#the greatest YTP of all time
tsarunev · 2 years
YTP: Friar's Rubbing Wood - Fall Of Nottingham
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namira · 4 months
This remains the greatest YTP of all time
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see · 8 months
i wanna go by the name noel more often so i can use the name noe in reference to the greatest YTP of all time
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ytpsommelier · 1 year
DaThings1 - The Phantom of Oprah
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DaThings1 is prolific and then some, with their YTPs reaching millions of days back in the heyday of the artform. Even now, they continue consistently producing high-quality YTP.
So, for this blog's inaugural review, I will be reviewing the Phantom of Oprah, one of my personal favorites. I will be keeping the review mostly spoiler-free, so I will not spoil any of the jokes, though I will be mentioning the types of jokes used.
The review is below the cut.
So, the Phantom of Oprah.
One of the things I personally look for in a YTP is a semblance of a narrative. Non-sequiturs have their charm, but I find it far funnier when there's some structure for the jokes to break. The Phantom of Oprah has this, so it's got a good foundation to begin with.
The jokes in Phantom of Oprah are also very, very refined. From some of the most advanced sentence-mixing of the 2013s, to DaThings' signature word reversal jokes, every element is used very well, nothing overdone, and nothing underdone.
Furthermore, the format of the original being a musical lends a somewhat flowing quality to the YTP. Nothing is out of place, each thing leads into the other. Even some of the musical flourishes of the source material are repurposed, which is quite impressive for YTP of this era.
There's also some use of memes. Ordinarily, I tend to dislike this in a YTP since it dates it quite heavily (for instance, a lot of Shoop da Whoop jokes aren't as funny as they used to be) but all the memes used in The Phantom of Oprah were relatively underused at the time, and so hold relatively strong today.
It's also worth noting that these memes don't really require any background knowledge to be funny, which might be part of why they still feel tasteful today.
This YTP is also a bit of an interesting turning point in DaThings' YTP career, as prior to the upload of this YTP, they had completely shunned any and all 'adult jokes', so no sex jokes, no 'shit', no 'fuck', nothing like that.
The Phantom of Oprah, however, has some of these more mature elements, used twice, though censored via bleeps or rephrased to be less vulgar.
I personally believe that vulgar jokes are best used as 'stingers', high-impact moments, and that their use declines in value as the quantity increases. Both of these jokes in the video are used very well, and also heralded a new era in DaThings' career, so I feel obliged to mention them specifically.
Now, where do I place this YTP overall?
The Phantom of Oprah is VERY well-made, and stands well above many other YTPs of its era. I genuinely cannot find a single fault with it, no matter how slight. Overuse of word reversal jokes, maybe, but all of DaThings' YTPs are like that, and it feels like more of a stylistic thing than something that affects quality.
That said, a 10/10 is not the greatest honor these reviews can bestow, and as much as it pains me to say it, Phantom of the Oprah is neither 'legendary' or 'culturally significant'.
The YTP was a relatively minor hit compared to 24601 Releases a Sammich on Parole, released only a few months later, and despite the Phantom of Oprah being technically superior (in my opinion), it never reached the same level of prominence or cultural influence.
Furthermore, while it is very, very good, it is not legendary. It is not talked-about, and is criminally underlooked.
As such, I will give it a perfect numerical score and leave it there.
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emilococo · 2 years
I don’t have an obsession, do I? But I do have a lot of time to spare! 
I must confess; when I started making mash-ups of this show, I always aspired to make long-formed ones. My AllusioNation series stemmed from an attempt to make Cramp Twins YTPs, but I felt my edits and joke ideas could not sustain a full video. So I conceived this series, dedicated to mixing in the references. I would be experimental with my mash-ups, but the downside was that they would take forever to finish. They would even be uploaded out of chronological order. The plan was to get the shorter mash-ups out there, so I would gradually make ones that are more story based. The problem was that these ideas weren’t turning out well, though I would tackle this form of mash-up with much bigger videos. 
