, but she wanted him to do it anyway. It was the tone that always left him feeling guilty if he said no. "You don't have to try to catch it, I promise."
Betrayal, that's what it was. A sensation he was overly familiar with and didn't need to be feeling now. It wasn't helped when Sybbie's voice rang out "Come on, Mr. Barrow!" over the crowd. His face murderous, he stood and stalked out from behind the table, joining the other bachelors, and crossed his arms over his chest. He didn't have to try catching it? Fine. He'd just stand here and everyone could be happy with that.
A couple of the other men edged away from him.
Mr. Molesley seemed confused for a moment, whether by the fact he'd actually done as told or his obvious dislike of the proceedings was hard to tell, then said brightly. "Right then, here we go!" He slowly pulled the garter off, to more cat calls and whistles and how Phyllis could put up with it he didn't know, and turned his back to the waiting men. Thomas looked away, only to find himself looking at Bates rolling his eyes, so he dropped his eyes to the shoes of the man in front of him. "One, two, three!"
He didn't bother watching. He was dimly aware of the men around him shuffling, jostling one another, and then something hit his chest and landed firmly on the shelf created by his crossed arms.
The camera flashes had all gone off before he uncrossed his arms and jumped backward, letting the garter fall to the ground. The room erupted in applause, but not enough to drown out the laughter and whistling. Thomas froze. He could feel the Bates's smirking at him, and probably Tom Branson too. He raised his eyes from the floor and found Molesley looking at him with that dopey smile and Phyllis, lower lip caught between her teeth, looking apologetic.
Well she should, shouldn't she? He'd never have gotten up there if it weren't for her.
Fighting for air he stalked from the floor, grabbed his coat off it's hook, and headed out the door. Forget the cake, he didn't need this. He was going home. So what if they all spent the rest of the party talking about him? They'd be doing that anyway. He'd be hearing about it for a month at work, at least, both to his face and behind his back when they all thought he couldn't hear them. All he'd wanted was food, cake, and a couple of dances. Had that been too much to ask?
It wasn't until the cool night air hit him in the face that he remembered that he'd promised Phyllis a dance. Bad as things were, they'd be even worse if he skipped out on that. If nothing else, Daisy would tell Mrs. Patmore, and then he'd never live it down. It would be 'you ruined the whole thing' until something came along to distract them, and then they'd attack him with it at random whenever they thought of it.
It wasn't fair. How was he the one with the reputation for being nasty and holding things over people's heads when Bates got to walk on water, no matter what he did wrong, and everyone had an elephant's memory for his own mistakes? And this wasn't even a mistake, really, it was just him not wanting to stand up in front of God and everyone and make a fool of himself. So what if the rest were doing it?
Deciding that at the very least he could have a good, long smoke, he fishes his lighter from his pocket, lit a fag, and took as deep a breath as he could manage. As the nicotine hit his system, he sat down and rested his head in the palm of one hand.
He hated them all so much. The Bates's and Gwen and the Molesleys....right then he thought he might even hate Sybbie, even though he knew she was just following along with the adults. She didn't understand.  
The click of dress shoes behind him made him groan. He hadn't even managed three drags yet. "Lord, can I at least have a smoke without you all coming out after me? I'll be right back in, I swear."
He was rather surprised when it was Sybil's voice that answered. "Take your time," she replied, coming to sit next to him on the step. He was surprised to realize that she had his plate in her hand. "Only Tom was threatening to eat your cake. I thought you might want that."
"Thanks." He tried smiling, but it didn't go very well. "Sorry for snapping."
"It's alright, I understand." She looked out into the darkness, folding her hands in her lap. "Mrs. Molesley's worried about you."
"Of course she is," Thomas sighed. "That's what I do, isn't it? Come to parties and ruin them for the good people of the world."
"If it weren't for me, she wouldn't be upset."
Sybil laid her hand on his arm. "If it weren't for everyone else, you won't be upset, and if you weren't upset, she wouldn't be. So there, it's not your fault."
"Thank you for that."
"You're welcome," she smiled and squeezed his arm. "Are you going to be alright?"
