#the ce hbc
jewels2876 · 2 years
Not Yet
Day 2 of the HBC SPring Fling - the Prompt is Puppy Love so how could I not use Steve?? Thank you @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ 💙
Pairing: Steve Rogers x female reader
Word count: 230
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He wondered how much longer he could stare at you before you would catch him. The stopwatch on his digital watch counted along as Tony’s speech dragged. Your eyes suddenly flitted over to his seat; he pressed pause on his watch, offering you a shy grin in return. You smiled back before turning your attention back to Tony.
“Have you asked her yet?” 
“Not yet,” he whispered through gritted teeth. “Now stop it before…”
“Romanov, have anything to add?” Tony quirked an eyebrow up.
“Nope, I think we’re done here.”
 Tony nodded and gathered up his coat and glasses, muttering under his breath as everyone stood. Steve watched as you yawned and raised your arms over your head, causing your scoop-necked grey t-shirt to stretch over your chest. Nat elbowed Steve. “Ow.”
You stopped stretching to look at Steve. “Sorry did you say something?”
“Nah.” His cheeks pinked under your sudden scrutiny. “Nat’s elbows are really bony.”
You chuckled and picked up your files still laying on the table. “You take care there, Steve. See ya around?” He watched as you walked out, the natural sway of your ass hypnotizing him until another elbow poked him in the ribs.
“Jesus Nat!”
“Wasn’t her,” Bucky grinned. “WIll ya ask her out already? You look like a lost puppy right now. Do something about it!”
Steve rubbed his side. “Maybe I will.”
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theycallmebecca · 2 years
Drabble: He Met Her At A Wedding
Am I borrowing my cousin’s real life love story to write this drabble... abso-fucking-lutely. Am I ashamed? Abso-fucking-lutely not. It’s not exactly how their story went, but oh well.
This is for the love at first sight prompt @the-ce-horniest-book-club​​ that is part of the HBC Spring Fling event.
Title: He Met Her At A Wedding
Pairing: Jake Jensen x female reader
Rating: PG
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
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Jake Jensen believed in fate.
Well, actually, he had always scoffed at the idea that “fate” controlled everything.
Until now.
Four days ago, he’d bumped into an old friend from school. They hadn’t been best friends, but they had been close and lost contact over the years.
The friend had then insisted that Jake come to his wedding, assuming him that there wouldn’t been an issue with seating or food.
Jake had debated going, but ultimately decided to.
Insert the beautiful goddess that was fate here.
He gotten to the venue just before the ceremony started, so much so that the bridal party had already been lined up and ready to go into the ceremony hall.
He took a step towards the hall, but froze when he saw her. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. And when her eyes met his, he felt a zing that went straight to his heart.
He didn’t even realize that the wedding planner was trying to get his attention until she forcefully pushed him in the back to get him to go into the hall.
The ceremony took an agonizingly long time, in his opinion, and it seemed like even longer before the wedding party showed up at the reception and were allowed to mingle.
Finally, it was time though and, conveniently for Jake, he found the bride, groom and his ladylove standing together. He quickly made his move and let his friend introduce him to the woman that would one day be his wife.
And when their hands touched for the first time, the zing was back. Glancing at her face, Jake could tell that she had felt it, too.
He wasn’t sure what he had done to get on fate’s good side, but he was eternally grateful for her intervention in his life.
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Welcome to the Merged HBC
After careful consideration, the mods of the @the-ss-horniest-book-club @the-ce-horniest-book-club @the-th-horniest-book-club and @the-mcu-horniest-book-club have decided to merge the four blogs together into one singular blog, this one.
The decision was not an easy one, but we feel that it is the right move for the HBC at this time.
The four blogs will remain available as an archive of sorts, but we will no longer be posting to them. Nor will we be allowing people to claim prompts from them either.
At this time we are still only accepting drabbles/creations for the 18+ MCU characters and the other 18+ characters of MCU actors. We’ve also decided to not allow real people fiction (RPF).
Moving forward all events and prompt claiming will happen through this blog.
We will be kicking things off tomorrow with a weeklong Summer Send Off event. We’re also accepting prompts and have some prompts ready for people to claim.
We hope you will all join us and have some thirsty fun with us!
