#the emperor’s best pupper
gingerfan24 · 3 years
Daydreaming in the checkout line at work....
“Dude, what if I tried out a Living Saint muse again....but it’s a dog?”
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hedgebelle · 4 years
Cultural References in “They Are Out There Saying”
It took me forever to compile it, but here it is! A brief explanation on all the references to Japanese culture I made in my JayDick Summer Exchange fic “They Are Out There Saying”.
When I got the prompt from @paperempires​ calling for the Batman Ninja verse, I was like, you want 16th century Japan? I SHALL DELIVER.
Ok, so first, let’s talk about geography.
Right now, Japan is divided into prefectures, but in the past there were provinces. Check out the map below.
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Green: Hida Province
Aka the province where this fanfic actually takes place. Nowadays the Hida-Takayama region in Gifu Prefecture.
Located there is the hidden village of the Bat Clan, the calligrapher's house, as well as real places briefly mentioned: Takayama city with its castle (ruins) and Tenshōji Temple (associated with True Pure Land school of Buddhism), and Shirakawa Village (diamond shape on the map).
Btw, Shirakawa Village is a UNESCO world heritage site and overall a lovely place. If you have a chance to visit it, please do. Here, check it out 😊.
Also, Hida is one of the two places in all of Japan where gneiss, a type of metamorphic rock, can be found. A piece of trivia I learned from my best friend (who might or might have not dared me to fit gneiss somewhere in the fanfic) 😉. The second place where gneiss can be found - again, true fact - are Oki Islands, the archipelago north of the Grand Izumo Shrine.
Dark red: Owari Province
Nowadays part of Aichi Prefecture.
According to the Batman Ninja (the version with Japanese voice over) Joker made himself a feudal lord of this province. Which is kinda interesting, seeing as Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582), one of the key players during the warring states period who started the unification of Japan, was a lord of that domain.
Located in Owari is also Alfred's teahouse 😊.
Yellow: Kai Province
Nowadays, it's Yamanashi Prefecture.
Penguin made himself a feudal lord of this domain. In Batman Ninja he really commanded penguins wearing samurai armour 😂.
Violet line: Tōkaidō Road
A tract that linked Kyoto, a seat of the emperor, and Edo (present day Tokyo), the seat of shogun.
So, traveling the Tōkaidō Road didn't become a thing until the 17th century ^^". But I figured, if castles can be weaponized in this verse, then I can send Jason down this road 😊.
On the side note, travelling the Tōkaidō Road became quite a subject in the culture of the Edo Period (1600-1868). For example, check out these famous ukiyo-e.
Star: the Grand Shrine of Izumo
Very much a real place. One of the three most important Shintō shrines in all of Japan. Worshipped there is Okuninushi no Okami, god of marriage. When praying in the Grand Shrine, a pilgrim is supposed to clap their hands four times, not just two like everywhere else. That's because in that Shrine one is not praying just for themselves, but for their destined partner too. 
The Grand Shrine is located in the Izumo Province - nowadays a part of Shimane Prefecture. 
*Even today Izumo is called a place where fates are being brought together 😉.
Circle: Mt Hiei
Again, a real place, located very close to Kyoto. The Enryakuji temple located on that mountain historically had big influence also due to the fact, it commanded its own army of warrior monks. Some further reading on them, if your interested, is here.
(Btw, the Enryakuji Temple is also a UNESCO world heritage site.)
It was emperor Shirakawa (1053-1129) who one said that the only things he does not have control over are the roll of dice, the waters in Kamo River and the warrior monks of the Enryakuji Temple.
*Kamo River flows through Kyoto.
Square: Inabayama Castle
Nowadays called Gifu Castle, located in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture 😊. One of few castles built on top of a mountain.
Triangle: Mt Osore
A real place, considered one of the most sacred in all of Japan. A site of Bodaiji Temple. Due to the volcanic activity in the area, there's sulfur both in the air and in the lake right by the temple - hence its striking colour. Otherwise, the landscape is barren. 
It is said that Mt Osore matches the description of Buddhist hell, and holds the entrance to the afterlife. For some further, light reading check here.
