#the damn KN!FE?????
annilovesbexx · 1 year
"it wasn't good because we didn't care. It was good because you were crazy. Crazy sex is always good."
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stebekah + stop caring
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henneseyhoe · 7 months
I JUST READ THE MELO SMUT🥵🥵so good can you do another one we’re he’s obsessed with the reader like he’s always posting her and showing her love or even like him being overly obsessed and a little dark
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Lamelo x BLACK!FEM!reader.
WARNINGS:!!SLIGHT CNC!!, daddy kink, stalking, mentions of blood and death, k!dnapping, mentions of mental health, kn!fe play(kinda), breeding if you squint, crying(as always), reader is a tad bit delusional, no protection(wrap it before you tap it)
Ps. I feel like being a perfectionist and overthinking fucked this up for me but I can’t keep holding this damn request hostage 😩 so I hope you still enjoy this, it’s LONG lmfao.
Pss. I thought I lost this request, whole time I just had to scroll down LMFAOOO
“Damn, girl. This like the fiftieth love note you’ve gotten this month!” Karina exclaims, looking down at the stack of notes on Y/Ns counter, the girl adding one more from today into the pile. Truthfully, Karina had been sick of seeing them, disgusted by the amount she got weekly. “Girl, stop! It’s not…maybe fortieth” Karina makes a face, side eyeing Y/N with slight scornful expression. She was more than weirded out at the creepy gestures not moving her friend even a bit. Karina on the other hand, got goosebumps even looking at the letters. They were creepy to her, and every time she read one about this mysterious person confessing their love to her bestfriend, she grew more concerned for her wellbeing. “Like that makes a difference, Y/N. You don’t find this shit kinda..weird?” Y/N shrugs, not seeing the point in looking deeper than the notes themselves. A part inside of her liked the attention she got.
“No, not really. It’s kinda sweet!”
“Sweet?! this man, woman, thing, whatever the fuck! Has been writing to you for almost five months now and has not shown their face. You don’t think that’s creepy?”
“I dunno. Maybe they shy, Karina”
“Nuh-uh. I don’t trust it, I don’t like it. What if it’s your ex?” Y/N laughs, taking her jacket off and setting it on a coat hanger in her closet before heading to her kitchen to prepare a meal, Karina following closely behind her to continue her scolding.
“You are so dramatic, you know that? Me and Jason haven’t talked in so long, I doubt it. I haven’t even seen the nigga around”
“So? Nothing about me is dramatic, I’m telling you the truth. That’s more than a secret admirer, that’s a stalker”
Y/N shrugged her off, laughing once again, and further annoying Karina with her lack of urgency to get down to the bottom of the situation at hand. “Stalker? What is this, a lifetime movie?”
“No, it’s real life. that’s why I need you to stay ready for whatever, especially with that creepy ass message your ex sent you after your breakup”
Little did she know, her friend was right all along. It wasn’t her ex, but someone who was far more demented and delusional. Lamelo had been sending eerily specific love letters to Y/N’s house for months, but had been watching her for well over a year now. Almost as soon as he saw her, his last obsession became a buried memory, Y/N now being in the forefront of his mind and sticking there like double sided tape to itself. After some time, he knew her from top to bottom, back to front, and soon, inside and out. If it was up to him, she would have always been his, but he wasn’t the best with approaching women of Y/N’s caliber. She was smart, a college student studying computer science, and none of his silly mind games that’d usually trip up other girls he was interested in would work on her. He had to up his game, and so, he set his plan in motion until he got her in the right place to sink his teeth into her.
“Be safe, okay?”
“Yes, Karina! I won’t get murdered or chopped up over my vacation week, I promise” Y/N joked, but Karina was dead serious, finding no humor in her mess. Y/N’s smile drops, and she becomes serious, mostly so Karina would leave her alone about those ‘silly little notes’. “Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll be safe” she reassured, both the girls finally saying their goodbyes with a loving hug and wave. Closing the door, Y/N sighs. Karina was her bestest friend in the world, but sometimes she could be overbearing. Y/N felt maybe she needed a bit of attention since her recent breakup. She craved it, really. It didn’t matter if the attention was physical or something with a little less contact, Y/N wanted it. But, It wouldn’t go farther than that, she didn’t need a rebound.
Walking into her kitchen where she just finished preparing dinner, she began making herself a plate of spaghetti and freshly toasted bread. The smell of the food made her stomach growl. She knew if she didn’t give Karina a plate of her own before she left, she’d complain that Y/N hogged all that good food to herself. Satisfied with the plate she made, she grabbed her a fork from the dishwasher and sat down at the dining table. Taking a generous amount of pasta on her fork, her mouth watered just as she was about to send her tastebuds to food-heaven.
Then, the doorbell rang.
The girl pauses, praying whoever the hell that was would go away on their own so she could finish eating.
Knock, knock, knock.
Damn. Her lights were on, they knew she was home. She sighs, her fork lowering back down to her plate. Swallowing the saliva that had accumulated in her mouth, she unsticks herself from her comfortable seat, grumpily making her way towards the front door. Oddly, she saw no one through the frosted glass frame placed in the middle of the door, so she was forced to open it up and see what was going on.
“Hello??” She called, aggravated by how she had to leave her hot dinner just to answer the door and be met with silence. Stepping out on her porch a little, her eyes scan her yard, though nothing but darkness surrounded. Shaking her head, Y/N slams the door shut and locks it. “Stupid ass kids knockin’ on my door. One day imma stick my foot up one of they asses” She rants, walking back to her little set up. Feeling happiness again, she takes that lovely bite of food and does a little dance in her seat.
As her eating progresses, she couldn’t help but to notice her vision blurring, creating two of everything around her. Her head began to spin, and her heartbeat could be heard in her ears mid bite. She had lost her appetite completely by now, currently only focusing on not throwing up all over her table.
‘Where’s my phone?’
She could have sworn she had set it right next to her plate, but it was no where to be found now, even in her corrupted vision. Holding her head in her free hand, she gags at the sudden smell that fills her nose. It was a faint smell, but noticeable. sweet smelling, almost. Ironic for the bitter moment. Her brain told her to stand, and she followed suit, but she couldn’t stop the weakening of her knees or how slowed her breathing was getting.
Her body hit the floor with a ‘THUD’, her limbs feeling completely weighted down, and her consciousness slipping from her as she laid on the cold tiled floor, unable to move.
