#the background painting process here was. certainly a process
sesamenom · 15 days
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PD dressed as Rock Opera C&C PD dressed as nailsinmywall C&C
Based on this post by @curufiin and this post by @braywashed
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art · 25 days
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Creator Spotlight: @themetalhiro
Hi, I’m Metal! I’m a freelance artist from good ol’ New Jersey. My favorite things to work with are a lot of bright colors, exaggerated poses, and candid scenarios. I try to farm sensible chuckles whenever I can, so I’m also big into comics. I love making them about my life, and the media I’m into, and one day I’d like to publish my own series!  Thank you to everyone who has gotten me this far!!
Check out Metal's interview below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I guess so! It’s funny, I don’t remember a single time in my life that I wasn’t drawing as a hobby… somewhere in middle school (a little late, I know.) I put the pieces together that animated movies were made by artists, and that it wasn’t just for fun, they were paid to do it. The moment I discovered people could be paid to make art, I decided I would do that, too. Now I’m here!
How has your style developed over the years?
I think the best way to answer this would be with an example! Over the last few years, I have made more of an effort to draw more intentionally, which sounds silly. Now, I put more thought into my poses and step out of my comfort zone with shape language and composition. I had a phase where I drew everyone with a huge, perfectly circular head and no nose. That definitely did not lend much variety...
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Which 3 famous artists (dead or alive) would you invite to your dinner party?
Ack! I’m so terrible at history! I’d love to give a well-thought-out answer about fine artists of old, but I don't think we’d have much in common… Most artists I admire and who have driven me forward creatively are the people behind comics I’ve read. Andrew Hussie, Bryan Lee O’Malley, Eiichiro Oda... these guys have inspired me greatly and had a heavy influence in developing my art style and sense of humor. I’d love to ask them questions about their processes and upcoming projects. I think it would make for an entertaining night!
Over the years as an artist, what were your biggest inspirations behind your creativity?
Outside of pure aesthetics like searing bright colors, layered clothing, and loud noises…. the best and most inspiring moments in my life were those surrounded by friends and loved ones! I cherish the hell out of memories of hanging around in fun locations, trying weird food together, and impromptu midnight walks... so I try my best to capture that atmosphere and my own memories in my work when I can, even if I’m imposing fictional characters on top of them. That’s always the core of it.
What is a medium that you have always been intrigued by but would never use yourself?
I would never permanently refuse a medium, but every time I pick up clay, I’m like a baby using its hands for the first time. Absolutely dreadful. If one day I could make and paint a figurine like the ones I admire in videos, that would be awesome... But for now, I’m not counting on it.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I’ve had an absolute blast drawing fanart over the years, and it’s certainly played a massive role in my growth as an artist. But my dream has always been to publish my own stories for y'all to enjoy! I have lots of worlds I want to introduce to you before I’m old and gray. I want to get faster, work harder, and get better at drawing interesting settings so I can get the wheels turning as soon as possible. I also want to stop avoiding the color blue like a coward.
What do you wish you knew when you first started out creating art that you know now?
Pay your taxes quarterly. Tablets will break at the exact moment you need them most, so have a spare. Wear your blue light glasses. You’re going to need to wear a brace on every joint on the right side of your body. It can be lonely sitting at your desk all day. The car on the side of the road that costs $1000 cash….. don’t trust it!!!
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Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
@cranity—They use absolutely beautiful colors and weighty line work. Everything looks so sharp and clean! I wanna put it all up on my wall!
@vewn—Their ability to crank out quality short films and illustrations packed with detail is incredible. The off-kilter perspective they use really sells disorientation and catches your attention like nothing else.
@nelnal—They have absolutely banger character designs again and again, I can’t believe one person’s mind can come up with so many creative ideas!
@jinx88kc—They have a beautiful and recognizable style, and the way they incorporate animation into their illustrations sometimes is SO cool!
Thanks for stopping by, Metal! For more of Metal’s work, follow their Tumblr, @themetalhiro!
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genericpuff · 8 months
On this week's episode of "Webtoon Controversies That Could Have Been Avoided If Only They Had Some Damn Quality Control"-
Oh boy, prepare yourselves, there's some TEA on this one.
Quantum Entanglement, a new Webtoon Originals series from creator Arts Angel (aka Sarah Ellerton) is uh... a teeny weeny painfully obvious that it was made with AI.
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AI is getting better, but when it comes to comics, there are still a lot of "tells" you can pick up on once you know where to look. Hands are certainly one of them.
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Not knowing how to draw hands efficiently and consistently is definitely an Artist Problem(tm) but it becomes a lot more obvious it was made by AI when you get weird little off-putting mistakes like a fingernail being just a little too long or missing joints (hot dog fingers, eyo) or the distinction between fingers not being clear.
But there's also hair and other detailed parts that are often lost in the translation process between prompt to final piece. Jewelry, text on a screen, phones, that sort of thing. The insinuation of a 'thing' is there, but it's like looking at it through a fishbowl.
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And ultimately, a lot of AI art tends to just be a little too 'perfect'. Everything is just a little too smooth for it to look like it was naturally made by a person. Faces end up veering into the uncanny valley territory and there are inconsistencies between the eyes and the rest of the body. Backgrounds become lost in what I like to call "AI goop", becoming nothing more than weird blurred/filtered out insinuations of what's supposed to be behind the character.
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Basically, at this point, it's undeniably clear that AI is being used to create this comic. While there are also plenty of signs in the handiwork that show a human was involved in some parts, there are other places that are undeniably filled in with the use of AI. So it's not necessarily a 100% made-by-AI comic, but it's absolutely AI assisted.
But what's REALLY absurd about this whole situation? The creator denies it. To the point of including a disclaimer in the first episode trying to "get ahead" of people who are assuming it's AI by saying, "No, it's not made with AI, here's the proof! Don't look at the blood on my hands or the body in the trunk of my car!"
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Now, first off, the absolute absurdity of making yourself look guiltier by trying to prove your innocence before people have even started to suspect you... I'd like to think that this was edited into the first episode after the initial accusations started rolling in but considering it's an Originals series, it's hard to know if it was, as creators typically don't get as much control over just editing their episodes on the fly like Canvas creators do. Typically it's their editors who do that sort of thing for them. And even if it was edited in afterwards, it's still there for people who have no idea going into the comic blind and might not automatically assume it was made with AI, so it just looks like you're bringing up the potential of AI being used completely unprovoked. By planting the idea in your audience's brain that AI is even a question, you're making them suspect everything.
It's kind of like when Dream was suspected of cheating in a way-too-lucky-to-be-real speedrun of Minecraft a couple years back, so he went to all these painstaking efforts of hiring a quantum physicist to "prove" his innocence with a straight up THESIS documenting all of the reasons he couldn't have cheated through math and figures and jargon. Ironically, this just made Dream look guiltier, and sure enough, he eventually admitted he had cheated.
That said, did you notice something in that "art process" pic?
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That finished panel isn't even what showed up in the final comic.
So the absurdity of this all, again, just makes Arts Angel look a lot more guilty of actually using AI, especially when it's basically undeniable in so many of those panels above. People don't paint like that.
But that brings us to talking about Sarah Ellerton, aka "Arts Angel", the creator. Many long-time readers of her work are defending this, claiming that she has, in fact, "always drawn like this".
What's insane? She actually is who she says she is. This isn't like some kid who came out of the woodwork with AI and claiming that they had 20 years of experience, Sarah Ellerton's main site, The Seraph-Inn, has been live and crawled by Wayback Machine as far back as 2005.
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And you can see the art evolution over the years, starting with Inverloch-
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-into Phoenix-
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-and all the way to Immaterial-
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But here's the thing about that last comic. The main protagonist is, apparently, the same girl from Quantum Entanglement, the newest installment in this series where it becomes abundantly clear the creator has started using AI.
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You can see the effects of this being parsed through AI, because she's gone from being a unique character with two-toned hair and darker skin, to being turned into a generic Instagram anime girl. And lemme tell you, AI used in comics has NOT gotten better at depicting darker-skinned characters (I actually tested an AI-coloring tool WT was planning on putting out a year or two ago, it was uh... not great.)
But the most damning thing about Sarah?
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She works in IT.
That on its own wouldn't be so telling if it weren't for the 20 years she clearly spent actually honing her craft, only to suddenly switch to using AI as a crutch.
Quantum Entanglement was picked up for Originals in July 2023. It launched two days ago, with four free to read episodes and 6 more under the FastPass paywall. Three months after it got picked up. That turnaround speed is insane for an Originals series. Now, I'm more inclined to believe that maybe she's using the exact same pages she used in the Canvas version (there's unfortunately no way of checking through Wayback, it never crawled the Canvas version, so unless someone has backups of the Canvas pages they're willing to share, we'll never know) but that short turnaround time is insane for a comic that's this insanely detailed. It likely means they didn't need much pre-production time to get a strong buffer going, and that it doesn't take them as long to produce these episodes on a weekly basis so they could be under way less crunch than creators who do this by hand.
By comparison, the winners of the Call to Action contest from last year are STILL working on their pre-production. Many other greenlit Canvas series are known for getting picked up and stuck in pre-production for several months and even a year or more simply due to how the company operates with when it chooses to launch these series and how much pre-production is necessary. Some creators have literally said that their pre-production was done, but WT still kept them waiting to launch. So three months for a freshly greenlit Canvas series to launch is NOT the norm.
All that said, I feel for the people who are trying to defend her. But it's so undeniably AI with the creator herself providing fake proof that it makes it really sad to think that this person was honing their craft for 20 years just to wind up utilizing AI. Being a good artist does not make you immune to the temptation of using cheap methods or developing bad habits. Going through "the struggle" does not make you immune to taking shortcuts that wind up cheapening your work or taking advantage of the work of others.
Now, maybe Sarah trained AI around her art. If this didn't play out the way it did, I'd be willing to give her benefit of the doubt and assume that. Training AI off your own work, while still up for debate as to how ethical that is, at least doesn't hurt other artists, because it's your own work the AI is "stealing". There are definitely ways AI could be used to make life easier for artists without replacing the art process entirely, the same way artists have learned to use 3D assets and digital art filters to make their process more efficient and boost the quality of their art up to the next level.
But the fact that she's being so cagey over it, claiming she's not using AI period when she very clearly is, providing "proof" that actually proves she definitely used AI, while operating under a penname that's strangely similar to a name Grimes - former tech wife of Elon Musk and staunch supporter of AI - used for one of her studio albums-
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- that's what makes it a lot more clear she's using it maliciously.
The AI is very likely trained off another artist's work. Maybe someone whose art style is similar enough to hers that she could integrate it into her own and pass it off as legitimate. Someone whose art style is cartoonish but still modern, like if Disney made anime. Someone who's so prolific and consistent in their stylization that training an AI off it would seem like a no brainer to those who want to replicate that style quickly and easily.
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Damn. What a disappointment. Do better, Sarah.
And for god's sakes, Webtoons, pay more fucking attention. I've been steadily picking away at moving the entirety of my comics over to other platforms on a weekly schedule, but at this point I kinda just wanna dump the last 30 or so chapters onto ComicFury all at once so I can ditch this platform for good, especially if it turns out AI comics getting greenlit is a feature, not a bug. The ratings for Quantum Entanglement have dropped significantly overnight, now sitting around 5.09 and still dropping, but is Webtoons going to do anything about it? That remains to be seen.
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calmcoldevening · 1 year
Reader persuade slashers to go to sleep
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Michael Myers
• This person is devilishly stingy with actions and emotions when it comes to his human needs. Have you seen this car? He can easily wander for several days without food and water, until his stomach starts eating itself from the inside or something. Michael will hunt without sleep until he simply passes out due to lack of sleep.
• But here you are in his life! That's... Good.
• At first, this would not have been particularly reflected in his lifestyle, but now he would have somewhere to return to.
• When he really got used to you, his human side came out. Damn, did he really fall asleep on your couch?
• Living with you, he will basically stop ignoring his needs, it just won't work.
• Are you asking him to go to bed? But... Okay, good. But on the condition that you sleep next to him. Michael may not admit his weakness in front of you, but he values you. It will be much easier for a man to fall asleep knowing that you are near and safe.
• Sleeps in a corpse pose or on his side, throwing his arm around your waist and squeezing your soft flesh with his iron grip to guarantee your position next to him.
• This is probably the first time when, instead of terrible nightmares, he will see a melancholic dream about a quiet life with you.
Vincent Sinclair
• Vince spends all his time in his basement behind paintings or sculptures. Honey, you really need to show him what a daily routine and a normal full-fledged sleep are.
• Of course, he is not Michael and will not bring himself to unconsciousness, but he can also neglect sleep for the sake of the "mom's museum".
• Go up to him and gently hug his shoulders. His tense flesh will instinctively cling to your cool skin, given the heat from boiling cauldrons in the basement.
• "Will Vinnie go to bed? I miss you."
• God, your needy voice and the tenderness and awe with which you pronounce his name, this is all that Vincent needs to feel all the accumulated fatigue and stress over the past hours.
• He may hesitate slightly, but the man will immediately get up, pick up your hands in a wedding style and lead you towards the exit from the basement. It will be a long walk through the museum, the night air is useful before going to bed, right?
• Vincent will sleep snuggled up to your chest like a lost kitten. The man will enjoy purring while you caress his long hair. Your presence is all that is needed for a sound and long sleep.
John Kramer
• John is too devoted to his desire to teach people to value their lives. And yet he often forgets about his own, completely giving himself up to the process of creating new traps.
• In addition, his health leaves much to be desired. Against the background of such a downed regime and short sleep, cancer is progressing significantly, you can see it by its even more painful condition. Red eyes, pale skin and more frequent coughing attacks.
• You find John in the workshop. He was completely alone. Apparently, today he decided to give the guys a day off, which can not be said about himself. If Amanda had been here, she would certainly have quarreled with John. The man was hunched over the table and collecting some details. You didn't betray much importance to this and just came closer. Now your hands gently massaged his tense shoulders, and after a moment a sigh of relief escapes from John's chest. He was really tired.
• "John, it's late."
• "Go to bed. I'll join you soon."
• His words are cut short by another bout of severe coughing. Your face visibly darkens, and you lightly put your arm around the man's back.
• "I can't without you."
• John thinks for just a moment before returning to his work. Did your words sound so unconvincing?
• "Lawrence told you to take better care of yourself, John. You will only get worse if you continue in the same spirit."
• Your voice goes almost to a whisper. Finally, John sighs in defeat, pushing his chair away from the table and grabbing your hand with his palm, stroking the skin with his thumb.
• "It's only for an hour."
• You're visibly cheering up, your face is shining. Helping John to get up from his chair, you gently grab him and lead him towards the bedroom. God, your smile is the only thing that makes him really happy.
Brahms Heelshire
• This is a big baby.
• It's really hard to persuade him to go to bed.
• First, you will make a few laps around the house during the catch-up, after which Brahms will hide in some closet and sit there with his hand over his mouth until you give up and ask him to come out.
• Maybe then he will listen.
• You'd better start from afar. For example, with a warm relaxing bath. Brahms will melt under your touch while you lovingly wash his curly hair. He's literally like plasticine.
• Then you can offer him warm milk or herbal tea to calm his raging energy.
• Read him a book. God, Brahms loves your sweet angelic voice so much. This is already one of the ways to make him fall asleep.
• And, of course, your hugs. Lie down next to him, hugging him to yourself. A man will purr contentedly, rubbing against your chest. You're so sweet, warm and pleasant. He'll fall asleep right away.