Love, The Thirsty Librarians of the HBC  📚
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wiwsport · 11 days
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maisondesbieres · 8 months
Nouveautés 21 Septembre
Les nouveaux arrivages de la journée:
Wills Beer
Ale blonde légèrement houblonnée
Arômes d'agrumes, fruits tropicaux et raisins blancs
Orange, fruits des champs, légèrement résineuse.
100% Citra, arômes de fruits tropicaux et melon
Fruité, agrumé, floral, terreux et tropical
Microbrasserie Le Prospecteur
- Cousine Japonaise
La cousine japonaise est une Gose aromatisée au yuzu, au sel de sésame japonais et à la fleur de sel méditerranéen.
- L'Escarpement d'Aigueb-Helles
Cette Munich Helles offre des accents sur le côté malté sans être trop sucrée, l’amertume de houblon venant appuyer ces flaveurs.
- Le Défenseur
Le Défenseur est une bière d'inspiration Lager abitibienne aux houblons nobles (Saaz et Hallertauer) et au malt du Témiscamingue.
- Tête de Pioche #500
Elle saura satisfaire tous les amateurs de bon jus houblonné! À chaque brassin, vous serez conquis par notre sélection exclusive de houblons qui vous laissera au nez un généreux effluve de fruits tropicaux.
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sukexujovahi · 2 years
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bartholomaus · 2 years
Pentru că tot se discuta de zor zilele astea de biserica de rumeguș presat construită ilegal în Constanța. Am auzit destule voci care spun că ar trebui lăsată, că ea e casa Domnului, că îi reprezintă pe oameni această biserică. Hai să facem și o comparație. Cineva întreba unde se termină civilizația occidentală. Si i s-a răspuns foarte simplu: acolo unde e ultima catedrală gotică. Si ultima catedrală gotică pe aceste meleaguri e Biserica Neagră. Dupa ea, după munți, începe Balcaniul, Bizantul, lasă-mă să te las, merge și așa, asta e, n-ai ce-i face, a furat dar a și făcut, și, de ce nu, biserica de rumeguș presat atât de disputată azi, biserica pentru care IPS Teodosie a scris o întreagă epistolă primarului Constanței pentru a nu fi demolată ea fiind construita fără avize și fără niciun fel de autorizații. Cum arată o biserică dintr-un sat mic transilvan, Biertan și cum arată biserica BOR din Constanța construita în sec 21....
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Drumurile judetene dintre satele Romaniei au ajuns gropi de gunoi. Oamenii nu mai arunca cate un suc sau un pachet de tigari pe geamul masinii. Acum strang gunoiul in casa si dupa aceea il duc cu sacul, in masina, si-l arunca pe campul altuia. Baietii care te "scapa" de deseuri de la constructii si renovari au si ei rolul lor. Ii gasiti pe olx. Si pe camp descoperiti de ce sunt asa de ieftini: ca nu platesc nicio taxa la o groapa de gunoi legala. Pentru ca Romania e groapa lor. A noastra, pana la urma. Am facut un experiment: am mers 10 km cu viteza mica si am reusit sa vedem ceea ce multi dintre noi au ajuns sa ignore: o catastrofa ecologica in plina desfasurare. Despre asta e acest film.
Opriti masina pe orice drum din Romania, dati-va jos si mergeti 10 metri pe marginea lui cu un sac de gunoi ca acela de acasa. Va garantez ca il umpleti. ORIUNDE. Trecem pe langa musuroaie si damburi de gunoi in fiecare zi. Asteptam sa devina munti? Cel mai mult gunoi nu e din orase. E de la de satenii care nu vor sau nu au bani de servicii de salubritate. Dar au bani de produse, ale caror ambalaje se arunca pe campul altuia, de obicei. Cat mai departe de casa... Ma bucur sa va arat ca cineva face ceva. Sigur, e o floare si sigur ca trebuie mai mult de atat ca sa se faca primavara. Si totusi... Peste 23.000 de elevi si profesori din 5 judete au participat la colectarea a peste 50 tone de deseuri de plastic din gospodariile lor. Ii vedeti in poze pe o parte din ei. Proiectul, la care au pus umarul si inspectorate scolare din Cluj, Bistrita si Salaj e si munca si educatie. E povestea Tașuleasa Social, in care s-a implicat si Coca-Cola HBC Romania. Si alti parteneri... Ce vedeti aici e ce-a strans o scoala. Au contribuit insa 174 de scoli. Ii ia cineva de exemplu?