There she was. Finally where Lamelo wanted her to be. He was so jittery and giddy about his successes that he could scream, but he held off on that till he was alone. His letters, fake pages, dms, and Instagram likes had finally paid off. He had her all to himself, and finally, no one was in his way. Not her colleagues, not Karina, not even her ‘crazy ass’ ex. He had gotten rid of him as soon as tension rose in their relationship. Jason hadn’t seen REAL crazy till he met Lamelo, and he made sure he knew that before his last breath.
The first time Lamelo and Jason interacted was when he witnessed their first relationship fight, which was fairly petty, but Melo didn’t see it that way. He had left a reeeal lengthy note on Jason’s dorm door, describing in step by step detail about how he would gut him like a fish, cut him up into tiny pieces and send every single bit of him off to his ‘helpless whore of a mother’, as Melo described her as. Of course Jason was shaken up, rightfully so. But obviously not shaken up enough to back off.
After not talking to Y/N since the argument, Jason appeared on her porch with that same note, tearing her a new one. He thought Karina was playing jokes on him for arguing with her bestfriend and making her cry. He took his anger out on her, yelled up a storm, and burned up the letter in his hand with his lighter, leaving it on the poor girls porch to stomp out as tears flowed from her glossed brown eyes.
Lamelo took the whole thing as a challenge. Did he really think Karina was on his level of literacy? That note was too well typed for it to be her. So, him being the man he was, made his threats come to fruition. He easily beckoned Jason into close arm reach by teasing him on his campuses basketball court as Jason was doing solo drills. Lucky for Lamelo, he trained at night.
Walking himself into the low lit court, Lamelo began taunting him, which stretched over three whole minutes. Knowing the hot head would react with physical anger, Lamelo kept a guard, and as soon as Jason tried him, Lamelo revealed the bat he held behind his back, swiftly taking a mighty swing at the man’s left leg, hitting right below his knee. Jason couldn’t have possibly seen it coming.
“Right out the park!” Lamelo continued to tease with a wide smile as if blood wasn’t splattered on his shoes. Red spilled from the back of Jason’s knee from his bone completely breaking and stabbing its way through his muscles and skin. You could have heard the snap of the bone and the sound of him hitting the floor echo through the gym, a sound Melo wanted to hear, but Jason’s loud screaming ruined getting the full effect. “I guess this is the part where I run to base” Grabbing the man by his destroyed, bloodied leg, Lamelo drags Jason off of the court as he screams bloody murder.
Lamelo instantly began regretting not bringing anything else to knock him out with without killing him, but every mastermind had slip ups. a shame somebody is gonna hear his screams and probably have nightmares about it now though. Not that Lamelo cared about either parties wellbeing, he just didn’t wanna hear his or anyone else’s mouth.
Then, in Lamelo’s basement face down, Jason continues to cry like a baby while Lamelo took a much needed drink break for the sake of his sanity, or what was left of it.
“How the fuck am I supposed to play ball now!?” Jason heaves suddenly with a quiet sob leaving his dry lips, his coffee colored hands holding his thigh as the blood spilling slowed. “You genuinely thought you were gonna get that far?”
Before Jason had time to attempt to answer, two bullets were already lodged into his skull, one exiting from between his eyebrows and one through his left eye socket.
His daydreaming was cut short by Y/N mixing in her seat. Her consciousness had finally came back, but confusion quickly filled that space in her mind that was once occupied by unconsciousness. She looks around, not recognizing anything around her. “Look who’s up” Melo leans up from his seat in front of her, peeling off the ghostface mask he wore just for dramatic purposes. Y/N’s eyebrows knit together. “I know whatchu thinking. Where am I? Who are you? I’ll tell you all that later. But, for right now, we’re gonna celebrate” He smiles, and tosses the mask, standing from the couch he sat on.
Walking over to a small bar, he pours an unknown drink into a glass. Y/N had no idea what was going on, nor did she really care to find out. She was too worried about all the guns and knives that were laid out on the floor next to his seat. Fear pumped up her body with adrenaline, her entire being tingling. She wanted to jump out of her seat, but her arms were tied behind her back, and her ankles were tied to the chair’s own legs.
“I wanna make a toast. To a new life, and new love” He held up his glass and drunk some of the mystery liquor. Waking over to her, he holds the glass to her lips. “Drink” he instructed, Y/N shaking her head and looking away. “Why not? You think I poisoned it or somethin’?” He takes his hand and grabs her jaw, forcing her to look at him. “I wouldn’t do that to myself, so drink” he insists.
Looking back at him, her eyes trace his features, stretching down his long, tatted arms. Creepy shit aside, she thought he was cute, but she had to stay focused. “If you don’t drink, imma just force you” Y/N didn’t budge, but Lamelo had no problem with setting her straight early on. Gripping the sides of her face to make her open her mouth, he tilts her head back roughly and pours the drink into her mouth. The liquid went down smoothly, but burned her throat like hell. She didn’t drink, she never did because she got drunk easily, and Lamelo knew that.
She jerks her head away with a strong gag, tears welling up in her eyes. “I dunno if you realized yet, but I’m the one in charge, I’m the one who ain’t tied up, I’m the one that could end you like *snap* that” he threatens with a snap, but it holds no weight to him. He wasn’t gonna kill this one, or at least he hoped he wouldn’t have to. “I know you’re a smart girl, so I know you can listen. I didn’t go through all those letters to find out you can’t follow simple instructions, pretty”
Her eyes were drawn to him, anger now flickering within them like a flame in a dark room. “Letters?…You were the one writing those fuckin’ letters?” She spoke through clenched teeth. Lamelo smiles. “Surpriiiise~” he sings, gulping down the rest of the alcohol before slamming the glass down on the floor. The glass shattered into pieces, making Y/N jump at the sound. Her breathing was ragged, and pressure built up behind her eyes like a dam waiting to be cracked open.
“You’re a sick person” She spoke with distress, shaking her head. Melo shrugs with no sympathy. If he had a dollar for every time someone said that to him, he’d be a Rockefeller. “Everybody sick, I just have no problem showing mine, unlike the rest of society”
“Jesus Christ” she muttered, her head hanging low in regret. Karina was right all along, and she didn’t listen. If she did, she wouldn’t be in this position, her life in the hands of a man she didn’t even know. “Don’t act so sad. You’re gonna love me…or at least learn to. again, you’re smart”
“I don’t wanna love you. I wanna go home”
“You are home. Don’t be stupid” He spat, waltzing by her and picking up a blade from the floor, inspecting in. Y/N tenses up, Lamelo immediately noticing. He side eyes her with a slight smirk, mischief infesting his energy. “You think imma cut you, Y/N?” She kept quiet, but he continued to pry. “You think imma scar that pretty frame you got? What about this beautiful face?” He walks over to her, using the knife to swipe a box braid out of her vision. Y/N sniffles, taking a deep breath.