If you think to yourself wooow that's a lot of references then fear not - there's more 😂.
Other references
Fuke Sect of Buddhism 
Monks of this sect, as a part of their practise, wore basket hats, played flute, and were on constant pilgrimage. 
Travel, however, used to be heavily restricted, so in exchange for a special travel permit, monks were asked to spy for the shogun. Also, ninja (and other people involved in espionage) were known to donn on the attire of a Fuke Sect monk. For that reason, monks were sometimes asked to play on their flutes to prove their identity.
In Batman Ninja Jason is operating undercover as one of those monks.
Check this, for some further reading.
Direction of the Demon’s Gate
It’s north-west. It was believed that demons and evil spirits enter through that direction, hence it was considered unlucky.
Rokuyō (lucky/unlucky days)
A circle of six days, three of which are thought to various degrees lucky, another three - to various degrees unlucky. The most unlucky one is called butsumetsu and apparently is meant to symbolise the day Budda died.
Old unit of measurement. 1 ri ≈ 3.9 km ≈ 2.4 mi
Sexagenary cycle
A cycle of 60 years. It was traditionally used in China for time reckoning, and was known in other South-East Asian countries too.
For some further reading click here.
Golden leaf
Kaga Province (north-east of Hida; now part of Ishikawa Prefecture) is known as the biggest producer of golden leaf in all of Japan.
Zen Circle
On the photo below:
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It’s an important symbol in Zen Buddhism that stands for enlightenment, absolute, the void. In Japanese calligraphy and sumi-e (ink painting), drawing the circle is seen as an expression of absolute freedom of the mind that lets the body create. If it’s closed, it symbolises perfection. If not, it becomes an expression of wabi-sabi - a concept in Japanese aesthetics that translates to beauty of imperfection.
One of the fantastic creatures that appears in many Japanese folktales. Kappa is a water demon that (unsurprisingly) dwells in lakes and rivers. It is rather mean and known to cause mischief, but surprisingly enough - very fond of cucumbers.
Ogre (oni)
One of the fantastic creatures featured in Japanese folklore. Usually portrayed with red skin, horns, and a tall, hulking figure; as a concept somewhat similar to demons or devils, as they represent everything evil and harmful (and also, oni reside in the eight great hells). It was believed a human wicked beyond any redemption might turn into an ogre.
Haikai-no renga
A genre of linked verse poetry. It is made of 18 or 36 verses that alternatively have 17 (5-7-5) or 14 (7-7) syllables. It is less formal than an earlier genre, renga, and as such is supposed to be lighter, witty, comical even. There aren't as many rules dictating which verse is supposed to have a direct allusion to which, how many times and in which verses certain motives (like flowers, moon, seasons) can be mentioned. 
Still, the first verse is supposed to contain kigo, so a word or phrase that indicates the season - in the fanfic it’s May (rice planting season) which is classified as early summer in the old lunar calendar - or in some other clever way gives an allusion to the environment the poetry meeting took place in. The first verse is also supposed to be written by the guest of honour which is why Jason was asked to compose it 😊. Important is also the third verse, as that’s where the theme of the whole haikai-no renga is officially established. 
From the first verse of haikai-no renga evolved possibly the most recognisable form of Japanese poetry - haiku.
Lovers’ suicide
A suicide committed together at the same time by the lovers whose shared affection defied the rules of society and/or obligations to their families. Before commiting the act, they would usually pray to be reborn together on the same lotus flower in the Pure Land. 
Lovers’ suicide is a theme featured in plays for pupper theater bunraku, most prominently The Love Suicides at Sonezaki written by Chikamatsu Monzaemon.
Pure Land
In a nutshell: According to some schools of Buddhism in Japan, Pure Land where people can be reborn and practice pure version of Buddhism, thus are able to finally gain enlightenment (which is impossible when alive, because the practice in the land of the living is warped, impure).
Please, take my way too short explanation with a grain of salt. It might not seem that way, but I’m not all that knowledgeable about Buddhism ^^”.
Nenbutsu prayer
Practised in True Pure Land Buddhism. It’s basically a recitation of a short phrase that translates to “I take refuge in Buddha Amida”.
