#the doctor’s Dalek
firewolf-pyro · 16 days
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Miles away from the twin peaks lies a half buried science building with a large futuristic plow pushing snow off of a runway to the left of the entrance. The front of the building is short, shaped like a half oval with big black windows on either side of the double doors. People are walking around the front of the building in full winter gear going too and from carrying boxes and crates with sample markers on them. This was the local science facility.
Anis, a tall spindly woman dressed from head to toe in a bright orange snow suit, strode towards the facility clutching a briefcase to her side. The wind was blowing snow around her and threatened to rip the briefcase away from her side even as the Siamese cat-faced lady made her way into the temperature controlled entryway of the facility. Once she was inside she stripped down to her suit and trousers, a brilliant red dress shirt paired perfectly with some slim black leggings. A bit chilly for where she worked but it was a statement she desired to make.
“Ood, come here and take this to my office, the file on the top there, take that down to the head of bioengineering. Thank you~” Anis hands the folder off to an ood dressed in the usual clothing, a dark navy blue jumpsuit. She gives a catty smirk before turning away from them. Her confidence in her research, her work environment was intense.
Anis turns away to follow the ood down the crowded main hallway down a flight of stairs. They are passed by my people in red and orange body suits. The ood heads down a few levels and crosses the white empty hallways to a steel door. They bring their translator to the keycard reader to get it open. Behind the doors stood Lesly, a short middle aged man with short brown hair and stubble. He has pudgy features and is dressed in blue and white plaid button up and jeans.
“Man. That is some serious mutation.” Lesly grumbles as he stairs into a powerful looking microscope. The lab around him is a large circular room with a desk at the center, shelves and counters around the walls and bright orange tubs with sample labels on them sat around in the walkways. There are papers and scientific journals set around the room with fridges sat on the counter. The area seems to be set up to look over liquid samples of microbiology. The ood sets the bright red folder down beside the microscope Lesly was looking through.
“Doctor Anis asked me to bring this to you.” The Ood keeps a hand on the folder until Lesly sits up to look at the folder then up at the Ood. He assumed this would have been about what she had found in the ice layers a few miles beyond their last sample’s location.
“Thanks, I’ll take a look through this in a second.”
Lesly flinches when a slight popping noise comes from one of the machines with tubes of liquid media in it. He stands and waves the Ood off, intent on fixing the pressurized device that had just become disconnected.
“On second thought, could you bring that to Bastion? I have to deal with whatever is going wrong there.” Lesly walks past the Ood to deal with the rattling popping box. The folder full of information would have to be peeled over the next available time.
“Of course, Lesly.” The Ood takes the folder and leaves the room with the folder clutched to their chest. Just down the hall was another lab Bastion would have been working in. That was where the Ood was headed. They were met with a pair of secured double doors. Stepping through them they would have to wait in a decontamination station for the misting system to finish. Once sprayed down they were allowed into the lab.
The second pair of doors opens letting them into the small square lab. The walls here are mostly barren besides some lock out shelves with vents that go up to the surface. The middle of the room has two counters in which are different pieces of technology used in studying and isolating bacterias. Bastion was busy at one of the counters carefully moving one strain into another container.
“Bastion, Doctor Lesly has told me to bring you down a folder from Doctor Anis.” The Ood steps into the room and sets the folder down on the black topped counter beside Bastion. Bastion, a blue humanoid dressed in a white full body clean gown turned to glance at the Ood. Their facial tendrils coiled up a bit to express their distaste in the Ood’s presence.
“Oh- must be about the new samples they recovered from the glades a few days ago.” Bastion sets the petri dish on the counter before tossing their rubber gloves into a biohazard waste bin. After washing their hands they take the folder from the counter. Flipping through the contents of the folder their expression deepens into one of displeasure.
“Is there anything else you would like me to deliver?” The Ood holds its translator device up a bit as Bastion picks over the folder. They slow their flipping through the pages for a moment to consider the question.
“Not currently. I will be up to meet with the two once I’ve filed these bad boy’s away.” Bastion gestures behind themself with a thumb at the Petri dishes waiting for them on the counter top. The Ood bows in understanding before turning away. With their dismissal they would return to the main floor back through the decontamination station.