“Let. Me. Go”
“Or what?” Lamelo challenged, getting close to her as Y/N gave him a look, one he couldn’t make out or tell if it was anger. “You can’t do shit, I made sure. I tied you real good. Your friend thinks you went on vacation, so if you aren’t answering tomorrow, that just means you made it safe and you’re having fun. Maybe found yourself a fun fling that’s distracting that pretty mind. Somebody you invited up to your room” he continues, the tip of his knife swiftly making a cut into her gown with a quick swipe, making the thin fabric fall from the top of her body, pooling into her lap.She wanted to cover her naked body, but the rope restraints stuns her movements.
“Would you take me back to your hotel room, Y/N? I would have been a great candidate” the sadistic nature of him alone had her terrified, he could have done anything to her. She began shedding tears. She was exposed now, realizing the gown wasn’t even something she remembered wearing or buying, so he had to have put it on her himself when she was knocked out.
If he pulls the rest off, she was for sure fucked, no pun intended. He stares with no shame, the tip of his tongue grazing his plump bottom lip.
She attempts clenching her thighs together to stop the tingling, but it never subsided, and her brown nipples getting as hard as pebbles helped nothing. She wanted to keep a guard up so badly for her own safety, but the wetness coating the lips between her legs was telling her to do something else.
He notices how her legs were trying to move and her hips slowly circled, unintentionally trying to find a specific position to stimulate her clit. She couldn’t help it, she just wanted the tingling to stop. “Lemme help you wit’ that, ma” Melo smirks, putting his hand right under her soaked pussy. She stops immediately and lifts her butt as much as she can, feeling the warmth of his hand under her. She shakes her head ‘no’, but he nods a ‘yes’ and keeps his hand placed, kneeling on one knee in front of her. “Go ‘head” He says. The approval he gave her lingered in her head as the tingling intensified, giving her no choice but to fall into temptation.
Y/N hesitantly lowers herself down and begins to move against his hand, swirling, bouncing, and grinding down at the speed she wanted as her hips stuttered backwards every time his finger tips would swipe over her clit. She let out a stifled moan and threw her head back, rocking her hips faster as she felt herself climb closer to her end. Lamelo only fed her urges by bringing his hand up higher every time she’d raise her hips when the feeling got too strong, aiming to stimulate her clit through even the strongest parts of her orgasm. His dick was as hard as an iron pole in his pants now. It almost painfully pressing up against the material, the tip leaking precum just practically begging to be set free so he could fuck something, and soon it’d get its turn. Y/N could just see it through her eyelashes, she couldn’t help but look, it was so obvious.
Lamelo slides his fingers between her wet folds, collecting her slick to keep her clit wet while she used him as she pleased. “Speed up” he instructed.
Fifteen minutes had passed and she had already came twice in the palm of his hands. Her seat was sticky and her thighs were wet, but Lamelo’s hand and arm were wetter. He slid his hand from under her and took a taste of what he had craved for so long. All of the timeless nights he had spent looking through her bedroom window, watching her feel, fuck, and taste herself, wishing he was there to catch every drop.
Feeling defeated, Y/N’s head lulls backwards as she rests her eyes on the ceiling above her. There was no other sound but the ringing frequency in her ear and the huffing of her breath trying to slow itself. She could hear her own heartbeat slowing too, just until the sound of wood creaking above them drowned the sound out. She pauses, her eyes shooting wide.
‘Who could possibly be here? could they help?’
Was what she began thinking as all the color from Lamelo’s face seemingly drained, his breath now still. Suddenly he reaches for the knife he held earlier, grabbing it from the floor and clutching it in his hand. Just in case someone had creeped down the stairs to the basement and witnessed what had been going on, he had no problem getting rid of whoever was responsible for ruining their moment.
The walking upstairs prologued, the hot tears that filled her eyes starting to flood her flushed cheeks as he placed a finger over her lips, signaling her to shut up. The cold blade of his knife pressed against the skin of her throat, so hard that she could practically feel her pulse and she was holding her breath purposely, scared the blade would cut her precious soft skin if she moved even an inch, and he cared less.
As the footsteps went away, distancing from them, he moves his hand. He lets out a much needed breath of relief and licks his lips, a smile growing on his face. “Roommate. Thought we were goners there for a second. You did good though, ma” He praises, standing from his crouching position. “I think you deserve a treat because of that”
Positioning his knife under the rope that held her feet in place, he looks up at her with a warning look before cutting both of her legs free. He walks around the chair and does her hands next, giving Y/N the room to rub her aching joints, feeling relief. Only one thought ran through her mind just then, and though she was tired from the recent back to back orgasms, she knew she only had one chance to get it right. So, she stood like a lamb taking its first steps, and took a run for it.
‘Please, please, please’
She pleaded in her head over and over again as she ran though the large basement, hoping to find an exit. Just as she had spotted a door at the end of a dark stairway, light of freedom shining through the cracks, her body jerked backwards and spun in the opposite direction, the miss placement of her sore feet being the reason why she hit the floor. The taste of iron filled her mouth from the gash on the inside of her lip, her teeth accidentally biting down on it as she went down.
She thanked god that carpet covered the floor or else she would have definitely knocked a tooth loose, and maybe lost one. “Run pretty fast for someone who’s been tied up for hours” He flipped her over so easily, prying her legs open so he could kneel between them. He admired her entire body as he held both her wrists down above her head with just one hand so he could capture them in a pair of cuffs, making sure she had no fighting chance this time. She couldn’t believe his hand was big enough to hold down both, and even with her struggling, he didn’t budge once.
The take down was rough, but when he fucked, it was nothing like she expected. He slid his shaft along her clit, the pink bud erect and sticking out from her hood. He couldn’t stop himself from jumping against her pussy with excitement, the tip of his dick slapping the bottom of her belly with every bounce. He pulls his hips back, the tip of him now resting against her dripping entrance, ready to ruin her for the next, if Lamelo didn’t get to him first. “Stop..” She mutters, but deep down, she was really anticipating the contact.
Her sexual organs were completely against her once again, fogging her mind with thoughts of him she didn’t want and didn’t expect to have. She was forced to sit there, pondering on how he felt and how deep he could go inside of her, but she no longer had to wonder as he pushed his hips back forward to give her a taste of what she would be stuck with for the rest of her days.