However, AllusioNation would go through a bit of re-tool with the ‘Cramp Channel’ series. I would use the format of my ‘Cramp Twins Missing Scenes’ video, where I opted out of editing single episodes in favour of compilations of sketches and memes. It has worked out in my favour, but I still had a desire to make story-based vids. And the Brit in me thinks I should pay homage to one of the greatest storytellers who ever lived. 
Plot: Lucien wants to get a role in the school play, but when Wayne auditions by accident; he is given the lead part. Lucien then stops at nothing to get Wayne out of the production. But which of these two gentleboys of Soap City be able to put on an unforgettable show? The second part is a retelling of one of Shakespeare’s well-known plays (the play in question); in which characters from the show assume the roles of the characters. 
As I said, I’ve been sitting on this video idea for so long; but it finally came together. You might think of this as a piece of fan fiction, but I wanted to do this project to practice my storytelling skills. When it comes to these videos I claim are big and grand, I often put out that they’re ambitious. But I really pulled out the stocks with this one, it’s quite possibly the most elaborate I’ve done for a video in a long time. All my other videos in this series have been practically building up to this, I hope it doesn’t disappoint. I also hope this video will inspire you to never give up on your dreams. If this doesn’t convince people to give the series a proper conclusion, I don’t know what Will.
Cramp Twins belongs to its respected owners and creators.
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gibberishquestion · 5 years
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dedede doodle that got out of hand
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CONTENT WARNING: cancer, death, just generally really sad
I hate visiting my grand mother.
You see, my grandmother lives in the closest thing I have to a family home. I was a military brat so we moved all the time, never really staying in one place longer than 5 years. My grandmother’s however, I always went to visit. For my early childhood, we were within 2 hours from her house. She and my grandfather had built the house on the land that had been in my grandfather’s family for generations, a mere kilometre from the house my grandfather grew up in.
I learned to walk and talk in my grand mother’s house, i used to snuggle up between both my grandparents while we watched jeopardy, I used to watch my grandfather roll his cigarettes at the pull out cutting board as he told me to never smoke. I remember riding with my grandfather on his tractor to see the field of sunflowers he’d planted for my grandmother. My grandparents used to play soccer with me in their basement on colder days but we had to make sure that the glass door in front of the suit of armour was closed.
I didn’t know my grandfather’s health was on such a rapid decline until the day he died, a month before my 7th birthday. The house felt empty after he died, even today when I go into his untouched office it feels like yesterday we were having our “meetings” where he gave me a gavel and a notepad and told me stories of his civil engineering days. Most of us don’t have the heart to go in there, or in the old school house on the property because one vital piece is missing amongst the chaos of his old trinkets and mementos.
After my grandfather died, the house was still fun. We still had the swing set he built us, we still had the golf cart he gave us and the race track he made us, my dad knew how to drive the old tractor so he took over giving us rides, and my dad and my uncle Marc even built us a tree fort. My grandmother and my mother were always in the craft room be it sewing, or making greeting cards or making some new and wonderful home decor item, they always had something to show us when we came inside at dinner time. Sometimes my dad and my brother would get into something in the workshop and I’d get bored and go make cards.
When we moved away, I always thought I’d be back, but it wasn’t until I was 12 that we finally went back for a summer. Things had changed. It was a lot for my grandmother to upkeep a farm all on her own, and a lot fell into disrepair. It was different but we still had a lot of fun. Nanny would take us into the nearest bookstores and buy us one each every week which is how we built up our collection of manga. By this point I’d taken up the family crafting hobby so nanny and I would make cards. During the news and coronation street, my brother and I would play minecraft and listen to the CDs we burned of all the greatest hits of the early internet. Things like YTP bagel song, Caramelldansen, Nyan Cat and Rainbow Tylenol. The one rule nanny had was that if we wanted to play it in the car, we had to make sure we had Elvis on it. We of course obliged by having Suspicious Minds on all our CDs.