He chuckled, although it was admittedly forced. "'Course I will. I've survived worse than this, after all. Just let me get through a couple of fags and I'll go back in. After all, I owe the bride a dance."
"Could I have one too? You've always been a good dancer."
"If you like," he shrugged. "And your husband will give you up for a song."
"I'm sure he will, as long as he gets the first," she laughed. "You know he's not one for all of this formality."
Thomas snorted smoke out his nose. "Yeah, and I'm sure no one will get the entire room chanting for him to dance every set either." Silence hung between them for a moment as he took another breath of smoke and she watched him with worried eyes. He knew she wanted him to talk, but he also knew she wouldn't press it. "Why can't I just have a good time?" he finally demanded, looking out at the moon rising over the horizon. "Why do I always have to do what someone else wants me to, so that they can have a good time? I swear, even when I was a kid and we'd go to the fair, I always had to go on the rides the little kids wanted to go on, because they weren't old enough to go alone and Mum and Dad didn't want to. And if I kicked up a fuss, I was being selfish and ruining it for them, and never mind that Margaret was older, or how bloody embarrassing it was to go on the little kids rides when I was ten and the Mickey was five."
Sybil winced. "As the youngest, I can't say I ever had that problem. I remember Mary having it though, when we were younger. She didn't mind keeping an eye on me so much, I don't think, but Edith was only a year younger than she was, so she always kicked up a fuss." She shook her head. "Tonight, though, I think it's just that it's a wedding and that everyone wants weddings to be fun, but they also want them to be just so. There are expectations and everyone else is going to go along with them, and they don't see why anyone wouldn't." She reached up and smoothed a bit of his hair back in place where the wind had managed to work it loose. "And it's supposed to be the bride's day, so they're all on her side...or they try to be. I'm sure Mrs. Molesley wouldn't have cared if you hadn't done it. She was just trying compromise."
"I'm sure she was. She's like that, wants everyone to be happy even when it's not going to happen." Thomas sighed. It was ridiculous, feeling like Phyllis had betrayed him. It was Phyllis, after all. Still, he'd really like it if for once she'd just straight up stand up for him when it really mattered, rather than trying not to ruffle feathers. The closest she ever came was telling people to leave him alone when she thought they were getting too snarky.
"At least she cares."
"True." Looking down at his cake, Thomas picked up his fork and worked a mouthful lose. It was harder on the steps than it had been at the table. "And the cake is amazing, so there's that."
Sybil laughed a little. "It is, isn't it? And I'm sure Mrs. Molesley would let you have left overs. We certainly aren't going to eat it all, even if you are trying to get Sybbie to stay up until midnight." She gave him a knowing look.
"Of course I am," he replied, all innocence. "Really, what reason is there to bring children to wedding receptions if not to get them hyped up on sugar and then send them home with their parents?"
"Oh, just you wait until you have children," she threatened. "I'll remember this."
"Science has a long way to go before that happens."
"You can adopt."
"I'm single, Sybil," he rolled his eyes. "What are the odds of a single guy getting to adopt a kid? Social services want you to be married, I'm sure."
"And any man you marry is going to want children," she countered. "And don't tell me you're going to die single. I know that's not what you want."
He poked at his cake some more. "Yeah, well, I have a stellar track record of not getting what I want, so don't hold your breath."
She smiled at him and bumped him with her shoulder. "You'll find someone, eventually. And not because you caught the garter either. You'll find someone because under all of that armor, you're a wonderful, sweet, caring person. No one's life can go wrong all of the time, even if it feels like yours is trying."
"But see? I can't even mope when I want to!" he laughed, then gave her a smile. The temperature was dropping. "You should go in, it's getting cold out here. Let me finish my cake and a smoke or two and I'll be in for that dance. Promise."
"I'll hold you to that."
"Well, that was a long day," Anna sighed, turning the key in the ignition and sliding the car into reverse. "Fun, but long. I can cheerfully wait at least a year for my next wedding."
"You'll have to bring that up with Gwen," her husband smirked from the passenger's seat. He hadn't said anything, but Anna could tell his knee was bothering him. Now he sat with the seat pushed all the way back, looking out the window as if he weren't paying any attention to her, but she knew better. If nothing else, he was watching her reflection in the glass.