• Don't forget about the night kiss.
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works-of-heart · 10 days
hiiiiii ❤️ I love your art but i wanted to ask if you use AI or not? It’s getting harder to find who the real artists are and who keeps faking it I’d love to see how you start your drawing process and wips!
Hello Anon and thank you for the ask!
I understand the concern of not knowing whether any piece uses AI, but I assure you, none of my art work uses any form of AI. I use Clip Studio Paint to do all of my artwork and everything is sketched, inked, and colored by hand. I have shared many of my WIPs with a few friends of mine, but I'll share them with everyone now, as to put any suspicions to rest! =D
These are wip and sketches, so please don't mind the messy process I have lol! At some point I was thinking of streaming my process, so people can watch me work, if they are at all interested. I'm still working on setting it all up.
Below are my WIP for some of my popular Elucien art!
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The Elucien kiss, this was just putting down some shading before I worked on the lighting and coloring over the sketch.
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My 'anime' style lucien. I had just put down flats and brief shading on his skin. I used the CSP background of a sunset here, adjusting it later and adding some glow.
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My Lucien in Illyrian leathers! I was trying out different brushes and mood painting. A lot of this was attempting some monochromatic base painting before adding colors on top.
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The sketch and painting of my Elucien garden. I had the HARDEST time trying to get Elain's head to gently touch Lucien's!
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I painted the colors down, and started to get into the flow of the tone I wanted, and bigger shapes of Elain's hair. Like AI, hands are the BANE of my existence! I need a lot more study and anatomy practice. Perhaps I can post some of that here too! (I'm just always embarassed of the messy looks and weirdness of the process)
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The base colors for my Elucien mother's day painting! This one turned out so pretty, I LOVED How Elain's hair came out in the end, I was pretty shocked! The sky looked sunny too!
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Lucien and his wet shirt! This was the first time I've ever tried to paint a wet shirt effect before. I had no idea what I was doing, and had to try and find many different references.
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These are the sketches I had done for Lucien and Elain's Final Fantasy pictures I made. Again, I need more anatomy practice, but doing these were so much fun! I listened to Final Fantasy music too to really get me in the mood. ^-^
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And this is Elain of that series, in her flat colors!
There ya have it Anon! Here are just some of the WIPs I could find from my painting/drawing process. A lot of it is messy, chaotic, and just ugly looking at the start, but as they say "trust the process!" I certainly hope this helps ease any thoughts or suspicions. I understand its hard to find good work out there that is done with legitimacy, but all my work has hours of blood sweat and tears in them. =D
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Am i the asshole for responding in distress and upset after my best friend of six years cut me off??
Now, i know this sounds really cut and dry to begin with, but i promise it’s way more than just the title. That’s why I’m reaching out in confusion here.
About three weeks ago, my best friend of six years asked if i was free in the evening. It’s important to note that at this time there had been no communicated issues between us, I legitimately thought everything was fine. I try to be a very communicative person, so i talk about issues when they come up, and encourage them to do the same.
they showed up on my doorstep at 10:30 at night and asked me to come outside. Assuming we were going to be driving around and hanging out, i grabbed my things and happily skipped out to their car where they were waiting for me, and proceeded to say,
“I don’t know how to put this in a better way than this. I don’t think we work. I don’t want to be friends anymore.”
To say i was completely shell shocked would have been an understatement. I didn’t even know we had issues. We had been inseparable for six years, and even planned to move in together. At first i briefly thought they were joking, but when i realized they weren’t i turned around and walked back inside. I knew it would have been best for me not to continue to conversation in person. They hate being screamed at, and i knew i wasn’t going to be capable of not raising my voice in that moment as they gave me no warning of this situation, and no time to process. So, i simply turned around and went back inside. They texted me a few minutes later saying that they hated it had to be this way, but they needed to grow as a person.
Naturally, i have no issue with needing to personally grow, but i felt i had no understanding of the situation, so i asked them why and why i might have done to bring this on. They said that they constantly feel ashamed around me, and that they couldn’t be themselves around me. I was confused, and quickly let them know that i have always encouraged them to be the person they want to be around me, and to not hide themselves. However, they said they couldn’t.
They said that they make me uncomfortable, and that they scare me. Naturally, as this wasn’t true, i asked them where they got this notion, seeing as i had never said such a thing to them. They said they could tell from my body language, which i found to be ridiculous. I told them it was unfair of them to assume how i feel about them without even asking me, and that if i was upset with them i would have told them. They said,
“You don’t have to say anything.” Your body language says enough.
They than proceeded to say that we were different people, coming from different backgrounds, and that made us incompatible. I asked them what they meant, and they told me
“You have more opportunities than I do, and always will, and you're comfortable with that, again, that is okay.
You can have a decent paying job in a church, spend money on coffee and dirt cheap earrings online, and repress yourself around people you're afraid of, and my experience in the world is entirely different.”
This message completely confused me, as 1.) i don’t believe the opportunities a person has should define them as a person, and i certainly never flaunted mine. I’m in college, yes, and i have a decent paying job… but never have i rubbed that in anyone’s face, in fact i try to do the exact opposite. I felt icky about the way they commented on how i spend my money… as it never effected them, and i didn’t like the light that they were painting me in.
Not to mention, they seemed to be calling attention to the fact that i wasn’t out yet with my family (I’m bisexual.) when they brought up me repressing myself. In the time I’m in right now, this is a non-negotiable for me, as my family is intensely homophobic and would have disowned me if i came out. My ex best friend has always been more radical than me in a lot of view points, and i hate the thought that they may have demonized my fear of my life falling apart around me.
Naturally, after reading this message, i accused them of calling me shallow. They said they weren’t accusing me of anything, but i believe there’s no denying the object accusations and rude phrasing of the message that they had sent.
The conversation went on for some time, with me desperately attempting to understand what was going on, before finally i grew angry.
I told them it was unfair, no matter what their reasoning was, that they handled it this way.
They said it was fine because it was a selfish decision they were making for their own betterment and mental health.
I understand this- but none the less, i feel the way they handled it was wrong.
I told them that they should have given me some warning or time to prepare for this serious conversation, but they claimed that there was no way they could have prepared me for it. I told them it was unfair of them to expect a calm reaction out of me when they literally ripped the rug out from under me and cornered me into a volatile response. They told others that my emotional reaction to all of this was me ‘attempting to manipulate them.’…. I genuinely can’t figure out if this is true or not. I believe manipulation implies i had something to gain… but i didn’t- i just- didn’t understand anything, and i was angry and hurt and i wanted them to know that how they had handled this was wrong.
They told others that my reaction was extremely emotionally immature… and i just- don’t understand anything anymore.
Following they interaction, i went to my two other closest friends. I needed my support system. I was scared and alone. I didn’t try to manipulate the situation into something it wasn’t. I didn’t want that. I wanted objective opinions. I offered the situation in its full, explaining it and showing all the screenshots, asking for opinions and advice.
One of these people happened to be my ex best friends partner…. But they were my best friend as well. We were a trio, always going to each other. This is where the situation gets messy. Maybe i shouldn’t have gone to him- but he was also my best friend… i was equally as close with him as i was my other best friend. I called him in tears, showing him all the screenshots and telling him i didn’t know what to do. I specifically told him he didn’t have to choose sides, and i didn’t want that… but i did express my fear that he would stop being my friend too. I didn’t want him to choose sides, i didn’t care if he remained with my ex best friend. I just didn’t want to lose him too.
He read through the messages, and was so horrified by my ex-best friends behavior that he felt as though he couldn’t trust them anymore. He said it was like seeing a different side of them. I didn’t say or do anything, he came to his own conclusions after looking at the situation, and he even told me he has his own issues with them separately from my situation. I still repeatedly have reminded him that he doesn’t have to make any rash decisions just to defend me, and he says he knows that… but it’s his personal stuff as well. He took a break from my ex-best friend.
As of recent, my ex-best friend has been telling others that i am manipulative, and that i am rallying people against them. They’ve aired out my personal information to others… people i go to school with. Though they didn’t give names, everyone they are talking to knows our friend group very intimately. These people know exactly who they are talking about.
They have told people I’m a narcissist because my parents are too… they’ve said “they feel bad for me” for responding the way i did, because I’m ‘traumatized’, so of course my reactions would be emotionally immature. They’ve accused me of jumping to conclusions… they haven’t given the whole story to these people. They’ve only shown one screenshot towards the end of our argument where i finally snapped and said ‘fuck you’. They showed nothing that lead up to it… only me in my worst moment and not what they said to cause it.
And they’ve accused me of rallying the people around them against them. This is in now way the case… but even if was doing it on accident… (which i don’t think I’m doing.)
It would only be two people… one of which is my close friend and their acquaintance…. It’s almost as if they don’t want me to ask for support to anyone about this… but i feel as though I’ve been made into a terrible villain, even after reaching out a few days later and apologizing for getting so emotional. I told them i never wanted them to feel like they couldn’t be themselves around me, but they never communicated that so how would i have known? Even still… i apologized, but told them it wasn’t fair how they sprung it on me and asked them to maybe try to understand my reaction. They excused that by saying that they only had half a week of preparation… which doesn’t seem fair seeing as i only got 10 seconds.
Too long didn’t read: my best friend showed up at my house at 10:30 at night and dropped me, accused me of things (maybe?? I’m not even sure anymore??) and then accused me of manipulatively rallying people against them when i reached out to my two closest friends for support- when they’ve been doing the exact same thing.
Am i the asshole?
Please be honest here- i don’t need pity. I need truth. I’m lost and confused and I’ve never been more angry and hurt than i am right now and i don’t understand what the fuck is going on-.
What are these acronyms?
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ribbonetteart · 4 months
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Tribute to one of my favorite movies of all time + the franchise that has me in a death grip 💖
a bit late for Christmas but at least Valentine's day is around the corner ^^;;
Process below if that interests you:
AS I SAID EARLIER, I had been working on this piece as early as December of 2021 😱!!!
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This was the original sketch! I was inspired after learning about Blaze's own design inspiration coming from Takarazuka theater, as well as it being the Nutcracker season so this film was in bouncing around in my head.
and this was allllll the way back in 2021 ^^; I had put the idea to paper to capture the image in my head immediately. But the idea in my head was extravagant and beautiful and would certainly take time to complete, as well as the patience and skill to work with watercolor 😔 I've certainly done my share of watercolor, both physical and digital, but I still feel like my physical watercolor work is a fluke, and I was still a novice digital artist at the time of this sketch.
In short, I was confident my skill could live up to the vision.
So I would put this on the back burner. It wouldn't be ready in time for Christmas, and I could use this as an opportunity to hone that digital art experience so it could be ready next year!
2 Years Later...
It's December 5th. Fuck it. Let's crack this open again, I tell myself.
SO starting with the line art, it's actually 2 different brushes layered over one another.
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I also changed Sonic's expression to be more love struck-looking, because I'm a sucker for romance.
The image on the left is a watercolor line brush, while the right is a pencil brush. The reason I wanted a water color look was because I thought it would make the illustration look dreamy and fantastical, and I wanted that to extend to the line art as well. However, my usual lines on traditional usually veer more towards thick and cartoony from years of studying the Sonic art style, so I really felt like I was working against myself here. I had also asked friends for their input and they preferred the lines on the right as well. If my followers actually do read these blog posts, I'd love if you could comment which line art style you prefer drawing or looking at.
The happy medium was to just combine the 2. Here's a better look at that:
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I like it! I think it combines the solid line with the rustic water color grain. Best of both worlds :]
For the actual painting, The most notable thing I can say is that getting the right pastel-y color was VERY difficult to achieve for someone like me who often loves to use bright and saturated colors in her art. I feel like I really set myself up to do one of those "evil art style" or "opposite art style" challenges I've been seeing around. I had to repaint Sonic at one paint because the blue of his fur was WAY too saturated for the style I was going for:
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I started with painting Sonic and Blaze in first and then working on the background. I think that's probably the backwards way of doing it but one of the perks of digital art is you can do stuff any order you want when you have layers.
The background wasn't actually as difficult as I thought it would be. I wasn't going for any difficult perspective, and I was using a reference so that could be it. I'm usually averse to backgrounds but I really wanna tackle more of my weak points in art. I actually had way more fun than I was expecting, painting the sky and adding texture to the grass. I think I had the most fun rendering the water coming from the fountain (which you can't even see too well anyway, lol).
Funny enough, I had just about finished painting the characters and background by early January. So why am I posting this in February?
The Flowers...
In case you don't know. I love flowers. I love looking at them, I love learning about flower languages, I love drawing them. so seeing that my reference image showed flowers circling the fountain, I was excited! I was already having more fun than I expected to be, working against my usual style, rendering a background, so how could this be a pain in the ass?
Well, I am my own worst enemy 😞I couldn't exactly identify each flower offhand from this screenshot alone. The texture of the flowers is kinda grainy, since I don't think the animators were expecting viewers to look too closely at the set piece to use as reference for my lovingly crafted crossover fanart. If anyone has this in high quality though, please tell me.
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(I think I actually got this reference from a tumblr post but I can't find it on my blog for the life of me nor can I find it in the tags I'm so sorry)
I'm a huge stickler for details so I really wanted to be as "accurate" as possible in my illustration. I can hardly identify some of these flowers with confidence. I think there are roses in there? or tulips? I'm not sure if those yellow flowers are roses or some kinda petunia or if I'm way off.
I'm sure these details won't matter to most viewers but it was EATING AWAY AT ME. Eventually I decided to try drawing in flowers that might look similar to the ones in the reference. Or some based on their flower languages. I was certainly overthinking it ;;;; It led me to going "fuck it" and just throwing in whatever I wanted. There are no irises visible in that screenshot but I made it the centerpiece of the flower ring. Who give a shit.
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I made some guides for me to follow: The blue ring was so I could make sure the flowers make a half circular border around Sonic and Blaze. I was envisioning how it could look as like an icon or sticker or something, which is why it's framed this way. then the second guide is the sketch of the flowers I made. I always do line art and I'm not great at just improvising with color to paper, or color to screen in this case.
The rest of this process is then just working on each flower piece by piece (with the help of the mirror tool of course) with varying degrees of detail. Some flowers are more abstract than others, and I had debated if that would look jarring and disrupted any kind of harmony I was trying to maintain with the style parameters I set for myself. And then I decided I was overthinking it once again which is why this was taking me nearly 2 months to complete.
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At some point during this process, my wifi went out for a whole week! Of course, I could still work on this illustration offline, but I had a lot of tabs open with a bunch of reference images on there (plus I like to listen to music while I draw otherwise I lose focus and I had neglected to download a varied selection on my phone or laptop 😭 Learn from my mistakes).
The most tedious of this process was making each set of gladioluses a unique color.
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Was it worth it? You tell me! I think they're pretty, at least.
Along the way, I repainted the grass because it wasn't symmetrical (It didn't need to be but I had been using the mirror tool for a lot at this point and it was bugging me). I made other little final adjustments, like color adjusting the leaves on the flowers, lowering the flower ring border, and so on.
Ultimately, I'm extremely satisfied with the final product. I had my heart set on doing something like this for a long time. I had so much fun just experimenting throwing on color or not worrying about technical stuff. Of course, I did do what I usually do and overthink it at some points, but I'm working on it!