We didn’t come back for another 3 years when I was 15. I spent half my summer in Croatia and half my summer at my Nanny’s before moving to New Brunswick, the closest I’d lived from her since I was 8. Again, things had changed but somethings stayed like clockwork. We had snack time at 10am still, except now I was old enough to drink coffee with her. We still had CTV Live at 5 on int the background while we made supper, we still watched CBC News at 6, and of course we still had coronation street at 7 and Jeopardy at 7:30. After the evening viewing, we would go into the craft room, or play some games. When we’d go into town, I impressed my nanny by having downloaded some CCR to play on the aux cord.
At first I needed to convince my brother to take me since I was still too young to drive, which also involved convincing our dad to lend us the car. We tried to go down every long weekend but of course that wasn’t always possible. To make up for lost time, I spent almost all my summers there in high school. When I finally got my full license, I would go down whenever I could. It was just more fun than staying home.
When I was in my second semester of grade 12, my mom called me and asked me to go over to her house for supper. I complained as I didn’t have the best relationship with my mom, but I did go. After supper, my mom told me why she had me over. She told me my grandmother had cancer and was going into surgery the following week. I was devastated. This was at a similar time to when Alex Trebek, host of Jeopardy, began to have health problems but was before his cancer diagnosis. Jeopardy had always been associated in my mind with my grandmother, but having both Alex Trebek and my Grandmother having health problems at the same time filled me with such anger and sadness that I didn’t function very well for the rest of the school year. I started skipping weeks of school to go see her as no one knew how much time she had left.
I’ve watched my grandmother’s health decline from 2017 until present but life has gotten in the way of seeing her more and more. In November of 2021, we were told that she wouldn’t see Christmas. My mother took a leave of absence in November and hasn’t been back to New Brunswick since as of March 2022. The good news, is that I just came back from seeing my nanny and spending hours in the craft room, playing games and of course watching Coronation Street and Jeopardy. She’s doing as good as someone can with cancer eating away at her, spreading far from where it started, but she’s definitely not the same as she was even a year ago. I know she doesn’t have much time left.
Why I said visiting my grandmother sucks, is not because I’m reminded that she’s dying every time I go. It’s because when I’m down there I know she’s okay. I know we’re both happy. I know we bring each other comfort. When I’m down there I’m in my childhood home where I get to relive some very precious moments and laugh and play games and hang out in the craft room. I hate going there because I know I have to leave. When I leave it’s back to the cold reality that my grandmother is dying, and my childhood that was already ripped from me early on is fading along with her health. On my drive home, I’m often tempted to call in sick for my shifts and turn around. Today I got home and did what I needed to do at home and even with the price of gas, I almost went back. I tell my friends it’s because I hate my town, or that I hate New Brunswick or that I hate my job. I know in my soul that none of that is true. I think what I’m actually experiencing is the fact that I have to return to my regular adult life, working at a mall getting verbally abused every shift, after being in my childhood home for a couple days, being hyper aware that someone I love is slowly dying. There’s also the aspect that I’m missing someone or something for the first time in my life. I never used to get homesick, moving was just part of who I was. Now I have people and places to be homesick for. Whenever I come home, I try and visit my dad for a little bit, just to lessen the blow of leaving my grandmother a little bit. The worst part, is I have a 4 hour drive to think about how much I don’t want to leave. 4 hours just to dwell on everything.
I recently got a work from home job and I can’t wait to not have to leave so suddenly to be back for a shift at the mall. I’m hoping to get a shift where I can still take my Nanny to her appointments, but realistically I don’t think that will happen. Regardless we’re all happy I’ll be able to spend more time with her. I wanted to keep my job at the mall for my discount/free stuff/Great coworkers, but at this point I’m feeling like I should probably say fuck the mall job and make sure I spend every hour I possibly can with my nanny.