The bodhisattva associated with compassion.
Vengeful ghost
It was believed that a person who harboured a deep grudge or hatred in their last living moments towards those who had wronged them could become a vengeful spirit.
 *Hoichi the Earless - one of the traditional horror stories. In this story, vengeful ghosts (of the fallen Taira clan) want to take with them a blind monk because he beautifully plays on biwa (traditional instrument). Once his brethren realise the danger Hoichi is in, they paint his whole body in Buddhist sutra, safe for his ears. Because of that, when the ghosts appear again, Hoichi - safe for his ears - is invisible to them. Spoiler alert, the ghosts take Hoichi’s ears, thus the earless in the title. Check out here for some further reading.
Ten Virtues of Tea
Text attributed to a Buddhist monk Myōe (1173-1232. It lists all the properties of green tea beneficial to the human body and soul. 
Translation can be found here.
Portuguese firearms
Historically, the first Europeans Japanese people came in contact with were Potuguese traders. They introduced many European goods including firearms. 
On the unrelated note, the Potuguese in that time period were referred to as Nanbanjin (南蛮人) which translates to southern barbarians.
Eight great hells
...are the concept of hell in the traditional culture in a nutshell. The concept itself was heavily influenced by Buddhism. 
Further reading is available here.
Shinto wedding ceremony
While it incorporates many rites, the most core one (as far as I know) features the groom and the bride taking turns drinking sake (rice wine) from three cup, each slightly bigger than the other. When drinking, they are supposed to sip three times. 
In feudal times, wedding ceremonies started with an elaborate bridal procession to the groom’s house. There, the dowry would be presented, blessings would be given, and then the bride and groom would take turns drinking sake as described above. 
...Okay, I believe that’s it. Thank you for reading!
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tripiispooks · 4 years
In any rpg's type game I play I always try to make this one character.
This one character that is:
Probably belongs in Devil Wears Prada
Can't hear you over my designer [usually weapons]
Will walk into a place and say it smells like bitch in here
Her resting face usually says it for her
Yes, her, it's always a she
Dares people to vibe check her
'Like go ahead, do it, I dare you,'
Has a mean laugh
I mean it could be someone told her a terrible joke or pun and she laughs and its sounds so mean like she just watched someone trip or something, but it's just a joke a friend told her
Will vibe check higher ups/people "more powerful" than her
Rich and a bitch, but not spoiled
Her family got rich, and she, through hard work, and values it
Cant stress enough how rich she is
Like she should be a snob and such, but she will spoil her friends rotten
Her friends are her family and she would do anything for them
Debt? What debt??? Its been paid hun
Too expensive? 100k??? that's lunch money
But anyone else...not her problem
Is a weird combination of the mom friend and the rich wine aunt
She's ride or die for her makeshift family
But she is professional above all else
All I can think of is the line that the sniper says from TF2, 'professionals have standards'
And Thomas E. Ricks' quote 'Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet'
Think CEO woman with heels that can kill just as much as her words
Judgy side eye
Will look at her companions discretely like they're the camera in the Office
Will come unhinged when it come to dogs
Itty bitty baby pupper needs to be protected at all costs, even if said cost is her reputation because she needs to pet the dog and/or save its life, can she adopt it? Shes going to sure try
That dog will be living the life of luxury
Two games where I have one:
In SWTOR (which I have been on a huge kick):
Always a sith warrior
Because its irony (my si is a chaotic bastard that will throw down at a moment's notice, gives my sw a headache)
And perfect fit for destroying Baras in front of the dark council
Always a pure blood
That is tol and slightly beefy and only wears all black
This one has really bad respiratory issues where she has to wear a half mask at all times, sure she could get a surgery done, but...aesthetic...
Because Malavai quinn deserves to have a boss that actually benefits the empire
That isn't crazy
That isn't some power hungry sith
Sure shes power hungry, but shes a professional above all else
Should she be and Imperial???