"That won't be necessary. She's not seeing anyone at the moment." She felt a little bit selfish being relieved, and she supposed at assuming she'd be part of the bridal party (although given that Gwen was practically an adopted sister she'd be a bit insulted not to at least be invited), but she really was beat. "And while I know she'd like a boyfriend, preferably sooner rather than later, she's not going to rush things, though. She's not the sort."
"Then you should get a bit of time to recover." There was a pause, then John asked, "Unless you'd like one for yourself."
Anna glanced at him confused. "Unless I'd like one what? A wedding?"
"A proper one, yes."
"John," she laughed, shaking her head. "I've already told you, I'm happy with what I've had. I'm happy with you. I don't need to put out a lot of money for a fancy dress and ceremony." She took one hand off the wheel long enough to reach out and touch his. "I'd rather save the money for when we have a family. The rest of it is nice, but it isn't worth the headache."
"Fair enough. Although I'm sure there would have been less headache if you'd been the Matron of Honour."
Anna grimaced. It wasn't that she'd had her heart set on the position or was jealous in any way. She didn't begrudge Mrs. Molesley her choice in any way. She just wished there had been someone better suited than Thomas. "I can't believe him. Of all the days to be a disruptive nuisance. And nearly missing the processional? Pitching that fit about catching the garter? It's just a silly little tradition."
"But this is Thomas. He always has to be the special one, so put upon by everyone else." John shook his head. "Really, it would probably kill him to try and think of someone else for once. It's no wonder his relationships never work out. I can't imagine anyone putting up with that, man or woman."
"I wish someone would take him, though," Anna sighed. "Might do him good. Get him to loosen up a bit. At least give the rest of us a break."
"I wouldn't count on it."
"But he's better when he's in a relationship," she insisted. "Remember how it was before he kissed Jimmy at that party? Back when he thought he might have a chance? Alright, he still wasn't Prince Charming, but he was easier to deal with."
"Almost a pity he didn't get sacked over that whole thing." John shook his head. "Would have saved us all a lot of headache. Looking back on it, I still can't believe I stood up for him."
"Neither can I," Anna agreed, pointedly. "But on the other hand, the Molesleys might not even have met. After all, Thomas is the one who got Phyllis the job. Would you really trade Joseph's happiness just to be rid of Thomas?"
"No. I would trade a lot of things, but not that."
There was a decided pause and Anna glanced at her husband out of the corner of her eye. He was smiling at her. "What?"
"I wouldn't give up having my wife be the most beautiful woman at the wedding either."
"Second most beautiful!" Anna laughed. "I can't have been prettier than the bride, it's not allowed."
"Most beautiful," he insisted. "The rules give way for you."
"Stop it, you."
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televinita · 7 years
Zoo, 3.03 (super late)
Once upon a time I posted one short Feeling Explosion in the middle of this episode, then forced myself to stop and deal with a work-nado, and before I could claw my way back I heard "Welcome to the O.C., bitch," and that's the last thing I remember before waking up from my coma 6 weeks later. That's my story and I’m sticking to it. Claims that I may have woken up briefly to comment on bits of episodes 4 and 8 are unsubstantiated because officially, until last night I had not yet finished episode 3. (and that is the actual truth. I technically got to the end and a bit beyond, but only because I tore both apart for Mitch/Jamie content just like I feared I would and left the rest to spoil. Guilt may have played a part in my inability to come out of the coma.)
As I am Very Stubborn about not watching the next episode of anything until I have thoroughly spun the last one around in my head, dissected my feelings about it and processed them into text product, and I struggled with what to say, I got stuck in Zoo purgatory. But after an hour of freewriting, I think I have enough babble to feel content. This is mostly for me, but perhaps you’ll enjoy following my journey.
Originally Planned Opening Statement: Hey, remember when this show was was about weird mutant animals and not bizarre government conspiracies to abduct and experiment on children? Because I do. This is not the show I signed up for and it makes my soul feel gross.