On a level far above the Ood, Anis sat in her office. A small office with warm colored walls surrounded her. A large dark window to the left of her desk looks out into the snowy abyss. Her desk is a solid black wood with no real decorations on the press board. The wall to her right had a black wooden shelf with crates of folders and tube samples. The wall behind her is plain with a doctorate of hers tying her to the cat nuns. She smiles quietly to herself recollecting pictures of New, New York sent to her from her family back home.
“If we tell them now…” Anis whispers softly as her hand plays with a pen. She was rolling it over the surface of some paper in front of her. She is leaning over her desk lazily as she watches the world outside of her office. Her eyes flick up towards a ball of silver trailing orange behind it. A look of concern crosses her face as she squints at the glistening ball streaking across the sky above the twin peaks outside her window. She flinched as a sonic boom rips through the air shaking the windows - the strange silver item became clearer now as it hurtled closer and closer to the ground. It was some kind of spacecraft. Her look of concern turned to one of horror- that was a spacecraft! She ducked down as the ship vanished behind the two mountains- just in time it seemed as the crash from it shook the building hard enough to topple samples from her shelves.
“What in the Milky Way???” Anis dusts herself off as she sits up and watches the sky around the entrance point of the anomaly begin turning and swirling. She leans back as she hears the wind picking up outside as it howls against the window. The atmospheric disturbance had prompted the planet to start another snowy storm.
“Oh - oh no-“ She stands and bolts to her office exit. Out her window the smoke from the crashed ship trails up from between the two mountains. The black bleary smoke gets quickly swept away by a growing, powerful storm. It doesn’t take long for the storm to darken so much that the sky seems to go black.
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hellsw0rth · 2 months
Anyone missing a heavy stone/concrete Dalek?
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twelve-lover · 1 year
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the doctor emotionally monologuing at the daleks and then it cutting to shots like this is one of my favorite parts of dw
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giphit · 26 days
Moffat will come up with the sickest concepts ever when writing under RTD's showrunning but when he's showrunning himself he creates the power ranger daleks
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amy-is-a-mess · 3 months
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I want to scour every season of DW to find all the Dalek Perspective shots, they make me go hee hoo teehee
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“The doctor is notoriously unpunctual” is such a funny thing to have to clarify about someone with a literal Time Machine
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thefiresofpompeii · 4 months
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casually drops this number like it’s nothing … sure he’s immortal and has spent way longer in arguably worse conditions, and doctor who fans are desensitised to incredibly long intervals of time spent just waiting, but rory was plastic for those 2000 years guarding amy and twelve never remembered any of his 4.5 billion apart from the 3-day cycle he spent alive before burning up. jack was conscious and aware and human for every fucking second of those nineteen years. in a maximum security prison. just going off the rumour that he’d find the doctor there. can you imagine . the devotion is insane and it never wavers
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notyoujamie · 1 month
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science70 · 8 months
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Dalek on location at Beachfields Quarry, Redhill, Surrey, England, during production of Doctor Who, "Frontier in Space", 1973.
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improbabledreams900 · 5 months
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“The still point between where you want to go and where you need to be—that’s where she takes you.”
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beep-the-meep · 6 months
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I love how when people are being serious with the daleks this is what they see like if I saw them like this I would be on the floor with laughter.
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firewolf-pyro · 23 days
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3. THASSA’S CRASH (Atropos)
The team of three are standing at the door of the charging bay, Kendra has her hand on her mouth as she listens to the thumping and scraping right behind the door. Henry is leaning his ear against the door looking wide eyed and frightened. Olesia is stood at the center of the two at the doors watching the door for a moment. The noise soon stops causing Henry to stand up away from the door. All three are staring wide eyed at the door as deep blue sludge slowly spills out from under the sliding metal doors. Blood.
The sliding doors shift open, revealing the mess within. Blood was splattered just about everywhere- spray landing onto their bedding, across the walls and over every surface was a misting of blue blood. The body laying in front of the servers had several large bites taken out of its face. The neck looked like it had been rung as it was lengthened and letting the head lay unusually to the side. There was a bloody trail leading from the body to the Dalek’s casing- blue blood seeping from under the dome which had been reattached to its swivels. The eyestalk turned to look at the trio standing stalk still in the doorway.
“This was a mistake, yes?” BT122’s eyestalk turns from left to right slowly to look at each one of the Torchwood’s crew. The trio stays stall still, Kendra goes green in the face. The stress of this whole situation was not helping her already frantic state.
“It… It was my fault.” Olesia steps closer to the Dalek as it focuses on her form. She needed to take the blame here just in case the punishment would be too severe. The Dalek moves closer to her spreading more of the blood across the floor.