He sunk into her slowly, her walls gripping him as a welcome upon entrance. He practically had to force himself inside with a drawn out sigh as Y/N sucks in air, both of them exchanging looks into their eyes before looking down at where they connected. Her stomach involuntarily sucks in, showing the bulge of his dick every time he thrusted forward with skill into her. The feeling deep down was so indescribable, so good that she almost cracked a smile. She hadn’t even noticed how much he was stretching her out, she was too busy feeling every inch of him.
Her eyes rolls back and her toes curled as she brought her legs back further for him, Lamelo smiling at how he didn’t even have to tell her to do so. He was just proud that she was learning, but she had much more to get down pact.
“Good girl…” he rasps.
“It’s so fucking deep” She whispers, her voice slightly hoarse from her throat being dry. As his hips tempo changed, the chains connected to her wrists made jingling sounds, making music with the clapping of their thighs joining in the harsher he got. He couldn’t tell if his bodies reaction to her was cause he hadn’t had sex in a long time or if she was just that damn tight. Meanwhile, YN was Lost in clouds of her own, feeling the repetitive push of Lamelo’s tip knocking against her g-spot, her own cream starting to slip out of her and drip down to her ass.
“This pussy grippin’” Melo compliments, one of his hands moving downwards to grip at the girls throat, making her tear up once again.
“Yeah? You like it?” She spoke breathlessly, the man above her nodding and laying a singular kiss on her lips, making her swoon momentarily before going back to her struggling whimpers.
“Mhmm, fuck” He moans. He never moaned, but he guessed she was changing him too.
“Call me daddy”
“Yeah, what’s my name?”
“Daddy! Fuck!”
“You so fuckin’ pretty, mamas” he groans out, almost whimpering as his dick pushed inside her further and further. She felt like he was trying to make her cervix a home for his dick with how deep he was going. Y/N began to think how they had gone too far for her to ignore how she was enjoying every bit of this. No matter how much she tried to tell her pussy to stop cumming for him, she continued, making the carpet under her soaked with her honey. Hours ago she wished her hands were untied to beat his ass, but now she wished they were uncuffed so she could trace his tattoos while he dug her out.
He was hitting spots that not even her ex man was hitting.
Using her thighs for leverage, he begins to fuck her in a push-up position, ramming his long dick directly into her coven, her walls squeezing him almost like she was showing thanks without words. Her juices made it easier for him to fuck her with no limit, slipping and sliding into her with no trouble apart from how tight she was gripping.
He didn’t hold off to cum either, he had already came twice, but he had more to give her and she had no choice but to take it. He was convinced he could imprint on her, and it was a bonus if his seed grew inside of her after all this hard work he put in. She was gonna stay with him, and he was gonna make sure of it.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Heyy I would like to make a Minho x fem reader request but it contains slight SA and if you aren't comfortable writing that, it's okay :). So one night the reader isn't able to sleep so she decides to take a walk around the Glade but a boy decided to attack her and threaten her with a kn¡fe to do stuff with him but she manages to break out of his hold and hit him so he can faint (Minho's fighting lessons came handy here ;) ). But she is in shock of what happened and got cut on the hand at the progress so she just goes to Minho's hut to help her (Kind of "I didn't know where else to go" trope) and he takes care of her but also makes sure to banish the piece of shit that tried something on her. Thank you sm <3333333
Damn I'm actually getting requests this is kinda mad lol. I'm so happy that y'all are like my work :))
Also, sorry, this one isn't as long because normally I write multiple scenes in one, but this is really just one long scene.
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SUMMARY: See above, but I am going to try to not describe the assault very much so there is nothing explicitly violent. This takes place after the direct aftermath of the attempt. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas.
WARNINGS: Themes of sexual assault and references to blood. Nothing explicit. Inappropriate language.
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It was meant to be a simple night. You'd always been restless and sleep never came easy to you. It was kind of common knowledge that you're an insomniac, so when you decided to go on a late-night walk earlier, you never expected to end up on Minho's doorstep, blood dripping from your palm, physically shaken.
Another Glader, a Builder called Darren, had come onto you a couple of times, so when he'd tried tonight, you thought nothing of it. That was until there was a knife pressed to your throat.
It's almost a blur. You got away- there's no way you weren't going to put up a fight. A swift knee to the groin, grabbing the knife and headbutting him square in the nose was more than enough damage to sprint away.
Though, in your desperation, you'd grabbed the blade of the knife, causing a deep gnash to spread across the delicate skin of your hands.
You knock again. You know Minho has to be up early in the morning- he has to be up early every morning. Being the Keeper of the Runners is a demanding and hard job to do, and under normal circumstances, you respect this.
But not tonight. Minho is your best friend. He was the one of only boys that treated you like a normal person when you first arrived. Sure, he still made some flirty passes, but whilst the other boys stared and stuttered around you, Minho was smooth and joking. And with Newt and Alby always being caught up in something, you spend most of your evenings with the Runner.
And you trust him.
And you're desperate.
You knock again. "Minho!" A pit forms in your stomach. Darren could easily still be around here, recovering in time to attack again.
"Jesus, you wanna see me that bad?" Minho's playful tone reaches you through the poorly constructed door, but his face pales once he sees you.
Tears threaten to roll down your face as you tremble in front of him, cupping your injured hand in an attempt to nurse it and ease the sharp sting.
"Shuck, what happened?" Minho steps forward and reaches out to you, but you immediately flinch away from his touch.
"Hey, it's me," he pulls his himself back, "you're safe with me, yanno that."
"I didn't know where else to go," you confess, and he visibly softens, his tough guy facade crumbling under your teary eyes. "Can- can I just come in? Please?" You sniff, trying to stay reasonably stable.
"Yeah, yeah, of course," he steps aside, and you brush past, hearing the click of the door behind him.
You've never actually been in his hut before. It's surprisingly nice- homely even. It's simple and clean, only a couple of maps scattered around the room to show that Minho actually lives here.
"Sit down," he gestures towards the bed and you obey, sitting on the edge whilst blood starts to pool in your hand. He rumages through a drawer, pulling out what looks like a make-shift first-aid kit. "I'm no Med-jack, but you can't be bleedin' everywhere."
You attempt to laugh at his poor joke. Concern is written on his face. He's never seen you like this. You're always capable and competitive, always bringing fire to your work and getting shit done.
He sits next you, not close but not too far as he holds his hand out, wanting you to show your injury to him. After a second, you do so.
You hiss slightly as the antibacterial wipes contact the wound, earning a string of mumbled sorrys from your friend. The cut is deep and angry, making you cringe as you look at the state of your own hand.