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dzamie · 4 years
You get to date one: Toothless Sapphira Draco Spyro (Other specific Dragon) Who do you pick, and why?
Canon movie!Toothless is more on the level of a clever animal than sapience, and I wouldn’t date book!Toothless if you paid me. My fanfic version of movie!Toothless would still be too much of a culture difference, I think, leaving aside the communication hurdles.
Saphira is nice, but I’m not sure I’d get along great with Eragon, and their mental link makes dealing with him unavoidable. I’d also spend a lot of time worrying that a good deal of my physical attraction to her is due to my vore fetish, and such invasive thoughts are not good things to have around someone who communicates entirely through mental link.
Haven’t seen Dragonheart yet.
Spyro is mischievous, but seems fun. At the very least, I think he’d be a great friend even if we don’t hit it off.
For “other specific dragon,” I’m gonna use my dragon OCs because I can.
Mistress Dreamwalker is kinky, friendly, and would be wonderful to watch an hour of YTPs while feeling each other up. Unfortunately, potions of acid immunity would be easy to forget about and deadly if it happens, and her proximity to Dzamie means it’s somewhat dangerous to be around her, by way of being affected by his Chaos Magnet attribute. She’d make a pretty great long-distance partner and occasional hookup, though.
I’m pretty sure Sylvia is aro, and also considers nondragons to be friends, toys, and/or snacks, with no option of partner.
HM is not being considered because I enjoy being physically intact.
Vanille is very nice, cuddly, smells pleasant pretty much all the time, and enjoys nerds (though more chemistry/alchemy than pure/abstract math and compsci). I think we’d get along well, to the point where the greatest hurdle would actually be my adhd - and at the very least, she’d have no problem keeping my attention on her.
So, overall, Vanille would be my top choice, followed by Spyro.
Thanks for the question! This was a lot of fun to think about!
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beyondthetemples · 5 years
{{ ~*OOC*~ }}
Tagged by: @streetxcat​ (for reading!) Tagging: Whosoever witnesses these words!
Name: Zira, Blue, RWT, Dovemun Facelaim: (Nonvisual brain = I don’t ‘register’ images? So I never claimed one.) Pronouns: She/her, xe/xer. they/them Height: 5′3.5 Birthday: March 30 (3/30, on the 3rd day of the week!)
Aesthetic: I call it “casual RomantiGoth” summarily, but I have Many Aesthetic Aspects. Everything from the stillness of misty forests, to the writhing stormy seas. Sometimes a single leaf of blank white paper and a blue pen on the table, and sometimes a literal wall of black shelves stocked with old books. Skyclad dances, and yards of black fabric sliding to the ground as I kneel. The sounds of storms and blizzards, and the electric crackle among the graveyard silence on Halloween night. The scent of drying herbs and down feathers, or the crisp chill of the first frost at dawn. Natural, calm, cold, dark, mystic, and alive.
Last song you listened to: Do ytp/crack edits count? Because “That’s right I HEARD the story, over and over, and over and over, and over and over, and over and over, and over and over, and......” (If not, it’s Ocean Soul by Nightwish.)
Favorite Muses: Why must you ask a mother to choose amongst her children?! Well: It’s Dove, Dove is definitely the Favorite Child, because she’s the easiest to write (because I know her best!), and she’s also... the most, uh, “volatile” to write with (and thus: Most Interesting). She can be thrown off her game and Reacts Sincerely, even if she has to ~temper~ her emotions.
JLvTT!Raven and another dear OC, Srentha, make a close tie for second, though. Raven takes a certain degree of Wit to write, though she’s also quiet and watchful, not exactly an “active” character, and Srentha is on the polar opposite end of the spectrum as a very hyper and energetic fella, so keeping up with them can be a lot harder than thoughtful, quiet, mild-mannered Dove. But I love the way Raven’s thoughtfulness leads to Action and Revelations rather than Wallowing, and Srentha’s energy is such a JOY when I can keep up with him! He’s my Eternal Optimist, and his spontaneity means you never know what will happen next.