A venit copilul de afara si-a deschis usa 10 secunde. Si-au intrat inauntru: 30 de ani de coruptie locala, in care companiile de gunoi si-au castigat contractele dubioase la primarie si mai sus la partid 20 de ani de lipsa de planificare, in care n-am fost in stare sa facem alte gropi de gunoi, mai departe 10 ani de populism, cu cetateni care vor sa li se ia gunoiul gratis si care nu inteleg ca totul are un cost, care se intoarce mai tarziu in plamanii lor Si inca mii de zile de indolenta din partea firmelor si a cetatenilor, care arunca tot si recicleaza prea putin Si pentru ca toate astea trebuie sa poarte un nume... In casa mi-a intrat, ca un spargator de bronhii, un pic de aer degajat de cadavrul incinerat al orasului meu, Bucuresti!
Cineva dintr-un minister m-a contactat sa facem o campanie "Nu mai arunca gunoiul" in genul celei "Excesul de sare si grasimi". Ma rog, am discutat, am povestit si din vorba in vorba am aflat ca mai incercase o data si ca unul dintre colegii functionari i-a taiat-o scurt: "Auzi, dar tu ce interes ai aici?" Retineti? Un om dintr-un minister cu atributii in domeniu il intreaba pe altul daca vrea sa-l ajute cu o initiativa omeneasca, de educatie, in care nimeni nu plateste nimic si toata lumea are de castigat... "Da' tu ce interes ai aici?" De-asta nu vreau sa mai lucrez cu statul roman. Pentru ca e bolnav de oameni care nu mai sunt oameni. Pentru ca e populat cu prea multi insi care nu mai inteleg in niciun fel, nu mai au niciun organ pentru intelesul cuvantului "Interes Public"! De-asta arunca toata lumea gunoiul pe unde apuca. Fiindca statul roman, in fibra lui, e de facto desfiintat.
Nu stiu alte zone cum sunt, dar tot sudul tarii e o cocina. Doar ca ne-am obisnuit. Avem ochi selectivi: nu mai vedem pet-urile, pungile, hainele rupte, pantofii, piesele de masina, pungile de detergent goale... sa continui? Repet: iesiti cu masina din oras. Mergeti 15 minute in orice directie. Dati-va jos cu un sac de 240 de litri. Garantez ca il umpleti in 100 de metri de mers. Romania e o hazna. O uriasa groapa de gunoi. Aruncat nu de autoritati, nu de politicieni, nu de presa sau procurori, nu de profesori sau educatori sau pe cine ne gandim sa mai dam vina ca n-a facut ce trebuia.   Nu, gunoiul e aruncat de noi. Cetatenii acestei tari. De la fumatorii cu chistocul pe geam si pana la betivii care strang pet-urile sa le duca in padure. Eu nu stiu alt popor sa isi iubeasca mai putin tara. Nu stiu popor care s-o violeze in ce are ea mai frumos, natura si iarba si campul. Nu stiu popor sa isi bata joc mai tare de ce-a primit, fara niciun efort, la nastere. Sa ne fie rusine.
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Statul român nu are cu ce să măsoare, nu are bani, nu are resurse umane, nu are creier și nici inimă. Statul român e o carcasă goală din care banii curg în sacii celor care o manevrează și care merge mai mult din inerție.