If she didn't have the force she would have already been a general or super high rank
Or even a chiss imp
I think Thrawn would like working with her
Best friends with vette
Married to Quinn
Knew Baras would force him to betray her and was already 2 steps ahead and won Quinn over and had the whole betrayal turned a set up for Baras
Vette annoying Quinn? Oh, that's just her spying and snooping for the SW
What do you mean you found a listening device? Didn't you know SW bugged her own ship after she got rid off all the listening devices and trackers that Baras rigged
Would vibe check the emperor if given the chance if she feels the need to
Has an akk dog, yes its name is Vengeance and yes its nickname is smooshy
Head of the thieves guild
And dark brotherhood
And archmage
Owns everyhouse and the three homesteads
But prefers the severin manor
Always imperial with dark hair and brown eyes
No qualms with stealing right in front of people
Or killing
'Take me to jail? Haha, here's the bounty money' drops a bag of coins and leaves laughing
Shes the dragonborn that took out Alduin, miraak, harkon, literally every person that posed a problem, not threat, just problem
Who's gonna check her? Akatosh?? She'd check him
Was a vampire but found it tedious and got cured
Hates the thalmor and kills them at every opportunity
Laughs at the Stormcloaks because Ulfric is a thalmor agent, has proof, and thinks its laughable that they want to take on the aldmeri on their own
Best friends with Serana and they talk trash on everyone
Two rich bitches
Was ready to check both Serana's parents
If she could adopt Serana she would
Also besties with Teldryn
He says she the sanest of his clients but that's a fat load of lies, it's more to convince him, also she pays way more
married Ghorbash the Ironhand (seriously in love with him because she took him on as a follower and they have the same love of travelling and the stuff he said made her swoon)
They adopted Hroar and the girl from windelhm
Herr family primarily stays at the homestead south of whiterun with the lake near by, she likes it because of Riverwood and the lake, plus whiterun the most stable hold to live near despite the homestead being part of a different hold
Send help to Tamriel when her, Serana, and Teldryn are in the same room
The amount of shade flying at everyone is lethal
Ghorbash loves to watch, though gets caught off guard by some comments
Meeko protection squad, her kids adopted him so he's safe and loved
Might draw stuff about these two ladies
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alltaer · 7 years
Ancient Facts Time !
Did you know the Roman Emperor Claudius, also known as Claudius the God, became an emperor by sheer accident ? Claudius was always smaller and weaker then other children of his age. One day the Praetorians, Emperor’s bodyguards, decided they did not like the current emperor and assassinated him alongside all of his friends, when they finished the slaughter they heard a weeping from one of the curtains. This is where little Claudius was hiding, scared to death. The Praetorian opened the curtain revealing the weeping Claudius, and just as Claudius thought this is where he will die, the Praetorian said “ Ave Caesar ! “. Claudius became emperor just because he was in the wrong place at the right time, and because the Praetorians thought he was so weak and pathetic he would be their pupper. But Claudius became one of the best Emperors of his age, managing feats such as finally conquering Britania.
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ancient-facts-time · 7 years
Ancient Facts Time!
Did you know the Roman Emperor Claudius, also known as Claudius the God, became an emperor by sheer accident ? Claudius was always smaller and weaker then other children of his age. One day the Praetorians, Emperor’s bodyguards, decided they did not like the current emperor and assassinated him alongside all of his friends, when they finished the slaughter they heard a weeping from one of the curtains. This is where little Claudius was hiding, scared to death. The Praetorian opened the curtain revealing the weeping Claudius, and just as Claudius thought this is where he will die, the Praetorian said “ Ave Caesar ! “. Claudius became emperor just because he was in the wrong place at the right time, and because the Praetorians thought he was so weak and pathetic he would be their pupper. But Claudius became one of the best Emperors of his age, managing feats such as finally conquering Britania.
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scribewizard · 4 years
Top 10 Revenge Films
In Films, there are characters that are wronged.  Usually, the pick up the pieces and move on, for other’s it’s Revenge.  I wanted to create lists again and revenge films have been one I have been itching to try out.  Now, there are some rules to this list.  
1.       Must be the whole movie for the characters trying to get revenge.  
2.       The Person with the Revenge can either succeed or fail in their revenge
3.       Killing may or may not be involved with the act of Revenge
Here are my honorable mentions.  The ones that could have been on the list, but I canceled on at last minute.  