I've wanted to do an extremely indulgent AU illustration and other drawings for a Sonic x The Nutcracker story for a long while. I will be totally honest, I'm still a little embarrassed to share stuff like this, even after years of posting fan art online. It feels like the more self indulgent something is, the more people might judge me for it ^^; But I wanna practice what I preach and kill the thing inside me that cringes at my harmless attempts at joy and whimsy.
I would love to do some more drawings for this AU, but maybe post them around December when it would be more seasonally appropriate. I hope you'll stick around for it!
If you read this whole thing to the end, thank you. Whether you follow my blog or not, I hope you have a lovely day :3💝
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rarityroo · 18 days
I heard that you were in need of requests, so umm.... How about a cute date with Pomni and a fem!reader at the digital carnival? (With Pomni hoping that Caine won't ruin it in his attempts to make their date more "romantic")
A Total Roller Coaster
(Pomni x fem! Reader)
This is such a cute idea, I had such a fun time writing this. I love carnivals, sadly I have been to my local one yet but hopefully I will soon! Thank you for sending this in. Enjoy!
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When you first proposed the idea Pomni looked at you like you had three heads. You suppose you understand her hesitation, a date at the digital carnival but to you, it sounded like a perfectly fine date to you.
Pomni's eyes blinked rapidly as she processed your suggestion. "A date at the carnival?" She questioned looking at you slightly confused. 'Well, I must admit, that's a rather... unconventional idea." She tilted her head slightly.
You chuckled at her reaction, reaching out to gently pat her shoulder. "Come on, Pomni, it'll be fun! We'll have the whole place to ourselves, explore the games and the rides, and maybe even win some prizes!"
Pomni hesitated for a moment, her expression flickering with uncertainty. "I guess it could be... enjoyable," she admitted reluctantly. "But what if something goes wrong?" You knew what she was alluding to. Caine. He had a tendency to intrude on any date you and Pomni had, you were sure his intention was innocent but he did more harm than good despite his intent.
You grinned reassuringly. "Don't worry, Pomni. I've already spoken to the others and they promised to try to keep Caine in check for tonight. Besides, I'm sure he'd understand the importance of privacy for a date like this"
Pomni nodded slowly, a small smile forming on her lips. "Alright then, I trust you." She reached out her hand. "Should we head to the carnival, then?" You intertwined your fingers with hers, feeling the warmth of her touch. "Absolutely," you replied, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "Let's go make some memories together then." You say with a smile.
As you and Pomni strolled through the vibrant digital carnival, the neon lights casting playful hues across the landscape, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement bubbling within you. This was definitely going to be a date to remember.
However, just as you are about to step onto the virtual rollercoaster, a sudden glitch distorts the rollercoaster, hearing Caine's voice echo through the carnival's speakers. "Ahem, excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice that the ambiance here could use a bit of 'enhancement'. Allow me to fix that for you."
Before you could protest, the carnival transformed into a sappy romantic wonderland, complete with heart-shaped balloons, confetti cannons, and a cheesy soundtrack playing in the background.
Pomni jumped in surprise, her expression a mix of frustration and exasperation. "Oh god, it seems Caine couldn’t stop himself after all," she remarked with an annoyed chuckle.
You couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation, wrapping an arm around Pomni's waist. "Well, it may not be what we expected, but it's certainly... memorable," you quipped, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
Together, despite Caine being...himself you tried to enjoy your date even though he persistently tried to mettle in your business. Exploring the carnival's attractions with laughter and smiles on your faces.
As the night drew to a close, with the digital stars painting the sky in dazzling colors, you knew that this imperfectly perfect evening would be etched into your mind forever.
With a final glance at Pomni, her eyes sparking with joy, you whispered, "Thank you for being here with me, Pomni. Even if it wasn't perfect I don't think anything could ever ruin the happiness I feel when I'm with you."
As the date ended, you and Pomni headed inside the tent you looked back at the carnival, leaving nothing but the warmth of your connection behind, you knew that your love for Pomni was as real as anything in this digital world.
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mylevisdontfitanymore · 2 months
Do you ever imagine Steve burping helplessly and Bucky getting turned on in a public place?
This isn’t public public but something that I have been thinking a lot about recently is car rides and how an especially rough ride might jostle burps out of someone while also forcing them to hold their sensitive, overfull tummy, groaning with complaints as the car rumbles and shakes. Then, as all this is going on, there’s also nothing they can do about it because they need to get home. In fact, before they got in the car and started getting jostled around, they really wanted to get home, they were so excited to get home so they could lie down and sleep off all the excess food and/or drinks they stuffed into themselves. So they're just trapped burping and being shaken up like a can of soda, about to pop. And that’s what I’m going with here! I hope you enjoy it!
Unbeta'd stucky belly kink under the cut. Warnings for alcohol consumption (but Steve can't get drunk because we're talking about serumed Steve, so it's not really intox? yanno?), burping, bloating, button pops, etc.
Steve and Bucky have just spent their evening at the latest fancy, excessively formal gala where they’re playing politics. Shaking hands with the government officials they pretend to listen to when it comes to how to save the world, living up to their roles as superheroes who are definitely not vigilantes and certainly operate under the law, yes, sir. Really actually gritting their teeth against boredom while making polite conversation. They’re doing it for the sake of the other Avengers and so they’re not deemed as enemies of the state… again.
So, once it’s over and they’re free to go home, both Steve and Bucky breathe a sigh of relief upon getting back to their car. It’s all over, well into the night or, actually, the next day. It’s morning now. Early, early morning. But. It’s over with. Thank God.
Steve, however, sighs especially loudly, fidgeting with his tie and instantly undoing the knot the moment he drops his ass into the passenger seat, shutting his door with a little too much force.
“That bad?” Bucky smirks, teasing him but not looking over from the driver’s seat at him because he’s too busy sticking the keys in the ignition and starting the car, flicking on the ventilation system and fiddling with the radio, turning it on low for some background noise.
“You have no idea,” Steve snarks back tiredly, falling farther into his seat as he buckles up with a click.
Amused, Bucky looks over at his best guy now that the car is idling, warming up, there’s something in his voice that catches his attention - he swears if anyone said something stupid to his Steve, they’re gonna pay for it - and
After he blinks and takes a moment to process what he’s seeing, Bucky feels his own eyes widen comically when his gaze lands on the way Steve’s gut is suddenly bulging out from his body. The breath gets caught in his throat. His stomach. Woah. It’s… it’s a thing. It’s big. Suddenly, straining the limits of his choking formal attire. His neatly pressed black suit jacket and white dress shirt underneath with the tails of his black tie falling to either side of the hill rising from the middle of his body.
“What the fuck?” Bucky murmurs involuntarily, staring at his best guy and trying to make sense of what he’s seeing. His belly is so pressed outwardly and distended that Bucky can’t see the shiny leather belt that he knows is holding up his slacks. He’s… huge.
With eyes on him, Steve stretches like a cat, arching his back like his belly actually fucking fighting to escape the formal wear and seat belt that he’s wrapped haphazardly around it. His suit looks painted on, so unbelievably tight; his seat belt is curving underneath his belly’s sudden weight and curled over the top of it, emphasizing its heft.
“C’monnn,” Steve whines, high-pitched, breaking his Captain America facade that he uses for these types of events and returning to the punk he really is, “get us out of here already.” He turns his head to the side, his blue eyes glassy.
Automatically, Bucky puts the car in gear and does as he says - he’d do anything for that stupid punk - but, at the same time, he can’t stop shooting glances over to the passenger seat where Steve’s resting, reclining, fully exhausted, in his seat. He sighs heavily again, this time it’s in relief from unbuttoning his suit jacket. Bucky catches an eyeful of it, his dick jumping, trained like a dog to a whistle but the whistle is Steve taking off his clothes. And… if possible… his belly swells outwards another inch. Maybe more.
“Jesus, Stevie,” they come to a stop at a sign, just leaving the parking garage, and Bucky uses the moment to reach over and touch his belly. Just making sure it’s real and he’s not seeing things. Patting him down. Under his palm, it’s very real. Very tight and very real, making a ripe, solid thump sound with each pat-pat he makes.
The collision has Steve stifling an airy belch behind a loosely curled fist, “c-careful, Buck,” he warns.
“Or what, you’ll pop?” Bucky’s teasing but also… he could. He might. Just look at him, nearly bursting out of his clothes. On a goddamn normal day, Bucky can’t deal with Mr. Steve I-Like-Tight-T-Shirts-That-Show-Off-Every-Inch-Of-My-Hot-Bod Rogers. So how is he supposed to deal with Steve when he’s dressed to the nines in formal wear and they’ve just had to deal with a fucking room full of stuffy politicians that frustrate him to the point of wanting to rip out his hair or punch a wall or fuck someone hard? (Preferably the last option, and preferably Steve).
He looks - Bucky licks his lips which are suddenly dry - almost pregnant. Ready to pop alright. Bucky shivers as he shifts gears.
Steve lazily chuckles at him, breathless, explaining his situation away by flapping a hand passively, “everyone wanted to have a toast to or a toast with Captain America,” Bucky nods, trying to listen and barely succeeding, “and you know how it is, I can’t turn anything down when I’m wearing the stars and stripes, it looks bad.” Steve shifts in his seat as Bucky hits the gas, the softest groan falling out of his loose, full lips already driving Bucky insane even before he admits, “so I have no idea how many flukes of champagne I drank.”
As they continue to cruise, Bucky keeps looking over at him, stealing glances, trying but failing to keep his eyes on the road. He’s trying to process the thought of Steve getting fucking wasted in this new century. Sloshed. Hitting glass after glass, bottle after bottle, until he’s flushing pink, and getting stumbly and tipsy and touchy like he used to before the serum when he was the lightest lightweight. Always snuggling up to Bucky, all over him, curling up in his lap like a cat after they went out drinking back in the day, kissing him and clinging to him, begging him with slurred words and dangerously mischievous eyes to fuck him rough and hard. Yanno how I like it, c’moooon, Buck, do meee, Bucky can still hear his drunk voice.
“Christ,” Bucky finally spits out some fucking words, his brain practically smoking, “it’s a good thing you can’t get drunk then, pal.”
“Yeah,” Steve’s breathing is labored as he tries to get comfortable, wiggling around in his seat, pulling at his now open collar and the seat belt cutting into him, “still can get full, though-”
“Yeah,” Bucky agrees too quickly, too eager.
“And bloated,” Steve hisses out the tiniest of burps, leaning completely back into the leather seat, flopping back, his hands limp at his sides, “I’m sooo bloated.”
Bucky swallows thickly, “you look it… looks like you’re smuggling a watermelon under that suit.” Bucky’s flesh and blood hand aches with how hard he’s gripping the steering wheel, he’d be worried about breaking it if all his attention weren’t split between making sure he’s not about to crash and Steve.
“Thanks, asshole,” Steve laughs gently, the sweet sound ending in a gasp as he feels the alcohol in his belly swirl, the finger food he ate swimming in it, there’s so much.
“Just look at yourself, baby-” Bucky can’t resist pushing further, teasing and in awe at the same time. That’s what he and Steve do, though, they give each other shit. It’s a love language.
“Mmmmm-hm,” Steve lazily glances down, moving slower with just how overfull he is.
“You were sucking that thing in?” Bucky risks taking one hand off the wheel to reach over and smack his gut. Lightly. But, still, it’s enough to jostle a bigger burp out of Steve. He can’t believe how tight Steve’s belly is. He can’t believe how big Steve’s belly is. It’s making it hard to think. “That whole time? Your poor abs!”
“Uh-huh,” his big chest heaves as he tries to breathe deeply but can’t find the room in his body to fully expand his lungs, his stomach is too big, stretched, taking up all the extra room in his body and more, “Jesus, yeah,” he agrees, “my abs hurt, they’re so stretched-”
Bucky licks his lips, why does that sound so good? To him, and evidently to Steve with his tone of voice… it’s gone all breathy and soft like it does when he likes something. Turned on and weak for whatever it is, unable to put up a fight.
“-But it feels good to let it out, too.”
Tease much, Rogers? Bucky wants to bite back.
But instead, Bucky can’t be bothered to be ashamed of himself when he answers, “it looks good, too.” Fucking sue him. He’s attracted to Steve all the time. Constantly. How would this be different? Why wouldn’t he want him like this? Even more of him. He can’t believe how hard that dress shirt is straining to keep his swollen gut covered. There are diamond gaps of exposed pale flesh between every button. It’s as if his belly is dying to get out and swell bigger, needing more space to get larger. And he’s… he’s interested in seeing it get bigger. If Steve can stomach it (ha), at least. He doesn’t want to actually pop Steve. He just wants to push his limits. See how much he can take.
Steve huffs, shaking his head affectionately like he can’t believe it. But he blushes bright pink, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips. He’s on the same page, just shier about it, “thanks, pal,” he murmurs, ducking his head, “you know how to make a guy feel special.”
Bucky snorts, “sure thing,” they stop at a red light and Bucky indulges himself, finding one of the gaps between his buttons to put two fingertips against his bare skin. Investigating the new landscape of Steve’s mountainous gut. It feels like he has a fever despite being unable to get sick these days, and when Bucky presses his fingers in, just to feel how much give there is in that tight belly -
“Oof,” Steve groans, “be carefu-uuuurpp,” there’s nothing Steve can do to stop the burp that comes barreling out of him.
“Be careful?” Bucky smirks, laughing a little, more breathless than anything, though, he had no idea that a stomach could do that. Could be so tight. He’s felt up Steve’s rock-hard abs plenty. Often, even. But… this is different and it’s exciting. “Or what? What’re you gonna do if I’m not? It seems like you’re having a hard time over there, bud.”
A car drives up behind them, appearing out of the empty night and honking, forcing Bucky’s eyes back onto the road. Ah, the light’s green, it probably has been for a while, too. So, he drives on.
Steve is about to respond, giving him shit right back, he’s sure, when the car hits a sudden pothole, jostling them both. But, poor Steve, it hits him worse. Not just startling him. The pothole is on the passenger side, to begin with, and Steve’s more affected by it anyway with his bloated belly. Despite how tight it is, packed to the brim with carbonated liquid, the dip in the road leaves it bouncing, jiggling, and sloshing violently as the car shakes. Bucky has never so deeply paid attention to the suspension because fuck. The impact seems to send a shockwave through Steve’s whole body, causing him to emit a loud, reckless belch that actually echoes in the tight confines of the car. The last of it turns into a groan as Steve curls his hands protectively around his belly like he can stop it from sloshing around. Meanwhile, Bucky could fucking thank the god-awful Nazis right now for gifting him with super hearing, forgiving all the other torture they put him through, just because he can hear the way the champagne bubbles trapped inside him fizz, tickling his insides almost… pleasurably if the blush spreading over Steve’s face and down his neck is anything to go by.
They’re both breathing harder now.
Not even a minute later after the first cacophonous, obscene accidental moment, Bucky turns onto another road, taking them home on autopilot, leaving NYC and heading towards Brooklyn. On the other road, right after the gut-churning too-fast turn, there’s another polehole, this one worse. Worse not because it’s bigger but because Bucky knows what’s going to happen. He sees it ahead of them and his brain is still processing what just happened, how seeing Steve jiggle and wobble made him feel involuntarily forcing him to picture the way Steve’s ass and tits move when he rides him, the way he groans when his dick bottoms out inside of him, stuffed full, and -
Bucky doesn’t even try to avoid the pothole, he just stares at Steve out of the corner of his eye, white-knuckling the steering wheel.