“You have failed.” Blueton lifts their manipulator arm and grabs her sharply by the cloth of her shoulder. The cloth steamed under his grip threatening to burn the skin which lies just beneath.
“Don’t hurt her!” Kendra moves to try and pull Olesia away from the Dalek’s grasp until the eyestalk turns to face her along with the gunstick. She freezes solid- watching the tip of the gunstick as the three triangular parts from the barrel pointed out from it. He was not joking around here. Primed and ready to fire at anyone around him, Blueton turned his eyestalk back to Olesia.
“Kendra no-“ Henry hissed to her as he moves closer to Olesia to try and stop Kendra from intervening with the two of them. The gunstick twists towards the sight of movement causing Henry as well to freeze in place. He eyed the sharp edges of the barrel- waiting for it to go off at any second.
“You are inferior, you will not intervene.” Blueton pushes past the two of them pushing Olesia backwards down the hallway. Olesia lifts her hands up gesturing for the both of them to calm down and move away as she walks backwards checking behind her constantly. With the Dalek’s attention in her she could assure the other two wouldn’t be hurt. Or worse…
“Calm down, calm down- I’ll be okay- it’ll be okay-“ She calls over the Dalek’s shoulder section, continuing backwards as she is being pushed away from the two of them.
“What are you going to do with her?” Henry follows close behind the Dalek watching as Olesia constantly looks behind herself so she doesn’t trip. Blueton was pushing her towards the pilot’s room. The control deck was some place he was hoping to have a private one on one with her.
“Olesia agreed to accept the punishments should she fail this operation. She has failed.” Blueton turns to push Olesia into the control room of the ship. He lets her go once she is backed into the room before turning to face the both of the others. Still he debated exterminating them, the pros and cons of doing such a thing.
“Please don’t hurt her- she was only trying to do right by us-“ Kendra pleads as she crowds around the front of the Dalek trying to get into the control room as well. She reaches out towards Olesia who brings her own arms around herself as she stares down at the ground. Olesia wasn’t sure what Blueton was going to do to her but she could feel the ill will in the other beings very mind.
“You two will remain here. Do not move.” Blueton orders, backing into the control room as he looks between the two of them before turning. As he turns the doors to the control room slide closed, locking with a soft click.
Out in the Hallway the pair are left in the dark. Henry brings his arms in around himself, pressing his knuckles against his lips as he tries to keep himself from panicking. Both of them could feel Olesia’s fear over the mental link shared between the four of them. Thanks to the pathweb those emotions were rarely blocked out.
“She is not going to be okay in there.” Kendra turns and leaves Henry by the double doors. He watched her leave for a moment before quickly collecting himself and rushing after her. Kendra had something planned and he could feel it wasn’t good.
“What are you doing, Kendra?! He told us to stay there-“ Henry grabs her by her shoulders to try and stop her but she shakes him off spinning around to face him. She looked furious, an urgent energy radiated off of her.
“We can’t let her get treated like… like however he is going to treat her.” Kendra snaps, backing away from Henry before spinning on her heels to jog down the hall to the scrap room. There were plenty of components in there to build what she thought she needed.
“We don’t even know how he is going to punish her- he hadn’t killed us yet, the worst he had done is restrict rations - electrocute us when we are being ‘too slow-‘“ Henry follows after her at a jog as he lists off a number of ways the blue Dalek punished “bad behavior”.
Kendra rushes into the scrap room and begins immediately pulling scrap pieces out of the piles. Along the back wall of the room are sheets of metal piled up to the ceiling, barrels are pushed up against the stacks and old support beams are leaned precariously against those. There are bins full of wires and others strewn with what looks like computer screens, motherboards and so on. Kendra is busy pulling together and quickly rewiring a small device that looks to be made of parts of a microwave, cables and magnets.
“If we help her… If we help her we would be exterminated, Kendra…” Henry stays at the entrance of the doorway. He wanted to stop her, to prevent her from stepping in- prevent her from getting herself killed. But a part of him wanted this, wanted to help her build what she was building. To help her save their friend from the horrors that must have been happening to her behind closed doors. So he stayed put.
“I would rather be dead. I can’t let her take anymore of the brunt of our mistakes- we should have been in there to help disarm that Dalek, we should have stayed with Jones too- we can’t- can’t keep backing down.” Kendra lifts the boxy looking device up to her face before looking over to Henry. She believed Henry’s theory that Jones had been dispatched via the Dalek. Now, after searching the entirety of the ship from inside to out she could not deny it. Especially after witnessing the nature of a Dalek.