Honorable Mentions
Carrie – Even though it’s just one student that pranked Carrie White, it wasn’t enough to put it on the list.  
Gangs of New York –  As much as I love the revenge in this movie, the ten that are on the list were simply better than this tale.    
Robo Cop- While Robo Cop unknowingly gets revenge on the person that puts him into the Robo Cop suit, it wasn’t stronger than the other contenders on this list.  
Conan the Barbarian – Same story as Gangs of New York
Grand Torino- It only had one moment of revenge.  
Revenge of the Sith – While it has Revenge in its name, I felt this was more of a takeover than an actual revenge story.    
Now, let’s get on with our list.  
10. Gladiator (2000)
Let’s start our list off with a Roman tale.  
Maximus is seeking revenge against Emperor Commundus for killing his family and putting him through slavery. What makes this revenge exception is how he put through the Gladiator colosseum and throws everything at him Yet, Maximus preservatives.  
9. V for Vendetta (2005)
Remember, remember, the Fifth of November.  The gunpowder treason and plot.  I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.  
Now, I know I might be cheating with this one, but bear with me.  V for Vendetta, based on a comic book, tells of a vigilante named V that sets out to change the country through his terrorist acts.  The first part of the film is V’s revenge for being experimented on, but the film becomes more about V’s actions as he sets to destroy the corrupted government.  
8. Law Abiding Citizen (2009)
Clive Shelton is seeking revenge against a flawed Justice system that gave a lighter sentence to a criminal that killed his family.  What makes this revenge so fascinating is that Clive is always one step ahead of his opposites.  When you think he’s doing one thing, he’s doing another.  The film paints Shelton as a criminal, but it almost makes you want him to succeed.  
7. Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
Probably the oldest revenge story on this list, the Count of Monte Cristo is about Edmond Dantes, who is falsely imprisoned and betrayed.  While imprisoned, Edmond is given to a map to a treasure.  Using the treasure, Edmond establishes himself as the ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ and sets to get his revenge on those that imprisoned him.
What makes this revenge tale fascinating is that it’s a revenge story about hope.  While in jail, Edmond still holds onto hope that he’ll be reunited with his girlfriend.  The story has been shared multiple times, but I think the 2002 version is my favorite version of the story to date.  
6. Taken (2008)
Bryan Mills is a retired agent; who’s daughter was taken by gangster that try to sell her in a sex slave auction. While the daughter doesn’t die, Mills uses his “particular set of skills” in order to track her down.
While Taken has two sequels, it’s the first film that really got audience’s attention.
5 Punisher (2004)
We’re halfway there now.
Cop Frank Castle and his family is killed by mobsters.  However, Frank Castle is the only survivor despite his death.  So, he goes through a killing spree taking out all sorts of characters to avenge his dead family.
What I really love about the Punisher is that he doesn’t really have any powers.  He has marksmanship, military experience, and a brilliant tactician, but he doesn’t have any superpowers unlike some of the other Marvel Superheroes.
While the Punisher has had many movies, tv shows, my favorite version is the 2004 movie with Thomas Jane.  
4 Old Boy (2003)
The only revenge film on this list that’s a foreign movie.  
What people don’t know is that it’s a part of a trilogy of films called the Vengeance Trilogy
This South Korean film is about a man being imprisoned for fifteen years.  When he gets out, he wants revenge on the man that framed him for killing his wife, took away his daughter.  He meets up with a woman named Mi-do and goes to protect her while claiming his revenge.  
So, there is a bit of spoilers for this movie that I will not give away.  I want people to experience this movie like I did.  The best part of this movie is the twist at the end.  
There is an American version with Josh Brolin and Elizabeth Olsen, but I consider the 2003 version to be superior version.  It might have English Subtitles, but I consider it to be a great movie.  
3 Kill Bill Volume 1/Volume 2 (Volume 1: 2003 Volume 2: 2004)
This one is a tie, but it’s an explainable tie.  A day or so ago, by the time of writing, my cousin told me that he can’t watch Infinity War without watching Endgame.  That really spoke to me because I can’t watch Kill Bill Volume 1 without watching Volume 2. It’s about closure, people.  