Steve’s swollen midsection heaves with another burp. Fuck. Bucky might be crazy, he might be seeing things, but his formal shirt, the buttons!, God, they’re almost straining more than they were before.
This time, his burps mix more with his groans and moans of discomfort.
Bucky’s head is spinning.
He feels like he needs to ask, “you alright?” But it’s more excitement than concern racing through him. This is… something about this is hot. Boiling even.
Letting the back of his head hit the headrest, hands supporting the underside of his belly, Steve swallows. Then, he nods weakly, cheeks flushed, “yeah,” he coughs to half-hide another burp, “‘m just gassy.”
Bucky’s gaze lingers on the mesmerizing sight before him, unable to tear himself away. The roughness of the road seems unending, who the fuck is in charge of New York streets anyway? They’re doing an awful job!, every jiggle and slosh of Steve’s belly sends shivers down Bucky’s spine. It makes Bucky’s face hot and tingly, stealing glimpses of his bloat as he takes them home.
Bigger and bigger and bigger.
He’s just filling up more with each shake-up of the contents of his stomach. Gas building. Bubbling.
Reflexively, with each belch and moan that escapes Steve’s lips, Bucky gets more and more aroused. His dick feels as hard as Steve’s belly looks. The tension in the car thickens. Steve tries to apologize for being so noisy and gassy, embarrassed, the manners he was taught holding him back, but Bucky won’t have it. Hastily, he reaches over with his hand not on the steering wheel to massage the roundest, most bulged-out part of his belly, saying, “you gotta let it out, baby, it’s okay. I want you to. Don’t hold back” He digs his fingers in just enough to cause another belch from Steve - a whimper right after - and they both squirm in their seats. “That’s it,” Bucky pats his tummy, encouraging him.
It seems impossible. He’s so full of champagne, so round. And all the sweet, fizzy alcohol is just getting more and more carbonated, more sparkling, more bubbly, more sloshy inside him with every jolt and shake of the car. Despite how much he’s burping, letting some of the gas escape, he just keeps swelling. Little by little, his belly inflates farther, expanding like a balloon. A balloon attached to a helium tank. Bucky is exhilarated by it, and judging by how Steve’s uncomfortable groans have pitched up into sounds that are more like moans of relief chasing each belch… Bucky isn’t the only one.
There’s something so hot about watching him blow up. Inflate. Expand. Swell.
The tension in the air follows Steve’s strained dress shirt, at first, it’s well-fitting, then a little bit tight, then tighter, tighter, until it’s creaking at the seams, ready to burst. The tension is so thick, it could be cut with a knife. Ready to snap. The buttons are threatening to pop off at any moment. All that gas… all the sloshing. The pressure is mounting. Every pothole, speedbump, black-tar snake, and accidental hit curb is a sweet torment for Steve, making him burp and cry out more which in turn torments Bucky. Both of them are wracked with anticipation, crawling with the need to touch each other.
The next time Bucky can take a hand off the steering wheel again and reach out to thump Steve’s swollen gut, Steve lets out a low, guttural moan, his body jerking into the sensation. But at that same risked moment, they hit the deepest, biggest pothole yet and -
The first one is so loud and unexpected that it makes both of them jump in their seats, Bucky slams on the break which doesn’t help Steve’s precarious situation.
The second one makes Steve whimper, trembling in his seat under the sloshing liquid inside him, swirling around, leaving him aching, the seat belt digging into him harder, feeling as though it’s cutting him in half.
The third one has Bucky swearing because fuck. Fuck! That’s so fucking hot. Steve is so big, so swollen that the buttons on his shirt, stretched over Steve’s belly have popped right off, flying forward and hitting the dash or the windshield. His shirt is no longer able to contain the bulging dome of his gut. It’s too much to handle, it’s expanded too far for the once perfectly fitted formal attire to hold on.
With each button that bursts free, a pleasurable relief in its own right, Steve’s pale, round, so fucking round, gut spills out into the heated, thick air. No longer held back by his clothes. The audible slosh of Steve’s champagne-and-gas-filled belly swelling suddenly, violently into his lap between the white halves of his now-ruined dress shirt is mouth-watering. With every stuttered breath Steve takes, stunned by arousal and shock, his gut seems to pulse with his overindulgence. Bucky can hear his heart racing and he knows Steve can feel it in his expanded stomach. All that taut, smooth, blushing skin exposed.
Oh, God.
Steve lets out his loudest moan so far, reckless with it. His hands had been braced on the center console and door handle respectively, hanging on as he was sloshed and jiggled. His hands fly up, grabbing his gut now that he isn’t so precariously balanced on the edge, feeling ready to burst with the pressure mounting inside him, forcing burps to come out of his mouth whether he wanted them to or not.
“Oh. Ohhh,” he can’t stop saying it, as if he’s shocked by what’s happening to him and he is, probably just as much as Bucky is. Somehow his flesh is still so taut. The pressure has alleviated some, but not much. He still feels like a fucking balloon.
Shaking, the blond caresses the surface of his shiny stomach. The heat of his belly pressing down against his thighs, in his lap, sends waves of pleasure through his whole body. He may not be so tightly compressed but the burps keep coming, released between his desperate gasps for breath, “ah, urrrp, oh, ooh, auurp, fuck me. Buurp. Guh. Uhhn. I feel so full!” He whines, “I’m so gassy, and, urrrrrp, God, so round.”
Bucky is amazed that he’s still fucking driving because he isn’t fucking functioning. Watching Steve touch himself, rubbing the dome that is his tight middle and daring to try and sink his fingers into his swollen body for relief from the pressure, Jesus Christ, it’s enough to kill him where 70 years of brainwashing didn’t.
Fuck Steve Rogers.
“Ah, oh, ohhh,” Steve’s voice trembles, “I can’t - URP - believe it. Look at me,” he begs Bucky, turning his head to the side to pout at him.
Fuck Steve Rogers.
“‘M so big! Buck! I’m so big! I didn’t know-oh, I could stretch so much. It aches,” he whimpers, “‘m so stretched! Buurp.”
Bucky stops in the middle of the road. He doesn’t give a shit anymore. It’s nighttime. There’s no one driving behind him anymore. There are other lanes. Anyone who does drive up behind him can fuck off. They can go around - they can go to hell. He needs to get his hands on that gut. Now.
Steve writhes as much as he can under the mass of his gut sitting on top of him when Bucky lunges toward him, “look at me!” he whimpers again, happy under his attention, “it, it… it fills my, my whole lap. Urrrrp, ugh, God, ‘m so bloated!”
His stomach feels so tight that Bucky can’t believe it. He can’t imagine what the pressure must feel like for Steve. The fullness. It has to be unbearable. Like being fucked full of cock but so, so much more. Hell, just looking at him is raw and pleasurable in a way that it shouldn’t be, so he can’t imagine what it’s like for Steve. There’s nothing erotic about this yet everything about it is insanely erotic… how he can’t stop making noises, uncontrolled burping. Sloshing. Belching. Fizzing. The way he’s squirming. The way he’s begging Bucky to help him, relieve the pressure, touch him, massage him, anything!
“Buck, I’m… I’m so full,” he whimpers.
“I know, Stevie,” he growls, his voice low and husky, practically already fogging up their windows he’s burning so hot for this, “but, Christ, babydoll, you look incredible.” He does. His gut is throbbing, red, and shining under the street lights. Bucky can’t stop touching his belly, massaging it worshipfully. Thumping it to hear how much his body sounds like a drum. “We should keep you like this,” he’s already salivating at the thought, his hips jerking forward to grind into nothing but thin air. He wants him so bad when he’s like this, stuffed full, exposed, and incapacitated by the sloshing weight in his big, sexy belly.
“Unnngh,” Steve whines, nodding, “it, it feels so good,” he pants, “urrrp, aarrp, ‘m so fuckin’ full, Buck.”
“You’re like a balloon,” Bucky whispers, leaning over awkwardly in the car to say the words into his mouth, kissing him desperately, “so tight you’re about to pop.”
Steve’s eyes flutter shut, shivering, “keep, keep touching me, I need-” he cuts himself off, burping right in Bucky’s face with a flare of embarrassment so strong it makes him squeak. Mortified.
Bucky won’t have it, though. He bites Steve’s lower lip hungrily and digs them deeper into the debauchery, “I bet we can find a liquor store that’s still open, you wanna see if we can get a few more bottles into this tanker?” Then, he slaps his gut to make him convulse, curling around his pulsing, throbbing, aching belly.
Steve can’t take it, moaning, “yes! Yes, Buck! Please! I wanna be bigger. Fill me up until I can’t take any-ah-ahh, URP, any more!”
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(Why does staring at an overflowing bottle make me horny? What even is this fetish 😂)
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writer-in-theory · 3 months
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Echoes of You
Summary: Five years after leaving Hawkins, Eddie Munson comes home to take care of his Uncle Wayne. He never imagined having to face the ghosts of what he'd left behind. Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Background Robin Buckley/Chrissy Cunningham Rating: T Tags: Right person wrong time, angst w/ happy ending, breakups, future fic, post-canon
Hi everyone! This is my fic for the @strangerthingsreversebigbang based off of the wonderful art by @yellowsweater-bluevest ! Please go check out their amazing work here. It was so much fun to work with them, and the story that he told with his art was just so compelling. Also huge thank you to @serenity-lattes for being my beta reader and cheering me on through the entire process!
There's 3 chapters and an epilogue, and I'll be updating the fic every few hours for the rest of the day!
Read Here
Hawkins smells like burnt chocolate chip cookies.
The smell overwhelms Eddie Munson the moment he enters the town limits, almost making him pull to the side of the road from the intensity. Instead, he gripped the wheel of his car even tighter and searched his memories for any proof that Hawkins had ever been this odorous. 
Was it some strange side effect from its now-closed connection to the Upside Down? It certainly wasn’t a leak from the other world, as 3 months spent surviving its dangers left Eddie far too familiar with its grave-like scent. Perhaps if El was visiting town while he was there (which, according to Wayne was more common than not), he could ask if the magic of the world could have that effect on their hometown. 
Even still, half of a decade hadn’t made a drastic effect on the town. In fact, if Eddie didn’t know better, he might’ve assumed that Hawkins, Indiana had been held stuck in time while the rest of the world moved on around it, for everything seemed just as it had been on his last drive out. 
The movie theater still looked just as it had when he and Hellfire used to get high in the alley beside it after school, and he was sure Old Mr. Williamson would never move the corny—if, albeit, charming in the way only old people could get away with—deer statues in his front lawn painted the colors for Hawkins High. 
It was like the entire town had been left on pause when he left, waiting for their prodigal son to return. 
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autismnation · 9 months
Scare 2
Summary: Part 2 to this. You and Hobie get to know each other a bit more via a makeup session.
Pairing: Gender Neutral Reader x Scare Actor Hobie Brown
Warnings: Fluff. Gwen makes an appearance because I love her. British slang that may or may not be bad but I’m British and hoping it’s the second one. I’m not confident in this but it took me a month to write so take it my brain’s dying. Maybe abrupt ending? Like I said my brain’s dying. Comedy too (I guess? I hope you laugh.) 2nd Person POV with no Y/N. Hobie has fans. Hobie’s also a little less flirty this time. One (1) single mention of Pavitr because I also love him. Not a warning just wanted to say I love him.
Words: 1.3k
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An hour later, your mind’s sole focus was Hobie. You couldn’t think about anything other than Hobie, his scary makeup, his cool clothes, and the fact that you were standing right outside his break room.
“You can’t go in there,” the man standing outside raised a hand to stop you. “It’s for staff only.”
“I’m meeting my friend in there,” you protested, hands fidgeting with the ring said friend had given you, before quickly adding, “And he works here.”
The man only snorted in amusement. “Yeah, good try.”
You blinked a few times, frustration welling up inside you. Squinting at the man’s name tag, you tried to reason with him, “No, Greg, I’m telling the truth. His name’s Hobie and he—“
Before you could finish your sentence, the door to the break room opened, and the person you were talking about poked his head out.
“Ah, there you are,” Hobie chuckled. He grabbed your shoulder and tried to pull you into the room, but Greg stopped him.
“You know that’s not allowed.”
Hobie struggled to hide an eye roll. “Mate, come on, just do me a favor.”
Greg pursed his lips, sighing. “If I get in trouble—“
“You won’t. Promise,” Hobie said, and then he pulled you inside the break room.
Songs with a spooky theme played quietly, used as background noise whilst people chattered. Most were in scary costumes and the few that weren’t were in the process of getting ready.
Lights lined the ceiling, glowing red. There was a table pushed to the side and piled full of foods and drinks. A crowd gathered around it, playing a game of tossing bloody red popcorn into each other’s mouths.
The mood was light-hearted and joyful, despite the creepy decorations in the room.
Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, Hobie kept you pressed against his side as he navigated the room. You were glad for it. You were never scared of anything but you had to admit that all of these strangers in scary costumes were intimidating.
“Greg’s so bloody uptight,” Hobie scoffed. Then, he tilted his head to one side as he thought for a moment, “But he’s alright most of the time, and he keeps the creeps away.”
You arrived at what you assumed was Hobie’s space. It was a desk stained with paint and makeup, a mirror hung on the wall with bright lights around it. The desk was messy, rubbish strewn all over and makeup containers opened like he left in a rush.
“So, this is where the magic happens,” You grinned.
“Oh, oops,” was all Hobie said as he grabbed handfuls of the rubbish and tossed them in the bin.
You watched Hobie as he did so, studying the way his brow furrowed and his makeup creased. He was a unique individual, you had to admit. You’d never met anyone as confident or as fascinating as him; you barely knew the guy and yet here you were in his dressing room, wanting to know more about him. Hobie certainly stood out from the crowd and you didn’t understand why, but he had an energy about him that made you smile. Oh, and he was obviously hot as hell.
“You got a starin’ problem, love?”
“What?” His words shook you out of your trance and you found him looking at you, “Oh, no, your makeup’s just really nice.”
“Want me to do yours?” He asked.
“That’d be cool,” You admitted, eager to be turned into something frightening—and to feel his touch.
Smirking, Hobie grabbed you by your shoulders and sat you down on a nearby chair. One hand rested gently on you whilst the other grabbed products and applied them.
“So, how long have you been a scare actor?” You attempted to make conversation.
“Only about six months,” Hobie replied as he spread some sort of primer over your face, “I wasn’t arsed about it at first but my mate was really into it and didn’t want to do it on her own, so ‘ere I am. And it’s fun make people jump, innit?”
“I’m usually the one jumping,” You responded.
Hobie shook his head, “Nah, no way. You’re tough as nails. Your friend, though—their screams might’ve fucked up my ears.”
You laughed, “The whole reason I’m here is because of them, actually. You know, to make them less scared.”
“Where are they?” Hobie questioned, “Did they get too scared and went home?”
“No, no, they become obsessed with the skull cotton candy that’s here,” You chuckled, “I physically couldn’t drag them away from the stall.”
“Hell yeah, that stuff’s great, I always have it when I’m Hank Marvin,“ Hobie smirked.
“When you’re what?”
“Starving,” Hobie laughed when you stared at him like he’d grown two heads. Then, he did a double-take at his desk when he tried to grab another makeup product, “Where the hell—“
“Looking for something?” A younger kid—a girl with blue and pink tips in her hair—appeared out of nowhere and held out some colourful eyeliner.
“That’s mine, you plonker,” Hobie said as he ruffled the girl’s hair. Then, he uncapped the eyeliner and cupped the kid’s face, bringing her closer, “Hang on, Gwendy, you’ve mucked it up, mate.”