Minho is incredibly delicate. Something bad has happened, and he can tell- hurting you further is definitely something he doesn't want to do.
He cautiously puts glue strips against your palm. Like he said, Minho is no medical expert, but he's used to getting scraps and scratches out in the Maze, so he is well prepared. Though he's unsure if this will actually stay in place. It looks like it'll need stitches, but you look in no state to be asking Med-jacks for help.
As he cautiously starts to wrap a bandage around your hand, he finally speaks.
"What happened?" His eyes flicker up to meet yours. You'd calmed down a bit now; the feelings of panic having faded into a numbness. Silence settles for a second and he knows better than to push you.
You take a shakey but deep breath. "I couldn't sleep, so I went on a walk- a-and this Builder, Darren, he came up to me," you pause, processing everything like you're starting to understand it yourself, "and he started hitting on me. It was nothing new and I told him I wasn't interested, and I don't really remember what happened next, but..."
"But, what (Y/N)?" It's rare that Minho uses your name. He's nervous himself and rage he's never experienced before has started to bubble in his stomach.
"I don't even know what happened next, I just remember being pinned to a tree with a knife pressed against my throat. He was saying all this shit and told me to be quiet and tried to undo my belt and-"
Minho's knuckles go white as they fall to his sides, fury seeping through his veins. He's in the right mind to go and find this guy right now- but he knows he'll be the one that gets banished for what he'll do to him.
"-and I kneed him in the balls and ran off, I cut my hand escaping." Minho stares at the ground, his gaze fixed on some invisible spot.
After a few seconds pass, you grow concerned, "Minho?"
"I'm going to fucking kill him."
Minho isn't exactly known for being the most level-headed shank around. He's picked a lot of fights in his time and is no stranger to a night in the Slammer. But this? This is different. He looks like he might actually stand by his words.
"You can't do that, man-"
He's on his feet, walking towards the door before you can stop him. "Minho!" You scramble up too, blocking him as he gets to the door. "The shuck are you doing?"
"I've gotta tell Ably, slintheads can't be getting away with this klunk!"
"Alby will be asleep."
"I don't care," he goes to move past you, but you grab his wrist.
"Please, can't this just wait 'till the morning?" You sigh, "I don't wanna think about it right now. Please."
It's his turn to sigh. He doesn't want to make things any worse tonight than they already are. "Okay. Fine. But I'm getting his ass banished- he hurt another Glader. He hurt you- he tried to do worse. I'm not letting that slide."
Minho is murderous. He's protective and angry; something you expected but not to this extent. He's literally going to get Darren killed. Not just get him killed- but make sure of it.
He's right, though. That's the penalty for hurting another Glader. And if everyone else can respect Alby's rules, why can't this Builder?
"I have to tell Alby." He's more definite this time, and you give him a soft nod.
"I know," you fall into another round of quiet and he's heart-broken seeing you like this.
"Can I, uh, can I hug you?" He doesn't want to cause you anymore discomfort, so asking for permission is key. You nod.
He's quick to wrap his muscular arm around you, something you accept easily, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
His comfort and the emotions catching up to you finally cause you to break. A sob shakes you and Minho's grip tightens as you cling to his shirt.
"Hey," he rubs circles on your back, "hey, it's okay."
You can't speak, and you both stand there for a while. His warmth is swallowing, and you've never felt safer. Minho isn't going to let anything bad happen to you.
You're safe with him.
You look you, sniffing, feeling slightly guilty when you see his tear-stained shirt. "Can I stay here? With you? For the night?"
He blinks at you. He was too blinded by his own anger to consider what he was going to do with you. Obviously, you're not going to feel safe going back out there.
"Yeah, yeah, 'course." He steps away, looking around his room, trying to work out the best way to go about this. "I'll uh, I can sleep on the floor and you can take my bed."
"You don't have to do that-"
"Dude," he sends you a sympathetic look, "you've been through a shuckin' lot tonight. I'll take the floor."
You give him a sad smile, choosing to nod in agreement instead of using your words.
Minho stole a pillow and a blanket and you both settled into your sleeping arrangements, but it's clear neither of you are getting any sleep.
Minho's bed smells like him. It's strangely comforting, and it's helping relax you. But that doesn't stop you from tossing and turning. After what must have been an hour, you give up.
"Minho, you awake?"
"Yeah," his voice is groggy and rough, tiredness taking its spot in his mind.
You turn to face him, opening the blankets. "Get in."
He sits up on his hands, using them to level him up. "What? I don't want to-"
"Just get in. Please."
Minho hesitates, but does as you say. Standing up, he slips under the covers with you. Normally, you'd be too embarrassed or anxious to even dare to be so bold, but you need comfort.
Once he's lay down, he opens his mouth to speak but you shuffle closer to him, once again hiding your face in his chest and flopping your arm over him. Minho stills for a second, deciding to keep up the wordless interaction and wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer.
"It's gonna be okay, (Y/N)," he mumbles as he soothingly strokes you hair, "I'm gonna look after ya- you're safe here."
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Here is another request for Minho. I love writing for this man and it's a nice change to write something softer, even if it is under some horrendous circumstances. I didn't want to write anything explicit because I think that's unnecessary, but I hope that works here.
Anyway, as always, let me know what you think. Some more light-hearted stuff is on the way soon.
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chaoticfae · 1 year
you can call me chaotic. if you know me no you don’t. this isn’t my OG blog (i deleted that bad boy when the 2017 spicy ban happened🥲). empty blogs will be blocked and or reported as spam. i try to tag things so check that. DMs are open as are asks &spam likes are totally chill with me🥰☺️
📝a little bit about me
hopeless romantic, ace, autistic, bpd, and other mental health problems
420 friendly
chronically over-sharing and chronically alone
i love reading a good book but i mainly read fanfics (they help add flavor to my daily daydreams) the smuttier the better [im going through a massive cod mw2 kick]
i am horribly indecisive about damn near everything
i go through bursts of using this app and then i won’t touch the thing for weeks
minors (go watch some cartoons or go read a book buddy✌🏻) • hard k!nks (f33ders, spicy age play, piss, scat, vomit) no k!nk shaming, just not my cup of tea. play safe folks • if you are racist/homophobic/transphobic gtfo
i’m a sub / switch & a virgin • kitten/bunny play • praise and degradation • marking (biting, scratching, hickies, hand prints) • kn!fe play • m0nster fu*ker • abo degenerate • cnc • corruption • forced intox!cation
venmo: Chaotically_they2399
PayPal: Sydney2399
twitter: chaotic_sydney
[i may post more spicy pics of myself in the future but who knows tagged:😳]
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funny-fella-fantrolls · 10 months
🗣 - Vex + Ofu
A knock can be heard at the door of Vextri's room, a familiar pattern telling him exactly who's there. He speaks, beckoning his friend in.