“I’m still not sure Jones’ is dead. I know Olesia thinks so but- I still hope…” Henry backtracks, stepping aside to let Kendra move past him. He was second guessing his previous conclusions. His hopes for the group to suddenly find evidence that Jones was still alive outweighed his logical reasoning. He knew the chances were slim to none. But he still hoped.
“He’s dead, Henry- and we’re as good as dead too if he finds out Olesia’s able to keep him out of her head now.” Kendra leads Henry out of the scrap room. She held herself confidently, the urgency of this situation shaking her fears away.
Back in the pilot’s bay Olesia sat against the control panel’s shelf. She watched the Dalek’s casing pace back and forth in front of her as the being debated on just what he would do with her. The likelihood of it harming her, she realized, was significantly lower now than it had been when they first met. This brought her some minor relief.
“I understand but-“ Olesia interrupted the Dalek’s thoughts out loud to try and get her own two sense in. At the very least, with little threat of violence towards her at the moment, she wanted to try and reason with the Dalek.
“You DO NOT understand! I can not, WILL NOT be alone again!” BT122 shouts at her, spinning around to face her. Even if the Dalek brood was successful it would be a long, long while before they would be sentient to the point he wouldn’t feel the loneliness. Not until he could find a way to properly info-spike them that was, without running the risk of overloading their tiny brains or causing them to go full Empire Daleks on him.
“You won’t be- I’ll stay, I promise but -“ Olesia started to plead with him. She wouldn’t get far into her deal before the sliding doors behind her suddenly ripped open. Sparks flew from its control panel as Kendra came running in, Henry hot on her heels. She made a B-line straight for Blueton.
“I require all three of you! You are all unique, useful-“ Blueton started unaware of the human rushing towards him. Kendra made it a point to stay right behind him, just out of view.
Olesia is leaning up against the control panels with one leg crossed over the other- her back to the screens. On the screens behind her the ship is alerting to the gravitational pull of the planet they were meant to skid past, using the pull as a sling shot for better fuel efficiency towards their destination. No one seemed to notice the warnings flashing red in the screens as Kendra comes around the side of the Dalek, weapon in hand. She was readied for what she had planned, the chaos she was about to create enough to distract everyone from the urgent warnings behind them.
“Kendra?” Olesia startles into a taller sitting position as Kendra rushes in past her. Now with Kendra between her and the Dalek it was becoming clearer Kendra’s intent with the device in her hand.
“KENDRA!” Henry tries to grab her shoulder but again she shrugs him off. The Dalek’s casing turns in sections towards the interruption. They don’t get much time to react as Kendra rushes him and smacks the device against the chest section of the Daleks’- pushing her whole body into the casing and pushing the casing into the glass of the control room. The dome like structure oversaw the rapidly approaching clouds of the planet below them.
“TAKE US HOME!” Kendra grabs the eyestalk of the Daleks to force it to stare into her face. If her demands weren’t met she would have no choice but to… To do her worst.
“Alien Device detected on casing- explain-?!” Blueton struggles to turn the casing towards her to shake her off of himself and pull his eyestalk out of her grip. He wanted to see what she had just placed on him. Wanted to see what she thought was so dangerous he would listen. Kendra was putting all of her weight into pinning the Dalek casing against the window of the cockpit. Even as the Dalek fought against her, even as her shoes squeaked and scraped against the ground she held him there until he was ready to meet her demands.
“I’ll burn a hole straight through your casing- take us home- take us home right now or I’ll -“
“Explanation unacceptable!” Blueton turns in a harsh circular motion slambing Kendra hard against the window- hard enough to cause a crack and crunch to occur. She lets out a squeak as the air was literally crushed out of her lungs from the impact. A second later she coughs, red blood spraying across the blue of the Dalek’s dome. Even as the life was being squeezed from her body she reached out for the device with one hand.
“Breach Detected-“
Both Henry and Olesia were paralyzed in place as the front of the ship began losing air pressure. The could see the structure of the crack caused by Blueton’s violence begin to spider web itself across the bow like face of it. They were in a grave amount of Al danger.
“I just-“ Kendra coughs, gasping she scrambles to reach the device just centimeters away from her.