Iesi din hotel, stracurandu-te pe pe langa cei mai grasi oameni in costum de baie pe care i-ai vazut vreodata. Dupa ce treci de tarabele cu zorzoane, pe langa cele cu magneti de frigider cu delfini, dupa doua mormane de gunoi cu rost de sens giraforiu, pe cararea ingusta marginita de saormerii, clatitarii, patiserii si inca vreo 10 rii, ajungi la nisip. La fel ca un calator prin Sahara, abia de aici incepe greul. Asuzi si impingi colace, saltele, vanzatori de porumb si seminte, fiind in acelasi timp atent sa nu calci pe vreun chistoc proaspat aruncat sau vreun ciob de la petrecerea de azi-noapte. Treci de zona libera si te infunzi in padurea de umbrele se sezlonguri, ca Hansel si Gretel. Si tot ca ei iti gasesti drumul mai departe dupa firimituri de gogosi, biscuiti si ambalaje de ciocolata. Si-apoi, incet-incet, zaresti o licarire de albastru. Te trage spre ea cu puterea amintirilor din copilarie, asa ca iti da si tie putere. Il impingi pe baiatul vanjos care iti cere taxa de sezlong, dai la o parte o naveta de bere si doua mingi dezumflate, treci peste ceea ce pare cadavrul unei balene australe (e doar un turist polonez care n-a gasit Bulgaria) si, in sfarsit, transpirat si rupt de efort, o vezi in toata splendoarea: Maaaaaaarea Neagraaaaaa! Bine ai venit pe litoralul romanesc.
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cherry-gemz · 3 years
Poolside: Steve Rogers' Birthday Challenge
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Here's my submission for my first bingo square on @the-ce-horniest-book-club challenge! Master list here.
Summary: You and Steve get to spend his birthday as a wet summer 😜.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Y/N
Rating: 18+ only! 🍆
Word count: < 600
Prompts: I can do this all day
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You wave your hand attempting to cool down during this insane heat wave. Your hair was sticky and you held it up with one hand. Steve came around the corner and gave your shoulder a kiss. It's cold and refreshing, sending chills down your body.
You yelp in surprise, "Babe!"
He smiled and stuck his tongue out to show an ice cube he's been sucking on.
"Ooh, I need that all over."
"Is that right?" He replied and brought you in a hug.
"Ugh, it's too hot, Steve," you lament. "You know I'm always up for some fun, but I can't even think straight, let alone try to enjoy myself. Plus I gotta make your cake and that's going to heat up the whole house."
He pouted and raked his hands through his product free hair. You've enjoyed his time off from the team right now, especially it being his birthday. While you appreciated the Avengers, they didn't exactly know boundaries and would impose themselves by stopping by your place or take Steve off hours on end doing who knows what.
But not this July 4th. This one Steve promised it would be just the two of you. He leaned in for a kiss and you placed your hands beneath his shirt, just to watch him break the kiss and gasp in surprise at the sensation of your warm hands on his skin.
He kissed your forehead, "You can skip the cake…" he said as he arched his brow and started to unbutton your shorts. "I think I have another dessert in mind."
You grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss, "You really know how to get what you want, don't you?"
His fingers delved to the apex of your thighs and you hitched a breath. It was unbelievably hot, but you closed your eyes as he worked his magic.
"Steve…" you moaned. "It's so hot…"
He removed his hand and pointed to the backyard, "I have an idea."
You turn to see him pointing to the pool, "Really? Feeling adventurous are we, Captain?"
"What? It's my birthday after all. And it's a way for us to cool off, while we get hot…"
"Steve!" You moaned as rammed himself in and out of you, holding onto the poolside. He stretched your walls and as you screamed his name again in a rush of euphoric state.
"I can do this all day," he grinned and hooked your high over his broad shoulder, allowing a deeper entrance. This was unlike him. He usually was a sweet, traditional missionary type of man. But you were all for it.
You saw stars as he continued his rhythm. The coolness of the pool's water gave you the refreshment you needed, while his hard member satisfied that craving you had between your thighs. He placed a hard kiss on your lips as you hit your climax.
"Steve….yes! Don't stop!"
"Didn't intend to, sweetheart," he breathed in heavily as you scraped his muscular back with your nails.
Another kiss followed by more that trailed down your jaw and neck. You both were so occupied with each other that you didn't notice Bucky, Sam, Tony, and the rest of the Avengers entering the house and to the pool.
Steve shouted as you both came, you melted into him and held him while the pool water sloshed in and out. Steve opened his eyes and then slowly noticed his friends approaching.
"Um…" Sam said awkwardly. "Happy Birthday?"
Your head whipped around in shock as Steve turned beet red.
"Looks like the party already started," Tony laughed and peeled his sunglasses off.
"Hey, get out of here yous! It's my birthday!" Steve shouted as you laughed.
"Happy Birthday, indeed," Bucky grinned.