~ * Getting to Know the Account * ~
What inspired you to take on this muse: Oh my. That story is 14 years long. The tl;dr version? I had more than one of the same Raven action figure, one became “Raven’s Sister”, I realized the stories I played out with them could make really good fanfiction, and Writing Stories About “Dove” just became my next hyperfixation. My earliest dated “story” with Dove is from 2005. 
Fast forward a handful of years, and a very dear friend encouraged me to start RPing my OCs (on Anatheria forums, of all places!). Fast forward another couple years, and I got addicted to RPing in the chatrooms of an OC-specific group on devaintArt. Made some plots, made some friends, and developed an irrevocable addiction to RPing with Dove as a standalone character. Then: I discovered Tumblr. And then I discovered: Tumblr has RPs too!! And here we are today, carrying on the second greatest tradition in the history of Me Writing About My OCs. Still RPing Dove.
What are your favorite aspects of your current muse? Dove is so, so special to me. It’s so hard to choose just two or three things; honestly, my favorite aspect is just, watching and learning about her and seeing her GET THROUGH all the situations she finds herself in! I love her determination-- yet how the ferocity of that determination is juxtaposed against her soul-deep pacifism. I love how her quiet nature can be a steadying ballast of comfort, or how much conflict this loud, chaotic world brings to such a quiet soul that it can whip up a storm (within her mind via internal struggle OR outside her, in energies and minds alike). Her powers are incredibly strong, yet she’s so afraid of losing control and hurting someone that she restrains them with this desperate sort of vigilance. She’s so multi-faceted, I think that’s why I like seeing her through so many different situations. And she’s not your typical hero, certainly not an ideal one... but she’s so strong and so brave, all the same.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing? Character interactions! People having feelings, and taking actions, and playing off each other! I absolutely LIVE for the interplay between Two Individuals and the unique situations and feelings and energy that each pairing has. But if we’re not talking about RPs: I love being able to explore the minds and hearts of the people I’m writing. I really love writing about magic, and astral manifestations, and mystical objects and places... I have such an unreal connection to Azar and Azarath and so many different aspects of the canon mythology surrounding them. But it’s not just Those Things Alone; it’s what the characters DO with them, and what they do To/For the characters. It’s how the characters interact with them, how they FEEL about it. And how those things can make an impact on their lives. I just really love exploring people. Especially in moments of emotion, passion, and GROWTH!
Favorite types of threads: Okay. So I’m writing for this quiet, sociophobic, wispy girl, right? So let’s take her and... make her talk! Make her go out in public! Make her assert her presence! Push her LIMITS, because not only is it really fun to explore her reactions, but there’s a Special Sort of Drama that can only come from making your baby UNCOMFORTABLE! (And it doesn’t have to be painful or fear-inducing discomfort, either. Anything new? Anything unfamiliar? Anything she doesn’t know, or never saw, or didn’t expect? Just taking her outside her comfort zone, and letting her grow comfortable with new experiences. Grow, baby, grow.~
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse: Finishing a reply-- written and edited! I’m just SO DAMN EXHAUSTED. And it’s not a lack of muse-- I still clearly Witness In My Head what she’s doing, or how she responds, or how it makes her feel. But it’s capturing it; she has such a rich and churning internal world that it doesn’t feel right to just slap down a few lines of “She does this. She thinks that”. I want to capture her layers! I want to soar across her thought process! I want to take these static words on a screen and make them dance with Dove’s tiny yet meaningful grins, or her struggle against her fear, or her stunned gratitude. Unfortunately my work schedule is draining my energy, and I’m spending so much time sleeping that I can’t fit all the replies I want to turn out in a single hour of writing, and I wind up with a drafts page filled with half-written responses from 3+ months ago, and the wistful memory of when I was writing five paragraphs in 20 minutes or less.... Sigh.