“Blueton- BT122-“ Olesia inches around the side of the controls before Henry blocks her. He knew what Kendra wanted to do and believed she could. Trying to help her here might just cause the Dalek to end her before she had a chance to finish what she had started.
“Olesia don’t- make sure the ship’s energy shields are stable- I’ll… I'll try and get Kendra to calm down.” Henry steps around Olesia to walk towards the Dalek who is now crushing the tank of his weight into her. Each twist from Kendra’s body brought on another shiver of the armor as it pressed further into her to keep her where she was. The pressure was causing the cracks in the window to web further and further out. The only thing keeping it all together was the replicated gravity in the ship and the energy shield just outside of it.
“Blue…” Henry slowly approaches the Dalek with his hands up. The Dalek gives no response as the room shakes. The Daleks' attention was solely on Kendra.
“We have a different problem- the controls were drifting-“ Olesia frantically tries to get the controls to respond to her touch. The screen shows the coordinates glitch and adjust slowly as if there was some error between the touch controls and the actual computing system. There wouldn’t be enough time to adjust now, their ship being in a nose dive towards the now visible surface of the planet.
“Blueton- let’s just- just let her down, I’ll take the device and- and-“ Henry freezes when Blueton’s eyestalk swings around to stare at him. He was not expecting him to suddenly change targets like this but at the very least Kendra was no longer being crushed so violently against the window.
“NEGATIVE! You are a weapons design specialist, you will detonate whatever this device is!” Blueton decides, turning further into Kendra making her cough and gag uo more blood that splatters across the neck rings of his casing. He did not trust that Henry wouldn’t go against him. He was sure the trio now was working together to besmirch him.
“The controls aren’t responding to me- guys? Blue?! We’re nose diving towards the planet here-“ Olesia screams out but none of the group seems to hear her.
“I won’t- Blueton I SWEAR to you I will not hurt you-“ Henry continues to approach the Dalek. Blueton’s gunstick turns to aim directly at Henry and he stops only a few paces away from the pair of them.
“See? I am just-“ Henry slowly reaches over to the device even as the gunstick follows his whole form. Henry was slow- cautious as he reaches out to touch the device magnetically attached to the skirt of the Dalek’s casing. Just as Henry’s fingers pushed the device up a bit Kendra’s look of pained fear shifted into a malicious grin.
“EXTERMINATE-“ Kendra coughs out just as the tips of her fingers finally reach their target. A massive explosion rips through the front of the crescent ship leaving the cockpit of the ship a ball of fire. The ship nose dives further towards the planet with a scream of machinery and rushing wind leaving behind it a trail of ash and dust. The ship vanished between the peaks of two massive mountains. Just between them it collided with the ground with such a loud crash the snow from the peaks shivered letting their load billow down their sides.
A blue light blinks in the dark gray of the snowstorm the crash had initiated. It flashes in and out as a pair of stumbling legs pass in front of it. Henry, shivering in the frigid cold clutches his arms around himself. Being only in a t-shirt and jeans the sub-zero temperatures had made his pail skin a murky gray. He is charred in white as he stumbles away from the crash sight- turning in slow circles as the blank white and gray atmosphere around him confuses his navigation.
“KENDRA?!” He turns in a tight circle and stumbles into the gray void around him. The storm was wild bringing him back to a spot he had already been only moments later.
“OLESIA?!” Henry wanders into the blowing snow vanishing into it leaving the blue light just beyond the storm unblocked. The blue fades in and out as the storm’s snow swells and dies down.
Far off in the storm lies a Dalek casing on its side with a hole blown clear through the casing’s side. The light earlights on the dome dim as its’ eyestalk turns slowly, rigidly around in the blowing howling storm. The cold was getting to the mutant within casing each movement of the casing to draw on, slow and stutter. It didn’t take long before the whole of the casing froze up allowing the light in the eyestalk to finally dim and cut out fully.
Hours would pass that day before the storm cleared enough for people to leave their residence. As the alien sun beats down on the frozen grounds a group stumbles upon the mess of a crash that had occurred during the storm. Not a one of them knew exactly what had happened here and still they desired to drag the reck back to their facility. Bloodied bodies and all.
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stevenrogered · 6 months
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(though who wouldn’t flirt with Andrew Garfield given the chance)
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lexie-squirrel · 7 months
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by Lew Stringer
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g3othermal3scapism · 7 months
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when your circle small but all yall crazy!! 🤣🤣
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themastergifs · 7 months
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