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jobean12-blog · 3 years
An Advantage on the Mat
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader (Nomad!Steve ;)
Word Count: 385
Summary: You take advantage of your training time with Steve. 
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ce-horniest-book-club Lucky in Love celebration and day 1: Advantage. Hope you enjoy this and thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤ My lovely divider is by @imerdwarf
Warnings: flirty fun, soft touches and implied sexy times 
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You let out a loud grunt when your back hits the floor.
“Steve…” you warn before quickly propelling yourself back to your feet.
He smirks and wiggles his fingers.
“Come on baby girl. Show me what you’ve got,” he taunts.
The two of you circle each other as you think over your next move. You have an idea but you’re not sure you can pull it off. It is Steve after all. Throwing caution to the wind you charge and weave away from his grasp before taking his feet out from under him and pinning him down.
His eyebrows meet his hairline.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about,” he cheers. “What’s your next move to keep me down?”
You roll your hips over his waist and watch his eyes darken.
“Well, if you were a bad guy,” you say playfully, “I would have to incapacitate you at this point…”
He nods slowly, his hands sliding up your thighs and gripping your waist. You lean over and press your chest to his.
“But you’re not a bad guy so I have other plans,” you whisper.
Your lips meet his neck as you press soft kisses over his skin.
“We’re supposed to be training baby girl,” he breathes out.
“Oh. Well in that case Captain,” you tease and sit up.
Before you can get to your feet he has you flipped over and pinned under him on the mat.
“I guess we’ll just have to pass this off as training,” he simpers.
You hum in agreement and let your legs fall open, grabbing the bottom of his tee shirt and pulling it over his head.
“Good cardio at least,” he continues, sighing as you comb your fingers through his long hair and bring his lips to yours.
His muscles contract under the soft brush of your fingertips as you trail them down his back, breaking the kiss and giving him access to your neck.
“Steve,” you whine, needing more.
The touch of his beard along the delicate skin sends a shiver down your spine as his fingers dance along the hem of your shirt. His calloused hands delicately smooth over your skin, his movements languid as he lifts your shirt higher.
“I hope you’re ready for a workout baby,” he purrs against the shell of your ear.
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@addikted-2-dopamine @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @drabblewithfrannybarnes @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @loricameback @lookiamtrying @lorilane33 @marvelgirl7 @moonlitskinandcrimsonribbons @nano--raptor @pinkdiamond1016 @randomfandompenguin @lizette50 @white-wolf1940 @hopefuldreamers-world​ @gallifreystray​
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jewels2876 · 2 years
The End of the Day
Day 6 of the HBC Spring Fling - today’s Prompt is Old Love - I was going to keep going with it, but it took a turn and had me crying, so I ended where I did for reasons - shoutout to @the-ce-horniest-book-club
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
Word count: 198
Divider by the lovely @imerdwarf
Pic is not mine
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The stars glimmered as twilight faded into the darkness. A soft breeze rustled the leaves, creating a soft melody with the birds still singing and the crickets chirping. The crescent moon hung in the growing night sky.
The two of you rocked hand in hand, not a single word needing to be said. It was enough to enjoy nature’s symphony around you; a peace that had been earned more than a lifetime over.
He chanced a glance over at you; he had lost count after the first ten or so years, but even now your profile made him feel like the luckiest man in the world. “Why’d you pick me?”
You turned your head towards him. “What did you say?”
He cleared his throat and spoke louder. “I said, why’d you pick me? You could have had anyone sweetheart. Anyone with sense about him knew you were a catch.”
“What? Speak louder! I forgot my hearing aids!” He couldn’t help it and burst out laughing.
“Are you laughing at me, old man? I can still kick your ass, you know.”
Steve stopped laughing, squeezing your hand instead of responding, and let the night’s sounds take over once more.
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HBC FAQ/Guidelines
What Happened to the Old Blogs?
The old blogs can still be accessed! They’re just for archives now and no longer accepting prompts or letting them be claimed. @the-ss-horniest-book-club @the-ce-horniest-book-club @the-th-horniest-book-club and @the-marvel-horniest-book-club​
What Are Drunk Drabbles?