"C[]me []n ][n, []fu."
The door swings open gently, Ofuuno entering the room. He sees the bronzeblood hunched over his workbench, working on one of his guns. His eyes have dark bags under them, and the bronze patch on his face combined with the small wet patch on the bench suggests he may have slept there, but not long enough.
"Vex, you need to eat."
Ofuuno's tone is gentle, and filled with concern, a stark contrast to the stubborn, flat tone he receives in return.
"N[]. ][ need t[] f][n][sh th][s."
As the limeblood hears this, his tone shifts, sounding angry, but the concern is still audible despite that.
"You've been working on that for hours. {ome and eat, or I swear I'm going to drag your tired ass down those stairs and for{efeed you like a wriggler."
"]['ll eat when ]['m d[]ne. ][ a][n't st[]pp][n' 't][l ][ get th][s w[]rk][n'."
Ofuuno, hearing how stubborn his friend is being, starts getting genuinely upset with his friend.
"You said that three hours ago, and you still aren't fu{king done! Your little pet proje{t {an wait!"
"N[] ][t can't! G[]g, []fu, y[]u just d[]n't fuck][n' get ][t, d[] y[]u? ][ have t[] get th][s d[]ne!"
"No, Vextri, you're the one who doesn't fu{king get it! I know you think this is important, but your health {omes first!"
It begins to feel as if the temperature in the room is increasing as the two argue.
"[]fu, y[]u kn[]w why ][ have t[] d[] th][s! ][ need t[] be ready!"
Ofuuno takes a deep breath, trying to calm down.
"Gog, Vex, just shut the fu{k up and listen to me! When are you going to get it through your head that this won't bring her ba{k!"
Vextri boils over at this, Ofu having crossed a line they have never breached before.
"D[]n't y[]u fuck][n' dare br][ng her ][nt[] th][s!"
"Look, Vex, I don't want to, but you won't listen otherwise. Look me in the eyes and tell me. What would she think if she saw you like this?"
"][ have to d[] th][s! ][ wasn't ready bef[]re, and ][ l[]st the m[]st ][mp[]rtant pers[]n ][n my wh[]le l][fe because []f ][t!"
"We've been over this, Vex. You {ouldn't have done anything. So just fu{king {ome with me already."
"N[]! Y[]u d[]n't kn[]w h[]w ][t feels t[] stand by wh][le s[]me[]ne y[]u l[]ve ][s taken fr[]m y[]u! Y[]u've never had t[] s][t and watch s[]me[]ne y[]u care ab[]ut hurt][n' r][ght ][n fr[]nt []f y[]u! ][ can't l[]se any[]ne else ][ care ab[]ut, and th][s ][s the []nly way t[] make sure ][ d[]n't!"
Ofu begins to get angry again, raising his voice at his friend-slash-hivemate.
"I don't want to lose anyone I {are about either, Vex! Why do you think I'm so fu{king adamant about you {oming to eat? You're hurting yourself, and I've just been stu{k waiting for you to finish this fu{king proje{t! Do you think that feels good for me, Vex? Wat{hing my best friend slowly kill himself to try and save someone sweeps too late? How do you think that makes me feel?"
Vextri calms down slightly, Ofuuno's words reaching him.
"]['m s[]rry, []fu, ][ d][dn't th][nk-"
Ofu cuts him off, his emotions getting too much for him in this moment.
"No, you didn't! You were too busy wallowing in self-pity to think about anyone! I know you still feel bad, I know you still haven't fully moved on, but that doesn't give you an ex{use to ignore your own health, to hurt people around you by making them wat{h your fu{king {rusade of self-destru{tion!"
"[]fu, l][sten-"
"No, Vex, you fu{king listen! I don't want to sit here and wat{h as you waste away {hasing ghosts! You {an do your little proje{ts, but don't put them before your own gog-damn health! We've both lost people, and sure my situation was different, but I still know how it feels! So don't you dare tell me I don't know how it feels to lose someone I love, be{ause it feels like that's happening right now!"
Ofu suddenly realises what he said, and his eyes go wide, covering his mouth with his hands.
"Wa][t, []fu, y[]u-"
The limeblood doesn't stick around to hear what Vextri says next, bolting out of the room and locking himself in his own room.
A few minutes later, Vextri goes downstairs and makes himself a sandwich, before heading back upstairs to keep working.
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overclockedroulette · 2 years
Wh&t the fuck d!d y()u ju?t s&y &b()ut me y()u !tt!e b!tch !'!! h&ve y()u kn()w ! gr&du&ted t()p ()f my cl&?? !n the n&vy ?e&!? &nd !'ve been !nv()!ved !n numer()u? ?ecret r&!d? ()n &!-k&ed& &nd ! h&ve ()ver three-hundred c()nf!rmed k!!!? ! &m tr&!ned !n g()rr!!!& w&ref&re &nd !'m the t()p ?n!per !n the ent!re u? &rmed f()rce? y()u &re n()th!ng t() me but &n()ther t&rget ! w!!! w!pe y()u the fuck ()ut w!th prec!?!()n the !!ke? ()f wh!ch h&? never been ?een bef()re ()n th!? e&rth m&rk my fuck!ng w()rd? y()u th!nk y()u c&n get &w&y w!th ?&y!ng th&t ?h!t ()ver the !nternet th!nk &g&!n fucker &s we ?pe&k ! &m c()nt&ct!ng my ?ecret netw()rk ()f ?p!e? &cr()?? the u?& &nd y()yr !p !? be!ng tr&ced r!ght n()w ?() y()u better prep&re f()r the st()rm m&gg()t the ?t()rm th&t w!pe? ()ut the p&thet!c !!tt!e th!ng y()u c&!! y()ur !!fe y()u're fuck!ng de&d k!d ! c&n be &nywhere &nyt!me &nd ! c&n k!!! y()u !n ()ver ?even hundred w&ys &nd th&t? ju?t w!th my b&re h&nd? n()t ()n!y &m ! exten?!ve!y tr&!ned !n un&rmed c()mb&t but ! h&ve &cce?? t() the ent!re &re?en&! ()f the un!ted ?t&te? m&r!ne c()rp? &nd ! w!!! use !t t() !t? fu!! extent t() w!pe y()ur m!?er&b!e &?? ()ff the f&ce ()f the c()nt!nent y()u !!tt!e ?h!t !f ()n!y y()u c()u!d h&ve kn()wn wh&t unh()!y retr!but!()n y()ur !!tt!e ""CLEVER"" c()mment w&s &b()ut t() br!ng d()wn up()n y()u m&ybe y()u w()ld h&ve he!d y()ur fuck!ng t()ngue but y()u c()u!d'nt y()u d!d'nt &nd n()w y()u're p&y!ng the pr!ce y()u g()dd&mn !d!()t ! w!!! ?h!t fury &!! ()ver y()u &nd y()u w!!! dr()wn !n !t y()u're fuck!ng de&d k!dd()
wasps i know it's you you damn homestuck
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Ranboo’s Death; A Murder Done Out of Mercy
AKA I keep getting fucked up over this over and over and over again. Every time I think too hard about it I feel so awful and I wasn't even there. If I was there It would have destroyed me I'm sure But enough about me (TW for mentions of death, murder and a kn/fe metaphor; GL!Ranboo fictives/IRLs read with caution)