(more evidence for the “why I had trouble moving forward” file, I think) Television Parents Council So we're three episodes in and I am really feeling like dramatic anguish is not Alyssa Diaz's strong suit in the acting department. It all feels kind of strained and forced? But hang on, I gotta go be way more outraged about her character's choices, as seen in this live reaction note: "WHAT IN THE FRICKITING FRACK DARIELA WTF. Is this* why you got divorced last time, 'cause I'm gonna have to assume it is seeing's as we literally never got any other reasoning for that random-ass info drop last year and I keep waiting for an explanation." *cheating on her husband
(and oh man, for the first time I am so glad it's these two who got the kid and not Mitch and Jamie, because can you imagine if I had to hear Jamie had cheated on Mitch with Logan and wrecked their relationship that bad? I would perform brain surgery on everyone with a power drill.) (nobody talk at me about the almost as distasteful thing that happened with them)
To be fair to Dariela, she and Abe mostly bonded over having a kid right after they met; I can't really say it feels like she betrayed an epic soulmate bond. I can muster up some sympathy for her feeling lonely and abandoned.)
Except that's not even her last horrible reveal of the episode*. What are you trying to do, run this character I miraculously chose to accept into the ground??
*possibly selling out Clementine to rescue her own kid from a sketchy situation. I will make a lot of allowances for putting yourself and your family's comfort and safety over the needs of strangers, but this does not fall under that header.
But, um, other than that, Papa Lion Abe is intense and amazing and I thought the whole desperate chase-after-the-military-convoy aspect was really well done.
Television Parents Council Pt. II Live Reaction Note: "Mitch is a testy bitch in this episode and I love him." (I remember this being debated, but part of the reason I love his Testy Bitch self is what you see at the end of the episode. If he doesn't wrap himself in defensive anger, cling to it like a buoy, the pain of confronting everything he lost and missed will win.) I really love Mitch's two seconds of happiness when he thinks Jamie raised Clem in her fancy penthouse and they ended up thick as thieves. I am less fond of the reality that Max took her away when she turned 14, so the only solace I can take away, before I spiral into that "who TF invited Logan to this party" post we started with is "SWEET HALLELUJAH AT LEAST JAMIE GOT OVER THREE YEARS TO BOND WITH HER." Also, Jamie is so the adult who gives the kids beer to supervise them. I still think it's hilarious that Mitch assumed any adult gave her a beer at 14, because don't most teenagers just have friends who come up with it? I mean, I couldn't even find alcohol on my college campus so I am not the authority on this by any means, but that is the impression I get from books. My point being, I like to think that even in the happy world where 2x12 is the series finale and they had a life together after, this would still have happened and he and Jamie would have had more than one clash regarding her blurring the line between parental authority and friend, and it would have sounded exactly like this, so...thanks Zoo, for accidentally fulfilling my Domestic AU interests in the weirdest possible way! Awww @ Mitch's impatient little "hey" when Clem casts doubt on Jamie's ability to perform brain surgery with a power drill, and then uses that particular tone of voice to tell her it's going to be fine. Awww @ Clem sticking up for Jamie's parenting skills. You know what, just assume that I loved any and everything else that happened when these three were on screen. And I maintain that Jamie, while willing to stop him if he gets too far out of line, also remembers very well what it's like to wake up with missing time where everything's changed and gone wrong, and that means he gets the time and space he needs, within reason, to lash out and come to terms with it while she waits for the worst of the storm to pass. She does point out when Clem's upset, and she checks him with "she turned out okay," but never once do I get the sense that she takes any criticism he lobs at her personally.
(I might have said this before. I tagged wrong and can’t find it.)
JKras and Emily Blunt's Alt Reality Doppelgangers (shhh just go with it)
Guess what I started shipping exactly two seconds before we went with the "slapping men across the face isn't domestic violence" trope on top of the "this one piece of information that is not about how you assaulted or killed someone in cold blood invalidates absolutely everything I love about you" trope. It's a two-fer of ship torpedoing. (How do you say no to that face! Look how tragic and sad it is on top of its normal rugged handsomeness and love for helping people! Also, guess who is probably gonna quit shippin' it and throw the lady right back out the door if/when she returns and eliminates Jackson's need to talk to the people I care about. That's just how I unfairly do. The Chloe-shaped hole in my heart won't heal, it's weird.) --------------- I LOVE YOU, MAN
And then this episode ends with Jackson's face lighting up at the sight of Alive!Mitch and glomping on him in a bear hug, and everything is right with the world now that my two faves are together again. ---------------
Yet More Thoughts
-Live reaction note: “I am glad to see that Mitch has shaved the beard and subsequently restored his powers of snark to full glory. They must have been suffocating under that thing.” -I loved Clem's montage of practicing how to tell her dad she's pregnant. These are useful sound bites for alternate takes.