The OG HBC was started by a group of writers who would write drabbles for prompts they received from each other (and other followers) and they would drink adult beverages while they wrote and posted. Usually all in the same night. The format has since changed, but the name stuck!
The current format for Drunk Drabbles allows writers to claim a prompt from our follower-provided prompt list via DM/asks and write it.
Every now and then, we do return to our roots and do a one (sometimes two) night OG Drunk Drabble event. For those events, sign ups are required because prompts are sent directly to each writer rather than the writer choosing specific prompts. (Note: Adult beverages are optional.)
How Do I Claim a Prompt?
To claim a prompt, check out our Claim a Prompt check out the current prompts and then send us a DM/ask to claim it. You choose ONE prompt to write. Once it’s posted to your blog (or a screenshot to show it’s in your queue) and you have sent us a DM with the link - you may take another prompt.
Please note that you can only hold a prompt for a maximum of Two Weeks. If we haven’t received your work after that, the prompt would be put back into the available prompts.
What genres are acceptable in The HBC?
The HBC accepts: Fluff, Angst and smut and any of those 3 combined.
Here is a list we do not accept.
Non/con or dub/con
Anything supporting bigotry
Hydra trash parties
Sex pollen
Vore/Eating people
Not clear consent ABO
Who can I write for?
As of August 2022, we no longer accept RPF stories, meaning you cannot write or create anything for the actors themselves, only their characters.
When it comes to the characters, we have two groups:
1. 18+ MCU Characters
2. 18+ Characters of MCU Actors
Note: By 18+, we mean that the character is fully established as 18+ in the project (or most recent MCU project). If there is any ambiguity over the character’s age being over 18, they are not allowed. We call this “The Peter Parker Rule.”
Based on Spiderman: No Way Home, the Spiderman played by Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield are 18+ and are allowed. However, there is some ambiguity as to how old Tom Holland’s Peter Parker is due to the snap, because of that, his Spiderman is currently not allowed.
While we do not have a full list of characters allowed (that would be a LONG list), we do have a list of characters not allowed.
The prompt specifies a character, do I have to write for that character?
Yes. If you’ve chosen a prompt with a character already named, then that’s the character you write for. If it’s just a normal dialogue prompt with no character listed, the choice is yours as long as the character is of age and not on our banned character list.
Word Count Requirements?
There is no minimum or maximum words to write. Our only requirement is that if it’s longer than 500 words you use a “Read More”.
If you don’t know how to add a “Read More” to a post on the mobile apps, it’s :readmore: on it’s own line. If it’s done correctly, you should see a line like this when editing your post.
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Who Runs This Blog?
Due to the previous HBC mods receiving anonymous hate mail as well as known harassment to some of our contributors, the mods of this blog will remain anonymous.
It is our mission to keep this new HBC a safe place, hate free and drama free. If you receive any unwanted anon hate messages because of your affiliation with the HBC, we ask that you report it to Tumblr immediately first, and report it to our blog second.
If we find that a current contributor is harassing other HBC members, we will report that person to Tumblr and block that person.
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wiwsport · 1 month
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marvelgirl7 · 3 years
The Scarf
This is my first time writing for Andy I’ve only seen the first episode of the show don’t judge me too hard lol! 
So me and @whimsicalrogers​ came up with this.  Thank you also @theycallmebecca​ and @godofplumsandthunder​ for helping with some college Andy questions lol 😂 I asked a lot. 
Rowan is our lovely character that @whimsicalrogers and myself have came up with and wanted to write a cute little fall prompt today based on @the-ce-horniest-book-club​ Festive Fall Theme week we used Scarf and the character is Andy :D I hope everyone likes. 
If all things goes well @whimsicalrogers​ and I have a little Andy story in the works based off this little fic. :) 
Warnings: None fluffy romantic Andy, slight angst at the very end. 
Parings: Andy X Rowan 
MoodBoard and divider made by the amazing and Super Talented  @whimsicalrogers​
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Rowan was nervous about this gift she was going to make Andy.  She had met Andy in her creative writing class. When Rowan accidentally dropped her pen she went to grab it as did Andy their hands gently brush against each other. Andy smiles at her a warm smile as Rowan is lost in his blue eyes
“You dropped this.” He whispers as Rowan chuckles.
“It appears I did.”