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paradoxkinspace · 2 years
Hi Mod Clownbae! Sorry I completely forgot that maybe explaining who I was would be important, eheheh..
Okay so, I’m Dirk Egbert, Heir of Heart I think? I’m autistic and I live with my Bro in a small apartment(? split rent house? er something like that.) And Bro is the best bro in the entirety of ever and I have to stop talking about him now or I will start rambling. I’m really REALLY into late 2000s early 2010s internet culture, think early flipnote, YTPs, AMVs, rainbow tylenol remixes, MLP, cringy furry ocs, all that fun stuff. I also love history, robotics, and mythology. Hal is my greatest creation, but he is also a dipshit. Oh, and cool swords and puppets, though I don’t talk about the puppet thing much because everyone thinks Lil Cal is creepy but he’s really not! You guys are just mean. And I hate sweet foods. They make me feel gross and I gotta throw it up so I don’t feel like shit.
My friends called me really clingy and honestly I probably was kinda annoying like 87% of the time, maybe a little controlling too? I just don’t like to feel left out of things, even if those things are my friends DMs with each other, haha. But they also said I was really nice sometimes so it cancels out. Jake was my favorite person ever and I’d talk to him for HOURS and would always have my phone with me so I’d never miss any of his messages. Roxy was really funny too and she was like a sister to me kinda, but talking to her kinda stressed me out sometimes because I didn’t wanna look like a total dweeb in front of her, same with Jane. Jane was great too, she’d let me ramble about my MLP fanfiction and would read it sometimes, it’s really fun to have someone read your fics. I always really really want the feedback every time I’d write something or it doesn’t feel worth it.
Sorry if this isn’t much, I have a hard type talking about myself in a neutral way, and also reading yourself is just really really hard. \></
0-> Thank you for all the info! I'll have my best guesses/divination out for you in just a moment.
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blue91212 · 3 years
history of me being on social media/other websites
a overdue post that was supposed to be done on my 6 year youtube anniversary (February 26, 2015) however i never got around to doing that until now
i have been on the internet for a long time, even before my ytp/ytp tennising carrer!
either 2011 or 2012:
like any other people, i found youtube, i have no idea what i first watched there though.
either 2012 or 2013:
i found scratch, when people were doing those “klasky csupo robot” thing, i even wanted to do something like that back then, if i recall correctly, i didn’t have an account there.
i created my Miiverse account, which would be the first ever online account i ever created. (however Miiverse, as we all know, shut down in 2017, but there is Archiverse which is what i use to see what i posted back then). after that, i got my laptop for the first time in a while, and that is what i used to create my scratch account. i posted a few projects on there which would go on until 2018. i also created an xbox account as i got an xbox 360 (slim) in December 2014.
2 months after i created my scratch account, i created my first google/youtube account. i posted a few videos on there, from logo edit videos to tennis videos (also sprout videos as well). however in 2018, for some weird reason, i wiped some of the videos off of it, i don’t know why. there is only 1 video on the account. 4 months later after i created that youtube account, i created another account which is basically my old archive account. i posted the same exact style of videos, some used youtube video editor (as we all know, got rid of in 2017). july came, and the account eventually would become “Bettie Conklin the object thingy” and would until 2018 when i rebranded the account into an extras account.
about that laptop i mentioned in the 2014 section, it turned out after a month of me owning it, i fell for a scam on it.
2016 would be the starting point of the channel i used to own called “LanceAnimaniacs”. i used the account “Bettie Conklin the object thingy” for a few months, then in March of 2016, i created “LanceAnimaniacs”, then i left the “Bettie Conklin the object thingy” account in the dust for a few years. some of my 2016 stuff i uploaded to archive_ bin. i was hated quite a bit for liking another user which i will not mention. december of 2016 was quite interesting, as i stopped uploading for about 5 months until may 2017.
i started uploading again in may 2017, as expected, people noticed that i came back, june 2017 is when i met some of my friends, @system-128, cheezit, minion game, and others. july 2017 was absolutely the worst part about 2017, as i got hated a ton more, and i lost some friends in the same year. august and september 2017 was worse, again, got hated a ton more, i did lose some more friends. i created a discord account in august. however in october 2017, things got a little better, i got some of my friends back. november/december 2017 was also quite interesting, as i sticked to tablet entirely instead of a phone. i also got a kindle fire in december. december was also the starting of a  collaborative self tennis that @system-128 did, mricencycl.