-”Everything went wrong. The world went wrong.” This is somehow the most poetic thing I have ever heard on Zoo? Between the writing and her specific cadence, it sounds like something you'd hear in an award-winning speech, dressed up in voiceovers for trailers; IDK, I just really love it.
-Who even are you Abigail; your name and your hair make me want to get to know you but everything else (including my fandom girl-bros reacting to you with all the love they had for Logan last year and essentially forming a rousing chorus of "Don't need another You Part 2"), very much makes me want to not. -LOOK AT THESE GIANT UGLY WORM TUNNELING DINO-VULTURES, I LOVE THEM. -Mitch's JAMIE WHAT THE FUCK reaction to her stabbing her prisoner through the hand was pretty amazing. -In case you were wondering how appropriate for polite company my reaction to Jackson hotly threatening "I am gonna find you, and I am gonna stop you" is, the answer is "not very." -Quick question: how did Mitch's sacrifice save the world, exactly? I'm fuzzy on this. I wasn't tracking plot very well after Mitch "died" last year, but I thought it was a very personal sacrifice meant to save Clem alone.
-Well. That ending sounds like a fun little sophie's choice of "death vs. memory loss." Looking forward to seeing what episode 12 or 13 does with that. (If you kill him again, all the protection of "reality" in the world won't save you from the worm dino vulture pack I will summon to come after you.)
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isadorator · 7 years
A Fic Year in Review - 2016
It's that time again~ And I wrote so much this year, holy shit. As usual, any concrit and comments are welcome~~ (as are requests, when open lol)
what are THOOOOSE a superhero's holiday
Oh jeez. Both these fics got way more attention than I thought they would. But I keep underestimating the ML fandom tbh. The first was basically me goofing around and I somehow ended up promising to write a sequel since everyone wanted one (which I...still need to do.....). The second was a flag for both my descent into ladrien hell and also a return to my nsfw ways orz;;;;
you are gold and silver (1/2)
IT TOOK. SO. L O N G. TO WRITE THIS. Although this fic is firmly in AU territory now thanks to being beautifully jossed by canon, it helped me realize just how much I needed to grow in order to write romantic intimacy in a believable way. So, I made it my goal to work on it until it was up to my own standards.
(I...still need to finish this fic too......)
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (1/2):
fan merchandise
artistic muse
stuck in a small place
never have i ever
i want to touch them
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (2/2):
damsel in distress
beauty facial masks
visible marks
ice cream sandwiches
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (1/9):
the 4 times adrien pretended to shower to hide from ladybug (and the 1 time he was actually showering when she calls out his bullshit)
tried to kiss your lips but i missed
staring into each other’s eyes
Ah, the plan being put into action! With the release of actual ladrien eps, I had the perfect excuse to write romantic scenario after romantic scenario using submitted prompts. Which also meant I accidentally created a secret love affair AU and wrote more smut whoops. Still, they were super fun! I took a break halfway through to write some Inuyasha-inspired marichat that just would not leave me alone (also fun).
(....I promised to write a continuation of the 'never have i ever' prompt, didn't I alrjkdsflaks. AND TANGLED AU SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (2/9):
they go on a date together
soulmate au
“i love you. i’m completely and utterly in love with you. please don’t get married.”
the one time ladybug actually catches adrien in the shower
ACTUALLY in the shower
“of all the people i could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with and it just had to be you.”
More ladrien prompts/romance practice~ The music prompt is still one the most cracktastic things I've ever written lol. Managed to make two more AUs with this batch that I've already started to expand on: the soulmate AU and the auteur AU. Lastly, in a surprise twist, the fucking elevator prompt managed to gather over 1k in notes. Probably because I ripped off Sailor Moon but. Still.