How could I not make a Revenge Film list without including the Bride (She has a name but I’m calling her the Bride).  
The Bride is killed by Bill and the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad via shot in the head.  The gunshot only comatose the Bride (???? I don’t know how that works but I’ll try to suspend my disbelief) for four years and after those years, she goes on a quest to kill those involved in two movies.  
What really fascinates me about this series that it feels like a foreign movie.  Quentin Tarano really outdid himself with these movies. The way the Bride gets her revenge, how each of their deaths is unique.  
My hope is that Zendaya does take on the role of Nikki, the child of one of the members of the Deadly Vipers, for a new Kill Bill film.  
2 John Wick (2014)
Much like the previous film on this is, I couldn’t make this list without the inclusion of this great movie.
John Wick is a retired hitman who’s settling down after the death of his wife.  While out with his lovely pupper, John is attacked by a group of mobsters, his car was stolen and they killed his dog.  (WHY DID YOU KILL THE DOG?)
Out for blood, John stops at nothing to avenge the death of his beloved dog, Daisy.  This film is action packed and revenge filled to the bloody end.  Much like Taken, John Wick has two sequels, but a fourth one is being made.  
What I love most about this film is how driven John Wick is.  He stops at nothing to get his desired revenge.  
Also, I can’t stress this enough: WHY DID YOU KILL THE DOG?
1 The Gift (2015)
“See what happens when you poison someone’s mind with lies.”
You know, I actually thought that John Wick was my favorite revenge film.  It wasn’t until I saw this movie that really changed my mind about revenge movies.  While John Wick and the other films were great revenge films, this film shattered my expectations.  
Unlike the other films on this list, The Gift doesn’t have any human deaths.  It doesn’t need to have them in order to pull off the revenge of this movie.  
Simon and Robin move into a new home.  While shopping, they run into an old class mate of Simon’s named Gordo.  
With that premise, one could easily predict that it’s going to be the clichéd new person turns out to be evil.  However, part of the film’s wit’s and reason for being number one is that it shatters that illusion.  
Throughout the film, most assumed Simon was the good guy and Gordo was bad.  As you watch this film, you see that alignment shifting when you learn more about Simon and Gordo’s past.  The Gift plays with themes of Lies and what a person can turn out to be.  
So, that was my list of Revenge films.  Did you like it?  Do you think there should have been a movie I missed?  Let me know your thoughts on it.  
0 notes
2019 Supernova review featuring Shaun from Comics2Movies
Roll up, roll up, roll up, or if you are in Queensland and melting in this heat wash up instead. Wow, this week we have an awesome and exciting show full of fun and laughter for you to enjoy. We also have a special guest joining us to recap the fabulous Supanova Brisbane!!! That’s right folks, Supanova again (we need Kermit the Frog here running off waving his hands). We talk about some of the cool things we saw, some of the things that made us laugh, and why Buck seems to fear lycra, although to be fair it is a valid point.
We also announce the winner of the Nerdy Bag of holding competition. Congratulations to Jessica on winning our inaugural Supanova competition. We hope to have it again next year so, make sure you listen to get involved, also next year we will make entry available for our international listeners. Now I can give you no more spoilers or teasers on this week’s episode as there is just sooooo much to look forward to other then yes, Buck did argue with some people at Supanova.
Oh, we do have the games being played, the regular shout outs, remembrances, birthdays and special events for the week. We also wish to give a special thank you to some awesome people, the legends at Sons of Obiwan, the heroes at SuperTee, and the Rockstar Shaun at Comics2Movies, they all contributed gear to the Nerdy Bag of Holding. Thank you so much for helping to make this happen. Also a huge thank you to the all-powerful Podfather (All hail the Podfather) for helping us be at Supanova and the Baroness for all her hard work in organizing the event, also her patience when we were misbehaving like little boys with all the excitement.