2018 was alright. i started uploading a ton more to mricencycl and my main channel, however in july 2018, an incident happened when videos on mricencycl were getting deleted, i, myself, tried reviving the r1k, however it feel through. a successor to mricencycl, missadaxio, was created. i was asked if i want to join it, i said yes. and look where the mr1k is at now! december of 2018 is when i finally got a laptop, which is the one im currently typing this post on.
2019 was kinda alright. started uploading vegas pro videos, which is the editing software i use for my main content. in august 2019, in a youtube chat, i started getting harassed(?), which eventually led me to qutting for a while. a month later, i created “ApproximateOstrich” (Blue91212) and basically the first video i uploaded was explained why i moved to this account, however i still used LanceAnimaniacs until november 2019, when i announced i was deleting the LanceAnimaniacs channel, in the form of a video i uploaded having the words “goodbye”. there were people that reuploaded the videos on LanceAnimaniacs, so thank you guys who reuploaded them! december 2019 is when i uploaded a few rounds to the mr1k, when we started uploading to it again... until the 21st of the same year and same month when we got locked out of the account. that we considered the “Account Lockout”.
forgot to mention, my style changed in september 2019, when it became Jaxxie’s old style.
2020 was probably not the greatest year for me. i had to reset the laptop im currently typing this on to fix the taskbar issue. however in april 2020, we got access to missadaxio again! and i started uploading rounds on it. may 2020, one of the people failed to cancel missadaxio when we got locked out of it. a few hours later after that happened, we got access to it again. september 2020, the laptop had a bug where every time i started it up, the taskbar would freeze for a couple of minutes, then it would go back to normal. but then would freeze again, then go back to normal, but then would freeze yet again and then go back to normal. i tried looking up fixes and there were no relevant results. in november 2020, my editing style changed, from effect spammy style to a different style.
the current year, mediocre for me. improved my art style, using firealpaca as my main art program. the same year, i also got interested in Olive the Ostrich (which is the show in my profile picture). because of the show interest switch, i still connected with the Bluey community.
god this post took hours to do :/
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thatmew · 7 years
I remembered this ytp today and thought I should share it with everyone because it is one of the greatest of all time
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-03-18 07 VIDEO now
Bad Lip Reading
"IT'S NOT A MOON" — A Bad Lip Reading of Star Wars
"NFL 2018" — A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL
"TRUMP ANTHEM" — A Bad Lip Reading of Donald Trump
"[KARAOKE] Seagulls! (Stop It Now!)" — A Bad Lip Reading of The Empire Strikes Back
"CHRISTMAS IS HERE!" — A Bad Lip Reading of Donald Trump
Bill Wurtz
unboxing video
maybe i could eat blades of grass
La de da de da de da de day oh
soap tips
Captain Disillusion
Chinese Invisibility Cloak Hoax DESTROYED!!!