With a few quick strokes, Hobie fixed her eyeliner while she stared at you with wide eyes.
“Is this one of your groupies?”
“I’m not a groupie,” You said, unable to hide the annoyance in your tone.
“They’re a friend,” Hobie said and your heart warmed. He scoffed in response to the kid’s question, as irritated as you. Though it quickly melted away and he affectionately patted the kid’s shoulder, addressing you, “This is Gwen.”
“Nice to meet you,” You offered her your hand after telling her your name, but she ducked away from it.
“I’m messy, sorry,” Gwen said before grabbing a packet of wipes out of the mess on Hobie’s desk and scrubbing their hands with it.
“Those are mine when you’re done,” Hobie scoffed—though it was full of endearment. He clearly adored the kid and vice versa.
Even though Gwen’s costume was spider-like, it had many similarities to Hobie’s. The most striking ones were that they had the same makeup and Gwen was wearing a shirt that was clearly created by Hobie.
As Hobie continued to do your makeup, applying some eyeliner on you, he wrinkled his nose, “I don’t have groupies, Gwendy.”
“Tell that to the people who edit you on TikTok,” Gwen replied teasingly as she swept some makeup to the side and sat down on his dressing table.
“I would but that app is a piece of shit that destroys your attention span. I’ve told you that a million times, mate,” Hobie grumbled, “I don’t have it for a reason.”
“Wait, are you guys serious? People make edits of you?” Your eyebrows shot up and Hobie pushed them down with his fingers before continuing with your eyeliner.
Gwen nodded, “Yeah, people go crazy over him. His hashtag has, like, thousands of views.”
“Wait, seriously? Like, genuinely? Actually?” You found it hard to believe. Not because Hobie wasn’t worth it, he absolutely was; he was attractive and charming. It was because you hadn’t come across any of these edits.
“Yeah, and it’s bloody weird. They don’t even know me, and they pick the worst music known to mankind. They’re out of their goddamn minds if they think I’d like MSI.” Hobie groaned before turning to Gwen, “You and Pav need to stop sending me those edits. I already said I don’t wanna see ‘em.”
“You should be glad you can’t see the comments.” Gwen grinned.
“Wait, hang on, I wanna see this—” You began to say but she cut you off.
“You really, really don’t. The comments are the worst part. But the attention’s good for business, though,” Gwen pointed out.
“Yet my wage is still the same,” Hobie grumbled before stepping back from you and gesturing to the mirror, “Have a look, mate.”
Gwen shuffled out of the way so you could see yourself properly—and you broke out into a grin. You were wearing the same makeup as Hobie, matching with both him and Gwen.
Hobie clapped you on the back as Gwen grinned at you, “You’re one of us now.”
And you definitely felt like it.
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cdlum · 1 year
Hi I just wanted to know how you get that paper-y pixel-y texture on your art, it's really fascinating
(not just cause of the obvious)
sure thing! i often use a number of post-processing effects to achieve results like that with stuff like backgrounds. that sounds a lot more complicated than it is, really all you need is any art program that utilizes a layer based system. i use clip studio paint and it's what i'll be using as an example here.
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for the sake of simplicity, what i recommend doing is creating a seperate folder for whatever aspect of your piece you want to apply an effect like this to, though you can layer it at the top of the stack if you want it to affect everything beneath. this is the base canvas example im using, which is just a flat color with a gradient background.
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so for an effect like that texture grain, what i do is create a perlin noise layer, by making a new layer and going to filter > render > perlin noise. this creates what is effectively a bunch of tv static on your canvas.
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this in itself isn't too useful unless its the effect you're going for on its own, so what you want to do is scale the noise so its really fine. i tend to set it as small as it can go but you can certainly go a bit bigger and still achieve the same effect. too large and itll look a bit too inconsistent to look like textured paper.
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if youve done all this, what you'll have is some very fine tv static, so what you'll wanna do now is head to the layer settings and change them to something like this. things like opacity are up to you, but it basically controls how pronounced the effect is which may vary piece by piece depending on what you're shooting for.
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additionally, you can add a posterization layer that will make things even more granular. i think the two effects can really compliment each other but really its all about experimentation. here's a comparison with and without.
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a lot of programs will group a lot of these features together and i recommend messing about with them to see what does and doesnt compliment your style. its a real benefit of working with digital to be able to easily mess around with a piece, and ive often made some 11th hour adjustments to my own work this way. hope this helps!
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lu-is-not-ok · 11 months
If you are still taking EGOs to analyze, have you done Sunshower / Drifting Fox?
I have not yet, so let's take a look!
Under the cut, wheeee~
Let's start with the Drifting Fox itself. Unlike most Limbus Abnormalities, for which you have to do some deep readings to recognise their themes, Drifting Fox spells out its themes quite clearly in its Observation Logs.
Here, we're dealing with the idea of feign kindness vs genuine kindness. Kindness done to make yourself feel good without thinking of whether or not it will actually help the one you're being kind to, vs kindness done because you genuinely care about the one you're being kind to.
Some other themes that can be read from this abnormality are abandonment, seeking affection, thoughtfulness behind one's actions (and lack thereof), and learned distrust.
Now, there is also the fact that Drifting Fox and its E.G.O, Sunshower, seem to have some inspiration in the Fox Rain folktale, which mostly revolves around unrequited love. However... There isn't much about Drifting Fox that seems to really connect to that theme at all. The most I can say about it is that the theme was twisted into one about the Fox struggling to accept love from others due to its bad experiences with people who pretended to love it for selfish reasons.
As such I won't really be using the folktale in the analysis, as while I'm sure some connections can be drawn between it and Sunshower E.G.O users, in my opinion they're not as important to character analysis as drawing connections to the Drifting Fox itself.
While we're talking about Sunshower E.G.O users, let's name them finally. Outis and Yi Sang. While Heathcliff uses a Lobcorp version of the E.G.O in one of his IDs, I won't be looking into it in this post because analyzing Identities is a very different process to analyzing E.G.Os, and one I'm still trying to polish. Maybe one day I'll be able to dip my toes into full ID analysis, but until then, E.G.O only.
With Yi Sang, we can definitely see Drifting Fox's themes here, especially with the context of Canto IV. After all, feign kindness is exactly what he experienced from Gubo after the League disbanded, an event that led to him feeling abandoned and distrustful of everyone but Sang Yi. Which, speaking of him, is the main person Yi Sang was seeking affection from during the time he was effectively abandoned.
Now, when it comes to Outis... We really don't know much about her or her background. However, I think one way the theme of feign kindness presents itself in her is, well, with how she acts. Outis's whole schtick is that she's pretending to be kind towards Dante, seemingly for her own benefit.
However... Something tells me it's not as simple as that. Thoughout the story, we get hints towards Outis's life. How she had to sacrifice a lot during her time on the battlefield, and hints towards some complex feeling regarding family she had to leave behind to join the war.
Does she believe she abandoned her family? Or, now that the war is over, does she think they had abandoned her in return? Is feign kindness something that only applies to her own actions? Or is it something she herself experienced as well, and had to learn how to use by herself to survive? She certainly feels like the distrusting type to me...
We don't know enough to say for sure right now, but it is certainly interesting to speculate about.
Let's move on to Sin analysis, as this is where something very interesting happens.
Sunshower is the first shared E.G.O we have that has Different Sin Damage depending on its user. This, of course, paints a very different picture of how these themes apply to each of its users.
Outis's Sunshower deals Gluttony damage. Gluttony is a Sin that represents actions done out of hunger, both hunger for survival and hunger for more. With what little we know about Outis, I think in this case we can firmly place this Gluttony as the survival type.
This implies that her own feigning of kindness is something she began doing as a way to survive what she has gone through, likely during the war and after it had ended. It could also symbolize her own distrust being a way to survive in the wake of other people feigning kindness towards her.
Yi Sang's Sunshower deals Sloth damage. Sloth is a sin that represents actions done out of apathy and inaction, which at this point is a Sin Staple for Yi Sang. This, of course, represents how he deals with feign kindness and abandonment - apathy and resignation.
When the League fell apart, Yi Sang resigned himself to following the guidance of whoever first told him what to do. When met with Gubo's feign kindness, Yi Sang responded with apathy, and resigned himself to following his orders because there was nothing else he thought he could do.
Sin requirements-wise, both Outis and Yi Sang require Sloth, Gluttony, and Gloom, while Yi Sang also adds some Pride on top of that. Let's take this one at a time.
For both Outis and Yi Sang, Sloth represents some form of resignation and/or apathy. This, of course, is extremely clear for Yi Sang, whose very character arc revolves around overcoming his depressive apathy. When it comes to Outis, I think this also applies, if in lesser amounts. Over the course of the war she participated in, she likely had learn to be complacent, to simply follow her leader's orders and not grow too attached to anyone.
Next up, Gluttony. Like with Sloth, I think this represents the same thing for both Outis and Yi Sang, that being that their actions were a way to survive the circumstances they were in. For Outis, it was the only way she could make it through the war, and the only way she can keep going after. For Yi Sang, it was the only way he could survive the League's disbanding and being captured by N Corp.
Then, we have Gloom. Gloom as a sin represents actions done under the pressure of negative emotions. It implies severe emotional stress. Knowing what we know about Outis and Yi Sang... Yeah. Yeah it makes sense for Gloom to be there. I don't think I need to go into too much detail on that.
Lastly, we have Pride for Yi Sang. Pride represents actions done purely for their benefit, while their consequences are ignored. This, I think, is meant to reflect the dilemma Yi Sang was going through during his time at N Corp. He had to do whatever Gubo was telling him to just to survive, and had to ignore the damage he would be indirectly contributing to by helping him.
Before we end off, let's briefly look at the dialogue lines.
Outis's lines are quite... interesting, in my opinion. Her Awakening line reflect the theme of rejecting feigned, meaningless kindness, which I think further affirms Outis's distrust towards others.
However, I think her Corroded line here is much more interesting. It seems to represent Outis's fear of being abandoned. Not only that, but it implies it's something that happened to her at least once before. Perhaps I wasn't that far off about the idea of Outis suffering through something herself that made her learn to feign kindness herself.
Yi Sang's lines on the other hand seem to be more focusing on his own inability to do anything about his situation. His Awakening line reflects his worries about not being able to truly help anyone, while his Corroded line seems to show him falling fully into hopelessness and lamenting over the situation only getting worse.
So, there you go! I might at some point later analyze Sunshower Heathcliff once I figure out a proper method to analyzing IDs, but that day isn't today.
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storkmuffin · 4 months
I wanted to share a little of my perspective on John Silver. I am by no means a Silver stan and honestly, I didn’t really care for him either way (hate him or love him) in my first watch. Through my second (I’m now on both a third and fourth watch simultaneously, it’s complicated) watch, my feelings towards him changed somewhat. He’s still not one of my favourite characters, and by no means does he even compare to Flint in my mind, but I really think painting him as entirely bad is an oversimplification of his character.
Black Sails is, at its core, a show about incredibly complicated characters, all of whom have been through hell, and who are coping with their trauma in different ways. We never get Silver’s backstory which, to be fair, I was also mad about, but we do get hints at it. We know that he started off as a member of a merchant crew, and not a high ranking one which, at the very least, implies that he was not from a privileged background and likely never had any stable employment or family support (those who did were rarely enlisted into these merchant crews). The interpretation of the few bits of insight we do get into his childhood that I favour the most are the ones that suggest that him stating that all his backstory taught him was that the world was a place of unspeakable horrors (or something similar, I can’t remember or find the exact quote) is true—that so much of what we see him do is an effort to distance himself as much as possible from some trauma that he cannot bring himself to think about or disclose to anyone, first by doing everything he can to remain as independent as possible, then by making himself as necessary as possible. He cannot reveal what has happened for fear that speaking of it will make it more real, and possibly even bring its effects back into his life. It sure as hell isn’t a healthy coping mechanism and it definitely hurts those around him, but the same is true for so many of the other characters. Flint, in season one, kills Gates to continue his war against civilisation, one that hasn’t even started, because Gates calls him out on his recklessness (and was right, the battle that Flint killed Gates in the hopes of continuing ended with the Walrus wrecked and the crew decimated and stranded), but, in that moment, the audience feels for Flint, even though we don’t yet know why he’s so dedicated to doing what he’s doing, because, even as he’s killing possibly one of the most “good” characters, we feel sorry for him.
Silver’s backstory is one rooted in loneliness and pain. He starts with being unable to trust anyone then, as he starts to bond with the crew, they start to die off alarmingly quickly. Even in season two, he becomes important to the crew and vice versa, and this process is accelerated by the loss of his leg. I think this acceleration is also worth noting, as it puts him in a place of dependence before he would have been comfortable to do so, before he has learned that he can be vulnerable with someone and they won’t necessarily immediately hurt him. His refusal to allow his leg to heal properly and to let people help him stems from this wariness of vulnerability. Sure, it’s not a healthy attitude, and it does hurt other people, but, especially given the general attitudes towards disability at the time, I can at least understand it. In the eyes of his society, and, therefore, in the eyes of John Silver, disability = vulnerability = weakness = letting others hurt you, so he becomes consumed by the goal of making sure he seems as strong as possible. There’s also a heavy dose of toxic masculinity mixed in here, but, again, as I see it, it’s an understandable (if not excusable) result of what he’s experienced so far. The only physically disabled character we see before Silver is Randall, who is nearly kicked off the crew and then killed (without being able to raise any kind of alarm or defend himself), which certainly isn’t a comfortable frame of reference for someone who has also now lost their leg.
Moving on to Silver’s position in the revolution, I think a lot of my interpretation of his role comes from knowing that Madi & Flint’s mission cannot succeed. Black Sails is, in many ways, quite intricately and accurately tied into the historical context of the time and, the fact is, that the golden age of piracy ended, slavery continued, the empire won out (at least for the next few centuries), and the prejudices that they were trying to fight continued.  By the historical context that is set in stone, Flint and Madi’s revolution could not have succeeded and, honestly, Black Sails shows this. Their ideas were good, as were their tactics, but they had no widespread support. Any support for Nassau had to come at the cost of the end of the revolution, and they had none of the numbers, weapons, money, ships, land, public support, or really anything that would have let them succeed. It’s a good fight, and that’s what hurts the most, because we as the audience want them to succeed but know that, historically, and even within the context of the show, they cannot. Silver sees this, and it definitely isn’t a good look being the only major character in that trio resisting this revolution, but he knows, as we must also know, that it is doomed to fail. He is not stopping it because he doesn’t care for the cause, he is stopping it because he knows that the sooner he stops it, the less likely it is that he will lose someone he cares about, has he has already done with countless members of the crew. He knows in stopping it that he will probably lose Madi, but he does it anyway, because he sees that, whether she lives, dies for nothing, or dies and becomes a martyr, the revolution will fail, and all that will be different is that she and countless others will have died. Again, this level of pragmatism does not look good on him, but between the dreams of Flint and Madi and the sacrifices they will make to try to attain the unattainable, it is incredibly necessary.
Honestly, I can’t fully argue this case without your knowledge of the last part of 4.10. It isn’t a tragedy; it isn’t just filled with a sense that it was all for nothing. At the bare minimum, there are some very cool Max moments. Please, even if you have to skip through all the Silver scenes, watch to the end.
Sorry for the essay :)
posting bc I'm very honored that you chose to write this in response to my unhinged ranting!