“I’m Andy.” He whispers Rowan smiles her brown eyes glow
 “I’m Rowan.”
After that, the two would have little coffee dates and little lunch dates slowly forming a sweet romance.
Rowan smiles thinking how it’s been two months since they met and started dating officially. Andy was a true gentleman kind and sweet. She finds herself in love with his jackets each day. Noticing the fall weather change she gets an idea a scarf would look so lovely on him and keep his neck warm during his walks to and from classes. She starts making it. Grabbing yarn and trying to pick out the perfect color. Her eyes settle on the beautiful tan yarn.
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Andy smiles seeing Rowan lost in thought she does this cute little nose scrunch that makes him smile as she’s focused on whatever homework or lesson, she’s studying hard.
Rowan wasn’t studying she was figuring her knitting making sure she was doing the scarf correctly she didn’t want to ruin it. She looks up seeing Andy’s smile she chuckles.
“What is there something on my face?” Andy shakes his head just smiling.
“No just your pretty eyes.” Rowan rolls her eyes smiling.
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Rowan takes a deep breath as she wraps the scarf in the pretty wrapping paper and places it gently in the box. Rowan is nervous that Andy will hate it. Heading down to the coffee shop Rowan sees Andy sitting at their spot reading one of his law books she could stare at him forever.
“Oh, Ro what do you have there?” Rowan jumps and just relaxes seeing Laurie an acquaintance of both her’s and Andy Rowan and Andy both have a couple of classes with her.
“Oh, just a little gift I made for Andy.” Laurie hums at that.
“How cute, Andy is an interesting man you’re a lucky one,” Laurie says with a smile as Rowan just nods looking at Andy again engrossed with his book.
“I am.” She whispers. She bids goodbye to Laurie who watches her with a frown as Rowan gets to Andy she smiles at him he is so lost in his book.
“Is it okay if I sit here?” Andy who hasn’t looked up.
“No sorry spots saved for my girlfriend.” Rowan chuckles as she sits down anyway and gently taps the book. Andy’s eyes look up as he breaks into a huge smile.
“Honey.” He whispers as Ro laughs, she gently slides the package to him. As Andy raises an eyebrow.
“What’s this?” Rowan nervous just takes a breath.
“I made you something.” Andy breaks out in a huge smile. As he goes to unwrap the wrapping paper. He takes in the beautiful, knitted scarf laying on the package.
“Wow.” He whispers he looks at Rowan who has a slight flush to her face as Andy just gently wraps the scarf around his neck.
“I love this, and you made it for me oh honey… I love it so much it will keep me warm for many reasons but mainly because you made it.” Rowan just melts at his words as Andy leans over and kisses her gently and sweetly on the lips.
“You like it, Andy?” Andy nods and kisses her again.
“I love it just like I love you.” Rowan’s eyes widen the love word her heart races as Andy kisses her nose.
“I love you too Andy.”
Andy would forever wear that scarf even after everything that would happen in the future. Because he meant it when he said that scarf would always keep him warm because it was made by his Rowan.
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Oh man let me know if you want to see more of these two in the future :D Hope everyone enjoyed this! 
To be tagged send me an ask!
Tag List: @godofplumsandthunder, @hiddles-rose, @jobean12-blog, @jewels2876, @loricameback, @lizette50, @randomfandompenguin, @whimsicalrobots​, @charmed-asylum, @marshyrebelcloud, @lostinthoughtsandfeelings, @jamesbarnesappreciationclub, @iluvsumbucky, @nohemi2500, @marvelfansworld, @the-wayward-robot, @captainchrisstan, @book-dragon-13​  @film-enthusiastt, @marvelfansworld, @mostly-marvel-musings, @harrysthiccthighss, @omgbrianab,  @unknownmystery22, @moonlacebeam, @vibraniumsergeant @emmabarnes @csigeoblue, @bbmommy0902, @evanstylestan @moonlacebeam , @onlyferorder66, @bbl32 @teenagedreams-bucky, @underdevelopedangst
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maisondesbieres · 10 months
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Nouveautés 12 Juillet
On adore vous gâter avec ces beaux temps :
- Alors Le Jour Ne Se Lèvera Plus
IPA - Citra, Mosaic, Galaxy
- C'est Peut-Être La Vie
DIPA - Nelson Sauvin, Motueka
- Dernier Cycle
DDH Pale Ale - Citra, Nelson Sauvin
- Ce Dernier Clou
DDH IPA Citra, Citra cryo, Mosaic
Brasserie Dunham
- Palefroi
Hopfenweiss brassée en collaboration avec Le cheval blanc pour leurs 35 ans!