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Quick D: Invisible Box Challenge
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The Unbearable Loneliness of Being Right on the Internet - Live at Skepticon Australia 2017
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'The Shining' Meets 'Heathers' w/ Cory Finley, Director of 'Thoroughbreds'
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Feelings, Pictures, and Ideas: A very simple theory of why good stories are good
Bear and Goose at the End of Everything
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How Not to Do Brownies
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tamarovjo4 · 6 years
Michael Jackson - Billie Jean (Official Video)
Listen to the NEW mashup: https://MichaelJackson.lnk.to/scream_pl!ytp "Billie Jean" was the first short film made for 'Thriller,' the biggest-selling album of all time. The short film for this No. 1 single, directed by Steve Barron, made history as the first video by a black artist to receive heavy rotation on MTV, and was later ranked by the network as one of the 100 greatest music videos of all time. Buy/Listen to Thriller 25: Amazon - http://smarturl.it/mj_thriller25_amzn?IQid=ytd.mj.bj iTunes - http://smarturl.it/MJ_T25DE_OS?IQid=ytd.mj.bj Official Store - http://smarturl.it/MJ_T25DE_OS?IQid=ytd.mj.bj Spotify - http://smarturl.it/mj_thriller25_sptfy?IQid=ytd.mj.bj Written & Composed by Michael Jackson Produced by Quincy Jones for Quincy Jones Productions Co-Produced by Michael Jackson for MJJ Productions, Inc. From the album Thriller, released November 30, 1982 Released as a single January 2, 1983 THE SHORT FILM Director: Steve Barron Primary Production Location: Los Angeles, California Michael Jackson's short film for "Billie Jean" was the first of three short films produced for recordings from Thriller, which continues its reign as the biggest selling album of all time with worldwide sales in excess of 105 million as of June 1, 2016 and in December, 2015 became the first ever album to be awarded triple diamond status by the RIAA for US sales alone. The "Billie Jean" single reached No. 1 in 10 countries in the spring of 1983, including seven consecutive weeks atop the Billboard Hot 100 - becoming the second-highest selling single in America that same year. "Billie Jean" was certified Gold by the Recording Industry Association of America on April 4, 1983, and Platinum on February 4, 1989. The song won two Grammy Awards for Best R&B Song and Best R&B Performance - Male, as well as an American Music Award for Favorite Single - Pop/Rock and was also named the Single of the Year on The Village Voice Pazz & Jop critics' poll in 1983. The short film featured a paparazzo attempting to photograph Jackson as he danced through an urban landscape. A specially created set featured steps and sidewalk tiles that lit up underneath Michael's feet. It is here that fans first saw some of Michael's best-known dance moves, such as spinning and landing on his toes. Many of Michael's steps and mannerisms in the video would become forever associated with The King of Pop. "hen the chorus hit.he sprung into this dance that was unlike anything I'd ever seen," director Steve Barron recounted of Jackson's choreography in the video. "It was just extraordinary, instinctive. He pulled it all together and turned it into what we saw.The camera literally steamed up, the eyepiece steamed up, because of my heat from what I was seeing." Barron also recalled the crew breaking into spontaneous applause after Michael finished dancing. The "Billie Jean" short film made history as the first video by a black artist to be played in heavy rotation on MTV, then in its second year. In 1992, the short film was inducted into the Music Video Producers Hall of Fame. MTV ranked "Billie Jean" as the 35th greatest music video of all time in 1999, one of three entries of Jackson's on the chart alongside "Thriller" and "Beat It." Follow the Official Michael Jackson Accounts: Facebook - http://smarturl.it/mj_facebook?IQid=ytd.mj.bj Twitter - http://smarturl.it/mj_twitter?IQid=ytd.mj.bj Spotify - http://smarturl.it/mj_spotify?IQid=ytd.mj.bj Newsletter - http://smarturl.it/mj_newsletter?IQid=ytd.mj.bj YouTube - http://smarturl.it/mj_youtube?IQid=ytd.mj.bj Website - http://smarturl.it/mj_website?IQid=ytd.mj.bj A source Our store: Christmas Piano Tags: music, internet radio, online music, my music, musics, listen to music online, music streaming, online music player, music video, online radio stations, play music, music websites, new music, musik online, music radio, online music streaming, listen to music, internet radio stations, allmusic, music music, internet music, music song, music search, music to listen to, music site, latest music, top music, hip hop music, dance music, hindi music, rock music, rap music, music playlist, best music, music radio stations, music online radio, listen songs online, listen to 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