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (3/9):
another shower scene
away from home
“you have mom’s smile.” he said this to ladybug once, but he thinks it again and again and again. but ladybug is better: she is real.
calling bullshit
untitled continuation of a comic by pozolegirl
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (4/9):
under the covers
mega nachos
“i heard that the spots on your bodysuit corresponds to chakra points? so… what happens if i touch this?”
cute nose/forehead kisses
their first time
“i need you to pretend we’re dating…”
“is there anything you’re not good at?”
More Volpina prompts! Again, I like experimenting with them :D Also wrote a continuation of that Christmas comic because it was just way too cute~~
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (1/6):
love poem
i can show you the world
first love
everyone can see it
shower scene
it’s a trap
sins cannot be undone
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (2/6):
jealous fangirls/boys
“you have her smile”
gabriel | hawkmoth’s reaction
it’s not you, it’s my enemies
secret dating
window kisses
Oooooh boy. The triple whammy of Ladrien June, Ramadan, and starting my summer job. I was excited to have a month dedicated to just ladrien (as if I hadn't already dedicated most of my year to it lol) but fell behind pretty quickly thanks to my lack of free time. I aim to finish them this year!
And Ramadan. Man. It always sends my mental health straight into the toilet. Not because of the holiday itself, but because of the way my family treats it. Idk. I tried to flush away the bad feelings by punching out 'sins cannot be undone' in one night. And it helped, I suppose. It's definitely the rawest thing I wrote this year and I still have very strong feelings about it.
three sentence prompts:
ladynoir, spy au
nino and marinette, karaoke au
ladrien, bodyguard au
ladrien, superman/lois lane au
adrien and tikki, baking au
alix and kim, and the one-time-max-actually-won au
alya and marinette, vigilante au
adrienette, foreign countries
ladynoir, and the elevator game/ritual
Between work and writing various wips that I still haven't posted yet (*coughcoughconjugalvisitcough*), I only posted stuff from this meme. I had fun (the goal) and the adrien&tikki kwamiswap AU one is still my fave |D *slams fists on table* LET ADRIEN BE A BAKER!!!!
untitled continuation of a comic by geek-fashionista insomaniac and the chaton pile
UMMMM My summer job ended by this point, so my only excuse for not posting much is it's all tied up in unpublished wips and...I was freaking out about starting school next month for the first time in y e a r s;;; Just some drabbles for the sidekick AU (not mine) and my own, sleep-deprived ideas (that I...still find hilarious alkdjfhalksd I DID NOT EXPECT ANYONE ELSE TO???)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (5/9):
embarrassing hobbies (aka: adrien is secretly a popular ladynoir fanfic writer)
mlnsfweek prompts (1/3):
make 'em blush
we've got time
"i can’t believe we survived" sex
wet dreams
STILL REALLY STRESSED ABOUT SCHOOL, which translated into a lot of writing. Did a couple of Volpina prompts, including time ≠ water. Which. Got way more attention than I expected;;;; And that I...also promised to expand on......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
And then #mlnsfweek hit and I'm actually really proud of myself for finishing the whole week, even if it was late~ /o/ Did some random scenarios, including some futurefic for the timebreaker AU. I still cackle every time I think of the wet dreams prompt tbh XDDD
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (6/9):
inside a video game
horror movies
“who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?!”
aching muscles from running all over the city, and then: "would a massage help?"
discovering their sensitive spots
“so close” from enchanted
As usual, more Volpina prompts in between school and wips. Not really much to say except it was around now (or maybe September? My memory is horrible) that I realized I had developed a pretty good grasp on romance and could start working on upping my daily wordcount. I really want the mental stamina to complete a chapter fic one day...
mlnsfweek prompts (2/3):
School REALLY started to pick up in difficulty and I signed up for a fic exchange and a fanzine. Despite really wanting to, I didn't have time or energy to do more than one prompt for the #mlnsfweek redux, but I plan to complete it~ I have Ideas.
oh, the things i do for you (the bubbler remix)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (7/9):
bruises and scars
cold hands, warm hearts
I'm never, ever committing to more than one fic deadline near exam time ever again. I nearly died last month as I rushed to complete these fics, my studying, and prep for my vacation that started right after exams (I'm still recovering;;;). The remix is currently the longest fic I've written to date, including my wips! Holy shit!!!