So I'm watching a behind the scenes steam of Generation Loss. And the more I learn about the final scene with Ranboo, the worse it gets. They were essentially damned either way, the viewers had to fistfight their morality into submission just to make a choice and the only comfort is the fact that this punch to the gut was the last act of mercy the viewers could give him. First and last, one could say. During the last voting scene, it looked like letting them live was a landslide vote. People were jumping on that instantly. Then Hetch the showrunner tells exactly what living would entail for Ranboo: enslaved into eternal servitude, doomed to be stuck in the role of a hero regardless of what they wanted, said or did. At this, Ranboo started to beg for death...And a war waged in the votes. Live or die? Live as a plaything on a stage or die sentient and free? It was very close either way. Some people couldn't bear to see him die, some people were curious. Some people thought death would be a mercy, other people likely just wanted it to stop. The chat must have been a shitshow and I somewhat wish I had been there to see it. In the end, the verdict was death. Death seemed a kinder mercy than forced servitude--something that was later confirmed by Ranboo himself, as the "live" option would entail in just what Hetch had threatened. A measly small percentage was all it took to push it over the edge. Murder was the kindest thing the viewers could have done for them. And now a Tumblr user brought something else back to mind. Ranboo believed the viewers would hate him for what they were forced to do. So would he know that their sentencing him to die was meant as a mercy kill, or would they think this was them punishing him for wrongdoings? Then there's the fact that he was being given his memories back. Remember the mask flashing? Yeah, their memories were being returned while they begged for death. Death was preferable to having those memories locked away, to ever seeing their family or friends again, to ever even seeing the sun if they got out at all. You know shit's fucked when a person can look you in the eye and demand to be killed while their life is flashing before their eyes to tease them. So chat chose well, whether they regret it or not. The question is, will Ranboo stay down as we had hoped? Will the murder done of mercy stick? Or was it a twist of the knife in the gut done as just that: a twist?
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confinesofmy · 3 years
simple guy, simple needs, if you're going hunting in the big field that you clearcut to hunt in right next to my house, don't shoot towards my house you dumb fucks. i live here. statistically and factually, i also have a gun. don't shoot at my damn house.
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buckysbitch107 · 4 years
Chris Evans with a girlfriend that has a really bad stutter like me. Like it may take about 5 mins for me to get a full sentence out. Thank you!
Sentences | Chris Evans x Reader
Summary: Yes, you have a stutter. So what? Just because it takes a little longer for you to say a full sentence, doesn’t mean people need to be rude. Chris has always been the person you go to when you feel down or insecure, even before the two of you started dating. So when an interviewer asks a question that hits a little too close to home, Chris is right there to defend you.
Warnings: SWEARING, Angry Chris, A Small Bit of Fighting, Little bit of fluff at the end
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: This is my first time writing a stutter, so I hope I got at least some of it right! The person I used as a reference was Drew Lynch (One of my favorite comedians). I know there are different types of stutters, but his is the one I was most confident writing. I’m aware there are a lot of dashes in the dialogue. That’s the way I write stutters. I really hope you enjoy this one! Sorry if it’s bad or inaccurate!
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“Thank-thank you M-Mr. Evans. I’ll see you tom-tom-tom-tomorrow.” You speak, pacing back and forth in your hotel room as your best friend sits on the bed. Her eyes widen as you end the phone call, dropping your phone on the bed before moving your head to look at her.
“I go-go-got the-the pa-part.” You whisper, looking up at her with a surprised look on your face. 
“Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god, oh my god.” You mumble to yourself, pacing back and forth in the dressing room. You just finished up the last scene of the day, a very important scene. The kiss scene. It was going great, and then the next part of the script came up. The part that had Chris’s character, Nick, step closer to yours and take your face in his hands before leaning in and kissing you. The part that the two of you did perfectly. It felt so real… almost too real, and Chris hasn’t talked to you since that scene unless it was for acting purposes. You continue to ramble random points to yourself until a knock sounds at the door, distracting you for a bit. “Come in!”
“Hey, I heard you- oh my god what happened?” Scott asks, closing the door behind him as he steps inside. You turn towards him and sigh, your hands still doing the weird flappy thing they did whenever you got anxious.
“We-We did the-the-the, the scene.”
“What? What sce- oh. OH. OH MY GOD! THAT SCENE?!”
“Yes, that sce-scene!” You exclaim, continuing to pace back and forth.
“I know this is gonna sound weird. But thoughts?” You turn to look at him, the look on your face making him unconsciously take a step back. Your face remains in a state of rage until you actually begin to survey your own thoughts, and your face drops.
“It-It was-s great. Dammit, Sco-ott! It fe-fe-felt so-so real!” Your hands migrate to your forehead, pushing your hair back before running to sit on the back of your neck. 
“Well, why don’t you ask him?”
“He’s-he’s been av-avo-avoiding me all d-ay.” More tears stream down your face as you continue to hyperventilate. You wouldn’t usually react like this, but the biggest crush you’d ever had in your entire life was possibly rejecting you, and you couldn’t even talk to him about it. 
“I’ll go talk to him. Why don’t you grab a bottle of water while I go find him, okay?” You nod as Scott gestures to the minifridge in your dressing room. He walks out and you sigh, grabbing the water and chugging most of it. Meanwhile, Scott wanders around the set, looking for his younger brother. He finds him soon enough, talking with a coworker about something to do with directing. Scott motions to his brother and Chris nods, finishing up his conversation before walking over to his sibling. 
“Yeah?"  Chris asks, putting his hands in his pockets.
 “You need to talk to Y/N.”