- Cyclope Yakima chief Talus
Cyclope au houblons expérimental Talus (HBC 692) de Yakima chief!
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Chris Evans Masterlist
All of the drabbles below are focused on Chris Evans RPF and some may contain sexual content.
These were all written as drunk drabbles (claimed prompts) and/or as part of an old fashioned drunk drabble session (write as many prompt based drabbles as you can in a set period of time).
Updated: 4/31/2021
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Drunk Drabbles
Before the Interview by @theycallmebecca
Middle of a Meeting by @theycallmebecca
Wake Up Call by @wintersoldier1989
Private Island by @theycallmebecca
Liquid Courage by @wintersoldier1989​
Need vs Want by @theycallmebecca
The Ass-sistant by @theycallmebecca
Special Fall Announcement by @theycallmebecca
Nimble Fingers by @angrythingstarlight
Once Upon A Winterstorm by @theycallmebecca
Slow Play by @theycallmebecca
Early Morning Conversations by @theycallmebecca​
The Wedding Date by @cherry-gemz
Beautiful by @theycallmebecca
Old Fashioned Drunk Drabbles
Puppy Sitting by @theycallmebecca
Never Let Me Go by @theycallmebecca
Free For The Weekend by @theycallmebecca
Flirting by @jewels2876
3 AM Confessions by @theycallmebecca
Cuddling On A Cold Day by @theycallmebecca
The Next Ten Lifetimes by @theycallmebecca
Lost In His Eyes by @theycallmebecca
Masked by @theycallmebecca
Stronger Together by @theycallmebecca
Distract Me With Your Lips by @angrythingstarlight
Arms by @jewels2876
Sweet Dreams by @jewels2876
Taking One For The Team by @theycallmebecca
Say You Love Me by @theycallmebecca
Tender by @theycallmebecca
On The Way Home by @theycallmebecca
Shower Buddy by @theycallmebecca​
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The Hunt
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For @the-ce-horniest-book-club Egg Hunt - I chose the prompt "big nosy family" and I also tried to embed as many "eggs" as I could - with Colin Shea!
No Warnings but my blogs are 18+ spaces always.
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"So, how long have you been dating?"
"What does he do for a living?"
"He's very sweet with the kids - have you thought about -"
"Ladies, please!" You hold up you hand to stop the chattering of your aunts. "We just started dating, he's a musician, and it's way too early to be thinking about that!" You looked over at Colin, who was cheerfully wrestling with your nephews.
"Boys! Don't get dirty before church!" Two of your aunts went to collect the kids, and your oldest aunt stayed with you as your mother slid up to your other side.
"It was nice of Colin to come for the whole day," your mother simpered. "I'm so happy to see you with someone, sweetie."
You rolled your eyes as your oldest nephew runs up to your aunt, out of breath and excited. "Colin says he knows the best way to dye eggs! Thanks for bringing him, he's awesome."
"No problem, buddy," you answer with a giggle. Making an escape, you move away to lend a hand to Colin, helping him up off the grass. "Can't believe this is the first time I've seen you in a suit and tie, and you're rolling around on the lawn within minutes."
"What can I say?" He beams at you. "I know how to work this crowd."
"I still can't believe you came here with me," you lower your voice to a whisper. "Thanks, Colin, you're a good friend."
"Like I was gonna say no," he scoffs a little, but you can tell he's pleased. "Doing you a favor means I get a home-cooked meal, unlimited chocolate and candy...plus I get to look at you in a pretty dress all day."
You straighten your skirt to keep from looking at him. "Stop flirting with me!"
"Can't stop, someone might start to suspect. Besides, you can't hide how happy you look."
Your eyes meet his, and you blink in the sunshine. Everyone starts yelling to get in the cars, and Colin takes your hand - and you start thinking about how nice this would be, if it were for real.
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