Both were done very last minute, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I tried to finish the last of the Volpina prompts before the end of the year, but alas, time was not on my side. Better luck next year~ :'D
Total Year’s Output: ....58,718 words;;;
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
.......This is almost twice as much as I did last year. I actually passed the NaNoWriMo standard. Oh my god. There is no fucking way I would have predicted this last year. And that's not counting all the wips aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH—
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2016?
Uhhhh, Bustier/Mendeleiev, definitely. Also DjWifi?? I just wasn't into it at all last year, but now I'm rooting for them. Also, I did not expect to write this much smut, but here we are. ALSO MARIE/ADRIEN/MARINETTE AKA THE OT3 AKA LOVE SQUARED (the homestuck in me will never die)
What’s your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest.
Happy...? Hmmmm....There's stuff that makes me laugh, that I'm proud of...
...I know it's not published yet or even done, but...probably conjugal visit. Not only is it chock full of my favourite type of ladrien, it's...sort of my thesis on emotional intimacy? It's proof of my progress. I look at it and I can feel my determination to grow and to move on from the mental rut I was stuck in for most of my life, that I won't let my past keep my from recognizing my own emotions and learning empathy, not forever.
(Maybe that's pride and contentment and hope more than happiness, but I'll damn well take it)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I ALWAYS SAY THIS but...I really want to finish my wips.....and I want to start an actual chaptered fic. Not a one-shot collection or a drabble collection. Long, plotty, gen or romance (or both!!), chapter fic. I want to write something that will keep people up all night, lying to themselves when they say 'just one more chapter'. I think I actually have a shot at completing one now, at my current skill and confidence level |D
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
About me
So, you wish to know about the face behind the muse, do you? Well, I’m not as edgy or ferocious, but I do all right! 
Thank you for the tag @noire-pandora! <3
1: Why did you choose your url?
The url that you see now was actually not my first url. I’m first one was lotus-dreamcatcher something something. (I forget what the numbers were lol). It was just a random thought since one: I love, love, looooove dreamcatchers, and two: I think lotus flowers are such pretty flowers! So, I combined best of both worlds and slapped two or three numbers on the end! XD
The reason I switched it was because I wanted to have a more personal connection with my blog. When I started writing my fic, I was like, ‘Let’s just go the whole nine yards! No one else has it!’ and voila! Will I change it if my hyperfixation vanishes? No. I’m stuck in hell, remember? *smiles*
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have no side blogs because I would be terrible trying to micromanage them. My obsessions tend to ebb and flow, and this blog is the first time I’ve latched onto something for so long. I’ve had fixations with Dragon Age before (I’ve had the game for years, of course), but it always fizzled out and I latched onto something else (Fire Emblem, Skyrim, etc.). So, whatever fandom takes me by the horns, ya’ll have to witness it here! *cackles*
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
Hmm..I think for about...2 years? I made this blog a while back, posted a fic I had written for the first time, and then disappeared. I didn’t come back until just under a year ago when I wrote my first version of Emerald Eyes Amidst Golden Vows. But truthfully, I’m not sure. I know I haven’t been here long, though! XD
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Nope! I just scan the tags I like, home page, and those I follow’s dashboard and reblog/like what I find interesting, funny, or what pertains to what I’m currently fixated on. I might go ham and post a lot, or I just slap one or two things on while I’m on break at work. It’s casual for me. :D
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was curious, to put it simply. I’ve always been into art/writing, and all the art I used to see elsewhere always looped back to here. I actually spent a lot of my time, once upon a time, on DeviantArt (The days when I had a tablet and had the time to draw~). Once I got into writing, however, I decided this might be a better place to share that. Not to mention, I saw the community for Dragon Age and I was like, ‘I want to be a part of this! I don’t have many people I can talk about Dragon Age with or simp mutually about characters! And they all seem so nice! Let’s try!’ And here I am. It’s paid off. All the waiting, slight dejectedness, and quiet posts have PAID OFF. 