I don't have the spoons for a proper response and this deserves one so I will hopefully be able to write something coherent in response sometime soon. I didn't want to just leave this hanging!
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bellhopping · 5 months
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merry christmas fellas, here's my little summary of art
Generally I'd say I've improved a lot throughout this year. Got a proper drawing tablet, switched drawing programs, finally begun working on using more then one type of brush... it's certainly been journey! A journey with many ups and downs, but one I am glad I went on anyhow.
Under the cut is individual uploads of every piece of art in this image, alongside a writeups about their creation. Cheers!
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[1/25/23, Medibang Paint]
Starting off with a pretty alright one, drew this to commerate the release of a game I'd been interested in for the past 4 or 5 years. I think it could use some tweaks, but for something drawn in mobile medibang I'm still pretty proud of it.
[N/A, N/A]
This is where my february drawing would go... IF I HAD ONE !!!
I did not draw much digitally in February, on account of my tablet randomly breaking right at the start of the month. I did draw some stuff traditionally, but I don't feel like fishing it out at this moment lol
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[3/31/23, Krita]
One of my first proper drawings in krita, and of a character I should really draw more of. This was made for trans day of visibility & comes with a trans pride palette to boot, though I ended up choosing the normal palette since the other one kind of sucks. Also could've done better on the posing, but I was still getting used to the ins & outs of drawing tablet usage so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Drawing I made for earth day, honestly a solid contender for best thing I've drawn all year. I did pretty good on the pose, still dig the background a fair bit, & overall think the piece came out damn cool!
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[5/12/23, Krita]
An expirement with line thickness, featuring one of my favorite ocs. Despite it's roughness you can tell I had gotten a hang of Krita's core functions by now.
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[6/17/23, Krita]
Cover art for the prolouge of CAT-Astrophe Comic, the webcomic my brother & I have been working on. Overall been really happy with my work on the comic so far, I've slowly but surely been getting better at each part of the process and am still making good progress on pages n such ^^
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[7/9/23, Krita]
Fanart of a character from a game, drawn for my pal Rinbin after they bought me Rain World. This single handedly inspired me to draw more robots, definitely one thing I 100% intend to follow up on next year.
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[8/1/23, MS Paint]
Drawn based off of someone elses post, I don't remember what it was really. Honestly still really damn proud of everything in this!!!
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[9/7/23, Krita]
Drew some snakes/snake adjacent pokemon for snektember. I'd say this is around the point where I "mastered" krita, by this point I actively knew how to use a majority of featues & had even begun downloading outside brushes.
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[10/20/23, Krita]
Overhaul of a character I made & barely used in 2022, her name is now Olive. I based the whole squidog thing off of something in a dream.
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[11/26/23, MS Paint]
Fanart of a webcomic I really fucking like !!!!! Not much more to say I just really dig this one, fucking love drawing in MS Paint.
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[12/20/23, Krita]
And, as if to repeat last year, I end this one with a DreamSide main cast image!
Really proud of how much all of my designs have improved throughout the year, from the small tweaks to gigantic overhauls! I finally feel ready to take the next step forward, so to speak.
And that's everything! Thank you all for your time, and accompanying me on this journey. It was certainly a rough one in many aspects, but every year is rough for me so I've gotten used to it. See you all later :>
17 notes · View notes
vlion · 2 years
Could I please request poly blackbonnet x fem reader smut?
The Kraken, The Lighthouse, and The Siren (Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Female Reader)
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Author’s Note*: Thank you so much for your request, I hope you enjoy! I traveled and then got COVID throughout the process of writing this so I apologize for the delay. I feel like I'm incapable of writing smut without plot, so hopefully the little backstory and build-up I included is cohesive and adds to the experience. I also see and love all the requests in my inbox (requests are still closed at this time), and I will get to work on them soon. Thanks again!
*I also wanted to say that I received some...interesting comments and messages when I announced this fic. I personally view Ed and Stede as bisexual, as I identify this way, and I find it comforting to believe that two of my favorite characters may identify the same way as I. Yes, this is technically a headcannon, and I acknowledge this, but I believe the way that each character is represented in ofmd is done so in a fluid manner, allowing for open discourse and creation around the topic. I felt the need to say this to respond indirectly to the messages I received, and I wanted to let you all know that I am constantly learning and listening to what each of you have to say. I am grateful to have built my own following in a corner of the internet where we can all be open and supportive of each other. Thank you all for being here, and I look forward to writing for you more!
Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40400847
Content Warnings/General Themes: ⚠ 18+ content: by reading this you affirm you are over the age of 18 years or over the age of maturity as stated in your regional or local guidelines. AFAB! Female-Identifying Reader (female pronouns/terms of endearment used), Bi! Edward Teach/Blackbeard, Bi! Stede Bonnet, making out, love confessions, mentions of eating/refusing food, oral (male/female receiving), 'Captain' kink, spit kink, dom/sub undertones, very slight hurt/comfort, threesome, p-in-v smut, lots of swearing, choking
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9,434 (oh my god)
It had all happened so fast.
You had been taken in as a stowaway aboard the Revenge by none other than the Gentleman Pirate, after he found you stranded at sea. Your previous captain and crew had nearly thrown you overboard after finding out your ‘secret identity’, muttering something about how it was bad luck to even have you on board in the first place. You felt rightfully frustrated at this policy–you had just as much right to be there as any of them, not to mention the fact that you had saved their asses countless times and sacrificed your own true identity for the sake of simply being on the ship.
Whatever, they were just sexist assholes; at least, that’s what the so-called ‘Blackbeard’ had said to you upon your arrival at your new home at sea. Both he and his ‘co-captain’–because apparently that was a thing–were quick to assure you that you were welcome on the Revenge, no matter your background. Stede had been the one to ensure that you were comfortable in your new surroundings, introducing you to the other crew and even setting aside some clothes for you to wear and letting you crash on his couch, as everything you had accumulated over the years was left behind on the other ship.
You were surprised at their kindness, as you had heard mixed rumors about each of them. Blackbeard–or Ed, as you now knew him as–certainly had a reputation that made you a bit hesitant to get close to him. The same was true for Stede as well, but for all the opposite reasons. While Ed was painted as some sort of relentless killer, Stede had been described as an amateur, who had paid his way to piracy. You now knew those things weren’t entirely true, and each of them amounted to much more than their reputations. And to be honest, you couldn’t help but feel drawn to the ways in which they prove those generalizations to be inaccurate. Seeing Blackbeard engage in crew bonding exercises, and Captain Bonnet order people around, never fails to make you smile. And turn you on. But that was a whole different story.
Recently, tensions had been high amongst the crew of the Revenge. With your previous crew still holding a grudge, as well as the English Crown constantly on all of your asses for, well, existing; nearly everyone was on edge. Even Stede, who was usually able to be a source of guidance and light during difficult situations, had confined himself to his room, trying to determine the best course of action. Seeing him like that, in such a state of panic and uncertainty, it made you want to do something–anything–to get him out of that headspace.
As Stede continued to isolate himself, you eventually shared your thoughts with Ed, and he agreed that something needed to be done. Over the course of a week or so, the two of you had gathered up supplies at various trading posts, and gained insight about a private island that had apparently been captured by a mutual friend of yours, who gladly allowed you entry–of course, after Ed had threatened the man in order to ensure that he wasn’t leading you and the rest of the crew into a trap. The man had insisted he was telling the truth and you had to believe him–especially after Ed had nearly broken the poor guy's wrist after pinning him against a wall over the course of the–very heated–conversation. It was hot as fuck.
Maybe that was why you let him kiss you the night you returned from your little escapade. Actually, it was more like an all-out makeout session, complete with lip-biting and the occasional gasp for air. You had been preparing to cook a feast that was sure to keep everyone well fed for however long you were to stay anchored at the island, and just as you left it to cook you were greeted with a hungry-looking Ed in the doorway of the galley. Of course, in the moment, you didn’t realize just what he was actually hungry for–even offering to cook him something to hold him over until dinner. The smug bastard had actually belly-laughed at that, refusing your offer but asking if he could kiss you instead, making heat flood to your cheeks.
How in the everloving fuck did you not pick up on Blackbeard trying to flirt with you? Regardless, you gave into his request, and that’s how you found yourself perched atop the counter with Ed between your legs, his hands wandering across the top half of your body as you lost yourself in his lips and soft touches.
You were pretty sure multiple crew members had walked in on the two of you, probably chatting among themselves about the scene they had–unknowingly–committed themselves to. It was quite a sight–you, the innocent stowaway, caged in by the big bad Blackbeard, his lips molding to yours while his leather-clad lower half pressed into your core.
Eventually, he was the one who broke the kiss, mumbling something about how he was needed on the upper deck, and with one final peck on the lips, he was off. You checked on the food and covered it, setting it aside for later. You took a portion of it out and tasted it, before placing a serving into a bowl just as you had done for the past couple nights.
During Stede’s ‘retreat’ of sorts, he had often neglected to eat, always offering some type of excuse or claiming that he was too busy. You were grateful, however, that Stede did eat when you brought him food. You always stayed with him when he ate, allowing him to share whatever thoughts had crossed his mind as of recently regardless of the fact that you generally saw him three times a day or more. You couldn’t help but feel protective of him, constantly checking on him and ensuring he was alright. One day in particular, when he clearly didn’t want anything to do with, well, anything, you laid with him and soothed him as best you could, holding his hand when he started overthinking and entering into a state of crisis, as well as sharing some stories from your childhood and listening to his.
Yeah, so basically, you had fallen for Stede. And now Ed, apparently, if your impromptu makeout session meant anything. Besides the reputation-based rumors you had heard upon boarding the ship, you had also heard that the two men may have been more than just friends. You observed firsthand the selfless way in which they seemed to care for each other, not to mention the lingering stares and small moments of intimacy they would share in passing. Cosmically, it all seemed right to you–like the three of you fit together. The only thing you wished was that you were included in their little…whatever they had going on. Stede and Ed were like two opposite ends of a spectrum, the Kraken and the Lighthouse, with you, the Siren, balancing them out in the middle–a perfect combination of rigidity and debonair.
It just made sense; which may have been why you shared your thoughts with Stede in the first place. You had shared a few drinks with him one night, trying to make him laugh despite all the things on his mind, and casually let it slip that you could see yourself with him and Ed. Both of you laughed off the idea, but part of you wished that he took your feelings to heart and perhaps even acted on them.
At least you had Ed–kind of; if you could count randomly making out in the kitchen as something.
You were drawn out of your thoughts as you approached the door to yours and Stede’s shared room, knocking in a pattern that Stede knew as yours.
“Come in!” You heard through the door, in Stede’s distinct inflection. You were glad to hear he still had the chipper, optimistic tone of voice you had come to love even when he was left to his own devices.
“How’s it going tonight, Captain?” You asked him, and he smiled at the term of authority-turned nickname you often used.
“Not too bad, but I certainly missed my favorite meal-delivery person–who also happens to be my roommate and personal chef!” He said, eyes warm as you approached him and handed him his dinner.
“Not to burst your bubble or anything, Stede, but today I cooked for everyone. I don’t think that makes me–”
“Yeah, I heard. Ed told me all about it.” He said, in a relatively serious and knowing tone.
Your eyes widened. Helping out on the upper deck, my ass, you thought, recalling the bullshit excuse Ed had given you earlier.
“Listen…Stede…what happened between me and Ed, it was a heat of the moment thing,” you started, carefully gauging his reaction as you went on. “I don’t even know if I have fully processed it myself, and I know I love spending time with you as well, and I heard the two of you are also kinda a thing-”
“Darling, I’m not mad. I was the one who told Ed to make a move in the first place.” He said, nonchalantly taking a bite of his meal.
Your brow furrowed as you took a moment to collect yourself. “Wait…seriously?” You cautiously sat down next to Stede as he continued to eat, who paused slightly to nod his head, confirming your suspicions.
He raised the fork he was using to eat and gestured towards you as he spoke once more. “Poor Ed couldn’t get you off his mind and came to me for advice and obviously because I have such a great track-record of relationships under my belt, I told him to do whatever felt right, which was apparently to corner you in the kitchen and make out like teenagers, if I heard him correctly?”
You snorted at the description he gave, realizing how accurate it truly was. You took a moment to lock eyes with Stede, finding comfort in the earnest and sincere look he had on his face. You reached out and placed a hand on his cheek, figuring that you should probably tell him how you felt if you already made it to–at least–second base with his other half.
“Stede, I…” You let your hand slide down to his shoulder, offering some pressure to work his tense muscles.
“Go on darling, I’m listening.” He offered, placing his dish out of the way so you could have his full attention.
“I really like you. Both of you. And, like, I think you know but also I didn’t know how this was going to work,” you said, gesturing between you, him, and an imaginary third-party. “Ed and I were planning something to cheer you up, and I think he caught on during all that and I honestly should have told you–”
Stede cut you off once again, this time with his lips on yours. Even though you had been affectionate with him before and more physically comfortable with him as you shared a room with him, you found yourself shocked at his sudden advance. You welcomed it, obviously, but you almost couldn’t believe that you were really kissing Stede.
As you deepened the kiss, you noticed his style of kissing was far more gentle and rhythmic than Ed’s more chaotic and sloppy method. Stede took the time to really feel the curve of your lips on his own, savoring the lingering taste of sugar and dough that had come as a result of you tasting the meal you had just prepared.
You moved to sit on his lap, straddling his thighs while he moved his lips to your neck and jaw. You gasped at the action, not expecting him to kiss you in those sensitive regions. You softly ran your hands along his shoulders and back, massaging and rubbing what you could reach. This was certainly a way to relieve some of his stress, that’s for sure.
Just as you started to get into a good rhythm, Stede pulled back, looking up at you with one of the most genuine smiles you had seen on him since he entered his funk.
“I would love to sit here and do this with you all night, my love, but we should rest up for tomorrow–we’ve got a big day ahead of us.”
You tilted your head to the side and furrowed your brow, curious as to what he was on about.
At your quizzical response, Stede continued. “We’re dropping anchor at the island tomorrow, remember?” You rolled your eyes at Ed’s lack of ability to keep his mouth shut. “Yeah, Ed let that slip too,” he continued, “...and…hopefully you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of suggesting that you, Ed, and I get our own private bungalow…if you catch my drift.” He said, waving his eyebrows at the last bit.
Yeah, you totally caught his drift. Now all you had to do was survive through the night and following day without going completely weak at the knees.
You awoke the next morning feeling literally better than ever. The ship was anchored at a lovely part of the island that allowed you to see white sand and clear water for miles, with a few living spaces and natural flora strewn about. Stede had woken you up with a kiss on the forehead, before letting you know he was going to scope out the island with Ed and a few others. You had taken your time in getting ready, dolling yourself up a bit to embrace the relaxing vibes.
As you made your way onto solid land–after greeting a rather cheerful Lucius and sharing a few words with Jim–you nearly tripped over your feet when your eyes locked onto the scene unfolding in front of you.
Stede and Ed were doing what you could only describe as ‘frolicking’ in the water along the beach. Your eyes immediately traveled to Ed’s bare chest, and the various tattoos that adorned his body. He hadn’t seen you yet, so luckily he couldn’t embarrass you about ogling over him just yet, but you couldn’t seem to take your eyes off of him in the meantime.
That is, until Stede came into view. He emerged from the water, looking like the culmination of every fantasy you had had about the seemingly innocent man. Unlike Ed, he had chosen to leave his white undershirt on, with the top buttons undone. The way his broad chest glistened in the sunlight with droplets of water and slightest hint of sweat, as well as how the transparency of the wet shirt allowed you to see his form, had you clenching your thighs together and swallowing the saliva that had unknowingly accumulated in your mouth.