“Why? Is something wrong?”
“She thinks you don't like her.”
“What? What do you mean? Of course I like- oh. OH!”
“Yeah. Now please go fix it before she digs a hole in the ground by pacing that much.” Chris’s eyes widen a little more before he nods, running off in the direction of your dressing room.
“Oh go-go-god, you were ho-ho-hori-horrible at playing that-that trumpet.” You giggle, trying not to pee yourself in the passenger seat of Chris’s car. The man next to you scoffs, rolling his eyes as he turns the steering wheel.
“I wasn’t that bad, was I?”
“You-you-you-you sounded like a, like a, like a dying pi-pi-pig.” You continue to laugh in your seat as he pulls the car into an empty parking spot.
“That’s a little harsh.” He responds, turning his head to glare at you playfully, resting his hand on your thigh.
“I had-had to p-p-p-play it for-for-for you.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Chris turns off the car and leans over, pressing a kiss to your cheek before opening his door and stepping out. You open your door and step out as well, Chris walking around the car to grab your hand. He links your hand with his and slowly pulls you along, walking to two of you into the shooting studio. As the two of you enter, the studio’s cat steps into your line of vision. You gasp quietly, picking up the tabby before sitting in a chair behind the camera, set up on the small couch with some snacks and the cat. You barely pay attention as Chris sits down in the interview chair and the cameras start rolling, too distracted by the cat sitting in your lap. Zoning out, you don’t pay attention to any of the questions until you hear your name come into the mix.
“Now you met your wife on the set of Before We Go. Was it hard to make her stutter a part of the character?” Jason Nichols questions.
“Most people assume that it would be hard to incorporate a stutter into a character, but Y/N was actually super flexible and would sometimes even ask if we could do some more takes because she didn’t like the one we had. It was amazing what she did to make the movie an even bigger success.” Chris answers, causing a small smile to rest on your face.
“Now there are many eligible women in Hollywood, so why Y/N?”
“Excuse me?”
“I mean, she’s already paid less than you, and I don’t imagine that stutter of hers makes it any easier to land roles. I would have imagined you would go for someone in your pay grade.” Ouch.
“Alright, we’re done here.” Chris says, cutting the interview short by standing up from his chair. They quickly cut the cameras as your husband nods to you, telling you to pack up.
“I’m just saying-” 
“You aren’t saying anything.” You can visibly see Chris getting more pissed off by the second. You try to pull him away from the scene, but the interviewer keeps trying to insult you. It’s all a blur before Chris finally snaps, punching the interviewer and knocking him to the floor before storming out of the studio. 
“I-I am so-so-so sorry.” You whisper to one of the producers. She brushes it off with a quick “he deserved that.” before walking over to the interviewer and talking his ear off as she hands him a couple of tissues. You stand there silently, wondering what you should do when one of the producer’s assistants ushers you out.
“It’ll be fine! We’ll call back to see if Chris wants to reschedule, with a different interviewer of course.”
“T-Thank yo-u.” You whisper, offering him a small smile before walking over to your car, your fuming husband sitting in the driver’s seat.
“Darling? What’s wrong?” Chris asks, standing in the doorway of your bedroom, his bandaged hand brushing up against the door frame. You look up from your spot on the bed, giving him a small “mm” before looking back at your latest read. “Okay, what is up with you?”
“No-othing.” You mumble.
“Well it’s obviously something. You’ve barely said a word since the interview and you didn't even finish your dinner! Did, did I go too far at the interview?”
“W-What?! No-o! Not at-at all! It’s ju-ust-”
“Just what?”
“Do you-you think Nich-ichols was-was righ-t?” You question, finally deciding to look up at your husband. The look of confusion on his face would have made you laugh if your heart wasn’t silently ripping apart in your chest.
“What?! Of course not Y/N!” He exclaims, taking a mere four steps across the room to sit in front of you, Chris quickly taking your hands into his. “Why would you ever think that?”
“I-I don’t kn-kn-know…” You’re about to continue speaking when Chris starts moving, and it’s only a quick second before your husband has you sitting in his lap with his arms wrapped around you.
“Everything that man said today was bullshit Y/N. I chose you for so many reasons, and I don’t regret a thing, you understand?” You nod, slowly tucking your face into the crook of his neck. “I love you. So damn much baby.”
“I lo-ove you t-too.” Chris smiles at you once again before softly kissing you, pulling back just slightly to look at you.
“Why don’t we head to bed? It’s been a long day.” You nod and Chris stands up, walking out to call Dodger into bed and returning quickly with the dog and his lion. The two of you were already in your pajamas, having decided to change when you got home. Chris turns off the lights and slips into bed next to you, his arm immediately taking its designated place on your side. You cuddle into him and sigh, feeling comforted by your husband. Dodger sits on the edge of the bed, laying almost all the way over Chris’ feet. The three of you fall asleep like that, the hours before having worn you out, finally feeling at peace.
Permanent Tags: @wintersoldierslut​ @breakmy-bedbarnes@stuckys-hot-dogs​ @andreasworlsboring101@yaxamarvel @donutloverxo​
Just a reminder that all requests are open! My masterlist is in my bio, so you guys know who I specialize in, but really I do anyone y’all request. As I’ve mentioned, nothing is too fluffy, angsty, smutty, or gorey for me. I mainly write Marvel and its characters/actors. I can also write some characters from other things, you just have to ask! Also please let me know if you want to be a part of the Permanent Tags! But please, for now,
Call me Emily
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elijahs-wife · 3 years
the kinks thing. so: TW kn*fe & bl**d
•choking •sir •dirty talk •hair pulling •edging •teasing •public •daddy/mama •hypnosis •knife play •blood play
that is all i can think of rn
i've already done a few of these so i'll just answer the rest! but DAMN anon you didn't come to play 💀
sir — kinksame omg pls
dirty talk — yes can't live without it, kinksame 😫
edging — KINKSAME. OMG. literally make me cry
teasing — kinksame, especially if it's in public 💀
public — maybe? depends on where tbh, so... a tentative kinksame
daddy/mama — listen i have a giant daddy kink i think it's stupid hot so kinksame 😫 not like ddlg but just the title
hypnosis — never tried it and i'm not entirely sure what it entails so i'm not sure if i should judge 🤔
knife play — i have said. multiple times. that i would let bucky barnes slice me to ribbons with his knives. k i n k s a m e. (but only with someone i truly trusted and probably with a blunt knife lol)
blood play — gonna have to say kinkshame bc i'm kinda squeamish around blood 🥴
send me ur kinks and i'll kinksame or kinkshame
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