Professor, Buck & DJ - Nerds Amalgamated Supernova review featuring Shaun from Comics2movies
Games currently playing
– Call of Duty : WW2 - https://store.steampowered.com/app/476600/Call_of_Duty_WWII/
– Call of Duty : WW2 - https://store.steampowered.com/app/476600/Call_of_Duty_WWII/
– Star War Jedi Fallen Order - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172380/STAR_WARS_Jedi_Fallen_Order/
Other topics discussed
Nerds Amalgamated episode 82 (Last time Shaun appeared)
- https://thatsnotcanon.com/topshelfnerdspodcast/episode82
Changes to Supanova 2020 Gold Coast
- https://www.supanova.com.au/events/gold-coast-2020/about/
Fanboy vs Zombies (comic book series)
- https://comicvine.gamespot.com/fanboys-vs-zombies/4050-47586/
John Travolta (American actor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Travolta
Chris Hemsworth (Australian actor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Hemsworth
Daredevil (Netflix TV series)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daredevil_(TV_series)
Kit Walker (also known as the 21st Phantom)
- https://ghostwhowalks.fandom.com/wiki/21st_Phantom
Deborah Ann Woll (American actress)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deborah_Ann_Woll
Sons of Obiwan photo with Deborah Ann Woll
- https://www.instagram.com/p/B4oubOyBHcr/
Adam Tuominen (Supanova Brisbane 2019 guest)
- https://www.supanova.com.au/guests/adam-tuominen/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Tuominen
Julie Benz (Supanova Brisbane 2019 guest)
- https://www.supanova.com.au/guests/julie-benz/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julie_Benz
- https://www.supertee.com.au/
Sons of Obiwan Saber Academy
- https://www.sonsofobiwan.com/
The Fandom Zone (formerly known as the Fortress)
- https://www.youtube.com/user/swayzo14
John Jarratt (Australian actor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Jarratt
Wolf Creek (2005 Australian horror thriller film written, co-produced, and directed by Greg McLean)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Creek_(film)
Wolf Creek (2016 Australian horrorweb television series)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Creek_(TV_series)
What about Sal (Australian movie starring John Jarratt)
GoFundme page - https://au.gofundme.com/f/what-about-sal
TNC Podcasts
- Floof and Pupper podcast - https://thatsnotcanon.com/floofandpupperpodcast
- And Then They Fked - https://thatsnotcanon.com/attfpodcast
- Musicals Taught Me Everything I Know - https://thatsnotcanon.com/mtmeikpodcast
Brisbane Hackerspace (HSBNE inc)
- https://hsbne.org/
Other Supanova stalls
- Airbrush Tatts N Caps - https://airbrushtattsncaps.com/
- Shoot it First Jewellery - https://shootitfirstjewellery.square.site/
- ZQRacing - https://www.zqracing.com.au/
Kimberly Clark (author of Infernum)
- https://www.facebook.com/KimberleyClarkNovels/
Infernum (written by Kimberly Clark)
- https://www.amazon.com.au/Infernum-Kimberley-Clark-ebook/dp/B07767FSMF
- http://www.comics2movies.com.au/
Drunk guys playing darts
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHkwINR5490
Tolkien and C.S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship (Book about the friendship between C.S. Lewis and Tolkien)
- https://www.amazon.com/dp/1587680262/?tag=christtoday-20
Sir Christopher Lee (English actor)
- https://lotr.fandom.com/wiki/Sir_Christopher_Lee
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Lee
Congratulations to Bag of Holding winner Jessica
9/11/2019 - Thanks to Sons of Obiwan, ComicstoMovies & Supertee for their contribution to the Bag of Holding
9/11/2019 - Thanks to the musicals podcast for the headphones
9/11/2019 - Thanks to the Podfather and Baroness for helping us at Supanova
11/11/2019 - QLD Bushfires - https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/severe-fire-conditions-expected-to-heat-up-today/live-coverage/a04e2dfd0e3a13a4aa8e3aeb482cf79e
11 Nov 1918 - George Lawrence Price, Canadian soldier. He is traditionally recognized as the last soldier of the British Empire to be killed during the First World War. He was fatally shot in the left breast by a German sniper as he stepped out of the house into the street. He was pulled into one of the houses and treated by a young Belgian nurse who ran across the street to help, but died a minute later at 10:58 a.m., November 11, 1918. His death was just two minutes before the armistice came into effect at 11 a.m. He died at the age of 25 in Ville-sur-Haine - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Lawrence_Price
11 Nov 1918 - Henry Gunther, American soldier and likely the last soldier of any of the belligerents to be killed during World War I. Gunther's squad approached a roadblock of two German machine guns in the village of Chaumont-devant-Damvillers near Meuse, in Lorraine. Gunther got up, against the orders of his close friend and now sergeant, Ernest Powell, and charged with his bayonet. The German soldiers, already aware of the Armistice that would take effect in one minute, tried to wave Gunther away. He kept going and fired "a shot or two". When he got too close to the machine guns, he was shot in a short burst of automatic fire and killed instantly. He was killed at 10:59 a.m., about one minute before the Armistice was to take effect at 11:00 a.m. He died at the age of 23.