Damn, they were hot. And come to think of it–you were too. The heat index had to be skyrocketing on this particular day, and the sun reflecting off the crashing waves did little to cool you. With another swallow for good measure, you began your descent down the sloped beach, leaving your shoes in the sand as you approached the two men in the water.
“Hello darling! We were just wondering when you might turn up,” Stede said, flashing his signature smile in your direction.
“Yeah, I was starting to think you blew us off to go hang out with Jim or some shit,” Ed added.
You rolled your eyes, stepping closer to the two men. “First of all, there is other important…business…that Jim can get up to on their own other than ‘hanging out’ with me, thank you very much,” you said, gesturing at the person in question to further what you were saying. “And second,” you continued, glancing between the two men, “I wanted to see what you two were up to.”
Ed pursed his lips and let out a huff. “Hmm, that’s funny.”
“What?” You shot back.
He turned to face you. “Nothing, I’m just trying to figure out where in that little speech of yours that you were going to explain why you were drooling over us a minute ago,” Ed said, with a cocky, shit-eating grin on his face.
Your eyes widened, and if Stede hadn’t been there as well you would have seriously considered slapping the look straight off of Ed’s face. Or kissing it off. Or both.
Stede moved to stand between you and the other man. “Now, now, Ed. Stop teasing Y/N! We’re supposed to be relaxing, remember?!” You couldn’t help but realize how much Stede looked like a father scolding his rambunctious child at that moment. Sometimes you forgot the man was a father outside of his life of piracy, and to be honest, you couldn’t help but find that rather–
Ed interrupted your thoughts. “Well Y/N certainly seems to be relaxing, if you know what I mean...”
You moved past Stede so that you were face to face with Ed. “Edward Teach, you are going to fucking GET IT!” You said, highlighting your statement with an–almost comically lackluster–splash.
Ed feigned surprise, using a hand to cover his open mouth. “Yeah? Don’t start something you aren’t going to finish, sweetheart,” he said, hesitating before doing anything in response. The action itself was kind of cute, but you weren’t in the mood for cute–you were out for blood.
“You should tell yourself that,” you said with a sly smile, before lunging towards him and splashing him a few times in rapid succession, noticing the way Stede seemed to be debating between running for the hills and stepping between the two of you once more. As Stede opted for a sort-of middle ground where he almost seemed to be supervising the two of you, Ed had begun splashing you in response, effectively soaking your upper half. Of course, you had opted to wear a blouse similar to the one Stede was currently wearing (as he had loaned it to you upon arrival), so you were certain the two men in front of you were getting quite the view of your form.
You closed your eyes as Ed’s splashes became too overwhelming, and you missed the way each of the men followed the curve of your body as you raised your hands above your head in surrender and said “that’s enough!”
With one final flick of water which earned him a look of annoyance from you, Ed halted his actions.
You lowered your arms and wiped any remaining water from your face and eyes, shaking your arms and upper body to try and dry what you could. Stede approached you at this point, his hand connecting with your cheek as he angled your head up so his eyes could meet yours.
“Did he go too hard on you?” He innocently asked, but you couldn’t help but laugh at the innuendo that the statement insinuated. Stede smiled in response, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. Of course, the sweet moment was interrupted by the grey-haired pirate who you nearly forgot was standing near you.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help but feel like I’m interrupting something here…” he said, and you were reminded that you hadn’t had the chance to tell him about the moment you shared with Stede the previous night. Your fears, however, were relieved by Stede chuckling and inviting Ed to join the two of you, which led you to assume that Stede had already filled him in.
You reached out for Ed as he approached you, stroking your hand up and down his toned arm when he was within reach. “For the record, I was only staring earlier because I enjoy seeing the mighty Blackbeard frolicking on the beach in my free time.”
He laughed a genuine laugh at that. “Sure, Y/N, you keep telling yourself that. Whatever you have to do to sleep at night.”
You glanced between him and Stede before speaking again. “Right…so about sleeping…” you broached, and once you received confused looks from each of them, you continued on. “Stede told me about our…uh…sleeping arrangements tonight…”
“And, let me guess, you can’t stop thinking about what’s to come?” Stede added, as if he was reading your mind.
You nodded, suddenly feeling a little flustered at both your close proximity to the two men as well as from the effects of the warm sun on your skin. You saw Ed smirk out of the corner of your eye at your admission, and then felt him walk up behind you and wrap his arms around your middle.
“Is this okay?” He asked, moving your hair to the side to reveal your neck.
“Of course,” you responded, locking eyes with Stede as Ed started kissing your neck and jaw. As you moved your head to the side to allow him better access, you locked eyes with Stede, who had moved to be directly in front of you. “Can I touch you?” You asked him, and were immediately met with him frantically nodding.
As Ed reached around to untuck the shirt you were wearing to access your skin underneath, you reached your own hands up to where Stede’s shirt had opened, and ran your fingers over his bare chest. You stroked your hands up and down, then used the collar of his shirt to pull him in for a kiss.
You moved to deepen the kiss, effectively sandwiching yourself between the two men, and you could sense the raw, primal desire each of the men had for you. You could also feel it in the way Stede’s kiss was all teeth and tongue, and how Ed’s tightening pants behind you rubbed against your ass.
You pulled away from Stede but continued your actions with your hands, turning your head to be in line with Ed’s ear. “When was the last time you had a proper fuck?” You asked him, kissing his earlobe as you waited for a response.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, sweetheart?” He nearly growled, accentuating his statement by gripping your hips tightly. “Do you think about me like that? Think about us, like that? Huh?”
You opened your mouth to respond but were cut off by an obscenely loud–and incredibly inconvenient–whistle from behind you. You, Ed, and Stede were off each other in an instant, heads whipping towards the source of the sound. What you weren’t prepared for, was to see nearly the entire crew of the Revenge making their way towards you.
Stede greeted his crew with a wave, making his way towards them and beckoning you over in the process.
Yeah, this was going to be a long day.
The night had fallen, as had your heart, after the events of the day. Besides the obligatory vacation and crew festivities that kept you busy, you couldn’t help but anxiously await the anticipated events of the night.
Stede and Ed had their fun with you nearly the entire day, mostly through lingering touches and hushed conversations, doing nothing to make the time spent with the crew pass any quicker. You had eventually called it quits as the sun began to set, excusing yourself as you headed towards your rather luxurious living quarters for the night, which is where you found yourself now.
You glanced up from where you were perched on perhaps the largest bed you had ever seen. From your position, you could see the gorgeous living room that had greeted you upon arrival, as well as the kitchen and stairs to the guest room. You assumed that you would be sleeping there tonight, but upon locating the bed that nearly swallowed you whole, you figured that you and your two companions could all fit here.
A knock at the front door had you up in an instant. The knock was accompanied by an “anybody home?” that was far too chipper to be anyone other than Stede.
You opened the door once you reached it, smiling upon realizing that Ed had tagged along with Stede. “Hey boys!” You greeted, backing up to allow them inside. What you didn’t anticipate, however, was for Ed to barge in before Stede and push you up against the nearest wall, his hands finding your hips while his lips found yours. It was a filthy kiss, clearly only initiated to bring about…something more. Something that you had been thinking about for the better part of your time with the captains of the Revenge.
You pulled back–much to Ed’s dismay–and immediately cradled his face as you began to speak, hearing Stede approach you from behind, similar to the position you found yourself in just hours ago.
“So…” you droned on, angling yourself so that you could get a look at both men.
“So…” Stede replied, smirking at your sudden bashfulness.
Ed grunted and gripped your hips, drawing your attention back to him. “Do you want this sweetheart?” He asked sweetly, genuine concern in his eyes. “Want us?” He added, before leaning back to gauge your reaction.
You looked between him and Stede with a smirk, before responding. “I’ve wanted this for longer than you could ever know.”
Stede raised an eyebrow at that. “Is that right?” He asked, smoothing a hand down your side and resting it on Ed’s hand. You were starting to get used to being sandwiched between the two men, especially when you caught the tender look shared between them as you let out a sigh of contentment and nodded.
“Care to share your thoughts with the class, Y/N?” Ed teased, his grip on your hips tightening.
You bit your lip and pulled away, their hands falling away from your body. “What if I showed you, instead?” You asked, reaching a hand out for each of them to take. Stede obliged, intertwining his fingers with yours and leading you towards the bedroom, while Ed settled for a slight slap on your ass and followed closely behind.
You were quick to push Stede onto the bed, straddling him while you helped him take off his–many–layers. You heard Ed doing the same behind you, and were greeted by him in just his leather pants, and you were not modest in the way you checked him out.
He opened his mouth to speak but you were quick to stop him. “Ed, I swear if you are about to ask me if I ‘like what I see’ I will literally make you sit and watch while me and Stede-”
He cut you off with a chuckle. “Woah. I was actually going to ask if you wanted to suck my dick, but now that I know that you’re into voyeurism, I might just take you up on that offer.”
Your face dropped and you rolled your eyes, and you were about to turn your attention back to a now shirtless Stede when you felt a strong grip on your chin. Ed angled your face to turn back towards his, his eyes now hooded and dark.
“Did you just fucking roll your eyes at me?” He questioned, and you felt your heart drop at his words. You had never seen Ed in what he and Stede referred to as ‘Blackbeard Mode,’ and now that it was fully on display you couldn’t help but feel a little scared…but also incredibly turned on.
The grip on your chin loosed, only for Ed to move it to your neck. “Answer me!” Ed demanded, which nearly sent you into a panic–a sexy, heart racing type of panic.
“Yeah, I did.” You mumbled under your breath.
Ed narrowed his eyes. “What was that?” He asked.
You cleared your throat as best you could given your current position, and felt Stede’s hands slide delicately up your back to relax you. You caved at their actions, softening as you let down your guard. “I did Ed, I’m sorry...” you replied, louder than your previous statement.
Ed removed his hand from your neck, stroking it down your cheek softly. “Don’t apologize, sweetheart–I’m just fuckin’ with you. You know I like the difficult ones.” At your confused look, he nodded towards the other man before adding, “just ask Stede. That man has the mouth of a sailor…pun fully intended,” he said with a wink, nearly making you roll your eyes again and defeat the entire purpose of…whatever the hell this was.
Instead, your eyes widened slightly at the new information, before turning back to Stede. “Is it true, Stede?” You asked, still slightly taken aback that the seemingly innocent blonde was something else entirely in bed.
He responded by pulling your hips towards him, and angling you so that your core could grind against his erection, leaning in so he could speak into your ear. “I guess you’ll have to find out, darling.” He said in a voice you nearly didn’t recognize, before continuing. “Also, that’s ‘Captain’ to you, missy.”
You pulled back and shared a look with Ed to see if Stede was serious or not, and when Ed didn’t roll his eyes or make a comment, you knew you were in for an interesting night.
You rolled your hips on Stede’s hardening cock, moaning at the feeling and the way his lips parted to do the same, before responding. “Alright Captain, you gonna show me what you’re made of, or keep teasing me all night?”
At that, Ed reached around your body and began removing your clothes, probably after realizing you still had on at least two more layers than they did. Stede busied himself with attacking your neck with his lips, continuing to grind you down in his lap while Ed did the same from behind you. You could feel your panties nearly soaking through at this point, your core throbbing for more attention.
As if he could read your mind, Ed pulled you away from Stede–not without a whine from you, of course–and sat you on the bed next to the blonde. You turned to face Stede, taking in how truly gorgeous the man is, prompting you to lean forward to kiss him, immediately opening your mouth to allow your tongues to collide. It was sloppy, drool threatening to spill out of your mouth and probably his too, but it was just what you needed at the moment. Oh, and certainly the hand that was slowly snaking its way into your pants currently.
You opened your eyes to try and get a better view of how the other man was touching you, but a firm hand came up to keep you focused on your kiss. “Focus on Stede for me, sweetheart,” Ed began, “I want to taste this sweet pussy and make you feel good.” You moaned, before he continued. “Can you let me do that for you, baby?”
You nodded frantically, parting your legs for him and allowing him to remove your pants. You could feel him playing with the waistband of your panties and he sunk down between your legs. As you felt his lips on your inner thighs and clothed center, you took the opportunity to stroke Stede’s inner thigh, feeling him tense slightly then relax into your touch. Just as you had done for Ed, Stede widened his legs, allowing you access into his trousers. You pulled back from your kiss with him, bringing your forehead to his as you longed for more of the closeness you had established with him.
You moved to continue your actions, stroking your hands along Stede’s lower stomach, halting when you felt Ed pull down your panties and quickly move to connect himself with your core. His lips were on your clit, sucking and kissing the swollen bud, as his fingers came up to find your soaken hole. He slowly slid two fingers into your pussy, setting a slow but steady pace as you braced yourself on Stede’s thighs.
Ed pulled back, his fingers fully replacing his mouth as he gauged your reaction to his actions thus far. “God…you’re so fucking soaked, Y/N. Do you want to make Stede feel good while I make you cum?”
You hesitated before responding, not because you were unsure of your answer but because his fingers were hitting all the right spots at the moment. His rough hands only added to the sensation, and you felt like you had to restrain yourself from fully getting off on his hand.
Stede picked up on your inability to form a response, and gripped your hands where they were resting on his thighs. He looked at Ed and there seemed to be a mutual understanding, and then Ed’s hands were off of you, gaining your attention.
You opened your mouth to protest, but Ed was already standing in front of Stede, offering the other man his fingers that had just been inside of you.
When you say that you nearly passed out from the scene that was unfolding in front of you, you were definitely not exaggerating. Stede leaned forward, gripping Ed’s hand at the wrist and guiding his fingers into his mouth. He wrapped his lips around the digits, tongue flicking out to taste your slick, and you literally had to cross your legs to keep from orgasming on the spot. To make matters worse, Stede opened his eyes and made eye contact with first Ed then you, and let out a moan, as though he was tasting his own personal cocktail of ambrosia.
Stede released Ed’s fingers, and you felt yourself being moved by Ed so that you were kneeling perpendicular to where Stede was sitting on the edge of the bed, with your head near his lap. Ed positioned himself behind you, and you missed the way he licked his lips and leaned down as you focused on Stede’s pleasure. Gingerly, you reached for Stede’s trousers and briefs once more, pulling them down enough to free his now throbbing cock. You looked up at Stede shyly, his eyebrows drawn together in concentration as he flashed you a soft smile before he spoke. “Go ahead, darling.”
To encourage you further, Ed took this opportunity to attack your pussy with his tongue. You were super glad he decided to shave his beard only a few days ago, as the slight burn of the stubble contrasted with his wet, soft tongue felt amazing in between your legs. Before you became overwhelmed with the sensation once again, you reached forward and took Stede’s cock in your hand. It barely fit in just one of your hands, which you discovered as you started to jerk off his shaft.
“Give me your hand, darling,” Stede said, and you obliged. “Good girl,” he added once you moved to comply. You kept one hand moving on his dick while you reached out your other one, which the man took and brought to his mouth. Just as Ed started eating you out like a starved man, Stede spit into your open hand, then guided it back down to join your other hand. The action itself was filthy in nature, making you buck your hips into Ed’s mouth and increase the rate at which you jerked Stede off. He gasped at the action, and you could feel him holding his hips back to resist rutting up into your hands.