So, if you’re a starting blog and you feel kind of put off, just keep at it. It’ll gain traction. Trust me. :3
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Why not? It’s my BOY in his original, first play through form! (the play through I accidentally deleted, but you know *is still made about that*) 
I chose it mainly because it was my best screenshot of Fane, and I was like, “I am true Dragon Age blog now. :3″, but really, it’s just because it was pretty. I’m a simplistic creature with simplistic tastes. 
7: Why did you choose your header?
Again, it’s my BOY, and well, it was also pretty with the colors and his eyes and everything. I love my dragon son. What else can I say? *shrugs*
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
The post that issued by entrance in Solavellan Hell. 
It continuously spiraled for WEEKS until it finally went dormant, and I was like, ‘Well, damn. That was a wild ride.’ We all fall prey to the wolf at some point. Even I, who was so sure I adored Cullen. ‘Twas not to be. I like elves. Sorry, Commander. XD
9: How many mutuals do you have?
26! Which is about a quarter of who follows me, actually. Huh!
10: How many followers do you have?
You know, I just checked it the other day and my eyes went wide because I broke a 100 and I was like, ‘Am I really that relatable or likable!? Awwww! *cries*’ I’m currently at 107, but in all honesty, I don’t pay attention to the numbers. Some may be inactive, too, but it’s nice to see people enjoy and relate!
11: How many people do you follow?
85! I don’t like to clog up my dash too much because it’s easy to miss things I’m actually looking forward to seeing (art, fic updates, etc.) I could filter, obviously, but I is lazy. However, if I see a blog I really think is cool and enjoyable and is right up my alley, then of course I’ll follow! :3 I also try to follow back if someone follows me, but I forget to sometimes. I’m a bit scatterbrained if you haven’t noticed from my writing. XD
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
I think I made like...two? They got a good bit of notes, but mainly because they were relatable more than funny, I think. If you want to know one thing about me it’s that if I adore a specific character, I either RAG on them until the cows come home, or I cry about them hysterically. With Solas, I am both, so I throw swings at him while in the next minute running over and saying I’m sorry. And I vocalize that with random memes. XD
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
I get on in the morning after I wake up a bit to check around, stay on until I have to go to work at like 2, and I’ll pop on a few times throughout the day during my breaks or lunch, and once more before I call it quits for the day. I have a bad habit of keeping a tab up while I write and hopping back and forth. No wonder my writing flow gets lost in transit. XD 
I also tend to fall asleep with my computer on, soooo yeah. X’D
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Nope. I’m twenty-five. I left the drama bullshit back in high school when I graduated. I’m here to enjoy things that mean something to me, interact with people who share those interests, and just witness how creative everyone is and learn from them. Will I debate with someone civilly? Of course, I love debating concepts and interpretations of characters as much as I love analyzing those ideas. However, the moment those debates turn into ‘I’m right. You’re wrong.’ arguments, I walk away and ignore. I’ve been a part of internet discourse before when I ran a RP chat, I don’t need that again. Feel free to chat with me, but the minute it becomes a belligerent free for all, either expect a quick block or utter silence. 
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I try to reblog things from content creators because that’s how they get the exposure they need, and I wholeheartedly support those people because I want people to be able to pursue and live a life where they can do what they enjoy and make ends meet rather than be stuck at a 9-5 job where they’re talents are wasted and miserable because of berating circumstances. 
However, if someone explicitly says, ‘you need to reblog this because of some obscure reason’, I won’t do that. Be humble. That’s all. I understand the need for validation, painfully so, but there’s a line that needs to be drawn on some posts like that.
16: Do you like tag games?
You bet your ass I do! I love how interesting they are and that people are eager to involve me in them! Like this one! :D
17: Do you like ask games?
*looks at all the asks I’ve done for Fane* I adore them. Let me talk about my son until the end of time, even if I repeat things because he’s still GROWING.
18.Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not romantically, but do I think everyone is worthy of love and hugs and yelling, complimenting words that make your insides all fuzzy and warm? YES. LET ME YELL AT YOU AND HUG YOU. <3
Tagging (if you want to of course!): @little-lightning-lavellan @oxygenforthewicked @aymayzing @dreadfutures @whataboutbugs and anyone else who’d like to! 
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