11 Nov 1973 - Artturi Ilmari Virtanen, Finnish chemist and recipient of the 1945 Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for his research and inventions in agricultural and nutrition chemistry, especially for his fodder preservation method". He invented AIV silage which improved milk production and a method of preserving butter, the AIV salt, which led to increased Finnish butter exports. He died from pneumonia at the age of 78 in Helsinki - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artturi_Ilmari_Virtanen
Famous Birthdays
11 Nov 1951 - Kim Peek, American savant. Known as a "megasavant", he had an exceptional memory, but he also experienced social difficulties, possibly resulting from a developmental disability related to congenital brain abnormalities. He was the inspiration for the autistic savant character Raymond Babbitt in the movie Rain Man. Although Peek was previously diagnosed with autism, it is now thought that he instead had FG syndrome. He was born in Salt lake City, Utah - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Peek
11 Nov 1948 - Vincent Schiavelli, American character actor and food writer noted for his work on stage, screen and television, often described as "the man with the sad eyes." He was notable for his numerous supporting roles. He often linked his unique facial appearance and tall stature to Marfan syndrome. Schiavelli gained fame as a character actor. His best-known roles include Fredrickson in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the Subway Ghost in Ghost, Organ Grinder in Batman Returns and Dr. Kaufman in Tomorrow Never Dies. Schiavelli also performed in a few video games, including Emperor: Battle for Dune as Harkonnen Mentat Yanich Kobal. He was born in Brooklyn, New York - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_Schiavelli
11 Nov 1907 - Joseph Gilbert Hamilton, American professor of Medical Physics, Experimental Medicine, General Medicine, and Experimental Radiology as well as director of the Crocker Laboratory, part of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Hamilton studied the medical effects of exposure to radioactive isotopes, which included the use of unsuspecting human subjects. He was born in Waverley, Massachusetts - https://www.onthisday.com/people/joseph-gilbert-hamilton
Events of Interest
11 Nov 1675 - German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz demonstrates integral calculus for the first time to find the area under the graph of y = f(x) function. - http://scihi.org/leibniz-integral-calculus/
11 Nov 1930 – Patent number US1781541 is awarded to Albert Einstein and Leó Szilárd for their invention, the Einstein refrigerator. Its an absorption refrigerator which has no moving parts, operates at constant pressure, and requires only a heat source to operate. The three working fluids in this design are water, ammonia and butane. The Einstein refrigerator is a development of the original three-fluid patent by the Swedish inventors Baltzar von Platen and Carl Munters.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einstein_refrigerator
- Patent - https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/53/e9/74/2cde176701fab8/US1781541.pdf
11 Nov 1954 - Publication of "Two Towers", 2nd volume of "Lord of the Rings", by J. R. R. Tolkien by George Allen and Unwin in London. Tolkien wrote, "The Two Towers gets as near as possible to finding a title to cover the widely divergent Books 3 and 4; and can be left ambiguous." - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Two_Towers
11 Nov 1961 - Molotov, Malenkov and Kaganovich expelled from USSR's communist party. As a result, and all lived mostly quiet lives from then on. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Party_Group
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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