“Fuck, that feels good,” Stede said, before adding, “Is Ed going to make you cum, sweetheart?” He leaned his head back slightly to toss some of his hair out of his face, before looking down at you for a response.
“Yes, shit, gonna cum soon–” You were cut off by a slap on your ass by Ed, causing you to jolt forward and come face to face with Stede’s cock. You better positioned yourself on Stede’s thighs, leaning forward to take the tip into your mouth. You could feel that Ed added his fingers back into your pussy somewhere during this process, and the familiar heat in your core ramping up as he continued his actions.
You removed one hand from Stede’s cock as you took him deeper into your mouth, using it to massage his balls. You could feel a combination of your spit and Stede’s precum sliding down his shaft to meet your hand, earning you a moan from the man above you. Upon hearing his sighs of pleasure, you let out one of your own, making Stede buck his hips and egging Ed’s attack on your pussy on further.
“Gonna cum, Y/N? With my face buried in your pussy, and your mouth around your Captain’s cock? Let it all go baby…” Ed said, and with that, you were seeing stars. You were glad you had Stede’s dick in your mouth, as the moans that threatened to slip out as you rode your high were–mostly–stifled.
Ed continued to lick and kiss your cunt as you came down, while Stede reluctantly pulled you off his cock. When you moved to take him back into your mouth, he reached out a hand to stop you, offering a merciful smile.
“Sorry, sweetheart, you’re just a little too good at that is all,” he explained with a grin, and you felt Ed move behind you.
“I’m assuming you enjoyed that, huh, sweetheart?” Ed said, kneeling next to you and giving you a kiss on the cheek. You couldn’t resist turning your head to kiss him on the mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue.
He pulled back before you could deepen the kiss too much, looking at you with hooded eyes, similar to the way he did earlier. “God…who would’ve guessed that sweet Y/N was this filthy…” He teased, hand coming up to grip your cheeks and open your mouth. “Stick out your tongue for me, yeah?”
You did what he asked without hesitation, face still in Ed’s grasp, and he spit into your mouth. He released his grip and watched as you swallowed, using your eagerness as a sign to continue on with the events of the night.
“So…” Ed began, “Stede and I were talking…”
“And we wanted to leave it up to you before we went any further.” Stede interjected, a look of concern on his face.
You looked between them for what felt like the hundredth time this evening, and could see the love they had to share staring straight back at you. You knew, even prior to what had already occurred, that if there was anyone you wanted to do something like…whatever this was with, it would be them. Not only had they been there for you at one of your darkest times, but they had become sources of empowerment and support in the relatively short amount of time you knew them. Which is why you were confident in what you moved to say next.
“Ed…” You began, cupping his cheek then turning to Stede and doing the same. “Stede…” Both men leaned into your touch and listened intently. “There’s literally no one I would rather be doing this with. Both of you heard my call, took me by the hand, and led me to where I am today.” Both of their faces softened at your confession, and you placed your hands back into your lap.
Ed cleared his throat, breaking the short silence. “So, uh…we gonna fuck or not?”
You moved to straddle him, giggling at his statement. “Isn’t that literally what we were just doing?” You asked, rolling your hips over his still clothed erection.
“You haven’t even seen the slightest of what I’m capable of.” He replied, the brooding look returning to his face. This time, however, you weren’t having it, and saw through his dark façade.
“Okay, Blackbeard.” You said, rolling your eyes at his statement for added effect. He did not like that.
With a slap to your ass–and a glare from Stede–Ed repositioned you to perch atop his leg, leaning down towards your ear. “Fuck, I love it when you call me that.” You nearly rolled your eyes again–of course he did. “Now be a good girl and get off on my leg, then we can give you what you really want.”
You did what he asked, but not without adding, “what I really want? You mean your love and devotion?”
Ed snorted at that, gripping your waist tighter and grinding you harder into his lap. “I think you need something to shut you up.” He said, grunting whenever you came in contact with his dick.
You raised an eyebrow at that and shared a look with Stede, who was watching this all unfold with an eager expression. He looked gorgeous from this angle, his hair all disheveled and his body on full display.
You halted the movement of your hips, hearing Ed let out a frustrated grunt. “I want both of you, so bad…” You said, matter-of-factly.
“How do you want us?” Stede asked, his concerned nature making itself known.
You felt yourself blush at the question, again not expecting something of such a suggestive nature falling out of Stede’s lips. That being said, he literally just revealed his apparent “Captain” kink to you so maybe you were too quick to judge what Stede was or wasn’t capable of saying.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you focused on what exactly was being asked of you. You honestly wanted nothing more than for each of the men to pound you into the mattress of this probably far too nice and boutique bed of yours, but a part of you deep down really wanted Stede to be the first of the two to get to know you so intimately. After all, he had done so much to take care of you as you had done for him–it just felt right.
Once you made up your mind–after also reminding yourself that you have all night–you voiced your thoughts. “Stede, I want you…” you began, looking down at your core before flicking your eyes back to the other man. “And Ed, I–”
He caught your drift immediately and finished your statement. “You want me to fuck your mouth, is that right?”
“Fuck, yeah.” You responded, too horny to say something witty in response.
At that, Stede stood and allowed you to move up and lay with your head dangling off the bed, giving yourself a perfect view of Ed’s lower half. You reached out and gripped what you could of his waist, pulling him closer to you. You felt the bed dip as Stede hovered over you, feeling his hands go to your shirt to finally remove it.
“May I?” He asked–ever the gentleman. You nodded, and you helped him pull the article of clothing off of you. You could feel Ed shifting behind you, and if you could see him attempting to wiggle out of his tight pants you would have probably bursted out laughing. You were distracted, however, by Stede’s hesitation as his hands hovered over your bra. Your eyes met his, and you gave a slight nod, reaching for his hand with your own and guiding it to the point at which the garment was connected to your body. He tenderly removed it from you, allowing it to fall to the floor and reveal your upper half to him.
As Stede leaned down to caress your breasts, you turned your head to be greeted with Ed’s unconcealed dick. To say that he was big would be an understatement–the man was seriously packing. No wonder he walked around like he owned the place, with a dick like that–
“Open your mouth for me.” He said, drawing you out of your–borderline objectifying–thoughts. You complied, and the heavy tip of his dick was in your mouth in an instant. You could taste the small amount of precum that had collected, making your mouth water.
You moved to position yourself at a better angle, but were stopped by Ed’s firm hands near your neck. You looked up at him as well as you could with your head upside down, and the determined look on his face was enough to suggest that he wanted you to lie back and enjoy yourself while he took the reins.
You were more than happy to comply, and focused on the sensations Stede was providing while Ed ensured that you were in a comfortable position and continued to stroke the tip of his dick on your open tongue. Stede’s hands slowly moved down your chest and stroked your hips, his lips also ghosting kisses down your abdomen.
As you felt Stede’s hands approach your core, you opened your legs wider to accommodate his form between your legs and to give him better access. You felt him chuckle at your actions, his lips now dangerously close to where you wanted him most. Well, a certain part of him.
“Stede…” you whined, feeling Ed pull back slightly as you spoke. Stede looked up at you eagerly, stopping short and expecting you to continue. When you didn't, he shifted once more so he was level with your face.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart? Is everything alright?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
You nodded, his hand stroking your cheek as you gave him a pleading look. “I want you…”
He nuzzled your nose with his own and smiled, before replying. “Then it’s me you shall have.”
You moved again to accommodate his form, feeling him situate himself between your legs. He reached down and pumped his shaft a few times, sighing as his hand came in contact with his tender skin. You relaxed and leaned your head back once again, signaling that you were ready for them.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the sensations you were experiencing, missing the glance Stede and Ed shared above you. After sharing a nod, the two men were quick to spring into action.
You felt Stede enter you first, the drag of his shaft along your walls slowly stretching your hole and hitting all the right places inside of you. You clenched around his cock once he was fully seated inside of you, moaning as his fingers ghosted over your clit. “You like that, darling?” He asked, beginning to set a slow, yet steady pace.
“Fuck yes!” You responded, smirking at him before adding “Captain.”
He grunted at that, picking up the pace and in turn, rocking the bed you were perched on. You silently prayed that all of the other crew members had settled down and weren’t looking for either of their captains, because the scene currently unfolding would probably make even the most rugged pirate say a prayer; unless their name was ‘Stede’ or ‘Ed,’ apparently.
Speaking of the devil, Ed saw your moment of quiet contemplation as an opportunity to grip your jaw, angling you once more to better suit his needs. You smiled at him before sticking out your tongue, prompting him to smirk back then lean down and spit as he had before, this time using it as added slick as he guided his cock back into your mouth.
Stede’s gentle, yet determined thrusts, and Ed’s rough and messy use of your mouth combined in a perfect tango which had you reaching your peak in seconds.
Ed could see the way your body was convulsing and twisting, clenching on Stede’s cock and drooling on his own. “You fucking like that, Y/N?” He asked, his hips working his cock against your tongue and down your throat. You moaned around his cock in response, egging him on more.
With a light slap to your cheek, he continued. “Fuck yeah you do, ohmygod–we should’ve done this so much sooner..”
Stede glanced up at that, tossing his–now disheveled–blonde locks out of his face. “I was thinking the same thing,” he said, gently, prompting Ed to lean down and meet his lips. You saw the two men deepen the kiss above you, and in that moment, everything felt so right. You finally had the two men who took you in, cared for you, and allowed you to care for them in return right where you wanted them, and you fucking loved it. Your sweet, kind Stede, who never failed to be gentle with you even when he was at his lowest, was making you feel better than you ever imagined, while your edgy, yet kind-hearted Ed allowed you to treat him how he deserved. It was everything you had been searching for–your hidden treasure, and you had been led to them as a personal treasure of their own.
Stede’s thrusts eventually became more irregular, and you could feel his cock throbbing in your core, signaling that he was close. Ed had opted to glide his shaft on top of your wet mouth and tongue, using you like his own personal toy. It was messy–filthy even, but you fucking loved it. You especially loved it when Ed used his free hand to play with one of your breasts, using some drool that had collected around your mouth as slick to play with your hard bud. Stede brought a hand up as well and did the same and you thanked every deity you could think of for allowing your paths to cross.
Shockingly, it was Ed who voiced his thoughts first. “Fuck, Stede, Y/N, I’m close.”
Stede slowed his thrusts a bit–earning a whine from you–and took a moment to catch his breath. “Fuck, me too.” He sat back on his knees, leaving just his tip inside you, and glanced down at you. “How are you doing, sweetheart? Getting close?”
You nodded, and felt the coil in your stomach threatening to snap as Stede drew the tip of his cock out and around your slick hole and clit. “Wanna c-cum, for you. Both of you.”
“I know you do darling, but I’m afraid I can’t hold out for much longer…” Stede responded, gripping the base of his shaft to try and hold off his orgasm.
“I can…” Ed cockily replied, easing his dick out of your mouth.
You sat up, noticing how suddenly empty you felt as you did, and turned to look Ed in the eyes. “And what if I don’t believe you?” You asked with wild eyes, hoping he would take the bait.
“Why don’t you lie on your stomach and find out for yourself, slut?” He gritted back, and you could’ve lost it right then and there, but your anticipation for what he proposed outweighed your need to orgasm without him inside you.
“Ed!?” Stede chirped in, likely as an attempt to come to your defense. When he saw the smirk on your face and look of desire in your eyes, however, his own eyes widened a bit, and he understood that the term hadn’t entirely pissed you off–in fact, it had had the opposite effect.
Stede huffed before allowing you to follow Ed’s orders and reposition yourself. “And I thought I was into some interesting things…”
As Ed settled behind you after your position replicated what he had asked of you, you turned your head to follow Stede as he sat at the head of the bed in front of you, giggling at his admission. “What kinds of things, Captain?” You asked, sure to use his favorite nickname.
Stede rolled his eyes and fixed his hair before smiling down at you. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
You smiled, moving to respond once more, but were cut off by Ed entering you with no warning. Your soft pussy gripped him tight, wetness coating his throbbing shaft. He could feel that you were pretty well stretched from Stede, and didn’t take much time in working you up to a hard and fast rhythm that had you moaning.
Still, through the haze of horniness that had accumulated, you felt the urge to reach for the blonde-haired man in front of you, taking all of what you could of his member into your mouth. He gasped, not expecting you to do so as Ed was literally pounding you into the mattress, but welcomed it nonetheless.
Ed slapped your ass as he saw what you were doing to Stede, pinching and massaging it as he picked up his pace even more. “Look at you, Y/N, being split open by us. Fuck, you’re so good-”
“Such a good girl…” Stede continued after Ed became a moaning mess, making you clench down on Ed’s leaking cock. You took Stede’s slick cock deeper into your mouth, tears threatening to spill as you started properly sucking him off. You could taste the saltiness of his precum mixing with the saliva of your mouth, and looked up at him through your lashes as you felt one of his hands move to your throat. It was mainly to support your neck and to guide you where he needed you, but the slight pressure made your pussy throb and turned you on even more–if that’s even possible.
It turns out it was, because when Ed brought a hand down to your clit you were done for. You looked up at Stede with desperation in your eyes, and he knew immediately that you were rapidly approaching your peak.
“Shit, Ed, Y/N’s nearly there…” Stede announced, his tone suggesting that you were not alone in your predicament.
“Yeah? Gonna cum with us inside you?” Ed said, and you moaned around Stede’s cock as a response, fucking back into Ed as he hit your G-spot with every thrust. That, combined with the way he flicked at your clit and the delicious pressure of Stede’s cock on your tongue and hand on your throat finally sent you over the edge. You nearly collapsed as your orgasm rode through you, your hole gripping Ed tight and nearly all of your muscles convulsing in the process. It felt like heaven.
“Mmm, gripping me so tight…gonna cum…” Ed slurred, before gingerly pulling out and releasing on your hole and thighs.
Stede was not far behind, and you reached a hand up to stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth, causing him to thrust slowly as pleasure started to overcome his senses. “I’m so close, pretty girl,” he said, and you felt the bed shift behind you. You focused on licking and sucking all that you could, locking eyes with Stede as his breathing increased and cock started to leak more.
You felt his balls tighten as he continued to thrust, and just as he let go you felt a set of hands pull your hair back and stroke along your skin. You closed your eyes and swallowed all that he had to give, savoring the taste that was so distinctly Stede. You shamelessly moaned at the sensation, earning a chuckle from both men; prompting you to come back down to Earth. Stede carefully removed his spent shaft from your mouth, using a finger to wipe a bit of drool and his release from the corners of your mouth. He tucked himself back into his trousers and settled into the bed, gesturing for you to do the same. When you went to move and realized your hair was still pulled back, you turned to the side and were greeted with a grinning Ed who was now playing with your hair that was in his grip.
You cleared your throat to get his attention, but when his gaze remained on his fingers in your hair, you spoke. “You gonna play with that forever, or come cuddle?” You asked, cheekily.
He halted his action and removed his hands with a huff. “Fine…but only if I get to be the big spoon.”
You crawled into Stede’s arms speedily, positioning yourself with your back to him and arms open wide. “Well shit. Looks like that position has already been filled.”
Ed pouted, crossing his arms and taking in your inviting form, but ultimately sighing and laying in your arms. To egg him on more–something you started to enjoy more and more–you replicated his previous actions and began playing with his hair.
He turned around and narrowed his eyes before speaking. “I hate you.”
You kissed him on the temple, and raised one of Stede’s hands from around your waist to your lips and did the same. “Love you too.”
taglist: @conthesatanist
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